"Final Cut Pro X Deutsch" |
"Bitte unbedingt den letzten Abschnitt dieser Erklrung bezglich der vermeintlich schlechten Bildqualitt lesen! In diesem Kurs geht es um das Erlernen der grundlegenden Arbeitsweise mit Final Cut Pro X. Es werden die die Besonderheiten des Programms erklrt, die auch erfahrenen Cuttern, die einen Umstieg in Erwgung ziehen, die Arbeit erleichtern. Ausgehend von der Erluterung der Programmoberflche, werden folgende Dinge behandelt: Verwaltung der Medien (Anlegen von Mediatheken, Ereignissen, Konsolidieren)Organisation der Medien (manuelle und automatische Verschlagwortung)Arbeitsablufe des Videoschnitts mit Hilfe der magnetischen Timelinefortgeschrittene Schnittechniken (kreativer Schnitt, Multicam)AudioschnittFarbkorrektur und ColorgradingHinzufgen und Bearbeiten von Effekten und bergngenGeschwindigkeitseffekte (Zeitlupe, Temporampen, Instant Replay, Bildverbesserungen) Die Videos werden hier zwar in einer logischen Reihenfolge angeboten, sind jedoch separat und nicht zwingend aufeinander aufbauend. Apple hat mit demneuen Final Cut Pro X Version 10.3 die Benutzeroberflche teilweise stark berarbeitet. Dieser Kurs bezieht sich in einigen wenigen Videos noch auf die Version 10.2.x. Die hier gezeigten Arbeitsschritte unterscheiden sich, abgesehen von der neuen Position mancher Bedienelemente, jedoch nicht von denen in der neuen Version. Ich werde mit der Zeit die Tutorials durch aktualisierte ersetzen. Der Kurs ist als mehrteiliger Screencast mit gesprochenen deutschen Erklrungen angelegt. Der Umfang betrgt insgesamt ca. 500 Minuten. Da die Filme ursprnglich nicht fr eine Verffentlichung auf Udemy geplant waren, ist jeder Film mit der selben kurzen Einleitung versehen. Ich bitte dies zu entschuldigen.Ich verweise zum ergnzenden Studium auf meinen anderen Kurs ""Apple Motion fr Einsteiger (Deutsch)"", der sich ebenfalls an Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene richtet.HINWEIS: Die Auflsung kann in Ihrem Browser auf 720p eingestellt sein, was zu etwas unscharfen Bildern fhrt. Im Udemy Player im Browser knnen sie die Auflsung umschalten, maximal 1080p (FullHD). Dazu mssen Sie im Player auf ""Auto (1080p)"" schalten. In Safari wird diese Option mglicherweise nicht angeboten. Nutzen Sie in diesem Fall ausnahmsweise Firefox oder Chrome. Ich versichere Ihnen, da alle Filme in FullHD in sehr guter Qualitt vorliegen. Sollte diese Auflsung bei Ihnen nicht angeboten werden, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Udemy mit diesem Formular: https://support.udemy.com/hc/de/requests/new?type=student"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende electrnica bsica desde cero" |
"El curso Aprende electrnica bsica desde cero esta enfocado para todo tipo estudiantes, en especial para aquellos Geeks apasionados por la tecnologa que deseen iniciar en el mundo de la electricidad y electrnica, el curso consta de una serie de video lecturas que te irn adentrando en los conceptos ms fundamentales, estas video lecturas estn acompaadas de la explicacin de ejercicios paso a paso en conjunto con sus correspondientes clculos matemticos, y como si fuera poco, en el curso tambin se introduce el tema de simulacin de circuitos, el cual te permitir verificar que todo lo que calculaste y solucionaste en la teora tambin funciona muy bien en la practica. Este curso pretende abarcar todo el espectro inicial del aprendizaje entorno a circuitos resistivos, es decir que el curso esta estructurado bajo las siguiente unidades temticas: Qu son las potencias y sus propiedades? Multiplicacin y divisin entre potencias y su relacin con los nmeros decimales. Qu es la notacin cientfica y de ingeniera?Qu es un circuito elctrico, y su relacin con la corriente, voltaje, potencia y la ley de ohm? Cmo se analiza un circuito resistivo en serie, paralelo y mixto?Qu son las leyes de Kirchhoff y cuales son estas (LVK) y (LCK)?Cmo analizar circuitos resistivos por medio del anlisis nodal y de mallas, aplicando las leyes de Kirchhoff? Son 13 apasionantes clases que suma alrededor de 4 horas de conocimiento de calidad especialmente diseado para ti que eres un amante de la tecnologa. "
Price: 29.99

ways-to-make-money-online |
"This course contain a collection of courses teach you how to make money online. How to create your own web hosting company free. How to earn money from google adsense. How to earn money from clickbank. How to earn money from commission junction. How to earn money from download programs and games. How to earn money from selling software. How to earn money from shorten URLs. How to earn money from Freelancer.com Online Payment Systems. Many other courses will be added later."
Price: 19.99

"iOS 7 Development - Adding Push Notification To iOS Apps" |
"Using Push Notifications is a great way to add real-time messaging to your application. It allows you to stay in touch with your users and makes it possible for your users to communicate with each other. This course will guide you through all the necessary steps required to add this feature to your iOS Apps. We will begin on the Apple Developer website to create an SSL Certificate associated to an App ID and a Provisioning Profile. Next we'll see how to configure a Parse App on the Parse website, and finally, we'll take a look at creating a push-enabled iOS application and sending notifications to users. As a bonus, the course shows you how to use NSNotificationCenter to display Push Notification message in UITableViewController. Why take this course ? Setting up Push Notifications is often a source of frustration for developers. The process is complicated and invites problems to happen along the way.By the completion of this course, you will have developed the necessary skills required to be able to set up and implement Push Notifications in your iOS Apps. Course Outline: * What is Push Notification? * Registering and Handling Notifications * Getting to know Parse * Creating the SSL Certificate & Provisioning Profile * Sending Push Notifications * NSNotificationCenter By the completion of this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of Adding Push Notification from start to finish, including Creating App id and Provisioning Profile in the App Store."
Price: 29.99

"How to Master Photoshop Like a Pro For Beginners" |
"Over 500 students enrolled!Have you wanted to quickly learn how to use Photoshop? This course will guide you step-by step to exploring how to use Photoshop to create the images you want...fast! In a little over 2 hours, you can be on your way to using the power of Photoshop and creating your own powerful images. This course is geared towards students new to Photoshop who want to build a firm foundation upon which to use this powerful program. You will start at the beginning learning about the environment of Photoshop. Next, you will learn how to access the tools to maximize creating a project. Then, I will delve into working with Photoshop in specific applications such as: how to color correct a photos and how to ""heal"" a photo and make it look like new. You will also learn about the specific photographer tools to enhance any photo or image. As well, you will learn about the power of using layers to create and organize your images. And you will learn how to create different documents such as a sign and business card and then save it the correct way for a commercial or online printer. You will learn all of the basic tools in Photoshop including: How to create a document How to use layers with ease How to create type and add effects. How to quickly and easily straighten a scanned photo How to easily to correct and enhance photos How to use the History tool so you don't lose your work How to use use the tools photographers use How to adjust a layer image quickly and easily How to set up a business card How to correctly save a file for a commercial printer to maximum results and much more! If you want to be on the fast track to learning Photoshop, then this course is for you! Click on the ""Take this Course"" button and learn the basics of Photoshop now!"
Price: 19.99

"Improve your SAP BW Backend Performance" |
"*** Limited Time Offer - ask us for a special discount! ***This course introduces to important principles to improve performance of your nightly loading processes in BW. You will be able to understand typical shortcomings in data models. To achieve this, it covers optimization approaches for the most important data target types in BW. In addition,it introduces improvement approaches for upstream layers and provides valuable tips for ABAP optimizations related in the BW domain. You should expect this course to be your companion for your very own journey in your own BW system. Learn the principles and approaches and use them in your own system right away! At the end of this course you will be able to take your BW operations to the next level performance-wise."
Price: 94.99

"Time and Workload Management" |
"In today's highly pressurized workplaces there is much to be gained by developing our knowledge, skills and confidence in relation to time and workload management. This course, equivalent to a full-day's continuous professional development, provides opportunities to learn how to manage our pressures as effectively as possible. The course, presented and developed by author, Dr Neil Thompson, is based on four principles of Time and Workload Management: Too much work is too much work Trying to do more than we reasonably can is unhelpful. If we are overloaded we need to think strategically about how we can deal with the situation, rather than simply work faster or harder. Managing energy as well as time How much work we can get done in a given amount of time will depend on levels of motivation and morale, so these are important factors to consider. Skills not qualities No one is born well organised or focused; these are skills we can learn, skills that can be developed over time. Investing time to save time Not taking time to think, plan, analyse and get a sense of control is a serious but sadly not uncommon mistake. Divided into six main lessons, the course provides a clear and helpful introduction to this important subject matter and offers an excellent foundation for developing your knowledge, skills and confidence in tackling the challenges of managing a heavy workload. This course will help you to feel more confident in making sure that your workload pressures remain within manageable limits so that you can keep stress at bay. The course has been designed to be flexible so that you can dip into it when it suits you within your busy schedule. In keeping with one of the important lessons put forward by this course, the time invested in it will be handsomely repaid by greater confidence in managing your pressures efficiently and effectively."
Price: 34.99

"Emotional Competence: Emotional Intelligence and Resilience" |
"This course, the equivalent of a full day's continuous professional development, offers insights into the significance of emotions and the need to be able to handle them skilfully and sensitively - our own emotions and other people's. Dr Neil Thompson guides you through some important aspects of developing emotional competence. The workplace can be be a very emotionally challenging place, encompassing both our own feelings and those of the people we work with (clients, patients, service users, customers, colleagues, managers and other stakeholders). There are no easy answers to dealing with these challenges, but this course can provide a foundation of understanding that should make you better equipped to respond positively and constructively to the emotional demands of your working life. It should help to promote emotional resilience and equip you to fend off stress, anxiety and depression, all of which can arise if emotional challenges are not handled effectively. The course is divided into six lessons, preceded by a short introductory video and followed by a concluding video and certificate of completion. The course is flexible, in so far as you can proceed through it at your own pace and at times to suit you and your schedule. However, it is best followed in a linear fashion - that is, not beginning Lesson One until after you have watched the introductory video and not beginning Lesson Two until you have completed Lesson One, and so on. You will need to download the Module Companion E-book from the main page of the course and print it out so that you can use it for: (i) making notes as you proceed through the course; (ii) completing the exercises; and (iii) having a record of your learning for future reference (and possibly for your employers if they have paid for this course on your behalf). Please make sure you have a printed copy of the Module Companion available before you begin Lesson One. We hope you will find this course helpful and will benefit from the insights offered. Dealing with emotions can be very demanding, but also very rewarding. The next two steps you need to take are to watch the introductory video (accessible from the main course page) and download and print out your Module Companion (also accessible from the main course page) - it doesn't matter in which order you do them, but you will need to do both before beginning Lesson One. Good luck with your studies!"
Price: 34.99

"Dealing with Stress" |
"Welcome to this e-learning course on Dealing with Stress. Written and presented by Neil Thompson, this course offers a sound understanding of the problems associated with stress. Equivalent to a full days continuous professional development, the course provides helpful strategies for preventing pressure from overspilling into stress and responding positively to situations where stress has become an issue. It is an ideal grounding for staff and managers alike across a wide spectrum of organisations and settings. It is built around two video presentations made by Dr Thompson, one on understanding stress and the other on meeting the stress challenge. It has been designed to offer a solid foundation of learning about stress for all employees. There is a companion course entitled Managing Stress which is specifically geared towards helping managers understandtheir managerial responsibilities in relation to stress. It is strongly recommended that, if you are a manager, you complete this course first before undertaking the Managing Stress one. If you are not a manager, then this course should provide you with the understanding you need to make sense of stress and rise to the challenges involved by keeping your pressures within manageable limits. Many courses and books on stress offer a simplistic and potentially dangerous approach to stress, but here Dr Thompson shows the complexities involved and gives you the insights you need to deal with them confidently and constructively."
Price: 34.99

"Managing Stress" |
"Welcome to this e-learning course on Managing Stress. It has been developed as a follow up to our Dealing with Stress course. While everyone, whether staff or manager, has a responsibility to keep their pressures within manageable limits and avoid harmful stress, managers have additional responsibilities in relation to stress. This is because they have a duty of care towards their staff; they have a responsibility to play their part in helping to ensure that all employees are safeguarded from health-affecting stress. The course is the approximate equivalent of half a day of continuous professional development. It builds on the foundations of understanding provided by the Dealing with Stress course, but focuses specifically on the managerial responsibilities. It offers the opportunity for managers to develop a clear picture of what they can do to make sure that they keep stress at bay."
Price: 34.99

"Unity: ?" |
"? ? ? !*************************************Update, 25.03.2016: , , .Update, 21.03.2016: , , , UI Unity.************************************* , , , Unity , , . , , . C# - , - . Unity. ! : ; ; ... , , , C#, , , Unity . ( , , ), . ""Save Aliens!"". , Unity , ! , !************************************************************************The author offers at each stage of the game to take advantage of ready-made files (three-dimensional model, scripts, textures), which will be available for download and use in your project. The project is dedicated to creating the same level of the computer game ""Save Aliens!""."
Price: 1799.00

"Investigation of Water Related Deaths+Forensic Evidence" |
"COURSE UPDATED APRIL 2020Enroll in this course and start learning how the forensic experts investigate water-related deaths. Gain valuable skills so you can start your CSI career!Drowning is defined as death occurring within 24 hours of a submersion event. Death by drowning is very common and it can occur in fresh or saltwater. PLEASE NOTE: THIS COURSE INCLUDES IMAGES SOME MAY CONSIDER GRAPHIC AND/OR DISTURBING. BY REGISTERING FOR THIS COURSE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND ACCEPT THE ABOVE NOTICE. This course will explain the common process of a drowning death, how the body reacts to this process, and the most common forensic evidence observed in bodies pulled from the water. Learning from these lectures will help you gain a better understanding that not all victims found in water are a result of drowning. As a crime scene investigator, you will experience and be witness to many types of scenes--including water-related scenes. Taking this course can prepare you for what you may encounter related to a water-related scene and what evidence you may be required to collect and document. The course will also review the challenges facing a forensic pathologist in determining a drowning diagnosis, which will help you understand why forensic evidence is so important in cases and what type of information you can get from evidence. Knowing the many challenges forensic pathologists face, you will have a better understanding of what pathologists need to do their job and as a result, you become a better and stronger team member. Lectures include:Expert testimony from a forensic expert who specializes in water-related deaths. She has testified in many cases including the Drew Peterson case. Read about it in lecture 16. Includes downloadable material, A Guide for Manner of Death Classification. This is a 30-page guide that will help you understand how and why drowning deaths are classified. Learn the importance of continued forensic training is included. Training is the #1 way you can set yourself apart from others competing for the same forensic position.Benefits of Taking This CourseKnowledge. Case studies and scene pictures are reviewed so you will be able to reinforce the concepts introduced throughout earlier lectures. This results in you having a better appreciation of these unique scenes. Experience. You want a forensic career but how do you get experience? Knowing different aspects of forensic investigations and circumstances increase your analytical skills needed in forensic science. Terminology. As a forensic student working toward becoming a forensic professional, you need to know the forensic language. Understanding what you're reading--professional journal article or autopsy report--provides professional proof. You can speak the 'forensic talk'. Certificate. After completing this course, make sure your print the certificate. This is another way to boost your credentials as a serious forensic student. Although prior knowledge of medical terminology and the forensic investigation process is recommended, it is not required for this course because the terms will be explained and defined the terminology. Knowing these forensic terms increases your overall learning experience and increase your comprehension when reading case reports. This course has over 10 supplemental materials that will reinforce the concepts introduced. Training is important and should be part of your overall plan in launching your forensic career. Use this course as part of your training hours listed on your resume. PLEASE NOTE: THIS COURSE INCLUDES IMAGES SOME MAY CONSIDER GRAPHIC AND/OR DISTURBING. BY REGISTERING FOR THIS COURSE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND ACCEPT THE ABOVE NOTICE. Enroll now and start training for your forensic career. And don't forget: once you've completed this course you can place this training topic on your resume along with the completed certificate! "
Price: 29.99

"Expert Tips to Help You Become a Successful Forensic CSI" |
"COURSE UPDATED APRIL 2020This course is a resource for you and your forensic career. The goal is for you to discover if you have what it takes to become a successful candidate for a crime scene investigator job...and learn from forensic experts the secrets to becoming that sought after forensic job candidate! Have you ever asked yourself......Where do I get experience if I don't have a forensic job?Where can I get the forensic training required for the job I'm applying to?I have a degree, but I still don't get hired. Do I have the right degree?Do I have the right stuff--personality, professional qualities--to make it as a CSI?The answers can be found in this course!Learn the secrets forensic experts say are the MOST important for students to have to be considered as THE PERFECT PERSON FOR THE JOB.......Expert Tips to Help You Become a Crime Scene Investigator is a resource course that helps you get on track to becoming the 'right fit' for a CSI job. This entire course has been built with you in mind to get you from student to CSI professional. Course Featuresdigestible pieces of information to simplify what hiring agencies are looking for in the 'perfect' candidate downloadable guides to help understand what a CSI does in a 'typical' day--and no, it's not like what is seen on tvdiscover the ideal traits to have to be seen as a 'the perfect person' for the CSI job'how to' processing of a specific crime scenedifference between first responders and crime scene investigatorsLearn 3 different ways to increase the chances of getting hired as a crime scene investigator.You MUST have the RIGHT education! You MUST have the RIGHT training!You MUST be the RIGHT person for the job! At the end of this course you will have:A game plan of the type of college classes and degree you will need to take to be considered as a crime scene investigator--SAVING $$ by taking the right classes and reducing your frustration because you DIDN'T take the right classes the first time!Checklist of professional organizations for forensic professionals. Belonging to these organizations will provide the PROFESSIONAL PROOF you need to show hiring agencies you are a SERIOUS forensic job candidate. A step-by-step processing guide of how crime scene investigators process a scene. This guide is a VALUABLE resource that can be used as supplemental material to forensic or criminal justice courses already taken, about to take, or thinking about taking. Forensic Training Vocabulary Worksheet offers terms and definitions of the most commonly found terminology found on reports and vocabulary used during investigations. Knowing the common terms will boost your CONFIDENCE when participating in conversations with forensic professionals. What is the target audience?Expert Tips to Help You Become a Crime Scene Investigator has been created for anyone interested in becoming a crime scene investigator. The course delivers tips from forensic experts who have mentored students interested in becoming a forensic professional. Students who have applied to positions-- and have been rejected-- or have wondered ""what was wrong with my application"" --may discover why their application wasn't accepted. "
Price: 24.99

"PMP Exam Scenario and knowledge Based Questions and Answers" |
"In this course we will be reviewing over 400 questions. All questions are based on PMBOK guide 6th edition. Just like the actual PMP exam, 90% of the questions are scenarios and 10% are knowledge base. Knowledge based questions will identify how well you have remembered the PMBOK terms and processes. Scenario based questions will test your ability to apply the many different terms and processes in a real-life situation. Unlike other providers, we are a PMI Registered Education provider: #3333 and this course is accredited by PMI.This course will contain questions from each of the ten knowledge areas including integration, scope, schedule, cost, quality, resources, communications, risk, procurement, and stakeholders. There will be question on project management terms, processes and roles as well as agile. There is a final mock exam at the end. Each question contains 4 choices with only one choice being correct. Many questions will contain multiple correct choices, but you will need to select the best of the correct choices in order to get the questions correct. This would represent the same level of difficulty as you would have on the real PMP exam."
Price: 99.99

"Unity 3D - 2D Platformer For Your Desktop" |
"We'll be making our very own 2D platformer on the Unity3D engine. I start by showing you what software you need that can be easily and free to download and guide you the step by step process to put this entire project together. Scripts and textures are provided if you just want to get into the action of making your own platfomer. The icon image that you selected is the game you will make! Some of the scripts in JavaScript well be working on together is making a moving platform, audio, and triggers (condition that will cause an event.) The basic structure of these lessons is planned but I instruct with an impromptu approach, this way you can see common errors and how they are fixed on the spot. The most exciting part is once you download Unity3D, youll have your own basic platform game in about two hours. Ill demonstrate Setting up the Unity3D scene Animating Textures Shadows Making traps as spikes Creating enemies Setting up audio Beating the level to load the next scene In the end youll have a standalone game, meaning you can share this game with friends and the world!"
Price: 19.99

"C++ : Let's Make Hangman in One Hour!" |
"Have you ever wanted to make your own game from the ground up but not enough time? Well in my lessons I have about an hour of content that will introduce you to C++ and take you from no experience to a programmer that will have basic knowledge of how certain functions work and making your own playable game that you can share with family and friends. We'll be using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express and throughout the course you will you will learn about and script Constants Vectors Random Function If Statements While Loops Basic ASCII Graphics I go along and build the application as I record so you can get see some common mistakes that are made and how I figure them out. You'll get a basic knowledge of programming rules within the Microsoft Visual C++ framework. I recommend this course if you are a beginner or have some programming knowledge and want to make a playable game with my guidance. Hopefully Ill see you in the lessons."
Price: 19.99

"Android App Development Making Your First App with Eclipse" |
"Mobile apps are all around us. I know a lot of people are intimidated by the sound of coding and I want to prevent that. In my tutorial series well be making a mobile app from scratch. Well be writing our Android application in JavaScript and XML (Extensible Markup Language) that will cover topics such as Customizing text in XML Splash Screen Buttons Image Buttons Sound FX Menu Full screen mode Toast notifications Navigation"
Price: 19.99

"Amazon Marketing: Work From Home As An Amazon Affiliate" |
"Over 9500 students have joined this course... so thank you to each andevery one of them!Do not miss out, join them today!______________________________________________________________Welcome to Amazon Marketing: Work From Home As An Amazon Affiliate.As a memberyou have full access to this crash course on how to make fast cash promoting products on Amazon.The Amazon Marketing course consists of 3 modules:Amazon Heat Seeker -In this module you'll learn how to find high converting products to promote on Amazonand how to rank for them in the search engines.Amazon Affiliate Website -In this module you'll learn how to set up your Amazon Affiliate Site to start promoting offers and making cash quickly.Amazon Traffic & Sales -In this module you'll learn how to drive free search traffic to your affiliate sites and create killer content that will guarantee maximum conversions.We've only included what we think are the most important factors in successfully promoting products on Amazon. We hope you get a lot of value from this course and as always we'd love to hear your feedback! P.S.Though it is focused on beginner to intermediate I believe there are hidden gems in this course for anyone interested in making money with Amazon as an affiliate. The course is structured this way to make it very easy to follow and every section contains actionable steps to take to start making money with Amazon right away.To your success,Barry North"
Price: 89.99

"Twitter Marketing: Gain Huge Following And Monetize Twitter" |
"Over 7500 students have joined this course... so thank you to each andevery one of them!Do not miss out, join them today!______________________________________________________________ Welcome to Twitter Marketing: Gain Huge Following And Monetize Twitter.As a member you have full access to this crash course on gaining a huge following and monetizing Twitter.The Twitter Marketing course consists of 3 modules:Module 1: Twitter AutomationIn this moduleyoull learn how to minimize your workload to make sure you're working smart and not hard on Twitter. We'll also show you how to hit the ground running by benchmarking your competitors' best practices. Most people spend too much time trying to reinvent the wheel with social media, but in this module you'll learn how to figure out what's working now to save you as much time as possible.You'll also learn how to find your niche and your audience specifically on Twitter to make sure you get started right.Finally we'll show you how to streamline your Twitter account completely by front loading your tweets, and you'll get a backstage pass to a killer social media management software that will help you automate all of your Twiter processes completely.Module 2: Twitter FollowersIn this module you'll learn how to create your Twitter account to attract followers like moths to a flame. We'll also show you an underground technique to getting over 10,000 Twitter followers in less than 3 days.Here you'll learn why your competitors on Twitter can become your best allies when it comes to getting followers. You'll learn how to build relationships with your competitors then turn all of their followers into your followers.You'll also see how to strike deals with ""Influencers"" on Twitter to gain a massive following in no time.Module 3: Twitter MonetizationIn this module you'll learn everything you need to know about monetizing twitter.We'll start by showing you the Twitter monetization blueprint so you can decide which techniques you want to use.There are many ways to make money on Twitter, and it can be confusing. But we've narrowed down the five best ways we've found to monetize Twitter as quickly as possible, and here you'll learn about each one in detail.We've only included what we think are the most important factors in quickly growing your following and maximizing your revenues with Twitter...We hope you get a lot of value from this course and as always we'd love to hear your feedback!To Your Success,Barry North"
Price: 89.99

"Squidoo Marketing: Beginner's Squidoo Blueprint" |
"Over 5500 students have joined this course... so thank you to each andevery one of them!Do not miss out, join them today! Sqidoo/HubPages provides a great way to make very good money working from home online. Squidoo's website gets massive traffic from all over the world. In fact there are so many people using Squidoo all over the world it can be very profitable for you and your online business. Getting started marketing with Squidoo (without wasting time) especially for a beginner can be very confusing. That's where this course comes in, to make sure you're working smart and using real time strategies that will work now and will work in the future. In this course you'll learn how to minimize your workload to make sure you're working smart and not hard on Squidoo. Most people spend too much time trying to reinvent the wheel with social media platforms, but in this course you'll learn how to figure out what's working now to save you as much time as possible. Though it is focused on beginner to intermediate I believe there are hidden gems in this course for anyone interested in making money with Squidoo as an affiliate marketer or selling your own products. My course is split into 3 main modules that breaks down into twenty lectures, and just under two hours of premium video training content. Module 1: Squidoo Quickstart In this module you'll learn why you would want to use Squidoo over hosting your own blog. You'll also learn about the best types of products to promote on Squidoo for maximum revenue, and where to find these products. Finally, we'll talk about how to do quick Squidoo Keyword Research to get you ranked on Google and in the game faster. Many people over complicate these initial steps and never get going, but in this modules we'll show you how to avoid pitfalls and start your Squidoo Lens today completely FREE. Module 2: Squidoo Lens Basics In this module you'll learn how to create your account in Squidoo and start your first Lens immediately. You'll learn a few key steps to set up your lens to ensure you rank in Googles search engine. Skip these steps at your Squidoo lens peril! You'll also learn how to increase your conversions by 70% with one simple step on your Squidoo lens. Getting traffic to your lens is one thing, getting them to click and buy is another altogether. In this module, I'll show you how to do both. Finally, you'll learn where to go to outsource the whole process. Module 3: Squidoo Lens SEO In this module you'll learn everything you need to know to get your lens on page 1 in Google. You'll learn exactly what tags you need to add and I'll show you a ninja FREE plugin to add to your web browser to spy on other lenses and steal their tags. You'll also learn stealth tactics to leveraging other peoples already ranked content and using it on your lens. As long as you know what to do, the beauty of Squidoo is that youll never have to create your own content to get paid. Finally, I'll go a step further and show you quick steps you can take after you publish your lens to solidify your pagerank in Google and make money even faster. There are a lot of downloadable materials included with this course; including Videos (20), PDF's (35), Premium Themes (20), and Plugins (20) that will help your affiliate sales or personal business greatly. I will be adding Premium Themes, Plugins, PDFs, etc. to this list in the future if I believe it will help you. I feel this course training is of great value and with a price point of a dollar per lecture I know you will too. I'm positive you'll get a lot of value and quality education from this course and as always I'd love to hear your feedback! Stay Tuned For Future Courses. To your success,Barry North"
Price: 89.99

"List Building: Recurring Income By Mastering List Building" |
"Over 5500 students have joined this course... so thank you to each andevery one of them!Do not miss out, join them today!______________________________________________________________Welcome to List Building: Recurring Income By Mastering List Building.As a member you have full access to this crash course on how to build a highly profitable, targeted list with solo ads. TheList Building Course consists of 5 modules:Get Started With Solo Ads -In this module you'll learn how to get started with solo ads to build a profitable, targeted email list. You've probably heard that the money is in this list, and that is absolutely correct. You'll also learn how to find a profitable niche to target and how to do the proper front end research to find email lists to promote to.Contact List Owner -In this module you'll learn how to find people with profitable email lists through Google. You'll also learn tactics to contact and negotiate with them to get the best deal. We've included cut and paste contact emails for you to streamline the process even further.Deliver Your Product -In this module you'll learn how to promote your offers to other people's lists to get maximum return. If you're an affiliate, you'll also learn how to find high converting products to promote. Doing this step correctly is the most important part of building your email list with solo ads.Build Your List -In this module you'll learn how to turn your promotions into a profitable email list while making money simultaneously. You'll also learn how to promote to your list properly to ensure that your open rates are high and build loyal, lifetime customers.We've only included what we think are the most important factors in building a profitable email list with solo ads. We hope you get a lot of value from this course and as always we'd love to hear your feedback!To your success,Barry North"
Price: 89.99

"Craigslist Marketing: Turn Craigslist Accounts Into Cash" |
"Over 4000 students have joined this course... so thank you to each andevery one of them!Do not miss out, join them today!______________________________________________________________Welcome toCraigslist Marketing: Turn Craigslist Accounts Into Cash.As a member you have full access to this crash course on how to make quick cash selling on the number one classifieds site, Craigslist. The Craigslist Marketing course consists of 3 modules:Craigslist Quickstart -In this module you'll learn why Craigslist is the #1 place to find buyers online. We'll also walk you through setting up your account as well as how to avoid some of the scams on Craigslist.Selling On Craigslist-In this module you'll learn how the entire Craigslist sales process from start to finish. You'll learn how to find products to sell, how to price your products, how to post your sale, and how to handle the sale. Doing these steps correctly is critical to your success with CraigslistCraigslist Advanced Topics -In this module you'll learn more tips on selling with Craigslist as well as how to become a power user buying on Craigslist. You'll also learn the secrets of keeping your account from getting banned. We've only included what we think are the most important factors in successfully selling your products on Craigslist. We hope you get a lot of value from this course and as always we'd love to hear your feedback!To your success,Barry North"
Price: 89.99

"Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)" |
"Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an essential and necessary skill for all persons. This course will take the student through the origins of CPR, The legal systems that regulate it, and organizations creating national and international standards for it. It will explain how CPR has be come more than just a part of First Aid. The course will explain how CPR has become an international force reshaping our world. This includes material for persons who need, or want an in depth refresher, or first timers wanting an in depth course in CPR, this course is for you. Using common house hold items, such as a tennis balls or soccer balls you can learn effective CPR. This is the most complete course on CPR today. The course has been upgraded to show High Performance CPR, which is the standard today, as well as a lecture on narcan and the opiate adiction problem in the United States. This course is in compliance with the 2010consessus. If you are interested in certification contact us at the Arthur Jackson CTC website"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Emergencies for Lay Responders" |
" This course covers the steps each person must follow when approaching an emergency. The course will answer the questions of; How to deal with the emotional content of emergencies How to stay in compliance with legal responsibilities of an emergency How to prioritize the injured How to access the injured How to employ an AED "
Price: 19.99

"First Aid" |
"An introductory course for individuals and families on First Aid, the handling, treatment and management of everyday wounds, burns, sudden illness, and environmental injuries and much more. Takes the student on an enlightened over view of first aid and its application in today's world. It is fun, entertaining and informative. This course covers; Origins and definition of First Aid Standards for First Aid Kits Breathing Emergencies Sudden Illness Environmental Illness Soft Tissue Illness (Bleeding) Bone and Joint Injuries This course meets all requirements of the 2010consensus. If you are interested in certification, contact us at the Arthur Jackson CTC website."
Price: 19.99

"Disaster Planning" |
"This is a course for individuals , families , groups and businesses to use in planning for emergencies. You will learn how and why to include a communication plan, and a Document kit to your planning. You will learn why it is important to involve all family members in planning and implementation. Finaly, whether it is a storm, earthquake, or terrorist attack, you need to know what plans to have in place for your resiliency and survival. This course is intended to help you plan for any eventuality and be ready to not just cope but weather the event with minimum difficulty."
Price: 19.99

"Disease Transmission Control for the Lay Person" |
"Biohazards represent a major issue for the health professional and lay responder. This course is a primer to understanding the issues of disease transmission and the basics of standard precautions, a key to preventing disease transmission. This course is perfect for the lay responder needing to become familiar with the mechanisms of transmission and the basics of the microorganisms involved in disease transmission. The course is structured for beginners, and does not require advance preparation. I will take you on a tour of the history of bacteria and viruses, the common types you are likely to encounter, as well as procedures to control transmission. You will learn about standard precautions, sharps logs, and hand hygiene. We will also discuss the personal protective equipment available to lay persons and how to use it correctly. This course is a must for all lay persons."
Price: 19.99

"First Aid for Remote and Rural Locations" |
"A course designed for those wanting a more intensive level of training in first aid. The course covers preparations for entering the wilderness, and assessments to be used when evaluating the injured in remote locations, where medical assistance is not readily available. A course designed for students with basic skills wanting advanced training and exposure to advance techniques. The course covers assessment techniques, CPR, wound treatment, burn treatment, allergic reactions and much more. It is a condensed version of the full two day courses taught as wilderness first aid in many states. Students need to complete CPR, First Aid, and Introduction to Emergencies as prerequisites."
Price: 49.99

"The Art of Figure to Ground: Photography's untaught secret" |
"In this course ""The Art of Figure to Ground"" we will explore how to add layers to your photograph. Artists have used layers to tell stories in their images, but to make them work effectively we must fully understand the concept of Figure to Ground relationships. From street photography to portraiture, every layer is an opportunity to add something to your picture. Have you ever wondered why professional photographers always get good images? Are they just lucky or do they see the world differently? A Room for Improvement is the first photography program that starts training your most important tool, Your Eyes. While most of the photography world is obsessed with gear and post production, the real secret to taking amazing images is learning how to see like an artist. Join artist & photographer Adam Marelli as he shares the tools, lessons, and training that classical artist use to bring images to life. As a trained photographer, painter, and sculptor Marelli combines twenty years of art eduction into simple to follow lessons that you can do in your own backyard. COURSE STRUCTURE This course is divided into 7 Lectures that are a Master Class in Figure to Ground.Lecture 1: Why your discoveries matter?Lecture 2: Spot the Background first?Lecture 3: Use black and white to see color.Lecture 4: Work like an artist.Lecture 5: Solutions from my portfolio.Lecture 6: See the photograph before it happens. The lectures are designed to be watched in order, but you are free to skip around. This course is approxiamtely 45 minutes, with downloadable images from the lecture, and an assignment designed to highlight the tools from each lecture. Marelli uses his own work and the famous artists who influenced his work to reveal ""how artists work"" and ""how they learned to see in a completely unique way."" For centuries these concepts were reserved for artist guilds and apprenticeships, but for the first time they are being put in a language available to photographers. EXPECT RESULTS By the end of this course, you will understand why photographers always say that ""the equipment doesn't matter."" Learning to see like an artist is one of the single most fulfilling steps on the way to becoming a better photographer. In addition to improving your own work, you will be able to walk into any gallery or museum in the world and know, with full certainty, whether you are looking at a great piece of art or not. </p>"
Price: 19.99

"The Art of Finding Light: Photography for the artist in you" |
"Have you ever heard a photographer say, Oh the light there is perfect, and not understood what they meant? Do you feel like you have trouble finding good lighting while you are out with a camera? Spotting great lighting is not a gift, it is Skill. It is a learned art, one that artists like Caravaggio used to become one of the greatest artists of the Baroque era. From generation to generation every famous photographer of the 20th century used these techniques, which can be found on the covers of Vogue to National Geographic. Claude Monet and Michelangelo did not hope for good lighting, they knew exactly where to find and now, you will know where to look too! This course looks at finding light, anytime, anywhere in the world. Whether you are on the streets in Berlin or inside of your friends home...creating pictures that glow is something that you can practice and master be knowing where to look. This is a comprehensive solution to lighting that does not rely on post production or expensive equipment to make great photographs. A Room for Improvement is the first photography program that starts training your most important tool, Your Eyes. While most of the photography world is obsessed with gear and post production, the real secret to taking amazing images is learning how to see like an artist. Join artist & photographer Adam Marelli as he shares the tools, lessons, and training that classical artist use to bring images to life. As a trained photographer, painter, and sculptor Marelli combines twenty years of art eduction into simple to follow lessons that you can do in your own backyard. COURSE STRUCTURE This course is divided into 8 lectures that are a Master Class in Finding Light.Lecture 1: What did we learn from The Art of Figure to Ground.Lecture 2: Studying teeth will not reveal the mystery of a smile.Lecture 3: Three types of artistic light.Lecture 4: How Caravaggio used the streets of Rome to light his paintings.Lecture 5: How to practice on your own.Lecture 6: How Claude Monet used a church to find the best light.Lecture 7: Why Vermeer always had perfect light. Lecture 8: The Assignment. The lectures are designed to be watched in order, but you are free to skip around if you like. Each course is approximately 45 minutes, with downloadable images from the lecture, and an assignment designed to highlight the tools from each lecture. Marelli uses his own work and the famous artists who influenced his work to reveal ""how artists work"" and ""how they learned to see in a completely unique way."" For centuries these concepts were reserved for artist guilds and apprenticeships, but for the first time they are being put in a language available to photographers. EXPECT RESULTS By the end of this program, you will understand why photographers always say that ""the equipment doesn't matter."" Learning to see like an artist is one of the single most fulfilling steps on the way to becoming a better photographer. In addition to improving your own work, you will be able to walk into any gallery or museum in the world and know, with full certainty, whether you are looking at a great piece of art or not."
Price: 19.99

"Primeros pasos en MongoDB" |
"El curso, que es el primero de una serie de cursos sobre MongoDB, nos permite realizar una primera toma de contacto con MongoDB, base de datos orientada al documento. Vamos a ver: qu es MongoDB y qu tiene que ver con NoSQL o Big Data qu le diferencia de otras bases de datos cmo lo instalamos en un equipo cmo podemos trabajar con la informacin que almacenamos en l Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de recuperar informacin almacenada en MongoDB, utilizando todo tipo de condiciones. Adems, aprenders a manipular dicha informacin, modificando o eliminando la que ya existe, o introduciendo nueva. El curso consta de una serie de lecciones en formato vdeo, que constan tanto de contenidos tericos cmo prcticos. La longitud de los vdeos suele ser inferior a los diez minutos, aunque en ocasiones alguno de ellos se acerca a los quince minutos. Veremos cmo replicar en vuestros equipos los ejemplos incluidos en los vdeos, para que hagis con vuestras propias manos las operaciones que os muestro. Para ello veremos cmo realizar una instalacin de MongoDB. Cada cierto nmero de lecciones se incluye un grupo de preguntas para comprobar el grado de compresin de los temas tratados. En ocasiones, se incluye algn ejercicio prctico entre las preguntas, que requiere la descarga de algn archivo y el manejo de un servidor MongoDB. Tambin se incluyen diversos ejemplos de cdigo NodeJS, para ver cmo se trabaja con MongoDB desde una aplicacin. El curso puede ser completado en unas tres semanas, una para cada una de las secciones principales, dedicando unas 8 - 12 horas a la semana. En todo caso, elige el ritmo que ms se adapte a tu disponibilidad."
Price: 29.99
