"Outlook 365 Beginner" |
"This course is designed to teach students the basics of Microsoft Outlook 365 and help them gain familiarity with the Outlook environment and basic functionality. Students will learn the basics of email, how to use the Help feature, how to create and send messages, and how to work with attachments. Students will also learn organizational techniques through the use of folders, views, categories, flags, and searching. Additionally, students will review printing options, automatic replies, contact creation and management, calendar use and management, task and note creation and management, message options, and email signatures.This IAAP-certified counts for 3.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): Mindfulness" |
"Learn the core DBT skill of mindfulness with the basics of mindfulness. This is the first in a series of Dialectical Behavioral Skills (DBT) courses to assist those who are interested in gaining control of their emotions, be more effective in your communication and relationships as well as have power in handling stressful situations. Each skill video includes a worksheet to continue helping you reach your goals. ***This isn't a professional training course for those with the intent to teach DBT in a professional setting***"
Price: 89.99

"Effizientes Arbeiten mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop" |
"Business Intelligence von morgen erfordert weit mehr als nur Excel und Powerpoint. Neue effiziente Tools mssen her um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Daten schnell dynamisch und effizient verarbeiten und visuell aufbereiten zu knnen. Und das betrifft alle Geschftsbereiche Controlling, Finanzen, Marketing,... gleichermaen. Deshalb:Hallo und Willkommen in der Welt von Power BIPower BI ist eine Suite aus Business Analytics-Tools, die dir dabei helfen neue Insights in deine Daten und dein Unternehmen zu generieren. Du kannst eine Vielzahl von Datenquellen anbinden, die Daten einfach aufbereiten und nach der Datenaufbereitung Ad-hoc-Analysen durchfhren. Du kannst ansprechende Visualisierungen und Reports erstellen und zielgruppenspezifisch anpassen.Und genau das lernst du hierDas ist ein praxisbezogener Kurs. Wir gehen die einzelnen Kapitel gemeinsam durch. Wir bauen auf deinem Wissensstand der vorherigen Kurse auf.Einfhrung in Microsoft Power BI DesktopEinfhrung in Berechnungen mit Microsoft Power BI DesktopEffizientes Arbeiten mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop Datenanalyse und Visualisierung mit Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - praktische Projekt Tipps und TricksEinfhrungen in Berechnungen mit Calculate in Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - hilfreiche Tips und TricksDatenaufbereitung mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop(Ebenfalls auf Udemy verfgbar) Es wird eine bungsdatei bereitgestellt, sodass du jeden Schritt selbst nachbauen kannst. Nach meiner Erfahrung bringt diese praktische Anwendung den grten Lernerfolg mit sich.Am Ende wirst du in der Lage sein effizienter mit Power BI Desktop zu arbeiten, du lernst noch mehr DAX Berechnungen sowie hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks kennen die dich bei deiner tglichen Arbeit untersttzen knnen.Also los. Worauf wartest du noch?"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Unity for Game Development" |
"In this comprehensive 3dmotive course for beginners, instructor Alan Thorn explores how to get started making games using the Unity engine. In just a few hours, youll learn how to design and build games easily with professional-grade development tools; no previous experience required. Design levels, define behaviours and create playable experiences that are fun for everybody as you learn game development software, step by step. This course explores Unity fundamentals, such as how to create interesting worlds, how to animate and configure 3D Objects, and how to construct a game for desktop PCs. Plus, well see how to import custom content and models (including your own 3D models) from external tools directly into your games. In addition, well see more advanced features too, including object physics, NPC intelligence, post-processing camera effects; particle systems and lots more. By the end of this course, youll be strongly positioned to create interesting games independently, and youll be ready to tackle more advanced challenges that push your knowledge to the next level. This is the place for all aspiring game developers to get started with confidence!More about the Instructor:Alan Thorn is a multidisciplinary game developer, author and educator with 17 years industry experience. He makes games for PC desktop, Mobile and VR. He founded 'Wax Lyrical Games' and created the award-winning game 'Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok', working as designer, programmer and artist. He has written twenty-three technical books on game development and presented eighteen video-training courses. These cover game-play programming, Unity development, 3D modelling, animation and more. Additionally, Alan has worked in game development education as a Senior Lecturer at Teesside University, a Visiting Lecturer at London South Bank University, and a Lead Teacher for Uppingham School. He is currently Head of Department for the internationally-renowned Masters Degree of Games Design and Development at the National Film and Television School."
Price: 19.99

"Universidad JavaScript - El mejor curso sobre JavaScript!" |
"Domina JavaScript con el curso ms completo de Udemy! Proyectos, desafos, pruebas, ES6 +, OOP, TypeScript, Webpack, Angular, FireStore, Firebase, y mucho ms.*** El # 1 curso de JavaScript ms vendido en Udemy! ***""Excelente curso. El Ing. Ubaldo Acosta explica los conceptos bsicos de JavaScript que generalmente se pasan por alto en otros cursos. Y lo hace de una manera clara y concisa"". - Angel Rodriguez""Quieres aprender el lenguaje de programacin nmero # 1 que alimenta Internet?Est cansado de perder su tiempo y dinero en videos de YouTube o cursos de JavaScript que son demasiado simples o difciles de seguir?O ests luchando por comprender y aplicar JavaScript a proyectos reales?Si su respuesta es un gran S ... Este es exactamente el curso que est buscando!Entonces, de qu se trata el curso?Este es un curso de JavaScript realmente completo, que va ms all de lo que otros cursos de JavaScript te ensean.Te llevar desde un nivel principiante en JavaScript hasta un desarrollador avanzado y muy completo. No solo aprenders el lenguaje JavaScript en s, sino que tambin aprender cmo programar. Cmo resolver problemas. Cmo estructurar y organizar el cdigo utilizando patrones comunes de JavaScript.Ven conmigo en un viaje con el objetivo de entender realmente el lenguaje JavaScript. Y te lo explico todo en el camino con gran detalle!Aprenders ""por qu"" algo funciona en JavaScript, no solo ""cmo"". Porque en el mundo moderno de JavaScript de hoy, necesita algo ms que saber cmo funciona algo. Debes depurar el cdigo, debes comprender el cdigo, necesitas poder pensar en el cdigo.Para lograr nuestro objetivo juntos, el curso contiene sesiones de codificacin, desafos de codificacin, clases tericas, proyectos del mundo real y un proyecto final del curso.Este curso es diferente porque no se trata solo de escribir cdigo, tambin se trata de cmo y por qu el cdigo funciona como lo hace. Porque es la mezcla perfecta entre teora y prctica. Porque se enfoca no solo en pequeos ejemplos de codificacin, sino tambin en proyectos del mundo real y casos de uso.Entonces, al final del curso, sers un desarrollador de JavaScript capaz de escribir, entender y depurar el cdigo JavaScript utilizando todas las funciones poderosas que el idioma nos ofrece.Aqu es exactamente lo que cubrimos en este curso: Todos los fundamentos de JavaScript y programacin: cosas como variables, tipos de datos, lgica booleana, sentencias if / else, bucles, funciones, objetos, matrices y ms. Todo lo que necesitas saber para obtener una comprensin profunda de cmo funciona JavaScript a detalle: contextos de ejecucin, alcance de variables, la palabra clave ""this"" y ms. Cmo hacer que el cdigo JavaScript interacte con las pginas web: Manipulacin de DOM. Aprende cmo seleccionar y cambiar elementos de la pgina web, crear nuevos elementos y manejar eventos DOM. Funciones complejas de JavaScript, como constructores de funciones, herencia, funciones de primera clase y ms. Vamos a codificar varias aplicaciones hermosas del mundo real para aplicar nuestro conocimiento y aprender nuevos conceptos (proporciono el cdigo de inicio HTML y CSS para estos proyectos). Aprenda cmo organizar y estructurar su cdigo usando mdulos y funciones, cmo crear la encapsulacin y la privacidad de los datos, y por qu es tan importante. Novedades en la versin ms moderna de JavaScript: nuevas caractersticas de ES6 / ES2015, incluyendo TypeScript. JavaScript moderno: Aprende cmo configurar un flujo de trabajo de desarrollo moderno con los mdulos NPM, Webpack, y ES6/TypeScript.Ahora es tu turno de decidir. Esto es lo que obtienes: Acceso de por vida a videos de calidad HD. Sin suscripcin mensual. Aprende a tu propio ritmo, cuando quieras. Cdigo descargable de cada ejercicio de cada seccin. El mejor soporte en Udemy de manera totalmente gratuita en la seccin de Preguntas y Respuestas, te respondemos prcticamente de manera inmediata, NUNCA estars slo en tu proceso de aprendizaje. Mltiples desafos de codificacin para practicar tus nuevas habilidades (soluciones incluidas).Suena genial? Comienza esta aventura hoy y nete a nostros en el nico curso de JavaScript que necesitars!Tu amigo e instructor.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring"
Price: 19.99

"Working with Teams - Beginner" |
"The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical approach to getting work done through teams. This is an especially important skill because teams are now the fundamental way in which work gets done within an organization (arguably, in most endeavors). Blending best practice and the latest research, our emphasis is on helping managers understand how teams work (from purpose to formation to productivity) and to leverage teams in achieving success. We present tools, templates and skills that a manager can use at work as well as providing an analytic framework to understand the different kinds of teams to deploy in any given situation. Upon completion, each learner will have completed a series of exercises that will enable them both to apply relevant team leadership skills as well as to identify future opportunities for development.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.50 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Organizational Communication content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"Arduino Cookbook 101: Virtual to physical device development" |
"Take this course and learn to make Your own devices in the matter of minutes! Learnskillsneeded tomakefully custom mechanical / electronic / software devices.Will You take the challenge?The contents of this course will guide you in uderstanding how Arduino works and most importantly do it byshowingyou practical real-life examples.Filip BlicharczykMacGyver wannabe. Do-it-all engineer and dedicated hotspur for rapid prototyping ranging from design and mechanics through analog and digital electronics up to software programming.Marek ChabieraOpen source and linux based operating systems enthusiast. Graduate of Adams Mickiewicz University in Pozna, Master degree in Linguistics and Information Science, who also tries his hand at engineering. Interested in web development and computional linguistics. When hes not working, he usually read books or play board games."
Price: 54.99

"How to Make Money Teaching Online" |
"Teaching online can be a fun and profitable business. You can start part-time to generate some extra income and grow it to become a full-time business if you like. Some of the top earners in this field have been very successful and the demand for online content is continually growing.Welcome to how to make money teaching online. In this class, I will show you all of the details that you need to know to get started with teaching online. I will describe to you all of the tools and equipment that you will need as well as some of the processes that I've used in producing online classes for the last four years. I currently work as a full-time course author and have learned many different things about teaching online, and I want to share those with you so that you can avoid some of the same mistakes that I made. In this class, I will describe some of the basic marketing techniques you can use to grow your business as well as some of the tools and tips that I have learned over the last few years that will help you in your course production process. In addition, I will describe the necessary equipment you will need to get started along with some teaching tips that have helped me start my own online teaching business.Along with the process of producing your online class, I have included some information on some of the most popular places to teach online and how to market your materials on multiple channels. I have been able to grow my business significantly over the last four years and have delivered courses to over 15,000 students on Udemy, Skillshare, and YouTube. I will show you some of the methods I have used to help make my online business successful and how you can be too.I have really enjoyed putting this course together, and I hope that it gives you a great start on your online teaching career!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel From Scratch - For Testers and Developers" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Excel from Scratch - Beginner to Expert Course!A Complete Microsoft Excel course from basic to advanced features explained with practical easy to understand examples.Excel is one the best tools in the industry Microsoft has ever delivered. 70-80% Market has been captured by Microsoft for Excel tool. There is no other good competitor for Microsoft Excel. So its really necessary for one to get ready with the way Excel can be handled.This course is designed to enhance your skills in Excel and getting you out of the box. This course will help you to reduce the amount of time you spend on Excel by helping you with unexplored shortcuts you have ever imagined.This course has been designed for users in such a way that any person with zero technical skills can learn excel and also utilize in daily routine.Why you should enroll?After going through this course you will save almost 40% of the time for the work that you do currentlyWe have covered 80+ functions in this course including Text, Number, Date, Vlookup, Hlookup and many more functions50+ different shortcuts which cans save lot of timeReal time case studies which are used in the corporate levelCourse if for everyone from basic to advanced levelVery easy and simple to learn with practical examplesLifetime access to this Excel class allows you to easily review material and continue learning new materialMoney Back Guarantee - Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money BackWe have shown many different techniques and tricks to work with bad and unclean data sets, how to organize properly and analysis it with pivot tables. While doing these entire tasks, we definitely would require loads of functions related to numbers like Sum, count and average. We have shown almost 50+ Functions in these series.The hottest topic people search for in Excel is Vlookup. We have explained in detail, with the exception scenarios and challenges faced while using Vlookup. Not only these but how we can use other functions like Hlookup, Lookup, Match and Index.Last but not the least, we make sure after going through the entire course, you would definitely save 40% of your daily time applying the learned techniques in this course.All the best and see you in the class!!!!"
Price: 99.99

"Front-End Developer 2019 Career Course" |
"Welcome to the Front-End Developer 2019 Course! This course covers everything you need to become a front-end developer and how to monetize those skills as a developer. There are a lot of courses out there covering freelancing and how to build web sites, but unlike other never-ending boring courses this course goes straight to the point and will teach you everything that is essential to become a front-end developer in just a few days and how you can make money selling top quality websites to clients in the most effective way on the current freelancing market.Here's why you should take this course:The most complete Front-End Developer course for 2019. This course covers the Latest front-end technologies to turn you into a professional developer and be ready for the current tech market in 2019.This is the only course where you can either choose the ""straight to the point"" path to just make money really quick or choose the full complete path to learn everything about creating top quality websites and freelacing. Take the ""straight to the point"" path and make money today.The goal is to learn how to create top quality websites as fast as possible in order to make as much money as possible.After taking this course you can easily make a living just by selling websites to clients.This is the most complete and up to date course about freelancing with the latest secrets and ultimate strategies.Create X number of projects, X number of quizzes, X number of exercises and free ebooks.The course will be updated when necessary with new updates, content, projects, and modules. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.When you're taking long courses you often have to sacrifice a lot of your personal time and probably some money too. With this course, you get the possibility to keep learning and make money at the same time, just by watching a few chapters. This is a course designed for complete beginners, yet it covers the best way to get a job on the current tech market as a front-end developer and sell websites as a freelancer in today's market with just a few hours of video training.Throughout the course we cover current technologies including:HTML5CSS3BoostrapJavaScriptGit / GithubSSH / Linux TerminalHosting ServersTemplates / WordpressSite Builders (Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, Sitebuilder)Branding Tools (get the best on current market)Freelancing Tools (get the best on current market)What makes this course different from other freelancing courses?Our goal is to have a 100% success rate of the students who take this course. In order to achieve this, we took our time to learn what was missing in other courses, what students really want to help them and motivate them to finish the course, and ultimately what they need to succeed with what they've learned.We've learned that fast support and mentoring throughout the course, were probably the most demanded features by students. So, one of the things we will implement for the first time in any of our courses is a live chat support system, a direct email support directly with the instructor and the coolest feature, a weekly live webinnar also with the instructor in order to review what you've learned over the current week in progress and answer any questions from students."
Price: 99.99

"Outlook 2019 Beginner" |
"This course is designed to teach students the basics of Microsoft Outlook 2019 and help them gain familiarity with the Outlook environment and basic functionality. Students will learn the basics of email, how to use the Help feature, how to create and send messages, and how to work with attachments. Students will also learn organizational techniques through the use of folders, views, categories, flags, and searching. Additionally, students will review printing options, automatic replies, contact creation and management, calendar use and management, task and note creation and management, message options, and email signatures.This IAAP-certified counts for 3.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Book Appointments From Networking Events" |
"You meet people at a networking event, hand them your business card, and then you never hear from them again.Maybe they say something like: ""let's keep in touch."" Or even ""I'll give you a call next week."" But you still don't hear from them.If you call them, you get their voicemail. Or they promise to call you back with a time to meet, but it doesn't happen.Why Don't They Call You?- Maybe they're busy- Maybe they're not that interested- Maybe they're not so organisedWhat if you could line up the appointment then and there - at the networking event?Make Appointments Easy for ThemImagine being able to qualify them while you're talking to them, and then arrange a meeting.No telephone tag. No emails back-and-forth to work out when and where to meet them.This course shows you exactly what to say to stop you wasting time after the event, when you could book the meeting right then and there.But how do you do it? What do you need? A mobile phone, Google Calendar (or another scheduling tool), and the right words to say to make it easy for them (and for you!) to book them in."
Price: 19.99

"Access 365 Intermediate" |
"This course is designed to teach students intermediate level skills in Microsoft Access 365. In this course, students will learn to design tables for improved accuracy in data entry, review the various options to share data with other applications, learn about action queries, and review various advanced query techniques. Students will also learn how to automate processes with Macros, advanced form techniques, and advanced report techniques."
Price: 39.99

"Comprehensive Intro to C# Programming for Games with Unity" |
"In this comprehensive course for beginners, instructor Alan Thorn explores how to get started at C# Programming by making games using the Unity engine. In just a few hours, youll learn the fundamentals of programming for designing and building games easily with professional-grade development tools; no previous experience required. Design levels, define behaviours and create playable experiences that are fun for everybody as you learn the C# language, step by step. This course explores programming fundamentals, such as variables, functions, conditional statements, loops, components and classes. Plus, well see more advanced features too: including coroutines, inheritance, events, statics and singeltons.During this course, well create a completely playable shooter game including object physics, NPC intelligence, post-processing camera effects; particle systems, weapon systems and lots more. By the end, youll be strongly positioned to create interesting games independently using C#, and youll be ready to tackle more advanced challenges that push your knowledge to the next level. This is the place for all aspiring game developers to get started with confidence!More about the Instructor:Alan Thorn is a multidisciplinary game developer, author and educator with 17 years industry experience. He makes games for PC desktop, Mobile and VR. He founded 'Wax Lyrical Games' and created the award-winning game 'Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok', working as designer, programmer and artist. He has written twenty-three technical books on game development and presented eighteen video-training courses. These cover game-play programming, Unity development, 3D modelling, animation and more. Additionally, Alan has worked in game development education as a Senior Lecturer at Teesside University, a Visiting Lecturer at London South Bank University, and a Lead Teacher for Uppingham School. He is currently Head of Department for the internationally-renowned Masters Degree of Games Design and Development at the National Film and Television School."
Price: 19.99

"EFT Tapping 5 - Emotional and Spiritual Healing with EFT" |
"""I continue to find the value of these EFT courses. I have completed 1 through 4 and notice a difference in not only how I feel, but how I cope. I agree that daily practice is crucial, not only for clearing blockages and easing emotions, but also for helping others with EFT, as I am a Marriage and Family Therapist. I highly recommend these courses."" Laura Reed*******************************""I love the personal sharing and examples! It sure makes me think through the many layers of emotional pain, which can make it so tricky to heal. Now I have a tool that finally gets to the root of the issue. Thank you!"" Mara K.D.*******************************Is your life filled with EMOTIONAL PAIN?Is BETRAYAL making it nearly impossible to move on?Or perhaps the UGLINESS of the world is so heavy that you're wondering what's the point of it all anyway?Then EFT can help!If the following words sound like healing balm to your heart... PEACE - CONTENTMENT - HAPPINESS - LAUGHTER - SMILES - SECURITY - TRUST - FAITH...then read on.PAIN, THE GREAT TEACHERNo one is immune to emotional pain and it could actually be counter-productive not to feel hurt when we experience things such as loss or betrayal.In other words, pain can be a great teacher.All we need to do is quickly recognize the lesson, make changes accordingly and triumphantly move on.Easier said than done, right?Yes and no.There is a difference to being squashed by the betrayals of the world and losing all hope, or having a quick and efficient tool to working through the pain and re-emerging victoriously.What you will learn in this EFT course is how to quickly navigate through trouble by transmuting and transcending emotional pain.We do this not by sticking our head in the sand and pretending that the issue doesn't exist, but by looking at the cause, acknowledging the pain and then transmuting it with the help of EFT.PRACTICE EFT VIDEO SESSIONS (led by instructor)In this course you will participate in the following EFT tapping sessions:Financial worriesDivorceBetrayalLoss of a jobLoss of petLoss or change of physical abilitiesPRINTABLE PRACTICE EFT SESSIONS (for student to practice)Additionally you will receive several printable handouts with dozens of starting sentences related to:Various causes of emotional painDozens of types of lossesForgiveness and apologiesTaking back your powerMoving forwardBENEFITS OF TAKING THIS COURSETRANSMUTE AND TRANSFORM: Learning how to quickly acknowledge, understand and then transmute emotional pain into precious life lessons helps you refocus to what's really important.HEAL QUICKLY, SAVE TIME: With these tapping sessions you will save time (and heart ache) and become your life's creator, rather than waiting for someone to come rescue you (or worse, reaching for pain numbing medication).SAVE MONEY, MAKE MORE MONEY: Tapping sessions may help reduce (or even eliminate) expensive talk therapy or expensive medication to cloud your emotions. Likewise, when you are not feeling sad or depressed all the time, you can move on to dedicating your time to what truly matters to you in life. SPECIAL SIGN-ON BONUSWhen you gain access to the course material you will receive a special template to creating your own EFT journey while measuring your ongoing EFT success.You'll be amazed at how quickly you can heal from emotional pain!SPECIAL COMPLETION BONUSI reward hard work and when you complete 100% of the course material you will receive another special bonus to help in your healing process. You will receive a 50-minute guided visualization that will help you in healing emotional pain and reconstructing your DNA with visualization. IMPORTANT: This bonus is free for Udemy students only but in order to protect the meditation from unauthorized download you will need to register off-site to download the mp3 file.BEFORE YOU ENROLLTake EFT course No. 1 - Introduction to EFT (pre-requisite).Take EFT course No. 2 - Self Love and Self-Awareness (strongly encouraged).Take EFT course No. 3 - Tapping the Future (strongly encouraged).WHAT THIS COURSE DOES NOT COVERYou will not learn basic EFT meridian points and their corresponding organs. This is covered in EFT course No. 1, which is a pre-requisite to taking this course.You will not learn advanced EFT meridian points and their corresponding organs. This is covered in EFT course No. 2, which is strongly recommended before signing up for this course.Special Note: Please note that this course is not intended to eliminate or substitute professional diagnosis or treatment. If you are on prescription medication, please work with your doctor to regulate, increase, decrease or eliminate your medication.*******************************""Cha zay does i again. Delivers a great subject matter to help people get through issues that may render them at a stop for years. I wish I had this course 6 years ago, but I know and embrace the life lesson I learned."" Donna Jones*******************************Keywords: #EFT, #EmotionalFreedomTechnique, #Tapping, #EFT-Therapy, #TheTappingSolution, EFT-Tapping-Points, #GaryCraig, #EmotionallyFocusedTherapy, #Self-Help, #Personal-Development, #Self-Improvement, #EmotionalHealing, #SpiritualHealing, #TFT, #ToughtFieldTherapy"
Price: 94.99

"The New Fundamentals of Management (6 Course Bundle)" |
"Save over 20% by buying all six courses!What is The New Fundamentlas of Management? This bundle is a series of programs designed to provide new or experienced managers with the skills they need to achieve their business objectives while enhancing the performance and development of their employees. Who uses Everyday Change Management? Newly promoted managers and existing managersDescription: Collectively, The New Foundations of Management series provides the opportunity for any leader to create a solid set of leadership skills they need to achieve their business objectives while enhancing the performance and development of their employees. In addition, she/he will be building a strong foundation for them to continue to grow and develop on their leadership journey.Extended Learning: Comes with workbooks"
Price: 129.99

"Master Microsoft Excel 2019/365 - Advanced Excel" |
"**This course includes practice exercises and LIFETIME access**Get beyond the basics and supercharge your current Excel skills.With this 8-hour, expert-led video training course, youll gain an in-depth understanding of more advanced Excel features that delve into high-level consolidation, analysis and reporting of financial information.What You'll LearnWhat's new/different in Excel 2016Advanced charting and graphing in ExcelHow to use detailed formatting toolsLookup and advanced lookup functionsFinancial functions including calculating interest and depreciationStatistical functionsConnecting to other workbooks and datasets outside of Excel e.g. MS Access and the web.How to create awesome visualizations using sparklines and data barsMastery of PivotTables and Pivot ChartsScenario Manager, Goal Seek and SolverAdvanced charts such as Surface, Radar, Bubble and Stock Charts***Exercise and demo files included*** This course includes: 8-hours of video tutorialsOver 55 individual video lectures Exercise files to practice what you learnedDemo files used by the trainerCertificate of completionThis course is designed for students that already have a good understanding of Microsoft Excel and are looking to take their capabilities to the next level. Contents and OverviewThrough 57 lectures and over 8-hours of content, this course will take you through learning how to use the most business-relevant advanced functions and formulas you might need. This includes:Financial functions (interest depreciation etc.)Statistical functionsHow to best visualize your data using PivotTables and Pivot ChartsAdvanced chartingAnd so much more...Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to create charts that have an impact from databases that communicate data and financial records efficiently and effectively. You will be able to report data in various formats including: tables, graphs and PivotTables. Once completed you'll have advanced understanding of Excel that will positively impact your professional capability.Heres what our students are saying ""This is an excellently pieced together information. Beautifully explained with lots of examples and external resource areas for the nerds. I highly recommend this course for anyone whose intention is to learn Excel. - Frank Uchegbu Greatly explained and great zoom in of the working area. - Jorge Tech Everything is thoroughly explained in a clear and concise way, starting from the very beginning so that anyone without any prior knowledge of the programme can easily follow the explanations. I would recommend this course to anyone that would like to get started on learning Excel or reinforce the basics of using the software, since this course covers concepts that can be useful to anyone without any prior training.- Blanca EstabanDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99

"Introduccin a Nodejs" |
"Node.js es un entorno en tiempo de ejecucin multiplataforma, de cdigo abierto, para la capa del servidor (pero no limitndose a ello) basado en el lenguaje de programacin ECMAScript, asncrono, con I/O de datos en una arquitectura orientada a eventos y basado en el motor V8 de Google. Este curso est enfocado a los desarrolladores con conocimientos de HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Los objetivos de este curso son:Aprender a instalar node.js, el uso de npm, instalar y desinstalar paquetes de terceros, llamar paquetes preinstalados y a crear sus propios mdulos.Revisar los principales mdulos preinstalados de nodejs, los objetos global y process, las entradas y salidas estndar, emitir eventos personalizados y controlar procesos externos.Aprender a manejar los archivos en el lado del servidor con el mdulo File System. Utilizar las herramientas express y pug para realizar un servidor en node.js.Comprender las herramientas para publicar una aplicacin con node.js.Para que puedas aprovechar al mximo este curso se recomienda tener conocimientos bsicos de HTML y CSS e intermedios en JavaScript o un lenguaje similar. En cada leccin contars con el material correspondiente."
Price: 270.00

"Access 365 Advanced" |
"Access 365 Advanced will further build upon the topics covered in the Access 365 Introduction and Intermediate courses. Students will review how to improve the structure of an Access database, maintain an Access database, create and modify Switchboards, configure security and multi-user environments, automate processes with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and use Table Events."
Price: 39.99

"Drawing Monsters with Adobe Illustrator CC" |
"Do you want to learn how to create professional vector illustrations using Adobe Illustrator and having fun at the same time? Then this course is perfect for you!We will be working on three character illustration projects, covering the whole workflow each time from the initial sketches to the fully fledged vector drawings to give you insight into each step of the creative process. As the title of the course suggests these characters will be fun and quirky monsters. You will be able to use the sketches, colours, and elements included with the course and follow along the videos to recreate each artwork OR you can use the techniques demonstrated to create your own versions of these characters and let your imagination run wild.Dont worry if you have no experience in character art as the first long chapter of this course covers all the important techniques and concepts used by illustrators to create engaging characters. This course is best suited for anyone who already has a basic understanding of working with Adobe Illustrator as we are going to use advanced techniques like shading with Gradient Meshes, adding texture effects, using Clipping Masks and CC 2019 new features like Freeform Gradients and Global Edit. If you are new to working with Adobe Illustrator I would recommend to start with my Illustrator CC MasterClass before diving into the mysterious and fascinating world of monsters.You will need Adobe Illustrator to follow along the course, ideally the latest Creative Cloud version, but not older than CC 2015 as we will be working with many newly introduced features. A pen tablet can be useful for taking this course, but it is not necessary. You will be able to finish all the projects without any issues by using a mouse.If you have what it takes to face these monstrous projects you should enroll now and start learning today!"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced C# Course : Become a Backend Developer" |
"Are you ready to reach upper levels of software development industry?Do you know how to create application layers? You will learn how to implement an effective application with layers.Do you know what AOP is and how to implement it? This course will teach you how to implement Validation, Caching, Performance, Logging, Transaction Management, AuthorizationDo you know what Cross Cutting Concerns is for a project? You will learn what a cross cutting concern is and how to implement it.Do you know how to configure a professional IoC container for your project? You will learn how to implement Ninject as an IoC Container.During the course you will learn how to implementLayered ArchitectureEntity FrameworkRepository PatternAOP using PostsharpIoC using NinjectValidation using Fluent ValidationWeb API Implementation"
Price: 199.99

"KiCad Like a Pro 2nd edition" |
"This course is updated for KiCad 5.1 - January 2020------------------------Welcome to KiCad Like a Pro, 2nd edition, from Tech Explorations, a course that can help you learn how to design custom Printed Circuit Boards using KiCad version 5.1.KiCad is an open source and free tool that you can use to design your own PCBs. It is perhaps the worlds most popular (and, in my opinion, the best) computer-aided design tool for making printed circuit boards. It's the perfect tool for electronics engineers and hobbyists alike.PCBs are, perhaps, the most undervalued component of modern electronics. We use PCBs to hold in place and interconnect the various components that make virtually all electronic devices work.This course will teach you how to use KiCad. It takes a practical approach to learning. All of the learning takes place in the form of projects of incremental difficulty.Whether you are a hobbyist or an electronics engineer, this book will help you become productive quickly, and start designing your own boards.The only prerequisites are a computer, an Internet connection, and the willingness to learn.By the end of the course, you'll be able to use KiCad to design and manufacture multi-layer PCBs with highly integrated components and a professional-looking finish.The course contains four projects that give many opportunities to learn and practice all of KiCad's important features. Apart from the projects, the course contains full sections dedicated to PCB and design principles and concepts. These ensure that you will master the fundamentals so that your PCB project are awesome.The course includes repositories for each of the projects which you can download and edit on your computer.If you are someone who is interested in designing PCBs using KiCad, or moving to KiCad from another CAD application, then this course is for you."
Price: 114.99

"Android con Java y Kotlin. El mejor curso de Android!" |
"El curso ms completo de Android con Java y Kotlin, el ms actualizado y mejor estructurado.Aprende Android con Java y Kotlin desarrollando aplicaciones del mundo real con la ltima versin de Android disponible en el mercado, incluyendo Android Studio.Este curso est pensado para que en el menor tiempo posible puedas empezar a programar en Android, incluyendo el desarrollo con los lenguajes de Java y Kotlin, todo esto enseado absolutamente desde cero, no necesitas tener experiencia programando en estos lenguajes ya que te ensearemos todo absolutamente desde cero y paso a paso.Este es el curso ms completo de Android en Udemy, as que esperamos que te unas a nuestro curso para que formes parte de nuestra comunidad y aprendas a programar en Android en el menor tiempo posible.Lo que aprenders en este curso:Aprende a trabajar con la versin ms actual de Android StudioDesarrollars muchas aplicaciones del mundo real que te permitirn poner en prctica tus conocimientos lo ms rpido posibleTendrs la confianza de desarrollar prcticamente cualquier aplicacin ya sea para tu empresa o para tu emprendimiento usando la ltima versin de AndroidAprenders Java y Kotlin desde cero, no necesitas ningn conocimiento previoBeneficios de nuestro curso de Android con Java y Kotlin:Contars con el mejor soporte donde te responderemos cada una de tus dudas prcticamente de inmediatoCuentas con una garanta de 30 das, as que si no te agrada el curso tu dinero estar de vuelta sin preguntasPodrs estudiar desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento, con acceso de por vidaPodrs publicar tus aplicaciones a la tienda de Google Play y podrs empezar a vender tu aplicacin de manera inmediataAs que no esperes ms, y te esperamos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring con ms de 15 aos de experiencia programando y enseando a nivel mundial"
Price: 19.99

"Estrategias De Negocio Para Vender Ms" |
"En este minicurso, haremos los clculos necesarios para llevarte a alcanzar tu objetivo econmico con tu negocio. Aspiras a crear un negocio millonario? Sabrs cmo alcanzar esa meta. Aspiras a menos? Pues lo mismo... pero con un poco menos de esfuerzo. La meta la pones t y, a partir de ah, podrs hacer tus clculos para alcanzarla con la ayuda de la frmula ms sencilla.Una vez fijada tu meta, pasaremos directamente a las estrategias para generar ms ingresos, es decir, para que tu negocio tenga ms ventas. Veremos tres estrategias altamente eficaces y te mostrar ejemplos para aplicar cada una de ellas al tipo de producto que ofrezcas desde tu negocio: productos fsicos, productos digitales o servicios.Finalmente te guiar en la toma de decisiones para aplicar cada una de las estrategias (si decides aplicar las tres) a tu negocio y as incrementar tus ingresos hasta alcanzar la meta fijada.Este va a ser un pequeo viaje muy revelador ;)"
Price: 94.99

"Estrategias De Negocio Para Cobrar Ms Por Un Producto" |
"En este minicurso de estrategia de negocio veremos seis estrategias diferentes para incrementar el valor de un producto y, consecuentemente, su precio. Descubrirs cmo cobrar ms por tu producto y conseguir que tus clientes estn felices de pagar ms (por increble que suene, s!).Para cada una de las estrategias, veremos ejemplos concretos de productos fsicos, productos digitales y servicios, algunos reales y otros hipotticos.Finalmente, te guiar en la toma de decisiones para la aplicacin de estas estrategias a tu negocio, o idea de negocio.Espero que te encante este breve pero intenso viaje!"
Price: 94.99

"Twitter, el poder de los 140 caracteres" |
"De la mano de Francesc, uno de los principales expertos en Twitter de Espaa, y en menos de 30 minutos, aprenders a utilizar esta herramienta desde un punto de vista prctico as como definir las bases estratgicas para crear tu propia marca personal o de empresa.Aprenders a disear tu estrategia de comunicacin, sabrs que habilidades debe tener un administrador y como extender los contendidos de Twitter a otras redes sociales para crear tu identidad digital."
Price: 19.99

"Flask Landing - Learn the Python Microframework" |
"Flask is a flexible web framework written in Python. It's narrow in scope so that means it's much easier to learn.A web application with Flask can be as simple as 1 function with 4 total lines of code. Regardless of your technical background, what I want that to signal to you is that Flask can be very very small in scope which means a much smaller learning curve.Of course, you can add all kinds of technology (such as a SQLdatabase), to make Flask even more functional but that's completely optional. Here's a few use cases of flask:Quick and fast RESTful API serviceMicroservice for offloading tasks from a main app (such as a Django app) to handle all sorts of processing (creating thumbnails, running machine learning, doing web scraping, sending notifications, calculating bills and invoices, and so on)Full fledged Web Application (user login, data storage, user sharing, etc)Integrating into an iot device to control sensors, motors, servos, mics, cameras, and so on. As middleman between services like Shopify and Zapier. (Ie you need to analyze some customer data from Shopify before it becomes a zap?)Anything you can imageFlask, as with many Python Package, can almost do anything you can image.And there's a good chance that someone has already created a package to help your project's development time increase in a big way.Django vs FlaskThese two are compared all the time. At their core, they attempt to accomplish the same thing:web application development. But they do it in very different ways.First off, remember that Python is flexible so Django and Flask are flexible.Flask can be more flexible but increases development time on larger projectsDjango cuts long term development time on larger projectsFlask is smaller as in file sizeDjango is bigger but has many security features built in (such as CSRF and clickjacking)Django has an ORMFlask can easily be integrated into SQLAlchemyIf you know Flask, learning Django will be easier and vice versa. In fact, once you know any python web framework it's much easier to learn others so you can find the best library that your project needs.Are you ready to begin?Let's do this!Justin"
Price: 59.99

"Curso de Social Selling y Ventas 3.0" |
"El social selling es la utilizacin de las redes sociales para iniciar un acercamiento a tu potencial cliente para finalmente tener una conversacin que te permita culminar con la venta.El 99% de las personas, no tienen ni idea de cmo iniciar ese acercamiento y cmo utilizar las herramientas digitales para ser ms visibles y vender.Habitualmente, la gran mayora de personas utilizan las redes sociales para poner mensajes publicitarios del tipo ""cmprame"" ""tengo descuentos de..."" ""pregntame""... etc. Esto, no es social selling.En realidad social selling tiene que ver con aspectos que posiblemente habrs odo hablar de ellos como por ejemplo crear marca personal. Crear marca personal, es hacer social selling ya que favorece que una persona te encuentre, sepa exactamente lo que le puedes ofrecer y por tanto sea susceptible de pedirte ms informacin sobre tus productos o servicios.El social selling adems de esto, es utilizar las herramientas digitales para ser visible y sobre todo mostrarnos tiles al mundo, lo cual va a hacer que sean esos posibles clientes que estn ah fuera los que quieran recibir ms informacin sobre nuestros productos o servicios.El social selling es por tanto una nueva manera de vender y requiere que nos pongamos al da en herramientas y acciones como hacer blogging, hacer vdeos, crear contenido de calidad a la vez que provocamos un acercamiento de manera proactiva a aquellos que pensamos que pueden llegar a ser nuestros clientes.En esta clase de slo 1,5 horas de duracin te explico de manera prctica y directa al grano qu tienes que empezar a poner en marcha ya mismo para iniciar una estrategia de social selling que te lleve a vender ms.Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 29.99

"Learn 7 new showstopping tricks and techniques on harmonica!" |
"Fancy learning these? It will increase your playing skills. Guaranteed.The Spanish tongue rollThe 'William Tell' technique Sonny Terry's Doodle-oodle How Resonant frequency can help usDifferent vibratatos - up, down, deep, flat, tongue...Multiphonics - simultaneous soundsCircular breathing for sustainSo take a look and see if it will help you.Over 30 years of playing leads me to explore discover many things; some are taught here and there are more in another course - 'Learn amazing harmonica skills to wow your audience - easy!'I suspect there may be more coming as well!If you have a tune or subject that you would like me to teach please message me.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)The Library of Congress broadly give the same view.(5) Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 74.99

"Access 2019 Advanced" |
"Access 2019 Advanced will further build upon the topics covered in the Access 2019 Introduction and Intermediate courses. Students will review how to improve the structure of an Access database, maintain an Access database, create backups, create and modify Navigation Forms, set startup options, split a database, configure security and multi-user environments, automate processes with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), convert macros to VBA, and use Table Events."
Price: 39.99

"WordPress Membership / Courseware Site (Plugins Included!)" |
"This course is for entrepreneurs wanting to sell membership products or courses with WooCommerce (free, fixed-priced or subscription-based), setup a newsletter using free Mailchimp, Mailster or Mailpoet, and sell their time via appointments. With this course, you could be up and running within an hour selling your digital products and/or valuable time. All software required by this course is provided for free -- over $1000 of commercial, GPL-licensed plugins. This includes the incredibly powerful Elegant Themes Divi theme framework, and access to the 900+ Divi layout packs through an included temporary API key which you can request using the instructions in the video.Why WooCommerce?WooCommerce already powers 30% of the world's online stores. Why not use this powerful open-source software (along with a few GPL-licensed addons and plugins) to power all aspects of your website sales and marketing? There is absolutely no need to use costly so-called ""marketing automation"" systems like Infusionsoft, Kajabi, 1ShoppingCart, etc, to handle your sales, email marketing, or affiliate marketing. All the services you need can be provided through free software, which I am going to give you, and which will usually provide you more functionality than the commercial systems while minimizing undesirable complexity. Get more information about this, and then decide for yourself, by watching the first video in the course which gives you the 30,000 foot view. Typical Use Cases -- how you can use this courseProvide a Free membership tier to encourage visitors to sign-up to your siteSell courses or other digital products via fixed-price or subscription payments (ie. $50 every month). Automatically cancel their access to content if they cancel their subscriptionAdd a newsletter or autoresponder to your website using free services -- and then scale up to 100,000 subscribers at very minimal cost Use the same WooCommerce shopping cart that you use to sell your courses and memberships to allow customers to setup appointments and pay for them -- don't confuse your customers with multiple systems and interfacesBuild your website and marketing efforts using open software rather than proprietary software, which typically gives you much more flexibility and big cost savings as wellAll software required by this course is provided for free through the GPL license, including: WooThemes Memberships WooCommerce Extension WooThemes Subscriptions WooCommerce ExtensionWooCommerce BookingsEverPress Mailster Premium WordPress PluginWooThemes Email Customizer WooCommerce Extension WooThemes Follow Up Emails WooCommerce Extension WooThemes Sensei LMS Premium WordPress Plugin LearnDash Learning Management SystemElegantThemes Divi theme StudioPress Genesis theme framework and about 50 child themesAnd more!About your instructorMarc Beneteau is a a best-selling Udemy instructor with over 40,000 students. He teaches short high-impact courses that will get you selling your products and services using some of the most powerful open-source software and free services available. And we won't be making you watch 10 hours of video, because we value your time. All our courses carry a 30-day money-back guarantee and could save you thousands of dollars a year in terms of pricey services that you really don't need, and will get you to first base faster than any other method. "
Price: 19.99
