"Gestin avanzada de datos con MongoDB" |
"El curso, que es el segundo de una serie de cursos sobre MongoDB, nos permite profundizar en las tareas de gestin de datos. Vamos a ver: qu tipos ndices soporta MongoDB cmo se usan los ndices cmo se evala el uso de los ndices qu criterios seguir a la hora de definir la estructura de datos de nuestra aplicacin qu otras posibilidades de almacenamiento nos ofrece MongoDB (colecciones limitadas, GridFS,...) cmo realizamos operaciones de agregacin en MongoDB cmo utilizamos MapReduce en MongoDB MongoDB cuenta con varios tipos de ndices para mejorar el rendimiento de las operaciones de lectura. Los ndices geoespaciales nos permiten trabajar con datos de geolocalizacin, por ejemplo filtrando la informacin por la distancia a la que se encuentra de un punto sobre la superficie de la Tierra. Los ndices de texto, definitivamente incluidos en MongoDB a partir de la versin 2.6, nos permiten realizar bsquedas sobre textos. Tambin veremos cmo disear la estructura de datos en la que almacenaremos la informacin de nuestra aplicacin. Aunque MongoDB no es una base de datos relacional, y no impone una estructura rgida a los datos de nuestra aplicacin, es conveniente tener en cuenta las implicaciones de rendimiento que las decisiones sobre esta estructura pudieran ocasionar. MongoDB cuenta con varias alternativas para llevar a cabo operaciones de agregacin de los datos (medias, mximas, sumas,...). En este curso nos ocuparemos principalmente del sistema de agregacin de MongoDB, y de la implementacin MapReduce realizada por MongoDB. El curso consta de una serie de lecciones en formato vdeo, que constan tanto de contenidos tericos cmo prcticos. La longitud de los vdeos suele ser inferior a los diez minutos, aunque en ocasiones alguno de ellos se acerca a los quince minutos. Veremos cmo replicar en vuestros equipos los ejemplos incluidos en los vdeos, para que hagis con vuestras propias manos las operaciones que os muestro. Cada cierto nmero de lecciones se incluye un grupo de preguntas para comprobar el grado de compresin de los temas tratados. En ocasiones, se incluye algn ejercicio prctico entre las preguntas, que requiere la descarga de algn archivo y el manejo de un servidor MongoDB. Tambin se incluyen diversos ejemplos de cdigo NodeJS, para ver cmo se trabaja con MongoDB desde una aplicacin. El curso puede ser completado en unas seis semanas, dedicando unas 8 - 12 horas a la semana. En todo caso, elige el ritmo que ms se adapte a tu disponibilidad."
Price: 44.99

"Lean Secrets: 6 Simple Steps That Cut Business Costs" |
"OVER 750 STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY SUCCESSFULLY TAKEN THIS COURSE! ----------------------- NEW! Now includes the Business Improvement Blueprint and 2 additional lectures - to help you figure out where to start. Updated November 6, 2015 ----------------------- ABOUT THIS COURSE: Over 750 very happy students No other tools, coaching or anything else is required Very positive reviews from both my Udemy students and the people I've trained 'in real life' Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and bonus upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! ----------------------- LEARN THE TECHNIQUE THAT IS: The leading method for saving millions in big corporates like GE. Responsible for saving >$25M in 1 year at a corporate I used to work for. Responsible for saving crucial cash in various SME's and Startups I worked in. Proven and tested for more than 60 years now in 1000s of companies of all types and sizes. I've used this technique countless times. And no matter the type of business, the type of people or even the size; this always works! What you'll learn: Save time and money by improving a process or problem Make sure you spend your time on improving the right things Make sure the improvements you make stick Get some actual and measurable results of your efforts The course consists of 14 videos for you to watch and lots of additional resources like handy links and templates. Youll walk out of the class with hands-on results! Simply click the 'take this course' button on the top right right now. Because, the more you delay, the more it is costing you... Linda Coussement"
Price: 59.99

"Aprendendo terminal Linux pondo a mo na massa!" |
"* Um certificado de concluso digital vlido oferecido para os estudantes que completarem o curso. O seu certificado tem um cdigo de verificao para autenticidade. Parabns pela sua deciso em se aventurar pela linha de comando do Linux. O objetivo do nosso curso te ajudar a entender principais comandos de manipulao de textos/arquivos dentro do terminal Linux. O curso foi criado com o objetivo de levar um aprendizado descomplicado e empolgante. Atravs de videoaulas diretas e rpidas voc utilizar comandos linux j nos primeiros 5 minutos. A abordagem "hands-on", ou seja, sempre focado em obter um resultado para o comando desenvolvido. O importante despertar em voc o interesse e aguar a curiosidade pelo trabalho na CLI (command line interface). Alm das videoaulas completas e diaticamente elaboradas (com a experincia de j ter ministrado esses mesmos ensinamentos presencialmente dezenas de vezes) voc ainda contar com: Mquina virtual prontinha para voc apenas baixar e comear a fazer o curso no mesmo dia; Apostila de exerccios contendo todas as atividades desenvolvidas nas video-aulas; Listas de exerccios extras que so disponibilizadas na ltima seo do curso para que voc sedimente tudo que foi ensinado e praticado durante o curso; Perguntas teste de fixao ao final de cada sesso. Nada chato e tedioso! Mas sim perguntas diretas para reforar seu aprendizado. Em quanto tempo voc consegue terminar esse curso? Bom, voc pode realiz-lo at mesmo em um nico dia! Mas te aconselho quebrar o aprendizado em pelo menos 2 ou 3 dias e o mais importante: PRATIQUE AS ATIVIDADES! Mas quais os benefcios que voc como aluno ir obter a partir desse curso? Voc aprender conceitos bsicos de uso da linha de comando do terminal Linux Conhecer os principais comandos de manipulao de textos e arquivos do sistema operacional Entender conceitos fundamentais para melhor utilizao do "poder de fogo" do Linux, como por exemplo o conceito de piping de comandos Descobrir como criar e apagar pastas a partir da linha de comando. Vai ainda descobrir porque o Linux possui um comando para mostrar um arquivo de trs pra frente e outro para mostrar o contedo da forma tradicional Ou seja, ao concluir esse curso voc ser capaz de manipular contedo de arquivos, copiar, apagar e criar arquivos e diretrios alm de ter uma noo melhor de como o sistema operacional funciona "sob o cap". O escopo do curso linha de comando, letras brancas e fundo preto. So poucos analistas e profissionais da rea de tecnologia que se enveredam pela linha de comando pois preferem o caminho mais fcil com janelas e cones coloridos ;-). Quer um diferencial no mercado de trabalho? Aprenda BASH! O objetivo do curso ainda, te apresentar os comandos de forma rpida e ento trazer problemas para serem resolvidos com a utilizao do que aprendeu. A abordagem pedaggica de experimentao onde voc dever buscar/procurar/testar/fuar/descobrir a utilizao dos comandos. Use a ajuda do prprio shell! Ao invs de analisar as toneladas de opes de cada comando, iremos US-LOS para resolver problemas. O instrutor desse treinamento possui vasta experincia no assunto tendo trabalhado diretamente com essa tecnologia e hoje professor do curso de sistemas de informao ensinando h vrios anos analistas, programadores e estudantes a trabalharem mais de perto com o sistema operacional."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel Completo - Mo na Massa!" |
"* Um certificado de concluso digital vlido oferecido para os estudantes que completarem o curso. O seu certificado tem um cdigo de verificao para autenticidade. Voc realmente sabe trabalhar com o Excel? Voc sabe de verdade explorar todos os recursos desse poderoso software e economizar seu tempo, energia e dinheiro? A maior parte das pessoas que j tenha feito um curso de Excel no se sentem totalmente confiantes e seguras ao utilizar esse aplicativo. A grande maioria delas aps um tempo sem utilizar o programa acabam retornando a execuo de forma repetitiva e manual as tarefas dentro da planilha e perdem muito tempo procurando descobrir a soluo para determinado problema. FATO: A maior parte das pessoas utiliza menos de 30% dos recursos disponveis no Excel. FATO: O bom uso dessa ferramenta pode te ajudar a extrair informaes de qualidade em seu negcio ou trabalho e te ajudar a tomar decises eficazes FATO: Por no gostarem de matemtica as pessoas desenham o Excel como algo complicado e dficil. Primeiramente parabns por procurar se especializar nessa ferramenta fantstica que a planilha eltrnica Excel. Voc ir aprender nesse curso desde o incio de uso dessa ferramenta com as primeiras e bsicas instrues e depois iremos aprofundar o aprendizado utilizando frmulas mais complexas e recursos essenciais para o uso do Excel no dia a dia. Atravs desse curso voc ser capaz, dentre outras coisas, de: Criar planilhas bsicas e aplicas frmulas para resolver problemas Utilizar grficos para apresentar as informaes de forma VISUAL e impressionar Entender os conceitos de referncia do Excel e as frmulas 3D Aprender a imprimir de forma eficiente fazendo uso correto do espao disponvel no Excel Conhecer recursos incrveis que no so ensinados nas escolas tradicionais de informtica As aulas presentes nesse inovador treinamento foram desenvolvidas por um instrutor experiente que j ministra aulas, cursos e treinamentos a quase 20 anos. Linguagem fcil, didtica e foco no APRENDIZADO do aluno. A abordagem utilizada no treinamento a EXPERIMENTAO onde o aluno precisa efetivamente FAZER para conhecer. Ao USAR todos os comandos e recursos apresentados o aluno se torna parte ativa do processo de ensino/aprendizado e conseguir aproveitar e reter muito mais do curso. AS 4 RAZES PELAS QUAIS AS PESSOAS AMAM O EXCEL 1) Excel denota CONTROLE As linhas e colunas da planilha recheadas de informao vital podem ser manipuladas da forma que o usurio bem entender. Alm da simples aplicao de formato, cores e fontes bem como (e mais importante) o uso dessas informaes e a fuso delas. 2) Propriedade. A informao sua! As informaes so suas e voc responsvel em trabalh-las e manipul-las. A partir disso voc poder extrair tudo que precisar 3) Experincia e reconhecimento Olhe na sua empresa. Olhe para seus colegas de sala. Quantos deles so realmente capazes de trabalhar com Excel alm da funo SOMA? 4) Canivete suio O motivo de ter me apaixonado pelo uso de planilhas eletrnicas e principalmente o Excel que essa ferramenta em suas mos um verdadeiro canivete suio podendo ser usado para uma infinidade de funes alm do uso tradicional de planilha. Ns iremos discutir alguns desses usos no curso. Quando voc estiver pensando em escolher um curso ou treinamento para voc e para sua equipe voc deve sempre visualizar o CONTEDO. No basta por exemplo contar a quantidade de aulas ou os tpicos mas sim o contedo e a forma como esse contedo trabalhado. Ora, simplesmente explicar tpicos soltos e aleatrios uma coisa. Mas a partir de um PROBLEMA trabalhar-se na soluo muito mais envolvente para o professor e para o aluno. Durante o curso ns iremos primeiramente trabalhar em uma sequencia lgica de aprendizado: 1) Alguns conceitos iniciais (SIM O CURSO VOLTADO PARA O MAIS COMPLETO LEIGO!) de planilha, funes bsicas e uso rotineiro do Excel. 2) Depois iremos aprofundar mais o assunto e usar recursos mais avanados 3) Iremos explorar uma sequencia de exerccios desafiadores onde te auxiliarei passo a passo na resoluo. Veja bem, nesse ponto aqui quero que voc convide seu amigo ""especialista"" em Excel e mostre pra ele o que voc est aprendendo. 4) PROJETO FINAL. Aqui voc construir uma planilha completa de controle gerencial que voc poder usar at mesmo em sua empresa ou trabalho. No, eu nO estou falando de uma planilha simples que contem uma coluna de dbito, outra de crdito e outra de saldo! Estou falando de uma planilha capaz de SUMARIZAR resultados por cdigos! Esse projeto inclusive foi um dos primeiros softwares que desenvolvi e trabalhei a mais de 10 anos atrs. Ah, em um momento do curso ensinarei para voc os 10 recursos fantsticos do Excel que seu colega de trabalho NO sabe! Alm de todos os benefcios que comentei, voc contar ainda nesse treinamento: Material completo utilizado no curso (Planilhas, exerccios, etc) Aulas intuitivas e desafiadoras (voc tem acesso completo e vitalcio a todas as aulas e material) Meu apoio durante seu treinamento Em quanto tempo voc consegue concluir esse treinamento? Se voc quiser seguir todas as aulas de uma nica vez voc pode sem dvida, mas o ideal que voc quebre em alguns dias para poder fazer todos os exerccios com calma e ateno. Mas quais os benefcios que voc como aluno ir obter a partir desse curso? Voc aprender conceitos bsicos de uso do Excel Aprender a construir planilhas poderosas usando funes e recursos para contabilizao e extrao de dados Entender como criar grficos Descobrir como o Excel um banco de dados Conhecer muitas funes (E o caminho das pedras para dominar todas as demais) Vai ainda descobrir como o Excel pode ser seu amigo e salvar seu emprego! O escopo do treinamento o Excel, guiando o aluno do bsico ao nvel intermedirio. No usamos o termo avanado pois entendemos que Excel avanado se trata de PROGRAMAO VBA. O resto intermedirio e voc precisa saber em um curso. Iremos cobrir praticamente tudo que voc precisa saber do Excel. O objetivo que voc ao terminar esse treinamento se sinta confortvel em utilizar o Excel para resolver problemas e se torne um profissional com um diferencial. A abordagem pedaggica desse curso, como de costume em nossos treinamentos, de experimentao onde voc dever buscar/procurar/testar/fuar/descobrir a utilizao dos recursos. No fazemos mgica aqui. Voc precisa fazer sua parte! O instrutor desse treinamento possui vasta experincia no assunto tendo trabalhado diretamente com essa tecnologia e hoje professor do curso de sistemas de informao ensinando h vrios anos analistas, programadores e estudantes a trabalharem mais de perto com o sistema operacional. J foi professor do curso de Administrao e fez uso contnuo e dirio do Excel ao longo dos anos que trabalhou com projetos de TI."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Mapas Mentais" |
"Ol! Parabns pela sua deciso de fazer esse treinamento! O que voc est prestes a descobrir uma forma extraordinria de se organizar informao, planejar e estudar com mais eficincia.SOMOS EXPOSTOS A MUITA INFORMAO!Hoje estamos expostos a grandes quantidades de informao. Um aluno mdio de curso superior, por exemplo, precisa estudar semanalmente diferentes disciplinas e muitas vezes precisa ler livros ou captulos como forma de preparao prvia antes de ir para as aulas.Alm disso, no trabalho o homem precisa estar sempre atualizado e buscando construir conhecimento em sua rea de atuao. Algum que trabalha na rea de Admiministrao, por exemplo, precisa estar atento ao que acontece no mundo para auxili-lo em sua tomada de deciso. Alunos e profisionais da rea de tecnologia precisam estar sempre estudando e se atualizando pois novas tecnologias surgem diariamente.Com essa quantidade massiva de informao e nossa quase obrigatoriedade em construir conhecimento vlido e utilizvel com essa informao nos obriga a adotar maneiras e estratgias de melhor lidar com isso e aumentar a absoro e aproveitamento desse conhecimento. claro que a maioria dos alunos adota estilos de trabalho como resumos, questionrios, leitura que mais se adequam a seu perfil. Porm existe uma maneira muito inteligente, profundamente discutida inclusive no meio acadmico e pode se tornar tambm uma ferramenta importante para estudantes de qualquer rea.No existe a maneira correta ou o jeito certo de se aprender pois os alunos possuem habilidades e percepes diferentes do mundo devido sua formao. Porm possvel utilizar tcnicas inteligentes para melhor uso dessa informao. Se aprende a tcnica, como utiliz-la e como ela funciona e depois cada pessoa, dentro de sua individualidade, se adapta e constri de forma nica sua forma de trabalho.O QUE SO MAPAS MENTAIS?Mapas de aprendizagem (Learning Maps) so uma forma diferente de se resumir e expressar informao. Foi originalmente idealizada por Tony Buzan e so conhecidos tambm por Mapas Mentais (Mind Maps), Mapas conceituais (Concept Maps), Teias (Webs).Nosso crebro funciona atravs de associaes, comparando, integrando e sintetizando informaes a medida que as recebe. Qualquer operao cerebral tem como regra dominante a associao a outras idias e conceitos. At mesmo as palavras, por mais abstratas e ininteligveis que sejam tem uma representao atravs de uma imagem para nossa mente e contm inmeros outros links (ligaes) para outras imagens e assim sucessivamente.Os mapas de aprendizagem desenvolvidos por Tony Buzan so uma forma muito eficiente de se fazer anotaes aproveitando dessa forma associativa e genealgica do crebro trabalhar. So muito teis para despertar a criatividade em torno de uma idia, ou seja, uma ferramenta eficaz de brainstorming.OBJETIVOSAo final desse treinamento voc ser capaz de:Trabalhar com mapas mentais para organizar informaoUtilizar mapas mentais para resumir informaoUtilizar o Freeplane para construir mapas mentais de forma profissionalEntender os conceitos de hierarquia das informaesSaber escolher as palavras-chave certas para construir os mapasUsar mapas mentais para planejar eventos ou projetosUtilizar a tcnica pomodoro para evitar a procrastinao e produzir maisQUAIS AS FONTES DESSE CURSO?Esse curso baseado em um treinamento presencial que foi ministrado vrias vezes para alunos de Sistemas de Informao e Administrao. O treinamento era feito em aproximadamente 4 horas e todo o contedo foi condensado nesse material gravado. So 2 horas de vdeos e aproximadamente 2 horas para realizao das atividades.Alm disso o curso acompanha tambm, claro, as referncias bibliogrficas e fontes consultadas. Acrescentei tambm exemplos reais de utilizao de mapas mentais para os mais diferentes fins, como por exemplo:Planejamento de reuniesPreparao de aulasAnotaes durante uma palestra, evento ou aulaResumos de livrosO CURSO TEM CERTIFICADO?Sim. Acompanha certificado de participao de 4 horas! O certificado registrado e pode ser verificado em nosso site!PARA QUE SERVE?Voc pode utilizar mapas de aprendizagem para:Estudar;Resumir qualquer matria de escola;Resumir um livro, texto ou captulo;Montar o esboo e a estrutura de uma pesquisa cientfica;Resumir uma aula ou palestra assistida de forma mais eficiente e sem perder tempo escrevendo pginas e pginas.Organizar idias antes de redigir;Preparar um discurso, pois voc pode ter tudo que vai falar em uma nica folha sem necessariamente ler, voc tem os tpicos relacionados entre si e as demais palavras se encaixam na medida em que voc fala;Organizar idias sobre qualquer assunto;Planejamento de um evento;Organizao Pessoal;Planejar uma reunio fazendo as relaes entre os assuntos a serem abordadosMontar seu plano de aula. Se voc professor pode montar o roteiro de sua aula usando mapas mentais facilitando seu trabalhoPlanejar uma pgina na Internet;E muitas outras coisas!UM RECADO PARA VOC!As ideias acima so sugestes de coisas que podem ser feitas utilizando mapas mentais. O objetivo do curso justamente despertar em voc a curiosidade e a vontade de conhecer uma forma eficiente de trabalho e organizao de informao.O que me levou a montar o presente treinamento justamente o fato de trabalhar com mapas mentais h mais de 20 anos e sempre que vou planejar algo eu utilizo mapas mentais pois ao mesmo tempo que tenho uma viso do todo em uma nica pgina ainda tenho de forma hierrquica e organizada as informaes.Experimente esse treinamento. Tenho certeza que voc ficar muito satisfeito com o que ir aprender!"
Price: 19.99

"How to draft confidentiality and non disclosure agreements" |
"A confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement is crucial for every entrepreneur or inventor with an innovative product or any person who needs to protect confidential information. Confidentiality agreements perform functions such as protecting sensitive technical or commercial information from disclosure to others. Secondly, the use of confidentiality agreements can prevent the forfeiture of valuable patent rights. Thirdly, confidentiality agreements define exactly what information can and cannot be disclosed. This course which contains video lectures and sample draft of confidentiality agreement teaches you how to draft and negotiate a confidentiality agreement and what are the essential clauses in a confidentiality agreement. Learn how to draft and negotiate confidentiality agreement in a very short time period potentially saving you a lot of time on lawyers fee. The draft agreement together with the lectures will give you a broad idea on drafting your own confidentiality or non disclosure agreement"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Word 2019 for All Levels + Job Guide" |
"WHAT STUDENTS THINK SO FAR!LANI GOUVEIA - Jed Guinto is a fantastic instructor. He is knowledgeable, professional, and easy to understand. His instructions are in-depth and his sense of humour made it fun to learnMOHSIN NAQVI - The instructor, Jed, is very knowledgeable and engaging with a great sense of humour.SAKIB CHOWDHURY - The instructor made it so easy that it really fits the label of the course. Loved the course and really loved Jed. Expecting more like it.WILLIAM WODDALL - Some people are just gifted with the ability to teach. This is one of those people. Thank you! Money well spent!!DONNA-LISA VALENCIA - Very easy to follow along and love the calm and compassion of his voice.Yu Hui Jun Yu - The courses are simply amazing and I can learn them rapidly. The hints presented were also very useful. I like the 'mini-lesson' format. Fast and efficient. The instructor's direction is very detailed and easy to understand. I can immediately start using this program. Thanks!Narayanan Krishnamoorthy - Perfect and to the point...the instructor doesnt waste time and gets to the point quickly!!Lala Darchinova - I've been looking for this kind of course for ages and finally Ive find it. Short, comprehensive and absolutely interesting! Thank you for the work you are doing.Spencer Berkman - Extremely knowledgeable and clear on instructions.E. Frank - Simple to learn techniques and instructor made it all really easy. Thank you!YOUR TRAINERHighest Rated Microsoft Word Course on Udemy! Over 800 Reviews!Over 124,000 Students!Over 8,000 student reviews!Over 1,000 YouTube Subscribers!Students enrolled from over 200 countries!WHAT YOULL LEARNIll cut to the chase. If youre reading this, its because you already know you need to learn this software. Be it for a new job, or youre looking to up skill, or most importantly, youre looking to impress a girl you just met! If its the last one, then youre in the wrong place because I already tried that! In this course Ill be teaching as much as I know about Microsoft Word. Ill break down everything Ive learned from over two decades of experience and share exactly how to do things. Ill go at a brisk pace so you can follow along. All you need is the software and you can come join the journey with me! Thats it! Maybe bring a donuts in case we need to carbo-load!HOW IS THIS COURSE DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS?Now Im not going to lie, there are a lot of Microsoft Word courses on Udemy and online. So how is this one different? Well, Ive taken a lot of those courses as Im constantly trying to up skill and learn something new. What bothers me about these courses is that after 5 hours, I can finally have all the core functions to get started. Lets be real. Not all of us have 5 hours to spend in order to just use the software. Im an impatient guy and I need to learn things quickly. Therefore, Ive designed this course as such. The first hour or so of the course is a quick start guide. Ill touch on the core functions ONLY so that after the first section, you can literally go to work and start creating documents. I dont want you to have to wait till the end.However, if you want to get to Mastery, I will also have for you a comprehensive Intermediate and Expert section for you to soak up. The idea being, these are supplementary training videos which will build on the core functions and truly make you a master. Ill be honest, I dont know everything. But what I do know Ill share.BONUS!Another defining factor about this course is the BONUS sections. Most other courses teach you functions whereas this course will teach you application. It will demonstrate to you how to take what youve learned and create and control a Thesis document, a Journal Paper, a Business Proposal, Resumes, Cover Letters and more. Most importantly, as someone who has interviewed for jobs and has interviewed others for jobs, Ill also teach you the process of job hunting and how to increase your chances of getting job. Ill share what interviewers look for in candidate and how you can use Microsoft Word to help you get there. Principles themselves are quite simple yet 90% of people dont do it. Which is why youll end up with the job and not them!"
Price: 19.99

"MS Outlook Training for Complete Beginners - 2 Minute Videos" |
"WHATS YOUR STORY?Are you a business professional needingto up-skill?Are you struggling to geta pay-rise and/or promotion?Are you a recent graduate with an empty looking resume and no job experience?Have you recently been laid off, fired or had a contract end?If you answered 'yes' to any of the above then having ExpertMicrosoft Office Skills will get you closer to your goal of either landing your first job, a new job or progressing further in your current role. Here's why.The job market has never been more volatile. Statistically, people are changing jobs more often now than they ever have before and that also means people are also losing jobs to newcomers who are far more skilled. So if youre not up-skilling, youre falling behind. Its scary I know. Ive experienced this myself.A study released by Microsoft and the IDC showed that among 14.6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2ndas the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. Microsoft Office proficiency ranked higher than Project Management skills, Sales Experience, Time Management, Analytical Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Work Ethics.This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlerswho process data faster, aremore data-organisedand cancommunicate effectively viadigital channels. Theseare skills everyone should have no matter the discipline because they are transferable skills. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term.This brings us back to Microsoft Office. It is the oldest, most well-known, most affordable and most trusted data management tool available and hence everyone uses it. So to be noticed and taken seriously in your job or job application, proficiency in these programs is compulsory.ONLINE TRAINING AND THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMSOne of the most common problems with online learning content is that there is so much of it now and its difficult to know where to start or who to turn to. Many go the YouTube route and piece together videos from hundreds of tutorials from hundreds of tutors hoping to become an expert at the end of it all. This simply wont happen and will just waste your time.Many take the route youre about to take, they decide to enrollin an online training course. Many charge hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for their courses which is simply unaffordable foruniversity students, recent graduates, the unemployed or those looking for a career change. That is the reason why I have decided to keep this course as low as possible even though Im offering substantiallymore content than most ofmy competitors here on Udemy.COURSE DELIVERY STYLEI have been using Microsoft Office for over 20 years. I know the ins and outs and the simplest ways of doing things. My delivery philosophy is simple, if I cant get a 6 year old to follow along and understand, than Im not teaching correctly. I hate complicated language and so do you. Nobody likes trainers who focus on impressing rather than teaching and giving value to students. That is also why my lecture videos are as short as can be and divided into small sections for easy consumption. So you wont get unnecessary chit chat or nonsense. I also assume that all my students are near-sighted and as such, I use a special software tool that allows me to draw on the screen to show exactly what Im about to press as well as zoom in on small areas so you dont miss a thing.WHAT YOULL LEARN IN THIS COURSEIf you're thinking ofstarting a business, working for a business, working in a team, working with others around the world digitallythen you need to know how to use Microsoft Outlook!Microsoft Outlook makes communicating so easy. It allows you tosend and receive emails, create appointments, organise meetings, receive and distribute filesand so much more!Let me walk you through how to get started on this amazing program. I'll explain to you thebasic interface, I'll show you how towrite emails, reply, delete, forward, attach filesand more! I'll show you how to create acontacts list, set reminders, arrange meetings, appointmentsas well as create your very owndigital signature!So come on in and let's have some fun!ABOUT MEMember of the Udemy CouncilCo-Founded Paperclip Learning which teaches Microsoft OfficeOver 60,000 studentsOver 130,000 enrollmentsOver 5,000 Positive ReviewsOver 20 courses on UdemyTeaching is my passion and my creative outlet. I have been using the Microsoft Office package since I was a child and have been using it consistently throughout my life. My teaching experiences span from teaching primary school students, high school students, university graduates and business professionals. Professionally, I am trained in Aerospace Engineering, Database Design and Business Analytics.TESTIMONIALSYu Hui Jun Yu -The courses are simply amazing and I can learn them rapidly. The hints presented were also very useful. I like the 'mini-lesson' format. Fast and efficient. The instructor's direction is very detailed and easy to understand. I can immediately start using this program. Thanks!Narayanan Krishnamoorthy -Perfect and to the point...the instructor doesnt waste time and gets to the point quickly!!Lala Darchinova -I've been looking for this kind of course for ages! And finally I find it. Short, comprehensive and absolutely interesting! Thank you for the work you are doing.Spencer Berkman -Extremely knowledgeable and clear on instructions.E Frank -Simple to learn techniques and instructor made it all really easy. Thank you!Parth Gandhi -I learned techniques in a very short time...no need to google and waste time finding the perfect approach"
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint for All Levels" |
"WHATS YOUR STORY? Are you a business professional needingto up-skill? Are you struggling to geta pay-rise and/or promotion? Are you a recent graduate with an empty looking resume and no job experience? Have you recently been laid off, fired or had a contract end? If you answered 'yes' to any of the above then having ExpertMicrosoft Office Skills will get you closer to your goal of either landing your first job, a new job or progressing further in your current role. Here's why.The job market has never been more volatile. Statistically, people are changing jobs more often now than they ever have before and that also means people are also losing jobs to newcomers who are far more skilled. So if youre not up-skilling, youre falling behind. Its scary I know. Ive experienced this myself. A study released by Microsoft and the IDC showed that among 14.6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2ndas the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. Microsoft Office proficiency ranked higher than Project Management skills, Sales Experience, Time Management, Analytical Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Work Ethics. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlerswho process data faster, aremore data-organisedand cancommunicate effectively viadigital channels. Theseare skills everyone should have no matter the discipline because they are transferable skills. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term.This brings us back to Microsoft Office. It is the oldest, most well-known, most affordable and most trusted data management tool available and hence everyone uses it. So to be noticed and taken seriously in your job or job application, proficiency in these programs is compulsory. ONLINE TRAINING AND THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS One of the most common problems with online learning content is that there is so much of it now and its difficult to know where to start or who to turn to. Many go the YouTube route and piece together videos from hundreds of tutorials from hundreds of tutors hoping to become an expert at the end of it all. This simply wont happen and will just waste your time.Many take the route youre about to take, they decide to enrollin an online training course. Many charge hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for their courses which is simply unaffordable foruniversity students, recent graduates, the unemployed or those looking for a career change. That is the reason why I have decided to keep this course as low as possible even though Im offering substantiallymore content than most ofmy competitors here on Udemy. COURSE DELIVERY STYLE I have been using Microsoft Office for over 20 years. I know the ins and outs and the simplest ways of doing things. My delivery philosophy is simple, if I cant get a 6 year old to follow along and understand, than Im not teaching correctly. I hate complicated language and so do you. Nobody likes trainers who focus on impressing rather than teaching and giving value to students. That is also why my lecture videos are as short as can be and divided into small sections for easy consumption. So you wont get unnecessary chit chat or nonsense. I also assume that all my students are near-sighted and as such, I use a special software tool that allows me to draw on the screen to show exactly what Im about to press as well as zoom in on small areas so you dont miss a thing. WHAT YOULL LEARN IN THIS COURSE I built this course so that you can immediately use PowerPoint once you finish the first section. It contains all the basic elements you need to build and present your presentation. Following that section, each section will get progressively harder until you become an expert. I will show you: All basic elements of PowerPoint slide design Image Control and Manipulation, Artistic Effects, Shapes and SmartArt How to help yourself when you encounter a specific problem Standard Printing, PDF Printing Options, Email and Sharing Quick Access Toolbar Setup, Productivity Techniques and Keyboard Shortcuts Slides Transitions, Object Animations and Complete Effect Customization Post Review Functions including Spell Checking, Thesaurus, Researching, Window Duplication and Password Protection Protocols Video Uploading from your Computer and YouTube, Video Trimming, Audio Recordings and Screen Casting Presentations Dos and Donts which teaches you Slide Design and Structure, Sequencing, Logistics and Communication Tips Table Design, Object Linking and Excel Connections Complete Chart Design including Elements, Styling and Control Header and Footer Design for Document Tracking Master Views for Template Control And much more ABOUT ME Member of the Udemy Council Co-Founded Paperclip Learning which teaches Microsoft Office Over 60,000 students and over 17,000 students for this course alone Over 130,000 enrollments Over 5,000 Positive Reviews and over 1,000 Reviews for this course Over 20 courses on Udemy Teaching is my passion and my creative outlet. I have been using the Microsoft Office package since I was a child and have been using it consistently throughout my life. My teaching experiences span from teaching primary school students, high school students, university graduates and business professionals. Professionally, I am trained in Aerospace Engineering, Database Design and Business Analytics. TESTIMONIALS Yu Hui Jun Yu - The courses are simply amazing and I can learn them rapidly. The hints presented were also very useful. I like the 'mini-lesson' format. Fast and efficient. The instructor's direction is very detailed and easy to understand. I can immediately start using this program. Thanks! Narayanan Krishnamoorthy - Perfect and to the point...the instructor doesnt waste time and gets to the point quickly!! Lala Darchinova - I've been looking for this kind of course for ages! And finally I find it. Short, comprehensive and absolutely interesting! Thank you for the work you are doing. Spencer Berkman - Extremely knowledgeable and clear on instructions. E Frank - Simple to learn techniques and instructor made it all really easy. Thank you! Parth Gandhi - I learned techniques in a very short time...no need to google and waste time finding the perfect approach."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Creative Writing: Getting Started" |
"Welcome to the Introduction to Creative Writing Series. This is the very first course, Getting Started. If youre new to Creative Writing or want to write stories but are unsure of where to start, then this is the course for you. Even if you are a regular writer with some core background knowledge, you may gain new insights about yourself as a writer, and youll definitely feel inspired by the writing exercises. In this course, you will learn about: The Reasons Writers have for Not Writing The Writing Process: Prewriting & Drafting Tools for the Writing Process Elements of Creative Writing: Character, Plot, Point of View, and Setting This course is accompanied by a downloadable Getting Started Journal where you will be able to complete writing exercises to stimulate your creativity. Additionally, every student will have access to the Love Notes & Help Notes Workshop where you will have the chance to anonymously submit writing for an in-depth review."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing to Grow Your Business" |
"Today your business success is largely dependent on your online presence. In fact, 86% of consumers will use the information they find online to help them decide what to purchase and who to purchase it from. Business owners are left without practical answers to questions such as: Can our customers find us? Does our website encourage visitors to contact us? What social media platforms should we be using? How do we attract new customers? From restaurants to plumbers doctors to retail, no business can expect to succeed while doing a poor job marketing themselves. But where do business owners turn to discover the secrets of the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing? Thats where Digital Brand Makeover comes in. This Udemy training program covers everything you need to make sure your business is winning the online game. With 47 video sessions, this in-depth course contains the combined marketing expertise that the DBrand team has gained while working with their broad and diverse range of clients. Companies just like yours! Hosted by our chief strategist, Travis Matheny, this A to Z course will teach you all you need to know about web design, social media marketing, search engine optimization and everything in between. Not only will you learn basic and advanced techniques, you will be equipped to know when to to do it yourself and when to hire. Here is what this course includes: The Blueprint - This course starts at ground zero and gives you a full orientation to everything you need to know to maximize your online presence. Getting Started - Our team walks you step by step to develop a custom strategy for your business. Why try every strategy when you can do the one that will work for you! Going Deeper - Things are heating up. You will learn how people find your business and what makes them want to call or buy! The Big One - Lets get social. This course takes you through every major social media network and what you can do to drive real bottom line results with social media. Make it Happen - Now our team gets practical and shows you how to setup and maintain all that you need to make a huge impact. DBrand takes their proven strategies and breaks them down step by step so that you get the results you need - now! Get started today!"
Price: 29.99

"SLAPbootcamp- create an Action Plan to grow your small biz" |
"Are you a small business owner with revenues between $100K and $2M? Bootstrapped and owner operated? Tired of feeling like it is really hard to grow your company? Always wishing you had more time and more money? Too busy to really think strategically about how to grow?If you are, then this course has been built for you! SLAPbootcamp will help you set a realistic 1 year financial goal (for sales and profit), identify your ideal client, define the best business development strategies, and build an Action Plan to hit your sales goals. This is not a business plan, a marketing plan, a sales plan, or a lead gen plan. No more fancy strategic plans that stay in a drawer gathering dust. SLAPbootcamp will help you figure out the best way to grow your business, and create an Action Plan to acquire new customers and stay focused over the next year."
Price: 49.99

"Pressearbeit fr glckliche Einzelunternehmer" |
"Der erfahrene Kommunikationsberater Guido Augustin zeigt die Wesenszge der Pressearbeit auf:ThemenfindungVerteileraufbau und -pflegeAnsprache der Journalistenwas Sie unbedingt tun solltenwas auf jeden Fall vermeiden solltenwie Sie Journalisten zu Ihren Verbndeten machenwie Sie sich lebenslange Feinde machenDer Journalist entscheidet, was in die Zeitung, ins Radio, ins Fernsehen, was in Online-Portale kommt. Weil Unternehmen, Vereine, Verbnde, Verwaltung, Politiker und andere sendungsbewusste Einzelpersonen dies wissen, werden verantwortliche Journalisten mit Information berhuft. Die Auslese ist hart, nicht alle Informationen werden zu News. Dabei neigen unglcklicherweise vor allem Einzelunternehmer dazu, die klassische Pressearbeit zu vernachlssigen - oder besser: Sie verkennen die enorme Reichweite und damit segensreiche Wirkung erfolgreicher Pressearbeit. Das ist oft gut nachvollziehbar, denn gerade als Solopreneur schlagen schnell die Wellen ber einem zusammen ... In diesem kurzweiligen Online-Kurs lernen Sie, Journalisten zu verstehen und mit ihnen artgerecht umzugehen. Dadurch sollte es Ihnen in Zukunft sehr viel leichter fallen, Kontakt zu Medien aufzunehmen und vertrauensvolle Beziehungen zu etablieren."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Construct2 - Como criar um jogo de plataforma 2D" |
"Aprenda Construct2 - Como criar um jogo de plataforma 2DEsse um curso completo de como criar um jogo de plataforma 2D. Esse curso feito especialmente para iniciantes, ou seja, no necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio em alguma linguagem de programao. Tudo que voc estiver assistindo nos vdeos ser compartilhado com voc por meio de links para download como os grficos e cdigos necessrios para publicar o jogo.Esse no um curso terico cheio de ideias abstratas, mas sim um curso passo-a-passo do incio ao fim de como criar um jogo de plataforma 2D. A explicao de cada aula cuidadosamente detalhada para que voc possa entender tudo o que est assistindo.Esse curso excelente para quem est comeando agora com o desenvolvimento de jogos para web, PC ou mobile. Ilustra perfeitamente como a ferramenta Construct2 poder ser usada para criar qualquer tipo de jogo 2D.O curso baseado em um projeto real em que voc ter a oportunidade de criar exatamente o que est assistindo. Os vdeos no tm nada obscuro ou que foram pr-gravados onde coisas foram feitas de antemo.Ao final do curso voc ter toda a base necessria para criar um jogo de plataforma, public-lo na internet e ganhar dinheiro com o jogo. Potencialmente ao aprender a utilizar o Construct2, voc poder criar qualquer jogo 2D que tiver em mente.No total o curso tem 7 horas de durao. Se voc tiver tempo livre poder fazer o curso do incio ao fim em um fim de semana tranquilo.Vantagens de se tornar um aluno Acesso vitalcio ao curso: assista quando e quantas vezes quiser.Download dos vdeos: atravs dos Apps Udemy para Android/iOS voc pode fazer download dos vdeos e assisti-los offline.Certificado reconhecido: a Udemy oferece certificao de concluso do curso, especificando o curso e a carga horria realizada."
Price: 19.99

"The Joy of Bootstrap-- Build awesome web pages the easy way" |
"Learn to build awesome browser applications that automatically adjust to mobile devices, even if you've never heard of Bootstrap before Do you want to build browser applications that make people say "wow!" when they see it? Of course you do! I do too. How about apps that look great on a mobile device and size automatically for different screens? Yep, I want that too. :) Based on the (included) Amazon Best-Seller 'The Joy of Bootstrap' this course steps you from knowing nothing about Bootstrap to understanding its full potential. The course includes the full text of the book plus each chapter gets its own presentation and sample code. The goal of this course is to launch you into the subject as quickly as possible and to empower you with the basics right away. Experiment with the code on the Companion Web Site The course comes has tons of Bootstrap example source code which you can tweak and play with. It's all available at the companion website where you can even edit the code without downloading it. (Go ahead, try it now!) The course will walk you through all the hard code and explain how it works. Even better, Udemy offers a 30 day guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by signing up right now. This is the Bootstrap course for you.... The modules are grouped into easy, logical concepts that work together but still stand on their own. Presenting the book as a Udemy course makes Bootstrap even easier to understand and faster to learn. Every lecture was obsessively edited for clarity. I write in a fun, conversational style that makes technical topics approachable for beginners. When it makes sense I build on early concepts to take you into progressively more advanced (cool) topics and exercises. We'll also continue to use the successful metaphor of "Sam's Used Cars", a fictional web site that gives you a context in which to learn along. You'll take a plain and boring HTML website and bring it to life with Bootstrap. Wondering what Bootstrap is? Bootstrap is a framework that makes front-end web development faster and easier. A couple of guys at Twitter invented it and later made it open source. Other people have joined in and it is now in it's third major release. Bootstrap 3 is good for people of all skill levels, devices of all shapes, and projects of all sizes."
Price: 19.99

"Overcome Negative Thinking with The K.A.S.S. System!" |
"Note from instructor: Regular price of this course has been reduced for the colder months. Price was $60 and now it is just $44! This is the time of the year that depression is its highest, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is setting in. Get the course for the best price of the year, just when you need it most! We are going to focus on those natural human biases that plague your thinking, and that prevent you from reaching your goals. Maybe you are just tired of being stagnant, you are annoyed that when you look back on the previous year, you see yourself making the same mistakes over and over again. Maybe it makes you sad, angry, frustrated, and left thinking that nothing is going to change. I am going to show you why you keep making these mistakes; we are going to discuss why these natural motivational inhibitors exist, and you are going to discover strategies and plans to overcome this negative thinking. Essentially, this course follows the paradigm that I have created which is called, the K.A.S.S. System. I am going to give you the Knowledge, so you can take the Action, after we develop a Strategy, so you can reach Success you want in your life. KASS = Knowledge Action Strategy Success! The important thing to consider is that if you don't take action now, if you choose to let your negative thinking get the best of you, you are going to be sitting here a year from now, wishing you would have simply taken a course to learn more about how your brain works. My background is in cognitive neuroscience, which is the study of how the brain works at the most complex levels.I have the knowledge and experience you need to get you the strategies that are necessary to overcome the self-defeating voice in your head. So, what are you waiting for? Class is starting!"
Price: 24.99

"Click and Learn Marketing Essentials" |
"I'm Eric Spellmann. I speak at a number of national conferences on marketing techniques for small businesses, and my online videos on the subject have been watched hundreds of thousands of times. My viewers and fans have begged me to create an online course containing the best of the best of my marketing tips. So, here it is! If you don't know the first thing about marketing and how it can explode your sales, this course is for you. If you're looking for surefire marketing techniques you can instantly plug into your business, this course is for you. So, what are you waiting for? Put your sales into overdrive by taking this course!"
Price: 74.99

"Pixelmator - Create Vector Graphics From Scratch" |
"Learning to create vector icons, logos, user interfaces, buttons, and more is a growing trend for both the web and mobile devices. This course focuses on abstract and flat-design techniques using Pixelmator's Shapes. Shapes allow you create icons, glyphs, logos, posters, and more in a vector format that is scalable without losing image quality at any size. Once a Shape is created, you can reuse it allowing you to never re-create that shape from scratch again. This course is taught in a relaxed, conversational, unscripted style. Recorded to capture what it is like to hear a designer's thoughts as the designing unfolds. No slides, PowerPoint presentations, or scripts are used. The course is lean, trimmed, and fast-paced but you can still learn at your own pace. The lessons are taught in Pixelmator and the techniques and tools used are presented as you need to know them. By the end of the course you will have the knowledge to create your own Shapes from scratch using Pixelmator. You will also understand the process to create and deliver icons, logos, posters, user interfaces, buttons, and more. Plus over 60 Pixelmator Shapes included. Techniques and topics covered include: Vector vs. bitmap graphics Working with Pixelmator Shapes Style attributes that add details to Shapes created in Pixelmator Editing Shapes using nodes and handles Using existing Shapes to create custom shapes Building complex Shapes Implement the latest design trends in flat-design Applying masks and clipping masks to Shapes in Pixelmator Organizing and ordering layers Applying gradients and color palettes to Shapes Saving Shapes to the Shapes palette to reuse or share with others Working with Text in PixelmatorIncludes instruction on Pixelmator's Pen Tool and Freeform Pen ToolLesson on how to utilize the Effects Browser Converting Fonts to Shapes to create custom typography and Shapes Just-in-time-learning to not overwhelm the student with Pixelmator's many features And a lot more tips, keyboard shortcuts, and tricks along the wayOver 100 Pixelmator Shapes will be added to the course throughout the year!"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced CSS Development" |
"This course covers intermediate / advanced topics in CSS and front-end performance. Well first take a look at how to improve the performance of our applications several techniques, like optimizing our images or minifying our CSS and Javascript files. Well also take a look at responsive web design, which is a big topic in the industry and allows us to target our websites for multiple devices, like phones and tablets, as well as desktop computers, without having to create multiple versions of the same site. Finally, well take a look at SASS, or syntactically awesome stylesheets, which are another way to write CSS. Its a CSS preprocessor. So what well be doing is writing our code in SASS and then compiling it into CSS. Course Includes: 17 videos with over 70 minutes of lectures and explanations. 5 external resource files. 2 exercises to help you become proficient with advanced CSS techniques. What You'll Learn: Front End Performance SASS: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets Integrating SASS with Your Project Responsive Web Design Media Queries gallery Progressive Enhancement with Modernizr Bootstrap Front-End Framework And More!"
Price: 54.99

"Intermediate JavaScript Development" |
"In this course we'll be expanding our JavaScript knowledge. In the Introduction to JavaScript Development course we covered the foundational components and basic object primitives, so now we'll examine arrays and objects and functions and for loops. Well also take a look at scope and context in order to improve our ability in writing functions themselves. Finally, well examine built-in functionality that browsers give us for primitive types like arrays and strings. Course Includes: 30 videos with over 90 minutes of lecture 4 external resource files 7 exercises to help you master intermediate JavaScript concepts What You'll Learn: Scaffolding Yeoman Arrays For Loops Objects Functions Named Function Callbacks Scope Pure vs Impure Functions Context (this) String Methods Array Methods Additional Resources Exercises And Much More!"
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to jQuery" |
"In this course we cover the basics of jQuery including effects, manipulation, dynamic creation of elements, and interaction events. While Javascript is a very powerful language, we often have to write a lot of boilerplate code to work with different browsers. jQuery abstracts some of that logic away from us, so that we have more utilitarian functions that we can work with. Essentially, its a library that boosts Javascript front-end development. Well explore jQuery to add and remove elements from the Document Object Model (DOM), well look at event handling, and look at some other techniques that jQuery allows us to use that will make our development a bit easier. Course Includes: 28 videos with over 80 minutes of lectures and explanations. 6 external resource files. 9 exercises to help you master jQuery concepts. What You'll Learn: What is jQuery? Basic Selectors Caching Selectors Method Chaining Effects Polymorphism in jQuery Manipulating Elements Animation Class Manipulation [add, remove, and toggle class] Editing Contents DOM Creation Adding new elements [append, prepend, before] Cloning elements Removing elements Creating with $ Handlebars Templating Setting up Handlebars Using variables Reusing Templates Helpers Events Event delegation DOM Traversal Additional Resources Exercises And More!"
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to Unit Testing" |
"Testing and debugging are places where developers spend a lot of their time. Code doesnt always perform as expected and, with complex applications, its very easy to break code with minor changes. Unit tests and test-driven-development exist to help us manage expectations of our functionality and to ensure that other developers working on our code are aware when a change they made affects already existing functionality. This is very important when working on large projects with many collaborators as well as small projects with few developers. Well be pre-writing tests in code that we can run whenever we make updates to our application. This will ensure that no new logic breaks old logic, and that we are certain that our programs are executing properly when given different inputs. Course Includes: 11 videos with over 90 minutes of lectures and explanations. 1 external resource file. 4 exercises to help you master testing concepts. What You'll Learn: What is Unit Testing? Test driven development Using Assert Jasmine testing framework Additional Resources Exercises And More!"
Price: 34.99

"Advanced JavaScript Development" |
"In this course we'll examine advanced techniques in JavaScript. Well first look at the difference between statements and expressions and how functional programming can improve the way that we write code. Well also look at Underscore, which is a library for providing utility, functional methods for us to use in our applications. Well also cover object-oriented programming in JavaScript. Well cover different ways to create classes and how to utilize them in our applications in JavaScript. Finally, well take a look at some of the different debugging techniques and tactics that we can use to help minimize the amount of time we spend debugging our applications. Lets get started. Course Includes: 21 videos with over 60 minutes of lectures and explanations. 5 external resource files. 11 exercises to help you master advanced JavaScript concepts and techniques. What You'll Learn: Statements vs. Expressions If vs Ternary Functional Programming Map Filter Underscore Debugging Phases Strategies Tips Tools Prevent Object Oriented JavaScript Inheritance Additionaln Exercises And More!"
Price: 54.99

"Introduction to Node.js Development" |
"Node is an implementation of the Chrome JS runtime that can be run on the server. This means we can write fast, asynchronous code in Javascript to power our websites on both the client side and the server side. In this course, well cover the basics of creating a server using Node, moving onto a useful framework called Express, looking at server-side templating, and deploying our application on Heroku. Well also cover the basics of the MV* architectures. Course Includes: 17 videos with over 78 minutes of lectures and explanations. 6 external resource files. 7 exercises to help you master introductory Node concepts. What You'll Learn: Introduction to Node Client vs Server Running Node Modules Git Ignore Node Server Using the Express Framework Nodemon Using Jade Templating Model View Controller (MVC) Deploying to the Web Heroku Additional Resources Exercises And More!"
Price: 54.99

"Working with MongoDB" |
"When working with server-side code, its very important to be able to persist data across the site. Databases exist to help solve this problem by providing easy ways to integrate and store data. Well be looking at MongoDB, one of the leading NoSQL database systems. By storing data as JSON (Javascript Object Notation) objects, integration with NodeJS is very easy! We'll cover how to implement MongoDB and work with the different systems that they provide and then well start integrating it with our Node applications by using Mongoose, a library that has been built specifically for interacting with MongoDB. Course Includes: 8 videos with over 40 minutes of lectures and explanations. 3 external resource files. 2 exercises to help you master MongoDB concepts. What You'll Learn: Setting Up MongoDB in Command Line Getting Started with Mongoose in Node Integrating with a Form Advanced Mongoose Instance Methods Additional Resources Exercises And More!"
Price: 54.99

"Advanced Node.js Development" |
"In this course we'll examine advanced topics in NodeJS. The first thing well look at is AJAX, or Asynchronous Javascript and XML, but we wont really be using the XML part, well be using JSON instead. This will allow us communicate between the client and the server without having to have a full page refresh, which can be kind of jarring for our users. Well also take a look at some client-side Model-View-Controller (MVC) using BackboneJS. This is a way to help organize and maintain our client-side code as our application gets larger. Finally, well take a look at implementing user authentication in our applications using PassportJS, the library thats been built to help us write our application logic for authentication a little bit easier. Well look at implementing a local strategy for username, email, and password and storing the data ourselves. Well also take a look at some third-party implementations such as Facebook and Twitter. Lets take a look. Course Includes: 40 videos with over 175 minutes of lectures and explanations. 3 external resource files. 3 exercises to help you master Advanced Node concepts. What You'll Learn: AJAX with jQuery Setting up the Project Sending and receiving data Client-side MVC with Backbone Creating a blog with Backbone, Express, and MongoDB Scaffolding the project Setting up Backbone Models Testing the models Adding a post view Setting up the blog view Wiring it up to the page Setting up the server Connecting to the Database Adding new posts Deleting posts Bootstrapping data Local User Authentication with Passport Scaffolding the project Creating the user model Connecting to the database Encrypting passwords Comparing passwords after encryption Setting up the login form Hooking up the form Print out the logged-in user Setting up private routes User logout Facebook User Authentication with Passport Additional Resources Exercises And More!"
Price: 54.99

"Advanced Backend Web Development" |
"In this course we examine several technologies. The first is Grunt. Grunt is a task runner which is a way for us to implement a build system to handle writing our code in different languages, preprocessing, minifying our code, and doing unit testing -- all automated. Well also take a look at Coffeescript, which is a preprocessor for Javascript. It follows a lot of similar structures to Python and is very, very popular. Finally, well discuss Sockets. Sockets are a way for us to open a constant connection between the server and the client. Normally when you make a request, the request goes up and then comes down with the data. With a socket, that request goes up and stays open, allowing the server to send data whenever it wants and the client to send data whenever it wants. So, we can make real time applications using sockets and well take a look at how to implement a very simple system using socket IO. Course Includes: 16 videos with over 50 minutes of lectures and explanations. 6 external resource files. 1 exercise to help you master advanced backend web development concepts. What You'll Learn: Introduction to Grunt Setting up Grunt with css-min Uglify JS files Setting up custom tasks Watching files Basics of CoffeeScript If Statements Ternary Loops Comments, Strings, and Interpolation Introduction to Sockets Scaffolding the project Setting up Sockets Communicating between connections Additional Resources Exercises And More!"
Price: 54.99

"Work From Home as a Virtual Assistant" |
"Thanks to online technology, working from home is a real possibility. With the growing numbers of entrepreneurs working from home, the demand for individuals who can provide administrative support virtually via those same technologies has grown as well. Starting your own virtual assistant business is easy, but starting a successful virtual assistant business requires a bit more. This course is designed to give you the edge, sharing processes proven to help build a successful virtual assistant business."
Price: 49.99

"Business Website for Beginners and Solopreneurs" |
"This course will go up to $129 on January 7th. Don't miss out on one of Udemy's most popular courses. Over 2000 successful students have taken this course! Sign up today with no risk: 30 day money back guarantee, my promise to you that you will be satisfied with this course. My friend Stuart wanted to set up a website to sell a face-to-face course he was running. He's a bright guy but he's never really done website and asked me if I could help. Of course I said yes, and the next day he'd already made several hundred dollars in sales. Nothing involved in making the site was difficult or complicated. It looks great and takes payments using Paypal, is easy to maintain and we can use Google Analytics to see how many people are visiting and where they've come from. I challenge you to make your first sale today. If you have a couple of hours to work through this course you will have your website up and running. A little bit of promotion on Facebook or Reddit and you can have the cost of this course paid off by the end of the day. No coding knowledge or skills needed; just the ability to copy and paste. About this course: Over 2,000 very happy students Tons of 5 Star Reviews from satisfied students Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee Direct support; if you have any problems you can contact me direct In this course you will learn how to make a complete web presence without writing code. Your site will include A completely customised sales landing page with images, texts, feature bubbles and image carousel to entice buyers eCommerce through Paypal to accept payment for your product or service straight away Google Analytics to know exactly who is visiting and converting Mailchimp for mailing lists to build your brand following and increase future purchases Google apps for business or Zoho mail for professional email and app solution Wordpress blog to provide fresh material to your customers and increase backlinks/SEO And you will have all of this up in less than 3 hours! This course is built for entrepreneurs who aren't developers. Maybe you've just had a great idea you want to test out, or you want to sell your first eBook. Maybe you've got an event coming up you want to promote. I will give you the skills to experiment with product/service ideas quickly by being able to throw websites up in less than an hour. "Sam has a knack for boiling things down to their simplest levels. He makes the whole process, which could be very daunting, simple. The step by step instructions make it easy to set up a really professional looking website with its own domain and corresponding email addresses and ecommerce ability in no time. It really gives your business, hobby, club or just family online presence a polished look that a me@gmail.com address or service based website can't. For the price this course is a steal and will be the best money you have spent in a long time." 5* "Sam makes it all super easy to understand with clear walkthroughs. Perfectly suited to beginner website developer enthusiasts, and a few good tips for more intermediate people (like myself) as well!" 5 * You have a 30 day money back guarantee when you buy this course. In that time you can go through the entire course and earn the cost back several times over. If you aren't satisfied, get a full refund: no questions asked. Hit the "buy" button now!"
Price: 19.99

"Finance for Non Finance Executives" |
"Are you a Non Finance Executive struggling to understand Financial matters ? Are you interested in understanding accounting and financial matters revolving around Sales, Purchases, Asset Acquisitions, Fund raising, so you can take better decisions in your organisation? Are you aware that Ignorance in Finance Management will turn out to be a costly affair and business may not even exist to repent about it? Then this course is for you - Finance for Non Finance Executives.Why you should take this course?Every decision in an organization revolves around Finance. If you are an entrepreneur, its crucial that you have knowledge of Financial Matters to manage your business effectively.If you are head of a department like Production / Purchases / Sales, etc and if you aspire to grow in your hierarchy, financial knowledge is must. What you will learn by taking this course?By taking this course, you will be exposed toSec 1 - Why Finance for Non Finance ExecutivesSec 2 - Financial Statements making process - uses and implicationsSec 3 -Financial Management Techniques for survival and growthSec 4 - Financial Analysis through RatiosSec 5 - Fund Flow Analysis for analysing Survival / Failure / Growth of BusinessSec 6 - Cash Flow Analysis - Like Oxygen MovementSec 7 - More about Accounting - Be clear on all accounting termsSec 8 - Management Accounting - OverviewSec 9 - Balance Sheet Reading Skills - Why it is important?Sec 10 - Time Value of Money - Money has time value?Sec 11 - How Business financing decisions should be taken?Sec 12 - How cost structure influences profit?Sec 13 - Types of FinancingSec 14 - Capital Structuring Decisions for your BusinessSec 15 - What is Break Even and why it is very crucial?Sec 16 - Bank Loan for Business - related aspects. Sec 17 - How Bank's appraise Term LoansSec 18 - Why Working Capital Management is Important?Sec 19 - How to prepare Project Report for Bank LoansSec 20 - How Investment Decisions should be taken?Sec 21 - Overview of Cost AccountingSec 22 - On Demand Videos for clarifying doubtsSec 23 - Overview of AuditingHow this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section of this course is broken down as various micro lectures. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book / Talking head, etc). What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process - You can approach this course with fresh mind.How this course will benefit you? This course will open up the logic behind need for 'Effective Finance Management for Organizational Betterment'."
Price: 199.99

"Banking Credit Analysis Process (for Bankers)" |
"Are you struggling in understanding banking credit related matters like Financial Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow and Fund Flow Analysis, Working Capital Assessment and products like Cash Credit, Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantee, Buyers Credit, Term Loan appraisal covering Debt Equity Analysis, DSCR, FOIR, etc.? Are you a Finance Professional working on Project Funding for your clients? Are you finding it difficult to write down a comprehensive loan proposal? Are you a Banker aspiring to rise to top in your career? Then this course is for you - Banking Credit Analysis Process.Why you should take this course?Credit Analysis is the core process adopted by any Bank to understand, evaluate and appreciate about the Customers Identity, Integrity, Financial Position, - Repayment Capacity, Etc. Every Banker should be thorough with Credit Analysis Process because day in day out they have to deal with new customers and before sanctioning any new loans to them, Banker should have made detailed study of their customers.No Banker can raise to top unless he becomes conversant with Credit Analysis Process. Bank would generally throw employees on to the job before they get opportunity to be trained. This is with more specific reference to Credit Analysis where Bankers should under detailed learning process, else their mistakes in the process will be Very Costly beyond their manageable Position.Hence, this course will provide platform to Bankers to have fall back reference on the Critical Aspects of Credit Analysis Process. Banking/ Management Consultants can also use this course for the equipping themselves to the expectations of the Bankers while handling Credit Proposals. By taking this course, you will be able to Write Bank Loan Proposals with better clarity and confidence.You will understand various technical matters written in Bank Loan Proposals.What you will learn by taking this course?By taking this course, you will be exposed toSec 1 - Introduction to Credit AnalysisSec 2 - Financial Statements reading skillSec 3 - How to write Loan Proposal - IntroductionSec 4 - Financial Ratio AnalysisSec 5 - Performance and Financial Indicators Analysis in Loan ProposalSec 6 - Fund Flow Analysis for Identifying Diversion of FundsSec 7 - Cash Flow Analysis for Understanding Cash Generation and MovementSec 8 - Inter-firm Comparison, Internal & External Rating and Review of Conduct of AccountsSec 9 - Review of Audit Reports, Compliances, Contingencies and Risk FactorsSec 10 - Finer Pricing, Review of Defaulters List & Loan PolichySec 11 - Types of Business LoansSec 12 - Working CapitalSec 13 - Cash CreditSec 14 - Non Fund Based Credit FacilitiesSec 15 - Letter of CreditSec 16 - Bank GuaranteeSec 17 - Project ReportSec 18 - Term Loan AppraisalSec 19 - DSCR & FOIR Computation in Term LoanSec 20 - Break Even AnalysisSec 21 - Sensitivity AnalysisSec 22 - Credit RatingSec 23 - Credit ScoringSec 24 - Key Analysis by BankersSec 25 - Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR)Sec 26 - Export CreditSec 27 - Terms of Payment in Export TransactionsSec 28 - Export FinanceSec 29 - CMA (Credit Monitoring Arrangement)Sec 30 - Computerised Accounting SystemSec 31 - Banking OperationsSec 32 - Operational Aspects of KYCSec 33 - Loan AccountsSec 34 - QuizSec 35 - Import FinanceSec 36- Other Banking Products How this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section of this course is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case studies. Several real world examples are used in this course through case studies. You'll gain authority on each and every topic as i take you through lectures one by one. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book / Talking head, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class. What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process - You can approach this course with fresh mind.How this course will benefit you?At the end of the course, you will be able to approach credit related matters in your bank with high level of confidence and solve real life problems at ease."
Price: 199.99
