"GED Math Review with Jillian Smart" |
"During this course, learners explore strategies to master GEDMath. Often, test takers struggle on the math test because they lack strategy or vocabulary. Unless you have an accommodation, you will not have unlimited time to demonstrate mastery. Having teacher-tested and student-approved GEDmath strategies will help you make the most of the time provided. Plus, vocabulary familiarity improves understanding of what each item asks you to do.This course is designed to delve deeper into different types of GEDMath items:Basic MathGeometryBasic AlgebraGraphsFunctionsWith guidance and quality tools, you'll learn how to confidently approach and teach each type of GEDMath item. To support this process, you'll watch GEDMath video tutorials, complete self-assessment practice items, and have access to your course instructor as questions arise. Register now to smash GEDMath with Jillian Smart."
Price: 24.99

"Instagram IGTV How To Create and promote a kickass channel" |
"Everyone's heard of IGTV but not many people are getting into it. Right now is the perfect time to learn how to use and make the most out of IGTV. Unfortunately there's almost no information on the internet how to do certain things with IGTV, so I've compiled this course with my own lessons and research on how to work around certain IGTVlimitations and lessons I've learned running my own IGTVchannel.This course takes you from start to finish with your IGTV channel. You'll learn how to create your channel and best practices for content creation, you'll learn how to make sure your channel is discoverable and you'll learn how to promote and monetize your videos. As the icing on the cake I'll show you how you can become more efficient with scheduling your content and automating your content strategy via the incredible later app.In this course you'll learn:Common problems IGTV beginners will stumble upon:What to do about the 10 minute max video limitHow to work around some of the current IGTV limitationsNot doing proper editing or doing editing the wrong wayKicking off your IGTV channel:How to create your channel and and overview of where it'll show upAn overview of technical equipment and video requirements for IGTVHow to post IGTV videos on mobile, desktop and best practicesHow to optimize your thumbnails, intro preview and title for maximum conversionsHow to convert your users to buy from youBonus Chapter: Professional video editing with DaVinci ResolveLearn how to navigate around Resolve and adjust settings for vertical video Learn to edit your first video with the trim & blade toolLearn how to move clips & images around on the viewport & place textLearn multiple quick tips on animating assets, speeding up or freezing timelines and many moreLearn how to adjust colors for your clips for the perfect visualsLearn how to export your finished videos and how to add subtitles to themManaging and promoting your channel:An overview of where your IGTV channel shows up for other usersSetting up your channel and content so it shows up in the IGTV search, user's feeds and the normal Instagram searchHow to manage your videos via playlists Content creation efficiency:How to use the later app to plan your content strategy for the long-termHow to automatically publish content via the later app from either your phone or desktopHow to save time by saving commonly used captions and hashtags so you can easily insert them into your postsHow to categorize all your content on the later app so you don't get lost long-termAfter taking this course, youll have a solid foundation in the fundamentals of IGTV, and will be confident enough to kickstart your own channel that you'll be able to monetize in the future."
Price: 99.99

"Optimize Your Website Without Strong Technical Skills" |
"This course will teach you how to make your website easier to use for the people who want to give you money - without you needing a lot of technical skills to make changes or spending lots of money on web designers and programmers. I created this course for business owners who want practical, straightforward business advice they can put into action right away. Most classes on the market about website optimization (also known as conversion rate optimization) are full of complex, generic theories Im tossing all that out the window and sharing real advice to use right away. Some topics we'll cover: Why the way youve been talking to your Ideal Customers is killing your sales. You need to learn to speak in a voice they will understand and respect as an authority in your niche. Ill show you how. What web-user profiling can tell you about how to design and write for your site. These methods are so effective, your customers will wonder how you read their minds! How much easier would it be to make a sale if you knew precisely what your potential customers were thinking? How to compete for attention when youve only three seconds to grab your visitors attention. You'll find this to be a hair-raising, eye-opening experience. The secret to getting your customers to tell all their friends about your product or service. Nothing works better than word-of-mouth and this book will show you how to get it easily and consistently. Simple changes you can make right now to improve your online conversion rate. Youre a busy professional and have more important ways to spend your time than learning the technical ins-and-outs of web design. So start with these quick wins. Each section includes its very own Action Plan short lists of prompts and critical action steps can be put to use immediately to start improving your sales. This course comes with a 30-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee. Get started with improving your website and making more money today."
Price: 19.99

"Project Management en Espaol - Gestion de Proyectos -35 hrs" |
"Este curso se basa en las 10 reas y 5 Grupos de Gestion de Proyectos del PMBOK V6 de PMI que es el Project Management Institute y que es uno de los requisitos para certificarse (Curso de 35 horas).Si lo que estas buscando es un curso que te ayude con el requisito por parte de PMI para optar al examen de certificacin como PMP o CAPM, este curso cumple con el estndar de capacitacin en Gestin de Proyectos y esta alineado a las 10 reas de Conocimiento (Integracin, Alcance, Tiempo, Costo, Calidad, Recursos, Comunicaciones, Riesgos, Adquisiciones e Interesados) as como los 5 Grupos de Procesos de Proyectos (Inicio, Planeacin, Ejecucin, Seguimiento y Control; y Cierre).Te prepara para el examen, y cumple con el requisito de PMI de las 35 horasEst alineado con el PMBOK que es el libro creado por PMI para poder administrar proyectos. PMI es la institucin con mayor reputacin a nivel mundial en conocimiento de Gestin de Proyectos.El conocimiento presentado es el mismo que se imparte en universidades y centros de enseanza sobre Gestin de Proyectos a nivel mundial. Y aprenders la terminologa estndar aplicable a Gestion de ProyectosTambien ste curso est diseado para ayudarte si manejas proyectos en tu trabajo y deseas administrarlos de una mejor forma, ya que contiene formatos de documentos que son utilizados para manejar un proyecto.Casi todos hemos manejado proyectos en algn momento de nuestra vida; por lo que los consejos ac presentados te ayudarn a ser ms eficaz, en el manejo de un proyecto pequeo como proyectos de gran envergadura.Se incluyen ejemplos de frmulas que se utilizan en formato Excel, as como ejemplos de formularios tiles para poder aplicarlos.Este curso te ayudar a evitar lo siguiente: No definir el alcance u objetivos de manera adecuada Tardarse muchsimo ms del tiempo que se tena planeado Que el costo sea muy diferente del presupuesto asignado Cuando se entreg el proyecto, el cliente recibi algo que no era lo que esperaba Se tuvieron graves problemas con el personal involucrado No se consideraron algunas cuestiones que realmente se saba desde un inicio que podan amenazar el xito del proyecto No se realiz la comunicacin con todos los involucrados Se tuvieron problemas con los contratistas Las personas relacionadas al proyecto no mostraron el inters adecuadoComienza por conceptos bsicos de proyectos, siguiendo con una descripcin de las reas de conocimiento para acabar con los procesos en el orden cronolgico en el que se avanza un proyecto. Al final del curso podrs: Identificar los 5 Grupos de Procesos (Inicio, Planeacin, Ejecucin, Seguimiento y Control, y Cierre) y que es el ciclo de vida de los proyectos. Conocer de las 10 reas de Conocimiento (Integracin, Alcance, Costo, Tiempo, Calidad, Recursos Humanos, Comunicaciones, Riesgos, Adquisiciones e Interesados) que es el conocimiento de Gestion de Proyectos agrupado por rea para poder gestionar proyectos de manera eficaz. Realizar un adecuado levantamiento de requerimientos, plasmarlos en un documento, elaborar un plan del proyecto. Darle seguimiento, y concluir el proyecto con toda la documentacin adecuada. Controlar de una mejor manera al personal involucrado en el proyecto Reaccionar con una metodologa ante amenazas en el proyecto Ajustar el proyecto para que termine con los objetivos establecidos con un costo y en un tiempo razonable. Y adicionalmente podras utilizarlo para optar al examen de certificacion de PMI, ya que cumple con el requisito de capacitacion en Gestion de Proyectos que PMI exije."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Simulador de Examen - Espaol" |
"Este es un examen para simular el examen para ser PMP (Project Manager Profesional) que se da a traves de PMI. El examen puede ayudarlo a entender si esta listo o no para someterse al examen oficial. Los de 200 preguntas son en tiempo muy similares al de PMI que son en 4 horas o 240 minutos.Se recomienda estudiar hasta que se tenga una nota en los resultados de aproximadamente un 80% para pasar el examen."
Price: 19.99

"Inflammation - The Hidden Source of Disease and Chronic Pain" |
"It starts with well meaning doctors injecting you with toxic vaccinations, and good relatives using sweets-as-rewards. Followed by the food processors adding neurotoxins to your drink or food, and farmers growing hollow foods on depleted soils. Then grocers soaking their carrots in chlorinated water to keep them clean, and teachers sterilizing every surface with antibacterials, or soap makers adding "fragrance" to your detergent, and everybody else asking you to sit, take a ride, and avoid hard work.Toxicity, Malnutrition, Environment and StagnationAt some point the immune system cracks. It begins to mistake some parts of your body as a foreign invader. Depending on a combination of factors - which nutrient is missing, which toxin has not been eliminated, which virus you contracted, and what type of stress you have endured - you develop one or more autoimmune disorder(s).The mainstream medical mindset focuses on symptoms and their suppression. It is possible to suppress a symptom using poisons, but unless the cause is dealt with, it will return with a greater strength, or at a broader and deeper level, which will be even more difficult to deal with. It is known as "aging", and "you'll have to get used to that." We don't quite agree with this.Toxins - heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, organo-chlorines, volatile organic compounds - they are all around you, in your air, water, food, clothes, beds, homes, cars, schools, offices.Malnutrition - Is it possible to be fat and malnourished at the same time? Phytonutrients, Minerals, Enzymes, Vitamins, Microbes - the makings of healthy life are nearly absent from industrial processed food. When your food is a hollow, low nutrient density, calorie rich, taste enhanced pretender - you can never eat enough. Even after a meal your body says: "Feed Me!". There is no wonder you are putting on weight.Stagnation - All life is based on pulsating energy: inhale/exhale, shorten/lengthen, close/open, squeeze/relax. When these movements seize, you soon are dead. Your body is designed to function under load - it is in dynamic (not static) balance that we find life's expression. Sedentary life is the antithesis to healthy function. A stagnant body if water is a swamp - rotting, decomposing, putrid smelling. If your feet stink, or your breath is bad, it is because of stagnation - you need movement.EMF stands for Electro-Magnetic Frequency. You cannot see it, but these days it is hard to find a place that is not being bombarded by signals of varying wave lengths. The shorter the wave, the higher the frequency, and the closer to affecting your health. It is used to deliver both energy and information, making our lives much more convenient, but at the same time it is threatening our health. IN this course, you will learn more of how you got where you are and what you can do to get to where you want to be.We have designed this course to provide you with the right knowledge, techniques and advice to be able to get back to your natural state of Peace, Love and Joy.Our Motto: Restoring Vitality to You and The Planet!"
Price: 19.99

"A'dan Z'ye Front-End Gelitirme (html5 css3 javascript)" |
"Kurs toplam 5 blmden olumaktadr. lk blmde html reneceksiniz. Html dili nedir? Html dilinin yaps . Html 5 yenilikleri ve standartlar. Vs. kinci blm css blmdr. Bu blmde stil sayfalarn tanyacaksnz. Stil sayfalarn kullanarak html ierigini biimlendirmeyi ve css 3 ile gelen animasyon gibi zellikleri tanyacaksnz. nc blm javascript blmdr. Bu blmde javascript dilini tanyacaksnz ve html dokmanlarn ve css stillerini degistirmeyi animasyonlar yapmay html atributelarn degistirmeyi ve regexp greneceksiniz.Blm sonunda bilgimizi snayan bir form yapacaz. Drdnc blm jQuery blmdr. Bu blmde jQuery ktphanesini tanyacak ve programlar yazabileceksiniz. Son blmde gelimi javascript ilevlerine girecegiz ve javascript dilini sadece web sitelerini grselletirmek iin deil web uygulamalari yazmak iin gerek bir programlama dili olarak kullanacaz."
Price: 149.99

"Create a game asset from start to finish" |
"Ever wanted to create a game but feel like you lack in the artistic department? Well, thats all in the past now! In this course, I'll guide you in the complete process of creation of your first game asset. You will learn the fundamentals of concept design and these fundamentals will stay with you while you design all your future creations! Including: thumbnail sketching reference usage design refinement design illustration We'll then use core techniques that are essential to low-polygon game modeling You will acquire a great skill set to start letting your creativity run wild. Techniques such as polygon modeling extrusion bevel inset conections chanfers create texture coordinates pack those coordinates together In the last phase of this course, we will create a rich texture to wrap our model with. Not only will we create texture coordinates for the model, but also paint a beautiful hand painted texture to wrap our model in. you'll learn to: export a texture coordinates reference image use the fundamentals of shading to create a base texture add hand painted detail add color with adjustment layers If you have a vision for your game assets, but can't seem to bring them to realization, this is the course for you! Don't depend on other people to bring your visions to life. Learn how to craft them yourself, and create as you want In less than a week you'll know the fundamentals to create whatever you imagine"
Price: 19.99

"Pixel art for Video games" |
"Imagine how cool your game would look in pixel art! Stop imagining! ==== UPDATED 26th of December==== *NEW SECTION* - Color theoryThis section was added by popular demand as something that was missing from the course.Thank you for you patience, I wanted to make sure everything was as good as Icould make it. Enjoy!In this course I'll use my 10+ years of experience to teach you all you need to know to start making your own pixel art. You'll go from zero to full speed in no time with simple exercises that will teach you the foundations as well as advanced concepts that help give your pixel art creations that professional look. Featuring over 6 hours of footage, you'll be able to follow step by step as I take you through the creation of some really cool pixel art! You'll learn: Configuring Photoshop to draw in pixel art Drawing lines and smooth shapes, such as circles Shading and texture The use of outlines And once you get these concepts settled, you'll learn: Creating tiles and adding detail to tilled imagesCreating sprites while using a tile gridCreating tiles in the style of top-down RPG gamesCreating characters in top-down perspectiveCreating some medieval style hud elementsWorking in isometric perspective You'll also: create a CHARACTER and ANIMATE it within minutes!Learn about color theory As a bonus round you'll get a chance to create a unity project and actually see your character move and jump around on the screen just like if it was in your video-game Take this course now and you will see your pixel art skill skyrocket!"
Price: 69.99

"Learn Photograph Colorizing Using Coloriage" |
"Colorizing--that is, adding color to photos that were originally black & white--can add a whole new dimension to photos, whether they are famous, historical wet plate photos, or old family treasures. Details that are lost in grayscale suddenly come to life in color. While one might think that colorizing is a very complicated, difficult thing to do, with the right software, practice, and patience, most anyone can become proficient. From this course, you will be able to do the following: Clean up an original black & white photo with Photoshop (or other software) Choose correct colors when going from grayscale to color Know how to correct common mistakes in colorizing with Coloriage Produce good-quality color photos from grayscale In this course, I will take you step-by-step through the process, from a digitized old, time-damaged wet plate photo, to a restored, colorized version. Together, we will fix the marks that time has left, choose our colors, and fill in the lines. With a couple hours' practice, you can be on your way to becoming a photographic colorizing artist! I am living proof that most anyone can do it. Although I had a father and grandfather who were very talented artists (and I also have a son who still is!), the talent skipped my generation. However, I have a lot of patience, and an eye for historical detail, so with the right software (in this case, Coloriage by Akvis) and lots of practice, I get rave reviews by many on my colorizations. My early ones were terrible! I keep them to remind myself how far I have come because now many of my works are truly art (my late father and grandfather would be proud!). You can do it, too!"
Price: 74.99

"Marketing iOS Apps Using App Store Optimization (ASO)" |
"Wanting to increase downloads for your app?With more than 1.2 million apps in the App store, you know that you should market your app and heard about App Store Optimization (ASO) but don't know where to start?Then this course is for you!Here, I show you step by step (using real examples) how to do ASO for your iPhone and iPad apps on iOS 8. The course is accessible to anybody and no prior knowledge of App Marketing or App Development is required.My name is Seb Hareng. I'm an app developer, marketer and entrepreneur based in the Silicon Valley (close to the Apple HQ). I published my first iPhone app in the store in 2010. I've been doing ASO for my own apps for years and help other app publishers getting more downloads.I'm also the host of the App Marketing Lab blog where I write about App Marketing every week.With this course, you'll learn how to find the best keywords for your app and how to maximise the number of keywords your app ranks for. You'll also learn how to treat your app like a real product and make it stand out in the app store by creating a great app icon, screenshots, description.Are you ready? Then don't wait!Join this course and get more downloads for your app NOW!"
Price: 29.99

"Business Hacks: Learn how to succeed in your first startup" |
"UPDATE: Now more than 1000+ students enrolled in this course!__________________________________________________________________________ Have you been dreaming of your own business? Have you caught yourself on self doubt and asking questions like how do I start my business? do I need to quit my job? how to plan my business? should I do this alone? You can get these questions and more answered in this course. This course will help you get off the ground with your first business adventure. At the end of this course you will know: How to shift your mind from employee to entrepreneur How your background influences you How to create business ideas How to turn ideas into business models How to plan your business What to focus on at the start of your business How to select business partners This course is will help you successfully start your business. There are other courses out there about growing a business but this one focuses on getting off the ground. You will lean some essentials on digging business ideas, turning ideas into business models, planning a business, carefully selecting partners and more. This course in a form of hacks - simple applicable tactics to raise your chances in success in your first business adventure. Every hack in this course was extracted from a life experience either mine or a close friend's. Every hack is the meaning of what happened. And they can be applied to any business. So either you are planning or doing some business online or offline it will be benefitial to you. The course includes real life stories. In addition you will get actionable items in form of spreadsheets and links to resources I found helpful. If after taking the course you won't find this material useful to you, you have a full 30 day money back guarantee. You are also getting a lifetime access to all the lectures in this course and future updates and bonuses. I will be happy to answer your questions on starting your business! It might come in form of questions, not answers - I prefer coaching than instructing. Join me on this course! Best, Kornel PS: The $19 price is an initial offer to build students and reviews.I believe this course can bring you much more in savings and profits in your business adventure.I plan on raising the price in the near future, as more content will be added soon. If you want to take advantage of the initial price, sign up now!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Sell Real Estate On Instagram" |
"Why should you enroll? How to sell Real Estate on Instagram is a must attend for any realtor looking to expand their network and sell more properties. This course provides detailed knowledge about how to attract clients and grow your network through Instagram to sell real estate Through narrated video, images, step-by-step instructions and real-life examples, you will learn how to use and master the Instagram mobile app, create content that your audience will love, attract and maintain a strong Instagram following, and how to track your progress. If you want to learn how to take amazing photos and videos of your real estate properties and harness the power of Instagram then this is course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Internet Information Services fr Webentwickler" |
"Dieser Kurs zeigt Softwareentwicklern und Administratoren die grundlegenden und wichtigen Funktionen der Internet Information Services (IIS) - des Webservers der Microsoft Windows Plattform. Entwickler, die Webanwendungen in ASP.NET schreiben und auf einem Webserver verffentlichen profitieren vom Verstndnis fr die IIS durch schnellere, bessere und stabilere Applikationen. Administratoren, die gelegentlich ASP.NET-Anwendungen fr Entwickler betreuen, erfahren alles ber die Bausteine der IIS und deren Konfiguration. Der Kurs ist auch interessant, wenn Anwendungen auf Microsoft Azure gehostet werden sollen oder die Entwicklung von Diensten auf Basis von WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) erfolgt. Die meisten Installation sind im Intranet zu finden. Wenn Sie ein Intranet mit Windows Servern betreuen oder dafr entwickeln und dabei Webanwendungen eine Rolle spielen, ist dieser Kurs besonders wichtig. Zum Kurs gehren eine Reihe von kompakten Videos mit aktiven Prsentationen und Demos der Werkzeuge. Einige Punkte sind eher informativ und werden als eBook geliefert. Der Kurs hat sechs Abschnitte, die in 26 Lektionen geteilt sind. Fr jede Lektion sollten Sie sich 30 Minuten Zeit nehmen. Der komplette Kurs kann innerhalb von zwei Tagen durchgearbeitet werden. Die Einleitung mit etwas Theorie kann auch bersprungen werden."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Excel pour les dbutants" |
"Depuis les bases ncessaires toute initiation jusqu'aux tches les plus avances, en passant par des dizaines dastuces pratiques pour adapter Excel vos besoins et vous dpanner en toute circonstance, ce cours vous dit presque tout sur Excel. Prenez un bon dpart ! Pour bien commencer, familiarisez-vous avec l'univers de ce tableur : dcouvrez le ruban, les barres d'outils, les feuilles et les classeurs, puis saisissez et mettez en forme des donnes. Ralisez vos premiers calculs, mettez en page et imprimez vos tableaux. Manipulez les donnes l'aide d'outils de tri ou de filtre, du solveur ou de tableaux croiss dynamiques. Transformez vos tableaux en graphiques, puis personnalisez-les pour leur donner un aspect professionnel. Profitez de la puissance dExcel Exploitez les nombreuses fonctions et formules d'Excel pour effectuer des calculs mathmatiques, optimiser des oprations financires, analyser des dates ou organiser des listes. Et si vous voulez plier Excel vos volonts, profitez des macros pour automatiser des tches ou crer vos propres fonctions. Dpannage instantan! Besoin d'aide pour rsoudre un problme rcurrent ou pour vous sortir d'un mauvais pas ? Ce livre vous donne une quantit innombrable d'astuces pratiques et de solutions de dpannage pour profiter au mieux d'Excel."
Price: 19.99

"Stratgies et Prises de dcisions en entreprises" |
"La formation vise doter les professionnels et les dbutants des connaissances et comptences pour leur permettre de : Dcouvrir l'environnement de la prise de dcision au sein de l'entreprise Comprendre les diffrents types et modles de prise de dcision Faire le point sur le rle de l'information dans le processus de prise de dcision S'initier la gestion des systmes d'information et la notion du risque Dfinir les concepts de la stratgie, politique et tactique Savoir comment mettre en place une stratgie d'entreprise Dcouvrir les diffrents outils et processus de la stratgie Mettre en vidence la dmarche prospective Mettre l'accent sur l'importance de la dmarche prospective Comprendre l'impact des NTIC sur le management des entreprises"
Price: 19.99

"Achieve Great School Grades Using Modern Study Skills" |
"Getting good grades at school is possible for everyone with these modern study skills and techniques. They can be implemented within minutes and can instantly improve your academic potential.This course on its own will not guarantee success you need to be committed to implementing the techniques and modifying them for your personal situation. Your approach to studying, though, will no longer be a barrier.No matter what subject you are studying, these efficient techniques can improve your school grades."
Price: 34.99

"Hacking with Swift 2 - Beginner to Pro - Build 20 Apps" |
"This course aims to show you that building IOS Apps with swift is fun and relatively easy. Learn how to create 20apps using apples new language Swift. Each app will be a bit more complex, but we build it together,so theres no guesswork as to the process and what the code is doing.A lot of work goes into my courses to make the code as easy to understand as possible..i usecallout graphics,highlighting, and deep explanationsto help guide you along the path of the code, each step of the way.Some of what you will be leaning: Featuring apps built by the award winning programmer Paul Hudson of HackingWithSwift dot comThe Swift language - we go from variables to creating our own functions and moreLearn Swift by use of diagrams / highlighting / graphics Learning the ins and outs of Xcode 7 and its many attributesWorking in storyboards and all it nuances How to use with controls / Outlets and Actions How to use logic for smooth control flow Using segues and passing data, in storyboards, and programmaticallyUsing delegates and protocolsAdding audio / AnimationsMaster strings in SwiftWorking with the NSTimer classUsing stackViewThe new safari view controller classUsing core imageUsing core dataImplement a slide-out controller to use as a settings page or other dataLearn the best Debugging TechniquesUsing core spotlightiAds - Learn how to add advertising to your appsWorking with the many swift classes available to usMore than 30hours of video describing the details of building iOS appsCreating an iCloud appUsing Push Notifications in an appSpriteKit / Build a Flappy Bird Clone in under 1 hourLearn sketch 3 (fast becoming the industry standard for UI design)Autolayout easy and advanced - create constraints using VFLLearn how to work with JSON data in swiftAll videos are recorded in HD for maximum resolution and clarity Swift is the new language of the future, And with this course you will get plenty of instruction on how to implement Swift code in unique ways, in an easy to understand step by step format. Everything is explained in detail using graphics, animations, and annotations, so there's no guesswork as to how or why the code works the way it does, it just all makes sense, and is easy to implement, and before you know it you will have built yourself a wonderful working app that you can submit to the app store.This course assumes you have no programming experience, so its perfect for the beginner. Its also a nice fit for the intermediate and experienced coder as the course covers advanced techniques as well...like creating autolayout constraints in code using VFL. By adding your own creativity and data, you will be transformed into an Apple Developer in a very short time.Happy Coding :-)"
Price: 74.99

"SwiftUI - Build Amazing Apps - With much less code & hassle" |
"Welcome to the SwiftUI courseMy name is Steve DeStefano, an iOS / macOS developer, and I created this course for anyone who wants to learn how to build beautiful apps with Apples new framework SwiftUI.SwiftUI is Apples new Declarative building framework that actually might forever change the way apps are made.Gone here are the familiar story boards, as well as auto layout, which was at times very frustrating to work with this has all been replaced with intuitive new design tools within Xcode that make building interfaces with SwiftUI as easy as dragging and dropping, and using about 5 times less code then working with UIKit and storyboards.SwiftUI is a declarative approach to building apps and it includes all of apples platforms so build the app once, and deploy it on the other platforms very easily.What is Declarative Programming?Declarative Programming is a non-imperative style of programming in which we describe, or declare, the desired results without explicitly coding out the commands or steps that must be performed. imperative programming is a style of programming that uses statements, in explicit steps to change a program's statemeaning, we would have to code the various components or views ourselves to make them show and hide...this is what we do with UIKit and storyboardsThe key contrast between the two styles can be summed up with two words - WHAT and HOW -Declarative programming focuses on what the program should accomplish, and imperative programming focuses on how the program should achieve the result.This course will show you how to use this declarative approach and the SwiftUI features, and walk you through the process of building fun and stylish apps.You will learn all about: Text views TextFields Images Modifiers State Object Binding Environment Lists Navigation Passing data back and forth Integrating SwiftUI with UIKit Stacks Animations Core Data CoreML SwiftUI and the Camera Shadows Shapes Gradients Forms Tab Bars Learn the Swift Language in the language section - here you can learn from the beginning on how to code in Swift with dozens of lectures that cover all you need to know to be proficient in writing code. Swift Language quizzes help you solidify your progress as you work through the language lecturesand much moreSo code along with me working with an incredibly cool and insane set of design tools - SwiftUI - and get a head-start on the future of app building. I'll see you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Learn to paint with Painter Essentials 5" |
"If youre keen to start creating digital paintings with a traditional feel, but want to keep your costs down for now, learning Painter Essentials 5 is well worth your time. Painter Essentials is a scaled-down version of Corel's professional Painter application, but for an introduction to digital painting Painter Essentials it's a great place to start. This software is for people who want try out digital painting, but don't want to pay too much for software and don't mind the absence of some of the expert features in professional-grade graphics software. Essentials is a functional art program at a fraction of the price of Corel Painter. Currently you can buy Painter Essentials 5 for 49.99 dollars, whilst the pro version called Painter 2015 costs you somewhere around 429.00 dollars. Also you can download an instant 30 day trial version for free. Im going to show you the different kinds of tools, brushes, effects and techniques this software has to offer. When Ive shown you all need to know to get started we will first sketch and then use the digital acrylics and oils to paint a quick painting of a piece of fabric. After creating your fist digital painting we are going draw a black and white portrait with oily pastels together. I wont be able to show you absolutely every single option in Painter Essentials 5 but it's a good basic knowledge to get started."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Sales Training - Compelling Conversations" |
"In order to create messages (for business-to-business sales) that compel the prospect to take action, you need to first understand the compelling business priorities for your prospects, and then align your messages and conversations to those priorities. Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators or KPIs can be a great way to learn about your prospects business priorities, the issues they really care about, and the targets that keep them awake at night. In the first part of the course, you will learn the two main categories of Metrics and KPIs, used within most organisations, and a few quick and easy ways to learn the ones that will be relevant to your target prospects. Then, you will learn a simple three step exercise that can help to identify the specific metrics and KPIs that can be connected to the value of your solutions. Once these metrics and KPIs are identified, you will have one of the two components needed for a compelling sales message. For the second component, you will need some information from your existing customers. So, you will learn a very specific conversation framework, to capture that second component. In the final part of course, you will learn how to package all of the newly discovered information and use it effectively at every stage of the sales process: How to use this information during prospecting in a way that it leaves the prospect wanting to find out more. Then, at the initial meeting, how to use this information to systematically quantify the impact of the prospects current situation. When it comes to presentations, how to use this information tactfully in order to lower the prospects reluctance to change. And finally, how this information can be used to create a strong and credible business case that makes your solution a no-brainer. In short by the end of this course, you will have learnt... how top sales professionals are able to open more doors and close more sales. So let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"iRise Studio for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the iRise Beginner course!! This course has over 30 lectures with more than 3 hours of video content providing all the basics of Studio usage to create amazing screen simulations. You will learn how to use iRise Studio to elicit and validate requirements and design page layouts, flows, navigation, add logic for dynamic user interaction. You will also learn how to plan for content re-usability using styles, templates and masters and best practices for creating the simulations quickly and efficiently. I will recommend to pause the videos and try the concept in your Studio as you progress through the course. If you want to learn more advanced concepts of Studio for creating simulations with full data functionality , logic with multiple real world examples, you can checkout my other course: iRise for Advanced Users(coming soon) which is targeted towards Intermediate and Advanced Users. What is iRise Studio? iRise Studio is part of a software suite available for windows and mac used to visualize requirements. You do not have to write lines and lines of requirements any more. You can visualize your requirements into scenarios and simulations quickly and easily. Everything in studio is a drag and drop concept. So it is very easy to use and you do not require any coding experience. Requirement Authors can now create better quality of requirements which stakeholders can visualize and interact even before a single line of code is written. iRise Studio promotes a healthy collaboration with the stakeholders because they can now interact with the simulation and provide better feedback on the content. Most of the other wire framing/visual tools do not have the screen interaction capability. But with iRise Studio, you can create screens which look and behave like a real production screen within minutes. The content created in iRise can be published on Definition Center which is a repository for collaboration with other authors and reviewers. You can also export the content into interactive document format, word, xml, to send to reviewers for feedback."
Price: 19.99

"Mixing Tips: The Basics of Mixing Your Beats (For Beginners)" |
"Welcome to ""Mixing Tips: The Basics of Mixing Your Beats (For Beginners)""In this course you will learn several professional mixing techniques that will help improve your sound.Best of all the techniques and tips taught in this class are universal and can be applied to any DAW you are using to make beats and produce music.This is a beginner level audio mixing course so if you already have a good understanding of the topic and years of experience then this isn't the best course for you. But if you are new to music production or how to mix your beats then this will be a great introductory course to help get you started.This course comes with 7 sections that cover a range of topics including but not limited to:How to organize your session How to use buses and sends How to balance and level all the instruments properlyHow to use equalization to sweeten and add clarityHow to use panning and reverb to create depthHow to use compressors and make your drums punch thru the mixHow to bounce down your session into the highest quality MP3 and WAV fileAnd much more!!Just listen to what other students think of this course:Fohn Asobah says:""Great tips. Most of the points explained in this course answered many issues i had while mixing. I recently created a beat, it sounded okay with all headphones and speakers in my studio but when i listened to it in my car, it didn't sound like what i expected, lol. Really good for beginners like myself and anyone. I will recommend this course. The instructor knows what his talking about and also made it easier to understand.""Elijah Haskins says:""Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I appreciate your teaching style. Very simple and to the point. I understand compression, EQ'ing and frequencies more than I ever did. I've done other courses on those subjects and they were too technical. You taught it in a simple way that I could understand and use examples to demonstrate what you were teaching. I will be investing in your other courses. Thank you and great job!""Vincenzo Marquez says:""Gave me a solid understanding of how to equalize audio, and I was able to apply the concepts immediately. Although the focus of this course is general audio production, it helped me drastically improve my track vocals. Joseph is also very responsive to messages, and replies very quickly to questions.""So what are you waiting for?? Join our producer community today so you can learn what it takes to IMPROVE YOUR SOUND!Enroll Now!!"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Beat Making Skills (For Beginners)" |
"Welcome to ""Advanced Beat Making Skills (For Beginners)""If you are brand new to music production this is the best course to improve your skills as a music producer.If you already have years of experience making beats and producing music please to not enroll because this course is designed specifically for novice level music producers.This is a comprehensive course which means it's very thorough and covers all aspects of music production from building a home studio, the beat making process, music theory, and even how to mix beats. You will essentially get 3 courses in 1 that will quickly help you elevate your skills and improve your sound.Check out what students are saying""I always see overly positive feedback and think hmm its prob the guy's friend. but literally haha I'm real person with no relations to anyone here n i gotta say i love this course!! Joseph just makes everything hella simple. super down to earth with easy terminology n dope skills! i really recommend this one out of all of them if ur trying to figure out how to begin making music. big up"" - Shay""I think the course is Fantastic because he actually builds beats on the spot and they are.....FIRE!!!....The rhythms of today. I loved the course and will look to take all the courses you offer."" - Jeffery Walker""This is an excellent course on creating beats. I was able to create my own instrumental while watching and following along. Now I'm in the process of mixing, I can't wait to learn that next. Thanks!"" - CarlinThis course includes downloadable resources and practice video files so you can Learn while doing each production technique or principle! Learn how to improve your sound step by step.Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"JVZoo Affiliate Marketing Get Yourself An Army of Affiliates" |
"Last Updated February 2016 / Shall be adding more content if response is good enough and if there is changes in the JVzoo platform ***************************************"" Finally, Discover How You Can Sell Your Product on the JVZoo Instant Affiliate System And Tap Into Thousands of Affiliates... Starting Today!"" -Do you want to make more money with your existing product -Does an extra IPHONE / IPAD appeal to you -Maybe a nice vocation or even a treat to your favorite restaurants - Do you have a product to sell that can be delivered online? - Do you want to accept PayPal payments? - Do you want others to sell your product for you? - Do you want the ability for JVZoo to pay your affiliates INSTANTLY and not have to worry about when and who to pay? - Do you want access to a dynamic and powerful sales funnel system to setup your upsells and downsells with ease? - Do you want to share your profits with your Joint Venture partners, or give your graphic designers, JV brokers and more a percentage of the sales without worrying about doing it all manually? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then JVZoo is your solution. In this 10 Parts Course you do learn everything about how to get started with JVZoo JVZoo is the solution to tap on the biggest affiliate marketers. They are constantly and eagerly looking to promote your product for you."
Price: 49.99

"Triple Your Job Interviews - My Huge Job Interview Secret" |
"Course Fully Updated on October 11th, 2018 In 2018, getting a job has never been easier and I'm here to show you how to get 3 - 6 interviews a week. Most people job hunt by applying online which is the worst possible way to find a job. But that's all most people know because we're simply never taught how top performing job hunters look for jobs. After I graduated university, I couldn't believe how hard it was to find a job. I spent hours upon hours everyday applying to jobs, writing emails, customizing cover letters and getting very little results. But then an acquaintance told me something brilliant, ""the people that find the best jobs are not necessarily the ones that are the smartest or best qualified, they're the ones that know how to job hunt best."" They were right, and that one phrase changed my life completely. I spent years in recruitment and HR, networked with the best career coaches, read all the top books on job hunting and researched everything I could get my hands on. I developed some amazing unique out-of-the-box job hunting strategies that worked quite well, but one strategy in particular had unbelievable results. Almost every student I worked with, no matter the background, was able to get 3 - 6 interviews within 72 hours if they simply followed the steps of this strategy. This entire course outlines this exact job hunting strategy that has produced these incredible results. It all revolves around bypassing HR, creating a powerful online first impression by using a variety of digital tools and applying directly to people who are responsible for hiring you. You will be able to get 3 - 6 interviews a week after you watch this course, you simply cannot fail because it's so incredibly simple and effective. To ensure your success, I'm here for you, you don't have to do this alone. With the purchase of this course, I'll give you my cell phone number so you can always call me to chat or email me to setup a 30 minute call. You'll also get access to our Facebook group where my team and a community of job seekers are here to help. Every Sunday at 2 pm ESTIgo LIVEin our Facebook group to answer your questions and help you 1-on-1. I spend hours and hours answering emails and talking to my students on the phone. I get to help people everyday with my expertise and make a difference. I love what I do and I'm going to do everything I can and give you everything I got to make sure you succeed. Have a wonderful day! - Jerry"
Price: 34.99

"Get Motivated, Learn Motivational Theory and Find Happiness!" |
"Note: Mid-year special: enroll in this course, and lifetime access to the other two paid Action Courses free ($49 Resolutions/goals course and $49 AntiStalkers anti-stalking course) via a coupon on July 1. The Motivation Course - a new online course providing a background in motivation. When you are a student, you will learn more about how you are motivated, and understand many of the theories about motivational behavior. The three sections of this motivational course covers: how our bodies work in terms of motivation (biology), the theories (including Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory), and ways in which we can improve and maintain motivation (tools). There are short fun quizzes to help you test your knowledge, and to reinforce your learning. Updated with bonus material in Feb. 2015 - more bonuses being added, including in April & May! When you take this course, a lasting benefit you can get includes an increased awareness of your motivation. Simply being more aware can make you make small changes to increase your motivation every day. Along with awareness comes more knowledge about how motivation actually works - or doesn't - and the tools you can use to keep motivated! You get lifetime access to the course, and regular updates are included. Enroll now before the next price increase. See you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99

"New Years Resolutions Course 2019 Take Action & Reach Goals!" |
"Happy New Year 2019! Is there a goal you want to make happen - a resolution for any time of the year? Want to pre-energize your New Year's resolutions? This helpful course covers making resolutions, as well as understanding more about these decisions in general. We cover the different types of resolutions, the ways that people approach making resolutions, and more... including some humor (quotes) and a list of some funny resolutions. You will find this course makes you think more about making this type of change. At the end you will feel more energized to get started and to keep going on your life changes... no matter when you decide to make them! The course also comes with a certificate of completion when you finish. Join over 1,500 other students when you enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Photoshop - Selections" |
"This course is designed to teach you all about Photoshop Selections and Selections only! Because enough with the "overviews", "crash courses" and "basics"! It's easy to go from beginner to expert by focusing on one area at a time, going into depth and giving it your full attention - which is precisely what you'll be doing with the help of this tutorial and the upcoming ones! Learn the ins and outs of one of Photoshop's most powerful features: Selections! Learn all of the main selection tools and several advanced methods of selecting Become acquainted with the multiple ways in which you can easily manipulate selected content Learn how to adapt to specific situations and instantly reach for the most appropriate tools Gain a better understanding of Photoshop and some of its core principles Photoshop is an essential part of any artists' world, whether you're aiming to be a photographer, a designer, a graphic artist or anything even remotely art-related. It's a powerful, fascinating piece of software, but it's about as vast as it is amazing which is why learning its secrets can feel rather overwhelming. You can try to go over all of its features and functionalities in one quick breath but understanding its full power overnight is a pretty impossible task and, frankly speaking, it doesn't really do it justice - there's just so much to know and talk about when it comes to Photoshop! This here tutorial is aimed at beginners or users of lower intermediate level and it focuses on one specific area of Photoshop - Selections! By dedicating a full tutorial to this topic, you can be sure that, by the end of it, you'll have far more than a basic understanding of what selections mean and you'll, in fact, be able to use these features to an advanced level. Contents and Overview This course contains 16 lectures providing a comprehensive approach to Photoshop selections. You'll learn about the multiple selection tools and methods at your disposal, you'll understand how to distinguish between selections and their contents and how to bend both of them to your will, you'll become acquainted with core principles and techniques that apply all throughout Photoshop. By the end of this tutorial you'll be capable of applying selections to any situation: from swapping your roommate's head with a poodel's in their family photo, to positioning your company's logo on an elegant new business card. The sky's the limit! Note: The simple PSD file used in this tutorial is available for download in the second lecture (What are selections?) if you wish to follow along with the lectures."
Price: 19.99

"Risk Management for Project Professionals (PMBOK6 Updated)" |
"This course on Risk Management is designed to meet the requirements of project professionals and of those of you who are interested in taking the PMI Certification exams such us Risk management professional.The focus of this course is on developing skills and for this reason practice materials cover at least 15 hours of exercise and work on risk management tools and techniques, risk management documents and risk response. This course on Risk Management for Project Professionals includes more than 15 hours of video materials on: Project management (overview)Project risk managementPlan risk managementIdentify risksQualitative risk analysisQuantitative risk analysisPlan risk response, andRisk ControlAfter each video lecture you will have a practical activity. You will receive instructions for each exercise and, if needed, templates. This is your investment in your risk management actionable skills. And, after each section you will have a quiz that will reinforce your knowledge on risk management and its tools and techniques. All instructional activities will earn youthenecessary for PMI certification and credential maintenance if you already are a certified PMI Risk Management Professional or Project Management Professional. If you are a project professional and you want to improve your risk management skills, this course is for you. If you are an entrepreneur, a student, a manager or, you just want to learn and develop risk management skills, this course is for you. So, you will learn how to manage successfully threats and opportunities in your projects.Now, go ahead and press that ""Take this course"" button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Analyzing Risk (PMBOK6 Aligned)" |
"The course on Analyzing Risk is part of a series of courses that together form the Risk Management Certification Program (PMI-RMP). The Program is PMBOK6 aligned and includes the courses on Identifying Risk, Analyzing Risk and Responding to Risk.What will you learnAfter completing the course on Identifying Risk you will be able to:recognize the inputs you use to perform qualitative risk analysis,identify the tools and techniques you can use for the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process,prioritize risks based on given probability and impact ratings,recognize project documents that may need to be updated as a result of qualitative risk analysis,recognize the inputs to the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process,recognize examples of information you should gather about risks during an interview,identify the four common types of continuous distribution,identify the purpose of sensitivity analysis,calculate the expected monetary value of a risk,describe how to interpret a cost risk simulation graph,identify the sections of the risk report you typically update as a result of the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process,demonstrate your understanding of how to perform qualitative and quantitative risk analysis for your project.Who is your instructorMy name is Sorin, and I will be your instructor. I am a trainer and project manager with more than 10 years of experience. Before Udemy, I trained hundreds of people in a classroom environment civil servants, managers, project workers, aid workers and many more. And I managed projects in the fields of justice, corrections, regional development and human resources development.How will you benefitAll instructional activities will earn youthenecessary for PMI certification and credential maintenance if you already are a certified PMI Risk Management Professional or Project Management Professional. If you are a project professional and you want to improve your risk management skills, this course is for you. If you are an entrepreneur, a student, a manager or, you just want to learn and develop risk management skills, this course is for you. Now, go ahead and press that ""Take this course"" button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99
