"A Guide to becoming an Oracle Database Administrator (DBA)" |
"Oracle Database Administrator's are in constant demand in the IT industry.The rapid growth of data has fuelled the demand for database administrator's in general. We are more than before reliant on data in our everyday life either through the use of social media with applications like Facebook,Instagram Whatsapp ,Twitter and may more data rich applications.This course is designed for beginners who are considering a career as a database administrator. It will guide youthrough some of the tasks that an Oracle database administrator has to perform.Oracle DBA Responsibilities includes:Installing new versions of the Oracle database and its toolsInstalling tools required to access the Oracle database. Shutting down and Starting the databaseBacking up and Recovering DataExporting and Importing DataManaging UsersManaging security of the databaseMonitoring the databaseCreating database objects like databases, tables and viewsCreate new database users as required.Upgrading the databasePlans and implements backup and recovery of the Oracle database.Assists with impact analysis of any changes made to the database objects.Provides technical support to application development teamsEnforces and maintains database constraints to ensure integrity of the database.Administers all database objects, including tables, clusters, indexes, views, sequences, packages and procedures. Troubleshooting problems regarding the databases, applications and development tools.This course is a practical hands-on workshop that will guide you through performing some of the task an oracle databaseadministrator performs. By the end of this course you will gain some useful skills that will give you enough confidenceto progress your journey towards becoming a database administrator.Looking forward to welcoming you to the course."
Price: 164.99

"NoSQL Databases For Beginners" |
"NoSQL (Non-SQL or Not-only-SQL) databases are increasing in popularity due to the growth of data as they can store non-relational data on a super large scale, and can solve problems regular databases can't handle. They are widely used in Big data operations. Their main advantage is the ability to handle large data sets effectively as well as scalability and flexibility issues for modern applications. There are different categories of NoSQL databases and they are used in social media such as with Facebook and search like Google and in other types of sectors like Health, Aviation,Education and other areas.This course will teach you technical hands-on knowledge of NoSQL databases. We will Use the CouchDB NoSQL database as an example to learn how to create and replicate databases, load and query data, and other operations.In this course you will learn how to to build an entire web application with CouchDB and learn techniques such as querying with JavaScript, working with nested data, and creating views.You will learn how to query a database without SQL by using JavaScript Map and Reduce functions and also using HTTP to retrieve raw JSON data .Using the couchDB database you will learn how to insert data into the database using Key -Value pairs where every data key will have a corresponding value. Security and integrity of a database is very important . This course will also teach you how to apply security to the couchDB database to prevent unauthorised access.Topics include: What is NoSQL? Categories of NoSQL databases Installing CouchDB Storing data Nesting document data Specifying search criteria Reducing data via reduce function Attaching and retrieving images Deploying applications Securing CouchDB Introduction to other NoSQL databasesLooking forward to welcoming you to the course."
Price: 164.99

"A Beginners Guide to Writing UNIX Commands" |
"This is a very basic absolute beginners introductory course to Unix.The course introduces you to how to use a Unix terminal and commands .You will be exposed to terminologies like Unix Kernel, Unix Shell and Terminal.The only material you will need for this course is a modern web browser and the course is less than one hour long.The course is structured in the following way:Introduction to UnixFlavours of UnixParts of UnixThe KernelThe ShellUnix TerminalBasic Unix CommandsSummaryUnix is an operating system that is known for multi user and multitasking.It was created in the 1960's by group of engineers who worked at AT&T Bell research labs.UNIX has become kind of open source with different companies ,organisations and even individuals creating their own versions from the open source versions. Although there are different flavors of Unix they alsoshare common similarities hence knowing one flavor of Unix makes it easy to learn or pick up another variant of the operating system fairy quickly.Some of the popular variants of Unix operating system available include Solaris, Red Hat, Fedora ,Ubuntu,and Linux. There are several more this is just a brief mention of the varieties available. some of these variants can be installed both on servers and desktops or workstations.Unix operations are usually done using UNIX commands through a Unix terminal ,however there are some variants of Unix that has a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) like Microsoft windows operating systemIn this course we will be using a free web based Unix terminal to perform some very basic Unix commands to get you acquainted with Unix Operating system.Taking this course will give you a basic Unix skill that you can develop further.Welcome to the course ."
Price: 109.99

"PowerShell For Beginners" |
"While many people may have heard and used the command Prompt , Some may not have heard about Windows PowerShell.What is PowerShell? PowerShell is a powerful language used for scripting and automation for your IT Infrastructure. In this short course, I provide an overview of the most current release, PowerShell 5.0, including how to read the PowerShell language and scripts, get command, and use cmdlets. If you are an administrator responsible for looking after Servers or Server farms for various types of application PowerShell will be a must -have tool. You can use PowerShell to automate repetitive administrative tasks and also to perform bulk task. With PowerShell capabilities allow you to simply and automate tedious and repetitive tasks bycreating Scripts and combining multiple commands together. PowerShell comes integrated with windows 7 desktop and above also with windows Server 2008 and above. Standalone versions are available for earlier versions of windows desktop and server versionsThis course is your entry-level introduction to PowerShell. No prior scripting experience is required! If you can run ""ipconfig"" then you can master PowerShell. Rather than relying on complex scripting languages and partial capabilities, with PowerShell you'll finally enjoy a complete, consistent administrative experience that encompasses both the GUI and the command line.Topics include: How to access PowerShellPowerShell SyntaxUnderstanding PowerShell CmdletsPowerShell GET CommandPowerShell Get Service CommandRequired Services ParametersCommon ParametersComputer Name ParametersDisplay ParametersDependent Services ParametersExclude ParametersInclude ParametersInput Object ParametersPiping with PowerShell"
Price: 104.99

"Beginner Data Analysis Using SQL and Microsoft SQL Server" |
"SQL Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS developed and owned by Microsoft.Thousands of companies all over the world use SQL Server for their data solution . SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.T-SQL - Transact SQL is Microsoft's implementation of SQL. There are a lot of similarities between them but also proprietary parts that are specific to SQL Server. SQL can be used for Data Analysis to transform data already present in the database to valuable useful information that help companies and organisations make key business and management decisions.This course is a beginners guide to performing data analysis using SQL to interrogate SQL Server to provide answers to data related questions. You will learn to write useful SQL queries that is applicable to the Real World production environment.Everywhere data is being collected, every transaction, every web page visit,every paymentall these and much, much more are filling relational databases with raw data that can be analysed to provide useful information.There is a demand for people who can use data to perform reporting and analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions.Skills You will learn include: How to design and write simple SQL queries for data analysis. How to merge data from multiple tables How to use aggregate functions How to use wild cards with SQL queries How to group related data How to Filter Data search with SQL WHERE clause How to Use Alias How to retrieve all the data from a tableIn this course we will use SQL to provide answers to questions like:How many customers or employees doe a company has?How many sales reps does a company have?When was the first order placed?This course is packed with real world examples that will help you build your SQL Skills .."
Price: 114.99

"Introduction To SQL Server Reporting Services -SSRS" |
"This course introduces Microsoft's SQL Server Reporting Services 2014 (SSRS) utility but is also applicable to Microsoft SQLserver Reporting Services 2016 as well as SQL Server 2008 R2 release and later versions. This course is for anyonewho wants to develop reports and has no prior experience with SQL Server Reporting Services. I will walk you through how to use the development tools effectively to create, enhance and present reports.The course starts off by setting up the environment which includes the installation of Microsoft SQL Server,SQL server Data Tools, Microsoft Visual Studio and also the download and installation of AdventureWorks 2014 sample database. WeWill then explore the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration which is configuration tool used to configure SSRS.Whether youre new to reporting services, or experienced with earlier versions, well show you how to design and build reports and Leverage SSRS to extract business intelligence from your data. We will create dataset from our data source and use T-SQL to create aliases ,aggregate functions,table-joins,grouping data with the having clause.Topics include:Configuration of SQL Server Reporting ServicesGranting user access to the Reporting Services ServerCreating a Report ServerDefining a data sourceDefining a DatasetCustomizing report parametersFormatting ReportsGrouping Data in ReportsAdding Totals to ReportsPublishing and Deploying Reports through Report ServerBy the end of the course, youll have developed a complete reporting solution and be ready to analyse and visualize your own business data with SQL Server Reporting Services."
Price: 114.99

"Learn Java by building 17 projects step by step" |
"Learning to code can be both fun and rewarding . Java is a useful ,robust and popular programming language to embark on that journey.This course is a practical Hands-on course from the first to the last section. The best way to learn is by doing so you will be doing a lot of coding.Java is a case-sensitive, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. One of the reasons Java is so popular is that it is platform independent . You only need to write java code once and then run it on any platform be it mac, windows or Linux.In this course we will create 17 practical and useful projects step by step. The projects include:CalculatorDigital ClockWeight ConverterTemperature ConverterHeight ConverterRandom Number GeneratorBMI Calculator ToolPercentage CalculatorWord Count ToolAdd number programProgram to determine Even numbersProgram to determine Leap YearProgram to calculate area and perimeter of a circleProgram to find highest numberProgram to find Prime NumbersProgram to create a triangle Program to determine largest numbersThis course will guide you through java basics, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong java code. I will show you how to install Java JDK and NetBeans IDE. Netbeans is a great IDE for developing in java, and then dive into the language itself. Along the way, we will cover topics such as:Declaring and initializing variables with a variety of data typesExploring Basic Arithmetic operatorsTroubleshoot Compile errorsControlling flow with conditional codeCreating MethodCreating Event Handler methodsUsing Component controls and changing their propertiesIf java is your first step into programming or adding it your existing skillset, these training videos will help you understand the language and use it to build your own great software."
Price: 174.99

"Learn Basic Excel Skills For Beginners" |
"Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool essential for managing and presenting datain todays working environment. In this one day excel course,you will gain the knowledge and skills required to create and edit worksheets, use formulas and functions, sort and filter detail data visually, and present summary information in a consumable and professional format.What You Will Learn Include:What is Office 365 Setting up Office 365 Excel 2016 user interface Exploring the Excel Ribbon Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar Keeping Tabs on the Ribbon Entering Data Opening a new workbook Entering Data in Excel Basic Data entry Entering Data with Autofill Entering Date Entering Time Undo and Redo Changes Adding Comments Giving your worksheet a title Saving your work Creating Formulas and Functions Using formulas for arithmetic tasks Re-using Formulas Calculating YTD Profits Calculating Percentage Change Using Relative and Absolute Reference Using RANK Function STD Function Small and Large Functions Median Function Count and counta functions FormattingExploring Fonts Adjusting Column Width and Row Height Using AlignmentDesigning Borders Formatting Numbers Conditional FormattingCreating Tables Inserting Shapes After completing this course you would have gained useful and practical skills to enable you to confidently create spreadsheets that you can apply formulas and functions to as well as create tables from the data within the spreadsheet and much more."
Price: 104.99

"A beginners guide to creating and using CRUD stored proced" |
"One of the useful and handy skills a novice SQL programmer and SQL Server administrator should have is the ability to write and execute sored procedures.SQL stored procedures helps a programmer maintain consistent implementation of procedures across applications. Stored procedures contain code that represents commonly performed tasks that are designed and then coded and stored in a procedure that can be used to perform the task over and over again. This course teaches the beginner SQL programmer or administrator how to create basic SQL queries and write and compile other code statements that allow for the development and administration of SQL Servers.CRUD (Create,Read,Update,Delete)forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. In this course we will create stored procedures for each of these four database operations.Topics we will cover include :Naming convention for creating stored procedure Creating stored procedures using T-SQL Creating a CREATE stored procedureCreating a READ stored procedureCreating a UPDATE stored procedure Creating a DELETE stored procedureUpdating schema after stored procedureCreating stored procedure using Visual studioBefore you can create a stored procedure on a SQL Server database you will need to belong to the administrator groups that has the sys admin role or you can grant specific user account or groups the CREATE PROCEDURE permission in the database and ALTER permission on the schema in which the procedure is being created.Stored procedures can be created using either SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL (T-SQL)"
Price: 124.99

"Oracle SQL Hands-On Experience for beginners" |
"SQL forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. Taking full advantage of its power requires an in-depth understanding of the language. In this course, you learn to use the full potential of SQL to write simple to complex queries for Oracle databases. You will gain the practical skills to choose the best query method to ensure accuracy and avoid common errors or pitfalls.SQL Skills will greatly improve your job prospects either as a contractor or full time employment. It is a useful skill that is always in demand .This is a practical hands on video based course designed for beginners. You will Learn how to : Retrieve Data with SQL SELECT Use Aliases Remove Duplicates with SQL DISTINCT Write SQL Queries with WHERE Clause Create Views Update data with SQL Add new data with SQL INSERT Use ORDER BY clause Use SQL to Sort data Use SQL IN operator Use SQL NULL Use LIKE Operator Write SQL Queries with ISNULL"
Price: 124.99

"Data Analysis with Oracle Analytic Functions" |
"There is a demand for people who can use data to perform analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions.SQL stands for Structure Query Language. It is an internationally standard language used to communicate with various databases for data manipulation. SQL is vital for data analysis .In this beginners course we will be using analytic functions to perform data analysis from an Oracle database .Analytic functions compute an aggregate value based on a group of rows. They differ from aggregate functions in that they return multiple rows for each group. The group of rows is called a window and is defined by the analytic clause. For each row, a sliding window of rows is defined. The window determines the range of rows used to perform the calculations for the current row. Window sizes can be based on either a physical number of rows or a logical interval such as time.Analytic functions are commonly used to compute cumulative, moving, centred, and reporting aggregates.In this course we learn the syntax used to write analytic functions which includes the use of Partition By andOrder By.The analytic functions we will use for our data analysis include: Dense Rank Function Rank Function First and Last Function LAG Function LEAD Function LISTAGG Functions ROW Number Functions Windowing Clause Using analytic functions for data analysis can help provide answers to business solutions : Who are the top ten sales-reps in each region? How many employees in an organization How many employees earn less than 45K in an organization How many new employees joined the company in the past 18 months What goods are flying off the supermarket shelves and so on.."
Price: 124.99

"How to build SQL Queries with Logical and SET Operator" |
"Oracle is a relational database management system used by a lot of fortune 100 companies for their data solutions.SQL -Structural query language is the language used to interact and manipulate the data stored inside oracle database. SQL is also referred to as sequel by a lot of technical professionals.For you to be able to effectively work with databases you must be comfortable building simple to complexSQL queries to interact with databases.In this beginners practical hands-on course you will learn how to build SQL queries with both logical and SET operators.if you are new to writing SQL queries, this introductory course will help build up your skills. Inthis course , we'll cover the basics of how incorporate logical and set operators in your queries. The logical operators we will be using to build our SQL queries include: ANY OR IN ISNULL NOT AND The SET operators we will be using to build our SQL queries include: INTERSECT UNION UNION ALL MINUSAfter the end of this course , you will know how to : Backup and restore a database Manage database user access and security Recover dropped tables Use Oracle flashback technology."
Price: 134.99

"Introduction to Oracle Database Backup and Security" |
"SQL Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS that is widely used by a lot of organisationsto store and manage their data.Database backup and recovery as well as securing the database from unauthorized access are key tasks performed byDatabase administrators or anyone that closely works with or looks after databases.if you are new to using SQL Server, this introductory course is where you want to begin. Inthis course , we'll cover the basics of how backup and recover databases. We will also cover how to implement security measures that will protect the database from unauthorized access.One of the things that separate mediocre DBAs from exceptional ones is that exceptional DBAs know how to use the tools available to them effectively.This course is a practical hands-on that will teach you how to: Perform a full database backup Perform a database restore and recovery View and retrieve historical data using Flashback technology Recover and retrieve dropped tables Establish security measures to protect the database Manage user roles and privileges to the database Enabling Archive log mode Auditing Oracle Database users Predefined Oracle user accountsAfter the end of this course , you will know how to : Backup and restore a database Manage database user access and security Recover dropped tables Use Oracle flashback technology."
Price: 134.99

"Beginners Guide to Developing SQL Queries for SQL Server" |
"Microsoft SQL Server is robust relational database management system used by so many organizations of various sizes including top fortune 100 companies.SQL -Structural Query language is the language used to interrogate and manipulateMicrosoft SQL Server Databases.This course is a beginners course that will walk you through how to develop queriesto execute on and SQL Server Database.We will start by developing queries to :Retrieve data with SELECT Use Aliases Use Case Expressions Retrieve data from a view Eliminate duplicatesFilter data with equality filters Filter data with basic comparisons Filter data with string comparisons Filter data with logical comparisons Filter data with NULL comparisons Use order by clauseSort data by ascending order Sort data by multiple columns Add new records Update existing records Delete records There may be times when want to retrieve data from multiple tables and in coursewe will do that using: Inner joins Left outer joins Right Outer joins We will also be Summarising data with aggregate functions such as:COUNT SUM AVG MIN MAX Grouping data ORDER BY Clause SQL forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. Taking full advantage of its power requires an in-depth understanding of the language. In this course, you learn to use the full potential of SQL to write simple queries for SQL Server databases. You will gain the practical skills to choose the best query method to ensure accuracy and avoid common errors or pitfalls."
Price: 154.99

"Introduction to SQL Server Profiler- (SQL Server DBA Tool)" |
"SQL Server Profiler is a powerful tool that allows you to capture and analyse events, such as theexecution of a stored procedure, occurring within SQL Server. This information can be used to identifyand troubleshoot many SQL Server-related problems.if you are new to using Profiler, this introductory course is where you want to begin. Inthis course , we'll cover the basics of how Profiler works, its core terminology, and how to create andsave basic Profiler traces.One of the things that separate mediocre DBAs from exceptional ones is that exceptional DBAs know how to use the tools available to them effectively.The SQL Server Profiler can help DBA'S: Monitor the activity of the: SQL Server Database Engine Analysis Services -SSAS Integration Services -SSIS Reporting Services -SSRS Monitor and identify performance-related problems with front-end application, queries,T-SQL, transactions, and much more Monitor and identify SQL Server errors and warnings Audit user activity Analyse trace results by grouping or aggregating them Create your own custom traces, and save them, for use whenever you wish We will also cover profiler terminology like: Events Data columns Filters TraceAlso we will be working with traces and templates and learn: How to build custom traces from scratch How to Save Profiler traces to a SQL Server Table How to trace Analysis Services activityAfter the end of this course , you will know why Profiler is such an essential tool in the DBA's armoury, and will: Understand how Profiler works Be familiar with core Profiler terminology, such as events, data columns, filters and traces Understand the permissions required to use Profiler and how to start up Profiler Be able to create and control basic Profiler traces and then save a completed trace to a file."
Price: 124.99

"Learn to code in Java from Scratch" |
"Learning to code can be both fun and rewarding . Java is a useful ,robust and popular programming language to embark on that journey. The best way to learn programming is my doing and getting your hands dirty.This course is a practical Hands-on course with simple to follow videos that will not overwhelm a beginner programmer.Java is a case-sensitive, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. One of the reasons Java is so popular is that it is platform independent . You only need to write java code once and then run it on any platform be it mac, windows or Linux.You will learn about: Primitive Data Types Basic Data typesVariablesArraysWe will also build some projects with graphical user interfaces -GUIThe projects include:Digital ClockTemperature ConverterHeight ConverterWord Count ToolThis course will guide you through java basics, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong java code. I will show you how to install Java JDK and NetBeans IDE. Netbeans is a great IDE for developing in java, and then dive into the language itself. Along the way, we will cover topics such as:Declaring and initializing variables with a variety of data typesExploring Basic Arithmetic operatorsTroubleshoot Compile errorsControlling flow with conditional codeCreating MethodCreating Event Handler methodsUsing Component controls and changing their propertiesIf java is your first step into programming or adding it your existing skillset, these training videos will help you understand the language and use it to build your own great software."
Price: 154.99

"How to generate SQL Insert / Update queries from Excel" |
"As a database developer and administrator you will create queries frequently. Sometimes you also need to generate bulk SQL queries to insert or update multiple records; Microsoft Excel can be used to generate bulk queries that you can execute on a database server.SQL is the standard language used to interact with databases.In this course i will show you how to build SQL scripts from scratch step by step that you will use during the course to execute insert and update bulk tasks. The skills you will learn on this course will help you confidently approach any bulk SQL request task you in a live production environment."
Price: 39.99

"How to Extract Data from Multiple Oracle Tables Using SQL" |
"There are times when the data you need to extract from a database are spread across multiple tables and the way to combine the required data from multiple tables is via table joins. This beginners course will explain some of the types of table joins available in Oracle .A join is a query that combines rows from two or more tables or views. Oracle Database performs a join whenever multiple tables appear in the FROM clause of the query. The select list of the query can select any columns from any of these tables. If any two of these tables have a column name in common, then you must qualify all references to these columns throughout the query with table names to avoid ambiguity.There are certain conditions that has to be met before Joins can be implemented.Most join queries contain at least one join condition, either in the FROM clause or in the WHERE clause. The join condition compares two columns, each from a different table. To execute a join, Oracle Database combines pairs of rows, each containing one row from each table, for which the join condition evaluates to TRUE. The columns in the join conditions need not also appear in the select list.To execute a join of three or more tables, Oracle first joins two of the tables based on the join conditions comparing their columns and then joins the result to another table based on join conditions containing columns of the joined tables and the new table. Oracle continues this process until all tables are joined into the result.The types of joins we will cover include: Extracting data using Equi Join Extracting data using Non- Equi Join Extracting data using Cartesian Join Extracting data using Outer Join Extracting data using Self Join"
Price: 104.99

"PostgreSQL For Beginners" |
"PostgreSQL is commonly known as Postgres and it is also open source database. In this course, we will go over the basics of the PostgreSQL. We will cover topics ranging from installations, to writing basic queries and retrieving data from tables. We will also explore the logic of joining tables to retrieve data and much more.The course also covers the basics of creating tables, storing data with data types, and working with expressions, operators, and strings. Topics include:Installing PostgreSQLVerify postgresql installationpostgresql INSERT StatementPostgres UNIQUE ConstraintsPostgres Truncate statementPostgres UPDATEPostgresql INNER JOINRemoving Duplicate RecordsPostgres LIKE OperatorPostgresql OR OperatorSorting Data Server serviceSequencesSchemaRetrieving all Data from TableQuery Data fro specific columnLoading sample databasePostgresql DELETE StatementPostgresql DATA TypesPostgresql CREATE Table StatementPostgresql SubQueryPostgresql UNION OperatorPostgreSQL ORDER BY clausePostgreSQL UNION ALL OperatorPostgreSQL GROUP BY clausePostgreSQL FULL OUTER JOINPostgreSQL CROSS JOINPostgreSQL combining AND OR OperatorPostgreSQL AND OperatorPostgreSQL BETWEEN OperatorPostgreSQL NATURAL JOIN OperatorPostgreSQL SELECT statementCRUD OperationsPostgreSQL EXCEPT OperatorCreate a Database with PG4ADMINCreate a Table with PG4ADMINPostgreSQL NOT OperatorPostgreSQL NOT BETWEEN OperatorPostgreSQL LIMIT OperatorPostgreSQL INTERSECT OperatorPostgreSQL Left JoinPostgreSQL IN OperatorPostgreSQL HAVING clauseComparison operatorsCast and OperatorsFiltering Data with WHERE clauseThis is a practical hands-on course that will equip you with the skills and confidence to work with PostgreSQL ."
Price: 164.99

"Introduction to Node.js for Beginners" |
"Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine.It is used to develop web and mobile applications.. Node.js is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. Node was built with JavaScript so it helps if you have some understanding of how JavaScript actually works.Also having some understanding of other web technologies such as HTML, CSS, AJAX is useful.This course is an absolute beginners course that will teach you some Node .js basic fundamentals.Node is quite popular and used by some big companies like eBay, General Electric, GoDaddy, Microsoft, PayPal, Uber, and Yahoo! just to name a few. By the end of this course you will have some basic understanding of Node.js. What You Will Learn Include:Downloading and Installing Node.jsDownload and install sublimetextSynchronous and AsynchronousCallbacksComponents of Nodejs ApplicationCreating your first Nodejs AppModules and PackagesNpmInstalling and using third-party packagesInstalling Express.jsCreating a simple Express AppExpress application generatorCreating and App with Express GeneratorPackage.json FileUnderstanding apps.js fileEditing dependenciesUsing Template engines with ExpressHow to start Node. js serverHow to stop Node.js ServerWhat is RoutingHow routing worksCloning Routing Functions"
Price: 124.99

"How To Build A Facebook Messenger Chat Bot From Scratch" |
"The latest craze in software interfaces is messenger bots, and Facebook has the largest chat platform by a long shot.In this course, Ill show you how to build your own Facebook Messenger Chat Bot using node js. Well use git to push and deploy our local JavaScript code to heroku cloud. We will be creating a package .json file and installing some dependencies that our chatbot app will need.If you dont already have one, you need to create a Facebook account and a facebook Page.The Facebook Page is the identity of your bot, including the name and image that appears when someone chats with it inside Facebook Messenger.In order to communicate with your bot, people will need to go through your Page.This is a hands-on practical course and what you will learn includes:What is HerokuCreating Heroku accountCreating a facebook page and app -Part 1Creating a facebook page and app -Part 2Creating Heroku app Creating .gitignore fileCreating function for bot to post messages -Part1Creating function for bot to post messages -Part2Creating a ProcfileCreating callback function for chatbot -part1Creating callbacl function for chatbot -part2Commiting changesUpdating npmCreating project directoryTesting your chatbotWhat is NodejsInstalling Heroku cliInitializing gitInitialzing package .json fileInstalling dependenciesDownload and install sublimeText EditorEditing package.json fileCreating index.js fileBy the end of this course you would have developed the skill to create a facebook message bot using git and heroku."
Price: 119.99

"Retrieving Data from Oracle Database with SQL" |
"Oracle database is one of the top and most widely used relational database management systems in the world .This beginners course will teach you how to retrieve data from an oracle database.We will start off by downloading and installing oracle database 11g express which is free to use. Then we will install TOAD which is a tool we will be using to connect to the oracle database and retrieve data.Topics we will cover in this course includes:Retrieving Data Using SELECT Statements Using FROM clause Using WHERE Clause for filtering data Using NOT Operator Using the LIKE Operator Using IS NULL Using ORDER BY Clause Using DISTINCT Using Describe Using and creating views Using Sub-Query Restricting and Sorting Data Using ORDER BY Clause Using GROUP BY and HAVING Clause Retrieving Data with Aggregate Functions Introduction to aggregate functions Using AVG function Using COUNT function Using MAX function Using MIN function Retrieving Data with Table Joins Introduction to Table Joins Using Equi Joins Using Non Equi Joins Using Cartesian Join Using Outer Join Using Self Join Retrieving Data with Analytic Functions Introduction to Analytic Functions The Syntax Partition By Clause First and Last Function Row number Functions Dense Rank Function Lag Function LEAD Function RANK Function Retrieving Data with SET Operators Using UNION ALL SET Operator UNION SET Operator Using INTERSECT Operator Using Minus Operator By the end of this course you will have enough skill to retrieve data from an oracle database."
Price: 109.99

"Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server" |
"This course describes how to implement a data warehouse solution. students will learn how to create a data warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2014, implement ETL with SQL Server Integration Services, and validate and cleanse data with SQL Server Data Quality Services and SQL Server Master Data Services. Target Audience: =>This course is intended for database professionalswho need to create and support a data warehousing solution. Primary responsibilities include:Implementing a data warehouse.Developing SSIS packages for data extraction, transformation, and loading.Enforcing data integrity by using Master Data Services.Cleansing data by using Data Quality Services.Prerequisites :Experience of working with relational databases, including:Designing a normalized database.Creating tables and relationships.Querying with Transact-SQL.Some exposure to basic programming constructs (such as looping and branching).An awareness of key business priorities such as revenue, profitability, and financial accounting is desirable.Students will learn how to :Deploy and Configure SSIS packages.Download and installing SQL Server 2014Download and attaching Adventureworks2014 databaseDownload and installing SSDTDownload and installing Visual studioDescribe data warehouse concepts and architecture considerations.Select an appropriate hardware platform for a data warehouse.Design and implement a data warehouse.Implement Data Flow in an SSIS Package.Implement Control Flow in an SSIS Package.Debug and Troubleshoot SSIS packages.Implement an ETL solution that supports incremental data extraction.Implement an ETL solution that supports incremental data loading.Implement data cleansing by using Microsoft Data Quality Services.Implement Master Data Services to enforce data integrity.Extend SSIS with custom scripts and components.Databases vs. Data warehousesChoose between star and snowflake design schemasExplore source dataImplement data flowDebug an SSIS packageExtract and load modified dataEnforce data qualityConsume data in a data warehouse"
Price: 124.99

"Introduction to Data Binding on a Windows Form" |
"Data binding in Windows Forms gives you the means to display and make changes to information from a data source in controls on the form. You can bind to both traditional data sources as well as almost any structure that contains data.In addition, you can bind any property of any control to the data source.In a Windows application, the easiest way to navigate through records in a data source is to bind a BindingSource component to the data source and then bind controls to the BindingSource. You can then use the built-in navigation method on the BindingSource such a MoveNext, MoveLast, MovePrevious and MoveFirst. Using these methods will adjust the Position and Current properties of the BindingSource appropriately. You can also find an item and set it as the current item by setting the Position property.You can connect your application to data by using the Data Source Configuration Wizard in Visual Studio. After you complete the wizard, you can drag data objects from the Data Sources Window onto your forms to create data-bound controls.This is an absolute beginners course to data binding on a windows forms application. You will learn from scratch how to create a windows form application project and connect to a database and create a dataset. Also you will learn how create data bound controls on your form to display and navigate data from the database. YoU will learn about using table adapters which is used to write SQL queries to populate your windows form.By the end of this course you should be able to bind data to a windows form."
Price: 94.99

"Learn to code by creating 27 Projects" |
"The best way for a beginner to learn how to code or program is by creating. In this beginner's course i will walk you through how to create 27 projects step by step using three different popular and modern programming languages. You will be learning how to code using C# ,Java and JavaScript.Some of the projects you will be creating in this practical hands on course include:Creating a functional calculatorCreating a digital clockCreating a word count toolCreating a Currency ConverterCreating a percentage tip calculatorCreating a contact form with local storageCreating a web browserCreating a Prime number generatorCreating a Random number generatorCreating a Music PlayerCreating a Paint drawing appCreating a Height conversion ToolCreating a Temperature conversion ToolCreating a Todo List AppCreating a Image Slider AppCreating a Screen saverCreating a Interactive Quiz gameCreating a Ping Pong GameCreating your own google mapsYou will be using a variety of development tools below to create the various projects.( The course will show you how to install these tools)A good text editor like Notepadd++ or Sublime text for JavaScript developmentJDK and NetBeans for developing projects with JavaMicrosoft Visual Studio for developing projects with C#By the end of this course you will have the confidence and skill to create mini projects and understand basic programming conceptsin C# , Java and JavaScript ."
Price: 194.99

"Learn to code - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript" |
"Learning to code can be both fun and rewarding. It is exciting to be able to write some code that gives the computer a bunch of tasks to perform.I always advise beginners to start with coding for the web to build their coding skills. The three technologies every web developer must know are :HTML : Used to create content CSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript : Used to create interactionThey are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects.This course will teach you the basics of these three technologies by creating A basic one page website project.A calculatorA Todo list appAn interactive quiz app.What You will learn:Coding ToolsInstalling web browsersPlanning a websiteDesigning a websiteChoosing assetsCreate HTML DocumentHTML AttributesMarkUp HTML TextCreate LinksWays to apply CSSCSS SelectorsCSS BOX ModelCSS Margin and PaddingCSS Background colorCSS Font PropertyWhere to add JavaScriptVariables and ArraysConditional statementsFunctionsData TypesOperatorsEventsCreate a calculatorCreate an interactive quizCreate a Todo List App"
Price: 74.99

"Become an SQL Developer: Learn (SSRS, SSIS, SSAS,T-SQL,DW)" |
"SQL developers are expected to have a variety of skills that will enable them perform tasks such as: design, implementation and maintenance of structured query language (SQL) databases. They may work as database or web developers, depending on the specific position. SQL developers often spend many work hours seated in front of computers.As an SQL developer, you should have strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills. A knowledge of SQL servers, SQL Server Analysis Services -SSAS, SQL Server integration services (SSIS) and server reporting services (SSRS) is also important.This course is Hands-on and by the end of the course you will have experience of working with relational database management systems like Microsoft SQL Server .Some of what you will learn on the course includes following:How to implement a data warehouse solutionDebug and Troubleshoot SSIS packages.Cleansing data by using Data Quality Services.Extend SSIS with custom scripts and components.How to create ETL (Extract,Transform, Load) processHow to deploy SSIS PackageHow to create SSIS package using SQL Server Integration ServicesHow to download and install SQL Server Data ToolsHow to perform data analysis with SQL Server Analysis Server - SSASHow to create reports using SQL Server Reporting ServicesHow to download and install SQL ServerIntroduction to T-SQL basicsHow to implement Table JoinsUsing Aggregate functions"
Price: 194.99

"27 Practical SQL Queries to solve Business Problems" |
"The best way to build up your skills in any area is by practice. This course is a hands-on practical learn by doing course.SQL ( SQL -Structural Query language ) is one of the most popular and sort after skills in the IT industry. SQL Skills is so important especially with big data and data dependent businesses and applications from Facebook to our local banks.This course was designed with the beginner in mind. The course starts by walking you through how to setup a lab where you will download and install Microsoft SQL Server and the sample Northwind database.In this course we will solve 27 business related problem questions by building SQL queries to interrogate the database and produce the answers to solving the business problems.We will use the following while building our queries to solve the business problems :Retrieve data with SELECTUse AliasesUse Case ExpressionsEliminate duplicatesFilter data with equality filtersFilter data with basic comparisonsFilter data with string comparisonsFilter data with logical comparisonsFilter data with NULL comparisonsUse order by clauseSort data by ascending and descending orderUse Table joins to extract data from multiple tablesUse UNION operator to combine results of two or more SELECT StatementsAggregate functions to compute a single output valueGROUP BY Clause to group related dataBy the end of this course you will be would have gained enough skills to interrogate Database."
Price: 114.99

"Git and GitHub Beginners crash course 2020" |
"This course shows you how to use Git, the popular open-source version control software, to manage changes to source code and text files. The course is a beginners crash course that will teach you the basics of this popular open source version control system.Version control allows collaborative development which makes it easy for teams to work together on projects.The effective use of version control is important and a useful skill for developers to have in their tool kit.Git is a version control system which is like a series of snapshots of your code which can be referenced at any time.GitHub is a web based graphical interface where you can publish and host your Git repositories and collaborate with other people or teams. Git and GitHub has become the industry-standard version control and publishing platform . Git allows you to track changes and your development process and when used with GitHub it becomes an effective backup mechanism.This course is for absolute beginners and will introduce you to the basics of using a version control system called Git and a collaboration platform called GitHub . Although this course does not involve any programming students who have a basic knowledge of programming or simple HTML might find it easier to follow along . Also experience of using the command line might come in handy though not mandatory as the course is so basic anyone can follow along easily.What you will learn include how to :Install gitCommit files to repositoryWrite commit messagesUnderstand the Git three-tree architectureUnderstand git workflowTrack when files are added and modifiedCreate ignore file to exclude files and directoriesCreate remote repositoryCreate and merging branchesUnderstand HEADPull updatesPush updates"
Price: 134.99

"Coding for Beginners: Using Ruby Programming language" |
"Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.Ruby is seen as a flexible language, since it allows its users to freely alter its parts. Essential parts of Ruby can be removed or redefined, at will. Existing parts can be added upon.This course will teach you the basic fundamentals of the Ruby programming language.Topics covered include:Ruby GemsInstalling RubyInteracting with RubyArraysVariables and Variable scopeStringsRuby SymbolsRuby ConstantsLogical OperatorsComparison OperatorsArithmetic OperatorsRanges"
Price: 39.99

"Build your own Instagram with Ruby on Rails from scratch" |
"The best way to learn a programming language and a framework is by building something with it. We are going to build our own style type of Instagram app with authentication system to allow people to sign-up and join in order to post images.The app will also have the option for people to comment on posted images.The app has full CRUD (create,update,read ,delete) functionality.Ruby is a modern object oriented programming language, and Ruby on Rails is a popular and powerful frameworks for building web applications. Rails was built using Ruby and makes it much easier to develop web applications with Ruby. Some notable applications have been built using Ruby on Rails: They incudeBasecamp, Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon, Hulu, Airbnb, Yellow Pages to just mention a few.. A google search will reveal much more..This course is for the absolute beginner to Ruby programming language and Rails framework.I will guide you through setting up your development environment. Then we will cover some basics of the Ruby programming language. We will also install git and touch on github which is used for version control.We will create a complete image sharingapplication like instagram from scratch using Rails and in the process build up your skills.Concepts we will cover while building our Instagram style appproject include:Creating a new rails projectUpdating gems using bundlerStarting rails serverCreating controllersCreating modelsAssociating modelscreating viewsGenerating modelsRunning migrationsCreating postsEditing postsReading postsDeleting postsAdding links to postsCreating commentsDeleting commentsCreating controller actionsSetting up routesAdding resources and automatically generating routesImplementing authentication systemImage uploadingAdding commentsAdding PaginationBy the end of this course you would have developed enough skills to be build other projects."
Price: 164.99
