"Sayezz Pilates Self-Practice Guide to Mat FUNdamentals" |
"Looking for a simple way to integrate fitness into your every day and to build strength, flexibility, balance and flow into all that you do? This FUNdamentals Pilates course is designed to give you the tools to begin your fitness goals the fun, effective Pilates way.What's included in this course:Over 2 hours of HD video workouts and lectures.A Wellness & Self-Care manual to get you started.An Action Plan to help you sustain your Pilates habit after you finish the course.A detailed Sayezz Workbook explaining Pilates history, principles, basic anatomy and outlining the FUNdamental exercises.Mastering the FUNdamentals is key to opening up the world of Pilates to your mind, body and spirit, and when you are finished here, there is another course in this series, the Level 1 & 2 Self-Practice Guide to Mat. I look forward to joining you on your journey to integrating strength, balance, awareness and flow into your every day."
Price: 24.99

"Sayezz Pilates Self-Practice Guide to Mat Fitness Level 1&2" |
"Hi! I'm Stephanie Yezek Jolivet, the owner of Sayezz Pilates & Beyond, a contemporary approach to Pilates, with over 20 years of movement experience not only teaching and practicing Pilates but dancing professionally, playing Division I lacrosse, training in competitive gymnastics and simply put, being an all-around movement addict (my most recent addiction is Tai Chi!)! I want you to live pain-free and integrate fitness in simple ways into your every day, so in this course, I invite you to build on the strength, awareness and balance developed in my Sweet Sixteen Fundamentals course. You begin by taking a look at what mind/body work and its principles mean to you, which will inform and perhaps surprise you. Then you move on to review your overall wellness and take note of it by filling out a Wellness Log for 7 consecutive days. Then you review the principles of Sayezz Pilates and basic anatomy, adding some new terminology and ideas to the latter. And of course, I will guide you through all the Level 1 AND Level 2 exercises, Tidbit choreography and give you an Action Plan to help integrate both into your every day so that you have something tangible to take away with and continue to practice after you finish the course. I want you to be successful in your health and fitness goals, so I give you all this in the hopes that you will be more ready to integrate awareness, fitness and healthy practices into your daily life. Plus, there's my "Big 10" principles of Sayezz Pilates in the back of my mind during each of the 14 lectures: 1) harmony of mind, body and spirit; 2) increased focus; 3) stability as the gateway to mobility; 4) owning our unique and beautiful imbalances; 5) deeper breath control; 6) strength within anatomical alignment; 7) strength through opposition; 8) every movement counts no matter how large or small; 9) movement in all planes; 10) flow through choreography. The long, lean muscles are icing on the cake! All materials are 2014 Sayezz Pilates & Beyond."
Price: 24.99

"Matrices en matemticas para bachillerato" |
"Si ests en bachillerato y has de empezar a trabajar con matrices y ni siquiera sabes lo que son, o si ya viste algo pero ahora necesitas reforzar conceptos, este es tu curso. Aqu aprenders que es una matriz, realizars operaciones bsicas con matrices, calculars el rango y la inversa de una matriz y aplicars matrices en la resolucin de problemas. El curso contiene explicaciones tericas y tambin ejercicios prcticos, todo ello a nivel de bachillerato (preuniversitario). El curso incluye ms de 30 vdeos con teora y ejercicios resueltos. Asimismo tienes ejercicios adicionales para que sigas practicando los conceptos aprendidos. Por otra parte, yo estar por aqu para poder planificar alguna clase en vivo para resolver dudas y ampliar ejemplos."
Price: 19.99

"Drastically improve your speed on the Linux Commandline" |
"More than 15 minutes of free preview material available below! Full 30-day money back guarantee (no questions asked!) Who is this course for? Are you an occasional user of the linux terminal or just learned it, and wondering how some people can be almost flying around on the command line, navigating around the file system, switching between applications, browsing and finding files and content etc, while you yourself is just fully occupied with all the tedious typing? Or are you using the command line quite a lot, but feeling that your usage gives you strain in your wrists, and wondering how you can minimize strain in hands and wrists, so that those very important body parts can stay healthy and usable for many years to come? Then this course is for you! Why did I create this course? The creator of this course course spent years as a systems administrator at a super computing center in Sweden where he spent most of his time in the terminal. The author had a special interest in finding out the top techniques that with the least effort can give the biggest saving in time, and started implementing these techniques over the years. All these years of hard-learned techniques are now distilled into this compact course, so that anyone with basic familiarity with the terminal get to the productivity and efficiency like a professional linux sysadmin! What previous skills are required? The course starts from a fairly basic level (you need to know how to execute some basic commands), and goes up to a rather advanced level, about using tools such as screen to manage multiple windows in the command line, and all the steps build consequently on each other. This means that regardless of your existing skill level, chances are high that you can chime in at a suitable place in the course, and start gaining new knowledge by working your way forward. Finally, remember that you have a full 30 days money-back guarantee - no questions asked - so if you (against our conviction) find that the course does not live up to the promises, you can always return it within 30 days, and get your money back! This means, we have made everything we can to ensure that you can confidently enroll in the course right away, and be sure not to be dissatisfied! Kind Regards Samuel Lampa, Linux Systems Administrator and Developer"
Price: 29.99

"Contabilidad Electrnica en Mxico" |
"En Mxico, a partir del ao 2015 los contribuyentes tendrn que enviar su contabilidad a la autoridad fiscal de manera electrnica. Qu relacin tiene esta informacin con el riesgo de una auditora fiscal? Qu cuentas del catlogo del SAT debo evitar por contravenir las Normas de Informacin Financiera?Que cuentas son sensibles a que la autoridad indague ms o con ms probabilidades de encontrar diferencias fiscales? En un lenguaje sin tecnisismos y de fcil comprensin el Doctor en Ciencias de lo fiscal da respuesta a esta y otras preguntas adems de descubrir el trasfondo fiscal de esta reforma. La Garanta de Actualizacin garantiza que en un ao se mantendrn al tanto de las modificaciones que tenga este tema."
Price: 49.99

"The Mala Workshop: Transformative Meditation with Mala Beads" |
"Join me on a sacred journey into the world of japa malas! Malas are 108 beads that can be powerful tools of transformation for anyone. We can use them to create a more focused and centered meditation practice, a peaceful life and a calm mind. Malas are perfect for those beginning the path of meditation as well as for those who already have an established personal meditation practice. You will learn the history and use of malas as well as how to intuitively choose the mantra and mala that is right for you. By the end of this course you will be using a mala and know the essential guidelines to create your own personal meditation practice. We dive into all aspects of meditating with your mala, including creating sacred space, caring for the mala, and even cleansing and "recharging" your mala. Enjoy detailed video lectures that will take you from the very basics of using a japa mala along with worksheets to assist you in finding mantras and my secret tips on creating a lasting and fulfilling practice."
Price: 29.99

"7 Days to Awakening: Guided Meditations to Align the Chakras" |
"JUST UPDATED 1/1/2105 with 7 New Lectures! Explore and experience a unique journey through your 7 chakras. The chakras, according to the ancient yogic texts, are vibrating energetic centers that exist in each of us. The balance of these energy centers is essential to our health, relationships and spiritual fulfillment. In this course we will dive deep into the 7 chakras to heal, balance and transform your life! The benefits of working with the chakras are endless. By simply focusing on each chakra you will have the tools to: Manifest a more grounded and peaceful life. Assist yourself in receiving and giving love. Blossom your self-esteem. Inspire fluid communication. Tap directly into your natural intuitive abilities. Find a clearer life purpose. Enjoy lifetime access to 7 "power" video meditations that will guide and inspire you through each of the chakras. In the course, you will: Have the opportunity to explore every chakra point through breathtaking photos, guided visions of archetypal imagery and healing scripts accompanied by soothing spiritual beats and grooves. Learn to easily create your own sacred space for chakra work. Chant the ancient mantras. Absorb lessons on the mechanics of the chakras in your body, where they are located, and what they mean for you in your life. Discover your own personal chakra balance through the course's downloadable ebooks, worksheets and other rich supplementary material to support your individual journey. No experience of any kind is necessary for this course, simply make yourself comfortable in a quiet space and listen to the meditations provided. You can listen and explore one chakra a day for seven days, or take this course entirely at your own pace! Come back again and again to the guided meditations when you need them, and work with the chakras that need it most. There is a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back. Click the blue "Take This Course" button now (on the top right of this page) to sign up and immediately begin your chakra journey!"
Price: 29.99

"Present Like A Pro With Prezi: Break Free from Powerpoint" |
"For years now, PowerPoint has been the standard for creating and showing presentations to audiences of any size on any topic imaginable. Well, move over PowerPoint - there's a new kid on the block! Introducing Prezi - an exciting and dynamic presentation tool that can be used online for free! If you are tired of the 'same old thing' when it comes to creating and watching presentations, Prezi can add life and excitement to any topic you want to present. This course is designed for anybody who is new to Prezi and wants to learn how to create dynamic presentations. No experience is required - even if you have never used PowerPoint before, you will be up and running in no time with Prezi. There are two separate presentations we will make in the course. We will start off with an easy one that relies on the templates and built-in helpers that Prezi has to offer to get you started quickly and easily. We will then dive deeper into Prezi and create a presentation from scratch. This way you will learn how to have more control over the customization of Prezi to get the exact 'look and feel' you desire. The second Prezi will look at advanced ways to customize the 3-D background, fonts, colors and animation of your presentation."
Price: 49.99

"Video Marketing Strategies for YouTube: Attract More Viewers" |
"Imagine using video to drive droves of traffic to your website. Imagine having your video dominate several keywords because you learned proper optimization secrets to help you absolutely dominate your competitors. When you take this course you will learn step by step from the basics of setting up and account all the way to advanced strategies that can help you dominate your niche. You will learn keyword research and even strategies that can help get your content on the first page of Youtube and Google. Mastery is the goal and the steps shared will help get you there. The great thing about ""Make Money Online By Dominating Youtube"" is that it wont take hours and hours to learn the secrets. In just one day you can take the tips that are shared and begin video marketing your way to the goal of more sales, more traffic, and more online authority. Discover the 7 easy steps to YOUTUBE Mastery as Mrs. Davis pulls back the curtain to show you how to get more views, likes, and comments on your videos. This course will help a brand new person join the ranks of seasoned marketers in just a few short lessons. Video Marketing is easy when you know what youre doing. The proven techniques are easy to implement and promise to give the student more than enough information to dominate their competition. Once learned these strategies can be used in any niche to get a first page position on Google and Youtube. The Bonus Resource Page includes tools that not many new marketers would be privy to but everything to facilitate Youtube Mastery has been shared step by step. 8 videos show you exactly what to do and give you the opportunity to learn the fast and easy techniques that experienced video marketers use everyday. In this 8 Module course you Will Learn: How to Target Your Market How to Create an Account How to Create Multiple Channels How to Make a Video How to Optimize the Video How to Rank the Video How to do Keyword Research How to include Google Hangouts in your marketing plan How to Use Transcription in your Videos for a Competitive Advantage How to Add Music and In Video Calls to Action What Back links are and How to Get Them How to Spy on Your Competitors for a Winning Edge Plus others unknown Secret Tools Join the ranks of seasoned marketers in just a few short lessons and finally master video marketing with YOUTUBE Mastery!"
Price: 39.99

pregnantnow |
". , , . , . , . 3-4 (, , , ) , . , . : , , , - , . , ... - , . , - , , -"
Price: 139.99

"11 Timeless Leadership Lessons" |
"A sinking ship. Dwindling supplies. No civilization in sight. Surrounded by ice. 27 frustrated men. A failed expedition. And the fear of impending death. You would think that it would take a miracle to save them. Perhaps another explorer passing by or a nearby civilization would have saved them. But what really saved them was their leader - Sir Ernest Shackleton. It wasn't his strength or his might. He wasn't a genius or a hulk. But what he was, was a strong leader. His men went on to reach home and live long and happy lives, purely because of the principles he stood for as a leader. Have you ever felt inadequate as a leader? Ever felt lost when you tried to delegate work? Have you been unsure of how to communicate with your team? Or do you get flustered when conflicts arise? Richard says, You dont have to be born a leader to be a leader, you can learn it. And he will teach you how. Richard Coles is a leadership expert who has motivated and instilled the qualities a leader must possess for a successful team. He has specially developed this course for you: something that used to be exclusive to the World's Largest Airline Companies is now just a click away. This 13 video course provides valuable lessons surrounding the most desirable aspects of leadership, including delegation, communication, time management, creative problem solving, emotional quotient and team building through learnings borrowed from Ernest Shackleton's Expedition."
Price: 29.99

"22 Practical Lessons in Leadership" |
"It is no longer enough to just have technical skills when most tasks are now structured around teams. It is no longer enough to work long hours and hope for your boss to notice your contributions. Whether youre a working professional who strives to obtain a job promotion or a student participating in group projects, you will find that leadership skills play a huge role in your success. This X-factor determines the difference between you and any other soul willing to slave more hours than you. Leadership has become an essential skill that is greatly valued in every single industry. Most believe that you need to have the spirit of a leader within you, from the minute you're born. Sure, some are born with that incredible confidence to lead, but does that mean confidence and beliefs cannot be changed or obtained? There is a leader within you, your neighbour, your gardener and your mother! It's in everyone. But how many choose to hone it? You can make a difference to the people in your life. But first, you need to choose to take a step forward, to understand that leadership is a skill that can be acquired and improved upon. Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi are examples of extraordinary leaders who have touched the lives of many. All of them came from humble backgrounds, but they constantly sought to improve themselves and overcome obstacles. Roshan Thiran is the Founder and CEO of Leaderonomics, a social enterprise dedicated to providing access to leadership development to everyone of all ages. He has won multiple awards in business and leadership development and hopes to reach out to others who want to become an effective leader. The short clips in this course will bring you through typical work scenarios where you can understand and learn to apply leadership techniques. With Roshans guidance, you will realize that leadership can be practiced very frequently in your life. Through this 22 video course, you will receive precious nuggets of advice on how to become a leader in your own right. Armed with these practical skills, you can now thrive in your organisation and make a positive difference! You can be a leader, and the time to take action is NOW!"
Price: 44.99

"The Leadership Masterclass" |
"What's the fastest way to success? We'll reveal the answer at the end but as you're reading this course summary, think about it. This course contains 12 concise video interviews with some of the world's top thinkers, leaders and athletes, packed with practical insights and proven strategies to help you become a respected leader. What if you were able to extract the wisdom of 12 of the world's top leaders? How would that accelerate your success in both your workplace and at home? This course aims to help you to become a better leader over the next 12 days, with a complete Leadership Masterclass. The experts interviewed have amazing life lessons to share. But you'll only be rewarded if you're willing to take the first step to learn. Here's a sneak peek at who you'd get to learn from: Pierluigi Collina (World's Most Famous Referee) John Canfield (President, Canfield & Associates) Datuk Nicol David (World Champion for Squash) Dato Hafsah Hashim (CEO, SME Corp Malaysia) And 8 more leading experts! You can make a difference to the people in your life. But first, you need to choose to take a step forward, to understand that leadership is a skill that can be acquired and improved upon. Throughout this 12-video course, you will receive precious nuggets of advice on how to become a leader in your own right but in order for you to get the maximum learning experience from this course - you need to APPLY the lessons learnt. We want this course to equip you with practical leadership and management strategies that you can use immediately to your advantage - we hope that's what you want for yourself too. All in under 4 hours - so knock it out in a weekend or just watch a bit everyday. Unlock the wisdom of 12 global leaders. Start now by clicking on the "Take This Course" button above. PS: Oh, so what's the fastest way to success? Model people who are already where you want to be. Save yourself years of mistakes and going through obstacles. Take this course now and learn from the experience of these 12 global leaders."
Price: 49.99

"Easy Turkish" |
"Welcome to Easy Turkish Course This course aims to teach some of the most common and basic Turkish expressions in daily life. It includes useful expressions, dialogues and lots of exercises. Sick and tired of boring grammatical/technical explanations? Then, you have come to the right course. This course is open to anybody from any age who wants to speak Turkish and learn about the culture as well. The course consists of videos, powerpoint slides and texts. It has 23 lectures covering topics from greetings to asking for directions. If you listen to one lecture a day, you can finish the whole course less than a month. If you want to get an idea about Turkish language and culture, you should definitely buy this course. As an instructor, I will be happy to help you throughout and after the course."
Price: 19.99

"Outsourcing for Internet Marketers" |
"Discover the benefits of Leveraging your time and money through Outsourcing. If you don't know how to outsource some of your business, you are not only losing time, you are losing money. By outsourcing to a third party, your business can focus on what it does best and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Being Successful isn't about your Resources, its about how Resourceful you Can BE! Why would you, as a small business owner, entrepreneur, or solo-preneur, spend your valuable time and resources to personally do all the small tasks instead of outsourcing those tasks that someone could else could do? When you learn the benefit of outsourcing you can Focus on whats important to you and your business. When you discover how to get quality work for as little as $4 an hour, you can begin to make your business run more efficiently and profitably. I first learned about outsourcing years ago when I read the book "The 4 hour Work Week" Imagine not having to learn how to do anything other than use quality people to provide services for you and your customers. You could make your entire business virtual, leaving you the time to do whatever you want. In this class I will show you how to use outsourcing to delegate tasks you don't need to be doing, where you can go to get the best outsourcing freelancers, and how to find the best ones for each area of your business."
Price: 44.99

"The Truth About Coconut Oil, Saturated Fat & Cholesterol" |
""EASY TO UNDERSTAND AND WELL ORGANISE. VALUE TO MONEY!" Khoo "A course worth paying for. Loads of information about coconut oil. The beginning of the course are a little bit technical but it gets very interesting as you proceed. Section 4 of the course reveals a lot about coconut oil. I thought that coconut oil is bad for health and now I realised I was wrong. Great stuff." - Chan Lam Seng This course is about dispelling the statements behind coconut oil, such as Coconut oil is bad because its fats are saturated, Coconut oil is fattening, and Coconut oil blocks and clogs arteries. Many of these statements have become common beliefs almost universally. Though the whole thing started out in the United States back in the 1950s, its impact on the health of individuals and the economy of coconut oil producing nations are far and wide. Scientists, health professionals and people passionate about coconut oil have been making commendable efforts over the decades to promote the healthful coconut oil while vindicating the historical false beliefs. This course consolidates the information in one single place, with the sole purpose of understanding the Truth about coconut oil. This course allows the students to learn the reasons, facts and evidence dispelling many of the widespread, almost universal beliefs against coconut oil. This course is aimed solely at helping students understand the many reasons, evidence and information speaking against the historical false statements. The course is not designed to teach the health benefits of coconut oil, which will be the content of another upcoming course in the pipeline. Before anyone can appreciate the healthful aspects of coconut oil, one must understand the truth behind this amazing substance given to us by nature. Course Outline Understanding Fats (Fats and oils, saturated and unsaturated fats, cis and trans fats, and triglycerides) Learn About Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil Dispelling False Statements Against Coconut Oil The course begins by exploring the fundamental concepts of fats. We need to understand the various terminologies surrounding fats, including, fats and oils, saturated and unsaturated fats, cis and trans fats, and triglycerides. Then, we will learn about coconut oil and virgin coconut oil, and their composition. Understanding the composition of coconut oil allows us to explore the information, facts and science behind the accusations against coconut oil. The bulk of the course will focus on understanding why the statements or common beliefs demonizing coconut oil are not true and unfounded. The course is designed for anyone who wish to learn about coconut oil. Some basic knowledge of chemistry and biology will help but not necessary. This course uses a mixture of media for delivery, though many of the lectures are video-based."
Price: 29.99

"Sfrdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development" |
"Bu kurs ile renmesi olduka kolay olan Dart dilini en detayl ekilde renip, Google'n gelitiricilere cretsiz olarak sunduu mobil uygulamala gelitirme SDk's olan Flutter' tm ayrntlaryla reneceksiniz.Flutter kullanarak gelitiriciler, her iki platformda da istenilen uygulamalar gelitirip, apraz(cross) platformlu mobil uygulamalar gelitirerek hem maliyetten hem de zamandan tasarruf edebilirler. Arayz tasarmclar ise Flutter kullanarak Android ve iOS platformlarna uygun, daha baarl uygulamalar tasarlayabilirler. Bunlar yaparken her hangi bir programlama gemiine sahip olmanz gerekmiyor.Kursu daha nceden hi bir programlama temeliniz olmadn varsayarak hazrladm. Ayrca daha nceden kotlin veya java ile android tecrbesi olan arkadalara da bilgiler vererek kafa karkln nlemeye altm.Kurs, 80+ saat ierik ve de ierdii konulardan dolay udemydeki en kapsaml flutter kurslarndan biridir. Kursta:Dart Dili ve TemelleriFlutter Temel Kavramlar, Stateless ve Statefull Widgetlar, Navigation Islemleri, Listeler ve Yardmc WidgetlarAnimasyon IslemleriHttp, Json ve Api KavramlarLocal Veritaban iin SQFlite KullanmState Management KavramBloc Pattern ve Provider Package KullanmFirebase Oturum Ama lemleriFirestore Veri Taban Kullanm ve Sayfalama rnekleriFirestore KullanmFirebase Cloud Message ile Bildirim Gnderme lemleriFirestore Gvenlik lemleriAdmob ile uygulamada reklam birimlerinin kullanlmasUygulamann markete yklenilmesi ve daha fazlas yaplan pek ok uygulamayla hem teorik hem de pratik yntemlerle detaylca anlatlmtr."
Price: 409.99

"Breaking into REO" |
"REO investing has become a popular real estate investing strategy since the start of the financial crises in 2008. What is an REO property? An REO property is an asset that has gone through the foreclosure process and is currently owned by the bank. The Opportunity: Banks want real estate investors to take REO properties off their hands immediately! You have to understand that bank are NOT in the business of being landlords. They are often motivated to unload these non-performing assets of their balance sheets. This give YOU, as the investor, an opportunity to buy these assets well below market value. This course will give you the step-by-step blueprint that both small, private investors, and large institutional investors, use to profit from REO properties. Even if you are new to real estate investing, this course will give you the details and action steps you need to start your REO investing career. The course consists of easy-to-follow training videos taught by Peter Kasyanenko, a seasoned REO investor from New York City. Peter spent years working for a private equity firm that focused on buying REOs, Bulk REOs, and Non-performing Loan portfolios. Peter shares his experience and offers practical advice to help you move up the learning curve as quickly as possible and start earning income as an REO investor. We recommend that you first watch the course in its entirety and then go out and take action! You can refer back to the training videos for guidance along your REO investing journey."
Price: 49.99

"How to Buy Your First Multi-Family Property" |
"Investing in multi-family properties has become a popular investment strategy among real estate entrepreneurs since the financial crises of 2008. The demand for rental apartments has surged as many home owners have lost their properties due to foreclosure while new home buyers struggle to obtain bank financing. This course will teach you the various ways you can profit from the recent multi-family boom. The course consists of easy-to-follow training videos that offer practical, actionable advice. You will learn the exact steps you need to take to find, analyze, and close your first deal! The course is taught by Albert Dweck, a seasoned New York City investor and NYU professor. This course is NOT theoretical. Albert uses several of his own recent deals to illustrate the investing process. He explains how he finds deals, values perspective properties, arranges financing, and closes the deal! He goes in-depth with the numbers behind a deal and explains what you should look for in a good deal. The course also explains what pitfalls to avoid, which are common among novice investors. By the end of this course you will not only have the blueprint for profiting from multi-family properties, but you will also understand the mindset that experienced investors have when approaching a multi-family deal. You should take this course if you are looking for a solid investment vehicle that will lead you towards financial freedom."
Price: 49.99

"Learn How To Freestyle Rap, Rap Like A Pro, And Write Lyrics" |
"It doesn't matter if you've never even thought of learning how to freestyle rapor don't know how to begin rapping, as thisstep by step programunlocks the freestyle rapping skills you've always had inside of you...UPDATE:Version 3.0 is out now. The entire freestyle course has been reshot and made to feel even more like areal rap cypherto help you feel prepared to rap in public when you are ready. My friend Dion and I are both here for you on video supporting you as you go through this unique back and forth rap training on video.Humbled to be able to say that this course is the number one rap course on Udemy for 3 years in a row and has now helped over 1,627 people start freestyle rapping in less than 10 minutes.The New Training""Eight Steps To Rapping Like A Pro""has just beed added to this course. This new training will show you how to legally steal the rap skills from a few of your favorite rappers...Combine them...And make their rap skills your own.After going through this new addition, which is an extra half hour of HD video content...You will be able to rap better whenever you want by going through these steps with the latest top rappers in the world...Also the course has been reshot and reorganized to help user comprehension and rap flow...While this course started as just a Freestyle Rapping and Rap Writing Course...It has now become the only program you need to go from complete beginner to pro level rapper faster than anything else...Freestyle Rappingis the art of improvising lyrics on the spot. It will help yourap better, perform more confidently, and naturally write amazing rap lyrics.Freestyle rapping can also help with songwriting for any genre of music, getting in a creative 'flow state', and public speaking.This class will teach anyone how to freestyle rap within 7 minutes guaranteed.This course will get you freestyle rapping even if:You have no musical skillYou've never rapped beforeYou've tried freestyle rapping and failedYou've never even thought of rappingYou don't have any rhythmYou think you can't do itYou've seen and tried everything...This Freestyle Rapping course is for:Beginners - people who have never freestyle rapped beforeYou if you want to become a dope rapperFans of Hip Hop and Rap musicPeople who want to learn how to rap better with better flow.People who want to get in touch with a creative flow that helps all creative activity come more naturally...Musicians of any genre looking to get a powerful new songwriting tool that will help them write lyrics and get into a creative flow a lot fasterTeachers interested in ""tricking"" their friends and students into freestyle rapping.This Program Will Teach You How To Freestyle Rap In Minutes So You Can:Rap betterBe a more respected rapperImprove your rap voiceHave limitless flow,vocabulary, and subject matterShare your storyInspire others to express themselves tooImmediately express whatever you are thinking and feelingHave fun on long car trips with friendsCreate songs out of thin air whenever you wantTurn your surroundings into a rapImprove the ability to think on your toesBuild confidence in your voice and rap skillsThis Udemy course will teach you how to freestyle rap in less than 10 minutes and then teach you how to write quality song lyrics using your new freestyle rapping skills.You can also use the simple steps to teach your friends how to rap so you canrap together on long car trips, haverap battlestogether or just quickly get some ""stuff"" off your chest...You can practice freestyle rapping using theincluded hip hop beatsor free rap beat instrumentals found on youtube.This course is the only proven freestyle method that has a 100% success rate with 100's of students.I accidentally came up with the 4 step process in college when a girl in my co-op asked how she could start freestyling...We went through 4 simple small steps to make sure she was successful and it worked...She ended up freestyle rapping better than I did my first time...Since then...I've been teaching college, high school and elementary school students how to rap for over ten years and I'm super excited to finally release this freestyle rap method to the world...I used the songwriting skills taught in this course to make100's of hiphop, r&b and rockmusic songs.When I was 16 I asked my friend Mark to teach me how to rap and he gave metwo golden rules...1.When starting out don't worry about rhymingand...2.Don't stop if you mess up.These two golden rules and Marks' encouragement got me to start freestyle rapping which led me to writing 100's of songs and opening me up toexpressmyselfcreatively in all forms.The truth is, if you can just follow these two rules then you don't need this course.I've addedfour more magic stepsto these two golden rules, and a lot ofadvanced rap and songwriting trainingas a bonus to make it easier for people to start freestyle rapping fast.And If you would like some extra support to get started and get access to the 4 magic steps that have now taught over 1,247 people how freestyle rap with a 100% success rate......then this course is for you.Freestyle rapping has been suchan amazing songwriting toolfor me and I credit it for helping me open up to writing folk, guitar, electronic and hip hop songs.In college, whenever I was feeling down about girls not liking me, my friends and I would just get together around our dj homies (Dj Phatrick) turn tables and start freestyling.It always helped me laugh at myself and about the situations I got myself into.There is nothing like the immediate release of emotion that comes with the ability to freestyle rap.With freestyle rapping the more vulnerable and honest you can be, the more healing and release you will get from the practice.I went from being a super insecure, severely depressed, sweaty palm nerd, to a confident, friendly and smooth nerd because of freestyle rapping.Thanks for checking out my course and I sincerely hope it helps you.NEW UPDATES Have Been Added:I've recently added ""The 8 Steps To Rapping Like A Pro"":This new section will teach you how to ""hijack"" the skills of any and all of your favorite rappers and make their skills your own. What makes these steps unique, is that it allows you to combine the skills of a few of your favorite rappers and add their skills to your own rapping ability.What's cool about this is that every time you go through these steps with a new rapper you really like, you'll get even better and add even more skills to your rap game.I've also added the following new videos:How to find your rap voiceHow To Rap FastThe Importance Of A Rap Alter Ego and Rap NameAnd much more advanced training coming soon...Be sure to take advantage of Udemys new pricing structure while it lasts as this course is normally$297asnew content is addedevery month.As long as you buy this how to rap and freestyle pro course today, you won't have to pay more later and you will still get all the updates for life...You also get to ask me questions inside the course members area and request new content any time you want...In fact you can even check out the discussions and tips I've been giving my current students in the members area as well.So the course is very interactive and it helps everyone if you do have any questions.I look forward to helping you bring out the rap and freestyle skills you've always had inside of you.And thanks again for checking out his page,-Patps. Be sure to take advantage of Udemys new price while it lasts as this course is normally priced$297pss. This course is guaranteed to get you freestyle rapping and help you rap better or you get 100% of your money back, so all of the risk is on my shoulders to help you get amazing rap skills fast. You risk nothing by learning how to freestyle rap today.Psss. I look forward to hearing your freestyle raps!"
Price: 199.99

"How To Freestyle Rap For Beginners" |
"**This course is the exact same as the first part of my ""Learn How To Freestyle Rap, Rap Like A Pro, and Write Lyrics""This version of the course is just for people who want to learn how to freestyle rap for fun, but are not interested in learning how to write rap lyrics for songs or learn how to rap like a pro. This course will teach you the basics for how to freestyle rap for funso you can impress your friends and get in touch with a creative ""Flow State."" Learning how to freestyle rap is the best first step for learning how to rap because it combines the three core rap skills into one instant practice...With freestyle rapping you're developing your:Flow Muscle: How you flow rhythmic patterns over beatsSpeech Muscle: How you deliver your rapsAnd Lyrical Muscle: How you stream unique creative lyricsAll at the same timeThis will give you the best foundation possible for learning how to rap, how to write raps, and how to make your own full songs... By the end of the course... You will have the ability to freestyle rap You will be able to freestyle rap about your surroundings. You will be able to turn anything into a spontaneous freestyle rap or song. You will be able to improvise lyrics on the spot. You will be able to break through writers block with freestyle rapping. Includes: Step by step video training where you go back and forth with me until you are freestyle rapping (Takes about 7 minutes) 10 Hip Hop beats to download and practice rapping over Audio version of the course so you can take the course with you and always have a way to practice freestyling. Why take this course? Take this course if you want to: Learn how to start rapping Become a better rapper Learn how to freestyle rap Learn how to improvise lyrics on the spot Be able to turn anything into a spontaneous song Have a tool to help you break through writers block This course normally is $250 an hour and up for live sessions with me when I teach in schools and music camps.And the schools and music camps don't even get half of the training that you get in this course. You get the 4 magic steps to start freestyle rapping in minutes. And you get the 3 advanced skills to be a better freestyle rapper than over 90% of rappers on the radio. Plus you get a few extra bonuses in this course as well. Like a sample of the masters writing class and a few extra surprise tips and training. And some advanced freestyling exercises.So if you just want to learn how to freestyle rap without wanting to learn how to rap like a pro or how to write raps...Then get this course. If you want my full course which includes the songwriting training and the 8 steps to rapping like the pros...Then I strongly recommend getting my other course on Udemy called ""Learn How To Freestyle Rap, Rap Like A Pro, and Write Lyrics"" before the price increases to $297.Just search on Udemy to find ""Learn How To Freestyle Rap, Rap Like A Pro, and Write Lyrics""You will get all of my courses combined in that one course so you don't have to buy each course separately.Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for checking out this program and I look forward to hearing your freestyle raps. -Pat"
Price: 99.99

"Create The Best Online Courses Without Being On Camera" |
"If you ever wanted to create and sell online courses but were worried about showing your face on cameraThen this course is for you.Inside you will learn to create awesome online courses that people love by following a proven course outline and online course marketing formula.My name is Pat and I have created 7 online courses2 - 3 of them were really bad and I had to make them private.From my mistakes from creating online courses for the last 5 yearsIve figured out how to outline courses in a way that makes people feel confident in your teaching and give you the highest reviews in your niche.It really is all about the outline and you can easily make your outline from your phones note pad app.Ill also be sharing my favorite software to create online training courses with. It makes course creation a lot easier and faster.Youre going to be able to create online courses to sell for passive profit for years to come.All the top Udemy instructors have over 20 coursesWhich seems like a lot, yet in this training I will show you how to earn the most from each of your courses.I will also show you how to come up with many course ideas, even if youre not an expert in any one subject.In this course youre also going to learn how to create online courses for free, so this will work for you even if you have no budget.I hope you enjoy this course and pick it up before the price goes up to $199.99.Thanks for checking out my course website and make sure to check out all the lectures below to see whats inside.Pat"
Price: 29.99

"Writing Skills: Self-Edit Your Writing Like A Pro!" |
"Over my decades as a Writer, Writing Coach and Editor, Ive realised that many writers need more than just being shown new editing skills to improve. To really improve they also need ongoing support as they learn how to successfully incorporate those new skills into their writing.As the title implies, this course includes plenty of clearly-explained tutorials on practical, important (and often over-looked) writing skills, but equally as crucial, it also comes with the vital ongoing support. There are quizzes, examples, homework (if you want it), the opportunity to have your questions answered, to join a growing community, and even, on occasion, to get feedback on your work. Or, if you prefer, you can just study the course then go off and do your own thing. The choice is yours.As a Freelance Writer and Writing Coach, Im here basically to help you achieve your writing goals, and in many cases this course is the first step. So please click on the Take this Course, and Ill be happy to teach you what you need to learn and help you while you become comfortable using the techniques.On the other hand, if youre still a little unsure, dont forget this course comes with a FULL, 30-day money-back guarantee, which means that if you change your mind within the first 30-days and let us know, youll get a complete refund.Also, if you scroll a little further down the page, youll find some of my video tutorials are marked as Previews; this means you can watch them before enrolling to be sure my teaching style suits you.Well, there you go. Hope this course sounds like what you need and I look forward to helping you soon."
Price: 124.99

"Reputation Management: How To Remove Bad Reviews Online" |
"Have you been affected by bad reviews online? Has an angry ex-employee, or a hard to please customer ruined your online reputation? If so, I'd like to teach you how to fix it and reclaim your brand. Reputation is important. SearchEngineLand recently published a survey that showed 79% of consumers trust reviews they read online as much as a personal recommendation from a friend. What does that mean for you? It means when a potential customer looks you up online and sees bad reviews, they're going to find someone else to spend their money with. That's a scary thought, isn't it? Don't worry, my course can help! Fixing your bad reviews and managing your reputation has never been easier. In fact, I'm convinced that my course is the most comprehensive course out there for fixing a persons reputation online. Referring back to those stats earlier, fixing your bad reviews could mean nearly an 80% increase in business. So don't wait. The time is now to hide those bad reviews... To remove Ripoff Report... To get rid of the angry review an ex-employee left you. You'll also get access to all of the templates and tools I use to repair an online reputation. Join me now!"
Price: 199.99

"Become A F5 Load Balancer Admininistrator" |
"These videos go straight to the point and educate on the things you need to know to manage an F5 LTM device. This is an introductory level course, however, experienced load balancing engineers can also learn something new from this video as I will touch on key knowledge areas on the LTM device to get your device up and running in no time whiles maintaining a comfort level navigating through the F5 LTM device like a boss. After completion of this video, you will: Understand what a load balancer is. Learn to speak the F5 lingo How to connect and license an F5 LTM device fresh out of the box Know how to assign IP address to the LTM device for network communication Be able to configure a Virtual server Configure a Pool Create Monitors Configure Nodes Configure Monitors How to Terminate SSL on the LTM using Profiles And how to configure a pair of LTM in Active - Standby All leading up to becoming an F5 administrator or even using this material as a quick refresher for your job."
Price: 49.99

"VMware Workstatation Lab Setup and Configuration!!" |
"This course will guide and educate you on how to setup complex design for your lab environment using VMware Workstation. After Completion of these videos, you will: Understand what VMware Workstation is How to set up your VMware Workstation from sratch Allocate IP Address space to your various testing environment Understanding how VMware Worksation interacts with your computer Understanding how VMware Workstation works with other virtual guest application Installation a virtual guest from scratch Bridging your virtual guest to allow internet connectivity How to route traffic between virtual guest on different network"
Price: 29.99

"F5 Load Balancer Irule Fundamentals" |
"This course will guide and educate you on how to read and understand complex Irules as well as writing Irules so to meet load balancing needs for your environment. After Completion of these videos, you will: Understand what an Irule is Know what tools to use to script an Irule Identify the components of an Irule Troubleshoot with an Irule Read and understand complex Irules Write Irules for different scenarios"
Price: 39.99

"Growing Your Business with Webinars" |
"In this course you will discover everything you need to know about hosting popular, profitable webinars, including: How to research your market and get interested people to join your valuable webinar space. Cash converting webinar formats not every format is right for every market. Learn the ins and outs of different presentation styles so you can discover the one that suits your unique purposes. Tips to help you plan and host webinars even on a tight budget learn where you can save, and where you can cut corners, remember that 'you get what you pay for'. This is a succinct and to the point course you will able to get you started straight away. This is a real business model with the potential to help you earn a significant income. You will learn crucial information : Why your mailing list is still the most important asset you own, and how to use webinars to make it even more valuable. How webinars can instantly catapult you to expert status and build your profits along the way. The difference between a qualified lead and an unqualified one and how to fill your webinar room with people that want to buy. That's just the start, this training is packed full of information. 8 proven tactics to engage and entertain your audience - and keep them coming back again and again. 10 ways on how to not distract your audience and ruin your webinar. Why the content tease doesn't work any more - and what to do instead. 7 back-end strategies to help you earn more money - even if you offer your webinar for FREE. Bonus material Steps bt step guide on Google+ and Google Hangouts. The practically fool-proof technique to attract important Joint Venture partners - this no-brainer tip is so simple, and yet practically no one is doing it! Once you've got a few free webinars under your belt, it's time to start really putting cash in your wallet with this profit-pulling business model. Why the free webinar model can leave you feeling discouraged. How to re-purpose existing content for greater profit - this quick-start formula will get your webinar off the ground in record time. Teaching models that are perfect for webinars. You already have all the knowledge you want to make money instructing others - even if you think you're a beginner."
Price: 19.99

"For Sale By Owner Mastery" |
"Imagine if you could list as many homes as you wanted in your market? Have you tried talking to For Sale By Owners before and had little success? Our For Sale By Owner Mastery Course cuts through the hype of other marketing systems or complex scripts and can take anyone and get them setting appointments and getting new listings. I was known as the FSBO king in my market for a reason. I would consistently list FSBO (For Sale By Owner) after FSBO in our market. I learned over the years what really works and how to do the opposite of what everyone else was doing. I had great results and now I am teaching others what I quietly did to be one of the top listing agents in my company. We are going to cover everything you need to know from:Where to Find FSBOsHow Make the AppointmentsExactly What to Do and Say on the AppointmentHow to Follow Up Until they ListHow to Actually Make Money While You ProspectA Whole New Way of Thinking About FSBO's and Real Estate If you ever wondered what the top agents were actually doing that they wouldn't share with you, this is it. There is a big difference between theory and marketing books, and what the top producers are actually doing themselves to grow their business. I am going to share my secrets with you. Enroll Today and Let Me Teach You How to Master For Sale By Owners!"
Price: 199.99

"YOUTUBE Pro: Use YouTube Rank #1 on Google OverNight" |
"Ignite your profits - Turn Google into your marketing partner - with simple YouTube videos ... the most powerful marketing tool on the internet!Do you want to know how people get those YouTube videos to JUMP OUT at you at the top of your most profitable Google searches? This course shows you how to quickly and easily get your product videos to reach Page 1 of Google over night! #ChaChing! #IncreasedSales!>Updated December2016. Check out the newest lecture, available for FREEPREVIEW!<>>More than 9,000 students accelerating their success with this bestselling course<<Many others have tried to impersonate this course, but Robert Scot IS Dr. YouTube, and there is no better Udemy course to get you killer sales from your YouTube videos.Warning - there is NO fluff in this course. While some instructors like to wax on about the weather and social issues, as well as ways to waste your money, Mr. Scot is straight to the point with detailed, actionable lectures that will help you drive new, highly targeted traffic and increased sales.Mr. Scot (aka Dr. YouTube)has pwned Google since 2008 - Learn how he's gotten his clients to Page 1 of Google with simple YouTube videos!The Guarantee: Follow this course and you WILL rank at the top of Google!-+--+- Constantly Updated and Enriched with New Lectures and Data -+--+- * * * * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * >>>>>>>>>>>> 91 FIVE-STAR REVIEWS CAN'T BE WRONG! <<<<<<<<<<<<<Recent Reviews: ""The Best YouTube Optimization Course on Udemy!!I've taken quite a few YouTube courses on Udemy. None others compare. Robert is to the point, with actionable, proven tips and techniques - taught in a NO BS manner. It has helped my Google rankings immensely.!!""""Wow!I had a video I was preparing for upload and followed the course instructions as I did. The video is at rank 8 on Google within 12 hours of uploading with no other work than what was outlined on the course. Great course, thank you!""* * * * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * Did You Know? Studies show that it's a full 50x easier to get Page 1 Google results for your YouTube video than for your website for the same keyword search! What a find for those interested in social media marketing. And just think about how valuable, how engaging, that a product video, a service walk-through, or a select interview is for your brandproven by the fact that MOST of you will never actually read this sentence even though it's underlined. Most people just skim this then watch the intro VIDEO above ;-) * * * * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * * * * ** * * ** * * ** * * * * * Just listen to the results other students have gotten with this course: Dr. Richard Feldhake had ZERO experience with Youtube, and couldn't even get his site ranked in Google.then he used my strategies to rank Page 1 of Google 11 hours after posting his first video. Literally, overnight! Mark Levy ""quit the internet it was a waste of money,"" until he took this course. Within days, the YouTube videos about his business popped up on the top of Page 1 on Google. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Truth: YouTube marketing is the next generation of content marketing. In this course I will teach you the exact methods that have: Ranked videos for companies in industries ranging from dentistry to jewelry to pool cleaning Allowed individuals and businesses to generate thousands from these quick easy youtube videos Gotten countless people to start from SCRATCH on YouTube Generated my OWN income and lead-gen from youtube ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This Course is an A-to-Z course detailing every element of the process to rank #1. Even if you've never uploaded a single video to YouTube, or never even heard the words video marketing"" we will get you online and successful fast. You Will Learn Advanced keyword research techniques Exactly how to create each video, down to picking the topic and what to say How to optimize your videos to get Page 1 Google search results literally overnight How to turn these videos and rankings into pure profit Who This Course Is For: Doctors, lawyers, realtors, painters, landscapers, consultants, entrepreneurs any business attempting to market a product or service online must take advantage now to get an edge on your competition, before they beat you to it! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, only about 25% of businesses that have a website use video marketing in their online campaigns. YouTube marketing is one of the best kept secrets in the in tire internet marketing world. But the word is starting to leak out, so you want to act fast. RIGHT NOW: You can currently rank overnight, but as YouTube grows this will not always be the case. YouTube has grown to 50 BILLION VIEWS per dayand it's still just getting started! This course gives you a clear, actionable process to get started NOW. So enroll today and let's start getting you some results. Become a social media marketing expert. - Robert Scot"
Price: 199.99

"YOUTUBE 101 - Video Marketing for FREE: YouTube & Google SEO" |
"Nearly 12,000 Enrolled! Many go on to Enroll in my other courses!!Did you know that video marketing - especially YouTube optimization - is your best chance at reaching the top of Google than ANY other marketing you can do to sell your product or get exposure for your website. Learn about the Video Marketing Secrets from this INTRODUCTORY COURSE, which can easily help you turn simple videos into a life-changing cash-flow. ANYBODY CAN DO IT on ANY SIZE BUDGET! No previous video experience required to become a video marketing expert. _______________________________________________________________________________ *** 75 FIVE-STAR reviews can't be wrong! *** RECENT REVIEW: ""Practical and inspirational Excellent course with wonderful practical tips to get your videos right on the first spot on google. Great expert instructors. A course every business owner should take. Congratulations!"" _______________________________________________________________________________ Take advantage of my experience, having achieved Page 1 Google search results for video marketing campaigns in a variety of completely different industries - doctors, lawyers, pool cleaners, videographers - with simple YouTube videos. Get ahead of your competition by starting now, using simple YouTube videos to get your product or service (or someone else's) to the top of Google search results! Special Note: Enrollment includes a can't-miss DISCOUNT COUPON to the BLOCKBUSTER advanced course, ""Use YouTube to Rank #1 Google Overnite: YouTube for Business""! _______________________________________________________________________________ Find out what simple YouTube strategy took Scottsdale dentist, Dr. Richard Feldhake to the top of Google. Search for ""Scottsdale dentist sports injury"" - and there's Dr. Feldhake's Sports Injury video at the top of Page 1. It's no fluke. And, by the time you finish this step-by-step course, you'll know why the strategy works! _______________________________________________________________________________ ""Use Video to sell any product online: YouTube for Business"" will introduce you to the basic building blocks of every successful video marketing campaign. Learn how to find the most profitable keywords and keyword phrases for your product or service - and WHY KEYWORDS MATTER. The course serves as a perfect primer to ""Use YouTube to Rank #1 Google Overnite: YouTube for Business,"" also available on Udemy. When you enroll in this course, you receive a substantial DISCOUNT COUPON to upgrade to ""Use YouTube to Rank #1 Google Overnite: YouTube for Business."" The marriage of YouTube and Google created a unique and immense opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses! Doctors, lawyers, realtors, painters, landscapers any business attempting to market a product or service online must take advantage now - or your competition will beat you to it. YouTube is a world-wide phenomenon with 5 BILLION views a day and growing! Study: It's 50x easier to get Page 1 Google results for your YouTube video than for your website for the same keyword search! Luckily, there's still time. Want to learn the secret to getting your product or service to the top of Google - using simple YouTube videos? And NO CHANCE of penalties or Google Time-Outs? This course strikes at the heart of the Google/YouTube relationship, providing detailed instruction on why video works, what types of video fare best on Google, what to say in your videos - and when to say it! You'll learn about Keywords, Scripting, video production and post-production, and how they all help in Search Engine Optimization. Whether you're just starting out, or trying to breath new life into your video marketing campaign, Robert Scot guides you through the 9-part tutorial in plain language, and with clear descriptions of what to do next, and why. When you see the results, you're going to wonder what took you so long to get started with video marketing, in general, and YouTube marketing, specifically! Above and beyond Udemy's 30-Day Guarantee is my personal promise that you are about to purchase the most effective and most profitable YouTube marketing tutorial available on the market - with clear, actionable solutions to your web video concerns. Full Disclosure: Robert Scot is NOT a doctor. He just plays one on YouTube. His nickname, Dr. YouTube is a moniker that stuck, as Robert talks clinically about YouTube 24 hours a day. Neither Robert Scot nor this course are associated with YouTube or Google in any way. This course has not been endorsed nor recognized in any way with YouTube or Google, and is solely based on the experience of Robert Scot and his video marketing colleagues and affiliates."
Price: 39.99
