"Sistema de Oramento com Csharp e Mysql" |
"O curso completo de Sistema de oramentos possui 75 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a criar um sistema de oramentos completo, com cadastro de produtos, clientes, fornecedores e muito mais, este sistema utiliza um banco de dados mysql, possibilitando o aluno colocar seu projeto em rede para que vrios computadores alimentem o mesmo banco de dados, adquira j o curso e crie seus sistemas profissionais com CSharp."
Price: 579.99

"Sistemas Avanados com C# - Uploads e Relatrios" |
"O curso completo de Sistemas avanados com C# e Mysql possui 57 aulas, neste curso mostrado como criar relatrios com mysql com mais de uma tabela, com parametros e muito mais, mostramos tambm como trabalhar com upload de imagens para banco de dados mysql, usamos o sistema de oramentos criado em um curso anterior onde implementamos diversos recursos avanados nele, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sistemas com Csharp."
Price: 579.99

"Controle de Gastos com C# e SQL Server" |
"O curso completo de Sistemas de controle de gastos com C# e SQL Server possui 62 aulas, neste curso criado do zero um sistema para controle de gastos usando a linguagem CSharp e o banco de dados sql, no precisa de ter conhecimento prvio, mostrado desde a criao do banco de dados, telas, classes e relatrios, tudo que voc precisa para criar um sistema completo, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sistemas usando c# e visual studio 2017."
Price: 564.99

"Sistema de Vendas com Visual Studio 2017" |
"O curso completo de Sistemas de Vendas com Visual Studio 2017 e SQL Server possui 72 aulas, neste curso criado do zero um sistema para controle de vendas usando a linguagem Visual Basic e o banco de dados sql, no precisa de ter conhecimento prvio, mostrado desde a criao do banco de dados, telas, classes e tudo que voc precisa para criar um sistema completo, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sistemas usando VB e SQL."
Price: 579.99

"Sistemas Avanados com Visual Basic e SQL" |
"O curso completo de Sistemas Avanados com Visual Studio 2017 e SQL Server possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a trabalhar com recursos avanados para Linguagem VB como relatrios com parametros, filtros, upload de imagens e muito mais, estes recursos so implementados em um sistema de vendas criado em um curso anterior, caso no tenha conhecimento na linguagem e em programao totalmente aconselhvel que o aluno faa antes o curso de sistema de vendas com VB, adquira j o curso e crie seus sistemas avanados."
Price: 579.99

"Frente de Caixa com Visual Studio 2017" |
"O curso completo de Frente de Caixa com Visual Studio 2017 e SQL Server possui 70 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar um controle de caixa com abertura e fechamento para um sistema de vendas, este sistema possui dois outros mdulos anteriores, super aconselhvel que o aluno caso no tenha um conhecimento prvio em sistemas com Visual Basic acompanhe antes os mdulos anteriores, pois neste curso focamos apenas nessa parte de frente de caixa para sistemas, adquira j os nossos cursos e crie seus sistemas avanados."
Price: 579.99

"O Poder da EFT: Tcnica de Liberdade Emocional" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para quem deseja aprender um mtodo fantsticoparalidar com a carga emocional acumuladaque impede uma vida de mais equilbrio, sade e realizaes. um mergulho de autoconhecimento quefacilitar a identificao da auto sabotagem.Se voc est cansando de ser refm dos mesmos problemas emocionais e no consegueidentificar onde se esconde o vilo que sabota o seu avano na vida, ento esse curso paravoc.Tudo o que voc precisa fazer aprender como nosso inconsciente funciona dando um novosignificado aos sentimentosque causaram estresse, dor ou tristeza e libert-los com esse mtodo.Voc ter melhor compreenso de si mesmo e das pessoas ao seu redor e com isso ir criarmelhores habilidades na vida pessoal, profissional e nos relacionamentos.No curso vocencontrar aulas em vdeo, apresentaese exerccios que facilitaro aaprendizagem. Trata-se de um curso de desenvolvimento pessoalque ir causar umatransformao relevante para sua vida.Voc ir otimizar o seutempo vivendo melhor,aprendendoa se libertar do peso emocional que roubaa clareza e energia."
Price: 294.99

"Fortalea a Autoestima e Supere Novos Desafios!" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para quem quer fortalecera autoestima e com issoresgatar a autoconfiana necessria para aconquista de objetivos e sonhos. um mergulho de autoconhecimento quefacilitar a identificao dos padres de comportamentos sabotadores.Se voc cansoude ser refm da insegurana e indecisese no consegueidentificar o que falta parater mais inspirao e impulsosna vida, ento esse curso paravoc.Voc vaiaprender sobreas armadilhas doinconsciente epoder darum novosignificado aos sentimentosque causam insegurana e tristezas.Voc ter melhor compreenso de si mesmo e das pessoas ao seu redor e com isso ir criarmelhores habilidades na vida pessoal, profissional e nos relacionamentos.No curso vocencontrar aulas em vdeo, apresentaese exerccios que facilitaro aaprendizagem. Trata-se de um curso de desenvolvimento pessoalque ir causar umatransformaosegurae duradoura.Voc ir otimizar o seutempo vivendo melhor,aprendendoa confiar mais em si mesmo e enfrentar novos desafios com mais assertividade."
Price: 144.99

"Mdias Sociais para Profissionais Liberais" |
"Esse curso foi desenvolvido para profissionais liberais que tem o objetivo de ampliar seus resultados e presena com as mdias sociais. para ""iniciantes"".O curso ensina estratgias, dicas e macetes que fazem a diferena na construo de resultados com uma comunicao assertiva para os profissionais seguirem e assim, potencializar seus negcios.Se voc profissional liberal e ainda no est usando as mdias sociais para ampliar seus resultados com a sua presena ou tentou de forma amadora e no viu avanos, ento voc precisa fazer esse curso.Voc poder criarmelhores conexesna vida profissional alcanando mais pessoas com a sua presena.Lembre-se de que esse contedo para iniciantes, pois se voc j tem boas habilidades com as mdias sociais, precisa de contedos avanados que no ser o caso nesses ensinamentos."
Price: 99.99

"Inteligncia Emocional para a Prosperidade" |
"Este curso foi criado para voc entender sobre a influncia da vibrao energtica na realizao de seus sonhos e metas. Voc saber quais as emoes que impedem de ter uma vida alinhada com a prosperidade. um mergulho de autoconhecimento que facilitar a identificao dos inimigos internos. Voc vai aprender como aumentar a frequncia vibracional para vibrar em ressonncia com meus sonhos.Se voc est cansando de ser refm dos mesmos padres de pensamentos, sentimentos e comportamentos e no consegue identificar as armadilhas inconscientes que sabotam o seu avano na vida, ento esse curso para voc.Em que frequncia voc est vibrando? Qual a frequncia que precisa vibrar para mudar sua realidade?Voc ter melhor compreenso de si mesmo e das pessoas ao seu redor e com isso ir criar habilidades para obter melhores resultados na vida pessoal, profissional e nos relacionamentos."
Price: 189.99

"Chatbot Mastery: Techniques from Facebook, Google, & IBM." |
"Do you want to learn about Chatbots from Google, IMB, Facebook, Slack, RASA, Chatbots Life & Many More?The Chatbot Conferencefeatured the top bot entrepreneurs, speakers, and platform with the single goal of sharing the most impactful insights with the goal of the answering the most pressing questions in the Chatbot Space. We want to discover what is working, what patterns are emerging, what should bot builders be building, what are the best ways to market andmonetize your bot and much more.40+of the Top Speakers in the Chatbot SpaceLearn from platforms such as Google, Oracle, IBMWatson, Microsoft, etcLearn from Top Bot Startups like RASA, Assist, SmartLoop & more.Get insights from Analytics from Dashbot &BotAnalyticsSee what is working in for Brands, Enterprises, Startups & moreFuture of BotsWinning with Chatbots: Exploring Bots & ROIEnterprises have been experimenting with bots for nearly two years now and we are finally starting to see use cases that have a positive ROI. We will explore ROIPositive use cases and how Enterprises are investing in bots.What about VOICE?One of the biggest differences this year is VOICE! Enterprises have jumped on the Voice bandwagon and the results are coming in. In our VOICE Panel we will look at what is working and what is not working in the world of voice bots. Deep Dive into NLP &AI A look at the current state of NLP and where conversational technologies are headed. Alex Weidauer, founder of RASA, shares the latest state of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing and how they are quickly evolving in the bot space.Most Pressing Topics:UX & Bot Design: Latest design conventions and a look at what's working.User Acquisition & Monetization: User acquisitionand sales.Bot Frameworks & Modules: Building Bots using Frameworks and ModulesBots & Emerging Technologies: Look at how emerging tech like Blockchain, AR, VR, etc will impact bots.Bots as Vertical Solutions: E-commerce, Marketing, Customer Service and domain specificbots.We will start out by taking the 30,000 foot view in out Ecosystem Panel. Chatbot Ecosystem: On this panel we will explore the current state of the Chatbot ecosystem with top thinkers and thought leaders in the space. Our panelists will give us their thoughts on emerging trends, patterns and provide us with their perspective on what the Chatbot landscape looks today, and what it will look like in the future.Who should take this course:EntrepreneursInvestorsDevelopersMarketersUX DesignersJob SeekersAnyone interested in technologyThis content was filmed during the Chatbot Conference 2018 in San Francisco CA. If you have any questions regarding our conference please visit us online. Conference was organized by Chatbots Life."
Price: 199.99

"Powerpoint 4 Thumbnails - Erstelle Thumbnails mit Powerpoint" |
"Powerpoint 4 Thumbnails - Erstelle Thumbnails mit PowerpointDieser Kurs ist fr Unternehmer, die Videos oder Videokurse erstellen und dafr immer wieder mal Thumbnails bentigen, sich aber nicht mit dem Erlernen von Grafikprogrammen aufhalten mchten.Ein Thumbnail, manchmal auch Cover-Image genannt, ist ein Bild, das stellvertretend fr dein Video oder auch Videokurs steht. Umso aussagekrftiger und einzigartiger es ist, desto mehr Aufrufe wirst du bekommen! Oft werden solche Images auf Photoshop oder Canva erstellt. Doch es geht viel leichter:Powerpoint kennt fast jeder und hat fast jeder. Doch die meisten Menschen denken bei Powerpoint nur an langweilige Prsentationen. Doch damit unterschtzen sie, was diese Software alles kann!In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du mit Powerpoint ein cooles Thumbnail fr dein Video oder deinen Videokursbastelst!Folgendes lernst du hier:auf was kommt es bei einem Thumbnail werbemig andeine Einstellungen auf Powerpoint, damit die Gre stimmtwo findest du Bilder, bei denen du dich um die Rechte nicht sorgen mussterstelle einen aufflligen Hintergrundwhle ein aussagekrftiges ImageBilder freistellen in PowerpointSchriften einfgenlasse dein Bild dreidimensional erscheinenexportiere dein Bild als jpegEtwas Powerpoint-Kenntnisse sind von Vorteil, aber nicht unbedingt ntig.Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 49.99

"Powerpoint 4 Thumbnails - Create Thumbnails with Powerpoint" |
"Powerpoint 4 Thumbnails - Create Thumbnails with PowerpointThis class is for entrepreneurs who create videos or video classes and therefore need thumbnails but do not want to bother with software like photoshop or canva. A thumbnail, sometimes also called cover image is a picture representing your video or video class. The more significant and unique it is, the more views you will get. Often thumbnails are created in photoshop or canva. But you can do easier: Powerpoint:almost everyone knows it and almost everyone has it. But most people think of boring presentations when thinking of powerpoint. But thus they are under-estimating what this software can do! In this course I will show you how you can create cool thumbnails for your video or video class just in powerpoint! You will learn the following: The three major things to take into consideration when creating a thumbnail picking the right format where to find great pictures with free rights how to create a significant background choosing a unique picture and removing background from it inserting fonts make your picture look more 3 dimensional exporting your picture as a jpeg Some knowledge of powerpoint is of advantage but not necessary."
Price: 49.99

"Skillshare Basics fr neue Lehrer" |
"Skillshare Basics fr neue LehrerDIESERKURSINKLUDIERTSCHON DAS NEUE ABRECHNUNGSMODELL,DAS SEIT JAN 2017 GILT! (MINUTES WATCHED STATT PREMIUM ENROLLMENTS)In diesem Kurs fhre ich dich Schritt fr Schritt durch Skillshare aus der Sicht eines neuen Lehrers. Ich teile mit dir wesentliche Entscheidungen und zeige dir, wie du dein Profil erstellst und deinen ersten Kurs hinaufldst.Konkret enthlt der Kurs folgende Kapitel:Wie man auf Skillshare Geld verdientErstelle dein ProfilWie leitest du deinen traffic, wenn du auf mehreren Plattformen unterrichtestKurse auf Deutsch unterrichtenDie Teach ChallengeSchnell-StartKurs-InhaltePromo-VideoTitel und BeschreibungenThumbnailsProjekteTaggingMarketingHinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 49.99

"Dein Audiobook (Hrbuch) mit Feiyr erstellen" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr alle (angehenden) AutorInnen von Sachbchern und Romanen, die ihr Buch auch als Hrbuch (Audiobook) zur Verfgung stellen mchten.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du dein Audiobook auf mehr als 40 Plattformen, wie Amazon, Audible, iTunes, Spotify, Thalia usw. anbietest.Das geht ganz einfach mit der deutschsprachigenPlattform Feiyr!Schritt fr Schritt zeige ich dir anhand meines eigenen Buches, wie dueinen Sprecher findest, falls du nicht selbst aufnehmen willstoder eben selbst aufnimmst mit der richtigen Software und einem guten Mikrodann zeige ich dir wie du dein Audiobook auf Feiyr anlegstund alle Puzzleteile dort richtig zusammen fgstbis du so weit bist, dein Hrbuch zu verffentlichenam Schluss kommen noch Tipps fr Werbemglichkeiten auf Feiyrund auerhalb von FeiyrDurch die Verffentlichung deines Buches in Audioform kannst du noch mehr Menschen erreichen als nur mit dem Buch!Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99

"Facebook Live fr UnternehmerInnen" |
"Videos werden immer beliebter und daher ist es sehr wichtig fr UnternehmerInnen, auf bewegte Bilder zu setzen.Sptestens seit den nderungen Anfang 2018 auf Facebook kommt man um die Facebook Live Funktion fast nicht mehr herum, denn Facebook untersttzt das Ausstrahlen von Videos viel mehr als jeden Beitrag - und erst recht, wenn das Video live ist.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dirwarum auch du auf Facebook Live setzen solltestwelche Technik du bentigstwie du eine Live-bertragung startestwelche Art von Sendungen du anbieten kannstwie du das Engagement der Teilnehmer erhhen kannstwie du dein Publikum neugierig auf mehr machst undwie du durch eine bertragung ber Zoom noch mehr Mglichkeiten der Darstellung hastEs ist wirklich ganz leicht! Starte jetzt!Hinweis:Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99

"How to Buy Real Estate in Mexico" |
"This course is for English speaking people who want to buy a property in Mexico, but have no clue about real estate laws and regulations that apply. A lot of properties in Mexico are being sold by owner. This course will give you a great start if you want to deal directly with owners to purchase real estate.How to Buy Real Estate in Mexico has first-hand information about purchasing property here. It is intend to help you to understand the real estate purchase process in Mexico. In other words, this courses goal is to make your real estate experience in Mexico pleasant and free of problems.This course addresses the types of property title and deeds legal issues. It explains how important a Notary in Mxico is and what is his job in a real estate transaction. There is a list of all the important documents you must have before closing and all steps in the process and finally how to check out your new deed and the convenience to prepare a WILL."
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin a la Comercializacin Inmobiliaria en Mxico" |
"Este curso proporciona un panorama general de todas las etapas de la comercializacin inmobiliaria, los estudios y certificaciones que debes obtener y las asociaciones en que puedes participar.Aprenders las etapas, los conceptos y los procedimientos que todo Agente inmobiliario debe saber para proporcionar seguridad jurdica a sus clientes en todo momento y as evitar que pongan en riesgo su patrimonio por falta de una asesora inmobiliaria profesional.Inicia con el marco legal aplicable al sector inmobiliario y los cdigos de tica. La Nueva Cultura Inmobiliaria y cmo ha evolucionado el sector inmobiliario en todo el pas y el surgimiento de las leyes inmobiliarias estatales. Los 7 pasos del procedimiento y la gestin inmobiliaria, qu documentos recabar y que hacer antes, durante y despus de la escrituracin.Este curso analiza diferentes ttulos de propiedad como escritura, fideicomiso y ejido. Qu es el Registro Pblico de la Propiedad, las funciones de un notario, aspectos fundamentales de compra por extranjeros, cuentas de escrow, instrucciones al notario, y mucho ms.Este curso no es aplicable para transacciones inmobiliarias fuera del territorio mexicano, ni tampoco para agentes inmobiliarios con gran experiencia en el ramo. "
Price: 54.99

"Membership Site: Membership Recurring Home Business Model" |
"Why Membership Sites Are Perfect For Passive Income?If youre interested in making money online, then its probably because you like the idea of having more freedom to live and work wherever and however you want. The benefits of working online are many and varied andextend into every aspect of your life.But in order for you to make the very most from this way of working, you also need to make sure you choose the perfect business model. Working online on its own does not necessarily equate to an ideal lifestyle; ratherthe benefits come when you work online in the right way. And let me tell you: creating a membership site is definitely the right way. Working online is easy. If you are in a job thats fairly flexible, then you should be able to ask your employer if you can work from home and simply log into the companys network whenever you start working. And sure, this will bring some benefits: youll be able to stay in bed longer and stop commuting and youll have the luxury of being able to drink tea, listen to music and generally create a comfortable environment. But youre still ultimately a slave to your job. Youre still trading time for hours and youll still need to be available for the hours between 9am-5pm. Youll probably also need to be near the phone and youll be expected to output a certain amount of work every day. That means you probably cant leave the house and work outdoors in case you lose your internet connection. And it means you can decide to stop working for the day and visit a friend instead. Worst of all, you can still be told off by your boss reprimanded like a child! The same goes for creating your own online business. If youre a web designer for example, then you have the freedom to decide when you work on projects. But you probably still have deadlines and to all extents and purposes, your clients are your bosses. If you fail to complete This is why so many people find the idea of blogging desirable. All you have to do is to create and manage a website that you hopefully find fascinating and really enjoy writing about. Youll get to experience a lot of the satisfaction that comes from running your own business. And you get passive income, meaning that youll earn money while you sleep. But even this isnt perfect. Because one day, you might earn $200 and the next day you might earn $10.It only takes a change to Googles search algorithm and you can lose all of your progress. Whats more, is that it takes actually a huge amount of time to build up the amount of traffic that you need to make a big profit from a blog. This is especially true if you are planning to use pay-per-click advertising but its equally the case if you are selling your own product.Think about it: how often do you click ads on other websites? This is why it typically takes 1K visitors for you to generate just one or two clicks and the same goes for sales of products. Its a huge amount of work before you start earning anything and theres no guarantee it will ever get to the point where it can provide a livable salary.Enter: Recurring, Passive IncomeThis is where membership site come in and offer an incredibly appealing alternative. Essentially, a membership website is a site that users pay to subscribe to. This normally works by first enticing the reader with some free content and showing them the kind of entertainment/information/value that youre capable of providing. Once theyre hooked, you then make sure they know that they need to subscribe in order to gain access to your very best content and to get frequently updated.So whats so different about this? Well for starters, it means that you can much more easily convert visitors to paying customers seeing as theyre not having to put down a large amount of money and seeing as they know what theyre getting right away.More importantly, though, it means that the money is recurring and much more predictable. Unlike a regular blog that can very much fluctuate, having subscribers means you probably have some kind of agreement or standing order set up. This means that you can practically guarantee that youll be able to earn a set amount of money each week, month or quarter.And that very quickly starts to add upSo say you currently have people subscribing for $5 membership a month. If your content is good, then you could realistically convince one in every 1-10,000 people to sign up. But its very possible the very first person who visits might sign up! Theres an element of luck but as soon as you get that first membership youre in business and $5 membership a month quickly adds up to $60 a year.Eventually, you can work whenever you like and add as much content as you like (well look at how later on) and still know for sure that youll be able to earn X amount of money per month and per year. This is very much living the dream all the freedom of passive incomes but with all the security of a well-paid job!Can people unsubscribe? Sure they can! But the likelihood of everyone unsubscribing all at once is incredibly slim and in most cases youll have more new visitors signing up than old visitors leaving.What You Will LearnThis course is going to explain in great detail exactly how you go about creating your own membership website.Well see how to build a membership website, how to make sure that people want to subscribe, how to implement a recurring fee and how to thrive in this market space.What well also see is that there are multiple membership business models that can work online when you know how.Well look at a selection so that you can decide on the perfect type of membership site/content for you.Ultimately, were going to give you the tools to take the subjects that you love and then turn them into a stable source of income that will pay out even while youre sleeping.Specifically, you will learn: How to create a membership website or blog How to turn your site into a membership site How to make content that will make people want to subscribe How to promote your membership site How to price your membership site How to add extra monetization to your offering How to create a membership app How to create membership video The importance of building a community How to use quizzes and other forms of media What you can learn from the best membership sites The strategies and tools you can learn to succeed even beyond those And much more!Kindly note that this is a 100% informational guide, there are no On-Screen how to steps."
Price: 199.99

"eCommerce Website: Shopify, Dropshipping, Amazon and more." |
"If youre looking to make money online, or even if you just want to increase the profits of your existing business; creating an eCommerce store is an excellent strategy. Scratch that: this is 100% the best way to make money online and that goes for hobbyists, entrepreneurs, bloggers and small businesses alike.Bold claim? Sure is! But read on to find out why we can be confident in making it.So just what is eCommerce? Of course, the term refers to online commerce: i.e. selling products online.But while eCommerce could mean selling an eBook from a landing page, it is most often used to refer more exclusively to online shops that sell multiple products and that have a particular layout and set-up. The most popular example of an eCommerce store is undoubtedly Amazon. This acts just like a high street store and allows you to browse products at your leisure and add them to a shopping cart. The only difference is that you can do all this from the comfort of your home and once you check out, the products are the simply delivered to you wherever you are.Its a familiar concept, but what makes it so important?Why eCommerce is the Future#1 eCommerce is GrowingThe first thing you need to recognize is that eCommerce is growing. In the early days, people were uncertain about spending money online and found that it was daunting handing over their card details and trusting in a supplier that they couldnt meet face to face.But now look at companies like Amazon and eBay. These are household names around the world and everyone from the young and tech savvy to the elderly are now happy to shop with them. These companies have helped many people to put aside any concerns they might have had regarding eCommerce and to trust in buying online.And eCommerce is growing as well doing massive business.For proof, you need look no further than stats from Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is a national holiday of sorts where online retailers are anticipated to lower their prices. It follows Black Friday but these days it tends to do nearly as much business and its growing rapidly.For example, in 2014 Cyber Monday created a total of $2.59 billion sales online. Thats no small number but in 2015 this was increased to $3.19 billion. Thats a huge increase. $2.28 billion of these were on desktop (versus $2.04 billion last year) while $838 million were through mobile devices (versus $548 million).Across all devices, Cyber Monday increased by 21%!Seeing as Amazon is probably the best known online retailer, how is its growth going? Well, the company sold a total of $107.01 billion worth of products in 2015. The company employees 230,800 and there are 304 million active Amazon customer accounts. The brand is worth $47.73 billion and this is only expected to continue to grow as well.The story is the same across the board. People are becoming more and more familiar with eCommerce and high-street stores are struggling. This is undoubtedly the future of selling and its easy to see why.#2 Its ConvenientSo what is it that has led to such growth in eCommerce? Well, the simple fact of the matter is that online sales benefit everyone. The only reason online sales havent already dwarfed physical sales is probably the fact that some people still dont trust shopping online or arent sure how to go about it. Over time this concern will be eroded more and more while tools like PayPal will make it easier and safer than ever before.When you sell products online, it means that you dont have to employ staff and you dont have to rent the same amount of physical space. Youll need somewhere to store your products (unless youre drop shipping) but other than that, your only costs will be hosting, shipping and web design.Lower overheads mean more profit for you but they also mean lower prices for customers. Customers now have the ability to order products online conveniently but on top of that, theyll be getting them for a much lower price.Theres also greater versatility in terms of what you can sell. With an eCommerce store you can sell physical products which will require some up-front investment. ButTheres also a lot less up-front cost. If you wanted to set up a high-street store, then you would need to be willing to spend a large amount of money to rent the physical space, to invest in the stock and to manage staff etc.However, if you are setting up an online store then all youre going to need is some inventory to sell (perhaps not if you are going to be selling digital products or acting as an affiliate) and a website. It takes just a few clicks to set up an eCommerce store and that means you can have one up and running in minutes for a negligible cost.#3 Its the Best Way to Monetize a WebsiteThe last two examples explain why businesses should launch their own eCommerce stores and why you might consider launching an eCommerce store as your business. But you should also sit up and take notice if you run a blog or website already and youre just looking for a way to monetize it.Why? Because its actually one of the most effective methods there is of making money from an eCommerce website.Until now, you likely have been relying on one of several methods to make money online. Perhaps youre making ads from advertising on your website (Google AdSense for example) or maybe youre making money by selling an affiliate product.In either of those scenarios, its important to recognize that you have placed yourself at the bottom of the foodchain. In other words, youre being paid by those advertisers and product creators in order to send business their way. The fact that theyre happy to continue paying you, means that theyre making more money that that from you. In other words, theyre earning more from your visitors than you are! Youre getting a small share of their profit but theyre taking home the lions share. And in fact, youre essentially doing their work for them!And thats why youll typically earn about 1-50 cents per click on an advert. Meaning in turn that youre going to need hundreds of thousands of visitors to your site a day to make any reasonable money. Compare this with selling your own products and making $20-50 each time. Of course, its much easier to get someone to click on an advert than it is to get them to buy something but not as much easier as you think if you have decent products and youre running your store well. The bottom line? You can make a living from a website with just a few hundred daily visitors instead.If you have an eCommerce website, then the buck stops with you. Now youre making the maximum profit from your customers because youre selling something to them and keeping the difference. Whats more, is that youre keeping your visitors on your eCommerce website and engaged with your brand. Youre not sending them away, youre keeping them right where you want them and making a real difference to the way they see you.Finally, selling eCommerce products is better than selling digital products or affiliate products because its something that anyone can appreciate. Only a very specific type of person buys eBooks about making money online. Phone cases and clothes though? That has a much broader appeal!Try putting an eCommerce website on your existing website and just see what a difference it makes to your profits. And the potential for growth is MASSIVE.What Youll LearnSo with all that in mind then, its definitely worth learning how to create an eCommerce store so that you can start maximizing your online earnings. And potentially, so that you can turn your small website into your very own global brand selling products that get you really excited!Thats where this course comes in. Here, you will learn:How to run an eCommerce website and create an effective business modelHow to set up your own eCommerce website with one of several eCommerce platformsHow to find, create or buy products you can sell onlineHow to build an eCommerce website and social media presence to promote your storeHow to stock and design your eCommerce website to maximize salesHow to price your productsHow to choose products that will sell wellHow to use apps, plugins and more to get even more salesAnd much more!In short, youll learn how to create an eCommerce business or add eCommerce to your existing model in simple, easy steps. From there, youll then be shown multiple ways you can increase your profits and turn that business into a huge success.Learn the Blueprint for WooCommerce, Shopify, AliBaba, Amazon, and eBay.Are you ready? Lets start selling online!"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Marketing Empire: The Blueprint to YouTube Marketing" |
"For All The Hustlers, Life-Changers, Marketers and YouTube Enthusiasts,Discover How to Get Massive Targeted Traffic Using the Best YouTube Marketing Techniques.Most if not all people know what YouTube is. Its probably the most popular site for watching, uploading, and sharing videos. Currently, YouTube has more than 1 billion users, so that means theres a lot of people accessing the site and watching the videos in it.Could you use more YouTube traffic?If youre like most online marketers or business owners in general, the answer is very likely a big yes!Traffic is the key to successwithout traffic, youre online sales are dead in the water.But not all traffic is the same.You MUST have traffic that converts if you want to make money online.Most people initially look at free traffic methods when theyre getting startedBut, free traffic is not always what its cracked up to beIn fact, in many casesFree Traffic Isnt Even Really FreeWhen you use free traffic methods, in most cases, you have to put in a lot of work and elbow grease to get the traffic flowingIf you place any value at all on your time, this traffic is far from free.Every hour you spend working on generating traffic is time you could spend on other things.But, the plot thickensNot only is free traffic normally pretty time-consuming to get going, in many cases, it just doesnt convert that wellPlus, even if you get it flowing and converting, youre always one day away from it all slipping awayBecause most free traffic methods are based on SEO or ranking in the search engines, if a search algorithm is changed, even just slightly, you can see your rankings and traffic VANISH overnightIts happened time and time again with search engines like Google.So whats the answer?Paid traffic.Paid Traffic Is Faster, Converts Better, And Allows You To Scale Up For Maximum Profits...Heres why paid traffic is better than free traffic in most cases You can usually start with a small daily budget and scale-up.Traffic starts flowing within minutes in some cases.Its much easier to get targeted traffic due to the various targeting options offered by many traffic networks.You dont have to worry about algorithm changes.Its easy to scale your income quickly when you find a winning campaignOf course, this leaves us with the questionWhich paid traffic source should you focus on for the most targeted traffic and the best return on your investment?Right now, one of the best-paid traffic programs is YouTube MarketingHeres Why You Should Take A Close Look At YouTube MarketingAlthough often overlooked, YouTube Marketing is one of the fastest, easiest ways to get affordable traffic flowing quicklyYouTube is the 2nd BIGGEST search engine on the entire Internet which means the targeting options are vast..YouTube has over 1 Billion users with hundreds of millions of hours of YouTube videos being watched daily. Users are VERY engaged and love video.Engagement on YouTube is MASSIVE, and growing, with a 60% year over year increase in the number of hours people spend watching video this means your ads get clicked.Its pretty obvious that YouTube is big and getting BIGGER which means the marketing opportunity is MASSIVE!Why Engaged Traffic Converts?Have you ever visited YouTube only to find yourself watching video after video?If not, youre in the minority, because most people that visit YouTube spend a lot of time on the site.This means youll get an almost endless opportunity to get your brand, your ads, and your message in front of your target marketresulting in clicks, opt-ins, and ultimately sales.And to make it even better for Marketers there are all sorts of Marketing options that are quite affordable.In fact, some ad options wont even require you to make your own videoIf youre looking for targeted traffic that converts, look no further than YouTube MarketingBut, To See Success With YouTube Marketing, You Must Know What Youre DoingSadly, Many People That Try To Generate Traffic With YouTube Advertising FailThats because they dont fully understand what must be done to see success with YouTube Marketing.There is a simple and repeatable formula to success with YouTube MarketingThe KEY to success with YouTube is to pay attention to the details, and in order to do that, you really need to learn from someone thats seen massive results from Marketing on YouTube.Pay close attention, because today Im going to show you a system that will take you by the hand and show you how to generate as much targeted traffic as you could ever want with YouTube MarketingYouTube Company StatisticsDataNumber of videos viewed on YouTube everyday4,950,000,000Number of unique visits to YouTube every month900,000,000Total number of hours of video watched on YouTube each month3.25 billion hoursNumber of YouTube videos that have generated over 1 billion views10,113"
Price: 199.99

"Fiverr Empire: Kickstart a Fiverr Career & Fiverr Brokering" |
"Turn Your Skills and Talents into Profitable Business Have you ever had the sudden thought to quit whatever youre doing now? Feeling tired and bored with your current 9 to 5 conventional job? Sitting on the same old desk for 5 to 10 years, working on the same routine day by day, Being underappreciated by your boss and paid peanuts for a pile of tasks you have done.Most importantly, you lost your direction and passion. Youre not doing something you like for life. You lack a platform to show your skills and talents. Working is a lifetime event. If working life is torturing, youre not going to be happy with it for the rest of your life too. Instead of doing something that you hate, why not working on something you are truly passionate? How about starting your independent career on a platform where you can make use of your skills and talents to earn top dollars in a wealthy and profitable way? The platform We are going to introduce you is Fiverr.What is Fiverr anyway? And how can you achieve Fiverr success for beginners? What is Fiverr Arbitrage? If youre an active netizen, I am sure youve heard of Fiverr and Fiverr gigs. In case you dont, Fiverr is a platform where you could post a freelancing offer of your service, and anyone else from the world that needs your service will pay you to do it, it is called Fiverr gigs. You dont have to attend to an office. Instead, you could just work at the comfort of your home. As long as you have a digital device that can access the internet. Of course, most importantly, you must have internet or Wifi. Besides, you could also work on a flexible basis at times whenever youre convenient. Every job you offer at Fiverr starts at a flat rate of $5 gig.Until today, there are already a few millions of freelancers using Fiverr to make extra income. Some of them have even quit their full-time job, to focus on building their online ""Fiverr"" career entirely. If youre looking for a breakthrough in your career, this is it.Opening the door to Fiverr Giggs EmpireFeeling frustrated with your working life? Today, you can put a halt on it. I am opening my door to Fiverr Blueprint where you can extract everything in my course and start your independent career and achieve Fiverr success as soon as today!The Top Benefits You Can Gain From Our Blueprint and Start Your Career At Fiverr and Fiverr gigs TodayFlexible Working HoursYou dont have a fixed schedule to follow, as long as you can complete your job within the promised timeline. You can work whenever you like!Work At The Comfort Of Your HomeWorking in pyjama on your cozy bed is your dream career? Now you could do it from the comfort of your home or even cafe. Wherever you desire!Extra Income StreamIf youre using Fiverr as a part-time job, you could earn extra income besides getting paid from your full-time job. Extra income could allow you to have more fancy meals!Show Off The Talents You PossessAre your talents appreciated by your boss? Dont let him/her define your capability. There are millions of customers who know how to appreciate your talents and pay you doing itSharpen Your SkillsHave a drawing gift? But your full-time job is downgrading your skill? You could now regain your skills by offering services at Fiverr gigs and start to sharpen your skills even more!To Achieve Financial FreedomThere are millions of users having an independent career at Fiverr. Their success has made them achieve financial freedom because Fiverr is a profitable platform!That's Not All!!!Without Performing The Gigs Yourself, You Can Pocket More Than 5K A Month By Outsourcing The Gigs! That is Fiverr Arbitrage.The Only Job You Have Is Looking For More Customers and Keeping The Difference Profits. In The Boss Way.If you were going to ask us ways to make money online, We are going to tell you that the potential of the internet has no boundary. There are tons of ways to make money online. The only questionable problem is how much you can make.Will you be surprised that the average income of start-ups is just $1000 or below every month? Most of the internet marketers are struggling since the first day they started. This is because they dont have a proper lesson and training course to follow. Undeniably Google is the know-it-all, but if everything from Google is applicable, I guess the failure rate will be much lower. But thats not the case, unfortunately.Fiverr has become a favorite platform for freelancers to kick-start their first online business empire. By offering their services based on their expertise to earn extra income or as a full-time job. Moreover, it is also to believe that millions of Fiverr freelancers have successfully made more than 10K per month. Contradictory, there is also a group of people who are performing at a mediocre level. For not be able to make even 1K per month. This doesnt imply that Fiverr is not a good platform to start. What you need to be given is a professional training course.Stop Figuring Out Your Own, Start Your Fiverr Business Now With Fiverr Empire Brokering Secrets. We will lead you to achieve Fiverr success for beginners.What do you do when youre stuck in the middle of the road? You figure a way out on your own. But figuring out on your own is tiring and time-consuming. What you need is an instant solution. Something that allows you to see results almost instantly.Today, all your confusion and problems will be solved. I have come out with a blueprint called Fiverr Brokering Secrets. Our blueprint will give you a step-by-step guide to how you can become a Fiverr Broker to allocate more time looking for freelancers and customers instead of performing the gigs yourself. Fiverr Arbitrage will leverage your business and generate more profits. Simply put, youre a boss where you hire freelancers to work for you at the same time you charge from your clients. Let's Do Some Maths.By acing Fiverr Arbitrage, your hourly wages have just levelled up to $30.Guess not even your conventional 9-5 job can pay you such a high rate. Lets assume that you only work for 6 hours a day. Your daily income will become $180. (Without doing any Fiverr gigs!)There are 30 days in a month, which means your monthly income would be $5400!Remember, all you do is just outsourcing and looking for customers. You dont perform the Fiverr gigs yourself. Besides, working online enables you to work at the comfort of your home which makes your life more flexible than having a full-time job.Do you think $5400 is the only amount you make? Definitely no! $5400 is just a beginners level income! As time goes by and more customers are getting to know you, your business quota will increase over time. Thus, you will make more profits than you first started.What Are You Waiting For?See You Inside!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Webinar Empire: Easiest Way to Deliver your Webinar Content" |
"Have you tried all sorts of methods and techniques to sell your product or service?Do you want to establish yourself as an expert and build authority in your industry?Imagine being able to easily convert prospects into high paying clients.Now you can do all that using the power of webinars!The Power is in WebinarsWebinars have become one of the most popular ways to promote a business in the past few years.They are so effective because they provide an impressiveness that other forums of media do not and attendees get real-time information delivered straight to them, not to mention the interactivity of question-and-answer sessions.According to the Adobe Software blog, webinars rank in the top three of the content delivery methods out there.How Do You Get Started?In order to use a webinar to promote your business, you are going to need to know the secrets to a successful webinar.With so much information out there, where do you even begin?It's overwhelming, weknow!You could use the old ""trial and error"" method and fail.You could waste hours of your time sifting through websites and videos and end up even worse than when you began.The good news is we've prepareda beginner courseto help you get started -- no matter whether you're a beginner.We've put it all into one easy-to-understand course.Webinar Empire: Easiest Way to Deliver your Webinar ContentDiscover The Blueprint Of a Successful Webinar! Take Advantage of The Power of Webinars To Connect, Engage And Sell.This course breaks everything down into easily manageable steps, from the equipment that you will need to the actual presentation skills it takes to pull off a good webinar.Hosting a webinar requires a great deal of commitment and preparation, as well as a few other things like equipment, software, topic and promotion.Everything you need to know from your very first webinar idea to getting attendees to keep coming to your webinars over and over will be explained in great detail.By the end of the course, you will have all of the tools you need to host your first webinar and get on the road to making big money from your presentations."
Price: 99.99

"Entrepreneurship Empire: Entrepreneur's Wealth Creation!" |
"Discover The Step-By-Step System To Program Your Entrepreneurship Mind For Success!""Find Out How To Finally Set Yourself Up For Success, Starting With The Perfect Entrepreneurship MindsetHave you ever dreamed of starting your own business?Becoming an entrepreneur, and leaving the 9-5 life that so many of us wake up dreading.Stop wasting your life in mediocrity and boredom. Believe in yourself and set yourself up for success.Invest in your future.Develop the entrepreneur's mindset. Can You Imagine Working From An Exotic Beach?A lot of us dream about starting a business, doing something more with our lives, or moving abroad.But if you're not prepared for this, then you're setting yourself up for failure.It's all possible with the right Entrepreneurship mindset. You have to understand how entrepreneurs think and how that Entrepreneurship thinking has caused them to become successful.If you want to work from an exotic beach then you can do it, but just like the late legend Kobe Bryant didn't start in the NBA, you must first prepare yourself for success. Make Success A HabitPeope always talk about the habits of the truly successful, but the truth is that the only habits they have in common are working hard and success.Make success a habit. There's a reason why Elon Musk has founded multiple billion dollar companies and that's because he has made success a habit.This is all mental and you can't just flick a switch and obtain this entrepreneurship mindset. You must follow in the footsteps of those before you and understand why they've earned this entrepreneurship mindset.This can take years. Decades.That's why we've created a detailed and informative course that will give you guidance on how YOU can develop the Entrepreneurship mindset you need to be successful in Entrepreneurship.""Discover How To Create Innovative Products And Services That Disrupt Markets And Change The Future""You'll Learn The Secrets of Top Companies Such As Uber, AirBnB, and Facebook So You Can Model Success!Its time to change the world.There are too many articles and books out there on internet marketing.Too many on black hat SEO. Too many on simple business models that anyone can emulate.The fact of the matter is that very few people got rich by selling SEO books.Sure, some people do, but they dont get Elon Musk rich.They dont get Mark Zuckerberg rich! What Do Successful Entrepreneurs Have In Common?What do those characters have in common? Simple: they created things that changed the worlds.They built digital products (and otherwise) that have transformed industries, politics and economies.And its not just them. Take a look at Uber, at AirBnB, at Oculus.The world is changing at an incredible rate. Amazing new Entrepreneurship opportunities are there for those that are willing to seize them.And if youre smart and if you act fast, you can be a part of that.And wouldnt that be much more exciting and much more rewarding than just posting ads on Google?Wouldnt the potential for earning be exponentially higher?What's The Solution?This course will help you bring your idea into fusion and into reality.It's easy to understand so you can go through and take action right away.Entrepreneurship Empire: Entrepreneur's Wealth Creation!Created for Entrepreneurs and Investors who have little Entrepreneurship knowledge and are already investing their money.It aims to elevate your Entrepreneurship knowledge on how you can utilize the different types of available investment vehicles in the market to create passive income that would ultimately assist you in achieving financial empowerment and freedom.Regardless of your background, whether youre working for someone, working for yourself or a seasoned investor, there is something for you in this course. For seasoned investors, we will be addressing some of the common challenges that you have been facing.By the end of this course, you will be able to identify which type of investment would work best for you, given your budget and background. You will know how to play the investment game smartly and maximize your return while minimizing your risks. Lets get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Blogging For Beginners: Start a Blog Discover Passive Income" |
"No matter what you end up doing, working online is a marvelous opportunity and a magnificent way to enjoy more freedom and potentially greater earnings.If you work online, means working from anywhere, that you can set your own pace to work at and that you can determine your salary.But while working online is great, there are a lot of various forms that this can take and not all are made equal.In other words, some online Home Businesses are more successful and more fun than others and if youre working to provide a service like a web design, copywriting or coding, then basically you wont be doing anything different from working for an employer.Clients mean deadlines and theyre essentially very similar to bosses!We firmly believe that becoming an authority blogger is theultimate method to earn money online.Firstly, being an authority blogger means generating a passive income. Youll have a website that will make money for you, but you wont need to put in a lot of daily work for that to happen. The perfect Home Business.Thats means; the ability to do things likeDo work up front, and kick back to relax while the money comes in from advertisement, digital products sales, and sponsorship.How and when you Write the occasional blog posts and do some promotion, will be up to you.You wont dread doing it as youll be writing about the topic that you enjoy and youll be doing things that youre proud of doing.Be a celebrity: people read what you write, and leave comments and respond.Feel amazed when you compose a post that makes you proud of and that you poured your heart into, and then receive emails from people who read it and found it engaging.Imagine the feeling when you stumble onto a forum where subscribers are discussing your ideas or recommending your blog!Become an expert in the niche you love and get to spend all your time learning and writing about it!Get great potential earnings for a top blogger. The only limit is your ambition.And the list goes on.Becoming an Authority Blogger is a highly rewarding way to work and earn money online.Blogging for money, yes we said it.How to make money Blogging?We are often asked how to make money blogging so want in this course to lay out some necessary steps that we see most bloggers who earn a living from blogging go over.Here is how to make money starting a blog.Set up your blogStart creating useful contentGet off your blog and start finding readersBuild engagement with the readers that comeStart making money from the readership you have by one or more of a mixture of income streamsSounds easy, doesnt it! On some levels the method is simple but you need to know up front that theres a lot of each step and below we are going to give you some pointers on each.Here is how to make money starting a blog.1. Start a BlogTo make money blogging, youre going to need to have one. While this is pretty clear, it is also a stumbling block for various Blogging Beginners who come to the idea of blogging with limited or no technical background.If thats you dont worry! It was our story too, and most bloggers start out feeling a little overwhelmed by the process of starting their blog.2. Create Useful ContentA blog is never a blog without content, so once youve set it up, you need to focus your attention on creating valuable content. What you choose to create will depend a little on the subject that you decide to write about (most successful bloggers have some of their focus to their blogging whether that be a niche or a demographic that they write for).The key to creating content is to have it as useful as possible. Focus upon creating content that changes peoples lives in any way will be the type of material that people will value the most and it will encourage people to know, like and trust you, which is essential if you later want to make money from your blog.3. Leave your blog and start finding readersAs you create the most valuable content that you possibly can, it is easy to get very insular with your focus and waste most of your time looking at building your blog. Several bloggers have a build it, and they will come comprehension with their blogging, but this is a bit of a trap.If you need to make money from your blog, you need to not only focus on building a magnificent blog, but it is also necessary to get off your blog and to begin promoting it.There are many ways to experiment with building your blogs audience, but it is essential to enter into all these strategies remembering that you should not just be searching for traffic but readers.Start by thinking strictly about the type of reader youd like to have read your blog. You might want to design an avatar of that reader (sometimes called a reader profile or persona) to help you work out who youre trying to attract.Once you know who youre hoping to have read your blog, ask yourself where that type of person might already be hanging out online. Begin to list where they might be gathering:Are they reading specific blogs? List the top 3Are they participating in particular forums? List the top 3Are they listening to podcasts? List the top 3Are they engaging in particular social networks? List the top 3Which accounts are they following on each of these social networks? List the top 3Each of these places that you readers might already be gathering has opportunities to develop a presence whether that be by leaving good comments, offering to create guest posts or just by being helpful and answering questions.With such a list of blogs, focus, podcasts, social media accounts in hand you will have some good places to begin to hang out and create value.The core is to build authority, to add value, to foster relationships not to engage in spammy practices.4. Engage with the readers that comeWith a maintained focus on creating extraordinary content and finding readers, youll start noticing more people visiting your blog and engaging with the content.At this point, you will need to turn your focus to engaging with your audience and building a community.Respond to reader's comments, reach out to them and do everything that you can to keep them coming back again and again.Look after your readers well, and youll find they spread the word of your blog for you and support make your blog even more widely read.Having an engaged reader is also much easier to make money from.5. Begin making money from the readership you have using one or more of a diversity of income streamsOK the first four steps of beginning a blog, creating content, finding readers and building engagement with those readers are important foundations that you do need to get in place before you can build long-term income for your blog.Theres no doubt that what weve covered is a lot of work though if you do it well, youll be setting yourself up properly and giving yourself every opportunity of being able to make money from your blog.With these foundations in place, youre now set to start attempting to make money from your blog, but you do need to be conscious that just because you have set up your blog, have content and have engaged readers that the money wont just automatically flow.It takes continued work and experimentation to make money from your blog.To make it easy to learn about the best methods for becoming a Top Blogger, weve put together a step-by-step guide that will teach you exactly how to do it."
Price: 99.99

"Affiliate Marketing Supremacy. Learn Affiliate Marketing" |
"Dear Future Affiliate Marketing Expert,I know youre excited about getting started with affiliate marketing. Youve probably heard all sorts of great things about making money online selling other peoples products.All Boils Down to ROI When You Are Picking the Right Affiliate Marketing Program to Promote.Make no mistake, and if you want to succeed with your affiliate marketing business, you have to focus on ROI. If you have a fuzzy idea about what return on investment means, then you're playing the game wrong.How do I minimize my effort and at the same time maximize my earnings? For every second spent on doing something, how do I maximize the number of dollars coming out of that activity?Both of these factors must be at play. You always have to filter all your affiliate marketing decisions through these principles constantly. Otherwise, you're not going to earn enough money in the Affiliate Marketing game.A lot of newbies get the order wrong. They usually build their entire business around an affiliate marketing program. But you don't want to hit the spot where you waste passion.Here's where our advice for you comes in.You will understand the importance of smart affiliate marketing strategies.You will know how to identify niches based on ROI and other crucial factors.You will learn modern Affiliate Marketing conversion systems.You can begin to understand various monetization methods.You are going to learn precisely how to put a heavy focus on the commercial value of your niche.Affiliate Marketing Supremacy. Learn Affiliate MarketingBeginner's Guide To Affiliate Marketing! How To Earn Money With Affiliate Marketing, Even If You Are a Complete Beginner.No stones are left unturned when you enrol now. You will become a complete affiliate marketing expert, and you'll get everything you need to do the same. Let's Have A Quick Preview Of What You'll Learn...Picking Affiliate Marketing Niches Based on ROI and Other Important FactorsSelecting the Best Affiliate Marketing Program to Maximize ConversionsHow to Build Niche-Focused Conversion SystemsTraffic Generation Methods for Affiliate MarketingTraffic Optimization Methods for Affiliate MarketingThe Answer to Affiliate Marketing Success in 2018 and BeyondPlus, a whole lot more!The course represents the easiest way to Unleash the Power of Modern Affiliate Marketing!"
Price: 99.99

"17 Beginner C# Walkthrough Projects step by step" |
"Welcome to this C# project based course for beginners course (pronounced C Sharp). C# is designed to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, borrowing key concepts from several other languages, most notably Java. C# is an Object Oriented language and does not offer global variables or functions. Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which inherits from the System.Object class. In this course I will walk you through how to create the following 17 beginner c # projects:CalculatorDigital Clock with date and timeSimple Digital ClockCurrency ConverterPicture ViewerMaths QuizWeb browserNotepadMaze Gamepaint drawing appPair matching game2D Ping Pong gameMusic layerimage upload formScreen SaverDatabase driven login formGoogle MapsC# is an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over. This course will guide you through C#'s basics, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong C# code. I will show you how to install Visual Studio, a great IDE for developing in C#, and then dive into the language itself. Along the way, we will cover topics such as:Declaring and initializing variables with a variety of data typesData type Conversions and TruncatingExploring Basic Arithmetic operatorsTroubleshoot Compile errorsControlling flow with conditional codeCreating MethodCreating Event Handler methodsUsing controls and changing their propertiesIf C# is your first step into programming or adding it your existing skillset, these training videos will help you understand the language and use it to build your own great software.Welcome :-)"
Price: 174.99

"Create a web application with python + Django + PostgreSQL" |
"Web applications are basically apps that can be accessed via a web browser.If you want to become a web developer building web based applications that interacts with databases is a vital skill to have. Almost all applications we interact with daily interacts with databases that stores and retrieves information. Example applications that interacts with databases includes:FacebookInstagramTwitterOnline BankingGoogleAmazonEbayIn this course we will create a web based application using Python and Django and we will create and store objects inside a PostgreSQL database that will interact with our web application's front end."
Price: 64.99

"Introduction to SQL Server Integration Services -SSIS" |
"SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a useful and powerful Business Intelligence Tool . It is best suited to work with SQL Server Database . It is added to SQL Server Database when you install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)which adds the Business Intelligence Templates to Visual studio that is used to create Integration projects.This course is a beginners course to SSIS and will teach relevant skills that will give youthe confidence to use the tool.SSIS can be used for:Data IntegrationData TransformationProviding solutions to complex Business problemsUpdating data warehousesCleaning dataMining dataManaging SQL Server objects and dataExtracting data from a variety of sourcesLoading data into one or several destinationsWhat You Will Learn ....How to install SQL Server Database How to download and attach a database to SQL ServerHow to download and install SQL Server Data ToolsHow to Create a New Integration Services ProjectHow to add and Configuring a Flat File Connection ManagerHow to add and Configuring an OLE DB Connection ManagerHow to add a Data Flow Task to the PackageHow to add and Configuring the Flat File SourceHow to add and Configuring the Lookup TransformationsHow to Create Integration Services TasksHow to Create New Connection ManagerHow to Write data to a SQL Server databaseHow to Execute a package from SQL Server Data ToolsHow to Control Data Flow for Flat FilesHow to test PackagesOn completion of this course you will be able to use SSIS to perform basic:Data extract Data TransformData LoadI look forward to welcoming you to the course :-)"
Price: 124.99

"How to create data apps with SQL Server and visual studio" |
"Data apps are applications that saves data to and retrieves data from the database.We interact with data apps daily from Facebook,Instagram,emails and even our bank accounts.In this beginners course we are going to create very basic data apps that will save data into databases.We will be using C# an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over.Also Microsoft SQL Server will be used as our database for storing and retrieving data.This course is suitable for anyone who has basic knowledge of C# and SQL server .You will learn:How to download visual studioHow to install visual studioHow to download Microsoft SQL ServerHow to install Microsoft SQL ServerHow to create a databaseHow to create a tableHow to populate a tableHow to attach a database to a project in visual studioHow to design a form with datasetHow to create new C# project in visual studioHow to add controls to a formHow to customise controls on a formHow to test your data appsHow to run your data apps outside visual studioHow to create a login form data appHow to create an image upload data appBy the end of this course you should be able to create your own data apps using visual studio and SQL ServerWelcome :-)"
Price: 114.99

"Learn SQL Server DBA Skills from Scratch" |
"SQL Server DBA Skills are in hot demand due to the growth and reliance on data.SQL Server is a relational database management system from Microsoft that's designed for the enterprise environment.A DBA ( Database administrator) has to perform several responsibilities to ensure the smooth runningof the SQL sever database.Some of the key daily responsibilities of a SQL Server DBA includes:BackupsConfirm that backups have been made and successfully saved to a secure locationCheck the backup failure alerts, correct the errors and rerun the backupsReview the average duration of backup, any significant changes occurred investigates on this.Most of the time it happens due to networking low bandwidthValidate the backup files using restore verify only. Jobs can be created to take care of the task and to send a notification if it fails to verify any backup.PerformanceRegularly monitor and identify blocking issues.Check Performance counters on all production servers and verify that all counters are within the normal range.Throughout the day, periodically monitor performance by collecting relevant dataCreate indexes to reduce the time it takes to get responses from the SQL Server after a T-SQL Script is executed.SecurityCheck the auditing logs for failed logins and notify the audit team if necessaryImplement relevant permissions to prevent authorized access to SQL Server databasesT-SQL ( Transact -SQL )Transact-SQL is central to using SQL Server. All applications that communicate with an instance of SQL Serverdo so by sending Transact-SQL statements to the server, regardless of the user interface of the application.T-SQL is Microsoft's proprietary version of the standard SQL(Structural Query language)Using T-SQL you can communicate with SQL Servers to perform task like:Retrieving data from the databaseUpdating dataInserting data into databasesDeleting data"
Price: 164.99
