"Complete iMovie Master Class - Go From Beginner To Advanced" |
"Want To Learn How To use iMovie To Create Amazing Videos in 2019 and 2020?! Or maybe you want to create higher quality content for your social media, business, family, and friends! Then Enroll Today in our Complete iMoive 2019 - 2020 Master Class Course and go from Beginner To Advanced! More than 500,000 Students have enroll in my online courses! My Video Editing Courses Are Some of the Best in The World! Watch the promo video To See How You Can Begin Instantly using iMovie!_________________________________________________________________________What makes this course different? This course is designed using bit sized videos to help you create and publish amazing videos using iMovie. Our project based lessons allow you to not only learn by watching, but by doing! We cut out all of the fluff! No more super long boring tutorials - get the information you need in a timely manner. Beginner To Advanced Master Projects in each section to reinforce your learning every step of the way. Bonuses, Extras, and even watch me edit my own videos using iMovie! _________________________________________________________________________How would you feel if you could use iMovie to make videos and share them online?Producing videos is the single most valuable skill I have learned because it now allows me to teach my passions all over the world! In fact, Taking this course will help you speed up your learning with video production so you don't have to spending hours of frustration learning iMovie on you own!Here is what you will learn in our complete iMovie course todayFirst, you will learn the basics of iMovie and things like how to import your footage, how to render a video, color grading, sound effects, how to add music and much more. In our second section you will start learning more of the intermediate aspects of iMovie. You will learn things like how to use titles as effects, custom fonts, split screen, reverse ken burns, and so much more. In our third section you will learn more of the advanced options with iMovie like how to use the precision editor, J Cuts and L Cuts , Green Screen and more! _________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to edit using iMovie.When I learn something new I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life._________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course._________________________________________________________________________It's time to take action! This course will not remain this price forever!Click the ""Enroll Now"" button, top right, Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Joe Parys"
Price: 199.99

"How to change your life through mindfulness" |
"Just imagine casting away your fears and worries, achieving your goals and aspirations. Mindfulness can transform your life. Impossible? This is a common response, but let me share with you my secret tools and techniques to take control of your life. I did it, so can you!You will discover through my mindfulness techniques, how to expose a more vibrant you, full of energy with a real zest for life, decisive, determined and driven.Anyone can practice mindfulness. My step-by-step approach will equip you with the essentials to de-clutter your life, overcome the fears and barriers to change and create the space you need to shape the life you want.I will share my own stories, managing major life upheaval, leaving a relationship, moving home, overcoming empty nest syndrome, starting a business, losing weight, managing depression. It really is a personal insight!The course is designed in easy steps, based on my own personal 25 years experience as a Psychotherapist and Coaching people just like you. The course begins with understanding the tides of change. It explains how to develop mindfulness practice. We unpick the workings of the mind, its endless chatter with techniques on how to tone it down.I will help you understand your emotions. The power and influence of our emotions. We will delve into the miraculous nature of the body, its intuitive guidance and practice techniques to enhance it.The content is designed to be accessible, anytime, any place, any level. You could progress through the course in a single day, or invest time depending on your needs. For maximum benefit, it is recommended that you use a notebook or word document.There are practical exercises, audio meditations to help you develop a rich understanding of mindfulness techniques and how to deploy it in your life."
Price: 19.99

"Use Ultimatum and Wordpress To Create Fantastic Webpages" |
"""Knowledgeable and helpful teacherSean explains the material very well and solves any problems or questions. He also updates material as he uncovers new needs."" by Jon Arbizu""This course saved a project i was working on ... Thank you a lot :)."" by Om ny""I was very impressed with how the emphisis was on simplicity. I thought that rather than getting bogged down in the techy stuff the tutor made things easy to understand. I have been overwhelmed with the amount of stuff crammed into ultimatum and it his left me uninspired. Doing this course has made me feel good about the software, it has allowed me to feel I can use it. Thanks Sean."" by Justin Martin""This course covers anything there is to know about the Ultimatum framework. If you are staring at your screen and don't know where to start? TAKE THIS COURSE!""These are just a few of the great reviews this course has already received (and which I am very grateful for). You can build a mobile responsive themed website in less than 1 hour using the lectures in this course combined with Wordpress and Ultimatum. The one thing I disliked about Wordpress was that; although you can get MANY themes, to create your own mobile friendly responsive theme you had to know and understand Php, CSS and how to edit those in the theme to get what you wanted. This is not a simple task, especially how the source is set out. Well, I discovered the secret. Ultimatum. The Ultimatum framework can be simply used to create YOUR Theme. Not edit someone else's but create YOUR theme. Just using drag and drop components. Better still, you can export it and use on other sites. Take this course today if you want to understand how to use Ultimatum and you could create your own Wordpress Themed website in less than 1 hour. No editing Php, no changes to CSS in files. Its all done from the interface using Drag and Drop and configuration setup. Below is a little more info on this course if you still need it : Have you ever wanted to create your own webpage but don't want to spend hours and hours learning HTML, Php, JQuery and all the other languages and APIs? What if you could create an awesome website with no code? What if you could use the power of the Wordpress CMS and create YOUR own theme? What if that theme creation was just drag and drop and update of parameters? What if you could then export this as a child theme and load onto other sites? What if you could use this to create customer websites and become a web developer? Well you can. This course shows you how to use Wordpress and Ultimatum 2.7 to create websites using drag and drop. Create custom layouts and themes. You can then export those themes and import into other sites running ultimatum Use wordpress and Ultimatum to start a website design business. Child Themes created can even be sold to others running ultimatum. This course will show you just how easy Wordpress is while using the Ultimatum Theme Framework I walk you through how to put together a page using Wordpress and Ultimatum. I show you how easy it is to get your page up and running. Then using this knowledge and skills you can go and create your own custom theme using the framework. At the end of this course you will know what Wordpress and Ultimatum are. You will know how to install Ultimatum; you will know how to create your own Template and Layout in Ultimatum and have the knowledge to create your own unique Wordpress Website. After completing this course you will understand how to : Install and activate ultimatum How to create layouts How to add content, posts Partial and Full layouts How to create a menu Header and Footer creation Do you want to know how to create and use a static page? Maybe you want to add a contact us form? This is covered too. So, if you want to create your page then please start today and start building your dream page. Updates: 08/01/15 - New lecture to demo the Visual Composer. Visual Composer is a tool to help create your Ultimatum site. This is supplied by the Ultimatum team. 15/01/15 - New section 7 with 5 new lectures where we quickly create a first website using using the drag and drop techniques that were shown in the course 28/02/15 - New lecture showing how to change the website background from the CSS configuration. This lecture gives in-sight on just how easy this is to do with Ultimatum 05/03/15 - New lectures just added on using BBPress and BuddyPress with Ultimatum. This video lecture shows how easy it is to add BBPress to your Ultimatum site and how to use BBPress Connect with Ultimatum21/04/15 - Ultimatum 2.8 has been released. To give some idea of the new things you can do I have created section 6 (at the moment) which has 5 new lectures talking about Ultimatum 2.8 and showing how to change you template, layout and widgets to use this new Bootstrap 3 functionality.11/08/15 - I've added 2 new lectures, currently 35 and 36, on Showbiz Pro Plugin. This is a great slideshow plugin which is mobile aware and great for your websites."
Price: 99.99

"Scrum - Start Using Scrum Today" |
"I want to make this course more assessable to you; and so have lowered the price of this course. Remember, your not just buying the course but you also get my help. I've spent some time helping others in this course (and my others) and will help you too..So, go on. Get it now while you're thinking about it.. And enjoy.""Good overview of ScrumA nice overview of Scrum process described in this course. I enjoyed going through it.""""Really intuitive and an easy get to grips with course if you want or need an introduction into Scrum Methodology and Agile Development, this is for you. The instructor expertly breaks down the principles behind the introduction, into 21 very easy to follow steps. This course comes very highly recommended!!""These are just a couple of the great reviews this course has received.Scrum is a management and control process that focuses on building the software and meeting business needs; it is designed to cut through all the complexity. Project management and teams; using Scrum; are able to deliver working software incrementally using the requirements rather than spending a big percentage of time up front on understanding and planning all requirements before starting on the programming.Scrum allows your analysts to create user stories from the requirements that will concentrate on what you need for the next iterations; this allows development to start at the beginning of the project. It also allows any changes in the requirements or scope to be addressed immediately rather than at the end of the development (as would happen in waterfall).Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex projects.This course has been designed to introduce you to Scrum, the elements of Scrum. You will learn what are the different roles in the Scrum Teams; you will learn about Scrum Artifacts (such as what is the Product Backlog) and you will learn about Scrum Reports.I'm created this course so that anyone can get to grips with the Scrum process. By the end of this course you will have an understanding of the Scrum process and what you need to accomplish. 12th March 2015 - I've just added a new lecture on Retrospective Planning Resources. In this lecture I talk a little more about Retrospectives and give you a great resource to use when planning yours."
Price: 199.99

"Hands-on Financial Modeling (With 6 Excel Templates)" |
"What is Financial Modeling?How to build a financial model in Excel?What is EBITDA? How to read the P&L? How to calculate WACC, ROIC, equity risk premium? How to use DCF?Every student will receive an Excel file with input data for Sample Company valuation, which will include both historical financial accounts and operating data for every business division (airline catering, events catering and RHL, or restaurants, lounges and hotel). The lecturer will first give detailed comments on the available historical information and will show you how to make assumptions for reconstruction of the missing data, required to start modelling of future financial items.Business modelling will start with forecasting of P&L items for each of the three divisions, which will then be combined into the Sample Company P&L. Afterwards the lecturer will model Cash Flow statement for the Sample and its Balance Sheet. All the forecasts are being built for the next 6 years.Once you get all financials forecasted you move to the most interesting part DCF (or Discounted Cash Flows valuation) with deep plug into the calculations of WACC and its components (risk free rate, Beta and equity risk premium), Terminal Value and Discount Rate. You will learn how to apply logic to make the right assumptions as the ultimate result of every financial modelling is a matter of assumptions used.Special attention will be paid to the multiples-based analysis and sum of the part valuation.You will see how theory works in real business with every figure of Excel model created in front of your eyes. This is a unique experience not to be missed."
Price: 29.99

kettlebells_workoutru |
", . ? - . 15 20- + 20 . 5 15 . , , - . . , . . , 15 . ! Hello, This workout complex is for the beginners. It contains of four 15 minutes workouts. You start from 16 kg (man) and 8 kg (women), and move in practice step by step. First you make exercises with one kettlebell with both hands, strengthen all body muscles, second you learn how to work with two kettlebells. Then you learn how to do classical kettlebells exercises and finaly, you make your first record."
Price: 24.99

"Build a strong body fast! Kettlebell workout for beginners" |
"This workout complex has been made specially for the beginners. It contains four 15 minutes workouts. Each workout is recommended to do during 2-3 weeks, depending on your body. You take this 15-minutes workouts 3-4 time a week and get impressive result! Why? Because kettlebells offer unique combination of cardiovascular, strength and flexibility trainings. It is proven that 15 minutes of ballistic exercises with kettlebells are more effective then 25 minutes of running plus 20 minutes of strength exercises. You start from 16 kg (man) and 8 kg (women), and move in practice step by step. First you make exercises with one kettlebell with both hands, strengthen all body muscles, second you learn how to work with two kettlebells. Then you learn how to do classical kettlebells exercises snatch and jerk, and finaly you make your first record."
Price: 24.99

"Affiliate Marketing Insider Taktiken - Online Geld verdienen" |
"Affiliate Marketing Insider Strategien und Traffic Tipps sowohl Gratis Traffic als auch PPC Traffic - mit diesen Strategien werden Ihre Affiliate Provisionen explodieren. Wenn Sie sich in Zukunft von anderen Affiliates abheben wollen, wenn Sie Techniken und Tricks (alle legal sebstverstndlich) kennen lernen wollen, die Ihnen einen Vorteil verschaffen, weil das nur die wenigsten wissen. Dann sollten Sie diesen Kurs unbedingt buchen. Nicht nur das Sie nach durcharbeiten dieses Kurses, ein sehr guter Affiliate Marketer sind, nein Sie knnen ebenso mit Word Press umgehen, wissen wie man WP installiert und einrichtet, Sie lernen wie man mit Youtube Geld verdienen wird u.v.m. Dieser Kurs zeigt Ihnen neben den Insider Affiliate Strategien auch woher Sie die Besucher also den Traffic fr Ihre Angebote am besten und gnstigsten bekommen. Es finden sich kostenlose Trafficquellen in dem Kurs, aber ich zeige Ihnen auch wie Sie sehr zielgerichtet Besucher mit einer Conversion starken Facebook PPC Anzeige bekommen. All das uns vieles mehr erwartet Sie in diesem Trainingskurs. Sehr gut geeignet fr Anfnger, aber auch wenn Sie bereits erstes Geld als Affiliate verdienen und mchten einfach mehr Geld verdienen dann hebt Sie dieser auf das nchste Level. Ich wnsche Ihnen viel Spass und Erfolg mit diesem Kurs und denken Sie dran, nur wenn Sie das gezeigte auch umsetzen werden Sie Erfolg haben. In diesem Sinne Mark Reuter"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Dashboards and Data Analysis Masterclass" |
"Excel dashboards are a powerful way to leverage Excel functionality, build and manage better presentations and improve your Excel and data visualization skills. In this course Ill show you how you can turn Excel into your own, personal Business Intelligence tool and create Interactive Charts and awesome Dashboards in Microsoft Excel. Learn how to make 4 well-designed Dashboards from Scratch! Content and OverviewIn this course my goal is to give my students the practical knowledge, with real-world examples and step by step instructions, to create professional and designer-qualityDashboards in Excel. With over 100 Lectures, quizzes, assignments, real-life Excel projects+SAMPLES and weekly updates, learning advanced Excel techniques has never been easier. This course is a concise and practical go-to guide for creating Interactive Charts and awesome Dashboards in Microsoft Excel. It also expands in to Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Conditional Formatting, Functions, Formulas and Macros.You'll have lifetime access to watch the videos whenever you like. If you're not 100% satisfied there is a 30 day money back guarantee!Plus you will get fast and responsive support within 24 hours.What are you waiting for? Enroll now! (it is 100% no risk deal)Why is this course different? It's super practical. Free downloadable Excel working files are included to allow you to follow along using the same material I use throughout the lectures. You can download all of them.It's comprehensive and fast. Microsoft Excel charts are complex, that's why the course is broken down into bite-sized piecesThe course also expands in to Conditional Formatting and Functions-FormulasI update the Excel class monthly with new lectures!You will learn the latest versions of Microsoft Excel (2019,2016 and 2013) but the concepts are compatible with Excel 2010 and 2007.Compatible with Microsoft Office for MacintoshWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn the Dashboard Creation Process from start to finishCreate 4 complete Professional Dashboards: Business Sales Dashboard, KPI Dashboard, Pivot/Slicer Dashboard and Traffic lights DashboardsHow to create amazing data visualizations in a matter of seconds!How to import and work with Externel Data in ExcelModifying an Excel chart visually: styles and colors, create a pictograph, Excel's camera tool, shapes, effects, text etc.Learn useful functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, HLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, CHOOSE etcHow to create mini charts like Sparklines and make data analysis fun!Advanced Excel chart types like Pyramid charts, Pareto charts, Gantt charts, Gauge-Speedometer charts, Waterfall Charts, Bullet charts and Waterfall charts.How to create Form Controls like Combo Box, Scroll Bar, List Box, Check Box etcHow to Protect your DashboardBonus material : Excel most useful shortcutsEnrol now and enjoy the course! Who is this course for? StudentsEntrepreneursBusiness ProfessionalsEveryone who wants to master Excel Graphs, Pivot Charts and DashboardsStudents with willingness for learningOnly basic prior experience in Microsoft Excel or spreadsheets is required to get the most out of this Excel course. At the end of this Microsoft Excel class you will be given a Certificate of Completion.Testimonials for this Course""I learned so many new excel tricks from this course. It covers almost everything. Andreas impressed me for updating his course so often! It worth every cent. Great job!"" - Chris K===================================================================""Outstanding course! Very thorough and easy to understand. Sample spreadsheets make it very simple to follow along and provide hands on work. I would highly recommend this course."" - Kelli Kellen=================================================================== ""A strongly recommend the course for all type of excel users. The lecturer follows a systematic and inspiring approach to present the most important techniques for data visualization with Excel."" - Tommy Kalman ===================================================================*** learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process *** Euripides Ancient Greek dramatist"
Price: 149.99

"Learn the 7 Mindsets to live your Ultimate Life" |
"Our 7 Mindsets MasterClass engages you through a series of short, empowering videos filled with inspirational and unconventional advice. Each video is just 2-5 minutes long for immediate application and long-term retention. Each mindset is taught through 7 video modules, so you can learn a mindset and how to activate it in about 30 minutes. The 7 Mindsets MasterClass also includes an editable Life Plan filled with activities to connect what you learn with your dreams and desires. Your Life Plan is the key to activating the 7 Mindsets in your daily life! The MasterClass is for everyone in your immediate family parents can share the information with young children, and teens and college students can watch the videos at their own pace and fill in their own custom Life Plans as well. - 55 short, empowering videos designed to teach you the 7 Mindsets and help you immediately implement them in your life - Our revolutionary 7 Mindsets Life Plan activity guide, which you can print out or fill in electronically as an editable PDF - Daily Morning Mindset emails with a thought to help center your day and activate the 7 Mindsets in your life - Weekly Mindset Message stories delivered via email every Wednesday to help inspire and empower your life with real examples of people living the 7 Mindsets all over the world - Engaging Podcasts featuring interviews with famous, successful individuals and leading thinkers on how to apply the 7 Mindsets in your life - listen online or download to your devices - A collection of the top 12 weekly stories that have inspired millions to join the Mindset Revolution - An extensive Resource section that includes a free Parent Guide containing 28 suggestions to help parents impart the 7 Mindsets to their children - Engagement with the worldwide 7 Mindsets community - Leave comments for others who've also joined the Mindset Revolution, and post questions for the 7 Mindsets team. You're not alone in this life-changing experience! - Special member pricing and invitations for other 7 Mindsets products, services and events like our annual Ultimate Life Summit."
Price: 49.99

"Grundlagen der digitalen Fotografie-Einsteiger" |
"Der Grundkurs "digitalfotografie fr Einsteiger" richtet sich an Hobbyfotografen, die eine Fotokamera mit manueller Einstellung besitzen oder erwerben wollen und noch keine oder wenig Erfahrung haben. Bei speziell ausgearbeiteten bungsbeispielen wird dem Teilnehmer die Grundlagentechnik wie z.B. manuelle Belichtungseinstellung (ISO, Zeit, Blende) erlutert. Ebenso werden dem Teilnehmer die wichtigsten Kameraeinstellungen (Farbraum, Histogramm, Fokusiereinstellungen, Bildqualitt) erklrt. Die digitale Weiterleitung an den Computer stellt einen weiteren Abschnitt innerhalb des Kurses dar, hier werden die wichtigsten Themen wie die Bildschirmeinstellung sowie die Bildarchivierung besprochen. Ziel ist es: der Teilnehmer soll nach diesem Kurs in der Lage sein, Bilder im manuellen Modus zu erstellen, sowie grundlegende Kenntnisse in der Bildverwaltung zu erwerben."
Price: 34.99

"Data Presentation for Business: How to make great charts" |
"We are surrounded by data. We work with numbers every day. How can we understand them and how can we show trends, correlations or insights to other people? The solution is putting those numbers into visual form. This ability is one of the most sought-after skills on the job market, because the amount of data that needs to be sorted, analyzed and understood is increasing at formidable rate. Learn how to correctly use charts and graphs to make sense of data. how charts come together, how to draw attention to your data, what graph is best for what type of data, how to avoid the mistakes almost everybody makes, how to avoid being misled by malicious charts. Take the first steps in learning a new language Using data visualizations to see patterns, uncover hidden trends and put numbers into an easy to understand visual form is a skill that is useful in any job. There is no need for prior experience and the terminology will be explained in the course. Content and overview When you enroll in this course you will get access to almost 2 hours of video lectures and a wealth of supplemental materials. You can complete the course in 2 or 3 hours, if you just watch the videos and take the quizzes, but you can also spend days reading and practicing what we discuss in the course, or anything in between. At the end of each of the main 4 sections there is a quiz, to help you remember what you have learned . At the end of this course you will be able to understand how statistical data can be put into visual form, how you can extract meaning from spreadsheets and how to recognize when someone is trying to lie to you with pretty charts."
Price: 29.99

"Rduire le Stress ou l'Inquitude avec la Digipuncture" |
"Ce cours de Digipuncture enseigne comment rduire de manire significative les effets ngatifs du Stress et/ou de l'Inquitude sur le corps et sur l'nergie vitale qui y circule.L'approche propose dans le cours est plutt mditative que simplement mcanique ou rflexe.But du cours : dvelopper le ressenti et l'exprience intrieure, plus que le savoir.Tout est fait pour faciliter l'apprentissage des dbutants. Les tudiants plus expriments trouveront aussi de nombreux indices pour approfondir leur pratique. Dans ce cours, les tudiants sont guids pas pas dans leur exprience d'apprentissage.Les supports de cours (documents PDF tlchargeables) donnent toutes les informations ncessaires de manire savoir prcisment comment, quand, et pourquoi faire ce que l'on fait, en pratiquant la Digipuncture Mditative, mme si l'exprience intrieure est et restera le premier matre dans la pratique. Chacun des 2 tats motionnels du cours est trait en 3 sries de vidos (30minutes environ au total) :INTRODUCTION du sujet dans ses grandes lignesPOINTS : localisation, nom, effetsPRATIQUE guide : je dmontre les enchanements complets comme pour rpondre mon propre besoin d'harmonisation intrieure et avec mon environnement. Votre pratique est guide par ma voix. La Digipuncture Mditative est un excellent moyen de se reconnecter avec soi et de s'enseigner soi-mme de prcieuses comptences de vie :quilibrer son nergie vitaleamliorer sa sant et la qualit de vie quotidiennecontribuer l'amlioration de la vie sur TerrePratiquer la Digipuncture Mditative vous permettra de faire face aux situations qui vous semblent difficiles vivre d'une manire beaucoup plus positive et crative qu'elle ne l'est maintenant."
Price: 19.99

"Meditation and Mindfulness - Meditation For Beginners" |
"5 Visualisations For Health Presented by Sonia BruceHello, I'm Sonia Bruce, your teacher for this course about visualisation for healing.Your course poresents 5 guided visualisations. They are all based on Chinese medicine and Qi Gong Principles. Very simply, in the mid-80s I started to become involved in that field, first as a receiver and then as a professional therapist and trainer, and teacher of Qi Gong.These days Qi Gong is a very active part of my live. It's an art used for balancing the body's energy, visualisation and intention. Visualisation without intention embedded into it is just imagination. As you have a goal, either maintaining, improving or restoring your health, you use visualisation combined with intention.First of all you'll see an introduction video explaining visualisation and the role it has played in my life, how it started me on my journey back in the 80s. Then we move on to the 5 guided meditations, which are complemented by PDF documents as resource downloads, in which I give you more information about the practice and technique itself. In this way you'll have a better understanding of what you are doing and why.Finally I give guidance, tips and clues, about the technique, so that you can further explore guided meditation and effective visualisation for healing.#GuidedMeditation #Beginners #VisualisationMeditation #Techniques #Healing HowToVisualize"
Price: 34.99

"How to Make Games with Unity: A Beginner's Guide" |
"Presenting the latest course by Nathan Cope,one of Udemy's top instructors:How to Build Games in Unity.Nathan's other course on building PC'ssports a 5-star rating with thousands of satisfiedstudents.Over 1500 students signed up in the first 24 hours of course release!________________________________________Have you ever wanted to make your own game?This course is for you. Unity has become one of the top platforms for game development, especially for newcomers to the industry. It is simple and powerful at the same time and verysuccessful high-profile games have been created with it! Ever hear of Hearthstone? ;)This course will begin with an introduction into the Unity UI. In order to keep the course exciting, there is no ""C# Primer"" for new programmers. Instead, Nathan will teach you about basic programming concepts along the way as he uses them to create the game code!Nathan will take extra care in explaining different programming concepts in different ways in order to get those concepts to 'stick'. Being one of the top instructors on Udemy, he understands that students need to see a problem being solved in a number of ways, as not everyone learns the same way.You will learn things like creating game objects, configuring prefabs, coroutines, timers, animation, UI, sounds and so much more. Nathan responds to questions very quickly, so if you have any trouble along the way, please send him a message!Student Appreciation!As a student, you will receive special discounts unavailable elsewhere for Nathan's other courses that are available now or arecurrently in the works!And as always, 30-day refunds are 100% guaranteed if your satisfaction is not met!Thank you!Thank you for taking a look at this course on Udemy!"
Price: 94.99

"How To Build a Computer: A Beginner's Guide" |
"**Note For New Students **The first section of my course is designed to bea classroom format, with pictures and documents for learning. If you're looking for a step by step video guide on handlingphysical hardware, what it is and how to put it together, please skip to the 2nd half of the course (the Lab section).Over 1000 students joined in the first week of release!Over 2700 students at the time of this writing!A big THANKYOUto my students for making this the HIGHESTRATED (5 STARS!), MOSTPOPULARCOURSEfor building a computer on Udemy!Just added in 2017 - How to build a liquid cooled high-performance gaming PC! ________________________________________ Have you ever wanted to build your own computer? Would you like to know what each component does? Do you want to know how to get the best bang for your buck? This course will begin with some explanation of different terminology when it comes to PC components. You'll learn how each component connects to each other, their purposes, things to watch out for when purchasing components, and how to decide what parts need to perform better based on the tasks you want the computer will do.You'll go through the steps of building your first computer piece by piece, with great attention to detail along the way. Afterwhich, you'll learn the process of installing an operating system on the computer, to make the system fully functional and ready to use! This course will evolve over time.. Later installments may include things like: High-end Gaming PC Builds (Done and added to course!) Water Cooling (Done and added to course!) Home Theater PC Builds Raspberry PI BuildsHackintosh Builds In the first installment, you'll learn how to build a general usage PC that will perform well for daily use, using a classroom lecture format. ** First course expansion released! **Showing how to build a computer hands-on was easily the most requested feature after the course's original release. So, we've put together a giant new section on building an extremely high performance liquid cooled overclocked gaming PC! You will find this section at the end of the course.Buy now to get the most value!Original Pricing - $25After 2017 Expansion - $50As the course evolves and content is added, the pricing will go up with each installment. Get in now at the low cost of $50and receive all of the new content for free! As a student, you will also receive special discounts unavailable elsewhere for Nathan's other courses that are currently in the works! And as always, 30-day refunds are 100% guaranteed if your satisfaction is not met! Thank you! Thank you for taking a look at this course on Udemy!"
Price: 49.99

"Ethical Hacking For Beginners - Practical Approach" |
"**Comes with Hatrics tool kit, a comprehensive collection of various tools and software that you would ever need for ethical hacking.** This course is an one stop solution for beginners to start their journey in ethical hacking. Being a beginner you might be having an hyped image about ethical hacking as in something difficult to learn and master or you might be under the impression that you must be good programmer to learn this skill. But worry not ! this course, designed by industry experts and professional, walks you through the various concepts and training through a practical approach and live demonstrations, which makes it easy to grasp and understand. Along with the lessons we provide a comprehensive collection of various tools and software, Hatrics, that you would ever need for ethical hacking. This course would equip you with basic tools and skills of ethical hacking, then you can move on towards more advanced courses or explore on your own. Our tool kit, HackTricks would always come in handy when ever you would be learning or performing ethical hacking. So come and earn a cool tag and skill set of being an ethical hacker !! Ethical Hacking Course Content: Basics of Internet, Networking & Hacking Information gathering & Google Hacking (Practical) Windows security (Practical) SQL injections attacks (Practical) Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM Attack) (Practical) Phishing, trojan & viruses Session hijacking & Cookie grabbing: Social Engineering Attacks: DNS Spoofing: E-Mail Hacking, forging & tracing: Fake SMS & Calls Charge/penalties against hacking in INDIA Live Working Projects include: Live info gathering (Nmap, Maltego etc.) Live ettercap powerful attacking tools Live active & passive scanning Live DNS Hijacking (DNS Spoofing) Live Cache Poisoning Live XSS Attack with cookie grabbing Live DVWA & Web-goat for testing Live Key Loggers attack Sending Fake Emails/ Email Forging Fake calls/ Call Forging Live Website hacking using SQL Injection Live MTM attack (APR Spoofing) Social Engineering Attacks (Credential Harvesting attack, java applet attack, tab nabbing attacks) Windows Administrator account Password Hacking"
Price: 129.99

"Blockchain for Professionals: No Programming Needed" |
"** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Blockchain Expert CBE by Blockchain Council. This is the training material only. Certification is not part of this training on Udemy. ** Can you imagine trusting someone blindly and having business transactions with him or her without thinking about the repercussions it may have? In a normal world, the answer would have been a no. But in todays context where the concept of blockchain is taking the world by storm, it is highly safe to facilitate transactions with third parties. Blockchain technology offers peer-to-peer transactions, thereby eliminating the need to trust a middleman, and carrying out transactions effortlessly and efficiently.Blockchain technology is versatile owing to its ability to process and store any kind of information. The decentralized, secure, and tamper-free properties make it valuable as it is impossible for any block to go unnoticed. The applications of the blockchain technology will be increasingly important in years to come as it removes the need to trust people, institutions, organizations, and even the government.Enroll now to grab your spot on this course. Explore the fast-changing world of blockchain technology. Explore their potential in this course which is divided into four parts namely Blockchain Basics, Blockchain Intermediate, Blockchain Advanced, and Blockchain Use Cases. These offer a vast variety of topics such as types of a blockchain, Distributed P2P Network, Private Vs. Public blockchain, Smart Contracts, and use cases in verticals such as Cyber Security, Healthcare, Finance, Supply chain, and much more.Last updated: May 2020"
Price: 129.99

"Multichain Blockchain: Learn to Setup Private Blockchain" |
"* This is a supporting training material for the Certified Blockchain Developer CBD V2by Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. **The concept of MultiChain is likely to dominate the blockchain space in the next decade as it is a platform which helps to create a private blockchain offering attractive solutions for financial institutions and other industry verticals such as cybersecurity, maritime industries, insurance, healthcare, life sciences, and media & entertainment.So, what Multichain can do? It offers native multi-currency support, it is believed to be faster than bitcoin, and allows for quick deployments and permissioned management.Wait no more! Enroll in this certification and learn to develop, connect, and use your own private blockchain. The comprehensively designed training materials provide the perfect guidance you need to setup and configure the MultiChain. Grab this opportunity to gain extensive insights into the basics of MultiChain, learning to set up your first node, understanding the workings of the genesis block, and knowing the concepts of private mining.This course is for you if:You are a student wanting to work on MultiChain projects.You want to be industry-ready and open up exciting career avenues.You are an employee who is currently working on blockchain based projects.You are an entrepreneur looking to improve your business aspects."
Price: 129.99

"Building Blockchain using Hyperledger Fabric and Composer" |
"** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Hyperledger Developer CHD by Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. **Hyperledger is a system which is designed to support the intricacies and complexities existing across the economic ecosystem. It is a platform for distributed ledger solutions supported by a modular architecture. It is designed to deliver a high degree of flexibility, scalability, and confidentiality to the system.Hyperledger fabric is a system that uses smart contracts and helps participants manage their transactions. It allows the creation of channels thereby allowing a set of participants to create a separate ledger of transactions. Coordinating business networks over a shared ledger using blockchain technology thereby minimizing the cost and risk associated with private information. This helps improve trust and visibility, especially for businesses.Get hands-on training in hyperledger by enrolling in this course which offers a detailed overview of the structure and mechanism of the hyperledger platform. The curriculum is designed by experts and industry leaders and hence you will gain access to content which is on par with industry standards.This course is for you if:You are pursuing a degree in information technology or computer applications.You want to gain a fair idea of hyperledger fabric.Your career involves being abreast with blockchain technology.You are an entrepreneur involved in blockchain businesses."
Price: 129.99

"Corda for Professionals : The Ultimate guide to learn Corda" |
"** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Corda Expert (CRCE ) and Certified Corda Architecture(CCA) by Blockchain Council. This isthe training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. **Corda is an open-source blockchain project which allows in the building of interoperable blockchain networks which assist businesses to transact their private transactions directly. A shared ledger of transactions can be created on it thereby removing the need for the involved parties to constantly check for their line of books being in line following interactions with each other.It uses known identities to inject trust into the system. It operates with the goal to reduce the effort required to maintain data consistency and to enable in handling a higher volume of transactions. Cordas focus on security and privacy is what encourages businesses to adapt to the blockchain paradigm. As Corda networks are permissioned, it aids in controlled access.Enroll in this certification and gain a rewarding career in the blockchain sphere. It offers comprehensive training through modules designed by like-minded industry leaders and experts to offer you the perfect hands-on training to build a career in blockchain technology. Participate in Cordas development by getting a taste of this condensed, real-time training course.This course is for you if:You want to gain a fair knowledge of the workings of Corda.You want to provide Corda-based Blockchain solutions.You are currently working in the Blockchain sector.You are an entrepreneur who wants to use Corda for business."
Price: 129.99

"Blockchain in Human Resources" |
"** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Blockchain and HR Professional by Blockchain Council. This is the training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. ** Experts say that payroll and recruitment are the two potential applications which are likely to impact the field of human resources. Blockchain, the encrypted digital ledger of public records, would certainly simplify the jobs of HR professionals and transform the HR industry for the better. Blockchain gifts every employee control over their entire academic and work identity.Blockchain in HR helps speed up the background verification process. Blockchain helps streamline overseas wages and allows for secure transfer of payroll and contract payments by eliminating intermediaries. Due to its tremendous capabilities, blockchain-powered platforms are indeed the universal choice for the worlds HR departments.Wait no more! Enroll in this certification to design and deploy blockchains for enterprises. The comprehensive learning materials provided in this certification act as the perfect guide to implementing blockchain in the field of HR. Grab this opportunity to gain extensive insights into the potential impact of blockchain technology, the new paradigm and frameworks of decentralized applications, types of blockchain technologies, and blockchain use cases in HR such as payroll, audits, and taxation processes.Last Updated: May 2020"
Price: 129.99

"Application of Blockchain in Legal Industry" |
"Today, a host of opportunities have opened up, thanks to the development of blockchain, the decentralized ledger system. Law firms facing stiff competition from non-traditional players and diminishing demand from corporate clients consider implementing blockchain in their businesses to support the changing nature of legal work. Blockchain enables enterprises to enter new lines of business and differentiate service offerings smoothly.Blockchain, with its tremendous potential, is now disrupting the legal industry in various areas such as land registry, smart contracts, chain of custody, litigation and settlements, and general financial transactions. Blockchain is widely used in the legal sector due to the wide range of ledger-based activities in the legal industry.Wait no more! Become a tech-savvy thinker and lead the way with this ideal certification designed by renowned experts in the field of blockchain and law. Enrolling in this globally acknowledged, self-paced certification will help you analyze the impact of blockchain technology and decentralized payment systems on the legal economy.This course is for you if:You are a student pursuing your education in the field of law.You are a legal consultant.You are employed in the legal industry.You are an entrepreneur looking to apply blockchain technology in your legal business.Last Updated: May 2020"
Price: 129.99

"Blockchain Use Case : Supply Chain Management" |
"** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Blockchain and Supply Chain Professional by Blockchain Council. This is the training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. ** Blockchain technology is a game-changer for the supply chain industry. Businesses are looking for ways to leverage this disruptive innovation to strengthen relationships and increase profits across supply chains. Blockchains help optimize business transactions and trading relationships, which thus result in streamlined inventory management, improved asset utilization, and greater collaboration.With many global organizations incorporating blockchain into their supply chains, there is a growing need for supply chain professionals who can understand and apply blockchain technology in their businesses. Wait no more! Sign up for this prestigious certification and get the first mover advantage.This course is for you if:You are a student pursuing an education in the field of supply chain management.You are a software engineer with programming experience.You are an entrepreneur seeking to improve your supply chain.You are interested in learning how to integrate blockchain with the supply chain.Last updated: May 2020"
Price: 129.99

"Blockchain in Financial Services" |
"Blockchain technology plays a pivotal role in guiding financial organizations towards the future they envision- one where routine tasks are taken care of, thus allowing finance professionals to focus on business strategies and operations. Blockchain helps corporates establish standards and governance for data sharing and collaboration.Take this course today and know all about this disruptive technology which is already shaping the future. This comprehensive exam-based certification provides you with profound expertise in using the blockchain technology to revolutionize businesses in the domain of finance. Grab the opportunity to become a sought-after blockchain professional in finance.This course is for you if:You are a business executive or a manager wanting to understand blockchain.You are a professional from the legal or accounting domain.You are a student aspiring for a successful career in blockchain and finance.You are a business owner who wants to enhance existing business processes or models.Last updated: May 2020"
Price: 129.99

"Learn Blockchain For KYC Process" |
"** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Blockchain and KYC Professional by Blockchain Council. This is the training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. ** KYC (Know your Customer) is the business process of verifying client identity to help companies ensure who they are doing business with. KYC is typically a long-drawn process. Blockchain KYC Solutions provides a secure verification of identity through a tamper-proof public digital ledger and fraud can become a thing of the past.Sign up for this effective certification and learn the essential KYC and blockchain concepts to help businesses simplify their identity verification process. Gain lifelong access to updated exhaustive modules designed by acknowledged blockchain and KYC experts.This course is for you if:You are a student of the banking or finance stream.You are a businessman wanting to understand the role of blockchain in KYC.You are a professional who works in the IT or finance domain.You are an individual looking to improve your blockchain knowledge.Last Updated: May 2020"
Price: 129.99

"Blockchain in Healthcare : The Ultimate Use Case" |
"** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Blockchain and Healthcare Professional by Blockchain Council. This is the training material only. Certification is not part of this training on Udemy. ** Blockchain is a secure and reliable technology that prevents data breaches in the healthcare industry. The pace of innovation in digital healthcare is gaining with disruptive technologies such as blockchain. Blockchain is undoubtedly a game-changer that is changing the landscape of the healthcare system.Sign up for this sought-after certification offered by Blockchain Council and explore the fundamentals of blockchain in healthcare through the comprehensive modules carefully curated by industry experts. Learn the art of leveraging blockchain to empower patients and improve the overall healthcare industry.This course is for you if:You are curious to learn the role of blockchain in healthcare.You are a healthcare professional wanting to explore blockchain.You are a doctor looking to incorporate blockchain in your profession.You are a healthcare administrator wanting to use blockchain for healthcare facilities.Last Updated: May 2020"
Price: 129.99

"Ghost in the Network: A Complete Hacking Course" |
"Network hacking refers to the techniques and tools used to manipulate the normal behavior of network systems. A network security professional is one who learns the tools and techniques used to mitigate these attacks and safeguarding network infrastructure. The Complete Network Hacking Course for 2019 is the perfect fit for you if you aspire to enter the field of information technology.By enrolling in this course, you will learn how to perform wired and wireless network attacks in an ethical way in a simulated environment. This course has been comprehensively designed by acknowledged information security experts and will aid in accelerating your learning process. Grab your place in this certification and become a certified network hacker by learning the proven hacking techniques.This course is for you if:You are interested in protecting networks against hackers.You plan to pursue a career in information security.You are network security professional.You are an IT student."
Price: 129.99

"Learn Wi-Fi Hacking like a Pro" |
"Wi-Fi Hacking refers to cracking the security protocols of a wireless network after which the hacker will gain full access to view, download, or jam the wireless network. A hacker is one who uses hacking tools and techniques to observe the information which is stored and shared over a network.This course opens with a basic overview of hacking. It suits all levels of learners such as basic, intermediate, and advanced. After learning the basics, you will learn about the installation of Kali Linux. You will then learn the skills required to hack Wi-Fi ethically.This is an updated comprehensive course that teaches the most effective methods for hacking any Wi-Fi network. Begin your journey in hacking with this amazing organized training which will provide you with a complete understanding of Wi-Fi Signals. Wait no more! Enroll in this professional training, which offers crystal clear modules curated by acknowledged industry experts.This Course is for you if:You are a student interested in Wi-Fi Hacking.You are an individual looking for clear and concise Wi-Fi Hacking Training.You are a Cyber Security Professional.You are an entrepreneur wanting to learn the techniques of Wi-Fi Hacking."
Price: 129.99

"Art of Footprinting : Information Gathering Tactics" |
"Footprinting is a process of collecting a wide array of information about the target system to find ways to penetrate the system. An ethical hacker spends a majority of his time gathering information about the host, network, and people of an organization and profiling an organization.Welcome to the most sought-after course on Footprinting. This session is divided into many sections which will cover all the concepts needed to master the art of Footprinting. This course will take you from a beginner to an advanced level, and by the time you complete the course, you will gain expert knowledge about the information gathering techniques needed for Footprinting.All the techniques you will learn in this course will work against real systems, and by the end of this course, you will be skilled in using these techniques for different scenarios.This Course is for you If:You are a student interested in learning information gathering techniques.You are a beginner looking for a concise course that covers the main aspects of Footprinting.You are a Cyber Security professional or security consultant.You are an entrepreneur wanting to learn all about Footprinting."
Price: 129.99

"Password Cracking: Brute-Forcing, Cryptography" |
"Brute forcing or brute force attack is a cryptographic hack relying on guessing possible combinations of a targeted password till the right password is discovered. Brute-Forcing is done to retrieve personal information such as passwords, user names, passphrases, and personal identification numbers.The core concepts presented in each module are broken down into fundamental principles. This course mainly aims to inform you about information security, increase your security awareness, and provide significant information needed to use the tools for testing your security.This course on password cracking is designed to facilitate an easy understanding of brute forcing and cryptography. This is an exhaustive course that has been carefully curated by industry experts to help you make your mark in the field of ethical hacking. This is an updated course that covers all the latest concepts and technologies to support everyone right from complete beginners to advanced learners.This course is for you if:You are an individual wanting to explore brute forcing and cryptography.You are a security policy maker.You are an ethical hacking professional.You are an IT engineer or a network administrator."
Price: 129.99
