"Basic Survival Skills : Live The Survivalist Lifestyle" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Your Family Isn't Ready For A Terrorist Attack, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado! Will They Survive ? If The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed & Protect Them?Will They Die Because You Have Idea how to Survive?Disaster preparedness and survival skills are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, not only because of popular movies and television shows, but simply because the world as we know it is becoming more and more chaotic and more and more unstable. There have been an increasing number of natural disasters, from tropical storms to earthquakes and wildfires, hurricanes and tornadoes and everything in between and people are becoming more cognizant of these facts, each and every day and have a desire to learn the skills necessary to survive disasters, whether they are natural or man-made, such as a riot stock market collapse or electrical grid collapse. 30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!Think about these things for a minute ...What would you do if there was a terrorist attack that caused mass chaos and panic, and all the stores and places of food were closed? Do you want to be the one that is begging your neighbors, friends, or family for help? Do you want to be shipped off to a FEMA camp?""Could you provide for your family if severe weather like hurricanes, snowstorms or a flood caused your area to go into a panic -- buying up everything off of stores and creating shortages? What if the stores were empty for weeks or months?Could you protect your family if there were massive power outages or rolling blackouts or brownouts -- disrupting electricity and making it nearly impossible to get food from stores or provide heat or energy in your home?What would happen if the road system was destroyed by floods or other natural disasters in your area? Could you survive without food or other essentials for weeks?Could you protect and provide for your family if an earthquake hit and the area was devastated? Many people mistakenly believe that the government or emergency services will provide all the help they need. When the time comes, however, it could take emergency service response teams hours days, weeks and even months to respond effectively to the disaster. So in the meantime, you and your loved ones will have to fend for yourselves but, if you don't know how to survive in an urban environment, this is going to be rather difficult.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.WARNING: Your Survival Could Depend On Your Next Choice"" The Basic survivalist and disaster preparedness course will teach you everything that you need to know about surviving a man-made or natural disaster in urban settings. Everything from medicine to food supplies, shelter building and other primitive construction, basically everything you need to know to be a 21st-century urban Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett and not only will you learn to survive in an urban disaster setting but you will learn to thrive.Here's Exactly What YOU Get Inside The Newbies Basic Survival Skills Course:How to properly store and can food suppliesHow to pack a bug out bagHow to navigate using a magnetic compass and topography (landmarks and the environment)How to set up and sustain a small urban farm consisting of fruits and vegetables chickens and/or fishHow to produce alternative sources of electricity and brighten your life through solar wind and human powerHow to make alternative fuel sources such as bio diesel to power your home and increase your travel radiusHow to fortify your home and protect yourself and your family from looters, or worse using dogs battery-operated cameras and floodlights and close quarters combat techniques such as firearms and martial artsEven how to keep up morale when you are at your mental breaking point and your spirits are low.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is jeopardizing not only your Safety but the Safety of Those You love!!!...Scroll up and Enroll Now! It has been said that a person can only survive in any given situation or environment for 90 days, because after this period of time, you are no longer surviving in a given environment but living in it. And in the urban Ranger course will teach you exactly that, how to live in your new urban environment. P.S. We're living in some of the craziest times in history and many experts agree that it's not a matter of if"" but when"" you will face an emergency that is beyond what you and your family have prepared for. There's a famous truism among instructors getting soldiers ready for war.When the bullets start flying, you WON'T rise to the occasion. You will perform half as well as you did during your best training.""As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $250You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!"
Price: 194.99

"Wilderness Survival : Survival, Prepping and Preparedness" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Your Family Isn't Ready For A Terrorist Attack, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado! Will They Survive? If The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed & Protect Them?Will They Die Because You Can't Even Survive 48 Hours on Your Own?Survival and survival training are enjoying a renewed popularity thanks to all the pseudo-reality television shows floating around on the airwaves and digital universe. Many people are beginning to wonder again whether or not they have what it takes to survive in the wilderness or deserts or in an urban environment during the man-made or natural disaster. But contrary to popular belief the act of survival is nothing like what is depicted on television or in movies. While it is possible to generate fire by rubbing sticks together to create friction even the most experienced survivalists cannot make it happen in 3 seconds flat in a snowstorm starting a fire with friction takes a great amount of patience and practice and a willingness to survive above everything else. 30 Day 100% Risk-Free Offer!Think about these things for a minute ...What would you do if there was a terrorist attack that caused mass chaos and panic, and all the stores and places of food were closed? Do you want to be the one that is begging your neighbors, friends, or family for help? Do you want to be shipped off to a FEMA camp?""Could you provide for your family if severe weather like hurricanes, snowstorms or a flood caused your area to go into a panic -- buying up everything off of stores and creating shortages? What if the stores were empty for weeks or months?Could you protect your family if there were massive power outages or rolling blackouts or brownouts -- disrupting electricity and making it nearly impossible to get food from stores or provide heat or energy in your home?What would happen if the road system was destroyed by floods or other natural disasters in your area? Could you survive without food or other essentials for weeks?Could you protect and provide for your family if an earthquake hit and the area was devastated?This survival 101 course will help you test your mental limits and teach you how to get in the proper survival mindset for any survival or emergency situation you might encounter. It will also teach you the basic and necessary physical skills for survival and help you to separate fact from fiction when it comes to what is actually possible in a given survival situation, such as exactly how to find food. Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.WARNING: Your Survival Could Depend On Your Next Choice""Try drinking water and build a primitive shelter and fire so that you can survive for a minimum of 48 hours until you can either find help (referred to as a self-rescue) or be found by rescuers (assisted rescue). Although the minimum is 48 hours, suggested survival time until a rescue can be affected. It could be as little as little as a few hours or as much as several weeks, until rescue workers may be able to rescue you. It all depends on the climate, the weather environment and a whole host of other factors.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is jeopardizing not only your Safety but the Safety of Those You love!!!...Scroll up and Enroll Now! So the survival 101 course will teach you to take the basic survival skills that you have learned and perfected one step further and survive longer than 48 hours. If absolutely necessary on limited resources and your basic fundamental survival skills to not only survive but thrive in whatever survival scenario you find yourself in.P.S. We're living in some of the craziest times in history and many experts agree that it's not a matter of if"" but when"" you will face an emergency that is beyond what you and your family have prepared for. There's a famous truism among instructors getting soldiers ready for war.When the bullets start flying, you WON'T rise to the occasion. You will perform half as well as you did during your best training.""As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $250You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!"
Price: 199.99

"Survival Guide: When Sh!!T Hits the Fan (SHTF) Preparedness" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Your Family Isn't Ready For A Terrorist Attack, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado! Will They Survive? If The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed & Protect Them?Will They Die Because You're Not Prepared?More and more people these days are taking an interest in survival, whether it is inspired by one of their favorite TV shows or a genuine desire to be prepared for a wide variety of man-made and natural disasters or emergency situations or simply just want to test your limits as a human being. It doesn't matter, what really matters is that you have a desire to learn the skills of survival and preparedness.. 30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!Think about these things for a minute ...What would you do if there was a terrorist attack that caused mass chaos and panic, and all the stores and places of food were closed? Do you want to be the one that is begging your neighbors, friends, or family for help? Do you want to be shipped off to a FEMA camp?""Could you provide for your family if severe weather like hurricanes, snowstorms or a flood caused your area to go into a panic -- buying up everything off of stores and creating shortages? What if the stores were empty for weeks or months?Could you protect your family if there were massive power outages or rolling blackouts or brownouts -- disrupting electricity and making it nearly impossible to get food from stores or provide heat or energy in your home?What would happen if the road system was destroyed by floods or other natural disasters in your area? Could you survive without food or other essentials for weeks?Could you protect and provide for your family if an earthquake hit and the area was devastated?Thanks to the recent popularity of survivalist reality shows, many people receive the mistaken impression that learning how to survive, and having the proper survival and/or emergency equipment is going to be rather expensive. Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.WARNING: Your Survival Could Depend On Your Next Choice""They mistakenly believe that in order to survive. They are going to need the latest and greatest in technologically advanced gear such as GPS tracking systems, gourmet dehydrated meals, fancy spring-loaded tents and portable air conditioning systems (yes, they have those). However, none of these technologically advanced pieces of survival equipment are absolutely necessary to survive. Yet they may look cool in the box, and they may do 1000 things (except for that one thing. You really needed to do right now) yes they are nice and convenient, but they are overly priced at overly unnecessary. A survival situation, should be thought of in terms of a camping trip with your dad, brother, uncle, grandpa or Boy Scout troop that you took. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already had this Udemy course When you were younger, you may not have had all of the latest and greatest survival and/or camping technology. But with little know-how seminar will grease and a few special tricks. You not only manage to survive, but you had fun doing it.Here's Exactly What YOU Get Inside The Thrifty Prepper Survival Course:How to navigate using a magnetic compass and topography (landmarks and other terrain features) as well as other old-school survival techniques.How to make proper blood budget friendly dietary choices without breaking the bank buying name brand dehydrated survival food.How a needle and thread can be worth their weight in gold. When it comes to making small repairs in clothing, shelter, and even traps and fishing nets.How to make and use simple traps and weapons such as snares, fishing spears and blow guns, to supplement your existing food supply.How to find the best sleeping bag and shelter for your environment while still saving money.How to construct simple, primitive shelters using basic natural and man-made materials to keep you out of the elements.How to purify water, simply, quickly and effectively.How to start a fire using centuries-old tried and true methods when you really need the heat.This class will bring you back to the days of those long-ago camping trips and teach you how to survive using analog tools in a digital world. The things you will learn in this class will be very budget friendly 110% reliable and effective not to mention easy to learn and remember.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is jeopardizing not only your Safety but the Safety of Those You love!!!...Scroll up and Enroll Now! So that should you ever need to put these skills to use in a practical situation. You will have no doubt whatsoever that you will not only deal to survive but thrive in whatever emergency situation you find yourself in. P.S. We're living in some of the craziest times in history and many experts agree that it's not a matter of if"" but when"" you will face an emergency that is beyond what you and your family have prepared for. There's a famous truism among instructors getting soldiers ready for war.When the bullets start flying, you WON'T rise to the occasion. You will perform half as well as you did during your best training.""As With All My Courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $497You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!"
Price: 199.99

"Social Media Marketing : Hospitality & Travel Professionals" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Learn Secrets to Increase Profit, Fans, Engagement & Reach on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Instagram If you are or aspire to be at the management level in the hospitality industry, then you have got to be aware of the impact social media and all of its various outlets as on the hospitality industry. Social media now allows clients and guests to leave and receive almost instantaneous feedback concerning any hotel anywhere in the world. And as everyone knows, the hospitality industry thrives on its reputation. This is why it's so important to understand all of the ins and outs of social media and exactly how they impact your business and reputation.Are you ready to become part of the next-generation of Hospitality business leaders? Harness the power of social media for your business, organisation and career.Join our latest social media course with UNLIMITED & LIFETIME access you will learn how to drive sales, attract new customers and master social media.FULL 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest and G+ all have thousands of customers waiting for you to engage!! It is estimated that at least 80% of individuals looking for a hotel, whether it is for business or pleasure will use the Internet as their primary resource to gather information on specific hotels and then purchase their rooms and stay and aside from using the official hotel website or a third party website to book a stay. 60 to 70% of these individuals use social media such as Facebook twitter, instagram, pinterest, Google yelp, and many others to gather information before actually booking their stay the opinions or views and information shared by social media users will directly sway a guest in their hotel stay options. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already had this Udemy course So social media has a great power to directly affect a hotel's profit margin in this day and age, which is why it is very important that hotels remain savvy in the best ways to use the social media outlets to their advantage to maintaining a positive reputation and attract as much of a given market demographic as possible.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $497You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!Certificate of completionAll students who complete this course will receive a FREE digital 'Certificate of social media marketing' issued by UdemyDON'T FORGET: Udemy operates a 30 day full money back guarantee, no questions asked! If you're not happy with this course you can request your money back.Click the ""take this course"" button straight away at the top right of this page to unlock the power of social media for your business."
Price: 199.99

"Surviving Doomsday: Learn The Secrets Of Urban Survival" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Your Family Isn't Ready For A Terrorist Attack,Mass Shooting, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado ! Will They Survive ? If The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed & Protect Them?Will They Die Because You're Not Ready ?Disaster preparedness and survival skills are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, not only because of popular movies and television shows, but simply because the world as we know it is becoming more and more chaotic and more and more unstable. 30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!Think about these things for a minute ...What would you do if there was a terrorist attack that caused mass chaos and panic, and all the stores and places of food were closed? Do you want to be the one that is begging your neighbors, friends, or family for help? Do you want to be shipped off to a FEMA camp?""Could you provide for your family if severe weather like hurricanes, snowstorms or a flood caused your area to go into a panic -- buying up everything off of stores and creating shortages? What if the stores were empty for weeks or months?Could you protect your family if there were massive power outages or rolling blackouts or brownouts -- disrupting electricity and making it nearly impossible to get food from stores or provide heat or energy in your home?What would happen if the road system was destroyed by floods or other natural disasters in your area? Could you survive without food or other essentials for weeks?Could you protect and provide for your family if an earthquake hit and the area was devastated?There have been an increasing number of natural disasters, from tropical storms to earthquakes and wildfires, hurricanes and tornadoes and everything in between and people are becoming more cognizant of these facts, each and every day and have a desire to learn the skills necessary to survive disasters, whether they are natural or man-made, such as a riot stock market collapse or electrical grid collapse. Many people mistakenly believe that the government or emergency services will provide all the help they need.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.WARNING: Your Survival Could Depend On Your Next Choice""When the time comes, however, it could take emergency service response teams hours days, weeks and even months to respond effectively to the disaster.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have this Udemy course.But Dont Take my Word for it....... Here is What are my Current students Saying????So in the meantime, you and your loved ones will have to fend for yourselves but, if you don't know how to survive in an urban environment, this is going to be rather difficult.Here's Exactly What YOU Get Inside The Survive In Place"" Urban Survival Course:How to properly store and can food suppliesHow to pack a bug out bagHow to navigate using a magnetic compass and topography (landmarks and the environment)How to set up and sustain a small urban farm consisting of fruits and vegetables chickens and/or fishHow to produce alternative sources of electricity and brighten your life through solar wind and human powerHow to make alternative fuel sources such as bio diesel to power your home and increase your travel radiusHow to fortify your home and protect yourself and your family from lootershow to keep up morale when you are at your mental breaking point and your spirits are lowYou will have my simple step-by-step system and expert guidance necessary to stand up to harsh reality of Worst Case scenariosAnd Much much moreUrban survivalist and disaster preparedness course will teach you everything that you need to know about surviving a man-made or natural disaster in urban settings.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is jeopardizing not only your Safety but the Safety of Those You love!!!...Scroll up and Enroll Now!Everything from medicine to food supplies, shelter building and other primitive construction, basically everything you need to know to be a 21st-century urban Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett and not only will you learn to survive in an urban disaster setting but you will learn to thrive.Achieve a Better and Safer Quality Of Life With More Freedom and ConfidenceIt has been said that a person can only survive in any given situation or environment for 90 days, because after this period of time, you are no longer surviving in a given environment but living in it. And in the urban Ranger course will teach you exactly that, how to live in your new urban environment.IF WHAT YOU HAVEN'T READ SO FAR ISN'T ENOUGH TO CONVINCE YOU WE'RE IN DEEP TROUBLE THEN THIS BELOW CERTAINLY WILL...Here are just a few events where people's lives were rocked, and people lost everything they owned. And people died.2019 : The Year of Mass Shootings, Wild Fires, Global warming and Earthquakes2018 : Indonesia earthquakes and tsunami - More than 400 people are reported dead after a tsunami struck western Java and southern Sumatra islands during the evening of Dec. 22. Not to mention over 19 Mass School Shootings in the USA.2017 : Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria The 2017 hurricane season in the Caribbean and Atlantic regions has been one of historic proportions, bringing some of the strongest and wettest storms on record in hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and Over 23 Mass Shootings in the US.2016 : Disasters were all around us in 2016. Deadly earthquakes, life-depleting droughts, devastating storms, and unceasing wars are some of the worst disasters we havent heard much about. About 194 major natural disasters affected millions of people worldwide in 2016. Armed conflicts ( Many in Urban Environments) globally claimed tens of thousands of lives. This year saw a record 65.3 million people forcibly displaced.2015 : The Paris Terrorist Attacks2015 : Nepal earthquake (also known as the Gorkha earthquake),which killed more than 7,000 people and injured more than twice as many, magnitude 8.1 !!2011 : The Tsunami in Japan forced 300,000 people to evacuate their homes. People died of starvation and other incidents.2010 : The earthquake in Haiti killed an estimated 300,000 people. Think about that! That's 100 times the amount of people that died in the terrorist attacks on US soil on September 112010 : BP oil spill that caused marine and wildlife in the region to die after 210 MILLION gallons of oil flowed into the Gulf of Mexico. Many people who were dependent on the marine and wildlife to feed their families were suddenly out of business.2005 : Hurricane Katrina hit the United States, causing billions in property damage. Looting, violence, and chaos erupted as violence spread across several cities. People were sheltered"" in the Superdome in New Orleans where 6 people were found dead and several people were raped.2004 : The Indian Ocean Tsunami killed over 230,000 people in 14 different countries.This doesn't even take into account the dozens of tornadoes, blizzards, snowstorms, droughts, fires, earthquakes, mudslides, droughts, terrorist attacks, civil unrest, and other catastrophes that hit the United States and other regions on a daily basis.P.S. We're living in some of the craziest times in history and many experts agree that it's not a matter of if"" but when"" you will face an emergency that is beyond what you and your family have prepared for. There's a famous truism among instructors getting soldiers ready for war.When the bullets start flying, you WON'T rise to the occasion. You will perform half as well as you did during your best training.""As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $497You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!"
Price: 199.99

"Start a Killer Restaurant- How to open a Restaurant Course" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020If you've ever wanted to start your own restaurant while avoiding the most common mistakes made by newbie and successfully run it by using the secret techniques then you need to read this page.This Step-By-Step Secret Profitable System Shows YOU Exactly How To Start And Launch A Successful Restaurant Business And Increase Success Rate By Beating the Odds. Even If You Have No Business Experience or Background!""Dear Soon-to-be Restaurant Owner,If you are on this page it clearly shows you are also a restaurant enthusiastic like me and want to start a restaurant but the problem is that you don't know how to get started.Well the restaurant industry is definitely very profitable industry. It is full with great potential, amazing success and a lot of wealth.However, you must be aware of the fact that most of the newcomers in restaurant industry just don't get it right and eventually close within a year or sooner while some restaurant lovers are able to start a restaurant easily, attract the crowd and grow quickly.Do you know why?It's simple because the latter know the insider secrets and what it really takes to start and run a successful restaurant.And I am please to announce that few months from now; you would be counted among the successful restaurant owners because on this page you are going to learn everything that the successful restaurant owners know about starting a restaurant and running it successfully.Our How To Start A Restaurant Course focuses on the whole big picture and covers every aspect of starting a restaurant and running it successfully.Here's what you will discover inside this course:Learn about everything that is involved in running a restaurant.Revealed five restaurant myths.Find out the truth about the restaurant myths.Uncover the exact reasons why some restaurants fail.Get the scoop on how to design your restaurant one from scratch.Find out the pros and cons of both the franchise and the independent restaurants.Discover how to get your franchise restaurant off to a running start.Learn about the costs involved in buying a franchise, and the hidden fees.Learn about the different kinds of restaurants, from cafs to fine dining This class will teach you everything you need to know about how to run a successful restaurant, which contrary to popular belief is not as easy as baking apple pie. 80% of all restaurants or food related businesses fail within the first year.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course and have been missing out on fabulous potential RESTAURANT earnings. How To Start A Restaurant Business Following A Profitable System"" It virtually covers everything you need to know about opening and starting a Restaurant Business. However, this course will do it's very best to ensure that that does not happen to you. It will give you all the necessary tools and knowledge to make all your restaurant dreams come true. Consider these Facts Published by The National Restaurant Association$709.2 billion: Restaurant industry sales.3.8%: Restaurant industry sales increase in nominal terms.1.5%: Restaurant industry sales increase in real (inflation-adjusted) terms.1 million: Restaurant locations in the United States.4%: Restaurant industry sales share of the U.S. gross domestic product.$1.9 billion: Restaurant industry sales on a typical day.14 million: Restaurant industry employees.1.7 million: New restaurant jobs created by the year 2025.10%: Restaurant workforce as part of the overall U.S. workforce.47%: Restaurant industry share of the food dollar.Nine in 10: Restaurant managers who started at entry level. Eight in 10: Restaurant owners who started their industry careers in entry-level positions.(Source: National Restaurant Association) If those Numbers are not inspiring for a future restaurant owner such as your self than I dont know what else will motivate you ;-)Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.However this does not mean that it will not require some serious devotion and hard work on your part. Unfortunately, this class will not make running a restaurant any less difficult in practice, but it will give you the tools for success As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 200, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be a Restaurant Owner? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your Restaurant today.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Start a Hair Salon Business" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020 Do you see hair as a canvas; are you always trying to come up with unique and intriguing hairstyles? Do you daydream about styling the hair of the world's most influential people? Have you perfected your hair cutting skills to a fine art? Have you always dreamed about working for yourself and setting your own hours, rather than working for someone else? If all of this sounds good to you and you are one of those people that dreams about the most unique and interesting way to make other people beautiful. Maybe you should consider running your own hair salon. This course will teach you everything you need to know about running a hair salon, and how to turn your passion for style into a great personal and independent financial gain. Although running a hair salon will definitely be a lot of hard work on the part of the owner. This course will give you all the necessary tools and information so that you can achieve your dream of owning and operating your own hair salon. This course will show you all the ins and outs of the business and alleviate some of the stress (although not the work) of getting your hair salon on the ground and establishing his reputation as a styling hotspot amongst all the fashion insiders.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course and have been missing out on fabulous potential HAIR SALON earnings. As with all my courses: The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 200, but will next increase to $ 497You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy. This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the seasons and based on feedback from students. Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Begin and Sustain a Career as a Freelance Writer" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020 About this course: 1,000+ Students Within 2 days of Hitting the Udemy Market Place 33 Lectures packed full of Money Making Tips 20 5-Star Reviews from very happy students in my course All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Regular free surprise bonuses to increase your income even more! 30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Banana Head, Do you? Want to Learn how to Choice a Writing Niche that will provide Financial Freedom?Want to Land more Freelance Writing Jobs and Earn More Money with Your Writing Gigs?Want to Learn Where to Locate Highly Writing Gigs Online and How to Close LONGTERM Clients?Want to Ditch Your Energy Sucking 9 to 5? I am going to show you exactly how to that in a few short minutes I bet that you are letting Money and Opportunity Slip Through your Fingers... If you say yes to any of these writing style and you want to start anew without a boss and an alarm clock, you might want to consider becoming a freelance writer. I will teach you how to skip the low-paying writing gigs and build a freelance writing career you can be proud of This course will teach you everything you could ever want to know about becoming a successful freelance writer. Build a Solid Foundation as an Online Writer Go Freelance Without Going Broke Effectively Market Yourself as a Freelance Writer Expertly Write for the Top Online Freelance Sites Earn a Full-Time Living and Give Yourself a Pay Rise So, you've read this far! Thank you. This course provides you with the tools and information necessary to have a full-time or part-time career as a freelance writer and allow you to share your talent for words with the rest of the world. Learn how to charge more money and build a stellar reputation by choosing the right niches for you. Learning Objectives of This Course How to choose a style and genre of writing that is best suited to your talents and all the various types and genres of freelance writing and how to find themThe pros and cons (benefits and negatives) of a freelance writing careerHow to establish your name as a freelancer and build your reputation to start your careerHow to set up and maintain profiles on all the best freelance job finding websitesHow to set up and stick to a budgetHow to be competitively priced with your skillset and make sure you are getting paid what you are worthHow to establish long-term working relationships and contractsHow to fight writer's block and set realistic career goalsAnd Much Much Mores.......... Discover the secret method that all the high earning freelance writers apply to their business. Then learn how to use this method to earn more money on a regular basis, while adding incredible value to your clients. Find out exactly how much to charge clients ""I'll Show you Many Different Ways to Work As a Writer and Get Paid for Doing What You Love.."" Of course, this includes getting paid to do it from anywhere in the world at any time of day or night on a wide variety of subjects. This could mean everything - from technical writing, poetry, short stories, search engine optimization articles, blog articles, product descriptions and everything in between. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course and have been missing out on fabulous potential earnings. SEE WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING... A good overview of freelancing ""I have been doing freelance jobs for some years now, as a way to earn some extra cash. I took this course because I am seriously considering working full time as a freelancer. I got a lot of good ideas from the lectures and I look forward to putting them into practice. There are many good tips in this course on how to build up a successful freelance career. I work a lot on oDesk, so the particular advice referring to this site was very useful for me. I think this course is useful for anyone who is considering working as a freelancer, it gives an accurate overview of what to expect and the steps you need to do in order to achieve success."" Lisa Court ""Explains this line of work: the pros, the cons and the grey area"" ""I found this course essential to my daily work. The fact that as a college student, at times a wrench is tossed in our path, necessary life adjustments take in effect. Writing is a powerful skill to have, as long as it is good writing. This course introduces the student to an alternative non self-deprecating form of y income that can work around student schedules and can serve as that extra change needed when living from paycheck to paycheck. The curriculum commences by diving into the world of freelancing. It explains the pros and cons of this type of job or gig. Most places just will tell you how great it is and leave you to experience the cons which can be a migraine at times. Knowing the odds and ends always helps with making a well informed decision. This prepares you with the business aspect, the foundation. Many people have ideas and need that setoff wings to fly. This serves as the fine tuning and the extra push to start. I was very glad to see that the author took it a couple steps further. Instead of script form, [he] included personal experience, which humanizes the course, thus creating a passive mood where, students can say Ok, I have been there! or I can relate to what he is saying. I find, personally, that with examples that apply to real time or can be related to, tend to enhance the learning. Rather than listen and take notes to look over at a later time, it calls upon every single student to ponder on how it applies and forces an internal self-analysis. This leads to strategizing and implementing changes and goals in motion. There is so much information conveyed in this course and presented in a manner that anyone can comprehend. I enjoyed it and hope others do, because it is a true gem. Other explanations are one sided, while this one tells it how it is."" Mrs C Mills Everything you need to know to be your own boss and succeed in freelance writing, including: What you will need to succeed in the businessHow to start earning income immediatelyBest ways to take advantage of broker websitesHow to work directly with clients, including finding jobs and greatly increasing your earningsThe principles of earning the highest-paying work Answers to some of the most frequently asked questionsThe authors favorite resources Remember: If You're Not Earning What You Want To As A Freelancer? Learn How To Make A Lot More Money With A Lot Less Work... Invest in My Course Today!!!! 30 Day 100% Risk-Free Offer! PSS: Do you really want to be a writer? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now? PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes then there is no reason why you cant start building your writing business today. If I made this writing business work, then so can you! Its been truly satisfying for me and also for many of my writer friends whom I have been able to help along the way. I wish you every success with your writing and I hope that this guide will be an invaluable resource for you I explain about a bunch of different ways that you can be paid to write. 30 Day 100% Risk-Free Offer! It is a 100% no-risk deal for you. As with all my courses: The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $200, but will next increase to $499you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30-day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy What are you waiting for? Click on the ""Take this course"" now so we can start in a few minutes! :-) Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now! "
Price: 199.99

"Learn The Secrets of ZOMBIE Apocalypse Preparedness" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Emergency Message: THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING AND MOST WILL NOT SURVIVE!!Without These Crucial Survival Skills, You May Not Make It!Zombies love eating brainsAnd if YOU have even half a brain you'll read and heed this urgent warning and make damn sure you're prepared for the coming zombie apocalypse. Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse The zombie apocalypse has become a popular way of describing and/or discussing the coming of a worst-case scenario such as a natural disaster in financial collapse. A pandemic or a mass riot, and/or political revolution and a whole cottage industry has grown up around providing the knowledge and equipment to survive the impending ""zombie apocalypse"" many people these days have a desire to learn the skills necessary to be prepared for the worst case scenario and increase their chances of surviving the zombie apocalypse, but they absolutely no idea where to start or how to begin acquiring an entirely new skill sets of preparedness and survival as many people have grown up without ever having to worry about survival were worst-case scenario, preparedness, let alone a zombie apocalypse. Remember, zombies are relentless. They have no feelings, no compassion. No soul!They won't stop until your brains are in their belly.So what are you going to do?Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.WARNING: Your Survival Could Depend On Your Next Choice""Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course. Surviving the zombie Apocalypse 101 will teach you all of the basic knowledge required to survive and deal with a worst-case scenario such as the zombie apocalypse or any other disaster situation.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that. You will learn just how to deal with a ""Zeke"" (zombie), and everything in between that you will need to know to survive the zombie apocalypse or worst-case scenario successfully by the time you finish this course. You will have the knowledge and skill set to handle your basic needs in just about any situation.There Will Be A Zombie ApocalypseAt the end of civilization you're going to see people come back from the dead and spawn more zombies.You'll need to be prepared to run away from them, or kill them in hand-to-hand combat.Otherwise you simply will not survive! Or, even worse, you'll join their ranks as a zombie for eternity, or until someone who is actually prepared bashes your zombie-skull in.And when I say prepared"" that's exactly what I'm about to teach you.Here's Exactly What YOU Get Inside The Survive The Zombie Apocalypse"""" Urban Survival Course:How to successfully acquire and store a survival scenario food reserve to meet all your nutritional needs during the zombie apocalypseHow to determine what sort of survival equipment is necessary for your area of operationHow to build primitive shelters, as well as fire to stave off the elements in a worst-case scenarioHow to choose and use the most appropriate first aid kit for your survival situation needsHow to use a magnetic compass and a map to navigate successfully during the zombie apocalypseHow to choose the appropriate storage container for a ""bug out bag"" and how to choose and pack the necessary equipment for your bug out bagHow to forage for wild fruits and vegetables, and hunt small game such as rabbits and birds and fishHow to appropriately use a basic knowledge of medicinal plants and natural remedies for healing purposesHow to Kick some Zombie Butt You will also have a psychological advantage, as well as a physical so that you are able to deal with the stress and psychological strain of a worst-case scenario and function at your highest level necessary. P.S. With our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee, there is no risk to you if at any time you feel that this program is not right for you, then you can return it for a prompt and courteous refund, no questions asked.And we will wish you the best of luck in the upcoming zombie apocalypse. No hard feelings.P.P.S. Seriously, if you don't go through this program for the coming apocalypse, I make no guarantees on your ability to survive. It is very unlikely you will make it.As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 200, but will next increase to $ 397You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you and your Family your Future Safety...Scroll up and Enroll Now! Emergency Message: THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING AND MOST WILL NOT SURVIVE!! Without These Crucial Survival Skills, You May Not Make It!"
Price: 199.99

"Anti Bullying Training Course & Bullying Prevention Training" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Many supposed experts have got the BULLYING PROBLEM all wrong, and that is why bullying is getting worse and not better .Have you noticed that there has been an ever increasing number of bullying stories, anti-bullying videos, anti-bullying songs, and even legislation to help with bullying, yet the problem seems to be getting worse?"" In the United States, more than one-quarter of students between the ages of 12 and 18 reported being bullied at school during the 2014-15 school year nearly 7 million students.""Every kid (and even a lot of grownups) gets teased from time to time. This is just part of growing up and being human. Making small jokes to break the tension in awkward situations or to relieve stress or fear is alright.With this course, Parents can Learn Effective Ways To Overcome Bullying In School Permanently Minor teasing is not designed to hurt emotionally, discourage someone or damage their self-esteem, ruin their psychological well-being, or cause them fear or anxiety. Minor teasing is designed to create a laugh in which individuals are laughing with you rather than at you (although teasing can be taken to the extreme and crossed the line into bullying very easily). Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. With the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours. Just like every kid gets teased for being a geek, (for wearing braces for a variety of other things) they also at some time in their life are more than likely going to have to deal with bullies. What you can expect from this course:Over 38 lectures and 2.5 hours of content!The difference between the way boys and girls tend to deal with the stress of being bullied, as well as the difference between the way girls and boys bully (psychological versus physical)You will learn a straightforward and easily definable definition of bullying versus teasing and other growing painsYou will learn just who the bullies are and what makes them act the way they doYou will learn about the three different types of bullying, and the effects they have on their victimsYou will learn about bullies in the workplace and the proper procedures for dealing with bullying as an adultYou will learn the myths about bullies and bullyingYou will learn effective strategies for dealing with bulliesYou will learn how to talk to your child if they are the bully and teach them about forgiveness and understandingWho is this Class For:This class is for anyone who has children that are either bullying or being bullied is also for educators, who may be dealing with bullying in their classrooms and in the schoolyard and even online.For adults who feel that they are being bullied in the workplace and need some guidance as to the proper legal procedures, as well as strategies for dealing with their bully problem on an adult level.Course Updates:Over 1000+ Students Enrolled in the first 24 hours!!30 Day 100% Risk-Free Offer! Being bullied is worse than teasing because it is designed to damage someone's self-esteem. It can cause them emotional, psychological stress, and even physical pain. It is done with the express purpose of causing harm in one form or another because of social media and all of its various outlets, bullying no longer stops at the end of the school day, unfortunately. When children are singled out because of a shared characteristic such as race, sexual orientation, or religion or a perceived shared characteristic, the issue not only affects that individual but the entire community. People can now be victimized 24 hours a day through text messaging, leaving comments on someone's wall on their Facebook page, or even making videos about them on YouTube and other social media outlets. MOST PARENTS HAVE NO IDEA THAT THEIR CHILD IS BEING BULLIED !!! LEARN TO PROTECT THE ONES THAT NEED YOUR PROTECTION THE MOST ... YOUR CHILD This of course increases the psychological pressure and stress, as well as fear causing individuals to believe that their bullies and/or tormentors are never going to stop. They also grow the anxiety that things will never get better - which in some instances can lead to very tragic consequences. As with all my courses: the initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $145, but will next increase to $497you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy Bullying, particularly that of the cyber variety has become a virtual epidemic affecting children (and adults) around the world. This is where the ""Anti Bully"" comes in. This course will give you the tools and strategies for dealing with bullies whether the bullying takes a physical form, a psychological form, or a cyber form. By the end of this course, you will be able to help your children or yourself to deal with their bullying problems and provide them with the preventative techniques against future bullies.Parents, school staff, and other caring adults have a role to play in preventing bullying, protect the children you care about the most by enrolling in this course today. BONUS: Get a free PDF copy of my Best Selling The Bully Vaccine Book. Don't forget to check out the free preview lectures to sample my course. Are you ready to learn? Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you and your child piece of mind. Scroll up and Enroll Now! P.S. I should also point out that it would cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get these strategies through coaching. The current price was set so low to make it a total no-brainer for you. I am passionate about making these advanced Bully management strategies affordable to absolutely everyone who can benefit from them."
Price: 199.99

"Autism Awareness Course for Parents - Autism Training" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020 About this Course: 1,000+ Students Within 1 week of Hitting the Udemy Market Place 19 Lectures packed full of Priceless Advice Tons of 5-Star Reviews from very happy students in my course All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Regular free surprise bonuses to increase your Knowledge of Autism even more! 30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer! Dear Parent, Autism is a very unique developmental disorder for which there is no cure. The autism spectrum is extremely wide so the disorder can manifest itself in a variety of ways and each case will be particularly unique to the individual. Did You Know: ""1 out of every 88 children born in the USA are diagnosed with Autism."" ""Research indicates that early identification is associated with dramatically better outcomes for individuals with autism. The earlier a child is diagnosed, the earlier the child can begin benefiting from one of the many specialized intervention approaches to treatment and education."" - Autism Society of America Autism's Now a Worldwide Epidemic! Did you know that recent studies have shown there's currently what the media are referring to as a ""worldwide autism epidemic"". In fact, based on official figures, more than 1.5 million people are affected in the United States alone, with one in every 150 children diagnosed. But that's just the tip of the iceberg... In terms of developmental disabilities, autism is the third most common (only mental retardation and cerebral palsy rank ahead of it)Families with one autistic child have a 2 to 8 percent chance of having another autistic childAutism occurs more often than childhood cancer or cystic fibrosisBoys are three or four times more likely to be diagnosed with an ASDMental retardation is present in 75-80% of individuals with autism Those figures should make EVERYONE take notice... But there is good news... When autism is detected and treated early disruptive behaviours can be minimized and costs associated with treatments can be reduced by 66% This course is designed for people who are caregivers for autistic individuals( Parents and Educators) - particularly children and those that might be on the autism spectrum. This class is designed to help you understand the world of autism, spot the signs and/or symptoms of the autism spectrum so that you can help someone living with autism to live a richer life. Some basic knowledge of autism and the autistic spectrum would be helpful but is not an absolute necessity when registering for this course. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course In this Course I will teach you just how to: End The Frustration That Autism Has Brought Into Your Life and Successfully Raise a Child on The Spectrum. ""A Comprehensive Course Revealing The Latest Autistic Discoveries"" Some people on the autism spectrum are very high functioning and can communicate their needs and emotions easily, while other individuals on the autism spectrum seem to be trapped in a daydream - unable to communicate their needs and wants or emotions, effectively. SEE WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING... ""Great for Parents New to Autism"" ""It provides a wealth of information for parents that have autistic kids. I think it lacks in discussing adults with autism and how we think on certain issues. As someone who is on the Autism Spectrum I think the course is missing some details about us. But does provide good resources for a starting point."" Joshua Alexander ""Great course and loads of helpful information, I have an adult son with Asperger's Syndrome, a cousin with Asperger's syndrome and a teenage nephew with Asperger's syndrome, your course will be very insightful for all those first time parents of children with Autism and for psychology students, well done"" Elaine Montalto ""Positive application of knowledge on a topic that impacts so many, with utmost tact ""This lecture is broken in modules that cater to every important key point regarding the disease. It is presented in an unbiased manner, but within clinical context limits. Professor Cliette opens this discussion with the open minded attitude anyone who's cares for someone with Autism would appreciate. [He] does not condemn the members of the Autistic community, he just explains what methods work and do not, as well as how it develops, works, and medical background. I can appreciate his tactfulness conveyed throughout the course. He goes one step forward and brings about methods of adjustment publicly and educationally so it will cater to the individuals personal need. The course is extremely educational presented in an informative fashion. The quality of audio is impeccable and the resources accompanying the lecture is perfect for both auditory learners and those who must read it. It also provides a break between senses, to avoid burn out. Information provided was well presented and showed the supporting data and studies from which the information was taken from. What I loved the best was the ending, Cliette goes one step forward and provides a list of organizations where individuals who may want to do further research can go to."" Courtney ""Shedding New Light On Such A Complex And Puzzling Disorder!"" This makes it very difficult to live and function in normal"" society. Children with autism often have trouble distinguishing the difference between emotions and reading facial expressions. For example, someone laughing might make an autistic child smile, someone crying would elicit the same response. So, you've read this far! Thank you. This course is designed to help individuals understand the world of autism so that they can help a child cope with this developmental disorder and achieve as much in life as possible. You will learn the skills and information necessary to help an autistic child/adult better understand the world and their place in it. You Will Learn All of the Following: You will learn About the autism spectrum and what it means to be autisticYou will learn About various therapeutic treatments and methods to help teach someone with autism how to better communicate and relate to the worldYou will understand How to deal with a child's tantrums and emotional outbursts in an effective and caring way, so that the child might learn how to express themselves in a more calm and collected fashionYou will learn How to effectively express emotion and show autistic children that they are loved - without sending them into sensory overloadYou will learn About all the various educational programs and schools that can help an autistic child or autistic person learn to function at their highest level in societyYou will learn How to find the best doctors for someone's needs - including a pediatrician, physician, clinical psychologist, and speech therapistYou will learn How to recognize the symptoms of autismYou will learn How to establish links with communication between yourself and someone with autismAnd Much Much More........ You will be able to provide them with security, love, and an emotional connection that they might not have had otherwise. You will understand the various therapeutic treatments used to help lessen the symptoms of autism so that a child/adult can better communicate their needs both physical and emotional to their caregiver. As with all my courses: the initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $397, but will next increase to $497you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy. Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money... Scroll up and Enroll Now! All future updates to this course are free - you are ""locked-in"" at the current low price of $297 - but you will never pay more if you enroll today at the introductory low price. And there's a 30 day absolutely no questions asked full money back guarantee - my personal promise of your happiness and satisfaction! You really cannot lose! Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you money .... Enroll now! P.S. I should also point out that it would cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get these strategies through counselling. The current price was set so low to make it a total no-brainer for you. I am passionate about making these advanced productivity strategies affordable to absolutely everyone who can benefit from them. BONUS: Get a free PDF copy of my Amazon Best Selling Book ""Autism: Entering the Secret Universe: Understanding Autism, Autistic Children, Autistic Adults, Autism Spectrum Disorders"" Don't forget to check out the free preview lectures to sample my course. Are you ready to learn? This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added , inspired by the seasons and based on feedback from students "
Price: 199.99

"Run a Marathon ( 26.2 mile) With No (or Little) Training" |
" LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020 Do you consider yourself too old or out-of-shape to run a marathon? Do you fear that you lack the conditioning, motivation, or emotional strength to finish? If so... Then this is the Udemy Course for You!!! Running is an extremely popular pastime. It is a very effective way to stay in shape and have a good cardiovascular health range of motion, as well as joint flexibility. Running with the Ancient Greeks Offers: A 16-week training program that has been proven successful time and time againMethods for physically and mentally preparing to start and finish a marathonHelpful tips regarding equipment, nutrition, and hydrationGuidance to help overcome motivational and physical roadblocksAnd much more! However, eventually, every runner wants to take the next step from their favorite trail park footpath or treadmill and see how good they really are and for a lot of people, ""Seeing how good you really are"" means running a marathon. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course . A marathon is a race consisting of a 26.2 mile course or 42 km. This is said to have been the distance from the battle of Marathon back to Athens, Greece. This distance was run by a soldier reporting on the marathon war. He made it back to Greece, delivered his message of victory, and then died from exhaustion. Now marathons are running almost every major city all over the world on an annual or biannual basis. The root of each marathon will vary from city to city and year-to-year with a wide variety of terrain and altitude changes to make the course is challenging as possible. This class is designed to help those that feel they are in decent physical shape and have the necessary background in running. To achieve their goal of running a marathon by the time you complete this course, you will have all the skills and knowledge required to properly train and compete in a marathon. Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now .Every moment you delay, you lose out. on Knock one more item off your life's buck-list Simple as that . Although you may not win outright on your first try, this quest will make sure that you are as competitive as possible during your marathon - giving you the best chance to finish within a 4-hour time limit. As with all my courses: the initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $297, but will next increase to $397you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the seasons and based on feedback from students. Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now! "
Price: 199.99

"University Survival -Tips for Surviving University Life" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Feeling overwhelmed About Heading to College? No Need to Worry anymore everything you need to prepare your child for their First year is in this course!! Freshman year of college can be an enormous change. For a lot of new college students, it is their first time away from home as well is their first time living with a complete stranger. Not to mention that the academic rigors of college and/or university are at least 10 times greater than those experienced by the average college student. With little guidance and knowledge, the freshman year of college can be a truly eye-opening- a personal growth experience that will help to put them on the path that they will follow for the rest of their life, whether it is with their career or personal relationships. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a Udemy course and have been missing out on fabulous potential REAL ESTATE earnings. Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that. This course in freshman college survival will teach you everything that you need to know to get your college career started on the right foot. Upon completion of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to make the most of your collegiate experience. Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing your Child the Beautiful College Experience that they deserve ...Scroll up and Enroll Now!What Your Son or Daughter will Learn in This Course:How to get along with your first roommate and how to build a solid foundation for long-lasting friendshipsHow to deal with the stress of your first few weeks, and semester of collegeHow to properly study and prepare for tests and assignmentsHow to find academic assistance and tutoring when necessaryHow to get the most from a lecture and take quality notesWhy you should take full advantage of your professors' office hours, and how it will help you to better understand what you are learningWhat to do when you want to change your major and how to find your passionHow to find grants scholarships and what to do with student loansAnd much much moreIn every aspect from personal relationships to the rigors of academia, finding your passions and path in life, as well as seeking who you truly are and want to be, college is far more than just learning the skills to get a job. It indeed is learning about life, love, politics and everything in between. As with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 120, but will next increase to $ 250You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing your Child the Beautiful College Experience that they deserve ...Scroll up and Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Sell Your Videos as an Amazon FBA Private Label Product" |
"Learn how to make hundreds and even thousands of extra dollars in income per week by taking these few extra easy steps to convert your instructional videos into a physical sell-able product. This course is great for other Udemy instructors, but it can be used by anyone wanting to convert their instructional videos into a product. In this course I'll take you through the process of converting your video course into a NEW Physical product, capable of being sold anywhere - including and especially on Amazon. Plus I'll show you how to use a fulfillment center to do all of the physical work. Advantages of converting your course into a physical product: Extra income through product sales. Physical products can be sold in more places. ie eBay and Amazon A physical product lends credibility to your expertise, which means even more Udemy sales.By the end of this course, you'll be able to make your own Physical Product that can be sold anywhere, including on Amazon. Plus you'll know how to automate the process making it easy for you to scale and duplicate."
Price: 94.99

"Der kleine Hey" |
"Als Julius Hey um 1900 sein dreiteiliges Werk "Deutscher Gesangsunterricht" herausgab, konnte er kaum ahnen, da dieses Lehrbuch einen beispiellosen Siegeszug antreten sollte. Hey hatte seine Lehrweise ursprnglich nur fr seinen Schlerkreis und zudem als reine Gesangslehre entwickelt. Erst die Verantwortung gegenber der oft fehlerhaften Aussprache bei Schauspielern und Sngern veranlate ihn, seinem Hauptwerk einen "Sprachlichen Teil" anzufgen. Es bezeugt die Richtigkeit dieses Lehrweges, da gerade dieser Teil unter dem Namen "Der kleine Hey" das Standardwerk fr die Sprecherziehung geworden und dies in grter Auflage bis heute geblieben ist. Julius Heys Lehrwerk ber die elementaren Grundlagen der "Kunst des Sprechens" ist das fundamentale Lehrbuch fr die sprechtechnische Ausbildung der Schauspieler, Redner und Snger wie aller weiteren mit dem gesprochenen Wort verbundenen Berufe und nicht zuletzt eine wertvolle Hilfe fr den Schulunterricht und das private Studium. Fr alle, die mit dem Medium Sprache umgehen wollen und mssen, bieten die praxiserprobten Sprachbungen dieses Kurses zu den Themen Stimmfhrung, Lautlehre und Artikulation eine ideale Mglichkeit, die eigene Aussprache zu vervollkommnen. Alle bungen sind als Filmdokumente enthalten. Zustzlich enthlt der Kurs 15 Tipps zum Thema "Sprechen mit dem Mikrofon"
Price: 24.99

"Reach your dreams w/ 7 simple steps that you can DO TODAY!" |
"Everyone has a deep desire to live a greater life than the one they are currently living. These desires are called "dreams." Dreams can make you miserable if they remain as dreams, taunting you with what your life could be. On the other hand they can be an inspiration and reason to wake up in the morning if you know you can reach them. And reaching them is not as complicated as you think! Find your dream and reach it with "Reach Your Dreams w/ 7 simple steps that you can DO TODAY"! - Discover what your dream is if you are not quite sure. - Easily break your dream down into simple steps and achievable goals. - Give purpose to your dream by making it serve others. - Build an dream insurance plan by creating a safety net who can help you reach your goals. - Grow daily through a personal growth plan. Find your dream, and start chasing your dream TODAY with a simple plan! In this course you will learn how to identify your dream by discovering your strengths and passions. After knowing what your dream is, you will be able to create a plan to achieve your dream and live a life full of purpose. You will be able to live with passion by sharing your dream with others. Lastly, you will be able to respond to the unpredictability of life. In this course you will follow the following steps (1 per day): 1. Clarify your dream: Learn how to give life to your dream by defining the details. 2. Create a map: Break your dream into small goals on a personal timeline. 3. Serve: Give your dream life by making it about a cause greater than yourself. 4. Recruit a dream team: Create a safety net for your dream by getting trusted friends involved. 5. Cultivate consistency: Make a plan to work on your dream TODAY! 6. Grow up: ward: Learn how to grow yourself as your grow your dream. 7. Respond: Overcome life's obstacles as your chase your dream. This course will help you find purpose and meaning for your life on a daily basis. Anyone can do it! Chase your dreams! Achieve your goals!"
Price: 49.99

"Email Mastery: Master Your Inbox and be 10X more Productive" |
"If you've ever wanted to become more productive, everybody knows that means getting control of your email inbox. Whether Spam, advertisement, or the massive amount of emails you get daily - we all know how overwhelming it can be to handle the daily barrage of emails we get. In this course you will learn how to finally get total control of your email inbox so that you can become 10X more productive with your time. In this course you will learn: How to get rid of Spam emails once and for all. How to prevent Spammers from ever getting your email. How to stop unwanted emails from distracting you day to day. How to prioritize your emails so effectively you only deal with what's most important. How to effectively process your emails and become 10X more productive. How to automatically filter your emails without wasting a bit of your own time. How to free up an extra 2 - 5 hours a week to use in whatever way you want. And much, much more... Don't let email clutter distract you or overwhelm you from day to day. Sign up for this course today, and learn the simple skills to Detox Your Inbox, so that you can become 10 times more productive in your time and effort. Sign up Today!"
Price: 19.99

"PMP Quick Review" |
"YOU DO NOT NEED to SPEND LOT of MONEY. Take this course save money and get 35 PDUs. (Ask us how?) . I have trained more than 1200 students in the past 1 year only and this course will make you understand and review PMP very quickly. In this world lot of projects are being run and there is huge demand of project managers. Professional certifications ensure that project managers are ready to meet the growing needs with world class knowledge on project management skills. If you are looking forward to be part of best world class certified professional you have come to the right place. In our course you will quickly review the key critical topics and earn PDUs. Our course is designed to make you understand concepts through videos and real exam like quizzes. This course has been designed by professional with over 25 years of experience in the industry. The instructor has worked in different industries and has worked on large and complex projects. The instructor is teaching project management and related subjects across the globe. He is mentor and consultant for various organizations. He is author of many online courses on project management and IT security. This course is for quick review and you can learn the critical concepts at your pace. The videos are on specific topics and have examples. When you answer quizzes you understand the concepts and terms and are confident to crack the examination. The quizzes have explanation on the correct answer. Benefits of PMP Certification. Globally recognized certification Demonstrates Project Management skills to potential employers Better job opportunities in this global village PMI certification gives you edge over other professionals Better salary Demonstrates your commitment towards project management profession If you are PMP/CAPM/RMP this course will strengthen your knowledge on key concepts and earn you 12 PDUs. After completing this course you can claim the PDUs on PMIs site. PMP is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute and we acknowledge the same."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Risk Management" |
" We have been running training programs in the risk management field for a long time now. This innovative course is designed for risk professionals who want to enhance their ability to communicate their risk ideas, messages and objectives with other stakeholders. This course is intended for managers and Project Managers and PMO Managers, and for stakeholders of the project responsible for risk management. The program will cover the concept of risk, the risk management framework, the risk categories, risk mitigation strategies, PMI Risk Management Framework and lastly a case study. The program enhances the understanding of different types of risks and prepares professionals to gain adequate knowledge in a field of specialization much sought after by project management companies with higher possibilities for accelerated growth in career. This program has been designed specifically for working professionals to: To understand the concept of risk; To know the different types of risk and identify them in work environment To understand the methods of risk analysis To understand risk management strategies To understand PMI risk management framework To understand NIST risk management framework at High LevelElements Running through Program - Videos - Case Study - Quizzes "
Price: 34.99

"Learn to invest in the Stock Market" |
"Disclaimer: This is stating that the course that youre taking is for information purposes only. If you decide to invest, you should consult with a financial advisor before doing so. Topics Covered: Definition of a stock The importance of investing How to locate a stock How to trade Brokers and broker accounts Types of traders How to invest How to pick a good stock How to look at a chart Indicators How to actually buy a stock What time and financial Investment do I need? You just need under 45 minutes to watch the lectures and under $15 to take advantage of this course. You can put in extra time to take a few short quizzes and even some notes! How much content is in the course? In this course, you will find just under 45 minutes of 10 different lectures and four quizzes. Who is the course designed for: Beginners! People that want to learn about stock trading Is it right for me? Of course! If you can breath, have a brain, and need help getting started with trading, then this course was meant for you! This course is intended for beginners and those who want to brush up on basic trading information. Requirements or Prerequisites: Pen Paper Basic math skills A Latte (Ok, maybe you can skip the latte!) What you can do upon course completion: Upon completion of this course you should be able to : understand what stocks are and how to trade learn the fundamentals of trading learn how to get started so you can actually get started"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Pick the Right Stock Broker Account" |
"Ever wonder what stock broker account to pick for your trading needs? Ever feel stumped about all the choices, but you don't know where to start? Well taking this course will help answer those questions and more! This course is all about picking the right broker account that best meets your needs. It will help you determine how to select a broker account and how to identify warning signs to look out for during the selection process. All you need is a pen and paper to jot down notes and basic math skills. You can expect a short quiz in this course. Learn all about all picking the right stock broker account in 30 minutes!"
Price: 39.99

"Technical Trading and Investing Made Easy" |
"This course is about how to properly select an indicator for a stock. It will help you determine how to select the indicator and help you to identify which indicator best fits your needs. To gain a full insight of this course, you are expected to know about the basics of stock trading. Materials included are a quick "candle stick" reference guide to what a candle stick is pertaining to stock trading. You can also expect a short quiz in this course. Learn all about stock indicators and more in under two hours! You should take this course because it will help you to better understand how to use a technical indicator when selecting a stock and inform you on which indicator would best suit you."
Price: 19.99

"Binary Options Beginners Guide : Nadex" |
"This course will explore the fundamentals of trading with binary options. It is an introductory course designed for anyone interested in learning how to trade with binary options. Expect to see 52 lectures with over 1.5 hours worth of learning the ins and outs of binary options trading. You can expect to see topics such as a guide on "purchasing binary options" and "how to set up binary options accounts" being covered in this course. Quizzes will also be available to refresh knowledge and confirm learning of the course material. Learn the basics of trading binary options in under four hours. Take this course if you are serious about making money through trading with binary options. Only basic math skills are required."
Price: 19.99

"Sports Broadcasting: How to be a sports radio talk show host" |
"Listen in as the man who discovered Colin Cowherd explains how to kick start your own sportscasting career. Theres no greater name in sportscasting than ESPN and no more powerful force in radio than the Cumulus and Westwood One networks. Now heres a rare chance to learn what it takes to be a great sports talk host from a top exec at all these companies. In this course, Bruce Gilbert, former GM at ESPN Radio, and current SVP at the two top networks reveals just what radio pros look for in a new sports talk hire. Gilbert knows from what he speaks. Hes launched the careers of scores of new hosts, including ESPN Radio superstar Colin Cowherd. Listen in as he tells a Sportscasters Mentoring Group 2010 seminar how to develop a topic and discover your own unique sportscaster personality. Topics that are never outdated. Then put his ideas to work as we include several easy to use tools to help you create your own sports talk show. This fast moving, inexpensive course could be the first step to your new career in sports broadcasting or the missing link to take your existing career to the next level. Be sure to download the talk show guide and aircheck found under Lecture #2."
Price: 24.99

"Mobile App Design: Learn UX/UI and Start Freelancing Career" |
"**** COURSEUPDATEDFOR iOS 11 UI/UXGUIDELINESINMIND****--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOIN OVER 4500 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You're going about your day as usual and BAM! You think of this awesome app idea. It's simple, people would love it and you can't find it ANYWHERE in the app store. Or maybe you want to develop a highly profitable skill with which you can make a profitable income EVERY DAY by working when you want from where ever you want? This course is optimized for anyone who is looking to efficiently learn the most important design techniques that will help design perfect apps! Because well designed mobile apps are just as important as well-built apps. Specifically, you are going to learn how to design user friendly, engaging, beautiful looking mobile apps from scratch, by doing assignments, quizes, and practical work between the lessons. Mobile App Design is not just about how to design pretty app. It's also about designing an app that looks great and works smoothly. Although this course mainly covers iOS 8 Mobile App Design, but after completing it, you are going to develop a skill, with which you are going to start designing mobile apps for all major platforms (iOS, Android and Windows Phone) in no time! Course content: Learn how to start from scratch with your own app idea Go through all the user researching steps on finding your target audience. How to figure out who to target (marketing tips). Learn how to create sketches and wireframes. Learn User Experience Design (UX) techniques which are trending in job market right now. Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop for designing User Interface (UI) Designs. I'm going to show you my workflow and how I'm going to start design my own app idea, News Reader App, from absolute zero to the great looking iOS 8 design style. You are going to implement everything you learned in the previous lessons and in the final section, I'm going to show you a bunch of different tips and resources, how to start making big money with your new skills. Assignments which are going to help you learn UI / UX Design for Mobile App Quizes, which will help you recap what you learned in the previous section Mobile App Design: Learn To Design The Perfect App is a comprehensive course where you are going to earn exactly those skills and make money instantly. Mobile App UI / UX Designers typically earns around $100K/per year working for companies and startups. But if you decide to work as a freelancer online, you can expect to get $100/hour for the work as a UI / UX designer. Where is no coding or programming required. =================================================== After this course, you can go to the world and start seeking for a jobs at the biggest world companies or startups, or start freelancing online on your own and in your own home. With those freelancing tips applied, you can expect to earn $100/h of your work. Where is no problem if you don't know Photoshop at all. Plus you are going to get Adobe Photoshop for free for the first 30 days, so you don't need to buy it. All in all, you are going to get 5 courses in one: How to come up with your own app idea User Experience skills to research your target audience and create sketches and wireframes for the app Learn Adobe Photoshop from ground zero Design your own app in Adobe Photoshop How to make money with your new skills, so effective freelancing and job seeking in the companies and startups. Plus, you are going to get fast and responsive answers from me, your instructor. Also, if you don't like my course you have 30 days money back guarantee, so you don't lose anything! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!"
Price: 49.99

"Lyft: How to Become a Driver & Use Your Car for Business" |
"This course is to teach new drivers how to apply to Lyft. It will cover these basic areas: Introduction to Lyft and how it works Requirements for a Lyft Driver Safety Requirements and Insurance of a Lyft Driver How to apply to be a Lyft Driver Welcome ride with your mentor After welcome ride instructions It will include audio and video content to help guide a new applicant through the entire process and to inform them of all the steps before they sign up or to clear up any questions they may have about the process. It is approximately 30 minutes long and you can choose to go to certain sections that you are interested in. It is best to go through the entire course to learn everything about Lyft before you start. Once you finish all these steps, you will be approved to drive on Lyft and start earning money with your personal car!"
Price: 19.99

"Be a Richer and Higher Rated Uber, Lyft, or Sidecar Driver" |
"There are a lot of things to know when you are an Uber or Lyft driver, yet they provide next to little training. There are so many small details to get right in order to earn the most amount of money per hour and also to achieve a high rating. Much of this information isn't taught anywhere and can be the key to make Lyft or Uber a gold mine for drivers. Many drivers now barely get by with low fares and constant price cuts but by taking this course, you can be a better driver and make more money per hour. In this course, all of these videos are available to you at anytime and you can just watch what you like or watch them all. We bet that there is something you didn't know in many of the videos. By purchasing, you get lifetime access to it. During a Lyft Mentor session, I only have time to go over about half of the content here and many of my mentees are highly rated and are better informed than many other drivers out there. I have used my experience as a mentor to craft this interactive course. Here is what we will go over: Advanced tips on how to pass your mentor session Detailed training on how to start/end a trip, finding the correct passenger and passenger location, and how a GPS can lead to better ratings The proper way to use GPS for rideshare When and how drivers get paid, Surge pricing and Prime Time explained and reimbursement for tolls How to deal with different types of passengers Lyft Mentoring Lyft Recruiting And Udemy allows for course updates, so we will be updating and adding training to this course as more questions arise or changes occur in Lyft or Uber. The best thing about Udemy is that students have lifetime access, which means you will get to see the new course updates when they are published. Buy it once and reap the benefits as this course lengthens and improves over time. Enroll in this course now and become a better driver today and a higher income by next week! If you are not satisfied, I offer a 30-day money back guaranteed so if you don't like it, I will give you a full refund! What else do you have to lose?"
Price: 49.99

"Positioning For Profit For The Ladypreneur" |
"This course will turn your expensive hobby to a viable and profitable business while maintaining your sanity. This course will answer the two most basic and fundamental concerns that Ladypreneurs face; customers and revenue. Learn to monetize your passions by putting your business in a anguage that causes your customers/clients to actually seek you out! Articulate a business model to monetize your effort Focus on fundamental business steps to generate profit Simplify language that allows Ladypreneurs to immediately apply course content Avoid becoming a "desperate saleswoman" in the eyes of your customers/clients Immediately infuse your business and prime it for immediate revenue generation Starting a business from a passion can be overwhelming and daunting. To compound this difficult undertaking many Ladypreneurs are wearing multiple hats personally and professionally. You are moms, girlfriends, wives, employees, and heads of households that are also tasked to be owners, accountants, secretaries, web designers, promoters, saleswomen, etc.... within their business as well. Positioning For Profit was built for the Ladyprenuer to address the specific set of circumstances that female entrepreneurs face when looking to profit from their passions. This is a perfect opportunity for the Ladypreneur that is: Having a hard time monetizing their product or service. Having a hard time expanding your network leaving you stuck battling with friends, family, co-workers, etc... to grow and expand your business Having a hard time finding the time to actually provide your product or service, while spending more time being a saleswoman and marketing. Having a hard time making yourself available to a larger audience. Content and Overview Positioning For Profit is for the Ladypreneur that has either already started their respective business or the Ladypreneur that is prepared to launch looking for guidance. This course combines practical business practices with the concepts of Education Based Marketing specifically tailored to the circumstances of today's female entrepreneur. There are 6 modules that are best suited to be accessed weekly but in respect to the individual Ladypreneur can be taken at your own pace. The sections cover topics on today's business climate for the Ladypreneur as well as defining and forecasting where business is and is going in the near future. What's really innovative about this course is that is practical. Meaning that the language is conversational which opens the content up to Ladypreneurs of all business backgrounds and demographics who are ready to focus efforts in order to start reaching business goals and expectations. Also the course is made to scale so whether you're a Ladypreneur looking to quit your job and go all in or if your just looking to supplement your current income this course can assist your in reaching your objectives. Sections include engaging video lectures and downloadable handouts (module supplements, summaries, recaps, and business flow charts) that allow the Ladypreneur to measure her progress in real time."
Price: 29.99

"My Vision Board: How To Create Interactive Vision Boards" |
"Vision Boarding is an excellent way to plant the necessary seeds to really begin to see the changes in your life that you know to be possible. Traditional vision boards call for you to purchase a poster board and dozens of magazines to create an amazing collage in order to motivate, inspire, and be a catalyst for change. And it does the job, but most times only from your bathroom or bedroom. We would all think it about odd if someone walked around with a posterboard. Enter the Interactive Vision Board. The Interactive Vision Board goes wherever you go, enabling you to draw energy from it whenever you need it! Learn to create your own Interactive Vision board that you can draw energy from. An Interactive Vision Board goes with you to the gym, on the job interview, and helps you get through moments we all have where the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't shine so bright. Could you benefit from having access to that type of inspiration at your finger tips? Articulate a clear vision of what you aspire to be in life Focus on fundamental image of this life you seek Simplify language that allows individuals immediately apply course content Avoid alienating yourself by encouraging collaboration Immediately create an Interactive Vision Board so you know HOW and WHAT your vision of success is Starting a business, getting that promotion, finding that special someone, taking that dream vacation, etc... We all have life that we have designed for ourselves that we have every intention of realizing and could use all the help we can get because life isn't always easy. Images are how we process information, so having access to the images of our desired life is the key to realizing it. How many moments in your life would've went differently if you could have taken a deep breath and referred to your Interactive Vision Board to strength? My Vision Board: How to Create Interactive Vision Boards was built for the individual to be able to maximize the tremendous power of vision boarding. On your terms. The inspiration. The motivation. When you want it. When you need it. Content and Overview Organizing Your Effort for the Ladypreneur is for the female enterpreneur that has either already started their respective business or the Ladypreneur that is prepared to launch and looking for guidance. This course combines practical business practices with the concepts of Education Based Marketing specifically tailored to the circumstances of today's female entrepreneur. There are 4 sections with 13 lectures, and 4 quizes that are best suited to be accessed one after another with time to apply in between, but in respect to the individual can be taken at your own pace. The sections cover topics to allow you to successfully plan, prepare, construct, customize, and utilize your Interactive Vision Board virtually anywhere. Furthermore, there is an entire section dedicated to how you can use your Interactive Vision Board to start taking the steps to reach your expectations. Don't laugh at me, but I even include my own Interactive Vision Board to serve as either inspiration or an idea of how weird I am :-) on today's business climate for the Ladypreneur in regards to organizing the sale process in order to maximize individual interactions with ideal customers and clients. What's really innovative about this course is that is practical. Meaning that the language is conversational which opens the content up to Ladypreneurs of all business backgrounds and demographics who are ready to focus efforts in order to start reaching business goals and expectations. Also the course is made to scale so whether you're a Ladypreneur looking to quit your job and go all in or if your just looking to supplement your current income this course can assist your in reaching your objectives. Sections include engaging video lectures and downloadable handouts (module supplements, summaries, recaps, flow charts) that allow the individuals to measure progress in real time. In addition to the content associated with the course, there are a few external goodies such as an invitation to join a private FB page dedicated to allowing you and other to exchange feedback, advice, tips, and anecdotes to inspire one another. You will have access to me via, announcements, discussions, and email. As well as a group call where we all can collaborate for better living every other Thursday."
Price: 29.99

"Self-Publishing: Publish A Book Without Typing" |
"I will offer this course at the introductory price of $39 until Janurary 31st, on February 1st the price will increase to $59. A While Back I Notice I Always Had To Answer The Same Questions. People wanted to know: How I had tripled my speaking engagements!? How I had tripled my interview requests? How I had quadrupled my profits? HOW I WAS WELL ON MY WAY TO A SIX FIGURE INCOME AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!!! The answer is quite simple...I WROTE A BOOK. You can too, in under 30 days, without typing a single word, and start positioning yourself to profit with your passion! Finally! A Fast and Easy Way For YOU to Painlessly Get Your OWN Book Written Without Actually Having to Sweat and Struggle Sitting at the Keyboard Typing for Weeks, Months or Years! You want your book done, but Youre just too darn busy to actually sit down and put in the time writing your book. You dont really like to write. You feel as though youre not a great writer. Look at What Youre Losing Out On Because You Havent Finished Your Book (1) Instant Credibility in the Eyes of Those Who Are Considering Booking You to Speak. As soon as you get your book finished, YOU will instantly be regarded as a Leading Authority on your topic. If youre competing against another speaker for a speaking engagement and you have a book but the other speaker doesnt, you could get hired simply because YOU are considered more of the expert because YOU ARE AN AUTHOR! Personally, many corporate, association, youth and college groups have booked me to speak simply because I am an author. (2) Instant Exposure as Your Book Will Serve as a Brochure That Markets You Forever. Unlike some sort of printed brochure or postcard that may get tossed in the trash, your book will stay around and get passed around to others. People will be able to contact you directly to schedule you for speaking engagements, hire you for consulting and to order your other products and services. (3) Instant Fame and Publicity as Your Book Can Bring You Television, Radio, Newspaper and Magazine Interviews. How would you like to be interviewed as a guest on national and international television and radio shows? How would you like to have stories written about YOU in magazines and newspapers that are published and read by people around the world? How would you like people asking YOU to autograph your book to them? Your book can help you to achieve all of this. (4) Instant Income Bringing You Thousands of Dollars as Hundreds of People Line Up to Buy Your Book After You Speak. You will have a quality book to sell after your presentations, pre-sell in large quantities prior to each speaking engagement, sell via your web site or direct mail and sell to current customers. If you performed only 20 speaking engagements and sold only 20 books at each talk (a grand total of only 400 books) at a rate of $15 per book, your gross profit would be $6,000! What if YOU sell 1,000 copies (at $15 per book)? You will Gross $15,000!!! What's the catch? There's always a catch. Problem is, even with your noble intentions and obvious solution, people today have been conditioned to say ""no."" They've been conditioned to reject and/or question everything. And with good reason. There a lot of people out there without solutions to a person's problem that claims to have a solution to person's problem. Shameful. Unfortunately, this has caused people to be very resistant to change. People only want to accept information from experts and people they can trust. So what happen's if you are not an expert but you have the solution to someone's problem? How do you get them to pay attention to your awesome solution? Since we all know that the ""customer is always right,"" the onus falls on us to remedy this situation. If our potential customers only want information from an expert, then how do we become experts? My work as an author solidified me as a qualified expert in my field. That simple. Speaking engagements tripled! Interview requests tripled! Profits quadrupled! My books got my foot door and it can do the same for you. My book established me as an expert and allowed me to profit from my passion of helping and inspiring people. Stop wasting time and losing out on extra product sales by not having your book done"
Price: 39.99

"Be Mobile and Increase Sales" |
"Today you will have a business fully functional app ready to submit to the Apple app store. Have you ever wanted an app to promote your business or sell your knowledge using youtube videos through a mobile app? Maybe you did not have time, money or expertise to pursue it? No worries. With my source code you dont need to program anything. (The course do not provide the source code. You must buy it for $99) You will follow step by step, how to change images, URLs of videos, IDs and to create certificates easily. Today you will have a fully functional app ready to submit to the app store for Iphone and Ipad. You will be provided the source code and the instructions on how to customize it. You will also get the essential tools for editing code and submitting to the Apple App Store. The original app is published on the App Store under the name: ""Marketing para Aplicaciones - Curso en video para tus apps para mvil"". (You can check it) The code provided with the course cost me $1200 to develop. It has been used as my own tool of promotion and for selling my own videos hosted in youtube for free (not shared mode). Please, see video introduction to check the app. I want you to be successful: Yes, I have worked more on this course to show you the fundamentals of ASO (APP Store optimization). So, you get the idea about how to get more traffic for your app. App Features: It has the option to display: Your free videos on Youtube. Your videos hosted on Youtube on hide mode. They must pay to watch them. It has four options to monetize: Selling all the videos at the same time (you can offer a discount, for me the offer to unlock all paid videos for 50% OFF works very well). Selling the videos individually. Selling the option to remove ads. Monetize with ads if the ads are not removed buying the option to remove them. Three tabs: Videos Opt-in page. You can display them your webpage and ask them their email. More apps tab. You can show them your other apps to download. Review option: When the users play with the app, a pop up window is displayed, asking them for a review of the app. (Reviews are very important to increase visibility). Facebook. When the users play with the app, a pop up window is displayed, asking them for a comment on Facebook, to publish that the user is using the app. What will you do with the code? You can use it for: - Display free videos to promote your business. - Make the user pay for videos that shows something. - Generate more traffic to your website coming from the app. - Generate more leads to increase your list. - Earn money with ads if you wish. - Earn credibility for your users. All without changing a line of code, only changing the specific values I explain on the lectures. I recommend to let the app for free in the App Store to maximize the downloads. Inside the app, you can offer paid videos. This course has more than 1.5 h to show you all you need to know about reskin the app. Get the code, the course and Have fun. Let me know if you have any questions."
Price: 94.99
