"How To Write a Rap Song" |
"Learn how to write a rap song from someone who writes and records rap songs for TV/Film and his own projects every day.Learn how to be confident, find your style and write a good rap song.There is a difference between being a good rapper and writing a great rap song.This course will inspire, encourage you as you develop your own unique rap style.Honored to be a part of your journeyDare to suckDare to put yourself out there.You can't shrink into greatness, you have to stretch!See you in the course!Chris/Manafest"
Price: 99.99

"Crea tu tambor ceremonial chamnico. Espritu y sanacin." |
"Este curso est pensado para todos aquellos que necesiten conectar consigo mismos. Aquellos que estn en buscas de respuestas en su interior y no sepan cmo encontrarlas. Est inspirado en el tradicional tambor chamnico. El tambor chamnico era y es utilizado por el chamn para propiciar estados de meditacin que permitan al ser que escucha los golpes del tambor, entrar en una meditacin ms profunda. Un tambor ceremonial, sagrado, puede ser utilizado por practicantes de yoga, meditacin, vida sana. En el documental ""El secreto de la curacin"", del canal alemn DW, el mdico onclogo Thomas Schmitt nos cuenta ""La medicina convencional es rica en cuanto a la tcnica pero pobre en imgenes. Cuando llega la magia, cuando la fantasa se despierta en el propio paciente, este encuentra sus imgenes internas, entonces puede desarrollar una fuerza que contribuye a la curacin de forma esencial (...) He encontrado lo mgico en un elemento que los antroplogos desarrollaron despus de dcadas de investigacin de campo. Los cientficos descubrieron que el sonido montono de los tambores lleva a la actividad elctrica del cerebro hacia el ritmo theta, un estado similar al de un sueo. Lo que ven los viajeros del sueo nadie puede imaginarlo, a muchos les parece como un mundo paralelo donde con frecuencia aparecen animales poderosos o ayudantes humanos como acompaantes personales. Cmo estas imgenes mticas pueden actuar sobre una grave enfermedad? La investigacin del cerebro sugiere que los sentimientos profundos asociados a ello probablemente sean los que actan como disparadores para producir las mejoras. A este trance especial se lo conoce como viaje chamnico, sus orgenes se encuentran en Amrica y Asia (...) Podemos observar que ellos simplemente presentan de forma evidente menos efectos secundarios causados a travs de las terapias fsicas como la quimioterpia. Tienen menos nauseas. El trabajo con el paciente es esencialmente mejor, se involucran por completo, eso llega hasta el sistema inmune reforzando los parmetros de inmunidad...""Durante el viaje chamnico, el chaman y/o el practicante, busca la armona con la naturaleza, y el tambor sirve como instrumento para armonizar. Este curso est dictado por: Pepe Chiriboga, experimentado y talentoso artesano y msico peruano. Pepe te guiar a travs de la creacin y creacin de tu tambor sagrado.Sharon Ramel tejer algo de la historia del tambor. A travs de los ritmos del tambor, trascenderemos el tiempo y el espacio para restablecer la comunicacin entre los reinos espiritual y fsico.Karina Melendez y Pedro Riera a travs de su iniciativa Artesany ofrecen tcnicas artesanales que no se ensean en la educacin formal; tcnicas relacionadas con el trabajo artesanal de diferentes regiones en Amrica Latina.Qu encontrars en este curso: Introduccin: instructores y trabajo juntos.Haciendo el marco - haciendo huesos fuertesCancin del tambor - celebrando la piel y su espritu nico.El sueo del tambor - el espritu vive y respira - aadiendo la carne del tamborCreando la conexin elemental esencial con tu tambor.Escuchando el latido del corazn de tu tambor.Al emplear el tambor en las formas en que se le mostrar, tendr la oportunidad de experimentar los estados chamnicos, el poder y la curacin personalmente. Estas formas no requieren cambios en tu fe o cambios en tu definicin de realidad. Tampoco se necesita ningn cambio en su mente subconsciente, ya que el tambor solo despierta lo que ya est all. Estimular al chamn que yace dormido dentro de ti.No se necesita un intermediario como un sacerdote o la iglesia para acceder a la experiencia espiritual y la revelacin personal. Todas las dimensiones de la realidad, los poderes y el conocimiento mstico que contienen estn disponibles para aquellos que buscan y descubren las prcticas nicas del chamanismo. Cada practicante chamnico se convierte en su maestro, sacerdote y profeta. La prctica chamnica nos brinda un poder supremo sobre nuestra propia vida y la capacidad de ayudar a otros a hacer lo mismo.Pretendemos ensearte cmo renovar y mantener la armona con tu familia, comunidad, nacion y la Tierra misma. Juntos restauraremos un sentido de lo sagrado para el mundo, de la divinidad presente en la naturaleza y en todas las cosas vivientes. El tambor es una herramienta hermosa con la que trabajar, ya que los tambores sagrados despiertan al chamn interior. Hacer tu tambor te ayuda a alinearte con toda la creacin.Cuando rezas con ese tambor, cuando los espritus escuchan ese tambor, se hace eco. Ellos escuchan este tambor y escuchan su voz fuerte y clara "". Wallace Black ElkNos alegra contarte que tu compra est protegida con una GARANTA DE 30 DIAS DE REEMBOLSO proporcionada por Udemy. Qu esperas?nete a nosotros!"
Price: 124.99

"Stylized Female Character Creation - Complete Game Pipeline" |
"Instructor InfoManuel Rondon is currently working as a professional 3D artist and part time instructor. He loves both jobs because they allow him to work on what he is passionate about while still having some creative freedom. His advice for students who are just starting out and want to make it in the industry is to be knowledgeable and be open to different areas of 3D art as this can give you more opportunities for jobs. As you gain more experience, you can then specialize in characters, textures, or animations but in the beginning, it's best to wear as many hats as possible. Course Info In this course, you will be taken from start to finish on how to create a female character for video games in a stylized format. We will start by looking at reference photos, were we will plan our whole project. We will analyze the photos, determine our color choices, style and silhouette and the path we will take to create the concept that we want at the end. We will move on to sculpting our high poly and this process will be done using ZBrush. You will learn tips and techniques on building a female character and mistakes that you might run across and how to correct them. After sculpting, we will take our high poly mesh into 3ds Max to retopologize our character. You will learn how to create a low poly version of the character so it can work inside a game engine. Then we will proceed to unwrap our low poly mesh from the full body of the character to each and every armor and prop the character is sporting. After unwrapping, we will go through the method of texturing in a stylized way to achieve the cartoon look that you see in video games such as Overwatch and Sunset Overdrive. To finalize the course, we will go inside Marmoset Toolbag to prepare a nice looking render of our work for our portfolio."
Price: 64.99

"Data Visualization with Python" |
"You'll begin with an introduction to data visualization and its importance. Then, you'll learn about statistics by computing mean, median, and variance for some numbers, and observing the difference in their values. You'll also learn about key NumPy and Pandas techniques, such as indexing, slicing, iterating, filtering, and grouping. You'll study different types of visualizations, compare them, and find out how to select a particular type of visualization using this comparison. You'll explore different plots, including custom creations. After you get a hang of the various visualization libraries, you'll learn to work with Matplotlib and Seaborn to simplify the process of creating visualizations. You'll also be introduced to advanced visualization techniques, such as geoplots and interactive plots. You'll learn how to make sense of geospatial data, create interactive visualizations that can be integrated into any webpage, and take any dataset to build beautiful and insightful visualizations. You'll study how to plot geospatial data on a map using Choropleth plot, and study the basics of Bokeh, extending plots by adding widgets and animating the display of information.About the AuthorsMario Dbler is a graduate student with a focus in deep learning and AI. He previously worked at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence in Silicon Valley in the field of deep learning, using state-of-the-art algorithms to develop cutting-edge products. Currently, he dedicates himself to apply deep learning to medical data to make health care accessible to everyone. Tim Gromann is a CS student with an interest in diverse topics ranging from AI to IoT. He previously worked at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence in Silicon Valley in the field of big data engineering. He's highly involved in different open source projects and actively speaks at meetups and conferences about his projects and experiences.Erik Sevre is a Doctoral Student in Computational Science and Technology at Seoul National University. He is a researcher at Seoul National University."
Price: 199.99

"Spring Boot 2 Fundamentals" |
"You will begin the Spring Boot 2 Fundamentals course by learning how to write and test simple code using the Spring Framework and then use this skill to learn advanced concepts, such as creating an HTML-based frontend with dynamic data and HTML forms. Then, you will create a simple, working, web interface to display blog posts, list all articles, and create and edit blog articles. You will learn to work with the REST API functionality that Spring Boot 2 offers and secure your blogging application. At the end of the course, you will learn how to persist your blog posts in a database, bringing everything together as a full web application with the complete functionality of a professional solution.About the AuthorPatrick Cornelien is a software developer at heart, and the founder and CEO of orchit GmbH and kulinariWeb GmbH. He has written a number of applications in various languages and platforms and specializes in micro-service-based applications and the transition of monolithic applications to micro-services. He started using the Spring Framework in 2009 and has been a big fan ever since. After his family, software craftsmanship is one of his passions, which he pursues whenever he has some spare time. For this, he has organized example code retreats and open space conferences in the past. He likes learning about new things in the field of (agile) software development as much as he likes teaching.Michael Piefel earned his fist salary in a programming job over 20 years ago working in Pascal. After a number of years working with C and C++, he finally moved to Java in 2005. He has been using the Spring Framework since 2011 and Spring Boot since 2016. He used to be an instructor at the Humboldt University of Berlin (and still likes to share his knowledge) but is a full-time software engineer nowadays.Alexander Sparkowsky has been a passionate software developer since the 1980s. He started building embedded systems during his college years, using Assembler and the C programming language. During his studies in the 1990s, he became very interested in the Java programming language. Since then, he has been developing full-stack applications in various languages and for multiple platforms, his main focus being on Java EE in the beginning. Eventually, he discovered the Spring Framework, and later Spring Boot, which became his favorite platform. Recently, he started using Kotlin, which makes developing modern micro-services even more fun. He enjoys learning and teaching new technology. When working in teams, he is a big fan of agile software development.Shai Almog has hands-on, successful Software Engineer/Architect/Entrepreneur/Author with decades of verifiable success leading teams in delivering appropriate technology solutions full stack on mobile, server and desktop. He is a leader who takes initiative and can follow every single step of product development. Shai is a major open source contributor who led key global projects around the world in his 25 year professional career. Shai worked in most major industries from gaming to banking/insurance, development tools, cellular, networking, medical etc. He has managed and developed projects for widely distributed desktop and mobile applications as well as server applications for mission critical deployments. Shai designed and deployed complex cloud backends using a wide array of technologies/architectures from Spring Boot to App Engine to AWS and serverless/micro-service paradigms. Shai is a highly rated lecturer in conventions and instructor specializing in hands on mentoring."
Price: 199.99

"How to Write a Business Book" |
"Writing a business book can open many professional doors. For starters, it can announce to the world that you're an expert in a particular field. It can result in new business and new opportunities. People may even start to look at you differently. You might hear people say, You did that?I should know. Until 2008, I worked as an enterprise systems consultant. In a nutshell, I helped companies implement new technologies. I was making a good living but something was growing in me that had to come out. I started writing what became Why New Systems Fail, my first of eight books as of now. As I look back over the past decade, I can truthfully say that writing books transformed my career. New consulting, speaking, coaching, and writing opportunities soon came my wayall because I started putting my thoughts out there. Sure, blog posts helped, but nothing enhanced my credibility like writing full-length texts. For example, take away my books and I never would have landed a job as a full-time college professor.I'm hardly perfect: I made plenty of mistakes along the way. Still, today I know so much more about writing business books compared to 2008. Now, for the first time, I am sharing my methodology and knowledge on writing compelling business books. This is the course that I wish that I had taken when I started writing business books..In this course, I do the following:Help authors identify potential audiences for their books.Define and describe the building blocks of any successful business book.Describe the general types of business books.Disclose my key technology that will make you as productive as possible.Answer the key questions that most first-time writers have. These include whether the thesis of your business book needs to be novel and whether your book needs to contain stories and/or case studies.Tell you how to anticipate criticisms of your bookTell you how to wrap up your business book. Yes, it's better to go out with a bang, not a whimper. And much, much more. Apart from the videos, I've created quizzes and exercises that reinforce what you've just learned. They'll also help you frame the idea and audience for your potential book. Finally, I include some valuable resources including books and relevant blog posts.Are you ready?"
Price: 24.99

"inDesign Building Blocks" |
"If this isn't the best inDesign course you've taken on Udemy, I want you to exercise the refund option and get your money back. Period. End of story.We put together a course that's not only GUARANTEED to teach you crucial digital design skills with InDesign but, will also be a lot of fun. First, Kirsten Rourke, your instructor is as experienced as they come. She's been working with Adobe software since the first versions of Photoshop and Indesign. (Kirsten isn't old. She prefers to say, ""seasoned!"")Kirsten doesn't just know her stuff, but she knows how to present it in a memorable, exciting way. That's why this course is project oriented. In each section of the course, you won't just be learning valuable inDesign skills, but also completing exciting projects. As you become more skilled with the InDesign software, you'll create more and more complex projects from business cards to FAQ sheets, to trifold brochures and catalogs.Before you know it, you'll be the InDesign expert!Here's the thing: This course is for beginners, but it's also comprehensive. So if you want a full introduction to the InDesign software, Kirsten reviews every feature you're ever likely to need. But she does start at the beginning, so you can be successful in this course even if you have no experience at all.We've purposely dispensed with any fluff in this course. We want every minute you spend with Kirsten to be a valuable learning experience. You'll be able to immediately apply the digital design skills you learn with InDesign to your work.Each video includes step-by-step written instructions which will show you how to create each project that Kirsten does. We even include all of the images and other assets you need. And you're free to use the projects included as templates for producing your own work.You should enroll in InDesign Building Blocks now-- the best way to learn Adobe InDesign. It's guaranteed!"
Price: 199.99

"Online Course Marketing Blueprint" |
"Discover how your Course Marketing Strategy fits into your Digital BusinessHow to match the Six Parts of Digital Business - Business Model, Customer, Product, Offer, Marketing and Traffic to your Course Marketing StrategyDiscover 13 critical components to an effective online course marketing strategy. If you don't know what these are and how to join them together then the chances are that your course marketing is not successful.In this course we discuss the following Strategic Steps:1. Branding2. Website3. Write Epic Content4. Lead Magnets5. Emails6. Youtube7. Create a Facebook Group8. Automate Social Media9. Create a Free Course10. Podcasting or Be on a Podcast11. Webinars12. Funnels13. TrafficI will show you the importance of relationship building and how to create a system which will make your Course Marketing more successful.This is an introductory course to get you thinking beyond ""Spray and Pray"" marketingYou will not discover 101 places to post coupon codesYou will discover how to start thinking like a professional marketer and how you can start to take your Course Marketing beyond selling your courses for $10 each and looking to sell them for as much as $997 which is what I am now doing.Enjoy the Course and I wish you great success!Best regardsJohn"
Price: 49.99

"Learn How to Craft & Dedicate a Sacred Shamanic Frame Drum" |
"Bring shamanism alive as we craft and dedicate your new frame drum. You will be guided step-by-step through the creation and spiritual aspects of making and dedicating your unique ceremonial drum.Sharon offers you a certificate of attunement by request for free at the end of this course.What others are saying about this course:""I have been waiting for this course. Thank You. It exceeds all my expectations. The Universe and you gave us a great gift. Words cannot express the joy this course will provide all who take this course."" - Elizabeth ""I love the way the drums move me. I am really glad to be able to learn how to make one or more myself!"" - TamaraWhat you will learn in this how-to craft and dedicate a frame drum course:Step-by-step guidance to craft your own ceremonial sacred frame drum by renowned shaman and drummer and drum maker Pepe Chiriboga.How to perform blessings and ceremony to guide the making of your sacred frame drum by Sharon RamelAn introduction to the drum rhythm and how to work with itSome historical background to enhance your relationship with your drumHow to do a shamanic journey with and for your sacred drum - how to work deeply with the craft and love of your drum.Pepe and Sharon will guide you through every element of crafting your sacred frame drum with appropriate ritual and ceremony. This will enhance your connection with the wood and hide assisting you in creating and birthing your very own Medicine Drum. Your drum will empower you with each beat upon completion, and awaken you to the spirit within. This will be rocket fuel for your happiness and personal development. We are committed to assisting you to craft the best authentic medicine drum which will carry YOUR energy and intent throughout and after the birthing process.This is a comprehensive workshop for a small one-time fee! Remember we are with you every step of the way and answer all questions and queries promptly.Crafting and playing a ceremonial medicine drum that you have made yourself is eminently more satisfying than playing any other. A drum of your creation will be imbued with your unique essence and will become a powerful extension of your essential self. This enhances your own ability for personal transformation with a deep sense of mindfulness. Enrol with confidence.So what are you waiting for? Join: Pepe Chiriboga, an experienced and talented Peruvian artisan and musician. He has high energy and vibrations and is motivated to share his knowledge with the world. Pepe will guide you through creating and crafting your sacred drum. Sharon Ramel will weave some of the histories of the drum. Provide specific shamanic dedications to work with and expand on for your drum. You will be guided through the drums rhythms, and we will transcend time and space working with shamanic inspired ceremony and lore to re-establish communication between the spiritual and the physical realms. Sharon is one of Udemy's top instructors and pioneered teaching shamanism online globally.Karina Melendez and Pedro Riera, under the Artesany initiative, offer artistic techniques that are not taught in the formal education; techniques related to artisan work from different regions in Latin America. Karina is the voice of Sharon in the Spanish version and Pedro the voice of Pepe in the English version. What is inside this Craft and Dedicate a Shamanic Frame Drum course:Introduction to your instructors and the way we will work together. Gathering the materials you will need to craft your shamanic frame drum.How to make the frame - crafting strong bones. We make and offer dedication to our wooden frameHow to listen to the Song of the drum - celebrating the skin and its unique spirit. It is important to honour with spirit of the animal. Discover how to work with the dream of the drum - spirit lives and breathes - adding the flesh of the drum. Soaking and celebrating how our sacred drum is coming together.How to create the essential elemental connection with your drum. Weaving the rope to see your drum emerging.Discover how to listen to the heartbeat of your drum. How to offer thanks and receive some introductory drum beats to work with.By employing the drum in the ways you will be shown, you will have an opportunity to experience shamanic states, mindfulness, and personal healing. These ways do not require faith or changes in your definition of reality. No change in your subconscious mind is needed either, for the drum only awakens what is already there. It will stimulate the shaman that lies dormant within you.The shaman seeks harmony with nature, this is wonderful for stress management in our crazy lives today. The drum serves as an instrument of attunement bringing harmony and happiness into the core of your being. Together we celebrate both crafting and dedicating our sacred frame drum.There is a great renewal of interest in the practice of shamanism. The freedom and individuality of the shamanic experience in liberating and personal transformation unfold with grace and ease. No intermediary such as a priest or the church is needed to access spiritual experience and personal revelation. All dimensions of reality, the powers and mystical knowledge they contain are available to those who seek out and discover the unique practices of shamanism. Every shamanic practitioner becomes his or her teacher, priest, and prophet. Shamanic practise brings us ultimate power over our own life and the ability to assist others to do the same.We intend to teach you through working deeply with your drum how to renew and maintain harmony with your families, communities, nations, and Earth herself. Together we shall restore a sense of sacred to the world, of the divinity present in nature and all living things. The drum is a beautiful tool to work with as sacred drumming awakens the inner shaman and mindfulness. Making your drum helps align you with all of creation.A quick update: the subtitles (not saying they will be perfect.... but better than the automated ones!) have been updated. Remember I use a different version of English - honour not honour etc. Plus the 'squelch' that hurt our ears with the drumming has been fixed - thank you Pedro). If you are loving the course please let us know via a review. There are so many courses on Udemy these days and reviews are the only way we can stand out.When you pray with that drum when the spirits hear that drum, it echoes. They hear this drum, and they hear your voice loud and clear. Wallace Black ElkAn interesting fact about drumming: When Rome adopted Christianity around 200AD it was made an act of heresy to play the frame drum, such was its power of collective and personal transformation. As a traditional womens sacred instrument, it was the main instrument used consistently in ritual, celebration, healing and shamanic journeying for thousands of years. Thus the church moved to crush and control women.""SONG OF THE DRUM My drum has many voices. My drum tells many stories. This drum is full of mystery. This drum is full of dreams. Listen to the drumbeat. Listen to the heartbeat. Now you hear the hoofbeat. Now you hear the wing beat. All are One."" CherokeeCertification and Accreditation: Some instructors offer accreditation via external official-sounding bodies. The majority of these are fake. We call them Certificate Mills. The only thing the Mill wishes to see from the instructor is money (ranging from $40 - $1500 per course depending on the Mill) to pay for the process. They do not even wish to see 1 minute of any course nor any qualification an instructor may hold. You; the student is then sent to these places to pay them (more) money as the student. They commonly offer public liability insurance that you can get WITHOUT them and the fake fancy-looking Diploma.As you know Udemy offers you a certificate of completion at the end of this course. However, I am happy to offer you a certificate of completion for any course of mine that you complete. Please ONLY message me through Udemy when you have completed the course. Note - I will not answer any requests for this outside of Udemy as I need to verify that you have completed the course!#Shamanic #Self-discovery #FrameDrum #Shamanism #Meditation #Manifestation #Spirituality #Spiritual"
Price: 124.99

"Website Traffic - Kostenlos mehr Website-Besucher generieren" |
"Willst du mehr Traffic? Besseren Traffic? Free Traffic? Hhere Conversions und mehr Geld verdienen? Dann helfen dir sicherlich diese Traffic-Hacks weiter, die deine Traffic-Logs und dein Geschft wachsen lassen Im ersten Schritt zeige ich dir erfolgreiche Strategien, wie du mehr Besucher auf deine Website bekommst. Wichtig ist dabei, dass dieser Traffic mglichst zielgerichtet ist, sprich deine Website-Besucher auch konkretes Interesse an deinen Leistungen und Angeboten haben. In diesem Kurs lernst du also die Vorteile von ""qualifizierten"" Traffic und wie du diesen kostenlos generieren kannst. Besonders achten wir darauf, dass du aus jedem einzelnen Website-Besucher, mglichst groen Nutzen fr dein Business zeihen kannst. Hier gebe ich dir viele Tipps und ToDos an die Hand, dank derer du deinen Verkaufskanal optimieren kannst. Anschlieend werden wir im Bonus-Teil gezielt Blog-Traffic-Strategien durchsprechen, wie du Synergien nutzen, ganz neue Mrkte erreichen und dir den Traffic anderer Influencer ausliehen kannst.Zudem erhltst du eine 5-Tages-Checkliste, die dir helfen soll, deine Traffic-Kampagne von Montag bis Freitag sinnvoll zu planen."
Price: 99.99

"Advanced SQL Server High Availability &Disaster Recovery" |
"Business continuity is of utmost importance. High availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) ensure that your infrastructure experiences no downtime and smoothly functions at all times. Sound knowledge of various HA and DR techniques help you to drastically reduce the downtime of your applications.This course begins by explaining the high availability and disaster recovery technologies available in SQL Server: Replication, AlwaysOn, and Log Shipping. Youll learn what they are, how to monitor them, and how to troubleshoot any related problems. Youll learn how to use different HA and DR topologies to create a highly available infrastructure that also includes hybrid topologies. Youll learn what is Always On, its pros and cons, prerequisites, and restrictions. Youll also learn about log shipping, one of the oldest SQL Server solutions, which is mostly used for DR and SQL Server migration. Through this course, you will be able to explore the technical implementations of high availability and disaster recovery technologies that you can use when you create a highly available infrastructure, including hybrid topologies.By the end of the course, youll feel confident and look forward to changing the game with robust and high performing infrastructure.About the AuthorAhmad Osama works for Pitney Bowes Pvt Ltd as a database engineer and is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. In his day to day job at Pitney Bowes, he works on developing and maintaining high performance on-premises and cloud SQL Server OLTP environments, building CI/CD environments for databases and automation. Other than his day to day work, Ahmad blogs at dataplatformlabs and has written over 100 blogs, including SQL Server Administration/Development, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Data Factory. He regularly speaks at user group events and webinars conducted by the Dataplatformlabs community.Gethyn Ellis has over eighteen years of experience with SQL Server and for past ten years he has been working on Azure. He is an Microsoft certified trainer. He also trains and is a consultant for SQL Server. Prior to this he has worked with Packt and written books on ""Getting Started SQL Server 2014 Administration"" , ""Microsoft Azure laaS Essentials"", and Professional Azure SQL Database Administration."
Price: 199.99

"Kubernetes on AWS" |
"Youll start the course by learning about the powerful abstractions of Kubernetes - Pods and Services - that make managing container deployments easy. Youll also learn how to set up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on AWS while learning several techniques you need to successfully deploy and manage your own applications..Youll start the course by learning about the powerful abstractions of Kubernetes - Pods and Services - that make managing container deployments easy. Youll also learn how to set up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on AWS while learning several techniques you need to successfully deploy and manage your own applications.By the end of the course, youll plenty of hands-on experience with Kubernetes on AWS. Youll also have picked up some tips on deploying and managing applications, keeping your cluster and applications secure, and ensuring that your whole system is reliable and resilient to failure.About the AuthorEd Robinson works as a senior site reliability engineer at Cookpad's global headquarters in Bristol, UK. He has been working with Kubernetes for the last three years, deploying clusters on AWS to deliver resilient and reliable services for global audiences. He is a contributor to several open source projects and is a maintainer of Trfk, the modern HTTP reverse proxy designed for containers and microservices.Robin Verstraelen works as a systems and network engineer at a hosting company in Belgium with over two years of experience. He has been working with Kubernetes for about a year. He specializes in DevOps and Cloud."
Price: 199.99

"Exam MS-100: Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements" |
"In this course, you will learn about Office 365 Management. We cover Office 365 from a basic to an advanced level, including key components. You will learn how to move your organization to Office 365; configure Office 365; manage Office 365 ProPlus deployments; and gain insights into Microsoft 365 Tenant and Service Management, including how to plan, manage, and customize your organization's Microsoft 365 tenants and services.Learn about the new Microsoft 365 Identity Management, including managing user security groups and licenses for cloud identities and planning and implementing identity synchronization, federated identities, applications, and external access.By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you pass the Microsoft 365 Identity and Services (MS-100) exam.About the AuthorNedim Sadovic has been an MCT for more than a decade. He has written dozens of tutorials and lectured in over 200 courses. He has more than 40 Microsoft certifications and speaks all over the World at conferences. He has over 15 years' experience in the IT sector, projects, and data center maintenance. His areas of expertise are teaching, system engineering, and installing/configuring, supporting, and maintaining Windows servers/cloud systems.In the last 15 years, he has grown through various programs and initiatives. He's extremely motivated trough achievement and considers himself to be system-oriented, innovative, and a problem-solving individual who likes to think strategically."
Price: 124.99

"Centralized Logging and Monitoring with Kubernetes" |
"Kubernetes is an open source platform designed to automate deployment, scaling, and operation of application containers. Kubernetes automates various aspects of application development, which is extremely beneficial for enterprises. Centralized logging is crucial for any production-grade infrastructure, especially in a containerized architecture. Since Kubernetes is dynamic and does not store change logs except the recent changes, logging and monitoring is highly imperative for saving pod logs.In this course, youll learn to analyze and locate critical pod log files in your Kubernetes clusters. Youll create a centralized logging system with a configured EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana) stack for Kubernetes. Using a hands-on approach, youll follow the entire logging and monitoring process, which actually goes hand-in-hand. In your Kubernetes cluster, youll find out that your clusters are working with too many containers and its difficult to keep track of each of them.Youll learn how to build your centralized logging and send data for monitoring. To set up centralized logging, youll establish one logging agent per Kubernetes node to collect all logs of all running containers from disk and transmit them to Elasticsearch. Youll search for log data, monitor the containers, and also collect metrics using Kibana. Youll decide how your final log data will be presented. By the end of the course, youll be able to use centralized logging and monitoring techniques for debugging purposes to find out reasons for crashes, and trigger alerts if there is a spike in error messages (which can be more efficient than a system health check).About the AuthorWalter Dolce is a Software and Platform Engineer based in London, United Kingdom. He has worked for both small and medium-sized businesses as well as large enterprises such as the BBC and Just Eat. Over the course of the years, he has developed a deep knowledge of various areas of Software Engineering concepts and practices such as test-driven development, behavior-driven development, SOLID principles, design patterns, and more. He later transitioned to the DevOps/Platform Engineering space where he used that knowledge to implement highly available, resilient systems and platforms running on todays major Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure."
Price: 124.99

"Visio 2019 Beginner" |
"This course teaches the basic functions and features of Visio Professional 2019. The primary focus is to get acquainted with creating the different diagrams using the stencils and templates. You will learn how to draw basic shapes and compound lines and arrange objects. You will also learn how to create diagrams, work with text, and apply formatting. Finally, you will create organization charts and brainstorming diagrams, set shape properties, and work with pages.This IAAP-certified counts for 2.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Datenanalyse und Visualisierung mit Power BI Desktop" |
"Business Intelligence von morgen erfordert weit mehr als nur Excel und Powerpoint. Neue effiziente Tools mssen her um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Daten schnell dynamisch und effizient verarbeiten und visuell aufbereiten zu knnen. Und das betrifft alle Geschftsbereiche Controlling, Finanzen, Marketing,... gleichermaen. Deshalb:Hallo und Willkommen in der Welt von Power BIPower BI ist eine Suite aus Business Analytics-Tools, die dir dabei helfen neue Insights in deine Daten und dein Unternehmen zu generieren. Du kannst eine Vielzahl von Datenquellen anbinden, die Daten einfach aufbereiten und nach der Datenaufbereitung Ad-hoc-Analysen durchfhren. Du kannst ansprechende Visualisierungen und Reports erstellen und zielgruppenspezifisch anpassen.Und genau das lernst du hierDas ist ein praxisbezogener Kurs. Wir gehen die einzelnen Kapitel gemeinsam durch. Wir bauen auf deinem Wissensstand der vorherigen Kurse auf.Einfhrung in Microsoft Power BI DesktopEinfhrung in Berechnungen mit Microsoft Power BI DesktopEffizientes Arbeiten mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop Datenanalyse und Visualisierung mit Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - praktische Projekt Tipps und TricksEinfhrungen in Berechnungen mit Calculate in Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - hilfreiche Tips und TricksDatenaufbereitung mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop(Alle sind ebenfalls auf Udemy verfgbar) Es wird eine bungsdatei bereitgestellt, sodass du jeden Schritt selbst nachbauen kannst. Nach meiner Erfahrung bringt diese praktische Anwendung den grten Lernerfolg mit sich.Am Ende wirst du in der Lage sein effizienter mit Power BI Desktop zu arbeiten, du lernst noch mehr DAX Berechnungen sowie hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks kennen die dich bei deiner tglichen Arbeit untersttzen knnen.Also los. Worauf wartest du noch?"
Price: 99.99

"Word 2019 Advanced" |
"In this course, students will automate with Microsoft Word 2019 through the use of building blocks, Quick Parts, fields, and Macros. Students will also utilize reference tools such as bookmarks, hyperlinks, cross references, footnotes, endnotes, bibliography tools, sources, and placeholders. Students will also learn techniques to manage long documents through a table of contents, indexing, and captions. Students will also work with Outline View and master documents, Mail Merge, and forms.This IAAP-certified counts for 5.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Visio 365 Beginner" |
"This course teaches the basic functions and features of Visio Professional 365. The primary focus is to get acquainted with creating the different diagrams using the stencils and templates. You will learn how to draw basic shapes and compound lines and arrange objects. You will also learn how to create diagrams, work with text, and apply formatting. Finally, you will create organization charts and brainstorming diagrams, set shape properties, and work with pages."
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop Fundamentals 2019" |
"So you want to learn Photoshop-- But you don't wish to be bogged down with weeks worth of videos and material.Photoshop is a HUGE piece of software, and learning every feature would take you months. But, you need to be working with the software yesterday.No problem.Photoshop expert Mark Hannon has boiled down Photoshop to this ""what-you-need-to-know"" course that includes the fundamental knowledge you need to be productive right away. Mark has been using Photoshop since version 1.0, so he knows the in's and out's of the software and what features you really need. It's the old 80/20 rule, right? You'll spend 80% of the time using 20% of the features. We developed this course to be efficient and fun! Without wasting time, you'll learn how to use the tools as you complete the types of projects folks who work with Photoshop do every day. You'll learn to composite images from more than one source, correct and adjust color, repair damage, work with type and much, much more.Most importantly, we teach you how to output your images so they'll always look good, whether destined for print or screen.If you're a web designer, a developer who needs to use Photoshop on occasion, presentation designer, student or teacher, or just someone who wants to get started with Photoshop for fun, this course is GUARANTEED to get you up and running with Photoshop!"
Price: 199.99

"Passive Income from Targeted Lead Generation & Email" |
"In this course, you will learn the step-by-step blueprint and ultimate guide on how to start targeted white-hat email lead generation that will grow your business.You will learn how the ethical, non-spam way to scrape 1000s of email address that are targeted and belong people who actually want you to contact them.Why This Course Is for You?Compliment Your Current Business: This is a very powerful method for your own marketing strategy. Finding people and influences who are interested in your products or services.Build Up Your Current Email List: You will target people who want to be targeted, make them an offer and build up a email list of 1000s within just a few months.Use this blueprint alongside your Chatbot (like ManyChat): Build your Facebook Messager list through this strategy (Note: a manychat chatbot course is in the pipeline, this will show you how to use this course with a chatbot and other powerful marketing strategies, contact me for more details)Start Your Own Business: You can use this model to set up your own business and get your first paying client within 48 hours using a proven email template. You will get all email templates, links and guides free. This is the perfect business for somebody with no prior internet marketing experience. I recommend this to anybody who is just starting out and maybe intimidated by learning things like Shopify drop-shipping, Instagram and social media marketing, SEO, or creating their own products.Offer VA Service: You could offer this as a service on sites like Fiverr. Offering to collect cold email leads for businesses which you can easily charge $300/month and upsetting them on managing their cold email campaigns or email marketing for them. Usually an extra $200-$400/month.Step 1 How & Where to Collect LeadsFirst things first. To make sure your leads are able to be used in a mail merge to send out customised emails you need to properly format the columns of information youll be collecting.Always be familiar with your email template and how the information is going to be inserted. Make sure your emails are going to read naturally. The most common information youll be collecting is a contact name, email address and/or phone number, a portfolio item to further personalise the email and the source of where you discovered your lead.Step 2 Using Email To Get New ClientsOnce you have a list of leads ready to contact youre going to send out a cold email campaign.I suggest using and customising the cold email template Ill paste below as it would always reap a 30%+ response rate and helped me close my first $300/mo client within 48 hours!I personally recommend using YesWare, but you can also use others like Streak CRM and there is a free Google Docs add-on called Just Another Mail Merge you can use as well.Make sure to always double check and preview everything before you send out your batch of emails.Step 3: Up-Sell Your Clients in Extra Cold Email or Campaign Management ServicesOnce youve closed your first couple of clients and theyre pleased with your service, I suggest up-selling them on extra email marketing services.You can offer things like writing and sending their cold email campaigns for them, or using an autoresponder to manage all of their email marketing."
Price: 199.99

"WordPress 2019 Mi Proyecto Web Real Utilizando Betheme" |
"En este curso aprenders desds la creacin del boceto hasta el resultado final. Una Pgina web completa y funcional utilizando Wordpress.En el transcurso del curso veremos desde la compra de un dominio hasta la creacin de correos para la organizacin, adems de aprender a redireccionar un dominio a un hosting.Aprenders a personalizar una plantilla paso a paso utilizando un fantstico constructor.Crearas todos los mens y pginas necesarias de nuestro proyecto web.As que te invito ahora mismo a no perderte de este fantstico curso.Nos vemos en clases."
Price: 39.99

"Advanced Photoshop: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques" |
"Is it difficult for you to take really good photos with your camera and make them look like they were taken from a best-seller movie?This course will help you learn advanced techniques for making your photos look more professional - clearly explained and expressive. By using Photoshop CC 2019's advanced functions, you can make any graphic look better than before. You will learn many helpful techniques that will make you feel like a real pro while editing your photos. If you take this course, you will learn many tips and tricks that will turn you into a real Photoshop master. This is YOUR chance to learn advanced Photoshop CC 2019 techniques fast, interactively, and with zero pressure.About the AuthorColibri Digital is a technology consultancy company founded in 2015 by James Cross and Ingrid Funie. The company works to help its clients navigate the rapidly changing and complex world of emerging technologies, with deep expertise in areas such as big data, data science, Machine Learning, and Cloud computing. Over the past few years, they have worked with some of the World's largest and most prestigious companies, including a tier 1 investment bank, a leading management consultancy group, and one of the world's most popular soft drinks companies, helping each of them to better make sense of its data, and process it in more intelligent ways.The company lives by its motto: Data -> Intelligence -> Action.Georgi Mutafchiev is a young entrepreneur from Bansko, Bulgaria who has been dealing with different types of IT start-up for more than two years. Photoshop is an important part of his job, helping him create modern and innovative products for the companies he is working for. Thanks to Photoshop, Georgi has overcome the separation between non-professional and professional images. Georgi is experienced at giving presentations and courses in front of many different types of audience. Georgi is very motivated when it comes to teaching and his passion for sharing his experience informs all his course videos. Georgi has completed more than 15 IT projects for local and international customers. In 2018 he was awarded the Most Prospective Student-Entrepreneur in Bulgaria for 2018 and Best Student Startup Project in Bulgaria for 2018."
Price: 124.99

"Architecting Reactive Angular Applications with Redux & NgRx" |
"Have you ever thought of combining the power of Redux and reactive JavaScript to build a responsive and reactive application? Well then, this course is your ideal choice to manage state in Angular to write reactive apps.This course will help you build Angular applications by incorporating reactive programming principles and making it easier to develop, test, and debug your applications.Throughout the nine sections, the extensive examples will help you implement state management with Redux, create observables, and handle errors with RxJS. You will first explore NgRx to set up the state, add a store, debug its state, and customize the saved router state. After that, you will learn to handle side effects and add support to your app.Youll learn to reduce the boilerplate code and use blueprints for scaffolding out features. This course will not only empower you to use Redux and NgRx to the fullest but will also help you build your own micro implementation of NgRx for a database-backed app.About the AuthorChristoffer Noring is a software developer with more than 10 years of experience. He has successfully delivered software for different industries, ranging from telecom to aviation. Throughout his career, he has worked on everything, right from databases to frontends. He is very passionate about community and sharing knowledge, which is why he frequently speaks on topics ranging from TDD, React, and NativeScript to Angular. He also writes books and blogs frequently.He holds the title of Google Developer Expert in web technologies and AngularJS/Angular. He is also a Telerik Developer Expert in the mobile framework NativeScript. Christoffer currently works for McKinsey as a fullstack developer. He is the author and maintainer of the book RxJS Ultimate, which aims to be a free resource to help the community."
Price: 124.99

"Hands-On Developers Guide to MongoDB 4.0" |
"MongoDB is one of the best database management systems out there for large applications. It makes data easy to work with. Ad hoc queries, indexing, and a robust aggregation framework provides powerful ways to access and analyze your data. This course will help you become proficient in using MongoDB for your applications and handling its data. Well take a test-driven approach to the NodeJS environment with Jest to explore all the features that MongoDB has to offer. Throughout the course, well build a taxi aggregator database, simulate real-world challenges, and solve them with MongoDB. By the end of the course, youll be confident to work with MongoDB as a developer and integrate MongoDB into your projects.About the AuthorLeart Gjoni is a software engineer who is an expert in building robust and performant code. Most of the time, he is involved in web app development using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React and Node) stack or in desktop app development using Electron.js. Youll love how he gets to the point quickly and clearly while teaching you the essential skills to become a successful software developer."
Price: 124.99

"Implementing Deep Learning Algorithms with TensorFlow 2.0" |
"Deep Learning has caused the revival of Artificial Intelligence. It has become the dominant method for speech recognition (Google Assistant), computer vision (search for ""my pictures"" on Google Photos), language translation, and even game-related Artificial Intelligence (think AlphaGo and DeepMind). If you'd like to learn how these systems work and maybe make your own, Deep Learning is for you! In this course, youll gain a solid understanding of Deep Learning models and use Deep Learning techniques to solve business and other real-world problems to make predictions quickly and easily. Youll learn various Deep Learning approaches such as CNN, RNN, and LSTM and implement them with TensorFlow 2.0. Youll program a model to classify breast cancer, predict stock market prices, process text as part of Natural Language Processing (NLP), and more. By the end of this course, youll have a complete understanding to use the power of TensorFlow 2.0 to train Deep Learning models of varying complexities, without any hassle.About the AuthorHarveen Singh Chadha is an experienced researcher in Deep Learning and is currently working as a Self-Driving Car Engineer. He is currently focused on creating an Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) platform. His passion is to help people who currently want to enter the Data Science universe. He is the author of the video course Hands-On Neural Network Programming with TensorFlow by Packt Publishing."
Price: 124.99

"Develop and Deploy Modern Web Applications with Docker" |
"Docker is a tool for containerizing applications with all their dependencies and deploy them into a production environment . Modern web applications are complex affairs consisting of interdependencies between frontend code, backend, and frameworks.Do you find it difficult to deploy web applications and maintain dependencies? If so, this course will help you containerize your applications. You'll be able to work on complex operations without blocking your end users in the UI interface and do it easily by splitting the functionality in microservices. Youll learn to test your back-end services, perform checks, and analyze your pipeline according to the project requirements. Youll also understand the failures, check code coverage, and diagnose it. And if you still find any issues after deploying, then you can easily tackle them by editing and building after deployment.By the end of the course, youll be able to deploy complex web applications easily and tackle any issues. So, grab this course to make your work easy as a developer!About the AuthorMuhammad Atif Ramzan works as a technical lead for a well-known telecom operator, as a DevOps Lead. He has a bachelors degree in Telecommunication and after obtaining this, he switched to the technical aspects of IT and telecommunications to get a feel for the industry. He has worked with different parts of the IT industry including software and networks and has diverse technology experience. He has deployed a full production VOIP solution on Kubernetes and Docker. He has also authored other video courses with at Packt on Mastering Centos 7 Linux Server and Kubernetes Recipes. He holds multiple IT certifications from LPIC, Cisco, Microsoft, cPanel, and Citrix."
Price: 124.99

"Architecting for High Availability on Azure" |
"Growing businesses task developers with the responsibility of building highly available and performant systems at scale. This course will help you build cloud systems that provide stringent scalability, performance, resiliency, and monitoring capabilities with Azure. Youll start off with cloud design patterns and high availability systems such as queue-based load leveling, event sourcing, and more. Youll dive into Azure services to implement high availability solutions. Then youll monitor your application to diagnose problems, detect anomalies, and continuously improve performance with application insights. Youll architect resilient systems using Azure services and accelerate development timelines. By the end of this course, youll not only have practical experience and confidence to design a business-critical application that is highly available and resilient, but youll also be able to deploy applications with ease to Azure Services!About the AuthorRajkumar Balakrishnan graduated in electronics and communication engineering from Anna University, India, and is presently based in the Netherlands. He is a certified Microsoft Azure Solution Architect and a speaker at Microsoft conferences. He is currently working with Royal Agrifirm Group B.V, where he is responsible for software development and integration architecture focused on digital agricultural products and services using the Microsoft Cloud Platform."
Price: 124.99

"Mastering Palo Alto Networks" |
"Network security is not a choice; its a must! Palo Alto Networks is one of the top firewall platform choices when it comes to protecting and securing all your critical on-premise and cloud infrastructures. That said, its highly probable that youas a Network Security Engineeris or will be managing or deploying one in your own or your customers environments. This training guide will help you fully understand what tools, features, and options your Palo Alto firewalls can offer to protect and enhance visibility in your network traffic. It has been developed by someone who understands that learning every possible aspect of a technology platform can consume precious time. Why is this course perfect for you? It will get you from zero to hero in no time, so you can take full advantage of all of the features that the Palo Alto firewall platform has to offer. From initial policy configurations to configuring Nat and security rules to performing Active-Active highly available clusters, youll learn all there is required to set it up like a pro!After completing this training guide, youll feel confident that you can take full advantage of all of the features of Palo Alto firewall and most importantly, keep the bad guys out of your network.About the AuthorRene Cardona is a Network Solutions Architect with over 8 years of experience in core data centers and security infrastructure designs, architecture, consulting, and implementations. He has performed many security and data center architecture refreshes for major U.S. corporations in the logistics, retail, healthcare, and education fields. He has provided expert insights during migrations from firewall platform vendors such as Palo Alto, Cisco, Fortinet, and Checkpoint. His vast proficiency experience ranges from Hyper-Converged Datacenter Environments, VXLAN, SDN, SD-WAN and Multi-Datacenter High Availability (MDHA) to Network Security (firewalls, Network Admission Control, and Network Security Architectures). He is currently in charge of securing one of the biggest shipping container terminals in the United States."
Price: 124.99

"Hands-On Web Development with Hyperapp V2" |
"The main problems for developers of modern front ends are the number of concepts, managing side-effects, and bringing in large dependencies. These problems can make it seem impossible to get your application from the drawing board into the hands of customers. Reviewed by Jorge Bucaran, the creator of Hyperapp, this course will help you get started with Hyperapp 2.0 (or Hyperapp V2) to create web applications. This is an engaging course where all concepts are explained with the help of practical examples. Beginning with an overview of the Hyperapp 2.0 (V2) micro-framework, with the help of practical examples, youll understand its straightforward API and functionalities.After building your app architecture, youll start building your real-world JavaScript application with Hyperapp 2. Youll manage states with built-in state management in Hyperapp 2 and use virtual DOM, which is essential for developing modern web applications. Well also cover the new features introduced in Hyperapp 2 and how they can help you improve web development Youll also learn to maintain your code easily in Hyperapp.By the end of the course, you will be well-versed in using the simple but easy Hyperapp 2 (or Hyperapp V2) to develop web applications.About the AuthorAlex Barry is a hobbyist developer since 2001 and professional since 2010. He has a strong interest in building smart and testable applications and mentoring and assisting his colleagues. You can usually find him in a crowd by spotting his clich unkempt beard and carrying around a very dark and very black coffee. When he is not programming, we can find him hanging out with his wife, playing with his retired service dog Harley, or working on projects around his house."
Price: 124.99

"Scalable Data Analysis in Python with Dask" |
"Data analysts, Machine Learning professionals, and data scientists often use tools such as Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and NumPy for data analysis on their personal computer. However, when they want to apply their analyses to larger datasets, these tools fail to scale beyond a single machine, and so the analyst is forced to rewrite their computation.If you work on big data and youre using Pandas, you know you can end up waiting up to a whole minute for a simple average of a series. And thats just for a couple of million rows! In this course, youll learn to scale your data analysis. Firstly, you will execute distributed data science projects right from data ingestion to data manipulation and visualization using Dask. Then, you will explore the Dask framework. After, see how Dask can be used with other common Python tools such as NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and more.Youll be working on large datasets and performing exploratory data analysis to investigate the dataset, then come up with the findings from the dataset. Youll learn by implementing data analysis principles using different statistical techniques in one go across different systems on the same massive datasets. Throughout the course, well go over the various techniques, modules, and features that Dask has to offer. Finally, youll learn to use its unique offering for machine learning, using the Dask-ML package. Youll also start using parallel processing in your data tasks on your own system without moving to the distributed environment. About the AuthorMohammed Kashif works as a data scientist at Nineleaps, India, dealing mostly with graph data analysis. Prior to this, he worked as a Python developer at Qualcomm. He completed his Master's degree in computer science at IIIT Delhi, with a specialization in data engineering. His areas of interest include recommender systems, NLP, and graph analytics. In his spare time, he likes to solve questions on StackOverflow and help debug other people out of their misery. He is also an experienced teaching assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the higher-education industry."
Price: 124.99

"Demystifying Identity and Access Management" |
"AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service that enables AWS customers to manage access and permissions in AWS. With IAM, it will serve as a one-stop shop service of AWS to regulate access and permission. In this course, youll start by diving into the world of IAM, learning all of the important concepts and functionalities that AWS IAM provides. Then, youll learn to create and efficiently handle IAM users, groups, and credentials. Youll find out how to troubleshoot common IAM issues and delegate access to the billing console and the AWS account using roles. Finally, youll discover how to integrate IAM with other Amazon Web Services. By the end, youll have gained a solid knowledge of AWS IAM service for efficient identity and access management.About the AuthorJess Dale Dela cruz has more than a decade of experience in C#, .NET, and SQL. After obtaining his masters degree in computer science, Jess has worked as a professor, trainer, project manager, and tech lead in various organizations. For the last five years, he has worked as a team lead for a team that specializes in SharePoint and .NET Development. He specializes in AWS and Microsoft SQL Server."
Price: 124.99
