"ISTQB Agile Tester Certification Training" |
"Are you new to Software Testing field or an experienced Software Testing professional who want's to enhance his existing software testing skill set and get ISTQB Certified Agile Tester? Do you want to keep yourself competitive in the IT market by levelling up your Agile Testing skills? Then this course if for you. This is a comprehensive course to learn Agile Testing skills at your desk, get ISTQB Agile Tester Certification and improve you marketability throughout the industry. In this course I have covered complete ISTQB Agile Tester Certification syllabus in detail which will help you to PASS your certification very easily. Why should you get ISTQB Agile Tester Certified? Organisations are going though massive transformation from traditional development approaches to Agile Development methodologies and due to this you need to up-skill and become knowledgeable with Agile Testing skills. ISTQB Certification is the most widespread qualification scheme in the world, and the syllabi contents and glossary have become the de facto industry reference for the software testing profession. By doing ISTQB Agile Tester Certification you: Gain independently assessed knowledge and skills.Increase your marketability throughout the industry.Have greater career opportunities into Agile Development projects and increased earning potential.You can add the ""ISTQB Agile Tester"" logo and credential to your resumes.You are recognised as having subscribed to a Code of Ethics.So, don't wait. Just go ahead and enrol in the course to start your Agile Tester journey."
Price: 149.99

"Hyper Realistic Character Likeness Portrait for Films" |
"Corazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time went by. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.Course InfoWelcome to Hyper Realistic Character Portrait for Films. Sculpting a character and then preparing it for production, getting it to look photorealistic for films or movies can be a very ambitious task, it can be tricky but with the right guidance, it can be an extremely rewarding experience.Throughout this course, we will go through the steps of sculpting a character likeness in Zbrush, retopologizing in Wrap and Maya, unwrapping in Maya, texturing in Mari, rendering with Arnold, and finally doing post work in Photoshop.The major topics we will be covering are: -Sculpting hyper realistic forms and skin details-Accurately achieving celebrity likeness-Creating clean topology the most efficient way-High frequency detailing using Displacement Maps-Texturing XYZ full killer workflow-Creating lifelike skin shader-Rendering photorealistic CGI eyes-Creating believable fabric shaders-Styling and rendering hair with XGen-Editing and enhancing images with post workBy the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation for creating photo-like digital characters for films.Before beginning this course, you should have a basic understanding of: Zbrush, Maya and PhotoshopNo prior knowledge is required for Wrap and Mari as I will teach you the basics of these programs.If you want to get ahead of the rest and learn the latest technology that is being used in film studios today, then join me in this journey to learn the process of creating CGI characters with the Hyper Realistic Character Portrait for Films course at Victory3D."
Price: 94.99

"Complete Flutter development - build 14 ios and android apps" |
"Welcome to Complete Flutter development - build 14 iOS and Android apps. Flutter is a new framework created by Google. Whole inspiration behind creating this framework is to get single codebase for Android and iOS apps. Getting single code base reduces the learning curve to create multi platform apps. Also this single code base concept allows the companies to have less number of people and roll out features for both mobile systems at the same time.This course is designed to make sure that students, who are not much familiar with app development, can also start with their app development journey. Making apps with flutter is easy as many UI components are built in and super easy to implement.We will start this course by installing flutter and creating our first hello world application. Then we will create apps that helps in building logic. Apps like Dice Roller, Tic Tac Toe, Scratch and Win, Spanish number app will help you in building logics.Further we will learn Camera and gesture by making apps. Further we will learn Navigation and keys in flutter. After that we will learn about API handling. Course also includes sqlite database for flutter. Finally we will learn about Firebase. We will make firebase app for Authentication and database. After that we will create WhatsApp UI for fun purpose.Final section of this course will help you to learn advance concept like BLOCHere are some kind words by our students:I really loved the approach in which the instructor taught i,e to go with the documentation. He actually teaches you how to learn new things. I just loved the course. Surabhi NirgudwarThis course is one of the best course have ever done. The tutor is also the best tutor have ever encounter. I love how he was able to carry everybody along, i understood everything in this course and i look forward in doing more course from you. Deborahverystraight forward, covers everything (including minor details), easy to follow and understand CaraNow, it's time to make some amazing stuff with dart programming language.Catch you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Become a Professional Youtube Introvideo maker using blender" |
"Every good story needs a great introduction. No matter what is your medium of communication , if you don't hook your viewer within the first 10 seconds. Its very unlikely for them to go through your entire message. And this is more so over the case if the audience is a first time visitor. Talking specifically about video as a medium of communication. It has become the most powerful means of communication in present time. We humans are watching humongous amount of video content each day. And if facts are to be considered, Users view more than 1 billion hours of video each day on YouTube. And this figure is growing on a day to day basis. No wonder Youtube is making millionaires out of ordinary people. Starting your own Youtube channel has become the IN thing today. This has already created a big demand for voice over artist, motion graphics designer, video editor etc. In this course we will focus on the motion graphics designing part. It is in the first few seconds of any visual medium, that the viewer landing onto your page, will decide to continue watching or move somewhere else. The job of motion graphics designer is to make an Impact in those first seconds. To make your podcast or Youtube channel standout from others.And he does so using tools like creating a video Intro and Outro for your channel. These 3 to 10 second intro videos will also provide an unique identity to your channel, as has been seen with many Youtube channels. As a general view people are not short of creative ideas when it comes to creating a intro video for their channel. But due to lack of knowledge of motion graphics tools, they seem to rely on some one else for this job. But not anymore....if you complete this course. Not just will you learn to create a Intro video for your own channel. You can also sell these skills as a motion graphics designer to others, once you finish this course. Isn't this a really great thing."
Price: 19.99

"Crea tu escuela o academia online" |
"Quieres crear tu propia plataforma educativa online? Te gustara tener una academia o escuela online que adems sea un negocio rentable? Te gustara tener total libertad de horarios y ser tu propio jefe?El eLearning no es una moda pasajera, sino que es ya el nuevo estndar de aprendizaje. Las nuevas aulas son digitales. Ahora puedes ensear lo que quieras creando tu propia y prestigiosa escuela online en muy poco tiempo.Las academias online no son slo para instituciones; emprendedores, profesores, consultores, autores ... Todos ellos pueden beneficiarse de crear su propia plataforma de formacin. Una academia en lnea te va a permite vender cursos digitales, crear comunidad e inters por tus contenidos, crear un entorno formativo para tus empleados, crear marca personal, potenciar tu imagen como experto y promocionarte como autoridad. Adems, tu escuela puede funcionar como una nueva fuente de ingresos. Podrs trabajar desde cualquier lugar y generar ingresos pasivos. Adems, puede ser un increble activo para tu marca que te proporcione una imagen ms profesional.No te preocupes si la informacin que has buscado en Internet no te ha aclarado nada o te ha liado incluso ms a la hora de crear tu plataforma educativa. En este exclusivo curso express vas a aprender en apenas una hora (porque no voy a hacerte perder el tiempo) cmo montar tu propia academia virtual con la que podrs crear una comunidad educativa y generar ingresos. Imagina trabajar desde cualquier lugar, sin jefes y sin ataduras de horarios. Y adems disfrutando de tu trabajo.Tendrs acceso inmediato a todos los contenidos desde todos los dispositivos y tutora directa conmigo.Accede ahora y comienza tu propio negocio de formacin online."
Price: 49.99

"Illustration numrique avec Procreate: Professeur prim" |
"Dcouvrez des techniques impressionnantes et des fonctionnalits intressantes pour devenir un matre de Procreate: cration de personnages et de paysages / dessin de bandes dessines / peinture numrique. Apprenez tout ce que vous devez savoir pour comprendre parfaitement Procreate travers des exemples et des explications claires et prcises. The Invisible School prsente ""Procreate: Awarded Professor"", le cours en ligne le plus complet sur Procreate. Guille Coppo, lun des meilleurs illustrateurs numriques dAmrique latine, vous guidera dans le monde de Procreate: exemples, projets et techniques dvoils par un instructeur confirm. Croyez-nous quand nous disons que notre instructeur est le plus grand atout de ce cours.Guille Coppo, graphiste et enseignant professionnel et spcialis en publicit, illustrateur numrique, peintre, sculpteur, a publi ses oeuvres dans des publications internationales. Dans ce cours, Guille Coppo vous guidera pour devenir un artiste procr. Secrets, indices et conseils pour dbuter une carrire en art numrique avec le cours le plus complet sur Udemy. Des leons pas pas, des techniques et des outils pour crer l'art numrique le plus impressionnant et le plus puissant.Qu'est-ce que Procreate?Procreate est une application de peinture plusieurs fois prime conue pour les professionnels de la cration. Fabriqu exclusivement pour iPad, Procreate vous permet de crer de magnifiques croquis, des peintures inspirantes et des illustrations poustouflantes o que vous soyez.Procreate a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour crer des uvres d'art couper le souffle. Non, vraiment. Nous l'avons emball avec des outils essentiels, notamment des couleurs 64 bits, des brosses entirement personnalisables, des rsolutions de toile impressionnantes, un systme de couches avanc et de superbes effets de qualit cinma. Nous avons cr Procreate pour que vous puissiez peindre ce que vous voulez, o que vous soyez."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction To Working As A Freelance Writer Or Ghostwriter" |
"In This Course Youll Learn About The Exciting World Of Freelance Writing And Ghostwriting!This course is all about the amazing world of Freelance Writing and Ghostwriting.If youve struggled with tapping into the world of Freelance Writing in the past, or if you just want to brainstorm all about how to start in this wild world of Freelance Writing, then this course might be for you.Have You Ever Been Frustrated Because You Love To Write But Youre Not Sure How To Put Your Skills To Good Use? Or Maybe You Just Want To Learn About Freelance Writing?If thats the case, then this course was created for you. You can learn all about the world of Freelance Writing and Ghostwriting in a super cool way, and youll also learn about some of the biggest and coolest Freelance Writing Platforms on the planet.Youll brainstorm introductory strategies and tactics for Freelance Writers and Ghostwriters allowing you to proceed with the utmost confidence.Who Is This Course For?This course is for you if you are a prospective, newbie, or a novice writer who wants to learn more about the world of Freelance Writing and Ghostwriting.So, if youre someone who loves to write, and if you are considering the world of Freelance Writing, or if you want to learn more about this topic, then you might benefit tremendously from this course.However, if you already have experience Freelance Writing, or if youre already familiar with what Freelance Writing Platforms exist, or if you have already spent time researching about Freelance Writing, then you should probably SKIP this course.Whats The Real World Value Of This Course?Imagine if you had to pay a writing consultant to brainstorm about the awesome world of Freelance Writing with you. That could cost you a few hundred bucks, or even more.What if you attended a physical class at the University level or a workshop that taught how to tap into the world of Freelance Writing and Ghostwriting? That could also cost you a few hundred dollars, or even more!What about the positive mental mindset and the confidence that you could adopt simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming alongside with me?Ask yourself how much your peace of mind is worth? How much is your confidence worth?Enroll Now To Finally Put Your Writing Talents To Good Use!You notice and realize that being a Freelance Writer or a Ghostwriter can be part of an awesome lifestyle. But maybe youre frustrated because youre not sure how to start? If thats the case, then this might be the coolest course you take all year!If any of this sounds cool, then enroll now and youll finally start learning about the world of Freelance Writing and Ghostwriting!"
Price: 19.99

"10 Awesome Writing Exercises For The Modern Writer" |
"In This Course Youll Learn 10 Awesome Writing Exercises Designed To Help Creativity And To Smash Writers BlockThis course is all about 10 powerful writing exercises that can help you to practice writing every single day.If youve struggled with writers block, or if youve ever suffered from a lack of creativity, or if you just want to brainstorm all about 10 awesome writing exercises that can help you to practice writing for 5-minutes every day, then this course might be for you.Have You Ever Been Frustrated Because Youre Not Sure What To Write, Or Maybe You Just Cant Find The Motivation To Start Writing, Or Typing?If thats the case, then this course was created for you. You can use these writing exercises to practice writing every day in a super cool way, and youll never have to wonder what you should write next.Youll brainstorm a ton of awesome writing exercises allowing you to practice writing daily, and smash writers block.Who Is This Course For?This course is for you if youre a novice or newbie writer who loves to write, but maybe you cant find the motivation to practice writing.So, if youre an Author, Blogger, Writer, Freelancer, or if you want to be, then you might benefit tremendously from this course.However, if you already know of a few writing exercises that you love, or if youre never really suffering from writers block, or if youre already an advanced writer, then you should probably SKIP this course.Whats The Real World Value Of This Course?Imagine if you had to pay a writing consultant to brainstorm these writing creativity exercises with you. That could cost you a few hundred bucks, or even more.What if you attended a physical class at the University level or a workshop that taught how to brainstorm creative writing exercises? That could also cost you a few hundred dollars, or even more!What about the positive mental mindset and the confidence that you could adopt simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming alongside with me?Ask yourself how much your peace of mind is worth? How much is your confidence worth?Enroll Now To Finally Smash Writers Block And Start Writing Daily!You notice and realize that if you practice writing every single day, youll probably become a better writer. But maybe youre frustrated because youre not sure how to start? If thats the case, then this might be the coolest course you take all year!If any of this sounds cool, then enroll now and youll finally start cracking into these awesome writing exercises that you can deploy daily!"
Price: 19.99

"10 Cool Ways To Become A Better Online Teacher" |
"In This Course Youll Learn 10 Powerful Strategies To Help You Become A Better Online Teacher!This course is all about helping you to become a better online teacher.If youve struggled with overcoming hurdles as an online teacher, or if you just want to brainstorm all about how to improve your current teaching style, then this course might be for you.Have You Ever Been Frustrated Because You Want To Become A Better Online Teacher, Or Maybe You Just Strive To Become The Best Teacher That You Can Possibly Be?If thats the case, then this course was created for you. You can brainstorm 10 awesome ways to become a better online teacher in a super cool way, and youll never have to proceed in this game as an online teacher alone, ever again.Youll brainstorm a ton of awesome teaching strategies allowing you to learn from the insights and experience that Ive gained after enrolling well over 11,000 students and launching dozens of courses.Who Is This Course For?This course is for you if youre a new teacher, a newbie teacher, or a prospective teacher who wants to learn from my valuable insights as a seasoned online teacher.So, if youre a new teacher who wants to work on your teaching skills, or if you want to constantly strive to improve your teaching repertoire, then you might benefit tremendously from this course.However, if you already have taught a handful of courses, or if you consider yourself to be an intermediate or above teacher, or if youre already a successful teacher, then you should probably SKIP this course.Whats The Real World Value Of This Course?Imagine if you had to pay a teaching consultant to brainstorm these teaching strategies with you. That could cost you a few hundred bucks, or even more.What if you attended a physical class at the University level or a workshop that taught how to become a better online teacher? That could also cost you a few hundred dollars, or even more!What about the positive mental mindset and the confidence that you could adopt simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming alongside with me?Ask yourself how much your peace of mind is worth? How much is your confidence worth?Enroll Now To Finally Work On Becoming A Better Online Teacher!You notice and realize that being an online teacher is probably one of the coolest side hustles on the planet. But maybe youre frustrated because youre not sure how to start improving your own teaching style? If thats the case, then this might be the coolest course you take all year!If any of this sounds cool, then enroll now and youll finally start brainstorming how to improve your teaching style so you can become a better online teacher!"
Price: 19.99

"SEO od podstaw - jak pozycjonowa stron w Google" |
"Chcesz zdoby darmowy ruch organiczny na swoj stron internetow?Pragniesz, aby Twoj stron odwiedziy osoby, ktre w danej chwili wyszukuj i potrzebuj konkretny produkt lub usug?Odpowiedzi jest SEO i pozycjonowanie strony!Jak samodzielnie pozycjonowa stron w Google? Co przyniesie Ci pozytywne efekty, a jakie metody lepiej omija?Docz do kursu wideo ""SEO od podstaw - jak pozycjonowa stron w Google""i zobacz jak krok po kroku samodzielnie pozycjonowa stron.--Aby zawalczy o wysokie pozycje w wynikach wyszukiwania Google Twoja strona internetowa powinna spenia pewne kryteria:Strona dobrze przygotowane pod wzgldem technicznym (dziaania ""on-site"") oraz posiadajca treci przyjazne algorytmom Google.Poza optymalizacj ""on-site"" taka strona powinna zawiera content, ktrego rzeczywicie kto poszukuje i ktry trafia w potrzeby grupy docelowej (odpowiedni wybr tematw, sw kluczowych).Naley zadba rwnie o linki oraz o popularno strony. Wszystkie te dziaania omwione s w kursie wideo - docz do szkolenia i zobacz, jak zadba o wysokie pozycje Twojej strony internetowej.Kurs podzielony jest na krtkie filmy wideo, wic moesz rwnolegle wprowadzi zmiany na swojej stronie lub wraca do interesujcych Ci fragmentw wiele razy.Filmy zaczynaj si od podstaw.Potem przechodzimy do bardziej zaawansowanych instrukcji.Ale nie masz si co obawia - nie musisz mie wiedzy technicznej!Kurs skierowany jest do wszystkich, ktrzy chc wanie samodzielnie pozycjonowa stron bez koniecznoci posiadania technicznej wiedzy.Wszystko wytumaczone jasnym jzykiem, pokazane na przykadach.Jasne instrukcje co, jak i kiedy zrobi, aby lepiej wypozycjonowa stron internetow."
Price: 249.99

"Data Storytelling with Qlik Sense" |
"This engaging and practical course will teach you how to communicate and share data in the form of a logical, analytical narrative which can be understood by even non-expert stakeholders in your organization. Use your data visualizations and convert them into a compelling and easily visualized portfolio.After defining your audience and stakeholder perspective, you will structure a narrative storyboard to design your data visualization project. Collect and select data insights for your narrative by taking snapshots of your visualizations. You will then build your own narrative storyboard. You will also learn how to make your data narrative visually compelling by adding emphasis and styling. Finally, you will look at different ways of publishing your story in Qlik Sense Enterprise, as a tool which can be utilized depending on your organizational requirements. By the end of the course, you will be confident enough about data visualization to create an engaging and interactive narrative to communicate your data in a compelling way for your organizational stakeholders.About the AuthorHajime Uchiyama is a data architect, Qlik Sense developer, and Qlik Sense instructor. He is a certified Qlik Sense Data Architect and has worked on a wide variety of data project types for clients in the public sector. Hajime is also a certified Project Management Professional and has managed IT and data projects for over eight years. Early in his career, Hajime worked in the material engineering field as a toolset research engineer. He gained a Master of Science degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Georgia and a Masters degree in Engineering and a BSc from Hokkaido University (Japan)."
Price: 124.99

"Getting Started with Spring Boot 2.0" |
"As a developer, a key aim is to simplify your Java application development process. Spring Boot provides some impressive features to simplify writing your code, and do so with minimal effort.This course begins by helping you configure Spring Boot, then shows you a practical implementation of its various features. Youll learn techniques to write more efficient code and enable enhanced security. Youll learn to use Spring Initializr, CLI, Actuators, and Springs Developer Tools with ease using the new features version 2.0. This course will save you time and effort learning about new tools and technologies to achieve your business goals.By the end of the course, youll be confident with the fundamentals and features of Spring Boot 2 to save time developing applications and facilitate additional focus on the business needs of your customers.About the AuthorPetra Simonis is a highly-skilled software developer with extensive expertise in Java, Spring, Spring Boot, C++ and other programming and scripting languages. Over the past 15 years, she has gained high-level experience in the fields of multimedia retrieval, telecommunication, GIS services, and healthcare. She also works with UWP and WPF. She has authored two courses on Spring Boot."
Price: 124.99

"Professional macOS Programming" |
"macOS is known for its tight integration across the Apple ecosystem of mac platforms and devices. In this course, youll get an in-depth knowledge of working on macOS that enables you to unleash its full potential using Swift to build applications.The course will show you how to set up your environment easily and create your projects and properly lay out the controls. Discover the principles of programming by using Swift and Xcode, and see how to combine your knowledge into writing macOS programs. Look at the common design patterns that you need to know to plan anything more than a simple project for your desktop applications. You will add different functionality to the app like detecting touches, deleting and adding apps. Add animations to your application and to different layers for making it more dynamic. Finally, you will cover SpriteKit game development using macOS programming to add a small game to your apps functionality.By the end of this course, youll be well-acquainted with Swift, Cocoa, Apple Scripts, and a plethora of other essential tools. Youll be ready to tackle advanced software projects on macOS.About the AuthorDee Aliyu Odumosu has developed over 120 apps for global clients, including both individuals and start-ups. His apps range from basic to very complex, some of which he features on his own website. Dees passion for computer programming began in 2006 with his first contact with Java programming language. For the last 5 years, Dee has been successfully programming on the iOS platform using Objective-C and Swift languages."
Price: 124.99

"How to Find Your Passion in Life" |
"Are you tired of waking up and going to your 9 to 5 job? Are you looking for a practial plan to do what you love on your own terms and make money too?Join me to discover ways we can find our passion and live out our passion everyday!"
Price: 19.99

"Word 365 Intermediate" |
"This is the intermediate course in the Microsoft Word 365 series. This course expands upon the topics covered in the Word 365 Introduction course. In this course, students will work with, create, manage, and customize Styles, Templates, and Themes. Students will also work with various types of data in Word using Tables, advanced Copy and Paste commands, and Charts. Students will then review advanced document layout options in Word and various collaboration tools. Lastly, students will work with graphic elements such as pictures, text boxes, shapes, the Drawing Canvas, SmartArt, Text Effects, Typography Effects, WordArt, and Equations. Additional graphic element features such as grouping, layering, and moving objects will also be covered.This IAAP-certified counts for 6.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Understanding APIs and RESTful APIs Crash Course" |
"In this course you will learn about APIs and RESTful APIs, and how they work. There is no coding in this course.By the end of this course you will completely understand how APIs work, and how computers talk to each other. You'll also be familiar with RESTful APIs which make use of the HTTP protocol. If that sounded confusing, scary, or overly technical it's not it's just a fancy way of saying ""it uses the internet"". The goal of this course is to help you understand APIs and RESTful APIs without needing to write any code. So next time someone says ""API"" you will know exactly what they are talking about (and you'll also know it's not really that technical or fancy, but that'll be our secret ;)This course is designed to remove the sense of overwhelm and ""scariness"" when we start to talk about APIs. APIs and RESTful APIs come across as difficult or advanced subjects, but really it's just two computers talking to each other and exchanging commands and data. No different than when your friend sends you a text message, and you text back. I'll give you several easy to remember metaphors so APIs don't feel scary or overwhelming, too. APIs can be written and used by most programming languages, so we're not writing any code, although I do provide a live JavaScript demo. All the slides will be provided for you, as well as reference material for when you've graduated this course and you're ready to take on the world of APIs. This course is only 45 minutes, but I promise you that's all the time you'll need not because I'm a good teacher, but because APIs are seriously that simple once someone takes the time to explain them."
Price: 199.99

"Python Clean Coding" |
"Even bad code can function. But if code isn't clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. But it doesn't have to be that way.Peter Fisher will teach you Python features that are applicable to writing clean code. First, we will talk about the pros and cons that confront the programmer when trying to write clean Python code. Then, we will explore the structure of a Python program and highlight features that will help us clean up and simplify our code. We will explore some good editors with built-in code analysis and linters to help guide you. We will also talk about some very helpful modules that will keep your code clean and prevent you from reinventing the wheel. Then, we will discuss some general code cleaning guidelines that aren't exclusively applicable to Python, including naming conventions and programming styles.Finally, we will apply what we've learned in the previous videos to rewriting and reorganizing real-world Python programs into clean and beautiful code that can be more easily understood, debugged, and extended.This course uses Python 3.6 while not the latest version available, it provides relevant and informative content for legacy users of Python.About the AuthorPeter Fisher is a freelance web and mobile app developer, speaker, author, and member of the British Computer Society. He's the host of the How To Code Well podcast and YouTube channel, where he posts weekly programming tutorials and talks on web development and other subjects."
Price: 124.99

"Game Design with Unity 2019" |
"If youre serious about becoming a game designer, then this course is the perfect companion. This extensive guide will help you graduate from beginner to expert-level techniques in the areas of 3D game design (Unity3D), computer animation, digital painting, and programming.Youll work on different design tools such as Unity3D, Blender, and Photoshop to gain comprehensive knowledge that will help you create your very own game assets. Youll learn techniques such as modeling, texturing, animation, and rendering complex 3D models and scenes. This way, youll be able to work in game design, film, or software development by gaining an expert understanding of the Unity game engine.Youll import and integrate game assets created in Blender into Unity. Youll learn to design beautiful game levels using built-in tools of the Unity game engine. Youll learn how to use lights to create a different mood for games. After finishing the level design, youll add your player to the game level. Just like all of our previous sections in this Mastering series, youll start off by learning the basics with fun project-based lessons, before moving on to more intermediate and advanced techniques.About the AuthorRaja Biswas is a passionate learner and teacher. He has developed video courses on game development and computer programming. His YouTube Channel Charger Games has garnered over 4.5 million views and has about 40k subscribers. He has about 15k+ enrolled students in his video courses on various platforms.He has published courses and videos on different platforms including Udemy, StackSocial, Skillshare, and YouTube."
Price: 124.99

"Get Git Smart Course: Learn Git in Unity, SourceTree, GitHub" |
"Want to learn Git without falling asleep? You're in the right place!Learning version control can be tricky and boring, we're here to make it easy and fun. Using game development as the example project, we'll be showing step-by-step how to get into git (get it?).By the end of the course you'll have an indispensable tool, that will allow you to...Protect your valuable work using git version control.Explore creative options using Atlassian's SourceTree & the terminal / command line.Backup efficiently to the Internet, specifically GitHub but GitLab and BitBucket are mentioned.Learn all the common version control workflows that you'll need day-to-day.Lay the foundations for collaboration with others.You won't only be learning the science of version control, but the art too. For example you'll learn common usage patterns that keep your live simple, and even how to setup your online portfolio to show your work in the best light.Your instructor Ben Tristem is the founder of GameDev tv, and has taught 100,000s of students to code and use creative software from scratch, so you're in good hands. No prior experience of version control, git, or coding required.We'll be covering Windows, however MacOS and Linux users can also follow along with a little modification.Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).Let's dive in and get this mini super-power learnt in no time!"
Price: 94.99

"Master the Art of Letting Go and Following Inspiration" |
"Calling all highly driven, Type A perfectionists...What if you discovered that everything you believed to be true about creating the life you want, wasnt? Would you be willing to let it all go and try a different approach? That's what this course is all about. Learning to let go of the way most of us have been taught to pursue life, success, and happiness, and embrace a new way. A way that enables you to create the life or business you truly desire, more easily, and with less stress and more peace. Is this you?Do you get frustrated when things dont turn out the way you want? Do you believe the best way to create the life, career, or business you desire is by setting goals, creating a plan, and working really hard? Are you tired of feeling like you're always swimming upstream... like your life or business takes so much effort, yet you still aren't achieving what you want?Are you struggling to find your purpose?Are you searching for meaning in your life?Are you seeking more satisfaction?Are you ready to trade in worry, frustration, and stress, for peace?Well, just like me, you may be ready for a fresh approach. Ten years ago, I embarked on an experiment. After spending my entire life working really hard trying to make things happen, and very often trying to control everything and everyone around me in the process, I decided to let go. I chose to stop planning every aspect of my life and business and start following what showed up instead. To start doing what my heart was calling me to do instead of what my head was telling me to do. In short, I began following inspiration: those little whispers and nudges, big ideas, and aha moments that always seemed to present when I managed to get out of my head. In this online course I share what I learned during my 10-year experiment, along with a six-step process I uncovered that can help anyone live a more inspired life. I also share the surprises, challenges, and, most importantly, the magic that occurs when youre able to let go and live in the flow.In this course, you will learn:Why trying to control usually results in frustrationWhy creating plans limits what you can accomplishHow your conditioning and habits block you from living in the flowHow relying on your head, instead of following your heart, holds you back How to let go of control, even if youre a control freak (like I used to be!)How to trust when you cant see where youre headedWhat I mean by Inspiration and all the ways it can show up in your lifeHow Following Inspiration can lead you to your Purpose, so you can stop trying to find itThe difference between following small inspirations and life-changing inspirationsHow to overcome fear and doubt How to follow inspiration in your business or workWhat I mean by Inspired Health and how you can create it6-step process to help you let go, trust, and follow inspiration in your life or business11 challenges you may face as you begin letting go and following inspiration, and how to overcome themI have three goals with this course:1)Educate You... based on my 10 years of research and personal experience2)Inspire You... with stories from my life and others I've interviewed about following inspiration 3)Motivate You... to step onto the Inspired Path so you can experience peace, purpose, productivity, and magic Peace because youre no longer fighting what is and feeling frustrated that things aren't turning out the way youd like.Purpose because the Inspired Path will lead you to the life you're meant to live, and the work you're meant to do.Productivity because when you live and work in the flow, you get more accomplished with less effort.Magic because you will be positively amazed at what happens when you learn to let go and follow inspiration!The experiment I embarked on 10 years ago turned into a brand new way of life for me. It has guided me into a life and career that has more meaning and purpose, and is easier and more fulfilling. Peace has replaced worry and frustration. Trust has replaced doubt. Allowing has replaced force. Letting go has replaced control. Health has replaced stress. Joy has replaced anger.In this course, I share my personal stories of letting go and following inspiration, along with insights, lessons and ahas Ive picked up along the way. I also share stories from others Ive met on the inspired path. My goal with these stories is to bring the concepts to life, so you better understand them, and so you're inspired and motivated to start following inspiration in your life. If youre looking for a new approach, one that has the power to open up a whole new way of living and working, I invite you to join me in this course. I will teach you what Ive spent the past 10+ years learning and practicing. How to let go of control and allow your life to unfold in ways youll find quite magical. All it requires is an open mind and a willingness to give it a try. Wont you join me?"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende Power BI desde cero a Ninja" |
"Este curso esta creado de forma didctica desde 0 para que aprendas de forma correcta el uso de esta herramienta, trae los conceptos de forma clara y concisa para que puedas resolver problemas de la vida real.El taller de Power BI lo podrs aplicar en tu da a da si eres un supervisor de ventas, oficinista o emprendedor. En el taller hablaremos de la instalacin, configuracin importacin de datos, modelamiento de los mimos para la creacin de reportes interactivos que ofrecen datos verdaderos en el momento que se los requiera.En este curso abordamos desde la instalacin del software hasta la produccin de un reporte que lo pueda ver tu superior desde el smatphone.Anmate te espero dentro,"
Price: 34.99

"Intelligent Investing with Financial Ratios" |
"INVESTING IS A CONFUSING SUBJECT.UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL RATIOS TAKES THE CONFUSION OUT OF INVESTING.In this course, you will learn:1. How to quickly screen out bad investments2. How to quickly identify good investment prospects3. How to evaluate a company without having to read long time-consuming financial statements and reports4. How to invest safely and sleep well at night5. How to think about stocks and business in a rational manner6. How to make good decisions in all aspects of your financial life!Join the course, Intelligent Investing with Financial Ratios, and take control of your financial future today!"
Price: 199.99

"Gmail: A Complete Guide - Beginner" |
"This course will provide a quick overview of email communication and etiquette and give a comprehensive description of Gmail as a platform. We will discuss navigation of the Gmail User Interface (UI) as well as the basics of email composition and inbox management. We will also discuss the general flow of email communication, from creating and formatting a good message to the different ways in which we can respond to a message. Finally, we will review the topic of integration in the G Suite and examine how Gmail connects to additional applications including Google Contacts, Tasks, Calendar, and Keep.This IAAP-certified counts for 2.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Rust Projects" |
"The Rust programming language is a boon for systems programmers because of its powerful and expressive type system and strict compile-time static analysis. Still, there are best practices to follow and idioms that the community has developed over time. This course tackles testing, building and distributing applications, and other real-world challenges using Rust, Cargo, and the Rustup toolchain manager.You will build four projects, including a search tool, a Markdown parser, a chat server and client, and a blog. In this course, well progress from command line applications, built with proper command line argument parsing and error handling, to more complex applications like a GUI text editor and several web applications. Well explore asynchronous programming and concurrent programming in Rust using real-world scenarios like file searching and stress testing. Finally, well build a simple web app that interacts with a database in a type-safe manner using Diesel.By the end of the course, you will be adept with the knowledge of Rust to practically implement it in real-world projects. Youll know enough to build high-quality software that can be shared with the rest of the Rust community or even used in production.About the AuthorMatthew Stoodley is a programming expert and enthusiast and was drawn to learn about Rust and master its features initially due to its low power usage and memory safety capabilities. He primarily uses Rust to build board games. In addition, he also possesses several years of experience in Go, PHP, and JavaScript among many others."
Price: 124.99

"SEO Masterclass: Rank Your Website Higher with Better SEO" |
"You're here because you want to learn how to improve the SEO of your website to rank higher on Google, right?Perfect! This is the only course you need to learn all of the most up-to-date best practices that will quickly increase your website ranking on Google.By taking this course and implementing each lesson's SEO tips and strategies, your website will rank better not only on Google - but also Yahoo, Bing and any other search engine. Why should you enroll in this course?We've created this course to easily break down SEO (search engine optimization) into actionable steps.You don't have to be a professional digital marketer or website guru to put into practice our SEO strategies.This course will help you:Get more website visitorsIncrease your website engagementBuild your brand and influenceGrow your business and get more customersHow will this course help you?You'll learn how to implement all of the following strategies that improve your Google SEO. Each lesson includes practical real world examples and results to show you that these strategies actually work!Choose better keywords for your websiteKeep your website updated for better SEO rankingBoost more social shares and engagementOptimize your posts and imagesOptimize your homepage Create content that ranks wellAdd security and httpsSubmit your sitemap to GoogleRegister your business on GoogleAdd your business to Google MapsUse a proper backlinking strategyand so many more great SEO tipsAlong with all of the above strategies, you'll learn about the best website hosts and plugins for better SEO. Specifically, you'll learn best Wordpress SEO practices.You'll learn how Local SEO and getting Google Reviews improves your website SEO.By the end of this course, you'll have both a short-term and longterm plan for making sure that your website ranks #1 on Google and you have a professional SEO strategy that actually works!Who is your instructor?You're lead instructor is Ryan Breitkreutz, an SEO expert, digital marketer and photographer who has a passion for sharing his knowledge with beginners like you. Ryan does an amazing job breaking down complex subjects like Search Engine Optimization into easy-to-digest and actionable lessons. Ryan will be leading you through the main content of the course. He's partnered with top-rated instructor Phil Ebiner in this course who brings real world experience and case studies to show you how implementing the strategies in this course actually works! Our happiness guarantee...We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!We can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and we'll help you take better photos than ever before!Phil & Ryan"
Price: 199.99

"iPhone Photography: Take Amazing pictures with a Phone" |
"iPhone Photography: Take Amazing pictures with your PhoneTake your photography to the next level and beyond with a simple smart phone this class would focus on using the iPhone but any smart phone with camera could work just as well. Anyone can become a great photographer and do not let your lack of gear or budget set you back from taking amazing pictures just about anything you desire.I focus on actual application hands-on learning watch me in action! no boring concepts, slides shows or just talking heads talking I show you how it is done by watching me actually doing it this is not dry textbook learning! Learn how to use lighting to get amazing close up macro pictures with extensive hands on tutorials, this and much more is included in this course.This online photography course will teach you everything you need to know to become a professional digital photographer with nothing more than an iPhone or similar smartphone. It is designed to keep you engaged and hone your skills for taking your pictures to the next level.This course is for:-If you are newbie to photography and want to start taking better images-Want to take better images for social media, product photography or just because -Learn how to take better images with just using your smartphoneThis class will start with the basic and move to the next level and beyond to teach you years of my knowledgeHere's some of what you will learn:-How to take beautiful photos by focusing on snapping the picture-Taking amazing product photography photos like a true professional-Using props and external light sources to take your pictures to next level-How to take product photography and get those amazing shots-Learn how to make money with your phone with stockphoto-Learn how professional do it and you can as well-Edit pictures with iPhoto get get best resultsAbout the instructor:I have been a photographer since age 7, but I got seriously into digitally photography around 2005 and started my first business which was doing Event Photography. Over time I evolved into started to teach online and also taught one of one students how to get the most of your digital Camera. ************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99

"Mythological Female Character - Complete Game Pipeline" |
"Instructor InfoAbraham Leal is the Director and Founder of Critical Hit Studio & Academy. With the studio and academy, he is proud to be able to spread his artistic knowledge to everyone in his hometown and is extremely excited to be working on big entertainment projects in Mexico. What inspired Abraham to be a 3D artist is The Hobbit book and all the lore that surrounds it. Being able to tell stories and share his own voice is what motivates him to create and imagine new and exciting characters. Prior to becoming a 3D artist, he was going to medical school and he decided to do a complete 180 and get into Digital Design and Entertainment Production. When he quit medical school, he couldn't draw, paint, or sculpt to save his life but he was so convinced of his definite desire and worked hard to turn it into a reality. His advice to artists who want to get into the 3D industry is to practice properly, be patient and stay humble. He believes in always having a goal in mind, and always open to learning and improving. Course Info In this course we will learn everything you need to know in order to create an AAA game ready Character. The major topics we will be covering are:-Understanding and sculpting the female Anatomy -The full process of retopologizing -Creating game accessories -Principles of cloth wrinkles and folds -Making believable clothing-Building Hair Cards-Creating clean and organized Uvs-Texturing skin, leather, fabric, & metal-The best way to optimize your character-Creating PBR materials-Rendering portfolio-ready imagesWe will be working on a female Character throughout the course. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with Zbrush, Maya, Substance Painter. No prior knowledge is needed for Marvelous Designer because I will go over the basics of this program.You are free to follow along with the provided base meshes or you can try and do your own character following all the techniques i will be sharing with you.This will be a very intensive course but i can guarantee you will get very valuable information to get your characters to the next level.Come along in this exciting journey with me on creating a professional production-ready character. And with nothing else to add for now, lets jump right into it!"
Price: 99.99

"Merch by Amazon Market Research Formula" |
"Discover how to effectively research the Merch by Amazon marketplace so your t-shirt designs have the best chance of selling!As a Merch by Amazon publisher and graphic designer, I used to create tee shirt designs without a systematic approach to researching the market. I just randomly created designs hoping they would sell, but in reality, dozens of my product listings would make zero sales. I was creating tshirt designs in markets where:People simply werent buying,There was too much competition and my products had little chance of being seen,I created designs for ""flash fads"" that nobody was interested in the next day, orI created ""risky"" designs that could get my Merch by Amazon account suspended or downright banned (not to mention legal trouble).It was frustrating and I was wasting my time, energy and resources!With proper market research, I learned to avoid these problems and instead spent my time designing products for lucrative and untapped market niches that maximized my chances of making sales.Merch by Amazon Market Research Formula is a market research system that helped increased my Merch sales by 246%!With Merch by Amazon Market Research Formula, you'll discover:How to avoid creating products in markets where no one is buyingHow to avoid creating products in markets where there's an overwhelming amount of competitionHow to identify the future potential of a market or trendHow to identify and manage your expectations for short-term trends or fadsHow to ensure the market you are creating designs for have qualified buyersHow to find low-competition marketsHow to avoid creating designs that will get your Merch by Amazon account suspended or banned!How to uncover lucrative pockets of Merch opportunities and how to rapidly create designs for them before your competition can...and much more!Systematic market research is also important because as you get to higher tier levels and you have the opportunity to increase your number of design submissions, you avoid feeling overwhelmed since you have a system to stick to. You know youre investing your time optimally in productive things. I call this avoiding ""Tier Fear,"" the fear of being overwhelmed and not knowing what to do when Amazon puts you in a higher tier and suddenly you have the opportunity to create hundreds or even thousands of shirt designs.Get this course by clicking on ""Buy Now"" button for immediate access and start using a proven research system that can grow your Print on Demand business and make you more t-shirt sales!"
Price: 99.99

"Learning Apache Hadoop EcoSystem- Hive" |
"*** This is Course was Created 4 years back. New tutorials will be added based on requirements.*** This tutorial starts with understanding need for hive Architecture and different configuration parameters in Hive. During this course you will learn different aspects of Hive and how it fits as datawarehousing patform on Hadoop. Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel ""Hadooparch"" for more details. This Course covers Hive, the SQL of Hadoop.(HQL) We will learn why and How Hive is installed and configured on Hadoop. We will cover the components and architecture of Hive to see how it stores data in table like structures over HDFS data. Understabd architecture, installation and configuration of Hive. We will install and configure Hive server2 and replace postgresql database with mysql. we will also learn how to install mysql and configure it as Hive Metastore This Course is full of Hive demonstrations. We'll cover how to create Databases, understand data types, create external, internal, and partitioned hive tables, bucketing load data from the local filesystem as well as the distributed filesystem (HDFS), setup dynamic partitioning, create views, and manage indexes and how different layers work together on Hive. We will go through different roles in implementing in Real time projects, how projects are set up and permissions, Auditing, Troubleshooting. Finally I will give sample data and queries to work and replicate what has been taught in Videos. This Course has multiple questions to test your understanding. Kindly attempt all of them. "
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Python Networking" |
"Network programming can be a challenging task. However, with full-featured and well-documented libraries, Python makes it an enjoyable experience.This book is an extensive resource that will help you learn everything about employing Python for network programming. Youll begin with a detailed revision of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite and the Python language. Once youve brushed up on the basics, youll understand how to use Python libraries to automate network tasks and employ the Ansible framework to achieve your network goals. Next, the book will guide you in using Python for DevOps by employing open source tools to test, secure, and analyze your network. Youll then build on your knowledge by understanding how to retrieve network information using a polling mechanism and flow-based monitoring. You will also learn how to build customized network web services. In the last module, youll use Python for SDN and compare the performance of tools such as OpenFlow, OpenDaylight, and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). In the concluding chapters, youll apply what youve learned to construct a migration plan to advance from a legacy to a scalable SDN-based network. By the end of this book, youll have developed the skills you need to confidently design high-performance network server apps using Python.About the AuthorEric Chou is a seasoned technologist with over 18 years of industry experience. He has worked on and helped managed some of the largest networks in the industry while working at Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and other companies. Eric is passionate about network automation, Python, and helping companies build better security postures. Eric is the author of several books and online classes on networking with Python and network security. He is the proud inventor of two patents in IP telephony. Eric shares his deep interest in technology through his books, classes, and his blog, and contributes to some of the popular Python open source projects.Ben Straub has been building software for 15 years ranging from Device drivers, desktop applications, Git to microservices. He specializes in C/C++, C#/.NET, Python, Ruby, Javascript."
Price: 199.99

"Slack: A Complete Guide" |
"Slack is a collaboration software tool that allows teams to work together to share information and communicate through calls. Slack features organized conversations, a searchable history, and allows teams to work with external users. This course will provide an in-depth look at Slack, including joining a workspace and working with channels. It will also look at how to send and view messages as well as make calls to others. Finally, it will look at how to share files and to improve efficiencies search techniques and shortcuts.This IAAP-certified counts for 1.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99
