"C#: Test Your Skills and Get Certified in CSharp Programming" |
"In this course, I fully prepare you for what it feels to take the C# Programming Certification Exam or C# Programming related Test. With 3 practice exams, each of which is timed at the half-hour , I even have carefully hand-crafted each question to place you to the test.Welcome to this new course.This is one of the very few C# Programming Practice Exam courses on Udemy that has timed test-taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback. We are one amongst the best-selling C# Programming instructors Team on the Udemy platform so we invite you to go to our instructor profile to find out more about us, the certifications that our team members hold, and take a look at the reviews of our courses. we also encourage you to verify our certifications. There are many instructors trying to sell certification courses, and they themselves aren't certified. This course will assist you to know where you're in C# Programming and what you have to do to enhance your skills.You can retake the tests during this course, and also interact with me if you would like further clarification. additionally, to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. I update this course to remain current with the newest release of C# Programming related topics, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.More Than 150 Questions are awaiting You to check and solveContinuously adding New QuestionsNote: This is Only A Practice Test only, and its main goal is to urge you to understand the way to pass a C# Programming Test or Exam and you will not get an official certificate after ending of this course since giving a certificate requires us to show you C# Programming skills first then test you for these skills, you'll check our profile for more information regarding this matter and other C# Programming courses that comes with a certificate"
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Based Piano: Step By Step Guide" |
"Welcome to this course.This course will teach you ways to create your own Arduino Based Piano at home using Few switches a buzzer and Tone functions, This Guide will take you in a very step by step manner to understand what each component is, why we use it, and what it does and the way to wire it up, starting with the fundamentals of Arduino and ending with Firing Piano Sounds using Buzzer.You will know what's the particular working rule of Buzzers and Speakers, what's Tone Function and the way to the interface - wiring -and code all parts correctly so you'll Play Piano Sounds using different buttons during which each of the buttons will fire a different tone counting on Your Code.After this course, you will be able to make your homemade very own Arduino Based Piano and the choice is yours to use it and apply it with any application that comes in your mind that might include:- Piano Sound Player- Alarm SystemRequired Materials Hardware: Arduino A Speaker and BuzzerConnecting wires.Software: Arduino IDE (FREE)All connections are explained in detail, and you can choose the sound level for each tone and the number of Piano buttons to be used."
Price: 199.99

"USB Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller" |
"Everything you wanted to know about USB Interfacing but was too afraid to ask, or Asked without getting Answers!This is a Step By Step Guide to USB Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerThis Bundle Consists of 39 Lecture with more than 3 hours of HD Video Content and supplementary material in which we cover every aspect of USB Interfacing including teaching you how to design, simulate and connect everything in real life, I can assure you that after this course you will be a professional in USB Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerWhy You should take this Course:More than 3 Hour of Full HD ContentMore than 5 QuizzesSupporting Material and Example CodesStep by step explanation of connection diagrams and coding stagesCertificate of Completion when you finish the courseSimulation and Practical lessons to Cover everything there is to know about USBWhy You Should Use USB Interfacing:Higher speed than any conventional interfacing method Only Four wires are used (Two PIC Microcontroller Pins are needed to connect more than 100 device via USB)Low power consumptionSupport and Libraries"
Price: 199.99

"Microcontroller Interfacing with Different Elements" |
"Everything you wanted to know about Interfacing different elements with Microcontrollers but was too afraid to ask, or Asked without getting Answers!This is a Step By Step Guide to Interfacing Different electronic Elements with Different Microcontrollers including (Leds, Switches and buttons, 7 Segments, LCD Liquid crystal display, Pizeo Sound Speaker, Sounder, Relay, Transistor and Darlington Transistors).This Bundle Consists of More than 40 Lecture with more than 3 hours of HD Video Content and supplementary material in which we cover every aspect of Electronic Elements Interfacing including teaching you how it works, the concept behind interfacing each element, abd how to simulate and connect everything in real life, I can assure you that after this course you will be a professional in Interfacing Different electronic elements with Different Microcontrollers (PIC Microcontroller, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and other types)Why You should take this Course:More than 3 Hour of Full HD ContentMore than 3 Quizzes15 articles10 downloadable resourcesSupporting Material and Example CodesStep by step explanation of connection diagrams and coding stagesCertificate of Completion when you finish the courseSimulation and Practical lessons to Cover everything there is to knowElements that we will cover in this Course:LedsSwitches and buttons7 SegmentsLCD Liquid crystal display Pizeo Sound SpeakerSounderRelayTransistorDarlington TransistorsThis Course can work for Any type of MicrocontrollersArduinoPIC MicrocontrollerRaspberry PiAny other type"
Price: 199.99

"Circuit Design and Simulation: Electronic & Microcontroller" |
">>> 3Dsimulators nowadays arecovering all aspects of the electronic design process, in 3D. In this course you will get the chance toexplore the wonders of3D simulation of a limitless range of circuit boards, a 2D circuit design tools, and also microcontroller simulation, testing and programming with and without coding. <<<Welcome to this course.You will get the chance to learn:3DElectronic design and simulation Exploring different electronic elements and getting to watch them as they receive different signal.Test different situation and circuit condition and explore the possibility of each element before real life testing.Watch items explode when they receive excessive current!such are Leds and resistorsEdit, wire and add different electronic elementsLearn how to use Breadboard in real life and in Simulation environmentLearn how to use RGB Leds in real life and in Simulation environmentSeries and Parallel Circuits with Practical ExampleArduino Digital/Analog Input/OutputArduino Serial Monitor Simulation3D simulation of different electronic elements3D wiring of real life circuits inside a simulation platformMeasurement of different electrical signals such as voltage, current, temperature, light, digital and analog. Arduino programming and Simulation without coding using BlocksArduino programming with coding Microcontroller programming and Simulation without coding using BlocksMicrocontroller programming with coding What You Will learn in This CourseWhy it is helpful to simulate and design in 3DSign Up for the FREE Simulation PlatformUser Interface IntroductionDesign and Simulate ON/OFF Led CircuitDesign and Simulate ON/OFF Switches CircuitsDesign and Simulate Microcontroller SystemsDesign and Simulate Arduino BoardsProgram without coding using BlocksDesign and Simulate Simple Led Fading CircuitsDesign and Simulate Simple RGB Led CircuitDesign and Simulate Poteniometer CircuitsThis will be a journey of a life time for everyone looking for a new vision in Engineering Simulation, easy to use and really helpful software will be introduced."
Price: 199.99

"PIC Microcontroller Interfacing with Graphical LCD" |
">>> You will enter GLCD Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using GLCD (Graphical Liquid Crystal Display)Welcome to this course.Text LCD displays are all very well known and used by lots of people, but they suffer from various limitations. For one thing, you don't have a huge amount of screen to play with, you can't do special effects (like inverse) and you can't draw boxes and gauges or images.Enter the graphical LCD World, which gives you more room to play with, and a lot of effects that can be used to make your display shine with information.The graphical LCD has a resolution of 128 by 64 pixels. It is monochrome, however it has an LED back light to help see the image.In this course you will learn it's internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to PIC Microcontroller and Write codes to display letters, numbers and sentences, shapes and even images. Do you want to Goto the next level in Displaying Data using GLCD Display?We are announcing our brand-new courseGLCD Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerHD Contentthat will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of GLCD Display withPICMicrocontroller, but also learn the very basics ofGLCD Displayinternal structure, how it works, its parts, it's wiring diagramand how your code is handled by it.What You will get in thiscourse?To know how GLCD Display function and learn about its internal structure.To get familiar with interfacingGLCD Display to PIC Microcontroller.To know how to display numbers and letters.To know how to move numbers, letters and words onGLCD Display.To Know how to display Shapes (Circile, Rectangle, Box etc) on GLCD Display.To Know how to Display and Image on GLCD Display.To Know how to turn any image that you have to an array that can easily be shown on GLCD Display.Learn By Practicing,Practical Work?Interface and Connect GLCD Display to PIC.Display a Letter, Sentences and Images on GLCD Display.Write a C program to display Words and Sentences onGLCD Display.Write a C program to moveWords and Sentences onGLCD Display.Write a C program to display Shapes (Circile, Rectangle, Box etc) on GLCD Display.Write a C program to Display and Image on GLCD Display.Write a C program to turn any image that you have to an array that can easily be shown on GLCD Display.If you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!"
Price: 199.99

"Control Arduino with Your Own Voice" |
">>> Take Arduino Control to the Next Level with a Step by Step Guide on How to Control Arduino Using Your Own Voice Commands <<<Welcome to this course.You will learn what is the actual working principle of Voice Control with Arduino and start using Artificial Intelligence Voice Recognition without complex coding, You will also learn what you can do with it and how to use it to control your own Arduino and make it execute any action using simplecodes with free software.After this course you will be able to control your own Arduino Projects using Your very Own Voice Commands, andthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind that can make your life easier,since all connections and coding are explained in details.I'm sure that this course will take you Arduino Control to the Next level and open your mind to new possibilities.Goal From This Course: - Take Arduino Control to the Next Level with a Step by Step Guide on How to Control Arduino Using Your Own Voice CommandsRequired Materials Hardware: Arduino or an Arduino clone board (freeduino), or you can make your own custom Arduino board.Any component you wish to control with your own voiceConnecting wires.Software: Arduino IDE (FREE)Processing Software (FREE)Voice AI Software (FREE)"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete PLC Programming Bootcamp" |
">>> This course is designed to help peoplewith no prior inPLC programming with the basic tools necessary to create a complete PLC program then teach them advance PLC Topics and how to deal with HMI and SCADA System plus manipulation of internal PLC Registers. <<<Things That will be covered in this course:PLC BasicsTopics such ascontrol, Coils and Contacts,Input and Output, ladder logic programming, best practices and more.PLC Advance Course Data Registers and Internal RelaysThis Section will help you move to the next level in PLC Programming, Stop using old coding techniques and start Programming PLC like professionals in no time without going through long codeHMI Interfacing with PLCThis section will help you know HMI (Human Machine Interface) and build you FIRST HMI Program and get it working with your PLC and build you own HMI Interface to Control PLC Operation and do monitoring.SCADA System Interface with PLCLearn SCADA hands-on by developing your own interfaces for different systems and control Your PLC.Programming PLC Using Text Commands - Mnemonic LanguageStop using Lader diagram and SFC and start Programming PLC using short codes in no time without even a computerProgramming PLC Using Drawings - Coding No MoreThis Course will take you to a new level of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)Programming, It will be a fun, easy, fast and enjoyable Programming Journey for you.Welcome to this course.Topics such ascontrol, Coils and Contacts,Input and Output, ladder logic programming, best practices and more.At the end of this course you will know how you can use timers and counters, latches and relays to build a fully functional PLC Program.In this course you will get different type of tutorial-Theoretical to help you understand the basics of control and how you can use different control techniques and implement them using PLC.-Practical to help you write you own PLC code for your machine and simulate it before load it to an actual PLC to be able to track errorsThe course is structured in such a way that people with different experience in control and automation can take benefit from the material inside it, Books and lectures in PDF are provided to be in your hands for future reference, in addition to 24 hour support for you in any PLC program that you have problem with.You should take this course because it will help you start your industrial carrier by building the right theoretical and practical industrial automation knowledge in the PLC field.---------------------------------------PLC Advance Course Data Registers and Internal RelaysStop using old coding techniques and start Programming PLC like professionals in no time without going through long codeThis Course will take you to a new level of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)Programming, It will be a fun, easy, fast and enjoyable Programming Journey for you.You will no longerprogramPLCs like a newbie.As most of you know, there is an easy way, a long way and a smart way to program a PLC,drawing a longLadder logic diagrams or an SFC might solve the problemeasilyor simply, but it won't solve it effectively,itrequiresthrough understanding of Ladder Diagramsto give the ability to turn your idea into a project that is professionally programmed withPLC.What if I tell you that now you can unleash you full potential in PLC Programming and be your own professional programmer.You think this is cool but not yet interested!, well how about the factthat this course will allow you to know what happens in internal registers inside PLC.Topics like Internal relays, Data registers, branching, if statements and more advance techniques will be introduced.---------------------------------------HMI Interfacing with PLCThis course will help know HMI (Human Machine Interface)and build you FIRST HMI Program and get it working with your PLCWelcome to this course. HMI is the acronym forHuman Machine Interface, and can be designed as just that; an interface between the user and the machine.A Human Machine Interface (HMI) is exactly what the name implies; agraphical interfacethat allows humans and machines to interact. Human machine interfaces vary widely, from control panels for nuclear power plants, to the screen on an iPhone.In this course you will get different type of tutorial-Theoretical to help you understand the basics of HMI Controland how you can use different control techniques and implement them using Your HMI &PLC.-Practical to help you write you own HMI &PLC code for your machine andtrack errorsThe course is structured in such a way that people with different experience in control and automation can take benefit from the material inside it, Books and lectures in PDF are provided to be in your hands for future reference, in addition to 24 hour support for you in any HMI &PLC program that you have problem with.You should take this course because it will help you start your industrial carrier by building the right theoretical and practical industrial automation knowledge in the PLC field.---------------------------------------SCADA System Interface with PLCLearn SCADA hands-on by developing your own interfaces for different systems and control Your PLC.Welcome to this course.In this course, you're going to learn about SCADA by creating graphical interfaces that you canuse to monitor automated process, establish operating parameters, and even acquiredata from asystem that is already operated and functional.WonderwareIndusoftSoftwareis the most usedsolution in the world of visualization. As such, we'll be working extensively with that technology.We'll also be working hands-on with InduSoft,by the end of this course, you're to knowwhat people are doingin the world of automation today.So get ready to start designing and creating your very first SCADA interface easily and effectively, with 24/7 support---------------------------------------Programming PLC Using Text Commands - Mnemonic LanguageStop using Lader diagram and SFC and start Programming PLC using short codes in no time without even a computerWelcome to Programming PLC Using Text Commands course.You will no longer hate programming PLCs.As most of you know, drawing Ladder logic diagrams or an SFC is not an easy nor simple process, it requires a thorough understanding of Ladder Diagrams and other languages to give the ability to turn your idea into a project that is based on PLC What if I tell you that now you can program your PLC and make a fully functional project without even a computer. YES, YOU CAN!Mnemonic Language (Short Simple and Easy to remember codes) will help you unleash your full potential in PLC Programming without even using a computer!That's not all. After coding, This program will give you the ability to view your code. As a result,it will be ready so that you can download it to your PLC.You think this is cool but not yet interested. Well, how about the fact that this software allows you to trace the code line by line and debug the software while your machine operate!This is a course that will help advance in your career and get more options in PLC Programming world.How many people do you knowProgram PLC Using Text Commands!. Few I'm sure, now you get to be one step ahead of others in your industry---------------------------------------Programming PLC Using Drawings - Coding No MoreStop writing long codes that waste your time and required skills and effort, Start Drawing your Code with Simple ShapesWelcome to this course.This Course will take you to a new level of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)Programming, It will be a fun, easy, fast and enjoyable Programming Journey for you.You will no longer hate programming PLCs.As most of you know, writing a code or Ladder logic diagramsis a complex process that required through understanding of Ladder Diagramsand other languages to give the ability to turn your idea into a project that is based on PLC, but what if I tell you that now you can program your PLCand make a fully functional project without writing a single line of code!!That's not all, after drawing, this program will give you the ability to view your code and it will beready to be downloaded to your PLC.You think this is cool but not yet interested!, well how about the factthat this software allows you to build a fullly functional simulation environment that will show you how your PLC work in action with modules for hundreds and hundreds of libraries such as Timers, Counters,switchesand other advance modules.------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Raspberry Pi Bootcamp" |
"The only course you need to learn to Program and become Raspberry Pi developer. Basics, intermediate and Advance Topics in addition to Practical Examples and more!4.5 Hours of Full HD Content More Than 70 Lecture>>> This course is designed to help peoplewith no prior inRaspberry Pi programming experience with the basic tools necessary to create a complete Raspberry Pi program then teach them advance Raspberry Pi Topics in addition to Practical Examples <<<Things That will be covered in this course:Raspberry Pi BasicsThis is an introductory course about Raspberry Pi, a credit card sized computer. In this course, you will be exploring the possibilities of Raspberry Pi as a computer and a state of the art control machine.Arduino Vs Raspberry PI Vs PIC MicrocontrollerYou will no longer wonder what board should you start with, or what board should you learn or use, this is your way in.Connect and Interface Raspberry Pi with ArduinoIn this Section you will learn how to connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino the software and hardware part and why it's usefulMake a Smart Mirror Using Raspberry PiHow to make a Smart Mirror that works as a News,Weather,time and Date feed using Raspberry Pi in this Step By Step Section Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry PiMake your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote controlWelcome to this course.___________________________________________________________________Do you want to discover How you can Program and Control Raspberry Pi: a hundred-time faster Microcontroller than PIC Microcontroller which can be used in controlling almost anything, starting from zero?Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer that has processor, memory and can be connected to any screen and boot up like a fully functional computer at a very low cost starting at 25$.What is this Course all About:To see the big picture, you need to know why you need to learn Raspberry Pi, and how it will make your life different. In my newest course Raspberry Pi Step By Step: Your Complete Guide, you will be taken from the very beginning, everything will be covered, starting from why Raspberry Pi board is a way much better than PIC Microcontroller and ending in how you can write a code to control its Pins just like in Microcontroller.Getting a credit card sized fully functional computer at a that low price is really worth it, at the end of this course you can turn any idea that you have to a trending Kickstarter project and get crowdfunding for it from the online community, Raspberry Pi board will help you a lot in turning your ideas into reality in no time.Dont have a Raspberry Pi board? No problem! What makes this course really special is the fact that you dont need the Raspberry Pi Board to be in your hands, there is a full section on how to simulate the board in your operating system environment and start learning without getting that board.Things that you will be able to do at the end of this course:- Turn any old TV into SMART TV using Raspberry Pi board.- Program a code in python that can take sensor signals as input and send light signals as an output, the sky will be your new limit (No previous Programming knowledge is needed).- Get inside the IOT (Internet of Things) world and start making your own awesome project that can make everybodys life easier.- Installing Linux for the first time and how to deal with it like a professional.- Control the Raspberry Pi board remotely with more than three different ways.- Know how Raspberry Pi boards can be used to make a supercomputer.Raspberry Pi board provide tons of libraries that make controlling sensors and handling data a really easy job.You dont need to make any PCB, you just need to buy the board and plug it to any screen and you are good to goYou will get to practice both programming and electronics with two new gadgets that will add a lot to your knowledge.If you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!Add knowledge into all the new skills you are learning now!Design and program your ideas into reality as easy as 1 2 3, and this will also help you make great applications using the fast processor inside Raspberry Pi board!Use a state of the art design software to reduce the time spent finding the right solutions, since its already in your hands.I hope you find this course useful with Hours HD Videos explaining how I am able to create amazing projects.The world needs you to reach your full potential and I am honored to be a part of that!This is an introductory course about Raspberry Pi, a credit card sized computer. In this course, you will be exploring the possibilities of Raspberry Pi as a computer and multifunction Microcontroller.How This Course will help you:The course material and methods do not assume any prior. So If you do not know Linux or Python, no need to worry. The course has sections that cover the basics of Linux and Python where you can get started.It comes with many features that most of todays computer has. You will learn to start using the Raspberry Pi with a keyboard, monitor, and mouse just like a low-cost computer.Interaction with the hardware of the Pi will also be introduced, you will learn by doing, practicing and coding. You will learn from 4 examples. From lighting LEDs to reading switch signal and hocking up a sensor to Raspberry Pi ports. You will be able to write codes to make the most of your Raspberry Pi, using Python language.The course provides a complete code for each example.By the end of this course, you will learn how to wire-up and boot Raspberry Pi like a professional.---------------Arduino Vs Raspberry PI Vs PIC MicrocontrollerYou will no longer wonder what board should you start with, or what board should you learn or use, this is your way in>>> When it comes to choosing a single-board computer or Controller, PIC Microcontroller, Arduino and Raspberry Pi are the big names that youll be considering. But which one should you choose? What is the Arduino best used for? What are the drawbacks of using a Raspberry Pi? Why using PIC Microcontroller? And how do you decide between the three options? It can be a tough decision, so well break it down here for you. <<<Welcome to this course.For the purposes of this Course, Ill be discussing PIC Microcontroller PIC164550,Arduino Uno R3and theRaspberry Pi 2 Model B. There are many versions of THESE boards, and there are plenty ofalternatives to the PIC Microcontroller, The Piand the Arduino that provide different specs and capabilities, but these Three are the mainstays of each line at the moment.While both the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi are very versatile little machines, they both have specific things that theyre good at.---------------------------------------------Connect and Interface Raspberry Pi with ArduinoIn this Course you will learn how to connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino the software and hardware part and why it's useful>>> In this Course you will learn how to connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino the software and hardware part and why it's useful <<<Welcome to this course.This tutorial shows you how to connect Arduino Board with Raspberry Pi, it will take you in a step by step manner to know why this is helpful and how it can make your life a way much easier and saves you lots of Money.You will know what is the actual hardware and software configurations needs to be done to make this interfacing work smoothly, you will no longer see your raspberry Pi damaged orburned by excessive voltage or power source failure, your raspberry Pi will work like a mini computer a way from the hardware connection that could damage it.After this course you will be able to make your own interfacing andthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in mindsince all connections and configurationsare explained in details.----------------------------------------Make a Smart Mirror Using Raspberry PiHow to make a Smart Mirror that works as a News,Weather,time and Date feed using Raspberry Pi in this Step By Step guide>>> How to make a Smart Mirror that works as a News,Weather,time and Date feed using Raspberry Pi in this Step By Step guide <<<Welcome to this course.In this Course, we give you some detailed instructions on how to make an easy raspberry pi powered home smart mirror.A smart mirror displays applications so that you can check the weather, local news, etc. while you are getting ready in the morning. It's also modular, so you can easy move it around or hang it on the wall if you like. We are introducinga basic application that you can run on the smart mirror, but it's totally customizableif you want to write some of your own code.You canuse a Raspberry Pi 3 or A, B+ or any other Pi Module.The word smart comes from the fact that this mirror helps you in a smart way, you won't just see yourself, you will also see the weather in your area, the date and time in addition to latest news depending on your location, you can change the display language easily using a customization file that we provide.This is a step by step tutorial that will help you make it in no time, you don't need any experience at all, and if you have any question please ask in the Q&A board.--------------------------------------Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry PiMake your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control>>> Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control <<<Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Ultrasonic Sensor, IR Sensor, Motor Driverand ending with resistors.You will know what is the actual working principle of Ultrasonic Sensor andIR Sensor and how to interface and configurethem correctly so that you can detect objects in the surrounding with your Raspberry Pi Powered device easily and effectively.After this course you will be able to make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry Piandthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:- Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based. Whatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnect Motor DriverModule toRaspberry Pi.- How toConnect Ultrasonic and IR SensorstoRaspberry Pi.- How to Detect the presence of objects and takeActions Using Raspberry Pi.- How Ultrasonic and IR SensorsActually Works.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Raspberry Pi.- How Raspberry PiCan make your life easier.- How Program, burn a code and wire Raspberry Piand different Modules.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.- Why using Control with Raspberry Pi is better than traditional Control Methods."
Price: 199.99

"Commonly used hardware for Microcontroller and Electronics" |
">>> This Commonly used hardware for Microcontroller and Electronics course is intended for those interested in learning New Things about different platforms and devices used by Makers Today. <<<Welcome to this course.In This Course, We'll take you by hand and introduce the foremost common devices/concepts and software that are employed by Makers, Engineers, and Microcontroller Geeks Worldwide, to assist you kick-starter your career in Microcontroller and Electronics World.You will get to understand new things like Single Board Computer and Single Board MCU and also the difference between them, why we used modules, and what are the development boards available nowadays, additionally to Different Platforms available for you to use in your journey.You will get more knowledge about the various types of commonly used hardware for makers and engineers. We will look at the commonly used hardware that engineers make cars and microcontroller geeks utilize more than others.Things that will be covered in this course.We will talk about the General boards how they work and their internal structure why it's important to use it development boards What are the development boards What's the difference between a Development Board and a single board computerSingle board computer.We will talk about why they are important.What's the difference between them and between other electronic and microcontroller boards available.Then we will cover platforms the Arduino and other platforms are discussed.We will take you by hand and tell you why it's important to use platforms as you work with electronics and microcontrollers.In the last section, we'll be discussing the modules if you haven't heard of modules or if you have heard of them but don't know how to use them and why it's really important to use them.Topics that we will be discussed during the Introduction to Electronic Components Course are listed here in a brief outline. BreadboardsPlatformsDevelopment BoardsModulesSingle Board ComputerSingle Board MCUI'm sure that you will enjoy this course and it will add a lot of knowledge to you."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Solar Tracker" |
">>> Make Your Own Arduino Solar Tracker in a Step by Step Manner, learn and have fun Practicing Arduino <<<Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino Solar Tracker at home using Light Sensitive Sensor and increase the efficiency of your solar Panel up to 40%, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component is, why we use it, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the basics of Arduino and ending with Light Sensitivity Sensors and Motors used to drive the Solar Panel.You will know what is the actual working principle of Sun Light Detection, what is LDR and how to interface - wiring -and code it correctly so that you can control the efficiency of your solar panel, make your Arduino Solar Tracker system and initiate alarm action will seem really easy after taking this course.After this course, you will be able to make your homemade very own Arduino Solar Tracker.All connections are explained in details, and you can choose the number of light detector you wish to use to improve the device accuracy.Goal From This Course:- Make your own Arduino Solar Tracker that works efficiently and effectively and Track Sun Light then Move the Solar Panel towards it to improve it's efficiency .What you will learn in this Course- How to make Arduino Solar Tracker.- How to Deal with Light Sensors Using Arduino.- How to Move Motors depending on the amount of Sun Light available to direct Solar Panel.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Light Detectors.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects?"
Price: 199.99

"Sensors: Everything You Need To Know" |
">>> Learn Everything there is to know about Sensors,how they work and how to interface them and why we need them in our life <<<Welcome to this course. More Than 40 Sensors are Explained in Full Details, See List BelowLearn Sensors Interfacing and Working Principle TodayThis Course will teach you how Sensors Work, What they measure, how they measure it and what is the actual working principle for sensors.Different Type of Sensors are covered in this Course:- Temperature Sensors- Pressure Sensors- Force Sensors- Position Sensors- Speed Sensors- Depth Sensors- Flow SensorsYou will know Why Sensors have Standard output Range and which sensors to buy, everything is explained in full details.A List of Sensors and Sub Categories Covered in this Course:TEMPERATURE TRANSDUCERSTHERMOCOUPLESRESISTANCE TYPE SENSORSLIQUID EXPANSION and VAPOUR PRESSURE SENSORSBIMETALLIC TYPESGLASS THERMOMETERMechanical PRESSURE TRANSDUCERSBOURDON TUBEPISTON TYPECAPSULES AND BELLOWSDIAPHRAGMSELECTRICAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCERSStrain Gauge types.Piezo electric types.Other electric effects.SPEED TRANSDUCERSOPTICAL TYPESMAGNETIC PICK UPSTACHOMETERSFLOW METERS1. POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPESLobe type or meshing rotor.2. INFERENTIAL TYPESTurbine rotor typesRotating vane types3. VARIABLE AREA TYPESFloat type (Rotameter)Tapered plug type.4. Fluted spiral gear.5. DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE FLOW METERSORIFICE METERS.VENTURI METERSNOZZLE METERSFORCE SENSORSMechanical types.Hydraulic types.Electrical strain gauge types.POSITION SENSORSRESTIVEOPTICALLinearRotaryINDUCTIVEDEPTH GAUGES.Ultrasonic SensorPressure based Depth GaugeSTRAIN GAUGESAfter this course, you will be able to recognize any Sensor and know the actual working principle behind the plastic boxing that most sensors have. Everything is explained in details."
Price: 199.99

"Control PIC Microcontroller using a GUI via USB or RS232" |
">>> Interface PIC Microcontroller using Serial Communication RS232/USB and a Visual Interface <<<Welcome to this course.In this Course You will Learn how to Move to the next Level in Communication between Microcontrollers and Computers, You will get a step by step guide on How to create A visual Interface in your computer/Laptop that will send and receive data to and from a Microcontroller using RS232 Serial Communication Standard or USB.Why You should take this Course:More than 3.5 Hour of Full HD ContentSupporting Material and Example CodesStep by step explanation of connection diagrams and coding stagesCertificate of Completion when you finish the courseSimulation and Practical lessons to Cover everything there is to know about USB and RS232 Serial CommunicationYou will be able to communicate with your Microcontroller and build a fully functional interactive system that will make it easy for your to monitor different variables such as temperature, and send control signals to turn on of off system devices such as fan or heater.Serial/USB Communication provides means to control any type of Microcontroller via your own computer whether it's a desktop or a laptop, what you need to do is just create the proper interface which we will teach you how to do in this course.This course will be your gate, and you will have no limits, you can make a temperature control, RC robot, SCADA System and a lot of other applications via serial interfacing.Everything you wanted to know about USB Interfacing but was too afraid to ask, or Asked without getting Answers!This Course also contains a Step By Step Guide to USB Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerThis USB Section Consists of 39 Lecture with more than 3 hours of HD Video Content and supplementary material in which we cover every aspect of USB Interfacing including teaching you how to design, simulate and connect everything in real life, I can assure you that after this course you will be a professional in USB Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerWhy You Should Use USB Interfacing:Higher speed than any conventional interfacing method Only Four wires are used (Two PIC Microcontroller Pins are needed to connect more than 100 device via USB)Low power consumptionSupport and Libraries"
Price: 199.99

"Learn PCB Printed Circuit Board: A Complete Bundle" |
"This Bundle Consists of More than 80 Lecture with more than 6 hours of HD Video Content and supplementary material in which we cover more than four different software used to design, and fabricate PCB (Printed Circuit Board), I can assure you that after this course you will be a professional in PCB Printed Circuit Board design and fabrication.You will get the chance to learn:PCB Design and Fabrication using Frtizing SoftwarePCB Design: Master Designing Printed Circuit Board using Proteus Software PCB Design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium Designer3D Simulation: Microcontrollers, Electronics, Mechanism, PCB using Yenka SoftwareLet's talk in more details about each SectionPCB Design and Fabrication For EveryoneLearn Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design from Scratch With Zero Experience in Electronics, No Effort and a Free Software>>> This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your own Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with Zero Experience in Electronics and Circuit Design, YES, you did hear me, No experience is required at all. <<<Welcome to this course.This course will help you to gain PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with a Free Software being one of the top PCB design tools used around the world, so you won't have to pay anything for the software and it has tons of library for almost every component in electronics industry.Printed Circuit Board design is very interesting for any electronics geek, microcontroller programmers anyone wishing to build his own PCB by themselves. It is very simple and easy to understand for beginners.No Previous Experience + Free Software + Time Saving Techniques = Perfect PCB DesignThis is available for your in this course + Bonuses and additional Material + PCB Design Software.----------------------PCB Design: Master Designing Printed Circuit BoardA-Z Guide to designing, testing and Manufacturing any electronic circuit, using the most popular electronic software.>>> A-Z Guide to designing, drawing and testing any electronic circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course you will be a master at making your own electric circuit board. <<<Welcome to this course.You will become professional in making your own electronics circuits, you will even be able to master mass producing any electronics circuit that you find useful.Video and Text lectures are included along with the software package that will be used in this course.The course begins with introducing electronic circuit design then lessons for beginners to allow you become an expert, then at the end we will make a more advanced circuit and prepare it for mass production like professional.All what you need for this course is your laptop and headphones.This course is open for comments and suggestions.Why you should take this course, well, because you will learn by doing not by listening and you will become an expert in making your own circuits.--------------------------3D Simulation: Microcontrollers, Electronics, Mechanism, PCBEnter the world of 3D simulation and have fun learning and teaching Microcontroller Electronics, Mechanical and PCB>>> 3D simulators nowadays are covering all aspects of the electronic design process, in 3D. In this course you will get the chance to explore the wonders of 3D simulation of a limitless range of circuit boards, a 2D circuit design tools, and also PIC microcontroller simulation, testing and programming. <<<Welcome to this course.You will get the chance to learn:3D Electronic simulation and designPIC microcontroller programmingFlowcharting3D PCB simulation3D mechanismsMeasurementWhat You Will learn in This CourseWhat is Crocodile TechnologyWhy it is helpful to simulate and design in 3DDownload and Install the SoftwareUser Interface IntroductionDesign and Simulate ON/OFF Switches CircuitsDesign and Simulate Microcontroller SystemsFlowcharting.Design and Simulate Simple Led On/Off CircuitsDesign and Simulate Simple Led Flasher CircuitsDesign and Simulate Simple 7 Segment CircuitsDesign and Simulate Counter using 7 Segment CircuitsDesign and Simulate MotorsThis will be a journey of a life time for everyone looking for a new vision in Engineering Simulation, easy to use and really helpful software will be introduced.---------------------------------------------------------------PCB Design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium DesignerLearn Printed Circuit Board design by Making Arduino Nano in Altium Designer Software.>>> Learn Printed Circuit Board design by Making Arduino Nano in Altium Designer Software. <<<Welcome to this course.What is this course about:In This course you will learn from start to finish, from zero to production ready on how to design custom Arduino Nano Printed Circuit Board . It will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with Altium Designer since it's the most used PCB design tools---------------------------------------------------------------------What you should expect after taking this course:Get started PCB design using Altium Designer.Download and install Altium designer.Create your own component library so that you can create your own components that you don't have a library for which will help you freelance online since many jobs ask to create component libraries.Create the Arduino Nano Schematic in Altium designer.Wiring components in Schematic view.Transfer schematic into PCB.Place components on board.Create a multilayer board.Route layers and place components on board.Autoroute to save time.Eliminate design errors.Create Gerber files for your manufacturer.----------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99

"Make Your Own Arduino Shield" |
">>> Make Your Own Arduino Shield using More than 5 Software: Fritizing, Circuit maker, Easy Eda and Eagle Software. <<<Welcome to this course.What is this course about:In This course you will learn from start to finish, from zero to production ready on how to design custom Arduino Shield Printed Circuit Board . It will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in Arduino and PCB design.---------------------------------------------------------------------What you should expect after taking this course:Get started PCB design using More than 5 Software.Download and install Different Circuit design software.Create your own shield so that you can create your specialized Arduino Shield that fits your needs.Create the Arduino Shield SchematicWiring components in Schematic view.Transfer schematic into PCB.Place components on board.Create a multilayer board.Route layers and place components on board.Autoroute to save time.Eliminate design errors.Create Gerber files for your manufacturer."
Price: 199.99

"Explosion of Creativity" |
"Do you want to be an international level artist, author, speaker, businessman, coach, athlete?This course is the solution for you. I've realised everything mentioned above. It's not because Iam genius but because I know how to flourish creativity. Everybody can be way more creative than now.First of all, I tell you the conclusion: the truth about creativity, so you save your time. Creativity is ""How you connect things"". Second of all, you don't want to learn from people talking just theories. This is aproven method.I have proven that my method works by demonstrating it. I even expose my calligraphy art at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy and gave a speech at La Central in the Reina Sofia Art Center where you can see Pablo Picasso's Guernica. You do not have to join conferences to be creative, to learn design to be creative, and to go to school paying tons of money to be creative. You can be creative from this moment, right now, in the present. It is just about how you connect things that you already known and experienced. However, because of the education system and common sense, the way you connect them is directed to a specific direction. You have been made think in a certain way.My mission is making the humanity awake. The importance of Creativity has been increasing dramatically. Adobe said CREATIVITY drives business success. IBM reported that CREATIVITY is Selected as Most Crucial Factor for Future Success. Deloitte mentioned 'Digital know-how', 'management' and CREATIVITY are the skills London businesses increasingly need. There is no doubt Creativity is the key to survive in the 21st century and enjoy your potential. There are so many classes and subjects but no one shares with you How to think"" to make the most of them creatively. Your will learn HOW TO THINK"" to be creative. By taking this course, you would experience a paradigm shift in your way of thinking and be able to CONNECT THINGS DIFFERENTLY as Steve Jobs said that creativity is about connecting dots.The lecturer Masaaki Hasegawa is the founder of Creativida, advisor of Erretres (the best branding agency in Spain), and ambassador of Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. Also, he is the first Japanese author of 3 different books in 3 different languages.Hehas rich experience in international business and creation. He has experience as an investment strategist at Daiwa Securities, which is listed on the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange, professional MMA fighter, and public speaker. He joined FITC Tokyo 2014 as the youngest speaker. He hasgive speeches at White Bull, Zinc Shower, Startup le (co-organised by European Commission), and even at La Central in Reina Sofia Museum where you can see Picasso's Guernica. Masaaki's art work is now displayed in Galerie Perahia, one of the most important galleries in Paris, and other works will be exposed in Russia in 2017.This course is for This course is for those who wish to have their creative minds freed and expanded. It is for those who have a true passion to be creative. I do not wish to dictate what you do, but simply open your eyes to your own creative visions and possibilities. If you commit yourself to the suggestions in the course, you will change your viewpoints and develop a much higher sense of the creativity within yourself. Being creative is not just academia but rather changing one's way of viewing, thinking about and interpreting the world around us. Are you ready to develop creativity for your own sake? What you learn here is not a formula for differentiating yourself from others but a way of thinking that will transform the present you to a more creative you.The basic flow of the course 1. Essence of Creativity 2. Structuring creative Mindset 3. Verbal approach to enhance your creativity 4. Non-verbal approach to enhance your creativity 5. Progressive Thinking ~to Think Differently 6. Third Vision ~to have completely new perspective~"
Price: 199.99

"Content Marketing System: How to Design a Killer Strategy" |
"If you have a website that youd like to see flooded with buyer traffic Then DROP EVERYTHING as... Im About To Reveal How You Can EXPONENTIALLY Increase Your Sales and Traffic And Leave Your Competitors In The Dust By Taking Advantage of An Untapped Way To Drive MORE Leads, MORE Sales & MORE Business. Content Marketing Thats where your focus needs to be if you want to Get killer returns on investment every time you set out to market your business and bring in new customers Crush your competition by using a strategy that theyre unlikely to be thinking about (or ever think about!) Build HUGE amounts of trust and rapport with your audience and turn eyes into customers for life! Increase your online exposure without having to invest thousands of dollars in SEO and PPC campaigns that quite simply dont work! Convert MORE of your current traffic by delivering highly valuable content that your prospects will love Take social media by storm and finally make your Facebook and Twitter efforts an extremely lucrative venture Realize your businesses potential by tapping into a mightily powerful marketing strategy thats not only working now but will still be working in a decade! And there you have it The 7 reasons why this course will change the way you market forever. All you need now is to follow my bulletproof blueprint and the drive to use it. Take this course Now You wont make an easier business decision than this for years."
Price: 94.99

"Animation In After Effects (Full Version)" |
"In this Adobe After Effects CC course, you will learn a variety of 2D and 3D animation techniques, from lip-syncing cartoon characters to lighting 3D scenes. You will also learn how to create unique special effects for video and custom motion graphics. This course includes several practice files so that you can follow along with the instructor. This is the ideal online class if you want to learn how to rig and animate a cartoon character. You will even learn how to record a character voice! You will also learn the basics of 3D animation using Cinema 4D Lite. Animation In After Effects (Full Version) provides you with the foundation to create your own original animation. In addition to 2D and 3D animation techniques, this online class will teach you how to create credits, animate lower thirds, color correct video footage and create original special effects. You will also learn how to use and customize the preset animation and effects in After Effects to save you time. Other topics include how to turn a video into a cartoon and tips for animating text. You will also learn how to render an After Effects project for mobile devices (including the iPad and Android) the web, DVD, and Blu-ray disc. This course also teaches you how to interlace, an important step for preparing your After Effects project for video on demand so that you can submit it to Netflix, iTunes, Hulu and other outlets. If you're interested in learning After Effects to make your own cartoon, enhance your film project, start your career in motion graphics, create a unique video to promote your business or spice up your YouTube page, this class can help you realize your creative goals."
Price: 19.99

"Domina Word 2010 desde Cero" |
"Word es la herramienta para creacin de texto ms utilizada a nivel mundial, muy til en muchos trabajos y en muchas reas diferentes. Este curso est pensado para llevar al estudiante paso a paso desde un nivel bsico, hasta un nivel avanzado del manejo de Word 2010. Aprenders desde como redactar una simple carta hasta el manejo de herramientas avanzadas. Al finalizar el curso el estudiante podr crear prcticamente cualquier tipo de documento escrito, y lo podr aplicar a prcticamente cualquier rea de su vida, desde la vida diaria como redactar simples cartas, hasta en lo laboral como crear documentos para su empresa o PyME. Word 2010 es la herramienta lder a nivel mundial en la creacin de documentos escritos y TU podrs ser la persona que la domine..!!"
Price: 19.99

"Java In-Depth: Become a Complete Java Engineer!" |
"This Master Course has been meticulously developed for over 5 years and has over 50000 students from over 150 countries ranging from complete beginners to experienced Java professionals. Top companies like Cognizant, Intel, PayPal, Pinterest, Wipro are actively using this course to upskill their employees. It has been consistently ranked as one of Udemy's top 3 paid Java courses and has helped many students start their professional journey as ""confident"" Java programmers. Here is what some of the students had to say:""This is by far the best advanced as well as beginner course I have ever read/seen since Andre LaMothe quit writing."" ~ Stephen Jonson""Absolutely amazing, complete and in depth course. I would recommend this course to everyone interested in Java and programming in general. Dheeru Mundluru is an exemplary and responsive instructor. He explains the concepts with such clarity and with examples that every thing makes perfect sense. When I started this course, I only had vague idea of programming and now after completing this course I have a solid foundation to build upon. I would certainly say that due to this course I have fell in love with Java language and its ecosystem."" ~ Muhammad Arsal Abdullah""... This one should be the best seller of all the other ... "" ~ Brady Adams""This is a wonderful course. The Instructor is highly competent. He is a world-class instructor ... Taking this course will definitely give you a tremendous appreciation for this great language."" ~ Carrel d'Haiti""I have bought so many courses but this course has been a game changer to me . It is in depth as the name says. It helped me pass a paid internship interview in a reputable company and now i am getting a job. Thank you so much Dheeru Mundluru for releasing such a great course. You deserve 5+"" ~ Stephen""... I have been a Java developer for 8 years and hold a Masters degree in Computer Science ... This is honestly the very best online Java video course on the market... wish I had have had a course like this when I first started"" ~ Clive Stewart""This is THE best course on Java on Udemy - Period! Dheeru is not only passionate about what he is coaching but also OBSESSIVE and covers every minute detail of the subject ... Most lessons have demos which Dheeru makes sure that they do work without any glitches. He is a genius coder ... Plus, he bases the course on the best practices from the book ""Effective Java"" which is great. ... Lastly, he uses an accurate and powerful English vocabulary I'm yet to see from other instructors. If you want to learn Java right from installing, configuring and all the way to mastering its advanced topics - look no further - you are at the right place => THIS - IS - IT !!!"" ~ Richard Reddy""The JVM internals section of this course itself is worth buying this course. Excellent teaching style."" ~ Ryan TrangCourse Overview:This course has been developed to just not teach core Java skills, but with a larger goal of helping you become a complete & professional Java engineer right by the end of this course. To realize this, it takes a holistic approach in teaching Java programming. To ensure that you master Java language, the course has been developed to be highly comprehensive covering most of the Java language features and discussing them at a very in-depth level. To further ensure you are industry-ready and can write well-designed, professional code, tons of best practices & design principles are explained and demonstrated in code. Towards this end, you'll also implement an instructor-led Java EE Web application using professional coding conventions with Eclipse as IDE. Finally, all your questions will receive in-depth personalized responses within around 24 hours. Over 5000 questions have been answered!Course Specifics:This course begins by giving a birds-eye view of Java covering everything from origin of Java to installing Java and writing your first Java program. Even the most fundamental concepts like compilation & interpretation are explained. All other topics are covered in-depth starting from language basics, object-oriented concepts & design, JVM internals, exceptions, IO, collections framework, generics, multi-threading, databases, nested classes, enums, and functional-style programming via Java 8 constructs like lambdas & streams. You'll also learn about database designing, implementation (SQL), and how to interact with them from Java programs (via JDBC). The course also gives a very good introduction to Java EE technologies like JSP, Servlets and JSTL, which help in project implementation. Finally, an excellent Eclipse IDE tutorial is also included, which teaches you how to use Eclipse professionally for effectively writing, debugging and even testing Java programs using the JUnit framework.Each lecture has been very carefully crafted explaining the motivation behind every concept. Each concept is clearly explained with well thought out examples & illustrations and is demonstrated in code. Object-oriented concepts like inheritance & polymorphism are explained through a real-world case-study, which is also implemented as part of the course project. Several challenging coding exercises & quizzes are included to reinforce what you've learned. Your solutions for coding exercises are also auto-evaluated to help you instantly know whether or not the solution is correct.The course project involves building a bookmarking Web application that helps users bookmark items like Books, Movies, and Web pages and is built progressively as new concepts are learned. The project is instructor-led and is implemented using professional coding conventions & best practices. It follows good object-oriented design, incorporates MVC architectural pattern and also uses Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology. Java EE stack comprising technologies like Servlets, JSP, and JSTL are used for building the application with MySQL as the database and Apache Tomcat as the Web server. Parts of the project use advanced multi-threading capabilities. Finally, course also teaches several best practices & design principles that are essential for writing well-designed code. This is one of the highlights of the course and will make you truly complete!Story behind Creating this Course:The idea for building this Master Course has taken its roots during the instructor's (Dheeru Munduru) experience as a software engineer in Silicon Valley. After working for several years with many excellent engineers, Dheeru realized that sometimes the teams he worked with fell short of developing effective solutions. This led to several rounds of ""code refactoring"" resulting in loss of valuable time. This he realized was due to programming not being taught in the right way at most Universities & Colleges across the world. Students are mostly taught core programming language features without any emphasis on best practices or design rules required for writing well-designed code. Due to this, developers are often ill-equipped when they have to come up with good solutions for complex problems. This leads to some quick ad-hoc & incomplete learning, which often not only result in bad solutions, but also more importantly causes lot of stress on developer's part. This made Dheeru realize that a more holistic approach to teaching is needed where programming language features are taught along with best practices & design principles needed for building well-designed robust software. This course is a result of this realization and it has taken him over 5 years of full-time effort (considered equivalent to over a decade if working part-time) in developing it. He will continue to devote himself in building this course towards making it one of the best Java courses out there."
Price: 94.99

"Living a Cosmic Life" |
"This course is about the Big Picture, the Big Questions, and Living a Life That Matters. It's about discovering how we are from a cosmic perspective, how are all connected to a larger universe, and how we can discover and align ourselves with the dynamics of the cosmos in our everyday lives. We'll also tackle big topics such as life, death, and spirituality and their role in our lives. Imagine going forward into the world each day, knowing that you are part of something much larger than yourself. Imagine how your relationships might transform if you recognized that the forces drawing you to your partner are the very same forces that shaped the galaxies, created the stars, and formed the molten Earth? Imagine what you could achieve in your life, knowing that you had 13.8 billion years of cosmic history and the forces of the universe behind you? Imagine how your life would transform once you saw yourself and your life as part of a much larger pattern of cosmic proportions and meaning? These and other questions will be explored in this series of short but impactful and richly illustrated lectures on our place in the cosmos and our relationship to it. Each lecture will be accompanied by a downloadable transcript of the material as well as follow-up questions to consider for further reflection and insight. The course is self-paced, and participants are welcome to explore in an afternoon, or over the course of several weeks or months. Once you enroll in the course, you'll have permanent ongoing access to the course and its materials, allowing you to revisit any aspect of it when desired or needed. Anyone interested in living a spiritually-informed life aligned with the dynamics of the evolving cosmos will find a rich experience in taking this course. Whether you take this course as an individual or as part of a study group, you'll have food for thought for years to come."
Price: 29.99

"Learn GARAGEBAND- Have Fun, Make Your Own Music- It's Easy!" |
"***FEATURED ON THE OFFICIAL UDEMY BLOG!!!*****COURSE UPDATED ON 02/08/17**OVER 4500 SATISFIED STUDENTS! Here's what they are saying:""A no nonsense approach to Garageband and music construction, highly recommended"" ~Jonathan H ""I will definitely get more out of this app than I would have without your class."" ~Ron M ""I cannot say enough about Matt and his course! I learned everything I wanted and more."" ~Mike H ""I can play now!"" ~Julie S ""I just made my own background music for my booktrailer, thanks to this course."" ~Guruprasad N What is this course about? Learn to make original music in GarageBand for use in your Udemy courses, apps, YouTube videos, movies, films, video games, web pages and podcasts. Why take this course? Learn music composition with Garage Band. Make high quality songs for all of your needs. No royalties to pay! No copyright issues! ----YouTube is the number one video site in the world. ----DON'T let copyright issues get in the way of making money! ----BOOST the quality of your videos! ----SAVE money and don't pay royalties for music! ----CREATE your own EXCELLENT music with GarageBand! SIGN UP AND START LEARNING TODAY. DON'T WASTE ANOTHER MINUTE. SEE YOU IN CLASS!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn BASS GUITAR- Have Fun, Amaze Your Friends- It's Easy!" |
"""More than your average lesson! This course is great! It teaches you more than just the basic steps of how to play bass."" -JH (student)**COURSE UPDATED 11/19/15**OVER 1300 SATISFIED STUDENTS What is this course about?Learn to play the electric bass guitar. It is a BEGINNER level bass guitar course that will cover everything you need to go from a total beginner to playing your first scales and songs. You will learn about strings, frets, playing techniques, scales, improvisation and much more. Why take this course?- Learn everything you need to know to start playing the bass guitar. - Learn your first songs on bass guitar- Learn about scales, frets, strings and progressionsDo you want to learn an instrument and be able to confidently play the songs you love for family and friends, jam with musicians, or even play on a stage with a band?If so, then this bass guitar course is right for you! You'll be playing recognizable music in no time! What kind of materials are included? Over 50 lectures that walk you through an understanding of the instrument! Many charts and practice mp3 files to increase your mastery! How long will the course take to complete? Students should expect to practice in order to get the results that they want and should use these lectures over and over again as a resource. How is the course structured? The course is broken down into 12 Sections: 1) Introduction 2) Bass Basics 3) Playing Your First Song 4) Seven Nation Army5) The Minor Scale 6) The Major Scale 8) The Pentatonic Scale 9) Special Techniques 10) Popular Basslines 11) The Grand Finale 12) Resource***This course is designed for those whom are BEGINNERS. You will start with the basics and work your way into some more advanced concepts like using various scales and progressions.***DON'T take this course if you are an ADVANCED bass guitar player. This course is meant for beginners who want to learn to play.***Instructor uses a guitar pick for the entire course.SIGN UP AND START LEARNING TODAY. DON'T WASTE ANOTHER MINUTE.SEE YOU IN CLASS!"
Price: 99.99

"Quickly Design and Publish eBooks on your Mac with Vellum" |
"Get your book published in 1/10th the time! If you've written short stories, technical books, or your own biography but have a tight budget or don't want to deal with big, scary publishers, this course will help you during the process of designing your ebook and getting it ready for iBooks, Kindle, or Nook marketplaces. Vellum is an application for Mac OS X that makes it easy to design a beautiful ebook for all 3 digital stores in one simple process. In this course, I'll help you download and install the software, practice with sample material, and then import your own prepared manuscript and get it ready to upload. You'll be one step closer to earning a passive income with your writing!"
Price: 24.99

"VideoMakerFX Produce Animated Videos using VideoMaker FX" |
"***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ""Great and engaging. Very clear and concise. easy to follow. highly thorough."" - by Shanon""Excellent step-by-step tutorials that are easy to follow. Plenty of insider tips to get the most from this software. Highly recommended for anyone new to this app."" - James Steele***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Learn how to make your first professional-looking animated promo video in under an hour - it's so easy, anyone can do it!If you want to kickstart your video production, you'll learn Video Maker FX secrets with these fully structured lessons.***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ""I didn't even realize Video Maker FX could do half this stuff!"" - by Mark L***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** If you're new to animated promo video making, this is a great choice - it's both simple AND powerful - you'll gain confidence quickly.***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ""Absolutely VideoMakerFX can make Amazing videos FAST, but only if you know how to use it. Natch makes it easy with this course. I was just going to look at for a little while today but I just went through the whole thing. Now I'm a VideoMaker FX Genius too! Don't waste time trying to figure out what VMFX can do or trying to make it do what it can't. Saved me hours and the course is very clear and easy to learn. Thanks, David"" - by David***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** You'll learn with short & concise videos that you can put into action immediately.***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ""After completing this course I made a video I am very proud of in double quick time. I now have this course as a reference until I master Video Maker FX. I really enjoyed the course and recommend it to anyone who wants to make videos."" - by Marilyn M.***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** After your training, you'll be equipped to easily create your first animated video and other fun animations and presentations that are engaging & effective using the best video editing software ... whenever you like.***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ""Just what I needed..There had been a few issues I'd been curious about when trying my Video Maker FX and you cleared it up for me! Very clear and organized material."" - by Christine T. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course does give you any value, don't forget you're covered by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you'll always have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You also get free access to all updates as I add them to the course.I'll give you my full support if you need further assistance.Before taking any course on Udemy you should watch the lectures that have the Preview button switched on to get a feel for how good the production quality of the lectures are and if that course is right for you. This is especially important in courses that teach Video Production-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take control now - press the ""Take This Course"" button now and start making your awesome promo video today."
Price: 74.99

"e-commerce for beginners" |
"More than 400 students have enrolled ! don't get left behind, join this course with a vibrant community of students for $9 during our limited time sale This course contains proven steps and strategies on how to find the best and legitimate wholesalers, and become successful in your business. There are many people who would want to establish their own businesses, both traditional and online. However, many of them do not last for long. Its either they dont know how to handle the business well, or they started on the wrong foot when they stumbled on unreliable and fake wholesalers. In this book, we will provide an in-depth discussion about finding the right wholesalers and starting your business on the right track. Specifically, this book will tackle the following issues: The baby steps to starting your business the first steps in establishing the business should be right. We will help you achieve this by learning the preliminary things that you should do to set your business on the right path. Permits and licenses that you need make your business legal! Know what you should accomplish to achieve that goal by looking at the requirements weve enumerated. How to find the right suppliers to get in touch with legitimate suppliers, you need to get information from the right people. Our list will help you find a supplier for your business. Different product suppliers the word supplier is a broad term. There are many people who can be considered as such. This chapter will help you determine what the different supplier types are, and how each of them will help shape your business. Different product sourcing methods know how you can get your products and how each of these methods is different from one another. Best drop shipping sites if you want to have a hassle-free business, drop shipping is an answer. But finding one can be more difficult than finding a supplier! Our list of websites will guide you as to where you can search for legitimate drop shippers and other suppliers. Business practices that ensure success there are universal practices that you should adapt if you want to become successful at both traditional and online business. Check our list and get 100% success! Becoming successful at Amazon and eBay if you want to have a fighting chance at two of the most popular online selling sites, our tips will help you reach that goal. Launching your online store for those who are planning to sell online, do you know where youll establish your store? Our e-commerce website list can be your guide to becoming a successful online seller."
Price: 194.99

"Mobile apps: Make great looking apps easily and quickly." |
"People up until now have found it difficult and confusing when wanting to start learning to build mobile applications. Often asking themselves how can i make mobile applications. Until recently building mobile applications was a complex task. For example: To build android mobile apps you needed to know the C Sharp language, to build Apple ios apps you needed to know the language called Objective C and other devices used the Symbion language. Making mobile app development the domain of experienced programmers. Now, with the development of new technology and new multi-platform development tools like Adobe Dreamweaver CC and Adobe PhoneGap it's now possible to easily build mobile applications for Android, Apple IOS and Windows mobile from the one code base. Not only that but, the apps can now be built easily and quickly using the latest development software, and web technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, JQuery Mobile and CSS. This course makes these technologies available for beginners to learn the basics and get started with building your own mobile applications. The focus of this course is on making it as easy as possible to get started, Each lecture steps you through giving you an introductions to each of the technologies like HTML5, Jquery, JQuery Mobile and CSS. Then it steps you through an intro for the development tools like; Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe PhoneGap launching you a quickly into building your first mobile application using these new technologies. So, if you've been wanting to learn how to build mobile applications, but were afraid it would be too difficult, now's your chance. This course takes you step by step through all the entry points, then steps you through building your first mobile app, Then finally shows you how to easily deploy it to a mobile device. Sound exciting?, So what are you waiting for? Let's get started now!"
Price: 19.99

"Landing Pages: Learn to Build Your Own Quickly and Easily" |
"This course is about making effective web pages and landing pages.You can be a complete novice as Past 1 of the course covers all the prerequisites to be able to do Part 2 of the course.Part 2 of the course goes into great detail in building the HTML landing page and steps you through using JQuery and Ajax to seamlessly send and receive data from the server.As you may be aware up until now it's been difficult to create landing pages that send a response email back to the landing page visitor as well as sending a contact email to the landing page manager. Also collecting the form data into a MySQL database.If you want to be in control of your own landing pages and not have to pay a monthly fees to use an online landing page services then this course is going to enable you to easily create your own landing pages and host them yourself.We discuss web hosting and how to get it and use it. It also talks about domain names how and where to get them.The course talks about the advent of new technology and tools that make it easier to build these type of sites.In this course you will learn about working with HTML the course spends a lot of time explaining how to layout your landing page using HTML before steping you through using JQuery and Ajax, to create a better user experience where the page doesnt need to refresh it seamlessly sends and receives feedback on the page using Ajax.I step you through using MySQL and PHP to send emails to the landing page visitor and the landing page manager.I show you how to collect the landing page data in a MySQL database creating an email database that can be used for marketing later.The course steps you through creating a real landing page.The course steps you through some facts about Search Engine Optimization and the five (5) key questions that lead to action."
Price: 19.99

"Listia: How to Use It To Build a Home Based Business" |
"Over 1000 students have already enrolled !How Much Are You Willing To Invest To Receive A Monthly Salary Of Over $1000?Some would pay $5.000, $10.000, even $24.000, if you consider it as an investment that returns in just two years!Well, now you can invest a lot less money and earn the same amount in your pocket by simply purchasing this course. Take a look at the second lecture, which is made public, to see a few facts from my Paypal account.Keep in mind that this course is available at this price only this month.After this, the price will increase. This is a medium length course that teaches you how to earn extra money or even make a monthly income with Listia. It is about different techniques of internet marketing, which can also be used for other websites. There is no special requirements in order to take this course, all you need to know is a few basic things like computers and surfing the internet. This course contains video materials with presentation to highlight main ideas, screencasts which show you step by step instructions to do certain tasks, text material that contains additional help (links, detailed instructions, rules, etc.) The course can be divided into several days or it can be completed in a few hours straight. We would recommend dividing it, however, because the amount of information can be overwhelming for some and there are hands-on tasks that need to be done. The course is structured around main ideas highlighted In presentations. Each section has a conclusion. The beginning of the section highlights the main ideas, which are then elaborated and the conclusion recaps those ideas to summarize the information presented. There's also a quiz at the end of each section to strengthen your knowledge. For your comfort, we've arranged the presentations into videos, but they can also be downloaded in the Additional Resources"" tab of the course. Taking this course can be very rewarding as it shows not only specific information for Listia, but general techniques for making money on the internet."
Price: 189.99

"Art Fundamentals: Foundations of Painting and Drawing Course" |
"What is the bottom line of this course? Put simply, it's a starting point to understand visual communication - it's more theoretical than practical, and will give you a solid foundation for your art learning and your art journey ahead. This course will not make you a professional artist, but it WILL give you foundations for reaching a professional level - and foundations are EVERYTHING in art.Art Fundamentals: Drawing and Painting Essentials covers the key foundational principles that underly artwork and it's creation. You'll discover the core fundamentals you need to know in order to be effective at learning to draw and paint, be it digital or traditional, in any style or genre. This course is designed for artists of all levels. Master The Essential Foundational Principles Of Drawing and Painting Learn how images are built, from 2D shapes to final finished paintingsUnderstand how looseness, line weights and penmanship impact your artwork Grasp the fundamentals of a strong art workflow, and the real goal of a ""rough""Gain insight on moving from vision to implementation, and reaching your ideaRecognise the empirical patterns apparent in all artworkLearn to differentiate between art studies and art creation, and make real progressEmbrace true 3D drawing by learning to ""Draw Through"" Learn Why Appealing Art Looks The Way It Does, And How To Do It Professional concept artists, illustrators and painters have a deep understanding of how images are made - not just surface level things like ""how to draw a head"" or ""How to paint a sky"", but the in-depth background understanding of why an image looks good, and feels good to look at. I'll show you the important fundamentals you need to know in order to have strong foundations in principles of creating art, whether you want to draw, paint, create comics, design concept art or illustrate manga. Art Fundamentals: Drawing and Painting Essentials covers key foundationsof art creation for imaginative representational realism - drawing and painting realism from your imagination. This course is designed for imaginative and creative people who want to draw and paint from their minds, no matter the style or medium. I've designed this course to be easily understood, and allow for efficient learning. Primarily focused on digital tools, most principles apply equally to traditional art tools as well, and you'll quickly see how you can switch between mediums easily. This first course covers the absolute foundations of imagery, and is a necessary step before moving onto other courses such as Perspective, Light and Form, Color, Composition, Anatomy, Character Design and Drawing, Environment Design, Industrial Design and many more. Upon completing this course, you'll have a rock solid grasp of how art is made - both in terms of workflow, and fundamental principles. You'll be ready to approach studying other topics with the right artistic mindset, and a comprehensive set of skills."
Price: 199.99

"Environment Art School: Complete Perspective Drawing Course" |
"What is Environment Art School: Perspective Landscape Drawing Course?EnvironmentArt School is a learn-anywhere drawing course where you learnhow to draw landscapes, backgrounds, scenes and professionalenvironments. Whether you are wanting to create immersive worlds and environments,scenes for character drawings, environment design forvideo games, backgrounds for comics and mangaand more - Ive got you covered! I've built thePerspective ArtSchool:Environment Landscape DrawingCourse to be the onlyenvironment drawing courseyou need to learn all the key fundamentals and advanceddrawingtechniques on how to draw in this genre, professionally. Learn to drawandsketchlandscapesandenvironmentswell. If you are juststarting to learn to drawor youre already at an intermediate level, thisdrawing coursewill advance your currentenvironment drawingability to professional heights. This course is a comprehensive, 5 module, guided video course, where the only limit to your progression is your determination and engagement in the process.Whether you want to createdrawings of nature,landscape drawings, environments and interiorsfor films and games, illustrations, comics, manga, or more, this isthecourse you need to get you there.I will teach you todraw perspectivescenes withoutfear, and Ill teach you to draw themefficiently.Clear, Easy to Understand LessonsCrystal Clear - that's my style. Learningenvironment drawingandperspective drawingeffectively, means having information presented in a logical, coherent and efficient way. This course is modular by design, easy to grasp, and allows you to learn in a well-paced, structured way. Engage in the course chronologically and then revise each module at your leisure. Grasp complex perspective theory and landscape drawing techniques faster than you ever have before- theres no filler or fluff here.Assignments that are rewardingEach assignment has been designed to reinforce the theory as well as feel rewarding. Art tends to need a certain degree of repetition, but if you understand a concept well enough after practice, there's no need to aimlessly draw out exercises further. I have built each assignment to help you rapidly progress, while implementing the core theories taught- and youll see the difference in your own work almost immediately.Artis about doing, so lets get started- letsdraw somethingawesome!"
Price: 199.99
