"Modelado 3D y render de productos deportivos para publicidad" |
"Aprende a modelar un calzado deportivo con todos sus detalles: Parches de piel, costuras, gomas, cordones, tacos...Vamos a aprender a plantear un modelado de estas caracteristicas desde el planteamiento inicial usando bocetos del diseo original, hasta la colocacion de todos sus componentes usando herramientas de modelado sencillas, metodos de retopologia, herramientas dedicadas a tareas concretas como la simulacion de costuras sobre una superficie, trucos de renderizado como la herramienta render boolean que nos permitira generar agujeros en la malla que respetaran al 100% el flow de tu malla, y muchas cosas mas.Este es el volumen 1 de un total de 2. En el volumen 2 usaremos este modelo completamente terminado para trabajar texturas, materiales e iluminacion realistas con el fin de crear un render que pueda ser usado en catalogos de productos o publicidad."
Price: 39.99

"Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms in Python" |
"As a developer, youll have certainly heard about various data structures and algorithms. However, have you ever thought profoundly about them and their impact on the performance of your applications? If not, its high time to take a look at this topic, and this course is a one-stop guide to master it!This course will teach you the necessary theory and applications to properly understand the advanced algorithms and data structures that are critical to various problems and how to implement them. Well also go hands-on and reveal tips and tricks for optimizations, identifying the right approaches and presenting convincing explanations. And, you will get it all in a modern, popular, and well-documented language: Python. Finally, youll learn how to develop complex algorithms that are easy to understand, debug, and reusable in various applications.By the end of the course, youll know how to develop complex algorithms that are easy to understand, debug, and reusable in various applications.About the AuthorVlad Sebastian Ionescu is first and foremost a teacher. He holds a Ph.D. in Machine Learning and currently various university courses and tutorials covering languages and concepts such as Python, Java, algorithms and data structures, C#, machine learning, and web development.He also possesses a Stack Overflow gold badge in algorithmic tagging.His philosophy is ""if I can't explain it well enough for most people to understand it, I need to go back and understand it better myself before trying again"". He has personally run into all of the problems discussed in the course at some point in his professional life. This makes him adept at understanding programming problems and, more critically, how to resolve them and how to explain the solutions"
Price: 124.99

"10 Questions to Ask Before Marriage" |
"Do you wish to know a practial and no BS way to know if the one you are dating is fit for marriage? Do you desire sound advice on potential questions to ask before jumping the broom into marriage? Well look no further than this course and journey together with me to find out if he/she has the qualities needed to go the distance in a marriage partnership."
Price: 19.99

"Java Concurrency and Multithreading in Practice" |
"Multi-core processors are everywherefrom super-computers to mobile devices right in your pocket. That's why a modern developer must know how to leverage the power of multithreading.This course will teach you how to use parallelism and concurrency in Java. You will learn how to parallelize tasks and functions with the ForkJoin framework and Streams. You will also learn how to work with the very popular Reactive Streams recently introduced to Java. Furthermore, you will master concurrent collections and lower-level synchronization techniques with locks.This course conveniently provides quizzes to evaluate your knowledge and help you retain the new concepts. By the end of this practical training course, you will have the knowledge to write elegant programs for multicore computers with enhanced performance and improved responsiveness.About the AuthorTatiana Fesenko is a senior Java developer with a proven track record of bringing products from concept to implementation and a background that includes working in four countries with collaborators from almost all continents in corporate, semi-public, and start-up environments. She is highly driven, thorough, and passionate about technology, and has been professionally using Java for more than 15 years."
Price: 124.99

"Mastering Windows Server 2019" |
"Windows Server 2019 provides you with a wide range of powerful, new, and enhanced features such as Hyper-V, Nano-server, server virtualization, storage, software-defined networking, server management and automation, access and information protection, virtual desktop infrastructure, and failover clustering; the list goes onIn this course, as you cover all aspects of administration-level tasks and activities and how to manage Windows Server 2019, you'll master tips for adapting to the new server management ideology, which is all about centralized monitoring and configuration. We'll also show you how migrating your existing setup (Windows Server 2016 or 2012 R2) to the latest update can be so simple. You'll learn about networking and Software-Defined Networking; use PowerShell as a central platform for performing many functions; use the new built-in integration with Docker with this latest release of Windows Server 2019 which centers around security; master HCI; and get a lot of powerful information about the remote access technologies available in this OS, as well as guidelines for virtualizing your datacenter with Hyper-V. By the end of this course, you will have all the collateral required to start planning for a full-scale implementation of Windows Server 2019.About the AuthorsRob Pleau: Rob Pleau is a PowerShell expert and enthusiast, blogger, author, TechSnips contributor, and PowerShell/DevOps Summit Speaker. He has been working actively to share his knowledge, both internally in his organization and more broadly in the PowerShell community as a whole. Speaking and blogging have been his primary platforms to do this. He also has a heavy interest in C#, Go, and Python!Anthony Howell: Anthony Howell is a passionate automator. He has been working professionally in IT since 2009 when he started as a helpdesk tech whilst at university. After an initial focus on calculus, he switched from computer science to securing his associate status from ITT Tech in Network Systems Administration. By the time he graduated, he was already a sysadmin with a focus on PowerShell automation, and has continued on his professional journey by venturing out on his own as a PowerShell developer.David Lamb: David is a Systems Administrator managing Windows servers and clients since 1995, spending a large portion of his career in the aviation industry. His first certification was the MCSE on Windows NT 4.0, earned in 2001. David lives in Alberta, Canada, and is currently spending his free time honing his PowerShell skills, blogging, and pursuing the MCSE certification on Windows Server.Matt McElreath: Matt is a Windows Server administrator concentrating on automation, PowerShell, Desired State Configuration (DSC), and Octopus Deploy.TechSnips LLC: TechSnips is an IT career development platform that provides free learning content to people in information technology (IT). All of the content we publish is built by IT professionals, system administrators, DevOps engineers, software developers. You name it! All content is created by people in the trenches performing this work day in and day out. We like to call ourselves an IT career development platform rather than an e-learning platform because our service provides career development benefits to both contributors (those creating the content) and to subscribers (those consuming the content). We help people on both sides of the divide become better at their careers."
Price: 124.99

"The Complete 2019 Customer Journey & Experience Course" |
"Every social media post, landing page, product, service or process you spent countless hours creating can, and should, be designed. Nowadays it's not about you. It's not about the product you sell or the service you offer. It's the client experience you deliver what really matters. So, why design experiences in the first place? 54% greater return on investment24% increase in positive social media mentions3.5x increase in revenue from customer referrals18x faster average sales cyclesAnd these are just some of the facts taken from a recent study of the world's leading customer experience service company. These facts mean that businesses that design customer experiences and map their clients journey are bound to stay ahead of the game. I know this to be true. I've been creating and consulting on experience design for over 5 years now and it can impact literally EVERY area of your business.If you want to create:Better learning experiencesValue-packed digital productsOnline services that delightComprehensive support processes...then this is the course you need to take. I'll show you how to integrate the most relevant design processes with your marketing strategy so you can turn your business from a product-based one into a client-based one.I'll show you exactly the big and little tweaks you can apply right away to turn strangers into clients and clients into raving fans."
Price: 119.99

"Smart Tips: Excel" |
"Have you ever needed to remove duplicate records in a list thats hundreds of rows long, and gone cross-eyed trying to find all of them on your own? Or maybe youve needed to get just the first name from a list of full names and wasted hours manually copying them. Im here to tell you theres a better way for these and so many more of your real world struggles in Excel.Welcome to Smart Tips: Excel! In this course Ill provide short lectures to help you do something new - fast, so that you can immediately apply it to your work or life. The videos in this course are standalone. That means you dont have to watch in any particular order. If youre searching for a specific skill or topic thats relevant for you, take a look through the available tips to find the knowledge you need when you need it.My name is Alex Mozes, and Im Director of Business Operations at Udemy. Before joining Udemy, I was a Microsoft Certified Master Instructor, and spent my time teaching people around Silicon Valley the secrets of Excel. In this course, I share some of my best tips to help you become more productive and efficient with your spreadsheets. Ill teach you things like how to calculate dates, the master rule for all Excel functions, and how to teach the autofill tool common patterns you use in your business. Well cover tips in calculations, formatting, Excel tools, setting up spreadsheets, managing lists, data analysis and more.All of these tips are designed to help you increase your productivity and become an Excel whiz. And, if theres a time consuming activity in Excel you struggle with, let me know in the Q&A section."
Price: 79.99

"Company Accounts & Audit - CMA Inter Paper 12 ( PART- 1/2)" |
"Welcome to this course Company Accounts for CMA Inter Paper 12 Examination.This course is designed and structured keeping in mind students preparing for CMA Intermediate Examination.This course will cover first section of the Paper 12 - Company Accounts only.You will lectures, case studies related to company accounts coveringa) Issue of Sharesb) Journal Entries for Issue of Sharesc) Journal Entries for Allotment, Calls in Arrears, Forfeiture.You will see lot many case studies in this course to make you stronger in handling real life scenarios. This course is structured in self paced learning style.Please have your notepad and pen by your side to practice along with lectures.See you inside the course."
Price: 149.99

"Diseo y Programacin Orientada a Objetos en C#" |
"Programar va ms all de escribir cdigo. Necesitamos tener conceptos, tcnicas y principios que nos ayuden a escribir software que sea mantenible. Con este curso, aprenders a utilizar la programacin orientada a objetos a tu favor para desarrollar aplicaciones que no simplemente funcionen, sino que puedan evolucionar con facilidad.Aprende a utilizar las herramientas de C# y del diseo orientado a objetos para construir software utilizando buenas prcticas. No importa si no utilizas C#, los principios que aprenders en este curso te ayudarn en tu carrera profesional, ya que las tcnicas que aprenders son aplicables para cualquier lenguaje de programacin orientado a objetos.Aprende a construir software de N-capas o multicapas, el cual se presta a reutilizacin de cdigo por parte de distintas capas de presentacin."
Price: 34.99

"T.O.C. Theory of Constraints: Gestionar cuellos de botella." |
"El curso es una introduccin al mtodo diseado por Eli Goldratt para la gestin del flujo y de las organizaciones a partir de una nueva forma de entender las limitaciones.T.O.C. suelen describirse como un mtodo con ideas muy sencillas, pero rompedoras, de gran sentido comn y que tienen un impacto importante. Y esto sucede especialmente cuando se trata de gestionar el flujo: cuando interesa ""hacer avanzar las cosas"" en situaciones donde lo que hacemos pertenece a una secuencia de relaciones con lo que hacen los otros, tanto aguas arriba como aguas abajo.Aplica a la gestin de flujo en trminos amplios: produccin, operaciones, proyectos, logstica, etc.Se presentan los conceptos de T.O.C. y a Eli Goldratt a travs de sus obras bsicas. Ayudando no slo a entender los conceptos sino a saber tambin, de la extensa bibliografa del autor, qu libros puede interesar leer para profundizar y focalizarse. En la exposicin de los conceptos se utilizarn algunos de los instrumentos de T.P. Thinking Processes / Procesos de Razonamiento Estructurado.Todo ello a lo largo de 6 temas:1. Entender el concepto de cuello de botella / limitacin y la clasificacin que hace Eli Goldratt entre fsicas o polticas y entre internas y externas.2. Conocer una de las analogas que ms utiliz Goldratt para explicar T.O.C.: la analoga de la cadena y cmo podemos gestionarla a partir de centrarnos en su peso y/o en su resistencia.3. Siguiendo con la analoga de la cadena se presentan los pasos a seguir para llevar a cabo un Proceso de Mejora Continua tal y como lo define T.O.C.4. Entender el conflicto que representa para la gestin el focalizarse en el coste o focalizarse en el flujo y cmo los ptimos locales se relacionan con el ptimo global. Conoceremos al mismo tiempo de una forma prctica la Nube del Conflicto, el instrumento ms utilizado de los que componen T.P.5. A partir del anlisis que hizo Goldratt de la industria siderrgica conocer un ejemplo de anlisis de un escenario con limitaciones polticas dnde los criterios de gestin provocan una serie de sntomas que queremos eliminar. Conoceremos en este anlisis otro de los instrumentos de T.P.: el Arbol de la Realidad Actual.6. Veremos tambin una introduccin a los diferentes instrumentos de T.P. y diferenciaremos cmo pueden utilizarse en situaciones complejas de cambio o en situaciones del da a da.Cada tema se expone con un vdeo y con un pdf con el material que se utiliza en el vdeo facilitando as su posterior repaso."
Price: 29.99

"Beyond Basic Grammar" |
"""Beyond Basic Grammar: Fix Your Writing"" focuses on the art of writing by teaching you how to add variety, style, and sophistication to complex sentences through advanced grammar and language techniques. Learn the skills that separate beginning writers from the more advanced.Essentially, you will master the skills copy editors and proofreaders use to correct and polish your writing. This class is essential for college students, bloggers, authors and editors who want to produce clean, descriptive, concise copy.If you feel you need help with grammar before entering this class, please consider joining Grammar Essentials: Boost Your Writing Skills. "
Price: 84.99

"College Writing Essentials" |
"""College Writing Essentials"" teaches essential expository, research and literary techniques for assignments in high school and college classrooms. Before students can compose a sentence, paragraph or full essay, they must understand the fundamental principles that guide those assignments. In addition to comprehension, students must demonstrate writing skill competency before tackling longer writing projects. In this online class, students receive detailed video lessons, downloadable handouts, quizzes and practice exercises to review at their own pace. No written assignments to submit to the instructor in this course. Instructional Materials: This class offers detailed video lessons, downloadable handouts, quizzes and practice exercises to reinforce learning on each topic. Students can review the materials as often as necessary and learn at their own pace. Video LessonsDownloadable HandoutsQuizzesPractice ExercisesReasons to Enroll: Students receive clear, effective instruction on writing standards.Parents understand what their children should be writing.Teachers receive multimedia resources to teach writing standards.Lifetime access to class materials.No time limit to complete the course."
Price: 79.99

"Music Theory Comprehensive: Part 15: Chromatic Harmony" |
"Welcome to the COMPLETE Music Theory Guide!This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and level up. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.For years I've been teaching Music Theory in the college classroom. These classes I'm making for Udemy use the same syllabus I've used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost. I believe anyone can learn Music Theory - and cost shouldn't be a barrier.My approach to music theory is to minimize the memorization. Most of these concepts you can learn by just understanding why chords behave in certain ways. Once you understand those concepts, you can find any scale, key, or chord that exists. Even invent your own. If you've tried to learn music theory before, or if you are just starting out - this series of courses is the perfect fit.Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. Throughout this class, If you get stuck, you can review the videos or post a question, and I'll back to it as fast as possible. This class is Part 15: Chromatic Harmony. We will be learning a few new chords in this class - the Neapolitan Six chord, and the family of Augmented Six Chords: French 6, Italian 6, and German 6. In this class, we will cover:Mode Mixture4-Voice Harmony in Mixture SettingsModification to Earlier RulesSolfege in Chromatic SettingsThe Chromatic Pre-Dominant ChordsThe Neapolitan Six ChordAnalysis: Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven)Analysis: Piano Sonata in D Major (Mozart)Italian Augmented 6th ChordsFrench Augmented 6th ChordsGerman Augmented 6th ChordsResolutions to Augmented 6th ChordsAnalysis: Mozart String QuartetHow to Study for Music Theory Placement Tests...and much, much more!You will not have another opportunity to learn Music Theory in a more comprehensive way than this. All the tools you need to successfully learn Music Theory are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can launch your music career today.Test Prep: This course is perfect for prep for the Praxis II Test (ETS Praxis Music), The ABRSM Music Theory Exam (up to Grade 8), AP Music Theory Exam, College Placement Exams (Music Theory), and other common secondary and post-secondary placement exams.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music theory course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee, as per Udemy Policy) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waiting for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Whammer Jammer today - harmonica monster rock classic" |
"This is your all in one classic harmonica anthem. I've heard it described as 'All the harmonica techniques in one song'It's a modern day Juke, but much easier. I've broken it down and figured out all ten choruses with written notation and tablature. Yup - every note.I'll give you backing tracks in different keys and I'll explain every technique so you can grasp it and learn to play it.I think you will find it easy to play with all this video instruction and written resources Enjoy learning and soon you'll be playing alongside Magic Dick!"
Price: 74.99

"Become a Linear Algebra Master" |
"HOW BECOME A LINEAR ALGEBRA MASTER IS SET UP TO MAKE COMPLICATED MATH EASY:This 247-lesson course includes video and text explanations of everything from Linear Algebra, and it includes 69 quizzes (with solutions!) and an additional 12 workbooks with extra practice problems, to help you test your understanding along the way. Become a Linear Algebra Master is organized into the following sections:Operations on one matrix, including solving linear systems, and Gauss-Jordan eliminationOperations on two matrices, including matrix multiplication and elimination matricesMatrices as vectors, including linear combinations and span, linear independence, and subspacesDot products and cross products, including the Cauchy-Schwarz and vector triangle inequalitiesMatrix-vector products, including the null and column spaces, and solving Ax=bTransformations, including linear transformations, projections, and composition of transformationsInverses, including invertible and singular matrices, and solving systems with inverse matricesDeterminants, including upper and lower triangular matrices, and Cramer's ruleTransposes, including their determinants, and the null (left null) and column (row) spaces of the transposeOrthogonality and change of basis, including orthogonal complements, projections onto a subspace, least squares, and changing the basisOrthonormal bases and Gram-Schmidt, including definition of the orthonormal basis, and converting to an orthonormal basis with the Gram-Schmidt processEigenvalues and Eigenvectors, including finding eigenvalues and their associate eigenvectors and eigenspaces, and eigen in three dimensionsAND HERE'S WHAT YOU GET INSIDE OF EVERY SECTION:Videos: Watch over my shoulder as I solve problems for every single math issue youll encounter in class. We start from the beginning... I explain the problem setup and why I set it up that way, the steps I take and why I take them, how to work through the yucky, fuzzy middle parts, and how to simplify the answer when you get it.Notes: The notes section of each lesson is where you find the most important things to remember. Its like Cliff Notes for books, but for math. Everything you need to know to pass your class and nothing you dont.Quizzes: When you think youve got a good grasp on a topic within a course, you can test your knowledge by taking one of the quizzes. If you pass, great! If not, you can review the videos and notes again or ask for help in the Q&A section.Workbooks: Want even more practice? When you've finished the section, you can review everything you've learned by working through the bonus workbook. The workbooks include tons of extra practice problems, so they're a great way to solidify what you just learned in that section.HERE'S WHAT SOME STUDENTS OF BECOME A LINEAR ALGEBRA MASTER HAVE TOLD ME:Another fantastic course. Provides an academic foundation of linear algebra to prepare for applied or programming-based courses. - Christopher C.I have no words to thank Krista for this amazing course, I was really overwhelmed because I had to take a test for a class I couldn't attend and I didn't know anything about linear algebra and surprisingly this course was what I needed, reading the notes before watching the video helped to understand by myself and when I was lost the video content was a great resource, I got a 9 out of 10 in the test, so I highly recommend to take this course, Krista is such a good teacher. - Alan M.I started out as a math major in college, and dropped my major during linear algebra. I wish I had this class and this instructor in college. I might have stuck with my major. - Eric L.Notes are great, explanations are clear and starting from the beginning. Terrific so far. - Phil T.Very clear and has not skipped any steps. If the rest of the course is like this, I will pass my class with no problem. - Brandon P.Really well structured and well explained, and there are plenty of exercises to reinforce the knowledge. - Ashfaque C.YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to Become a Linear Algebra MasterFriendly support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money back guaranteeEnroll today!I can't wait for you to get started on mastering Linear Algebra.- Krista :)"
Price: 199.99

"ClickBank Affiliate Masterclass : Comprehensive Training" |
"ClickBank Affiliate Masterclass : Comprehensive Training5 courses in 1 - Clickbank, Affiliate Landing Pages, Winning Mindset, Wealth Creation and Financial AttractionListen up we together decided to team up creating one of the best and most amazing hands on training on Udemy period and I want you to be part of this. This exclusive class gives is actually 5 classes in total that been combined to make you the money making machine you always dreamed of becoming. How would you like to travel where you want, stop working for your hated boss or better yet buy what you want when you want to. If you answered yes to one or all of those above you should enroll now because we both are doing exactly that after doing all the principles we teach and live in this class and we want to move this knowledge from us to you. We both went from broke to rich using the concepts taught in this class but what good is it to just teach you concepts without actually giving you the means to put the teachings into actual practice therefore I teamed up with Marc to add one of the best sections of this class how to get paid on Clickbank because it is a gold money pit. In fact Clickbank generated over $3 Billion dollars for affiliates why would you NOT want to be part this my friend. Best of all with digital media you do not need to ship anything so no investment needed up front and all you get is pure profits.When you buy this course gets FIVE courses $1,000 value and 5 hours of exclusive contentYou receive FIVE COURSES : <<> 1. How to use and make money from Clickbank <<> 2. Create Affiliate landing page to sell products <<> 3. How to having a winning financial mindset <<> 4. How to have the skills of wealth creation <<> 5. How to to attract money PlusYou receive TWO LEADING INSTRUCTORS on Udemy : <<< Sergey Kasimov (eCommerce expert thousands of students and many online courses) and Marc Wynn (money attraction expert) >>>Firstly you learn why Clickbank is so popular and has generated over $3 Billion for the affiliates that promote the courses stored on this platform. Everything that you need to know about how Clickbank works and how to make money from it is contained in this course.Because anyone can use Clickbank and make money, you need a competitive edge. Therefore this includes everything you need to know to have a winning financial mindset plus you will learning the secrets to attracting money.At what cost would you pay to change your life, what if you could attract money to you vs chasing money? What do the rich 1% know that you do not. Why working 9-5 and being in the rat race is a dead end and what is the alternative? Would you take the red or blue ok I think you know what I mean but at the cost of cheap Starbucks. What if this course is the one the reason you finally said I had enough and decided to do something different? If you answered YES to any of those questions this class is for you enroll right now and do not miss out on this golden opportunity to make money by learning Clickbank and how to attract money to you vs chasing it.This is a comprehensive course and you will learn :COURSE 1 : CLICKBANK SECTIONWhat is and who is ClickbankWhat is affiliate marketingHow to set up an accountHow to set up a hoplink to track salesImportance of using a tracking IDHow to evaluate a productHow to choose the right productHow to avoid the wrong productWhy you should test a product before promoting itThe wrong way to promote a courseHow to promote a courseSummary of all key areasCOURSE 2 : AFFILIATE WEBSITE LANDING PAGES 3 methods to promote courses effectivelyHow to pick the right WiX landing pageWhat you should avoid doing to promote your courseHow to design the landing page look greatWhat you have learned so farHow to add products and sale (HOP) linksCOURSE 3 : WEALTH CREATIONBroke to richesBeware of friends$100 earned vs $10,000 givenLive for tomorrow not todayThink and be rich1 million dollar ideaTools of successNo short cut to wealthSecret of successWhatever it takesTake action nowCOURSE 4 : WINNING FINANCIAL MINDSETThese skills are essential if you wish to be successful.Winners are made not bornHaving a positive mindsetThinking like the 1%Getting to your destinationWill you quit and give up - like most people?Why most people failBelieving in yourselfThe importance of passionBeing your bestCOURSE 5 : THE SECRETS OF ATTRACTING MONEYRather than working hard, here is a way to work smart and have money, sales, good fortune come to you.Success - how do you define your success?Success - how do you set your priorities?Do you choose to be Rich or Poor?The 3 Reasons why people block money from coming to themThe 6 Rules that you must follow if you want money to come to youTaking back control over your lifeIs there a limitless supply of money?3 NLP lessons and power words you need to attract moneyHow to build a winning money attraction planTo ensure you have EVERY SUCCESS, this course have been produced by two of Udemy's top instructors. ***** Sergey Kasimov has produced over 60+ courses on Udemy and has over 180,000 students. Sergey is an expert in teaching others how to make money online from platforms like Udemy, Ebay, Etsy and much more. He not only teaches those methods he actually does this himself with actual proof of earnings. ***** Marc Wynn produces course on the Law of Attraction and skill of attracting money. He has attracted over $380,000 and has one of the highest instructors ratings on Udemy at 4.74/5.00, which is due to the power and effectiveness of his unique techniques By the end this course you will have developed all the interchangeable skills that you can apply to working with Clickbank or in fact any business. These are powerful courses contained considerable value plus assignments to ensure that financial success is achieved."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure" |
"Advanced Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure redefines your experience of designing serverless systems. It shows you how to tackle challenges of varying levels, not just the straightforward ones. You'll be learning how to deliver features quickly by building systems, which retain the scalability and benefits of serverless.You'll begin your journey by learning how to build a simple, completely serverless application. Then, you'll build a highly scalable solution using a queue, load messages onto the queue, and read them asynchronously. To boost your knowledge further, the course also features durable functions and ways to use them to solve errors in a complex system. You'll then learn about security by building a security solution from serverless components. Next, youll gain an understanding of observability and ways to leverage application insights to bring you performance benefits. As you approach the concluding chapters, youll explore chaos engineering and the benefits of resilience, by actively switching off a few of the functions within a complex system, submitting a request, and observing the resulting behavior. By the end of this course, you will have developed the skills you need to build and maintain increasingly complex systems that match evolving platform requirements.About the AuthorDaniel Bass is an author of Beginning Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure and a developer with a major financial services firm. His has own educational background includes first-class honors in Physics MSc from University College, London. He is a key member of the team that creates greenfield projects purely on Azure, utilizing a combination of serverless functions, web apps, and data lake analytics. He has designed solutions from scratch for ingesting complex information from legacy data sources using serverless functions, processing it using data lake analytics, and reforming it using serverless functions. His team actively develops serverless solutions and create their own releases, and he is completely familiar with both the release tooling and development tooling for Microsoft Azure. Daniel also has several years of experience as a tutor of GCSE and A-Level students, producing quality education support for students across a broad spectrum of age and ability. He enjoys teaching and sharing knowledge with others. Sahil Malik is a trainer, Microsoft and iOS consultant, and the founder of Winsmarts. Sahil Malik, the founder, and principal of Winsmarts has been a Microsoft MVP for the past 10+ years, and an author and reviewer of many books and numerous articles in leading technology journals."
Price: 199.99

"Splunk 7 Essentials" |
"Splunk has evolved from a normal log monitoring tool to a de facto tool used in almost every enterprise, spanning from IT to security and even marketing. This course will get you off to a steady start by helping you understand how to install Splunk and set up a sample machine data generator, called Eventgen. By learning how to create various reports, dashboards, and alerts, youll then be able to analyze and visualize your data with a completely new perspective. Youll later explore how to model data for business users using Splunk's Pivot functionality. As you cover more chapters, youll get up to speed with testing Splunk's powerful HTTP Event Collector and send data to Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud. After covering core Splunk functionality, you'll gain insights into some real-world best practices for using this technology. Throughout this fully updated edition, youll also come across Tips from the Fez, which are additional comments and best practice recommendations from a member of the SplunkTrust Community. By the end of this course, youll know exactly how to use the many features of Splunk to your advantage and transform your machine data into resourceful insights that positively affect business decisions.About the AuthorJ-P Contreras, a Splunk-certified administrator and sales engineer, has delivered value-oriented data analytics and performance planning solutions for more than 20 years. He has built award-winning consulting teams to help companies turn data into analytical insights. He helps companies implement Splunk. He received his MBA in e-commerce from DePaul University's Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, Chicago, in 2001. He trains in DePaul's Continuing Education Program and is a member of DePaul's Driehaus School of Business Advisory Board.Erickson Delgado is an enterprise architect living in Orlando who loves to mine and analyze data. He began using Splunk in version 4.0 and has pioneered its use into his current work. He has worked with start-up companies in the Philippines to help build their open-source infrastructure. He has developed applications with Python and Node.js, is interested in Go, and loves recovering programming with C/C++. In recent years, he engaged himself in employing DevOps in his work. He blows off steam by saltwater fishing, mountain biking, crafting robots, and touring the country.Betsy Page Sigman is a distinguished professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. She has taught courses in statistics, project management, databases, and electronic commerce for the last 16 years, and has been recognized with awards for teaching and service. She has also worked at George Mason University in the past. Her recent publications include a Harvard Business case study and a Harvard Business review article. Additionally, she is a frequent media commentator on technological issues and big dataAdam Frisbee is a 15 year IT veteran and holds an MS in Information Systems from the University of Utah, where he also teaches graduate and undergraduate classes in Information Systems. His expertise is in cloud computing, VMware, Splunk, data warehousing, systems analysis and design, networking and servers, and university-level teaching."
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Certified Administrator Revision Guide" |
"Salesforce is a fast-growing business solution suite, constantly improving and adding new functionality to its features. This course will serve as a key guide to help you in your certification journey by covering all the topics to help you update your skills and acquire in-depth knowledge of the Salesforce platform.This course will enable you to sharpen your problem-solving skills and strengthen your knowledge of key topics in a practical way and is ideal for administrators at all levels (new and experienced). Every section will cover a module/topic which will be part of the certification. You will also review some example/mock questions that are highly likely to be asked in the certification exam. After covering basics such navigating the Salesforce environment and application and getting your organization ready for users, you will start by setting up and managing user types and profiles. You will cover data and security and also move on to maintaining and customizing Sales Cloud and Service Cloud apps. You will learn how to build reports and dashboards to maximize the look and feel of the application and to enhance user experience. You will set up workflows for automation and manage the support process. You will also look at the configuration, data management, data analytics, and mobile administration. You will cover techniques to enhance your system management efficiently.By the end of this comprehensive course, you will be confident and proficient in your skills and will be all set to take up and succeed at your Salesforce Certified Administrator exam.About the AuthorConnie Hazendonk is Salesforce Trainer with more than 5 years experience in it. Salesforce is a fast-growing business, constantly improving and adding new functionality to its platforms. As a Salesforce Admin, you will most likely take your first steps into this dynamic world. She has made this transition herself several years ago, coming from a data analytical background.Since working with Salesforce, she has become a Certified Admin and Certified Trainer and has worked and travelled around the world, supporting international businesses across various industries. She uses her experience to create and deliver training courses for their end users. She has found this certification to give you a solid foundation for you to come back on a day-to-day basis."
Price: 124.99

"Excel 365 VBA, Expert" |
"This course will teach students proper Visual Basic programming techniques along with an understanding of Excels object structure. Students will learn how to work with variables, how to use various conditional logic statements such as If and Else, and how to work with string functions. Students will also learn how to work with various loops such as next loops and each loops, as well as how to create user forms. Finally, students will get an in-depth understanding of the debugging tools available and how to effectively debug their code.This IAAP-certified counts for 5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 59.99

"How to break into the mobile app business with no budget" |
"Create your perfect app icon. Find out the mobile app design rules and meet the 8 tools to monitor your app reputation.1. App Icon MasteryA beautiful identifiable and memorable app icon can have a huge impact on the popularity and success of your app. But how exactly does one make an amazing app icon? You will find out in this course. I will help you to avoid the most common mobile apps design mistakes. 2. Viral AppsUse my step-by-step plans to build amazing apps that are prone to be viral from day one so you can rest assured you get the massive downloads your business deserves. Launch outstanding games with a powerful marketing strategy that works on auto-pilot. We will learn about the best social media mentioning software and I will teach you how to take control of your reviews.3. Stats are everythingMeasure the immediate effect of your every move and benefit from the tremendous opportunities the Flurry Analytics has to offer. The right data can help answer your hardest questions and optimize your app experience. Flurry mobile app analytics can help by analyzing activity across your app portfolio.Follow the quick steps to Create Eye-Catching, Engaging, and Effective Games. Repeat what worked best and obsessively improve on what could go better to surpass your competition.See you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Motivation! How to End Procrastination Once and For All" |
"Learn to Motivate Yourself to Do Anything You Want and Overcome Procrastination Once and For All!If you have been held back in your success because you tend to put things off, then it is time to get over it and achieve the success you deserve.Let's face it. Even the most successful people in the world procrastinate. The only difference between successful people and others is that successful people procrastinate about the right things. Unsuccessful people procrastinate about the wrong things - and they stay...unsuccessful.Whether its things at work, or things at home; whether finances, taxes, cold calling, etc. - we all need motivation to do the things we don't want to do.How would you like to have the power to motivate yourself to do anything you want? And do it anytime you want?The good news is that In this course you will learn exactly how. In this course you will learn:How to Motivate Yourself to Do Anything You WantHow to Identify the Most Powerful Motivation Drivers that Will Help You Increase Your Motivation.How to Use the 4 Most Powerful Types of Motivation to Get Yourself Motivated Anytime and Anywhere.And much, much more.SO IT'S TIME TO STOP PROCRASTINATING! Jump into this course today and start learning how Motivate Yourself to do Anything and End Procrastination once and for all.Sign Up For this Course Today!"
Price: 19.99

"Practical Photoshop: Create 40 Graphic Design Projects" |
"Please go to lecture 4 to see all the projects included in this course!Hey! I'm Chris Barin, Adobe certified Photoshop instructor, web & app designer, and entrepreneur. This course is a must for everyone that needs any type of graphics for their business or career. This is all about content creation! You'll learn how to create all sort of designs that are very much required in today's digital age: Clickable Facebook Ads;Instagram Posts that will get you tons of likes;Youtube Thumbnails that will get you clicks;Newsletters that will improve your open-rate and click-through rate;CVs (Resumes) that will get you hired or promoted;Business cards that will make a lasting impression;Logo design principles that will leave you shocked!Product Catalogue for sales agents;Indoor Banner Ads for various promotions;Beautiful Cover images for your social media profiles;... and much more!All these projects are going to be done in Photoshop, but the great thing about it is you don't need any serious experience with it. As long as you have a very basic understanding of the program, I'll teach you everything you need to know. In case you never opened Photoshop and you have no clue about it, then this course may not be for you.Important Features Included:Course workbook: use it to get up and running fast. It contains answers to most questions, detailed explanations about certain techniques shown in the videos, and much more;Live chat: my students frequently find me on our Discord group chat. This is a free program where you can chat with my fantastic community of students, ask questions, and get help fast. I'm regularly on there!All the sources files are included (PSDs): this means you can quickly replace my content with yours and use my designs without any strings attached!Facebook group: get access to a private group of over 4000 people who regularly share their designs, insights, and comments.Photoshop is not just about manipulating photos, making waist smaller or removing acne! Through this course you'll learn how to use it like the powerful tool it is and you'll be able to supercharge your career or personal projects.About Christian BarinI'm an Adobe Certified Instructor & Expert in Photoshop;Bestselling author on Udemy with 6 years of teaching experience and over 220.000 students;Incredible course reviews that are way above the category average as well as more minutes consumed by my students - this means my content kicks ass!MOST IMPORTANT: I'm a business owner and content creator. I constantly need high quality designs for my projects. I know what people and businesses require in today's social media age so I created this course around those needs."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Communication - The 12 Foundational Systems" |
"In this course, you'll learn about the 12 most essential communications systems that everyone should understand.The idea for this course started when I was looking into learning some foreign languages. I thought to myself, what about these other things sometimes called languages, like music or body language or architecture?Is there a systematic way of looking at these ways of symbolizing or ""meaning"" that exists at a meta level above languages like French, Chinese or Spanish?In this course, you'll get the results of my research into this area.Of course, in a way, everything can mean something. You could say there are infinitely different methods and media for communicating things in various ways. All the different types of art for example could be their own ""communication system.""So what I set out to do with this course is come up with a list of the essential communication or ""language"" (in the broad sense of the word) systems that most people who aren't artist and don't have special skills in some unusual communication system should know.And there are two reasons to know these systems.Both to understand what is being communicated to you, and also so that you can communicate with these systems to other people. These systems also cover the two broad ways of communicating...narrowcasting or broadcasting.Broadcasting are the methods that communicate to many people at once, often passively. The way you decorate your apartment is a passive way of communicating about you to everyone who comes to your dinner party.Narrowcasting is when you are, usually actively, communicating with a single person or a small group. This is where things like normal signed, spoken and written language show up the most. This course is the first part of a series of courses which will each go into more depth on each of these systems. It also includes an exercise at the end of the course that will show you how to start analyzing you communicative strengths and weaknesses in each of the communicative situations you find yourself in the most often.See you inside the course,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Dimension CC - Mster: Crear magia en 3D. New 2019." |
"Hola! Soy Marlon Ceballos, Adobe Community Professional y consultor de aplicaciones Adobe con ms de 22 aos de experiencia pedaggica. Te doy la bienvenida al curso Adobe Dimension CC - Mster: Magia en 3D. Dimension es la aplicacin de Adobe para crear y renderizar composiciones 3D de forma fcil, usando herramientas conocidas por los diseadores y evitando la terminologa y procesos complejos. Puedo asegurarte, sin dudarlo, que este es el curso de Dimension ms completo y extenso que podrs encontrar el cual est compuesto por 73 videos organizados en 15 captulos que suman ms de 9 horas de contenido totalmente prctico.Al finalizar este curso, estars en capacidad de realizar composiciones 3D realistas y profesionales como Mockups o maquetas, diseo de empaques y experimentos creativos, entre otros. Empezaremos conociendo conceptos bsicos del mundo 3D para pasar luego a conocer la interfaz y herramientas de Adobe Dimension. Despus, aprenders a navegar las Escenas, transformar elementos, importar modelos 3D y aplicar y editar materiales para definir la apariencia requerida. Posteriormente, trabajaremos con imgenes y luces, con las cuales aumentars el realismo de las composiciones. Durante todo un captulo aprenderemos a renderizar nuestras composiciones para obtener la imagen final. Tambin, aprenderemos a editar esas imgenes. En el capitulo final tendrs varios talleres con ejemplos prcticos que te permitirn practicar y afianzar lo aprendido en todos los captulos anteriores.La metodologa usada en este curso est basada en ejemplos prcticos, por lo cual, ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los ejercicios mostrados.Si eres un usuario que ya conoce esta aplicacin, no necesitas ver todos los temas ni seguir un orden especfico, por el contrario, puedes ver la descripcin de cada seccin y leccin y decidir qu temas ver. Adems, si an tienes dudas sobre la calidad pedaggica y de contenido del curso, te invito a ver los videos gratuitos que contiene cada captulo.Al igual que todos mis otros cursos, en este curso uso la interfaz de la aplicacin en ingls pero siempre estar indicando el correspondiente comando u opcin en espaol.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a crear composiciones 3D realistas de forma fcil, llevando a otro nivel tus procesos de diseo mediante la incorporacin de elementos 3D.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xpert o por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy"
Price: 199.99

"Business Law: A Comprehensive Summary" |
"Business Law: A Comprehensive SummaryWelcome to The Law Simplified's comprehensive course on Business Law! This course has been designed to provide the fundamentals of the Law pertaining to Contracts, Intellectual Property, Sale of Goods and Company Law.'Business Law: A Comprehensive Summary' harnesses lessons from some of The Law Simplified's best selling courses in Law, on Udemy, to provide you with a structured, academically proven set of lessons which are essential for both students and professionals in Law and Business.This course broadly covers:Contract LawCommercial LawIntellectual Property LawCompany LawIncluding specifics, such as:How a Contract is formed and dischargedThe regulation of terms and exclusion clausesFundamentals of Agency Law and the relationship between Principals and AgentsSale of Goods and the obligation of buyers and sellersCopyright Law and the enforcement of Economic and Moral RightsWhat's more, the inclusion of a comprehensive guide on Company Law ensures a practitioner's approach towards formation of a Company, its operation and liquidation.Complete Topic Breakdown:Contract LawAgreement (Offer & Acceptance)ConsiderationFormative RequirementsTermsRegulation of TermsMisrepresentationCommercial LawIntroduction to the Law of AgencyTypes of AuthorityAgency by EstoppelRatificationNecessityRelationship with Third PartiesMerger & ElectionUndisclosed AgencyDuties of an AgentDuties of a PrincipalTermination of AgencyIntroduction to the Sale of GoodsDefinitionsCategorizationsTypes of ActsPassing of PropertyRiskTransfer of TitleIntellectual PropertyIntroduction to Intellectual PropertyCopyright LawIntroductionEconomic RightsMoral RightsIndustrial DesignIntroductionRights to an Industrial DesignPatentsIntroductionRights of the OwnerCompany LawForms of Business OrganizationSole Trader & PartnershipsCompaniesNature of Legal PersonalityLifting the Veil of IncorporationLegislative InterventionEvolution of CaselawCommercial TortPromoters and Pre-Incorporation ContractsRaising CapitalEquityIntroductionFinancial Conduct Authority & LSERegulating TakeoversInsider DealingDebenturesIntroduction to DebenturesRedress for Lenders & LiquidationBook DebtsShare CapitalDoctrine & Raising CapitalReturnsReduction of Share CapitalPublic CompaniesClass RightsFundamentals of SharesClasses of SharesVariation of Class Rights"
Price: 99.99

"Social Media Profits" |
"Do you use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Google Plus to market your business? This course provides a clear method for making your online business and social media activity more profitable by using: Examples Case studies Charts Downloadable PDFs Spreadsheet calculators that does the math for you The result: See where you are spending time and money and see your profits. This course is not about how to get more Likes on Facebook. This is not a 101 course for absolute beginners covering the basics of building your page. There is an overload of that kind of information on this site and on blogs. However, you can and should take this course even if you dont currently have a Facebook Like Page up and running. This course provides business training: Practices that go beyond marketing Actual business management techniques that focus on your bottom line Helps you make money and keep more than you spend You can immediately incorporate into your current Social Media Marketing Strategy, whether you are: A Business Owner A Social Media Manager An Entrepreneur An Online Marketer You may not be planning to use ads to get more likes and more sales. This course illustrates why advertising may be the fastest and easiest way of selling your products and services online. You should take this course if you want to get better results with selling on social media and if you want to work smarter instead of harder. Social Media Profits literally gives you the tools, in PDF and spreadsheet form, to monitor consistently and measure your results. This course is designed for everyone, whether you are: In the planning stage of your business A start-up A big brand If you want to achieve better results from your social media marketing and sales efforts, then get empowered now to make wisest decisions possible and improve your profits right away."
Price: 19.99

"React Native Design Patterns" |
"Design Patterns are time-tested solutions that can be utilized as guidelines in your current work. Utilizing Design Patterns enhances code readability, improves the scalability of your applications, and defines a common language with other developers.In this course, you will develop an understanding of different Design Patterns and understand why a specific pattern was created, and how it should be implemented. By working on practical examples, you will learn how mobile development in React Native should be performed in a reusable way.By the end of the course, you will be adept at utilizing the best solution for a given problem in your next React Native application.About the AuthorChristopher Reyes is a software engineer in Southern California with a BSc in Computer Information Systems, specializing in software development. He has multiple years of experience working across diverse technologies, including proprietary programming languages, and full stack JavaScript.Chris has experience on the back end with Node.js developing RESTful APIs with TypeScript, and exposing data through GraphQL and Apollo, alongside utilizing React on the front end. Chris has deployed React Native to develop versatile mobile applications that can be utilized across multiple devices and platforms. Chris has mostly worked in the financial sector and has also freelanced for a telematics company. Chris is passionate about test-driven development and writing clean code."
Price: 124.99

"Simulado Exame Amazon AWS Solutions Architect SAA-C02" |
"Provas sempre trazem uma presso para nossas vidas! Especialmente se for um exame que poder mudar a nossa vida profissional.Pensando nisso os simulados foram criados!OBS: Hoje estamos com mais de 273 Questes que foram totalmente atualizadas em Maio/2020Simulados so nada mais do que um grupo de questes, relacionadas e bem parecidas com o exame original, com a funo de testar o seu conhecimento, sua velocidade de raciocnio e claro, agilidade nas respostas. Este simulado para o exame Amazon AWS Solutions Architect Associate vai te ajudar muito!Alm disso os simulados acabam ensinando! Ao final de cada questo voc ter acesso a um link relacionado a pergunta! Assim voc conseguir testar o seu conhecimento e aprender ao mesmo tempo!Neste curso estarei te ensinando tcnicas valiosas para responder questes com velocidade e segurana.Estarei tambm te ensinando como montar um plano de ao (dia a dia) para melhor se prepara para o exame Amazon AWS Solutions Architect 2020.Ser que a Certificao Amazon importante? A Certificao AWS ajuda os alunos a criarem credibilidade e confiana, validando sua experincia na nuvem com uma credencial reconhecida pelo setor e ajuda as organizaes a identificar profissionais qualificados para liderar iniciativas de nuvem usando a AWS.A mdia salarial de um profissional Certificado Amazon AWS de R$5.000 a R$6.500 reais.Finalizando....Se voc est a procura de um simulado completo para sua preparao, este o seu simulado!OBS. Este simulado no um ""brain dump"" onde todas as questes so iguais ao exame. Este simulado uma fonte de estudo e prtica para melhorar em muito as suas chances de aprovao. Se voc est procurando por um simulado que tem as mesmas questes do exame onde vc simplesmente decora, esse no !No mais.... Adquira o simulado e vamos estudar rumo a sua Certificao Amazon AWS!!!"
Price: 249.99

"Internet Marketing" |
"Ever wonder why your website is not generating traffic and sales the way you want? Put quite simply, there are over 1.75 billion websites on the internet, and nobody is waiting for another one. This course will teach you the basics of website building but, much more importantly, it will explain how to make a website sell and produce results. Very few website owners do the things necessary for a website to be even noticed, let along be successful. The average successful website uses twelve tactics to bring customers to their site! Make sure you learn how to do websites right! Includes SEO, content, conversions, analytics, wordpress, social media and PPC."
Price: 199.99

"Theory of Constraints en Produccin (I): la teora." |
"Cuando gestionamos la planificacin y ejecucin de la produccin industrial nos solemos preguntar:Que capacidad le puedo pedir a mi sistema productivo?Qu plazo puedo ofrecer a mis clientes?Si no conocemos nuestros cuellos de botella, nuestras limitaciones, es imposible contestar con certeza a estas preguntas.Eli Goldratt en su bestseller La Meta contest a estas preguntas a partir de esta idea y revolucion la forma de entender y relacionarnos con los cuellos de botella. Lejos de ser algo a combatir son algo a gestionar y son el punto donde situar la palanca para poder mover el sistema.En el curso se presentan las bases conceptuales y operativas que permiten entender por qu y cmo funciona el sistema de gestin de la produccin Drum - Buffer - Rope. Todo ello desarrollado en 9 temas:En los dos primeros te planearemos un juego para que entiendas las relaciones entre la capacidad de un sistema y el flujo que consigue. En el primero te plantearemos el juego y en el segundo te guiaemos para que entiendas las conclusiones a que nos acercan sus resultados.Luego iremos a analizar que implicaciones tiene equilibrar la capacidad de un sistema productivo con la demanda que quiere conseguir. Esto nos servir para empezar a entender cmo funciona un flujo cuando existe incertidumbre.Debajo de los problemas crnicos suele haber un conflicto que los eterniza, por eso no conseguimos salir de ellos. Entender el conflicto, el problema de fondo, que afecta a la gestin de la produccin es el primer paso para poder salir de la situacin y encontrar soluciones.Alex Rogo, el protagonista de La Meta, reflexiona, durante una excursin con su hijo y sus amigos, sobre por qu no consegua hacerlos avanzar deprisa y juntos. Eli Goldratt empieza a hacernos entender las bases de la solucin a partir de sus conclusiones.A continuacin nos adentraremos de lleno en D.B.R.: veremos como -y parece una paradoja- focalizarse en las limitaciones permite conseguir el mejor flujo.Pasaremos luego a entender en qu nos hemos de fijar cuando ejecutamos los programas de produccin para conseguir que efectivamente se cumplan: gestin de buffers.Ahora que tenemos todas las piezas de la solucin volveremos al conflicto de fondo para comprobar que efectivamente lo hemos resuelto.Y finalizaremos con una visin completa y prctica de los puntos de programacin que hay que poner en marcha en una planta industrial para ""desatascarla"" con D.B.R.Cada tema se expone con un vdeo y con un pdf con el material que se utiliza en el vdeo facilitando as su posterior repaso."
Price: 29.99
