"MBA(MBA in a Box in Chinese)" |
"MBACEO2 3MBAAZMBAMBAMBAINSEADMBA- 8- - - 1- /- MBA40- - - MBA- - Udemy30"
Price: 194.99

"Credit Risk Modeling in Python 2020" |
"Brand new course!!Hi! Welcome to Credit Risk Modeling in Python. The only online course that teaches you how banks use data science modeling in Python to improve their performance and comply with regulatory requirements. This is the perfect course for you, if you are interested in a data science career. Heres why: The instructor is a proven expert (PhD from the Norwegian Business school, who has taught in world renowned universities such as HEC, the University of Texas, and the Norwegian Business school). The course is suitable for beginners. We start with theory and initial data pre-processing and gradually solve a complete exercise in front of you Everything we cover is up-to-date and relevant in todays development of Python models for the banking industry This is the only online course that shows the complete picture in credit risk in Python (using state of the art techniques to model all three aspects of the expected loss equation - PD, LGD, and EAD) including creating a scorecard from scratch Here we show you how to create models that are compliant with Basel II and Basel III regulations that other courses rarely touch upon We are not going to work with fake data. The dataset used in this course is an actual real-world example You get to differentiate your data science portfolio by showing skills that are highly demanded in the job marketplace What is most important you get to see first-hand how a data science task is solved in the real-worldMost data science courses cover several frameworks, but skip the pre-processing and theoretical part. This is like learning how to taste wine before being able to open a bottle of wine.We dont do that. Our goal is to help you build a solid foundation. We want you to study the theory, learn how to pre-process data that does not necessarily come in the friendliest format, and of course, only then we will show you how to build a state of the art model and how to evaluate its effectiveness.Throughout the course, we will cover several important data science techniques.- Weight of evidence- Information value- Fine classing- Coarse classing- Linear regression- Logistic regression- Area Under the Curve- Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve- Gini Coefficient- Kolmogorov-Smirnov- Assessing Population Stability- Maintaining a modelAlong with the video lessons you will receive several valuable resources that will help you learn as much as possible: Lectures Notebook files Homework Quiz questions Slides Downloads Access to Q&A where you could reach out and contact the course tutor.Signing up for the course today could be a great step towards your career in data science. Make sure that you take full advantage of this amazing opportunity!See you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

Price: 194.99

"Practical Project with Spring 4 - Part 1" |
"In this course you will learn to develop a practical project with Java and Spring 4 technologies. The technologies we will cover are (but not limited to) Spring Boot, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Data, JPA,MySQL, Thymeleaf, Gradle, and Spring Test. At the end of this course, you will learn to integrate all these technologies so that you can start working on implementing your own idea with Spring 4. As you follow through the course lectures, you will also find the codes in the corresponding github repository that I mention in the course. This is part one of the course but it shows a complete working project. I am working on Part 2 and will make that available as I'm done with it."
Price: 19.99

"9 trucos para encontrar trabajo" |
" Quieres encontrar trabajo hoy? - Aprende tcnicas de bsqueda de empleo. - Encuentra personal clave relevante para tus intereses. - Descubre trucos para venderte mejor y mejorar tus caractersticas. - Crea el empleo del futuro con sencillos consejos. Haz marketing de ti mismo y aprende a venderte mejor! Este curso est hecho para que crezcas, mejores y aprendas a ser ms vendible. Para que ests preparado ante los cambios profesionales y personales que el mundo digital va a provocar en el empleo. Este curso est hecho por y para ti. Si ests en paro, ests terminando la universidad y buscas tu primera oportunidad profesional, si tienes trabajo pero no eres feliz y quieres cambiar o si, simplemente, quieres formarte por placer, esta herramienta te servir. Ampliars conocimientos que te permitirn ser un mejor producto y conseguir ese trabajo que deseas con todas tus ganas. Nueve captulos y ms de 3 horas de contenido Nueve captulos de cuatro apartados cada uno, con ms de tres horas de contenido y bibliografa que te ayudar a profundizar ms en el tema y te ensear las bases, claves, tcnicas y trucos necesarios para triunfar en tu objetivo. "
Price: 19.99

"Administra Active directory AD desde Powershell como un PRO" |
"ENESTECURSONOMETEMOSCONTENIDO NORELEVANTEPARAQUEELCURSOPAREZCAMS EXTENSO, VAMOSA LOIMPORTANTE, DEMANERACONCISASINHACERPERDERTUTIEMPO.Convirtete en un administrador de Active Directory con este fantstico curso que proporciona a los estudiantes los conocimientos y habilidades fundamentales para usar Windows PowerShell para administrar y automatizar la administracin de los servicios del Directorio Activo.Este curso est dirigido a profesionales de TI que ya tienen o no, experiencia en la administracin general de Windows Server y Windows Client, y que desean aprender ms sobre el uso de Windows PowerShell para la administracin. No se asume ninguna experiencia previa con ninguna versin de Windows PowerShell ni con ningn lenguaje de scripting.Este curso proporciona a los estudiantes las habilidades para identificar y construir el comando que requieren para realizar una tarea especfica. Adems, los estudiantes aprenden cmo crear scripts para realizar tareas avanzadas, como automatizar tareas repetitivas.Podrs adquirir todos los conocimientos necesarios en este curso, por lo que es el idneo para tcnicos de sistemas de cualquier nivel."
Price: 19.99

"Hacking con Metasploit desde cero" |
"En este curso vas a aprender la anatoma de un ciberataque usando las mismas herramientas que usan los Hackers en las intrusiones de sistemas y redes. Aprenders a escanear reconocir y explotar sistemas y servicios mediante el uso de tcnicas de explotacin y entendiendo cmo se conduce un ataque de manera exitosa.En este curso versVideos con explicaciones sencillas a conceptos complejos para que todos podis entender en todo momento lo que se hace, independientemenete del nivel que se posea.Aprenders a crear tu laboratorio para realizar pruebas de penetracin.Ejemplos prcticos explicados paso a paso parq que puedas practicar en tus laboratoriosUna base slida para empezar tu carrera como tcnico en seguridad y poder aprobar tu examen de certificacin mundialmente conocida Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH)En el curso proporciona una buena base para aquellos que quieran progresar como tcnicos de seguridad, pentesters, explotacion de sistemas.... Incluso los ms iniicados sern capaces de conducir ataques de manera satisfactoria sin morir en el intento, entendiendo en cad amomento la metodologa del ataque.Este curso es para:Estudiantes interesados en cyberseguridad o cyberamenazas existentes actualmenteEstudiantes interesados en aprender cmo los hackers son capaces de atacar redes y sistemasEstudiantes que buscan un curso de iniciados a expertos en Test de intrusin (Pentesting, Hacking)Estudiantes que quieren explicaciones sencillas, concisas sin perderse en terminologa tcnica. Hacemos fcil lo difcil y te enseo la metodologa de un Test de intrusin utilizando MetasploitCualquier tcnico de IT o aspirante."
Price: 29.99

"Servicios de Dominio de Active Directory de cero a EXPERTO" |
"Este curso est orientado a todos aquellos que quieran o bien aprender o ampliar su conocimiento sobre Active Directory y todos sus servicios (AD DS), aquellos que quieren prepararse para la certificacin MCSA, o simplemente necesiten adquirir el conocimiento para progresar en su carrera profesional beneficindose de este fantstico curso en el que cubrimos todos los aspectos del Directorio Activo.Este curso ayudar tanto a los que ya estn trabajando en posiciones de IT, como a todos aquellos que quieren dar el paso a introducirse en el mundo de la informatica y la administracin de sistemas.En este curso se cubren las siguientes reas:Terminologa bien explicada en idioma Microsoft, para prepararos para la certificacinInstalar Windows ServerDesplegar roles y caractersticasCreacin y administracin de objetos (Usuarios, grupos, equipos, contactos, unidades organizativas...)Administracin del catlogo global (GC)Administrar los roles de Maestro de AD (FSMO)Administrar los niveles funcionales de bosque y DominioHabilitar la papelera de reciclajeConfiguracin de sitios Configuracin de relaciones de confianzaTroubleshootingRecuperar objetos borradosAdministrar copias de seguridad del Direcotrio ActivoY mucho mucho ms!!! A qu esperas!!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction To Conversational Hypnosis" |
"Everybody needs to persuade others. It's one of the driving forces between all communication. Whether you're persuading your buddies to see an action movie instead of a SciFi flick or selling a million dollar product to a fortune 500 executive, being able to easily and effortlessly persuade others to accept your ideas is essential. In this guide, you'll learn the basic concepts and language patterns of conversational hypnosis, which will allow you to conversationally and secretly slip your ideas into their mind. They will not only accept and agree with your ideas, but they'll do so for their own reasons, meaning you'll face very little resistance. You can use these powerful patterns in all settings. Social, sales, romance, anywhere! This course includes some grammar terminology, but it will all be explained as we go along. You'll learn the basic structures of human communication, what vague language is, and how to use it more effectively get your ideas across. This course is perfect for anybody who needs to communicate with others and get theirs ideas accepted without resistance. Perfect for salespeople, parents, couples, anybody that uses language and needs to convince others of anything. This course also includes a worksheet that will let you practice the individual patterns to gain proficiency. This course will take about an hour total to go through, however, the more you practice these patterns on your own, the more skilled you'll become at the art and science of covert hypnosis and persuasion. Even if you never intend on selling anything to anybody, the language patterns you'll learn in this course will help you to more easily get your ideas across to others in way that they'll get accepted. This course is ideal for salespeople, and anybody interested in increasing their social confidence and charisma."
Price: 19.99

"Amazon Kindle eBook Publishing - How to Publish on Kindle" |
"If you love the idea of publishing eBooks on Amazon Kindle this course is for you. I have published over 115 kindle books, and in this course I'll show you exactly how I did it. Update as of 11/13/2019:It's not as easy to make money on Kindle as it used to be. Not nearly as easy. So, take this course if you want to learn how to create Kindle books for fun, for authority, or maybe to sell a few of them. But please understand that it isn't the magical cash cow that it used to be 7 years ago when I started.Okay, that being said, would you like to learn how to publish a book on amazon? In this course, I'll teach you how to self publish an eBook on Amazon. I have published over 115 eBooks on Amazon. You can see a list of them on Amazon by going to Amazon, then clicking on Wishlists > Find Someone's Wishlist > and search for Steve McDonald. You will see a lot of search results. Mine is the list called ""Steve's List of Published Books"". You can click on the free preview of any of those books and you'll see that they all say ""Copyright (the year) Stephen McDonald"". My name is on the copyright page because I published all of those books and I own the full rights to those books. Most of them I have published under the original author's name (I'll explain why I do that and the benefits of that strategy in the course). Here's what you can expect from this course: The eBook publishing process I'll teach you is fun and fulfilling. It is a process you can feel great about doing because you are adding value to the world.Your mother would approve of all of the practices in this course. I don't encourage you to follow any practices that are against a company's terms of service, are unethical, or would in any other way keep my own mother from being anything less than proud.This course will move you from beginner to expert in no time.I'll show you how to write useful books about a subject that you know.You can start creating and publishing eBooks today, even if you have no extra money to spend.It's as simple as that! This course will short-cut all of the trial and error for you so you can get straight to publishing eBooks. The course also includes a FREE BONUS, a pre-formatted Kindle eBook template for Microsoft Word (and now in Open Office too!) so you can plug your book into the template, click a few buttons and upload it directly to Kindle Direct Publishing. This template makes writing and publishing eBooks so easy. It will save you tons of time on each and every book you publish, and as I'm sure you know, your time is your most valuable asset. Imagine just typing your book into a simple word document, saving it to Amazon, adding a cover (which I'll show you how to get for about $10), previewing it for errors in Amazon's free previewing tool, and clicking publish! It's really that simple. I'm here to answer any questions you have. Simply scroll up, click the Take This Course button and get started on your first Kindle book today! "
Price: 174.99

"Content Strategy for SEO" |
"While marketing gurus often focus on the technical side of SEO, content is a key part of any SEO strategy. Without quality content, its impossible for your site to rank on search engines. Learning how to write and optimize high-quality content is a crucial skill for anyone who wants their website to rank higher on Google, Bing, and other search engines.The type of content that ranks high in SERPs is constantly changing. Its more than just finding the right keywords and optimizing UX. Googles RankBrain and modern algorithms look for content that fits three core criteria: Expertise, Authority and Trust (E-A-T). In this course, we show you exactly what you need to do to plan, create, optimize and promote content that Google spiders - and your visitors - will love.First, well dive deep into how to write optimized meta data, including title tags and meta descriptions. Well then cover the various types of content and how to optimize them, such as landing pages, blogs, and schema markup. Finally, well tie it all together by showing you how to create a winning content strategy that will boost your websites ranking and traffic. Without further ado, lets dive in!"
Price: 19.99

"Green Smoothies The Power Of Greens" |
"Learn fast, easy and pleasurable ways to add powerful nutrients to your body with green smoothies. See how simple it is to create delicious nutrient packed drinks with this course that requires no prior culinary skills. Lose Weight Achieve Healthier Hair & Skin Balance Your Bodys pH Level Decrease Inflammation Revitalize & Recharge Boost Your Nutritional Intake Discover How Good Healthy Can Taste When you add greens to your diet, you are adding many of the essential nutrients that we dont normally get. Greens are the missing link in our diet and one of the most nutrient dense food groups on the planet. The fastest and most delicious way to eat them is in smoothies. In this course you will learn how to add these powerful healthy additions to your diet, without sacrificing taste. Content and Overview Suitable for both beginners and more experienced health enthusiasts alike, this course will start by showing you how to quickly prepare six deliciously revitalizing drinks that will help you re-balance your body. Also included, is a 16-page eBook with over 20 additional healthy smoothie recipes. Throughout this course, videos will guide you step-by-step in making the following smoothies: -Digest Easy -Anti-Inflammatory -Healthy Hair & Skin -Weight Loss -Pre-Workout -Post-Workout Accompanying each video is a PDF containing the recipes and the health benefits of the ingredients. And, as a bonus, we have included a video demonstration on how to open a young Thai coconut. Coconuts are one of natures best sources of hydration and healthy fats."
Price: 19.99

"Re-skin and publish your first iPhone app in under an hour!" |
"UPDATED JAN 2015 - Over 1000 + Students in the first month! Your results by taking the course? Your own multishare application on the itunes app store! Completion Certificate Knowledge of Xcode Knowledge of Photoshop How to publish your future applications! Have you ever wondered how I can make my own app? How do I code? What skills do I need? Well, the only information you need is in this course, and will show you how to make your own sharing app! If you're looking to get into the hot area of app development or create an alternative income from your hobby - then this course is for you! By very simply listening and following along with the videos. you will have your application published on the iTunes App Store! This course is no nonsense and in as little as an hour you to can have your application in the iTunes App Store. This course will show you all the steps necessary in order for you to publish your own app on the iTunes app store, including the source code! That's right with this course, you get the full source code of the app included! Just easy to follow steps for your next (or first) application."
Price: 19.99

"Apple Watch: Get started today, building your first app!" |
"BEST VALUED APPLE WATCH COURSE ON UDEMY! Have you ever wondered how I can make my own Apple Watch app? How do I code? What skills do I need? Well, the only information you need is in this course, and will show you how to make your own Apple Watch app! If your looking to get into the hot area of app development or create an alternative income from your hobby - then this course is for you! By very simply listening and following along with the videos. you will have your application published on the iTunes App Store! This course is no nonsense so that you to can have your application published in the iTunes App Store. This course will show you all the steps necessary in order for you to publish your own Apple Watch app on the iTunes app store! Just easy to follow steps for your next (or first) Apple Watch application!"
Price: 24.99

"iOS App Development: Make Your Own Keyboard App for iOS 8" |
"The only iOS Keyboard course on Udemy as of 1/3/2015!! OVER 600+ students on the first day! - Published FEB 2015 Your results by taking the course? Your own keyboard app on the itunes app store! Completion Certificate Knowledge of Xcode Knowledge of Photoshop How to publish your future applications Have you ever wondered how I can make my own app? How do I code? What skills do I need? Well, the only information you need is in this course, and will show you how to make your own iOS 8 Keyboard app! If you're looking to get into the hot area of app development or create an alternative income from your hobby - then this course is for you! By very simply listening and following along with the videos, you will have your application published on the iTunes App Store! This course is no nonsense and in as little as an hour you to can have your application in the iTunes App Store. This course will show you all the steps necessary in order for you to publish your own app on the iTunes app store, including the source code! That's right with this course, you get the full source code of the app included! Just easy to follow steps for your next (or first) application."
Price: 19.99

"iOS App Development: Make Your Own Flappy Bird Application" |
"BEST VALUED FLAPPY BIRD COURSE ON UDEMY! Updated Jan 2015! Your results by taking the course? Your own flappy bird style app on the itunes app store! Completion Certificate Knowledge of Xcode Knowledge of Photoshop How to publish your future applications Have you ever wondered how I can make my own Flappy Bird game? How do I code? What skills do I need? Well, the only information you need is in this course, and will show you how to make your own Flappy Bird style game! If your looking to get into the hot area of app development or create an alternative income from your hobby - then this course is for you! By very simply listening and following along with the videos. you will have your Flappy Bird application published on the iTunes App Store! This course is no nonsense and in as little as an hour you to can have your application in the iTunes App Store. This course will show you all the steps necessary in order for you to publish your own flappy bird style game on the iTunes app store, including the source code! Thats right with this course, you get the full source code of the app included! Just easy to follow steps for your next (or first) application."
Price: 19.99

"iOS App Development: Make Your Own To-Do List Application" |
"UPDATED JAN 2015 - Over 800 +students in the first Week! Your results by taking the course? Your own To-Do list application on the itunes app store! Completion Certificate Knowledge of Xcode Knowledge of Photoshop How to publish your future applications Have you ever wondered how I can make my own To-Do List app? How do I code? What skills do I need? Well, the only information you need is in this course, and will show you how to make your own To-Do List app! If your looking to get into the hot area of app development or create an alternative income from your hobby - then this course is for you! By very simply listening and following along with the videos. you will have your To-Do List application published on the iTunes App Store! This course is no nonsense and in as little as an hour you to can have your application in the iTunes App Store. This course will show you all the steps necessary in order for you to publish your own To-Do List app on the iTunes app store, including the source code! Thats right with this course, you get the full source code of the app included! Just easy to follow steps for your next (or first) application. </ul>"
Price: 19.99

"iOS App Development" |
"Make money from your knowledge, make your money back and more!! UPDATED JAN 2015 - Over 900 + Students in the first month! Your results by taking the course? Learn how to publish your apps on the itunes app store! Completion Certificate How to make money from this knowledge How to publish your future applications Have you ever wondered how I can publish my own iOS applications to the iTunes App Store? How do I go about it? What skills do I need? What is the process involved? Well, the only information you need is in this course, and will show you how to publish your iOS applications to the iTunes App Store! If your looking to get into the hot area of app development or create an alternative income from your hobby - then this course is for you! By very simply listening and following along with the videos. you will have your applications published on the iTunes App Store and the knowledge to do it over and over again! This course is no nonsense and in as little as an hour you to can have your application in the iTunes App Store. Just easy to follow steps for your next (or first) application."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Accounting by Specific Examples" |
"Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. Its purpose is to provide the information that is needed for sound economic decision making. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing and reporting financial transactions to oversight agencies, regulators and tax collection entities.Have you ever been stumped in accounting class? Did you ever feel like your questions were never being answered? Were you one of those students who had a teacher tell you to ""look it up in the book""?Fear not! I've been there myself. I always believe the best teachers are the ones who give the most details when it comes to assignments.This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and standards underlying financial accounting systems. The course emphasizes the construction of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement - as well as their interpretation.The lecture will cover basic to intermediate accounting principles and go over different types of accounting problems. When you take part in my lecture, you will receive step-by-step details on how to solve the problems before arriving at the final solution. Even if you've never taken an accounting class before, or have forgotten what you learned, you do not have to worry. This lecture will help put your mind at ease.Happy studying!"
Price: 49.99

"Public Speaking for Business and Education" |
"ATTENTION LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Ask yourself the following questions: Do you have difficulties speaking in front of an audience? Do you have trouble getting your nerves under control? Do you want to learn how to put together an effective presentation with Udemy? Would you like to become a better salesperson? Do you want to persuade others to follow you? Or would you like to get people to pay attention to you? If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above then this course is for you! Complete my Udemy course and you will be able to do the following: 1. Use the keys to effective interpersonal communication: Believability and the Nine Behavioral Skills of Communication. 2. Develop Connection with your listeners via the behavioral skill of Eye Communication. 3. Develop energy in your interpersonal communications via the behavioral skills of Posture and Movement, Gestures and Facial Expressions, and Voice and Vocal Variety. 4. Develop credibility in your interpersonal communication via the behavioral skills of Dress and Appearance and Language, Nonwords, and Pauses. 5. Develop interaction with your audience via the behavioral skills of Listener Involvement, Humor, and the Natural Self. Supplementary exercise problems are available for download on my Udemy course website. These exercises will enhance your learning of the Udemy course lectures and help you become better at speaking in formal and informal situations."
Price: 79.99

"Introduction to Openstack, the Cloud Datacenter" |
"Use coupon code YEAR2017 for $10/seat. Limited number availableThis course is designed for Linux system administrators, software developers and VMware engineers. You want to understand the basic concepts of Openstack for either general knowledge or to fulfill a desire to further yourself in the current hottest technology or to prepare yourself for an upcoming project. At the end of this course you will have a good grounding in the concept of cloud computing as well as OpenStack terms used in the OpenStack world. You will also have learned the answers to the following questions: What is OpenStack? Why OpenStack? Who uses OpenStack? Where is OpenStack used? and finally When is OpenStack used?"
Price: 49.99

"Java Swing Essentials - Java GUI Programming Made Easy" |
"Java is one of the modern programming languages available today. Its write once, run everywhere approach makes it a top choice for developers. Coding in Java is easy and hassle free. You may be already creating small programs in it. Why just be limited to console-based programming when you can actually learn to create multi-platform GUI(Graphical User Interface) based software. This course is for Swing. Swing provides the default tools in Java to create rich Graphical User Interfaces. Mastering Swing will ensure that you can handle real world projects that involve complex GUI. This guide will go through each and every aspect of Swing one by one. This Course consist of Quizzes and Assignments. Quizzes will ensure you are learning the concepts properly. Assignments will ensure you are actually applying the concepts properly. Solutions are included in the form of tutorial lectures at the end of the course. Bonus: New content will be made available to you time to time to keep this course fresh and latest at no extra cost."
Price: 19.99

"3ds Max + V-ray 3.0 Visualization 3+ hours" |
"This course is about mastering visualization with 3d max and V-ray. It is aimed at the professional level seeking students. In this course we will use real world materials coupled with the V-ray render. This course is not overloaded with small details, its straight to the point with concise and clear explanations. It is structured according the methodology of 3ds max and V-ray. It covers different levels of explanation. These course will also cover detail explanations of the V-ray render engine as well as advanced material creation. It is important to master these tools for a greater visualization realism. All interested in seeking a professional lessons should get engaged because in short amount of time they will attain higher level of knowledge regarding realism in computer rendering. This course is intended for those students that are seeking advanced level of modelling and visualization. V-ray render engine will be used in the beginning only as a basic render and later on we will explain the advanced settings to attain maximum picture optimization, as we will later explain material settings of the V-ray materials. Today V-ray render engine is considered one of the most efficient render on the field of different types of visualizations. So in this tutorial you will get a chance to start and learn some of it's amazing features. This course will also cover advanced modelling techniques like hard surface modelling, which as a tool is used widely in the movie industry. Total time to master interior visualization in this tutorial is about three hours and in that time we will cover basic and advanced aspects of the 3ds max and V-ray. Structure of the course is simple and efficient with start to end clear explanations. I encourage all those students that look for something different to go ahead and take this course so they will gain more knowledge in visualization process."
Price: 29.99

"PCB Design: Master Designing Printed Circuit Board" |
">>> A-Z Guide to designing, drawing and testing any electronic circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course you will be a master at making your own electric circuit board. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4 Star More Than 1200 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Michael Williams says, ""Very good I have experience in electronics and music electronics and computer technology the course was refreshing and very good I am pleased about doing the course thank you""Welcome to this course.You will become professional in making your own electronics circuits, you will even be able to master mass producing any electronics circuit that you find useful.Video and Text lectures are included along with the software package that will be used in this course.The course begins with introducing electronic circuit design then lessons for beginners to allow you become an expert, then at the end we will make a more advanced circuit and prepare it for mass production like professional.All what you need for this course is your laptop and headphones.This course is open for comments and suggestions.Why you should take this course, well, because you will learn by doing not by listening and you will become an expert in making your own circuits."
Price: 19.99

masterelectronicscircuitdesignproteus8 |
">>> <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4.5 Star More Than 600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Saeed Abu Roken says, ""The course is very clear And understandable And includes everything you need to know about circuit design""Yaser AlAzemsays, ""Very sharp and helpful course , a little short and brief but almost includes all tips for Proteus designing , Thank you Ashraf . ""Mohammed Al Manadiah says, "" . , ""Welcome to this course. . . . . . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Traffic secrets Get Free Laser Targeted Traffic" |
">>> Traffic secrets: Learn how you can turn your computer into traffic driving machine for your website and increase your sales. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 4000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Blessings Musamadia says, ""Nice Software, still have some learning to do.""Huyen Huynh says, ""Amazing software Explained ""Welcome to the Ultimate Traffic Driving Machine CourseHello and welcome to the Ultimate Traffic Driving Machine course! This course is all about free ways to driving high quality targeted traffic to your website and get lots of sales and gain social media power. In this course I'll teach you how you can drive targeted traffic and ace social media websites and get the most out of them, you will learn how to turning your computer 24/7 can give you access to unlimited possibilities in the Marketing industry. Social networks are really powerful if you use them properly. You will use all possible methods to drive easy and endless traffic from social networks. You will also be introduced to several software and website that specialists keep to themselves and geeks in Fiverr use them to offer you a 5$-25$ services, now you can be the one who offers these services and get the money. So lets get to what you'll exactly learn in this course. Free Traffic Sources What You Will Learn when You Join Traffic secrets Course:Drive targeted traffic from Hits generating websites for free.How you can drive targeted traffic from Facebook pages.Drive targeted traffic from Email lists.Get targeted Email addresses from Facebook.Get yourself thousands of Facebook page likes in a few hours.Send messages automatically to Facebook targeted users. Join targeted Facebook groupsautomatically.Automatically post to all of your Facebook groups at once.Write an Article that is SEO optimized and will attract search engines to your websites.What you will get for free when you join Traffic secrets Course: Traffic Generation Software. Facebook Messenger Driver. FB Group Joiner and Poster. FB Lead Software. Two SEO and Internet Mastering Books."
Price: 199.99

"Increase Revenue From Website Visitors Using Link Redirectio" |
">>> How to Double/ Triple Your AdSense Income form your WordPress Website, this course will teach you in a step by step manner how to Increase Revenue From Website Visitors <<< >>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 4600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Rabee Sukkar says, ""This is really nice, great idea to double the income! Thanks, sir""Ant G says, ""Excellent Contents and quality good delivery. ""Junga Jungario says, ""Nothing complicated, easy simple, WELL thought of methods to anyone who already made his/her WordPress website/s, and wondering how to make more money out of it, there are true and tried methods in this course, I was led by the hand and shown exactly how to do it, really good and concise! ""Welcome to Increase Revenue From Website Visitors course.A Step by step Guide to make the best out of each visit to your website. A lot of visitors come to our websites, and these visitors mostly like what we offer, and they read a post, download a software, follow a link and thats it. When a visitor clicks an external link in your website he/she leaves your website page to another external page and his journey ends here. The question is how you can benefit from a visitor after he leaves your website? The simple answer to this question is: Dont make him leave!!!In this course, I will show you a technique that will help you get the most out of each user who visits your website. Don't worry, you have 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. You can join the course, if you didn't like it you can request a refund.You always have access to this course material 24/7.This method is tested on more than 5 websites. It worked, that's why I'm sharing it with you with Complete confident of the result"
Price: 199.99

how-to-master-proteus-and-mikroc-pic-microcontroller-engasm89 |
">>> <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4.5 Star More Than 450 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Adnan says, ""excellent course, very detail oriented and educational! ""Yaser AlAzem says, ""Great opportunity to get your way through the C Programmable Microcontrollers , glad to get my first step in this life major.""Welcome to this course. 8"
Price: 19.99

"PIC Microcontroller Interfacing with LCD" |
">>> You will enter LCD Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)Welcome to this course.LCD Display is a display device used to display information onclocks, calculators, watches and other devices and in this course you will learn it's internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to a Microcontroller and Write codes to display letters, numbers and sentences. Do you want to Goto the next level in Displaying Data using LCD Display?We are announcing our brand-new courseLCD Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerHD Contentthat will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of LCD Display withPICMicrocontroller, but also learn the very basics ofLCD Displayinternal structure, how it works, its parts, it's wiring diagramand how your code is handled by it.What You will get in thiscourse?To know how LCD Display function and learn about its internal structure.To get familiar with interfacingLCD Display to PIC Microcontroller.To know how to display numbers and letters.To know how to move numbers, letters and words onLCD Display.Learn By Practicing,Practical Work?Interface and Connect LCD Display to PIC.Display a Letter on LCD Display.Write a C program to display Words and Sentences onLCD Display.Write a C program to moveWords and Sentences onLCD Display.If you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!"
Price: 199.99

"Circuit Design, Simulation and PCB Fabrication Bundle" |
"This Bundle Consists of 136 Lecture with more than 12.5 hours of HD Video Content and supplementary material in which we cover more than four different software used to design, simulate and fabricate circuits, I can assure you that after this course you will be a professional in Circuit design and fabrication.You will get the chance to learn:PCB Design and Fabrication using Frtizing SoftwarePCB Design: Master Designing Printed Circuit Board using Proteus Software PCB Design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium Designer3D Simulation: Microcontrollers, Electronics, Mechanism, PCB using Yenka SoftwareSoldering Electronic Components Like A ProfessionalMicrocontroller Circuit Design and SimulationArduino Circuit Design and SimulationLet's talk in more details about each SectionPCB Design and Fabrication For EveryoneLearn Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design from Scratch With Zero Experience in Electronics, No Effort and a Free Software>>> This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your own Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with Zero Experience in Electronics and Circuit Design, YES, you did hear me, No experience is required at all. <<<Welcome to this course.This course will help you to gain PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with a Free Software being one of the top PCB design tools used around the world, so you won't have to pay anything for the software and it has tons of library for almost every component in electronics industry.Printed CircuitBoarddesign is very interesting for any electronics geek, microcontroller programmers anyone wishing to build his own PCB by themselves. It is very simple and easy to understand for beginners.No PreviousExperience + Free Software + Time Saving Techniques= Perfect PCB DesignThis is available for your in this course+Bonuses and additionalMaterial+PCB Design Software.----------------------PCB Design: Master Designing Printed Circuit BoardA-Z Guide to designing, testing and Manufacturing any electronic circuit, using the most popular electronic software.>>> A-Z Guide to designing, drawing and testing any electronic circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course you will be a master at making your own electric circuit board. <<<Welcome to this course.You will become professional in making your own electronics circuits, you will even be able to master mass producing any electronics circuit that you find useful.Video and Text lectures are included along with the software package that will be used in this course.The course begins with introducing electronic circuit design then lessons for beginners to allow you become an expert, then at the end we will make a more advanced circuit and prepare it for mass production like professional.All what you need for this course is your laptop and headphones.This course is open for comments and suggestions.Why you should take this course, well, because you will learn by doing not by listening and you will become an expert in making your own circuits.--------------------------3D Simulation: Microcontrollers, Electronics, Mechanism, PCBEnter the world of 3D simulation and have fun learning and teaching Microcontroller Electronics, Mechanical and PCB>>> 3Dsimulators nowadays arecovering all aspects of the electronic design process, in 3D. In this course you will get the chance toexplore the wonders of3D simulation of a limitless range of circuit boards, a 2D circuit design tools, and also PIC microcontroller simulation, testing and programming. <<<Welcome to this course.You will get the chance to learn:3DElectronic simulation and designPIC microcontroller programmingFlowcharting3D PCB simulation3D mechanismsMeasurementWhat You Will learn in This CourseWhat is Crocodile TechnologyWhy it is helpful to simulate and design in 3DDownload and Install the SoftwareUser Interface IntroductionDesign and Simulate ON/OFF Switches CircuitsDesign and Simulate Microcontroller SystemsFlowcharting.Design and Simulate Simple Led On/Off CircuitsDesign and Simulate Simple Led Flasher CircuitsDesign and Simulate Simple 7 Segment CircuitsDesign and Simulate Counter using 7 Segment CircuitsDesign and Simulate MotorsThis will be a journey of a life time for everyone looking for a new vision in Engineering Simulation, easy to use and really helpful software will be introduced.------------------------------------------How to Solder Electronic Components Like A ProfessionalIn this Course you will learn how to Master Soldering in no Time>>> In this Course you will learn how to Master Soldering in no Time <<<Welcome to this course.1.5 Hour of HD Content 1 Hour of Practical Videos 1500 StudentsSTOP Wasting Time, Money and Effort on Bad Soldered boards, Start Solder correctly to have a long lasting Fully functional Board.Ever Wondered Which Soldering Iron is right for you?Did you ask Yourself why My soldering doesn't look or feel like a professionally soldered board like you see in most online videos and images or even in boards that you purchase?This Course Have all the answers for youYou will learn how to master soldering, and use the right tools for the jobYou can count on these results:Learn how to choose the right soldering IronLearn how to change the soldering Iron tip headLearn what is the best solder out there, and why it is the bestLearn how to clean your soldering IronLearn how to extend soldering Iron life span Learn what are the right tools you need to have to keep yourself safe while soldering and solder the right wayLearn the difference between good soldering and bad soldering with real life examplesBasic soldering is a skill that's easy to learn and not hard to master. It just takes practice! There is a huge range of soldered situations out there, from tiny chip resistors on circuit boards to large UHF connectors. There is also a large variety of irons, tips and solder to choose from, and it certainly does help to have the right tool for the job. Good luck, and remember.... Good soldering takes practice! Warning :You are working with HOT liquid metal, it is a matter of time before you will get burned. Be careful! Contents that will be introduced in this CourseSoldering ToolsSoldering AccessoriesStep 1: PreparationStep 2: TinningStep 3: SolderingCleaningTips and Tricks----------------------------------------------PIC Microcontroller Simulation: Unleash the power of CodeStop Wasting Time Start working with different PIC Microcontroller and start unleashing the power of code in SimulationStart your PIC Microcontroller Simulation Journey by working with different PICMicrocontroller without buying them. Unleash the power of code in Simulation>> PIC Microcontroller is an easy-to-use Microcontroller. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors. PIC Microcontroller affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects and in this course, we will make it easy for you to Code and Simulate PIC Microcontroller and Start Testing Your Codes Freely. <<<Welcome to PIC Microcontroller Simulation Course.In this course, you will learn how to real-time Simulation ofPIC Microcontroller usingdifferent Boards and Schematics in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the Training boards, you just need to write your code and upload the hex file to the Simulation Software.This course will help you test your codes and schematics for PIC Microcontrollerwithout the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.Be sure that you will learn a lot from this course and it will help you advance your Microcontroller Career. As a result, you willsave Money and Time when simulating MicrocontrollersContents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning PIC Microcontroller and Simulate differenttype of it with different components without buying any of them and for FREE. You don't need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer. The Simulation Software is FREEWhy You Should Take This Course?Save Circuit design and Simulation Time, since you will be able to simulate using a real-life board that is designed to meet all your needsYou don't need to hock or connect any wire, write the code and uploads it to the free simulation software.Save money, since this software is for FREE, you wont have to pay anything, you dont even have to buy any components before testing your code, write the code, upload it to the software, test it then you are good to go.Real-time debugging and tracking of signals and data memory.Proteus Simulation software cost around 450$ and another cost up to 1000$. The software that I will teach you how to use it for free.You wont have to pay anything, download and install then you are good to go. Start using it in no time.PIC Microcontrollers that you will be able to Simulate.PIC16F84, PIC16F628 or PIC16F648,PIC16F777, PIC16F877A, PIC18F452, PIC18F4520, PIC18F4550 or PIC18F4620,ATMEGA328Boards that you will be able to SimulateLabtools development board McLab1,Labtools development board McLab2,Microgenius development board PICGenios,Arduino Uno development board--------------------------------PIC Microcontrollers: Design & Manufacture Your Training KitA-Z Guide that allows you to make a factory quality training kits that meet your exact needs.>>> A-Z Guide to designing, drawing and testing different training kit circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course, you will be a master at making PIC Microcontrollers Training Kit instead of buying it. <<<Welcome to Make PIC Microcontrollers Training Kit course.There are many reasons Why You Should Take this course:Commercial Training Kits have many functions that you might never use and add an additional cost which makes the overall cost of a kit very high. There is no chance that you will find a kit that matches your exact needs. Making things with your own hands will give you a very good understanding of how electronic boards are made and will help you be a professional in making permanent Printed circuit boards.You can easily adjust the items of the kit and make many copies at your home at a very low price. You will get to practice playing with electronics.So Make PIC Microcontrollers Training Kit course will offer you:A-Z Guide to designing, drawing and testing different training kit circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course, you will be a master at making your own training kit instead of buying it.You will become professional in making your own circuits, you will even be able to master mass producing an electronic module for Microcontroller that you find useful.Video and Text lectures are included along with the software package that will be used in this course.All that you need for this course is your laptop and headphones.This course is open for comments and suggestions.Another reason Why you should take this course, well, because you will learn by doing not by listening and you will become an expert in making your own circuits.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Test Your CodeStart working with different Arduino boards without buying them and start unleashing the power of code in Simulation>>> The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, Arduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects and in this course, we will make it easy for you to Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Start Testing Your Codes Freely. <<<Welcome to Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Test Your Code course.In this course, you will learn how to Simulate different Arduino Boards in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the Arduino boards.This course will help you test your codes and schematics for Arduino without the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.Contents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design. You don't need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer.Boards that can be Simulated: Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, zero and others---------------------------------------------------------------PCB Design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium DesignerLearn Printed Circuit Board design by Making Arduino Nano in Altium Designer Software.>>> Learn Printed Circuit Board design by Making Arduino Nano in Altium Designer Software. <<<Welcome to this course.What is this course about:In This courseyou will learn from start to finish, from zero to production readyon how to designcustom Arduino NanoPrinted Circuit Board . It will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with Altium Designer since it's the most usedPCB design tools---------------------------------------------------------------------What you should expect after taking this course:Get started PCB design using Altium Designer.Download and install Altium designer.Create your own component library so that you can create your own components that you don't have a library for which will help you freelance online since many jobs ask to create component libraries.Create the Arduino Nano Schematic in Altium designer.Wiring components in Schematic view.Transfer schematic into PCB.Place components on board.Create a multilayer board.Route layers and place components on board.Autorouteto save time.Eliminate design errors.Create Gerber files foryour manufacturer.----------------------------------------------------Make PIC microcontroller based Arduino Development BoardThis guild will help you know how to make PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino Like board at home Step by Step>>> This Course will show you in a step by step manner, how to make your very own PIC Microcontroller USB Enabled Training Board (Just like the Arduino Board) <<<Welcome to this course.Have you ever wanted to try aCode on your PIC Microcontroller, but didn't have the programmer?Do you wish to have your very own Arduino LikePIC Microcontroller Board that you can easily plug via USB and start coding your projects?Are you tired from theprocess of removing a Microcontroller from the board to reprogram it for development, testing and improving your projects?The Solution is here >> Our Brand New CourseThis Course will show you in a step by step manner, how to make your very own PIC Microcontroller USB Enabled Training Board (Just like the Arduino Board)All that you need to do is plug the USB Cable and start writing your code to PIC Microcontroller in no time and see the results without having to remove anything, a healthy helpful testing, and development environment of your own creation.This is available for your in this course+ Bonuses and additionalMaterial+ Breadboard and PCB Design if you just want to try things out before mass productionThis guild will help you know how to make PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino Like board at home Step by StepThis tutorial shows you how to build aPIC Microcontroller compatible board, it will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the Arduino board is, and what it does and how to wire it upYou will know what is the actual brain in Pinguino board and what you can do with it and how to interface it with your own PC and send codes freely, you will no longer burn a code to a board that you know nothing about it's hardware.After this course you will be able to make your own board on a breadboard or PCB the choice is yours to make since all connections are explained in details."
Price: 199.99

"C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding" |
"C# is a stunning cross-platform language that may be used to build kind of applications. With C#, you'll be able to build mobile apps (for Windows, robot and iOS), games, websites and desktop applications.Note: When You Join this Course, You will get access to C#: Test Your Skills and Get Certified in CSharp Programming (Usually Sold for 200$), For FREE in the Bonus Lecture in which you will take a 150 Question To Test Your Skills in C#Once you master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, you will have many choices before of you. you'll be able to opt to build mobile apps if you favor, otherwise you will amendment job and work as an online developer. As long as you recognize the basics well, switch to totally different technology stacks is pretty simple.In this course, Ashraf, author of many popular courses on Udemy, teaches you the basics of C# programming in an exceedingly clear, pithy and gradual means. Note solely that, however he'll additionally teach you best practices and shortcuts to assist you become a stronger developer.Every section comes with some bite-sized video lectures and a quiz or programming exercises. These exercises ar fastidiously chosen from tutorial and real-world examples to coach your ""programming brain"". If you wish to be a self-made software engineer, UN agency has several high-paid job offers and freedom to ""choose"", you would like to find out a way to suppose sort of a software engineer. And this is often what you are going to urge out of those exercises. All exercises go along with solutions, thus you'll be able to compare your solutions with Ashraf's to search out areas for improvement.There are many free tutorials and videos that teach you C# and that they are nice if all you wish to find out is C# constructs. however if you wish to find out C# and become a stronger software engineer with a bright future and plenty of choices, this is often the course for you. for each topic, not solely can you learn the whats, however you may additionally learn the whys, and hows. you will see common errors that appear as a part of developing applications with C#. dance explains these errors intimately, and shows you the way to resolve them.BonusWhen You Join this Course, You will get access to C#: Test Your Skills and Get Certified in CSharp Programming (Usually Sold for 200$), For FREE in the Bonus Lecture in which you will take a 150 Question To Test Your Skills in C#This Bonus Course will help you know where you are in C# Programming and what you need to improve your skills.You can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. "
Price: 199.99
