"SwiftUI - Learn How to Build Beautiful, Robust, Apps" |
"Apple has just announced the biggest thing since Swift, and it is aptly named, SwiftUI. Apple changed the game with the release of Swift 5 years ago. It has helped millions of developers create amazing apps with easy to learn yet powerful clean code. SwiftUI brings that same ideal to the visual side of apps.SwiftUI helps developers by binding their User Interfaces with their data. When the data changes, so does the UI. When the UI changes, so does the data. SwiftUI is also incredibly reusable. Views you create can be reused time and time again.SwiftUI is also baked into the new Xcode 11 and uses Previews to show you in REAL TIME how your code changes will effect the look of your app.In this course we'll cover:Your First SwiftUI AppXcode PreviewsViews Deep DiveData and SwiftUIAccessibilityDrawing and AnimationSwiftUI for MacOS, WatchOS, and tvOSSwiftUI In Existing ProjectsCome join and learn the biggest developer tool released since Swift!"
Price: 199.99

"Learning how to make sushi is fun and easy!" |
"In this course we start off teaching you the basics: how to make rice, select your fish and how to prepare your vegetables. Once you are good to go we've got 20 different types of sushi rolls we would like to show you how to make! Each lesson is roughly 5 minutes and very easy to followMaking sushi at home is really easy to do if you know how. This course will have you making sushi like a pro in no time."
Price: 19.99

"Hands-On Einstein Analytics" |
"Salesforce Einstein analytics Aka Wave analytics is a cloud-based platform that helps users to connect data from multiple resources without a single line of code and gives insights from the data. Getting insights from the customer data is the lifeblood of any organization. This video course will help you create an app, lenses, and dashboards for your data, which resides in any source/database or combine the data from different locations. Along with this, it will help the users to import the data into Einstein Analytics and create dashboards. Firstly, you will learn how to create analytics datasets and create useful charts from those datasets. Then, you will understand how to share these dashboards with other users. Finally, youll get hands-on with this tutorial and understand what the platform offers for data analysis and insights. By the end of the course, you can gaze through data confidently enough to help your organization make wise business decisions.About the AuthorSantosh Tukaram Chitalkar has been working on the Salesforce platform for over 7 years and is very passionate about Einstein analytics. This passion resulted in his first book on the same topic. He has also developed products for AppExchange such as FieldRecon."
Price: 124.99

"PowerPoint 365 Advanced" |
"In this course, students will learn the various collaboration tools in Microsoft PowerPoint 365 such as reusing slides, creating slides from Word, and working with Excel. Students will learn to utilize the power of Slide Masters, create custom themes, and design custom templates. In addition, students will learn to create exciting presentations by animating text and objects, add slide transitions, and use advanced graphic features including SmartArt, and audio and video. Finally, students will present like a pro by using advanced presentation features including annotations, hyperlinks and action buttons, timings, recordings, and creating videos, and review additional advanced slideshow options."
Price: 39.99

"Cracking the Coding Interview: Object Oriented Programming" |
"Are you afraid of your interview and want to practice before the final day? This course will be a perfect guide for you and will help you nail questions in your coding interview related to the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. We have adopted a language-agnostic approach for our course, with JavaScript as our main language.This course sets out to provide developers with the necessary tools to ace their next interview by providing insights into advanced JavaScript concepts, using one of the best-known programming paradigms over the last 40 years in software development. This course will strengthen your foundations in that area and supply practical questions that will serve as a teaser for the kind of questions expected in a coding interview. You will learn how OOP has advantages which incorporate modularity and reusability.After each section, youll have a task which will help you gain confidence in the OOP paradigm. By the end of the course, you will be confident enough to nail any questions on the OOP paradigm that can be asked during a technical interview.About the AuthorGrzegorz Marzencki is the founder of jstrainings. He is a JavaScript expert and an experienced trainer with many years' experience Grzegorz has conducted training and workshops all around the Globe for big corporations, startups, academic students, and even kids. He can explain the most difficult topic in a way that can be understood by the audience."
Price: 124.99

"Windows 10 Administration" |
"Windows 10 is a Microsoft operating system for tablets, personal computers, embedded devices and Internet of Things. Windows 10 has outranked Windows 7 as the most popular OS in the world. It holds more than 39% of the market share for desktop operating systems and runs on more than 700 million devices. Being able to administer a Windows machine is a key requirement for sysadmins as many businesses opt for Windows.This comprehensive guide will help you as an admin use Windows 10 for your administration requirements. It will help Windows 7 administrators update their administration skills from to Windows 10 and sharpen them. Beginning with a quick introduction to Windows 10, youll see how to install and optimize the operating system. Well cover the new features and admin tools that Windows 10 brings to the table and youll see how it benefits you over previous versions.Moving on, well deep dive and cover all the administrative tasks in Windows 10 such as Group Policy, installing and updating drivers, indexing, Windows security (encryption and authentication), RSAT, remote desktop connection, secure boot along with troubleshooting boot problems, Windows networking, firewall, virtualization (Hyper-V), creating backups, and recovery. Finally, well also cover troubleshooting techniques so you can solve issues that you might face with Windows 10.By the end of the course, youll be very confident in carrying out administrative tasks with Windows 10 in your organization using the skills you acquired here.About the AuthorTodd Spatafore is a Windows Insider MVP. He is currently working as an Engineering Manager for Vudu movies and TV. He is technically skilled at working with JavaScript, ASP.NET, and C#. He has been developing software professionally for 20 years and wrote a book on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Applications on Windows Phone 7 and the publisher included three chapters to a compendium book. Todd graduated from Montana State University with a BS in Physics."
Price: 124.99

"Accounting Basics Easy, Fast, & Fun for Beginners" |
"Yes, learning ACCOUNTING can be EASY, FAST, and FUN!Yes, you can learn ACCOUNTING even if you dont like MATH!Learn business English terminology and how to pronounce the words properly.Guaranteed to teach you more about accounting in less time than any other course. Stop! Take this course BEFORE you take any other accounting course so that you will be well-prepared for more advanced concepts.This is not a boring lecture-style course. This course uses the most modern and innovative experiential-learning methods to keep you engaged from start to finish. Key concepts are presented in fun and interesting ways that ensure youll understand and know how to apply them right away.Youll even run a virtual business in a simulation game!For business OWNERS, business MANAGERS, and STUDENTS. The perfect first course to learn the basics. And, be prepared to better understand how accounting software works, like QuickBooks, Sage, MYOB, FreshBooks, Wave, Netsuite, Zoho, Xero, SAP, and more.Use your new accounting skills to improve your personal finances, earn money offering bookkeeping services, get a job promotion, or manage your own business.Includes video explanations, an easy-to-read Business Learning & Activity Book, and free access to the GoVenture FOOD TRUCK business simulation game for 6 months. You get to actually PRACTICE ACCOUNTING!Your ACCOUNTING journey starts here let's get started!"
Price: 39.99

"Huawei - HCIA-HNTD (HCNA-HNTD) Entry - Lab almalar" |
"Duyuru:Kurslarm ile ilgili duyuru ve haberler iin web sitemi ve sosyal medya hesaplarm takip edebilirsiniz. Eitim HakkndaBu eitim Huawei a cihazlar iin verilmekte olan HCNA-HNTD Huawei Networking Technology and Device Entry seviye eitiminin lablarnn nasl yaplacan anlatmaktadr. Bu kurs da huawei a cihazlar ile ilgili aadaki konu balklarnda bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz. Huawei eNSP yazlm indirilmesi, kurulumu ve kullanmTemel Aygt Navigasyonu ve YaplandrmasSTP ve RSTPYnlendirme YaplandrmasFTP ve DHCPKursumuz temel olarak yukardaki konularda konfigurasyonlarn nasl yaplacan gstermektedir. eriklerin teorisi anlatlmamaktadr. Mevcut ierie gelen taleplere gre yukardaki konular ile ilgili yeni rnekler de eklenmesi dnlmektedir."
Price: 49.99

"Huawei - HCIA-HNTD (HCNA-HNTD)Intermediate - Lab almalar" |
"Duyuru: Kurslarm ile ilgili duyuru ve haberler iin web sitemi ve sosyal medya hesaplarm takip edebilirsiniz.Eitim HakkndaBu eitim Huawei a cihazlar iin verilmekte olan HCNA-HNTD Huawei Networking Technology and Device Intermediate seviye eitiminin lablarnn nasl yaplacan anlatmaktadr. Bu kurs da huawei a cihazlar ile ilgili aadaki konu balklarnda bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz.Ethernet ve VlanKurumsal Wan YaplandrmaIP Gvenlii SalamaIPv6 AlarKursumuz temel olarak yukardaki konularda konfigurasyonlarn nasl yaplacan gstermektedir. eriklerin teorisi anlatlmamaktadr.Mevcut ierie gelen taleplere gre yukardaki konular ile ilgili yeni rnekler de eklenmesi dnlmektedir."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering CSS" |
"CSS is the key to good looking and functional web sites.Maybe you're tired of creating sites that look just ""so-so""? Or, perhaps, you're a traditional designer trying to get certified in web technologies? Anyone who works on the web needs to have a strong command of CSS. Whether you're a developer, designer, teacher, or student, you need to understand modern CSS thoroughly. The world has changed, and things have become more complex.When CSS first came out, pretty much everyone was looking at web sites on a standard-sized computer monitor.Now, you've got to contend with colossal 5k (an even 6K) monitors down to tiny mobile screens. And your web site has to look great on all of them. That's why a current CSS program like Mastering CSS is essential for you.This course won't just teach you the in's and out's of CSS. We created the course in the current context. Nowadays, your job as a web site developer is to make content for all screen sizes-- and make it look good!You'll be awarded the CSS Specialist Certification when you complete the course. When you place this recognized certification on your LinkedIn account, everyone can recognize your achievement.Enroll in Modern CSS today and start building modern web sites with the latest in CSS."
Price: 99.99

"Start Your Photography Business - The Complete Course" |
"You want to make money with your photography, right?This is the perfect course to help you launch your own photography business, and we're so glad that you're here.We've created a complete blueprint to every aspect of running a successful business, and it's all here in this course. From the business side of things like registration, licenses and taxes to the marketing side of things like getting your first clients, creating a website and setting prices, you'll learn it all with this course.Once you enroll, you'll get access to a downloadable workbook that includes action items, helpful tips and resources. Using the workbook together with the courses video lectures and case studies should make it easier than ever to get your business up and running.You'll have your business up and running in no time!What do we cover in this course?Kinds of photography businessesChoosing your business name & structureBusiness registration, tax IDs, licenses and bank accountsBuilding a business websiteSetting your pricesDesigning a portfolio that sellsEquipment you need to get startedHow to get your first paying clientsGetting listed on Google Maps and search resultsExpanding your online presence with modern marketing techniquesTips for every step of a paid photography shootScaling your businessand so much more!Our goal is that by the end of this course, you'll have a photography business of your own. If there's anything we can do to make this course better for you, just let us know. As instructors we will continue to update this course with any latest skills or practices that will benefit you.Our happiness guarantee...We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!We can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and we'll help you start a photography business of your own!Phil & Will"
Price: 99.99

"Administrao de Servidores Linux com Red Hat 8 / CentOS 8" |
"Se voc deseja aprender a administrar o sistema operacional Linux CentOS 8 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 de maneira rpida e fcil, este o curso que voc est procurando.Este curso foi feito para fornecer uma base slida com o Linux CentOS 8 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 que a verso mais recente do sistema operacional.Este curso timo para quem procura avanar (ou comear) sua carreira em Tecnologia da Informao.Neste curso, voc ter uma experincia prtica com didtica bastante acessvel, mesmo para aqueles que esto iniciando a utilizar o Linux CentOS 8 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, ou nunca utilizaram.Ao concluir voc ser capaz de realizar os seguintes projetos:Instalar o Linux CentOS 8 e o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8;Configurar o sistema operacional Linux CentOS 8 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 para atuar como um servidor DHCP;Instalar, configurar e implementar a funo DNS;Principais recursos de um servidor de arquivos: Compartilhamento / Compartilhamento privado / Snapshots etcCriar e gerenciar um servidor WebCriar e gerenciar um servidor ProxyCriar e gerenciar um servidor DNSNuvem Privada...e muito mais!Ao longo deste curso, mostrarei como voc pode configurar seu prprio laboratrio de TI usando o hardware do computador que voc j possui! Para fazer isso, usaremos o VirtualBox e a verso de avaliao totalmente funcional do Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 ou a verso open-source do CentOS 8.Inscreva-se agora e comece a aprender as habilidades necessrias para melhorar sua carreira!Para quem este curso:Quem quiser aprender sobre o Linux CentOS 8 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8Faa este curso se voc deseja obter um emprego em tecnologia da informaoFaa este curso se voc quiser adicionar habilidades altamente remuneradas ao seu currculoEsse curso bom?O curso possui umas das maiores mdias de avaliao do cursos da rea de TI da Udemy.Se eu tiver dvida, tem suporte?Para este curso, voc ter suporte via Whatsapp diretamente com o instrutor.E se eu no gostar do curso?Segunda as polticas da Udemy, voc poder pedir o reembolso do seu dinheiro em at 30 dias."
Price: 189.99

"Legislao Societria e de Mercado de Capitais" |
"Com a crescente demanda por maior governana corporativa e compliance, a demanda por entendimento da Legislao Societria e de Mercado de Capitais, tambm cresce. Entender os principais elementos da Legislao, seus impactos, seus riscos e proteo so vitais para os executivos, conselheiros, acionistas e demais partes interessadas (tambm conhecidas pelo termo ingls, stakeholders)."
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Communication for CA/CMA/CS/Finance Exams" |
"Welcome to this course Basics of Communication for CA/CMA/CS/Finance Exams It is very important to communicate effectively within your organisation and outside the organisation. Only then you will be able to achieve your goals. Communication is important for you as well as for your organisation. Effective Communication will improve good working relationship and it will in turn improve overall morale and efficiency.By taking this course, you will be able toExplain the process of CommunicationRecognize types of CommunicationUnderstand and apply varied structures and networks in communicationRecognize and address barriers of communicationThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Have your note pad while listening to lectures, to take note of key points.Try to have a schedule to complete the course - because life time access may even make you to forget that you have enrolled in a course. Scroll down for demo lectures and see you inside the course as a student."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Project 2019: Beginner to Advanced Mega Bundle" |
"**Course includes practice exercise files and LIFETIME access - Claim 16 PDUs.**Conquer your projects and deliver on-time and on-budget by mastering Microsoft Project 2019.If you're a Project Manager and you haven't yet mastered Microsoft Project, we have you covered with this Microsoft Project 2019 online course for complete beginners to advanced usersIn this two-course bundle we take you on a journey from MS Project 2019 novice to complete Project master.Whether your project is big or small, business or personal, there are so many many ways that Microsoft Project can ensure project success. Harness the power of MS Project 2019 and become a project master.Microsoft Project 2019 - Beginners courseWhat You'll Learn:The MS Project Workspace, The Ribbon, Help and Project OptionsTo navigate project calendars, timelines and critical pathsHow to set-up tasks and dependencies between them, including lag and lead timesManaging project costs, leveling and how to resolve resource over-allocationsProject security, saving and protecting Project filesUseful techniques for tracing task paths to simplify unruly Gantt chartsAbout setting up baselines and interim plansHow to work with costs, deadlines and overcome scheduling issuesTo save your project as a template for future projectsMicrosoft Project 2019 - Advanced courseWhat You'll Learn:About resource sharing including setting up a resource pool across projectsHow to consolidate different projects into a single projectHow to set up recurring tasks to save you timeAbout custom fields and how to automate calculations in a custom fieldHow Outline and WBS codes work and how to use them in your projectHow to properly manage costs including setting fixed costs, budgets, variable costs and overtimeHow custom tables and custom views workDetail on advanced sorting, filtering and groupingCreating customized reports, charts and how to edit certain elements of a reportAbout Earned Value AnalysisHow to import and export data from Excel, Word and NotepadUsing Macros in Microsoft Project***Exercise and demo files included***This course includes:16-hours of video tutorials100+ individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedDemo files used by the trainerCertificate of completionHeres what our students are sayingAlthough I use Project frequently this retaught me the fundamentals and demonstrated to me how to use the solution more proficiently.Instructor (Toby) explained things well and the supporting material was excellent and supported the exercises very well.I would highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to either start using MS Project, or as a refresher course.- Mark NorissThis one of the finest and the most detailed online training's. The instructor has explained and taken the time to go into each and every section of the software and explain that in great detail.- Saurabh BharadwajI thought this course was really well laid out and very in-depth. I have never used Microsoft Project before and I feel I have learned so much by doing this course. Also it gave me a flavor for other more advanced operations as well.- Thevuthasan SenthuranDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Sing in Tune" |
"IfYoure convinced that you have good singing pitch, but you keep receiving feedback from others that youre not quite on all the time;IfYou want to develop your musical ear to be able to detect the slightest imperfection in your and others intonation;And ifYoure ready to take a definite step toward sounding really professional...Then...this course is for you!Many singers believe that, in order to have good pitch, all it takes is having some basic vocal technique, and that will do it. Good pitch, however, comes primarily from training the ear; then you need a solid vocal technique in order to seamlessly translate what your ear perceives into a good singing tone.This course will focus primarily on ear training. Since its targeted for intermediate singers, were assuming that whoever takes this course already has some basic knowledge of singing technique (although some of the essentials will be touched on at the beginning of the course as a reminder). If you dont have any knowledge of singing technique, I recommend you first take my other course, Singing For Busy People."
Price: 79.99

"How To Maintain Great Guy Status in a #MeToo World" |
"Does this sound familiar?I have to be very careful communicating with women.I dont know what the rules are any longer, or when Ive crossed the line.Walking on eggshells is affecting my ability to be myself"" and interact with the women on my team.This is an unintended consequence of the MeToo era, having men disengage and avoid women at work for fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. And its highly likely that its happening in your organization.Many good men, and the vast majority of you are, support the MeToo movement. After all, we all have wives, daughters, sisters, and female colleagues and friends. Why wouldnt you want to see a harassment-free workplace for everyone?Men realize that sexual harassment is very real, but they dont see themselves as the ones perpetrating it. They consider themselves innocent, but very concerned for the women coming forward, but now, more than ever; theyre just as concerned about making an unintentional mistake in their words or actions.And so, while the MeToo movement has enabled women to come out of the shadows, its also put many good men on the defensive. Its made them more cautious around women at work. And some are finding minimizing their interactions and even avoiding women as their only solution, mostly because of their uncertainties.But thats no solution at all! It doesnt benefit anyone. The only solution is based on knowledge, knowledge that will give men confidence and self-assurednessconfidence in knowing that their actions align with their intentions, that they can be authentically themselves, and connect with the authenticity in others.In this all-new, cutting edge course taught by two of the top authorities in Gender Intelligence, were going to share with you how you can not only prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications with the women you work with, but how you can actually stand out as the great guy you really are.This unique learning experience offers you new insights on changing social norms; blame-free and supportive tips on how to keep from making unintended errors, and authentic ways of building even greater trust and credibility with the women in your professional and personal life.This one-of-a-kind learning series will also help you become an even more trusted leader to all your employees and team members, inspiring them to bring their best and be their best every day.We invite you to join us. Click Enroll Now to start learning!"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Project 2019 Advanced: Master MS Project" |
"**Course includes practice exercise files and LIFETIME access - Claim 7.5 PDUs**Conquer your projects and deliver on-time and on-budget by becoming a Microsoft Project 2019 master.If you're a Project Manager and you've been using Microsoft Project but haven't quite got it doing all the heavy lifting for you, then this Microsoft Project 2019 Advanced online course is for you.Microsoft Project remains one of the most popular Project Management tools. It's a feature-rich program that has the potential to make your projects run as smoothly as possible. To achieve that you'll need to know some of the advanced MS Project features.What You'll Learn:About resource sharing including setting up a resource pool across projectsHow to consolidate different projects into a single projectHow to set up recurring tasks to save you timeAbout custom fields and how to automate calculations in a custom fieldHow Outline and WBS codes work and how to use them in your projectHow to properly manage costs including setting fixed costs, budgets, variable costs and overtimeHow custom tables and custom views workDetail on advanced sorting, filtering and groupingCreating customized reports, charts and how to edit certain elements of a reportAbout Earned Value AnalysisHow to import and export data from Excel, Word and NotepadUsing Macros in Microsoft Project***Exercise and demo files included***This course includes:7.5-hours of video tutorials49 individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedDemo files used by the trainerCertificate of completionThis course is designed for students that are already experienced Microsoft Project 2019 users and picks up where our Microsoft Project 2019 Beginners course finishes. If you are looking to really supercharge your reports, automate more tasks in MS Project or if you're looking to combine multiple tasks into one, then this is the course for you.Contents and OverviewThis course starts where the Microsoft Project 2019 Beginners course finishes. It assumes you have a good understanding of MS Project 2019 already and you're looking to unlock more advanced features to help you project manage.If your projects have grown more complex and you require more automation and structure from your project management software than ever before then this MS Project 2019 Advanced course will help you learn MS Project in the detail you need.We look at shared resource pools in Project, consolidating multiple projects into one, setting up recurring tasks, custom tables and WBS codes before moving onto customized reporting, importing and exporting data to and from Excel and Word into Project and Macros in MS Project.Each topic is explained with its own professional video that shows you in detail how to properly use the function. With over 7 hours including in this course you'll get a comprehensive understanding of the more complex areas of MS Project 2019.Heres what our students are sayingIt was really such a great course with step by step approach towards building the required skills and learning of Microsoft Project. The course is very detailed and the tutor made it very easy to follow and learn using all elements of Audio/Visual tools to the extent that makes it as if it is an in-class course not online.I was able to follow closely with each and every section successfully and attentively.Highly recommended!- MikeThis course is comprehensive without deviating from the specific advanced topics being taught. No word or action is included without calculating whether it is contributing to the lesson. This makes comprehension easy which is critical with the high volume of information. Example .mpp files are useful for working alongside.- Anna Nash""Toby exposed areas of MP I have not explored, and gave me a better understanding of the backstage view set-ups to consider when creating a new project.Thank you!!""- Irma L. RuizDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99

"Excel 2019 Advanced" |
"This course will teach students advanced concepts and formulas in Microsoft Excel 2019. Students will learn functions such as SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, and COUNTIF, advanced lookup functions, and complex logical and text functions. Additionally, students will experiment with auditing formulas and error checking, use the What-If Analysis tools, learn the options for worksheet and workbook protection, review advanced use of PivotTables and PowerPivot add-in, work with Macros, use form controls, and ensure data integrity in their worksheets and workbooks. Students will also learn about Excel's many collaboration features and import and export data to and from their workbooks.This IAAP-certified counts for 3.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Business Communication Skills: Business Writing & Grammar" |
"Become a better business writer and conduct yourself more professionally in your writing and interactions with your boss, clients, or co-workers - today and for the rest of your career.WHAT PROFESSIONAL SKILLS YOU WILL LEARNEnglish grammar needed to write at work or as a freelancer Business writingWrite better emails with effective email writing techniquesHow to communicate on the phone or video callsHow to communicate via instant messengerConflict managementHow to conduct effective meetingsBUSINESS WRITING IN ENGLISHThe course begins by focusing on business writing and specifically grammar. If you work in a professional environment, your clients and co-workers are all educated and know grammar well. Few things make you look less professional than business writing with poor grammar. After the first part of the course, you will understand grammar rules to make your business writing clear and professional.After you master business grammar, you can apply your business writing skills to many other skills like memo writing, writing text messages, writing email to managers, co-workers, or potential clients.BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable grammar worksheets, and business writing exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your business communication questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills after you complete the courseOFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP - I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What sets this course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals. You can also get my help and advice any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis business English grammar and writing course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Russian Pronunciation" |
"We don't learn language by memorizing rules...especially not pronunciation rules. Instead, we learn by discovering patterns, and by contrasting similar sounds. In this course, you'll quickly develop proper Russian pronunciation not by memorizing complex rules and exceptions, but by hearing the patterns. In each new lecture you'll overcome a common stumbling block--everything from consonant clusters, to the dreaded Rolled Russian R. And along the way, you'll master a key vocab word or expression which features the concept you worked on. A fun and engaging video course, Learn Russian Pronunciation will greatly improve the way you speak Russian!"
Price: 19.99

"Stakeholder Engagement or Stakeholder Management" |
"Identifying stakeholders in your own project can seem like an easy task to some and other find it almost impossible. Yet the core to any successful project is managing people and how they engage with your project. Handle your stakeholders well and the chance of project success increases significantly.As a Project manager you can learn all the mechanisms and approaches to manage the functional elements of a project and still fail to deliver a successful outcome. You might even deliver a project on time and to budget and still fail to meet objectives and leave you customer unhappy and unsatisfied. Manage the stakeholders well and agree realistic expectations and deliver those will yield success projects, even in situation where they are late or over budget in some cases. So, can you afford not to engage with stakeholders in your projects? This course discusses some simple tools and approaches that will have you delivery more successful projects. Do you want to been seen as the person that generates success and includes people?"
Price: 99.99

"Make iPhone Video Like a Pro" |
"Start making high quality videos with your iPhone. No additional pricy video editing software is required - just your iPhone! Do you want to make professional videos using your iPhone? Do you want to impress your friend and your family with your videos? Do you have hundreds of video files on your iPhone and you don't know how to make a movie out of them? Did you ever try to make a movie from your videos, but it was to complicated or the video was so boring it didn't look professional? Well, fortunately you dont need fancy computers and cameras to shoot and edit professional looking videos any more, you can do it all on your iPhone. Your iPhone can be used as a high quality video production suit, you can use it to produce videos for yourself or business use. If you like taking videos using your iPhone, you probably have quite a bit of videos on it, but what now? how do you make a short movie out of all the pieces of video? do you have to move your videos over to your computer to edit them? and what if you just shoot your kids birthday and want to edit it and post it to youtube and send to your family? Based on my last 13 years experinace from shooting and editing videos for a living, I invite you to look over my shoulder as I edit my own videos that I shoot using the iPhone, I'll show you precisely all the editing tips and tricks that I use on my job everyday and all the secrets the Pros like Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott and Michael Bay use to trigger viewers emotions and the formula of getting aesthetic looking videos, and a lot more tricks I use on my job. Video is about triggering your viewers emotions. this is caused by both the editor and camera men doing something very precise. In this course You'll learn: Video shooting basics technics How to get aesthetic shoots What are the tools the pros use to make an engaging video Editing your videos including - trimming, adding sound, adding voice over How to add transitions, How to import videos & photos How to animate pictures, How to capture slow motion video on your iPhone Importing and editing slow motion video. ... and much more! In short - everything you will need to make beautiful videos. Click on the "take this course" button and start making amazing videos! I will see you in the course. Uri Soglowek"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Mixing Masterclass" |
"Welcome to the COMPLETE Mixing MasterclassThis course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.This class is for anyone who has made or recorded music and wondered why their tracks don't sound like the tracks they hear on the radio, Spotify, SoundCloud, or anywhere else. This is the missing link in your production workflow.In this class we start with the very basics of mixing, and work all the way up to finishing great tracks. I walk you through every step of the process, and explain my logic behind every decision I make. I'll even walk you through a complete mix from beginning to end.The goal of this class is for you to learn how to take your tracks from good to great.DAWs:In this class I'll be using Ableton Live, but if you are not a Live user - that is totally ok! I've gone to great lengths to make sure this class is useful to everyone, no matter which audio platform they are working with. So if you are a Logic user, FL Studio user, Cubase user, Bitwig user, or anything else - it will all work. You will be able to do all of the techniques that I walk you through in any audio application. Genre:I'm best known for working with electronic music, but I've designed this course to be as inclusive as possible when it comes to genre. We will talk about mixing techniques for all instruments, sounds, and styles. All genres are welcome here!Topics Covered: The Listening EnvironmentHeadphone Mixing vs. Studio MonitorsPreparing a Track for MixingTuning InstrumentsGrouping TracksApproaches to MixingSubtractive MixingPanningPhantom CenterPhasingWorking with FrequenciesThe EQ as the Scalpel of MixingCreating Definition with EQThe High Pass Filter TrickNegotiating the Kick and Bass in the MixCreating Space with Delay EffectsCreating Space with Reverb EffectsReverb Techniques for Vocals, Guitars, and DrumsDelay Techniques for Vocals, Guitars, and DrumsCompressorsParallel CompressionCompression Techniques for Vocals, Guitars, and DrumsFinding the ""Focus"" of the TrackThe Art in MixingAnd much, much more!If you are ready to start making professional sounding tracks, this is the class that will start you on that journey. Get started today.Dr. Allen is a university music professor, and is a top-rated Udemy instructor - with nearly 100 courses and 270,000 students. In 2017 Star Tribune Business featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. ** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music mixing course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waited for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts to all future classes in the series. "
Price: 79.99

"Como Vender y Trabajar Con Mi Voz: Locucin Pro Desde Casa!" |
"La siguiente pretende ser una gua prctica sobre cmo conseguir trabajo de locutor de forma eficiente y correcta en muy poco tiempo.En los 12 aos que llevo como locutor comercial, he cometido muchsimos errores, incluso algunos me han hecho perder oportunidades muy buenas (de esas que no se repiten) por ser en su momento un locutor principiante e inexperto, donde me dejaba llevar ms por la emocin que por la razn. Pretendo con este trabajo que no cometas esos errores y que puedas iniciarte en el mundo de la locucin de tu pas, como en el extranjero, de manera profesional desde el primer paso, eliminando todos los posibles errores que cometemos a la hora de buscar trabajo como profesionales del micrfono.La dificultad ms grande a enfrentar, es que los servicios que brindamos los que trabajamos con la voz y/o en produccin, es que son servicios intangibles, pues vendemos algo que no se puede tocar ni ver, como es nuestra voz. A veces se dificulta la venta si no se hace de la forma apropiada, pues, la gente generalmente no quiere pagar por lo que no puede tocar o ver.En estos aos he tenido la posibilidad de grabar desde Montevideo a todo Uruguay, como tambin para el extranjero; desde Argentina, hasta pases muy lejanos al mo, como la India, por ejemplo, adems de conocer a gente muy interesante en todas las latitudes.Quiero que tu hagas lo mismo y ms, pero sin cometer mis errores del pasado, ayudarte con algunos secretos y estrategias que me permiten ser un locutor full time desde hace ms de una dcada, pero sin que pierdas dinero en procedimientos y estrategias errneas y otra cosa an ms importante, algo que no regresa: El tiempoMuchas gracias por ser parte de esta gran aventura. Te saluda y te da la bienvenida, quien escribe, Mauro Martnez.Vamos por tu xito!"
Price: 39.99

"Build A Weather App With Ruby On Rails" |
"Ruby on Rails can seem overwhelming at first, but it doesnt have to be! In this course Ill walk you through it step by step and youll be building your first web app in MINUTES. Youll be amazed how quick and easy it is to create very professional looking websites, even if you have no programming or web design experience at all.Watch over my shoulder as I build a cool Ozone Air Quality Monitoring Weather app step by step right in front of you. Youll follow along and build your own copy. By the time were finished, youll have a solid understanding of Ruby on Rails and how to use it to build awesome web apps.This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any coding experience at all!The course contains 28 videos and is just over 2 hours long. Watch the videos at your own pace, and post questions along the way if you get stuck. You dont need any special knowledge or software to take this course, though any experience with HTML or CSS is a plus. You dont even need to know the Ruby programming language. Ill walk you through EVERYTHING.Ruby on Rails is a great web development tool and learning it has never been this easy.What We'll Build...We'll build a cool Ozone Air Quality Monitoring Weather app that pulls Ozone Air Quality weather data from a third party government API.You'll learn how to use the free API in your app throughout the course.We'll style the website using the popular Bootstrap CSS framework (I'll show you how to use it!)This is a great course for someone starting out. You'll learn all kinds of skills that will help you build just about any kind of website or web app that you like.Sign up today and I'll see you on the inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99

the-complete-web-developer-course-2-russian |
"-?, , , ? , Udemy - . - 2.0. , 200 000 ! , . , - . . , . . . , , , - . , - - . . , . , , -. - . ? ( , ). , . ! . . , , . , 1 ! - 2.0 . . . . -, . , , -! - ? 30 , . -? - 2.0 12 , -. 30 , . . . . , , HTML5, CSS3 Python. , , -, , jQuery, PHP 7, MySQL 5 Bootstrap. - Wordpress, , API , Google Maps Facebook. , - - - . . , . Twitter. . . , , , . - - 12 : () HTMLCSSJavascriptjQueryCMS WordPress PHP MySQL : Twitter ? , , , , - 1 ( $199) * * , , . . . . . , , YouTube! - 2.0 , , . , Udemy. , . !!! , , ! . - , , , . . , , , . ? , 20- How to make $10,000 while learning to code. HTML, , , 70% code academy. - :! . , . - , , - . ( ) , , . , . - ""Eco Web Hosting"", , . , -. . . , , , . , -, , , . - . - 2.0 . . , , . , , - ( , ). . , !! . ! :). -"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Interpersonal Neurobiology for Everyday Life" |
"An Introduction to Interpersonal Neurobiology for Everyday Life is a course taught by award-winning educator and neurobiologist Dr. Daniel J. Siegel. This course introduces the core concepts of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB).Interpersonal Neurobiology uses cutting-edge science to bring a deeper understanding to the whole of reality and provides insight into how to find harmony in our everyday lives. By examining the common findings of a variety of fieldsincluding psychology, mathematics, and even anthropologythis course offers a new perspective and understanding of what it means to be human.Join us for a 3-hour video course presenting real-life applications of the findings from this fascinating field!"
Price: 159.99

"Sell Art Online Masterclass" |
"I want to help you sell your digital art, including photos, graphics and vectors.When I started my online T-shirt business 5+ years ago, I didn't know where to start, so I just uploaded to every POD site I could find. At the end of the day, I spent a bunch of time on useless sites, but I did find a few good merchants. The same thing with promotion. I tried many things until I finally figured out how to get lasting traffic without ads.I want to save you the time I spent by making you an expert on the industry in under 4 hours, with this knowledge and so much more. You could spend 50+ hours learning the hard way, or you can learn from my experience and get going in the right direction. Investing time intelligently is the main focus of this course, and pressing play is the first investment.Were going to talk about the best places to sell, how to sell intelligently, and how to make uploading (arguably the hardest part of selling your art) fast, easy, and mindless.Heres a breakdown of the major concepts:How to monetizeWhat sites should I sell on?? This question plagues every single artist starting out. I did the research so you don't have to.I will tell you all the ways I know to make money with art online, and we will talk in-depth about the biggest two ways: selling stock photography and selling your art on print on demand products. I did a bunch of research and compiled my findings into two spreadsheets, one comparing the top POD sites, and one comparing the top Stock Photography sites. How to get traffic without paid advertisingWe will also talk about ways to bring in steady traffic for years to come from search engines, without buying ads. These techniques have helped me sell art everyday for over 4 years.How to master financial successI will share with you something I call the success formula that breaks down your sales into three components. Then, I will give you tips to maximize your profits by improving each component. We will optimize our stores so they are attractive and communicative, give our viewers ways to connect with us long-term and learn how to create the type of art that will attract lots of sales.Read the lesson descriptions to learn exactly what we will cover.FAQDo I need to invest money to sell my art online?Not at all. It's possible to do everything in this course without any monetary investment other than purchasing this course. I never invested money in advertising, instead, I figured out where my traffic was coming from and developed the strategies I will share with you.Only one of the three POD methods requires your own website, which is the only startup cost you will encounter in selling your artwork. You will need to invest time, and I will show you how to do that wisely. This three-hour course will save you many many hours and headaches when it's time to upload your whole portfolio.Why am I qualified to teach this Masterclass?I started my first online t-shirt business while at university for business administration and marketing. Since then, I have sold over 17,000 POD products online, plus a growing number of stock photos. In fact, I have sold something every single day for over 4 years. To get there, I have tried just about every way to sell my art products and art online. I invested a lot of time and learned out what was and wasn't bringing me sales. Now, I want to share what I have learned to make you lasting success.I have taught thousands of students in my 5 previous POD-related classes on Skillshare and Udemy. Here are some reviews from one of my previous courses, Start An Online T-Shirt Business at Zero Cost.""I loved this course. The teacher knowledge of the topic is outstanding and he's delivering informations fast and clearly. This is not a course about design only, is a course on brand development and how to make the things go.. with cool tips and notes to help your business life. I'm thankful to have bought it!""- Daniele Dalla Valle""This is what I needed right now! I was actually very impressed with the clarity of presentation of information, the scope of what is covered, and the length of each lesson. The instructor spoke clearly and was easy to understand. Combined it made all of it worth my time and provided me with exactly what I wanted to know to get started."" - Kelda Ytterdal""This is the best course I have found on skillshare and Sir Douglas clearly loves what he teaches and his passion allows him to create this great course. I can't thank you enough from the bottom of my heart."" - Leo Alborzi"
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning for Beginners" |
"Master Deep Learning in No Time with Our Hand-Picked Online TutorialDeep Learning is a subset of machine learning and ergo, of AI as well. Deep learning is concerned with teaching the machines, how to perform actions that come naturally to human beings such as visual recognition and lifting objects. Here machines are trained by example and they learn from their previous errors. For example, Waymos driverless cars run on the very same technology. Here it performs functions such as slowing down or stopping upon seeing a person crossing the road or differentiate between a human and a street-sign. Even when talking about voice commands for your mobile devices, they are a product of that too. So, the immensity of its uses are many and that is why, understanding deep learning is desired by so many companies, with many offering high salary packages for it. What Makes This Course So Valuable?In many deep learning online courses, it either moves too fast or they lack examples explaining the fundamentals to the person adequately. However, with this course, you will be able to start from the essentials. If you lack prior knowledge of deep leaning, this course would be perfect for you. The tutorial begins with basic concepts such as the history of the concept of deep learning and a brief idea about neural networks. With an expert tutor, the course comes with many practical examples. Along with that, the course also helps in understanding the rudimentary terminologies needed for the course. With that, it covers many important concepts such as breaking down a CNN, classic algorithms, data pre-processing, natural language processing and so much more. The Course IncludesIntroduction of Deep LearningHistory of Deep Learning and Neural NetworksLinear Algebraic FormalizationRegression and ClassificationMax PoolingSample ProblemWidth Shift and height ShiftBuilding and Training modelsBuilding an LSTM CellReinforcement Learning And Much more!Become Proficient in All the Concepts of Deep Learning with Our Course! Try It Today!"
Price: 49.99

"Structured Notes Vol 50 - Subjective Well Being System" |
"This spreadsheet system originated from my planning system, Mastering Planning, which you should be familiar with before buying this course.The problem comes up in planning, how should you decide between different things you could do with your time.For example, how should you choose what to learn, or what career move to make next?One way to do it is to just look at the money aspect, what will make you the most money.But this only works for some situations, there are a lot of situations where money isn't a factor, so how do you make those kinds of decisions?One approach is using the idea of subjective well being. It's admittedly a somewhat vague concept, some people use happiness, or being in the flow, or contentment, or oneness, or good emotions, or something else. I don't advocate a specific way of coming up with a SWB (subjective well being ) metric. That's for you to decide, although I do give some thoughts in the course.The idea is that as long as you can turn it into a number, and I explain some ways how in the course, you can use this system to record and process and analyze those numbers to learn more about yourself and what you can do to make decisions that better optimize your SWB long term.Although my current systems (as of 2019.06, this will be changing in the future) don't talk much about what to optimize for, I will be referring to this system in the future as the main way to make overarching, especially long term, decisions when planning.In the latter half of the course I get also touch on a few big ideas related to SWB (like how doctors and patients use quality of life adjusted years when making end of life planning decisions), but this course is primarily about how to use the spreadsheet, so you shouldn't expect any theory on subjective well being.Timothy"
Price: 199.99
