"Business Forecasting with Google Sheets" |
"In this Business Forecasting with Google Sheets video course, I introduce you to Google's online spreadsheet application, Sheets and how to use it for forecasting. Learn to forecast the future with your business data Why forecast? Smoothing noisy data Analyzing for trendlines Transforming data Forecasting future values A powerful skill to increase your value and earnings. Millions of people use spreadsheets today, usually at the the office as a data entry form. Very few actually build spreadsheets unless that is their job. The dominant spreadsheet, Excel is often bought by students but rarely used, and most working adults only have access to it at work. Until now. Google's online spreadsheet ""Sheets"" has become a powerful tool through rapid iteration. While still not as powerful as Excel it does have a number of very useful, unique features. But most impotrtant. it is free to use. You can build spreadsheets at home, while on a cellphone, tablet or laptop while traveling, indeed anywhere with internet access. This course focuses on using Google Sheets to do one of the most important business functions - forecasting. It is a powerful, full featured, cloud based spreadsheet that can be harnessed for business forecasting in a collaborative environment, and the results directly embedded in live web pages for internal and external communication. Content and Overview The course uses Google sheets, a number of which are publicly available to the student. In addition there are links to web content and documents with more explanation of the concepts used. I have broken down the content into easy to manage chunks so that you can focus on a concept and experiment and test yourself. You can complete this course in an evening or weekend and be ready to do work on Monday, although I recommend working with your own data and the data I provide to gain confidence in your new skills. I start with some evidence of why the skills this course teaches are career drivers. Then we discuss what forecasting is. We start with the basics of smoothing data to remove noise, and then move on to techniques of implementing trendlines to forecast with. Throughout the course, each point is made using data that you see being analyzed in a live spreadsheet demonstration, that you can replicate on your own computer to nail down and internalize the technique. Competency doing real work relevant to business is a career enhancing skill in today's job market. This course will give you a strong start in applying those skills to your business and employment. What am I going to get from this course? 32 lectures and over 3 3/4 hours of content Understand how to analyze historic data to predict the likely future Learn how to use built-in and custom functions to extrapolate future values Able to work at home on your computer at your own pace Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning. Lifetime access to me to help with your own data. Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Update 11/5/20152 new lectures added on errors to avoid with trend analysis. These are common mistakes amateurs make that you can avoid in your own analyses and look more professional when examining analyses from your colleagues. So start learning today. Because being a technology dinosaur isnt going to get you a promotion or raise! - Alex Tolley"
Price: 24.99

"17 Proven Strategies to Get More Clients With Social Media" |
"STUDENT REVIEWS: "The course is easy to follow, interestingly designed and the audio/video quality is excellent. Lasse shows us a powerful Facebook tool (made by Facebook) which is a game changer for anyone wanting to use Social Media to spread their message. This tool alone is worth the price of admission and he shares it in his introductory lectures." -- Scott Paton "A very useful course on getting clients on social media. I found many things I hadn't even considered such as using WhatsApp for promotion. Very practical tips, I liked it a lot. Going to implement at least a couple of tips right away." - Juho Tunkelo Over 1000 students enrolled in the first days after the launch of the course -------------------------- Do you want to generate new clients from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SlideShare, or LinkedIn? Want to discover innovative social media marketing strategies you can implement immediately? In this course you will discover -How I generated 1127 leads in 12 days using Facebook advertising -How to use Facebook remarketing to sell more of your products and services -How I generated more than 500k views on YouTube -How my SlideShare presentations rank high on the first page of Google and get thousands of views -How my clients use new and innovative instant messaging strategies to generate leads using WhatsApp -How you can increase your sales and conversion using social proof -How to create professional video tutorials and animated videos that sell your products and services -How to use Google Hangouts to create professional business video tutorials -How I generate new leads by maximizing the exposure of my LinkedIn profile and using little known LinkedIn advanced search features -How my clients generate leads and exposure using powerful Instagram marketing strategies -YouTube ranking factors you can implement to have your video rank on the first results of YouTube -How to optimize your calls-to-action and titles on social media to get maximum exposure For the last 7 years I have been using Social Media marketing strategies to generate leads and exposure for my business and also given seminars on Social Media and video marketing all over world from Miami to Dubai, and from Bogota to Helsinki sharing the same simple client getting strategies that you will discover in this course. Every single strategy that I reveal in this course is easy to apply and over 70 video tutorials show you step-by-step on how to implement them. This course is aimed at entrepreneurs, business professionals, managers, and everyone who is eager to get more clients using social media. This course is results-oriented and practical, showing your detailed action items on how to implement the strategies so you will get results fast."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Swift 4 A-Z Foundations to make iOS and OSX Apps!" |
" Have you ever wanted to get your App on the iOS/Mac App store? Do you have no idea where to start? 5th September 2017 - completely updated all content for Swift 4, existing students get this update for free Where do they start, I want my app on the app store? Start the first steps to achieve your Apple development goals! This course will teach you about Swift - Apple's newest programming language. Swift makes it alot easier to develop and understand App development so anyone can pick it up easily! This course will focus on the fundamentals of Swift - to develop iOS/Mac apps you need a good foundation understanding of Swift first. After taking this course you will have a good understanding of Swift and will be ready to learn how to make iOS/Mac Apps! What are you waiting for, every second more and more developers are earning money from their apps, why not you! This course also comes with a 30-Day full refund if you are not satifised, what is there to lose!!! All my courses include: Unlimited lifetime access to the courseFuture bonus lecture's and materials to this course are always freeUnconditional, no questions asked full 30 day money back guaranteeMy help is always available - my support is legendary on UDemy and my Youtube channelAre you ready to take your first step in making iOS/OSX apps? Do you want your App up in the app store for millions to download? Enrol today, every hour you delay is costing you downloads on your Apps ideas! "
Price: 49.99

"PowerPoint para desarrollo e-Learning" |
"Te mostrar como utilizar PowerPoint para crear una interfaz atractiva y funcional, veremos como insertar y manejar imgenes, textos y formas, como crear grupos de objetos. Tambin te ensear varias cosas que muy pocas personas saben y utilizan y que har que te conviertas en un experto en PowerPoint. Te ensear a realizar animaciones, a sincronizar audio, utilizar los desencadenadores, convertir objetos en btones y varias otras cosas muy interesantes y poco conocidas de PowerPoint. Finalmente algo que te encantar, pues te mostrare como converir un PowerPoint a un contenido multimedia interactivo de alto impacto compatible tanto con equipos de escritorio como tambin Tablet y Smartphone. Te mostrare como publicarlo en Internet de manera sencilla y gratuita y luego revisaremos como se ve la presentacin en un iPad."
Price: 19.99

"Articulate Storyline: Mi primer e-learning interactivo" |
"Si ya tienes Articulate Storyline y quieres un curso corto e intensivo o ests evaluando la adquisicin de este magnfico software, entonces este curso es para ti. Articulate es sin duda una de las herramientas para desarrollo rpido de contenidos e-Learning ms avanzas, por lo cual muchas veces es necesario tener una visin clara de su potencialidad y sus posibilidades, es por eso que este es un curso muy diferente a lo que normalmente encontrars en Internet, puesto que te explico todo a travs de un mini proyecto, de manera que puedas ver un ejemplo real y poder as, aplicar lo aprendido en este curso, en tus propios proyectos. Cubrir aspectos tales como el desarrollo de un sistema de navegacin de un interactivo, insercin de contenidos multimedia, manipulacin de objetos, implementacin de interactividad, formateo de texto, diseo de diapositivas, uso de capas, uso de estados y otros aspectos bsicos que necesitas conocer para poder crear tu primero proyecto e-Learning con este magnfico software llamado Articulate Storyline."
Price: 29.99

"Grabar y editar audio con Audacity, como todo un profesional" |
"Este curso de Audacity, es curso especialmente diseado para que puedas crear tus propias narraciones y para que crees audio de excelente calidad de manera sencilla y econmica, para ser utilizado en el desarrollo de proyectos multimedia ms sofisticados. Este curso es perfecto para quienes desean crear lecciones en formato de podcast o para quienes desean obtener audio de buena calidad para aplicar en sus proyectos multimedia. Audacity no tiene nada que envidiar a costos software de pago, pues te permitir grabar, editar y aplicar efectos tal cual lo hacen otros programas, pero de una manera sencilla y totalmente gratis. En el curso vers que no necesitas invertir en micrfonos caros ni especializados, para obtener audio de buena calidad. Una voz con msica de fondo, sin duda que permite crear un ambiente mucho ms personal y profesional, es por eso que explicar como Audacity te permite mezclar audio y voz de manera prcticamente automtica. No necesitas ser un experto ni hacer toda la grabacin a la perfeccin, pues te mostrar como yo realizo mi grabacin y como hago para cubrir los errores o mejorar la calidad de mi audio final. Algunas veces necesito crear voces para aplicar a personajes, con Audacity esto muy sencillo, y te mostrar como cambiar el tono de la voz para que puedas obtener esa voz que ests buscando para tu personaje. En resumen en este curso te explico todo lo que necesitas saber para crear un audio a un nivel muy profesional pero de manera sencilla y econmica"
Price: 29.99

"How To Tape An Ankle, Thumb And Finger: A Beginners Guide" |
"Join over 1,000 fellow students and gain valuable skills that you can bring to your sports club. Are you an athlete, coach or club official? Are you mom or dad with a child in sport? Are you a Massage Therapist or other health professional looking to introduce new services to your clients? Sports taping is a valuable real world skill that anybody can learn. Whether you just want to help out at your local sports club or are looking at a career in sports, this comprehensive, easy to follow course will guide you through everything you need to know to tape an ankle, thumb and finger. ""Great for review and touch up. Found course informative and great for a revision on my sports trainers accreditation. Thank you"" - Michael Warren Gain a solid understanding of the role Sports Taping plays. Discover when and how Sports Taping is best applied in this tutorial for beginners. Learn about the different types of tape and which tape is best for each taping job. Practice basic taping skills. Recognize the signs of tape allergies. Follow step by step demonstrations on the most common taping techniques. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be delighted by what you'll learn in the next 2.5 hours""Excellent, thorough and informative! I found this course very useful with clear and thorough instruction. The section about the ankle was particularly helpful and since implementing the techniques I have had much less rolling of my feet. I like how Tim explains each step in detail and also gives reasons why tape shouldn't be used in certain situations. Tim's expertise and skills are clearly demonstrated. I would highly recommend this course and further courses by Tim Cooper."" - Jodie TunksKnowing how to tape an ankle, thumb and finger is a useful skill for anybody involved with sport. If you're a coach, team manager, club official or volunteer having these skills is extremely useful as you never know when a player may need to be taped and you can't always guarantee that a qualified person will be available at training and competition. Mums and dads with children in sport can benefit greatly by learning how to tape. You will no doubt be called upon to tape an ankle, thumb or finger at some point during your child's sporting career. Content and Overview This course has been designed with the beginner in mind. As you work through the 41 lectures and 2.5 hours of content you will develop not only the practical knowledge on how to tape and ankle, thumb and finger, but also a solid understanding on the fundamentals of sports taping. The course starts with an introduction to the role sports taping plays, presents the different types of tape, discusses taping on a budget and the importance of using a good quality tape. Basic skills are then introduced, these are the backbone to a successful taping job. How to tension, tear, remove and store tape are discussed in detail. Detailed information on tape selection is presented along with step by step, easy to follow instructions on how the tape is applied. On completing this course you will be well versed in the basics of taping and have the resources and knowledge on how to tape an ankle, thumb, and finger. These skills can take you a long way in the sports industry. I started as a dad helping out at my son's junior league club which ultimately led to a 10 year career in elite sport. Becoming proficient in taping takes time and practice. All the demonstration videos are available for download so you can always have them with you to refer back to."
Price: 44.99

"Hip Hop Dance Foundation - Breakdancing" |
"Don't be a Bboy or Bgirl wannabe anymore! Hip Hop Foundation Breakdancing will teach you the core foundations of breakdancing to help you become the dancer you always wanted to be. The foundations of breakdancing are Toprocking, Go Downs, Footwork, Freezes and Powermoves. This course will teach you 19 Breakdancing Moves with 29 easy-to-follow videos that includes instructions, drills and routines. Learn At Your Own Pace or Take the 30 Days Challenge: Mastering Breakdancing Basics Here's How It Works: Learning at Your Own Pace: 1) Moves are broken down into mini steps so that you can fully grasp the movement. 2) Drills are then introduced for you to follow with the instructor as you perfect the moves with music. 3) Learn a routine and put your skills to the test: Toprock Routine and Footwork Routine. 30 Day Challenge: Mastering Breakdancing Basics Do you think you have what it takes to learn how to breakdance? Mastery of a subject cannot be done in one day or even let alone in a life-time. Challenge yourself in 2015 to learn breakdancing basics and beyond. Day 1: Watch Welcome/Introduction video + three additional YouTube videos on breakdancing to get a sense of the movements, music and culture. Day 2: Learn Toprocking: Front/Back Cross (Lectures 2, 3 and 4) Day 3: Practice Front and Back Cross (Lecture 4) + Learn Footwork: Six Step (Lecture 16) Day 4: Learn Toprocking: Side Steps (Lectures 5, 6 and 7) Day 5: Practice Side Steps (Lecture 7) + Learn Footwork: 12 Step (Lecture 17) Day 6: Learn Go Downs (Lecture 14 and 15) + Practice Front/Back Cross and Side Step (Lectures 4 and 7) Day 7: Learn Freezes: Basic Stab and Baby Freeze (Lectures 25 and 26) Day 8: Learn Top Rocking: Indian Step and Swivel (Lectures 8 and 9) Day 9: Learn Top Rocking: Brooklyn Top Rock (Lecture 10) + Toprock exercise (Lectures 11 and 12) Day 10: REVIEW: Toprock Exercises (Lecture 4, 7 and 12) + Footwork: Six Step and Twelve Step Day 11: Toprock Routine (Lecture 13) + Freezes Review: Basic Stab and Baby Freeze Day 12: Learn Footwork: 3 Step, Threading and CCs (Lectures, 18, 19 and 20) Day 13: Toprock Routine (Lecture 13)+Go Downs Review: Cork Screw and Knee Drop + Learn Footwork: Helicopter and VKick/Kick Outs (Lectures 21 and 22) Day 14: Learn Freezes: Shoulder Freeze and Chair Freeze (Lectures 27 and 28) + Watch Footwork Drills (Lecture 23) Day 15: Toprock Routine (Lecture 13) + Footwork Drills (Lecture 23) Day 16: REVIEW: Toprock Routine (Lecture 13) + Go Downs (Lectures 14 and 15) + Footwork Drills(Lecture 23) Day 17: Freezes: Practice Basic Stab and Watch Windmill Tutorial (Lecture 29) Day 18: Toprock Routine (Lecture 13) + Learn Footwork Routine (Lecture 24) Day 19: Footwork Routine (Lecture 24) + Learn Windmill (Lecture 29) Day 20: Toprock Routine (Lecture 13) + Footwork Routine (Lecture 24) Day 21: Freezes: Review all freezes (Lectures 25,26,27 and 28) Day 22: Record Yourself and send it to me for feedback! (Toprock Routine and Footwork Routine) Day 23: Windmill Day (Lecture 29) Day 24: Toprock Routine (Lecture 13) and Review All Freezes (Lectures 25-28) Day 25: Footwork Drills (Lecture 23) + Basic Stab Freeze Day 26: Toprock Routine + Footwork Routine + Windmill Day 27: Footwork Drills + All Freezes Day 28: Toprock Routine + Footwork Drills + Footwork Routine + Windmill Day 29: All Freezes and Windmill Day 30: Record Yourself: Toprock Routine, Footwork Routine, All Freezes and Windmill! Feel free to send me an email for private feedback or guidance: ypang07@gmail.com CONGRATS!"
Price: 199.99

"LinkedIn Blueprint: Become An Influencer" |
"23,000+ Studentshave enrolled in my17Courses!Course updated for 2016 with over 2.5 hours of video!Have you considered the fact that LinkedIn is more than just an online Resume? Do you want to pursue the opportunities LinkedIn offers and get the job you wanted, obtain a promotion faster or spread your influence within your company? Or maybe you want to solidify your reputation as an entrepreneur or professional in the online world Here are a few facts about LinkedIn from my perspective:LinkedIn has an amazing potential for networking and it's how I made dozens of face-to-face meetings happen, both in a corporate environment and with entrepreneursLinkedIn allowed me to network with 100+ people in 2 months in a major Consulting companyLinkedIn is a great branding opportunity and it will be the go-to place for your personal online imageDouble your Visibility GuaranteeI personally guarantee you will get measurable results if you implement the concepts I talk about. I'm so confident that I will personally guarantee you will see a spike in your visibility on LinkedIn after taking this course. That is the basis to increasing your connections, networking with executives and positioning yourself as an influencer.If you feel that's not the case, I will PERSONALLY TRAIN YOU via:- 1 to 1 Skype Calls to suggest changes to your Profile- Tailored Strategy & Templates to approach Influencers in your Industry- Advice on Publishing topics for the futureShortly after launching the course, a student contacted me saying that he got approached by a recruiter a few days after implementing 10% of the aspects I talk about in this course. Imagine if you did 70% and were dedicated to improving your LinkedIn presence... Here's what some students say about my course: ""As a fellow Udemy instructor with 5 bestselling courses I know how much commitment it takes to publish a comprehensive Udemy course. This production is certainly one of the best in the Social Media category. Dragos is my good friend and I could see firsthand how much effort he put into delivering tremendous value to his students. I'm happy to see that all those weeks of hard work paid off and customers are loving the content. Great job."" - Jimmy Naraine - Top Udemy Instructor ""Respect. I have to say you put a good course together. I'm already thinking about implementing some of these tactics and getting material to tell a group social media marketers that I work with. My all-time favorite is being able to extract emails from LinkedIn. You would never know that otherwise - well put together Dragos. Keep the quality coming."" - Jim Jones This course will reveal exactly how you can achieve all of these: Get over the 500+ Connection base mark in half the time Increase your Profile views x3 with only a few hours of work Create and nurture your own niche community, skyrocket your profile searchability both in LinkedIn and Google results Publish like Influencers and establish yourself as an expert in your subject matter. This course will teach you how to develop your personal online brand through a strategic approach that aims to help you achieve the maximum progress in the shortest possible time. Whether it's how to set up your profile or how to network like an Influencer, this course will show you the techniques to achieve success. Gain access to 3+ hours of high quality videos which will keep you engaged and hungry to progress. I will update the lectures regularly to be in line with LinkedIn changes and constantly add Bonus material. What's more, you also get PDFs with case studies and real-life examples of how Influencers enhance their presence. Take this course Now! I have experienced the power that LinkedIn can have and I truly believe it can benefit you tremendously. I'm excited to share my knowledge with you and lead you on the path to success!"
Price: 194.99

"Test automation of REST services" |
"Course is about testing of REST-services. Since REST-full architecture has became the most popular in web-applications, the course will be useful for QA Engineers, testers and Test Developers who work with a web. Well structured video lectures will help you to learn how to test REST-services, automate this process with help of Java, JUnit, TestNG and ""REST Assured"" and organise automation process on entire project. Any practical knowledge is not useful and applicable if you do not familiar with theory. I've took care of it so you will get excellent union of theory and practice. You definitely have to take this course because it increases your technical level, make you more attractive for employer, gives you additional arguments on a salary review. Develop your skills, invest in yourself."
Price: 49.99

"Create Comedy Like a Pro" |
"Create Comedy Like a Pro And Improve Your Own Writing With Humor Learning Objectives In this course, youll be taught the basic skills that are essential to create humor. Youll be guided step-by-step through the entire process by BOB MILLS, an experienced professional who has written jokes, sketches, speeches, song lyrics, and comedy routines for Dean Martin, Dinah Shore, Steve Allen, Bob Hope and a host of guests on their TV specials -- a seasoned practitioner of the comedic arts whose myriad assignments included writing serious magazine articles that appeared in national publications like the Saturday Evening Post and The Ladies Home Journal. He is the author of THE LAUGH MAKERS: A Behind-the-Scenes Tribute to Bob Hopes Incredible Gag Writers which recalls his two decades travelling the globe with Bob Hope as a staff writer. He is a firm believer that virtually anyone with a sense of humor (that includes almost everybody) can learn the craft of creating comedy by mastering the elements necessary to inject funny lines in monologues, speeches, reports, articles, scripts, and song lyrics, as well as comic dialogue -- anywhere that laughter and wit are welcome. An instructor who was born to teach, BOB MILLS explains comedic structure in clear, concise language -- providing the student with the nuts and bolts of comedy writing that the old timers refer to as laying pipe. Through entertaining, easy-to-understand lectures, extensive analysis, hands-on practice, and by studying the hours clips included as additional resources exclusively available to the Udemy student of actual on-air performances of monologues, sketches, and routines performed by professionals, students will become familiar with a time honored craft whose genesis can be traced back to Vaudeville and English tab shows. In fact, by completing this course, the student will have learned so much about script writing, he or she will possess the skills needed to create laugh lines at will, and for any purpose, be it for a spec script for TV or just punching up a business presentation. From blank page to scripted performance, the student becomes privy to comedy writing secrets passed down through generations of professionals dating back to Vaudeville! Course Summary Topics covered in this course (along with 4+ hours of video examples) include: The History of Humor in America English roots (tabloid shows, burlesque) Vaudeville (W.C. Fields, Fred Allen) Radio (Jack Benny, Fred Allen) Film (Abbott & Costello, Martin & Lewis) Television (variety shows, sitcoms, unscripted reality) The Anatomy of a Joke Verbal magic (hiding the technique) The setup Misdirection (creating an expectation) The reveal (punch line) Necessity of Instant Recognition Clarity in presentation Attitude in delivery Methods of Misdirection Uncommon Association Unexpected List Entry Illogical Connection Anthropomorphizing Misplaced Terminology Flippant Iconoclasm Alliteration Unexpected word usage New Meaning for Familiar Phrase Literal Interpretation Misuse of Medical Terminology Alternate Word Meaning Illogical Conclusion Misused Logic Unlikely Comparison Obscure Word Use Fantasy Exaggeration Types of Jokes Topical (based on news items) Slice-of-life (everyday conflicts) Story-based (Two guys walk into a bar) Biographical (embellished from real life) Observational (Ellen DeGeneres) Consistent Point of View Angry (Jerry Seinfeld, Louis Black) The Victim (Richard Lewis, Rodney Dangerfield) False Braggadocio (Don Knotts) Improv (Jonathan Winters, Robin Williams) Monologue Structure (order of jokes) Rhythm and Pace (varying length) Building the Payoff Line Joke Formulas Arranging the Topics Openings Closings Creating Comic Dialogue Real Life conversation (Award show presenters) Character Interview (Carl Riener & Mel Brooks) Using an Already Familiar Character Developing a Character Avoiding Leading Lines The Dumb Act (Burns & Allen) Importance of the Straight Man The Comedy Sketch History of the sketch Length Subject matter Film & TV Parody Brevity Joke-Driven Sketch The Set Up Developing the Premise *The Conflict *The Dilemma *The Resolution (Black Out) CONCLUSION Along with learning to write monologues, sketches and comic interviews, the student has learned the principles necessary to improve any writing assignment from business reports, speeches, presentations, articles, company shows, and product demonstrations. In a word, using the comedy skills they have acquired to improve their overall quality of life."
Price: 74.99

"The Complete Life: Stressed No More" |
"The Complete Life is 10 Teachings that covers how to change the way you think in regard to making progress and moving forward in your life. The course is taught in a way that focuses on you the individual and works on turning you into a relaxed and peaceful person rather than working on some goal you want to achieve as quick as you can and becoming stressed out at the same time. This is done by using a method that examines the right and wrong ways to achieve progress and gives the solution for you to implement and use in your life on a daily basis. This course will take you on a journey that will cause you to take a new look at how you may have been functioning as a person based upon the information you've been given whether that be from society or family and friends and then challenge that perception and embrace a new way of thinking. It results in a less stressed and more relaxed method of achieving and you start to find that your life takes on a whole new meaning because you're now operating from the choices and decisions you make rather than battling against all the external problems we face and finding it difficult to move forward and be happy."
Price: 19.99

"Make Your Own Amazing Presentations using Prezi!" |
"Professionals!! Want to increase your chances of clinching that deal? Business Owners!! Want to ace that sales pitch, ensuring new customers choose you over your competitors? Trainers!! Want to create engaging staff training sessions to get the best performance out of your team? Educators!! Want to create amazing visual presentations to inspire a generation of students? Job Candidates!! Want to convince potential employers that you are the best person for the job? If you want to get your ideas across in an engaging way using animated slides, images and video content, the Prezi is the tool for you. Its FREE, its intuitive and its flexible so you can customise any Prezi presentation to best suit you business. This course will show you how to use Prezi to your advantage to create engaging presentation no matter what your professions or need is. You will learn how to use the amazing Prezi templates, how to create and edit text, how to insert images and video content and how to share, collaborate and present you Prezi to the world! Every time you do a pitch, present, go for a job interview or teach a class, Prezi can make you stand out from the crowd. If you present using a Prezi your chances of success is significantly increased! Enrol now and improve your chances of success!! UPCOMING LESSONS!! Create a complete Prezi from a blank template Use 3D backgrounds Use GIF animations iOS platform lessons"
Price: 29.99

facebook-treasure-of-gold-learn-how-to-extracted |
"1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8."
Price: 19.99

"Genealogy: Learn to Climb the Branches of Your Family Tree" |
"Have you ever wondered what fascinating stories hang from the branches of your family tree? This course can teach you how to start climbing. Through a mixture of engaging lectures, intriguing primary source documents, and a wide variety of anecdotes from my own path of discovery, you can expect to quickly learn the basics of genealogical research and to begin tracing your roots. In Section 1, we will discuss how to set goals for your project, how to take stock of what you know, and how to conduct interviews. Section 2 will provide resources to help you maintain accurate and detailed records of your findings. Through Section 3, you will learn to locate and examine some of the most common sources of genealogical information, and how to begin using these to construct your own family history. In Section 4, we will discuss how to overcome some of the most common challenges that researchers may face in exploring their ancestry. And in Section 5, we conclude with advice for sharing your findings, and for passing on your work to future generations. Researching your family history can be a life-changing experience, and one that I know you will not regret. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself on a journey that is never quite finished; you may very well end up encouraging others to do the same!"
Price: 34.99

"Division made simple - Fastest Vedic Math" |
"Many School students consider Mathematics a very difficult subject. Some students encounter difficulty with basic arithmetical operations. In other words, abstract and logical reasoning is their hurdle. Can you divide 43213 by 9 in just 3 seconds? This course is going to help you and you can perform this division in just 3 seconds. This is just an example and this course will teach you many faster division methods. This course contains 10 video lectures ranging from 3 to 17 minutes and in total it is around 1 hour 10 minutes lectures which covers simple to complex Division techniques. It also contains 5 Practice tests to check what you have learned. This course provides some fastest methods of division derived from the Veda. Many techniques are one line, mental and super- fast methods along with quick cross checking systems. How it helps to individual? - Improves academic performance in school and universities. - Sharpen your mind. Also improves memory and logical reasoning. - This course will help students from school to universities, Entrance exam aspirants and also teachers. - More faster and easy to grasp methods than any conventional methods. I am sure these techniques converts a tedious subject into a playful and blissful one which students learn with smiles."
Price: 29.99

"Alibaba - How To Succeed At Importing Products" |
"COURSE UPDATED: July 2018- Learn the newest secrets to importing Alibaba products now! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or Full RefundJoin the original and best-selling Alibaba course. Alibaba is the biggest online global trade marketplace, and is a goldmine for making money importing products factory direct and reselling. This course will teach you how to safely and effectively import products from overseas using Alibaba so YOU can make 80/90/100% margins on hot-selling products. The content is designed for a beginner with no experience in product manufacturing or importation. I will lay out and explain both the basics and advanced tactics in excruciating detail. This course will teach you how to buy products factory direct so that you can make the most money. If you are an entrepreneur with a new product idea, or an existing product that you want to save money on manufacturing overseas, then this is the course for you. The world of importation is vast and unforgiving, do not dive in alone! There is TONS of money to be made importing products cheaply from overseas then reselling online or in your store. For a beginner, the process can be daunting and overwhelming. Don't go it alone! My explanation style is swift but detailed. I will lay out every single minor point that you need to know to take your product from conception to actualization, or from single prototype to a large order arriving at your door. You will learn about necessary cultural differences. You will receive effective email templates for negotiating politely about quality and price, and learn their ways of doing business to ensure successful transactions. I will teach you how to find the highest quality products at the best prices. You will learn the red flags to spot for picking reputable and reliable manufacturers, and how to negotiate samples to ensure quality before ordering large amounts. You will become an expert at spotting quality just by looking at their Alibaba listing using a precise checklist. Overall, you will have a complete understanding of the entire Alibaba importation process from factory search and selection, to negotiations, to OEM packaging if needed, to finally freight and shipping. And along the way, you will get let in on the secret tips and tricks for maximizing success. Don't stall any longer! Enroll today and start your future as a global trade expert."
Price: 89.99

"Get Things Done: How To Organize Your Life And Take Action" |
"Over9000 happy studentsenrolled in my coursesCurrently 86% of reviews are4- and 5-starNo risk involved. Watch thePREVIEW VIDEOS! Introducing The Action Map System - A productivity system that works! This course on The Action Map System includes: 40 lectures and 3 hours of video content: Everything is explained in crystal clear detail, with lots of examples 1 professionally designed, high-resolution printable workflow chart: Use this to quickly reference how to use any part of the system A ready-to-use Action Map template: To get you up and running with using the system in no time! A sample Action Map, with sample entries: So you can see real-world examples of how to use various elements of the system The Action Map System is a totally unique productivity and life management system that is built to help you: 1. Manage Your LIFE And Get It Done (The ACTION Part Of The System) I'm talking everything in your life that demands your time, energy, and resources: What you need to do today What you need to do tomorrow What you want to accomplish next week, next month, this year Those pesky little tasks that need done but take less than 5 minutes to complete Multi-step projects such as creating a product, starting a business, launching a blog, writing a book, planning your anniversary, and so on Decisions, people, and other tasks that you're not prepared to act on today, but need your attention soon Recurring events that you need to take care of weekly, monthly, or yearly Things you learn from books you read, videos you watch, courses you take, and seminars/workshops you attend Lists of actions (processes and checklists) you use on a regular basis to complete a task such as write a blog post, pay your bills, plan a trip, create a video, etc. Dreams you want to acheive in the future More... 2. See And Review All The Elements Of Your Life In A Single Glance (The MAP Part Of The System) It's been said that life is a journey, which is a really accurate way of looking at it. In life, there are destinations you want to reach, decisions about which roads you want to take, roadblocks that you have to get around, and even dead-ends that lead to nowhere. And what's the best tool for navigating any journey - whether you're traveling in car or traveling through life? In either case, it's a map! Why? Because a map is a tool that is designed to give you incredible clarity - it enables you, at a glance, to see the entire path from where you are now to where you want to go (the big-picture), so you can quickly and easily: Take the best, most efficient route to reach your destination See and navigate around roadblocks and obstacles that sometimes get in the way Avoid dead-ends that take you nowhere and waste your time, energy, and resources This is exactly what The Action MAP System does for your life. At a glance, it gives you a unique visual overview of your life, so you see exactly where you're headed and how to take the best path to get there. This level of clarity means you move through life with a sense of freedom and forward motion similar to driving on the open road with the 'top down' and 'the pedal to the metal.' The Secret To The Action Map System's Simplicity, Power And Functionality... In a nutshell: The Action Map System is built on the framework of one of the best organizational tools known to man - a single mind map. If you're currently a mind map user, you can appreciate the potential of using a system built this way. If you're not a mind map user, just realize that there's a reason why virtually all Fortune 500 companies use mind mapping in one form or another - it's works amazingly well at helping you plan, organize, and take action! Because of the way it's built, the entire system scales beautifully, which means that whether you're single, retired, and living on your own private island, or you manage a family and successful business (or multiple businesses), The Action Map System will work for you! FAQs Q: What makes The Action Map System different and unique from other systems? A: Not only does this system help you manage virtually every element of your life (see list above), but it structures everything visually, and in context, meaning your life becomes like a map - you see your destinations, how you will navigate to them, and where things exist in relationship to each other - which is a very powerful perspective for planning and taking action. Q: I'm someone who needs to manage both my personal life and a business - can the Action Map handle both? A: Yes, all in a single map! Q: What if I don't know how to mind map right now? A: No problem! I show you where you can grab free mind mapping tools, and I demonstrate the basics of using them - everything you need to use the system I teach in this course. Become An Action Mapper Today! If you're ready to toss your paper to-do list or smartphone productivity apps for a real system that helps you get life done, then join us today! This course comes with a 30-day, money-back guarantee, so try it out, you have nothing to lose! Be amazing! Derek"
Price: 99.99

"Don't Launch your Survey Yet! 4 Traps to Remove First" |
"Watch the FREE PREVIEWS below to see if this course is for you! ** Updated June 2016 ** You're doing your survey wrong! You and your team spend so much time and effort gathering feedback from your ""people"" - your members, customers, employees, or students. But if you are using SurveyMonkeyTM, Survey GizmoTM,Qualtrics TM or any of the other 85 web-based survey tools then you are automatically losing responses and getting less meaningful results! How is that possible? Each of these tools has built-in ""traps"" - defaults and standard settings that automatically decrease your response rates, muddy the results and make you lose information.Why would these companies allow this? Web-based survey companies offer great technology but they do not know the psychology behind why people will fill out surveys. They do not understand how psychological measurement works. They do not have the training or expertise to recognize where these problems exit. So their survey tools and recommended templates contain ""worst practices"" that you must identify and eliminate from your surveys.In this one-hour training course you will learn: (1) to identify and avoid the ""traps"" found in most web-based survey tools; (2) why these standard practices lead to poor results and low response rates; and (3) to apply research-based and field-tested solutions to increase the quality and usefulness of your results. This may well be the most worthwhile and productive hour of learning you will invest all year! When you complete this course you will be able to: Identify and avoid the ""traps"" found in most web-based survey tools; Understand why these standard practices lead to poor results and low response rateApply research-based and field-tested solutions to increase the quality and usefulness of your results."
Price: 49.99

"Don't (survey)monkey around: Learn to make your surveys work" |
" More than 30 minutes of FREE PREVIEWS below to see if this course is for you! JOIN OVER 2,124 (wow!) SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS ALREADY TAKING THIS COURSE! ** Updated March 2019 ** You just created a survey for your customers, members, employees, or students - that's great! Now comes the hard part: trying to get a lot of people to fill it out and give meaningful comments so you have valid and useful results. But since most people ignore surveys and those that bother filling them out often skip over important instructions, make rating errors, and write vague and unhelpful comments, what meaningful decisions can you really make from these misleading results? Where do you go for answers? If you have a LOT of time or a LOT of money, you can do what most people do: 1. Search the Internet. Spend hours and days reading what works for other people - which leads to conflicting opinions and misleading answers. 2. Ask your colleagues. Everyone has an opinion, right? Ask enough people and you'll end up with many situation-specific answers that don't work for you and a lengthy survey that few people will fill out. 3. Call in the experts. Pay someone else to improve your survey - which costs $ and eats up your time. Frustrating because you know you could have done it yourself! Let me offer a far better alternative: Enroll in this course to get expert advice you can quickly apply yourself. The Survey Doctor is here to give your survey a quick tune-up! Get out the survey you are working on and let me share research-tested solutions and insights that you can immediately apply to your survey items, scales, and instructions that will yield interpretable results to take correct action. In fact, these are the same tactics that I have used to improve surveys and evaluation forms created at 650 colleges, training organizations and Fortune 500 companies. But once you join the Udemy community you won't have to pay my fees or travel expenses! :) Within a couple hours you will be able to: Ask the RIGHT questions in the RIGHT way to get interpretable resultsDramatically boost response rates (without paying anyone!)Get relevant and actionable written comments from respondents you can useEngage people to WANT to fill out your surveyEliminate costly incentives and ""survey fatigue""Smile with confidence and satisfaction knowing that all the efforts you put into creating your survey will now yield huge returns and valid results"
Price: 49.99

"How to pay for college: Organization for scholarship success" |
"I won $25,000 to pay for my college education thanks to scholarships and grants and I want you to be successful too! You can learn my tips and tricks to get organized and maximize the number of scholarships for which you apply and the quality of those applications. Maximize Your College Scholarship Potential! Learn Professionalism - get a leg up on your peers Learn Organization - my tricks for easy access to everything you need Learn to Search for Scholarships - where will you have the best luck Learn Interviewing - what to wear, say and do Learn Follow up - how to actually get the money you earn Scholarships can make your college dreams possible! Don't let the cost of a college education scare you away and don't get burdened with student loan debt. Scholarships can help bring those costs WAY down and make your education attainable. This course is a series of video lectures where I share my personal story and teach you step by step how to get organized. This is a video version of a workshop I have been teaching for nearly 10 years. My past participants have found success and you can too! One of my best students earned herself $71,500 in scholarships and grants using the tools and skills learned in my workshops. If you or someone in your family is getting ready to apply for scholarships, take this course now to maximize your experience. This course also incudes the following FREE resources: my 15 page printable workbook list of the top scholarship search sites dress for success tips a sample resume and much MORE! This course has a 30 day money back guarantee. So why wait? Try it today and see what your results could be! Will you be my next top student?"
Price: 19.99

"Win More Chips (and lose less) Your First Time Playing Poker" |
"Poker is a wildly popular game. Many people have downloaded an app and use play money to learn the game. Others have played for nickels and dimes around the kitchen table and want to take things to the next level. It can be intimidating to go to a casino or poker room for the first time. There are a lot of written and unwritten rules that the beginner doesn't understand. This course will teach you everything you need to know to have the confidence to walk into a poker room for the first time and sit down to play. For the price of a couple hands, you'll arm yourself with knowledge and avoid some costly rookie mistakes."
Price: 19.99

"LINQ to XML Tutorial" |
"Microsoft LINQ to XML tutorial for students who are in search of a job as a dot net developer. This course assumes no prior knowledge. We will start from the basics and cover all the advanced concepts. This course helps write effective LINQ to XML queries. The first module is all about creating XML documents. In this module we will discuss the different classes available to build XML documents. We will also look at an example of creating an XML document using in-memory collection of objects. In the next module we will discuss querying and modifying XML documents using LINQ to XML. The final module is all about transforming XML. We will first look at an exampe of transforming XML to CSV. We will then discuss transforming XML to an HTML table, followed by transforming one XML format to another XML format. Finally we will discuss validating XML against XSD (XML Schema Definition)."
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript from scratch for web developers" |
"What will you get out of this course At the end of the course you will be able to use the full power of JavaScript with ASP.NET web applications to perform many cool things like client side validations, animations etc. This course starts from the scratch and cover all the basic and advanced concepts of JavaScript as we proceed. You will be able to download all the slides, code samples and text version of the videos. What will we be covering in this tutorial We will start with the relationship between ASP.NET web applications and JavaScript. Along the way we will understand why we need both client side and server side validation. Debugging JavaScript in Visual Studio to fix any run time or logical errors. The downsides of using JavaScript. We will discuss different tools available for learning and practising JavaScript. Difference between inline and external JavaScript. The right location for placing the JavaScript. Commenting JavaScript code and different data types available. We will then discuss working the string object. Along the way we will discuss the basics of JavaScript strings, converting strings to numbers and retrieving sub-strings. We will also discuss in detail different conditional statements available for conditional processing and when to use what. JavaScript loops are covered next. In the Arrays module, we will start with the basics of arrays, followed by filtering arrays and creating two dimensional arrays. In the functions module, we will be discussing different ways of defining functions, local and global variables, recursive functions, closures with examples and finally the magical JavaScript arguments object. In the Error Handling module we will discuss handling errors using try/catch/finally block and performing global exception handling. In the Date & Time module we will cover the basics of Date object, timing events and creating a simple image slideshow. We will also discuss examples of performing client side validation. The next module is Events. We will start with the introduction to events, and discuss different ways of assigning event handlers in JavaScript. We will also discuss the magical event object that is automatically passed to all event handler methods. We will then cover advanced concepts like event bubbling and capturing, followed by creating an image galley with thumb nails. We will also discuss preventing browser default actions, followed by different mouse events and detecting which mouse button is clicked. We will then discuss, how to create popup windows. The next module is regular expressions. We will start with a simple example of how to use regular expressions in JavaScript, and then we will discuss the basics of regular expressions followed by different resources and tools available to learn, write and test regular expressions. We will then discuss some of the string object methods that can be used with regular expressions, followed by RegExp object. Finally we will conclude regular expressions module with an example of how regular expression can be used in real time to perform client side validation. In the JavaScript minifaction module, we will discuss the process of minifying, tools for JavaScript minifcation, advantages and disadvantages of minification. The next module is JavaScript and object oriented programming. We will start with different ways of creating objects in JavaScript. We will then discuss the difference between creating objects using literal notation and constructor function."
Price: 44.99

"Java 9 fr Einsteiger: Lern Java mit praxisnahen bungen" |
"Dein praxisorientierter Einstieg in JavaJava 9fr Einsteiger legt viel Wert auf einen hohen Praxisanteil. Du lernst Grundlagen Schritt fr Schritt kennen. Gleichzeitig wendest Du sie aber in ersten eigenen Projekten direkt an. Du lernst nicht nur Bestandteile zu nutzen, sondern daraus echte Programme zu entwickeln.Entdecke alle Java GrundlagenNatrlich deckt der Kurs die Grundlagen von Java ab. Du entdeckst alle wichtigen Sprachelemente, in leicht nachvollziehbaren Lektionen, zu verwenden. So legst Du eine stabile Basis fr Deine Karriere als Java-Entwickler. Nach grundlegenden Themen folgt das erste Praxisprojekt. Du wendest Dein neues Wissen sehr schnell an.Objektorientierung verstehenIm nchsten Schritt fhrt Deine Reise durch die Objektorientierung. Auch hier entdeckst Du alle wichtigen Elemente von Java. Gleichzeitig lernst Du auch stilvoll mit Objekten umzugehen, ihre Mglichkeiten sauber zu nutzen.Welche Klasse brauchst Du eigentlich? Welche Methode gehrt in welche Klasse? Was bedeutet guter Stil genau? Antworten darauf findest Du dank den SOLID-Prinzipien.Auch die Objektorientierung wird mit einem weiteren Praxisprojekt vertieft.Fortgeschrittene ObjektorientierungDu lernst nicht nur Objektsyntax kennen. Auch fortgeschrittene Themen wie abstrakte Klassen, Vererbung, das berschreiben von Methoden & Co. sind bald wichtiger Bestandteil Deines Portfolios. Dazu gehren ebenfalls Exceptions, das Casting, berlagerte Attribute und mehr.Unit-Testing mit JUnit und Test-Driven-DevelopmentDu lernst mit JUnit Deinen Code automatisiert zu testen. Nach ersten Beispielen und wichtigen Konzepten nutzt Du auch Mock-Ups, um einzelne Klassen nur isoliert zu prfen. In einem umfangreicheren Projekt schaust Du mir sogar beim Test-Driven-Development ber die Schulter.Java alsAngestellter, Freelancer, im Studium oder als Hobby?Du mchtest einen gut bezahlten Job als Java-Entwickler? Dir stehen die Tren offen. Java im Web, als Grundlage fr Android, beim Machine Learning und vielen anderen Bereichen eingesetzt. Gleichzeitig kannst Du auch als Freelancer selbstbestimmter Leben und Auftrge fr Kunden Zuhause, im Co-Working Space oder auf Reisen umsetzen. Vielleicht ist es ja auch reines Hobby? Oder Java ist Thema im Studium?Egal welche Ziele Du verfolgst, die Basis ist fr alle gleich... Und genau die legst Du mit diesem Kurs.bungsaufgaben mit Musterlsungen und vieles mehrMit Themen wie Regulren Ausdrcken, Eingaben auf der Kommandozeile, dem Umlenken von Eingabestrmen& Co entdeckst Du noch viele weitere Facetten von Java.Alle Inhalte werden in Videos gezeigt, erklrt und mit Beispielen untermalt. Zudem gibt es zu jedem Modul bungsaufgaben mit passenden Musterlsungen.Alles steht fr Deinen erfolgreichen Java-Einstieg bereit. Jetzt fehlst nur noch Du!"
Price: 99.99

"EN.1.UAV Drones: Introduction to 3D mapping" |
"This Course is about saving time and money with the help of UAV Drones and Photogrammetry. The course has animated presentations, stats, parameters, tips, photo and video examples of working with UAV Drones for 3D mapping. You can complete the course in a day and take a weekend for practicing with the samples. This course talks about what is Photogrammetry, in which Industries can be applyed, which are the business models, the ideal equipment, the leading software and UAV platforms and some safety and operational tips. You have to take this course if you want to replace your expensive 50 topographers, 20 total station and 10 laser scanner with 1 UAV platform and photogrammetry software suite, saving money and not putting in risk your staff. It is the most profitable use of UAV. Laser scanner and Lidar costs about $60,000 to $150,000. A good small UAV fully autonomous starts at $1200 and photogrammetry software from $0 up to $8000 with 1cm or 2cm per pixel precision."
Price: 99.99

"ES.1.UAV Drones: Introduccin a mapeo 3D" |
"El curso trata de optimizar tiempo y dinero con la ayuda de los UAV Drones y fotogrametra. El curso incluye presentaciones animadas, estadsticas, parmetros, tips, ejemplos de foto y video para trabajar en casa el procesado 3D. Puedes completar el curso en un da, practicar con los ejercicios un fin de semana y estar listo para tus proyectos privados. El curso habla acerca de la fotogrametra, en qu industrias puede aplicarce, cules son los modelos de negocio, el equipamiento ideal, las marcas referentes en el mercado y unos tips operacionales y de seguridad. Tienes que tomar este curso si deseas reducir el tiempo en tomar medidas en una locacin, reemplazar equipos costosos de topografa, realizar maquetas en impresora 3D de monumentos y edificios, reducir los riesgos de tus trabajadores en inspecciones y reducir costos logsticos. Es el uso ms rentable de un UAV Drone! Costo de equipos de escaneo Lser desde $60,000 hasta $150,000 Costo de UAV Drone desde $1,200 hasta $65,000 Costo de Software de fotogrametra desde $0 hasta $8000 Ahorros = Hasta $148,000"
Price: 99.99

"Entrepreneur Brain: Hacks and Hijacks" |
"2000+ LEADERS TAKING ON THE HIJACK - YOU CAN JOIN TOO!____________________________________________________________________ Leaders who know the ""why"" behind the ""what"" are seen as more confident and competent. Can you explain why you look up and to the right when you think? Do you know what that is doing in your brain and how you can harness that skill to learn MORE, FASTER? Have you ever been nervous asking someone for something (or on a date?)? What if you had the brain-based understanding on how to handle it like a pro? Do you know why you are cautious when you see a snake? What if you could choke your lizard brain and redirect it's fear driven behaviors? Understanding your brain will increase your resourcefulness and capacity to be more productive in what you do. In this course we cover: How your brain chooses to remember and chooses to forget & how you can manage both The Brain-Based research (Neuroscience) of learning and practical hacks to boost your connections and increase your results A simple overview of the process and anatomy in your brain when you learn & how understanding it will help your leadership How to control or intercept the HIJACK of your emotions in critical situations and what you can do (brain states) to increase your industriousness for the win #FTW Gain instant lifetime access to 2.5+ hours of professionally made videos that will impact your life. This course will dramatically increase your understanding of Productivity and help you Get Things Done in more efficient ways - and know why! Double your Brain-Based acuity and change your results. Congratulations on your commitment to learn more about ""why"" you do what you do! Take action now."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende FRANCS desde CERO!" |
"Aprende Francs desde Cero: est diseado para ayudar a principiantes (aquellos que nunca han estudiado francs) o falsos principiantes (aquellos que lo estudiaron hace tiempo y necesitan recordar lo aprendido). Gracias a mi experiencia de mas de 10 aos enseando el francs a hispanohablantes, he desarrollado un mtodo que te permitir aprender casi sin esfuerzo todas las bases de este idioma. Ms de 180 alumnos satisfechos en menos de un mes!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lee lo que opinan mis alumnos del curso: "Una estructura muy sencilla y coloquial de aprender las frases ms comunes, gramtica y vocabulario. Me ha gustado mucho." Vctor Guerrero "Excelente curso!, excelente profesora!, todo lo explica muy claro y estoy aprendiendo muy rpidamente :)" Luis Gerardo Ramrez Rico -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apntate ya a este curso y: Conocers las bases del Francs en gramtica que son los cimientos de todo buen aprendizaje de un idioma. Aprenders vocabulario imprescindible para despegar tu aprendizaje del Francs. Evitars los tpicos errores cometidos por los hispanohablantes y las diferencias que hay entre el espaol y el francs. Adems: Recuerda: Tienes una Garanta de 30 DAS, sino te gusta el curso, recuperars tu dinero sin dar explicaciones!! Garantizado por Udemy, y por mi personalmente. Las clases adicionales, bonus, etc que se irn aadiendo a este curso, son y sern siempre GRATIS nete ya a ms de 360 millones de francfonos en el mundo!"
Price: 79.99

"Master French Grammar- Part I" |
"Thanks to a progressive method and simple language, this course aims to make easy and stimulating learning French grammar, often considered difficult. Each lesson begins with an example, then the rules are analyzed step by step and illustrated by numerous examples. Pronunciation and writing remarks complete the lessons. The major grammar points are cut into smaller sections and autonomous. After each section, practical exercises are proposed to permit the immediate use of what has been studied. This course is the result of many years' experience of teaching. The proposed explanations emphasize the meaning. Many are the result of reflections with my students. All videos are subtitled in French."
Price: 84.99

"Start and Market Your Online Business:" |
"Start Your Online Business: About: This is a course to help you start an online business and to market an online business from scratch within 30 days or less. Little knowledge is assumed. Terminology: All terms are simple and explained where appropriate. If a term or concept is too long to explain then the student is encouraged to search online (this is very rare though). Occasionally, the student is also openly encouraged to seek online solutions to practical issues. Materials: Students only need access to a computer which is linked to the internet. Duration: 'Start Your Online Business' is designed to be completed in 1 month. If the student applies the instructions from 1-2 video lessons per day they will have their businesses up, running and marketing within 30 days. Structure: There are 36 video lectures divided into 6 sections. Some sections are long where as others are very short (eg 1 video). All the main areas are covered. Keywords, site set up, driving visitors, Paid ads, Social Media and so on... Why take this course? If you are thinking about starting your own online business and know little about how to do this, then this course is for you. From how to do the keyword search (the foundation of any online business), to setting up your site, to driving visitors to it (through fast paid ads and ranking high in the search engines), and building an audience ever-ready to engage with you and buy. START AND MARKET YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS NOW!"
Price: 194.99
