Procreate |
"Procreate//Guille Coppo Invisible SchoolProcreateAwarded ProfessorProcreate Guille CoppoProcreateGuille CoppoGuille CoppoUdemy*ProcreateProcreate ProcreateiPadProcreate64Procreate"
Price: 19.99

"TypeScript - El mejor curso TypeScript Ms all de Angular" |
"La mayora de la gente ha escuchado de TypeScript debido al framework de Angular. Es el lenguaje que tienes que usar all, Verdad? Sin embargo TypeScript es mucho ms que eso y se puede usar en cualquier proyecto Web, con Angular, React, Vue JS, o cualquier tecnologa que use JavaScript!En este increble curso podrs aprender qu es TypeScript, por qu es realmente una poderosa adicin a JavaScript, cules son sus caractersticas y cmo usarlas! Y mientras lo haces, tambin entenders lo que realmente ests haciendo en tu cdigo con Angular, React, Vue JS o cualquier otro framework JavaScript donde quieras utilizar este poderoso lenguaje de programacin.Este curso te lleva desde los conceptos bsicos y sus caracterstica ms importante (Tipos!) Hasta el punto en el que puedas usar TypeScript en cualquiera de sus proyectos con las tecnologas ya mencionadas. Dado que TypeScript es desarrollado por Microsoft y se promociona fuertemente por Angular (Google), est aqu para quedarse.Obtn esta ventaja competitiva hoy y convirtete en uno de los primeros en comprender realmente TypeScript!Como el cdigo TypeScript se puede compilar en ES5 (este es el estndar de JavaScript que la mayora de los navegadores Web utiliza al da de hoy), te sorprender las muchas caractersticas de la prxima generacin de JavaScript que puedes comenzar a usar hoy. Ya sean caractersticas de ES6 (el nuevo estndar de JavaScript, an NO soportado por la mayora de los navegadores), clases, funciones de flecha, decoradores, genricos, interfaces o mdulos.TypeScript lo tiene todo, lo nuevo y lo ms moderno del mundo de JavaScript pero para usarse y aplicarse HOY mismo!En este curso aprenders desde los fundamentos de TypeScript, e iremos hasta las caractersticas ms avanzadas y tambin cmo configurar flujos de trabajo con TypeScript. Esto incluye un flujo de trabajo con JavaScript puro o flujos de trabajo que utilizan Webpack.Tambin aprenders que no est limitado a los proyectos Angular o JavaScript simple y puro. Practica lo que aprendes. Ver videos es una excelente manera de aprender. Y para muchos estudiantes, es la mejor manera. Si tambin deseas practicar las cosas que aprendes, este curso te ofrece ejercicios (y soluciones) en muchos de los mdulos del curso.Muchsimo contenido!No soy un fantico de cursos que te ensean lo bsico y luego te dejan solo. En este curso obtendrs informacin sobre:Tipos y cmo usarlos.Cmo funciona el compilador de TypeScriptCaractersticas ES6 en TypeScriptClases en TypeScriptNamespaces y mdulosInterfacesGenricosDecoradoresCmo integrar bibliotecas JavaScript de terceros en tu proyecto TypeScriptCmo integrar TypeScript en tu flujo de trabajo con WebpackO cmo configurar un flujo de trabajo simple de TypeScriptPara quin es este curso?Este curso es para todos los estudiantes que quieran extender su horizonte ms all de JavaScript puro.Todos los que aprenden Angular deberan comprender cmo funciona TypeScript a profundidad.Pero esto no es todo!Por si fuera poco, este curso es para todos, cualquiera que desee aprender a programar con TypeScript, pero te preguntars Cmo lograremos esto? Debido a toda la experiencia que tenemos enseando a programar absolutamente desde cero, cualquiera que quiera aprender TypeScript a profundidad puede hacerlo con nosotros y nicamente en este curso. Cursos Adicionales (dentro de este mismo curso):Lgica de Programacin (Incluye JavaScript desde lo ms bsico)HTML, CSS y JavaScriptHTML 5 y CSS3Fundamentos y Programacin con Java (para todo aquel que necesita bases reales y profesionales de Programacin Orientada a Objetos, no solo cosas bsicas).As que ests frente a un curso brutal con excelente contenido, donde no solo aprenders desde cero, sino que si no cuentas con bases de programacin no tendrs nada de qu preocuparte, ya que no tendrs que comprar otros cursos para aprender a programar, aqu te lo enseamos TODO.An ms, ofrecemos soporte en Udemy, contestamos cualquiera de tus preguntas prcticamente de inmediato ya que nosotros nos dedicamos 100% a la enseanza y nuestra principal plataforma es UDEMY, as que NUNCA estars slo en tu proceso de aprendizaje y siempre tendrs soporte PRIORITARIO y de la mejor calidad.No esperes ms, y te vemos del otro lado.Tu amigo e instructor.Ing. Ubaldo Acosta Fundador de Global Mentoring"
Price: 19.99

"Opportunity Zones Explained" |
"The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed in 2017, created new tax incentives for investments in what are known as Opportunity Zones: targeted areas in the United States. Investments are made via Qualified Opportunity Funds, who are directed to promote economic development in 8,700 disadvantaged rural and urban (read Native, African American and Hispanic) communities (low-income census tracts selected by state governors and certified by the U.S. Treasury Department) by offering investors substantial federal tax advantages.As one analyst explained:""Assume an investor has a $1 million gain in Apple stocks and decides to sell. To keep it simple, lets also assume the investor is in a 20 percent tax bracket, totaling $200,000 in capital gains tax. But instead of paying, the investor reinvests the $200,000 in an Opportunity Fund.If the investor holds for more than 10 years: the investor pays ZERO capital gains tax on the appreciation of that asset.""These benefits are only available through the Opportunity Zone program.Please join us as we discuss:Where Opportunity Zones are, geographically.Creating a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund'What types of Opportunity Zone investments you can expect to see.What companies looking for investments should be doing NOW.Who are the major Opportunity Fund creators and investors.New Opportunity Zone rules and regulations.Who are the key OZ players in DC: House, Senate, Treasury and IRS Staff OZ directory.Timing: When will the final rules be release?Investment deadlines and timetables.Economic Analysis of Opportunity Zone regulations.How will Opportunity Zones impact minority communities?Making investments or raising capital."
Price: 19.99

"2020 Wordpress 5.0 Gutenberg With A Twist" |
"Its always a good idea to immediately update to the latest version of WordPress.Running an old version of WordPress opens you up to all kinds of security issues.Plus, WordPress 5.0 has a whole lot of new features.Some of those features may seem very strange to even long-term WordPress users.Gutenberg Can Be ConfusingHave you seen the new Gutenberg editor?If so, then you probably felt like pulling out your hair. Its not as easy as the past WordPress editors.It can seem overly confusing at first glance. Somehow, theyve managed to simplify things the best way they could.Its kind of hard to believe anyone would make something more simple, but yet more confusing at the same time.Somehow the good folks over at WordPress were able to do this. It was a feat that had to take many different geniuses to pull off.There Are Other Hidden Wonders As WellHow do you select the category? Have you tried to figure that one out?If so, then you already know how the simplest things cause the most significant amounts of confusion.You may have spent countless hours trying to figure out something as simple as how to select what category you want your post to be in.Dont worry; everyone has been here.All The Little Changes Are Actually ImprovementsYou dont realize it now. But, the changes really are improvements.The reason you dont see it as such is that of how difficult the new interface at first appears.You need to know that its not so difficult at all. In fact, youll be amazed by how much easier WordPress is to use now.That might seem like a far-fetched idea to some, but you really will see this new version as more straightforward to use.Its definitely an upgrade, and this is the direction WordPress is going.There is no looking back, and its best that you learn how to make the most of it now.Introducing2019 Wordpress 5.0 Gutenberg With A TwistEnhance Your Blogging ExperienceTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you the how you can easily use the new wordpress editor to make posts like pros.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Become A Wordpress 5.0 ExpertIt will be after you watch our videos. Weve addressed all of your concerns in our videos.Youre learning from an actual WordPress expert who knows what theyre talking about.Youll get a birds eye view of how they use WordPress. This will give you invaluable insight as to what you should do.Everything is broken down in a language that even beginners can understand. Youre not going to have any questionswhatsoever after watching our videos.Youll be able to update your blog and make the most out of this latest update.The risk of putting off upgrading to the new WordPress 5.0 is having your site hacked.Some hackers do nothing but search the internet for sites running older versions of WordPress.When they find an older version of WordPress, they hack it. Upgrading WordPress is a vital part of securing your site.Not upgrading because you dont understand how to use the latest version of WordPress can be a costly mistake.Dont make that mistake. Instead, watch and learn from our videos on how to make the most out of this fantastic new blogging experience.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Over the years, this service gained extreme popularity among the general public as well as business entrepreneurs.With the latest update of the platform, there are so many new features to be learned inside.This is a very detailed 20 step-by-step video series titled 'Expert Editing With Wordpress 5.0'.These over-the-shoulder videos will help you and your clients to understand how to best use this platform to organizeand grow their business.It's a very practical course that even a complete beginner can follow and get results with it.No fluff theory - only actionable steps to succeed."
Price: 29.99

"AWS Rekognition: Machine Learning Using Python Masterclass" |
"In the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Cloud Computing and Big Data - Learn AWS Rekognition: Machine Learning Using Python Masterclass step-by-step, complete hands-on - Bringing you the latest technologies with up-to-date knowledge.[June 2020 Update] Note: Python 3.5.1 has been superseded by Python 3.5.6. Added new lecturesAre you new to AWS Rekognition and machine learning? Are you looking to enhance you skills within the AWS ecosystem or perhaps pursue AWS cetifications? Look no further - learn the Use Python programming to extract text and labels from images using PyCharm, Boto3, and AWS Rekognition Machine Learning. Gain Solid understanding and application of AWS Rekognition machine learning along with full Python programming introduction and advanced hands-on instruction.Course DescriptionWelcome to AWS Rekognition: Machine Learning Using Python Masterclass - A one of its kind course!It is not only a comprehensive course, you are will not find a course similar to this. The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. Note: AWS Machine learning is not free. Please note that you may incur additional costs from AWS.In this course, you'll learn and practice:Successfully use Python to extract labels from imagesExtract text from images using PythonFundamentals of AWS Machine LearningGain solid understanding of AWS RekognitionPython intro and advanced programming - all in onePyCharm installation and configurationUsing Boto3: Coding in Python to detect objects, faces, and text from images, and much more.... In this course with over 18+ hours of hands-on instruction, you will also get complete resources, and code where applicable with this course! We've built this course with our Team ClayDesk of industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- prepare for the AWS certification exam, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for intermediate or advanced level students...this AWS Rekognition: Machine Learning Using Python Masterclass is exactly what you need, and more. (Youll even get a certification of completion)What out students say...See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all of Python intro and advanced concepts and then use Python code to work with AWS Rekognition - Absolutely worth it - Vikram SharmaThis is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Nancy Morgan.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As a senior Project Manager & Web developer, managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, along with a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer & Trainer, my experience with AWS Rekognition, Python using PyCharm has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in AWS Rekognition: Machine Learning Using Python Masterclass today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of enterprise cloud computing and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 149.99

"Huawei HCIA-HNTD with LABS - Intermediate level" |
"This course is the 2nd part of the Huawei HCIA-HNTD (H12-211 exam) certification. In this course, I will be focusing on practicing with LABS in order to understand complex topics of HCIA-HNTD intermediate level.All LABS are made on the Huawei eNSP simulator which is a free of charge software that you can install on your PC. As I am going to use eNSP, then you don't require to have any physical hardwares from Huawei.Huawei certifications are becoming very known in the IT sector market. Holding the HCIA certification from Huawei will open for you many doors for jobs and will recognize you as Huawei Network Engineer.In this course, you will learn topics such as:Link aggregationDifferent L2 port types (access, trunk, hybrid)Inter-vlan using Router and L3 switchesVLAN propagation using GVRPWANtechnologies such as (HDLC, PPP, Frame Relay, PPPoE)Traffic filtering using Access Control ListNetwork Address TranslationTunneling using GREEncapsulationIf you have any question about the course topics, you can always write on udemy and will answer your ASAP.See you in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Siri & Shortcuts on iPhone & iPad-Your Own Virtual Assistant" |
"This introductory Siri course will Siri-ously rock your world.Imagine you're running late. But, you're calm when you say, Hey Siri, ETA. You know your personal virtual assistant has taken care of letting your mate know where you are and when you'll be home. You can relax. Siri saves you time.Want to know a way to save money instantly? Like a money-saving hound Shortcuts will sniff out deals. By using this shortcut, I instantly saved $55. (See video in course about this.) Shortcuts help save you money.With Siri and Shortcuts, you can speed dial, speed text, and make sure you dont get speeding tickets.Yep, thats life with your own virtual assistant Siri on Shortcuts.As you may know, Shortcuts are like having Siri multitask for you.Think you dont need to use Siri?Think again.Siri on Shortcuts is like having a free personal assistant with you 24/7. Imagine if you had more help. How would your life be different?Siri can help you save time, money, and get you organizedfor free.Heres why.Siri has been upgraded to do more for you than ever before, even multitask with one simple command. Get this. With all that. it's even easier than ever before WITH THIS BASIC SHORTCUTS COURSE. NO PROGRAMMING INVOLVED.Youll be amazed at how fast, efficient, and fun Siri is!You may think you can learn this on YouTube instead of a class?Yeah, if you wanna get take a ton of time, get confused, and have a hard time weeding through all the videos to find whats right for you, along with piecing it all together. Want to spare yourself the time and trouble?With this highly rated course, I take you by the mouse, and we go step by step. Youll be able to amaze your friends using shortcuts right away.You may think you dont have time to learn this.The videos are anywhere from 2 to around 5 minutes. As long as youre waiting in line somewhere, or on a break, you can easily fit the videos in to have your new virtual assistant save you time.Think about it. Even saving one minute a day, which this course can easily do for you is 365 minutes a year, or over 6 hours. But thats not all.Elaine has thousands of students with a close to 5-star teacher rating. Thats because people enjoy her courses and get a lot of value out of them.What students are saying:""Simple to the point training.""""I was unsure whether I would learn anything because I'm an advanced Siri user but I learned so much! Thank you for a fantastic course. It was well worth the course fee and then some!""""Lots of bang for the buck.""""Bravo! My friends call me a Technosaurus; I can't even program a VCR (or whatever the kids call it these days). But this made the process easy, simple, effortless.""Like Elaine's first Siri Basics Course, it's awarded highest rated and favorably reviewed because she explains everything in a refreshing, easy, fun, relatable way. Just super simple. Buddabing. Buddaboom. Forget all the technical stuff.How often do you use your iPhone and or iPad?Why not use it so it's like you have some awesome help?You'll be blown away at how much Siri and Shortcuts can help you out.Couldn't you use extra brilliant, free and patient help?Order today to have Siri be your BFF helping you 24/7.There is also a Siri course that's more advanced, if you know the basics already, search for the Siri Shortcuts course by Elaine Wilkes. FYI. THIS IS NOT A CODING OR PROGRAMMING COURSE ( although I will be adding more videos on starting Shortcuts from scratch). This course is for the iPhone or iPad user who wants to use Siri and Shortcuts to make commands easier, faster, and more fun."
Price: 19.99

"Flutter For Beginners" |
"With the release of Flutter 1.0 it is now even more convenient to create cross platform mobile applications.This course captures the basic fundamentals blocks of Flutter and lets you understand how the whole thing works when put together.In this course we will be covering1. What is Flutter2. Why Dart is used as programming language for Flutter3. How to make use of Widgets4. How to read/write data on persistent storage5. How to make AJAXcalls or APIcalls using various packages6. Configuring Editors for development like - Visual Studio Code and Android StudioSo let's start learning Flutter"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Excel - from Beginner to Advanced & VBA by IITian" |
"ONLY $11.99 or Rs.500 Today. Sign Up Before It Goes Back to $19.99 / Rs.1,280 Tomorrow.***This Microsoft Excel course includes 95 Lectures, 15 Assignments (with Solutions), Excel eBook worth $4.99, Data files, Instructor feedback on assignments, Lifetime course access and 100% money-back guarantee form Udemy******This Microsoft Excel course is recorded in Indian Voice.***Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced & VBA is the most comprehensive Excel course on Udemy.It comes with full set of course book, data files for exercises, case studies and solutions. This is the Microsoft Excel Bible that includes everything you need to know to become an Excel expert. The course is recorded with Microsoft Excel 2016. I point out important differences from Excel 2013 whereever applicable. Whether you use Excel 2016 or Excel 2013, this course is all you need. In fact, most features should work in Excel 2010 as well.You will learn everything you need to learn in Microsoft Excel, from basics to advanced features like Pivot Table, Charts, Sparklines, Macros, Workbook Management and VBA. A unique feature of this course is the use of exercises and case studies to illustrate how to use Excel formulas, functions and features. With this Microsoft Excel course, your Excel skills will go from starter to expert in just a few hours. Whether you want to learn Excel for business, work, or College, this is the right course for you. This Microsoft Excel course has been used by thousands of people. It is licensed to multiple colleges, businesses and professional education companies in India, Malaysia and Dubai. You will master the following Microsoft Excel features in this course:Excel User InterfaceWorkbook and WorksheetsExcel TablesData ManagementExcel Formulas & Functions Date, Financial, Information, Mathematical & Statistical and TextInserting and Formatting ObjectsLookup and Reference FunctionsCharts, 3D Map and SparklinesPivot TableWhat If Analysis, Data Analysis and ValidationPrinting Excel FilesMacrosManaging Excel FilesAdvanced VBA BONUS CONTENT:PDF with most common Excel 2016 keyboard shortcutsExcel eBook worth $4.99If you are from the following countries, you will especially love the Charts and Graphs section. I use Sachin Tendulkar's career stats to show you how to use different types of charts to analyze data.IndiaEnglandAusrtaliaSriLankaSouth AfricaPakistanBangladeshNew ZealandWest Indian Island Countries Enroll now and start mastering Microsoft Excel. Go from an Excel Novice to Excel Expert in just a few hours!Videos are recorded in Indian voice so people from India and other Asian countries can also follow it easily."
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics Certification Exam - Practice Q&A and Tests" |
"Test your knowledge and prepare for Google Analytics Certification Exam with these practice tests. Every question has detailed explanation to help you become better. If you score 60 or more on two consecutive practice tests here, you are ready to become Google Analytics Certified. Go ahead and take you GAIQ exam. GAIQ exam has 70 questions that you need to answer in 75 minutes. You need to score 56 or more to pass the exam. Each of these 3 practice tests simulates the real environment. Each test has 70 questions and is timed to run for 75 minutes. Questions in these tests cover all aspects of Google Analytics and different types of questions from the actual Google Analytics Certification Exam. If you take all three practice tests and follow the feedback provided for the questions, you will pass the certification exam 100%. Hi - My name is Vishal Srivastava. I have been using Google Analytics and other web analytics tools for over 10 years. Iwork as a marketing and sales consultant with SaaS and Technology services companies. Obviously, I am GAIQ certified. I take the GAIQ exam regularly to identify changes to patterns and topic coverage. I update the questions to reflect changes to the actual exam. You can be rest assured that these tests prepare you for the latest version of the Google Analytics Certifications Exam. How to use these practice test:Take the first practice test as soon as you sign up for the course. Review feedback for questions you could not answer in this test. You are ready to take practice test 2. If you scored less than 60, go back and review the topics where you performed poorly. If you scored 60 or more, you are ready to take practice test number 2. Then retake this test till you score 60 or more. If you scored more than 60 in the previous test, go on to take test number 2. If you score 60 or more again, you're almost ready for the actual thing. Review feedback for questions you could not answer and go on to practice test 3. Otherwise, review the topics where you could not score and retake the test.If you scored more than 60 in the previous test, go on to take test number 3. If you score 60 or more again, you're ready for the actual thing. Review feedback for questions you could not answer and take the GAIQ exam. Otherwise, review the topics where you could not score and retake the test.To take the test, search Google for Google Partners. You should see a search result titled ""Academy for Ads Google"". Click it.You will land on the Ademy for ads landing page. Log in using your Google ID (your Gmail).Select Google Analytics from the list of topics displayed. You will see the GAIQ exam listed on the next page. Wish you all the best."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Profitable Content Repurposing Strategy" |
"Are you tired of creating new content because you're told that creating more content is the answer to getting more traffic?You can get the traffic, provide your audience with value, and make money. However, you can't do it with the model most people teach.Content creation doesn't make the bucks. Rather, it's content marketing that gives you the ROI you truly deserve.Creation is a part of the puzzle but not the biggest part. If creatives got paid to create content, many of them would be wealthy. But that's not the answer.The answer is repurposing your content. You get more mileage out of each piece of content you produce. Instead of creating new content week after week, you spread your existing ideas out to cover more ground on various platforms. In this training course, you'll learn exactly how to leverage content repurposing and make money in the process."
Price: 99.99

"Master Content Creation On A Crazy Schedule" |
"One of the biggest challenges content marketers face is creating enough content to spread around. We have so many platforms and options for us to touch upon, and while these are great, we can quickly get overwhelmed.And it's not like all we do is create and market content. The moment you publish content on the web, you become a media company. There's so much backend that rarely gets mentioned.But the big problem many people face is creating content and hoping to get an ROI. The solution isn't more content. The solution is to get more intentional with the content we create and how we use our time each day. The solution is creating so much content that we don't have to worry about content creation for a while. The solution is to master content creation on a crazy schedule.In this course, you will learn how to master content creation regardless of how busy your schedule is. By the time you complete this course, you will have at least an extra hour each day that you can devote to content creation and growing your content brand."
Price: 99.99

"Hit-Song MIXING making-of w/ GRAMMY winning Enrico De Paoli" |
"In this video making-of, the multi-GRAMMY awarded producer/engineer Enrico De Paoli, shows exactly what he does when mixing a pop song. By creating an 80's big studio style SSL console inside ProTools and mixing as if it was a large analog studio, the engineer saves time and distractions focusing exclusively in the music. During this ""behinds the scene / making-of"" video, you will see a direct-to-the-point mixing session that reaches a radio-ready sound in a very short amount of time.Again: this is NOT a course. It is rather a step-by-step, making-of video where the engineer Enrico De Paoli shows you his GRAMMY winning simple mixing/engineering/producing techniques and workflow to achieve a hit-song sound.The music in this video is by the artist ZEE, and it was produced by herself, Enrico De Paoli and Emmanuel Tuffet."
Price: 149.99

"Create A Facebook Page For Your Business" |
"Watch step-by-step as a Facebook page is created. Then, I will demonstrate how to customize the profile picture and cover image, write a post and configure page settings. Next, I will show you how to invite people to your page, see who has liked your page, and see general statistics about your page's activity. I will then discuss how to add additional people to help you manage your page and how to set up your page's Messenger settings so your page can send initial automatic replies to messages people send to your page."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Lead Ads" |
"Watch step-by-step as John Cook creates a targeted Facebook ad that generates leads. These lead ads are simple to set up and do not require you to have your own website. John will also demonstrate how to use Zapier so you can receive text message and email notifications instantly as leads are generated and so you can automatically add your leads to a CRM like MailChimp or Contactually."
Price: 19.99

"Stock Trading: Swing Trading Stocks & Playing Options Course" |
"CLASS RECENTLY UPDATED WITH HOURS OF EXTRA CONTENT STOCK TRADING: LEARN HOW TO SWING TRADE STOCKS & STOCK OPTIONSAs someone who played the market and won and lost a lot of money I am going to save you a huge amount of cash by teaching you what I know. Learn from my mistakes, my successes and how to master the world's largest casino otherwise known as the stock market.Not just learn theory watch and learn how I risk big money and see the actual results from 4 years of active trading with biggest success in 2019 wining 20,000+ dollars. Watch and learn how I play with real money, playing with stocks, and options. What you will learn...Start with the basics create an accountLearn where to play with paper moneyLearn essential concepts and strategiesHow to research stocks and do analysisWatch and learn how to Swing TradePut the odds in your favor of playing the stock market, in this course I will guide you from how to create a paper money account which I highly recommend you master before you play with real money. After you open a stimulation account you can then learn the terminology, how to swing trade stock and start playing the game.This course will get your feet wet in one of the most fascinating ways to make money in the world. A professional otherwise known as day trading. Please note this professional is not for everyone and 95% of all who attempt it been known to lose everything! That said the 5% who do make it do make a living doing just that.I cannot promise you amazing returns and anyone who says that is lying. No one knows what the future might hold especially when it comes to something as unpredictable as the stock market. That said learning from the past, learning to read charts and understanding the mechanics of the stock market will give you greater ability to beat the odds. See you on the inside,Your instructorSergeyREQUIRED LEGAL ADVISORY:In this course you will learn about the stock market this course is a guide that should help you learn about the stock market and help you make an educate decision. This course is not quick way to make money nor should it be a recommendation to buy any security. I am not a registered financial advisor and therefore cannot make a buy or sale recommendation but only provide you general education. As always consult a financial advisor when it comes to advice to buy or sell any security. U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity, Stocks and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in stocks, futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this course site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. All information presented here is for educational purposes only not an investment advice.CFTC RULE 4.41 - HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN.All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in this course and product materials are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations. All ideas and material presented are entirely those of the author. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using this methodology or system will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses. The testimonials and examples used herein are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average member, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.---> I highly recommend NOT to invest any real money and only play with paper money for as long as year. It is very easy to make or lose a lot of money in the stock market education is your key to your success spend as much time as you can learning about the stock market and the resources provided to ensure you are on the right path.************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************OFFICE HOURS & EXTRASWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 199.99

"MailChimp Marketing: Build your eMail list & Squeeze Page" |
"MailChimp Marketing: Build your eMail list & Squeeze Page*****************************************************This course covers the 2020 edition of Mailchimp and email marketing. Did you know that MailChimp lets you for free create professional looking emails to your mailing list fast and easy? This course will cover how to set up and use MailChimp for email marketing campaigns. This class is gears toward newbies but also professional who want to learn how to create effective emails that will get you the results that you want and your business needs. This information is essential to anyone who has his own business and wants to learn to use emails to target your customers. In this course you will also be learning how to extract emails from eBay and Etsy. This course will not only teach you this it will also show you how to create a squeeze page using Wix website. Please note that this course does not cover how to use Wix and I assume you already know how to use it. If not you can always take my class how to use Wix. In this course you will learn Learn to use the 2020 free edition of MailchimpHow to create professional looking email to target your clientsSet up and create an email marketing campaign with MailchimpExtract emails from eBay and Etsy and import it to MailchimpCreate a squeeze page using Wix fastWhat is MailChimpIt is a free service that lets you email your mailing list efficiently and professionally ************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 24.99

"PowerPoint 2019 Beginner" |
"In this Intellezy course taught by David LaLonde, students will get started with Microsoft PowerPoint 2019. This is the first level of a two-part series that is followed by the optional PowerPoint 2019 Advanced course. Throughout this course, learners will become familiar with the basic Ribbon, interface, and navigation options. Additionally, students will create a presentation on their own and work with various features as well as commands to make it easier on themselves to work in PowerPoint. Students will also review all presentation editing options, text formatting options, various graphic options, as well as insertion methods for those objects and other topics such as including bulleted and numbered lists. Students will also learn how to add, edit, and format tables within PowerPoint. As the course concludes, students will learn how to create, work with, and format charts in a presentation as well as learn various presentation preparation, printing, and delivery options.Like most of our courses, closed caption subtitles are available for this course in: Arabic, English, Simplified Chinese, German, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Japanese, Spanish (Latin America), Hindi, and FrenchThis IAAP-certified counts for 5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft 365 New Features" |
"This course is designed to introduce students to the new features of Microsoft 365. Students will review the common changes across the suite of products such as co-authoring, icons, Microsoft translator, inking tools, new chart types, and the accessibility checker. Students will review the individual feature enhancements in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access.This IAAP-certified counts for 2 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com upon completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Office 2019 New Features - Beginner" |
"This course is designed to introduce students to the new features of Office 2019. Students will review the common changes across the suite of products such as co-authoring, icons, Microsoft translator, inking tools, new chart types, and the accessibility checker. Students will review the individual feature enhancements in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access."
Price: 39.99

"Node.js Absolute Beginners Guide - Learn Node From Scratch" |
"In this course I'll teach you how to create a Node server, run a basic HTMLwebsite off of that server, and push it up to a webhost to make your website live online.Aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any experience with Node.js at all in order to take this course. In fact, if you already know a little Node, this is NOT the course for you!If you already know some Javascript, that's great; but you don't have to know Javascript to take this course, I'll walk you through everything you need to get started.You'll learn:Install NodeInstall Git bash and Sublime Text EditorRun a Console Log Node TestCreate Our First Basic Node.js ServerExplaining the Node Server CodeExploring The URL Module Query StringFile System and Index PageCreate Server Console Status MessagesShow Different Web PagesShow an Index PageRemove HTML from the URLCreate a Bootstrap NavbarCreate an About and Resume PageAdd a Bootstrap JumbotronGenerate SSH KeysInitialize Git and GithubInstall the Heroku Toolbelt CLICreate a Package JSON FilePush Our Code To HerokuAnd More...Join me today and let's learn Node!-John ElderCEOCodemy. com"
Price: 199.99

"Storage Container System (Advanced Organization Vol 1)" |
"This course is really a list of things to buy with a course attached to it.Years ago Ipublished my original courses on mastering organization, but Ididn't give any recommendations for what types of containers to use or how they should all fit together.After years of experimentation and iterating, I've settled on a list (actually a Google Sheet you will get inside the course) of the best things to buy to implement my organizing model. This includes experimenting with my own setups as well as having several coaching clients implement the systems and materials in their own lives to organize their stuff (physical objects) and their paper documents.It can even be used if you don't use my organizational system, although it won't be as effective. Please note, this course is not about organizing your computer or digital files. It's for your physical stuff only.See you inside the course,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"SALSA - Pachanga for ALL SALSA DANCERS - Volume I of 5" |
"Have you always wanted to learn the Pachanga?? Well, look no further. I break this down with EASE and precisionSimple to follow instructions and easy directions!!The Pachanga is quickly becoming one of the most popular aspects of Salsa/Mambo. There isn't a place in the world where you dance Salsa that they are not asking for THE PACHANG. Why??It's funky, it's sexy, it's rhythmic and most of all.... IT'S FUN!!! LOL.As always, I created this course with YOU in mind, the student, so therefore I have taken great detail in breaking down the steps and the music to you as well. Whether you are a beginner social Salsa dancer or a professional performer on stage, you'll find these courses JUSTRIGHT for your Pachanga learning! This is the first of 5 courses if you'd like!Message me with any questions you may have ok? Hugs! Let's PACHANGA!"
Price: 19.99

"Leading Virtual Teams" |
"The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical approach to leading virtual teams. This is an especially important skill because teams are now the fundamental way in which work gets done within organization and teams existing now across geographic areas and meet virtually. Blending best practice and the latest research, our emphasis is on helping managers understand how to lead these dispersed, virtual teams. Upon completion, each learner will have completed a series of exercises that will enable them both to better manage teams in a virtual world.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"Weapon Texturing with Substance" |
"In this second tutorial we will continue where we left off with the modeling course. Now that we have our high poly and our low poly - in this tutorial we will go over on how to properly unwrap our weapon and utilize the most space so that we have the highest resolution possible. After that we will set-up our scene ready for making in marmoset and export all our models. Then we will move to Marmoset Toolbag 3 and start by baking all our texture maps and fix any baking bugs. After that we will move into substance painter where we will set-up our scene and start adding more normal map details like screws, text etc. Once that is done and it is looking good we will create the base colors of our prop and go over on how to archive good material definition. Then we will first start working on the top of our asset, setting up color changes, edge scratches and overall dirtiness. When everything is looking good we will move the the base of our weapon which is made of an different material so we will also need to add different details to that. We will be mostly adding things like edge highlights, dirt, roughness changes and more. Finally when we are happy with our texture we will set-up a nice scene in Marmoset Toolbag 3 and present the weapon at portfolio quality.More about the Instructor:Emiel Sleegers is a 21 years old originally from The Netherlands. He is currently located in the UK. He is a 3D environment artist working in the game industry. He's worked for companies like Playground Games and Ubisoft with so far one announced title on his name named: Forza Horizon 3, with another title on the way. He's a self taught artist who one day 4 years ago wanted to know how the amazing games he always played were made. The rest is history."
Price: 19.99

"Create a 3d Grenade Asset with Maya and Substance Painter" |
"In Grenade Asset in Substance Painter, we start off with what it takes to model an asset. From there, we will model a block mesh in order to make sure our scale and everything is looking right before spending too much time on it. We'll then make a high poly mesh from the block mesh using subdivision modeling techniques. Next, we go over the process of UVing and creating smoothing groups for our model so we get clean bakes. I will then take them into Substance Painter 2 to bake our maps for use in easy procedural texture creation. To wrap it up we will take our model into Marmoset Toolbag 3 and set up a material and lighting for our beauty renders. Along the way I will give advice and my expertise on what it takes to be a production artist. There's a lot of great stuff to learn here, so don't miss it! More about the Instructor:Christian Cunningham is an environment artist currently living in Santa Clarita California. After 5 long years he finally broke into the industry. He started in July of 2017 (yes dreams do come true, just never give up). He was living in New York but after securing a job at Halon Entertainment he took a 4 day drive to start a new life in California."
Price: 19.99

"Modeling a Sci Fi Dreadnought Character with 3ds Max" |
"Often, creating a hard surface model can be a bit tedious as well as being unfamiliar and intimidating. To create a better workflow, one needs to know and understand the advantages of using as many shortcuts as possible so that one isn't spending an overly long amount of time creating meshes. A smart workflow can become your best friend as well as something you'll use throughout your career. Shortcut hotkeys are an integral component of working smart, not hard. Understanding methodologies helps you to understand when best to use shortcuts and how to use them efficiently. There are tools hidden in 3DS Max that help facilitate the speed at which you can model and this course is designed to help you access them. Using such tools as symmetry can help the artist visual how the whole mesh is looking while literally only working on a single half of the model. Swift loop is another extremely handy tool to use to help easily add edge loops into the meshes. By creating custom shortcut hotkeys that the artist designs for themselves is a boon to the workflow in creating a solid design and, ultimately, a proper mesh.More about the Instructor:Having 25 years of experience in the video game development/entertainment arenas, Stephen G. Wells is well versed in a variety of programs and production pipelines and strives to work as cleanly and efficiently as possible. Having done pretty much everything, he enjoys getting to share his knowledge and experience in the hopes that he can help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of what 3D computer art (in all its varying forms) has to offer."
Price: 19.99

"Texture a Sci Fi Dreadnought Character with PS and Marmoset" |
"After creating a mesh, in this case a mechanical Dreadnought, it's not enough to simply have a greyscale model...now comes texturing! Texturing models can be a daunting task because there are so many tools/programs geared towards creating texturing that are stylized or physically based, it can be confusing. Photoshop, a standard in texturing, is the simplest, most direct method to create first a color base and then add details, via masks, to the colors for better realism. Once the model has a base diffuse/albedo, we can then still use Photoshop to create the glossiness and metal maps to support PBR workflows without requiring any third party (or more expensive) program to create acceptable end results. One need only understand the PBR basics to understand how using simple Photoshop filters and masks can help create the needed details to make our model look dirty/rusty and worn as nothing looks faker or more phoney than perfect colors on a Dreadnought mechanical robot that has seen many battles. So, we'll be able to first create a base diffuse/albedo so we have the color scheme for the mech and then we'll focus on creating the detailing/dirt/grime needed to help give the diffuse/albedo a more 'lived in' quality. Masking is an integral part of Photoshop's suite of tools and we'll be using it to help with our colors as well as our metals.After we established our color palette, it'll then be deciding which parts of the mech are metallic, which are rubber and which are plastic so we can use Photoshop to help create the different textures needed for the PBR pipeline. More about the Instructor:Having 25 years of experience in the video game development/entertainment arenas, Stephen G. Wells is well versed in a variety of programs and production pipelines and strives to work as cleanly and efficiently as possible. Having done pretty much everything, he enjoys getting to share his knowledge and experience in the hopes that he can help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of what 3D computer art (in all its varying forms) has to offer."
Price: 19.99

"Model a complex 3d SciFi Ship with Maya and ZBrush" |
"In the Scifi Ship Series, we'll sart by creating simple shapes via edge extrusion in Maya, as it's one of the easiest methods to create viable meshes. When creating meshes in Maya, the fewer tools you use, generally, is the better your end result because you end up focusing on the best aspects of the tools to create what you need. Edge loops for better subdivisions are paramount when working with models that are going to be more than just 'game ready' (low poly) and will help create cleaner beveling when the mesh smoothes as opposed to subdividing without edge loops. Once the mesh has been imported into ZBrush, proper usage of polygroups will assist in mirrored details and overall cleanliness. IMM (InsertMultiMesh) Brushes are vital to helping to add the 'greebles' and accessories to hard surfaces to add interest. LiveBoolean is a new tool that's paramount in creating inset cuts and booleaned shapes within the ZBrush subtools to add more futuristic details to parts of the sci-fi spaceship. When combining tools in ZBrush, like IMM brushes with LiveBooleans, the speed at which the model is populated with details is greatly decreased, which helps with tight deadlines in production. Add in using Slice Curves to add polygroups to a mesh with Curve Functions to create frame meshes that follow the seam of the polygroups precisely, and the end results are a model that looks thoroughly populated yet futuristically refined. More about the Instructor:Having 25 years of experience in the video game development/entertainment arenas, Stephen G. Wells is well versed in a variety of programs and production pipelines and strives to work as cleanly and efficiently as possible. Having done pretty much everything, he enjoys getting to share his knowledge and experience in the hopes that he can help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of what 3D computer art (in all its varying forms) has to offer."
Price: 19.99

"Create a Rocky Ground Surface with both Substance and Quixel" |
"In Rocky ground in Substance Designer, you will learn the basic understanding of the PBR Workflow and what to do (or what not to do) to achieve the PBR look. The basic Workflow for Substance Designer and the Quixel Mixer is very important, in order to easily achieve some nice looking results. After that we start with some basic rock shapes in Substance Designer. Once we are happy with our shapes we start to add smaller rocks and pebbles, which will be blended together. In addition to this, we will create some nice looking cracks on the rocks to give it a older look and some history. After we have finished our base in Substance Designer we will switch to the Quixel Mixer, where we will add some dirt and water. In the end I show everybody how to get some nice Renderings in Unreal Engine and in Marmoset Toolbag.More about the Instructor:Philipp Schmidt is a Freelance 3D Environment Artist working for Asylum Entertainment."
Price: 19.99

"C# Scripting Load / Save States with Unity" |
"In this comprehensive 3dmotive course for beginners, instructor Alan Thorn explores how to get started at C# Programming by making games using the Unity engine. In just a few hours, youll learn the fundamentals of programming for designing and building games easily with professional-grade development tools; no previous experience required. Design levels, define behaviours and create playable experiences that are fun for everybody as you learn the C# language, step by step. This course explores programming fundamentals, such as variables, functions, conditional statements, loops, components and classes. Plus, well see more advanced features too: including coroutines, inheritance, events, statics and singeltons. During this course, well create a completely playable shooter game including object physics, NPC intelligence, post-processing camera effects; particle systems, weapon systems and lots more. By the end, youll be strongly positioned to create interesting games independently using C#, and youll be ready to tackle more advanced challenges that push your knowledge to the next level. This is the place for all aspiring game developers to get started with confidence!More about the Instructor:Alan Thorn is a multidisciplinary game developer, author and educator with 17 years industry experience. He makes games for PC desktop, Mobile and VR. He founded 'Wax Lyrical Games' and created the award-winning game 'Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok', working as designer, programmer and artist. He has written twenty-three technical books on game development and presented eighteen video-training courses. These cover game-play programming, Unity development, 3D modelling, animation and more. Additionally, Alan has worked in game development education as a Senior Lecturer at Teesside University, a Visiting Lecturer at London South Bank University, and a Lead Teacher for Uppingham School. He is currently Head of Department for the internationally-renowned Masters Degree of Games Design and Development at the National Film and Television School."
Price: 19.99
