"Servicios Web SOAP con JAX-WS,Spring-WS,y OSB,DESTACADO 2019" |
"El Curso permite implementar rpidamente nuestroServicios Web SOAP con JAX-WS,Spring,Hibernate, Base de Datos Oracle, Adicionalmentecrearemos nuestrocomponente Bsico Oracle Service Bus(OSB) de nuestro Servicio WebSoapde forma Profesional y sencilla,con patrones de diseo que sean estables y escalables. Utilizaremos las mejoresherramienta de desarrollo para simplificar la creacin de nuestro Servicio Web SOAP como Eclipse y Jdeveloper, Finalmente consumiremos los servicios SOAP desde Javacon clases que generaremos desdeel IDE Jdeveloper. Este curso estaorientando para desarrolladores principiantes,intermedios y todo aquel que tenga conocimientos mnimos de programacin web, Finalmente elcurso le servir de forma fundamental para la creacin de proyectos que integren servicios web SOAP y componentes Oracle Service Bus. El curso Adjunta cdigo fuente y todas las herramientas necesariaspara la construccin de nuestroServicio Web SOAP, Si deseas aprender en corto tiempo programando desde la primera clase, este curso es para ti, invitamos a participar del selecto grupo de desarrolladores de Servicios Web SOAP."
Price: 54.99

"Learn DevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins using Pipelines and Docker" |
"Jenkins is the most popular tool to do Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery of your software:Its free and open sourceIt has a strong community with thousands of plugins you can useJenkins is used in a lot of companies, from startups to enterprisesThis course will teach you how to use Jenkins using the Jenkins DSL and Jenkins Pipelines (Jenkinsfile). It's a new way of using Jenkins, rather than using freestyle projects. I call it using Jenkins, the DevOps way! I'll explain you about infrastructure as code andautomation to make sureyou understand how Jenkins Pipelines fits within this new way of thinking.I'll show you how to integrate Jenkins Pipelines with popular software tools, like:DockerGitHub /BitbucketJFrog ArtifactorySonarQubeOnelogin (Using SAML)If youre looking for a job in the DevOps space, Jenkins is a must have skill.Acoupon to get $10 free credits onDigitalOcean is provided within this course. You can use this coupon to install Jenkins on a DigitalOcean droplet."
Price: 24.99

"Learn DevOps: Advanced Kubernetes Usage" |
"Kubernetes Advanced Usage is the second Kubernetes course in the ""LearnDevOps: Kubernetes"" series.If you don't have basic Kubernetes experience, make sure you follow first the course""LearnDevOps:The Complete Kubernetes Course"".This course covers:Logging using ElasticSearch, Kibana,Fluentd, and LogTrailAuthentication using Auth0Authorization using RBACPackaging using HelmDeploying on Kubernetes using SpinnakerBatch and Scheduling usingJobs and CronJobsMicroservices on Kubernetes using LinkerdFederation using kubefedMonitoring using PrometheusThis course assumes you can setup your own cluster using Minikube or Kops. If you are looking for a course how to setup your first Kubernetes Cluster, take first the ""Learn DevOps:The Complete Kubernetes Course"""
Price: 39.99

"The Complete jQuery Bootcamp : Build 20 Real Projects!" |
"++++++The FIRST COMPLETE BOOTCAMP COURSE ONjQuery +++++++++++++++ Watch the Promo Video To Know how much deep this course is designed to make your concepts clear.+++++++ Over 25+hours of content & 200+ lectures which covers every small concept of jQuery.++++ Only jQuery course which will start your training with the basics and then using the basics you will learn the designing of user interface using jQuery and then the mobile apps+++++____________________________________________________________________________________________Who can take this course....???1. If you are a beginner to jQuery programming and want to learn the basics .....2. If you are already an expert in jQuery and want to learn User Interface (UI) designing and Mobile Apps designing .....3. If you want to brush up your skills in this topic.......4. If you want to be an web as well as app designer/developer.....So , if you come under any of these 4 cases , then YES , this course is designed for you..This course will start your journey from scratch and at the end of it you will be a jQuery GURU.Topics which are covered in the course are as follows:1. Introduction to jQuery2. Understanding the Syntax.3.Using the Selectors.4, Using effects and events5. Combination of jQuery with HTMLANDCSS.6. TRAVERSING in jQuery.7. USing AJAX with jQuery.8. Introduction to jQuery User interface (UI)9. USING INTERACTIONS.10 USING WIDGETS.11 USING EFFECTS.12. APP designing.Benifits / Advantages of this course:1). No matter you are a beginner or an expert , this course is designed from scratch.2). Every programming example will start from a blank page and will ends up with a desired output.3). A line to line description of every single code is provided in a descriptive manner.4). This course will work as a ""ZERO to HERO"" , so at the end you will be an expert in designing interfaces and using javascript libraries effectively."
Price: 199.99

"Intro a Medicina Cuntica, Yoga Terapetico y Sonido Terapia" |
"Este curso es la gua ms completa e introductoria de kAca Yoga donde aprenders sobre las energas de tu ser ms all del cuerpo, conocido como la medicina cuantica, y que cubre desde el aura, el kundalini, los chakras, y ms... Este curso no estara completo sin la practica, y por eso inclumos rutinas de yoga terapetico y la meditacin con la terapia de sonido.El curso comienza con la serie Somos kAca, Somos Luz dedicado a la medicina cuantica. Explicado de forma sencilla pero poderosa. Asi continua con la sesion de yoga y termina con la meditacin y sonido terapia con la meditacin unica de Zayra Mo quien te ofrece su performance de vasos o cuencos de cristal entonados en la frecuencia alfa que ayuda a calmar y a ser ms creativo.Este es un curso con amor y para todos aquellos que buscan crear armona y balance en su cuerpo, en su mente y en su espritu.Bienvenid@s."
Price: 124.99

"Yoga Sutras - La sabidura milenaria de saber vivir la vida!" |
"Si hay algo que me encanta de hacer yoga y meditacin es que la paciencia y el desarrollo personal que pasa en el mat, empieza a crear un poder de auto realizacin fuera de la practica, en el dia a dia. Para este seminario quiero compartir la popular herramienta de mejoramiento personal y espiritual de los 8 limbos del yoga y revelarte cmo puedes practicarla desde ya. En el periodo clsico del yoga, antes de la llegada de Cristo, un sabio de la India llamado Patanjali logro realizar en textos la primera presentacin sistemtica del yoga en el famoso libro Yoga Sutras. Como ustedes saben, Yoga significa union y sutra significa hilo. Algunos dicen que el nombre del texto usa la palabra Sutra en plural, en el sentido de que cada uno de los sutras o hilos se rene o integra para formar el tapiz completo. Cuando Patanjali codific o compil los Yoga Sutras no cre un sistema nuevo sino ms bien resumi las antiguas prcticas en una forma extremadamente organizada y concisa. Si bien se piensa que los Yoga Sutras tienen una antigedad que se remonta a unos 400 aos AC, la evidencia arqueolgica y otros textos sugieren que los mtodos descritos en ellos ya se practicaban desde 3000 aos AC. La tradicin oral incluso plantea que este perodo puede ser an ms largo. Por eso, en estos textos, Patanjali introdujo la filosofia de vida, la disciplina y el comportamiento moral que debe seguir un yogi o yogini para alcanzar la iluminacin. Este curso es para todos aquellos que practican o no practican yoga y desean conocer esta filosofia de vida que propone el mejoramiento personal a nivel mental, fisico y espiritual."
Price: 74.99

"Programa mster de yoga en silla con meditacin." |
"Es de suma importancia reconocer un yoga para personas de la tercera edad y tambien para quienes necesitan realizar ejercicios sentados.En kAca Yoga con Udemy hemos diseado todo un programa para recuperar la fuerza y la flexibilidad junto con ejercicios de respiracion y meditacin.Eres bienvenido a este programa pensado en tu necesidad como asi tambien compartimos informacin educativa sobre el yoga y la meditacin.En el mismo aprendederas tcnicas sencillas y poderosas para realizarlas todos los dias y para convertir este programa en tu nuevo plan de ejercicios. Disfruta de la buena vida, distruta con kAca Yoga."
Price: 74.99

"Programa de yoga y meditacion para personas con osteoporosis" |
"Esta serie va dirigida para quienes sufren de osteoporosis.La actividad fsica es un elemento de gran importancia para la salud de los huesos, ya que aumentan la masa osea. Ejercicios de fuerza donde se utiliza el peso del cuerpo son los que tienen el mejor impacto en el mantenimiento de los huesos y la generacin de nuevas clulas oseas. Ademas la actividad fsica reduce el riesgo de fracturas por cadas ya que la persona aumenta el nivel de percepcin del cuerpo. El programa de yoga que he diseado trabaja la fuerza del mismo cuerpo en posturas sencillas, pero poderosas para ir incrementando la fuerza y sobre todo la confianza de quien la practica. Este programa es progresivo. Practiquen estas rutinas 3 veces a la semana, hagan las posturas hasta donde les llegue el cuerpo, inhalen y exhalen en cada postura y en cada transicin y disfruten ese tiempo de cuidarte para gozar mas de la vida. Y al final de cada rutina, pasamos al momento de meditacion con sonidos de vasos de cristales. Sera un momento de vuelta a la calma, de enfoque para mejorar tus pensamientos de sanacion y de continuar el dia con vitalidad."
Price: 74.99

"Yoga para activar tus chakras en espaol Programa MASTER" |
"Esta es una especializacin idonea para todo aquel profesional de terapia alternativa si quiere sumar ms tcnicas y saber espiritual para compartir y mejorar la salud de sus clientes! Y para todos aquellos estudiantes que desean saber de primera mano como balancear, activar y potenciar el poder de los chakras.Hola, Quiero invitarte al programa ms completo, y en espaol, sobre la ciencia de los chakras. Este programa rene la ciencia de los chakras y como puedes empezar a trabajarlos para tu despertar espiritual con educacion, ejercicios de yoga, meditaciones, afirmaciones y otras terapias alternativas.Sia un no sabes bien, Chakra es una palabra snscrita que significa rueda giratoria. Entre los chakras ms importantes en el cuerpo, existen siete que corren a lo largo de la columna vertebral. Cada chakra corresponde a un rea del cuerpo fisico, un conjunto de caractersticas de comportamiento y etapas de crecimiento espiritual. Conocer qu son y su poder infinito, te ayudar a enfocar tus energas para tu proceso de evolucin. Si bien es bueno comprender cmo afinar y controlar tus chakras a travs del yoga y la meditacin te puede ayudar a traer equilibrio y paz a su mente, cuerpo y espritu, y tambin es maravilloso entender como esta energa infinita puede tener gran impacto a tu alrededor.Como te dije antes, hay siete chakras, cada uno asociado con una parte diferente del cuerpo a lo largo de la columna desde el perineo hastala coronilla de la cabeza. Cada chakra se asocia con una ubicacin particular del cuerpo, un color, emociones, as como muchos otros aspectos personales, como identidad, objetivos, derechos, etc.Los siete chakras son: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Visshudha, Ajna, y Sahasrara .Por ejemplo en la practica del yoga para los chakras, gracias a los movimientos y las posturas, puedes aprender a enfocar tu concentracin y energa desde y hacia los diversos chakras en tu cuerpo. Esto puede permitirle compensar reas que pueden estar sincronizadas con el resto de su cuerpo o no estar activas en absoluto. Al equilibrar la energa entre los siete chakras, se puede lograr el despertar de la energa espiritual que se conoce como energa Kundalini. En su estado latente, se puede visualizar como una serpiente enrollada que descansa en la base de su espina dorsal, en el chakra Muladhara. Dado que los chakras actan como vlvulas o bombas que regulan el flujo de energa a travs de su sistema, los movimientos controlados y decididos como el yoga pueden ser extremadamente beneficiosos para re-alinear sus chakras de una manera que puede causarle grandes beneficios en su bienestar fsico y emocional. Y ni hablar de la meditacion, las afirmaciones y las otras terapias alternativas que puedes hacer uso.Conocer la ciencia de los chakras es tener acceso al saber milenario que otras culturas tenian dominado. La energia de los chakras es una energia virtual, que si bien ha sido estudiada por cientificos, aun se rechaza por los sistemas de educacion, medico y ms porque al saber este conocimiento, es saber el gran poder que el ser humano tiene.Gracias a esta plataforma, al saber milenario, a los estudios cientficos y las millones de horas que terapistas han afinado sus terapias y saber, hoy podemos compartir este gran programa.Unete y s parte de la revolucion por la evolucion."
Price: 199.99

"Vue JS 2: From Beginner to Professional (includes Vuex)" |
"VueJS2has quickly become incredibly popular, both due to how powerful the JavaScriptframework is, but also how easy it is to learn. Vue is much easier to learn than other JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React, meaning that you can start building your first Vue application in no time!In this course, you will learn how to build reactive web applications at any scale with Vue. You will learn the theory that you need to know about Vue.js, and we will be building several example applications as we go along, demonstrating the explainedconcepts in practice. The course lectures include examples when going through new material, followed by exercises that you can optionally choose to solve - and we walk through the solutions together.Whether or not you have prior experience with VueJS, this course is an easy way for you to learn the framework! Perhaps you have struggled with large and complex frameworks such as Angular? Don't worry, Vue.js is much easier to learn! Getting up and running fast is at the heart of Vue, so no more long hours of configuration just to show ""Hello World!""Or perhaps you have no experience with reactive JavaScript frameworks and come straight from using jQuery? No problem! Vue.js is an excellent choice for your first framework, and is one of the easiest one to start out with.Despite the fact that VueJS is easy to learn, it is an incredibly powerful framework that can be used to build large web applications as well as small ones. Unlike many other frameworks, Vue.jsdoes not try to take control of your application, and allows you to let the framework control only parts of your application - something that is perfect for migrating legacy applications to a more modern framework without doing a complete rewrite at once! Apart from learning how to build single page applications (SPAs), you will also learn how to manage state in large applications with Vuex.This course starts from scratch with teaching you how to build a ""Hello World!"" application in Vue.js and moves towards building advanced applications step by step. By the end of this course, you will be able to build complex and large web applications with Vue."
Price: 124.99

"Data Processing with Logstash (and Filebeat)" |
"NEW! This course now also includes Filebeat and how to integrate it with Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana!Want to learn how to process events with Logstash? Then you have come to the right place; this course is by far the most comprehensive course on Logstash here at Udemy!This course specifically covers Logstash, meaning than we can go into much more detail than if this course covered the entire Elastic Stack.So if you want to learnLogstash specifically, then this course is for you!This course assumes no prior knowledge of or experience with Logstash. We start from the very basics and gradually transition into more advanced topics. The course is designed so that you can follow along the whole time step by step, and you can find all of the configuration files within a GitHub repository. The course covers topics such as handling Apache web server logs (both access and error logs), data enrichment, sending data to Elasticsearch, visualizing data with Kibana, along with covering a number of popular use cases that you are likely to come across. Upon completing this course, you will know all of the most important aspects of Logstash, and will be able to build complex pipeline configurations and process many different kinds of events and data.What is Logstash?In case you don't know what Logstash is all about, it is an event processing engine developed by the company behind Elasticsearch, Kibana, and more. Logstash is often used as a key part of the ELK stack or Elastic Stack, so it offers a strong synergy with these technologies. You can use Logstash for processing many different kinds of events, and an event can be many things. You can process access or error logs from a web server, or you can send events to Logstash from an e-commerce application, such as when an order was received or a payment was processed. You can ingest data from files (flat files, JSON, XML, CSV, etc.), receive data over HTTP or TCP, retrieve data from databases, and more. Logstash then enables you to process and manipulate the events before sending them to a destination of your choice, such as Elasticsearch, e-mail, or Slack.Why do we need Logstash?Because by sending events to Logstash, you decouple things. You effectively move event processing out of the web application and into Logstash, meaning that if you need to change how events are processed, you dont need to deploy a new version of a web application, for instance. The event processing and its configuration is centralized within Logstash instead of every place you trigger events. This means that all the web application needs to do, is to send an event to Logstash; it doesnt need to know anything about what happens to the event afterwards and where it ends up. Thisimproves your architecture and lets Logstash do what it does best; process events.Let's get started!I hope that you are ready to begin learning Logstash. Have a look around the curriculum if you want to check out the course content in more details. I look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 124.99

"Redao para Concursos Pblicos, Vestibular e ENEM" |
"O curso de redao composto por 10 mdulos que abragem desde a estrutura textual at a forma de composio. De forma didtica o aluno aprende a conhecer detalhadamente os passos que o levaro a uma composio altamente qualificada. Para quem for prestar o Enem recebe dicas de temas que possuem grande chance de cair na prova."
Price: 489.99

"Curso site EAD com Wordpress e Sensei" |
"Aprenda a criar um sistema de ensino a distancia usando o SENSEi um excelente plugin que cria um sistema completo de cursos no Wordpress, voc poder vender seus cursos usando PagSeguro, paypal e ainda transferncia bancaria, um sistema perfeito para voc que quer fornecer certificados e vender seus prprios cursos , com um sistema confivel e que funciona de forma totalmente automtica."
Price: 39.99

"Domine o Lighroom CC (2017)" |
"Domine o melhor programa da atualidade para fotgrafos e entusiastas, aprenda a organizar seu arquivo fotogrfico usando recursos inteligentes, classifique suas fotos de modo rpido e eficiente, entenda de uma vez por todas como se chegar ao resultado esperado nas edies ou Processamentos de suas imagens, alem de intender como usar os recursos de coleo e organizao automtica utilizados no Lightroom e entenda de uma vez por todas porque os fotgrafos do mundo inteiro amam este programa da adobe."
Price: 19.99

"Criando um site para hotel com wordpress" |
"Neste curso vamos ensinar a criar um site para vender reservas para hotis, pousadas e outros estabelecimentos, voc aprendera de forma simples e sem nenhuma programao como criar um sistema automtico para vender reservas com os principais meios de pagamento como :PagSeguro, paypal e transferncia bancaria, este sistema permite que o usurio escolha a data de entrada e sada efetueo pagamento e receba um e-mail com todos os detalhes , ser ensinado toda a configurao para agendamentos online automticos e manuais."
Price: 19.99

"Domine o Photoshop CC 2018 e 2019" |
"Este curso foi criado para voc que quer dominar o photoshop de uma vez por todas, vamos te mostrar detalhes que vo acelerar seu trabalho e claro melhora-lo, vamos mostrar desde tcnicas bsicas ate avanadas como maquiagem digita e manipulao de fotos , temos um canal no youtube com mais de 400 videos de manipulao de fotos que juntas somam mais de 30 milhes de visualizaes, vamos te ensinar todos os segredos destas manipulaes aqui ."
Price: 39.99

"The Focus Academy: 100X Your Focus in Life, Goals, and Work" |
"I believe my personal mission is to empower people around the world to be more productive, to improve their focus and to live a happy and successful life.And thats exactly why I decided to create the Focus Academy. I want to help you be more productive and improve focus by giving you the secrets that took me years to learn.Youll learn:+ How to develop a laser-sharp focus to perform Deep Work+ How to focus for longer periods of time while avoiding burnout by changing the way you work+ How to minimize the distractions of modern life+ A simple strategy you can use to stop procrastination in its tracks+ The Productivity Pyramid (and the mistake most of us make)+ The right way to plan your goals+ How to always deliver on what you set out to do+ How to use the power of habits and routines to skyrocket your focusAnd much more...The Focus Academy is designed to make YOU achieve your goals and fulfill your ambitions. Its not a short how-to or system you can implement. Its a complete 360 change on how to look at productivity and focus so you achieve a lot more by doing a lot less, freeing up time to do the things you like and spend more time with your loved ones.How the program is going to happen for you...The first part of the program is focused on helping you:+ change your outlook on productivity+ finding what output means to you+ adopt a productive mindset+ understand the key differences between busy people and productive people+ develop a strong work ethic+ develop strong self-discipline and use the power of habit to boost your productivitySecond part of the program is focused on helping you:+ understand the productivity pyramid+ use the right way to plan your goals+ plan your work in 90/60/30 and 7-day intervals+ conduct annual, quarterly, and weekly reviews to increase your productivity and improve your life+ always hit your goals (or even exceeding expectations)The third part of the program is focused on helping you:+ prioritizing your tasks+ focus for longer periods of time while avoiding burnout by changing the way you work+ beat the email game using a GTD system+ minimizing the distractions of modern life+ stop procrastination in its tracks+ perform Deep Work"
Price: 149.99

"Hacking Your Subconscious Mind" |
"There's a very BIGSECRETthat most of society is unaware of. This works for a great advantage to those who will pursue theHIDDENPOWERof the SUBCONSCIOUSMIND.Society is CONDITIONEDto think that anything outside of the social normoperates as falseand oh boy is society wrong! To understand that, you must understand that there aredefaultPROGRAMSTHATYOUHAVENOTHINGTODOWITH, like HEALING, Your HEARTBEAT, and ORGANFUNCTION. These programs are running from you Subconscious Mind WITHOUTYOURCONSENTModern Science says that 95% of the choices you make day to day have NOTHINGTODOWITHYOURCOGNITIVETHOUGHT. The remaining 5% of your day is being played out by YOU, YOURTHINKINGMIND!Let's say that again, 95% of your day is not being played out by your thinking mind.In 2014 I found out about this power and I was making just over $60,000 a year. I'm a college graduate and work in a professional field but at the time my faith was low. I started to read some books and watch videos ANDITALLOFASUDDENCLICKED. Because of my many years of bible training I realised that MUCHOFITISALLEGORY. and is hidden from the ""WISE.""I began a journey and compiled a number of simple exercises that brought AWARENESSto my SUBCONSCIOUSMIND and since then, it has BECOMEMYBESTFRIEND! In 2017 I went WELLOVER $100,000 in pay when 3 years earlier I couldn't fathom being over 6 figures.There are many witnesses to this great power and if you can believe in yourself you too can achieve more! As it is written: GREATER THINGSSHALLYOUDO!This is the MINDOFTHEMILLIONAIRE, I'm on my way and would love to SHAREITWITHYOU!In this course we'll give you the tools to succeed and equip you to run the race and become that successful person you could only dream of!"
Price: 19.99

"Coding for Visual Learners: Learning JavaScript from Scratch" |
"Learning how to code can be challenging. It is hard to find good resources that arerelevant,practicalandengagingat the same time. This course teaches coding from scratch in a visual and beginner-friendly manner using the vastly popular programming language JavaScript and aprogramming library called p5.js.The emphasis of the course will be primarily on learning programming using JavaScript and p5.js and secondarily in creating visuals.The main focus is to teach you how to program so that you can choose to pursue whatever field that you would like with your newly established skill set.The skills that you will acquire from this course are highly transferrable and could be used whatever you choose to build; whether web or mobileapplications, programmable robots or generative art.This means that I will provide you with enough context so that you can build a strong foundation for programming. But I also wont hinder your momentum with irrelevant technical or theoretical points. The aim is to build a strong but a minimum viable knowledge to get you running with coding.This is the course that I wished I had available when I was learning coding myself.You will be buildingseveral useful and fun programs that does animation and visualizations and as a final project, you will be building an interactivegame that can be deployed online!If you are looking to learn coding in a fun and anengaging manner, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 99.99

"Startup Growth Strategies: Simple Approaches for Fast Growth" |
"Imagine how much more successful you could be growingyour startup if you could learn from the successes andmistakes of hundreds of entrepreneurs who came before you - that is what this course will do for youWhile I was at eBay I spent over $1B investing in and buying startups, so I evaluated hundreds of startups and saw what they did well and the most common pitfalls. I've been coaching entrepreneurs the past few years since I left eBayusing what I've learned to help them become more successful, and now this knowledge is availableto you in this course.You will learn how to take your startup to the next level by avoiding the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make:How to avoid the endless hole of direct marketing spending and still acquire loads of valuable customersWhy so many startups fail because they have dreams that are too broad and too bigHow much it pays to focus your startup in areas where you or your team have deep expertise and skills - just picking an area you are passionate about or is a big opportunity is a huge risk if you don't have relevantexperienceNot all customers are created equal - if you treat them all the same you will lose your best customersTeaching method:To illustrate the principles of this course, well look at different mistakes entrepreneurs made and how other entrepreneurs employed the strategies in this course to overtake them. These are all going to be pragmatic case studies, taught in the same way top business schoolsteach and how top management consulting firms like Bain train their employees. Im not going to teach you any theory, nothing academic, this is a practical course.I am going toteach youthe same materials that I use tocoach dozens ofentrepreneurs like youeach year.INSTRUCTOR DIRECT SUPPORT:Ask anyquestion and get answer right away within 24 hours or less depending on timezone -we do sleep you know ;) We are actively committed to supporting ourstudents every step of the way.30 DAYMONEY BACK GUARANTEE:Don't forget you can enroll at no risk!If this course is not for you then you can get 100% of your money back with thepress of a button- no questions asked! There is no risk to you - only upsidebenefit!TAKE ACTION - PRESS THE""TAKE THIS COURSE"" BUTTON - ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 184.99

"Leadership Mastery: Simple, Uncommon Leadership Strategies" |
"Imagine how much more successful you could be as a leaderif you could learn from the successes andmistakes of dozens of leaders, including Fortune 500 CEOs andexecutives,who came before you - that is what this course will do for youWhile I was at Bain and at eBayI worked with dozens of leaders, including Fortune 500 executives andCEOs, as well as entrepreneurs who led highly successful venture-backed startups.I have led teams of 10, 20 or more team members, many of whom were not my direct reports. I haveexperiencedwhat these leadersdid well and seen the most common pitfalls. I've thrived as a leader in some instances and fallen flat on my face in others. In this course I will share with you the key insights of leadership I have learned through my wealth of experience to make you a highly effective leader.You will learn how to take your leadership skillsto the next level through four key lessons:The singlebiggest and most commonchallenge to becoming an effective leader is practicing one single style of leadershipThe reason a single style of leadership is limiting is because your direct reports evolve over time, soyou will learn how to identifyeach phase in a direct report's developmentThe core lesson is how to tailor your leadership style to the needs of your direct reports at each stage of their developmentFinally you will learn the Jedi-mind trick of successfullyleading people who don't report to you: how to become a greatcross-functional leaderINSTRUCTOR DIRECT SUPPORT:Ask any question and get answer right away within 24 hours or less depending on time zone -we do sleep you know ;) We are actively committed to supporting our students every step of the way.30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE:Don't forget you can enroll at no risk! If this course is not for you then you can get 100% of your money back with the press of a button- no questions asked! There is no risk to you - only upside benefit!TAKE ACTION - PRESS THE ""TAKE THIS COURSE"" BUTTON - ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 124.99

"Curso de Reiki Online sistema Usui tradicional" |
"El REIKI es un antiguo sistema de sanacin y reequilibrio bioenergtico a travs de la imposicin de manos. En este Curso Online, trabajamos de forma completa la utilizacin de REIKI como un Arte de Vida que nos permita no slo sanar dolencias, tanto del cuerpo fsico como del espiritual, sino tambin llevar armona a nuestro diario vivir.El REIKI es una filosofa de vida que nos ayuda adesarrollar nuestra intuicin y nos permite ampliar nuestra consciencia a travs de la presencia, de la prctica de meditacin y de la conexin con nuestro propio ser y con la Fuente de Energa Vital Universal.Temario:. Historia y Origendel REIKI: Historia de Mikao Usui y sus discpulos. Las 2 Reglas Primordiales del REIKI. Los 5 Principios Fundamentales, en espaol y japons. Las Enseanzas de Mikao Usui. Posicin Gassho: La importancia y utilidad de la postura durante la sesin. El REIKI y Los Chakras. Herramientas Prcticas (Meditaciones Guiadas, Auto-REIKI guiado).. Preparacin Del Gabinete. AromaterapiaAplicada a la Sesin de REIKI. Kanyoku Ho: Bao Seco (Limpieza Energtica de nuestro cuerpo). Chi Kung (Qi Gong): ejercicios de energizacin del cuerpo fsico. Pranayamas: ejercicios de control de la respiracin. Ejercicios de Relajacin. Auto-REIKI: sesin completa guiada de Auto-Tratamiento con REIKI. Sesin Completa de REIKI a otra persona: posterior y de frente. REIKI a los Animales:Sesin Completa de demostracin y gua. REIKI a las Plantas:Sesin Completa de demostracin y gua. Demostracin de una Sesin de REIKI a los Alimentos y Medicamentos. Preparacin de AGUAREIKI"
Price: 129.99

"Ho'oponopono online course. The art of forgiveness." |
"Throughtout this course, we will teach you the technique of HO'OPONOPONO, an ancient art of forgiveness that enables you to discover who you really are, helping you get rid of constricting emotions, thoughts and memories from the past.This course includes all the tools that Ho'oponopono uses in order to help you find peace and harmony.Syllabus:. Introduction. What is Ho'oponopono?. The Aim of Ho'oponopono. History and origins of Ho'oponopono. The Dissociation. The HUNA Philosophy.. HUNA's 14 Principles to have a healthy and successful life. Ho'oponopono's Founders: Morrnah Someona Nalamaku and Ihaleakala Hew Len. The Ho'oponopono Ritual. Our Three Minds. Moment of Relfection: Thoughts and Beliefs.7 HUNA Principles To Change Your Life. Memories. Emotions. What we all need to HealHo'oponopono Practical Tools:. The 4 Healing Words. Peace Begins With Me. Blue Solar Water. Ho'oponopono and The Sunflowers. The Ho'oponopono Prayer to Divinity. ""I"" am the ""I"" - Ho'oponopono Meditation. HA Breathing exercise.The Gratitude Exercise To Make Dreams Come TrueRecommended Bibliography."
Price: 94.99

"Curso online de meditacin. Aprend a meditar" |
"En este curso trabajaremos sobre las distintas tcnicas de Meditacin para que el alumno pueda encontrar aquella que le es ms fcil de aplicar y practicar. El curso online est dividido en distintas secciones para facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje y prctica del alumno. Adems, incluye una seccin especial con Meditaciones y Visualizaciones Guiadas para acompaar al alumno en su prctica diaria de meditacin.Contenidos del Curso Online de Meditacin:Qu es Meditacin?Beneficios de la MeditacinLa Meditacin y La SaludPreparacin de la MeditacinLa importancia de la RelajacinRespiracin DiafragmticaRespiracin Alterna (Nadi Sodana)Surya Namaskar (Saludo al Sol) para conectar al cuerpo y la menteHerramientas Prcticas: Ejercicios para la relajacin y la conexin con nuestro ser (Yoga y Chi Kung/Qi Gong)Meditacin: Sanando a Nuestro Nio InterioMeditacin: Dialogando con el sntoma y el malestarMeditacin con el AmorMeditacin con la GratitudVisualizacin RegeneradoraMeditacin para Concretar Nuestros DeseosTestimonios y Experiencias de la Meditacin"
Price: 54.99

"IELTS Preparation Masterclass: A Complete Guide to the IELTS" |
"Learn the most important preparation tips and essential information about the IELTS Test from an IELTS ExpertDo you need information and tips to help you prepare for the IELTS Test? Then this course is for you!Prepare for the IELTS quickly and effectivelyGet all the essential information about the IELTS TestLearn aboutthe format of each part of the examUnderstand the different question typesDiscover the bestexam tipsFind out how to prepare at homeTest YourselfCompleteIELTS Listening TestShortIELTS Reading Testplus lots of quizzes about the IELTS TestThis IELTS Preparation Course contains:over20 videolectures and 3.5hoursof videocontenttestsarticlesquizzesdownloadablestudy materialsPLUSa free eBook,The Essential Guide to the IELTSSubtitles: Englishand VietnameseWhat students are saying:Over2600 studentshave enrolled on the course. Here is what they are saying:""Amazing explanation!""""Perfect!""""I'm more confident because of you. Thanks!""""It was great; it can help anyone at any level.""""Concise and full of useful tips.""""It was so helpful.""""The course is very thoroughabout the test content and gives you a very good idea of what to expect on the test date.""""It was really clear and useful.""By the end of this course, you will knowhow to get a highscore in the IELTS test. You will understand what you must do in each of the four tests (listening, reading, speaking and writing) and you will have some exam tips to help you get the best band score possible.You will be able totake the IELTS test with confidence!"
Price: 199.99

"Business English Vocabulary: Learn Essential Business Words" |
"This online Business English course will helpyou to understand anduse over 150words essential for doing business in English.This course is designed for peoplewho use BusinessEnglishand want to improvetheir ability to speak, write, read and listen in English.This course uses my unique language learning technique, used by thousands of students worldwide. It shows you how the words are actually used and it gives you the opportunity to use these words using quizzes and practice activities.Each word is explained through a video presentation inwhich you will:learn wordmeaningshearhow to clearlypronounceeachwordsee how each word isused throughexample sentenceslearn how to naturallyuse the wordsthroughcommoncollocations(words that frequently go together)discover thedifferentformsandderivativesof eachwordget to knowsynonymsof eachwordThe course also comes with:aPDFof each video, to help you revise these wordsa printable vocabulary record with activities - turn this into your own vocabulary bookletmultiple choice quizzes to help you learn each wordTogether, this information will help you develop adeep knowledgeof each wordMaster essential words for business,improve your Business English vocabulary and improvecommunication with your clients.By the end of thiscourse, your confidence using Business Englishwill soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of somewords essential in business, and be able to speak and listen, read and write with a lot more confidence.About the instructor:Charles Corneliuscomes fromEngland.He hashas been teaching English all over the world for 20 years, most recently at the British Council where he taught Business English.He has been teaching English online since 2008 and now has over6,000 happy students on Udemy. He has a Masters degree in education and is a fully-qualified English language teacher.He is theauthor of two bestselling books and runs websitesfor both English language teachers and English languagestudents.Course ImageDesigned by Pressfoto / Freepik"
Price: 99.99

"Speak English With Confidence: English Speaking Course" |
"Speak English confidently in this unique English language course, which is ideal for students at a pre-intermediate to intermediate level of English (A2-B1). You will improve your English Speaking, English Listening, English Vocabulary, English Grammar and English Pronunciation skills.Includes: Assignments and a Free Companion Website with Online Activities This Course Also Includes: Step-by-step teaching method Online activities Downloadable PDF Worksheets Assignments Video lessons Subtitles AND a Course Facebook Group where you can upload videos of your talksUNIQUE STEP-BY-STEP METHODEach topic is based around a short talk using real-life English - you will hear and see how a native speaker talks about this topic. Then I take you step-by-step through the language you need to create your own talk. At the end of each section, you can create and upload your own short talk.Watch the introduction to the topicListen to my talkDo a listening activity Learn the language in my talkLearn more vocabularyDo a vocabulary activity Create a short talk about the topicTake an assignment (optional)By working through the materials, you will master the English language needed to speak confidently about a variety of everyday topics. You will also learn English Grammar and English Vocabulary in a natural way.ABOUT THE COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Charles Corneliusnative English speaker from Englandexperienced English language teacher with 20 years' teaching experience, including at The British CouncilMasters degree in EducationUdemy instructor since 2015: over 30,000 students in 160 countriesCourse Image Designed by Freepik"
Price: 199.99

"IELTS Speaking Part 2 Masterclass: Get a Band 7 to Band 9" |
"Prepare to get a Band 7, Band 8 or Band 9 in the IELTS Speaking Part 2 Doing your preparation for the IELTS Speaking exam means a lot of work. It can also mean a lot of doubt. If you dont have a teacher, its normal to say things like I dont know what to do to get better or Am I getting the band score I need?The objective of this course is to help you prepare with confidence for your IELTS speaking exam, in particular Part 2.Youll get access to some unique resources you wont find anywhere else on the internet: natural, unscripted native speakers doing IELTS Speaking Part 2 tasksAND a unique self-assessment wizardWell teach you how to know which band score you are getting. And using real examples of native and non-native speakers, well show you what you can do to improve your band score.And you can do it all at home, without a teacher. We chose to focus on Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking exam. Its the part we know most people find really difficult. But if you struggle with Part 1 and Part 3 as well, then everything you learn here will help you. Heres what youll learn.With Charlie youll learn to:Understand what the examiner wants to see you do in the examAssess an IELTS Speaking Part 2 task, like an examinerAssess your own IELTS Speaking Part 2 tasksCharlie will make sure that you know what band score youre getting at the moment. With Sam youll learn to:Stop hesitating and start getting your best possible band score by planning your talks effectivelyImitate and copy the language of native speakers and high-level non-native speakersPrepare in the short and long term to get the best band score possibleSam will make sure that you know how to get the highest possible band score in the IELTS exam. This is not an easy task! It takes work. You cant just watch the videos in this course. There are a lot of activities. Youll need to participate and complete these. Between Charlie and Sam, we have 30 years of experience helping people get their IELTS scores. Weve prepared students for exams in France, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Thailand and the UK. We know from experience that with the right lessons, authentic examples and good practice activities, our students can achieve the results they need. So heres what youll DO in this course. Watch authentic examples of real native speakers doing the IELTS speaking task, as well as non-native speakersUse the self-assessment wizard to assess these talksStart to record and assess your own IELTS speaking Part 2 talksPlan talks and analyse how effective your plans areImprove your plans so you dont hesitate Copy over 50 examples of natural English to improve your band scoreBasically, youll assess your talks like an examiner. And youll start to do your part 2 speaking tasks more like a native speaker. We know from experience that this can help you get the band score you need in the IELTS exam. When you know what band score youre getting, you also know your strong and weak points.When you know what these are, you can start to improve them. With good examples to follow (and mistakes to avoid), you can learn the exact language you need. And with guidance on what to prepare in the short and long-term, you can make sure your preparation is incredibly effective. All you need is the right activities, your concentration and your time. We will show you how to get a Band 7 or above in IELTS Speaking. If youre ready to start doing it, then check out the free videos on this page and start learning now.See you soon in the course.Charlie and SamCourse image designed by Freepik"
Price: 199.99

"Stored Procedures Unpacked: Learn to Code T-SQL Stored Procs" |
"In this Course you will Learn to:Use stored procedures to implement business logic.Develop stored procedures from scratch!Learn some basic troubleshooting skills.Know the right way to use cursors.Apply database transaction techniques to commit or rollback your database changes.Trap and handle errors.Nothing is worse thanBeing excited to learn something new but not knowing where to start.Wasting time learning the wrong features.Being overwhelmed with options and not know which to use.Imagine Having...Knowledge - Knowing how to quickly write stored procedures to take your SQL to the next level.Confidence - Feeling good that youre on the right track.Accomplishment - Having a sense of accomplishment that you've learned something most cannot.Fun - Having fun learning about cursors, stored procedures, and triggers!By the time youve complete this course youll have an appreciation of developing stored procedures, overcome your fear, and able to write stored procedures that pass parameters, handle errors, and rollback unintended database changes.Now thats cool!"
Price: 19.99

"Database Normalization Simplified" |
"This course is perfect if you're running low on time, and need to cram for a test or certification. Its singular purpose is to teach you database normalization.In this Course you will Learn to:Appreciate and design around data modification anomalies.Identify a properly formed database table.Answer common interview questions related to normalizationSpot a poorly designed table.Communicate with others about table design.Finally understand those confounding normalization rules!Nothing is worse thanBeing excited to learn something new but not knowing where to start.Wasting time learning the wrong features.Being overwhelmed with options and not know which to use.Imagine Having...Knowledge - Knowing how to quickly understand table relationships to take your SQL to the next level.Confidence - Feeling good that youre on the right track.Accomplishment - Having a sense of accomplishment that you've learned something most cannot.Fun - Having fun learning databases!By the time youve completed this course youll have an appreciation of database normalization, overcome your fear of normal form definitions, and make sense of the the most used database normal forms. "
Price: 19.99

"Android Application Security Testing Essential Training DIVA" |
"Android Application Security Testing Essential Training a highly practical and hands on video course. The course will focus on the tools and techniques for testing the Security of Android Mobile applications. During the course, You will learn various topics such as , Android security model, Android Application Pentesting and Exploitation, Reversing Android applications, static and dynamic analysis of android sql ,input validation, access control, hardcoding issues and a bunch more. etc. After finishing this course you will be able to perform a Penetration test on a given Android device and its applications ,DIVA is Damn Insecure and Vulnerable Application created by Aseem Jakhar, Payatu Labs. It contains various vulnerabilities including flaws in input validation, access control, hardcoding issues and a bunch more. This video course guides the viewer on how to analyse the vulnerabilities in DIVA and possibly exploit them. Using the skills learnt in the DIVA videos along with the Android for Pentesters training, you can apply the same knowledge to the real world application and identify security vulnerabilities in Android apps."
Price: 19.99
