"Learn Adobe Photoshop from Scratch" |
"Photoshop is single most important tool for graphic designers and we bring together a course crafted for easy understanding and quick assimilation. This course starts with basic design introduction and follow it up with tools like Selection tools, manipulation tools , creation tools and workspace tools. You will also learn professional design principles and tips and tricks to get you started on photoshop. This practical course focus on the most important photoshop techniques and follows an unique task based pedagogy which is great for beginners and intermediate learners alike.What will you get out of this course? A complete hands on training on Adobe photoshopPractical tips and tricks for professional designersTask based lectures focusing on learning outcomesThrough discussion on photoshop toolsDetail process lectures on photoshop techniques and Effects..This course is comprehensive introduction to professional photoshop design principles. You will surely learn a lot and will be to use photoshop in various commercial and personal projects."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass Course" |
"Interviewing skills are the difference between getting the appointment for the job interview versus getting the job offer. Great job interviewing skills are essential if you want the best jobs in todays competitive job market. Does the prospect of going into a strange room and answering questions form one or more strangers for 30-60 minutes and then having your entire career decided intimidate you or make you nervous? You can become a master on interviewing skills.Imagine walking into a job interview know that you will look and sound your best. You are completely confident that you you can speak in a compelling and understanding manner. You know that you have great messages, examples and stories about your experiences and experiences that the interview will find as compelling reasons as to why you are a great fit for this job. When you walk out of the interview you know that you did your very best, that the interviewer understands and respects your unique talents. Regardless of whether you get the job, you know you did the very best you could possibly do in the job interview and you make the best case possible as to why you should be hire.For more than 30 years I have coached executives on their interviewing skills and presentation skills in the corporate world. Im here to tell you that nobody is a natural at this. Job interviewing skills is something that anyone can learn but that nobody is born with. I have a simple, step-by-step process that will help you build confidence and skill in communicating effectively in job interviews. I cant guarantee you will get every job offer, but I can assure you that I will help you come across your very best in every interview. TJ Walker, InstructorPlease note: This course is not an information product. This interview skills course is not passive income for the creator. This course is designed for students who are serious about getting good at their interviewing skills and are willing to practice on video. TJ Walker assigns homework and personally gives detailed critiques on the interviewing skills of each and every student after they post their videos.Please note: this is an interviewing skills course on how to speak effectively while on a job interview. It is taught by a world-class speaking expert who demonstrates how to speak effectively in a job interview by speaking directly to students. If you are looking for a course with lots of graphics, special effects, music and sound effects, then this course is not for you."
Price: 199.99

"Data Structures in JavaScript: Master The Fundamentals" |
"If you want to be a good programmer or want to build good software, then the knowledge of data structures and their role in software development becomes essential. Data Structure is basically a process for collecting and organizing the data in the best way possible for performing operations efficiently. They form the fundamentals of computer science. With a good understanding of data structure, we master the way of organizing and storing data for a specific purpose. This course is aimed for helping you understand the core concepts behind these data structures and how they are used to build algorithms that solve business problems.Why this course is important?This course gives insight into the data science and algorithms in JavaScript covering all the essential topics. It unfolds with the basic introduction, then covers all the aspects of arrays such as arrays vs lists, common array iterations, array functions and others. Following this, lists, big o time space asymptomatic analysis, linked lists and stacks are also covered in details. Lastly, introduction to queues, its implementation, various aspects of recursion, trees, hash maps and graphs are also covered for the complete understanding of data science and algorithms.This course includes-1. Introduction to the data structure2. Arrays, common array comparisons, array functions, searching arrays, 2d arrays, iterating over 2d arrays, Minesweeper challenge, minesweeper solution and others3. Lists, implementing list push, implementing list remove and so on4. Big o time space asymptomatic analysis- its introduction, big o of n squared, no constants, big o challenge and big o solution5. Linked lists, coding linked lists, linked list class, remove at index and add at index6. Stacks- introduction, implementation, stack out of linked list, stack out of array, condense challenge and others7. Queues, recursion, trees, hash maps, graphs and much more important things!Get started with this course now to learn data structures and algorithms for acing any job interview or building better software!"
Price: 29.99

"Ransomware: Todo lo que necesitas saber de este Malware" |
"Muchos desconocen acerca del Ransomware. En el ao 2017 los ataques se incrementaron y el Ransomware WannaCry hizo su aparicin impactando sistemas conectados en Internet alrededor del mundo sin que los usuarios supieran que estaba sucediendo. Se estima que en los siguientes aos los ataques de Ransomware incrementen en frecuencia e impacto.En este curso 100%terico ""Ransomware: Todo lo que necesitas saber de este Malware"" el alumno comprender los orgenes y diferentes tipos de Ransomware, vectores de ataque y opciones para recuperarse de este malware en caso de infeccin, entre otros. Al finalizar el alumno tendr un mayor conocimiento del Ransomware en general."
Price: 24.99

"Life Purpose Quest Workshop Facilitator Certification" |
"Students who complete this Life Purpose Quest Facilitator Certification will receive an official CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 15 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 15 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Are you passionate about helping others Discover their Life Purpose, Live with Passion and meaning, turn their pain into purpose, and Fulfill their Destiny?Are you a speaker, life coach, counselor, workshop facilitator or other professional who wants to add more value for your clients and a new income stream for your business?Would you love to run life purpose workshops and be able to reach more people?Become a Certified Life Purpose Quest Workshop Facilitator!This course is designed to provide you with a complete blueprint for offering a Purpose Quest Workshop, including:Curriculum & MaterialsWorkshop Activities & HandoutsComplete PowerPoint PresentationPlus youll learn powerful workshop facilitation techniques as well as strategies for customizing this program to be run as a:RetreatMulti-day eventSmaller workshopVirtual group program.You can even use the processes with one-on-one clients if you prefer!So, why offer life purpose workshops?Workshops are a great way to reach more people, establish yourself as an expert, and generate revenue! And why the life purpose topic? We live in a time in which we have more opportunity than ever before to access resources, learn anything we want, do what we love and follow our passion. We also live in a time of unprecedented changeand change is scary for most people. It challenges our worldviews, makes us question our assumptions about whats possible, and sometimes thrusts us into challenges that disrupt our lives. And the result is that more and more people are finding themselves asking lifes biggest question: Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? What is my life purpose?People from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, religious, and life experiences are waking up to the awareness that...LIFE IS MEANT TO BE MORE. They know they are not fulfilling their potential. They seek to live a life of more meaning. They feel compelled to give their pain a purpose and use it to make a difference. But, they hold themselves back because they tend to tell themselves stories of why they cant do what they want, stories of the bad things that happened to them, and stories of the way they are supposed to live, rather than tell the story of their potential, the gifts theyve been given, and the dreams in their heart. And as a Life Purpose Quest Workshop Facilitator, you will have the tools to guide them on a journey into themselves to reveal the gifts they have to give to this world and rewrite their lifes story. The Purpose Quest process will take them through the 6 Stepping Stones of Life Purpose:Theyll explore their CHILDHOOD INFLUENCES to identify where they learned to play the roles they act out on the stage of life.Theyll look at their PERSONALITY TRAITS for clues of who theyre meant to be in this world.Theyll embrace their PASSIONS and develop the interests they never allowed themselves to explore.Theyll identify their natural TALENTS and the skills theyve developed that will serve them along their journey.Theyll look back at the meaningful and life changing experiences along their LIFE PATH to see where the trajectory of their life has been taking them.And finally, theyll banish any limiting BELIEFS that are holding them back from their potential.By the end of the workshop, the participants will put the 6 stepping stones of purpose together like puzzle pieces that reveal the big picture of their lifes greater purpose.We have been guiding people on a journey to discover their life purpose for over a decade and weve trained thousands of life coaches how to use our processes to help their clients live a life of meaning and reach their potential. And now we have compiled all of our best life coaching tools and workshop activities into a blueprint you can use to run your own life purpose workshops, whether you use our powerful Purpose Quest process or customize it to meet your needs. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. At the time of this recording we have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. Our courses are all based on our educational background in psychology and education, our experience as life coaches, speakers, and entrepreneurs, as well as Joeels background as a psychology instructor, his Masters in Counseling and his research on happiness for his dissertation for his PH.D. in Psychology. "
Price: 199.99

"Breathing Bootcamp for Singers" |
"This course contains 10 step-by-step lessons designed to help you maximize your vocal potential by tapping into the natural power source of your breath. These videos contain the very same techniques taught to my private clients: lead cast members in Broadway Musicals like Hamilton; finalists/winners of voice competitions like The Voice, The X Factor, and Sunday Best; actors on shows like The Magicians, Star, and Grey's Anatomy; and major label recording artists of all genres. We believe in the old Italian saying, ""Chi sa respirare, sa cantare""--He who knows how to breathe, knows how to sing!"
Price: 94.99

"How to Program an Arduino for CAN bus Network Communication" |
"99% of the time, CAN bus will be implemented on embedded systems. That's the plain reality. So if you get a job where you are working with CAN bus, you will mostly likely be programming and troubleshooting this protocol on embedded systems. This course is designed to give you your first taste as to what it is like to program an embedded system in order to create your first very own CAN bus network.This course uses the Arduino because by far it is the most popular system of it's kind out there. It's very inexpensive, widely available, easy to use and there is tons of support on the web for it. It's why I chose it for this course. At the end of this course, I hope that you will purchase your own components and build, run and test just as is shown in the lectures. In that way, if you go to a job interview and they ask you go about building a CAN bus network, you will be able to say ... ""Sure, let me tell you how I did it!"""
Price: 19.99

"The Power BI Masterclass - Tips and Tricks" |
"Microsoft Power BI Masterclass - Tips and Tricks Business Intelligence / Business Analytics is in high demand. Companies are constantly searching for ways to make better and faster and smarter decisions. Therefore they rely heavily on data. Small company or Multinational - data driven decision making is the key to success for any business in the world of tomorrow.Because of that companies are drastically increasing to step up their efforts to find skilled employees and freelancers with the necessary capabilities to help with analyzing data and creating valuable highly profitable insights. Since there is way more demand than supply it is a ""War for talent"". And the competition will increase further. This environment is a bless for anyone who acquires the necessary capabilities and positions herself/himselfMS Power BI is an andvanced yet easy to get started self service business analytics / business intelligence solution provided by Microsoft which is currently in very hot demand. From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you master Power BI. Diving into data & analytics can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!Power BI is also a great tool for datascience too. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore learning to use this tool can also be a valuable skill for datascience jobs.This course extends my Power BI Masterclass series on udemy. This course is not topic specific like other ones. I wanted to share tips and tricks I learned from personal Microsoft Power BI projects and from personal research on this topic. My goal is to help all aspiring students with additional tips and tricks you can use to suceed in your next business intelligence projects.Update: The complete Power BI Masterclass Series on udemy1.Power BI Masterclass - beginners to advanced2.Microsoft Power BI Masterclass - Expand Excellence3.Power BI Masterclass - Data Analysis Deep Dive4.Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI5.Power BI Masterclass - DAX, Excel And More6.Power BI Masterclass - Your future in data analytics7.Power BI Masterclass - Learn Advanced DAX, R and Gateways8.Power BI Masterclass - Python, Finance and advanced DAX9. Power BI Masterclass - How to use CALCULATE in DAXTips and Tricks courses:10. The Power BI Masterclass - Tips and Tricks11. The Power BI Masterclass - Additional Tips and Tricks12. Power BI - Tips for your next data analytics project13. Microsoft Power BI Desktop - simple tips and tricks edition14. Power BI Desktop - Data Prep ChallengesWe got a lot to do so let's get into it."
Price: 99.99

"Networking with Windows Server 2016 (Exam 70-741) Advanced" |
"Pre-requisites: Experience working with Windows Server 2008 or Server 2012, Windows Server infrastructure enterprise environment. Knowledge of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. Understanding of core networking infrastructure components and technologies such as cabling, routers, hubs, and switches. Familiarity with networking topologies and architectures such as local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs) and wireless networking. Some basic knowledge of the TCP/IP protocol stack, addressing and name resolution. Experience with and knowledge of Hyper-V and virtualization. Hands-on experience working with the Windows client operating systems such as Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 Description: This course focuses on networking features and functionality available in Windows Server 2016, such as DNS, DHCP, and IPAM implementations. We will review remote access solutions, such as VPN and Direct Access. Additionally, this course will look at DFS and BranchCache solutions, advanced network features and functionality, and understanding of software-defined networking."
Price: 64.99

"Blues Chromatic Harmonica, learn the basics, it's fun & easy" |
"Do want to cause a stir playing the harmonica? Use a Chromatic from time to time!It's surprisingly easy to sound amazing on a chrom played in this 3rd position style.I'll show you how to play the chords, the scales, how to get single notes, how to tongue block and many more techniques.So get yourself a cheap chrom in C - 8 hole, 12 or 16 hole will do, and have a go at this. Take a look and see if it will help you.If you have a tune or subject that you would like me to teach please message me.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)The Library of Congress broadly give the same view.(5) Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 74.99

"Ilustrao Digital com Procreate: Professor Premiado" |
"Conhea tcnicas incrveis e recursos legais para se tornar um mestre de Procreate: personagem e paisagem design/cmica livro desenho/digital pintura. Aprenda tudo o que voc precisa saber para ter um understunding profundo de Procreate atravs de exemplos e claro, ao ponto, explicaes A Escola Invisvel apresenta ""Procreate"": Professor Premiado"", o mais completo curso online de procriao. Guille Coppo, um dos melhores ilustradores digitais da Amrica Latina, ir gui-lo atravs do mundo da procriao: exemplos, projetos e tcnicas revelados pelo instrutor revisado. Acredite em ns quando dizemos que o maior patrimnio deste curso nosso instrutor.Guille Coppo, Designer Grfico e Professor profissional e especializado em Publicidade, Ilustrador Digital, Pintor, Escultor, publicou seu trabalho artstico em publicaes internacionais. Neste curso, Guille Coppo ir gui-lo para se tornar um Artista Procreate. Segredos, pistas e conselhos para iniciar uma carreira em Arte Digital com o curso mais abrangente da Udemy. Aulas passo-a-passo, tcnicas e ferramentas para criar a mais incrvel e poderosa arte digital.*Este curso falado em espanhol com legendas em portugus, no se esquea de ativar! O que Procreate?Procreate um aplicativo de pintura multi-premiado projetado para profissionais criativos. Feito exclusivamente para iPad, Procreate permite que voc crie belos esboos, pinturas inspiradoras e ilustraes impressionantes onde quer que voc esteja.Procreate tem tudo o que voc precisa para criar obras de arte de tirar o flego. No, realmente tem. Ns o embalamos cheio de ferramentas essenciais, incluindo cores de 64 bits, pincis totalmente personalizveis, resolues de tela macias, um sistema de camadas avanado e belos efeitos de qualidade de cinema. Ns fizemos Procreate para que voc possa pintar o que quiser, onde quer que esteja."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC: Curso completo desde cero" |
"Un Certificado de Cumplimiento Verificable ser entregado a todos los estudiantes que finalicen este Curso. Si quieres aprender la prctica y el trabajo con Illustrator, encontrars en este curso un completo recorrido por sus funciones y herramientas. Pero si ya conoces el programa, te resultar muy til para conocer los aspectos avanzados o repasar funciones especficas. Cada leccin est tratada de forma independiente, por lo que no ser necesario realizarlas en orden. De esta manera, si necesitas realizar una consulta puntual, podrs acceder a la leccin en la que se trata el tema. Illustrator es sin lugar a dudas, una de las aplicaciones de diseo grfico ms utilizada por aficionados y profesionales. El funcionamiento intuitivo de este programa, lo han convertido en la mejor eleccin para dibujo digital. La versin CC, se presenta como una apuesta por parte del fabricante para unir en gran medida el trabajo de escritorio con la nube, el espacio de Internet accesible para todos. Por esta razn, muchas de las novedades que contiene esta versin se encuentran directamente relacionadas con esta caracterstica, como la sincronizacin de colores desde el panel Kuler o la posibilidad de compartir las ilustraciones en Behance. Otra de las novedades incluidas en la versin CC, son la creacin de pinceles a partir de imgenes o la insercin de vrtices automticos en pinceles de motivos. La primera toma de contacto con la aplicacin nos servir para acceder a ella sin temores y conseguir as introducirnos poco a poco, hasta conseguir las ms originales ilustraciones con dibujos e imgenes. Incluye los ejercicios utilizados en el curso."
Price: 79.99

"Start Using Mailchimp" |
"Learn to set up your Mailchimp account and add subscribers to your email list by uploading them, using landing pages, adding a sign up form to a WordPress website, and even automatically using Zapier.Then send out automated and scheduled emails to either your entire list or parts of your list.If you're looking to get started with email marketing, this course will get you started quickly and effectively."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2019 Training Tutorial" |
"Learn QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2019 accounting software with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering QuickBooks Made Easy features 188 video lessons with hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the of our printable classroom instruction manual (293 pages), with additional images and practice exercises. You will learn how to set up a QuickBooks company file, pay employees and vendors, create custom reports, reconcile your accounts, use estimating, time tracking and much more. Whether you are completely new to QuickBooks or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch the easy-to-use interface, click to start a video lesson or open one of the manuals and you are on your way to mastering QuickBooks."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering QuickBooks Pro 2019 for Lawyers Training Tutorial" |
"This QuickBooks Desktop tutorial course includes training specific to the practice of law. When using QuickBooks in a law firm it can come up with many different challenges. From setting up and maintaining legal company files to managing trust accounts, QuickBooks includes several powerful features for law professionals and we are here to help you with that. We provide you with the training for the entire QuickBooks Pro software. Plus, extra features and functions for any law office. You can learn to be more proficient and quicker with the things you are already doing, but also learn new things you might not had even known the software was capable of doing. Mastering QuickBooks Made Easy for Lawyers features 23 video lessons with 1.5 hours of instruction for QuickBooks Pro Desktop version 2019. Extremely easy to watch, listen and learn with our tutorial as your expert instructor guides you through each different lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will be able to see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. If you would like you can also reinforce your learning with the written text of the printable instruction classroom manual that includes additional images and practice exercises too.We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs whenever it is convenient for you. Whether you are completely new to QuickBooks Pro Desktop or upgrading from an older version, this tutorial will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user and understand the software better."
Price: 19.99

"The Mystery Shopper Training Program" |
"Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch! Companies hire people, just like you, to make observations on their stores and employees. They need the information to train workers and improve customer service, and the result is that you get to earn money while you shop and eat! Learn the secrets of mystery shopping from a professional with over 20 years in the industry. Discover who is hiring, what companies expect, how to write a great evaluation, tax reporting, common scams, and how to get started in the best part-time job ever!Bethany Mooradian has taught over 500 classes on Mystery Shopping and working from home, helping a staggering 20,000+ students get started in the industry. She has been a shopper, scheduler, editor, mystery shopping consultant, and is the former owner of Shop Incognito, a full service Mystery Shopping company.Bethany Mooradian is a twice-published, award-winning author and has presented at the national Mystery Shopping conventions. Her work-at-home and mystery shopping advice has appeared in over 100 publications like Good Housekeeping, AOL Jobs, CareerBuilder, ABCNews, US News and World Reports, and others. The course contains nearly 3 hours of video, and over 180 pages of supplemental written material with over 250 legitimate mystery shopping companies, scheduling companies, professional organizations, and other industry resources. Course Outline:Part IInstructor IntroductionGlossaryBasics of Mystery ShoppingWhat is Mystery Shopping?Frequently Asked QuestionsResponsibilities of ShoppersMystery Shopping in NevadaKeeping track of your business (including tax information)Tools of the tradeNot Quite ShoppingThe types of Mystery Shopping assignmentsVideo Mystery ShoppingPart IIReady, Set, Go!Going through an assignment: beginning, middle and endHow to write an excellent reportGetting more assignmentsPart IIIBreaking the Myths of Mystery ShoppingWhat to do if you get caughtWhen shops go horribly wrongShould you pay to shop?Mystery Shopping scamsStarting your own mystery shopping companyResources"
Price: 49.99

"Excel 2019 Intermediate" |
"In this course, students will learn how to link workbooks and worksheets, work with range names, sort and filter range data, and analyze and organize with tables. Students will also apply conditional formatting, outline with subtotals and groups, display data graphically with charts and sparklines. Additionally, students will also understand PivotTables, PivotCharts, and slicers and work with advanced PivotTables and PowerPivot features.This IAAP-certified counts for 4.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Excel 365 - Beginner" |
"Microsoft Excel is one of the major workhorses in the Microsoft Office suite of applications and arguably the most widely-used Office product. A solid understanding of how to use this program is vital to nearly everyone in most industries today. This course is designed specifically to teach you the fundamentals of Excel and give you the skills you need to begin to create and manipulate worksheets. Specifically, you will understand how to create, save, enter data, and print spreadsheets in addition to learning how to create formulas and use functions to calculate in Excel. You will learn how to enter data, format spreadsheets, manipulate columns and rows, add headers and footers, and use page setup options to prepare them for printing. You will also learn how to handle large worksheets or multiple workbooks, use styles and themes, insert various graphic objects, and options for proofing your workbooks.This IAAP-certified counts for 4.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Excel 365 Intermediate" |
"In this course, students will learn how to link workbooks and worksheets, work with range names, sort and filter range data, and analyze and organize with tables. Students will also apply conditional formatting, outline with subtotals and groups, display data graphically with charts and sparklines. Additionally, students will also understand PivotTables, PivotCharts, and slicers and work with advanced PivotTables and PowerPivot features.This IAAP-certified counts for 4.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Excel 365 Advanced" |
"This course will teach students advanced concepts and formulas in Microsoft Excel 365. Students will learn functions such as SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, and COUNTIF, advanced lookup functions, and complex logical and text functions. Additionally, students will experiment with auditing formulas and error checking, use the What-If Analysis tools, learn the options for worksheet and workbook protection, review advanced use of PivotTables and PowerPivot add-in, work with Macros, use form controls, and ensure data integrity in their worksheets and workbooks. Students will also learn about Excel's many collaboration features and import and export data to and from their workbooks.This IAAP-certified counts for 4.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Business Writing and Document Production content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Access 2019 Beginner" |
"This course is an introduction to Microsoft Access 2019. In this course, students will become familiar with various database components, concepts, and terminology. Students will tour the user interface, create databases, create objects, perform calculations, navigate and work with tables, understand and work with queries, review and work with various reports and reporting features, and review forms and the various tools that go along with them. This course will give the student the required knowledge to complete the Access 2019 Intermediate course."
Price: 39.99

"Access 365 Beginner" |
"This course is an introduction to Microsoft Access 365. In this course, students will become familiar with various database components, concepts, and terminology. Students will tour the user interface, create databases, create objects, perform calculations, navigate and work with tables, understand and work with queries, review and work with various reports and reporting features, and review forms and the various tools that go along with them. This course will give the student the required knowledge to complete the Access 365 Intermediate course."
Price: 39.99

"Rapid Results Marketing Formula" |
"In this course you learn the succesful DISSC Model for Rapid Results. DISSC is a simple 5-step process to help you focus on one strategy at a time. DISSC stands for: Define the foundation Identify your #1 goal Select your #1 strategy Specify your action plan Communicate the strategy to your teamIf you try to implement too many projects or marketing strategies at once, you'll increase stress and burn-out, waste resources, diminish progress toward your goals, limit your results, demoralize team members, and in the worst-case scenario, cause your health to decline.This course give you the corner stone for your marketing and communication that will grow your business."
Price: 49.99

"Kubernetes Certification Training For Absolute Beginners" |
"Kubernetes or K8 is gaining popularity among the app developers because of its myriads of advantages. It is basically an open-source container-orchestration system. It helps in automatic deployment, scaling and management of the containerized application. Kubernetes comes with several advantages like easy availability of tools or services, ability to run any containerized application, resource isolation, horizontal scaling and others. Whereas, containers act as a logical packaging mechanism from which applications are extracted to the environment where they actually run. It has several benefits too. Containers are small and fast, have their own file systems are portable across clouds, is highly efficient and much more. All of these properties have significantly increased the demand of the individuals having the knowledge of Kubernetes and Containers. Due to which we brought this course revolving around the concepts of Kubernetes and Containers.Why you should take this Course?It is an extensive course which entirely focuses on the concept of Kubernetes and Containers. At first, this course unfolds with the basic introduction of Kubernetes and Containers and then gives you in-depth details of the same. Along with the explanation of Kubernetes and Containers, installation of Docker on Linux, creating a Dockerfile and containerizing an existing application has also been shown. It gives you insights into the tool to run Kubernetes such as Minikube and gives introduction of yaml and resource file. Kubernetes architecture, networking and services are also included. Additionally, introduction to Google Cloud Kubernetes engine and other topics are mentioned too.This Course Includes-A Basic intro of Kubernetes and ContainersDocker installation, creating a dockerfile and containerizing an applicationTool to run K8 such as MinikubeKubernetes Architecture and ServicesIntroduction to Google Cloud Kubernetes Engineand much more!This technology is constantly becoming popular among the app developers and if you dont yet understand Kubernetes then its the right time to master this technology. Start now, in order to become the expert of tomorrow."
Price: 39.99

"Music Deconstructed (Mastering Communication Vol. 2)" |
"I spent years off and on trying to get a handle on how music really works.I've read book after book that spends the first 100 pages teaching boring stuff on notation, half of which is not explained well and so doesn't make sense.I've never found that one book that could just explain music in simple terms.I shouldn't even be creating this course. I'm really not qualified in the traditional sense.However, I've searched from every angle and for some reason nobody seems to be able to explain the basics properly.So this is my attempt to do that and save you from throwing your music book at the wall and giving up before you even get started.There is another side of this, too.There is the pipeline of music education.1. Pick a classical instrument, like piano or a string instrument.2. Spend years becoming a robot playing other people's songs who died hundreds of years ago.3. Eventually get board and stop doing anything musical.There are all these other aspects that I will cover that are not talked about.1. What about learning to improvise?Creating music on the fly?2. What if you want to create modern music, like your favorite artist, or band, or a song you hear on the radio?3. What bout learning to remix a song?Or deconstruct a favorite song so you can play it yourself or with your friends?4. Why cant you pick any instrument and learn it?5. Why can't you learn multiple instruments?Is it really that hard?6. What about WRITINGmusic?Why do you just have to be a musical follower your whole life?7. How can you express yourself with music?What do different musical patterns mean?How do you learn the language?8. What's the business of music?How do artist get paid?How could you use music in your life?9. Whats the real structure of music?What's the geometry and math of it?10. How can Ibecome a better listener?How can Ibecome the kind of person who can listen to a song and pick out each instrument, and explain what they are doing, and appreciate it a the deeper levels?11. Am Ialready a musician? It turns out that every time you speak, you are actually creating music, because the tonality of your voice forms a basic melodic soundtrack under everything you say, and the spacing, stress patterns, pauses for breath, and speed of talking you use create the underlying rhythm/beat of your talking.12. How is poetry related to music?13. How can I create music using computer software without even learning a single instrument?I answer these questions and more in the course. Even if you know a lot about certain areas of music, I think you'll learn a thing or two in this course. And I hope you'll take part in the discussion section so you can show me where I've made any mistakes or left out important ideas.See you on the inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Better Virtual Meetings: How to Lead Effective Meetings" |
"**Sept. 2020 Update: Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, managers are now forced to lead their remote employees as they work from home. This course gives you all the tools & tactics you need to facilitate virtual meetings with your remote workers during this time.****This is a short course (approx 45 minutes) that gives you everything you need to know about how to lead effective meetings with your virtual team without wasting time on useless discussions****Over 11,000+ managers have taken this course with successful results** Learn simple concepts that help you improve your meeting facilitation and communication skills, and become a better team leader through easy meeting tactics. Note: The subject of meetings can be really boring, and you've probably heard most of the common-sense advice about meetings before, so there's nothing earth-shattering about the material in this course. However, if you follow all the lectures to the letter, then this will be the only course you're ever going to need about managing your virtual teams effectively, guaranteed.Master Simple Tips That You Can Implement StraightawayThe one question to ask yourself before scheduling a meetingHow to draft an effective agenda (and include a simple phrase to save you time)When to schedule meetings to minimize the number of interruptions (batching techniques)How to take helpful meeting minutes (note-taking strategies that save you time)How to schedule meetings for team members in different time zonesResolve the Two Main Issues with MeetingsThere are two main problems with meetings. First, there's a quantity problem (too many meetings), and second, there's a quality problem (too many bad meetings).After taking this course, you'll learn how to address both those problems. You will learn how to have fewer meetings, how to have better meetings, and how to get the most out of your meetings to get things done. You'll benefit by saving your team and yourself some time, and you'll end up with more successful meetings. Content and OverviewThe course contains over 15 lectures and 45 minutes of content. It is designed for any employee or entrepreneur who frequently leads online meetings with their team members. The content includes three main sections (before your meeting, during your meeting, and after your meeting), and each section includes simple steps that you can follow. There are also a couple of additional sections about general meeting guidelines and how to find a common meeting time that works for your remote team members who live in different time zones (using a free online tool).The course is delivered in a format that is easily digestible for busy professionals (each video lecture is around 2 to 5 minutes long). The course also includes two free downloadable templates (included in the materials):A Free Meeting Minutes Template (in MS Word format) to help you with your minute takingA Free Meeting Agenda Template (in MS Word format) to help save you time creating an agendaHere's are the steps that are covered in the course:BEFORE Your MeetingStep 1: Decide on a Need and ObjectiveStep 2: Determine the Attendees and Draft an AgendaStep 3: Define the Logistics and Schedule the MeetingDURING Your MeetingStep 1: Welcome and Logistics CheckStep 2: Go through the AgendaStep 3: Capture Effective Meeting MinutesStep 4: Close with a ReviewAFTER Your MeetingStep 1: Distribute Meeting MinutesStep 2: Follow up on ActionsMeeting Best PracticesMeeting Scheduling Guidelines: How to effectively schedule your meetings (particularly your recurring meetings) to improve team productivity Coordinating Global Time Zones: How to schedule meetings for team members living in different time zones (using a free online tool)By the end of this course, you'll be armed with a comprehensive end-to-end process that you can implement right away with your virtual team.There are no requirements necessary to enroll in the course, and you can learn the material at your own pace.Note: This course is technology-agnostic. This means that it doesn't matter if you use Zoom, Webex, GoToMeeting, Skype, Adobe Connect, Google Hangouts, BlueJeans, or any other collaboration tool. The concepts focus more on process and communication best practices as opposed to technical guidelines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Testimonials: ""Some of the items presented do seem common sense/intuitive, but oftentimes in the ""real world"" we get overwhelmed and encumbered by everything that is going on, we skip steps and forget to follow a coherent process. I have recently held a few meetings where I didn't feel as effective as I could have been. This course was a great step to refocus/reorganize and move forward."" - Dacia Drury ""I really enjoyed this course! I thought the material was well-organized and presented in an engaging way. The content was also very relevant- even though I already lead a lot of my own virtual meetings and have been doing so for a long time, it reinforced and validated some of the ideas I use. I also liked the format of the course, presented in short bite-sized pieces and with the reiteration of simple concepts to drive home the principles. 10/10 would take again!"" - Sarah Wiezel ""I'm new to virtual meetings and the course made it easier to understand the basics of virtual meetings. I normally use WebEx tool for meeting with my team so the tips I have learned from the training material will help me a lot to conduct effective meetings in the coming days. Thanks a lot for the infortaining material."" - Peter Dlamini------------------------------------------------------------------------30 Day Money Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied with the course for any reason, you may return the course within 30 days of the purchase date.Ready to Start?Click on the ""Enroll Now"" or ""Buy Now"" button in the top right corner of this page and start learning how to have effective meetings."
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript 2019: JavaScript ES6 Certification Course" |
"My Guarantee: If this is not the best course you've taken on Udemy, please take advantage of Udemy's refund policy and get your money back!Yes, I am THAT confident that you will be beyond satisfied with this JavaScript Course and Certification program.My name is Mark Lassoff, and I am the author and instructor for this course. If you've heard my name before it's because 1.5 million people have learned to code from me online on Udemy and other venues. That's a lot of folks!Don't be fooled by those 20+ hour courses that also claim to teach JavaScript. This course and certification program will teach you everything you need to know, and won't waste your time with superfluous information designed to make the course seem more valuable. Javascript 2019: JavaScript ES6 Certification Course is for folks who don't have time to waste and want the recognition that being a certified professional carries.If you're looking for something that is beyond just a course, that sets you up for success and guarantees your learning you should read on.Certification: The Recognition You DeserveEnrolling in this course will make you a candidate for the Framework JavaScript Specialist Certification. This Certification is earned by completing all the lessons in the course and turning in each lab exercise and final project as directed the course content. There is NO exam required to earn your certification. (We think the actual code you write is a much better indicator of your knowledge than artificial exam!)As an JavaScript Specialist, you are uniquely qualified to help companies, brands and development firms to create high-quality JavaScript code. Your knowledge will be critical to teams that develop apps with JavaScript as you help them create high quality, highly maintainable code.This certification is not just a piece of paper to hang on your wall. The JavaScript Specialist Designation is validated by Credential (dot net). That means your certification will appear on an independent Credential page accessible by private URL. You'll also be able to list the certification on your LinkedIn account so everyone can see your accomplishment. (Employers have been known to scan for certified individuals on LinkedIn.)Help When You Need ItYou're not trying to complete your certification alone. We have an active, helpful community of members and expert instructors standing by to help you and answer questions. The community is also where you'll get to know the other members, share experiences and your success as you complete certification.The Framework Success SystemYour success is our success.That's why we've invested heavily in the Framework Success System. We're not just making shows about tech-- but we're helping you learn valuable skills that will start your career in digital technology.Here's what you need to know about our system:I. You'll Learn More Quickly From Our Videos with the Framework Video CountdownEach new video we produce will display the subjects covered in the video along the right-hand side of the screen. This will help you navigate through the video and rapidly find any portions of the video you need to rewatch for reference or review.II. You'll get a second exposure to all the information presented in a video from the Framework Course GuideEveryone learns a little differently. Years of academic research has told us that.Our unique course guides review all of the critical points made in the video lectures, giving you a second exposure to the information. This second exposure will help you retain the material and be able to apply it to your own digital development work.The Framework Course Guide is like getting a free JavaScript book with your course.III. You Gain Experience with Confidence-Building ActivitiesWith every video, Framework Television includes a series of activities that will help you retain the information in the video and the course guide. Digital development is a learn-by-doing activity and the more you practice, the more successful you'll be.We want to help you achieve your goals, and the Framework Success System supports your success.To Sum It UpWith our ""best course you've taken"" guarantee, online help community, no-exam-required certification, and proven success system, enrolling in this program is a no-brainer. Click the enroll button and get on the road to success with JavaScript!"
Price: 199.99

"Steinberg's Wavelab Pro 9.5 Volume 1" |
"This is a comprehensive getting started guide to using Steinberg's audio editor Wavelab Pro 9.5.In addition, the content shown in this volume 1 guide can be transferred to Steinberg's Wavelab Elements 9.5.Earlier versions of Wavelab can be used too.Furthermore, if using different audio editing programs such as Adobe's Audition, much of the information here can be utilised."
Price: 19.99

"Cybersicherheit - So schtzen Sie sich vor Hackerangriffen!" |
"Cybersicherheit und Hacking sind dieser Tage verstrkt ein Thema in den Nachrichten. Riesige Datenlecks bestimmen weltweit die berschriften. In fast allen Fllen waren es einfache Mitarbeiter, die unvorsichtig auf einen manipulierten E-Mail-Anhang geklickt hatten, so dass Malware installiert werden konnte oder sensible Informationen abgegriffen werden konnten. Sich der Taktiken und Techniken dieser Cyberangriffe bewusst zu werden fhrt zu einer signifikanten Verringerung des Risikos selber zum Opfer zu werden. Statistisch reduziert ein Aufmerksamkeits- und Cyber-Training sicherheitsbezogene Risiken fr Unternehmen um 45-70%. Lernen Sie, effektive Verteidigungstechniken einzusetzen, ohne bertrieben misstrauisch und weniger hilfsbereit gegenber legitimen Kunden zu erscheinen."
Price: 19.99

"Working with Young People who Self-Harm, Certificated Course" |
"This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the area of self harm and specifically, to working with and supporting young people who self harm. We look at why young people self harm, how they self harm, how to recognize self harm, exploring the triggers and predictors to self harm, useful interventions, therapeutic modalities that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of self harm, quality standards for helping services and much much more."
Price: 94.99

"ARKit & SceneKit Fundamentals" |
"AR is the core technology behind amazing apps such as Pokmon Go, Snapchat's animated emojis, and Instagram's 3D stickers. And today we will learn how to Build Augmented Reality apps using ARKit in iOS 12 and Swift 4.In this series you will learn everything that you need to know to make your own cool ARKit games. Of course we will use quite a lot of SceneKit too. We will go through the basics of Augmented Reality and Apples ARKit. We apply the lessons and craft an application that adds 3D models to the world using different methods. By doing so, you will learn how to:add and remove Objects;use Plane Detection;add Floor, Textures and Materials;Mesure Distance;build Drawing App in ARKit;build an AR Joystick. The code for this demo can be found on GitHub too.Got a question? Ask it in the comments section. I answer each and every question in less than 24 hours, but mostly within 3 hours (if we're not asleep). Customer happiness is our #1 priority.Start your AR journey today! Enroll the course and be part of the Rebeloper learning community!"
Price: 199.99
