"Learn to design effective job aids with MS Word in one hour" |
"Do you need to create job aids for work? Job aids are trainer's, instructional designer's, and teacher's best friends! They can improve retention, they ensure success, and they save training/teaching time. This course will teach you how to choose the type of job aid you need for your organization and how Microsoft Word can be used to design a job aid that will increase performance. This is a quick course for anyone that wants to start creating job aids foloowing simple step-by-step instructions. Some students have said this is basic information, YES! it's for beginners, and in less than an hour, you will not be a beginner anymore and you can get to designing more job aids. My name is Raul Esparza and I create interactive learning experiences for instructor led and online training. Job aids are an additional tool you use on a weekly basis to enhance performance and save resources for the organization you work for, just like I do. Cutting learning time and development time is good for your organization, your learners, and you. Its a win, win for everyone! Did you know there are instances where a job aid can actually replace a training course? Instead of pulling people from their job for an hour we can design a job aid they can learn to use in a matter of minutes. Usually we design job aids to enhance training and cut down on the training time. Once you complete this course (in about an hour) you will be able to develop effective job aids and you will save time while creating job aids using the Microsoft Word features. A job aid can be a step by step guide for performing a task on the job or just a checklist, they are also known as performance support tools and can take many forms such as worksheets, tables, and flow charts. Microsoft Word has many features that can make designing a job aid easy. You will see three types of job aids being created using Word 2007 with SnagIt, and 2010, 2013 using the ScreenShot function. I have also included two bonus lessons for you Articulate Storyline Users! You will see how Storyline can be used to create job aids quickly then exported for further editing! "
Price: 19.99

"Land a Highest Paying Dream Job with these Career Hacks" |
"Do you feel that you're giving away your highest potential for a low pay? Do you feel you can earn more? Work at better position? Achieve more? If you answered 'YES' to any of the above questions, this is your chance to take an action!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this course 'Land a Highest Paying Dream Job with these Career Hacks' you will learn how to identify obstacles and work out how to challenge them, look for things that REALLY MAKE YOU TICK. You will also look at how certain jobs can lead to other job and what path you can take to get to where you want to be. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will be able to make right decisions about your goals, plan your action and figure out what you need to do to take the next steps in your career journey. Plan your career, prepare your CV & Cover Letter, find prospective jobs, negotiate your salary, learn INTERVIEW HACKS and start working in your dream position already the next month. So...why to wait for tomorrow? Join us TODAY!"
Price: 19.99

"The Unconventional Entrepreneur" |
"I believe the person you are matters. The Unconventional Entrepreneur course focuses on the person behind the business, because if you can grow in strategic ways so will your business. We will cover 6 elements which have helped a new generation of entrepreneurs achieve massive success while also leaving a positive impact: Generosity Expertise Character Transparency Charity Persistence Each section will contain 5-7 video lectures on the subject, 1-2 case studies or success stories, over 20 pages of printable worksheets, and a link to a private Facebook group where you can connect with other like-minded students. The course can be completed in as little as a week. But the lessons learned should be applied over many years. This course will teach you how to transform yourself and your business so that you can do work that truly matters."
Price: 19.99

"Fight Conformity & Claim Moral Autonomy through Philosophy" |
"Moral judgments are integral to our everyday lives and sense of self. Mostly these are unthinkingly inherited from social life. This course aims to bring the underlying assumptions, implications and forms of reasoning to your conscious awareness. As a result you will become better negotiators of justice, autonomous in your decisions, confident in your discourses with others and understanding of others' moral attitudes. This course aims to make you aware of the most prominent moral perspectives which have not only received scholarly attention but which also reflect some of the assumptions most people have come to unwittingly acquire. For each philosophical perspective there is one chapter that offers an exegesis of the theory and a second chapter that presents arguments in favour & against. Apart from these lectures each section includes a short video presentation addressing fundamental points. Skype office hours are welcomed, indeed, encouraged to address questions and further discussion. No prior knowledge of philosophy or ethical reasoning is required."
Price: 19.99

"Learn IFTTT and increase your productivity" |
"This course will teach you IFTTT. IFTTT, a free service that automates repetitive tasks. If you are not learning IFTTT, you are missing all the good stuff! It's beautiful and creative!! IFTTT is comparable to a virtual worker: It puts the internet to work, and does your tasks. The concepts covered in this course are for intermediate internet users, thus, having a fair knowledge of internet helps: isn't a compulsion. I have covered the topics in easy to understand terms so that beginners can understand. Intermediate users who were not aware of this service will learn how to deal with routine tasks quickly and efficiently. The course consists of series of videos. This course is short for now. We begin by looking at absolute basics such as how to open the website, how to find information that's needed, and continue to follow step by step approach till you learn enough. You must take this course to learn automating stuff on internet, and to save your time and efforts. By the time of completion of this course I promise you will be 5-20% more productive than you currently are."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Grunt with Examples: Automate Your Front End Workflow" |
"Grunt is a command-line task automation tool that speeds up your development workflow by taking all the repetitive grunt work out of your work. If you're a front-end developer, Grunt is a must have tool to add to your skillset. With Grunt you can: Build websites faster Avoid repetitive work like minifying files or optimizing images Ensure consistency within your team In this course you'll learn how to automate web development tasks with Grunt so you can build websites faster. Grunt can perform tasks on your code in the background to automatically take the repetitive, time consuming tasks out of your workflow! If you want to take your career to the next level as a front-end developer then you need to learn Grunt. Grunt will perform the tasks you assign it through a Grunt configuration file. Some tasks Grunt can perform include: minification, concatenation, SASS and LESS processing, live reloading, image optimization, unit testing, linting, desktop notifications, page speed testing, and sooo much more! At the end of this course you'll: Understand Grunt and all the concepts mentioned above Be able to use Grunt in all of your projects and build websites faster Improve your skills as a web developer Learn how to properly prepare your files before pushing a website live This course is for even the beginning web developer! Grunt is still growing in popularity and is used by some of the biggest names on the web. Learn Grunt to save time and put yourself ahead of the competition."
Price: 99.99

"Schlagfertigkeit - Sicher und schlagfertig (re)agieren" |
"Schlagfertigkeit ist lernbar! die passende Erwiderung auf Verbalangriffe finden wie Frechsein dichweiterbringen kann und deinSelbstwertgefhl steigert. Selbstbehauptung: Glasklar richtig stellen, statt sich zu rechtfertigen. die drei krpersprachlichen Parameter, die deinenWorten mehr Gewicht geben raus aus der Rechtfertigungsschablone. I am what I am ""...und es ist gut so"". schlagfertige Antworten auf kritische Fragen wie ihrden Angreifer dazu bringen, seinen Vorwurf selbst aufzulsen"
Price: 49.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Success in College" |
"What is this course about: This course is designed to teach parents and students how to successfully navigate and transition to a college/university. Unfortunately, graduating from college isno longer is a guarantee for employment, however with careful decision-making, made both before the first day of classes and throughout the four years at a college/university, students can have a college experience that's not only memorable, but also highly productive and enriched with invaluable experiences. At the end of the course, you will be knowledgble on the following topics. Topics Covered: Financial Aid Living On Campus Academic Advising Off Campus Housing Studying Abroad Internships Working with Professors Financial Responsibilities/Credit Cards Relationships GPA,GPA,GPA Networking Volunteering Rate My Professor Textbooks/Access Codes Fraternities/Sororities Freshman 15 Majors/Minors Organizations/Involvement"
Price: 19.99

"C++ programming in Qt FrameWork Part I" |
"In this Course, we will change together the flow of your programming capacities. From the basic black and white applications (console) to the GUI or Graphic User Interface which every programmer is trying to master. of course this is your main purpose too as a programmer. We will begin with the basics of GUI applications creation step by step to the complex concepts. Our course will contain the following materials: Introduction to the first concepts of the GUI Application, which tool & which way to proceed. your first window with Qt. Dealing with Widgets. Signals & Slots: link your widgets between each other. Using Dialog Boxes. Understanding the Qt Documentation. Organizing your window with Layouts. The most useful widgets in an application. Creating the Main window in Qt. Modeling your windows with Qt Designer. Conclusion: what's next, which level, which field. I wish that the content of this course interests you, and i promise, at the end of it you will have a solid base in the Applications creation process which will allow you to create complex applications. So if your are interested in my course please feel free to subscribe."
Price: 34.99

"Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5 Essentials" |
"JUnit 5is the next generation of JUnit. The goal is to create an up-to-date foundation for developer-side testing on the JVM. This includes focusing on Java 8 and above, as well as enabling many different styles of testing.The goal of this course is to give developers and students the easiest way to use and benefit from the capabilities of JUnit 5 in unit testing. The course gets students to the architecture of JUnit 5 and its modular structure in order to understand the rational behind its development. then it will take students to the following sections:Standard Tests With Junit: Test LifeCycle, Annotations, Assertions, Tags.Mockito for Dependency injection IssuesAdvanced Concepts: Nested Tests, Dynamic Tests, Parameterized testsExtensions Model: how to Extend Jupiter core module"
Price: 19.99

"Android: Beyond Basics - Big Productivity App with Lollipop" |
"This course is all about creating a stunning productivity app called "Smart App Launcher". You will learn how to create a chat head like floating app that will be floating around the screen above any other apps. It will be used to launch other applications efficiently. In this course, you will learn few important APIs like Toast, List, Array Adapter, Window Manager, Popup Window, Notifications, Service and more. Learning these important APIs will not only increase your skills but also make you an efficient Android Developer with good coding skills. This course has about 3 hours of content and it will slowly take you through the journey of creating an app, implementing it effectively and running it. Taking this course and learning the APIs and going through the code will give you more ideas to create your own money making productivity app. You can implement this knowledge for creating more multi-task oriented apps which are only less in number in market right now. So sign up for the course, become a highly skilled developer and create unique special apps! All the best."
Price: 19.99

"How to Grow a Home Business by Shopping Online" |
"Most online shoppers, especially US consumers, shop on impulses and even when they actually need what they're shopping for, they are not actually aware that they could be paid a small fraction of their spending as cash-back. This cash-back balance then adds over time and can add to surprising amounts if you follow the steps which we'll be going over in this quick course. This course will take you about 35 minutes at most to complete. The course spans about 5 great lectures; no filler; all great value content! This course is great for the following people: This course is NOT a scam; youll be refunded if what I showed you wasn't true or doesn't work. This course if NOT for anyone who shops in brick and mortar buildings like at physical shopping malls; this course if ONLY for those shopping ONLINE; no physical malls here. This course is for everyone who wants to get paid for shopping online You did NOT know that you could be PAID for doing your own shopping online literally; no catch here. I start off the course with a proof video showing my very first check that I received in the mail within my first month of using this system which I will be showing you in the course; and I am not even an aggressive online shopper. You do most of your shopping online and usually use your debit or even better, your credit card. In the course, I go briefly into why you should use a credit card which gives you some kind of cash-back for using your credit card, whether that be 5% cash-back or more. The course is NOT about using your credit card; its about some of the services which are available online and which you can use to earn cash-back every time you shop online. This course is for anyone whos used to shopping online the typical way, using your debit or credit card and NEVER getting paid a small fraction of your spending back. Have 35 minutes to spare? Then let's jump in and save some money!"
Price: 49.99

"Erfolgreich durch die Gehaltsverhandlung" |
"Was dir dieser Kurs bringt Du arbeitest schon seit einigen Jahren bei deinem Arbeitgeber und mchtest endlich mehr verdienen? Dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich. Lerne, wie du das Thema bei deinem Chef platzierest, wie du dich vorbereitest, und welche Strategie zum Erfolg fhrt. Wir zeigen dir die genauen Inhalte fr das Gesprch und mit welcher Strategie es endlich mit der Gehaltserhhung klappt. Kursinhalte In Gehaltserhhung verhandeln gehen wir detailliert auf die Argumente ein, die dein Chef gegen eine Gehaltserhhung anbringen kann, und an der du bislang gescheitert bist. Anhand vieler Beispiele aus Gehaltsverhandlungen siehst du, wie du deine Punkte vorbringst, was dein Gesprchspartner antworten knnte, und wie du darauf optimal reagierst. So bist du optimal vorbereitet, um endlich zu verdienen was du wert bist."
Price: 49.99

"Das Einstiegsgehalt erfolgreich verhandeln" |
"Was dir dieser Kurs bringt Du wechselst den Arbeitgeber, oder trittst deine erste Stelle an und musst nun dein Gehalt verhandeln? Dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich. Erfahre, was genau du im Gesprch mit deinem zuknftigen Chef sagen musst, um ein signifikant hheres Startgehalt zu verhandeln. Wir zeigen dir praxiserprobte Strategien, um mehr aus deiner Gehaltsverhandlung herauszuholen. Kursinhalte In unserem Kurs lernst du, wie du auf die Frage nach den Gehaltsvorstellungen richtig antwortest, wie du auf ein erstes Angebot reagierst, und mit welchem Ansatz du auch nach einem verbesserten Angebot dein Gehalt noch weiter steigern kannst. Wir zeigen dir an Hand von Beispielszenen aus Gehaltsverhandlungen wie gute Antworten aussehen, was dein Gesprchspartner antworten knnte, und wie du darauf optimal reagierst. So bist du optimal fr deine eigene Gehaltsverhandlung vorbereitet."
Price: 49.99

"Large Gatherings/Dangerous Crowds! - Become a Crowd Manager" |
"The role of the Crowd Manager is simple: Prevent a sudden crowd surge that may cause injury or death. The Crowd Manager Course satisfies the requirement from NFPA in a place of assembly that hold 50 or more people. We choose to come together or assemble in this way for recreational, business and worship reasons. This class prepares you and/or your event staff with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to fulfill these roles and responsibilities: Assess the venue for hazards Create a facility plan Evaluate all hazards including severe weather and violence Safely manage and direct a group of 50 or more people that assemble for business, recreation, worship or business reasons. Class time is expected to be 3-4 hours with case study and case study quizzes. These types of assembly are all around us in every size community every day (and night) and may include: Armories Assembly Halls Auditoriums Bowling Lanes Club Rooms College classrooms Courtrooms Dance Halls Drinking Establishments Exhibition Halls Gymnasiums Libraries Mortuary chapels Motion picture theaters Museums Passenger stations Places of religious worship Pool rooms Recreation piers Restaurants Skating rinks Special amusement buildings (i.e.: haunted houses) Theaters Fundraiser events Non-profit events During an emergency, event patrons often have to make decisions about where the best exit is located, when to exit and how to remain safe. The crowd manager plans for emergencies at each venue to keep people safe. They can manage and direct the audience to a safe exit before injury or death occurs. You will study crowd psychology and learn the FIST method of management: F -The Crowd Force (or energy) I -The Information upon which the crowd acts S -The physical Space involved both in terms of individual density and larger scale architectural features T- Time the duration of the incident. Terms you will know at the end of the class are: Critical occupancy-Critical occupancy is the gradual accumulation and overloading of a pedestrian space, beginning at levels below 3 ft2/person (0.28 m2/person) until it reaches the plan view area of the human body of about 1.3 to 1.5 ft2 (0.12 to 0.14 m2). Flight Response-The flight response occurs where people are fleeing either from a real threat, such as a fire or explosion, or from a perceived, but otherwise nonthreatening, event. Flight responses may be labeled as panics and stampedes, but closer examination shows that rapid group movement away from the threat was a reasonable reaction. Craze-A craze is a competitive rush to obtain some highly valued objective. Crazes may happen when spectators attempt to get closer to celebrities, gain entry into a popular event, or, more unfortunately, where food is being distributed to starving victims of a disaster. Crowd Surge-A crowd surge occurs when the energy of a crowd increases to the point the crowd surges forward in a wave. In this class you will study the effects of a crowd surge and see a crowd surge in action. Crowd Manager Supervisor-A crowd manager supervisor receives additional training in incident management, planning and directing their team. Crowd Managers have a higher level of training and may fulfill duties in the event command room or command post along with public safety, event management, venue management, ambulance services and other partners. If you have questions: Instructor Accessibility is guaranteed through the online class messaging system and email."
Price: 49.99

"Basic woodworking skills" |
"Using basic handtools, learn how to diagnose problems with wood furniture. In this case a poorly manufactured chair leg attachment. Along the way, pick up some tips for woodworkers. Don't forget, you should know how to troubleshoot your fix when things go wrong. With this repair we cover planning, layout, constructing parts and some handy woodworking tips."
Price: 19.99

"Remote Viewing Masters - Investor Intuition (Vegas Edition)" |
"In this continuing series of Remote Viewing technologies, you'll learn the exciting protocols of Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) that allows you to gather data on targets previously outside the scope of the standard RV protocols of a person, place, thing or event anywhere in space/time.Believe it or not, that doesn't cover everything. Man-made ideas (like money) do not physically exist, yet dominate so much of our lives. The "winner" of a sporting event doesn't really exist in nature, yet the data stream is still embedded in the Universe.You'll be able to:successfully know the winner of sporting events without any knowledge of the sport itself. You'll know how to predict market directions for investmentsYou'll learn how to get a solid "yes/no" answer to any question about life, love or career.You'll be able to use this technology for high-value investments like real estate flipping."
Price: 199.99

"Prepper's Guide to Crypto Currency" |
"We are at a rare and unique juncture in both economic fragility and financial opportunity. As the continuing banking crisis, trade wars and political divide seek to crush modern life, a grass-roots system of trade is beginning to bloom....crypto currency. This new form of digital currency was born out of the 2008 financial crisis, where banks abused, defrauded and printed their way out of the mess they created. Leaving us to foot the bill. Crypto currency was designed to prevent those behaviors by limiting the supply of currency, thus increasing it's value with the demand for its use.In the decade since its creation, Wall St. and the banking system has laughed, scolded and even tried to scare people who've lost faith in their rigged game, that cryptos are a ""scam"". Today, they're singing a different tune.World central banks, world governments and Fortune 500 companies are diving in to cryptos head-first. Through both utility (such as cross border payments) and a store of value to replace gold. Companies like AT&T, Facebook, Square, Twitter, Starbucks and over 250 other Wall Street firms are meeting the crypto space.They now see the writing on the wall. If they want to survive a collapsing dollar, something else needs to take it's place that is both secure and easily transferred to create profit. Gold and Silver bars no longer fit the bill. Learn how you can become one of the elite wealthy while the wealth transfer is happening, not after it's already taken place."
Price: 199.99

"Marketing Strategy: Why are they not buying your product?" |
"What is this course about? Today's consumers live in a world full of choices. They live in a world full of decisions. How do they make these decisions, and what can you do to influence them? In this class, we'll dive deeply into the numerous decisions a consumer make prior to actually making a purchase. By understanding this decision making process, we'll be able to put together a plan to influence the process so the decisions would be made in our favor. We'll examine the entire consumer journey to understand where there may be purchase barriers, so we can remove them! What should you expect from this course? You should be able to analyze how consumers make decisions and put together a plan remove purchase barrier and drive brand preference. So, you can win in the marketplace to sell more! Who is this class for? This course will be beneficial to any strategic minded individuals looking for a deeper understanding of consumers behaviors in order to drive business growth. This course provides a clear framework to make sense of it all. The course provides context to observable consumer actions by revealing the hidden decision making process. This course will be most beneficial if you need to understand consumer behaviors to drive business decisions, but may not have in-depth formal training in the subject. To get the most out of this course, you will need to workshop the material after the lectures. The course will not provide a one-size-fits-all solution. By applying the framework, you will be able to better understand your consumers and to create a tailored solution for your specific business. How is the class structured? The class consists of several video lectures. The lectures will take an hour to complete. At the end of the lecture, you will have a clear understanding on how a purchase decision is made.. You will have an understanding on distractions that may occur along the path toward purchase. With that knowledge, you will be able to build a plan that can influence consumer decisions and guide consumers toward purchasing your brand. After the video lectures, you will need to then take your own time to build that plan. This course will provide you a template to get you started on that plan. Why take this course? First of all, this course is back by a 30 days money back guarantee. Secondly, don't you want to sell more? Only by understanding how consumers make decisions would you be able to influence their decisions. If you'd like to learn how to make consumers pick your product over a competitive product, enroll in this course now!"
Price: 29.99

"Branding Basics: Build a brand strategy in 3 simple steps!" |
"Why do people buy top shelf liquor? Try this experiment at your next party: Buy a few vodkas (or champagne or wine) from a few different price tiers. Conduct a blind taste test. See if your friends can correctly rank the different vodkas according to their respective prices. Chances are they will tell you they can, but in reality they probably cannot. So, why is there such a thing as top shelf liquor - if it doesn't pass the scrutiny of a simple taste test. There lies the power of branding! Branding has implications for liquor, and a variety of products. This class is meant to teach you the fundamentals of building a brand strategy, upon which you can build a plan that will set you apart from your competitors. What will you learn from this class? You will learn how to apply the same tricks of the trade big brand marketers use to unlock the potential of your product! You will learn the framework with which you can define your target consumer in a way that you can build brand value. You will also learn how to define product benefits that will be relevant to your target consumer. Your class project will give you a visual representation of both your target consumer and product benefit. These are fundamental building blocks for building a brand. What is NOT this class? This class covers the basics of how to build a brand. The basics are grounded in branding theory and practices used by brand managers worldwide. This course is strategic in nature. This course will help you identify what makes your brand special. This course will help you understand what your brand stands for. This course will help you build a brand that will differentiate you from your competition. However, this course will not cover branding design. This course is NOT about your brand logo or your brand tagline. However, you will walk away from this course knowing what's that special sauce for your brand that you should definitely include in your brand tagline, logo design, website design, etc. How is the class structured? The class consists of several video lectures, separated in 3 sections. Each section will cover a fundamental step toward building a winning brand. The lectures will take an hour to complete. At the end of the lecture, you would have clarity on where the power your brand lies! You will be well on your way toward building an empire based on your winning brand strategy! Why take this course? First of all, this course is back by a 30 days money back guarantee. Secondly, don't you want to know the secrets on how to get more customers and charge more for your products? Don't you want to know how brand managers from Coca-Cola got people from every country to buy their products? Don't you want to know how brand managers from Seven Jeans get to charge more for a simple pair of jeans? If you'd like to learn how to elevate your brand, enroll in this course now!"
Price: 34.99

"Business Strategy: Find out your revenue potential in 15 min" |
"Why is Market Sizing important to understand?If you're a product manager or if you're a business owner - one of the first things you need is to get a handle of how much you can realistically make.There is a systematic way to answer this question. It's not "I hope to make $100K". Banks do not loan to "hopes". Venture capitalists do not write checks to "hopes". Management does not promote based on "hopes".You need to quantify the market size and show what your potential revenue may be. In this crash course, we'll go through the basic principals of market sizing. What are some common mistakes to avoid, and what are some guiding principals. We will use examples and exercises to make the concepts come to life.Once you understand how to accurate estimate your opportunity, you can much more easily secure the funding you need to take your project to the next level!"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Tool: Personas - learn customer expectations" |
"Are you a product designer / product manager / UX manager wondering what product features make sense?Are you a content manager / marketing manager wondering what content would be relevant?Wonder no more! Start using Personas as a tool to help you get to know your customers better! Personas can uncover deep insights about your customers, and give you the information you need to align your product and marketing strategy to your customers' expectations. Meeting (and exceeding) customers' expectations is the only way to build a customer base and a successful business.This 30-minute crash course on Personas will walk through what are personas, how to develop personas, and how to get the information you need to develop personas. Once you have Personas developed, you can share them with your team and stakeholders. You can empower your whole team / organization with this deep insight! Personas is a great tool for both B2B and B2C businesses."
Price: 19.99

"The DEFINITIVE course on Speed Reading. All techniques+hacks" |
"Do you want to read faster? Would you like to absorb new information 5x faster? 10x faster? How about 100x? How about study multiple degrees (with a high GPA) and work full time? What if you could complete exams twice as fast as everyone else? This course will showcase the best methods for speed-reading used by top universities and Guinness World Record holders. Not only that, we'll supercharge those methods by applying the latest technology to truly make you a super-reader. Learn to easily double your reading speed in less than 5 minutes. Most people do so instantly, thanks to the technology we employ.Learn the classic speed reading techniques, and the technology hack to boost you even faster.Learn the exact technique top university academics use to speed through huge mounds of information.Learn how to fly through university and school examinations.Smash the competition by becoming a SUPER-READER.Hear what my students have to say: Great pace and delivery, however the animation is amazing. Seriously one of the best courses I've seen. It's very engaging!' - Umesh 'I was able to reach a speeding level of 750 wpm in a few days through application of the techniques presented by Matt Wong in this course. A+ speed reading course.' -Mitchell '...the editing is amazing and the pace engaging. Great work!' - Davide 'Very organized and well presented...superbly done.' -Moslem 'Of the courses I've reviewed so far yours has demonstrated the best delivery' - Yi-Choong 'This is a wonderful course--very smooth presentation and great content. I almost doubled my reading speed in one day.' -Sally 'The video and audio are great, and the instructor certainly knows what he is talking about. I particularly liked that the instructor compared traditional methods and new methods for even faster speed reading.' -Dr Kluge 'Matt Wong... I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me...He [Matt] keeps you engaged and takes the loads of information in bite size form.' -NykOkay here's the secret sauce, right up front: All the standard 'speed reading' techniques are in this course. I've paid thousands for speed reading courses and here they all are condensed into 60 seconds. But with the rate of information growth today, we are fighting a losing game. Even at triple the average speed (750wpm) we're not going to be able to read everything we'd like to. Academics know this. Entrepreneurs know this. That's why they don't read like we do. They 'super-read'. Super Reading is a combination of: Time-tested techniques to increase general reading speed; andAdvanced triage sorting systems.Don't read anything else until you've taken this course. Learn to speed-read and then super-read by enrolling in this course and start saving time today! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Udemy will refund you 100% if we don't successfully hack your reading speed!"
Price: 89.99

"Create Animated Explainer Videos - Complete Walkthrough" |
"---- 2020 Update ----This 2015 course has helped hundreds of people create animated videos for their business. The Powtoon interface has changed a lot over the years, and due to popular demand (students hounded me to keep this course live) this course remains available. The lecture content is still so valuable in producing great videos, FAST. The shortcut 'Workflow' in this course is still 100% magic, and applies equally to the old and new HTML5 platform. The big news is that I have created a completely new 2020 course (using a different animation platform) that has a lot more advanced capabilities. If you want the best of the best, you can find the new course by clicking on my instructor profile and viewing my other courses.-----------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to increase your sales by using promo videos? How about an animated video where you don't even need to be on camera? Video has a huge impact on your brand credibility, and on sales. They produce substantially higher conversion rates (where customers go from browsing to buying) and you'd be crazy not to use them in your business. The problem is they are either expensive or hard to make. Not today. This course is a major shortcut to your first animated promotional video. We'll be working together in each lecture creating your video as you learn. No 'learning for learning sake' here, just actionable and productive lectures. Hear what my students have to say about this course: 'This is a short but excellent introduction to PowToon. Yes, it's outdated but don't let that put you off. Most of the content is about how to create professional videos and the instructor's tips and advice are worth the price alone.' -Adam Robson'This was BRILLIANT! After going through this course I felt like I was using it like a pro, I already knew all the tricks to work around the limitations of the system and was able to produce my first, very professional looking video is a really short amount of time, THANK YOU!!' -Paul'Pure information - no clutter! Enjoyed this course so much, you'll save about $104 thanks to lecture 5. This course is a shortcut to mastery.' - Brandon I didn't know what I was looking for till I found you. The course was great, no really, its fantabulous.' - April Powerful course here! Powerful, engaging and so easy to follow. All instructors need this course!' - Rosa Well done this course was amazing...I am now a convert, loved the style and engaging voice over.' - Leap Training Institute By the end of this course you will have your own promo video, all: without appearing on camerawithout having to buy anything more than a microphone and a Powtoon accountwithout wasting time learning to master complex programs like Adobe After Effects.Plus you'll have my proven workflow (PDF) that produces quality videos in the fastest time possible. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. You are backed by Udemy's 30 day refund policy. No sweat. "
Price: 34.99

"Have No Regrets, Embrace Purpose by Building a Life Legacy" |
"COURSE UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2015 Hundreds of people have already changed their lives using the technique that you will learn here! I have taught this method to hundreds of clients in face-to-face coaching and now YOU have an opportunity to learn it too. Not only that but you will have life-time access to all of the lectures here and be kept up to date with new materials as they are added. Satisfaction or your money back! If you are in any way dissatisfied with this course, Udemy offers a no strings attached 30-day refund policy. This too is my personal commitment to you and stands as my endorsement of this work. Have you been feeling stuck and directionless? Do you want to make a mark on the world? Do you catch yourself wondering what you are here for, what this life is all about? Do you dream of a life of purpose and passion? Do you crave the freedom of living according to your heart's desires? This course will change you, inspire you and get you jumping out of bed in the mornings full of LIFE! We all change the world, whether we are doing so consciously or not. No matter how hard we try, we cannot avoid leaving a fingerprint, an indication of our presence; ""that part of ourselves that we leave behind, the thing that makes the world a different place because we were in it."" The legAcy you leave is the change that is left in the world as a result of your presence. Each one of us will leave a legAcy whether we intend to or not. Our legacy is defined by who we are and what we do. It is the result created by the sum total of our actions and behaviours, our attitudes, out outlook on life, our values, our moods and most importantly our habits; those things we do or say repetitively without being conscious of them. Learn how to define and create a meaningful life legacy This is for you if you know that your life has a purpose but you are unsure how to uncover that purpose, define it and devise a plane to live the purpose to its fullest or if you know that you want to make a difference with your life, but are not sure how to bring that to life. Are you ready to take control of the legacy you will leave? Are you ready to define the kind of change you want to see in the world? Do you want to devise a plan to become the person you need to be to fulfil your chosen purpose? Are you ready to embrace legAcy living as your way of life? The amazing benefits of legacy living are:"
Price: 24.99

"Boost Your Self-Worth, Get Respect by Having Good Boundaries" |
"Boundary issues present a multitude of problems for people in the workplace, in the family and in relationships. Poorly managed or non-existent boundaries cause resentment and disagreement between people, are a leading cause of poor productivity in a workplace and contribute to elevated stress levels. People who struggle with boundaries find themselves saying Yes when they really want to say No, find themselves unable to protect themselves from unwanted intrusions by co-workers, friends and family. Unable to hold their own and other people's boundaries, these people find themselves doing other people's work instead of their own, taking responsibility for things that they shouldn't and often in trouble for falling behind in their own areas of responsibility. They often feel overwhelmed, under-appreciated and disrespected with little to show for their efforts. Communication becomes vague or evasive which leads to misunderstandings and mistrust. Simply put, healthy boundaries are a necessity for anybody who wants to lead a healthy, happy, productive and successful existence in all areas of life. This course will bring you to a point where you feel confidently able to set and hold a boundary for yourself or others by examining the nature of boundaries, exposing the reasons for our struggles with boundaries and ultimately providing techniques for you to set and manage your and other people's boundaries. Learn and master the art of setting and holding healthy boundaries with this course Set healthy boundaries in any area of your life, work or relationships Say No when you when you should and Yes only when it's healthy Know when to make a rule or set a boundary Maintain the boundaries you set with ease and grace Assertively confront people who ignore or overstep your boundaries while keeping the relationship intact Delegate easily and hold people accountable effectively Manage others who resist or resent your newly found strength and boundary setting Mastering boundaries for greater success in life, work and relationships A boundary is nothing more than a container designed to maintain the integrity of what's inside, be that your health, sanity, money, family or job responsibilities. The tools and techniques taught in this course provide a gentle, non-threatening approach that will ensure choosing, setting and holding a boundary becomes possible for even the most timid person, in the most difficult situations. By overcoming your own reactions to boundaries, you will acquire the insight and wisdom that boundaries are not punitive or selfish, rather they are the most respectful, generous and empowering way to relate to the world at large. Parents, people in leadership roles, employees, or people in any form of relationship with others will benefit from the experience of seeing their own relationship to boundaries, and learning new ways to manage what historically would have been difficult conversations to have and spaces to be in. This course is perfect for any person who feels that they could achieve much more if they were not constantly side-tracked by other people's interruptions and requests, or who feels overwhelmed by the business of managing other people's responsibilities because saying yes is just less trouble than saying no. Contents and Overview In the over 3 hours of content including 30 lectures, 5 quizzes as well as supplemental materials, this course covers the theory of boundaries as well as the practical tools you need in order to set and maintain healthy boundaries. This course covers the importance of boundaries, the definition of boundaries, the reasons the boundaries present a challenge to so many people. It examines the relationship between boundaries and rules as well as ways to determine whether a boundary or a rule needs to be set. Students will learn how to communicate a boundary assertively and techniques to manage other people reactions to a boundary being set or saying No. Students will also have the opportunity to examine their own relationship to boundaries, both those that they would like to set and those imposed upon them, including the reasons for their struggle with boundaries."
Price: 44.99

"Stunning Aerial Videography and Photography Using Drones" |
"The leading drone / aerial videography course on Udemy. Check it out to see why.....WHAT? - This course's focus is on how to make stunning aerial productions both from filming with a drone initially and then from impactful editing afterwards. WHO IS IT FOR? - For videographers, photographers, hobbyists and professionals alike that want to learn how to make amazing aerial videos and photos. ""Packed with Detailed Instruction Bruce is an exceptional aerial filmmaker and an exceptional teacher. The level of detail in this course is outstanding. If you are serious about using drones to tell better stories in your productions, this course is for you! Bruce will teach about how to use the tool of a multirotor to move the camera in ways that may not be obvious but can have a big impact on your productions. This is a premium quality filmmaking course for the age aerial photography and videography."" Mark Richardson ------------------------------------------------------------- Have you seen stunning aerial videos and photos and wondered how is that done? Perhaps you have a drone already and want to take your aerial productions to the next level for your hobby or business? This extensive course will take you on a journey all the way through from discussing; the merits of different drone types for aerial production; some basic flying skills for aerial imagery, to THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE CONTENT; a unique, structured way of thinking about, planning for, filming and then editing your standout aerial production. It will become a resource for you as well as a course. Stunning Aerial Productions Using Both a Drone and Editing Techniques Basics - Legal, Safety, Planning & Some Core Flying Skills For Producing Aerial Imagery A Unique, Structured Method To Guide Your Filming and Flying For Getting Impactful Footage 25 Design Principles For Creating Captivating Productions 8 Step Editing Workflow for Developing Your Final Product The Time To Make Stunning Aerial Imagery Is Now The ability to video and photograph the world from a unique, breathtaking, aerial perspective, using a drone is now available to all. The opportunities this presents for videographers, photographers, hobbyists and professionals alike is extraordinary. There is a need to learn how to make standout aerial productions, to make imagery that will go beyond what will become the ordinary. Mastering these new tools now, to produce highly impactful results, will get you ahead of the game professionally and give you endless hours of enjoyment personally. Content and Overview This course covers basics from selecting your drone, editing software and aerial camera. It has some guidance on initial flying skills and exercises for producing good aerial productions. The course then goes beyond the basics and introduces, with extensive aerial footage to illustrate the points, a unique framework to guide all your flying and filming missions. This focusses on the extraordinary outcomes you should be aiming for in your aerial imagery and the flying you should be doing to get those outcomes. You are then taught how to plan your flying and filming missions using this framework. You are taken through a range of unique in-course and online tools & resources to aid you in this planning. You will learn through a real example to show you how to apply the framework and tools to plan a successful flight. You will then learn how to take the aerial footage and turn it into a stunning video production. You will be introduced to 25 design principles to follow and a software-generic 8 step editing workflow. This will be demonstrated by using Final Cut Pro X, but much of the demonstration will concentrate on how to apply the design principles and framework to guide the creation of the aerial video. What is this course NOT for? Though the course touches on some things to look into from a legal and safety perspective the course is not designed to be a guide on your local drone laws or how to fly & film safely. These are areas that you must know already or that you must go and master before considering implementing any of the techniques in the course. Also - the course is not hardware specific and is not designed to teach you about how to set up any of your own drone hardware or specific handling skills for that hardware. Music Credit: to Promo Video - Peace by Redman, licensed under the CC BY licence - see tinyurl.c om/RedmanPeace"
Price: 94.99

"How to Write a Book and Become a REAL Best Selling Author" |
"Ever dream of becoming a Best Selling Author? Have your books read around the world? Make money in your sleep? Youre in the right place. There has never been a better time in history to write a book than RIGHT NOW. Most people dont become authors because they either dont believe theyre capable or they dont know how to spread their message. This is where the game has changed. Why? It starts with understanding that Amazon is the new Google. Theyre going to do close to $100 Billion (yes, BILLION) in revenue this year. Where they differ from Google is that they make their money when your book SELLS (not through advertising). To do this, they will spread your message FOR YOUfor FREEand drive massive amounts of traffic to your book. All you need to do is create the book and follow the Passion 2 Published formula so people can BUY it. Sounds simple enough, doesnt it? It is! The Passion 2 Published course is simple - its the step-by-step process of creating, publishing and monetizing your book in multiple formats: as an eBook, Print Book and Audiobook. People consume information differently these days, and the more formats you offer your book in, the more royalties are put in your pocket. I walk you through how to publish your eBook on Amazon, your Print Book on Amazon and CreateSpace, and your Audiobook on ACX (which distributes to Amazon, Audible and iTunes). Ive never seen a course this comprehensive. But lets both get on the same page right off the bat - this course is about writing a REAL book that will circulate around the world, earning you passive royalties and building you a sustainable brand that will stand the test of time. Im not talking about a 30-page glorified handbook that youd be embarrassed to show your friends. I also wont BS you with unrealistic amounts of money youre going to make from your book. Will you make money? YES. I guarantee it. But whether you make $1,000/year or $10,000+/year depends on how well you follow the steps in this course. Still, ask any prolific author and they will tell you the REAL money you make is NOT from your book. Your book is simply the launching pad to MUCH great opportunities. Trust me, Ive eaten plenty of ramen noodles in my day and no one appreciates the value of a dollar more than me, but the royalties you make from your book will be peanuts compared to what you can potentially earn elsewhere. Keep in mind - it costs you NOTHING to publish on these platforms. No hidden costs. No monthly hosting fees. No mandatory selling requirements. All you do is login to your accounts (which I show you in the course) to check your royalties and see how many people, around the world, have purchased your book. Its a pretty cool feeling :-) The Passion 2 Published curriculum is video training, either with me speaking direct-to-camera (like the intro video) or doing screencasts so I can show you how to create your book, format it, upload it online, maximize your royalty structure, etc. There are also plenty of downloads for brainstorming the framework of your book, checklists as you progress through the program and free social media sites for promoting your book (to name a few). How long will it take you to complete this course? Like anything in life, it depends on your motivation. I've seen people do it in as short as 7 days. Realistically, you should expect to have a QUALITY book created and selling online, in multiple formats, in 30 days. 60 days would be the high end. 90 days at the absolute maximum. Just take action and follow along with what I'm teaching. YOU CAN DO THIS! This course is covered by Udemys unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. I will also give you my personal guarantee - I cannot do the work for you but if you step, I step. I will ALWAYS meet you halfway. If you need clarification or help, ask me. Thats what Im here for. I genuinely want to empower more people to step up in the world, spread their message, build a lucrative business and have a helluva good time doing it. Im hoping you choose to invest in this course. I believe it will change your life. Best, - Scott Creator, Passion 2 Published"
Price: 94.99

"Adobe Lightroom 4 & 5 post-processing work flow for everyone" |
"This course is for anyone who has Lightroom or is interested in using Lightroom as part of their post processing work flow for their digital photos. If you take a lot of photos then you know how important a organized work flow is. The quicker you can finish turning good images in to great photographs the more time you can spend on other things. This course will cover: Importing your photos into Lightroom Narrowing your photos down to the ones that need to be worked on Quickly processing the photos in Adobe Lightroom Outputting the photos for delivery to family, friends, or clients Time is everything and this course covers the work flow that I developed over the years. When I was doing event photography I would often shoot 6,000+ images in a day and have to process and post them within 5 days for client purchase. Due to these requirements I developed a work flow to meet the objective of being able to quickly process and post my images.I was initially using Photoshop and then moved to Lightroom. I saw an immediate improvement in the time needed to complete my image processing. As I moved from using Lightroom version 1 to now Lightroom version 5 it has evolved in to what I am presenting in this course. I now do over 90% of my image processing in Lightroom"
Price: 39.99

"Canon EOS 6D DSLR User Guide for every photographer" |
"With this course I will be going through the Canon 6D body from top to bottom, inside and out. I will explore and explain all of the menus and tell you what they are, when to use them, and why. I will also cover in depth: ISO Aperture and Depth of Field Shutter speed Focus modes and points Exposure modes Metering modes Flash Lenses And much more This course is for anyone who owns the Canon 6D body be it brand new or since it was first released. I have been shooting professionally with Canon cameras for over 7 years have several Canon DSLR bodies that I shoot with regularly. When I first get a new camera I generally do some initial setup of the camera, check out some of the new features and then start shooting with it. Over time I will return and explore the new features, functions, and capabilities and often times will discover something I didn't know existed or forgot was new with the body I am using. I recommend this course for anyone interested in getting the most out of their Canon 6D."
Price: 49.99

"Bitcoin - A Comprehensive Guide" |
"There is no better time to learn about Bitcoin, the decentralized digital currency. Not only will this course give you a firm understanding of Bitcoin, but endless real world applications for your new-found knowledge. This course is split into ten sections, which will take you from a Bitcoin novice to an expert in an easy to understand format. - The Bitcoin Basics - Getting Up To Speed - Bitcoin Mining - Your First Bitcoin Wallet - Advanced Bitcoin Trading - Bitcoin & Your Business - Other Crypto-Currencies - The Future Of Bitcoin - Other Blockchain Applications - Wrap Up By covering every niche of Bitcoin, you will be able to decide what interests you. This course covers areas of Bitcoin that are simply not available elsewhere. Welcome to arguably the most extensive Bitcoin course on the internet! The fascinating world of Bitcoin Awaits!"
Price: 19.99
