"Swift vs Objetive-C: Iniciacin Al Desarrollo De Apps En iOs" |
"** NUEVO: Introduccin al Lenguaje Swift con Xcode 6.1" ** Videos y Nuevas Actualizaciones Mensuales ** ** Garanta Total De Satisfaccin Por 30 Das ** Curso de iniciacin al desarrollo de apps en iOs creado para todas aquellas personas que desean profundizar sus conocimientos de desarrollo de aplicaciones con la herramienta Xcode de Apple. Por si an no ests enterado los desarrolladores de apps en iOS estn en auge y conocer bien algunos conceptos claves del lenguaje Swift y Objective-C, es requisito fundamental para aprovechar esta tremenda oportunidad. Con este curso introductorio aprenders todo lo necesario para empezar en este mundo, te ensear a crear tu primera aplicacin iOs y conocers todo lo necesario sobre la herramienta Xcode de Apple. Aprenders tambin cmo crear tu cuenta de desarrollador en el iOs Dev Center, y a subir tu aplicacin al App Store a travs de la plataforma de iTunes Connect. A partir de este conocimiento recibirs una slida base de herramientas y consejos prcticos que te permitirn a futuro poder desarrollar diferentes tipos de apps nativas para iOs, a travs de Xcode. Para seguir este curso no requieres conocimientos o experiencia previa en el desarrollo de aplicaciones puesto que todos los ejemplos vienen acompaados del cdigo pre-escrito que te permitir con slo copiar y pegar, replicar todas las apps que se muestran como ejemplos en el curso."
Price: 19.99

"MobileMatico Full >Todo Sobre Desarrollo y Marketing De Apps" |
"Descubre un MUNDO NUEVO de posibilidades en el desarrollo y marketing de aplicaciones mviles en iOs y Android. Este video curso te AYUDAR a entender las diferente PLATAFORMAS y constructores mviles existentes, aprenders cmo utilizar mensajes SMS y cdigos QR en tus campaas de marketing, DESARROLLAR sitios web, aplicaciones y juegos para mviles, todo en un formato ameno y simple de entender. MobileMtico Full est lleno de CONTENIDO e informacin TIL, con videos actualizados permanentemente sobre cmo desarrollar desde cero un RENTABLE y lucrativo negocio mvil desarrollando apps. Y esto puede ser la VA DIRECTA para que comiences a GANAR DINERO desarrollando aplicaciones mviles, aprenders todas las TCNICAS necesarias para hacerlo, te mostrar los CONSTRUCTORES ms avanzados y la forma correcta de utilizarlos para que tus aplicaciones luzcan profesionales y nicas. Aprenders cmo OBTENER atractivas ideas y cmo PLANIFICAR el desarrollo de tus aplicaciones, donde encontrar los ms talentosos desarrolladores y cmo PROMOCIONAR cada uno de tus lanzamientos y/o desarrollos. Descubre con este video curso Cmo desarrollar desde cero apps nativas en iOs a travs de Xcode. Los CONSTRUCTORES de aplicaciones en Android gratuitos disponibles en Internet. Tcnicas probadas de MARKETING que te asegurarn cada vez ms DESCARGAS diarias. Cmo evitar los ERRORES que otros desarrolladores cometen y que no les permiten crecer. Cmo encontrar desarrolladores EXPERTOS para crear tus super APPS. Como lograr fieles SEGUIDORES dispuestos a descargar cualquier aplicacin que decidas crear. Todo sobre el NEGOCIO de las apps."
Price: 19.99

"SeoMatico - Posiciona Tu Sitio Web #1 En Google" |
"El SEO o Optimizacin para Motores de Bsqueda (por sus siglas en ingls) nunca se haba demandado tanto como ahora.Es una estrategia vital para todo aquel que busca el xito en Internet. Te hace ms visible, atrae visitas y te pone por delante de tus competidores.Los beneficios del SEO van ms lejos de aparecer en los primeros puestos. Un buen posicionamiento SEO tiene un impacto directo en el xito de tu estrategia de marketing, tanto online como off line, ya que tu pgina web es el escaparate digital para tus productos o servicios.Posicionar tu web en los primeros puestos aumentar la visibilidad de tu negocio atrayendo ms trfico a la web, incrementando tu probabilidad de conseguir ms ventas o conversiones. Adems, una parte del SEO on page, de optimizacin web, consiste en acciones que afectan a la velocidad de carga y a la usabilidad haciendo que sea ms rpida, accesible y atractiva. Con ello conseguimos maximizar las probabilidades de que consigas tus objetivos de ventas y conversiones.Tener una pgina web que se encuentre optimizada permitir alcanzar mejor los objetivos de conversin, ahorrndote tiempo y dinero a largo plazo. En este curso conocers lo ms importante sobre el posicionamiento orgnico en Google para lograr un mejor resultado de las pginas de tus funnels y blog.Te esperamos!"
Price: 94.99

"FunnelMatico - Tu Funnel De Venta En Piloto Automtico" |
"Cmo crear una pgina webes probablemente la primera pregunta que se plantea todo nuevo emprendedor de Internet. Despus de todo, la base que uses para crear tu sitio determinar el flujo y el crecimiento de tu proyecto online. No tienes conocimientos y piensas que es difcil hacerlo?Montar tu propia pgina web esmucho ms sencillo de lo que crees, en este prctico curso recibirs toda la informacin necesaria para dejar tu negocio online en piloto automtico.Recibirs adems de regalo una plantilla profesional de Wordpress y te mostrar paso a paso cmo desarrollar el sitio web para comenzar a recibir visitantes cualificados, en piloto automtico desde el primer da."
Price: 24.99

"C Coder" |
"C programming is the root or foundation for any person who wants to master computer programming. Learning C in a comprehensive manner is very essential for every software interested soul but things can only be interesting when words are not jargon and every piece of code is explained in detailed manner and thats what this course is all about. Meet the most comprehensive online C programming course and C tutorials video series. This series will help you to understand basics of programming by introducing data types, constants, and variables. Further we will learn in C coding about various operations that can be performed like arithmetic operations, relational operations, logical operations and bitwise operations. After completing these basic operations we will master intermediate topics like while loops, do while loops and for loops along with lots of conditional operations. Further in the advance section of this online C tutorial, we will explore about functions, arrays, union and structures in C programming language. If you have never coded before in life, then C is a great point to start with. Basics of C programming language will help you to jump in lots of language like c plus plus, python, ruby or php. Mastering other languages becomes easy, once you have mastered C programming language. C is one of the most important of all programming languages. It is used to program desktop applications, compilers, tools and utilities and even hardware devices. C is a general-purpose programming language initially developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C is often used for "system programming", including implementing operating systems and embedded system applications, due to a combination of desirable characteristics such as code portability and efficiency, ability to access specific hardware addresses and low run-time demand on system resources. C can also be used for website programming using CGI as a "gateway" for information between the Web application, the server, and the browser. Some reasons for choosing C over interpreted languages are its speed, stability, and near-universal availability."
Price: 49.99

"C++, 1st program to expert programmer" |
"Sharp and to the point talk on C++ programming for beginners! Lets start the journey from installing c++ and an IDE (Eclipse) to the complete c++ 11th version. C++ is an Object oriented programming language that can be used to create modern desktop software, game development or even critical system drivers too. You will find out that most trading applications are designed in C++ because in trading speed is money. When we get into the game development, c++ programming is hard to avoid if you want to create a fantastic and popular game. In this entire c++ video series, we start from installing gcc on our system. After gcc, we will install Eclipse which is a cross platform IDE because most efficient programmers dont develop things on notepad. And yes, we dont like to talk about here and there so expect pure c++ programming guide with everything explained code by code and that too practically. We are in no hurry, so we will start from Basics of Hello World in c++ and further moving to data types, variables and their scope. Further, we will look deep into the different operations that can be performed like arithmetic, logical, assignment. No programming is complete without looking into the conditional programming and loops, so we will look into IF, Else, while loop, do while loop and for loop with examples. Then we will take a practical look into the code syntax of Object oriented programming like Classes, objects, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation. These are the most common terms of programming along functions that will be explained with examples. We dont expect anything to be explained without presenting a code example. Moving into the journey we will pass from the roads of many terms like constructors, destructors, this pointer, friend keyword, dynamic memory and namespace, we will finally move into C++ 11, which is the latest standard. We will configure environment for c++ 11 and will take a look into most common difference introduced in c++ 11."
Price: 49.99

"Ruby, 1st script to expert scripter" |
"Learn Ruby programming with Highly mobile optimized video tutorials A lot of programmer tries to find a language which is completely Object oriented, easy to learn and implement. Your search will end by finding Ruby programming language. Ruby is a true object oriented programming language which is easy to use and you will complete all task without getting buried inside deep documentation. Everything in ruby is an object, even classes are also object in ruby. In this entire mobile optimized course of ruby programming, you will learn basics of ruby like operators, variables, If and if else. After grabbing basics, we will move on to loops and switch cases of ruby. We like to deliver knowledge in sharp and to the point videos. In this entire series, we will focus on working with eclipse IDE because it is free and ruby can be configured in ruby easily with eclipse. You might have intention to move into Ruby on Rails or just automating the things by ruby, this course will give you quick but comprehensive start in ruby programming. In the competitive and keep on changing programming paradigm, programming languages keeps on going. But ruby is a bit different. It came as a fresh language and reached to the top programming in 2014 and is expected to be growing in programmers favorite list because of its high end features, easy syntax and dedicated object oriented approach. Ruby was designed to be more powerful that Perl, and more object-oriented than Python, and has gained in popularity due to its power and ease of use. Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. Features of Ruby programming Include: Thoroughly object-oriented with inheritance, mixins and metaclasses Dynamic typing and duck typing Everything is an expression and everything is executed imperatively Lexical closures, iterators and generators, with a unique block syntax Literal notation for arrays, hashes, regular expressions and symbols"
Price: 39.99

"Pentester Course:Lite Edition - OUTDATED" |
"BONUS: Certification fees included in the full version course. If you are enrolled in full course, you are eligible to take exam and become certified Pentester by Igneus Technologies. Video lectures are specially designed to with zoom on timing so that you can enjoy them on your mobile or tablets too ! NOTE: This course is totally a product of Igneus Technologies and No other organization is associated for certification exam for the same. Although, you will receive Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that No OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED. What is Pentesting with Linux? Penetration testing is the legal and authorized attempt to exploit a computer system with the intent of making a network or system more secure. The process includes scanning systems looking for weak spots, and launching attacks and prove that the system is vulnerable to attack from a real hacker. Penetration Testing has known by several names: Pen Testing Penetration testing Web/network auditing Ethical Hacking White Hat Hacking Ethical Hacking/Pentesting is a demand of present era where most of our important tasks include cyber world. Pentesting is a process in which Pentester tests an application, software, network for the possible loopholes and by knowing about these loopholes, Company can take steps to secure their product or Network. No need to pay extra for having lab access, this course will teach you to create your own lab with minimum configuration. Igneus Certified Pentester is one of the certification course which is now moving online to serve wider audience at World level. This certification involves lots of in-depth topics covering theory as well as Practical work. What will you get after completing the course? Immense knowledge about pentesting and Information Security Huge Job opportunities by having a Unique ID certification Full practical and to the point videos will help in fast learning 1 on 1 support to every student by having live sessions every month Pentesting is considered as 2nd highest paid job and with the increasing online market, information security will surely rise even more in near future."
Price: 19.99

"C Coder: Lite Edition" |
"C programming is the root or foundation for any person who wants to master computer programming. Learning C in a comprehensive manner is very essential for every software interested soul but things can only be interesting when words are not jargon and every piece of code is explained in detailed manner and thats what this course is all about. Meet the most comprehensive online C programming course and C tutorials video series. This series will help you to understand basics of programming by introducing data types, constants, and variables. Further we will learn in C coding about various operations that can be performed like arithmetic operations, relational operations, logical operations and bitwise operations. After completing these basic operations we will master intermediate topics like while loops, do while loops and for loops along with lots of conditional operations. Further in the advance section of this online C tutorial, we will explore about functions, arrays, union and structures in C programming language. If you have never coded before in life, then C is a great point to start with. Basics of C programming language will help you to jump in lots of language like c plus plus, python, ruby or php. Mastering other languages becomes easy, once you have mastered C programming language. C is one of the most important of all programming languages. It is used to program desktop applications, compilers, tools and utilities and even hardware devices. C is a general-purpose programming language initially developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C is often used for "system programming", including implementing operating systems and embedded system applications, due to a combination of desirable characteristics such as code portability and efficiency, ability to access specific hardware addresses and low run-time demand on system resources. C can also be used for website programming using CGI as a "gateway" for information between the Web application, the server, and the browser. Some reasons for choosing C over interpreted languages are its speed, stability, and near-universal availability."
Price: 19.99

"Java, from 1st code to expert programmer" |
"Source Codes file (on java 8) are included in the course material. BONUS: if you are in this course, that means you are are getting exam and certification without paying anything extra along with Completion Certificate. Java is the most popular, powerful and highest job oriented programming language so far. Consulting, not just one or two, in fact any top survey for Job oriented market for programmers, you will find that java is always there in top 3 position. After the implementation of java in android projects, a new job market got opened up. Java is diverse enough to build Mobile applications, android application, Desktop application or even Web application. Now that you have understood the importance of java, it is a great time to start learning it. This course will give you full knowledge along with practical examples to learn java. The entire course is focused on practical coding rather than showing examples on power point. Entire course is divided into various Modules and implementation of java starts from very first lecture. Our Java programming course assume that you have no prior programming experience in any language and will teach the installation of java, along with IDE. A lots of options for Integrated Development Environment are given but this courses uses Eclipse, available for both MAC, windows and Linux users. After learning basics about java programming vocabulary, we will move on into the concepts of Object oriented programming. Terms like OOPS, object, classes, inheritance, polymorphism will be our next target. This java programming course will teach you daily life examples on classes, extending classes and various other situations for a programmer working in industry. The precious lectures on Java 8 will guide you in a smooth manner without here and there talks. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere! The course is divided into various modules based on the difficulty level. Our Modules are not just structured according to standard books, but are structured according to the need of concepts by a programmer. Once you are into the Java certification course, you will receive a competition certificate and you will get a chance to appear in certification exam, without any extra fees."
Price: 49.99

"C, C++, Java; A Programming MegaPrimer for Beginners" |
"What is this MegaPrimer? We wanted to introduce a package of series that can give a great start to beginner in programming, so we decided to combine the most powerful, popular and mandatory topics of coding. When anyone start a journey to programming life; C, C++ and java are must to learn languages. We have named this beginners programming bundle as MegaPrimer. What am I going to get from this MegaPrimer? Complete C programming Course: C programming is the root or foundation for any person who wants to master computer programming. Learning C in a comprehensive manner is very essential for every software interested soul but things can only be interesting when words are not jargon and every piece of code is explained in detailed manner and thats what this course is all about. Complete C++ programming Course: C++ is an Object oriented programming language that can be used to create modern desktop software, game development or even critical system drivers too. You will find out that most trading applications are designed in C++ because in trading speed is money. When we get into the game development, c++ programming is hard to avoid if you want to create a fantastic and popular game. In this entire c++ video series, we start from installing gcc on our system. After gcc, we will install Eclipse which is a cross platform IDE because most efficient programmers dont develop things on notepad. And yes, we dont like to talk about here and there so expect pure c++ programming guide with everything explained code by code and that too practically. Complete Java programming Course: Java is the most popular, powerful and highest job oriented programming language so far. Consulting, not just one or two, in fact any top survey for Job oriented market for programmers, you will find that java is always there in top 3 position. After the implementation of java in android projects, a new job market got opened up. Java is diverse enough to build Mobile applications, android application, Desktop application or even Web application."
Price: 149.99

"Ruby, 1st script to expert scripter; Lite Edition" |
"This course is Lite Edition for complete ruby course to get idea for quality of videos. This course should not be treated as complete course, but can be expected to get a quick start for beginners who wants to start in ruby. A lot of programmer tries to find a language which is completely Object oriented, easy to learn and implement. Your search will end by finding Ruby programming language. Ruby is a true object oriented programming language which is easy to use and you will complete all task without getting buried inside deep documentation. Everything in ruby is an object, even classes are also object in ruby. In this entire mobile optimized course of ruby programming, you will learn basics of ruby like operators, variables, If and if else. After grabbing basics, we will move on to loops and switch cases of ruby. We like to deliver knowledge in sharp and to the point videos. In this entire series, we will focus on working with eclipse IDE because it is free and ruby can be configured in ruby easily with eclipse. You might have intention to move into Ruby on Rails or just automating the things by ruby, this course will give you quick but comprehensive start in ruby programming. In the competitive and keep on changing programming paradigm, programming languages keeps on going. But ruby is a bit different. It came as a fresh language and reached to the top programming in 2014 and is expected to be growing in programmers favorite list because of its high end features, easy syntax and dedicated object oriented approach. Ruby was designed to be more powerful that Perl, and more object-oriented than Python, and has gained in popularity due to its power and ease of use. Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. Features of Ruby programming Include: Thoroughly object-oriented with inheritance, mixins and metaclasses Dynamic typing and duck typing Everything is an expression and everything is executed imperatively Lexical closures, iterators and generators, with a unique block syntax Literal notation for arrays, hashes, regular expressions and symbols"
Price: 19.99

"C++ lite edition, Glimpse for beginners" |
"NOT a complete training, this is only the glimpse of complete training to get the idea of quality of lectures. Sharp and to the point talk on C++ programming for beginners! Lets start the journey from installing c++ and an IDE (Eclipse) to the complete c++ 11th version. C++ is an Object oriented programming language that can be used to create modern desktop software, game development or even critical system drivers too. You will find out that most trading applications are designed in C++ because in trading speed is money. When we get into the game development, c++ programming is hard to avoid if you want to create a fantastic and popular game. In this entire c++ video series, we start from installing gcc on our system. After gcc, we will install Eclipse which is a cross platform IDE because most efficient programmers dont develop things on notepad. And yes, we dont like to talk about here and there so expect pure c++ programming guide with everything explained code by code and that too practically. We are in no hurry, so we will start from Basics of Hello World in c++ and further moving to data types, variables and their scope. Further, we will look deep into the different operations that can be performed like arithmetic, logical, assignment. No programming is complete without looking into the conditional programming and loops, so we will look into IF, Else, while loop, do while loop and for loop with examples. Then we will take a practical look into the code syntax of Object oriented programming like Classes, objects, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation. These are the most common terms of programming along functions that will be explained with examples. We dont expect anything to be explained without presenting a code example. We will configure environment for c++ 11 and will take a look into most common difference introduced in c++ 11."
Price: 19.99

"Python training, from scratch to penetration tester" |
"#update 4 (for MAC users): 18/07/2015 #update 3 in the course: 19/03/2015 #update 2 in the course : 15/12/2014 #update 1 in the course : 11/11/2014 Highlights: 8+ hour of practical video training with continuous update in series. All exercise files are already uploaded. No question, money back guarantee. No boring power point presentation. Advance application of python using Eclipse and Kali linux. Zoom on timing so that you can watch even on mobile. What makes this python training extra ordinary? This course comes with more than 8 hours of complete practical training. Not even a single power point presentation was used in this entire course. Entire theory was explained with the help of code so that every point can be justified. Not just depth in fundamental is taken but also variety of practical example are coded live in the videos so that students can learn to solve problems in the code. Finally we will take python skills to design penetration testing tools. So that, at the end of the training you can take few tools with you. What basic skills are required to take this course? Being a comprehensive course, this course assumes that you have some fundamentals of computers with you such as installation of software, extract the rar files etc. We don't expect you to be a programmer because we are about to make you one. A programmer that can automate various tasks and give shapes to his ideas in python. What does this course covers? This course starts from the installation of python in the very first movie. Then instead of using Notepad++ we will take you to a corporate level of development with Eclipse IDE. Moving from fundamentals like datatypes, basic operation, conditional programming, loops and Object oriented concepts, we will take the python training series to next level. We will teach you to integrate database, code Graphical User Interface and Network socket programming basics. Further we will explore the possibility of python scripts in penetration testing. Where is python used? The rapid increase in python usage means the rapidly growing job market. Python is used at Google, Youtube, Yahoo Maps, Battlefield 2, Walt Disney Feature Animation, ABN AMRO Bank, Treasury Systems, National Weather Service, NASA, Red Hat, Thawte Consulting, IBM are just some examples. Since the python modules are available for almost every task, you can implement python all over the internet. Thus the job scope is extremely high."
Price: 149.99

"Shell scripting for linux beginners. Get started with Linux" |
"Linux is a very powerful operating system and has become a must mention on resume to get a successful job. In this course we will take things from the scratch. We will first have a detailed look in various questions that a Linux beginner always face before getting started. After that we will learn to install Linux in virtual box or VMplayer so that your windows or MAC remains still available for you. Unfortunately, if anything goes wrong, you can just uninstall the software and reinstall it. Further, we will then explore basics of Linux like file system, basic commands and permissions. Linux file system is bit different than windows, so a Linux user must understand about file structure and permissions to execute the scripts that we will learn to create in this course. Further we will move to shell scripting part and explore the basics like variable declaration, basic operation and conditionals. In the latter part of the course, we will learn about various loops and loop control keywords. Linux is very easy to use operating system but the reason it sounds bit intimidating is that you have to learn few basic commands. But things have changed now, Linux can also run completely on the Graphical User interface too. The cool visual effects in Ubuntu and fedora have become a reason for many kinds to get started with linux. Here are some facts about linux: Linux nominated as worlds second most secure operating system after OpenBSD, which is UNIX based. For eg. The super computer takes about 5 years to break the password of the root user. Linux distributions have become increasingly popular on mainframes in the last decade due to pricing. Some 95% of the servers used by Hollywood's large animation studios are powered by Linux. Google runs its web servers on Linux. So, lets get started with your first linux class."
Price: 149.99

"MySQL 101 for beginners" |
"MySQL is a great place to get started with database. Many experienced programmers recommend to beginners to get your dirty with MySQL first as it is considered as basic element in database world. This MySQL 101 is one of the ideal practical training that will help you to learn quickly about databases. After completing this training you will be able to create back end of web as well as mobile application. MySQL, the world's second most extensively used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is named behind co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, MyThe SQL contraction stands for Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has made its source code accessible under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a diversity of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a solitary for-profit firm, the Swedish corporation MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation. MySQL is a fashionable preference of database for use in web applications, and is a fundamental factor of the extensively used LAMP open source web application software stack (and other 'AMP' stacks). LAMP is an acronym for ""Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python."" Free-software-open source projects that oblige a full-featured database management system often use MySQL. Features of MySQL: Because of its exclusive storage engine architecture MySQL performance is very high. Supports large amount of embedded applications which makes MySql very supple. Use of Triggers, Stored procedures and views which allows the developer to provide a advanced efficiency. Allows transactions to be rolled back, commit and crash recovery. We hope that this training will be valuable to you, to put into practice the knowledge gained in this course, to your dream project. This course will have future updates to make sure that course remains updated in future. Students are requested to discuss so that we can understand their problems and create more videos to address their problems."
Price: 99.99

"Be a Web Application Penetration Tester from Scratch" |
"Do you know that web application pentesters are earning 100's of dollars by submitting bugs to various reputed websites. Now there is a legal way by which you can report bugs and vulnerability to websites and in return you can get reward money.What is this course about?This is an ideal course to learn penetration testing from scratch. This course requires no coding skills yet you will be able to perform and create great reports on pentesting for clients. Pentesting is second highest paid job with lots of empty space according to Forbes. Everyone is learning to create, someone has to take the responsibility to secure that creation.Penetration testing is a step by step procedure to test an application for various security flaws. These flaws can compromise a website at various levels like database leak, client information leak or may involve monetary leak too. A lot of new pentester learn a few slings to hack the application but approaching client in a formal way, doing a procedural pentest and documenting a report is a different game. In this course you will learn about all types of vulnerabilities, exploitation of web application, impact of flaws and finally we will cover the steps to write a report.Traditional companies rely on Firewalls and network security. Attack vectors based on web application will not trigger alarm for it. Specially the new application that are based on CMS like wordpress are getting hacked often. A whole lot ground is covered in this course.Updates in this course.You might notice a few small topics being missed out. Web security is a big monster, that is why we have decided to roll out the course and in the mean while we will be updating the course on monthly basis. There will be no charge for extra lecture added but course prize may increase at latter stage.No coding experience, No Prior Knowledge; Just start your journey as WEB APPLICATION PENTESTER."
Price: 149.99

"Complete Bootstrap 4 - build 5 modern projects" |
"Welcome to a course on Bootstrap 4.Most important thing is that Bootstrap 4 is not dependent in any other version of bootstrap. So you can start learning bootstrap 4 without knowledge of any other version. Learning bootstrap is easy as their documentation is one of the best documentation available online. But the difficult part is to learn bootstrap and be able to develop projects that look modern and are responsive.To resolve this major issues, we will be creating 5 completely different projects by using bootstrap 4 knowledge. These projects will not only help you in learning bootstrap but will also act as your portfolio while applying for jobs as a front end developer or full stack developer. One of the major reason that people love bootstrap so much is that everything looks so great right out of the box. Most of the components dont require much CSS work. So if you think that you are not that much great in CSS, bootstrap is for you.If you know CSS a little, you can take bootstrap projects to next level.I will walk you through with bootstrap basics, installation and usage for projects. Bootstrap is super easy to integrate and you will be using bootstrap in no time. One of the big myth is that all bootstrap projects looks the same. That is because most people dont change anything default in bootstrap. In this course, I. Will walk you to edit CSS in bootstrap projects and make them customized.This is a very simple course that can be mastered within a week or so. All exercise files, graphic assets and some of my custom clicked amazing photos also comes with this course.Check the promo video to see all the projects that we will be building in this course.Catch you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete React Native bootcamp - Build 18 iOS & Android app" |
"Lets start the discussion with some most obvious questions:What is prerequisite for this course?Before starting this course, we assume that you are comfortable with javascript. Things like loops, functions, array and arrow functions are clear to you.Is react native related to reactJS?This course was designed in a way that student can start directly with this course. There is no need for reactJS for this course. But if you do have reactjs knowledge, thats great.Do I need high end laptop/desktop for this course?This is one great thing with react native. Throughout this course, we will be working with VSCode and you can run apps in mobile phone (real device). Dont worry, process is covered in the course.Is redux included?Yes, of course. and includes firebase, Camera API, sound etc too.What apps we will be creating in this course?So many apps.DiceRoller, CurrencyConverter, TicToeToe, Scratch and win, Photo clicker, Employee App, User API, Authentication, Message Board, Chat app, Contact App etc.What is react native?React native is a project by Facebook (open source), used to design Android and iOS apps with single code apps. One more amazing thing about react native is hot reloading which makes app development time faster.Working with react native is super fun. This course is 1 stop solution to learn react native.Here are some kind words by our students:i really loved the approach in which the instructor taught i,e to go with the documentation. He actually teaches you how to learn new things. i just loved the course. Surabhi NirgudwarThis course is one of the best course have ever done. The tutor is also the best tutor have ever encounter. I love how he was able to carry everybody along, i understood everything in this course and i look forward in doing more course from you. Deborahvery straight forward, covers everything (including minor details), easy to follow and understand CaraCatch you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Dart programming" |
"Welcome to the course in Dart programming language.Lets start with some important question that you might be looking for.What is Dart programming language?Dart a fairly new programming language, gained its popularity after flutter project. Dart programming language is multi-talented and can be used for mobile, web and server side.Do I need special hardware for this course?No, not at all. Learning Dart is very comfortable regardless if you are on MAC or WINDOWS. No heavy computation is done in this course.Do I need to purchase any hardware?Nope, throughout this course, we are using Dart and VSCode to run our files. VSCode is a free and very popular code editor. No offense Sublime fans.Features of Dart Programming language.Dart is a clear and concise programming language that helps to craft product fast and efficiently. Its core libraries are powerful and well thought out. One of the key selling point of Dart is its high speed execution and performance. Dart mobile apps can run natively on iOS and Android. For web dart code get converted into Javascript.Here are some kind words by our students:I really loved the approach in which the instructor taught i,e to go with the documentation. He actually teaches you how to learn new things. I just loved the course. Surabhi NirgudwarThis course is one of the best course have ever done. The tutor is also the best tutor have ever encounter. I love how he was able to carry everybody along, i understood everything in this course and i look forward in doing more course from you. Deborahverystraight forward, covers everything (including minor details), easy to follow and understand CaraNow, its time to make some amazing stuff with dart programming language.Catch you inside the course!"
Price: 189.99

"Model,Rig & Animate done within minutes using Autodesk Maya" |
"Animation is a booming industry nowadays. Its been used to create movies, advertisement and even military simulation. With the technology today, you can make the quality animation like the one you've seen in the cinema with your home PC. A lot of times people dont really understand what to do to be an animator. Most of the people i know stop being an animator after a while. Not because they are not good. Its just not like what they expected. A lot of schools and workshop nowadays are pricey and will take quite a while. Normally it will take around 1-3 years, and the animation wont usually start until the second year. After the school, you will need a lot of years to finally grasping the concept of animation. Stop wasting your money and time. Dont spend a lot of time and money then finally regret your decision. Gain an insight on animation before you decide to spend your time and money by taking this course. If you are a student who are looking where to start, or you are an artist in another field who need to do a simple animation than this course is for you. This course will teach you how to create animation from scratch. The course will be in 2 parts. First part will teach you how to create animation using templates. At this stage, a lot of things are automated. Creating animation can be done within minutes. Second part will teach you basic knowledge about animation without using templates. You will gain an insight on how to create or modify the animation from part 1. Both part will take around 30 minutes. Yes, its that fast. This course will be using Autodesk Maya 2013, but animation is about art more than software. You can use the knowledge throughout any other software."
Price: 49.99

"Gua Prctica para Implantar un Sistema Gestin de Calidad" |
"Con este curso te mostraremos las claves en la gestin de la calidad y te acompaaremos en el desarrollo de los procedimientos operativos necesarios para la implantacin de tu sistema de gestin de la calidad y la obtencin de la certificacin. Profesionales con experiencia en la gestin de la calidad te explicarn conceptos y reflexionarn sobre lo verdaderamente importante al implantar un SGC. Mensajes directos reforzados con imgenes y grafismo te ayudarn a asimilar la enseanza de una forma gil y amena. Dispondrs igualmente en este curso de material adicional que se servir de ayuda. El tiempo estimado de duracin audiovisual de este curso es de 3 horas."
Price: 34.99

"How to Create Vector Characters in Illustrator or Photoshop" |
"Learn how to create professional vector characters in no time at all. This course is designed for both the beginner and advanced users of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The course starts off by showing you the basics of using the pen tool and how to use the points for the right direction of the paths. You also learn how to use the basic shapes to form the head, eyes, hands, and use the pen tool for the clothes, mouth, nose and other elements. You will learn to cut the workflow in half by duplicating certain areas of the character and flip those parts to make a complete dress and more. The duplication process will allow you to create two arms and legs from one drawing. I have made the creation process as easy as possible without giving beginners and confusion on what to draw or create. Once you take this course and learn how to create characters, you van use the same lessons and techniques to create both male and female characters and design them for clients if you wish. Once you learn these techniques you can do what you desire with the new skills to make money designing for others. After you take this course you will be able to create and design any type of vector character that your imagination can think of. The principles you will learn can be applied to any type of vector character, the only limitations will be your imagination. Once you learn to draw any eye, mouth, or nose, the process will always be the same except for adding a different shape for each element to make it look different. You can use this course with either Adobe Illustrator, or PhotoShop since we will be using the pen tool and basic shape tools. Get started now and learn the most popular thing to design on todays industry - Characters. I have added special modules that will help you create characters faster when demand calls for it, and you can use your skills from this course to make extra money online. HURRY BEFORE I RAISE THE PRICE."
Price: 24.99

"Launch Your Book into the Stratosphere!" |
"Marketing is so important when it comes to getting your book out there! This course goes over the steps to take to throw a successful book launch party - anyone can do this! Learn this unique and creative way to market your book, even if you're on a budget. Join this course to get the details on these 10 ingredients to LAUNCH YOUR BOOK! 1. Make it fun! 2. Get media attention 3. SEO your party 4. A date to remember 5. Involve charity 6. Prizes 7. Celebrity guests 8. Sponsors 9. Choose a great location 10. Photos"
Price: 24.99

"Scrivener For Windows - A Quick And Easy Guide" |
"THE QUICKEST, EASIEST WAY TO LEARN SCRIVENER FOR WINDOWS - Guaranteed! Most useful course EVER!!!"" RS Clark Five Stars - First I want to say that if I could add a star - I would. The course just kept getting better and better. The instructor has added to the course, since I began, and has expanded on many topics. If you use Scrivener, or want to use Scrivener - this course is a must!! "" Larry Sweet Fantastic In-depth Scrivener training."" Amy Harrop Excellent course! I've had Scrivener for some time. Never realised there was so much to the program. This course has been a real eye opener for me. Learning some real cool tips and tricks. At last I'm learning how to use Scrivener which in turn makes the task of writing easier."" Roma Hudson One of the most professional video courses I've ever seen."" Britt Malka Discover The Tool Of Choice For Thousands Of Six Figure Authors, Bloggers & Content Creators. Is It Not Time You Joined Them? Welcome To The ONLY Scrivener For Windows Training Course On The Planet! This Training Is Guaranteed To Unlock The Secrets Of Scrivener Right Before Your Eyes. Give Learn Scrivener For Windows Just One Hour, And You Will Already Be Harnessing The Power Of This Unique Software To Realize Your Own Writing Dreams. If you are a writer of any kind - a poet, a novelist, an educator, a blogger, in fact, whatever you are up to in the world of writing and content creation - and you are not already using Scrivener for your writing projects - you are missing out on the best kept secret in a writer's creative toolbox. Scrivener For Windows is a unique and revolutionary piece of software that will take your writing projects, content creation, and research to the next level. Unfortunately, a lot of people shy away from making the leap from second rate (just my opinion, but I know I'm not alone) writer's tools like Microsoft Word, because Scrivener, at first glance, looks complicated and difficult to grasp. I promise you that this is not the case. The Learn Scrivener For Windows Course teaches with ease and clarity everything you need to know to make your writing projects rock. No more excuses! This course is for you. Within less than 30 minutes of the Learn Scrivener training you will instantly recognise how Scrivener can work for you in any writing or research project you are involved in. Once you have those key components in place, and there are just a few essentials for this to be one of the best investments you will ever make, there will be no holding you back. You can then choose to look under the hood a little further and taste the power of this superlative program and its amazing benefits for creatives like yourself, and enjoy the advanced areas of training included in this comprehensive course. Even if you are opening Scrivener for the very first time, the Learn Scrivener For Windows Course will hold your hand and have you up and running in no time. And for experienced Scriveneers among us? There are tons of tips and tricks you will discover. Keys that will undoubtedly streamline your workflow, and fuel your creativity. Plus, more are being added all the time as I discover new tricks myself. I can honestly say that no other tool has helped me in my writing career quite as much as Scrivener. I wish that I had access to training like this when I first started my own journey. What an incredible time saver that would have been! Don't believe me? Try it for yourself, and you will wonder how you ever lived with our Scrivener! Just a few of the Scrivener keys you will learn that will open the creative floodgates: How to set up a Scrivener project from scratch.How to utilize the Scrivener templates.How to format your documents like a rock star.How to add research from just about any source, and organise it right within your Scrivener project (no more mess of folders and bookmarks, everything right at your fingertips!).Enjoy distraction free writing (just one click away).How to export your project for Kindle publishing in just a few taps of the mouse.How to export to ePub format for the iBookstore, Kobo and Nook.How to take that same project and create a publish ready PDF for Createspace and other print-on-demand services (not a lot of people know how to do this, but Learn Scrivener makes it Quick & Easy!).How to use Scrivener's cool cork board view to rapidly create and arrange your projects.Set writing goals, track your progress and check your stats.Use Scrivener's Collections feature to search, streamline and organise your projects.Use Scrivener's novel themplate like a pro.Illustrate your Scrivener documents with images (the right way!).Plus too many other benefits and fabulous features to pack onto one page. If I were you I would stop what you are doing, and jump in right now. Seriously, even if you don't own Scrivener, you can get a 30 day trial for free, and put it through its paces alongside the training. The little time it takes will quickly be paid back many times over in the hours you will save because of Scrivener's awesome capabilities. There is no other piece of PC based software for writers that even comes close to Scrivener For Windows in its features and benefits, and no training that can help you more than 'Learn Scrivener For Windows - A Quick & Easy Guide' PLUS, all of the extra videos and other resources, that are added at any time in the future, will be stacked into your account at no extra cost. There are so many cool things that will be included as the course evolves (many are already being prepared as we speak), and you will have life time updates. It can't get much better than that! SO LET'S GET STARTED..."
Price: 69.99

"Ultimate Marketing System build A list of Clients Prospects" |
"You will learn the exact system that I used to sponsor hundreds of people to join my network marketing team. Using the methods I teach, I was able create a list of over 1,000 prospects in a short space of time. That was just from one of the sections. I converted around 10% to paying customers. This system can be used by anyone looking for leads and prospects. The course starts off by showing you how to find an almost endless supply of leads. You will be surprised how many names you can come up with. You may have heard the phrase the "money is in the list" Every business knows they need a list of leads. You will learn how to grow your list whenever you need more names. The first part of the course is intended to be a work along. As you work through each lecture you will be prompted to add names to your list. You will be able to return to each lecture when you want to add more leads to your list. I decided to make the course a complete marking system. I originally was only going to teach the list building. I wanted to ensure that you knew what to do once you had a list. In part two, I teach the exact methods I used to make the first contact with the leads. It doesn't involve cold calling. (You can do that if you want) I used a system that allows me to almost on autopilot make contact with the lead. I will share with the letters and emails that I used. I explain the keys points used. This will allow you to edit them to fit your needs. In each of the videos I teach how the marketing systems works. Once you understand the marketing system you should be able to adapt it to your offer."
Price: 19.99

"Coaching Sports" |
"**THE PRICE WILL BE GOING UP ON 07/31/2015!!** The content of this course is based upon over 30 seasons of coaching at the college, minor league, high school, middle school, and youth levels of experience. This also includes experience and content of Masters and Bachelors level teaching in the Coaching Education area. Coach O is intensely passionate about the success of his student-athletes not only on the field or in the classroom, but in life.."" Being a successful coach is a huge challenge. Like success in anything else, you need all of the knowledge you can get. This course will help you to achieve this knowledge by teaching you about many different fundamentals that are important to being a coach. There is not any sport specific techniques discussed, but an overall philosophy to all sports at any level. This course will give you a firm foundation in the practical application of sport science and management. Additionally, we will discuss and enhance the idea of your coaching philosophy and coaching with a purpose. Items covered: Coaching Philosophy and Style (What it is and developing your own) InSide Out Coaching by Joe Ehrmann Sport Pedagogy (Practice Planning, Season Planning, Communication in Coaching, Motivating Your Athletes, Understanding How Athletes Learn, and Teaching Sport Skills) Human Performance and Injury Prevention (Assessment, Functional Movement Training, Warm-up and Stretching, Developing a Strength Training Program, Plyometric Training, Speed Training, and Nutrition for Athletes) Management (Team Management, Self-Management, and Risk Management) PLUS MORE TO BE ADDED OVER TIME!!"
Price: 24.99

"Start Selling Website Domains from Home" |
"OVER 560,000 PEOPLE TAKEN MY COURSES ONLINE If you are looking for a way to make money online then selling domains is one the most profitable ways of generating extra income. You can work from home eliminating the stress of travel or if you already have a job, then this can be a lucrative part-time business dedicating only a few hours a week. It is up to you how much you put into it depending on your current workload. The secret to selling domains lies in finding high-value domains and then selling them to the right buyer. Many people experiment with collecting domains as a hobby but if you want to become a professional at this and actually make money then you need to have a proven system. Such a system can only be taught by someone who actually practices buying and selling domains. I have personally spent countless hours researching in how to buy the best domains, speaking to other domains sellers and working out the best system for selling domains. In this course you will get a proven step-by-step for the best and most profitable way to make money from selling domains. I have bought domains for less than $9 and sold for $5,000. Many of my colleagues have sold domains for up to $40,000 and above. In this cause I hold nothing back. I tell it how it is, exactly my recipe for successful domain trading. Sure, there are many intricacies and details on how to improve and make even more money with selling domains but in this course you will get all you need to know to get quickly started and actually make some money online."
Price: 44.99

"Automate Your Finances" |
"Automate Your Personal Finances A how-to course on putting 99% of your monthly financials on auto-pilot. BENEFITS By implementing this course, you will you: 1. Eliminate Late Payments: by using auto-withdraw 2. Increase Your Savings: Out-of-Sight, Into-Savings Strategy 3. Get Back Time (Once Lost): never again will you pay bills on different days, at different times (thats time consuming). 4. Free Up Mental Burden: put your mind at ease, knowing everything financially is taken care of. FIVE-MINUTE MONTHLY FINANCES Through this course you will be taught how to manage your monthly finances in five minutes or less, without using any fancy or expensive software. INSIDE THE COURSE: 16 Videos / 45 Minutes of Content! The course is set up in 16 different video lessons, consisting of 45 minutes of one-on-one instruction. Also included with the program is an easy-to-use and simple-to-understand financial management spreadsheet. Throughout the videos the instructor will breakdown and explain the use of the spreadsheet to you, and help you set-up your own automated financial management system. A detail will not go unsaid, leaving you feeling educated about the automation of your monthly expenses. The Five-Minute Monthly Finance approach will change you the way your feel about your financial plan, leaving you to save more money and feeling less stressed about the juggling act of monthly expenses. Never overdraft, miss a payment or worry about a bill due date again. Instead earn back lost time spent paying bills and eliminate mental burden and stress of worrying, and start saving today! *BONUS CONTENT (My Gift To You!) 1. Get Paid To Automate Do you like free money? This course requires a checking account and credit card...therefore I show you how to get a minimum of $450 for free (no strings), by leveraging internet deals to open these needed accounts. Sound too good to be true? It's not -- trust me. 2. Travel Hacking System Do you "Travel-Hack"? This system gives you a way to track and manage your credit cards and expenses. No more confusion. Finally, an easy system to quickly change credit cards (and expenses) and reap the benefits of the reward programs!"
Price: 19.99

"Double Your Downloads Using App Store Optimization (ASO)" |
"Coming up are you looking to increase downloads for your app? Well in this course you are going to discover the step-by-step process I used to increase downloads for my paid app by 277%. Also, I will reveal a couple of little known tools that you can use to find those hidden, but golden keywords. My name is Steve P. Young I'm an app developer and host of the Mobile App Chat podcast where I've interviewed over 150 app developers from Shazam, Yahoo! Weather, Tweetbot and more. After taking this course you will see an immediate impact on your downloads. Why? Because you will discover the step-by-step the process I used to increase app revenues by 277%. There's no fluff just actionable content that you can perform to see an immediate impact on your app downloads. Plus a bonus! You will get access to my interviews with the founders of the top ASO tools along with a few ASO consultants."
Price: 19.99

"App Marketing: How to Generate Pre-Launch Buzz" |
"Discover the strategy that I used to launch oSnap, generate over 150 email signups, and eventually land a review on The Next Web. What youll learn in this course: How to leverage another websites audience. How to use content marketing to drive email leads for your app. How to generate content that will SPREAD. Why creating content isnt as important as __________ it! No fluff! Actionable content that you can use right after the course! Bonus! Included are 6 app marketing interviews I did with the founders of Khush (acquired by Smule), Clarity.fm, PreApps, App in the Box, and more! Packed with actionable content to help you launch and release your next mobile app."
Price: 19.99
