"The Human Genome - James Watson" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introductory Promo - Buy any 2 courses from us, and get 1 course of your choice free. Price to go up soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass the great scientist James Watson, Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine in 1962, tells us about the Human Genome Project and his ambitions. In 1988, when the U.S. Congress gave the official go-ahead to the Human Genome Project, it opened a season of great excitement in the field of biology. The objective was to identify the genetic code that every human being carries in its cells. The fundamental stages of a race to reach the sequence of life. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in science and who would like to learn more about human genome and its development in biology and medicinal field Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 24 lectures and 1 hour of content! 21 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn how The Human Genome Project determined the sequence of the human genome and identified the genes that it contains You will learn the history of human genome by James Watson, one of the discoverers of the structure of DNA From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV and The Thought Flame gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"Max Planck Sheldon Lee Glashow" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Sheldon Lee Glashow presents a revolutionary theory and its creator. The insights, experiments and achievements of Max Planck and his successors. How the understanding of the invisible structure of matter has paved the way for futuristic technological applications, from the laser to the cellular phone. It's a new vision of physics; one of the most famous theories but also the most complex of modern science. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in science and who would like to learn more about Max Planck and his quantum theory Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 25 lectures and 1.5 hour of content! 24 masterclasses and 1.5 hour and more of content You will learn how Max Planck originated quantum theory and what quanta are You will learn how the discovery of quanta is fundamental also in everyday life From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"Economics, Ethics and Justice - Amartya Sen" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Nobel Prize Winner for Economics, Amartya Sen, invites us to reflect on the key concepts of economics, ethics and justice. Is it possible to combine ethical values with the laws of the market? What are the definitions of social justice and well-being? The sharp analysis of economist Amartya Sen and his idea of economic development, inseparable from the values of democracy and freedom. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in economics and who would like to learn more about how ethical values could combine with laws of economics. Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any economic skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 21 lectures and 1 hour of content! 18 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn how the key concepts of economics, ethics and justice are connected to each other You will learn how Amartya Sen suggested a theory capable of regulating the distribution of costs and benefits of social life From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 19.99

"The invention of the Euro - Robert Mundell" |
"In this masterclass we will see the birth of the single European currency in the tale of one of the protagonists of contemporary economics, Nobel laureate Robert Mundell. In January 1999 the euro officially came into effect, which now interests 18 countries and more than three hundred million people. A thorough look into the journey of the single European currency, from the beginnings to the financial crisis of recent years, the risks and challenges of the near future. From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTv gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us."
Price: 24.99

"The Stock Market - Robert Merton" |
"In this masterclass Economist Robert Merton, Nobel Prize Winner in 1997, reveals to us the mechanisms of the stock market and financial economy. A journey into the complex world of finance and the stock market, including mortgage loans and derivatives, speculative bubbles and mathematical models; in a clear and precise presentation, the opportunities and risks of a fundamental instrument for understanding the evolution of the economy. From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTv gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us."
Price: 24.99

"The economic model of emerging countries - Michael Spence" |
"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First time on Udemy, course delivered by Nobel laureates themselves. Here is what our students have to say about the course: "The specialty of the course being that you are with a Noble Laureate and getting into his views and ideas in a plain and simple mode just for layman term. One of the best course, indeed." - Prabhakar "Amazing course. instructor was so knowledgeable and a details information on Industrial growth. highly recommended.." - Somenath "It is really deep and global course will make you understand the advanced level of economic conditions of the global economies" - Mujahid "I am very thankful that I become part of this course. Truly it's more than worth the amount of what it was offered to enroll in this course." - Marvin And Many more.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this masterclass Nobel laureate Michael Spence presents the new economic players and the challenges of the global world. At the dawn of the third millennium, there are new players that have taken the economic stage: they are the emerging economies, in particular, the so-called BRIC group (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and south-east Asia; the story of their overwhelming development, lights and shadows of the new dynamics of the global economy. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in economics and who would like to learn more about economic model of emerging countries Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any economic skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 20 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! 17 masterclasses and 1 hour and more of content You will learn which the new emerging countries are at the dawn of the third millennium You will learn about economic phases of development and recession in the different historical periods From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV and The Thought Flame gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"Lavoisier and Mendeleev - Harold Kroto" |
"'Recognized as a top instructor by Udemy for high quality academic courses' 'First time on Udemy, courses delivered by Nobel Prize laureates and international academic authorities'If you are as crazy and passionate about true knowledge as our community and believe that true knowledge is true wealth, then our courses are for you. In this masterclass Nobel laureate Harold Kroto leads us into the fascinating world of modern chemistry. From the experiments of alchemists, among philosophy and religion, to the Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed" of Lavoisier, up to the invention of the periodic table of Mendeleev: the birth, development and future scenarios of science that inquires into the nature of the universe. This course is for: Anyone with inquisitive and open mind Everyone interested in science and who would like to learn more about Lavoisier and Mendeleev and the periodic table Anyone with Interest in science Anyone with true passion for leaning and attaining true knowledge at an affordable price. Attending the course does not need any scientific skill since it is presented in a clear and simple manner Anyone who appreciates and admires the knowledge brought to our race from Nobel Prize laureates' works. With this course you will learn: Over 29 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! 26 masterclasses and 1.5 hour and more of content You will learn why Lavoisier is today considered the father of modern chemistry You will learn about the invention of the periodic table of elements of Mendeleev From literature to economics, art to philosophy, EdooTV gives voice to the world's leading experts, describing and sharing ideas and knowledge that are essential for all of us. Don't wait, be a part of this amazing community now. Knowledge and ability to think with open mind is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Feel free to contact us for bulk buying and corporate deals as well."
Price: 24.99

"Beginners Guide to Creating Your Own WordPress Web Shop" |
"At the end of my course students will be able to create their own wordpress web shop within 1 hour! GONE are the days where you have to work for weeks before being able to launch that webshop for yourself or your clients! MULTIPLY YOUR PROFITS WHILE GAINING MORE FREE TIME RIGHT NOW! This course is for those who aspire to create their own webshop in order to join thousands if not millions of others who already have their own web shop and have their own ecommerce store in order to sell their own made products, courses and more! If you take this course you will be able to create YOUR OWN WEBSHOP WITHIN 1 DAY! That is if you follow the instructions which are suprisingly easy to follow! In this course we will learn: How to choose a domain name and host.What content management system to use and how to aquire this.What necessary plugins we will need.How to configure the web shop to your needs.Learn to customize the look of the web shop to make it look proffesional.Learn how to create different payment options on your webshop.How to do some VITAL keyword research in order to MAXIMIZE your PROFITS!How to create and promote yourself on social media.What we are going to need for this course is a computer with working hardware and the internet. You can create a proffesional and attractive web shop within 1 day. How great would it be if you can start profiting within the same day that you bought this course? Amazing right? With this ecommerce store this will be no problem at all especially if you do some keyword research that will be explained in this course BONUS video! This course is amazingly great to add to your web development courses portofolio as you now master one more part of web development and web design. After this course you will be happy you did not miss out on this amazing course on how to create your own money making ecommerce store."
Price: 69.99

"Java Programmieren fr Anfnger - Der Ultimative Java Kurs" |
"Lerne die Grundlagen, Werkzeuge und Funktionen die Du brauchen wirst um voll funktionsfhige Programme mit der populren Programmiersprache Java zu erstellen. Bilde eine starke Grundlage in Java und Objekt-Orientierter Programmierung mit diesem Tutorial fr Anfnger Installation des Java Development Kits Datentypen und Operatoren Objekt- Orientierte Programmierung (OOP), Klassen und Objekte Schleifen und Bedingungen Diese Mchtige Fhigkeit direkt an deinen Fingerspitzen Durch das Lernen der Grundlagen von Java bekommst Du eine neues Mchtiges Werkzeug. Java ist kostenlos und leicht zu lernen, es hat eine umfangreiche Dokumentation und ist die Basis aller Objekt Orientierten Programmiersprachen. Es gibt viele freie Positionen im Bereich der Java Entwicklung. Auerdem wird Dir die Fhigkeit Java programmieren zu knnen extrem dabei helfen andere Objekt Orientiere Programmiersprachen so wie C++, C#, Ruby und Pascal in sehr kurzer Zeit zu erlernen. Inhalt und bersicht Perfekt fr die ersten Schritte in der Programmierung, wirst du in diesem Kurs in 85 Lektionen und 8 Stunden Inhalt wirst Du alle Grundlagen der Java Entwicklung lernen und dadurch ein starkes Verstndnis der Konzepte der Objekt Orientierten Programmierung lernen. Jedes Kapitel wird mit einer bungsaufgabe abgeschlossen, sodass Du deine neu erlernten Fhigkeiten direkt anwenden kannst. Wir beginnen mit der Installation des Java Development Kit, danach fhre ich Dich durch die Datentypen und Variablen und zeige Dir wie sie funktionieren. Danach wirst Du mit Hilfe von Klassen und Objekten ein hohes Verstndnis der Objekt Orientierten Programmierung erhalten. Sobald diese Grundlagen gemeistert sind, wird dich dieser Kurs dich durch weitere wichtige Bestandteile der Java Programmierung fhren. Dabei wirst du lernen wie du die verschiedenen Schleifen-arten verwenden kannst und sehen wie man ein Programm entwickeln kann, das Entscheidungen trifft. Du lernst dadurch auch komplexere Programme zu schreiben. Kursteilnehmer die den Kurs fertigstellen, werden ein umfangreiches Wissen in Java entwickeln, sodass sie eigene ntzliche Java Programme entwickeln knnen. Vollende den Kurs mit zustzlichen bungsaufgaben, Codebeispielen und Quizes, die es Dir noch leichter machen dein gelerntes Wissen zu festigen. Sollte Dir der Kurs nicht gefallen, hast Du 30 Tage um die Kosten komplett erstattet zu bekommen."
Price: 199.99

"Spiele entwickeln mit Unity 3D- Erstelle eigene Games in C#" |
"Update: Fragen in diesem Kurs werden nicht mehr von uns beantwortet. Wenn Du einen aktuellen Kurs haben mchtest, mit Support, dann schau dir bitte unseren neuesten Unity 3D Kurs an. Lerne wie man Videospiele mit Unity 3D, dem kostenlosen Speileentwicklungsprogramm erstellt.Wir fangen mit extrem einfachen kleinen Schritten an, es ist also egal ob Du bereits Programmieren kannst, oder ein kompletter Anfnger bist.Einstieg in UnityProgrammierung in C#Coole Animationen erstellenBenutzung von Unity's Physics SystemMens und Einstellungen erstellenErstellung von 2D und 3D SpielenUnd vieles mehr!Du erhltst grandiosen Support von mir und meinem Assistenten. Folglich stehen wir Dir zur Seite, falls Du mal nicht weiter weit.Der Kurs ist komplett Projekt basiert, also keine ewig lange Theorie, sondern direkt coole eigene Spiele. Du entwickelst also von Anfang an echte Spiele.Nachdem wir die Grundlagen der Programmiersprache C#, in etwa einer Stunde durchgearbeitet haben, beginnen wir bereits mit unserem ersten Spiel. Einem Space Invader Clon. Dabei wirst Du direkt lernen wie man einen Figur bewegt, wie man Spielephysik einfgt etc.Danach werden wir uns an ein alt bewhrtes super Spiel machen ""Minesweeper"". Dabei handelt es sich um einen mega Klassiker. Dabei lernst Du Spielelemente wie Timer, Highscores, Verschiedene Bedienelemente etc. kennen.Mit Minesweeper ist es aber noch nicht erledigt. Wir werden uns auch um Pong kmmern, einem anderen Klassiker. Hierbei werden wir uns jedoch vor Allem mit Mens, Spieleinstellungen und der Knstlichen Intelligenz kmmern.Als krnenden Abschluss erstellen wir ein super umfangreiches Tower Defense Spiel. Diese Spieleart ist extrem beliebt und Du kannst ihn danach komplett anpassen und Dein eigenes Mega Spiel daraus machen.Dieser Kurs ist das Beste was es im deutschsprachigen Raum gibt. Es ist folglich der ideale Kurs, wenn es darum geht geniale Videospiele mit Unity 5 zu entwickeln. Dem Tool, dass es ermglicht Spiele fr iOS, Android, PC, Xbox, PS4 etc. zu entwickeln und welches von einigen groen Entwicklerstudios verwendet wird.Nimm jetzt teil! Du wirst es nicht bereuen!"
Price: 144.99

"Die komplette Java 11 Masterclass -von 0 auf 100 in 6 Wochen" |
"Starte mit diesem Kurs in deine neue Zukunft als Software-Entwickler. Die Nachfrage an Java-Entwickler steigt stetig weiter, ein guter Zeitpunkt um jetzt durchzustarten.Lerne die Grundlagen, Werkzeuge und Funktionen die Du brauchen wirst um voll funktionsfhige Programme mit der populren Programmiersprache Java zu erstellen.Warum dieser Kurs?Der Kurs holt dich ganz einfach genau da ab wo du bist und bringt dich an dein Ziel. Egal ob du ein kompletter Anfnger bist der noch nie eine Zeile Code geschrieben hat oder ein Erfahrener Programmierer der seine Fhigkeiten in der Objektorientierten Programmierung verbessern mchte. Ich habe selber viele Jahre fr Oracle gearbeitet und wei genau wobei es bei der Entwicklung mitJava ankommt. Der Kurs wird auch regelmig mit zustzlichen Inhalten ergnzt, so bleibst du mit diesem Kurs auf dem neusten Stand.Ablauf des KursesMit jedem Abschnitt steigst du tiefer in die Welt von Java ein. Mit extra Prsentationen, Quizzen, Artikeln, bungsaufgaben und Projekten werden wir dein neu erhaltenes Wissen so effizient wie nur mglich festigen.Es gibt viele freie Positionen im Bereich der Java Entwicklung. Auerdem wird Dir die Fhigkeit Java programmieren zu knnen extrem dabei helfen andere Objekt Orientiere Programmiersprachen so wie C++, C#, Ruby und Pascal in sehr kurzer Zeit zu erlernen. Sobald die Grundlagen gemeistert sind, wird dich dieser Kurs durch weitere wichtige Bestandteile der Java Programmierung fhren. Wir schauen uns Themen wie Klassen, Vererbung, Polymorphie an. Danach bist du in der Lage auch komplexere Programme zu schreiben. Kursteilnehmer die den Kurs fertigstellen, werden ein umfangreiches Wissen in Java entwickeln, sodass sie eigene ntzliche Java Programme entwickeln knnen. Du gehst kein Risiko ein. Wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefallen sollte, dann kannst du mit dem 30 Tgigen Rckgaberecht den Kurs jederzeit zurckgeben. Auerdem erhltst du von mir in den Foren jederzeit Hilfe."
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass in Python and R" |
"This course contains over 200 lessons, quizzes, practical examples, ... - the easiest way if you want to learn Machine Learning. Step by step I teach you machine learning. In each section you will learn a new topic - first the idea / intuition behind it, and then the code in both Python and R.Machine Learning is only really fun when you evaluate real data. That's why you analyze a lot of practical examples in this course:Estimate the value of used carsWrite a spam filterDiagnose breast cancerAll code examples are shown in both programming languages - so you can choose whether you want to see the course in Python, R, or in both languages!After the course you can apply Machine Learning to your own data and make informed decisions:You know when which models might come into question and how to compare them. You can analyze which columns are needed, whether additional data is needed, and know which data needs to be prepared in advance. This course covers the important topics:RegressionClassificationOn all these topics you will learn about different algorithms. The ideas behind them are simply explained - not dry mathematical formulas, but vivid graphical explanations.We use common tools (Sklearn, NLTK, caret, data.table, ...), which are also used for real machine learning projects. What do you learn?Regression:Linear RegressionPolynomial RegressionClassification:Logistic RegressionNaive BayesDecision treesRandom ForestYou will also learn how to use Machine Learning:Read in data and prepare it for your modelWith complete practical example, explained step by stepFind the best hyper parameters for your model""Parameter Tuning""Compare models with each other:How the accuracy value of a model can mislead you and what you can do about itK-Fold Cross ValidationCoefficient of determinationMy goal with this course is to offer you the ideal entry into the world of machine learning."
Price: 199.99

"Die komplette Unity & C# Masterclass - Entwickle 5 Spiele" |
"Lerne wie man Videospiele mit Unity 3D, dem kostenlosen Speileentwicklungsprogramm erstellt.Wir fangen mit sehr einfachen kleinen Schritten an, es spielt also keine Rolle, ob Du bereits Programmieren kannst, oder ein blutiger Anfnger bist.Einstieg in UnityProgrammierung in C#Coole Animationen erstellenBenutzung von Unity's Physics SystemMens und Einstellungen erstellenErstellung von 2D und 3D SpielenUnd vieles mehr!Der Kurs ist komplett Projekt basiert. Du musst dich also nicht erst durch langweilige Theorie durchkmpfen, sondern baust schon frh im Kurs coole eigene Spiele. Du entwickelst quasi von Anfang an echte Spiele.Die Spiele die Du entwickeln wirst:Space InvadersFruit NinjaAngry BirdsTower Defense3D First Person Ego ShooterNachdem wir die Grundlagen der Programmiersprache C#, in etwa einer Stunde durchgearbeitet haben, beginnen wir bereits mit unserem ersten Spiel. Einem Space Invader Clon. Dabei wirst Du direkt lernen wie man einen Figur bewegt, wie man Spielephysik einfgt etc.Der Kurs ist natrlich befllt mit bungsaufgaben und Quizzen, die es dir ermglichen dein gelerntes Wissen zu festigen und zu besttigen.Danach werden wir uns an eines der erfolgreichsten mobilen Spiele machen: Fruit Ninja. Dabei handelt es sich um einen mega Hit. Dabei lernst Du Spielelemente wie Spawner, Highscores, Touch Implementierung, die Vorbereitung frs Verwenden auf Handys und vieles mehr.Mit Fruit Ninja ist es aber noch nicht erledigt. Wir werden uns auch um Angry Birds kmmern, einem anderen Klassiker. Hierbei werden wir uns jedoch vor Allem mit Mens, Spieleinstellungen, Level Design und Als viertes Projekte erstellen wir ein super umfangreiches Tower Defense Spiel. Dieser Spieletyp ist extrem beliebt und Du kannst ihn danach komplett anpassen und Dein eigenes Mega Spiel daraus machen. Das gilt brigens fr alle Projekte in diesem Kurs. Du darfst sie alle nach deinen Wnschen erweitern und verffentlichen.Als krnenden Abschluss erstellen wir einen 3D Ego Shooter. Dabei wirst du lernen wie man:Animationen verwendetEine 3D Welt schafftViele Assets kombiniertScripting/Coding auf der nchsten EbeneUnd vieles mehrDieser Kurs ist das Beste was es im deutschsprachigen Raum gibt. Das wei ich, weil meine bisherigen Unity Kurs die erfolgreichsten waren und ich diesen nochmal viel besser gemacht habe. Der Kurs kombiniert meine Erfahrungen aus 5 Jahren Unity Entwicklung und drei Erfolgreichen Unity Kurs Erstellungen.Es ist folglich der ideale Kurs, wenn es darum geht geniale Videospiele mit Unity 3D 2019 zu entwickeln. Dem Tool, dass es ermglicht Spiele fr iOS, Android, PC, Xbox, PS$4 etc. zu entwickeln und welches von einigen groen Entwicklerstudios verwendet wird."
Price: 199.99

"How to market yourself (and your purpose) authentically." |
"350 + Students discovering themselves, their truth, their purpose and their message: "Lena is detail-orientated, knowledgeable and patient. She has a clear concept of your needs and addresses them by giving you short-term and long-term goals within your reach. She encourages and guides you. She offers her experience in a variety of fields for you to adapt to your necessities." Carol Graham - Author (Washington, United States) "Your dedication and integrity to your craft is admirable. I have enjoyed the process of clarifying my message, creating a brand that feels authentic and which reflects the truth of who I am and what I offer. I can highly recommend your services to anyone who is ready to take that next courageous step in their business, and I can guarantee that they will NOT be disappointed with the abundant SuperNova magic you provide! Thank you!" Eleftheria - Sacred Feminine Alchemist Facilitator (Cape Town, South Africa) Here's what you should know about this course. How to's and check lists are great, and you'll get some powerhouse tools to meet those needs ... but this isn't a course that lives on paper. It's a being process. What that means is it lives in the application. So most of the learning and mentorship happens within and around this course in a specialized community that's designed to help you win. That's why when you sign up for this program you have life time access to unlimited upgrades, specialized content, and front row seats to experiences that amplify your brand and marketing in a purposeful authentic ways. If you're up for personalizing your learning, make use of the private tribe platform. Here's your invitation to customise your experience ... and actually get mentored in the process! I've distilled the soul of an $299 program into this course - without taking anything out - and it's been a game-changer of note in my life, and in the brands of my clients. See you inside !!! So what's this all about? In a world of cold calling, spam, and power-house sales, there are a lot of entrepreneurs (specifically purpose centred ones) who struggle to put themselves out there. Maybe sales feel foreign. Or the idea of blogging leaves you breaking out in hives. Perhaps the only kind of networking you end up doing at those networking events, is with your mobile / or is it the snacks table? Maybe just maybe, marketing makes you want to drop your head in the sand. Or perhaps this whole thing feels like an out of body experience. Chances are things feel inauthentic. And thats why youre brushing up with all this resistance. We see how some of the big guys (and the want-to-be's) are amplifying themselves and making millions in ROI. Great! But all of that gives me the chills. How about you? It's all so pushy - salesy - celeb driven and above all very over produced and fake. Over the years I had to personify my success formula, and tune into whats genuine for me In meeting those moments, and stepping into those spaces I discovered a little bit more of who I am and what it is that I offer. And above all, the why! From there people started drifting into my orbit asking me how to market themselves authentically and to cut a long story short here we are. This is an online course that helps you discover your authentic self, anchor your brand, and deliver something that's genuine and purposeful. It's actually the distilled essence of one of my most popular coaching programs that get's raving reviews such as: Lena is a very insightful. The sessions I had with her evolved easily through my ideas that were very vague to come to a more workable tangible plan. I have worked with two other business coaches locally and neither one was able to help me in the way that Lena has. She is knowlegable in the work of creating and establishing a business and is also a skilled coach. I highly recommend her services and I have been doing exactly that! Thank you Lena I am very grateful for your grace in conversation and your instinct and insights." Catherine - Australia Though a series of videos, presentations, illuminating resources, insightful assignments and a dedicated support group - this course will introduce you to what it takes to be an authentic brand ambassador when it comes to the business of you. Lena Ski"
Price: 24.99

"Writing Dynamic Dialogue 1 - Basics" |
"Taught by author/writing coach Doug Kurtz, this course is for novelists and short fiction writers who are ready to walk the talk and start crafting dialogue that drives plot, develops characters and keeps the pages turning. Fast-paced video instruction (approximately 45 minutes), on-screen examples, self-guided exercises and quizzes will help you master dialogue mechanics, attribution and beats, and leverage these core elements into more dynamic, revelatory conversations. When the course is over, you'll know: Why agents and publishers look at dialogue to judge the quality of a manuscript Why dialogue must give readers the experience of eavesdropping on characters How to write dialogue that serves the needs of the story, not the writer How to avoid writing expository dialogue that patronizes the reader How to properly format and punctuate dialogue How to use punctuation to create conversational effects that mimic real speech How to write transparent attributions (tags) that strengthen your dialogue How to avoid self-conscious attributions (tags) that pull readers out of the story How to write dialogue beats that vivify, texture and pace your story conversations How to write beats that 'show' their meaning rather than foisting it upon the reader How to detect and revise common dialogue beat 'offenses' How to bring the course material into your writing without feeling overwhelmed Lots more... The course is broken into two sections--"Small Talk" and "Conversation"--each of which consists of three compact, text-enhanced lectures. In addition to short-answer quizzes, sections include writing, reading and observation exercises that MUST be completed before students can expect to bring the course material successfully into their writing. This course is the first in a two-part series designed give serious writers the knowledge and skills they need to craft publishable, professional-level dialogue. You'll leave more intelligent, intentional and informed about how you approach this key aspect of storytelling."
Price: 29.99

"Web Design for Beginners: Real World Coding in HTML & CSS" |
"You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy site-builder"" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!I have helped over 100,000 students and have received the following feedback: A fantastic course clear, definite and engaging.""Presentation is concise without being tedious you honestly feel that you have a thorough understanding of the subject.""[Brad] explained the process. Not memorize this or that, he explained the process. If you're looking to take a course to understand the foundations of creating websites, look no further.""Brad definitely has some of the best techniques to embed the lesson into your mind hands down these are the best tutorials I have had the opportunity to view.""I found this course really helpful and I highly recommend it all things you learn are seen in action instantly.""Brad has put together a great foundation for any body wishing to get a good understanding with front end web-development.""I would definitely recommend this course to most folks I know who want to learn web design."""
Price: 129.99

"Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git" |
"Git Complete This course is designed to be a comprehensive approach to Git, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required but students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and hands-on experience with Git and related source control concepts. Recent Course UpdatesAdded Updates and Errata sectionAdded Tagging section Course Outline Course Introduction and Overview provides an introduction to this course and the Git source control system and sets the stage for the rest of the course. After the introduction, the first thing we do is Git Installation for both Windows and Mac. Quick Start a very quick (15 minutes), hands-on introduction to Git. We start off by signing up for GitHub, creating a repository there, the makiing a local copy (clone), local changes (add/commit) and then update GitHub with our changes (push). In Basic Commands, we walk through all the foundational commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository's history. With a strong foundation in place, we explore ways to make Comparisons in Git, including all the different local states, between commits, and between local and remote repositories. We give great attending to Branching and Merging in Git. We start off with the simple ""happy path"" and learn about ""Fast-Forward"" merges and how to control them. The we walk through common ""automatic"" merges. Finally, we cause trouble on purpose so we can step through resolving conflicting merges with our visual merge tool. With a strong foundation in branching and merging, we will then cover a more complex topic, Rebasing. In that section, we cover several rebasing examples, including how to resolve a rebase conflict. In the Stashing section, we save our work-in-progress while we attend to more pressing issues, then pick up where we left off after that. NEW: In the Tagging section, we mark important milestones or releases within our project. We also use those tags later for comparing differences between important milestones. We also look at how to use tags within GitHub. All tools have installation and configuration sections to ensure no one is left behind. Course Features Presentations provide audio/video training of conceptual ideas. Since few like slide-ware presentations, slide-presentations are kept to a minimum. Screencasts provide a video of the instructor's computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated. There is nearly 4 hours of screencast based video training in order to step through each command or action in sufficient detail. Several attachments and document lectures throughout the course provide supplemental information, illustrations, or other reference material. Moving Forward This course will expand periodically to include more topics, supporting materials and bonus content! Some content may be in direct response to student feedback or discussions -- so get engaged with the course discussions feature!"
Price: 199.99

"Git Going Fast: One Hour Git Crash Course" |
"Git Going Fast: One Hour Crash Course This course is designed to cut academic theory to just the key concepts and focus on basics tasks in Git in order to be productive quickly. Students can expect to learn the minimum needed to start using Git in less than an hour. Recent Course UpdatesOctober 17th: Added Updates and Errata section Course Outline Course Introduction and Overview provides an introduction to this course and the Git source control system. Key concepts and the basic workflow are discussed. Setup and Configuration provides step-by-step instructions on how to setup Git for Windows and Mac OS X, how to use Git's help command, and how to setup the minimum required configuration to start using Git. In Working with Git Locally, we walk through all the commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository's history. Going Remote covers publishing the locally created repository (previous section) on GitHub. Starting off by setting up SSH authentication, creating the remote version of our repository, linking the local repository with the remote version on GitHub, and finally sending our changes up to remote repository. Course Features Presentations provide audio/video training of conceptual ideas. Since few like slide-ware presentations, slide-presentations are kept to a minimum. Screencasts provide a video of the instructor's computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated. There is a total of 56 minutes of video based training in this course (Presentation + Screencasts, excluding Promo Video). Following each lecture or group of related lectures in the demo sections of the course are Command Listing lectures that serve as reference and reminder of the commands used in the previous lecture(s). Each Command Listing includes the exact listings used in the previous lectures and a reference guide for newly introduced commands. All commands used in this course are available through the Command Listing lectures. The four Quizzes reinforce the key concepts by testing your newly learned knowledge throughout the course. Several attachments throughout the course provide supplemental information, illustrations, or other reference material. Moving Forward Students can checkout my last lecture on other Git related resources. The instructor is available for simple questions by email and can provide customized paid instruction upon request -- go the the author's profile for contact."
Price: 19.99

"Vagrant Up! Comprehensive development system automation" |
"Vagrant UP This is a comprehensive course designed to show how to setup local development environments using Vagrant and related tools. Just Updated: May 25, 2015! New bonus section added (Chef Solo). Course Outline Introduction provides an overview for the course, cover the core concepts for Vagrant, how to get the course materials. Installation provides step-by-step instructions on how to setup Vagrant, VirtualBox, and other tools needed for the rest of the course on both Windows and Mac platforms. Getting Started walks through the basics of using Vagrant and how to version control (using Git) a project using Vagrant. Boxes covers how to find, manage and use Vagrant boxes. Plugins walks through finding, using and managing plugins in Vagrant in order to extend Vagrant's functionality. Provisioning covers how to write file and shell provisioners to automatically install software when Vagrant first runs or on demand. After learning the basics of provisioning, this section ends with a full-fledged LAMP-stack provisioned. Multiple Virtual Machines walks through using Vagrant with a multiple VM configuration, when we dissect the LAMP stack in the previous section and create two virtual machine definitions within one configuration file. Conclusion has some final thoughts on Vagrant and provides links to resources for additional learning. Bonus! sections feature advanced topics like creating custom Vagrant boxes and using the Chef Solo provisioner. Course Features Presentations provide audio/video training of conceptual ideas in each major area or introduction of new concepts. Screencasts provide a video of the instructor's computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated. There are several hours of screencat video content -- it makes up the vast majority of the course. Any command line based screencast will include a command listing in the lecture downloads. Several attachments throughout the course provide supplemental information, illustrations, or other reference material."
Price: 149.99

"Git Going with Comparing, Branching and Merging" |
"Git Going with Comparing, Branching and MergingAre you sure how to compare between commits, branches or the three states of Git? Do merges cause you trouble? What is a rebase, anyway?In this course, students will walk though comparing (diffs), branching, merging and rebasing in Git. At the end of this course, students will have a firm understanding and experience with those paricular aspects of Git. Note: This is not a comprehensive course on Git -- we focus exclusively on comparing, branching, merging, and rebasing.Recent Course UpdatesOctober 17: Added Updates and Errata sectionCourse OutlineCourse Introduction and Overview provides an introduction to this course.After the introduction, the first thing we do is Git Installation for both Windows and Mac. There are dedicated sections for Windows and Mac -- so students can jump directly to the lectures specifically designed for their system. After the installation process, we will download the example project repository from GitHub (clone) which we will use throughout the course.After installation and downloading the example project, we explore ways to make Comparisons in Git, including all the different local states, between commits, and between local and remote repositories.We give great attending to Branching and Merging in Git. We start off with the simple ""happy path"" and learn about ""Fast-Forward"" merges and how to control them. The we walk through common ""automatic"" merges. Finally, we cause trouble on purpose so we can step through resolving conflicting merges with our visual merge tool.With a strong foundation in branching and merging, we will then cover a more complex topic, Rebasing. In that section, we cover several rebasing examples, including how to resolve a rebase conflict.All tools have installation and configuration sections to ensure no one is left behind.Course FeaturesPresentations provide audio/video training of conceptual ideas. Since few like slide-ware presentations, slide-presentations are kept to a minimum.Screencasts provide a video of the instructor's computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated. There is nearly 2 hours of screencast based video training in order to step through each command or action in sufficient detail.Special NotesThis course is part of the ""Git Going"" series and is included with the Git Complete comprehensive course. If you are already enrolled in that course, do not enroll in this course.This course makes extensive use of the command line. Each command is discussed in detail, so everyone can follow along."
Price: 49.99

"PowerPoint Videos - Make YouTube Outros in PowerPoint" |
"Are you struggling to get more subscribers onto your channel? Or get them to stay longer getting familiar with your content rather than leaving straight away to competitors? You need to use incentives and CALL-TO-ACTIONS to achieve that. Learn how the big guys do it, how do they set up their videos with a similar branding across all videos, whether it's a youtube channel, podcast, your marketing video or project for your client. IN THIS COURSE I will teach you STEP-BY-STEP, starting from a blank Powerpoint file towards creating an amazing, well designed, fully functional youtube outro or video which you can use over and over again for you or your clients."
Price: 24.99

"Powerpoint 2016 2019 - Master powerpoint presentation" |
"5 Latest Updates to the course content:Sep 2020 - TUTORIAL about reducing presentation sizeJun 2020 - TUTORIAL for ZOOM & MORPH sectionMay 2020 - TUTORIAL about Live-Linking Excel Data into PowerPoint Apr 2020 - SECTION 2 Essential Knowledge has been re-recorded! Added Resources to work along with me!Mar 2020 - SECTION UPDATE - Template Creation in PowerPoint (5 new in-depth tutorials, 4 old ones unpublished)JOIN OVER 38,800 STUDENTS WHO ARE LEARNING HOW TO CREATE OUTSTANDING POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS AND TEMPLATES FROM AN EXPERIENCED DESIGNERDo you want to learn how to use MASTER SLIDES to create Templates?Do you want to SAVE TIME working in PowerPoint and be more efficient?Do you struggle to create EYE-CATCHING, well-designed presentations?Learn how to coordinate the DESIGN of your presentation with your speaking skills! This course solves these problems and teaches you valuable PowerPoint tricks beyond that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The course is divided into four comprehensive chapters to make it easy to follow:ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE - Best presentation practices and useful PowerPoint tricks, including presentation tips that you might not be aware of.SLIDE DESIGN Learn the slide-by-slide process of how to design your own presentation. Each lesson is devoted to tackling one slide at a time. Follow along and create your own masterpiece just like the one in the preview. PowerPoint 2010 and PowerPoint 2011 MAC tricks also apply.MASTER SLIDES - Learn how to set up, prepare, and create templates in the PowerPoint Slide Master window to create high quality presentations for companies, clients and for online sale!ADVANCED TRICKS Learn from dozens of high-quality lessons that teach you important PowerPoint tricks such as setting up music, video backgrounds, global changes and more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With help of this course you will:Increase your PowerPoint knowledgeImprove your workflow and design skillsLearn to make custom layouts with placeholders on slide master slidesGet a new 14-slide PowerPoint 2013 / 2016 / 2019 /365 presentation template to useReduce the time you need to complete a high-quality presentationLearn PowerPoint 2013, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019 (and the older versions) in one comprehensive courseBe able to brand and build templates for you, your company, or your clients! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The focus of this course is the design process and template creation. I will take you by the hand through the process of creating an outstanding presentation. We will design using PowerPoint and make infographics, world maps, graphs, charts, features, processes, introduction and about us slides, and many things that are important to a well-prepared presentation. Whether you're looking to give a monthly report or impress prospective clients with your PowerPoint designs, learning the shortcuts and how to build unique themes is essential for crafting engaging and informative presentations. I'm a very active instructor and respond to questions within 48h. All questions in my course are adressed and we work with students together to find solutions for their problems or at least the best possible ones out there :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):Q: I'm a total beginner in PowerPoint, is this course right for me?This course will teach you all the necessary basics and advanced tools, but it's not a PowerPoint 101 for beginners. I mention basic tools and techniques, but I assume that you are computer savvy and know how to find your way around PowerPoint already. BUT! If you aren't then I have prepared a completely FREE PowerPoint basics course, which will equip you with the knowledge necessary to take this one. It's available on my profile under free courses. It's called ""PowerPoint for Beginners - Program & Animation Basics FREE""Q: I'm enrolled in your PowerPoint Masterclass - Presentation Design & Animation course. Should I get this one or is the other one enough? Which one is better?Good Question! Both courses are top PowerPoint courses that teach you the knowledge and tools to create outstanding presentations, animations, and templates. They are just two different versions that use different slides and unique content respectively. The benefit of that is you can follow a different design path on each course. Students who finished the first master course were asking me for more, and I'm happy to provide more if there is demand for it. If you already feel super-comfortable with PowerPoint, one course is enough. But if you seek even more design ideas and slides, and if you like my content and the way I teach, you won't go wrong by taking both courses. Each of those two courses has several unique sections that allow them to expand your knowledge on their own way.Q: I've been using PowerPoint for 15+ years and think I know it already. Will I learn anything new? I'm an experienced PowerPoint instructor with over 250 YouTube tutorials and more than 10 published PowerPoint courses and series. Over the past few years, I have learned from both beginner and advanced students which areas to address to best influence your workflow in a positive and impactful way. My courses help you to boost your efficiency, using shortcuts and on-trend designs to help you to reach a modern, top-level standard of quality. If you need something that is not already in the course, you can always ask me about topics to add to courses that interest you.Q: I'm still not sure if I want to invest into this course. I don't know if I want to focus on design or on animation. Is there any fall-back plan?Of course! First, you should watch the promo videos and watch the free preview lessons. They will give you a good understanding of the course content, pace, and what to expect from taking the course. Apart from that, you have Udemys 30-day Money Back Guarantee with no questions asked! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stop waiting days to get your presentation back from a designer or from your co-workers. Instead, take your presentation into your own hands with this PowerPoint 2016 and PowerPoint 2019 course. Don't wait to sign up. ENROLL NOW! "
Price: 194.99

"Design Social Media Posts with PowerPoint" |
"A Powerful Skill To Have - PowerPoint as YourGo-To ToolLearning basics and intermediate PowerPoint skills will give you the ability to design stunning social media marketing posts for any social media platform in minutes. PowerPoint opens in 3 seconds and is ready for work!What can you expect?This course is prepared to give you an exciting design and animation journey and talking about Social Media design along the way. The course is suitable for both beginners or professionals who would like to learn how to adjust the size of the default PowerPoint canvas and be able to create great social media marketing posts for any platform. We will work on the example of Instagram Story posts which have a vertical 1080 x 1920 dimension. By doing this example it will be easy to switch to any other social media platform requirements since we already work on the most ""extreme"" example. The ready project files are also available for download. Why is this course special?I don't show you PowerPoint tools and just how to navigate through the software, I show you how to design a real-life example post series for a selected topic. Within the course, we will prepare and animate 6 slides. Afterward IWill show you how to export them to video, how to adjust the length of that video and plenty of other useful PowerPoint tricks!I am not just an Instructor, I also run a YouTube channel, I'm a freelancer and business-owner so making eye-catching and impact-lasting design is a part of my job. The goals of this course are exactly set, I wish to:Teach you outstanding design practices catered for Social Media design, branding and postsTeach you PowerPoint usage to an Intermediate degree regarding design, animation and video usageThis course has 4 comprehensive sections: RESOURCEGATHERING Here I wish to guide you and show where to find outstanding pictures, great fonts, and color schemes. All resources Ilist will be available for free, even pictures! DESIGN This chapter is the main social media post design of this course. I will teach you how to design a consistent, on-trend and highest quality design to give you a great starting point for your social media marketing campaignsANIMATION In this chapter, Iwill go over how to animate each slide and social media post we have created. I will show you how to make endless animations, adjust their timings and duplicate existing animations to make videos cut out exactly for your needsVIDEO CREATION - Here we will learn how to properly export videos from PowerPoint.I will show you everything you need to know about timings, transitions, and animations in PowerPoint.Benefits of taking the course:Completing this course will grant you a FREE certificate of completionYou will work on a project which you can directly use for your portfolio or social media postsRemember To Enroll Now As There Is A FREE 30 Day Money Back Guarantee If The Course Is Not Suitable For You."
Price: 129.99

"Digitale Musikproduktion - Eine Einfhrung mit FL Studio" |
"In diesem Kurs geht es um das spannende Thema ""Digitale Musikproduktion - Eine Einfhrung mit FL Studio"". Im aktuellen und sehr angesagten Genre EDM haben viele den Wunsch ihre eigenen Tracks zu produzieren, um so in der Musikwelt mitmischen zu knnen. Aller Anfang ist bekanntlich schwer und deshalb mchte ich allen Interessenten den Einstieg in die Musikproduktion mit diesem Kurs erleichtern. FL Studio ist eine hervorragende DAW Software und steht anderen kommerziellen Produkten in nichts nach. Viele namhafte Knstler aus der Branche, wie Avicii oder Afrojack arbeiten erfolgreich mit diesem Programm. Durch die intuitive Oberflche und Struktur ist das Programm sehr leicht zu bedienen und deshalb gerade fr Einsteiger eine sehr gute Option. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle die mit der digitalen Musikproduktion durchstarten mchten und dafr die Grundlagen, sowie FL Studio kennen lernen mchten. In insgesamt 8 Lektionen wird das notwendige Wissen Schritt fr Schritt erklrt und mit Hilfe einer Beispiel Melodie veranschaulicht. Die hierbei verwendeten MIDI Dateien und Samples werden selbstverstndlich zur Verfgung gestellt."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Music Production with FL Studio for Beginners" |
"Become a great producer with this course on FL Studio for Beginners and learn important basics of this production software. You are a DJ and want to take the next step into music business? You want to produce the next number 1 track? Nowadays genres like dance or electro are very popular and it has never been easier for people like you and me to produce music on our own. FL Studio is great for making your ideas for your own track come true. Many famous artists like Avicii, Afrojack or Martin Garrix already work with this software. On the basis of its intuitive and readily understandable user interface FL Studio can be learned very easily and quickly. This training is for all those who want to take the first step in music production and learn how to work with FL Studio from the very start. After a short introduction on general basics, I will tell you about the structure of the software and how to use it in an effective way. We will create a sample project together and carry out the most important steps in the production of a new track. Furthermore the use of essential effects and how to influence the dynamics of the mix will be explained in an easy and understandable way. The last chapter provides some additional information about useful procedures and functions of FL Studio, which make it easier to gain your own workflow. All in all you have to complete 10 chapters and it takes about 1,5 hours to finish this course and thus learn how to work on your own projects. The course is structured like this: 1. Intro 2. General Introduction 3. FL Studio - A step by step introduction 4. Working with FL Studio 5. Additional Information 6. Good to Know 7. Outro Each topic is devided into several subchapters. So have fun with this course and become a great producer yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Unity Game Development Using uScript" |
"Do you have a passion for playing video games and are you itching to create your own? Look no further, this course in Unity Game Development is for you. At the end of the course you will be able to build fully functional games for PC, Mac, Mobile and more. In this course we will be developing a 3D game to the prototype level using the industry leading engine Unity3D and a powerful plugin called uScript. uScript is an easy to use visual scripting interface which allows anybody to create complex games with ease. This course is intended for people who are wanting to dive into a career or hobby in video games. It is also intended for developers who are uncomfortable with learning complex and tedious programming languages. People such as level designers, artists, sound engineers and game designers. With uScript it is easy to start developing your game with absolutely no programming involved. In this course we will be learning from short and snappy videos, step by step video guides so that you will know all the processes used in game development. You will be building your very own games in no time. So Are you interested in learning how to make games or simply hate using programming languages, I assure you that this course is just for you."
Price: 19.99

"How to stand out on LinkedIn: Tried & Tested" |
"What is LinkedIn? Do I need a LinkedIn? Why? How to create an account How to optimize your account How to stand out! How to leverage LinkedIn How to grow your network quickly Tips & secrets My profile has over 5,000 connections and consistently ranks within the top 50 active profiles in my entire network. I am going to show you how to do the same! You will learn how to make a great first impression (aka your digital hand shake), and how to rank higher and grow your network! This course is for anyone including students, job-seekers, the currently employed, the unemployed, consultants, entrepreneurs, business trainers, and anyone who wants to build their personal brand. Keywords: LinkedIn, optimizing, SEO, social networking, professional networks, lead gen, job seekers, jobs, employment, sales, marketing, building a brand, your brand. This course is fully guaranteed, so enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Getting in the door at ANY company: Job seeker strategies" |
"This course covers all you need to know about finding a job. We go over both external and internal ways of finding a job, and then show you how to leverage these methods better than everyone else to land you get an interview! We go over: job boards, job search engines, social media, recruiters, networking, career fairs, LinkedIn, Craigslist, and more! We go over were you should spend your time and how to maximize the probability of getting the interview for the right job. This is for job-seekers, students, unemployed, currently employed, consultants, recruiters, entrepreneurs, networkers, teachers, and just about anyone who works or needs to work. This course is fully guaranteed, so enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"6.5 Selling Tips on Craigslist" |
"If you want to find sell your items faster and for more profit on Craigslist, then this is the course for you! Craigslist is a free to post website with over 60 million unique visitors a day. Unlike Ebay, Etsy, Amazon, and Allibaba - Craigslist does not charge any fee to sell your items, so everything you sell is pure profit! As a successful Craigslist seller for over 10 years, I have developed, discovered, and used all sorts of techniques. Some worked, some did not. Now, you can get those proven tips that DO WORK! In this course, you will discover: 6.5 proven tips to sell your items on Craigslist. How to post a superior ad! How to sell items faster! Make more money per ad! Learn new things about Craigslist Learn proven marketing and selling skills Learn strategies to buying and selling on Craiglist If you have a question that I do not cover, shoot me an e-mail or text and I will answer it! This course is fully guaranteed, so enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Craigslist Buyer Negotiation Strategies -Proven to Get Deals" |
"This course is all about saving money and getting great deals on Craigslist (although it will work anywhere not just on Craigslist transactions). If you could save $100 or more, would you be interested? I am glad I got your attention! We all work really hard for our money, so why not get the most out of your money? As a successful Craigslist seller and buyer for over 10 years, I have developed, discovered, and used all sorts of techniques. Some worked, some did not. Now, you can get those proven techniques that DO WORK! This course is based around negotiating Craigslist deals (anything really - cars, furniture, electronics). We start off by learning WHAT NOT TO DO. Then we talk about how to find those great deals online. After we found the deal or deals we want. We develop a plan and get as much information as we possibly can. After we have a plan I show you the different channels of communication (E-mail, phone, text, and in-person) Finally I show you over 8 ways you can negotiate a better deal. Lastly, you go out and start saving hundreds of dollars for you, your friends, and your family! If you have a question that I do not cover, shoot me an e-mail or text and I will answer it! This course is fully guaranteed, so enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Fundamentals - Small Business Marketing Success" |
"Owning a small business, you juggle many balls in the air - and with only 24 hours in a day, it can be difficult to focus on marketing your business. One of the biggest challenges I see when I work with small business owners is that marketing your business can often be a little bit like throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks. And it's easy to get overwhelmed by all the marketing strategies and tactics we should engage in. I was recently speaking on marketing at a large sales conference and one audience member stood out to me. After listening to speaker after speaker talking about how to market and sell, he simply asked how am I supposed to do all that and still run my business?"" That question really stuck with me because it summed up how many small business owners feel. And the answer to it is: you can't do it all not at the same time anyways. So how do you do it? Follow a SMART marketing plan that incorporates basic marketing fundamentals - a solid system that will guide you. Marketing your business isn't a giant leap, but it's the discipline of putting one foot in front of the other one, day after day, rain or shine. Small business owners often focus on marketing their business when business is down and do a good job giving it a strong push to increase sales. But once the business gets busier (and other areas of the business need attention the team is growing, product or service lines are expanding), less attention is giving to marketing. After all the business is running well now but it's not. Without constantly giving attention to your marketing to feed your sales funnel, you will create a rollercoaster business that's up when you market your business and goes down when you pay less attention to your marketing. Sounds familiar? In this course I will share with you the blueprint to your marketing success. You will learn about: Your Target Market: You will learn why identifying your target market is critical to your business success and how to define the target market for YOUR business. Your Market Positioning: What does your business stand for, what value do you provide and what makes you unique? You will learn why the answers to these questions are key to communicating your market positioning to your prospects and clients. Websites: Your website is the centre of your digital marketing universe. Do you have a website, and if so, is it performing well? You will learn about the key components to building a successful website and how you can work on this right now. Blogging: Are you writing a blog? If the answer is yes"", congratulations! I'll teach you how you can tweak your blog to be an even better marketing tool for your business. If the answer is no"", I'll ask you to please revise this answer to not yet"". A blog is a cost effective and easy to implement marketing tool (and yes, you can write!) Social Media: Without doubt, social media is a must"" in today's marketing, but it's also the most overwhelming part of marketing for small business owners. I will teach you how to develop a successful social media strategy that is sustainable for your business. Email Marketing: Email marketing should be a component in any small business' marketing mix and it's also one marketing tactic that can be highly automated and systematized. You will learn how email marketing can help you build lasting relationships with your prospects and clients. Video Marketing: Are you doing any video marketing yet? It's easy to get started (and cost effective, not to say free!). Learn why video marketing is so powerful and how you can make it work for your business. Offline Marketing - Print: I have owned a digital printing company for over 18 years, and print is still close to my heart. It's a powerful marketing tool that will help you drive traffic to your online marketing channels. Learn how you can have big results on a shoestring budget. Offline Marketing - Direct Mail: I call direct mail a secret weapon when it comes to marketing. Learn why and how you can tap into this secret weapon"" for your business. Why should you buy this course?It will help you grow your business! We cover strategies and tactics that are proven to increase sales and profits and each lecture is followed by an exercise that will encourage you to implement what you have learned right away (knowledge is power, but only when acted upon!).I have created this course for every small business owner out there who wants to grow their business. I am an entrepreneur and small business owner myself and I believe that most businesses started out as someone's dreamand I am here to ensure that the dream has a solid foundation beneath it. If you are ready to take the next step...and go from throwing mud at the wall"" and seeing what sticks to creating a sustainable, results-oriented marketing system for your business, click on ""take this course"" at the top of this page. It's that simple (and since every Udemy course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee... you have everything to gain and nothing to loose!)"
Price: 94.99
