"S Un Ganador - S Asertivo! ~ Curso Avanzado." |
"ElEntrenamiento Holista y Sistmico en Asertividades un proceso completo y profundo diseado para dotarte de una slida Auto-Confianza que te motive a vivir una Vida Asertiva. Comprende Tres Fases:Curso Introductorio: Estableciendo Las Bases del ProcesoCurso Intermedio: Del Auto-Conocimiento a la Auto-ConfianzaCurso Avanzado: El Poder de Confiar en Ti y de Ser Asertivosta es la FASE III, el CURSO AVANZADO del programa. Como todo proceso, ha sido diseado para ser realizado secuencialmente, ya que cada fase construye sobre y es continuacin de la anterior. Quieres fortalecer tu confianza en ti?Llevas tu vida complaciendo las expectativas de los dems en vez de las tuyas?Sientes incongruencia entre lo que piensas, dices y haces?Te sucede que muchas veces dices S"" cuando quieres decir NO"". o dices NO"" cuando quieres decir S""?Si has respondido afirmativamente a cualquiera de estas preguntas, entonces necesitas hacer el Entrenamiento Holista y Sistmico en Asertividad sin esperar un segundo ms!Esta es la Fase 3, el CURSO AVANZADO del Entrenamiento Holista Y Sistmico en Asertividad y esto es lo que estn diciendo de este proceso de crecimiento personal que te conduce a sentirte y SER un GANADOR / una GANADORA en tu vida:""Uno de los cursos ms interesantes y productivos que he realizado. Es una propuesta de trabajo interno absolutamente coherente y con posibilidades de aplicacin inmediata.""""Las destrezas asertivas han contribuido a desempaarme mejor en mi trabajo, a interactuar mejor con mis clientes y proveedores, a ser una mejor profesional.""""Uno de los cursos ms poderosos que he tomado. Toca lo ms profundo de tu ser llevndote a un serio y responsable autoanlisis.""""Me ayud a conocerme mejor y descubrir cosas de mi personalidad. He apreciado mis cambios en mi forma de pensar y actuar; siento mas confianza al relacionarme con otros.""""He estado aplicando las destrezas que aprend en este curso y estoy asombrado de los resultados positivos que me han producido.""Qu es Ser Asertivo? En trminos generales, una PERSONA ASERTIVA confa en si misma; piensa, siente y se expresa positivamente, con decisin y firmeza. Tiene claro lo que quiere y lo que no quiere; es capaz de sobreponerse a sus miedos siendo proactiva al plantear apropiadamente lo que desea o necesita para que sus demandas sean satisfechas.Si no has realizado Las Fases 1 y 2 del Programa, inscrbete YA en el CURSO INTRODUCTORIO y comienza tu Entrenamiento para SER UNA PERSONA ASERTIVA. Un Ganador nunca posterga sus decisiones! Eres t un Ganador? Algunos beneficios reportados por personas que han realizado este Programa: Aumento progresivo, constante y duradero de su Auto-confianza y Auto-estima. Reduccin significativa de los niveles de ansiedad y/o miedo en situaciones difciles. Mejoras significativas en sus relaciones interpersonales en los diversos contextos de la vida con los padres, hijos, pareja, amistades, familiares, y relaciones sociales en general. Disminucin significativa de estados depresivos y somatizaciones. Aumento de su nivel de auto-conciencia y toma de conciencia del ambiente circundante. Apertura de oportunidades de crecimiento personal y profesional. Profundo y real sentimiento de satisfaccin personal y orgullo positivo. Incremento de su iniciativa y proactividad. Cambio en su forma de ver la vida y vivirla. Mayor Bienestar Emocional, Mental y Fsica. Claridad de propsito en su vida. Mayor felicidad y paz interior. Todos estos beneficios, y ms, los puedes lograr t tambin con al realizar el Entrenamiento completo en Asertividad! Te invito a salir de tu zona de confort y a sorprenderte a ti mismo/a de todo lo que eres capaz de hacer y de lograr. Recuerda: La felicidad no es un fin ni una meta. Es un camino, una forma de vivir! Locura es hacer lo mismo una y otra vez y esperar resultados diferentes"" ~ Albert Einstein La decisin es tuya y de nadie ms!S un Ganador! No postergues la decisin de convertirte en una MEJOR persona... en una PERSONA ASERTIVA. SI NO HAS REALIZADO LOS CURSOS INTRODUCTORIO E INTERMEDIO, ES IMPORTANTE QUE LOS COMPLETES ANTES DE REALIZAR ESTE CURSO AVANZADO."
Price: 44.99

"Make a Powerful Vision Board to Manifest Your Wishes&Dreams!" |
"Do you want to maximize the chances of manifestingyour wishes & dreams in your life?Is this trulypossible? YES IT IS!And is it true that certain techniques like The Treasure Map and Visualizationwork on your behalf? You will be amazed in how effective they are!There are tons of testimonials that proof it and this course include several amazing ones that will motivate and inspire you.But just to mention a few real life examples of what some people have achieved with the use of thistechnique: Finding an apartment in almost impossible circumstances and in the perfect moment. Settling a wonderful loving relationship; a real life love story! Getting the car of his dreams. Receiving the money needed to buy a house. Getting to travel around the world with a tight budget. Having important projects approved. Achieving a desired outcome in very difficult circumstances. Healing from an illness. All these real life examples were conquered through the use of this easy to learn technique called The Vision Board, originally known as ""The Treasure Map"", and other techniques of The Treasure Series.The Treasure Map is a highly powerful technique to attract to your life the manifestation of your wishes and goals. It's very easy and fun to create and elaborate. I never stop being amazed by the testimonials of my participants! In this course I guide you through a step-by-step wonderfuljourney where you will end up with a marvelous Treasure Map, totally empowered and energized to attract to your life the manifestation of what you have expressedin it. Im not into promising miracles, magic potions or an immediate result pill to take advantage of your desire to meet your wishes and life objectives. So if you are pursuing that fantasy, then this course is not for you. But if you are looking for a practical down to earth guide to help you meet your goals and conquer your dreams within a realistic scenario, then youve come to right place! As mentioned in the promotional video, The Treasure Map or Vision Board is a technique from The Treasure Series, a golden chest not filled with gold, but rather with amazing practical highly effective techniques, all easy to learn and apply, and with the core purpose of procuring people their integral wellbeing, peace and joy. I created The Treasure Series based on my more than 20 years of professional and personal experience of dedicatedresearch, study and serious practice of the teachings from The New Thought Philosophy, Positive Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology. I invite you to take the step forward and towards reaching the top of the mountain and contemplate the beauty of the valley, just as the little worm in the inspirational story The Power of a Dream, which you can also listen to right now in Lecture 23. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY NOW!!! It's my pleasure and honour to be your Personal Coach! WELCOME!"
Price: 54.99

"Learn Network Hacking From Scratch (WiFi & Wired)" |
"Welcome to this comprehensive course on Network Hacking! In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge about penetration testing or hacking and by the end of it you'll be at an intermediate level being able to hack into networks and connected devices like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts.This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing without neglecting the theory. Before jumping into hacking you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software (works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux), then the course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of linux, computer systems, networks and how devices communicate with each other, then you will learn how to exploit this method of communication to carry out a number of powerful attacks. The Course is Divided into three main sections: Pre-connection attacks: In this section you will learn how networks work, how devices communicate with each other and how the information is transferred in a wireless networks. You will also learn some basic terminology, what is a channel ? MAC address ? what is managed mode ? What is monitor mode and how to enable it ? what is sniffing and what is it limited to ? so in this section we still don't know much about penetration testing , all we have is a computer and a wireless card connected to it, you will learn how to start gathering information using your wi-fi card (packet sniffing) and you will learn how to control connections around you (ie: deny/allow devices from connecting to networks) without knowing the password of the target network.Gaining Access: Now that you gathered information about the networks around you, in this section you will learn a number of methods to crack the key and get the password to your target network whether it uses WEP, WPA or even WPA2.Post Connection attacks: Now that you have the key, you can connect to the target network, in this section you will learn a number of powerful techniques that allow you to gather comprehensive information about the connected devices, see anything they do on the internet (such as login information, passwords, visited urls, images, videos ....etc), redirect requests, inject evil code in loaded pages and even gain full control over connected clients! All the attacks here work against both wireless and wired networks. You will also learn how to create a fake WiFi network, attract users to connect to it and use all of the above techniques against the connected clients.All the attacks in this course are practical attacks that work against any wireless enabled device , ie: it does not matter if the device is a phone , tablet laptop ...etc. These attacks also work against all operating systems (Windows, OSX, Linux IOS, Android ...ect.). in each technique you will understand the theory behind it and how it works, then you'll learn how to use that technique in a real life scenario, so by the end of the course you'll be able to modify these techniques or combine them to come up with more powerful attacks and adopt them to different scenarios and different operating systems.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.Notes: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated for certification exam for the same. Although, you will receive Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that No OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED. "
Price: 99.99

"Learn Wi-Fi Password Penetration Testing (WEP/WPA/WPA2)" |
"Welcome to my WiFi cracking course where you'll learn how to crack the key and get the password to WiFi networks weather they use WEP, WPA or even WPA2, not only that but you'll also learn how to secure networks from hackers.This course is highly practical but won't neglect the theory, you will start as a beginner with no prior knowledge about hacking, and it will take you through the basics of networking and how clients communicate with each other, how the different types of WiFi encryptions work, then you'll learn how to use this information to exploit these networks and crack their encryption. The course is divided into four main sections: Networks Basics: in this section you will learn about how networks work, how devices communicate with each other and how the information is transferred in a wireless networks. You will also learn about basic terminology, what is a channel ? MAC address ? what is managed mode ? What is monitor mode and how to enable it ? what is sniffing and what is it limited to ? so in this section we still don't know much about penetration testing , all we have is a computer and a wireless card connected to it, you will learn how to start gathering information using your wi-fi card (packet sniffing) and you will learn a number of attacks that you can launch without the need to know the password such as controlling all the connections around you (ie: deny/allow any device from connecting to any network), you will also learn how to overcome some security features that would prevent you from even trying any attacks, you willlearn how todiscover and target hidden networksandbypass mac filteringweather it is implemented using a black-list or a white-list.. WEP Cracking: Now that you have gathered information about all the networks around you, and found your target, you will learn how to crack the key that the target uses. In this section you will learn four methods to crack WEP encryption. First you will learn the weaknesses in WEP that allow us to crack it, then you will learn the theory behind each method and finally you will learn how to launch that attack against WEP networks and obtain the key, in this section you will learn 4 different methods to crack WEP to make sure that you can crack any WEPnetwork you face regardless of how its configured.WPA Cracking: in this section you will learn a number of methods to crack WPA/WPA2 networks, again you will learn the weakness in WPA and theory behind each method first, and then you will learn how to launch the attack against a real network, this section is divided into a number of smaller sections:Exploiting WPS - In this subsection you will learn how to exploit the WPS feature to gain access to WPA/WPA2 networks without using a wordlist, not only that but you'll also learnhow to debug reaver's output and exploit the WPS featureonmore routers usingreaver's advanced options,you will also learn how to unlock some routersif they lock after a number of failed attempts.Wordlist Attacks -in this subsection you will learn how to runwordlist attacks to crack the WPA/WPA2 key,you will learn how to usehuge wordlists without wasting storage,save the cracking progressso that you can pause and resume the cracking process whenever you want, and you will also learn how tocrack the key much fasterusingthe GPUinstead of the CPU.WPA/WPA2 Enterprise- These networks are usually used incompaniesandcolleges, these are secure networks that use WPA/WPA2 but also require users to login with a username and passwordafter connecting, in this subsection you will understandhow they work and how to gain access to them.Protection: At this stage you will know the weaknesses and methods that real life hackers use, therefore it will be very easy for you to secure your network against these attacks. In this section you will learn how to configure your wireless networks so that the above attacks will not work, you will learn what settings need to be changed, how to access the router settings and how to change these settings.All the attacks in this course are practical attacks that work against real wireless networks in my labWith this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.NOTE: This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih and No other organization is associated for certification exam for the same. Although, you will receive Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that No OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED."
Price: 49.99

"5 Easy and Fun Ways to Start Eating Real Food" |
"Making changes to your diet should be fun and easy! And it doesn't have to be expensive, either. This class is the perfect place to learn the in's and out's of healthier eating. In the class, we will discuss: The benefits of vegetables and fruits, plus easy and fun ways to incorporate them into your life; Why foods with artificial colors affect your health, and how to find healthier alternatives; How to make grains and beans more nutritious (and less flatulence producing!); Why its a good idea to slow things down; Why fast food will cost you in the long run; An introduction to sugars and sweeteners; How to find local resources; and Why its important to celebrate and share what youve learned. PLUS, well dive into the how and why of it all, with a little history on how we got here in the first place. In addition, youll have access to over 3 hours of lectures and over 25 pages of healthy recipes and documents you can print out to help you on this path. In the process, you'll be able to make food choices that make sense AND make you feel good. And you can always reach out to me if you have any questions. Here's my own story, in case you're interested: When I was in my 20s, I gained weight. I became horribly ill. The doctors didnt know what was wrong with me. So I started to seek out on my own the answers I needed. It turns out that all of my problems were caused by the processed foods that I was eating. You see, I was a junk food JUNKIE! But as soon as I started to eat fresher foods and eliminate the junk, not only did my health improve, but I lost weight, too. Had I continued on that path, I dont know where I would be now I suspect, Id be a lot heavier and a lot more miserable! Instead, I feel amazing. Im frequently told that I look 10-15 years younger than I am, and I have more energy, endurance, and vigor than ever before. Life just keeps getting better and better. Theres no secret to my good health. Its all about integrating small changes and making them stick. Its about honoring this body the only one I get! with good food and healthy choices. I have been studying nutrition and natural wellness for almost 20 years, and I am excited to share with you what I have learned."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Excel in 3 Hours Flat" |
"Crunching numbers in a spreadsheet is only daunting until you know what youre doing. Our 3-hour class teaches you the essentials of not just beginning-level Excel, but some of the more advanced features that are essential to working with your numbers. This class is perfect on-the-job training. We will cover: Moving around in a spreadsheet Entering Data AutoFill Handle Formulas Functions Relative & Absolute Cell References Formatting Conditional Formatting Sparklines Charts Data Tables for filtering Pivot Tables Tracing Dependencies Printing tips"
Price: 59.99

"Apprenez VBA et programmez Excel, 1er Niveau" |
"Vous tes frustr de perdre du temps avec Excel, alors que vous pourriez automatiser les tches rptitives! Vous regrettez de ne pas savoir programmer en VBA, nest ce pas ? Alors lisez la suite, elle peut vous intresser ! Ce cours est fait pour des non-informaticiens,et c'est une formation complte l'apprentissage de VBA pour Excel. Vous apprendrez les bases de la programmation en VBA pour, par exemple, automatiser les tches rptitives, crire vos propres fonctions personnalises, dvelopper un formulaire ergonomique, ajouter vos propres boutons de contrle dans le ruban, piloter Word. Cette formation a 2 objectifs : Vous apprendre le langage VBA Vous apprendre programmer Excel Chaque leon est constitue dune vido denviron 10mn, qui capture lcran Excel du formateur, pendant lexpos. Vous voyez exactement comment le programme est crit, et vous pouvez ensuite exprimenter par vous-mme. Certaines leons se terminent par un sujet dexercice, le plus souvent corrig par le formateur dans la vido suivante. Excel2013 a t utilis pour tourner les vidos. Mais la totalit du contenu de cette formation est 100% utilisable avec les versions prcdentes (2010, 2007, 2003) Pour suivre ce cours avec succs, il est indispensable de programmer par soi-mme, de reprendre et exprimenter tous les programmes analyss dans les vidos et de faire tous les exercices."
Price: 49.99

"Motion Typography from Scratch" |
"If you're wanting to venture into the world of motion typography and motion graphics and you're ready for your technical skill to catch up to your creative vision, then this is the course for you. See words come to life in this extensive motion typography (also called kinetic typography) course that will get you creating incredible text animations. In this course you will: Learn the fundamentals and advanced basics of motion typography Learn how to navigate the popular visual effects software called Adobe After Effects Get access to project files for almost all 58 course lectures so you can easily follow along Access to over $50 worth of bonus assets like presents, templates, and sound effects Excited to see you all master the art of motion typography and produce incredible pieces of art!"
Price: 49.99

"Effective iOS & Android App Icon Design" |
"Design Beautiful iOS & Android App Launcher Icons Learn how to design effective app launcher icons for both iOS and Android. App launchers are the little icons that smartphone users click on to access an app. It's absolutely important that you understand how to design these icons effectively so that they're conceptually relevant, unique and stand out. Follow along as expert designer & course instructor Gary Simon takes you through two full app launcher design projects. The first project is an iOS app launcher for a fictional GPS app. You will use Adobe Illustrator to complete this project. In the second project, create a highly graphical Android app launcher for a fictional surveillance app. Adobe Photoshop will be used this time to create this project. You will also learn how to impose the app launcher graphics onto phones, which is great for presenting the icons to clients or showcasing on your portfolio! Who is this course for? Anyone who wants to take on the challenge of designing app launchers for either iOS and Android. Gary Simon teaches in such a way that a beginner can understand. Why Photoshop and Illustrator? You can use Photoshop or Illustrator to design app icons. Gary Simon has decided to include app launchers in both applications for those who might have access to only one application."
Price: 19.99

"Design and Animate a Gamer UI" |
"Learn how to design your very own custom graphical user interface (GUI) in Adobe Photoshop, and then make it animate and come to life using Adobe After Effects. In this course, you'll gain a thorough understanding of how to use Photoshop to construct a GUI. While we will focus on a specific project that has a gamer-feel, you can use what you've learned and apply it to many other projects. After having designed the GUI, you will then learn how to export the individual assets for use with After Effects. Then you will learn how to rebuild the design in After Effects, and then finally animate it; and that's when the fun really begins. After watching this course, the possibilities are endless in terms of what you can create. In Photoshop, you will learn about layers, layer styles, layer clipping masks, layer blend modes, how to use textures to create metallic interfaces, and much much more. In After Effects, you will learn how to use the basic interface. You will be able to create your own animations by utilizing key frames, which allow you to control many aspects of a given object. With this skill, you will be able to create your own animations for any project imaginable. So let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"WordPress Security - The Ultimate Security Guide 2020" |
"Important Announcement: I am adding brand new lectures to this course in the next couple of weeks which will make this course the truly 'Ultimate WordPress Security' in 2020, my latest lecture uploaded on the 7th of February 2020.FREE Web Hosting Account to Students - If you are serious about your WordPress Security, why not practice what I teach in a dummy hosting account, all you have to do it complete this course, add a question in the student discussion area and provide me with your course feedback.I have started to give my students enrolled in my WordPress Security course free web hosting account in order to test what they have learnt. This is a great way to try different plugin's and methods without having to try it on your live website. I will also show you an easy way to copy your live site into the testing environment.WordPress 'The Ultimate Security Guide' is designed for any WordPress novice and professional alike. Anyone that is actively using or thinking of using WordPress as a platform in terms of a website or a blogging platform needs this course to empower them to take control over their site and hosting platform. The aim of this WordPress course is to take a complex and frustrating subject for most and turn it into easy and an enjoyable task. Securing your WordPress website is not easy and can be a very daunting experience so I am going to try and make it as easy and as simple as possible. So if you have a website powered by WordPress or thinking of building one any time soon, then this is a must have course for sure. In this course, I will go through free and paid tools to secure your WordPress website, it is you that can determine what to use based on your need, budget and required functionality. Over all, it is how much you care about your site and its success over time. I will demonstrate a live hacking attempts into a WordPress website to show you how easy it is to hack. I will also be at hand to help you in the student forum section of my course to give you a helping hand if you get stuck, as well as share resources and ideas with you and answer any question you may have. As we progress in the course, if you need further verification or additional video's to cover a particular topic, just shout. This course is designed to be interactive and an evolving course. ** No Technical Knowledge Required ** START this course TODAY and SECURE your sites future tomorrow"
Price: 199.99

"Launch a Monetized E-Commerce Site with WordPress" |
"** Update 22/11/2015**Starting this December, I will be given away FREE hosting account to those on my course. Full details of this will be posted within a week. So not only you will get one of the best courses on Making Money Online but you will also get a FREE hosting to try and test different ways of implementing your learning.*************************************Do you have a WordPress Website or are you thinking of building one any time soon. What will your next website be? Do you need some great ideas that will make you money online using your site? Let me take you step by step and show you what are the leading Internet marketers have been doing to create massive wealth using their sites. No Technical knowledge needed Watch over my shoulder how I. Install WordPress Turn WordPress into an ecommerce website Enabling your blog to make money for you Introduce you to the best affiliate networks available one of which is JVZOO by setting up your first product Show you what membership sites are all about and walk you through not only installing a membership site but also a walk through linking your membership site with the best affiliate network available with the potential of making mass amounts from huge flood of traffic available for you for free Have you heard of WordPress multi site, well this is a great opportunity for you to take you step by step to creating your own private network of sites which you can use or sell on I will also show you how to best optimise and backup your WordPress An absolute wealth of information. *** NO Experience & NO Technical knowledge needed *** If you struggle at any stage, I will be there to guide and help you Join us today and secure your future tomorrow"
Price: 19.99

"Desarrolla una mente fuerte, abundante y exitosa" |
"Eres lo que eres y ests donde ests por lo que has puesto en tu mente.Fuerte, pero realSi tienes xito, es por lo que has puesto en tu mente.Si ests fracasando, es por lo que has puesto en tu mente.Es lgico que nos vaya mal, porque nadie nos ha dado la programacin exacta que debemos colocar en nuestra mente.Y por lo regular colocamos la misma programacin que nuestros padres, amigos, maestros y conocidos.Y adivina qu?Nos va igual que a nuestros padres, amigos, maestros y conocidos!Misma programacin mental, mismos resultados.Pocos salen de esa zona de conformismo y consiguen el xito.Y esos que salen, no tienen la misma programacin que sus padres, amigos, maestros y conocidos.Incluso muchos preferimos alejarnos de muchas personas, para no seguirnos contaminando con sus programaciones.Es duro, pero es la nica forma de tener xito.Quieres conocer la adecuada programacin para desarrollar una mente fuerte, abundante y preparada para triunfar?Te la voy a compartir en un curso, en el que te mostrar cmo desarrollar una mente fuerte, abundante y preparada para triunfar.Porque te mereces el xito, la abundancia y el poder!Si no cambias ahora, maana va a ser demasiado tarde.Cada da que pasas con esa programacin equivocada, te est alejando del xito y de la abundancia.No te preocupes si tienes 18 aos o si tienes 80 aos, he visto en mis seminarios casos de xito de diversas edades y que han conseguido lo inimaginable.Muchos de los actuales lderes en diversos campos se han entrenado conmigo y ahora es el momento de que t tambin lo hagas.No crees obtener resultados con este curso?Es lgico, as funciona la programacin equivocadaEsts programado para dudar de todo y de todos, por eso no te das cuenta de las oportunidades cuando estn frente a ti.Tomes o no este curso, hazte un favor:deja atrs esa programacin de dudar de todo y de todos.Esa programacin te est alejando del xito.Y elimina otra programacin: controla tus emociones.Controla la ira, controla el odio, controla el miedoControla el miedo!NO dejes que l te controle a ti.Enfcate ya en eso: controla tu miedo y reprograma tu mente.En este curso te voy a mostrar exactamente lo que debes ingresar en tu mente, para que tengas resultados rpidos y duraderos.No necesitas preparacin previa, ni conocimientos previos.Con videolecciones que te ayudarn a reprogramar tu mente y mejorar tu vida.Y no te preocupes, pues podrs ver esas videolecciones a la hora que quieras, el da que quieras.No hay horarios, slo resultados."
Price: 39.99

"7 Estrategias para escribir y ganar dinero con tu libro" |
"Despus de que muchas personas se han contactado conmigo para solicitarme consejos para tener xito como escritor, he decidido realizar un curso online, donde te enseomis secretos para que escribas, publiques y vendas con gran xito un manuscrito de tu creacin.No es un taller de escritura, aunque te dar consejos de cmo ser creativo y qu debes hacer para escribir tu manuscrito. En cambio me centrar en mostrarte las herramientas para que alcances el xito, estrategias probadas de mercadotecnia y ventas, para obtener ganancias de tu idea desde el primer momento.Tambin te ensear cmo investigar, cmo elegir el mejor ttulo y te hablar de las nuevas tendencias en el mundo editorial, para que te adelantes a la posible competencia.Despus de 34 libros escritos y publicados por editoriales de Espaa, Estados Unidos y Mxico, estoy decidido a compartir contigo los secretos que me han ayudado a escribir, publicar y comercializar.Te ensear cmo monetizar tu manuscrito de autoayuda, aunque esto que aprendas podrs utilizarlo para promocionar y vender tu libro de ficcin, infantil o de cualquier gnero.Estoy dispuesto a mostrarte mis ms preciados secretos, esos que me han ayudado a tener una vasta produccin literaria en slo seis aos, te explicar el procedimiento de bsqueda de editoriales, cmo se negocian algunas condiciones y qu hacer para aumentar las ventas de los libros.Todo lo que te ensear ha sido probado con xito, por lo que podrs replicarlo y mejorarlo para tu actividad literaria.Si me ests siguiendo en mis blogs y mis redes sociales, sabes que he tenido un gran xito con mis libros, ahora te ensear cmo puedes lograrlo tambin con este curso.Te han dicho que no puedes vivir decorosamente como autor? Yo tambin lo escuch, lo peor es que lo cre, pero cuando recib las primeras regalas no poda creer la suma de dinero que me llegaba por ese concepto.No sabes la alegra te proporciona recibir regalas cada seis meses, las que sirven para mantenerte decorosamente y darle lo necesario a tu familia.Qu temas tratar? Estos son algunos: Recomendacin de software, libros y estrategias para la creatividad. Cmo elegir un ttulo que se convierta en ganancias inmediatas. Cmo crear tus captulos. Cmo ganar dinero antes de publicarlo o firmar un contrato con alguna editorial. Cmo crear un blog para comercializar tu libro, recibir sugerencias y ganar dinero an sin vender nada. Cmo crear una comunidad en las redes sociales para publicitar tu libro. Cmo crear material publicitario para tu libro.Como puedes darte cuenta, s de lo que hablo y te voy a ensear todo lo que he aprendido, para que t lo pongas en prctica."
Price: 39.99

"Desarrolla estas 3 habilidades para incrementar tus ingresos" |
"Desde que naces ests desarrollando nuevas habilidades.Desde habilidades bsicas para sobrevivir, hasta habilidades secundarias.Te has preguntado cules son las necesarias para tener xito con tus emprendimientos?En este curso te mostrar tres habilidades bsicas que debes desarrollar para tener xito en tus negocios y as incrementar tus ingresos.Esas habilidades tienen un orden especfico y aqu lo conocers.En cada una de ellas te compartir recomendaciones simples para que las pongas en prctica de inmediato."
Price: 99.99

"Estrategias simples para ganar dinero con tu emprendimiento" |
"Para mejorar tus ingresos, debes seguir ciertas estrategias.En este curso aprenders qu es lo que tienes que hacer para mejorar tu emprendimiento.Es un curso rpido, con los puntos clave para que los pongas en prctica de inmediato.En pocos minutos aprenders lo que tienes que hacer para mejorar en tu emprendimiento."
Price: 39.99

"Cmo hacer realidad tus sueos" |
"No slo debes desear, debes saber qu hacer para conseguir que esos deseos se hagan realidad.En este curso te enseo cmo utilizar una sencilla herramienta para conseguir hacer realidad tus sueos.Aprenders de forma prctica cmo usar esta herramienta para utilizarla en todos tus proyectos, para tener mejores resultados.Es una herramienta que ya ha ayudado a miles de personas a conseguir ms resultados."
Price: 39.99

"Secretos para la abundancia y prosperidad" |
"Con este entrenamiento, tu actitud mental tendr un cambio significativo, alejndote de las deudas y la escasez, para acercarte a la abundancia.La vida te proporciona todo lo que quieres y necesitas, slo debes prepararte para recibirlo. Aqu aprenders muchas tcnicas para obtenerlo.Con un concepto centrado en los negocios, aprenders lo indispensable para la abundancia.Nuevas ideas que te ayudarn a mejorar tu vida."
Price: 39.99

"Negocios rentables de la actualidad" |
"La cuarta revolucin industrial ya ha comenzado.Y con ella, los negocios han cambiado su funcionamiento.En este curso aprenders cinco sistemas que te ayudarn a entrar a esta cuarta revolucin industrial, aprovechando las herramientas disponibles en internet.Sabrs por qu el contenido es la nueva moneda digital, ente muchas otras cosas.Ests preparado para esta cuarta revolucin industrial?"
Price: 39.99

"Progrmate para incrementar tus ingresos" |
"A diario leo o escucho palabras de desanimo.Palabras como: yo no nac para ser feliz, no debo ganar ms del 30% de las ventas, debo obedecer ciegamente a alguien superior y ms absurdos semejantes. Sin que se den cuenta, estn resignndose a vivir la vida de otros o estar subyugados al poder de alguien ms.Qu debes hacer para no resignarte? Primero tener una meta, despus elaborar un plan para conseguirla.En este curso encontrars las bases para ese plan. Qu quieres hacer con tu vida?"
Price: 39.99

"Recomendaciones para mejorar tus finanzas" |
"Tener orden en tus finanzas personales te ayudar a tener xito.Pero desafortunadamente no se nos ensea cmo tener finanzas personales sanas.En este curso encontrars recomendaciones para mejorar tus finanzas, que podrs aplicar de inmediato.Con ejemplos claros, podrs comenzar a poner orden en tus finanzas.En este curso conocers conceptos clave que han ayudado a muchas personas a tener orden en sus finanzas.Ahora t lo puedes hacer."
Price: 39.99

"Mega Course VMware vSphere 6.7 Optimize Upgrade Troubleshoot" |
"About this CourseThis 34.5 hr course is the longest, most information packed and most complete VMware vSphere 6.7 course you will find on Udemy.Do you already have basic VMware vSphere / virtualization knowledge and experience and want to take your skills to the next level? Maybe your goal is to skill up so you can pass VCP-DCV or VCAP certification exams, get that promotion or earn a senior position as a VMware vSphere 6.7 administrator?If so, this 100% downloadable course is for you! Want to be sure? Every chapter in my course has at least one free preview lecture and a 30-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.I originally developed the content in this course for 5-day Instructor Led training classes - the kind of class that can cost $4,200+USD/seat at major training companies. But now, it is here on Udemy - so you can get the same high quality training for a lot less.Don't settle for VMware video training that is just a few hours of recorded PowerPoint slides. In this mega-course, I include both lecture and hands-on lab demo videos. In the lecture material, I explain concepts, provide an overview of using vSphere 6.7 and include best practices and design and troubleshooting tips, etc. In the hands-on lab demos, I log into one of our live vSphere rental labs and show you exactly how to get the job done, step-by-step.Please note that this course does not provide access to live labs but does include video demonstrations of how to complete tasks using vSphere 6.7.What I Cover In This CourseIn this course, I explain step-by-step how to upgrade or migrate from vCenter for Windows or vCenter Appliance to vCenter Server Appliance 6.7 and how to use VMware Update Manager to upgrade ESXi hosts and how to upgrade Virtual Machine virtual hardware and VMware Tools. I also cover advanced topics such as Fibre/iSCSI shared storage, Raw Device Maps, working with VMFS 6 Filesystems, Storage Profiles, Storage DRS Clusters, High Availability Clusters, Fault Tolerance and Distributed Virtual Switches.I'll show you how to diagnose, isolate and fix common problems. We will use Host Client, Web Client, HTML 5 Client and command line tools to explore, configure, update, investigate and zero in on performance bottlenecks and trouble spots. Up to 45% of class time is devoted to labs so concepts, skills and best practices are developed and reinforced.By the end of the class, attendees will have learned practical, actionable skills in vSphere design, implementation, upgrading, sizing, scaleability, performance optimization and troubleshooting.Use This Course to Prepare for VMware Certification ExamsMany of my Udemy students use this course to help them prepare for vSphere certification. You can use this course to gain knowledge and skills that are tested for in VMware certifications including:VMware Certified Associate (VCA)VMware Certified Professional (VCP-DCV), andVMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP)Detailed Chapter by Chapter Topics Covered in this CourseChapter 0 - Course OverviewWhat this course will coverThe technical skills and background of ideal attendeesTraining with a focus on vSphere Best Practices, Good Design, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting, Scaleability, VM Availability, Performance, Availability, Security and moreChapter 1 - How to install and configure ESXi according to best practicesSelecting and preparing supported hardware for ESXi 6.7Performing install and post install tasksUsing advanced settings to review and set password strength rulesConnecting ESXi to the management network via the DCUI including tips and best practicesAccessing ESXi through the DCUI, server console and via Secure ShellReview and managing host access services from the command line (troubleshooting tip)How to access the DCUI when the DCUI isn't running (troubleshooting tip)Four different ways to review ESXi logs (web, Host Client, Command line and Console)How to manage local users and permissions from the command line (troubleshooting tip)Sizing ESXi hosts for pCPU, pMemory. and, how to enable Transparent Page Sharing to improve memory efficiency by up to 20%How to use local Flash storage to accelerate ESXi host read I/Os and minimize the impact of host memory stress (performance tip)How to use Lockdown Mode to secure your ESXi hostHow to install VMware packages (called VIBs) using both Host Client and command lineNow to query and restart local host management agents from DCUI and from the command line (troubleshooting tip)Where to find best practices for security your ESXi hostsChapter 2 - Introduction to ESXi Physical and Virtual NetworkingPhysical networking hardware supported by ESXi. Includes the latest, ultra fast network hardwareThe three Virtual NIC options along with use cases to help you select the best vNIC for best performanceThe three different TCP/IP stacks supported by ESXi (and why)How to create and manage vSwitches, VMkernel NICs and Port Groups using Host ClientHow to create and manage vSwitches, VMkernel NICs and Port Groups using command line (troubleshooting tip)The basics of Physical NIC teamingGreat ESXi command line tools to test networking, verify peer connectivity and troubleshoot networking issuesChapter 3 - Advanced ESXi Physical and Virtual NetworkingVirtual / Physical networking design goalsThe three vSwitch Security Policies (Promiscuous Mode, MAC Address Changes, Forged Transmits) and when to use themNetwork traffic bandwidth management with Traffic ShapingHow to improve network throughput with Jumbo Frames. Includes use cases, how to configure and how to test Jumbo Frame supportThe five Physical NIC teaming policies:Route by Originating PortRoute by MAC HashRoute by IP HashRoute by pNIC LoadRoute by Active / Stand-byIncludes pros, cons and use cases for each policyThe three different ways to do vLAN taggingRoute by Originating PortvSwitch TaggingpSwitch TaggingVM TaggingWhen / how to use each oneVMkernel pNIC Offloading including TCP Segment Offloading and TCP Checksum offloading including benefits and how each worksExclusive pNIC to VM ownership and use cases using DirectPath I/O and how to do itShared pNIC to VM ownership and use cases using Single Root I/O Virtualization and how to do itHow to monitor pNIC and VM network traffic using esxtopHow to query an ESXi host's active network connections on the command lineHow to get detailed pNIC statistics including transmits, receives, errors, etc. on the command lineNetwork design tips and best practicesChapter 4 - Connecting ESXi to NFS SharesSupported and unsupported (but works) NFS server options (includes Windows as an NFS server)The layout of an NFS network. Includes security concerns and compensating controls to address these issuesNFS network design to maximize service access and availabilityHow to publish NFS shares on Linux (works for Windows too) so that ESXi can use the sharesESXi physical network and TCP/IP requirements for connecting to NFS sharesHow to mount NFS shares using Host ClientHow to query NFS servers for their share list from the command line (hint - you can't do this from Host Client)How to mount NFS shares on the command line (troubleshooting tip)Using advanced ESXi configuration parameters to increase the maximum number of supported, concurrent NFS sharesConnecting to ESXi to NFS shares from the command line (troubleshooting tip)ESXi / NFS best practices, pros and consNFS v4.1 features, limitations, how to migrate from NFS v3 to 4.1 and how to avoid data corruptionChapter 5 - Virtual Hardware and Virtual MachinesIntroduction to the features and capabilities of Virtual Hardware v14pCPUs and vCPUs including configuration options and limitsvCPU socket and core hard and practical maximums and guidelinesVMemory configuration, sizing and best practicesHow to select and customize vNIC properties for different use casesThe three different virtual SCSI storage controllers and use cases and best practices for each oneHow to select the best virtual SCSI storage controller for best VM storage performanceThe purpose, features and capabilities of VMware Tools and why it needs to be in every VMWindows VM configuration and performance tipsThe files that need to be backed up to capture a powered off VMHow Snapshots work. Using the Snapshot ManagerTroubleshooting VM SnapshotsThe Files that are added to a VM when it is snapshottedGuest OS Security tips and best practicesVirtual Hardware upgrades and best practicesHow to list and shut down VMs from the command lineHow to get a VM's power status, power on, power off or reboot a VM from the command lineHow to take ownership and give up ownership of a VM from the command lineHow to change a running VM's console screen resolution from the command line (great troubleshooting tip)VM security considerations for Windows VMsHow to streamline the virtual hardware layer and Guest OS for runtime efficiencyAn introduction to the VMware Guest OS Optimization ToolChapter 6 - vSphere 6.7 Management with vCenter Server ApplianceHow to use Javascript Object Notation (JSON) files for automated vCSA installsvCenter for Windows. How to install it, upgrade to it, migrate from it to vCSA and why you want to migratevCenter Server Appliance (vCSA) hardware requirements and how to adjust for your VM and ESXi host needsPlatform Services Controller (PSC) and why VMware is strongly encouraging Embedded PSC rather than External PSCHow to Upgrade old vCSA to vCSA 6.7How to Migrate from vCenter for Windows to vCSA 6.7An introduction to vSphere Web (flash / flex) Client and new HTML 5 ClientPerform vCSA post install / migrate tasks using the Virtual Appliance Management Interface (VAMI)Why you should always upgrade vCSA before you upgrade ESXi hosts (and what to do about it if you accidentally upgrade ESXi first)Why you should review and change vCSA's default root password management policyHow to add vCSA to Active Directory and how to use Active Directory accounts as vCenter administrator accountsHow Platform Services Controller Global Permissions and Solution Permissions workEnable and secure ESXi hosts fia Lockdown Mode from vCenterThe VMware (Digital) Certificate Authority and its three modes (Default, Enterprise and Custom) and which to useHow to maintain high vCSA service availability through vCSA High Availability configurationsTwo other vCSA high service availability options if you choose not to use vCSA High AvailabilityHow to back up and restore vCenter Appliance configurations using vCSA's VAMI serviceBest practices for securing ESXi and vCSAAccessing vCSA as root from the command lineHow to query, start and restart critical vCSA services from the command line (troubleshooting tip)vCSA log files. Where they are and how to view themChapter 7 - Virtual Machines, Templates, Clones, Hotplug Hardware and Performance Analysis, Tips and TricksRapid VM deployments with Clones and TemplatesTemplate theory, benefits and best practicesVirtual disk formats explained - Thick Disk Lazy Zero, Thick Disk Eager Zero and Thin DiskWhich disk format is best. Performance vs. space efficiency and why Thin Disk is almost always the best format to chooseCold cloning and hot cloning a VMWindows Guest OS Customization using Sysprep and non-Windows Guest OS customizationExporting VMs in Open Virtual Machine Format (OVF) and Open Virtual Machine Archive (OVA) formatsImporting OVF / OVA format VMsVM multi-vCPU core sizing and best practices and how to do itVM memory sizing considerations and best practicesHot-add (almost) any virtual hardware with Hot-plug. How to set it up and how to do itHot-plug vCPU and vRAM strategy, best practices and limitationsHot adding virtual hardware including hot adding virtual disks with no VM down timeHot adding additional vSCSI controllers to a VM. Why do it (hint - performance) and the best vSCSI controllers to use based on use casesUsing virtual NVMe controllers and flash backed storage for the ultimate in VM storage performanceMonitoring VM performance in real time with esxtopDrilling down to VM pCPU core performance with esxtopCommon VM performance issues, how to identify them and how to fix themGreat Guest OS performance monitoring tools. What to use, what to believe and what not to believe when using these toolsChapter 8 - Use VMware Update Manager to Upgrade ESXi hostsUsing command line tools to backup and restore an ESXi hosts configurationConfigure VMware Update ManagersCreate ESXi host Patch BaselinesImporting a new ESXi install media imageAttaching a Host Upgrade patch baselinePerforming host compliance scansUpgrading an ESXi host from ESXi 6.0 to ESXi 6.7Chapter 9 Connecting to Fibre & iSCSI Shared StorageGeneral SAN features and capabilitiesOverview of Fibre Storage NetworksVMware APIs for Array Integration (VAAI)Storage network design for performance and redundancyConnecting to Fibre and iSCSI shared storageiSCSI Hardware and Software InitiatorsiSCSI Static and Send Targets LUN discoveryTroubleshooting storage issuesUse esxtop to review storage controller and datastores configuration and I/O activityChapter 10 Direct VM to SAN Access with Raw Device MapsExplain Physical and Virtual Raw Device Maps (RDMs)Use cases for Raw Device MapsHow Raw Device Maps work with VM cold, VMotion and Storage VMotion migrationsUsing RDMs to implement Virtual and Virtual/Physical Microsoft Fail Over ClustersChapter 11 VMware File System (VMFS)Unique file system properties of VMFSCreating and managing shared VolumesManaging VMFS capacity with LUN spanning and LUN expansionUnderstand VMware multipath optionsBenefits of using vendor multipath solutionsUnderstanding and selecting multipathing policiesVMFS performance, scalability and reliability considerationsReview storage queuing, I/O aborts and other storage issuesDiagnose and troubleshoot storage performanceVMware vSphere Flash Read Cache description and use casesTroubleshooting VMFS issuesUse esxtop to review datastore I/O activityChapter 12 Storage ProfilesSAN and user defined storage profilesUsing storage speed, replication to define storage capabilitiesVMware APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA)Creating VM storage profilesVM/Storage compliance checksRemediating incorrectly placed VMUnderstanding Storage I/O ControlEnable priority storage queues with Storage I/O controlChapter 13 Storage Load Balancing with SDRS ClustersCreating and using Storage Distributed Resource Scheduling clusters (SDRS)Cluster properties for capacity and I/O load balancingBest practices for building storage clustersChapter 14 VMotion Migration, Cold Migration, Storage VMotion (coming soon)Cold Migrations to new ESXi hosts, datastoresHot Migrations with VMotionVMotion requirements and dependenciesHow VMotion works detailed explanationTroubleshooting VMotionStorage VMotion for hot VM disk migrationsChapter 15 VMware High Availability Clusters (coming soon)Minimize unplanned VM down time VMware High Availability clustersVM requirements for HA ClustersStorage fault recovery in High Availability clusters (All Paths Down, Permanent Device Loss)Monitoring VM health in HA clustersAdmission Control policy settings for predictable pCPU/pRAM resource availabilityIdentifying and troubleshooting issues in VMware HA clustersChapter 16 VMware Fault Tolerance (coming soon)Eliminate VM unplanned down time with VMware Fault ToleranceRole of the Primary and Secondary VM in a Fault Tolerance configurationExplain how Fast Checkpointing keeps the Secondary VM vCPU, vRAM, vDisk up to dateEnabling VM Fault ToleranceInitial VM synchronizationTesting Fault ToleranceChapter 17 Distributed vSwitch Features and Scalability (coming soon)Features and benefits of Distributed vSwitchesRole of the DVUplink port groupAdding ESXi hosts to dvSwitchesCreating dvSwitch port groupsMigrating physical NICs and VMkernel ports to dvSwitchesdvSwitch configuration backup and restoreConfiguring custom VM MAC address generation policiesTesting dvSwitch network healtChapter 18 - Final ThoughtsHow to tell if your workload is suitable for virtualizationThe benefits of virtualizing Enterprise Application workloadsHow to mitigate the risks of Virtual Machine theftGreat tips on where to look for additional, quality information on vSphereHow to (Legally) Get all of VMware's Enterprise Class Virtualization Software for Just $200/yearEnd of Course Wind DownChapter 19 - End of Class LectureA quick review of what we covered in this courseA quick introduction to the topics we'll cover in Part-2 of this course"
Price: 199.99

"Android Studio Course. Build Apps. Android 6.0 Marshmallow" |
"Coupons and updates on twitter, follow us @AntPachon.This course will be updated with Android M as soon as there is an available version! This is the only Android course on Udemy taught by an Android expert who makes apps full time for 5+ years for companies such as MasterCard and British Telecom. What is the benefit of this? You will not only learn Android but you will learn how to use the most popular third party libraries, what are the best coding practices, how to structure your app efficiently, tips and libraries that will save you a lot of headaches and a lot of time during the development. During +5 years of development I have learned many ways of doing the same thing, for instance there are three ways of coding a button click or there are hundred of ways and libraries to download an image and display it in your app. In this course I will teach always the easier way and I will show the alternatives, sometimes I even show you the difficult way first and then the easiest way so you know what are you doing and why are you doing it. The instructor will replicate his process to learn from beginner to professional in a way that everybody can understand, simple and efficient, working in the basics and important concepts and teaching how to solve your own problems. After completing four applications, each one a bit more complex, you will be a real Android developer!Captions has been added to all the lessons Note: All the apps developed in this course are compatible with Android L 5.0 (Lollipop) and a video explaining the key features of Android L is added. This course is for anybody who is interested in Android Development; either to create your own application, start a career or increase your current skills. We will take you from zero knowledge to the ability of creating your own apps. Knowledge of Java is not needed. The method of teaching used is 'Learn by Doing'; we're keen to get you using and becoming comfortable with Android Studio in the very first lesson. The lessons are practical and include student exercises with solutions, as well as inside knowledge and tips from your professional tutor. On every lesson there will be some part of an App to develop, if there is any new concept not seen before we will explain it and after that we will practice with it developing that bit. Also we will realize exercises to test that knowledge, explaining it with different solutions after leaving some time for the student to try it on his own. This course has 9.5 hours of videos with four application tutorials. We promote student-tutor interaction. Have any problems? Let us know and we'll answer you as quickly and coherently as possible; either in the form of a new video or a written explanation. - For the first application you will learn how to use the tools correctly, how to create a project and you will understand how android works internally and how the project is structured and to finish we will launch our first Application on a real device or a emulator. - We will continue with a section which will tell you how to find problems, how to understand errors and how to be self sufficient, finding and adding resources to your code so that way you can keep improving applications in your own. - The second application will be a game, called HangDroid a version of the classic hangman, here we will see Android in more depth, learning the basics about screen navigation, view creation, data persistence and much more, finishing with a game where you can play on single player mode or even multi player with another person! - The third application and more important will introduce Fragments, Tabs, Action Bar, Google Maps, Google Admob to monetize your app and will teach how to upload your App to Google Play Store - The fourth application currently under construction is an App that displays posts from Reddit. This allow us to explain how to consume a Rest API, how to make HttpConnection, parse a JSON response and use SQLite to store the posts, being able to see them in offline mode. This course has been created from a developer who learned how to do apps during four years with more than 15 apps, and his idea is to sum up the process of learning, giving it to you with basics examples and teaching you the methodology used to keep learning on your own so at the end of the course you will not only have learned the basics but also be self sufficient on the Android Apps development. This is what our students said : - I have recently enrolled into your course on Udemy for Android, I have to say I am loving the course and must give yourself top marks for the teaching style and presentation of the tutorials - I tried develop in Eclipse IDE with plugin ADT. But i had much errors, not with develop application, but with Eclipse. Solve all errors take me time. And i used AVD from Eclipse, omg it take even more than 10 - 15 minutes to run project. Again waste of time. But than i find your course. It is about 3 day ago. I switched to Android Studio, i start learning lot of about develop java android app. You help me make "move" things. I see progress with my android develop skills."
Price: 49.99

"Web Design for Educators" |
"Do you feel like you are behind the curve when it comes to technology? Get totally overwhelmed at the thought of learning how to create a website, and upgrade your tech skills for the classroom? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tech is taking over the classroom, and educators need something geared towards them! Who this is for: This course is built on the inspiration of my 20 years of teaching experience, and having taught thousands of educators about tech. It is geared towards 1) Teachers, 2) Professors, 3) TAs. If you are any form of educator, this is the perfect course to build your tech skills quickly and easily. Use the skills you will learn in this course to.. Build or edit a website fast Create content and publish your work online Build online quizzes that you can grade in 1/10 the time of a paper quiz The down and dirty of hosting, HMTL, links and more (don't worry - we keep it simple!) This is the ONLY website course specifically geared towards educators. Skip all the necessary, complicated aspects of web design, and learn EXACTLY what you need to know upgrade your skills for the classroom. Enroll now and let's get started! - Todd, Educator of 20 years, Ed-Tech Expert"
Price: 49.99

"Graphic design - The Quick Guide" |
"Hi there! My name is Frank, from Ideaquirk! I would like to tell you something about my experience as a graphic designer. My passion for this job started when I was still a child. I just loved to draw, sketch and communicate my ideas this way, so as soon as I had my first computer I started studying really hard the most famous design softwares. After few years, despite the fact that I was mastering these tools, I could see that my works were always missing something and I so I was getting frustrated: how comes that, even though I am studying so hard, I'm not improving the quality of my works? The answer was that I forgot about something really important! The basic rules of graphic design! Design, first of all, is all about communication and psychology! Fortunately for designers, there are solid rules that you can learn and afterwards, use them in order to communicate your idea in a more effective way! Of course, you have to study them! So, how comes that many designers still avoid to acknowledge them? Simply because getting your hands on the paper (or on the keyboard) is much more fun! however, this without a basic idea will turn into frustration very much soon! It can be avoided. With this I can help you. I produced this quick course for people who can't wait to start producing their own artworks. I summarized all the most important concepts of design in a 40 minutes. I couldn't be more concise! Learning these basic concepts, will help you to have better results in your works immediately. They will also be a solid base for your further studies! If you are like me, and you like to learn while having fun, this course is just made for you! Frank"
Price: 29.99

"The Game Theory - John Nash" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Nobel Prize winner John Nash, one of the most famous scientists of our time, takes us into the heart of the theory of games. Is it possible to build a mathematical model of behavior from a game of chess? An innovative theory for understanding the elaborate strategies that underlie the choices of men. A rational approach that has become a point of reference in many different fields, from economics to psychology to political science. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in science and who would like to learn more about theory of games and its use in different fields Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 22 lectures and 1 hour of content! 22 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn what the game theory is You will learn how the game theory can be used in everyday life You will learn how game theory is closely related to mathematics and how from a game of chess it is possible to build a mathematical model of behavior. From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"DNA the Secret of Life - James Watson" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass we will see the discovery of the structure of DNA through the words of one of its creators, the Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine James Watson. In the mid-nineteenth century biology had taken great leaps and bounds thanks to the research of Mendel and the discovery of DNA. A century later, a couple of fundamental questions still keep scientists searching: what is DNA made up and how is its hereditary information transmitted? The story of a sensational discovery and the dawn of a new era in genetics. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 20 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! You will learn what DNA is You will learn how DNA was discovered and its structure You will learn how DNA is made up and how its hereditary information is trasmitted From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTv gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"The Theory of Numbers - Andrew Wiles" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Andrew Wiles, one of the great mathematicians of our time, guides us into the fascinating world of numbers. The principles and developments of the theory of numbers, the discipline that the famous scientist Gauss called the queen of mathematics""; a journey among its leading figures, an inheritance of theories and puzzles handed down to us, the progress of a subject matter that is constantly evolving. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in science and who would like to learn more about theory of numbers and its developments Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 22 lectures and 1 hour of content! 22 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn what the theory of numbers is You will learn how Andrew Wiles discovered his proof of Fermat's Last Theorem You will learn how mathematicians think while discovering a theorem. From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"Maxwell: Electricity, magnetism and light - S. L. Glashow" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Sheldon Lee Glashow, Nobel Prize Winner for Physics in 1979, describes the history of electromagnetism. Electricity and magnetism; two physical phenomena strongly linked to each other, two forces that have revolutionized everyday life. From Franklin's lightning rod to the experiments of Galvani and Volta, and the fundamental discoveries of Faraday and Maxwell; the path of science to the conquest of electricity and its unlimited power. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in science and who would like to learn more aboutphysics, electricity, magnetism, light etc. Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 25 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! 22 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn what the electricity and magnetism are You will learn how Maxwell showed that electricity, magnetism, and light are together manifestations of the same phenomenon: the electromagnetic radiation You will learn physics like never before From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"Presocratics and the Birth of Philosophy - Emanuele Severino" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Emanuele Severino, one of the most important contemporary Italian philosophers, explains us Presocratics and the birth of philosophy. The Presocratics were the first thinkers to reject mythological explanations of the world and to explore the rational principles of reality. The works of Thales, Heraclitus and Parmenides paved the way for the thoughts of Plato and Aristotle; their theories gave the birth of the Western philosophy. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in birth of philosophy and presocratics Anyone with Interest in philosophy Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any philosophical skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 27 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! 24 masterclasses and 1.5 hour and more of content You will learn about the Presocratic Philosophers and their theories You will learn how the Western philosophy was born You will take a deep dive into philosophical world From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"The String theory - Edward Witten" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass we will see the String Theory and the Superstrings through the words of Edward Witten, the Fields Medal Winner in 1990. One of the most fascinating physical theories, the string theory, as told by one of its greatest interprets, Edward Witten. The dream of science is to unify all physical phenomena into a single theory that can explain space, time and every force of the universe; the string theory, its origins and its many variations, the search for the ultimate understanding of reality. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in science and who would like to learn more about theory of games and its use in different fields Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 22 lectures and 1 hour of content! 22 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn what the game theory is You will learn how the game theory can be used in everyday life You will learn how game theory is closely related to mathematics and how from a game of chess it is possible to build a mathematical model of behavior. From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99
