"Creative Shadows: Post Produci in UN CLICK, ti piace l'idea?" |
"Impara a post produrre in un CLICK&PLAYcon i 6 PRESET che ti sto REGALANDO, ognuno del valore di 70 e che avrai GRATIScon l'iscrizione a questo Corso!Ambiente di lavoro Adobe Lightroom con possibilit di installazione su Adobe Camera Raw, impara sia a scomporre il PRESET che ad applicarlo comprendendo quando adeguato alla fotoStupefacente IMMEDIATOpreset in Bianco e NeroLIGHTBOMBper creare una bomba di luce in recuperoCon SMOOTHWINDOWricreereai un effetto retr di luceSUNTOUCHed ottieni immediatamente un effetto di luce al tramontoMassimizza la texture con l'effetto TEXTUREGURUCrea immagini professionali con un lavoro di Post Produzione in Lightroom immediato, semplice e veloce!Non vedo l'ora di averti nel corsoMaui"
Price: 199.99

"Ritrai la Spontaneit con Giulia sui Laghi" |
"Cosa succederebbe se non avessi la tua reflex con te?Beh... forse sarebbe un'occasione per concentrarsi su altro, su quello che fa davvero unafotografia emozionale.Pensa che non avere la tua reflex sempre in mano pu darti dei vantaggi, vuoi sapere quali?Conoscerela persona che hai di fronteStabilire unrapporto pi profondoCreare insieme unprogetto fotograficosoddisfacenteBanalmente potresti ottenere questirisultati emozionalianche senza reflex, magari con uno smartphone, ci hai mai pensato?Ho una buona notiziaper te! Ho creato un VideoCorso che unisce queste cose, ma prima...Vorrei sapere se pu fare al caso tuo,rispondi sinceramente a queste domande:Desideri ottenere foto spontanee e naturali?Vuoi ottenere foto uniche ed irripetibili?Desideri avere il controllo compositivo e di luce?Hai piacere a fare vivere al soggetto fotografato una esperienza piacevole?Se hai risposto SI ad almeno due di queste domande il nuovo VideoCorso con Giulia fa al caso tuo!ALLA FINE DEL CORSO SAPRAI:Ritrarre un soggetto nella sua spontaneitGestire la naturalezza per ottenere foto uniche ed inimitabiliManeggiare una ""one light"" in LocationScoprire tutti i segreti grazie ai Video di De-BriefingIl nuovo VideoCorso con Giulia composto da tre principali blocchiLa parte di Video Live: per farti capire davvero cosa succede sul setChiare spiegazioni, come essere li accanto a me, prova! Questa la sensazione che i miei Studenti dicono di provare ogni voltaLa parte di De Briefing: dove l'autore ti spiega davvero tutti i trucchi con la calma di una analisi retroattiva...ed un OMAGGIO questa volta compreso nel CorsoDue Preset in Omaggio del valore di 77 cadauno SOLO per chi si iscrive durante il LANCIOHai capito bene! Puoi imparare a post produrre in questo Corso perch presente un Veloce Modulo di Post ProduzioneQuesto Modulo sar sempre presente, anche in futuro quando il prezzo aumenter.La differenza che per chi si iscrive ora avr la possibilit di scaricare GRATUITAMENTE ben due preset del valore di 77 euro l'unoRomantic Place PresetRomantic Old PresetCreati appositamente per questo Set! Compatibili per Lightroom e Camera RawCircauna ora e mezza di didatticaspiegata semplice per farti ottenere Ritratti NaturaliGaranziaSODDISFATTO O RIMBORSATOentro 30gg, non ti far alcuna domanda e potrai, in questo caso, anche tenerti il VideoCorsoCosa hai da perdere? Iscriviti velocemente con Facebook prima che scada il LANCIO"
Price: 199.99

"Fitness Sensuality con la Super Modella Clio Pedrini Vol.2" |
"Questo succedeva quando avevo a che fare con una modella capace di fare certe pose ed il Cliente voleva stravolgere il risultatoSi, ammetto che ci sono state volte in cui ho detto""No, bisogna seguire l'indole della modella se vuoi il massimo!""Bravo fesso Maui!Cliente scontento... Oppure convincere il Cliente che quello che pensavamo noi, io, fosse la cosa giusta...Si cresce, si cresce sempre e per questo motivoho capito che c'era un'altra strada, una strada che faceva contenti tuttiQuando puoi tu sceglila strada win-win?Io ti consiglio di farlo ed ora ti spiego cosa ha concorso a farmi diventare vincente anche con quei clienti che volevanoqualcosa di diverso da quello che sapevo fareIl trucco stato lavorare sulla Modella, cercando di attivare in lei dei percorsi interni ""non ancora palesati"" ma che comunque... Aveva dentro!Si, ti stupirai quando utilizzando la giusta tecnica puoi scoprire comeattivare dei lati emozionaliin alcune ragazze che all'apparenza ti sembra non possiedano!La timida che diventa... Super Sensuale!La Tigre Sensuale che diventa... Dolce ed Introversa!Ci arriva da sola la modella? Basta chiederglielo?Assolutamente no!Pensi sia impossibile stravolgere fotograficamente la natura della Modella?Beh... Sappi che se sei convinto di questoti dovrai presto ricredere...InFitness Model Sensualitycon Clio Pedrini ti ho dimostrato gi una volta come stato possibile ""stravolgere"" letteralmente la sua ""posa"".Clio Modella Internazionale di Fitness, grintosa, aggressiva, fantastica nel suo ruolo!Ha voluto commissionarmiuno Shooting dove emergesse la sua eleganzae... Ce l'abbiamo fatta!Migliaia di Studentiad oggi sono iscritti al Volume 1 con ClioE' stato un caso che uscisse quel set?Lo pensi davvero?Bene, sii pronto a ritrattare perch in lancio il Volume due dove...ABBIAMO REPLICATO ALZANDO LA POSTA IN GIOCO!"
Price: 164.99

"Shot Revealed: Learn Lightpaint Nude Assignment Boudoir Adv" |
"WARNING:this is a showcase, a demo for free and not a courseIstorytell on my work, have fun!Learn some cheat tricks for a nude italian modelPhotoshop Layerl and Pen ToolYou will see a Lightpainting Tecnique for Yamaha R1Get Inspiration from the Nude Beatrix Advertising ShootingYou will driven into my world, have some fun moments with a director's cut shooting about 3 of my assignmentWhat you could get from this?Fun!Inspiration!Behind the scene secretI'm very happy to share my knowledge inside this course, take a site and come with me in the magic, strange, world of Italian boudoir and advertising photographySee you in class dude!_Maui"
Price: 199.99

"Inizia ad Usare Lightroom con Photoshop" |
"Migliora la tua fotografia usando Photoshop con LightroomLightroom e Photoshop sono la combinazione perfetta per chi ama la fotografia.Lightroom il luogo in cui organizzerai, condividi e regoli le tue foto in modo che risultino migliori.Photoshop il luogo dove aggiungere ulteriori modifiche alle tue foto, come combinare foto, rimuovere difetti, spostare oggetti, applicare filtri Photoshop, aggiungere testo e altro.Scopri come e quando passare le tue foto da Lightroom a Photoshop per sfruttare i superpoteri di editing di Photoshop oltre alle regolazioni apportate in Lightroom.Quindi salva le tue foto da Photoshop a Lightroom per tenere traccia di tutte le tue foto in un unico posto.Rimuovi e sposta oggetti nelle tue foto con PhotoshopQuante volte hai scattato una foto fantastica, solo per rendersi conto che c' qualcosa o qualcuno che non intendevi catturare nella tua foto?Fortunatamente, Photoshop ti ha coperto.Impara a portare le tue foto da Lightroom a Photoshop per sfruttare i potenti strumenti di Photoshop per spostare e rimuovere contenuti nelle tue foto.Combina le immagini in PhotoshopCrea qualcosa di pi di una fotografia combinandola con altre immagini in Photoshop.Sia che stiate creando un composito miscelato che sembra uscito direttamente dalla fotocamera, creando un collage di foto o aggiungendo texture su una foto, avrete bisogno di sapere come trasferire le vostre foto da Lightroom a Photoshop per combinare pi foto in uno.Applica filtri a una foto in PhotoshopPhotoshop offre molti filtri per aggiungere effetti creativi e speciali, inclusi filtri artistici, una galleria di filtri sfocatura e filtri per effetti speciali come Liquify.Il filtro Fluidifica utile non solo per gli effetti creativi, ma anche per mettere a punto le caratteristiche in un ritratto.I filtri non sono l'unico modo per essere creativi in Photoshop.Quando ti senti creativo, prova a scattare una foto da Lightroom a Photoshop per aggiungere stili di livello, colorare, deformare, convertire in 3D e altro ancora.Aggiungi testo a una foto in PhotoshopImmagina la tua foto combinata con il testo come invito a una festa, un annuncio di matrimonio o un'immagine ispiratrice per i tuoi post sui social media.Scopri come portare le tue foto da Lightroom a Photoshop e viceversa per aggiungere e modificare il testo."
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC Masterclass in Italiano: Foto Editing" |
"Vuoi che le tue foto appaiano pi belle e ... incredibilmente straordinarie?Vuoi imparare l'Applicazione di editing pi potente ed efficiente al mondo, utilizzata dai Fotografi Professionisti?Se cos, sei nel posto giusto - e sono felice di averti qui! bello averti qui.ADORO LA FOTOGRAFIA ed il FOTO EDITING!Forse sei un fotografo amatoriale che ha fatto un po 'di fotoritocco, o forse hai un bel po' di esperienza di fotoritocco.In ogni caso, ho creato questo corso per aiutarti acreare immagini che fanno la differenza.Inizia a modificare le foto in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC (precedentemente Lightroom CC) gi da oggi!Hai sempre desiderato imparare come modificare facilmente le tue foto.Lightroom lo strumento perfetto per te. potente, ma intuitivo.Questo corso ti insegner tutto ci che devi sapere per iniziare con il fotoritocco oggi.BONUS DEL CORSO!Download MP3 per tutte le lezioni di editing da seguire o ascoltare ovunqueFai pratica con le stesse foto da modificare insieme a mePreset del pennello di regolazione per progetti ad uso specificoCosa mi rende qualificato per insegnarti questi argomenti?Sono Mauro Prelli ed utilizzo Adobe Lightroom da oltre un decennio.Sono fotografo professionistia di ritratti e matrimoni.Gestisco studifotografici e scatto in diverse location. Le mie foto sono state pubblicate in importanti pubblicazioni, persino su Vogue cartaceo Italia.Inoltre, sono docente di alcuni dei corsi di fotografia pi famosi al mondo - con oltre 25.000 studenti sulla piattaforma internazione e 30.000 su quella italiana e migliaia di recensioni a 5 stelle come queste:Il mio primo corso LR, bene organizzato e facile da seguire! -Sono un super principiante.Questo corso mi ha dato tutti gli strumenti di cui avevo bisogno per modificare le mie foto .... 5 stelle!-Mi sono innamorata di questo corso, ho usato Lightroom per un po 'di tempo, ma ho sempre usato i preset per modificare le mie foto.Dopo aver visto questo corso ora posso modificare le mie foto esattamente come piacciono a me.-LA MIA PROMESSA PER TESar qui per te in ogni momento.Se hai domande sul contenuto del corso o su qualsiasi argomento relativo a questo argomento, puoi sempre pubblicare una domanda nel gruppo di supporto o inviarmi un messaggio diretto tramite la pagina.Voglio rendere questo il corso migliore su come utilizzare Adobe Lightroom.Quindi, se c' modo per migliorare questo corso, basta dirmelo e lo far.DI COSA TRATTA QUESTO CORSO?Sia che tu stia utilizzando Lightroom CC o una versione precedente, questo corso ti insegner come utilizzare il programma al massimo potenziale.Quando hai finito con questo corso, sarai in grado di modificare le tue foto in Lightroom come un professionista.Sarai in grado di configurare Lightroom in modo che funzioni al meglio risparmiando ore di frustrazione ed avrai la certezza che non perderai le tue immagini.Sarai anche in grado di ritoccare professionalmente le immagini e passerai meno tempo a farlo con consigli e trucchi ""pro"" per Lightroom.Sarai anche in grado di eseguire la calibrazione della fotocamera professionale, reflex o mirrorless, e le correzioni personalizzate del bilanciamento del bianco, una correzione avanzata con un solo tasto estremamente potente.Lo faremo trattando l'installazione e la configurazione di Lightroom, le regolazioni dell'esposizione, aggiungendo drammaticit attraverso la chiarezza, controllando i preset di Lightroom, parlando dei plug-in di Lightroom, organizzando immagini in Lightroom per dispositivi mobili, editando in Lightroom per dispositivi mobili, recuperando dettagli nelle ombre, imparerai come modificare una foto di paesaggio, come ritoccare un ritratto e molto altro ancora.Fai brillare le tue foto con questo fantastico corso.Ogni lezione disponibile per il download, quindi puoi portarla con te ovunque tu vada.ARGOMENTI PRINCIPALI:Navigazione nell'interfaccia dell'applicazione LightroomImportazione e organizzazione delle foto, inclusi il tag con parole chiave ed il riconoscimento del voltoUtilizzo di strumenti di modifica di base per correggere problemi di foto come ritaglio, bilanciamento del bianco ed esposizioneModifiche con tecniche avanzateMigliorare i ritratti e le foto di personeUsare Lightroom Mobile per modificare quando sei in giroImpostare Lightroom per funzionare in modo efficienteEsportare foto ed aggiungere filigranee molto altro acora!Con la mia garanzia di rimborso per 30 giorni al 100%, non c' nulla che ti trattiene dal salire in questo momento e provare il corso.Procedi e fai clic sul pulsante di iscrizione: ci vedremo nella lezione 1!Saluti,Maui"
Price: 199.99

"Win Hackathons: Your Strategy Guide to Hackathon Success" |
"Ditch the amateur blog write-ups and clickbait hackathon articles and upgrade your approach with the most strategic and comprehensive hackathon guide available.Whether youre a total noob or experienced hackathon attendee, this series includes valuable insight and strategies that you need to up your game to the next levelFrom pre-planning, to on-site execution of your plan, to marketing and presentation, the Win Hackathons video course will ensure you have the inside track on your competition and will give you the tools and knowledge to help plan and execute your next epic hackathon victory.In this course, you will learn how to:- Choose the right hackathon events to attend - and avoid the wrong ones- Plan your approach and select your team- Scope your project - and avoid critical mistakes- Network and market before and at the event- Execute your project plan- Hack the judging panel- Craft your pitch and give an amazing presentation- How to make the most out of hackathons even when you dont winSo why do you need this?Youre thinking about attending your first hackathon, or maybe youve participated in a few events but havent achieved your desired results - this course was built for you. Weve done all of the research for you. The Win Hackathons video course is the most comprehensive hackathon guide and the single most powerful tool you can arm yourself with to help conquer your next.I'm looking forward to working with you!Dan Gonzalez"
Price: 44.99

"Unity3D: Mobile Game Development From Unity to App Store" |
"**THIS COURSE IS NOT MEANT FOR BEGINNERS, so be sure you have a prior knowledge of Unity, game development and programming before you join this course ****FINALLY LEARN HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR UNITY3D GAME ON BOTH ANDROID AND APPLE APP STORES **Have you been looking for a course that teaches you how to create a game on Unity3D that can be published for both the Google Play and Apple app stores? Well look no further than this course. In this course you will learn how to go from nothing to a fully-fledged game that works on both Android and iOS. You will learn how to implement ads and Google Play services. Then you will learn how to publish the game you created on both the Android and Apple app stores.Matchy Wheel:Matchy Wheel is the game you will be making in this course. It is anaddicting game where your objective is to tap either right or left to spin a wheel 90 degrees which is split into 4 different colors. Balls spawn and try to get to the middle of your wheel! If any one get's to the middle the game is over. To eliminate these balls you must spin the wheel so the color on the wheel matches with the same colored ball, if this occurs you score one point. If you match correctly with a special ball you earn 2 points.AdMob adsGoogle Play ServicesPublish to Android App StorePublish to Apple App StoreHow to fix common Xcode errors when porting aUnity3D project to Xcode"
Price: 149.99

"Unity: How To Create An In-Game Store" |
"**THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS. YOU SHOULDHAVE A BASIC TO DECENT UNDERSTANDING OF THE UNITY3D GAME ENGINE AND THE C# PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE****FINALLY LEARN THE SKILLS TO BE ABLE TO CREATEAN IN-GAME STORE WHERE USERS CAN BUY VARIOUS ITEMS WHILE BEING ABLE TOSELECTWHICH ITEMTHEY WANT TO USE IN A GAME!**In most games nowadays there are in-game stores where users can purchase variousgame items that can be used in the gamewith in-game currency. These stores also typically allow the users to selectthe gamesitems which they have purchased so the users can decide which game item they want to use in the game at that point in time. These systems can become quite complex and overwhelming for most developers however in this course you will learn how to create a basic fully functional in-game store.THE STORE THAT YOU ARE BUILDING WILL:Allow users to buy various in-game items with an in-game currencyAllow users to select which in-game items they want to play with in the gameAllow the users tobe able to scroll through the various different game items, this scroll effect adds a nice touch to the storeBy the end of this course you will be able to confidently build a beautiful in-game store that will allow your users to buy different in-game items with in-game currency and then allow your usersto be able to equip/select these items for use inside you'regame."
Price: 19.99

risk-academy-russian |
", , - , , , , 31000:2018, . , , , ! . 2."
Price: 19.99

"Selenium Webdriver-How to Do Mouse and Keyboard Actions" |
"Are you working on automating mobile or tablet testing? Do you have an application developed in Angular JS that has a lot of complicated user interactions? Do you need to perform actions like drag n drop, resizing, and drawing? Do you know how to open the developer toolbar so that you can monitor network traffic of your application? If you want to learn all this, then this is the perfect course for you.Even if you are not working with these actions yet, you will need to know them in the future as mobile and other complicated frameworks grow.""The best tutorials I have ever seen, simply awesome. I take off my hat in front of you, you are an gorgeous professor, I am speechless to express how satisfied I am with these tutorials.""-LisbeyWhat will you learn?- Drag and drop with Selenium Webdriver- Open developer tools to monitor traffic during your automated tests- Resizing objects using Selenium Webdriver- How to draw on a canvas using Webdriver- How to perform a click and hold- How to perform a double click- How to work with HTML 5 for drag and drops- How to pass different keys to the application- So much more...What my students are saying:""It's so good! Instructor was quick on the point, he really knows how to capture people's attention by having short videos and demos!.""-Johnny""Great Video I have ever seen on YouTube. You are so so clear and honest in presenting the material. I had no idea how important it is to use QTP from different angle, that is via scripting. Great Work and Thank You so so so much!""-Mohammed"
Price: 19.99

"Selenium WebDriver-Working With Elements" |
"Are you struggling with working with HTML using Selenium WebDriver? Do you know how to easily identify an element using Selenium WebDrriver? Do you know how to manipulate that web element? Do you know to to perform a drag n' drop on an element? If not, then these are just a few of the questions that will be answered in this course.This course is acomplete guide on working with web elements in Selenium WebDriver! Once you are finished with this course, you will know how to work with any web elements, any time, on any web application.""Relevant content that I will be able to apply to my automation tests *immediately*, a VERY effective presentation approach (evolving the same example and comparing/contrasting), and an excellent teacher / presenter. Thank you so much for your time and sharing your knowledge Nikolay!.""-KrissyWhat will you learn?- Basics of HTML- All the different locator strategies for Selenium WebDriver- How to identify web elements using Selenium WebDriver- Master XPath- Navigation with Selenium WebDriver- Web element manipulation- Web element interrogation- Mouse and keyboard actions with Selenium WebDriver- Performing actions such as drag n' drop, drawing, hovering- Implicit and Explicit waits- How to properly handle element identification so that your tests are not flaky- Expected Conditions in Selenium WebDriverWhat my students are saying:""The best tutorials I have ever seen, simply awesome. I take off my hat in front of you, you are an gorgeous professor, I am speechless to express how satisfied I am with these tutorials."" -Lisbey""I've been searching for good Selenium C# videos since December 2014. I've been using the IDE but now it's mandatory that I use webdriver. Just in the past few videos I have been provided with more useful information than I've discovered independently in 23 months. Thank you for creating this series"" -Kay"
Price: 19.99

"Virtual Reality - Driving Experience project (updated 2019)" |
"Hello, my name is Joo Dessain Saraiva and besides working as a web developer one of my favourite hobbies is virtual reality. To stay updated with this technology I like to create content for Udemy and I am also a virtual reality technical advisor for a british VR company.So I always wanted to drive a race car on a professional race track, and since I didn't have the chance to do it yet I decided to make a virtual reality project about it.We are going to build a race track in Unity 3D and import a car model, set 3 different player view perspectives and a countdown timer tracker to keep track of our driving skills.The project will be built on Unity Cloud and we will also apply some techniques to improve the overall performance, and yes for sure it will have virtual reality and gamepad support.The lessons contents is fully described, and if you have any question dont hesitate in posting it Ill be here to help you out, lets go!Get to know more about our courses at hackademy.tech"
Price: 104.99

"Create an E-commerce website, App and connect them" |
"Unless you live in a cave you already heard about websites and apps and what they do to make our lives easier. Thats OK but if you are here its because you want to learn about it, what if you had a course alone that teaches you how to make a complete Wordpress website, a working Android / IOS App and make them work between them ? search no more, you found it! We will build a fully featured WordPress website with free themes and plugins and Ill give you tons of tips along the way, since I already have more than 30 Wordpress websites currently online Ill be glad to transmit what years of practice taught me.Our website is responsive indeed, however we want to deliver a better user experience we want our clients to have our app. To do this we will use Ionic framework to code a simple and nice looking app that will fetch data from our Wordpress site and will allow users to do everything they would on the website and somethings more.We will build things from scratch, nevertheless its best if you are comfortable with writing some web languages (HTML,CSS and PHP) this course is meant for the intermediate because of the remote calls code and responsive CSS (among others) however the basic user will have no problems in building the website, app and if you have any question drop me a line - the code is also available to download and all lessons are fully described on text.If you want to start with WordPress / Apps development you are in the right plate. Ill be here to teach you what more than 8 years of daily practice taught me, so lets build a website code an app and make them work together.You will also have access to a live WordPress sandbox website to test and share your skills. More information about our courses available at hackademy.tech"
Price: 29.99

"Create official WordPress plugins" |
"You might already have some WordPress knowledge but your clients are starting to ask for specific website features that WordPress doesnt have by default and there's no plugin for it.You are not going the stop your projects or deny others because you have not yet acquired the skills, please dont get me wrong: you are not going to became a WordPress development plugin guru just by watching this course.However, I am going to show you how I developped 3 WordPress official plugins from 0 to production and publication at the WordPress official plugins repository. These 3 plugins address real live problems, such as a user login via QR code, JSON feed reader and check if the user is uploading an event picture thats currently in use. Notice that the subjects are user roles, fetch external data and compare data that your WordPress site currently has - main subjects regarding WordPress development.If you want to learn how real live productions plugins are made, improve your WordPress skills and learn the know how of someone that does this for more than five years on a daily base you are on the right place, hope to see you on the course.50% discount voucher available with the code: NEWSITEThis course is constantly reviewed and updated with new lessons."
Price: 29.99

"IT Security: Hacking and Networks Security - 2020" |
"This curse sums up more than 10 years working on ITand the content ofa master degree in information technologies security.The topics are:CIA triad, types of attacks and security mechanisms Security concepts and methodologies (Terminology, Security properties and case study of a Risk Management plan)Cryptography (Introduction, Historical background, principles and how to stay anonymous on the Internet)Security benchmark (Black-box and white-box approach to exploit and secure a system)Formulary hacks (Code a vulnerable form, exploitand secure it)Security in email (PGP) and web servers (X.509) Network firewall with Snort integrationRemote security analysis and assessment Build a dedicated virtual server (Backup your data, including Time Machine, run your Virtual Machines among other perks)Extra chapters about web server sandboxes and the Wannacry ransomware, will be updated as I see fit our you demand.Even if you are already a system administrator or a newbie you are most likely to find something new, as Idid previously to start this.If you have any question or doubt just send me a message.This course is constantly reviewed and updated with new lessons.More information available at hackademy.tech"
Price: 99.99

"Master Apple Music" |
"If you're still paying for songs or albums on iTunes - you're probably wasting money. Apple Music gives you unlimited access to over 40 million songs for a low monthly fee. They also offer a three month FREE trial. We'll show you how to set up and master this amazing music service!"
Price: 49.99

"Schreiben mit Flair: Wie du ein exzellenter Autor wirst" |
"Die deutsche bersetzung des am besten verkauften Schreib-Kurses auf Udemy International mehr als 54.000 Studenten, Hunderte 5 Sterne Bewertungen Vorgestellt imTIME MAGAZINE, BUSINESS INSIDER... Unterrichtet von einem ehemaligen Editor des The Wall Street Journalund ehemaliger Mitarbeiter von The Economist, Financial Times und Bloomberg News Shani Raja lehrte dutzende prominente Journalisten das bessere SchreibenWrdest Du auch gerne wissen, wie die Top-Journalisten von Zeitungen wie The Wall Street Journal und The Economist schreiben? Was wre, wenn Du die Tricks kennst, die von den Journalisten angewendet werden, um die Wrter auf der Seite tanzen zu lassen? Was wrden diese Grundstze fr Deine Artikel, Bcher, Berichte, Marketing-Kampagnen, Verkauf E-Mails oder Blog-Beitrge bedeuten? Du wirst sehr hilfreiche Kapitel durchlaufen, die Dein Schreiben fr immer verndern werden! Du wirst von einem Profi lernen, der bereits Top-Journalisten coachte und ihren Schreibstil nachhaltig verbesserte! Er arbeitete fr einige der weltweit grten Nachrichten-Markenwie The Economist, Financial Times und Bloomberg News. Schreiben ist nicht nur eine weitere Fhigkeit von vielen. Es ist eine der wichtigsten Fhigkeiten die man bentigt, umeinen professionellen Eindruck zu schaffen und um somit beruflich noch erfolgreicher zu werden! Denn whrend viele Leute zwar schreiben knnen, beherrschen nur sehr wenige das Handwerkdes Schreibens mit Stil und Flair. Top-Journalisten gehren zu diesen wenigen Menschen. Sie kennen die Tricks, Taktiken und Prinzipien um ihren eigenen Stil deutlich aus der Menge hervorzuheben. Du wirst diese Geheimnisse hier lernen! Sobald Du die Geheimnisse kennst, wirst Du feststellen, wie einfach es ist ein einige Kernelemente zu verstehen und diese anzuwenden. Am Ende wirst Du genau wissen, wie du deinem Schreiben einen gewaltigen Vorsprung in der Arbeit gegenber deinen Kollegen und Konkurrenten verschaffst. Diese Fhigkeiten werden dabei helfen: Besser Schreiben als DeineKollegen Verkaufsbroschren zum eigenen Produkt sofort verbessern Mehr interessierte Leser fr Dein Buch oder Deinen Blog Mehr Klicks (und Verkufe) auf Deiner Webseite Hebe Deinen Lebenslauf an die Spitze der Bewerbungen Schreibe die besten Fachbeitrge Deiner Branche Intelligentes Schreiben ist eine Fhigkeit, die Du ganz einfach bentigst um zu berzeugen, egal in welchem Bereich Du Dich aufhltst. Du wirst in der Lage sein deutlich, przise und elegant zu schreiben, wodurch Du auch auerhalb des beruflichen Alltags profitieren wirst. Umgekehrt kann schlechtes Schreiben Deine Karriere einbremsen und dem Image des Unternehmens schaden. Nur sehr wenige Leute sind in der Lage, mit der Eleganz der bestenJournalisten zu schreiben. Dies liegt daran, dass einige dieserJournalisten eine jahrelange und strenge Ausbildung absolviert haben. Wir helfen Dir dabei, diese Journalisten herauszufordern. Du wirst die Wrter flieen lassen und die wesentlichen Punkte werden klar herausstechen und formuliert. Dies ist eine seltene Chance um die Magie des Schreibens kennen zu lernen und sie geschftlich im besten Licht einzusetzen.DER KURS BEINHALTET EINE 30-TAGES, GELD ZURCK GARANTIE, OHNE FRAGEN! VOLLE GELD ZURCK GARANTIE Diese Profi-Techniken werden Deine Briefe, Pressemitteilungen, Marketing-Broschren, Verkaufs E-Mails verbessern! Dein Blog wirkt damit knackiger und schrfer. Viele Leute wissen nicht, dass es sich bei dem Schreiben mit Stil um ein lernfhiges Handwerk handelt, das nicht angeboren sein muss. Mit dem richtigen Trainer ist es Kinderspiel! Also, werde ein Teil von tausenden Studenten weltweit, die in die Entdeckung fortgeschrittener Schreibgeheimnisse, durch einen der weltweit besten Journalisten-Trainer, investiert haben. Du wirst auerdem erfahren: Wie Du super sparsam mit Wrtern umgehst Wie Du unntige Wiederholungen vermeidest Wie Du aufhrst simple Punkte kompliziert darzustellen Wie Du in deutlichen Formulierungen schreibst Wie Du erkennst, wenn zu viel gesagt wird Wie Du schwache und redundante Wrter richtig steuerst Wie Du Stze aktiv gestaltest und Ideen kraftvoll ausdrckst Wie Du ein Durcheinander innerhalb des Satzes verhindern oder abndern kannst Wie Du Jargon und Klischees vermeidest Wie Du unterschiedliche Punkte richtig unterscheidest Wie Du unterschiedliche Zeit-Elementevermeidest Wie Du strategisch mit Wrtern wie diese etc. umgehst Wie Du den eigenen Hausstil findest und diesen fr Dich nutzt Wie Du Dein Schreiben besonders professionell hervorheben kannst Wie Du sogenannte Wort-Echos (journalistischer Begriff) verhindern kannst Wie man verschiedene Punkte ordentlich strukturiert Wie Du eine elegante Erzhl-Struktur schaffst Das sind nur einige der Schreibtricks, die Top-Journalisten sich zu eigen machen. Du kannst diese Tricks nun ebenfalls erlernen in nur wenigen Tagen, wenn Du Dich heute dazu entscheidest Deine Karriere zu pushen! Du wirst diese Eigenschaften von einem Profi-Editor erlernen, der mit seinem englischsprachigen Kurs SECRET SAUCE OF GREAT WRITING bereits mehr als 45.000 Studenten weltweit gecoacht hat und damit zu den schnellst wachsenden Kursen von Udemy zhlt.In der Schule und in Universitten wird hufig eine wiederholende, gewundene und langweilige Schreibweise gelehrt. Diese Ausbildung ist der Grund, weshalb sich so viele Menschen durch zahlreiche unverstndlich und knstlich verkomplizierte Stze qulen mssen. Wie wre es, wenn Du diese lahme Schreibweise hinter Dir lsst und auf einmal mit dem Flair Deines Lieblings-Schriftstellers aus einer Zeitung oder Zeitschrift schreiben knntest? Richtig gute Journalisten kennen zahlreiche Tricks, um neben dem Bildschirm zu schreiben, sich also neben den Leser zu kuscheln und seine Aufmerksamkeit bis auf das letzte Wort zu richten. Zum ersten Mal zeige ich Dir die intimen Details, wie Journalisten es schaffen diese fesselnde Wirkung beim Leser hervorzurufen. ENTDECKE DIE ERWEITERTEN TAKTIKEN DER BESTENJOURNALISTEN! Wenn du den Kurs SECRET SAUCE OF GREAT WRITING bereits durchgearbeitet hast, dann kannst Du ihn inKombination mit diesem Kurs als Rundum-Sorglos Paket bezeichnen. Erhalte einen tieferen Einblick in die Punkte der Einfachheit, Klarheit und Eleganz! SCHREIBEN MIT FLAIR: WIRD MAN EIN EXZELLENTER AUTOR wird Dich einen groen Schritt weiter bringen! Du bekommst alle ntigen Taktiken, um Deine Konkurrenz abzuhngen. Du wirst einige der besten Techniken kennen lernen, die ich in der Zusammenarbeit mit den Top-Journalisten der Welt sorgfltig ausarbeitete. Du bekommst einfach zu verdauende Schlsselprinzipien bermittelt. Strategische bungen runden den Lernprozess ab, um Dich zu einem berlegenden Schriftsteller zu formen. Du kannst diese Prinzipien jederzeit anwenden, um ein nur mittelmiges Schriftstck in einen strukturierten und denkwrdigen Text zu verwandeln. Hast Du es schwer klar und kraftvoll zu schreiben? Hast Du Dich jemals gefragt, ob das unterdurchschnittliche Schreiben Deine Karriere oder Dein Geschft negativ beeinflussen knnte? Angenommen Du hast die Fhigkeit nicht, wre es dann nicht ein Versuch wert sich diese Fhigkeiten anzueignen? Ich bin hier um Dir zu sagen, dass Du Dich definitiv verbessern kannst und das sogar schneller als Du Dir vorstellen kannst! Der Kurs SECRET SAUCE OF GREAT WRITING fhrte bereits zu einer speziellen Schreibformel. Das haben die Udemy Studenten zu diesem Kurs gesagt: Ich schaute mir Deinen gesamten Kurs an und war die gesamte Zeit ber erstaunt ber die groartige Qualitt. Deine Wrter sind tiefgrndig Ich kann meine eigene Qualitt jetzt besser einschtzen und bin in der Lage daran zu arbeiten, dass meine Texte auergewhnlich werden.Sehr hochwertig und prgnant. Ich lernte jede Menge in kurzer Zeit Ich kann den Kurs jedem empfehlen, der beruflich schreibt. Ein Muss. Brillanter Kurs. Ich wei jetzt was ich im Schreiben falsch gemacht habe.Nun, dieser neue Kurs baut auf dieser Grundlage auf und gibt Dir die genaue Taktik zur Frderung jeder dieser drei Schlsselqualitten: Einfachheit, Klarheit und Eleganz ImSchreiben mit Flair Kurs, definieren wir diese Punkte im Detail. Das unschtzbare Wissen, das in diesem leicht verstndlichen Kurs dargestellt wird, setzt Dein Schreiblevel auf eine neue Stufe. Wir verschwenden dabei keine Zeit auf komische grammatikalische Faktoren, die nur wenige Unterschiede machen, sondern konzentrieren uns auf die wirklich wichtigen Punkte. Alle Regeln und Taktiken sind so aufbereitet, dass Du sofort anfangen kannst Dein gelerntes Wissen im praktischen Schreiben umzusetzen. Du wirst die Verbesserungen schnell bemerken ob Du einen Aufsatz, ein Anschreiben, eine Dissertation, einen Bericht, ein Memo, eine Pressemitteilung, einen Blog, eine Marketingbroschre, eine E-Mail, ein Buch oder sogar nur ein Facebook Update schreibst. Das Wissen wird Dich in alltglichen Situationen anwenden lassen! Ich bearbeite Schritt fr Schritt die Grundprinzipien, die ich in den grtenNachrichten-Organisationen ausgearbeitet habe, sodass Du das Wissen in nur wenigen Tagen oder Wochen mit etwas bung bestens umsetzten kannst."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking/Speech Course" |
"#1 Best Selling Presentation Skills Course on Udemy! Welcome to The COMPLETE Presentation and Public Speaking/Speech Courseby the author of the best selling business courseon Udemy,an award winning professor, TEDx Talk speaker,author & entrepreneur.I guarantee that this is THEmost thorough public speaking/speech/presentation course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back.This is the most thorough course I have ever made and anyone can take it and see remarkable improvements in how to give a speech/presentation (you will learn to enjoy public speaking)!Giving a perfect speech or presentation can change your life and the lives of countless others (life often comes down to a few short moments).Course Goal:From page to stage; youlearn everything(yes everything)you need to know about giving a GREAT speech for business & personal presentations.Course Outline:There are 12 parts (called ""Acts"") in this comprehensive and enjoyablespeech/presentation/public speaking coursewith many exercises,examples and templatesto help you work smarter and not harder when making your speech. The course outline is as follows:Act 1: Audience: We willidentifywith the audience (your customer/target market).Act 2: Purpose:We begin with the end goal in mind of your speech.Act 3:Content:We will thoroughly cover what to include in our speech and how to structure it.Act 4: Slides:We will discuss making incredible slides using many proven examples and more than 10 different presentation products from PowerPoint to Keynote and many more (thisassumes that you have no experience with any of the software products mentioned inthis course...many of which are free to use).Act 5: Confidence:We will learn how to be in peak confidence mode for your speech!Act 6: Delivery:We will discuss how to deliver your masterpiece andusing thebest body language.Act 7: Questions:How to ace the Q&Asession of your speech and answer literally any question.Act 8:Preparation:How to prepare and be aware so you can deliver a perfect presentation (based on my 25 years of giving/preparing forpresentations).Act 9: Appearance:What to wear + nutrition tips and more.Act 10: Post Presentation To Dos:We will ensure that your speech goals are met.Act 11: 25 Presentation Guides:Access to25 speechguides and wellover 50 slide templates for every type of presentation/speech/public speaking occasion.Act 12: Resources:Additional materials to help you work smarter and not harder.Conclusion / Epilogue:Conclusions +Congratulations!Since this is a very comprehensive 16hourcourse, there are 3 ways totake thiscourse as follows:You can take the entire course in order.You can take the entire course in order and then skip ahead when prompted in the lessonsto do so.You can choose totake only the topics that interest you the most.This Course is Basedon Real Practical Experience and Not Theory:This course includes 25 speech/presentation guide books andwell over 50 presentations templates created for this course and for you. This course isbased on my25 years of experience presenting at keynote speaker events, a TEDx Talk, raising moneyinvestor presentations, lecturing at Stanford, McGill University, The Hult International School of Business, Berkeley, San Francisco State University, wedding speeches, panel discussions, conferences, being an MC, best man speech, online presentations, interviews, sales presentations, receiving and giving awards speeches, giving toasts, being put on the spot to speak with no preparation, media interviews with Forbes and other publications,university graduation convocation keynote speeches, many international speeches, board meeting presentations, grouppresentations, motivational speeches, business keynote speeches, etc. (all of which are covered in this course).---------------------------------------------------------------------What students are saying about the course: ""Thank you for the great opportunity to follow your course. For the past years I have followed a number of courses on public speaking worldwide in order to update myself on skills in public speaking. As a speech language pathologist and fluency specialist I train people who stutter become 'wow' speakers. I must say I am very successful and that is why I always want to keep updated on public speaking skills. I must say that your course is the most comprehensive and straight to the point course. The content is very much similar to the courses I deliver but I enjoyed your passion, enthusiasm and also expertise. As you know lol, those are the secrets of public speaking. During our courses both of manage to change the fear into fun for public speaking. Once again, well done for the extremely wellorganizedcourse. It could not have been better :) keep up the good work."" -Dr Joseph Agius,Speech Language Pathologist ""I love Chris's passion for his subject - to be honest the idea of public speaking scares me rigid, but I'm beginning to get excited that I may finally overcome this fear - because I know I have so much value to deliver if I can become a good presenter!"" - Alex Parker ""I amimpressedwith the contents andsuggestions."" - Maria Pinho ""The first impression is great and I lovely recommend the course to everyone who wants to improve his speech."" - Vinko Susak---------------------------------------------------------------------Life often comes down to a few short moments andgiving a perfect speech or presentation can change your life and the lives of countless others (you will love public speaking by the end of this course).This incredibly thorough course has a30 day money back guarantee. Together, we will study the best public speakers in the world from business icons to actors to many many others.As always, I am here to help if you have any questions.Enjoy the course;I had a lot of fun putting it together!Thanks, Chris Haroun"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Financial Analyst Training & Investing Course" |
"#1 Best Selling Investing Course on Udemy!Welcome toThe COMPLETE Financial Analyst Training and InvestingCourse by the author of the best selling business courseon Udemy,an award winning professor, Columbia MBA graduate, former Goldman, hedge fund founder,venture capitalist,TEDx Talk speaker,author & entrepreneur featuredin Forbes, Business Insider, Wired andVenture Beat.I guarantee that this is THEmost thorough financial analystcourse available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back.This is the most thorough and longestcourse I have ever made and anyone can take it and see remarkable improvements in how competitive they are in the finance industry as a financial analyst or as an investor.CONGRATULATIONS!You have just been hired by Morgan Haroun SachsCompany (MHS), which is the world's #1 (pretend)finance company. You will be going through our new hire Financial Analyst TrainingProgram boot camp. You will learn a lot about finance in this training program with NOTHEORY as you will be dealing with the employees and clients of our firmMHSCompany in edutaining interactive case studies.This course is taught by Chris Haroun who also went through the Goldman Sachs financial analyst training program as well as the new hire training programs of other top finance companies. Chris has also started his own hedge fund and venture capital firms and is an award winning MBA school professor. He teaches based on real life practical experience.Do you have what it takes to complete this 22+ hour comprehensive financetraining program? I'll see you on the other side.What Will YouLearn in this Finance Bootcamp Course?How to pick stocks.Become an expert in Excel for financial analysts.How an IPO works.How to manage a portfolio.How to build financial models.How to get hired and promoted as a financial analyst.How risk management works.How to use technical analysis.How to value companies.Use and create Excel based templates developed by Chris to help you create financial statements from scratch (meaning income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements and more).Use and create Excel based templates developed by Chris to help you value companies using several different valuation methodologies, including P/E, P/R and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF).Use and create Excel based templates developed by Chris to help you manage a portfolio.How Monetary Policy works.How Fiscal Policy works.How interest rates are changed and why this is crucial to understand for successful financial analysts.How to pitch long and short ideas to portfolio managers.How to find great venture capital investment ideas.How to come up with mutual fund investment ideas (longs - meaning buys) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process.How to come up with hedge fund investment ideas (longs and shorts) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process.Identify crucial catalysts (timed events) in order to know when the optimal time is to buy or short a stock.Understand how investment banks (the 'Sell Side') can help you be more successful in a hedge fund or mutual fund career.Analyze and understand an income statement (even if you have no experience with income statements).Analyze and understand a balance sheet (even if you have no experience with balance sheets).Analyze and understand a cash flow statement (even if you have no experience with cash flow statements).Understand and use modeling best practices so you can create financial models.Know where to get data in order to build a financial model (in depth understanding of identifying and using/navigating the best free websites and sources to build your financial model)!Create a financial model (projecting the future) for an income statement.Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a balance sheet.Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a cash flow statement.Understand valuation best practices so you can create target prices based on your financial models.How to use Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and how to create the Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Terminal values in order to pick target prices.How to use P/E in order to pick target prices.How to use P/R in order to pick target prices.Other valuation methodologies, including EV/Sales, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/FCF, etc.Come up with a target price based on an average of several different valuation methodologies.Learn about 14 different Financial Analyst jobs and how they overlap and work together (including Investment Banking, Venture Capital, Private Equity, Private Wealth Management etc.). Investment Banking: Understand from a high level perspective what an Investment Bank is as well as what the role/job is of an Investment Banking Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Venture Capital: Understand from a high level perspective what a Venture Capital firm is as well as what the role/job is of a Venture Capital Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Private Equity: Understand from a high level perspective what a Private Equity firm is as well as what the role/job is of a Private Equity Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Private Wealth Management: Understand from a high level perspective what a Private Wealth Managementfirm is as well as what the role/job is of a Private Wealth ManagementFinancial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Sell SideResearch Analyst: Understand from a high level perspective what a Sell SideResearch Analysts firm is as well as what the role/job is of a Sell SideResearch Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.SalesTrader: Understand from a high level perspective what a SalesTradersfirm is as well as what the role/job is of a SalesTraderFinancial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Buy Side Trader: Understand from a high level perspective what a Buy Side Traders firm is as well as what the role/job is of a Buy Side Trader Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Mutual Fund: Understand from a high level perspective what a Mutual Fund is as well as what the role/job is of a Mutual Fund Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Sell Side Trader: Understand from a high level perspective what a Sell Side Traders firm is as well as what the role/job is of a Sell Side Trader Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Large Non Finance Company: Understand from a high level perspective what a Large Non Finance Company firm is as well as what the role/job is of a Large Non Finance Company Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Equity Capital Markets: Understand from a high level perspective what an Equity Capital Markets firm is as well as what the role/job is of a Equity Capital Markets Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Hedge Fund: Understand from a high level perspective what a Hedge Fund is as well as what the role/job is of a Hedge Fund Financial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Equity Sales: Understand from a high level perspective what an Equity Salesfirm is as well as what the role/job is of an Equity SalesFinancial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Tech / Artificial Intelligence: Understand from a high level perspective what a Tech / Artificial Intelligencesfirm is as well as what the role/job is of a Tech / Artificial IntelligenceFinancial Analyst, including the pros and cons.Learn what finance role you are most passionate about pursuing.This course is based on my real life practical experience starting hedge funds, venture capital firms, working on Wall Street, starting financecompanies and much more.Thanks,Chris"
Price: 199.99

"How to Manage by Delegating (So You Can Achieve Your Goals)!" |
"If you want to take your career to the next level by delegating tasks to others so you can focus on your goals, then this course is for you.""How to Manage by Delegating (So You Can Achieve Your Goals)"" introduces you to the process of what, why and howto delegate using a proven3 step template process used by Chris Haroun, who is a seasoned and successful entrepreneur, an accomplished business author, an award winning MBA professor and the author of top selling business courses on Udemy.By the end of this course you will learn:What todelegate so you can spend more time focusing on your professional and personal goalsHow to delegate so that you can develop youremployee(s)and teach them new skillsWhat feedback to provide and how to provide feedback to your employee(s)How to analyze the delegation process and create a report on the process for senior managementThis course has a proven 3 Step Delegation Process using downloadable exercise templates in order to make you and your team much more productive. By the end of this course you will be able to confidently focus on the goals that are most important to you and to your career bydelegatingrepetitive, routine and othertasks to others. Join me on this career optimizing journey and take your career to the next level!Thanks,Chris"
Price: 99.99

"How to Motivate Employees (So That Productivity Increases)!" |
"#1 Best Selling Motivation Course on Udemy! If you want to significantly increase the productivity and motivationof an employeeor a team of employees, then this course is for you.""How to Motivate Employees (So That Productivity Increases)!""introduces you to the process of what, why and howto motivate an employee or employeesusing many provenmotivational lessonsused by Chris Haroun, who is a seasoned and successful entrepreneur, an accomplished business author, an award winning MBA professor and the author of #1 best selling business courses on Udemy, called ""An Entire MBAin 1 Course.""Chris has successfully managed and motivated many employees in small and large companies, including companies that he has founded.He is the author of ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,"" which Forbes calls ""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.""Students that purchase this course will get instant access to a download of the 175 page book version of this course;the free downloadablebook is also called ""How to Motivate Employees (So That Productivity Increases)!"" and retails for $19.99.By the end of this course you will learn how toincrease employee motivation & productivity by:Giving the best non-cash based incentivesNurturing and helping employees grow and achieve their goalsHiring the right employees (and vice versa)Embracing a more equal/flat team-based hierarchyImproving the office physical environmentCreating team-based motivational goalsMany team building exercises (which also improves the team's culture)Giving back to the communityImproving the work/life balance of your teamIncreasing the ""fun/enjoyment"" in the officeImproving office communications and transparencyInspiring employees by giving inspirational speechesAnalyzing the best firms and CEOs that motivate their employeesIncrease employee motivation & productivity through Word and Excel based templates that Help you understand/analyze employee feedbackEmbracing innovation and risk takingProviding encouragement and increasing employee confidenceThis course includes 15 exercises, a MotivationExercise Book, a free book version of this entire course andmany additional resourcesin order to make your employees much moreproductive by significantly increasing how motivated they are to outperform. By the end of this course you will be able to confidently motivate a team so that the productivity of your employee(s) significantly increases!Join me on this career optimizing journey and take your employee(s) productivity and motivationto the next level!30 day 100% money back guarantee.Thanks,Chris"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Personal Finance Course: Save,Protect,Make More" |
"Welcome to The COMPLETE Personal Finance Course!I guarantee that this is THEmost thoroughpersonal finance courseavailable ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee).This course and the many exercises in this course is customized for literally EVERY Country &EVERYcurrency in the world!By An Award Winning Business Professor, Columbia University MBA Graduate (Majored in Finance) andformer Goldman Sachs Employeewho is also the author of the #1 best selling business course on Udemy called An Entire MBA in 1 Course. He is also the author of 101 Crucial Lessons They Dont Teach You in Business School, which Forbes calls 1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.THIS COMPLETE PERSONAL FINANCE COURSE is 3 courses in 1: Save More Money, 2: Protect More Money, 3: Make More Money.Also included in this course is a very comprehensive Excel spreadsheet that contains more than 25exercises to help you save, protect and make more money. No prior finance or accounting or Excel experience is requiredto take this course.Some of the manySave Money topics and exercises covered in the course include:How to analyze and significantly decrease your personal expenses so your net worth increases significantly in the long runMore than 100 ways to help you save much more moneyHow verysmall savings habits changes lead to fortunes later in life!Some of the Protect Money topics and exercises covered in the course are: What are the secrets of billionaires?Understanding and improving your credit scoreWills, trusts and estate planningHow much should you spend on a house and how to calculate your mortgage paymentsCreating your perfect budgetThe best way to file taxesHow retirement accounts work and how to decrease the amount of taxes you will pay, which will lead to significant increases in your long term net worthProtecting your family and your possessions using insurance productsUnderstanding and increasing your net worthSome of the Make Money topics and exercises covered in the course are:Investing instocksInvesting inbondsInvesting incommoditiesInvesting inreal estate and moreHow to create your own diversified Investment Portfolio consisting of stocks, bonds, commodities and real estate investment trustsMinimizing the ridiculous fees that you pay your bank and investment companiesWe will also have an optional section at the end of the course that will teach you how I made Your included Complete Personal Finance Excel Dashboard exercise file, which will help you save, protect and make more money through the many exercises in this course.and this assumes that you have no or very little excel experience and very little or no accounting or finance experience.You can use the Excel exercise document in this exercise on a Mac or on a PC and I recommend having Excel version 2013 or later in order to complete all of the many save, make and protect money exercises in this course.This course and the included comprehensive Complete Personal Finance Excel dashboard exercisefile is a roadmap for your personal finance success so you can save, protect and make much more.All of the tools you need to save, protect and make more are included in this course and the entire course is based on real life Practical Knowledgeand experience and not based on theory. Please click the take this course button so you can improve your ability to save, protect and make much more (and take your personal finance skills to the next level).*** Again,I guarantee that this is THEmost thoroughpersonal finance course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee). ***Thanks,Chris HarounClosed captions have been added to all lessons in this course."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Business Plan Course (Includes 50 Templates)" |
"Welcome to the Complete Business Plan Course, which will help you make an incredible business plan from scratch. Everything that you need to make your awesome business plan is included in this course, including 50 business plan templates and an incredibly detailed 13 step process to help you make an entire business plan from scratch!I guarantee that this is THEmost thoroughbusiness plancourseavailable ANYWHERE on the market.This course and the many exercises in this course are for beginneror advanced users in any country and in any business sector!By an Award Winning MBA professor who is a top selling online business teacher,top selling author, former Goldman Sachs employee, Columbia MBA andventure capitalist who has invested in and sat on the boards ofmany companies. He is also the author of the #1 best selling business course on Udemy.He has also written many business plans and read hundreds of business plans too and has raised/managed over $1bn in his career.THIS COMPLETE BUSINESSPLANCOURSE teaches you everything you need to know in order to make an incredible business plan, including an easy and fun to use 13 STEP program: STEP 1 of 13: General Business Plan Inputs Questions and AnalysisSTEP 2 of 13: Creating Your Cover Page: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 3 of 13: Executive Summary: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 4 of 13: Your Management Team: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 5 of 13: Your Product and/or Service: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 6 of 13: Your Customer & Market: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 7 of 13: Your Competition: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 8 of 13: Your Go-to Market Strategy: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 9 of 13: Your Sales+Marketing Strategy: Input Questions, Analysis & OutputsSTEP 10 of 13: Your Milestones: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 11 of 13: Your Other / Misc. / Risks: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 12 of 13: Your Financials: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsSTEP 13 of 13: Your Appendix: Input Questions, Analysis and OutputsCreating Your Final Business Plan Output (with 50 Business Plan Templates included)[Optional] Creating Your Final Presentation Slides Output (with 25 Presentation Templates included)Also included in this course is a very comprehensive Excel spreadsheet that will help you create your business plan using an easy to use and very comprehensive 13 step methodology. No prior business orfinance or accounting or Excel experience is requiredto take this course.I have also provided 50 business plan templates and, as an added bonus, 25 business presentations specifically made for startups. You can use the comprehensiveExcel exercise document in this course on a Mac or on a PC (I recommend having Excel version 2013 or later in order to complete all of the exercises in this course).This course and the included comprehensive Business Plan Dashboard Excel business plan maker file is a roadmap for your business plansuccess.All the tools you need to create an amazing business plan from scratch are included in this course and the entire course is based on real life Practical Knowledge& Experience and not based on theory.Please click the take this course button so you cantake your business and your business plan to the next level.*** Again,I guarantee that this is THEmost thoroughbusiness plan course available ANYWHERE on the market.***Thanks,Chris Haroun"
Price: 199.99

"ACT Prep - English & Reading Made Easy" |
"This online ACTcourse consists of 11 fun and engaging videos that will give you all the information you need to really improve your score on ACTEnglish section. You will also learn test taking tips and tricks weve developed over the last 15 years teaching ACT prep. Unlike many other online ACT test prep classes, we dont want to try to teach students EVERYTHING. Instead, we want to teach them HOW to take this test, and the most important things that they need to know to raise their scores. Big Picture: How to recognize a simple grammar question from a Big Picture question and How to get enough right to do REALLY WELL! Learn our fifteen Grammar Rules, and YOU WILL ACE THE SECTION: Video topics include: Omit rule, Avoid repetition, Redundancy rectangles Subjects and verbs go together, Pronouns? Track down the noun, Its and Its, Tense and word choice? Follow their lead. Plural first then possession, Transition words come down to meaning, Double commas The Nike Rule/just do it with an ly, Commas-when in doubt, take them out, Colons Trust your ear with common phrases/idioms, The 2 Full sentence Rule PLUS: Grammar Roundup Review Video Grammar Extra Credit Video (If you are shooting for a score above 30.) Covers, Comma specifics, Modifier problems, Sequencing, Who/Whom, Er/EST, the u verbs, Effective lead in sentence Secrets to Doing Your Best on Reading Video Covers. Choose your order, Know about the passages, Secret Sauce, Timing New Method of Reading Video Covers. Practice session with new method of reading New Double Passage Video Covers. Exactly how to handle this new section, practice STUDENTS DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING! They will be much better off learning a few things VERY WELL. These key concepts learned on this ACT online course will help them get a lot more questions right on the test, and will also help students in classes that are taken in high school and college."
Price: 24.99

"This online ACT prepcourse consists of 11 fun and engaging videos that will give you all the information you need to really improve your score. You will also learn test taking tips and tricks weve developed over the last 15 years teaching ACT Math prep. Unlike many other online test prep classes, we dont want to try to teach students EVERYTHING. Instead, we want to teach them HOW to take this test, and the most important things that they need to know to raise their scores.Math Introduction Video CoversYour advantages on the math section, Backsolving, Fraction basicsAlgebra Video Covers.Simple Equations, PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction), Exponents, Square RootsMore Algebra Video Covers2 equations in 2 variables, Simultaneous Equations, Value of Algebraic Equation, Quadratic Theorem, Difference of Squares, FOIL (First, Outside, Inside, Last), Review of Exponent Rules Geometry Video Covers.Basic angles, Triangles, Polygons Perimeters, and more, Special Triangles, The Pythagorean Theorem Trig and More Geometry Video Covers..Trig for the test, SOCHCATOA, Sine, Cosine, Tangents, Areas, Circles, VolumeGraphs Video CoversDefinitions, Equations of a line, Slope/Intercept, Straight Lines, Midpoints on a graphRatios/Percentages/Probability /Word Problems Covers all that! Averages Video CoversArithmetic mean, Median, Mode, Absolute Value, Inequalities, and MOREScience Video Covers..How to do your best on this section, The three types of passages and how to approach them, strategies for Charts and Graphs, Experiments, War of the Scientists, ExamplesSTUDENTS DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING! They will be much better off learning a few things VERY WELL. These key concepts learned on this online ACT prep class will help them get a lot more questions right on the test, and will also help students in classes that are taken in high school and college."
Price: 24.99

"Emini ES Futures - Advanced Non Directional Options Trading" |
"The Course presented to you is 1 of my main trading strategy that I use it every month for my Options Trading.It is 1 of my best Options Strategy.The Non Directional Trading On Emini S&P500 Options can generate 2 - 5%every month from the market consistently There will be no complicated analysis, no or minimum chart reading. Multiple Adjustment strategy is presented in the course for you.This course together with Options 101 (Free on Udemy) will bring your Options Trading to a higher level.The course covered everything that you need, From understanding of what is Emini S&P500 to the short strangle strategy.Comparing a Short Strangle with Iron Condor and why I prefer to do a short strangle trade.The Strategy presented do not take up much time. 15 mins to enter position and setup the stop and adjustment, 15 mins to exit position. You do it once a month and do it every month. You do not have to trade everyday, in fact the less you trade the higher your odds of success is,If you have try Options trading and did not have the desire result than look no further. Enroll in this course now. And Learn what I do monthly for a passive income"
Price: 199.99

"Leaps Options Trading System - Diagonal Leaps Options Spread" |
"This is a strategy that is most overlook by Options Trader. And it is 1 of my favorite strategy. This Strategy presented in this course involving buying a LEAPSoptions and selling a monthly options against it.The detail strategy of adjustment and rolling will ensure this strategy almost always make money at the end of the cycle in the range of 50%for the margin used.This strategy is covered as you are buying a LEAPSand selling a front month. No naked options is involved. So No margin call. The potential return is high.Stop Loss will be in place and adjustment will be done once a month.The Strategy presented do not take up much time. 15 mins to enter position and setup the stop and adjustment, 15 mins to exit position. You do it once a month and do it every month. You do not have to trade everyday, in fact the less you trade the higher your odds of success is,Learn this unique and powerful strategy now."
Price: 199.99

"Naked Put Options Trade Covered Call & Poor Man Covered Call" |
"This will be the only course that teach you How to buy your favorite stock at a discount and get paid for doing that.How to do a low risk covered callLearn how to do a poor man covered call, get the benefit of all the covered call advantage but lower the risk by 50%This course together withOptions 101 (Free on Udemy)will bring your Options Trading to a higher level.You will continue to receive monthly premium while waiting to buy your favorite stock If the trade went wrong how to do a stock repair on your covered call to recoup your losses back quickly. The stock do not even need to trade back the original price for you to achieve a breakeven. Even if the stock is down 20% you can still use stock repair strategy.This is one of the Warren Buffet secret to acquire stocks at a steep discount. But we will learn how to do it monthly versus doing it yearly like Warren Buffet Be on the right side of the tradingEnroll in this course now."
Price: 199.99

"The Almost Perfect Options Trading Strategy System - Unique" |
"This is a Unique Options Trading SystemThere wasn't a name for this but I like to call it ""The Almost Perfect Options Trading Strategy""This course together withOptions 101 (Free on Udemy)will bring your Options Trading to a higher level.The strategy involve Leaps, Put, Call, Covered Call, Diagonal, Calendar, Collar. While it may seem complicated it is not. Just a set of adjustment rule to follow.The system only require30 minutes a month. Not a day but a month. You do not have to glue to the screen to watch your trade. You only need to do it once a month. The built in strategy has no naked options involve so you can sleepwith peace at the end of the day. It has a protective Leaps Put in place so even if the stock drop to $0 your position is fully covered. Well, that why it is call The Almost Perfect Options Trading Strategy""Is it complicated since so many method is involve?No it is not, you only required 30 minutes in a month to trade this system. And the adjustment rule is objective. Adjustment will be doneon the 3rd Friday of the month when options expire.The system work well to generate double digit return in any kind of market conditionNot bad for a 30 minutes trading system.Join me in the class if you are still interested."
Price: 199.99

"The Most Powerful Options Spread Trading Front Ratio Spread" |
"Watch my Live Trade Section and see how I make 5.5%Return in just 19 daysThe most powerful Options Spread is the Front Ratio Spread.When use in the right way it can enhance your stock portfolio without extra risk or extra capital.Ratio Spread is a spread that make money even if you are wrong about market direction. If you are right about your direction you make even more money and the only time it lose money if when you are too right on the market directionIt can be a income generation techniqueIt can help repair a losing stock positionIt can increase your covered call returnIt can be utilize in almost all kind of conditionThe course will covered Ratio Spread technique, it will also covered how to use ratio spread with other options strategy like diagonal spread, covered call and moreNothing is left out in this courseLearn about the different type of Ratio Spread.Should you be doing a 1 month Ratio Spread or a 3 month Ratio SpreadEven if you think you know what is a Ratio Spread, the strategy in this course will blow your mind off 100 times. The strategy is most my kept secret and never disclosed before.Watch a couple of preview videoEnroll in this course to find out more."
Price: 199.99
