"Der Fluch - Schutz bei Flchen, Energiezaubern, Liebeszauber" |
"Alexander Nastasi setzt sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dem Thema Energien auseinander. Ob es um die Energetisierung von Wasser oder um die Reinigung von Wohnrumen geht, wei er, wie es geht und wie man schnell die gewnschten Effekte erzielen kann. Im Mai 2012 erschien sein Buch ""Der Fluch"", das er als Minianleitung zum Schutz vor energetischen An- und bergriffen herausgegeben hat. Vom ersten Tag an hatte es einen groen Erfolg am Markt und zeigte, dass eine einfach zu verstehende Anleitung zum Schutz auf dem deutschen Markt gefehlt hat. In diesem Kurs geht es genau darum: Wie kann ich erkennen, dass ich Opfer eines Fluchs, eines energetischen An- und bergriffs wurde und wie kann ich ihn unterbinden und mich erfolgreich davor schtzen? Dieser Kurs ist in drei Teile untergliedert: Den Erklrungen vermittelnden ersten Teil, in dem es darum geht, Zusammenhnge zu erkennen. Den zweiten praktischen Teil, in dem Sie erfahren, wie Sie mit verschiedenen Mglichkeiten gegen einen Angriff vorgehen knnen und den dritten Teil, in dem es um den Schutz von Gebuden, Fahrzeugen, aber auch Angriffe auf Firmen geht. Im Extra am Schluss stellt der Autor seine weiteren zu diesem Thema passenden Bcher und Kurse vor und zeigt Wege der Kontaktaufnahme. Es besteht nach Durchlaufen des Kurses die Mglichkeit, Untersttzung per Skype / Telefon zu erhalten. Diese Energiearbeit ist nicht im Kurspreis enthalten und wird separat berechnet. Auch knnen Firmen eine entsprechende Dienstleistung buchen. Informationen dazu im Video ""Abschlussvideo""."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering SharePoint 2013 Development Using C# - Part II" |
"SharePoint is a versatile platform for building solutions that address a wide range of business needs. SharePoint is a development platform, upon which powerful and compelling portal applications can be built.This course provides developers with a thorough, in-depth guide to the internals of writing code for the SharePoint platform. SharePoint 2013 programming model can be divided into categories like : Managed Client Side Object Model, Java Script Client Object Model, Silverlight Client Side Object Model, REST & OData Interface.In this course by development expert Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri, you'll learn essential concepts that you need to know to get started building applications for SharePoint platform such as CSOM,JSOM,SCOM,REST & OData,Custom Actions,Custom Groups,TImer Jobs.. and more. The course provides step-by-step walk-throughs and coding demos that you're encouraged to code along with to enhance the learning process.This course is broken down into 16 modules with each module providing source code where applicable so that you can follow along with Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri. Some of the modules can be seen in the below list.Working with CSOMWorking with JSOMWorking with SCOMWorking with REST & ODataCustom ActionsCustom Groups...."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering SharePoint 2013 Development Using C# - Part I" |
"SharePoint is a versatile platform for building solutions that address a wide range of business needs. SharePoint is a development platform, upon which powerful and compelling portal applications can be built. This course provides developers with a thorough, in-depth guide to the internals of writing code for the SharePoint platform. SharePoint programming can be divided into categories like : Programming using Server Object Model, programming using SharePoint Web Services, Programming the Web Parts etc. In this course by development expert Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri, you'll learn essential concepts that you need to know to get started building applications for SharePoint platform such as features, event receivers, web parts and more. The course provides step-by-step walk-throughs and coding demos that you're encouraged to code along with to enhance the learning process. This course is broken down into 16 modules with each module providing source code where applicable so that you can follow along with Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri. Some of the modules can be seen in the below list. Server Object Model Approach SharePoint Web Services Approach Features Event Receivers Standard Web Parts Visual Web Parts"
Price: 49.99

"Kilts and Kerns: The Scots-Irish Connection Part 1" |
"Both Scotland and Ireland possess common roots of language, culture, and tradition. Throughout the past two thousand years, these two lands, though separated by the Irish Sea, have nonetheless shared many triumphs and woes. As the centuries passed, mercenaries, settlers, and entire clans moved back and forth between Scotland and Ireland, weaving together the tales of these two peoples. The course will provide a basis for students to understand the complex relationship between these two Celtic nations. The lessons in Part 1 will cover the interactions of the Irish Scots with groups such as the Picts and Romans, the Kingdom of Dalriadas rise and fall, Iron Age Celtic society, and the impacts of various invaders into the Celtic lands of the British Isles."
Price: 19.99

"Learning French from the zero, Easy Steps To Learn Quickly" |
"JOIN OVER 1.300 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE.Welcome to The Course , This Course Is Designed To familiarize you with The French Language ; Through the course we will cover the :pronunciation , Vocabulary , Grammar , conjugation .This course is a series of video lessons That introduce The learner To various aspects of The French Language .There is no need to have had any experience with The French Language ,this is a step by step course , So You Have To Take The entire Course And Dont Skip Through The course ."
Price: 19.99

"Easy, Healthy, Crockpot Cooking! Cooking Lessons for Dad!" |
"Crockpot Cooking Lessons for Dad is for beginner cooks (like my dad) who want to enhance their health by learning to prepare simple, healthy, delicious meals in a crockpot (or slow cooker). By the end of this course you will know how to use a crockpot to cooka large variety of of easy, healthy recipes. Preparing more home cooked meals will help you to improve your diet and enhance your health. These crockpot recipes will save you time and effort in preparing delicious food. Often it is hard to fit healthy cooking into a busy lifestyle. by the end of this course I expect you will be eating lots of healthy food!In addition, you can cook in a crockpot when you do not have access to a kitchen. A crockpot is a great tool that lets you prepare amazing recipes with just a little hands-on time and effort. In this course you will have instructional lessons and well as step-by-step cooking demonstrations. You can take this course at your own pace. I suggest when you are ready to start cooking in your crockpot, you try one new crockpot recipe each week. Before you make the assigned recipe you be able to watch me prepare the recipe in the cooking lesson to get a general idea how to make it. Later you can watch the cooking lesson again as you make the recipe. This method will make it so easy for you to be successful with each recipe. I am also here to answer any questions you have about the course and recipes. In this course you will receive many step-by-step cooking demonstrations to show you exactly how to prepare each recipe (and more to come!). With these instructions, the free cookbook, and some practice, you can easily master the recipes and have excellent results. In this course you will learn: How to use a crockpot (or slow cooker). The different varieties of crockpots, slow cookers and their functions. How to cook many easy, healthy recipes in a crockpot. How to adapt recipes for the crockpot. How to create new recipes by varying the ingredients. How to fit healthy cooking into a busy life. This cooking course is made for beginners that have no or little cooking experience. These course will also be appreciated by busy people who already know how to cook and want to learn more about healthy crockpot cooking. The ingredients for these crockpot recipes are: Easy to find Healthy Budget friendly Simple Easy to pronounce Tools for this course: A crockpot (or slow cooker) Measuring spoons and cups Cutting board Sharp knives Serving, cooking, and eating utensils This cooking course will really help you to fit healthy cooking into your busy life with little hands on time and effort. No cooking experience is needed. You do not even need a kitchen! By the time you are done with this course you will know how to cook many delicious recipes so you can eat healthy everyday! As you replace worthless processed foods with simple health-promoting foods, you will be on your way to living a longer, healthier, and happier life! Sign up for this course now to start your exciting, new crockpot cooking adventures!"
Price: 119.99

"Diseo de Instalaciones Sanitarias - Suministro de Agua" |
"A quin est Dirigido el Curso? Estudiantes de los ltimos semestres de Ingeniera Civil o Profesionales en el rea. Duracin y Metodologa El contenido es equivalente a 32 horas acadmicas de un curso presencial. Aproximadamente el 60% del material disponible est en forma de videos, en los que se presentar al participante los aspectos especficos sobre algn tema. Se presentar al participante, a manera de autoevaluacin, una serie de preguntas que le permitirn establecer el alcance de comprensin obtenido del tema. Se utilizar a lo largo del curso un ejemplo de diseo de una edificacin residencial de 5 niveles. Todos los clculos sern desarrollados a travs de hojas de clculo (Excel) que sern suministradas al participante conforme se desarrollen los temas. Revisado todo el contenido, el participante tendr acceso a una serie de presentaciones en las que se realizar la revisin del diseo de los distintos componentes de una edificacin multifamiliar de 4 niveles, con 4 viviendas por nivel. En ellas, se explicarn y darn conceptos y comentarios adicionales a los vistos a lo largo del curso."
Price: 49.99

"Redes de Tuberas con Autocad Civil 3D" |
"En este curso conocers todo lo necesario para poder crear redes de tuberas de alcantarillado sanitario o pluvial utilizando las herramientas que AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D incorpora. Conocers la forma de crear un dibujo de la red de alcantarillado sanitario partiendo slo de la informacin de elevaciones del terreno. Y, a partir de aqu, podrs definir, paso a paso, la ubicacin de bocas de visita o pozos de inspeccin, tuberas o colectores y lograr establecer, utilizando las reglas de piezas de civil 3D, sus parmetros caractersticos, como pendientes, y profundidades de rasante. Aprenders a crear los perfiles longitudinales de los colectores de la red y logrars dominar, de forma progresiva, la proyeccin de piezas y objetos en ellos, aprendiendo a ajustar a partir de puntos especficos, las elevaciones de rasante de tuberas y estructuras. Adicionalmente revisars los aspectos relativos a la creacin de tamaos de piezas a partir del catlogo que el programa incorpora, siendo posible de esta manera adaptar la plantilla de dibujo a la normativa aplicable en tu pas. Las 12 clases que conforman este curso representan casi 3 horas de informacin especfica y, pese a estar realizadas en la versin 2015 de CIVIL 3D, son completamente compatibles con las versiones anteriores, desde la 2010, as que no hay excusas para empezar a aprender lo relativo a redes de tuberas con AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D. Tutoriales al Da CIVIL 3D ya tiene ms de 4 aos ofreciendo en su sitio WEB detallados tutoriales, artculos y manuales relacionados con el uso de esta poderosa herramienta de diseo en ingeniera. El contenido est cuidadosamente preparado por ingenieros civiles con amplia experiencia no slo en el uso del AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D sino tambin en las distintas reas de aplicacin del programa."
Price: 29.99

"Grow Your Tarot Business: Professional Tarot Card Success" |
"(Updated March1,2017) Make MONEY(lots of it!) with your professional Tarot business online. Learn ALL the techniques for a PROFITABLE, PRINCIPLED and PORTABLE business. Do what you LOVE and love what you do everyday. Createa thrivingUNIQUE Tarot business online that sets you apart from the rest.Having a Tarot business online can be a lucrative income source while you transform lives doing what you love! This amazing course is specially created for all the aspiring and current Tarot business website owners out there who want to be a spiritual and financial success The course is designed and taught by a Certified Professional Tarot Reader who has been in business for over 15 years online, earning a six-figure income while teaching Tarot to people across the globe and giving Tarot consultations. This course is normally a 1:1 course for $1497. Now you will learn the tips, strategies and skills to be a spiritual business success at a fraction of the cost. JOIN NOW and start boosting your Tarot income. Now included: Free PERSONAL BRANDING session with the course creator. When you've finished 100% of the course, send an email to tarot@healinguniverse.com to schedule YOUR PERSONAL BRANDING SESSION"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Marketing: Rank in Google & YouTube" |
"What does this course teach? This course focuses on using video as part of an overall marketing strategy. Specifically, this course teaches students how to use video content to rank higher in the major search engines for specific keyword pertinent to the businesses products and services. Why take this course? Consumer are consuming video content in record volumes and the trend is continuing to grow. Research shows that a higher ranking on Google, for example, can significantly increase traffic to a website. Research also shows that video content on a website can increase sales, foot traffic to stores, and reduce the number of product returns. Who should take this course? Small business owners and entrepreneurs will gain tremendous value from this course. What's the format of the course? The course is broken into seven modules with over 20 high-quality videos. The course also contain downloadable content to help implement what's taught in the class. Who teaches the course? The course is taught by Ron Desi. He has ten years of video, video content creation, and video marketing. He also has over over fifteen years of graduate level teaching experience and eight years of online teaching experience."
Price: 19.99

"How to Dance: 4 Basic Moves that Create Most Grooves" |
"In this course, you will learn the 4 most essential moves to be able to dance whenever, and wherever you like! We will be going over the basic structure of the majority of grooves. Grooves are what make up the dances behind many of the dance styles you see today. This is especially true of Street Dance Styles.You will understand the basic structure of Grooves, and be able to add these to your movement vocabulary. If you have never danced before and don't know where to start, this will be a perfect introduction to help you understand the basics so you can get to dancing right away. If you have danced before, this may be a refresher, and may also help you find ways to branch out and expand your dance vocabulary to other styles of movement."
Price: 29.99

"Learn PLC basics EASY!" |
"What you are going to learn within the next almost 2 hours of my course, which I really hope that you will enjoy, is to demystify the world of PLCs, by examining step by step the basic parts that comprise a modern Programmable Logic Controller. To be more precise, we are going to start with a small glimpse of the birth of PLC, then we will take a look at the heart of a PLC, see what are the basic staff that a PLC is made of, and later on we will examine PLCs mind, in order to capture the key elements inside PLC programming languages and IEC 61131-3 standard... Finally when we finish this course above all I hope that you will know what is neccessary to be able to start implementing a 5S methodology in PLC programming. What i have learned from all my years of experience is, that it doesnt matter if you are an electrician, an academic, or an IT programmer What really makes the difference is, having someone to show you the easiest way, on how to be clear and methodical.since after all PLC is for everyone!!"
Price: 24.99

"Program your first PLC EASY!" |
"What you are going to learn within the next hours of my course, which I really hope that you will enjoy, is how to program your first PLC, by examining step by step the basic parts that comprise a modern Programmable Logic Controller, using Schneider Electric Zelio Logic. To be more precise, we are going to start with a small refreshing of basic knowledge on the heart of a PLC, see what are the basic staff that a PLC is made of, and later on we will examine PLCs mind, in order to capture the key elements inside PLC Ladder and mainly Function Block Diagram (FBD) programming languages standard... Following that, we will start by analyzing one by one and step by step all the programming elements involved, from the simplest to the most complex, both analogue and digital, while at the same time we will take a detailed tour in the FBD programming environment. As soon as we describe software's programming elements, we will begin programming our first example in FBD language, having in mind how to use most of our resources, fast & proffesionally, the EASY way!! Finally when we finish this course above all I hope that you will be ready to start programming your first PLC in FBD language, by knowing how to implement a 5S methodology in your future PLC programming. What i have learned from all my years of experience is, that it doesnt matter if you are an electrician, an academic, or an IT programmer What really makes the difference is, having someone to show you the easiest way, on how to be clear and methodical.since after all PLC is for everyone!!"
Price: 29.99

"Organizational Influences and Project Life Cycle" |
"This course discusses in details on the organizational influence on project and project management, influence of stakeholders on the project, project's governance, the project team's structure and membership. Also discussed on different approaches to the phasing and relationship of activities within the project's life cycle and various types of project life cycles. You will have complete view on how organization influences the Project and also Project Life cycles, an important topic and need to be aware for clearing PMP exam and have successful career as Project Manager.You can use PMP or Organizational Behavior and Project life cycle for PMP to search and find this course.This course contains elaborate lectures more than 100 minutes structured in such a way that gives an holistic view on of the topic and makes your learning approach extreamly structured.Course also contained 100+ quiz questions which makes your conceptual understanding sound.Course has very dynamic, engaging slides with suitable alerts wherever you need to give extra stress and expect questions in PMP Certification exams.Why you need to take this course?Projects and project management take place in an environment that is broader than that of the project itself.What is meant by Broader than that of the Project?It means, it is not only the activity within start and end date which we are focussing but much more than that.What it means?It means work is carried out in alignment with the organization's goals and managed in accordance with the organization's established practices.It is important to know about this broader aspects which is precisely organizational influences in terms of its goals and effects on the methods used for staffing, managing, and executing the project.These are the key parameters of Project's success. Project's success is your success.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PMP and PMBOKGuide are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.This course is not created by or endorsed by Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 79.99

"Foundation to Project Management" |
"This course is all about Fundamentals of Project Management. This course lays a strong foundation for those who are going to take PMP Examination from PMI with the latest edition of PMI Standards. This course contains 10 various sections consisting of 13 video lectures with over 60 minutes of quality training. All the lectures touch key fundamentals in a very professional way. This is designed by a Certified and Practicing PMP with enormous Industry experience. This course is recommended to those who are going to take PMPexams and those who want to gain deeper awareness of Project Management. this course facilitates enhanced understanding of Project Management and related aspects. This course is made with reference to; 1. Project Management Body of Knowledge -PMBOK GuideLatest Edition. 2. Author is a CertifiedPMPand Practicing Project Manager. His practical experiences are incorporated in the course. 3. General details whatever available in the Industry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is not created by or endorsed by Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI). PMP and PMBOKGuide are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 49.99

"Chemistry : Metals" |
"Chemistry : Metals is a course meticulously designed to enable better understanding of the subject Metals. Any learner above middle school level can benefit from the course. The course is about metals, their occurrence, their physical properties, chemical properties extractions, structure and corrosion. The course contains many lectures filled with presentations and illustrations. Learners can experience classroom teaching whenever chemical equations are explained. The course is aptly decided into 15 sections based on various important topics. Many interdependent contents are sequentially placed in various sections. There is a total of 3 hours of course content covering various areas. This course is beneficial to any learner who is a seeker of knowledge. High school students will be able to acheive much better in their grade examinations."
Price: 139.99

"SAP S/4HANA Sales and Distribution" |
"SAP S/4 HANA is already at peak of its market performance and acceptability. Companies are reaping rich benefits from its extra capability and speed. Out of all, Sales and Distribution is an area which is getting more focus as it is close to customers.The benefits of simplifying a complex system like S&D is that you make a more efficient system. Data movement is faster, redundant data and processing are removed and the system overall is sped up through more economical use of processing resources. Thats why S/4 Hana should replace the old S&D system. Having a more efficient system can enhance a companys abilities to spot insights through their data analysis that might lead to a better overall performance in the short and long term.This course deals with end to end information of Sales Process and gives a comprehensive knowledge of Sales and distribution."
Price: 189.99

"Make iBeacon Mobile Apps - No Coding!" |
"iBeacons are fast becoming the most important new tool in marketing. This course shows you how to incorporate iBeacons into a mobile app to trigger a user's phone to view product information, deliver coupons, or help them to find their way. The uses for beacons are limited only by your imagination. This course is especially for those with NO programming experience or abilities. If you are a Web and Mobile site designer, this course is perfect for you. This course is also perfect for marketing people and shop owners who want to understand how iBeacons can build their business. When you complete this course you will be able to create a full functioning mobile app with iBeacon triggers, shopping cart functionality, bar code scanning, and GPS store location. If you want to impress your clients with the latest, and coolest, technology, this course will help you to amaze. You will get information on how to set up your own beacons for testing. You will learn where to purchase beacons for use with your customers. You will understand the different types of beacons on the market. You will get links to download the free programs for building beacon mobile apps. You will get the programs for creating a beacon (requires iPhone 4S, 5, 5S, 5C, 6 or 6 Plus, iPad 3 or higher, iPod Touch 5or higher, or a MAC computer with bluetooth). You will get an app for testing your beacon enabled app (requires iPhone or Android device with bluetooth)You will be able to publish your app to the Apple and Google App stores, also using the free version (requires an Apple developer account $99/yr or GooglePlay account $25 Everything you need to get up and running in creating your own beacon enabled app."
Price: 44.99

"IOS8 Swift" |
": . The First and the best course about iOS development in arabic language, this is the complete course that will help you create the next amazing iPhone or iPad application and all that in arabic language by Shadi Mahameed, Abu Yazeed, don't think twice and take this course today, since something amazing will happen to your career. this course is including all the required skills to build an iPhone or iPad application step by step by the Best Teacher in arab world in iOS and swift development for iPhone and iPad Devices. In this course you will learn how to : Use Xcode Build First Application using Swift language Button Label Switch Slider Progress bar multi views Tables Core Data Json MultiMedia Segue Timer Maps Submit to app store Make Real application with swift Begin new career as iOS developer Make an idea as a real application"
Price: 49.99

"Zen Christian Meditation Retreat" |
"Theres kind of a clich among people whove studied and practiced with both Christianity and Buddhism. The Christians say learning Buddhism makes them better Christians, and Buddhists say the Christianity makes them better Buddhists. I have found this to be true from my own practice. This course is an opportunity to find out why, through examining how ideas from the great religious traditions converge and inform each other. Designed as a 4-week "retreat in daily life", this course asks you to commit to a daily meditation practice and explore how the contemplative techniques can help you to find clarity, peace, healing, freedom, and new energy. In a series of five lectures we will examine: Humanitys basic goodness and the path to enlightenment The causes of human suffering in attachment and thinking How people commonly create unnecessary suffering The value of being mindful of Gods presence Jesus' roles as healer and Zen teacher The path from coping, to healing, to liberation The emergence of an intrinsic discipleship After each lecture you will learn a new meditation technique that is found in Buddhist practice, but is connected with biblical teaching. These meditation techniques range from simple to complicated, but their true value is only discovered by experience and regular practice. They cover functions such as: viewing your own thinking identifying attachments and desires disrupting disordered opinion and experiencing love and compassion. A final component of the course is the opportunity to reflect on these ideas and discuss them with your fellow retreat participants. With each lecture there are some selected scripture readings for you to engage with and share your thoughts in the discussion forums. Similarly at the beginning of each new session you will have the chance to learn from the experiences of your fellow meditators as well as share your own."
Price: 19.99

"Outdoor & On-Location Portraits After The Wedding" |
"LATEST COURSE UPDATE: September 2018 Getting beautiful outdoor and on-location photographs of not only the bride and groom but the wedding party is an important part of the wedding day. When you learn these techniques, your portraits will not only stand out from the competition but youll give the bride and groom such a beautiful addition to their wedding story that will be cherished by them and their families the rest of their lives. Please note that this course is part of my A Crash Course in Wedding Photography and contains some of the exact same content as is in the complete course. This 87 minute course starts with a brief discussion on equipment, then, more importantly, goes into great detail about lighting. It reveals how important lighting is to great photography, what the first thing to look for is when arriving at a location. By finding the right light, then learn how to use light to your advantage. By looking at the many images shown and discussed in this course, youll learn some new set ups and posing techniques as well as how a slight refinement can make a drastic improvement in the portrait. Take this course if you would like to take your portrait photography to a higher level."
Price: 109.99

"A Crash Course in Camera Settings and Shooting Manually" |
"This is a short course for the beginner photo enthusiast designed to help you understand the many advantages of shooting in the manual mode. You'll learn all about camera settings that can help you get the proper exposure and give you creative control in your photographic images.One of the greatest advantages in understanding what your camera settings can do is how they affect your images. As an example, say you're doing a portrait and you want to isolate the subject by having your background go out of focus, or you may want everything in the image to be as sharp as possible. Even when photographing action or sports, there may be situations when you want to show a little bit of blur to denote action or you may want to freeze the motion and stop the action.There may also be certain situations when shooting in the auto mode has advantages. However, unless you understand what your camera settings can do and how they affect your images, shooting in the auto mode can be frustrating. I'll cover these topics and more:1. Introduction to Course & Assignments2. Advantages of Shooting in Manual Mode3. How ISO Affects Image Exposure4. How ISO Affects Image Quality5. Assignment - ISO6. Matching Aperture to ISO for Correct Exposure7. Understanding the Aperture & Shutter Speed Scale8. Controlling Depth of Field with Aperture9. Assignment - Selective Focus & Depth of Field10. Let Shutter Speed Control Degree of Motion Blur11. Use Panning for Sharp Subject & Blurred Background12. Three Factors to Consider in Recording Motion13. The Lost Art of Holding Your Camera Steady14. Assignment - Let Shutter Speed Control Degree of Motion Blur15. Metering for Correct Exposure16. Setting Your Focus/Metering Point17. Live View on How Focus/Metering Points Affect Your Exposure18. I Know What You're thinking19. Assignment - Metering Points20. Exposure Compensation21. Bracketing22. One Final Assignment23. Plus ""Bonus"" Added in a demonstration in Image Editing as we look at an ""Evolution of an Image""."
Price: 79.99

"Set up and Run a US Business in 2018" |
"If you haven't got a company you can set it up in the US, even if you are a foreigner. If you have a foreign company, you can create a US company to establish your presence in the US market and increase your brand reputation, because: Fact 1: Nobody will take you seriously in business unless you have a company. Fact 2: You get most credibility in business with a US-based company. The problem is that setting up a US company is very costly. It can easily amount to $10,000 and above, since corporate lawyers are extremely expensive. The Good News Setting up a US company is actually not that complicated and expensive, you just have to follow some easy steps and understand some basic concepts. Instead of having a corporate lawyer explain them to you (charging hundreds of dollars / hour), you can take this course! It contains: a hands-on approach on the best legal practices with a step-by-step guide to create your company in a few hours on a few hundred-dollar budget in plain English with 37 lectures with videos, instructions, quizzes and checklists and templates for all the necessary legal documents A Foreigner-Friendly Course If you don't live in the US, I'll teach you how to set up your own US company without ever having to travel to the US in a special set of lectures I've prepared for foreign entrepreneurs. You don't need a USvisa, green card or residence permit. You don't need to have a US address or USphone number either.More than 1500 satisfied students4.7-star ratingDon't take my word for it. Hear what others have to say...Adelina COJOCARU: ""After taking this course I finally know what I'm doing. I know what needs to be done, what decisions need to be made and their impact on my business. Most importantly, I know now that I can do it myself and save all that money on legal fees."" Juren Strnik: ""The instructor is knowledgeable about the subject and explains it in plain English. The fact that he's created several companies gives you peace of mind as he's able to point out several gotchas along the way."" Francesc Sanahuja: ""I have the feeling that it just saved me much more time, trouble and hours of frustration than I can image! Good invested money!"" Alberto Fernandez: ""I've read many things about starting a company in the US. But I'm a foreigner and I didn't know it was possible for me to start one. Now I know that it is possible, that I don't have to fly to the US, and that there are some things and traps you really have to be careful with as a foreigner"" Why I Made This Course for You I'm a serial entrepreneur and over the years I've started 4 companies and helped many other entrepreneurs establish their own. Setting up my companies without a lawyer has saved me thousands of dollars, but it has costed me many hours of reading legal stuff, talking to corporate attorneys, calling the IRS, etc. I have worked through all this information and summarized it in a digested version for you. I would like to share the acquired knowledge in this course to save you not only your money, but also your time. If this sounds interesting to you, I highly recommend making this investment in yourself."
Price: 194.99

"Design Software Training Bundle" |
"This is the ultimate software survival course. This includes an introduction to video editing, java programming, Photo Editing, as well as an idea of hobby electronics. The course is your comprehensive guide to learning about these different trades in the IT and software industry as well as learning skills that you can use to start a development company, start a startup, or even become a learning student depending on your level of knowledge. Get this course today and take one introductory step towards your future."
Price: 19.99

"Common Core Math Concepts: K-8" |
"This course is for parents and their children who are ages 3 to 13 who want to learn elementary and middle school math. This teaches everything you need to know from Addition all the way to Scientific Notation. This course also works great for people who want to get a refresher on basic mathematics skills. Start this course today and take the next step towards a bright future!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Blockchain Certification Practice" |
"Created by the Founder of Lonero, and multiple other cryptocurrencies is the Blockchain Certification Practice course. Learn from these questions a variety of history on crypto, some of the most used terminology, as well as use cases and programming languages related to the world of cryptocurrency. This course includes questions on famous founders, facts, skill-sets, and comprehensively more making it a go to practice test on Udemy."
Price: 19.99

"Trading Terms Exam Practice" |
"Finance is a tricky game with many acronyms, symbols, and important terms. This course consists of three practice tests going over important terminology, symbols, and things that every trader must know. Take this course today and have multiple practice tests show how much you know about the industry, financial markets, and trading terms in general.Test your knowledge and see if you have what it takes to be a trader with a well defined vocabulary. (Please note we don't solicit any financial advice and this is a vocabulary based practice test course.)"
Price: 19.99

"Amateur Rocket Certification Prep" |
"Amateur rocketry has a wide variety of different organizations, acronyms, and safety requirements tied to them. This plus its excessive history is knowledge you should know before filing for something or getting certified. Also lots of questions may come into play or facts that you should be prepared for. (Please note this is a practice test course and the fulfillment of this course just means you have on the basis of my opinion a good understanding of some of the vocabulary involved), we aren't affiliated with a regulatory body or entity at the time of the making of this course.)"
Price: 19.99

"Let's Learn Startup Terminology" |
"Silicon Valley is filled with lots of terms, and many investors have a variety of terms that they use. Knowing these terms and even a bit about technological and entrepreneurial history sets you apart from those who don't. Also there is a set amount of applicable things you should know in the business world in order to be presentable or not get yourself into trouble. This course is meant to test you on some of that knowledge as well as have some fun set of questions in between."
Price: 19.99

"Prepare for OHSA Standards" |
"OHSA has a wide variety of standards, codes and regulations to follow for OccupationalHealth and Safety. Test your knowledge on the OHSA website and handbook and see what terms, facts, organizations and acronyms you know.These practice tests are for beginner to intermediate levels. (Please note passing this course just demonstrates the vocabulary skills tested on this course and doesn't pass regulation for anything.) We are just offering practice tests and don't claim to be an affiliated entity."
Price: 19.99

"The Entrepreneur's Terminology Test Kit" |
"Entrepreneurship is a growing and emerging trend in the United States and throughout the world. However, given the rise in popularity and the increasing demand of technology, there are new terminologies that we should be well aware of. This includes some basic technological terminology as well.This is why I created this test kit, so you can analyze your current knowledge and know which ways you need to improve."
Price: 19.99
