"Adobe Lightroom Classic CC - Zero to Pro" |
"Do you want to make your images stand out from the crowd?Lightroom is most popular software used by milions of photographers and understanding this software is often a key to the amazing images. At this moment you are in the best place to start, having professional retoucher as your instructor!Within few days you will be able to understand key things abut Lightrooom software and what's most important you understand more artistic side of photography that will allow you to edit images beautifully!No matter if you are an complete ammatour or already have some experience in the field. I will make sure you understand you images, their lights and color, which will allow you to get much better at what you do! Why I am so confident about that?I have been workin in retouching industry for over 5 years, retoching and processing images for world class Photographers. I had closest possible experience with mastering every detail of the images, following color harmonies and it's artistic appeal. Major subjects taught in this course are:Understanding Library Panel and it's LayoutImporting Images - Picking them, flagging, rating and adding keywords to the imagesUnderstanding Develop ModuleBasic Adjustements - Exposure, Contrasts, Lights and ShadowsWorking with Colors - Curves, Hue/Sauration/Luminance, Split TonningColor CalibrationSharpening and Noise ReductionLens Correction and PerspectiveAdjustement Tools - Crop, Spot Removal, Color Filters and Adjustement BrushExporting ImagesSkin Retouching in PhotoshopCreating High Quality Presets and Color ProfilesLandscape Photography Editing LessonsNight Photography Editing LessonsEditing SunsetsEditing Portraits and Bridal ImagesOther Lightroom ModulesLightroom Mobile Editing LessonsLearn how to do edit images like a PRO by following this few major steps in post-production.Adjust Lights and Contrasts - basic but a major step of every editing, you need to make sure your image has perfect lights before you will process to the next step. Luckly even though when you images are under exposed or slightly overexposed you are able to fix it in lightroom!Color Grading - other course never pay enough attention to process of color grading. What I do different, I teach you how to color grade you images in the right way - following the basic rules of color harmonies. Thanks to this your images will always look perfect!Skin Retouching - Yes we also work on portraits, I will show you how to retouch skin in Lightroom as well as in Photoshop which is much better software for skin retouching!Final Touch Ups - All you need to do to make sure you image is ready to export!Presets and Profiles - Amazing thing about this course is the fact I am sharing with you my Color Profiles that will transform your images withing seconds giving them this extra punch!You want to learn but you don't have many images to practice? Don't worry, I will share images with you so the learning process can be easier! This course include editing lessons from start to finish so you can see my full lightroom workflow that I do on the daily basis with my images!Enjoy!Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Lightroom Classic CC - Od Zera do Profesjonalisty" |
"Chcesz by Twoje zdjcia wyrniay si z tumu?Lightroom jest najpopularniejszym programem do edycji zdj uywanym przez miliony fotografw na caym wiecie. Zrozumienie tego programu jest czsto kluczem do ponadprzecitnych zdj. W tym momencie jeste w najlepszym miejscu by zacz, majc profesjonalnego retuszera jako instruktora.W cigu kilku dni bdziesz w stanie zrozumie gwne elementy programu Lightroom i co najwaniejsze bdziesz w stanie zrozumie bardziej artystyczn stron fotografii co pozwoli Tobie edytowa zdjcia w takim sposb by byy naprawd pikne!Nie wane czy jeste amatorem lub ju masz troch dowiadczenia na tym polu. W tym kursie upewni si, e potrafisz zrozumie swoje zdjcia, ich wiato i kolory, co pozwoli Tobie by o wiele lepszym fotografem!Dlaczego jestem tego pewny?W mojej profesjonalnej pracy od ponad 5 lat zajmuj si profesjonalnym retuszem dla wiatowel klasy fotografw. Miaem bliskie dowiadczenie przy pracy nad kadym detalem zdj, ledzc harmonie kolorw i ich artystyczn prezencj.Gwne tematy w tym kursie to:Zrozumienie panelu biblioteki (library)Importowanie zdj - ich wybr, flagowanie, ocenianie oraz dodawanie sw kluczyZrozumienie moduu DevelopPodstawowe ustawnienia - ekspozycja, kontrasty, wiata i cieniePraca z kolorem - krzywe, barwa, nasycenie, jasno koloru oraz dzielona tonacjaKalibrowanie koloruWyostrzanie zdjcia i redukcja szumuKorekta szka i perspektywyNarzdzia - Cropp, Pdzel Korygujcy, Filtry oraz Pdzel DopasowaExportowanie ZdjRetusz Skry w Lightroomie i PhotoshopieTworzenie Presetw i Profili kolorystycznychEdycja krajobrazwEdycja zdj nocnychEdycja zachodw socaEdycja portretwNaucz si jak edytowa zdjcia ledzc gwne kroki post produkcji.Dopasuj wiata i cienie - podstawowy ale niezwykle wany krok przy edycji zdj, zawsze musisz si upewni, e Twoje zdjcie ma idealne wiata zanim przejdziesz do kolejnego kroku. Gradowanie koloru - inne kursy nigdy nie przwywizuj wystarczajco uwagi do procesu gradacji. Co ja robi odmiennie to ucz Ciebie jak edytowa kolor w odpowiedni sposb - kierujc si zasadami harmonii kolorw. Retusz Skry - Praca z portretami! Poka Tobie jak retuszowa skr w Lightroomie jak i Photoshopie ktry jest lepszym programem do retuszu skry!Finaowe kroki - Wszystko co powiniene wiedzie przed exportowaniem!Presety i Profile - Co najlepsze w tym kursie to fakt, e daj Tobie dost do moich profili kolorystycznych ktre pomog Tobie w osignicie fantastycznych rezultatw!Ten kurs zawiera lekcje z pen edycj zdj od pocztku do koca dziki czemu moesz zobaczy moje wszystkie kroki w programie Lightroom ktre robi na codzie z moimi zdjciami!Powodzenia!Marcin"
Price: 609.99

"Lightroom and Camera Raw: Create your own color profiles!" |
"I love to take pictures of cities, landscapes and people. But most important thing for me is how to make images outstanding, and how to do it fast as I don't want to spend hours in front of your computer. =The answer is color profiles. I am constantly creating color profiles for my professional and personal work, to be able to add amazing effect to the image within seconds. And this is what I am going to teach you in this short course.I will show you how to create outstanding color profiles using camera raw to use them in Lightroom software! What is the best part of this course, you will get 8 color profiles that I have created while recording this course. And they're really amazing!Enjoy!"
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop CC: Color, Lights and Contrasts Mastery" |
"Photoshop is most powerful editing software that has ever existed. If used right, it will allows you to have full control of every aspect of your image.I have been working in retouching industry for over 5 years and have experience working for top brands and magazines such as Vogue, Numero, L'officiel and many others. My mission is to teach you imagery post production in the way that is useful. What I mean by that is the fact that I do not only teach you photoshop editing, but I teach you quality post production with the standard of high end work. Learning from me provides you with knowledge that can bring you profits in photography industry.In this course I will teach you everything that you need to be successful in post production. We start with the raw conversion. You will learn how to adjust lights, shadows, exposure and how to polish colours of your images to prepare for work in photoshop. I am not only showing you how to do raw conversion in adobe camera raw, but I will show you the same process in Lightroom as well. Just in case you prefer to use Lightroom over camera raw.Next we will move to photoshop, I will show you how to retouch skin in non-destructive way and after that explain to you all of the adjustment layers that you will use for photo editing so photoshop will not be confusing ever again. I will make you understand channels and teach you how to work with luminosity masks to get the perfect results.On few different examples we will do full color grading work and adjust the contracts so you will have real work experience.At the very end I will show you how I personally like to do my final adjustments and how I export the images before sending them to my customers.Wether photography and post production is your hobby or work. This course will show you how to make your images look professional. If you want to learn how to edit image beautifully, this is the course for you.Dont worry if you dont have many images to practice because I will share some images with you so you can practice at your own pace.Enjoy!Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop CC: Kolor i wiato w Fotografii" |
"Stworzyem ten kurs, poniewa chc Ciebie nauczy post produkcji zdj zachowujac najwysza jako. By by profesjonalista, musisz rozrni dobre techniki pracy od tych zych. Najczstszym pytaniem jakie dostaj od moich studentw jest to w jaki sposb uzyska dobre kolory i dopasowa swiato na zdjciu. Dlatego w tym kursie dziel si z toba moim wasnym sposobem pracy.Pracowaem z topowymi magazynami i markami takimi jak vogue, numero, L'oficiel i wiele innych. Moja edukacyjna misja jest przekazanie wiedzy o post produkcji i retuszu w uyteczny sposb. Co mam przez to na myli to fakt, e nie tylko chc ciebie nauczy edycji w photoshopie ale ucz jak to robi szybko i niedestruktywnie co pozwoli tobie pracowa z wysokiej jakoci klientami. Nauka zaczerpnita ode mnie przyniesie tobie wiedz dziki ktrej bdziesz w stanie odnie sukces w dziedzinie fotogradfi i post produkcji. Zaczniemy od konwersji plikw raw. Nauczysz si jak dopasowa wiato, cienie, expozycje i w jaki sposb dopracowa kolor by przygotowa plik do pracy w photoshopie. Nie tylko pokazuj jak dokona konwersji w programie camera raw, ale rwnie zajmiemy si tym zagadnieniem w programie lightroom, w razie gdy to wanie lightroom jest twoim programem wyboru. Nastpnie przeniesiemy si do photoshopa. Poka ci jak wyretuszowa skr w niedestrutkywny sposb po czym wyjani w jaki sposb dziaaja warstwy dopasowa wic praca z warsatwami ju nigdy nie bdzie wyzwaniem.Poza warstwami dopasowa dokadnie wyjani w jaki sposb dziaaja kanay i jak pracowa z maskami jasnoci. W tym kursie bdziemy pracowali na kilku rnych przykadach dziki temu dostaniesz dowiadczenie prawdziwej pracy.Na sam koniec poka w jaki sposb ja lubi koczy edycj przy zdjciach zanim wyl je do klientw.Nie wane czy fotografia i post produkcja jest twoim hobby czy praca. Ten kurs pokae Ci jak edytowa zdjcia by wygladay profesjonalnie, Jesli chcesz wiedzie jak to robi ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Nie martw si jesli brakuje tobie zdj do praktyki, poniewaz w tym kursie udestpniam zdjcia do praktyki na ktorych pracuj dzieki czemu moesz ledzi wszystko co odbywa si na ekranie Twojego monitora. "
Price: 609.99

"Photoshop Retouching Techniques for Every Problem" |
"My name is Marcin, on the daily basis I work in the industry as image post production artist. I have worked with top brands and photographers which gives me advantage comparing to other photoshop teachers, because in my courses. I teach knowledge based on real life experience. I retouched for top fashion brands and my work appeared in such magazines like vogue, numero, loficiel, nylon and many others.Except the retouching, I have been teaching photoshop since 2012. I started from youtube, where I have been uploading photoshop tips and tutorials. My free videos were watched close to 8 milion times on youtube.To this day I was trusted by over 200 000 students who decided to learn from my premium courses.And now I am coming to with this brand new Retouching Course that will teach you everything about retouching you need to know to deal with major photography problems. I have designed this course thinking of every day photographers and photoshop users that struggle with retouching when some weird problem appears. We have all been there, working on set of the images while suddenly we need to face this one annoying issue, wasting hours before finding a solution. But not anymore, because this course is full of retouching solutions for most common retouching tasks!With my course you will learn important retouching subjects as portrait retouching, beauty retouching, retouching family or wedding images, or even editorials. This course focus on all of the photoshop struggles that photographers face in every day work.If you want to learn how to retouch images fast and in the right way, this is the best course available right now on the market! You will learn how to retouch skin, lips, make up, retouch stretch marks, underarms, clothes, hair and much more!Learning from professional post production artist is the key to developing your own skills and avoiding future mistakes. This course is best choice if you are photographer who do a lot of portraits and need to deliver high quality work to their clients. Also, after this course you will be able to retouch images of others which allows you to make extra money as a retoucher, just as I do!Let me just tell you the list of subjects I am going to teach you in this retouching course:Dont worry if you just start with photoshop because in this course I will start by introducing retouching tools available in photoshop. You will know the differences between them, how they work and when is best to use specyfic tool.I will introduce to you different retouching techniques for speeding up your retouching workflow, including frequency separation. For those who seek more advanced knowledge I will introduce dodge and burn retouching technique.You will learn how to retouch even extreme cases of skin imperfection such as deep acne, scars and discolouration. Whats best about it. You will know how to retouch this in non destructive way.You will learn how to recover or build skin texture from scratch.You will learn different techniques for retouching, dark eye shadows, and other common issue.You will learn how to retouch hot. Retouch hair, including techniques on how to make hair soft and shiny.You will learn how to retouch body hair.In some more detailed work I will show you many techniques on retouching lips, you will know how to clean them up, define lip line, make them smooth and add lip gloss.You will know how to retouch eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, make up and nails!This course will teach you how to deal with stretch marks, underarm folds, or other tricky tasks!You will know how to mask even most difficult cases of messy hair and change background.How to define natural curves of the models.I have prepared for you a lot of tasks so you can practice with provided images and retouching actions!So if you feel this is what you are looking for. Lets start our photoshop adventure. So if learning photoshop retouching for absolutely every task, from expert in the field is your thing. I feel you should jump to the next video."
Price: 199.99

"Acoustic, Analog and Digital Signals Explained" |
"Audio Enthusiast: Make Better Music With Sound Card Mastery! What an analog signal? How does the analog to digital conversion process work? What about digital fundamentals? And what is the digital to analog audio converter? And the quantization? With this course, you will be able to answer all these questions and more! At the end of this course, you will be able to understand: the differences between acoustic, analog and digital signals; what is an analog signal; the sampling process; the quantization process; bit depth and dithering; the quantization noise; the analog to digital conversion; the digital to analog converter; driver and buffer setup. To achieve this goal, the course will start from the very beginning: we will talk about what an acoustic signal is and how it can be properly transformed, recorded and played back in a digital system through the analog to digital audio converter. I will also give you some quizzes to do to confirm what you have learned during the various sections of the course. And, if you want to go into more depth in some particular topics, a couple of external resources are also included in the course lectures. Starting as it does from scratch, this course is intended for everybody. No requirements are needed except your musical passion and curiosity. It aims to introduce all the basic theory to understand the sampling process, the playback or mixdown of digital audio material through your digital audio card. If you are a producer, a DJ or a musician or if you use a so called DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) like Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools, Fruity Loops or a DJ software like Traktor, Serato or Virtual DJ, this course will explain how and why some setting could or should be applied to your audio card or software configuration. However, if you are already an audio engineer, this course is not for you. It is the very first module of all the music and DJing courses I teach so it starts from the very beginning and you dont need to know anything about the topic to start . Basically, it introduces a conscious management of audio signals through digital devices regardless of the brand or software used. Even your smartphone is based on the theory here explained. Generally speaking, its a good thing to know how an audio card works if an audio card is used during the management of digital audio content. Whether you are an audio newbie or an enthusiast or if you want a conscious knowledge of your audio card, this course is for you. Also remember: Udemy's lifetime free access to the course and full 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Enrol Now!"
Price: 19.99

"Piano chords: Learn 100's in a day using my shapes method" |
"Course updated 16/01/20, UK date format ""For years I've been wanting to learn the piano, but always postponed it as it seemed so difficult. Half way through this course I was already trying all kind of things out on my piano, and was in shock that it all worked out."" Gregory, One of our students.What will I discover in this course?All the tricks that make you sound great, easily and simply without having to read a dot of music - No confusing notation neededThe ability to play every chord commonly used as the building blocks for pop songs.That includes you knowing how to play all the different flavours of chordsHow to find the information you need about what chords your favourite pop songs are made up of.How to break down that information so you can work out how to play the songs.How to spice up your playing with tips and tricks that make you sound like a pro - quicklyI'll explain what arpeggios are and how to use them to make you sound really impressiveI'll explain what passing notes are to sound super coolAnd inversions How to use your left hand to make your playing sound more complex and pleasingAccess to a chord dictionary that you can use as a lifetime referenceAccess to tutorials on some classic songs to get you started on your new piano playing journeyJust click the link to get startedShapes and patterns are a fun intuitive way, to get people playing confidently quickly. Most of the worlds music doesn't rely on notation and you don't need to either, this course shows you how to avoid the barriers that so often bog people down when they start learning piano - you need to have fun and have quick successes, playing the songs you love. Why a shorter course rather than the ones that have 40 hours of content?Why trust me? 4 record deals, 10 years teaching, 5 years of those on the internet (over 9000 students in total)Cambridge University post grad in Educationover 180,000 minutes of tutorials viewed on different platformsIt's pretty clear to me what actually works when explaining things to people. However good our intentions, long courses that offer 40 or 80 hours of instruction just gather digital dust, remaining unwatched, however good your intention is to eventually get around to watching. What actually works for most people are short bite sized practical courses, that scaffold knowledge. If you want people to really flourish in their piano playing then you help learners discover for themselves the joy of playing the piano as quickly as possible - learning through playing. The words joy and fun are the most important and motivating when learning!This course is designed to be just long enough to give you exactly the knowledge and confidence beginners need to play what they want to play, yet it is short enough that you can actually complete it (with no filler or rote learning). Just think for a second about actually being able to play the songs you love on the piano after just an hours practical demonstration. How cool would that would be? Thousands of online students have discovered it really is possible, in just one hour, to learn enough to have a lifetime of fun and enjoyment playing the piano. And you can do it using a completely different approach using shapes and patterns rather than notes and theory. ""I'm more of a pick up and play sorta guy! This course has literally taken me from knowing a few chords (and not remembering them!) to opening up a whole new world of musical possibilities"" Adam""Making something that appears extremely complicated into something simple and understandable is an art. This course is the first I have ever done that had me hooked from the first minute and Simon is a superb instructor"" GerryWe must be doing something right, It's tough to please people on the internet :) GuaranteeBest of all we are so confident in the effectiveness of our method that there is a guaranteed 30-day refund if you're not satisfied. Doesn't work then you get your money back no questions asked - I guarantee you'll be too busy playing that song you've always wanted to be able to thoughEnrol now and get playing!"
Price: 169.99

"A Quick Start Guide to Losing 30 Pounds on a Ketogenic Diet" |
"You can make excuses or you can lose weight, but you can't do both! Your journey to a healthier you, is in your reach. ENROLL NOW MELTS FAT FAST - First of all, the ketogenic (keto for short) diet works fast. You stop being a sugar or carb burner and become a lean mean fat burning machine in a very short time. You will lose weight faster on this diet than if you ran 9 miles every day. NO HUNGER - Let me tell you a secret. You will never lose weight and keep it off on any diet that leaves you hungry. Hunger is an irresistible force. Sooner or later, willpower always gives in to hunger. This low carb high fat ketogenic diet brings hunger to dead stop. You will never be hungry! "... I have lost 50 pounds. My friends say I look 15 years younger. I enjoy a peace of mind I have never before experienced. I feel good all the time." SIMPLE AND EASY - This diet is very simple. You don't count calories. BENEFITS OF A KETOGENIC DIET: You will see results quickly. Your clothes will fit better! You might even have to go out and buy a new wardrobe. You are never hungry. Exercise as little as 4 minutes per day. Your triglycerides tend to go down. Increased levels of HDL (the good) Cholesterol. Reduced blood sugar and insulin levels. Blood pressure tends to go down. Your mood stabilizes. You will look and feel amazing. THE COURSE COVERS: What is ketogenic diet and nutritional ketosis. Shopping list of foods to buy. Foods to avoid. Proper macronutrients. Exercises to do and exercises to avoid. Useful tools and technology. Intermittent fasting on the ketogenic diet. Supplements. Frequently asked questions. THE COURSE DOES NOT COVER: Ketogenic diet for cancer patients. Ketogenic diet for epilepsy. Ketogenic diet for diabetes. Ketogenic diet for Alzheimer's. If you are looking for a quick and easy magic bullet to weight loss, please do not take this course. This low carbohydrate, high fat (LCHF) diet is effective, and will only work if you have a burning desire to succeed. By ENROLLING NOW you also get: Free full lifetime access to the course. Free access to all future lectures added to the course. Free access to any updates to the course. Udemy's unconditional 30 day money back garauntee."
Price: 19.99

"Wood Carving for Beginners" |
"Come discover the world of wood carving. This course is intended for anyone who's ever asked the question how do you carve that? How do you get started? I take my students step by step through topics like what knifes to use and what tools are needed. They will Master the four basic wood carving cuts. Then I teach my students how to create my famous Little People carvings. In this video I carve my 2020th Little Person and I just love carving them and you will too. Also we will make a very handy guide on how to carve faces, people love having this guide around. You never know what you do until you try it."
Price: 49.99

"21 Day Crash Course in Emotional Intelligence" |
"Do you wish you had better relationships?Do you struggle to know what to do when conflict arises?Do you find yourself putting your foot in your mouth more than you care to admit?Do you want to be a better leader (or get promoted to a leadership position)?This course will help you with all of those issues and more.Research shows that emotional intelligence is a necessary quality for being your best in your personal and professional relationships. In fact, studies have found that the majority of workplace success in leadership positions is linked to emotional intelligence. In personal relationships, emotional intelligence also contributes to happier and deeper connections.Take this course and transform your relationships at home and at work by increasing your emotional intelligence. This course, which has 3 hours of video, is designed to take 21 days, and is presented in easily digested highly actionable lessons, with daily homework assignments, and a downloadable workbook. By the end of the course, you will have the tools to understand and manage your emotions, influence and motivate others, and experience deeper, more fulfilling relationships."
Price: 49.99

"How to Read Financial Statements: Build Financial Literacy." |
""The number one problem in today's generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy" - Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the U. S. Federal Reserve 1987 to 2006 If you are in business, you need to speak the language. No matter if youre in sales, marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, accounting, or finance, you need to speak the language of business. Perhaps you own a small business or are an entrepreneur starting a business or you need a better job and are thinking about going to business school or you provide legal and consulting services to businesses. Youll be more credible, make better decisions, and enjoy more success if you speak the language of business. The Importance of Financial Statements in Todays World The language of business is encapsulated in financial statements. Financial statements provide a scorecard for how a business is doing. Over a series of years, it provides a map of the businesss performance. Managers judge the success of their business with financial statements. Investors make intelligent investing decisions with financial statements. In addition, people in the business world are being held more accountable for their financial statement practices since Enron and WorldCom. They need to know what goes into financial statements. Learn to Read Financial Statements, Not Prepare Them. Just as you dont need to understand how to make a car in order to drive one, you dont have to understand bookkeeping to read financial statements. I've prepared a course that eliminates the bookkeeping drudgery and concentrates on the end product of accounting, how to read financial statements, not how to prepare them. Like climbing a spiral staircase, I will teach you how to read three real companys financial statements (Whole Foods, Sherwin Williams, and Facebook), starting with the simple and progressing to the complex, interspersing the statements with key accounting terms and concepts to help you build expertise. Sounds good? Here is exactly what we will cover: Read Financial Statements. What is a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows and how each is different Quick Look: Read Financial Statements of Whole Foods. What are the major line items on Whole Foods balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows Where the numbers come from: Accrual Accounting Basics. What are some basic accounting concepts, why we cant measure profits with cash, and why we need a separate statement for income and cash flow Deep Dive: Read Financial Statements of Sherwin Williams. What each line item means on Sherwin Williams balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows Test What you have learned: Facebook Case Study. A 28-question quiz about Facebooks balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows with feedback What the Financial Statements Tell You Through Ratios. How to interpret a companys performance with four ratios: return on equity, profit margin, asset turnover, and financial leverage. How to compute these ratios for Sherwin Williams and dig into their annual report for insight. How to compare financial statements among four different industries (distribution, manufacturing, service, and financial service) The course contains 20 three-to-eight-minute-videos each followed by a multiple-choice quiz. A case is provided for Facebook. The course will take 100 minutes to view the videos and another 45 minutes to take the quizzes and do the Facebook case. Are you ready? Let's do this."
Price: 24.99

"How to Use Leadership Styles Effectively: Matched Leadership" |
"In this course I will walk you through how you can effectively use and match four different leadership styles. Throughout the years I have seen so many leaders waste their time and talent by not matching their leadership style effectively, resulting in high costs, both financially as well as health and relationship wise. Through clearly explained videos and downloadable materials I will walk you through step by step how to identify the different competence levels of your followers and match your leadership effectively. Learn How To Effectively Match Your Leadership Style - Step By Step Recognize the four different competence levels Understand the need for four different leadership styles Free up their time and energy by leading more effectively Increase the motivation of your followers Built on 20 years experience and more than 2000 hours of research When I found my trainees struggling to adapt their leadership effectively I could not find an easy, practical material to teach them this. So based on my background as a teacher, 20 years of working with leaders across the world and extensive research, I created that material. Managers, leaders and human resource workers have since told me how simple it is to understand, how it gives them several ""Aha!""-moments and how they use it as a continuing reference in their work. In this course you will learn to recognize the four different competence levels and how they affect your leadership. You will gain an understanding of the need for the four different leadership styles and how to use them effectively. I will teach you how to free up their time and energy by leading each team member or follower they way they need to be led to achieve their full potential. You will get vital keys to increasing the motivation and efforts of your team members."
Price: 94.99

"Basics of Photoshop: Photo Manipulation for Beginners" |
"About This ClassAdobe Photoshop is one of the most useful tools to learn. It has so many applications, and is used by people in a handful of industries including: photography, marketing, illustration, branding, video, and more.The great thing about photoshop, is that you don't have to be an illustrator or an artist to create compelling and stunning images. When you learn the simple concepts and tools within photoshop, it will allow you to unleash your minds eye. There will be literally nothing you cant create.This very powerful skill will set you apart in your career, your personal life, and in your business. So jump in now, and get started.Required ClassSuppliesAll class tutorials are recorded on a Mac using Photoshop CC. You do not need a Mac or the most recent version of Photoshop to follow along. Most of the tools are consistent across all versions of Photoshop.You can download a free trial of photoshop at the Adobe website under products.Please note: Photoshop Elements is a limited version of Photoshop and is not recommended for this course"
Price: 49.99

"Radiant Thinking: Mind Map Your Way to Success & Empowerment" |
"Mind Mapping isn't a new concept. It is, however, a largely untapped resource that most people either skip over or think themselves incapable of utilizing. This course will help guide you through not only the steps and uses of mind mapping, but also the elements of deeper, insightful thinking. You will learn to utilize mind mapping in order to: Discover solutions for problems Organize your thoughts for study and research Write presentations Plan events And more! With two hours of content, this course gives you both experiences and information, and it does so with enough time to keep you engaged, yet without hours of repeated, unnecessary content. It also includes downloadable mind map templates to help get you started. This course is designed to guide you through discovering radiant thinking, learning the basics of mind map structure, and then 7 ways to use mind maps in real world situations. It also includes countless mind maps I've used for years, so you have real examples to both validate the information you're learning and to inspire you in your mind mapping endeavors! The course will also have regularly updated bonus material, such as case studies (stories of myself and others using mind mapping in real-world situations) and bonus lessons (based on new ways I've discovered uses for mind mapping)."
Price: 19.99

"Massage Course, Myofascial Energetic Release, Deep Bodywork" |
"The Massage of Myofascial Energetic Release Course is a powerful life transforming experience. You will learn the art and science of a Massage, Assited Stretches, Joint Mobilization, Emotional Release and Awareness and much more under the direction and guidance of Nisarga, who has over 10 years of experience as a trainer in massage. Throughout this massage course the aim for you is to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to give great massage to your clients, friends or family members and to create a successful massage practice. Techniques to learn in this massage course: *The art and science of massage *Assisted stretches coming from Ayurvedic Yoga Massage *Structural, functional and emotional body reading through which we evaluate the body-mind of the client. Massage Course is divided into 4 major sections: *OPENING SESSION *MASSAGING BODY PRONE *MASSAGING BODY SUPINE *INTEGRATION OF THE SESSION In the Massage Training you will learn how to release the cause of chronic pain the over contraction of soft tissues, with deep tissue bodywork and through educating the client of the cause of there pain. As we open the bodys deeper soft tissue layers we encounter stuck energy in the form of shortened, hardened tissue. You will be taught skillful, sensitive touch we release these energy blocks."
Price: 19.99

"Teach English abroad without certification or experience!" |
"Please note: the price for this course will increase to $79 on Jan. 21, 2015. Do you dream of seeing the world but have no way to finance it? Would you like to experience the adventure of a lifetime while making enough money to pay off your debt or build your savings? Do you speak the most in-demand language in the worldEnglish? If the answer to these is yes, then a job teaching English as a Foreign Language is the key to getting your dreams off the ground at last! No, you dont need to be a career English teacher or a grammar expert. In fact, the demand for native English speakers is so high that 100,000 EFL teaching positions will open all over the world this yearand there arent enough teachers to fill them! I've taught in South Korea, Bolivia, and Lithuania, all without having TESOL/TEFL certification or a specialized degree in English as a Foreign Language. What I did was find opportunities and seize them...and it'll be even easier for you. This comprehensive 2 1/2-hour course includes a basic toolkit of international teaching job resources, lots of information on specific types of jobs in different countries, a guide to essential EFL terms and concepts, ideas for planning and delivering lessons, lots of sample lessons, handouts, activities and games, and occasional silliness. No quizzes, no homework but be sure to pay careful attention to the videos and slideshows, take notes, bookmark websites, and get ready to take off on your journey into teaching abroad! More than 500 million (some estimates approach 1 billion) non-native English speakers take some form of English class each year, including more than 100 million in China alone. Eighty percent of English teachers abroad in non-native English speaking countries particularly in public schools are not native English speakers themselves because there are simply not enough native English speaking teachers to meet demand. In both China and South Korea, approximately 1,000 new English teachers are hired each month. In China, this number will double in the coming years. In 2011, Turkey announced plans to recruit 40,000 foreign English teachers in the next five years. Because nearly half of all English teachers abroad will leave their position and return to their home country at the end of each year, this means more than 100,000 positions for English teachers abroad become available each year: All of this means that schools and language institutes are constantly facing a need to hire new teachers. Now is your chance whether you're just finishing school, looking for a mid-career change, or want the ultimate retirement experience. I've met people of all ages and backgrounds who heeded the call to an international teaching and travel adventure. The one thing they all had in common was the courage, the creativity, and the caring to be excellent teachers. You can do it too. Go ahead and enroll NOW to make your dream of teaching, traveling, and earning a reality in 2015! You have a 30-day money-back guarantee...what have you got to lose?"
Price: 19.99

"Sex Writing: 50 Shades better" |
"Whether you loved 50 Shades or Grey or hated it, its popularity has sparked a new interest in sex writing. This course provides an overview of 10 must-read classic works of erotic literature to read in addition to/instead of what's popular right now. From the Kama Sutra to some surprising fairy takes (by a surprising author), you'll find out which books best suit your tastes, and why they are important. The course includes a mini-lesson for those who want to write and/or get paid for writing their own sexy storieseither truth or fiction.There will be no torn bodices or heaving bosoms here this is a serious course about serious literature about human sexuality throughout history. But you do get to read the dirty bits. By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to impress your enemies and seduce your friends with some of the sexiest lines in literature. You'll be able to explain the difference between pornography and erotica to anyone, even your mom. And you'll know what current erotic writing markets are looking for, and where to submit your own sexy stories and poems.If you're curious about the course (and I know you are), check out some of the free preview lessons. Then get ready to go all the way, and enroll in the course now!Satisfaction guaranteed."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Guide: Start A Business While You Work" |
"You don't have to quit your job to start a business! Keep your paycheck and benefits while you grow a business and earn extra income. Many courses teach how to start a business, but this is the only business course that shows you the path towards quitting your job. Isn't it time that you stop working hard to make someone else rich? Start directing your hard work towards creating a foundation of wealth and freedom for yourself! In this course, Joe Papa reveals how he started multiple six-figure businesses to earn extra income and quit a high-paying engineer job. Joe explains how he started four businesses and three brands over the past decade while working a full time job, and, for the first time, he shares how to grow your business and develop your entrepreneurial skills while you work. Growing a business while you work is challenging and unique. This course is specifically designed for people that want to start a business or grow their income while working a job. In this course you will: Create a Clear Plan on How You Will Earn Enough Extra Income to Quit Your Job Learn the Most Popular Business Types for Working Entrepreneurs and Get Ideas for Your Own Business Easily Decide Which Business to Start in the Next 30-90 Days Begin Developing Key Entrepreneurial Skills While You Work Identify How Entrepreneurs Think Differently from Employees and How to Adjust Your Mindset Instantly Discover Hidden Ways Your Job Can Help Your Business Grow Utilize a Simple Framework to Grow Profits While You Work Extra Guarantee In addition to the Udemy 30 Day Money back guarantee, I personally guarantee that you get extreme value from this course. Take the complete course during the first 30 Days and if you don't think you got 5X the value from what you paid, just ask for a refund. (Sorry, refunds do not apply to mobile purchases due to technical issues.) Support Although this course is not produced or backed by Udemy, the wonderful Udemy staff is available to assist if you have trouble or need assistance. What this course is not... This course is not a business opportunity, a get-rich-quick scheme, or an offer to invest into any business. We do not believe in get-rich-quick schemes or magic shortcuts, only hard work and persistence.. I am not an accountant, an attorney or an expert on anything, and do not provide professional advice that requires certification or other credentials. This is my story, my perspective, and the techniques I've used to get my own results and help many clients achieve their goals. I don't know you or your personal situation and I can't make any earning claims or even claim that you will be able to do anything. In fact, most people do not achieve results because it takes work... But don't let that stop you. Every day you waste precious energy and time working for someone else. Get Your Business Idea Off The Ground TODAY!. Start putting your plan into action and begin creating your foundation for wealth and freedom. Get Started Now. Click the ""Take This Course"" Button in the upper right to enroll."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Slang And Speak English Like An American" |
"Tu says: Wow! What a fun and helpful course! The course is really straight-forward, fun and easy to understand... so interesting! Thank you again for such a helpful course! Gulnora says: It's really very easy to understand and go into the subject in a simple and fun way. Highly recommended for those who want to improve their language skills.Cici says:I've been looking for this for a long time. The instructor is absolutely great. This course exceeded my expectation on every level. Please do more! Confused by English words and phrases you read or hear that you dont understand? Are you frustrated by slang terms that you dont know? Do idioms have you freaking out? Want to better comprehend American movies, TV shows, and Netflix? Communicate more clearly and confidently on the job - or to get the job? Connect better with friends and be better understood in social situations? Speak informally and comfortably rather than formally and textbook-y? LEARN SLANG AND SPEAK ENGLISH LIKE AN AMERICAN covers conversational and informal expressions used frequently in the U.S. so that you can speak and write more effectively, and better comprehend Americans who you interact with every day. Its a sampling of the many ways Americans communicate with each other in daily life, and how you can fit in, be understood and participate fully in business and social life. This comprehensive course covers many of the most popular informal words and phrases used in the U.S. in person and on the Internet. The lectures are standalone and may be watched in any order. Youll see your instructor as well as each word on screen at all times, allowing you to master the spelling and pronunciation of every item. Phrases are repeated and examples given for each, so youre sure to grasp the concepts. Its like having a personal tutor right there with you! In addition to the video lectures, youll have access to a complete reference list of all vocabulary covered in the course along with synonyms, antonyms when applicable, and examples. This course is perfect for anyone who lives, works or plans to travel in the U.S., or for English students in need of conversational, slang and informal English practice. The class covers a broad range of content applicable to dating, job interviews and networking. No prior training in slang is required. This wildly popular course is unconditionally guaranteed for 30 days because it's truly the best thing you can do to improve your English communication ability right now. Start immediately achieving greater success by enrolling today!"
Price: 19.99

"English Upgrade for Indians and South Asians" |
"Kishorvivian says:Brilliant study, straight approach and simple teaching. No fuss. No waste of time. The course is very useful. Ariful says: Wow...it is very helpfully for me thanks! Tired of Americans telling you that they didn't understand you, or asking you to speak slower? Confused by English words or phrases you've never heard before? Want to get better with U.S. grammar to sound more like an American? This course is perfect for anyone from South Asia who wishes to refine their English and improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing. You'll learn the biggest problem most South Asians have with pronunciation and how to fix it ... one simple technique you can use right now to dramatically improve Americans' ability to understand you ... and find out which popular 'Hinglish' words don't make any sense to Americans! Perhaps most importantly, it covers words you may be using which are actually quite offensive to people in America! Whether you live in the U.S., work for an American company, or interact with Americans in your personal life, this course can massively increase your confidence in communication."
Price: 19.99

"The updated Beginner's Guide for KNX (second version)" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, installation, operation and configuration of KNX and how you will become a KNX Partner. Create building automation with KNX. Build a strong foundation in KNX and building automation with this tutorial for beginners. Recognize KNX components Install a KNX system Operate and configure a KNX system Learn how to become a KNX partner A Powerful Flexible World Standard for Building Automation Learning the fundamentals of KNX puts a powerful and very useful, flexible tool at your fingertips. KNX is easy to learn, has excellent documentation from the product manufacturers and is the Worldwide STANDARD for Home and Building Control. Projects with KNX is like a lego game. KNX gives you the ability to extend and to modify any time your installation. Content and Overview Through this course of 29 lectures and 120 minutes of content, you'll learn all of the KNX fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the building automation with KNX concept. Each chapter sums it up with quizzes, putting your new learned skills into theoretical use immediately. We are going to start with a small glimpse of the history of KNX, and then we will go deep into KNX. We will explain what is KNX, KNX components, installation, operation and configuration. Later on, we will examine KNX application examples, see its benefits and learn how we can save on energy. Finally, we will show you how someone who is interested can become a KNX Partner and the first exercise in ETS5. You will see the procedure of downloading the individual address and application program into devices of the KNX Live Platform.Completing the course, you'll be able to understand how a KNX system works and you will decide whether you wish to become a partner of the amazing world of KNX, taking the exam of KNX certification. "
Price: 129.99

"The Art of Fermentation: Strategies & Best Practices" |
"Learning how to consume pure foods that are rich in probiotics and live enzymes, dense nutrients, etc, will bring the potential for totally restructuring our gut microbiome, where 80% of our immune system resides! Many people who embrace regular consumption of fermented and nutritionally dense foods and beverages achieve optimal health, optimal weight, and overall happiness. Its because cooks who make these become deeply nourished by the vital nutrients made available through fermentation. Students will end the course with a wealth of information that will allow them to feel comfortable, confident, and excited to make their own fermented products at home, which will allow them to save money while increasing the health of their families! The ideal student has a vested interest in improving their health and well being, and enjoys learning new skills that they can share with others. They have been thinking for a while, that they want to make a positive, lasting change in their lives, that aligns with their values of how they want to treat their bodies and the planet...or maybe they just happen to love kraut and want to know how to make it:) Perhaps they are in a great deal of suffering and they are looking for a new path to wellbeing. These courses will offer something for all levels, whether you are beginning fermentor or advanced, students will learn about the value of traditional lacto-fermented foods, how to prepare these foods, how to have fun and get creative with fermentation, proper sanitation techniques, how to pair these foods with meals, how to create amazing condiments with lacto-fermentation, as well as how to assess the proper mixing and length stored. Students will learn how to use their intuition and creativity and let go of their fear of the unknown surrounding the fermentation experience."
Price: 39.99

"Scratch Programming for Raspberry Pi" |
"#1 Scratch Programming courseon Udemy, in terms of reviews (over 60)#1 Scratch Programming courseon udemy, in terms of 5 star reviews (over 40)Bonus content addedregularly. Latest update on 17-Nov-15. We will keep adding new content, so thatour students have something to look forward toAll our students(Makerdemy brand) get VIP pricing ($8) for all our new courses. We have 10courses under our brand and will be releasing a new course every 2 months.____________________________________________________________________ This course is primarily targeted at young learners ( age 8 to 16), who are keen to explore the Scratch visual programming environment. No prior knowledge of computers or programming is required to benefit from this course. The course is structured as a series of entertaining programming projects, through which the students will be introduced to all the building blocks of the Scratch programming language. By the end of the course, the students will be confident enough to create their own Scratch projects and games. This course can be completed in around 3 hours. This includes the time required to complete the project assignments. If your children are new to programming, this course will teach them how to ideate and design projects from scratch by using standard programming concepts. If the student mails the project assignments, he/she will be eligible for a ScratchNinja ""White Belt"" certificate."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to BBC Micro:bit" |
"Hello learners, Welcome to MAKERDEMYs ""Introduction to BBC Micro:bit"" course. If you are looking for that one course that will help you gain confidence to explore the Micro:bit, you have come to the right place.Through an innovative pedagogy of mixing projects and concepts, this course will help you learn the WHY, HOW and WHAT. To this end, this course is beyond a cook book. You will always know WHYyou are doing something. For the more curious learners, we have ample resources to dive in to and continue your learning journey.In just two and half hours, you will learn ALLthe peripherals of the Micro:Bit and will build several projects. Along the way, you will learn quite a bit of science related to the projects that you do. So, this course is structured as SCIENCE + Micro:Bit + PROJECTS + ASSIGNMENTS.With numerous custom made illustrations and animations, we have set the standard in terms of production quality. All so that you can have a terrific learning experience.This course is meant for anyone in the age group of 8 to 100+. This is basically for people who are mentally young and curious.If you are a teacher or a parent trying to introduce the BBC Micro:bit to your student or kid, you will find this course very useful as you will be able to answer all the questions your students or kid will ask. This is because we have tailored this course by giving equal importance to both the projects as well as the concepts.So come join me in this introductory course on the BBC Micro:bit. I am looking forward in being your instructor and hearing about all the wonderful projects you were able to make with the BBC Micro:bit"
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to MicroPython using the Pyboard" |
"This beginner level course has twin objectives - (1) Introduce you to the Pyboard (2) Introduce you to MicroPython. By the end of this course, you would have developed a firm grasp of the hardware capabilities of the Pyboard and learnt to program it using MicroPython. We assume passing familiarity with the Python Programming language on the part of the learner. Other than hardware and embedded enthusiasts, this course is also designed to be a gateway to embedded programming for folks coming from hardcore programming background with zero knowledge of electronic development boards. We think hobbyists and hard core engineers (hardware and software) alike will learn much from this course."
Price: 199.99

"Exploring the ESP32" |
"Hello learners, Welcome to MAKERDEMYs ""Exploring the ESP32"" course. If you are looking for that one course that will help you gain confidence to explore the ESP32 , you have come to the right place.With numerous custom made illustrations and animations, we have set the standard in terms of production quality. All so that you can have a terrific learning experience.This course is meant for anyone who wants to hone their hands-on electronics prototyping and coding skills.If you are an engineer who wants to start prototyping with one of the most popular IOT development boards or an hobbyist looking to enter into the world of the Internet of Things, you will find this course very useful. This is because we have tailored this course by giving equal importance to both the projects as well as the concepts.So come join me in this introductory course on Exploring the ESP32. I am looking forward in being your instructor and hearing about all the wonderful projects you were able to make with the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Alexa the fun way" |
"June 2020 UpdateIncluded a new lecture on the important ASK DEPLOYcommandIncluded document to solve frequent error and queries faced by studentsUpdated Videos 1.5, 2.5, 3.3 & 4.6Hello learners, Welcome to MAKERDEMY's ""Learn Alexa the fun way"" course. If you are looking for that one course that will help you gain the confidence to build and publish Amazon Alexa skills, you have come to the right place.With numerous custom made illustrations and animations, we have set the standard in terms of production quality. All so that you can have a terrific learning experience.This course is meant for anyone who wants to build many fun-filled Alexa skills and publish them for the whole world to use. If you are an engineer who wants to get started with Artificial Intelligence or a hobbyist looking to learn about Alexa or earn money by publishing custom Alexa skills, then I am sure this course will be perfect for you. This is because we have tailored this course by giving equal importance to both the projects as well as the concepts.So come, join me in this introductory course on Learning Alexa the fun way. I am looking forward to being your instructor and hearing about all the incredible skills you were able to make with Alexa."
Price: 99.99

"MicroPython for the BBC Micro:bit" |
"Hello learners, Welcome to MAKERDEMYs ""MicroPython for the BBC Micro:bit"" course. If you are looking for that special course which will help you gain confidence to explore the Micro:bit using MicroPython, you have come to the right place. This is an intermediate level course and prior knowledge of Micro:bit is essential to follow this course.Through an innovative pedagogy of mixing projects and concepts, this course will help you learn the WHY, HOW and WHAT. To this end, this course is beyond a cook book. You will always know WHY you are doing something. For the more curious learners, we have ample resources to dive in to and continue your learning journey.In just three hours, you will be confident enough to write code in MicroPython for any compatible hardware. You will also develop an in-depth understanding of the Micro:bit and learn to interface a variety of sensors and peripherals with the Micro:bit. As a part of this course, we will build from ground up, a Weather Station using the Micro:bit with an LCD panel and a BMP180 Sensor. We will also implement a Remote Home Automation Project using a relay module.If you are a hobbyist, a teacher, a student or an engineer with a basic understanding of electronics and want to learn or teach physical computation with Microbit, this is the course for youSo, what are you waiting for?! Come, join me in this course. I am looking forward to being your instructor and to guide you in tinkering with the BBC Micro:bit using MicroPython."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Node-RED" |
"September 2020 UpdateIn-depth Lecture on changes and updates to Node-RED (Version 1.1+)Updated the Steps on deploying Node-RED on the IBM Cloud Platforma. Node-RED App Configuration b. Automatic Deployment Configuration c. Delivery Pipeline ConfigurationIn-depth Lecture on Migrating from Dark Sky API to OpenWeather API for Node-REDUpdated the flows, to replace Dark Sky API with OpenWeather APIApril 2020 UpdateIncluded General Updates and changes in Node-REDIncluded Documents regarding Updates to the Darksky APIHello learners! Welcome to Makerdemys ""Introduction to Node-RED"" course. If you are looking for that special course that teaches you how to prototype and develop applications on the go, you have come to the right place. This is a beginner level course, still, prior knowledge of basic programming principles and electronic concepts is a must before taking this course.Through an innovative pedagogy of mixing projects and concepts, this course will help you learn the WHY, HOW, and WHAT. To this end, this course is beyond a cookbook. You will always know WHY you are doing something. For the more curious learners, we have ample resources to dive in and continue your learning journey.In just five hours, you will be confident enough to use Node-RED to prototype real-world applications. You will also develop an in-depth understanding of the Node-RED editor and learn to use the different Node-RED nodes present in the library. As a part of this course, you will be exposed to building flows absolutely based on logic which is how Node-RED works!If you are a hobbyist, a student or an engineer with a basic understanding of electronics and programming, this is the course for you.So, what are you waiting for?! Come, join me in this course. I am looking forward to being your instructor and guide you in tinkering with Node-RED."
Price: 194.99

"Podcast Audio Editing Ninja" |
"If you are an audio podcaster who understands the bare bones of audio production but is looking to take your podcast audio quality to the next level, save time, and avoid injury this course is for you. The 11 videos in this series will take you through my prerecording, recording, editing, production, and workflow routine. My course has been designed to save you time, help you avoid injury, and give you all the information necessary so you can create your own high quality audio workflow. This course is NOT dependent on a specific software. I'll teach you the concepts behind achieving consistent, high quality audio."
Price: 24.99
