"3 Master Steps to Retire on Cashflow Investing Stock Option" |
"You'll learn & understand the 2 Main Mindset Group on how money is invested, Either ""Capital Gains"" or ""Cashflow"" , the Differences between them.How CashFlow Investing can serve as an Alternative to Investing than the usual ""Buy, Hope, Pray"" that the stock Must go a certain direction.How you can Create Cashflow in the Stock Market Consistently, the System used by myself personally. Its no Fool-Proof system or Get-Rich-Quick System as such system do not exists. What we need is a consistent, systematic approach towards generating a stable & progressive CashFlow to supplement our income.3 Master Steps to Create a CashFlow source of Income which will Risk potentially replacing your job Income over time, should you Chose to.Included in this Program:1) Understanding the difference between Capital Gains vs CashFlow2) The Tools behind the system3) The Analysis prior to implementation (Using Free online services)4) 3 Master Steps to forming the CashFlow System (Details included)5) How to deploy the CashFlow system after ""Connecting-The-Dots""This course are for those who have gone tired of trying to grow their Wealth via ""Buy Low, Sell High"", those who felt they have always been on the ""wrong side of the page"" in Investing, those who read ""Rich Dad, Poor Dad"" and requires detailed steps on Creating Cashflow via the Stock/Options Market. Creating Multiple Streams of Income via Paper Assets. Those who want a simple system having CashFlow without the need to Chase the Market for returns."
Price: 94.99

"Acoustic Songwriting. Guitar lessons to create your songs." |
"TOP RATED, WORLD CLASS MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS COURSE ON UDEMYWrite your own songsMy course does exactly what the title describes in a simple, relatable way. I help you to create and perform your own music - whether you're a beginner musician looking to get started with your songwriting or you're a seasoned professional I will go through the process of acoustic songwriting - learn guitar (chords, scales, finger picking), vocal exercises and ranges, lyrics, building confidence, performing and much more. Why you need this courseCreating your own songs isn't all that easy. On your own it can be quite confusing, difficult and frustrating. I've been through the process myself, and with the help of lifelong musicians who have helped me I know the ins and outs of songwriting and performing across a range of genres. I want to share this with my fellow beginners, musicians, with you.What you will get out of this courseI will give you straightforward instructions, advice, insights and resources for you to take simple steps to create your first three songs in the genres of your choice. I personally provide support within the course daily, answering questions and giving feedback on what you've created so far. I don't just throw you in at the deep end - I provide you with the resources to learn and develop what you need and then help you stroll through to the finish line.My course integrates all of the aspects required to be a successful acoustic songwriter. I teach and I preach, with a live performance of a relevant original song by me at the end of each section! Why $95?As a professional songwriter, performer, and teacher for over ten years I have helped hundreds of people to learn to play guitar, sing and write their own songs. Face to face I charge $50 per hour for a student. To complete everything a student would learn in this course it would cost them between $500 - $1000 for the lessons. To reach more people than I could face to face I decided to create this course. As I add more content I intend to raise the price but for now I've decided on $95- the cost of just two lessons.By paying a small cost for this course I believe you will get your value back, with a lot more by the time you have completed it. Ask yourself - how much is learning to write songs worth to you?How long will it take?Although everyone is different, on average it has taken existing students between 4 - 6 weeks to complete the course, whilst developing their skills and knowledge along the way.Who this is not forThis course is not for anyone looking for a one-click fix. Although I provide you with a path walked enough times that it can be a relatively smooth journey it still requires a lot of time and effort from you to make it happen. If you're not interested in putting in your own energy to become a songwriter then this may not be the right course for you.Is there a money back guarantee if I'm not happy?Absolutely. I am confident that my course will bring you more value than you spend on the course. As one of the top featured Udemy Music Instructors my motto is 'your success is my success'. If within the first 30 days you feel my course is not going to help you to achieve your goals in creating your own songs then you get a no questions asked, full discount straight away.What materials are included?The majority of my lectures I have chosen to be in video format so that you can hear and see me when we're going through each and every area of the course.Aswell as the course lectures, presentations, audios, pdfs and quizzes the course will soon also offers:A workbook to track your progressA template for creating your own work timeline with goals and milestonesMy full support as an instructor to answer questions, provide feedback and supportInterviews with other successful musiciansI will be constantly adding more valuable content and resources to the course as time goes by. Keep checking back here if you're not sure right now and feel free to send me a message with any questions or requests you may have.So go ahead and click the 'Take this course' button at the top right of your screen. I look forward to seeing you on the course.Feedback from my current students: ""Wow, I'm a complete beginner..got this as a christmas present from my boyfriend. I loved it! I've already written three songs with help from the instructor and he's even given me feedback on my songs. Thank you."" - Hamza mubarik, India ""I've paid hundreds and hundreds of dollars on lessons and then John comes along with this course and I can learn, practise, and even get quick feedback for a fraction of the costs. I'd say there are still a few things the course could be improved - like maybe an interview with a famous songwriter? But this still stands well above any teacher or course I've ever used for guitar."" - Liam Jacob, Miami, United States"
Price: 94.99

"How to Solve Linear Equations in 5 Simple Steps" |
"Solving Linear equations is a fundamental skill that all high school math students must master if they wish to succeed in mathematics. Ace your next math test and rise to the top of your class! This course contains everything you will need to know to solve any linear equation: 32 lectures with 150 minutes of video content 20 example questions with full step-by-step video guided solutions for each of the 4 types of linear equations that students will encounter Practice sheets loaded with 32 practice questions with numerical answers provided to help students master equation solving! Challenge questions covering all 4 types of linear equations A full video guided solution to each challenge question A downloadable course e-book containing Karim's 5 simple steps to solving linear equations along with all the practice sheets and challenge questions and quiz solutions in one pdf file for easy reference A short quiz with full solutions provided in the course e-book Here's a testimonial from Alexander, one of my high school students: "Karim is a great teacher that is motivating and patient. Every time I go to see him he gives me warm-up questions that are very challenging and causes me to think outside the box. He also comes up with strategies, steps and formulas for concepts that were very difficult for me to understand that have helped me to gain a better understanding of them. Karim is one of the best teachers not just because of his knowledge but also because of his work ethic and attitude. :)" -Alexander"
Price: 24.99

"UX Research for Apps: User-centric from Concept to Launch" |
"What is the key ingredient that makes apps successful? They start with a laser focus on what users need. This course teaches you the tools and techniques needed to help you step into the shoes of customers allowing you to shape concepts that connect and design products that stick. Learn the professional secrets of conducting crucial user research quickly and inexpensively. Following a 6-step approach you will learn how to: Shape a concept Screen app ideas Conduct primary research (IDIs, surveys) Create customer journeys, personas and empathy maps Use participatory design to refine and prioritize Use Voice of the Customer research post-launch There are dozens of techniques, tools and apps discussed. Taught by veteran digital strategist and UX design researcher Dr. Todd Greenwood, this course is appropriate for anyone who is planning to build a mobile tech solution: app entrepreneurs, UX designers, and programmers. Along the way, Todd will highlight success stories and research that were used to develop some of the most successful apps like AirBnb and the research that should have been done forwell, the failures whose designers thought they could skip it. This 35-lesson course is hands-on, with a wealth of cost-effective techniques for gathering and analyzing survey data and qualitative insights. Youll know when to DIY and when and where to find companies (many research solutions have recently emerged in the mobile space) that you can call upon to help."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Python para Iniciantes" |
"Python uma linguagem que ganhou o corao de diversas empresas no Brasil e no mundo. Ela est crescendo muito nos mais diversos campos da computao. Mas por que isso est acontecendo ? Por ser uma linguagem simples e intuitiva o programador gasta mais tempo resolvendo os problemas do que entendendo as particularidades da linguagem, ou seja, Python uma daquelas linguagens rpidas de aprender e fcil de se apaixonar! Com este curso procurei fazer de uma forma bastante organizada e prazerosa, todo o trabalho de reunir as informaes necessrias (parte da Internet e muito da minha experincia profissional) sobre todos os temas bsicos da linguagem e o que muito necessrio para sair programando! Se voc ainda no sabe programar, esta a hora de fazer este curso e entender rapidamente o poder que voc tem em mos! Sabe programar? timo! Este curso excelente para quem deseja aprender rapidamente os principais conceitos da linguagem e resolver seus problemas logo em seguida! Para voc ter uma ideia de como esta linguagem muito utilizada: O Facebook tem mais de 1.464 projetos O Google tem mais de 6.541 projetos Em 2013 foram publicados mais de 90 mil projetos em Python! Este curso foi criado com uma estrutura excelente, onde os conceitos so apresentados e logo em seguida so feitos diversos experimentos no melhor estilo mo-na-massa trazendo rapidamente a conexo entre a teoria e a prtica! Entenda melhor este formato em nosso vdeo de apresentao, l eu falo um pouco sobre mim e como ser este curso em apenas alguns minutos. Se voc ainda estiver com alguma dvida sobre fazer este curso, vamos resolve-las agora!"
Price: 279.99

"Video Made Easy for Business" |
"Many people are either scared of making video, or just feel it's too daunting or overwhelming knowing where to start. So that's why I made 'Video Made easy for Business'. I want to see you successfully making and using video in your business because l love to help people make a difference...to their families and to those they provide their product or service. - Strategy and Planning so you can identify what video to make and for whom. It comes with easy to follow but comprehensive worksheets to guide you through the process - Equipment to choose from depending on your needs and circumstances available. A comprehensive checklist is included to help you with your decisions - Script writing, which is the key to making powerful videos. You get a range of fill-in-the-blanks templates to make this easy even if you're not good at writing - Fear busting techniques. Many people let the fear of not knowing where to start, what to say or just the fear of being on camera stop them. After the techniques l reveal here you'll be ready to go. Again you receive some great worksheets to assist you with this. - Post Production will be a breeze. Once you've recorded your video this Section guides you through producing your videos and uploading to your website or to video sharing sites etc And soon you'll receive access to a range of additional videos on how to use video to make more profit. My wish is for you to tap into the power using video will give you and your business."
Price: 194.99

"SAP - PP - Production Planning" |
"SAP Production Planning module allows to plan Production and Procurement. In this course the student will get an understanding of all involved Master Data in this process and in how to run the Materials Requirements Planning or MRP. All lessons contain and introductory theoretical overview and a demo in the system. For a better understanding a simple case study has been created where we simulate the plan of the manufacturing of a bicycle in SAP. After an introduction and general overview, in the second section we see all involved Master Data. Then how demand is created, specially Planned Independent Requirements. Finally, we will see how to run MRP and a demo example analyzing its result. This course will allow students to get an understanding of what this module offers and how to make a basic demo."
Price: 94.99

"Aprende Revit MEP" |
"Dibuja, disea y documenta tus proyectos de sistemas con Revit MEP. Entra en el campo de diseo con BIM (Building Information Modeling) Domina las potentes herramientas de dibujo Configura tus propias tuberas Calcula automticamente los dimetros Disea sistemas mecnicos de aire acondicionado Crea y documenta tus redes elctricas Genera reportes tiles y profesionales Presenta tus resultados con planos de calidad en la mitad de tiempo. Con este curso aprenders como sacar provecho de estas herramientas para que el proceso de dise de los sistemas para edificios sea ms rpido, ms eficiente y de mayor calidad. Una nueva forma de gestionar tus proyectos El software Revit es el lder mundial para diseo de edificios haciendo uso de BIM (Building Information Modeling), permitiendo a los profesionales no solo generar planos sino coordinar el modelo entero del edificio incluyendo caractersticas de diseo. Revit MEP est ideado para incluir herramientas de diseo de instalaciones para edificios. Cuando asignas elementos MEP a un proyecto, tu puedes: Generar automticamente la red de tuberas Realizar clculos de perdida de presin y presin esttica Dar tamao a las tuberas Mejorar el anlisis en el diseo trmico de los edificios Crear y documentar rpidamente tus redes elctricas domsticas Mejorar tu rendimiento al trabajar en un modelo MEP Orientacin del curso Seguiremos el orden lgico en que desarrollaras un proyecto personal. En lugar de considerar cada aspecto terico del programa, nos centraremos en seguir el flujo de trabajo que ms se adapte a un caso real y te daremos algunos consejos para conseguir los mejores resultados. Conseguirs archivos preparados que te permitirn seguir el avance del curso desde donde consideres ms necesario guindote para que utilices tu mismo las herramientas mientras ves las clases. El contenido del curso es actualizado regularmente para incluir actualizaciones importantes o puntos que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu aprendizaje y tendrs acceso a ellas en tiempo real para que puedas mejorar tus habilidades de continuo."
Price: 49.99

"Introduccin a Ansys Workbench" |
"Cada vez ms ingenieros estn usando Modeladores de slidos con el Mtodo de los elementos finitos para solucionar problemas cotidianos de estados de tensiones, deformaciones, transferencia de calor, flujo de fluidos, electromagnetismo, entre otros. Este curso presenta una coleccin de clases dirigidas al manejo bsico de ANSYS Workbench, uno de los programas de modelaje de slidos, simulacin y optimizacin ms integrales y extendidos. Las clases pasan por temas de creacin de geometra, anlisis tensionales, transferencia de calor y modos de vibracin. Tambin trataremos la generacin del mallado de los elementos finitos. El progreso del curso est planteado para seguir los pasos de diseo en orden lgico, por lo que cada tema nos ayudar a llegar a anlisis cada vez ms complejos. A medida que tratemos los conceptos bsicos, encontrars ejemplos prcticos que podrs ejecutar en tu propio computador para aumentar tus habilidades. Puedes avanzar a tu propio ritmo, o incluso ir a los tpicos donde necesites reforzar conocimientos. ANSYS Workbench 15.0 ha sido desarrollado sobre un marco que permite introducir una nueva manera de trabajar con tus proyectos de forma esquemtica. Aqu aprenders a usar esas herramientas, ya sea que hallas trabajado con versiones anteriores o si estas iniciando. DesingModeler. En la seccin de creacin de geometras te guiaremos en el proceso de crear y editar geometras en preparacin para el anlisis en ANSYS Mechanical, cubriendo tpicos cmo: La interfaz de usuario Creacin de bocetos Creacin de geometras 3D. Importar datos desde otros modeladores Modelar con parmetros Mechanical. En las seccin siguientes nos concentraremos en el mdulo de simulacin mecnica. Ac aprenders como usar este mdulo de forma efectiva para construir un modelos de simulacin mecnica, analizarlo e interpretar los resultados, cubriendo tpicos como: EL proceso de anlisis Anlisis estticos estructurales Anlisis de modos de vibracin Anlisis trmicos Casos de estudio con mltiples escenarios Siempre estaremos actualizando la informacin para ti, por lo que contars con un curso dinmico en el que podrs encontrar datos tiles y prcticos."
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Excel for the New Project Manager (PM)" |
"Welcome to the Excel 2010 for the New Project Manager course! This course is meant to be a short but information rich introduction to learn how to use Excel as a new project manager. And if you are an experienced project manager, you may also pick up some tips that could help with your individual projects, but think of it as a primer of Excel for Project Management. You may be running projects that require something to help manage or present information and usually a common tool is Microsoft Excel. Though it may not have the features of Project Management specific software, Excel is robust enough to use for project management. However you may find that once you understand what Excel can do, youll find out it is a very powerful tool that will probably do the majority of what you want. You just need to figure out how to use it. To really understand Excel you should probably start with the basics (and there is a lot to learn!). This course is a lecture only format that gives just enough information to get you started to feel comfortable using Excel to run projects. This course will cover the following: Explore the Excel 2010 User Interface Understanding the Ribbon A Look at the Backstage view Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) Workbook and Worksheet Basics Primer to Cells, Columns and Rows Exploring different views using Freeze Panes and Split Panes How to Create Formulas and use Functions Using Lists Filters How the Table Feature Works Basics of Charting Formatting Charts Using Styles and Text Formatting Tips on Printing Keyboard Shortcuts How to Create a Gantt Chart How to Create a Pareto Chart How to Create a Timeline Chart There are a lot of things you can do with Excel and this course should give you the tools to really understand how it works. By the end of the course you should feel familiar with using Excel and may also be able to create some charts that you may see in your work."
Price: 19.99

"Discover Your Passion - How To Change Your Life Immediately" |
"Imagine being able to wake up tomorrow full of life and energy because you have finally discovered your passion. It is possible to change your life immediately and to discover your passion right now! The days of living life in confusion are over. This is a promise.There is a science to discovering and radiating your passion. There are proven techniques and steps that will guarantee that you will be able to discover your passion and maintain it! Guarantee: By the end of this course you will have discovered your passion and will be able to radiate it to other people with confidence. Why should you take this course? ""Benjamin truly is a passionate person. His passion and wisdom blessed and encouraged me. If you like to be lifted up - take this course."" - Felix Dexel (student) More than 2,000 people have made the choice to discover their passion and I have personally trained 1,000's more in their pursuit of re-discovering their true purpose in life. Imagine living every day with purpose and having others look at you with awe because you are able to display your immense passion effortlessly. Imagine your friends and family hardly being able to recognize you because you are finally living your life with passion and fire! ""Quite simply, I love it. The instructor's passion and enthusiasm is infective! I cannot recommend this course or Benjamin highly enough!"" - Carl Jones (student) In this course you will learn:- The 8 timeless secrets to activate and discover your passion- The 8 unstoppable ways to stop being average for life - How to radiate limitless passion with others in your business and spiritual life You will begin to implement the practical and actionable steps as you go through this course and you will say bye-bye to average living once and for all. This course will push you to discover who you really are. There will be some sections that will make you uncomfortable as you will be forced to confront what you have kept hidden for all these years. ""Wow, this course is packed with energy and information. It has made me reflect up on my life for the first time in 15 years. Thank you Benjamin, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us."" - Emma Hilborn (student) In addition, you shall receive these 4 bonuses:- Bonus #1: Recharge Your Passion, which contains 15 powerful affirmations to enable you to always maintain your passion wherever you may be- Bonus #2: Limiting Belief Destruction will eradicate any and all limiting beliefs that you may have that prevent you from radiating your own passion- Bonus #3: Passion Decoded contains the exact word for word questions to ask people in order to engage in deep and meaningful conversations- Bonus #4: Fire Igniters is all about how to respond in a way that displays your passion the most. It will literally light a fire in all of your conversations!The Better Than Money Back Guarantee As always there is a 30 day money back guarantee. But I believe that this guarantee is too weak so I propose this for you. If you do not get the results that you are looking for in this course then I will personally give you double your money back out of my own pocket. I am committed to only deliver the very best in my teaching and content and I am confident that your life will never again be the same once you discover your passion.For the first 50 people that fully complete the course I will give them a 15 minute personal transformation call so that you can personally ask me any questions that you may have. In addition I will mastermind the next steps for your personal transformation. I believe in your success with this course and this will ensure it! (If this hasn't been taken down then the special bonus is still available)Special Introductory Price - Rising SoonI normally charge $1,000 per hour for 1 on 1 personal consultations but I like to reward people who take the initiative and take action towards discovering their passion. Make The Choice & Enroll TodayEnroll now and finally discover your passion! Check out the preview videos to see what you will be getting because I know this course will help you find your true life purpose!See you inside the course,Ben"
Price: 149.99

"How To Become An Entrepreneur At A Young Age" |
"This course will will help you on your path of entrepreneurship and to be financially fit. First, you will learn about being financially fit, which includes each level of financial fitness from expenses to giving. Second, you will learn what it means to be an entrepreneur, including insights from a lifelong entrepreneur and a preteen entrepreneur. Third, you will learn the benefits of being an entrepreneur. Fourth, you will learn about the challenges associated with starting and operating your own business. Last, you will learn more than a dozen business opportunities. These opportunities are presented month by month and most of the opportunities are viable year around. The 40 minute course will be taught using video, audio, and text formats. A review qeustion will be given after each section. Some of the material covered includes explanations, examples, and business ideas."
Price: 19.99

"iOS course: Learn In-app purchase with SWIFT & Objective C" |
"Are you an iOS Developer?Do you want to learn how to sell free iphone apps on itunes app store and reach Apple top grossing charts?This is the #1 video course in history of Game making to address age-old troubleshooting problem - in-app purchases - using both SWIFT & Objective C.The Problem:In-app purchase is the so far the Best Monetization strategy for any app / game.In-app purchase consumes maximum troubleshooting time.Slow implementation affects not only your revenue targets but also your momentum and motivation.Due to the difficulty in implementing IAP, small studios and indie developers find it extremely challenging to make decent income despite having outstanding iOS apps and games.This course is for:iOS Developers, Indie devs, small apps & game studios, and startups who are keen to develop great apps & games using Objective C & SWIFT, but find it challenging to leverage the best app store monetization technique of in-app purchases. This course is:First ever comprehensive iOS in-app purchase video tutorial.First in an upcoming series of Udemy courses that aims to teach you how you can earn extraordinary income from your app store sales. Forthcoming courses will build your revenue momentum on top of what you learn as part of this course - and assist you reach Apple top grossing charts on iTunes App Store. What will you be able to accomplish AT THE END? Easily integrate bestselling IAP architecture in your app under 1 hour of time - using Sample XCode Projects for Objective C & SWIFT.Once learned, it's extremely easy to multiply your revenue on iTunes App Store using ad-monetization, ASO and cross-promotions which I aim to cover in forthcoming courses. Maintain a bug free IAP code inside your app for years to come. Master IAP model, deliver great value to your client projects & gain long-lasting reputation as an outstanding app studio"
Price: 19.99

"How to teach your child to think like an ENTREPRENEUR" |
"Do you wonder what future awaits our children with the current global economic crisis? I do. And I wonder if there is something I can do differently as a parent to equip my daughters with the skills required to survive and thrive in an economy where most of the jobs that will be available to them when they leave school might not even exist yet. We are on economic quicksand, the dream of the corner office and the gold watch and the pension are gone. We need to move quickly and smartly, we need to adapt to the change that is being forced onto us. Ready or not, the connection age is here and the rules have changed. If your child is old enough to be in school, he or she is old enough to start learning how to be a successful entrepreneur. Teaching your child how to implement good business skills and creativity will be immeasurably valuable skills for the future. Of course, not all children will be interested in entrepreneurship, but giving your child the opportunity to discover the world of business early in life is a wise and lasting gift. Entrepreneurs are not born, they are made. The key skills can and should be taught. We need to teach our children to care enough about their dreams to develop the judgment, skills and attitudes to make them come true. Give it a try. Your childs future depends on it!"
Price: 19.99

"CPanel Web Hosting for Beginners" |
"In this beginners course, you'll learn how to manage your own website. The web hosting for beginners course covers: How to find a web hosting company Explanation of domain names Overview of cPanel (An easy to use web hosting platform) Learn how to create/delete an email account Learn how to change your email account passwords Access your email via webmail Re-direct a domain Create a subdomain Check your web stats using one of three tools Discover how to install WordPress the easy way Discover how to install Joomla the easy way And few other useful things you need to know in order to manage your website and be less dependent on your hosting company This course is based on my 12 + years of designing and hosting websites and helping clients to manage their own websites. Clients are able to understand basics like how to manage emails, checking web stats and more after just a 30 min to 1 hour training session. I will give you an overview of the most powerful web hosting platform, cPanel, which will put you in the drivers seat of managing the back end of your website. cPanel is very easy to learn and in just 30 minutes, you will get an overview of how you can manage your own website. The course includes mostly videos, a few PDF documents and a short quiz to test your knowledge. In addition to that, I have also included a discount coupon for HostGator. The course will also be updated in the near future to address any questions I receive and to further improve it based on your comments and recommendations. It is important to note that this course does not show you how to create a website, teach you HTML, Joomla, WordPress etc. It just focuses on hosting your website."
Price: 19.99

"Git fundamental - Aprende lo importante desde cero" |
"Cientos de estudiantes satisfechos han tomado este curso especialmente diseado para principiantes y le han dado 5 estrellas de promedio y excelentes reviews: "Acabo de finalizar el curso, lo recomiendo 100%." "Es de los temas que cualquier desarrollador tendra que saber y Jorge lo explica muy bien!" "Claramente explicado y de una forma muy simple y agradable." Inscrbete ya y aprende Git de una vez por todas y convirtete en un desarrollador completo. Git se ha convertido en el sistema ms importante y fundamental para el desarrollo de cualquier tipo de aplicacin. Gracias a que es totalmente gratis y con el respaldo de la comunidad open source, ningn desarrollador, ingeniero en computacin o gerente de proyectos debe ignorar este conocimiento. Git permite tener mejor control sobre el proyecto, facilita la cooperacin entre miembros del proyecto y se convierte en un mtodo avanzado de respaldo. Este curso te introduce, desde el nivel ms bsico y a travs del poder del video, los fundamentos de Git desde cmo instalarlo hasta cmo usar las herramientas avanzadas y el portal Github. Si buscas en internet, puedes encontrar cientos de cursos, videos y otros recursos gratis, pero es un trabajo increblemente tedioso y deja ms dudas que respuestas. En este curso podrs aprender, de manera sencilla y sin saltos, los conceptos de Git, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo ms avanzado junto con una comunidad de estudiantes que estn aprendiendo el mismo concepto. Adicionalmente los instructores responden las preguntas que tengas en cada leccin si te quedas atascado en cualquier lugar del curso. El curso est dividido en 6 secciones: Introduccin Fundamentos de Git Repositorios remotos Ramificaciones en Git Herramientas de Git El portal Github El curso cuenta con ms de dos horas de video tutoriales y material de soporte en casi todas las lecciones. Puede completarse en un da pero es ms ptimo tomar cada leccin y luego practicar los conocimientos, as que una semana es el tiempo ptimo para completarlo (una seccin por da). Sin embargo el material es tan completo, que estamos seguros que volvers una y otra vez a revisar los temas fundamentales. Adicionalmente, estamos actualizando el curso constantemente, aadiendo lecciones gracias al feedback de nuestros estudiantes. Tambin tendremos Google Hangouts donde podrs preguntar al instructor cualquier pregunta que tengas sobre el curso o sobre Git en general."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo estar seguro en Internet - Sin ser un tecnlogo" |
"Todos los das leemos en las noticias sobre un nuevo ataque informtico en contra de instituciones, compaas y usuarios. Miles de millones de dlares son robados usando tcnicas de hacking sencillas, explotando la falta de conocimientos de la persona comn y corriente. Segn el reporte de seguridad para el 2014 de la reconocida empresa Symantec hubo un aumento del 91% en ataques coordinados, 552 Millones de identidades fueron expuestas, 38% de los usuarios de celulares han sido hackeados y uno de cada 392 correos es un intento de hackeo tipo phishing. Lo ms importante para protegerse contra estos ataques cibernticos no es a travs de software o pagando servicios costosos -- es a travs del conocimiento. Este curso te introduce, desde el nivel ms bsico y a travs del poder del video, los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para que tu y tu familia puedan usar el internet sin tener que preocuparse sobre la prdida de datos, robo de identidad otras operaciones que pueden poner en riesgo tus finanzas y tu bienestar social. El instructor, Jorge Escobar, es un arquitecto de plataformas web con ms de 15 aos de experiencia liderando equipos de desarrollo. Uno de los proyectos que lo especializ en el tema de seguridad cibrnetica fue la implementacin de la conformidad con regulacin PCI (Payment Card Industry) de una aplicacin de pagos recurrentes que requera de procesamiento y almacenamiento de cientos de miles de registros de clientes con informacin completa de tarjeta de crdito, direccin y datos personales. Si buscas en internet, puedes encontrar cientos de cursos, videos y otros recursos, pero es un trabajo increblemente tedioso y deja ms dudas que respuestas. En este curso podrs aprender, de manera sencilla y sin necesidad de tener conocimientos tcnicos avanzados, las tcnicas de seguridad ciberntica, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo ms avanzado junto con una comunidad de personas que estn aprendiendo el mismo concepto. Adicionalmente los instructores responden las preguntas que tengas en cada leccin si tienes preguntas adicionales o necesitas expandir en un tema especfico. El curso est dividido en 6 secciones: Introduccin Cmo funciona el internet Mtodos de los hackers Las 6 reglas para mantenerse seguro Seguridad familiar Herramientas Recursos El curso cuenta con ms de una hora de video y material de soporte en casi todas las lecciones. Tambin hay ejercicios y exmenes que complementan tu conocimiento de los temas aprendidos. Puede completarse en un da, pero es ms ptimo tomar cada leccin y luego practicar los conocimientos, as que una semana es el tiempo ptimo para completarlo (una seccin por da). Sin embargo el material es tan completo, que estamos seguros que volvers una y otra vez a revisar los temas fundamentales. Adicionalmente, estamos actualizando el curso constantemente, aadiendo lecciones gracias al feedback de nuestros estudiantes. Tambin tendremos Google Hangouts donde podrs preguntar al instructor cualquier pregunta que tengas sobre el curso o sobre temas de proteccin de internet en general."
Price: 19.99

"How to Plan and Outline Novels (Using Scrivener)" |
"In this course, Smarter Artist co-founder Sean Platt will show you the step-by-step process our 3-person bestselling author team uses to plan and outline over 2 million words per year of high-quality, reader-loved fiction without hassle, delays, or the frustration most writers face. The most important thing any independent author must do to sell more books and make more money is to "write, publish, and repeat," getting new work to market fast. In this course, we'll show you how to get faster while making your stories richer, deeper, and flat-out better. Through ten videos and just under 3 hours of content, you'll learn a pre-production process we call "story beats" -- a way of planning that combines the thoroughness of traditional outlining with the flexibility and high creativity of "seat of the pants and trusting the story" writing. Having the very best beats in place before writing will take the frustration out of daily writing because you'll always know your characters, their world, their motivations, and their conflicts. You'll know what they look like, how they act, and what they're up to. Sean will show you this process using our favorite writing program: Scrivener. He'll show you what to put where, how to use images and the different sections to define your project, and how to show up at the desk tomorrow ready to kick butt and take names."
Price: 19.99

"""Write. Publish. Repeat"" Conversations" |
"At the end of 2013, the crew behind the top-rated Self Publishing Podcast released their book Write. Publish. Repeat. WPR went on to become a #1 bestseller, hailed as an addition to the "must have" book list for writers. This 30-part video series, in which the three authors (Johnny, Sean, and Dave) expound on all of WPR's key pointsa year later, is the next step for forward-thinking, smart indie publishers. Write. Publish. Repeat. Conversations is the video companion to Write. Publish. Repeat. We not only go into more depth on the book's content as it applies to our day-to-day business, but the series also updates the book with all we've learned after another year publishing at Sterling & Stone, our cutting-edge company that runs six imprints across the publishing spectrum. Students of this course will learn how to take take their art and make a viable business from it. The e-book age is a golden time for writers ... and Write. Publish. Repeat. shows you how to take advantage of it, and profit from your creativity."
Price: 49.99

"Hypnosis: The Complete Hypnotherapy Certification" |
"Description:The unknown secrets of conversational hypnosis is about to reveal to you , how to hypnotise anyone , anywhere with just the use of language. Through out this course you will be taught by a Master of Hypnosis Scott Jansen and he will be guiding you through simple to learn covert techniques of hypnosisBuild a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with ease This is your ABC into the world of hypnosis for fun with engaging lectures , and lecture notes giving you a step by step program to follow Even if you are brand new to hypnosis or a season therapist , this course will give a you an understanding on how to use hypnosis on the fly lectures and demo's with actual students are used to explain with clear and concise steps on how to achieve mastery in hypnosis with lecture notes as a guide through these steps You will find ever lecture has a recording ( from a live Hypnosis training ) and set notes that correspond to every step Scott teaches With easy to follow material you could master your first Hypnotic trance with in the first hour of this course giving you an upper edge of long , laborious material . This is direct and too the point . Over all 3-5 hours of learning A powerful hypnosis skill at your finger tips: If you have every had the interest on Hypnosis or seen the likes of 'Derren Brown' or other mind magicians this is for you . The fundamental corner stone of covert , conversational hypnosis is at your finger tips . Soon subjects around you will be dropping like fly's into trance and they will have no idea when you started or how you did it so quickly . *Discover 8 in depth lecture with 15 SUBJECTS COVERED , WITH VIDEO AND SLIDE SHOWS taking you step by step These hypnosis techniques were taught to current therapists , coaches and gurus to develop them selves in their chosen field . These ideas and method are easy quick and fun to learn and even a novice to hypnosis, can master these for amazing results."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: The Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis Program" |
"Description:The unknown secrets of conversational hypnosis is about to reveal to you , how to hypnotize anyone , anywhere with just the use of language. Through out this course you will be taught by a Master of Hypnosis Scott Jansen and he will be guiding you through simple to learn covert techniques of hypnosisBuild a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with ease This is your ABC into the world of hypnosis for fun with engaging lectures , and lecture notes giving you a step by step program to follow A simple formula to follow to create a hypnotic affect from anything How to work with people that say Hypnosis doesn't exist How to "" Freak "" people out with hypnotic tricks of the mind The steps to any hypnotic phenomena How to stick people body parts to things like a hand to a face How to use the right set up to create a deep instant trance A powerful skill at your finger tips: If you have every had the interest on Hypnosis or seen the likes of 'Derren Brown' or other mind magicians this is for you . The fundamental corner stone of covert , conversational hypnosis is at your finger tips . Soon subjects around you will be dropping like fly's into trance and they will have no idea when you started or how you did it so quickly ."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Advanced Self Hypnosis" |
"Your unconscious is the key to a great life. Without access to this treasure trove, life is often an unbearable struggle for survival. Each moment an uphill battle. Hopes, dreams and goals difficult to attain. Joy, happiness and success fleeting. And you're left ""stuck-in-a-rut"" and frozen in place. That's the kind of mental and emotional drain sapping the life out of millions of people. Leaving them to plod along frustrated. Not knowing how to make things better. When you feel like that it's impossible to change your life. Unless... you discover how to tap the unconscious mind... remove all the obstacles buried inside... and... replace them with the success mindset that can transform you into a total winner. (It's a lot easier than you think!) Learn this simple skill and personal, relationship, health, money and other problems vanish... goals and dreams become reality fast... and... life turns from a stormy sea into a calm safe harbor of easy achievement and peace of mind. - Discover the simple 4 step formula to get the most from your mind - Course structure Includes 26 lectures - Simple instructions and examples - Simple troubleshooting ideas to over come blocks - Step by Step combination of entire program - Setting the right mind conditions for success - Knowing the 3 biggest mistakes made that send you to failure . This will give you the unlimited ability to almost order anything in your life and finally achieve goals with ease and fun"
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Unlimited Wealth Mastery" |
"If you would like to unblock your limitations , clear old thinking and super charge your success ( yes even if you are learning hypnosis and want to master it ) this 60 day challenge is the start ! Maybe this is you or you know someone like it . You strive for success in anything , you get so far and something happens ..... You hit a wall or you lose the motivation . Yes its unfair isn't it , you have all the hope and attitude to do great then this happens . So what is this . Let me introduce you to your imprint stage This is the stage as a child where everything is up for grabs ( goals and aspirations ) . Your environment ( inducing your parents ) put into motion what the world is like , and in a round about way , imprint their beliefs and how they view the world on you . Then essentially you become this . Now I'm sure you have heard this before so lets move onto how this sabotages you NOW... Your unconscious mind develops your inner thoughts around this : maybe you heard from your dad money is hard to come by money doesn't grow on trees maybe from your mum she said stick with a 9-5 job and be safe . All of these stick inside your mind . You could probably think of statements you often heard and i invite you to think of your issue in your life now and notice that they reflect these statements you have heard before. So what is the solution ? YOU NEED TO CLEAR THESE ! How do we clear them ? Its actually quiet simple . We use the language that can instantly erase these ideas . Here's the kicker you don't even have to know exactly what they are , you just have to be aware that something isn't exactly the way you want it , maybe finances , love , confidence etc ."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Pain Control Menstrual Cramps" |
"Over the years you may have read ... or been told .... that it was ""all in your mind"" ... that you were exaggerating the actual discomfort ... or that it was simply the price you had to pay for being female. IT IS ALL IN YOUR MIND and using our mind its easy to conquer. During this easy to follow training you will become an expert in your own pain control. You will understand the exact reasons for pain and how to instantly put a stop to bad cramps that can cripple some women. Its said that 43 million women in the USA alone suffer from pain that can cause inability to function. - You will know what pain is - Pains function in our body - How to use this pain message to help us battle cramps - 2 simple to follow and use self hypnotic techniques that can be used at anytime by anyone - How to master these ideas so they are natural - 7 structured lectures with methods - Material is covered verbally with written instructions - Course will take 45 minutes to finish If you suffer from cramps , irritability , pain and throbbing using these methods will allow you to live a normal life during your cycle stages and live beyond the pain"
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Master Hypnotist Secrets" |
"Description:Imagine using natural unconscious signals and signs in the body to induce a deep hypnotic trance in your clients with only conversation. Build a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis Do you realize that a subjects nerves , feeling scared and worried about hypnosis can be used as a door way into a trance quicker than when not used. Imagine hearing this from a subject "" I'm nervous about going into hypnosis"" and knowing how to use this statement to put them into hypnosis before they could resist you. The ideas and method will show you an advanced way taught to beginners of how to induce trance in clients even if they resist you.In depth look into unconscious moments and sensationHow to direct attention to allow trance to growUsing unconscious signals to recognize tranceInteracting with unconscious signalsUsing powerful suggestions types to direct the therapyThe echo and pause that only masters use and knowHow to deepen trance with no wordsHow to create trance with no formal inductionUtilizing nerves , fear and anxiety to help trance beginTesting your clients after hypnosisAttaching a positive therapy outcome to your trance workProving to clients that hypnosis occurredKnowing exactly what to say when a client respondsHow to say less than formal hypnosisA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips: If your a coach or therapist and get worried about when clients state they feel anxious or nervous this simple guide will show you what and how to deal with it . Never be stuck for what to do or say and by the end of this training you will hope that all your clients are nervous before they visit you"
Price: 24.99

"Photoshop fr Web-Designer" |
"Der erste deutsche Photoshop Kurs auf Udemy! Erleben Sie Photoshop wie ich es verwende. Dieser Kurs ist kein verfilmtes Handbuch - das Adobe auch als kostenloses Video anbietet, in dem jedes Werkzeug und jede Funktion in wenigen Sekunden vorgestellt wird. Nein, hier lernen Sie konkrete Projekte umzusetzen und erleben die Funktionen und die Werkzeuge von Photoshop nebenher. In den vielen live gegebenen Kursen habe ich festgestellt, dass dies eine der besten Lernmethoden fr meine Studenten ist. In diesem ersten Kurs sind einige Projekte zusammengetragen, damit Sie den Einsatz und die Verwendung der wichtigsten Werkzeuge kennen lernen. Das sind zum Beispiel der Pinsel, das Schneidmesser, das Pfadwerkzeug, die Auswahlwerkzeuge, die Kanle, die Weichzeichner, die Scharfzeichner, Tonwertkorrektur, Farbton/Sttigung viele Filter und einiges mehr. JETZT MITBONUS ""MATRIX Screen selbst gemacht"" Seien Sie kreativ. Probieren Sie aus. Verlassen Sie ausgetretene Pfade und kombinieren Sie die Verwendung von Filtern und Werkzeugen Neu! Jetzt einschreiben und sofort besser Photoshoppen."
Price: 19.99

"Stop back pain now! Enjoy your life - reactivated" |
"In the practical training, exercises without ancillary equipment are the most useful. Learn the correct performance of each movement element and get your body into shape. In this course, you will learn the basics of functional training. A set of variations presents the varied and entertaining training. Benefit from this construction kit and assemble your program. This course is built like a professional trainer. He will give you all the information you need to know to start the functional training and how to use it correctly. The course is ideal for untrained people and people with weight problems as well as people that just want to try something different. Go get yourself an exercise mat if you do not already own one. Sing up as a student, and off we go! Its a training hour that packs a punch. Good luck!"
Price: 79.99

"Social Media and Technology in the Supply Chain" |
"Important notes: Current promotional price is $19, but will increase to $149 New lectures and updates Support Whatever your current position employed within SC&L function, this course will give you a practical understanding of the impact of social media in the supply chain and its consequences. it addresses the multiple issues social media and new technology generates in the supply chain and logistics markets (SC&L). It addresses the communication issues affecting and impacting on distribution road, air, sea and rail, that is applicable to manufacturing, production and retail. I have incorporate my practical real time experience, giving you real time comprehension of operations in SC&L. This course is structured in 18 sections with 135 lectures and should take students about 4.5hrs to complete. If you are working in SC&L in roles such as; procurement, operations, distribution, sales and marketing, distribution, freight management and manufacturing functions - this is a course for you"
Price: 19.99

"Communications in the Supply Chain" |
"Important notes: Current promotional price is $29, but will increase to $149 New lectures and updates Support Good communications is about developing image, reputation, credibility and authority. It influences opinion and behaviour all organisations have to communicate. They have no choice. They must influence all those groups around them, upon which their success relies, by the projection of their actions and reactions. Manufactures, producers, retailers, suppliers all have to make sure their messages are communicated consistently and coherently to every audience both inside and outside of the business. Development of a strong brand positions a range of products and services a company brings to the market. It conveys the value of the company. Branding is increasingly important where product differentiation is less easy to establish. The rise of social media and technology and the ability to deal direct with the end consumer, is generating significant complexity in the supply chain. As todays consumers have been conditioned by multiple industries, to expect personalised interactions across different channels. It is all about customer connectivity. Omnichannel retailing has created multiple sales opportunities for retailers. Simultaneously it is creating havoc in their operating model and upstream supply chains, whilst they attempt to integrate the e-commerce purchasing volumes. Allowing them to develop the buy-anywhere-fulfil anywhere and return anywhere retail consumer experience. This course provides a practical examination of the communication process within the modern SC&L."
Price: 19.99

"Impact of Social Media on the Supply Chain" |
"This course addresses the multiple issues social media and new technology generates in the supply chain and logistics markets (SC&L). The industry terminology used throughout this course, is mainstream within SC&L industry. The course focuses on traditional communications in the SC&L which until now have been unidirectional, in that it informs only in one direction or another, e.g., customer relationship management (CRM) - aimed at just for consumers. Social media amalgamated with new technology is now enabling omnidirectional communications, which is contributing to increased complexity in the SC&L. If you are working in SC&L in roles such as; procurement, operations, distribution, sales and marketing, distribution, freight management and manufacturing functions - this is a course for you"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Powerful Capability Statement (Step-by-Step)" |
"HOW TO CREATE A POWERFUL CAPABILITY STATEMENT.. so you can win government contracts is a course teaching you how to create the ideal marketing collateral for the government market. After years of working as a consultant in the government industry, I was deeply disturbed by the challenges which small business have. I saw the disparities that limited small businesses from success. According to the SBA, small businesses represent 99.7% of American companies, yet they are only winning 20% of federal dollars. Women owned small businesses represent 41% of companies, yet are only winning 4.3% of contracts. Minorities represent 35% of the population, yet are only winning 5.6% of contracts. As such, I left the consulting world and decided to start the Government Contractors Association. I wanted to do something to help impact the disparities and challenges which existed in the most lucrative industry. This course is one of the many training tools and resources which I have created to help change the disparities and the ""economic injustice"" which exists in the government market. In this course, you'll learn that the government does not use brochures or flyers. They use capability statements. If you want to have the best chance of winning contracts, then you'll need to have a literature that speaks to your audience. This course guides you step-by-step on how to create a capability statement. It explains why you need one, what are the components and how to use it. In this course you'll also receive guidance on how to find an agency so you can market your capability statement to. You'll learn 7 important keys to unlock more contract opportunities. You'll also receive templates and samples so you don't have to start from scratch. Just use the templates and edit them so you can finalize your capability statement quickly. This is your opportunity to grow your company in the $500 billion government market. Use this course to help you to create your marketing capability statement for the largest customer in the world."
Price: 199.99
