"Affiliate Marketing: SEO Hack to Boost Your Affiliate Sales" |
"More than 8,000 already enrolled! Five-Star Reviews (Updated 1/12/16)Laser-targeted traffic turns your computer into a Cash-Producing Robot - filling your sales pipeline with leads, leads, leads - pinpoint-targeted customers!DO NOT GET STUCK with products to sell - and nobody to sell them to! It does NOT require a large budget to get your ideal customer to find you on Google!Are you an Affiliate Marketing entrepreneur, looking for an edge? Or, you've got your own web page or an Amazon or Etsy sales page - or a Shopify store - and you are trying to get your products and services to show up at the top of Google. In this course, I show you how to reach Page 1 of Google, attract more qualified, targeted customers, and increase your affiliate marketing sales and revenues! With simple YouTube videos that you upload for free! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 FIVE-STAR reviews can't be wrong!Recent Review:""Robert is an excellent Instructor. This is an easy to follow course with quality, actionable content. Robert imparts his knowledge in an easily digestible manner. It's a pleasure to learn from someone who is obviously an expert. AAAAA+++++"" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I show you how to use YouTube to attract your ideal audience and convert them into happy, loyal lifetime customers even if you've never picked up a camera before! For affiliate marketing sales, it's a NO BRAINER! You've probably noticed that sometimes in your Google search results, a YouTube Video thumbnail shows up at the top - above all the websites links? That could be YOUR YouTube video - selling YOUR products or services!The Guarantee: Follow this course, and you WILL get your YouTube Videos - featuring your products & services - on Page 1 of Google without rolling a single frame NO filming, NO actors, NO sets, NO unnecessary expenses - just YouTube!Almost overnight, you can be sending laser-targeted customers to your sales pages - and SELL MOREHow? YouTube videos - with no actors and No Filming - can give you access to revenue you never dreamed of - in nearly every industry, and with little or NO cash investment. For Affiliate Marketing, it is not only a simple-but-effective solution that WORKS, but provides unique facility to feature multiple products, services, or businesses.Imagine if you learned how to quickly and easily get videos for YOUR business or products to do this almost instantly! And, WITHOUT ANY FILMING! My strategy takes advantage of the unique relationship between YouTube (the world's premier video library), and its OWNER, Google (the world's largest search engine).Did You Know? Studies show that it's a full 50x easier to get Page 1 Google results for your YouTube video than for your website for the same keyword search! And just think about how valuable, how engaging, that a product video, a service walk-through, or a select interview is for your brand, proven by the fact that MOST of you will never actually read this sentence even though it's underlined. Most people just skim this then watch the intro VIDEO above;-) The Truth: YouTube marketing is the next generation of content marketing. In this course I will teach you the exact methods that have:Ranked YouTube videos for companies in industries ranging from dentistry to jewelry to pool cleaningAllowed individuals and businesses to generate thousands from these quick easy Youtube videosGotten countless people to start from SCRATCH on YouTube<Generated my OWN income and lead-gen from YoutubeThis Course details of the process to rank #1. Even if you've never uploaded a single video to YouTube, or never even heard the words ""video marketing""; we will get you online and successful fast.You Will Learn:Advanced keyword research techniquesExactly how to create each YouTube video, down to picking the topic and what to sayHow to optimize your videos to get Page 1 Google search results literally overnightHow to turn these videos and rankings into pure profitToday, only about 25% of businesses that have a website use video marketing in their online campaigns. YouTube marketing is one of the best kept secrets in the in tire internet marketing world. But the word is starting to leak out, so you want to act fast. RIGHT NOW: You can currently rank overnight, but as YouTube grows this will not always be the case. YouTube has grown to 50 BILLION VIEWS per day and it's still just getting started! This course gives you a clear, actionable process to get started NOW - with NO FILIMING. So enroll today and let's start getting you some results. -Robert Scot"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to LOVE Football - from a Girl!" |
"I love football, and I think a lot of girls - and other beginners - find it hard to learn the rules of the game by watching with a crowd of screaming maniacs. I found myself at the center of many football parties, and especially Super Bowl parties, explaining to other women - and sometimes men, too - why everybody was screaming. Well, this year I'm watching the game, because I've prepared this course for all my friends, and any beginners who would like to learn the game - so, everybody will know exactly what's going on. I discuss everything from the very basics, Object of the Game, and Flow of the Game to strategies and rule changes.And, I'll continue to add lectures and address issues on the game I love. Also, I need to give a quick shout-out to Robert Scot, who provided incredible help developing this series - everything from helping the curriculum to video direction. This was my first time on camera, so I could never have done this without him. Check out his other course on Udemy!"
Price: 89.99

"Learn C++ Programming The Easy Way" |
"Pick up and learn C++ programming from the very basics with this course. This course is a very gentle introduction to programming in C++, especially geared towards first time programmers. C++ With An Emphasis On "Easy to Understand." Setting up an IDE (Visual Studio/Xcode) Basic input and output What #include really means Variables C++ Math (including an explanation of modulus) Random number generation Branching using if and switch Comparisons and inequalities Loops Solved exercises If you're a college student, you might find there is a wide gap between your prof and yourself. When your prof explains things, it just doesnt quite make sense. Something doesnt sit right. This course is about filling that gap and clearing those questions in your mind. If youre struggling to follow in your introductory programming course lectures, try this series out to supplement your learning. Overview Programming is that notorious college freshman subject that everyone finds extremely hard. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this course I explain the very basics of C++ programming. I explain core C++ concepts using slides. We also will write sample programs, and I explain every line of code used, every function called, and leave no line of code unexplained. I developed the material in this course after several iterations of an introductory programming course. The result I now present to you is a combination of careful deliberation about how to explain a topic, and incorporating student feedback to respond to student needs. If you've had trouble understanding the very basics of code before, what it all means should be very clear to you after studying this course. When you are finished with this course, you should have a very solid foundation in C++ upon which to build other skills. Once you understand the basics of programming and you've programmed for a while, it's almost inevitable that you will catch the "programming bug": you will not be able to stop programming!"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Binary, Hexadecimal, and Octal Math Conversion" |
"Number systems are a common math and computer science topic. This course is about mastering conversion between 4 common number systems: Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal. Number System Conversion The Easy Way! Convert Decimal<=>Binary Convert Decimal<=>Hex Convert Hex<=>Binary Convert Hex<=>Octal Convert Decimal<=>Octal Fractional conversion from Decimal<=>Binary In this course, I teach and show through example how to easily convert between Binary (base 2), Octal (base 8), Decimal (base 10), and Hexadecimal (base 16). We start by counting in base-n, and get a feel for what counting in a base-n system really means. You will understand how a base-n system only has n digits to count with (for example, in Decimal there are only 10 digits), and how we can reach higher numbers after using up those 10 digits. Through these lectures, we explore the special relationship between Hexadecimal and Binary (a hex digit is really four binary digits), and Octal and Binary (an octal digit is really 3 binary digits). Binary is really the star of this course. We spend some time in the course exploring these relationships between Octal and Binary and Hexadecimal and Binary. In the Hexadecimal to Octal lecture, I show how the computation can be made super easy by using Binary as an intermediate conversion step. Youll wonder how you managed these conversions without this technique! You probably wont learn an easier method! We also cover conversion from fractional Decimal numbers to fractional Binary. You will probably find it surprisingly easy! Conversions between number systems almost always show up on computer science tests. You want to be able to breeze through these conversions quickly, easily, and correctly. If you enjoy math, youll find this course a nice leisurely exercise. After this course, you will walk away from this course a master of number system conversion. You will feel very comfortable converting between each of Decimal, Hex, Octal and Binary."
Price: 19.99

"Creating Games From Scratch Using SDL 2.0" |
"Have you ever wanted to program your own game in C++ from scratch? Do you want to enjoy easy & free multiplatform deployment (Windows, Mac, Linux iOS and Android?). In this course, we will have a basic introduction to programming games in C++ using the SDL 2.0 library. We will use SDL 2.0 to: Get a window on the screen Draw line and rectangle primitives Draw sprites on the screen Use object-oriented principles to manage Sprites and game character data Load and play sounds & music from disk Do collision detection using Rectangles Manage game state & game state transitions using finite state machines Overview & Motivation Why use SDL 2.0? Many people opt to go with complete game engines, such as Unity or Unreal Engine 4, to create their games. Unity and Unreal have licensing costs associated with them. Are you prepared to take on that extra cost? What if you can avoid spending that money on the engine and spend it on licensing assets and other resources instead? What about using a free and open source sound, graphics and input API to deploy your game to all devices? And the freedom to program in pure C or C++? LibSDL lets you do all that. Simple C commands will enable you to load sounds & music, load & display hardware accelerated graphics easily. The simple framework I provide in the code examples here will make it easy for you to get started creating your own games from scratch. Programming from C++ directly (instead of using an engine) will give you much more control over how things get done inside your game. If you like raw programming and always wanted to see how games like Super Mario Brothers, Dragon Warrior, and other classic NES games would get assembled, try this course! Many professional & indie games use libsdl already, including: Robin hood - the Legend of Sherwood, Left 4 Dead 2, Steel Storm, Edna & Harvey, Proteus, Psychonauts, Amnesia, FastForward, Syberia, AwesomeNauts and more."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo Mejorar La Concentracin" |
"Deja de sufrir tu falta de concentracin. El vuelo de una mosca te distrae y saca de tus tareas? Te pones a pensar en otra cosa cuando tienes que estudiar? Mantener la concentracin es indispensable para el xito en tus estudios y trabajo. Saber cmo hacerlo es la clave para sacar lo mejor de ti. Pero, te ha enseado alguien cmo hacerlo? Claves, Acciones y Hbitos. Con esta Pldora Formativa aprenders a a detectar, evitar y prevenir los elementos que minan tu atencin y descubrirs 5 claves para aumentar tus niveles de atencin en tus sesiones de estudio. Conocers nuevos hbitos de estudio que te ayudarn a aprovechar el tiempo al mximo. Y para terminar descubrirs una nueva forma para organizar y trabajar en tus sesiones de estudio que mantendrn los despistes a raya y tu nivel de atencin a un nivel ms que ptimo. Directo al grano, Claro y Sencillo En esta pldora formativa te lo cuento todo con ejemplos sencillos, directo al grano y casos prcticos para que la aproveches de verdad. Tu Reflexionars y Tomars Accin y yo te dir cmo hacerlo. Adems: No tendrs que tomar apuntes Ni esperar para aplicarlo Ni comerte la cabeza Eliminars Tus Distracciones En la 1 parte de la clase aprenders a detectar y eliminar todos aquellos elementos que lastran tu atencin y concentracin. Te explicar uno a uno cules son y qu estrategia puedes desarrollar para librarte de ellos de una vez por todas. Potenciars tu Atencin En la 2 Parte conocers los 5 elementos clave que potencian especialmente tus niveles de atencin y elaboraremos juntos una frmula para estudiar y aprovecharlos al mximo. Tus sesiones de estudio cambiarn por completo. Principio Clave En la ltima parte de la clase aprenders a explotar el principio de la limitacin temporal en tus sesiones de estudio. Vers como de de forma casi mgica nos permite combinar lo aprendido en las dos partes anteriores y disparar nuestros niveles de concentracin al mximo. Qu obtendrs con la clase: 1 hora de clase en 7 vdeos en HD directos al grano y sin material de relleno. Un Pack de hojas de Trabajo que contiene lo necesario para que pongas en practica lo aprendido: Una hoja de trabajo para para detectar los enemigos de tu atencin. Una hoja de chequeo de distractores para tu sesin de estudio Una hoja de chequeo con los potenciadores de atencin Un mapa mental a todo color con los enemigos de tu atencin (para imprimir) Un mapa mental a todo color con los potenciadores de tu atencin (para imprimir) Un mapa mental a todo color con todo el contenido del curso (para imprimir) Una hoja de enlaces interesantes dnde puedes recabar ms informacin"
Price: 24.99

"How to Find the Right Niche Markets Online for Your Business" |
"If you are looking for a simple, easy-to-learn & and highly-profitable online business, then starting a niche eCommerce store is EXACTLY what you've been looking for. Over the last 10 years, I (myself) have literally started HUNDREDS of small online stores, each selling ""hard-to-find"" physical products to ""easy-to-find"" people, who are desperate to get access to these unique products that they just can't get in their local area. Without a doubt, the #1 Most Important Skill that you need to be successful in this business is to be able to select a PROFITABLE Niche Market, and thats what you'll learn in this course. Here's what we'll cover: - Getting Started - I'll give you an in-depth overview of what you can expect in the niche eCommerce business, and how I PERSONALLY go about selecting profitable niche markets for our own stores. - My ""Private"" Research Tools - Most of the websites and online tools that I, personally, use to find my most profitable niche markets are well-known, however you've never seen them used in this way. 100% Guaranteed. - Niche Grader Access - I'll give you private access to an internal ""Niche Calculator"" tool that will tell you, in 20 seconds or less, if you have a good niche market or not :) - and much, much more... If you're at all interested in starting your own 100% honest & ethical online business to support your family from home, then you owe it to yourself to take this course. Just like you, I have invested thousands of dollars and many years of my time in gaining the skills, coaching, and education that has made my eCommerce companies so very successful. The fastest and best way that I've found to be successful in ANY business is to learn from others who are already where you want to be. I am that person, and I can help you every step of the way. Take that first important step, and invest in yourself! Enroll today. Are you ready? Let's do it!"
Price: 24.99

"4 Parenting Pillars To Grow Great Kids" |
"If you have ever seen a child struggle to feel secure and wanted to help or wished that parent teenager conversations left both of you feeling heard, understood and respected or if you have ever felt compassion at the awkward feelings and actions of a teen at puberty, then you might enjoy learning the Four Parenting Pillars to Grow Great Kids! This is an educational program that takes into account all types of learners: visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners. Using video, discussion questions, audio, quizzes and application exercises, you will learn: what Maria Montessori knew about child development that most parents and teachers wish they did when development starts and stops why acceleration phases are critical who children look up to at what ages how to communicate with your child and his or her friends at each age and stage where to create opportunities for fun and love so that your days are more playful If you are a parent, you may be looking for the next step in learning how to enforce rules or being both a friend and ally to your teen. This course will help you learn skills that compliment what you have already mastered. If you are expecting your first baby, you may be wanting to keep close connection with your lover as you transition into being a good parent. This course will help you create the ideal home environment to honor both commitments. If you are teacher who wants to connect better with students, this course will help you change thoughts and habits that may be getting in the way of you being the best teacher you can be to preschool, elementary school, high school and college students. Maybe you are a tween, teen or young adult who wants to understand why you and your parents or teachers never seem to be on the same page. This course will help you master the steps of your own life transitions and communications so you successfully transition to being an independent adult. Dr. Lori Barr will give you the knowledge and let you practice skills that will help you become a better friend, lover and parent. Who knows? It could even help you communicate better with your pet!"
Price: 74.99

"Long Exposure" |
"I will show you how and why I use long exposure. I teach you about the gear you need and how to use it. Like usual I keep it simple and show you how to get a very amazing result quickly and easily. I bring you along to 4 of my shoots and show you how I took the shot and give you the raw files to retouch along with me. Then we retouch another bonus batch of 4 photos where I teach you all about the retouching process, composition, how I got the shot and how to set up your camera to get these types of shots and effects."
Price: 29.99

"The Art of Black & White photography Yesterday and Today" |
"In this course we will understand how to apply the methodology of Ansel Adams to the modern tools we use in creating beautiful White & Black photographies. We will cover his zone system, we will prepare negatives, we will understand the concept of dodge & burn and retouching a photo of the Alps - an homage to Ansel Adams."
Price: 19.99

"Photography Landscape Retouching" |
"This course covers all of my technology I use for my Landscape retouching. This is a very in-depth course specifically on landscapes and contains simple to advanced techniques. This course contains 10 projects and many of my RAW files to train with. You will learn how to be able to retouch landscapes, local adjustments of colors, luminosity masks, digital blending, how to control colors in Lightroom and how to recover an amazing hidden sunset using Luminosity mask to blend 3 exposures. We will work on several different projects, some that are easier and others that are a bit more complicated. At the end of this course you will know how to retouch all types of landscapes with ease."
Price: 39.99

"Interior Design Photography Course" |
"In this course I cover all the tricks and tips to take photos and retouch photos for interior design. It can be quite tricky to take nice photos when it comes to interior design, so I have put together a step-by-step course for beginners and advanced photographers. This course covers 8 years of experience as an interior designer photographer and I took photos of over 200 hotels in Paris. We will go over the basics of shooting interior design, how to shoot small spaces, basics on retouching interior design, basics on retouching details in a photo, how to erase elements in a photo, making a high key effect on a white room and how to retouch the front of a hotel."
Price: 49.99

"Yoga for Beginners: Get Healthier in 4 Weeks" |
"New Bonus : A Daily Fitness Tip. Stay updated with the latest techniques for fitness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the community of over 1000 DELIGHTED STUDENTS. Course up-to-date as of 12-10-2015. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is what our students say : love the phase, of the teacher explaining about asanas. worth every cent paid."" - Jaiyaramakrishnan Mahendran This course is very well designed and It has benefited me a lot. The presentation and explanation about each asan (exercise) is very nice and perfectly explained."" - Shweta Sathe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that on an average we spend about 100$ a month on our health between the age of 15-35 years on curative medicines and techniques? And gradually this average starts rising!!. Though this is not an unnecessary expense, but What if you could save it ?Yes this is possible through 20-40 mins of preventive techniques in technical terms the Asanas, Pranayams etc in Yoga. And the best part is you do not require any prior knowledge. In fact it is better if you come with an empty cup. Now do your math and find out how much you have spent till date and how much you can save. Join a community of 1000+ active students. Anunconventionalcourse in Pranayama, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga and Acro Yoga. This4 week, go at your own pace course consists of modules for each day which has exercises for the Eyes, Neck, Shouldersand the Back, Breathing techniques followed by Sun Salutations,or Surya Namaskar,and Shavasana. This course is designed to teach you a routine that you can follow throughout your life to maintain your body and rid it of toxins and extra weight. We believe that it takes atleast a month of dedicated effort and sincerity to start and sustain a positive, new habit. This 4 week course is designed such that you see positive changes in your mental and physical well-being . Through an easy to understand and accessible teaching style,Guru Ivan Stanley shares his personal experiences and unique views, demonstrates unorthodox techniques and effective tips that guarantee changes in your mental and physical well-being. BENEFITS of this course: Positive changes in your mental and physical wellbeing . Improvement in strength, stamina & flexibility. An energetic, healthy mind and body. .Reduce belly fat .Glowing skin .Weight loss Improvement in confidence in your own physical & mental ability and stamina. This course can be practiced during the any period of the day with a 3 hour gap after a meal or half hour gap before a meal. What am I going to get from this course? Over 23 lectures and 16 hours of content! -On the start of every week i. e. Day1 you learn new techniques with detailed instructions and then Day 2 -Day 5 you go through repetitions for practice. 20 days workshop featuring fundamentals of Yoga. 6 hours of yoga video routines & sequences Anyone seeking to transform his or her body, mind and health in just 4 weeks. You must be capable of some exercise. Please consult your doctor in case of any health issues. Through the concept of muscle memory and reviving some of the habits of new born babies, Guru Ivan Stanley shares his personal experiences and unique views, demonstrates unorthodox techniques and effective tips that guarantee positive changes in your mental and physical well-being. Non-practitioners, beginner and advance students are welcome."
Price: 19.99

"Solution to UrbanLife Stress by Mind-Body Relaxation 15 mins" |
"New Bonus : A Daily Fitness Tip. Stay updated with the latest techniques for fitness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the community of 700+ delighted students. Get a life time relief. We call this Relief Yoga.Course up-to-date as of 12-10-2015. Solution to Urban Life Stress by Mind-Body Relaxation is a series of unique methods as discovered by the guru in the Himalayan caves. It provides a sneak-peek into how the Yoga routine can transform your body and mind. Modern life has different challenges compared to previous generation. We are prone to spending a considerable amount of time in front OF TV OR COMPUTER, LISTENING TO THEIR IPODS OR PLAYING VIDEO games and as a result, we spend less time on physical activity. Add to that the richer, processed food we eat AND THE PRESSURE TO PERFORM WELL AND STAY COMPETITIVE, is it any wonder so many are STRESSED. Suffer INSOMNIAS, EATING DISORDERS, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper activity disorder) and sometimes aggression. But yoga can solve or help all the problems seen in the present stage Students who have embraced the course are CALMER, MORE ALERT, BETTER LISTENERS, MORE CREATIVE, more PHYSICALLY FOCUSED WITH STRONGER AND HEALTHIER BODIES. Inspired to be successful in whatever they choose to do. More able to channel THEIR SPEED, AGILITY AND STABILITY which helps improve their performance in not only their professional lives but also in sports such as hockey, football, running, athletics, swimming, dancing, skating etc. 1. Increases concentration 2.Constant practice decreases the amount of harmful hormones produced in the body at the time of stress or tension. 3. Practicing proper 'asanas' or a posture helps reduce back pain and other joint pains. 4. Reduces respiration problems. 5. Helps in WEIGHT REDUCTION 6. Increases the immunity of the body. 1. Find a sense of balance in your life. became an individual who has balanced work and play life, has developed passion and practicality in relationship and responsibility. Loves this life more! 7. Find the inner peace , Stop struggling, stop running. Go on with your life, slowly and calmly while rediscovering the real you. Find yourself through meditations. This contributes to inner peace. 8. Find peace of mind. Solve your own puzzle and clear the mind and make it clutter free. It will fell like you are awashed of worries and uncertainties. 9. Find the strength in you. Through asanas and sessions, you change physically as well. Became more flexible and fit. Know the ways of your body and I appreciate everything about it. 10. Establish true relationships. You are aware that having a fast paced life makes you run and walk away from true human relationships. Everything then becomes only about business. And Yoga will propel you , change your ways, change your life. To make this more interesting and providing a sense of calm and serenity these exercises are performed in collaboration with your breath. The combination leaves you in the state of meditation, relaxing your mind. This really helps you to focus. Performing this short sequence of exercises before you start your daily routine keeps your day pleasant. Helps you enjoy every minute ahead. Let's you focus on your tasks giving you optimal output from your efforts. On the other hand if performed at the end of the day, it helps you to let go of all the stress, lets you forget the strain on your body and your mind caused buy the day to day tasks. So join your hands and follow this routine religiously for your own betterment. Rise and Shine"
Price: 19.99

"Desarrollo Profesional de Temas y Plugins de WordPress" |
"Curso 100% actualizado al Desarrollo de Temas de WordPress para el ao 2020!Adems de aprender lo bsico de PHP en una hora, con 16 videos nuevos!Alguna vez has intentado convertir un diseo en Photoshop o HTML5 a WordPress y encontrarte con problemas para hacerlo? Ests cansado de utilizar plantillas que no se adaptan al diseo que tienes en mente?ENTONCES ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI!Quieres saber que aprenders en este curso?En este curso desarrollars 5 proyectos completos!Primer Sitio: Desarrollaremos un sitio web para un gimnasio, con custom post types, crearemos 2 plugins, aprenders Widgets API, Plugin API y Shortcode API, adems de ser responsive y mobile first con Flexbox y CSS Grid!Segundo Sitio: Sitio Web para un restaurant, con sistema de reservas, opciones del theme, Advanced Custom Fields, Custom Post Types, en este proyecto aprenders desde temas bsicos hasta avanzados! Adems ser responsive y mobile first.Tercer Sitio: Un sitio web bsico que te ensear lo bsico para crear plantillas en WordPress.Cuarto Sitio: Crearemos un segundo sitio web con opciones ms avanzadas, responsivo y que integrar opciones ms avanzadas como Advanced Custom Fields, Custom Post Types y un Login personalizado.Quinto Sitio: Desarrollars un sitio web con el Framework ms popular del mundo: Twitter Bootstrap. Este curso es para ti si deseas crear tus propias plantillas, mejorar tus habilidades de programacin/diseo web y si quieres ampliar tus habilidades en tu Curriculum para obtener un mejor empleo en este ao. "
Price: 199.99

"React Avanzado: Fullstack Next.js, Apollo, MongoDB y GraphQL" |
"ACTUALIZADO 2020 con React Hooks y Apollo Hooks!Quieres aprender React y GraphQL en un mismo curso? No busques ms!! en este curso crearemos una aplicacin completa sin tener conocimientos previos de GraphQL, adems aprenders Apollo Client y Server para crear increibles Aplicaciones Web.Si ya tienes experiencia con React, lleva tus bases hacia el siguiente nivel con un backend hecho con Apollo Server, GraphQL y MongoDB.Si no estas seguro que es GraphQL, en este curso aprenders sin conocimientos previos.Adems aprenders:Queries, Mutations, Resolvers y Schema de GraphQL, que son y crear los tuyos.Integracin de GraphQL con React Autenticacin JWT con React y GraphQLApollo Client y Server con HooksNext.js y Tailwind para el front end de nuestra aplicacinRecharts para crear grficas interactivasAlmacenar datos en una base de datos de MongoDB GraphQL es bastante divertido y fcil de utilizar, junto a Apollo podremos crear aplicaciones web fullstack muy rpido y que sean fciles de mantener y actualizar con tecnologas modernas.Este curso es FullStack, por lo tanto crearemos tanto el frontend como el backend.Sino estas muy seguro que es GraphQL, aprenders lo siguiente:Crear y definir un Schema y relacionar objetos.Utilizar GraphQL para el Backend y Front End de tus aplicaciones.Aprenders las distintas etapas y tecnologas, as como sus diferencias: GraphQL, Apollo Client y Server, MongoDB, React y Next.jsCrearemos una aplicacin completa para administrar clientes, pedidos y productos.Aprenders a autenticar Usuarios con React y JWT en GraphQL y ApolloAprender una tecnologa nueva no debe ser algo frustrante! y en este curso iremos paso a paso construyendo una aplicacin completa, las herramientas (stack) utilizadas son:GraphQL para Queries, Resolvers, Mutations y Schema.MongoDB y mongoose para almacenar datos en la Base de datosReact Next.js y Tailwind para el frontend del sitio web.Formik para validacin de FormulariosRecharts para graficasApollo Client y Server con Hooks para conectar nuestra base de datos (MongoDB y nuestro cliente React)y mucho ms!!"
Price: 199.99

"CSS Grid & Flexbox - The Ultimate Course Build +10 Projects" |
"CSS Grid &Flexbox are the Present &Future for Web Layoutsin this course you're going to learn both tecnologies, and we're building several examples including a AirBNB Clone, Udemy &Netflix Login Page, plus several other projects (the video is enabled to watch for free where you can view all the projects)We will start with flexbox, a great technology for building one-dimensional layouts, with Flexbox you can create responsive websites really easily, you're going to learn the basics of flexbox, from flex container, flex direction, flex wrap, flex flow and others.Then we're going to build some projects with Flexbox so you can understand it's features more easilyAlso we're going to integrate some nice Tools with Flexbox, such as SASS, NPM , Gulp and also some Advanced CSS with Transitions and Custom Properties.Then we're moving into CSS Grid aka GRID or CSS Grid Layout, the most advanced way to create a web layout natively in CSS, with CSS Grid you can create more advanced /responsive layouts with breeze, no frameworks are needed anymore!We're going to build several examples with CSS Grid, plus a Clone of the Website AirBNB and other projects that you can use for your clients or your personal use!"
Price: 199.99

"Node.js - Bootcamp Desarrollo Web inc. MVC y REST APIs" |
"Deseas aprender Node.js para Desarrollo Web?Estas en el curso adecuado para hacerlo.Adems de Node aprenders otras herramientas como:ExpressSubir Archivos en Node con Multer.PassportNodemailerTemplate Engines(Los 3 ms populares:Pug, EJS y HandlebarsJS)ORM's - Sequelize y Mongoose.Utilizaremos 3 bases de datos diferentes para los Proyectos: MongoDB, MySQL y PostgreSQLMapas en Leaflet y OpenStreetMap en tus aplicaciones Node.Integrar Webpack y JavaScript para el front end.Sweet Alert.MomentJS.Axios y Node.Y mucho mucho ms!!Siempre he creido que se aprende ms creando proyectos as que crearemos diferentes, (Los videos estn habilitados para verse) todos los Proyectos siguen el patrn Model View Controller.PROYECTO 1:UpTask - Administrador de tareas:Aprende a crear tu propio administrador donde los usuarios podrn crear sus propias cuentas, activarla y comenzar a crear proyectos, agregar las tareas que deben realizarse en cada proyecto, marcar y desmarcar las tareas que han finalizado y finalizar el proyecto, este proyecto esta hecho con MySQL, Pug, Sequelize, MVC, Express, Node, SweetAlert2 y mucho ms!PROYECTO 2:DevJobs - Plataforma para encontrar trabajo para Programadores:Aprende a crear una plataforma de empleos llamada DevJobs, los reclutadores podrn dar de alta una cuenta y comenzar a publicar vacantes, los programadores que les interese podrn llenar un formulario y enviar su Curriculum Vitae ( en algunos pases hoja de vida)y ponerse en contacto con el reclutador, aprenders a subir archivos, enviar emails, Alertas y mucho ms!. El proyecto esta hecho con MongoDB, Mongoose, Handlebars, MVC, Node, Express, Axios, Webpack, Multer, Nodemailer Y MUCHO MAS !!PROYECTO 3:Meeti - Encuentra eventos cercanos y crea una Comunidad:Sin duda el proyecto ms grande / elaborado del curso, crearemos un clon del sitio web Meetup llamado Meeti, los usuarios podrn crear su cuenta y comenzar a publicar Meeti's, aadir informacin, ubicacin con mapas (Leaflet y OpenStreetMap)integrar diferentes tecnologas tanto en el front end como en el Backend como Webpack, axios, sweet alert, MomentJS y mucho mas), adems veremos Postgis para encontrar los meeti's ms cercanos, entre otras cosas. este proyecto esta hecho con PosgreSQL, Sequelize, EJS, MVC, MomentJS, Leaflet, Multer, Passport, Nodemailer y mucho ms."
Price: 199.99

"Professional Video Commercials Made Easy in just 19 Minutes" |
"InstructorMy name is Phil. I am known as HDcommercialVid, a level 2 seller on Fiverr. I've produced hundreds of video commercials for clients all over the world. Search HDCommercialVid on Fiverr to see my work. What is the course about? This course contains studio quality training videos to help you produce high quality commercials for promoting products and services.You'll learn to produce a professional video commercial similar to my demo video on Fiverr. Why take this course? I modified this course to be as short as possible and yet still accomplish the same goal which is to produce a great video commercial. This is the beauty of this course, you do not need to go through a lot of videos and complicated methods to learn to produce this type of video. I teach the exact steps to produce the same demo video on my Fiverr gig in a very short time. You'll learn by watching me actually perform, as I explain step by step on how to produce the video. How long will the course take to complete? The main course will take only 19 minutes to complete. Short, concise, and no fluff. Software requirements Microsoft Office 2010Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum"
Price: 49.99

"Simple Options Trading System" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to trade in the options market to make a supplemental income. Even if you have never traded options before or have been discouraged to do so, you will learn all the key basics you need to make double digit yearly returns with minimal risk. I explain in this course why using options in the right manner is actually less risky than buying a stock. You don't need to learn complicated equations to be successful trading options. Even the average investor can use these techniques to improve his yearly returns. In this course I show you: The best strategies to increase your odds of success and why they work How to be successful with options without using complex formulas How to find a good set up for a trade How to find a good options broker How to control losses in your portfolio This course contains illustrated videos with actual trades and detailed explanation of the implications and risks as the trades mature. I demonstrate how I find a set up and also follow up with how to properly fill out an options trade ticket. I have a list of stocks I regularly use, but you can also use these strategies with any of your favorite stocks."
Price: 34.99

"Ayurveda Basics" |
"This course is designed for students of all kinds whose main desire is to focus on preventative health care. It is no secret that in these modern times, we have deviated slightly from a holistic perspective. What does that mean? That we have forgotten that we are all interconnected beings, not only with other humans, but with nature itself. What happens in nature, happens in us. We are the five elements. Learn what those five elements have to do with your health. This topic and many more may be found in this course. Most people are looking for a way to lose weight and find their original weight; that is as a result of an imbalance. In this course you will also find a very thorough assessment so that you may better get to your perfect state of balance and discover in which area(s) you are out of balance. This course is a comprehensive compilation of the most fundamental and basic topics of Ayurveda. Yet, don't be fooled that because it is a foundational course it is not powerful! The exact topics that you are about to learn are the ones that have kept me healthy for the past eight years without having to visit a doctor. I no longer suffer from any ailments that would blow up into a full manifestation of dis""ease"". Ayurveda is yoga's sister science, and they both act as an integrative system for healing, bringing awareness to your consciousness, and transformation to all levels of your existence. This is no small matter. The time has come to expand your horizons and explore what other methods of prevention have to offer. Invest in your most valuable commodity - your health."
Price: 99.99

"Work Your Way Around the World - Proven Tips for Travellers" |
"Learn new skills, lower the costs of your travel and experience wanderlust once and for all! This course will give you a map of all the possibilities, so you can either plan ahead or decide to find a job on the spot.In this course, you will learn: -How and where to find various jobs, voluntary work etc. -Travel cheap (and safe) -Working and travelling in and around Europe -Earning money online- Build an online business (interview) - Teaching jobs - Jobs in tourism (no only entry-level jobs) and much more! Learn how to work & travel anywhere in the world! There are many benefits of working while travelling the world. You don't need to save money and maybe wait for months or maybe even years to finally do it". You can simply just jump on the plane and work your way around a new country or continent. Furthermore, the new skills you gain will help you boost your career upon your return. More and more employers consider a gap year or any other working experience abroad as a great plus!However, the majority of people having the same wish you do, never do it! Why? They feel confused and overwhelmed by loads of information on the web, so they simply stop pursuing their goal! That's a shame, isn't it?I designed this course based on my personal experience and knowledge as well as on my workshops and DVD. Both have helped numerous students all around the country and they can help you work your way around the globe too!You will get life-time access to all lectures and all the updates in the future. Futhermore, there is Udemy's and mine 30-day money back guarantee, so there's nothing you can lose :) Sign up TODAY at a better price!This course will be constantly updated!"
Price: 34.99

"What To Say ? in Arabic" |
"this course you will learn a big amount of what you need to say or most things you will be hearing in most pleases or situation that you will have in Arabic language or country. in your curriculum : Arabic letters: how to read them write them and spill them Arabic number: how they look like and how to count And the rest is seen in the list below will help you to read and have training on writing and spelling All the videos are downloadable so you have all the time you need to study without the need of reloading the video on the internet the course allows have upcoming lectures and i will always be available on skype when you need me"
Price: 19.99

"Build Better Knees" |
"Build Better Knees is a complete recovery kit that will guide you through the entire process of diagnosing your imbalances, providing you with specific clinical solutions to treat your knee injury, and getting you back to running pain-free. Its a action-packed program filled with tons of great information. It can help you recover from the four most common and debilitating running-related knee injuries: Patellofemoral Pain, Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Patellar Tendinosis and Quadriceps Tendinosis. Heres whats inside: Essentials on Pain and Inflammation Learn how imbalances in your bodys systems cause pain and injury. Discover the three different types of pain according to Ayurveda. Appreciate why inflammation is important for proper healing. Learn why icing an injury does more harm than good. Understand why anti-inflammatory drugs slow down healing. Holistic Perspectives on Recovery Figure out what factors affect your post-injury recovery. Identify the external and internal factors that make you susceptible to injury. Understand what causes some people to recover faster than others. Learn what it truly means to have a balanced body. The Anatomy and Bio-mechanics of Running Injuries Learn the anatomy of the knee joint and its surrounding muscles and tendons. Understand the bio-mechanical and non-mechanical factors that cause running-related knee pain. Discover the simple formula for knee pain and how to use it to fuel your recovery. Know the three key components that make up a strong knee foundation. Why Runners Get Knee Pain Understand common signs and symptoms of knee injuries, even before they get serious. Learn common causes of repetitive strain injuries and what to do about them. Recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate your knee injury is something more serious. Develop an in-depth understanding of the four common running-related knee injuries. Figure out the pain generators and learn to assess your specific knee injury accurately. Knee Pain Assessment Learn to use the pain, functional impairment, and irritability scales to assess your running prospects. Use ten mobility, strength and balance tests to figure out your weak areas and imbalances. Read about the correlation among mobility, strength, and balance, and why it matters. Discover where you should focus your knee rehabilitation efforts for maximum benefit. Treatment Overview Learn specific acupressure and scar tissue massage techniques to reduce pain/swelling and improve circulation. Understand how heat therapy improves circulation and aids in faster recovery, as well as how to use it. Acquire the ancient treatment skill of cupping to heal your knee injury. Master shock absorption, balance and explosive training for improved running performance. Learn the knee taping technique that has brought great knee pain relief to 90% of my patients. Whole Body Remedies Learn what foods are hard to digest and slow down recovery. Become healthier and stronger by using Ayurvedic guidelines to improve digestion and detox. Discover the ten different herbs and supplements that can help you recover faster and get stronger. Familiarize yourself with one of the most powerful yoga sequences for a rejuvenating body-mind workout. Learn why massage improves muscle-mass and has an overall anti-aging affect on the body. Running Pain-Free Understand the importance of cultivating the right mindset for getting back to running after your injury. Discover the safest running technique to use after a knee injury, and why. Experience a powerful warm-up chi circulation series to get your blood flowing before running. Learn how to keep your healthy knee recovery going strong after the initial rehabilitation."
Price: 34.99

"SDLC with SOA Spring Java JMS GIT ActiveMQ MongoDB Jenkins" |
"You will learn the complete software development life cycle creating a Spring JMS Service Oriented Application using tools like: Eclipse Spring Framework JMS JUnit Log4j2 ActiveMQ GIT Jenkins Continuous Integration Cobetura Code Coverage Git with BitBucket Tomcat 7 and 8. By the end of the course you will have complete understanding of the software development lifecycle and have complete confidence using the tools in this course to create service oriented architecture applications in any workplace."
Price: 79.99

"High converting Sales Funnels - List Building On Steroids" |
"If you sell anything online or offline, then this course is for you. The focus is on getting leads online for your business by building an ultra-targeted email list that you can market to repeatedly and make money from every time you send them an email. Speed is of the essence. This is why the focus is on teaching you how to pay for traffic to your site and to recover all of your investment in 30 days or less. The secret to doing so is to create a high converting sales funnel which allows you to sell multiple products to your customers in multiple ways. The key is in having multiple opportunities to make a sale to these customers. The best part is that the process is automated so you only have to set it up once and then your only job will be to send traffic to a single web page. This automated process is also known as your front-end funnel. Once you understand how to maximize your revenue from this funnel you will be able to spend more than your competitors to acquire a customer at breakeven or better (which is essentially for free). This course consists of 16 fluff-free modules which will take you no more than 1 hour to consume. Each module teaches a different, yet very important concept that makes the entire process work. When you are done with this course you will know more than 99% of business owners and marketers and you should be able to multiply your current revenue many times over. This is the ultimate return on investment or ROI vehicle."
Price: 29.99

"Create Binaural Beats on Your PC for Meditation & Hypnosis" |
"By doing this course, you will understand to make own Binaural beats,It maybe use for personal growth, relaxation or spiritual practice etc. The course offers simple and easy techniques to learn Two Open source software's, 1. Winaural 2. Audacity. Course included video chapters, Information pdf file, Binaural Schedule Maker Excel file & Background Noise tone mp3 File. This course is structured in such a way so, any one can easily create their own Beats for meditation or any other therapeutic purpose. You will Learn Following Step to create simple meditation music. 1. Binaural Beat (Start to End) Creation. 2. Left Channel Right Channel Checking audio Recording and Mixing. (@ Session Start) 3. Natural sound Mixing. ( Start to End) 4. Sound three times with deep breath Recording and Mixing. (@ Very beginning of the Session) 5. Shanti mantra (End of the Session) Recording and Mixing. (@ Very End of the Session) These all step made a beautiful sound that use for Yoga Nidra, relaxation, meditation, or chakra clearing, Goal achievements and so on. So, what you are waiting for get this course & make Beautiful Meditation & Hypnotic Sound."
Price: 24.99

"Intelligent Pay-Per-Click Advertising with Bing and Yahoo!" |
"Don't give others the advantage in PPC advertisingThere are over 700 students sharpening their Bing and Yahoo PPC skills in the updated Intelligent Pay-Per-Click advertising with Bing and Yahoo! course.Listen to what students are saying:This class taught me just what I needed to know to get started or at least build the confidence to start a campaign with Bing & Yahoo Ads. A lot of people concentrate on overpriced Google ads and forget about the alternatives. Great Class! - Niko S. This course is great in explaining about PPC with Bing and Yahoo AdsWhat impresses me most are the insights he shares based on his own experience - the practical tips that would save me a lot of time from having to figure it out myself. In a nutshell, if you're looking to execute PPC marketing with Bing and Yahoo Ads, this course will help you get the job done with minimal fuss. - Michael C.Do you want the secret to maximizing the return of your marketing investment?The concept is elegantly simple. You place a targeted advertisement in front of a highly motivated buyer and close the sale. Knowing WHAT needs to be done is not the same as knowing HOW to do it. This class will teach you, with laser precision, how to create a targeted and profitable pay-per-click (PPC) advertisement and marketing campaign.Many people think ALL advertising is expensive and out of reach. This is simply not true. This line of thinking prevents entrepreneurs and small businesses from reaching their true potential.While it is true that some forms of advertising are VERY expensive, it is YOUR job as an entrepreneur or small business owner to FIND A WAY to leverage your resources that yield the best results. Consider thisMarketing research shows that advertising on Google is 70% more expensive than Bing or Yahoo! While it is true that Google has the lion's share of the market, Bing and Yahoo! have tens of millions of visitors. TENS OF MILLIONSBing and Yahoo account for nearly 30% of search engine traffic. Do the mathA small percentage of tens of millionsWhat would you do with thousands or hundreds of thousands of visitors to your website or business? This course focuses on helping entrepreneurs, small businesses, and marketers successfully advertise on the Bing and Yahoo! search engine platforms. This course is for those that want to FIND A WAY to maximize their advertising budget while maximizing their results. About this course:This is a comprehensive course about PPC marketing, with both foundational concepts and advanced techniques that will bring your advertising campaign to the next level. The course is designed for beginners and experts alike. If you have no prior experience with PPC advertising, you will learn everything you need to launch a successful campaign. If you have experience with PPC advertising, you will learn advanced techniques that will bring your business to the next level.This course was not designed to be a boring lecture on the theory of advertising and PPC advertising. Rather, it is designed with a focus practical application.The most important component of this class is YOUThe end user.It is designed to empower you to use successfully use the principles to enhance and build your business, from creating and initiating a PPC campaign to measuring the campaigns performance, to refinement and process improvement. Contents and Overview:After you complete this class, you will be able to:Create a complete PPC campaign, targeted to your audience, from start to finish.Learn how to conduct keyword research using both the Google Adwords keyword tool and the Bing keyword tool. This enables you to target the ads to your audience with laser precision.Learn how to measure success in a PPC campaign.Learn how to refine your campaigns in order to increase your conversion rates and profitability.Additional Benefits:This is an action-oriented course. This course will help YOU create a successfully PPC campaign. Toward that end, I am including some bonuses that will help ensure your success.I will teach you about a free $50 Bing Ads coupon, which you can immediately use with your PPC campaigns.LIFETIME access to this course.ANY future lectures and upgrades are included.All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free.Unconditional 30-day money back guarantee; if you are not satisfied, I do not deserve your money.As a demonstration of my commitment to you, I am offering to personally answer any questions if you get stuck or have a question. Simply contact me and I will do anything within my power to see you succeed.Click the Take This Course"" button at the top right. Every day you delay in using the techniques covered in this course, you are potentially losing money."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Tips and Tricks and Its Funny Secret Easter Eggs" |
"Join my community of over 6,700 students learning my courses!Listen to what students are saying:""Even as an experienced YouTube user, this course still offered me many useful tips I didn't know about. Recommended."" - Daniel You will learn many tips, tricks, secrets and Easter Eggs within YouTube that most people do not know about. This course does not require any prior knowledge, as everything will be explained from scratch. Nothing is needed in order to use these tricks, you simply need Internet connection and access to YouTube. ____________________________________ YouTube is one of the most popular video streaming websites. Millions of people use the platform every single day. Even considering its popularity, very few people know the tips and tricks, which are covered in this course. This course covers a large variety of tips and tricks such as what to do, if your internet connection is slow, make your favourite videos loop, refine your search results, watch full length movies on YouTube and many others. You can simply browse through the curriculum in order to see all of the tricks you will be learning in this course. This course aims to teach about the tricks in order to add a different dimension to your experience with YouTube and also make it more enjoyable, as you will be learning little shortcuts, hacks and special features that you can use on YouTube. ____________________________________ Curriculum Sections: The course is divided in a few sections. After the introduction to the course you will learn small URL hacks. In this section I will cover various small hacks that you can achieve by changing the URL of the YouTube videos that you will be watching. The second section will cover how you can embed YouTube videos to your website or blog. Most importantly, I will cover how you can edit the HTML code in order to make sure that the embedded videos meet your exact needs (do not worry, no prior knowledge of HTML is needed, as I will cover everything you need). In the next section I will show you some external websites that offer a YouTube related service. An example of which is how to make YouTube videos repeat themselves endlessly. Also, I will be showing you examples of how to use the websites in order to use all of the features offered by them. Afterwards, the next section will cover many different miscellaneous tips and tricks. These vary greatly from changing default playback settings if you have a slow Internet connection to refining the search results and allowing you to find the content easier that you want to watch. This course also covers hidden and hilarious YouTube Easter Eggs, which you will learn how to unveil. The Easter Eggs are created as a joke within YouTube and very few people know about their existence. In this course you will also learn what the jokes refer to. Furthermore, YouTube changes rapidly. Therefore, the tips, tricks, secrets and Easter Eggs change over time as well. This course will be reviewed very frequently and new lectures will be continuously be added. ____________________________________ Summary of Benefits from Taking This Course: Learn various tips that are within YouTube Learn URL tips that you can use by simply changing the URL address Learn how to embed videos and edit the HTML code to make them meet your individual needs Learn about external websites, which offer a YouTube related service Learn secret jokes that have been created by YouTube All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free and the course will be reviewed very frequently and new lectures will be added. Full lifetime access Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Click the Take this course"" button at the top right, as you will learn many different tricks, which will make your YouTube experience more enjoyable. Remember that this course will be reviewed frequently and you will be granted a full lifetime access."
Price: 199.99

"Librate de las creencias que limitan tu Autoestima" |
"Ser feliz es sencillo, si sabes cules son las bases de esa felicidad. Este curso te ayuda, paso a paso y a travs de ejercicios prcticos, a descubrir lo positivo en ti y aprovecharlo para crear la vida que deseas.Tu Autoestima influye en tus relaciones, en el xito de tus proyectos y en tu salud (dolores articulares, problemas en la espalda, afecciones en la sangre, en los ligamentos, tendones, y enfermedades autoinmunes, entre otras). Descansa, encuentra la paz. S libre!Echa un vistazo a los vdeos de avance del temario!Estos ejercicios te ayudan en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Descubrirs cosas que afectan a stas reas (economa, familia, salud) de las que no te habas dado cuenta antes.Te has preguntado por qu hay cosas que a otros les funcionan y a ti no? Descubrirs tambin que la visin que tienes de ti, de lo que haces y del mundo influye profundamente en ello.ste es un Curso Completo y Prctico te ayuda a verte y valorarte como realmente eres, mostrndote cmo: Identificar las creencias que tienes sobre ti mismo/a y que no corresponden con quin eres Ser consciente de los patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento automticos Modificar, sanar y superar las creencias limitantesVivir tu vida de otra manera "El curso ha sido muy provechoso. Los materiales son muy grficos y estn muy claros. Adems, Margarita ha estructurado perfectamente el temario, con un montn de ejercicios que te ayudan a profundizar, a mirar hacia dentro para transformarte. He ganado en claridad y he aprendido qu he de hacer para mejorar mi autoestima y quererme por lo que soy." - Concepcin Sanjernimo - Business New Generation Sus ms de 50 clases contienen claves y ejercicios que me han servido a m y a otras personas, con los que podrs crear CAMBIOS REALES. Cada tema incluye ejercicios para realizar, con los que descubrir dnde estn las percepciones errneas y cmo reenfocarlas.Eres una persona valiosa. Tienes algo importante que aportar a los que te rodean. Y puedes vivir una vida feliz, saludable y prspera.Aprende a aprovechar quin eres y a sacar lo positivo que tienes en el interior."
Price: 49.99

"History of the Middle East - 600 A.D. to Today" |
"Become highly informed on the past and present of the Middle East in minutes a day with this introductory history course. Know as much about Middle East history as a history major Learn in a fraction of the time and money Understand the intricacies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Sound highly knowledgeable about world affairs to your friends and associates. Learn history through highly entertaining videos and audio lectures To most Westerners the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appear utterly bewildering. Palestinians want to bomb Israelis that force them at gunpoint to live in restricted parts of the country. Arab leaders are furious about this situation and want Israelis wiped off the map and their land given back to Palestinians, even though the real estate of the Holy Land looks something like rural Utah. And nearly all the worlds leaders see fit to chime in on this dispute over the two tiny lands. To untangle the modern Middle East conflict and the 2,000 years behind it, this course is divided into 25 concise lectures. Each one is devoted to a major theme in Middle East history, such as the beginning of Islam, the Crusades, Genghis Khan, and the beginning of Israel in 1948. Each lecture is 10-20 minutes, giving you a fast overview of the issues to understand how they connect Middle East current events. STUDENT TESTIMONIALS: "The instructor clearly demonstrates the relevance of the topic to ongoing conflicts and issues in our world today. If you want to better understand the world or just like learning something new, do yourself a favor and buy this course!" -- Raj Lulla"
Price: 24.99
