"How to Systematize, Fix and Grow Your Business Fast" |
"If you are a smart-but-overwhelmed business owner and you are looking to quickly grow your business, consolidate profitability, eliminate wasted effort, put your business on autopilot, so you can make more money and spend less time in the office, then this course might be a good fit for you. =============================================================== After you take this course you'll know how to use and apply effectively the tested and verified strategies and tactics of the only three ways to grow predictably any business or enterprise and you'll gain more profit and income from your own business. ================================================================ With this course you'll own a tested and verified Blueprint and a core Strategy that will allow you to Predictably Grow Your Business. Predictably increase the number of clients in your business. Predictably increase the sales in your business. Predictably increase your profit and income. As a Bonus you'll receive 6 turn key marketing strategies that you can apply immediately in your business to grow the no. of clients, sale more, grow your income and get more profit. Enroll now and let's begin to grow and consolidate your business and your profits"
Price: 194.99

"Curso de pintura de piezas tridimensionales" |
"En este curso aprenders a pintar piezas tridimensionales y esculturas de practicamente cualquier material.Usaremos colores base oleo, que tienen excelente aderencia y elasticidad y son aptos para cualquier superficie, lisa, texturizada, porosa, etc.Exploraremos como pintar un color uniforma as como dar difuminados, degradados de colores y diferentes efectos.Este curso es util y complementario a los cursos de resina con fibra de vidrio.Las tcnicas son sencillas y facilmente aplicables a infinitos objetos, sea que quieras restaurar una vieja pieza, que quieras dar acabados a tu nueva escultura, o que quieras pintar piezas de artesania o bisuteriaIMPORTANTE: este curso se cre a partir del modulo de pintura de piezas del curso de Escultura en Plastilina Epoxica: si ya tienes aquel curso, no compres este!!!"
Price: 39.99

"Maquillaje de caracterizacin y efectos especiales FX cine" |
"Este curso es formado por varios videos que abarcan Caracterizacin y Efectos Especiales (FX o SFX), con enfoque acine, teatro, televisin y medios. Podrs aprender efectos que se usan en las pelculas (SPECIAL MAKE UP)!Se conforma de 18 horas. 186 clases divididas en 35 secciones, a travs de las cuales te formars como maquillador profesional: aprenders transformaciones, maquillaje de fantasia, SFX, efectos de sangre, prosteticos y mas.Es impartido por Francesca Dalla Benetta y Guillermo Perez Rivera, que tienen aos de experiencia en maquillaje para cine y medios.ESTE CURSO ES UNICO, NO ENCONTRARS UNO IGUAL! 35 secciones, 186 clases, 18 horas de explicaciones y demostraciones(importante: este curso NO incluye prosteticos tridimensionales, que impartir en un curso a parte. Lo que encontrarn en este curso son: Falsos prosteticos (tecnica alternativa a los prosteticos) y Prosteticos Planos (prosteticos que no se adaptan a formas complejas como bocas, narices etc)El programa es el siguiente:- Maquillaje correctivo para mujer y hombre- Visagismo + alteracin de rasgos con correccin- Tapado cejas con cera, prosaide, jabn, bondo- Posticera con crep: realizacin de barbas y bigotes falsos - maquillaje teatral + Maquillaje de fantasa con crema y tecnica mixta - Bodypaint con Maquillaje neon base agua- Uso de aplicaciones: lentejuelas, piedras, plumas viniles etc- Transformismo de hombre a mujer- Transformismo de mujer a hombre- Drag queen con aplicaciones- Elaboracin de tatuajes- Tapado de tatuajes- Demacrados, labios secos, palidez- Pecas, manchas de varios tipos- Ronchas, hongos, enfermedades piel- Quemaduras de 1 grado e irritaciones- Efectos especiales (FX) de Contusiones, Moretones y golpes- Recetas y prcticas de elaboracin de Blood.- Cortes, Heridas e Impactos de Bala) con bondo- elaboracin de FX (cortadas y heridas) con Silicn de platino - Recetas y prcticas de elaboracin de Bondo.- Uso de gelatine. Receta FX y Fantasia y prctica de aplicacin- Zombies Con latex y texturas.- Congelamiento- Envejecimiento para cine pictrico- Envejecimiento para teatro- Envejecimiento con age stipple (receta y elaboracin)- Coloracin temporal del cabello para efectos de canas- Elaboracin y aplicacin de calvas de latex - Elaboracin de calvasde glatzan o Cap material (calvas realistas invisibles)- Aplicacin de calva realista con efecto de calvicie- Elaboracin de falsos Prosteticos (tcnica directa sobre la piel)- fabricacin de Prosteticos planos (tcnica Flat Moulds): creacin de heridas y elaboracin de moldes, y piezas en Gelatine y Latex- Aplicacin y maquillaje de un prostetico plano- Tips para desmaquillar y remover pegamentos"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de escultura de la figura femenina" |
"Aprende a realizar una escultura del un cuerpo femenino modelada en plastlina tradicional: el curso los guia paso a paso en la creacin de estructuras, volmenes y superficie de la pieza, hasta los acabados finales.- vers como hacer una estructura en alambre con las correctas proporciones, basndonos en referencias fotogrficas reales para mayor fidelidad.- conocers la estructura del cuerpo, en sus detalles anatmicos- aprenders a realizar volmenes generales del cuerpo y sus detalles mas finosA FINAL DEL CURSO SABRS COMO HACER UNA FIGURA FEMENINA EN LA POSICIN QUE PREFIERASHas alguna ves tenido la inquietud o curiosidad de hacer una escultura? Eres estudiante de artes plsticas y quieres un curso claro que te explique sencillamente tcnicas de modelado? Quieres perfeccionar tu tcnica escultrica y conocer mas de materiales?APRENDE LOS SECRETOS DE HACER ESTRUCTURAS LIGERAS, MODELAR VOLUMENES Y DAR ACABADOS COMO UN ESCULTOR PROFESIONALFrancesca, escultora profesionista italiana, realiza en frente de la cmara una escultura inspirada al david de Miguel Angel, explicando detalle por detalle todo lo que hace y porque, poniendo acento sobre todas las etapas que permiten llevar a cabo un proyecto escultrico, el uso de herramientas y de los diferentes materiales a disposicin. Se empieza por el utilizo de referencias fotogrficas adecuadas, para luego realizar una estructura que rige toda la pieza, para construir los volmenes generales con materiales ligeros y resistentes. Conocers el uso de los estques para escultor, las diferentes plastilnas, vers diferentes maneras de realizar superficies lisas o texturizadas, el uso de solventes y mucho mas. Vers como crear manos, caras y cuerpos con correctas proporciones.Incluye Fotos de referencia descargables!En pocas horas este video te guia desde la realizacin de una estructura facil y ligera, la creacin de volmenes, hasta los acabados finales. Cada mtodo y cada material es explicado de manera clara para que puedas utilizarlo de la mejor manera.No te pierdas los consejos y las tcnicas de una profesionista!Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das! "
Price: 69.99

"Aprende a esculpir la cabeza humana (femenina y masculina)" |
"En este curso aprenders como modelar una cabeza humana: consideraciones sobre las diferencias entre rasgos de un hombre y una mujerhacer una estructura simple y eficazesbozar los volumenes principaleshacer con cuidado todos los rasgos del rostro, diferenciando entre mujer y hombremodelar el cabelloFrancesca te guia paso a paso con ejemplos y demostraciones claras en la maravillosa aventura de la escultura: esta vez, modelar una cabeza. Al final de la clase vas a poder modelar tu solo una cabeza de hombre o de mujer!Francesca, escultora profesionista italiana, realiza en frente de la cmara una escultura, explicando detalle por detalle todo lo que hace y porque, poniendo acento sobre todas las etapas que permiten llevar a cabo un proyecto escultrico, el uso de herramientas y de los diferentes materiales a disposicin. Se empieza por el utilizo de referencias fotogrficas adecuadas, para luego realizar una estructura que rige toda la pieza, para construir los volmenes generales con materiales ligeros y resistentes. Conocers el uso de los herramientas para escultor, el uso de solventes y mucho mas. Recuerda que cuentas con una garanta de 30 das !!Atrvete a ser creativo!!"
Price: 69.99

"Learn to sculpt with epoxy putty" |
"Learn to make all kinds of sculpture and crafts with an economic and versatile product, without molds, without complications, step by step from the structure to the paint finishes !!Epoxy putty is a bicomponent product that, by mixing the two halves, hardens in the air and allows to create infinite types of three-dimensional modeling, even the most complex ones, in small or medium size (although I have used it up to a size of 170 cm !!)It does not require you to know sculpture or molds.It is perfect for small objects, it is a very fine putty and when finished it can be sanded, milled, drilled and finished.It is allowed to work with spatulas and tips of metal, plastic, wood etc.In this course I teach how to create pieces from simple wire structures (so that the sculpture is stable), to the final texture finishes.There is also a section on how to paint the pieces so they look great!The pieces that I teach as demonstrations are:- a rabbit- a bird with fantastic finishes- a little head- a decorations for a bird cage- a pendant or necklace- decorations for pencilsEach demo wants to demonstrate the different possibilities of this magnificent material, so that each student can create their own objects and sculptures !!"
Price: 74.99

"How to sculpt the human head (male and female)" |
"In this course you will learn how to model a human head:Considerations about the differences between traits of a man and a womanMake a simple and effective structureOutline the main volumesCarefully make all facial features, differentiating between women and menModel the hairFrancesca guides you step by step with examples and clear demonstrations in the wonderful adventure of sculpture: this time, modeling a head. At the end of the class you will be able to model your only one man's or woman's head!Francesca, Italian professional sculptor, makes a sculpture in front of the camera, explaining in detail everything she does and why, putting emphasis on all the stages that allow carrying out a sculptural project, the use of tools and different materials available. It begins with the use of appropriate photographic references, to then make a structure that governs the entire piece, to build the general volumes with lightweight and resistant materials. You will know the use of tools for sculptors, the use of solvents and much more.Remember that you have a 30 day guarantee!Dare to be creative!"
Price: 69.99

"Freelance Blogging Blueprint: Attract Clients & Charge More" |
"Go from a complete beginner with no experience, to a highly-paid premium freelance blogger. In this course, Ill take you through every step and help you work your way up to the top of the pyramid. Get paid hundreds of dollars for a single blog post that you can write from anywhere in the world. Learn what freelance blogging is all about and why businesses will pay you to write blog posts for them.Find your niche as a blogger and set up your portfolio website.Learn how to find work as a freelance blogger and work your way up from unpaid to highly paid.Attract the best companies in your nicheLearn how to continuously increase prices to $200, $300, $400, or even more, for a single post. A new career and a rich, location-independent life awaits you. There's a revolution happening in the marketing world, and content marketing, the form of marketing where businesses attract customers with content, is fast becoming the most popular form of marketing. Every day, more companies are starting blogs to produce interesting content that will bring them readers, subscribers, and, ultimately, customers. In fact, businesses spend 30% of their marketing budget on producing blog content. Where does that money go? To the people who create that content - Freelance Bloggers! The best part is, there are more businesses requiring awesome content than there are freelance bloggers. That means the demand is more than the supply, so there's a huge opportunity for you to take advantage of it. Content and overview Looking to boost your income with a side job that you can do from home? Or maybe you want to quit your job and switch to something that gives you more free time and flexibility? Perhaps you want to travel the world and work from beaches. Whatever it is, freelance blogging is the best way to do it. This course will show you, step-by-step, how to go from having no experience to getting paid premium rates as a freelance blogger. This is the exact journey I followed, starting from low rates, $30 to $40 a post, and making my way up over weeks and months, to hundreds of dollars per post. Many freelance bloggers get stuck right at the start, earning only $30 a post. They have to write hundreds of posts each month to make a decent living. And then they complain online about how businesses don't pay enough and that freelance blogging is tough. This in turn scares away other new freelance bloggers. Well, in this course I'll show you how to break out of that. I'll start you off by creating a foundation for you. These basics are important, and something that most bloggers miss. Once you have that covered, we'll move on to some actual writing. I'm not going to teach you grammar, sentence structure or how to write. I will teach you how to construct a good blog post, and get you in the habit of writing posts for business blogs. Then, we get to the fun part. You'll start earning some actual money. I'll show you how I started and, if you want some quick and easy cash, you can also start with earning $30-$40 a post. But it's important not to get stuck there like everyone else. I'll quickly show you how to move up the ladder, entering a medium income level, and earning anywhere between $50 to $200 per post. I'll give you all the tools you need to get your way up to $200 per post, including lists of blogs that pay well, and word-for-word scripts and templates I use to pitch to businesses and offer my services as a blogger. It might take you weeks, even months, to get to the stage where you're earning $200 per post but, when you get there, you'll join the ranks of premium bloggers like me. After that, I'll show you how to go higher. I'll help you find the blogs that are willing to pay $300, $400, and more per post, and I'll teach you how to price yourself to earn more and more. By the end of the course, your journey will only be just beginning. As a premium freelance blogger, there are a number of new career paths open to you. You could keep traveling the world, earning thousands of dollars a month writing from anywhere, or you could join a company as a content marketer, like I did. The choice is yours, and I'll show you what options you have. Now, this course is not meant to be finished in one sitting, or one day, or one week, or even one month. It's long, with 46 lectures and hours of video content, along with worksheets and assignments. But, I guarantee you, you'll be earning money within the first few weeks if you do it right. I'm so confident about that, that I will return the money you paid for this course if you haven't already earned it from freelance blogging within the first 60 days. So, the only question is, are you ready to start a new journey in your life? It doesn't matter how old you are, where you're from, whether you have a degree or what you do professionally. I guarantee that ANYONE can benefit from this course as long as they are willing to put in the time and effort. There is no better time to become a freelance blogger than now. Your road to financial freedom is only a click away, so start now and don't look back!"
Price: 194.99

"Self Defense Made ""Real"" Easy" |
"Self Defense Made REAL Easy by Coach David Alexander The Fastest to Learn and the Most Effective Self Defense System in the World! THE ONLY SELF DEFENSE LESSON YOULL EVER NEED! The best self defense course on the internet. Easy to Learn and Apply the same day if necessary - Gain Massive Confidence Protect Your Family Very easy to learn. I am confident that I could defend myself or my family and it only took a couple of hours to learn Cindy A. David thank goodness I found you for your B.E.T. System. This is the best self defense I have ever seen Michael M. The information in this system is going to blow you away. You will never look at self defense the same way ever again! Liz W. I have never seen anything like this! I have studied martial arts for self defense my entire life and now feel like it was a waste of time. I learned more in this 1 class about real self defense then all my martial arts and military training combined. All I have to say is WOW! Brian S. Hi, my name is Coach David Alexander and I would like to introduce you to my Self Defense Made REAL Easyonline training course, the only self defense course you will ever have to take. In this course youre going to learn my B.E.T. Target Based Self Defense System which is the fastest to learn and most effective self defense system in the world and has been taught to over 60,000 people in 60 countries and counting. Every once in a great while there is a leap forward in thinkinga paradigm shiftthis is my self defense system. With this system you will not need years of study and training to learn to defend yourself or your family from violenceI am going to teach you in just this one course. One of my students said that my system is a short cut to a lifetime of self defense instruction. In this course you will learn: How to defeat an attacker in less than 4 seconds, How to defeat multiple attackers with weapons, How to disarm your attacker if they come at you with a knife, gun or bat, How to practice what youve learned without training partners, ...and much, much more. I will also bust several martial arts myths and expose some Hollywood self defense B.S. By the way, I use adult language and situations, and graphic video clips throughout the course to make sure you understand the severity of dealing with REAL violence. Most people dont have 20 years to learn a martial art in order to defend themselves and their families, I can teach you in just this one course. Youre going to be blown away by what you learn. I was blown away by what I learnedI could not believe that self defense could be so easy. I learned how to protect myself and family in just a couple hours instead of taking years of typical martial arts classes.not to mention how much money I saved in the process. Thanks Coach! Mark D. I can pretty much guarantee that you have never seen a self defense system like mine. There are only a few people in the world that know and can teach this type of self defense and their programs are very, very expensive because you only have to learn it once. My system is for the busy executive, retiree, parent or young adult that wants to learn how to defend themselves and their families from violence right away and would like to be able to learn it and apply it the same day if necessary. My system is NOT a martial art. There aren't any colored belts, uniforms or rituals in this system. There aren't any tournaments or trophies to win. This is just REAL self defense for the REAL world, which is why I named this course Self Defense Made REAL Easy. It doesn't matter if youre young, old or out of shape. My system can help you defend your life or the lives of your family from a violent attack and it can all be learned in just this one courseno other training is necessary. You will not be disappointed. My system does not teach you hard to remember techniques, blocks, kicks or punches, it just teaches you simple gross motor movements, anyone can learn and master in a very short period of time, combined with specific targets that will cause your attacker to react in a certain and predictable way. This is so simple even a child could use it, even though this is definitely not for children to watch. The overwhelming amount of positive reviews I have received from students just like you is a great feeling. When you start this course, I will now consider you one of my students, I love my students and will do anything in my power to prepare you and your family to survive a violent attack. I am so proud of you for taking charge of your life and purchasing this course. I cannot wait to hear what you think. This is Coach David Alexander your online self defense coach."
Price: 34.99

"Customers by Referral Only" |
"How would you like to..* Get all your clients from referrals.* Have your friends eagerly send referrals to you.* Have business acquaintances send clients your way.* Meet people and have them call you the next day. This can all be done through referral marketing. Referral marketing is an easier and faster way to get clients that requires no cold-calling or blind networking. You'll learn proven referral-marketing strategies: A method to connect with 500 new people without lifting a finger. A strategy to get referrals on a large scale from networking. A technique to use at meetings that will have people coming up to YOU. These methods require NO cold-calling. NO cold-networking. NO expensive advertising. NO sales-pitches, and NO contrived 30-second message. Here's what you'll get when you use the marketing strategies in this course: 1. Immediate referral customers from friends and clients.2. More referrals from your networking groups.3. More referrals from people you've just met.4. More loyal customers, which means repeat business.5. Less stress, and no feeling like a pushy salesperson. You'll also get spreadsheets, templates, scripts, and an implementation plan; all designed to get you started right away. This comes with Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee, so there's no risk. In addition, you'll have lifetime access to the course, so when I add new strategies, techniques, and templates, you'll get them free of charge. So sign up for this course right away. You can apply these techniques the moment you've finished taking the course. Every day you wait is another day you'll be missing out on having prospects call YOU. So take this course and get started right away."
Price: 49.99

"Reselling Gift Cards - Work from Home - Lifestyle Business" |
"Special PromoPrice THISMONTHonly!The price will increase by $20 on January 1st 2017!LATEST: Course updated on November 2017 with more lectures. What is your New Years resolution for 2018? If increasing your income while decreasing your work time is one of them, then look no further this course is your ticket! You can start learning the proven methods I have used for over 5 years to earn over $10,000 a month, thats over $100,000 a year. The infamous 6 figures everyone chases! In 2014 I earned $205,000 in profit! Please see preview for proof of income. Im just a normal guy if I can do it you can too. The Gift Card industry is booming! In 2016over $100 billion was spent in gift cards in the US alone. By the end of 2016that number will be approximately $120 billion, and is increasing year after year! Somewhere in the ball park of 10% of those cards go unusedThats $10 plus billion dollars! So what does this have to do with you? Everything, less than 5% of the population knows you can sell those cards for cash and that spells huge opportunity for you getting positioned early because that number is growing quickly. Heres how it workshave you ever received a gift card you didnt want, and it stayed in your wallet, purse, or drawer forever collecting dust because you didn't know you could sell it for cash? Of course you have, and millions of others have too. Ill be frank this course is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This course outlines a simple proven way to earn a part time, or even significant full time income. What would an extra $2,000 a month do for you & your family? How about $16,000? Would that be life changing? Keep reading! You might be saying yea right thats great for you, but could it really happen for me? I have already helped other people just like you do the same! This business requires very little time which gives you something more precious than moneyTIME FREEDOM! Think about what you could do if you had that? You could spend more time with your family, travel, or finally pursue that passion you have always wanted to. NO hype. NO BS. NO gimmicks. You may have heard this before, however this time is different. This is a transparent gloves off A-Z 1 2 3 blueprint. This is the first time ever in The Gift Card industry that anyone that has achieved this level of success buying & selling gift cards has been willing to to teach it. Still dont believe it? Try a search on Udemy or even Google for a gift card selling course, you wont find it. It doesn't even exist until now! Be one of the first students to enroll and learn all of my closely guarded secrets! Am I going to guarantee your overnight success? Absolutely not, that would be unrealistic, were all mature enough to know that there are no guarantees in life. Anyone promising that is lying. This is a real business that requires real work that can take months to even a year to produce the income youre looking for. Here is what I can promise you If youre coach-able with a good attitude, a willingness to work, and you follow my system you will earn income. Even after your first 30 days the profits can be big! How much capital will you need to invest to start? That depends on how fast you want to go? When I started I was broke and only had $50, this was only an experiment to save money on shopping at first before I quickly realized the potential as a business. That $50 turned into $500 my first month, that $500 into $5,000 after a few more months. This is called the snow ball effect, which I will be teaching you how to do. What you will learn: 1. Where to buy gift cards 2. The best sources to sell your gift cards for the highest profit margin 3. The art of negotiation 4. How to set up all the legal stuff, documents needed, accounting spreadsheets etc.. already done for you 5. How to advertise your business for FREE! No website required 6. Why I have succeeded from the beginning 7. Fraud Education, how to minimize losses 8. The secret of referral marketing 9. An effective trick utilizing business cards to retain customers & increase transactions 10. What are bulk sellers and where to find them 11. How to never pay full retail ever again! Top secret way to saving 5-70% off almost anything from any store this alone will pay for this course many times over, think about that! 12. How to become a financial stud not a financial dud and much more! What you will need: 1. A mobile phone 2. A computer or tablet (not required, but will make things much easier) 3. Any transportation from a car to a skateboard 4. Open minded 5. 5-10 hours per week What you will get: 1. On going support from our team through the Udemy platform including chat discussions and private messages. One caveat: we're human not robots so response times may vary especially if were in different times zones. 2. Every single document I've ever created including my personal spreadsheet templates used to track your business profits and for taxes. I applaud you for reading this far. This course will be unlike anything you have ever seen, and is a simple business model just about anyone can run. Whats my motivation for teaching it? I have always been passionate about helping others, and in the past 2 years I have had my first real taste of it. I personally mentored 5 of my close friends (students) with this system to see if it was truly duplicatable, and it is! Two out of the five are making over $100,000 a year. One of them did it in their 1st year making $114,000 in profit! **Update** That student will be joining forces with me, and will be a co-instructor so you will learn from the 2 very best! The other 3 are making between $1,500-6,000 every month on a very spare time basis. It brings me much joy to hear their success stories and their expressed gratitude warms my heart. Reminder: Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! Lets create your success story together! Click on the take this course link at the top right of this page right NOW! Dont let another minute go by not living your dreams. Enroll right away to be one of the first students ever, and stake your claim in this wide open market! David Vu - Primary Instructor & Jacob Mefford - Most Successful Student/Co Instructor"
Price: 94.99

"Learn OAuth 2.0 - Get started as an API Security Expert" |
"Recent Updates2020-06-23 Added new lecture on ""Using OAuth to access LinkedIn API"" and updated the LinkedIn Worksheet2020-05-27 Answered 3 questions of my students in the Q&A2020-05-13 Added new lecture: ""Practical OAuth on Facebook""2020-05-13 Answered 2 questions of my students in the Q&A2020-05-08 Answered 7 questions of my students in the Q&A2020-04-27 More than 8500 satisfied students2020-04-27 Answered 4 questions of my students in the Q&A2020-04-04 More than 7920 satisfied students2020-04-04 Answered 2 questions of my students in the Q&A2020-01-17 More than 7300 satisfied students2020-01-17 Answered 2 questions of my students in the Q&A2019-12-23 Added new lecture: ""Career Tip: Show what you have learned! Publish your Certificate!""2019-12-23 More than 7171 satisfied students2019-11-06 More than 6800 satisfied students2019-10-17 More than 6700 satisfied students2019-09-01 Answered 2 questions of my students in the Q&A2019-09-01 More than 6500 satisfied students2019-08-14 More than 6400 satisfied students2019-07-22 Answered 4 questions of my students in the Q&AThis course is for you......if you want to improve your market value as a Software Engineer and Security Expert. Imagine what could happen to your professional career if you could add API Security and OAuth skills to your CV! API Security experts and engineers who understand OAuth are in HIGH DEMAND, as companies expand their digital business. Plenty of opportunities are waiting for anyone who has the right skills.Do you want to write best-selling iPhone and Android apps?The most popular mobile apps integrate with popular social APIs of Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Paypal and many more. If this is a well-known fact, why do app developers not just do it? Many app developers are afraid of complicated OAuth integrations. Security is in fact the biggest hurdle for most mobile app developers. With the knowledge gained in this course, you can use the secret of the best app developers out there and finally integrate your app with social APIs.Do you want to start out on your own, as an entrepreneur, consultant or freelancer? Knowing API Security and OAuth allows you to realize the big vision of your company in the field of mobile apps, cloud apps and web APIs, such as Google, Paypal, and LinkedIn.Do you want to build exciting solutions with next-generation technology? Whether you are a web developer, mobile developer, or API developer, an architect or embedded developer for the Internet of Things, today you need to know OAuth to build state-of-the-art solutions.What does this course offer?This course offers an introduction to API Security with OAuth 2.0. In 3 hours you will gain an overview of the capabilities of OAuth. You will learn the core concepts of OAuth. You will get to know all 4 OAuth flows that are used in cloud solutions and mobile apps.If you have tried to read the official OAuth specification, you may get the impression that OAuth is complex. This course explains OAuth in simple terms. The four OAuth flows are visualized graphically using sequence diagrams. The diagrams are then animated so you get to know the interactions step by step and see the big picture of the various OAuth interactions. This high-level overview is complemented with a rich set of example requests and responses and an explanation of the technical details.Who should take this course?Do you believe OAuth is complicated? OAuth may seem complex with flows and redirects going back and forth. This course will give you clarity by introducing the seemingly complicated material by many illustrations. These illustrations clearly show all the involved interaction parties and the messages they exchange.Do you want to learn the OAuth concepts efficiently? This course uses many animated diagrams and sequence diagrams. A good diagram says more than 1000 words.Do you want to use OAuth in your mobile app? If you want to access resources that are protected by OAuth, you need to get a token first, before you can access the resource. For this, you need to understand the OAuth flows and the dependencies between the steps of the flows.Do you want to use OAuth to protect your APIs? OAuth is perfectly suited to protect your APIs. You can learn which OAuth endpoints need to be provided and which checks need to be made within the protected APIs."
Price: 149.99

"Essentials of Advanced Radio Frequency IC Design" |
"In this course you will see the insights of the RF World! Let's briefly summarize what all you will learn in this course. We will start off with the Introduction to Radio Frequency and Integrated Circuits at wireless( RF) frequencies. We will also discuss the applications of RFICs at a system level. You will initially learn about various RF parameters like S- parameters, VSWR, Reflection Coefficient, etc. and also understand the analysis of RF circuits and transmission lines using Smith Charts and Equations. Alongside, we will also teach you about some fundamentals like impedance matching and power measurement in decibels. We will then glance through the captivating Integrated Circuit Fabrication process and the various steps, materials, and techniques involved in IC Fabrication. You will also learn about Foundries and PDKs and why they are important. We will briefly look at the concept of VLSI Technology and how VLSI is associated with RFIC designing. Later, we will see the basics of CMOS and how CMOS is used in RF Design. Finally, you will learn about some interesting circuit designs like the RF Power Amplifier (PA) and the various RF power amplifier architectures and topologies. This course will enhance your knowledge about Radio Frequency Design which is applied in most of the jobs available in top Wireless and Telecommunication based companies designing wireless products. We hope you enjoy this course!!!"
Price: 199.99

"The Ten Happiness Principles" |
"This course gives a presentation on the top 10 Principles which can lead you to a conscious, consistent and enduring sense of peace and joy as you go about your everyday life.This is NOT a religious course pushing my doctrinal positions, but a very practical course involving 11 very short lectures followed by some practical activities to test out for yourself.The Principles are Biblically-based, in that they can all find support in the Bible, but this course is all about what you do day to day, NOT what you may or may not believe about God, the World, Salvation, etc. But it also has very solid support from Neurological Research - I strongly recommend the work of Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz (see for example his great book 'The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force'). Give it a try - you have nothing to lose and possibly much to gain! After a presentation on each principle some simple tasks are suggested to help exercise the principle and with repeated practice over a short period of time these tasks can become part of your daily routine. Each Principle is presented in 5-10 minute segments with the whole course taking around 1 hour. While you may want to go through the whole course in one sitting, it is recommended that you address each Principle one at a time and spend a week working on the related tasks. With this recommended approach the course will take some 10 Weeks to complete. By working through this course and doing the follow-up exercises you can expect to see your general sense of well-being and happiness improve in some tangible way. If not then get a refund! By appreciating the underlying concepts and learning the pro-active tasks that create new neural pathways to solidify the skills/thinking involved you will be able to make permanent and positive changes to your world."
Price: 24.99

"Thai Language Words, Phrases & Pronunciation Easy Course" |
"Learn dozens of Thai words, presented on-screen in English and in Thai, and spoken by a native Thai speaker. The 44 letters of the Thai alphabet are also covered - new! - added in 2015. There is also a video about the history and culture of the Thai language. The course lessons can be taken in any order, and you can come back and review them to continue to improve your language skills. The course will take you under an hour to complete, although you are encouraged to review the material until it is familiar. If you are looking for a course which helps you start, or continue, to improve you Thai knowledge, this course is for you. The course has common, useful words which are spoken by a native Thai speaker. Here is a summary of the lessons: A - Adjectives B - Basic and Useful Phrases C - Common Short Questions D Direction E Easy, Useful Verbs F Fun Sentences G - Greeting H - How to Ask a Question, or Make a Negative Phrase I, You, Yes, No L Locations M - Movement Alphabet, History & Information about the Thai language The course is complete, and other materials and bonus items are being prepared to further enhance the course for students who sign up and enroll now!"
Price: 29.99

"Marketing Fundamentals" |
"Update:Thank you for making us one of the most highly-rated Marketing courses on Udemy. Marketing can be the spark of life for organizations. Many people however misunderstand the fundamentals of marketing. This course seeks to provide clarity about what Marketing is and how it works and how you can use it from a practical point of view.""Business has only two functions Marketing and Innovation. ~ Milan KunderaYou don't need to be a marketer to benefit from this course. Being marketing-driven means looking at everything a company does from a customer point of view. Many believe that organizations should be marketing-centric - in other words, start with marketing before anything else to understand if there is an actual need for the product or service and if so how much. What you'll learnIn this course, you will learn the core elements of marketing from a CEO / CMO perspective. You will learn: What marketing is and what it means to be a marketer.Branding and how to create a brand architectureBrand promise, brand positioning and brand personalityPoints of difference, points of parity and rational and emotional benefitsExample of great brands and brandingStyle guides, why they matter, and how to create oneHow do conduct market researchHow to create a buyer personaHow to create campaigns towards your buying personasUnderstanding the customer journeyMarketing is too important to be left to the marketing department. ~ David PackardOnce you complete this course, you should understand the basics of marketing, and how to think, sound and act like a marketer. If Marketing is your desired field, you should be more employable and valuable as a marketer. Additionally you will receive exclusive downloadable marketing templates, tips, guides and tips related to the course material that you can use throughout your career. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. ~ Peter F. DruckerFrom our reviews:""I wish I had known this material 7 years ago"" ""It's amazing how much they pack in""""Short punchy lectures and easy to follow format"""
Price: 19.99

"Sales Fundamentals" |
"Job titles dont matter. Everyone is in sales. Its the only way we stay in business. Harvey Mackay No sales, no business. It's the most fundamental fact of commerce. However, Sales is often one of the most misunderstood and mismanaged aspect of business, despite its obvious and enormous importance. Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust. Zig Ziglar In this course you will learn basic sales strategies and tactics as well as how sales organizations work. You will learn techniques honed and mastered by companies such as Salesforce, Marketo, Hubspot and modern brands used by Coca Cola, Procter and Gamble and more. You will learn how a modern sales structure works and the different roles that make it function. Excellence is not a skill. Its an attitude. Ralph Marston The lectures included in this course are: Selling Defined Customer Profiles Sales Funnels Nimble Prospecting Lead Qualification Sales Pitches Great Sales Emails Outbound Prospecting By the end of this course, you will know how to identify and target your customer, how to write and deliver compelling pitches, how to qualify and how to structure sales funnels. In short - how the basics of sales works! Try not to become a person of success, but try to become a person of value. Albert Einstein This is a course many startup CEOs will wish they had taken before they started a sales organization - or anyone who wants to be valuable to an organization."
Price: 19.99

"Stock Trading Essentials for Day Traders" |
"There are lots of courses in the market that talks about stock trading in general. Here is one that talks about Day Trading and generating income as a Day Trader. This is a 2 part course, this is the 1st part of the series. I will walk you through the first steps on what to expect as a day trader. All the terms you need to know as a day trader is explained. Not only do I explain the day trading concepts, terms but also talk about trading plan, money management and how to select stocks for your daily trades. This is the fundamental course that will explain everything that one needs to know to start day trading. Concepts include: Identify GAP stocks Learn key concepts and trading terms Learn Money Management skills Learn about Risks and Rewards Candlestick patterns Course Contains: 1 - Introduction - We talk about what to expect and topics that we will cover. 2 - Hardware and Software - Do not let the trading platform, hardware or broker services come in between your trading, essential things that you need to start with. 3 - Concepts Of Trading - Here we cover basic things about day trading and some of the misconceptions you need to know. 4 - Common Trading Terms - Terms that I will be using in my strategy is all we focus upon. 5 - Basic Candle Stick Patterns - Only essential candle stick patterns that one needs to be aware of. Do not be hung on the terms, only focus on the pattern and what it means. 6 - Introduction to GAPS - Covers everything that you need to know about GAPS and how to identify the GAP list that I put on the blog daily before the market opens. 7 - Trading Plan - Brief concepts why it is important to have a trading plan and what should be part of your plan. 8 - Trading Terminology - Very specific to terms that I use on my trading and things that one needs to know to learn my strategy. 9 - Strategies - This is covered in the next advanced lesson. Check out 10 - Trading Rules - This is covered in the next advanced lesson. Check out Day Trading in Stocks: Strategies for Beginner Investors 11 - Advanced Concepts - This is covered in the next advanced lesson. Check out Stock Trading Essentials for Advanced Day Traders. 12 - Wrap Up - From the start of the trading day to end of the trading day, things that I do."
Price: 99.99

"Day Trading in Stocks: Strategies for Beginner Investors" |
"There are lots of courses in the market that talks about stock trading in general. Here is one that talks about Day Trading and generating income as a Day Trader. This is the 2st part of the series. I will walk you through the day trading strategies that include the concepts of: How I prepare my gap list every day Selecting stocks to trade Managing position size and Risks My Strategy includes: 5 min Play Power Bar Continuation Power Bar with Pull Back Mid Bar Continuation Weak Bar Reversal Fade Play Bounce on Support Play Bounce on 200 Day Moving Average Entry and Exit Rules Advanced concepts like: When Not to Trade Hard Stop vs. Soft Stop Course Outline: 1 - Introduction - We talk about what to expect and topics that we will cover. 9 - Strategies - Lot of time is spent on the strategies explaining each one of them with details on entry, stops, adding to position, targets and exits with plenty of examples on buy and sell side. This is the main focus of this course. 12 - Wrap Up - From the start of the trading day to end of the trading day, things that I do. All the other topics are covered in the Part 1 series"
Price: 79.99

"Yoga Nidra for Complete Relaxation" |
"Learn to relax your mind and body in this Yoga Nidra course. This is not the physical practice that most of us associate with the term ""yoga"" so don't worry if you feel you can't do a regular yoga class. This is not that type of yoga class. This is effortless relaxation. This course is for ALL LEVELS including those who have never tried any form of yoga before or are reluctant to go into a yoga studio. Here, you will learn to relax and we can all use a bit of that. If you have never tried Yoga Nidra, you have no idea what you have been missing. Yoga Nidra has been used to treat anxiety, stress, insomnia, chronic pain and PTSD among many other ailments. It is currently being used by the military to treat veterans. Here you will be guided into a deep, systematic relaxation of the entire body. The practice of Yoga Nidra is accessible to all. I've also added two Bonus Videos at the end that you can do whenever you don't have a lot of time. One is a restorative yoga pose that most people should be able to do. This course is yours for life and you can come back to the practice whenever you need it. If you are a yoga teacher, learn the practice for yourself and go out and share it with your students. You can also get CE credit with Yoga Alliance. Earn extra money by running Yoga Nidra workshops!"
Price: 24.99

"iOS 8 und Swift - Der Einstieg in groartige App-Entwicklung" |
"Es gibt keinen besseren Zeitpunkt, um mit dem Programmieren anzufangen, als jetzt! Apple hat die neue Programmiersprache Swift im Sommer 2014 vorgestellt und bringt damit allen Neulingen einen entscheidenden Vorteil: Niemand hat Erfahrung mit dieser Sprache und man kann selbst als Neuling schnell zum Profi werden. Dieser Kurs soll eine solide Grundlage bilden, um in die Welt der iOS-Programmierung einzusteigen. Der Einstieg in ein neues Thema ist sehr schwer und die Programmierung fr das Betriebssystem iOS macht da keine Ausnahme. Dieser Kurs soll den Einstieg vereinfachen und soll das darstellen, was ich mir persnlich als Einstieg gewnscht htte. Die Videos sind eine Reihe von praktischen Darstellungen der unterschiedlichsten Frameworks und Vorgehensweisen. Am Ende des Kurses ist man definitiv noch kein Profi, aber man hat einen soliden Kenntnisstand, mit dem man sich super in Blogs, fortgeschrittenen Bchern/Kursen weiterbilden kann. Der Kurs besteht momentan aus 46 Lektionen und ber 8 Stunden Videomaterial. Auerdem wird er von mir stndig erweitert werden und damit bleibt er auch immer auf dem aktuellen Stand."
Price: 29.99

"Build An Online Business in 5 Easy Steps" |
"Discover How To Create An Online Passive Income Business That Generates Income In As Little As 7 Days!Are you struggling to make money online?Have you tried different methods of making passive income to supplement your current job but none have really worked?Did you know that creating non-fiction books and selling them online is one of the easiest ways to generate passive income?This course will teach you how to generate at least $30,000 per year of passive income using a proven passive income formula that works time after time!Easily Create Books For Hungry Markets & Earn Royalties For Every Time Someone Buys Your Book! (That's REAL Passive Income!)Picture this:You identify a hungry market ready and willing to buy information to solve a problem they haveYou get your book written by a ghost-writer (you simply compile the book using my downloadable book template)You get a professional designer to create a killer book cover for only $5You publish your book on Amazon and start seeing sales roll in the next dayYou do the previous 4 steps over and over again and start increasing your passive income exponentially!I had been struggling to make passive income online until I came across a system for creating books and selling them online. Since then I have refined the system to be able to create books in under 3 hours of your time.Contents and OverviewThis course contains 37 lectures which are straight to the point and easy to follow and understand. It is designed for anyone who wants to start creating a passive income business online.By the end of the course you will know how to immediately start making money online by creating and publishing books online for hungry markets.If you are wanting to create an online business or supplement your current income with passive income, then this course is for you!I hope to see you on this inside!"
Price: 29.99

"IELTS Writing: Achieve A Target 8 Score!" |
"Jennifer Ann [Student Review] - ""This course helped me to understand the right format, essence and structure of task 1 and task 2. I just followed the tips and with constant practice, I have scored my target mark in IELTS! Mr. Tim is willing to check and mark the sample essays of the students which are added bonus.Bong Yew Tzuu [Student Review] - ""I found your course really useful. Most importantly, it is easy to understand.""Discover The Secrets To Writing High Scoring Answers For Less Than Half The Cost Of Most IELTS Preparation Books!Did you know most people fail the IELTS exam because of the writing section?To get a high score in the IELTS writing section you must learn how to formulate answers in the correct way using the correct structure. This course will teach you step-by-step how to write answers that will give you an 8 level score on the IELTS exam (Academic test mode). Master The IELTS Writing Section By Learning Strategies You Can Use To Immediately Increase Your Writing Score!Get high scoring sample answers for Task 1 and Task 2Discover how to write answers that align with the IELTS scoring criteriaGet sample questions to practice for Task 1 and Task 2Understand exactly how high scoring students write their answersDiscover how high scoring paragraphs are structuredFind out exactly how to write full high scoring answers for Task 1 and Task 2Gain worldwide recognition for your English language skills with an 8 level score in the IELTS writing section!Achieving a high score on the IELTS opens up many doors for you. The IELTS can give you the necessary language level for your immigration visa, employment options or studying at any tertiary institution you desire. Mastering the IELTS is actually not as difficult as it may seem, you just need to learn how to do it. I have written this IELTS writing course to provide a step-by-step system you can follow to immediately increase your writing score. All of the course content has been taken from my years of experience teaching IELTS and researching exactly what students must do to achieve a high score. I have also written several best-selling IELTS preparation books which you can find on almost any market-place. I know exactly what works and what doesn't work when it comes to IELTS writing. This course is perfect if you want to learn how to pass the writing section in easy to understand steps. Contents and OverviewThis course contains 29 lectures which are straight to the point and easy to follow and understand. It is designed for anyone who wants to increase their IELTS writing score for visa, employment, or study purposes. Covering both Task 1 and Task 2 of the exam, you will begin by understanding the different question types and the structures to use for each type. You will then learn how to formulate each paragraph for each answer step-by-step by following exactly how I do it in the lectures. By the end of the course you will know how to: Identify the different question typesUse the correct structure for each typeWrite a powerful introduction (both Task 1 and 2)Develop strong supporting paragraphs (Task 2) and middle paragraphs (Task 1)Finish your answers with a clear and concise conclusion (both Task 1 and 2)Write answers which align with the scoring criteria and that the evaluators love"
Price: 44.99

"Udemy Market Research for Udemy Instructors - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.======================================================================Udemy course updated on the 10 of August!======================================================================Udemy market research for Udemy instructors! ======================================================================You are here on this page for just two main reasons: You have a Udemy course in mind and want to validate if it will sell on Udemy!You want to create a course on Udemy and need to get ideas or help to search a topic and validate its potential.======================================================================Bonus: Udemology Insiders Newsletter======================================================================In my quest to giving more to my students. I decided to give more quality newsletter. You will receive a weekly (max 4 a month) high quality newsletters that help you to become even better with Udemy.You receive insights that are different and uncommon. Not only that! They will be useful to understand Udemy from a completely different perspective! These Insiders newsletters are specially designed for the course members. They are insights and not available anywhere!======================================================================What you will learn in this course?====================================================================== You will learn how to find the perfect topic for your Udemy course to sells. Do you want to have a successful selling course on Udemy? Do you have a topic in mind that you think might sell but aren`t sure about it? Do you fear that your topic won`t sell good at all? Are you scared that your course might be a failure? Do you want to know even before you launch (with fasts!) if your course if your topic will be a success?Do you know your market? Where are the numbers? In this course you will learn about Udemy! When I was planning to create a course on Udemy my biggest challenge was where is the data? How can I research and find right topic that will sell! I learned quickly that Udemy does not provide any data at all. This is very challenging for any one who wants to make their journey on Udemy a profitable one! No one is telling you want you need to know. They all tell you what could sell. After doing some research I discovered that what Udemy claims to be true is not always true. Because of this Iearned that you also need to get your own data! You might think right now is this your only option? Yes, you could invest hours learning how to do this by searching it on Google, buying books and programme courses and studying hours and to test good information from bad information. It is very hard to find any good information about it on Google, there are no courses on Udemy showing you this. But while you waste many weeks of researching you are leaving money on the table. All that time could be invested in making great courses that sells. This course is only $197 and a few hours of your time instead of weeks. And once you use this and create your course it will pay you back instantly! The secret formula for Udemy success = Perfect product for a large audience promoted at the right place Udemy is a master in promoting products at the right place. However, Udemy cannot do your push for you! You have to pull your own weight. And in this case it is make sure that the course you make is what your students want. Udemy is doing their job, and you have to do yours! Warning: This course is not for you if only watch a video and do not apply the knowledge in your life. No one can do your push for you! You have to do it by yourself, and it is very easy to follow! ================================================================== Let me remind you that this is a 100% no risk deal! You will get a 30 day no questions asked guarantee. ================================================================== Do you want to have results right away? Finding the perfect topic for your course? Well, what are you waiting for? Every second you wait you will give your competitor more students. Go and click immediately on ""Take This Course"" now and get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Sparklines Chart JS" |
"Always wanted to create Sparklines with Chart JS?With ChartJS you can easily create sparklines, but sadly it is not really clear how to do it. In this course we will dive deep in the Chart JS to learn how to do this. We will take our time and explain all kind of codes so you have an understanding. One of the most important thing that people should know about Chart JS is that it has so many options. ChartJSis extremely flexible that you can create for more than only the basic 8 charts they indicate in the documentation. The focus with this course will be showing sparklines and sparkbars. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are sparklines and sparkbars?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever use MS Excel and saw those tiny line charts or bar charts in a single cell. Yes this hard to read charts. Those tiny charts are sparklines. They main function of sparklines and sparkbars is to give you a quick overview in a dashboard and to see the highlights. Their goal is not to give all the details because you can click on a dashboard to the specific item to view the full details. Learning sparklines and sparkbars helps you to become even better prepared to create dashboards. Dashboards are items that eventually you as a Chart JSfanatic should be able to do. It is what you can define as the final destination of COMPLETEMASTERY of ChartJS. Here you will take one of the smaller steps to this grand destination. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are sparklines and sparkbars completely different from other charts?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No you will notice very quickly that the foundation is similar to a line chart or bar chart. However, we will be using many tweaks and many different settings so if you are new this is a great place to start to create something really fun and exciting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What version Chart JS are we using in this course? This course is made in Chart JS2.7.3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We are using the latest version currently available which is Chart JS2.7.3. However it will also work on all new version that are in the pipeline. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why did you make this course?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many people who are very interested in Chart JStruly struggle to learn about it because the documentation is very tough to read. You could say it is extremely ""dry"". Chart JS is such a wonderful JavaScript library and everyone who always wanted to learn it, should receive all the help possible. Like every other JavaScript library, Chart JSis community driven and every community needs a constant support from every possible angle. The more the better so it keeps the community alive. This also means that Chart JSwill be constantly developed as long as user are there to use this. So the entire goal with this course is to help the community grow and keep it alive. Next, there is also so much to explore in Chart JS. Have you ever read the documentation? It is what you can define as a marvelous treasure map. There is so much possible and probably you haven't seen many of the wonderful treasures yet. So, it is time treasure hunting in those wonderful documentations. Explore it, you will love it. One of these treasures chests is the sparklines and sparkbars! Great job you found! It is time to master it!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why should I take your course?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course goes in a far amount of details and all kind of stories that are shared along. The entire goal and mission of this course is first of all to grow the entire community as you become a part of this wonderful community of Chart JS. Secondly, have you saw and used Chart JS from a very early stage?If you have seen it, you will notice quite along of differences. Any one who have teach a topic and have seen it grown up notice some interesting facts. Chart JS version 1 is entirely different, and way harder to use that ChartJS 2. And it always is amazing to see the changes. And finally the power of Chart JSis unbelievable. If you belief that knowledge is power?Then, knowing how to extract that information from raw data is extremely powerful! It makes you powerful because you can find the hidden gems that people are not able to see. If you love that you will love Chart JS unquestionable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One last thing!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you belief that information is power, then I have question for you. Are you ready to become powerful?The choice is always your. Make a choice. Are you COMMITTEDto be powerful? Your next action will answer it!"
Price: 49.99

"All-in-One Premium Design Course - Scratch to Pro+ Edition" |
"TOP STORY: THIS COURSE HAS BEEN AWARDED AS UDEMYS' BEST GRAPHIC DESIGN COURSENews: This course is being appreciated by all over the world, in this little time more than 1000+ Students joined and learning together. Very soon the price for the course will hike. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ About this course: World's one of the most known graphic artists Shouvik Raychowdhury will teach you Photoshop with his own voice and hand. This is the only online course which will cover every aspects of graphic designLearn Digital Painting, Web Design, Print Design, Advertisement, Photo-Manipulation, Logo Design, Icon Design, Doctoring Images & every thing possible in Graphic Design This course is available exclusively on Udemy Structured Learning - From The Basics to Masterpieces You don't need to know any software knowledge or anything to take this course You don't need to know any-kind of coding to design websites Over 6 hours of High Quality Video Contents & still counting Learn with the latest technologies like Grid System,Vector & Responsive Design Already getting 5 Star Reviews from VERY satisfied students Lifetime access with a community of passionate students over 300+ & still counting All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Download all my premium graphic resources absolutely free with this course Frequent updates and discussions, I will provide all your queries whenever you post a question on the discussion tab Get certified from Udemy after completion Awarded Best Online Graphic Design Course You can start earning money as soon as you master the skills, I will also tell you what is the best of the best ways to earn money using Graphic Design *********************************************************************** You could be an entrepreneur or a housewife or a teenager or a middle-aged person maybe a student who wants to make a career in graphic design or you may be already working as a graphic designer who wants to polish and upgrade more skills! Whoever you are, your whole world and life is going to change magically when you become a master in graphic design! It's like 'The Wizard of The Digital Visual World'! You can literally change the whole world with your magic-wand. With your imagination there is no such limit what you can do and what else left to try! Hello and Congratulations, today you have found the ideal path of you journey and the perfect place where you can shape your freedom of creative aspiration to the highest level of excellence. My name is Shouvik, from India. In this course of 'Learn Worldclass Graphic Design : From The Core To A Pro+' I am going teach you every single thing that you need to learn to become an All Rounder Graphic Designer. I have picked the most important tools for you to make a proper use of time! I have made this course with a step by step structure. From the tiniest things to the masterpieces. This is the only online course where you can learn complete graphic designing including all the designing lessons like Logo Design, Icon Design, Typography, Designing Advertisements, New Age Poster Design, Catchy Flyers, Print Designs, Design Brand New Websites, Making Brand Identity in graphical part. That's not all though in other sections you can learn making Stunning Photo-Manipulations, Doctoring Images, Turning Normal Images Into HDR, Making Incredible Digital Paintings and many many more opportunities are waiting for you."
Price: 199.99

"Ignite: How to Spark a Disciple-Making Movement" |
"IGNITE is a video-based training course to help you learn how to share your faith with confidence, make strong disciples, and multiply disciples, groups and churches all over the world! If you have a strong desire to see a movement for the Kingdom of God spread in your community, this is the course for you! With over 3 hours of content, we will walk you step-by-step through the process of how you and your friends can start a disciple-making movement that can literally reach the world in less than 20 years!! It only takes one spark to light a massive fire. Be a Match. Spark a Movement. Ignite the World."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Route Business Selling to Convenience Stores" |
"So what is a route? It's simple. A route owner is the link between manufactures of products and retail stores. In this course I will teach everything there is to know about building a route selling products (such as pastries) to convenience stores. Have you ever been interested in starting your own business? A lot of people get deterred from starting their own business because they simply do not know what business to start. My answer to this question is to start and build a route for the following reasons.1) It's simple! As a route owner you are simply buying products wholesale and selling them to retailers. 2) Low overhead. Retailers have many expenses including rent, electric bills, wages, theft, and many others. Manufacturers have similar costs plus equipment costs. As a distributor we have almost no expenses other than gas to make our deliveries, which we will learn how to minimize. 3) Low startup costs. Once an initial investment is made you will simply be reinvesting your revenues to grow your business. We will learn techniques to minimize, if not eliminate these startup costs. 4) Customers are easy to find and keep! They want you and your products. Why wouldn't they? The more they sell the more money they make. We will learn who our customers are and how to find them. The best part is that once they become a customer they are always a customer. You don't need any experience in the industry to start this business. The course will walk you through the process of starting your own route and building your business from scratch. This is a one of a kind course as it is the only course that teaches regular people how to start one of the easiest, most profitable businesses out there. Individual entrepreneurs have been doing this business for years and loving the profits. Now there is a way to learn from the ground up how to start and build this business from someone that has not only done it, but is currently doing it. Students will learn how to find customers, research categories, pick categories, research suppliers, evaluate suppliers, contact suppliers, vehicle choices, POS systems, finding racks, placing racks, mapping stores, and every other aspect of the business. This is a business that truly gives you the ability to take control of your life; to build a business that gives you whatever income you desire. It's a business that you can grow and grow and grow until you're satisfied with your income. Once you stop growing you won't have to worry about your income shrinking because this is a business that naturally grows. How is this possible? 1) Your suppliers will continue to release new, exciting products that you simply plug into your route and increase sales, resulting in higher profits. 2) Your current customers will continue to build their businesses by getting new locations. Once they do this, they will simply ask you to set up in their new locations giving you more sales with no work. This truly is a unique business where you never have to worry about your income shrinking and if you are ambitious, you can create a really big business and hire drivers to run the routes for you! This is a one of a kind course; the only course that walks you through the ENTIRE process of starting and building a route from scratch. Become an entrepreneur today by getting the education you need to start your own route."
Price: 34.99

"Articulate Storyline 2" |
"This course is designed to provide complete and thorough instruction on the many features and tools of Articulate Storyline 2. Storyline 2 is arguably the best software on the market when it comes to eLearning authoring tools. It is what we use to build our courses. By completing this course, you should have all the knowledge necessary to build your own course from scratch and publish it in the format of your choosing. Just as Storyline 2 is a software designed for a particular use and a specific set of users, this course won't be for everyone. Trainers, teachers, and other educational professionals are the most likely to benefit from taking this course, although we have seen other creative uses of Storyline in fields like marketing. Regardless of your position or background, we have tried to make this course accessible by minimize our use of technical jargon and by providing a theoretical basis for our approach to course development. We make every effort to explain new terms and concepts as we employ them, and we reinforce that knowledge by returning to them throughout the course. In order to help you get the most out of this course, we have included a number of resources designed to give you hands-on experience working in Storyline 2. Throughout the course we will be working on a sample course as a means of demonstrating the concepts and processes. We've included the .story files (the file format Storyline projects are saved in for further editing) so that you can follow along and reverse engineer what we've built. We've also included the raw assets for every lecture where it is pertinent to do so. Using these assets and your own version of Storyline 2, you can replicate what we have done from the ground up. While the bulk of the course is a mix of video and screen recordings, we do try to mix things up with some animated interludes, and maybe even a bit of comedy thrown in for good measure. The course is laid out by sections each of which cover a specific set of processes within Storyline 2. We have ordered both the lectures and sections in stages of increasingly complexity and designed them to build on one another. If you're new to the software, you'll want to start from the beginning. However, if you've done some previous work in Storyline 2, or if you are Storyline 1 user looking to make the switch to the new software, you're welcome to skip around to the topics that you are interested in learning."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To Use WordPress 4 in Easy Steps" |
"This easy Video tutorial is the perfect place to begin. You will get useful tips and tricks to set up WordPress quick and easy. Safe yourself any hassle with this Basic Training. This WordPress course starts from scratch and takes care of every important module to start with WordPress. We will be covering the following topics in this course: How to Connect your Domain to a Web Hosting Account Installing WordPress Automatically Using cPanel Installing WordPress Manually via FTP How to Change Permalinks Structure How to Write Effective Blog Titles How to Create New Posts in Wordpress How to Create New Pages in Wordpress How to Upload and Format Images Using the Media Manager How to Install Plugins How to Install Themes How to Launch Your Site to Search Engines and Ping Settings Get a New Wordpress Blog Ready Control How Visitors Comment Understanding Different User Permissions Embed YouTube or Vimeo Videos Creating a Gallery with Media Manager Add HTML Code to the Editor Tab Use WordPress Widgets Effectively Create Navigation Menus and Sort Them Remove Powered By WordPress" and Customize Your Footer By the end of this WordPress training you will have enough knowledge to setup WordPress and create a stunning professional website of your own. Take action now and enroll in this course. We are happy with our product, but if you are not you take no risk by purchasing this course. You can ask for a refund up to 30 days after your purchase. No questions asked."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop CC For Beginners: Photo Editing made Easy" |
"Photoshop might be overwhelming at first, but once things are explained in these easy to follow, step by step videos, you will find that it is actually quite simple to use. You do not need design skills to use this program. In this in-depth course you will learn how to use all the relevant tools and get useful tricks from a professional Photoshop designer. Once you get familiar with the fundamentals, you will become extremely proficient the more you use it. This course is designed for beginners. It will introduce Photoshop and show you clear and effective ways to work with graphics. You start this training as a beginner but end feeling like an expert. The course includes: Getting started and finding your way around the workspace and tool panels How to edit images What are layers and how to work with them How to work with text How to create Photoshop files and decide for the right format How to work with tools such as brush tools, clone stamp, lasso tool etc. How to work with filters such as distortion, noise etc. And as an extra bonus: An additional workshop that includes: How to create 3D Text How To Design Backgrounds How To Create Color Silhouettes How To Replace Colors How To Restore Old Photographs How To Remove The Background of an Image All the photos we used are included for you. Also included is the complete course in pdf format for you to download. The knowledge of Adobe Photoshop has helped so many people to make money and to have pride in their works. There are a lot of reasons why you should learn Photoshop. Enroll today and join us!"
Price: 44.99
