"Android Forensics Essential Training" |
"The smart phone market is growing higher and higher. With the drastic changes in technology, smart phones are becoming targets of criminals. Because of the fact that most of the people are completely addicted to the mobile devices to do our daily tasks, ranging from setting up a reminder to wish our dear ones well on special occasions, to online banking transactions, mobile devices contain a lot of sensitive data which is of an investigators interest. As Android is one of the leading smart phone operating systems, it it is important to have knowledge of Android forensics.Android forensics is different from regular disk forensics because of various reasons. It supports various file systems which are specific to Android. We may look for the following data on Android devices: SMS, MMS, emails, call logs, contacts, photos, calendars, notes, browser history, GPS locations, passwords, data stored on SD cards, etc.It is important to understand file systems, directory structures, and how and where the data is stored on the devices before getting into actual forensics."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking Essential Training" |
"course design for beginnerIf the idea of hacking as a career excites you, youll benefit greatly from completing this training . Youll learn how to exploit networks in the manner of an attacker, in order to find out how protect the system from them.If you want to get in the cyber security field, then this is an ideal course for you. It teaches you, how to find vulnerabilities (bugs or loopholes, like coding mistakes, configuration mistakes or errors etc) in any applications and Network infrastructures including networking devices, mobiles and etc. Web Application Penetration is specific to digging the same specific to web applications.Information gatheringScanning enumeration & footprintingOpen source intelligence gatheringUtilizing opensource tools to find the informationSystem hackingProxy server and chainingKeyloggers, Trojan and other virusesNetworking sniffing and session hijackingSQL Injection and cross site scriptingAnd more"
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress Essential Training Hindi" |
"Why Learn WordPress?WordPress is the worlds most popular open source content management system. Thats a fancy of saying it allows you to build great websites.About 22% of all websites are powered by WordPress. It generates thousands of job opportunities around the world, and there are millions of websites making money using WordPress.Apart from the economic opportunities, WordPress enables people to share their stories, ideas, build communities and do awesome things.What do I need to learn WordPress?Learning WordPress is easy as long as you are willing to commit few hours each day for a week. You would need some very basic search skills (i.e know how to Google), and the ability to follow instructions.No you dont need to know HTML or other programming to build a website. Will it help to know those in the future? Ofcourse, but its not necessary in the beginning.Many skilled WordPress users started from scratch just like you. In fact most WordPress users dont know how to write code or design websites.Now that you are committed to learn WordPress, we want to welcome you"
Price: 19.99

"Building Your Advanced Pen Testing Environment Training" |
"Setting up penetration testing labs with open source tools as well as commercial tools. And test applications and boxes to learn and enhance the skills of exploiting and securing the web, network and systems. The test and training lab have various test scenarios isolated from outer network where almost all the attacks can be learned and analyzed"
Price: 19.99

"Metasploit Essential Training" |
"his course is a perfect starting point for Information Security Professionals who want to learn penetration testing and ethical hacking. We will teach you how to use Metasploit, in a structured and intuitive mannerquick reference for penetration testers, noobs, and other security professionals.We hope you enjoy the Metasploit Essential Training course as much as we did making it!"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Udemy Super Teacher: Win 5 Star Reviews, unofficial" |
"Become a Udemy Super Teacher:Win 5 Star Reviewsis not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reviews are more important than ever for online courses!Great reviews:create massivesocial proofget platforms / marketersto want to promote for youhelp yougrow a base of loyal fansbuild a strong brandAll of which leads to moresales!The way to get great reviews is to create great content. Great content is the thinking that goes behind the teaching, but also the quality of teaching itself.Are you a good teacher?Have you ever taken the time to invest in your teaching training?Have you thought about what makes a great teacher?If the answer is ""no"", take this course! Ishow you the ten laws to follow that will improve your teaching today. Being able to teach well, is one of the most important competitive advantages on Udemy. You can copy somebody's ideas, but it's hard to copy somebody's teaching style.And if you can explain concepts better than any other instructor, you'll have a huge advantage in the marketplace!If you're ready to transform your teaching, and become a super teacher today, I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Music Speed Reading 101" |
"Is reading notes a slow process?Have you tried learning ""Every Good Boy Does Fine"" only to find it wasn't helpful?I want to teach you how to read notes FAST.In this course you will learn a superior note reading system I call The Landmark System. This is completely different system from what most piano teachers teach (Every Good Boy Does Fine).After learning this unique system, you'll then have fun completing a note reading bootcamp. The challenges in the bootcamp will sharpen your note reading skills to the point where note reading becomes fast and easy.Now note, this course is not a complete sight reading course. We will not cover rhythm, key signatures, or playing pieces of music. This course is hyper-focused on the first aspect of reading music, note recognition.At the end of this course you'll be able to recognize notes across the entire music staff and understand how to continue to sharpen your note reading skills.I'm excited for your note reading journey to begin and if you are too, I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"7 Secrets To Designing In Black and White" |
"This course is for: Graphic Designers,Illustrators, Hand Letterers andanyone else who is curious...This course teaches you how towork in ONLY black and white, no grey!Learning to make your designs work in black and white ensures they will be effective,no matter how they are printed. This comes in super handy, especially when your clients have a low production budget or want to have a minimalistic look. Black and white is truly a classic palate and stands out brilliantly wherever it is placed.Black and white is here to stay, so why not learn how to master this minimalisticcolor palate...and have some fun while you learn!My design studio, Vision City, has become known for black and white design. It has been something my clients have been coming to me for over the last decade. My entire recycledart print and greeting card brand is comprised of a black and white color palate. Learning thistimeless and essential skill is a must for any designer or illustrator.Ready to master black and white?Lets get started!Melanie"
Price: 49.99

"Learn How To Grow A Successful Logo Design Business" |
"This Course is for Graphic Designers and Illustrators who want tobuild a successful Logo Design Business.I have been running my own freelance business now for over 10 years and one of my favourite things to work on are logos. They have created a substantial income for my business and in this course I want to share my business secrets with other freelancers. I will show you how to build a legit freelance business with logo design.In this course I will teach you:1. How To Get Started Designing Logos For Clients2.Pricing, Deposits and Invoices (The Easy Way!)3. Client Consultation Like A Pro (+ I include my ""Listening Sheet"" for you to download and print out)4. Sketching ideas and Concept Development5. Tips on Converting your Sketches To The Computer (Vectors)6. Presenting Your Logo Ideas To Your Client7. Finalizing the Logo Design8. How To Package Logo Files Properly (Formats and Colour Variations)I have also created a LOGO DESIGN CHALLENGE for you to completeand post in the projects section. This will get you to practice what I have taught you in this course and allow you to showcase your personal design style with the Skillshare community!Ready to begin building your logo design business?Lets get started!Melanie"
Price: 49.99

"(Canva) SNS" |
"(Canva) . , , . , . , . . . , . . . ! .30 100% . "
Price: 19.99

(SEO) |
". SEO . . Yoast SEO . . SEO ."
Price: 19.99

"Walking Bass Fundamentals" |
"Always wanted to learn how to play walking bass, but it was to difficult?This course is a follow up to my best-selling ""Walking Bass - Quick Start Guide"" course. In this course I'll take you further andyou'll learn how to strategically compose cool sounding walking bass lines from scratch. Yes - you will be COMPOSINGand IMPROVISINGon your OWN! By the end of the course, I guarantee that you'll be able to do it!In this course, I'll show you a strategic and simple way to construct and improvise walking bass lines right there on the spot using chord tones and different intervals. The concepts are easy to understand and it's something all bass pros know about, but rarely share. It took me years to figure out what I'm about to show you, and you'll be able to learn it in just a few weeks of practice. You'll then have a new bass skill that will stay with you forever and you'll be proud of it - I'm sure.Please watch the free preview videos to get a taste for whats inside.This course is shot inHD video and featuresquality bass playing audio mixed with the backing tracks. The course is split into eight chapters, each adding a new note to our ""easy walking bass"" strategy. This means that each chapter is very doable - you just need a bit of practice but you'll understand concepts involved immediately.This course includes:PDF, Guitar Pro 5 & Guitar Pro 6 tabs for each playing exampleInteractive backing track videos for jamming and practiceEnglish subtitlesUnlimited forum help and instructor feedbackWalking bass pro tricks & strategiesFun playing examplesI want you to know that it is important to me to hear back from you, while you're going thorough the course. This is why I'd like to encourage you tosend me messagesanytime, Ill be checking them out and responding quickly (usually the same day!). Also, Id like to askyou to record audio files or videos (you can post videos on Youtube and share the link) and send them to me forfeedback.Im here to help YOU, so please dont be shy :)This course is designed as awalking bass fundamentals tutorial. We wont be going into any complicated theory and walking bass concepts - I'll just show you stuff that you really have to know to be able to enjoy walking bass.You'll learn walking bass essentials and basics. Everything else, when it comes to walking bass, just builds up on this foundation that you'll gain.I'll show you fundamentals that'll enable you to enjoy walking bass as a playing style and unlock your improvisation ability on bass. Walking bass sounds impressive, so this is an amazing skill to have. There is no magic behind it, rather simple ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately to understand which notes can you play over which chords.This course, does not rely on music theory much. You'll learn some theory related concepts such as intervals that you have to know in order to enjoy walking bass, but I tried to skip theory that you don't actually need as much as possible.This is a problem of many other walking bass courses out there,as those just dig too deep into music theory that it becomes boring too soon.Youll just need to have a very basic understanding of how to find certain notes on the fretboard (in basic, most often used positions on the neck) and be able to play quarter notes steadily. Since walking bass heavily relies on chords, youll need to have a basic understanding of chords and root notes, but we cover those topics within the course so you can just dig into it and ask me questions along the way if something is not clear.Please send me your feedback about the course. What did you like? What did you not like? How could I improve it? Your feedback means a lot to me and I need to in order to better shape the course content for YOU.Please Enroll Today!Cheers,Bogdan aka Bass Rebel"
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate Bass Technique Workout" |
"Are You ready to finally unlock technique secrets on bass and be able to play songs that you like with ease?Proper technique is at the core of everything we play on bass. Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to play a favorite song or music thats locked inside our mind. When starting out, our fingers are not doing what wed like them to do, and then we are practically stuck and cant make progress and truly enjoy the instrument. Ive made this course to SET YOU FREE, and UNLOCK your bass playing potential. Yes - this course is all about left and right hand bass technique! Once you complete this course, you'll unlock a whole new way of playing the bass. Youll feel like youve found direction and obtained tools that you needed so desperately, and that youve just surpassed a major stumbling block that was holding you back.Please watch the free preview videos to get a taste of whats inside.The course consists of two main elements: technique concepts and exercises. Ill show you correct technique ideas that every bass player should incorporate to play more effortlessly and efficiently. Technique concepts and mechanics are same for absolute beginners and advanced players. In fact, if youre complete beginner - then this course is perfect for you as you might not have developed any bad habits along the way. If your level is intermediate or advanced, you'll still benefit from this course. The second major component of this course is EXERCISES. Tons of simple exercises that you can do every day. You can do them while watching TV, on the train or even in the office. They are incredibly easy to do, yet super efficient at building your chops. This all means that youll spend less time in the woodshed, yet make more progress on the bass! The course is shown in crisp HD video and features high-quality bass audio and backing tracks.This course includes:- Tabs for each playing example- Interactive backing track videos for practice in different tempos- Progressive tempo backing track for building endurance and speed- English subtitles- Unlimited forum help and instructor feedback- Left and right hand pro technique tips and tricks- Ultra-efficient exercises for building your bass chopsI want you to know that it is important to me to hear back from you, while you're going through the course. I'd like to encourage you to send me messages anytime, and Ill be checking them out and responding quickly (usually the same day!). Also, Id like to ask you to record audio files or videos (you can post videos on Youtube and share the link) and send them to me for feedback.Im here to help YOU, so please dont be shy :)You dont need any prerequisites to enjoy this course. Just bring your bass, and youre ready to start working on your technique. Youll be able to improve your comfort, speed, and endurance while spending less time. This course is also like a virtual bass fitness class - just fire up a lesson and start practicing.Please send me your feedback about the course. What did you like? What did you not like? How could I improve it? Your comments mean a lot to me, and I need them to shape the course content for YOU better.Please Enroll Today!Cheers,Bogdan aka Bass Rebel"
Price: 49.99

"C# Basics - Learn Coding & Programming for Beginners" |
"Learn C# and the Basics of ProgrammingLearn how to code with C# in this Intro to Programming course. This video course is designed to be the starting point for anyone interested in learning software development. The course uses C#, one of the most popular modern programming languages, but by learning programming basics, you will be able to learn any other programming language very quickly.Once you complete this course, you will also be ready to learn technologies that use programming to develop complex, professional software applications. You will be ready to learn Windows Presentation Foundation which uses C# to build enterprise-level desktop applications, or ASP.NET which uses C# to create enterprise-level web applications.Learn How to Code Using Modern TechniquesThe C# language is still supported and continues to be updated. Dont begin your software development education using outdated material. Learn how to program the right way. Learn the C# language as it exists today.Learn How to Program From Scratch in this Beginners CourseThis C# video course for beginners will teach you how to program from scratch. Learn how to code step-by-step with each topic building on the next. Complete programming exercises and a quiz on each topic to ensure competency before moving on to the next topic. For each exercise, you will write an actual program! If you get stuck, there will be a solution video for the exercise you can watch.Learn Programming and Software Development in this Intro to Programming CourseIn this course, you will learn the fundamentals of programming using C# through a series of 32 lectures, 16 exercises, and 7 quizzes. The course will start from scratch and prior programming knowledge is not expected, so anyone with basic computer skills can jump right in and start learning C# programming!The first section of the course will give you a general overview of programming, teach you how to install Visual Studio, a software program used to write code, and show you the basics of programming syntax in C#. Next, you will learn how to control the flow of logic through your program, using boolean logic, decision statements, and iteration statements. Section three will cover methods, which allow you to write a block of code and then use it whenever you want, without having to duplicate code. Then, you will learn about the different data types that C# uses to store different kinds of data. Section five will teach you Object-Oriented Programming, which is the modern paradigm for developing software. Next, you will learn about debugging and error handling, to ensure that you write code that doesnt crash and works correctly in all scenarios. Finally, you will learn some advanced C# programming, so that you will be prepared for unique coding problems when they arise. Upon completion of the course, you will have all the skills necessary to learn any technology that uses C# programming.Free Preview and Money-Back GuaranteePreview the first 4 lectures for free. Start learning how to code right now! Still unsure if you want to buy? The course comes with a full, 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can feel confident about your purchase and not have to worry about changing your mind later."
Price: 199.99

"This is Mindfulness Meditation" |
"Referred to asThe #1 Health-Booster in 2015by Parade Magazine, meditation is making its presence known to even the most skeptical. Scientists, politicians, celebrities, and children,anyone with a consistent practice, aremarveling at the benefits resulting from meditation.People nowrealize that this practice can be done without crossing any religious boundaries.Meditation is not for the stereotypical hippie, but is totally appropriate and worthwhile for themainstream.It is asimple strategy that helps you learn to live in the moment. Over 30 years ago Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn brought mindfulness meditation to the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Since then, hospitals, corporations, the military, and the sports world have seen the benefits. Research shows that meditation improves focus and attention, cognitive flexibility, memory, and concentration. At the same time, there are decreases in anxiety and stress, even for individuals who have established patterns of recurring depression. It also helps develop greater empathy for self and others, and opens the doors to positively impact the growing numbers of people who feel alone, apart, and unimportant in their worlds.The implications for how this can improve the realities of people in diverse areas are limitless: teachers, students, and parents; those living from paycheck to paycheck; those overwhelmed by what they feel is essential to their success. Does meditation take any of those issues away? Not at all. It just allows one to live in thenow,rather than imagining extra situations or conversations to worry about.In this class, participants will learn about the more recent history of what we call mindfulness meditation, thescientifically proven changes, and the practices of mindful listening andbreathing, as well as basic brain science. All together, this course will enable you to start a practice that will change your life."
Price: 19.99

"Saving is no longer a great move. Find out why now." |
"Learn what saving is and why saving your hard earned cash is no longer a great move. You'll learn why saving is bad for you and what you should do instead.I will talk about the different reasons why people save, and although the goals are understandable, the method of achieving those goals is weak.I know you have heard in the TV news, newspapers, radio, magazines and elsewhere that you should save your money, put cash in the bank ina fixed deposit accountand save so that you can have a comfortable retirement. I'm sorry to tell you: that is the worst advice you can ever get. Donotlisten to that advice.Ihave made the same mistake millions of people make everyday, by saving part of mysalary every month in cash. Partly because I too used tolisten to the media on how to save money.I have learnt from those mistakesand Iwant you to not repeat the same mistakes.I amactively investing in Silver coinsmyself.I have previously invested in unit trusts or mutual funds. I wasted money and time.I practise what Ipreach. Unlike many people who say 'save your money in gold and shares' but they don't do that themselves.I have more than 10 years experience in the investment field.Istarted investing when I was only 18 years of agefrom my very first salary.Maybe you don't have much money to invest or just starting out. That's OK, I will guide you along the way and explain toyou why you shouldinvest in commodities like Silver.Topicsin this course include:What is saving?Different reasons why people save.Why saving in this day and age is bad for you.Why you should not listen to the media about saving.BONUS:Famous quotesfrom people who have invested successfully.Take the course now!"
Price: 199.99

"HMI Programming & Design - FactoryTalk View ME SCADA PLC" |
"The goal of this class is to equip you with the knowledge required to develop your own HMIapplications on FactoryTalk View Studio and deploy them into Machine Edition (ME).We will start by going over the core features of developing HMI applications. These features include connecting to the terminal, setting up communications to a live PLC, developing multiple displays as well as an array of features on top of these displays. The core section will cover absolutely everything you need to know in order to get started building your own stand alone applications.In the subsequent sections of the class, we will be going over a simple project followed by advanced features of HMI development.The final section (currently in development) will provide you with a larger project which will leverage the core as well as the advanced features covered in the previous sections.What are the requirements for the class?You don't need any hardware or software to follow the lectures, however, it is highly recommended to get some practice before going into an interview (if that's your goal). If that's not possible, I would advise spending some time working with an emulator.What can I expect from this class?The main objective of this course is to get you job-ready by the time you finish the last lecture.You will have a good understanding of what an HMI does, how it does it as well as what the outcomes of those actions are.You will be comfortable creating basic HMIscreen layouts and troubleshoot complex existing ones.You will have a better understanding of manufacturing systems as a whole.What is the target audience for the class?Electrical Engineers looking for a crash course on HMIs.Electrical Technicians / Electricians looking to expand their knowledge into controls.Software Engineers who are seeking to learn about controlling hardware.Manufacturing Operators looking to progress in their career.Anyone interested in how manufacturing processes are executed."
Price: 149.99

"Cognex In-Sight Machine Vision Industrial Development SCADA" |
"In this class, you will be learning about vision systems, their purpose within a manufacturing setting as well as how to develop an application for a Cognex In-Sight Machine Vision System.We will start by learning the typical ways machine vision systems are employed in todays manufacturing. ""Why are they needed?"", ""How do they operate?"" as well as ""What are their capabilities?"" will be some of the topics we will explore.We will then take a deep dive into the hardware involved within the Cognex In-Sight ecosystem. We will go over the setup you'd need to achieve in order to properly install one of these vision systems on the manufacturing floor, pass signals back and fourth and be able to communicate with it in a reliable fashion. As we progress through the next sections, we will revisit some of our initial hardware considerations and explore them further.The core of the class will be spent learning about the In-Sight explorer application. This tool allows a vision systems programmer to create, troubleshoot and modify existing vision system applications. As we progress through the course, you will become familiar with the different tools & techniques at your disposal and which role they will play in your environment.At the end of each section, you will face a brief quiz which will test your knowledge and make sure that you're getting the most out of the material covered within the class.What are the requirements for the class?You don't need any hardware or software to follow the lectures, however, Cognex provides a free software package as well as an emulator which you may use to practice.The hardware we will be utilizing within the course can be purchased on Ebay at around 200-500$USD. It's not required, but does give you an opportunity for hands on practice.What can I expect from this class?You will know how to wire in the Cognex In-Sight Camera HardwareYou will know how to establish communication with the Cognex Camera in In-Sight ExplorerYou will know how to create a new application in Easy Builder.You will know how to utilize most of programming tools within Easy Builder.You will know how to troubleshoot and tweak the application in order to meet the specific needs you may have.You will know how to properly setup inputs & outputs for the Cognex camera application.What is the target audience for the class?Technicians who work with Vision Systems.Electrical Engineers who work with Vision Systems.Manufacturing personnel who's exposed to or looking to learn how to work with vision systems.Managers &Supervisors of those who work with vision systems."
Price: 199.99

"Englisch lernen: Sprachkurs mit viele bungen und Vokabeln!" |
"Brauchen Sie Englischunterricht? War es schwer auf die Schule Englisch zu lernen? Sind Sie Anfnger? Oder ist es schon lange her, dass Sie Englisch gelernt haben und brauchen Sie eine Auffrischung? Denn ist dieser Kurs fr Sie!Lernen Sie Englisch mit diesem Englischkurs! Fr wen ist dieser Kurs?Dieser online Sprachkurs ist fr Anfnger. Anfnger die noch nie Englisch gelernt haben, oder in einer sehr fernen Vergangenheit. Sie mssen keine Englische Vokabeln kennen. Wir fangen an von Null.Was lernen wir?In diesem Kurs werden wir die Grundlagen des Englisch lernen. Wir beginnen mit wie sich vorstellen. Denn lernen wir die Lndern, der Negativ, Sprachen, Transport und viel mehr. Ab und zu werden wir ein bisschen Grammatik lernen, aber das wichtigste Teile sind die Aussprache und die bungen, wir ben viel!Wie lernen wir Englisch?Vom Anfang bis zum Ende des Kurses ist alles auf Englisch. Klingt mal schwierig, aber versuchen sie mit die ersten, kostenlosen Videos. So werden Sie schnell ihres Englisch verbessern. Es hilft Sprachen zu lernen, mehr als Englisch Grammatik.Ich garantiere:Immer ZugangAlle Verbesserungen und Updates kostenlos dabeiVersicherte Udemy Rckerstattung innerhalb von 30 TagenSind Sie Bereit fr diese Weiterbildung? Denn beginnen wir! Los gehts!Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Ingls bsico: aprende el idioma Ingls online" |
"Buscando un curso de Ingls en lnea? Empiezas de aprender Ingls? Aqu, estas en la direccin correcta! En este curso, vamos a aprender Ingls desde cero ... en Ingls.Aprende Ingls fcilmente... Quin puede aprender?Cualquier principiante. Ya conoces algo de Ingls? De una escuela de idiomas o de una academia de Ingls? Perfecto! Esto te ayudar a hablar Ingls. No sabes nada de Ingls? No te preocupes, comenzamos desde cero.Que vas a aprender?Estas clases de Ingls te ensearan a tener conversaciones bsicas en Ingls. Comenzamos con la presentacin: cmo presentarte. Entonces, aprendemos de los pases, el negativo, verbos, transporte, y ms cosas generales para mejorar tu Ingls, y tambin hablar y tu pronunciacin. Cmo vamos a aprender?Vamos a hacer un montn de ejercicios. Cada seccin una prueba (o un examen). Y todo esto ... en Ingls! S, el curso es exclusivamente en Ingls. Eso puede ser impresionante, pero probas los primeros videos que estn gratis. Despus de unas lecciones, olvidaras que es en Ingls. Iras ms rpido, y es una manera eficiente de aprender idiomas.Te garantizo:El pleno accesoTodas las futuras clases adicionales y actualizaciones se incluyen libre.Udemy garanta de devolucin de 30 dasListo para empezar de aprender Ingls? Vamos!Tu profesor de Ingls,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Leer Engels: cursus voor beginners die Engels willen leren!" |
"Verbeter je Engels met deze cursus!Zoek je naar een online cursus om Engels beginnen te leren? Wil je beginnen of ben je pas begonnen? Dan is deze opleiding ideaal om ermee te beginnen! We gaan Engels leren in het Engels.Voor wie is deze cursus?Deze taalcursus is voor beginners. Heb je nog nooit Engels geleerd? Of in een heel ver verleden? Of geen tijd om de taal te oefenen? Gebruik dan deze cursus om eraan te beginnen. Je moet geen woord Engels kennen, we beginnen vanaf nul.Wat gaan we leren?In deze opleiding Engels gaan we de absolute basis leren. We beginnen bij de basis: hoe jezelf voorstellen. Daarna volgen landen, de negatieve wijs, talen, transport en nog veel meer. Hier en daar is er wat grammatica maar het belangrijkste is dat we de taal oefenen. Ook de uitspraak komt aan bod.Hoe gaan we Engels leren?Van het begin tot het einde van de cursus leren we in het Engels. Klinkt moeilijk, maar probeer de gratis videos. Het klinkt veel moeilijker dan het werkelijk is. Zo zal jouw Engels snel verbeteren en wordt de Engelse les n en al oefening. De vertaling nl-eng zal niet meer nodig zijn.Ik garandeer:Altijd toegang, levenslangAlle verbeteringen en updates gratisVerzekerde terugbetaling binnen de 30 dagenKlaar voor de Engelse les? Dan beginnen we eraan!Ik kijk uit naar jouw vorderingen,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Start to teach your language online live & earn extra income" |
"Do you want to teach your language live and online?Do you like working from home?Do you need help to start to teach?Are you motivated to make some extra money by teaching?A course for every online language teacher - no degree needed!Wherever you are in the world, whatever your language is, whatever your teaching experience is: this course will help you step by step to successfully teach your language online. You can only teach 2 hours a week (online tutoring jobs) or work full time via your computer. No Bachelor degree? No problem. This course is for anyone.Using my experience as an online language teacher, I'll guide you on where to find students, how to reach out and how to teach them and attract even more students. It doesn't matter if you're looking for English teaching jobs or if you're a foreign language teacher. The course will also focus on adult teaching but the lessons can be applied to children as well.This online course has the following lessons:choose your lessons' topicsuse different techniques to make your students talkstructure your language lessonsgive the right homework to your studentscorrect your students successfullyapply methods to customise your lessons to your studentsfind millions of online language studentssuccessfully apply to be a teacher on an online platformknow which equipment you need to teach onlineset up a place where to teachfind the right price for your lessons using a price strategymarket yourself to increase bookingsWhat are you still waiting for? Get ready to teach online! Happy learning,Alain"
Price: 24.99

"Cours de nerlandais en nerlandais 1: apprends en ligne" |
"Envie d'apprendre la langue nerlandaise?Cherches-tu un cours de nerlandais intensif en ligne?Est-ce que tu es un dbutant? Te voil la bonne adresse! Dans ce cours de langue-ci, nous apprendrons le nerlandais partir de zro en nerlandais.Qui peut apprendre?Nimporte quel dbutant. Si tu connais dj quelques mots en nerlandais, comme merci et bonjour, c'est trs bien, a t'aidera. Si tu ne le connais pas du tout, pas de soucis, on commence partir de zro. Donc tout le monde est bienvenu, mme les nuls.Que vas-tu apprendre?Ce cours particulier de nerlandais t'apprendra avoir des conversations basiques. Nous commenons avec la prsentation: comment se prsenter. Puis, on apprendra les pays, les langues, le ngatif, le transport, et bien plus, afin damliorer son nerlandais gnral. On verra aussi un peu de grammaire.Comment apprendras-tu?Tu feras beaucoup dexercises trs beaucoup. Chaque section a des tests et des fichiers audio pour apprendre n'importe quand tu veux. Et tout cela en nerlandais! Eh oui, le cours est donn exclusivement en nerlandais. Cela parait impressionnant, mais tente ta chance avec les premires vidos qui sont l gratuitement. Aprs quelques leons, tu ne tu rendras mme plus compte que cest en nerlandais. Au contraire, cela ira plus rapidement.Petite note: le nerlandais est appris avec la prononciation flamande de la Belgique, qui est aussi compris aux Pays-Bas.Je te garantie:Accs complet vieToutes les futures leons supplmentaires plus mises jour sont inclues gratuitement.Garantie de remboursement Udemy, valable 30 joursPrt suivre ta formation de 'Nederands' en ligne? Je me rjouis de lire tes commentaires,Ton professeur de nerlandais,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Sprachkurs Niederlndisch 1: lerne auf Niederlndisch" |
"Wollen Sie Niederlndisch lernen? Sind Sie Anfnger? Wollen Sie ab Null anfangen? Denn ist dieser Kurs fr Sie!Fr wen ist dieser Sprachkurs Niederlndisch?Dieser online Sprachkurs ist fr Anfnger. Anfnger die noch nie Niederlndisch gelernt haben, oder in einer sehr fernen Vergangenheit. Sie mssen keine Niederlndisch Vokabeln kennen. Wir fangen an ab Null.Was lernen wir?In diesem Kurs werden wir die Grundlagen des Niederlndische Sprache lernen. Wir beginnen mit wie sich vorstellen. Denn lernen wir die Lndern, der Negativ, Fremdsprachen und viel mehr. Ab und zu werden wir ein bisschen Grammatik lernen, zum Beispiel Verben, aber das wichtigste Teile sind die Aussprache und die bungen, wir ben viel wie in einem Vokabeltrainer!Wie lernen wir Niederlndisch?Vom Anfang bis zum Ende des Kurses ist alles auf Niederlndisch, nichts auf Deutsch. Klingt mal schwierig, aber versuchen sie mit die ersten, kostenlosen Videos. So werden Sie schnell ihres Niederlndisch verbessern. Es wird helfen die Sprache zu lernen.Die Aussprache ist auf Belgien, Flmisch, aber dieses Akzent versteht man auch in die Niederlnde, wo man Hollndisch spricht.Ich garantiere:Immer ZugangAlle Verbesserungen und Updates kostenlos dabeiVersicherte Udemy Rckerstattung innerhalb von 30 TagenSind Sie Bereit fr diese Weiterbildung? Denn beginnen wir! Los gehts!Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de neerlands bsico 1: aprende el neerlands online" |
"Quieres aprender neerlands?Buscando un curso de neerlands en lnea? Empiezas de aprender neerlands? Aqu, estas en la direccin correcta! En este curso, vamos a aprender neerlands desde cero ... en neerlands.Quin puede aprender?Cualquier principiante. Ya conoces algo de Holands o Blgica? De una escuela de idiomas o de una academia de neerlands? Perfecto! Esto te ayudar a hablar y estudiar neerlands. No sabes nada de neerlands? No te preocupes, comenzamos desde cero.Que vas a aprender?Estas clases de neerlands te ensearan a tener conversaciones bsicas en neerlands. Comenzamos con la presentacin: cmo presentarte. Entonces, aprendemos de los pases, el negativo, verbos, y ms cosas generales para mejorar tu neerlands, y tambin hablar y tu pronunciacin para aprender frases. Cmo vamos a aprender?Vamos a hacer un montn de ejercicios. Cada seccin una prueba (o un examen). Y todo esto ... en neerlands! Neerlands en neerlands? S, el curso es exclusivamente en neerlands. Eso puede ser impresionante, pero probas los primeros videos que estn gratis. Despus de unas lecciones, olvidaras que es en neerlands. Iras ms rpido.El neerlands, o holands, de esto curse es lo de Blgica, que se pueden comprender en los Pases Bajos tambin. Te garantizo:El pleno accesoTodas las futuras clases adicionales y actualizaciones se incluyen libre.Udemy garanta de devolucin de 30 dasListo para empezar de aprender neerlands, el idioma de los Pases Bajos y Blgica? Vamos!Tu profesor de neerlands,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de holands 1 para aprender holands... em holands" |
"Aprender holands online - com este curso de idiomas!Voc est disposto a aprender holands? As classes so um desafio? Voc prefere aprender idiomas online? Voc est no lugar certo! Voc est prestes a aprender holands ... em holands!Para quem este curso?O curso para iniciantes. Portanto, nenhum conhecimento prvio necessrio. Voc vai aprender holands bsico. Vamos ver tudo a partir de 0: pronncia para aprender a falar holands e gramtica bsica para o aluno de lngua de partida. Cada lio tem arquivos de udio para repetir as palavras onde quiser.O que voc est prestes a aprender?Todos os aspectos da lngua holandesa bsica. As lies abrangero verbos holandeses, como formar frases, perguntas, palavras para transporte, vocabulrio holands como bebidas e muito mais assuntos. Voc vai se misturar na ""cultura holandesa"".Como voc vai aprender a lngua holandesa?A linguagem no a linguagem mais fcil de aprender. Ento, uma boa pergunta : como aprender? A resposta: completamente em holands. Voc aprender todas as suas novas palavras na lngua holandesa - sim. Sinta-se vontade para experimentar as prvias gratuitas.O nvel de A1 para A2. O sotaque belga, chamado Flemish o flamengo, usado, o que entendido na Holanda. E tambm holands para Brasileiros.Eu garanto:Acesso vitalcio completo e gratuitoTodas as futuras palestras e atualizaes extras so sempre includas gratuitamenteGarantia incondicional de reembolso de 30 dias da UdemyPronto olhar aprender holands on-line?Feliz aprendizado,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Dutch... in Dutch 2: the Dutch language for beginners" |
"Ready to learn Dutch online? A language course for enthusiasts!Do you like Dutch? Do you already know about 100-150 words?Do you like a challenge? Do you prefer learning languages online outside of a class? Great! You're about to learn the Dutch language... completely in Dutch!A course for beginners, but not for absolute beginnersThe course doesn't start from 0, feel free to check my first course 'Dutch in Dutch 1' on Udemy. You do need to understand about 100-150 words, even if many topics and words will be repeated.What are you minutes away from learning?Over 300 words, including the 100 most used words in Dutch, and how to use them in conversations. The course has over 5 hours of video to help you go beyond the absolute beginners level, so you'll be at the beginning of level A2 after following this course. The past tense will be introduced near the end. How are you going to learn?The course is completely in Dutch to guarantee total immersion and uses story-based telling and audiovisual materials to improve your comprehension skills. So no extensive grammar lessons. There are over 50 downloadable audio files to support you in your journey, wherever and whenever you want. Each lesson has a quiz to test your skills.The Belgian accent, called Flemish, is used. This accent is understood in the Netherlands.I guarantee: Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeNative Dutch teacherReady to learn Dutch online?Happy learning,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Curso de ingls bsico: aprender com aulas de ingls online" |
"Aprenda Ingls facilmente!Procurando por um curso de ingls online? Comea a aprender ingls? Aqui est na boa direo! Neste curso, aprenderemos ingls do zero ... em ingls.Quem pode aprender?Qualquer iniciante! J conhece algum ingls? De uma escola de idiomas ou uma academia de ingls? Perfeito! Isso ajudar a falar ingls. Voc no sabe nada sobre ingls? No se preocupe, ns comeamos do zero na primeira aula de ingls.O que e que vai aprender?Essas aulas de ingls ensinam a ter conversas bsicas em ingls. Comeamos com a apresentao: como se apresentar. Ento, aprendemos com os pases, os negativos, os verbos, o transporte e as coisas mais gerais para melhorar seu ingls, e tambm para falar e pronunciar sua pronncia.Como vamos aprender?Ns vamos fazer muitos exerccios nos aulas de ingls. Cada seo tem um teste (ou um exame). E tudo isso ... em ingls! Sim, o curso exclusivamente em ingls. Isso pode ser impressionante, mas experimenta os primeiros vdeos gratuitos. Depois de algumas lies, esquecer que est em ingls. Vai mais rpido...Eu garanto-te:Acesso totalTodas as futuras classes e atualizaes adicionais esto includas gratuitamente.Udemy garantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 diasPronto para comear a aprender ingls? Venha!O seu professor de ingls,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Curso bsico francs em francs 1: aprenda com aulas online" |
"Aprenda francs facilmente!Buscando por um curso de francs online? Comea a aprender francs? Quer aprender mais?Aqui est na direo boa! Neste curso, aprenderemos francs do zero ... em francs.Quem pode aprender?Qualquer iniciante. J sabe alguma coisa sobre francs ou em francs? De uma escola de idiomas ou uma academia francesa? Perfeito! Isso ajudar a falar e estudar francs. No sabe nada sobre francs? No se preocupe, ns comeamos do zero.O que vai aprender?Essas aulas de francs ensinam a ter conversas bsicas em francs. Comeamos com a apresentao: como se apresentar. Ento, aprendemos com os pases, os negativos, verbos e coisas mais gerais para melhorar o seu francs, e tambm falar e sua pronncia para aprender frases.Como vamos aprender?Ns vamos fazer muitos exerccios. Cada seo tem um teste (ou um exame). E tudo isso ... em francs! Francs em francs? Sim, o curso exclusivamente em francs. Isso pode ser impressionante, mas experimenta os primeiros vdeos gratuitos. Depois de algumas lies, esquecer que est em francs. Vai mais rpido...Eu garanto-te:Acesso totalTodas as futuras classes e atualizaes adicionais esto includas gratuitamente.Udemy garantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 diasPronto para comear a aprender francs, a lngua da Frana y Blgica? Venha!O seu professor de francs,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Starting Up a Game Development Studio" |
"The author,Ramin, is the founder of Cambridge Game Creators,a professional network for games developers in the UK. The lessons in this course are created from a series of interviewsthat heconducted with some of the most successful people in the UK games industry.You will hear answers to many of your questions about starting up your own studio from the following people:Ben Tristemwho isarguably the most successfulgames development teacher in the worldDr. JoTwist, CEO of the UK Interactive Entertainment association (UKIE)which hasmore than 250business members all of whichoperate in or withthe games industrySarah & James Woodrow, founders of the Utopian World of Sandwiches with the hugely successful game ""Chompy Chomp Chomp""Greg Denness & Graeme Clark of Inertia Studioswho went from their university dorms to owning their successful game studio, delivering games that are played by thousands of people every dayJoseph Humfrey & Jon Ingold, founders of theInkle Studios with hugely popular games such as ""Sorcery""and ""80Days""and Sean McMurchy, the AAA games artistwho reveals the ups and downs of leaving a well paid job workingas a successfulgamesartist in Canadato becomingafreelancer in the UK!"
Price: 24.99

"Electronics: BJT Transistors fundamentals" |
"This course is about BJT transistor. During the course you will learn What is a transistor and how to analyze a circuit with a transistor.The course covers topics like transistor as a switch, Darlington connection, current mirror and small signal amplification.The audience should be already know the basics of resistor and capacitor.The course fit to student and professionals that want to get better understanding in BJT transistors."
Price: 24.99
