"Responding to Risk (PMBOK6 Aligned)" |
"The course on Analyzing Risk is part of a series of courses that together form the Risk Management Certification Program (PMI-RMP). The Program is PMBOK6 aligned and includes the courses on Identifying Risk, Analyzing Risk and Responding to Risk.What will you learnAfter completing the course on Identifying Risk you will be able to:identify the inputs to the Plan Risk Responses process,identify strategies for responding to negative risks,identify strategies for responding to positive risks,recognize examples of using contingent response strategy,recognize the outputs of the Plan Risk Responses process,recognize the purpose of the Implement Risk Responses process,identify the inputs to the Monitor Risks process,recognize examples of risk audit outcomes,distinguish between technical performance analysis and reserve analysis measurement criteria,recognize appropriate risk response strategies,recognize the outputs of the Monitor Risks process,demonstrate your understanding of the Plan Risk Responses, Implement Risk Responses, and Monitor Risk processes.Who is your instructorMy name is Sorin, and I will be your instructor. I am a trainer and project manager with more than 10 years of experience. Before Udemy, I trained hundreds of people in a classroom environment civil servants, managers, project workers, aid workers and many more. And I managed projects in the fields of justice, corrections, regional development and human resources development.How will you benefitAll instructional activities will earn youthenecessary for PMI certification and credential maintenance if you already are a certified PMI Risk Management Professional or Project Management Professional. If you are a project professional and you want to improve your risk management skills, this course is for you. If you are an entrepreneur, a student, a manager or, you just want to learn and develop risk management skills, this course is for you. Now, go ahead and press that ""Take this course"" button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"The Risk Management Certification Program (PMI-RMP) (PMBOK6)" |
"Welcome to the Risk Management Certification Program (PMI-RMP). The Program is PMBOK6 aligned and includes the courses on Planning Risk Management, Identifying Risk, Analyzing Risk and Responding to Risk.In the Planning Risk Management section of this program on the project risk management knowledge area we're going to learn about how to plan for risks on a project to make sure that when negative things do happen, we're ready for them.The Identifying Risk covers the inputs you need to look at in order to identify risks. And how to use several techniques, such as Data Analysis methods, like SWOT Analysis, and Assumption, and Constraint Analysis, to help you develop an effective risk register.In the Analyzing Risk section, we'll examine the two risk analysis processes of the project risk management knowledge area, namely, perform qualitative risk analysis and perform quantitative risk analysis.The Responding to Risk covers the final three processes in the project risk management knowledge area. Plan risk responses, implement risk responses and monitor risks. You'll learn about some common risk response strategies and how to monitor and control risks as they occur.All instructional activities will earn you the necessary for PMI certification and credential maintenance if you already are a certified PMI Risk Management Professional or Project Management Professional.So, if you are a project professional and you want to improve your risk management skills, this course is for you. If you are an entrepreneur, a student, a manager or, you just want to learn and develop risk management skills, this course is for you.Now, go ahead and press that ""Take this course"" button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Business Analysis (IIBA - ECBA)" |
"The Introduction to Business Analysis course is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide (BABOK3), and we're going to cover the foundational concepts related to business analysis.First we're going to look at business analysis and what it is, what a business analyst does, and some of the core concepts related to working in this field. Then we'll look at some of the key terms, such as stakeholder, requirements, and design.Business Analysis: An Overview1. Business Analysis: Definition and Context 2. The Business Analyst's Role3. The Value of Business Analysis4. Exercise: Understanding Business AnalysisBA Terms and Concepts1. Business Analysis Knowledge Areas2. Business Analysis Key Terms3. Business Analysis Core Concepts4. Exercise: Business Analysis Key Terms and ConceptsBA Stakeholders, Requirements, and Designs1. Stakeholders within a Project Team2. Stakeholders External to the Project Team3. Requirements Classification Schema4. Requirements and Designs5. The Requirements and Design Cycle6. Exercise: Stakeholders, Requirements and DesignsYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. This course is part of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes 14 courses. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring (IIBA - ECBA)" |
"The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring course is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide (BABOK3), and we're going to cover the foundational concepts related to business analysis.In this course, we're going to begin looking at the business analysis knowledge areas, beginning with business analysis planning and monitoring.The tasks in this knowledge area produce documents that direct you as a business analyst throughout a project.These documents include the general approach you'll take, the plan for engaging stakeholders, and how you'll manage information, and changes to the requirements.Introduction to BA Planning and Monitoring1. Overview of BA Planning and Monitoring2. BA Planning and Monitoring and the BACCM TM3. Exercise: Understanding BA Planning and MonitoringPlan Business Analysis Approach1. Plan BA Approach: Inputs and Elements2. Plan BA Approach: Guidelines and Techniques3. Plan BA Approach: Stakeholders and Output4. Exercise: Planning the BA ApproachPlan Stakeholder Engagement1. Plan Stakeholder Engagement: Inputs and Elements2. Plan Stakeholder Engagement: Guidelines & Techniques3. Plan Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholders & Outputs4. Exercise: Planning Stakeholder EngagementPlan Business Analysis Governance1. Plan BA Governance: Inputs and Elements2. Plan BA Governance: Guidelines and Techniques3. Plan BA Governance: Stakeholders and Outputs4. Exercise: Planning BA GovernancePlan Business Analysis Information1. Plan Information Management: Inputs and Elements2. Plan Information Management: Guidelines & Techniques3. Plan Information Management: Stakeholders & Outputs4. Exercise: Planning BA Information ManagementIdentify BA Performance Improvements1. Performance Improvements: Inputs and Elements2. Performance Improvements: Guidelines and Techniques3. Performance Improvements: Stakeholders and Outputs4. Exercise: Identifying BA Performance ImprovementsYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. This course is part of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes 14 courses. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Business Analysis Elicitation and Collaboration (IIBA -ECBA)" |
"The Business Analysis Elicitation and Collaboration course is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide (BABOK3), and we're going to cover the foundational concepts related to business analysis.You can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. In this course, we're going to examine the ongoing process of elicitation and collaboration and find out how business analysts identify and reach agreements with stakeholders on requirements.The tasks in this knowledge area describe how you as a business analyst reach a mutual understanding of various types of business analysis information with stakeholders.The activities associated with this task include workshops, surveys, and ad hoc collaboration and conversations.Elicitation and Collaboration1. Overview of Elicitation and Collaboration2. Core Concepts and the Business Analyst's Role 3. Exercise: Understand Elicitation and CollaborationPrepare for Elicitation1. Prepare for Elicitation: Inputs and Elements2. Prepare for Elicitation: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Prepare for Elicitation: Stakeholders and Outputs 4. Exercise: Preparing for ElicitationConduct Elicitation1. Conduct Elicitation: Inputs and Elements2. Conduct Elicitation: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Conduct Elicitation: Stakeholders and Outputs 4. Exercise: Conducting ElicitationConfirm Elicitation Results1. Confirm Elicitation Results: Inputs and Elements2. Confirm Elicitation Results: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Confirm Elicitation Results: Stakeholders and Outputs 4. Exercise: Confirming Elicitation ResultsCommunicate Business Analysis Information1. Communicating BA Information: Inputs and Elements2. Communicating BA Information: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Communicating BA Information: Stakeholders and Outputs 4. Exercise: Communicating BA InformationManage Stakeholder Collaboration1. Stakeholder Collaboration: Inputs and Elements2. Stakeholder Collaboration: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Stakeholder Collaboration: Stakeholders and Outputs 4. Exercise: Managing Stakeholder CollaborationThis course is part of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes 14 courses. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Business Analysis and Requirements Life Cycle Management" |
"The Business Analysis and Requirements Life Cycle Management ourse is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide (BABOK3), and in this course we're going to begin looking at the business analysis knowledge area Requirements Life Cycle Management.Requirements are the foundation of all your business analysis activities. If the objective of a project is to deliver solutions that best meet requirements, then you'd best keep a close eye on those requirements and the designs that address them. So let's look at what your role is in tracing and maintaining requirements and designs. Introduction to Requirements Life Cycle 1. Requirements Life Cycle Management2. Requirements Management and the BACCM TM3. Exercise: Understanding Requirements Management Trace Requirements 1. Requirements and Traceability2. Trace Requirements: Inputs and Elements3. Trace Requirements: Guidelines and Techniques 4. Trace Requirements: Stakeholders and Outputs 5. Exercise: Trace Requirements Maintain and Prioritize Requirements 1. Maintain Requirements: Elements and Guidelines2. Maintain Requirements: Techniques and Stakeholders 3. Prioritize Requirements: Inputs and Elements4. Prioritize Requirements: Guidelines and Techniques 5. Prioritize Requirements: Stakeholders and Outputs6. Exercise: Maintain and Prioritize Requirements Assess Changes and Approve Requirements 1. Assess Requirements Changes: Inputs and Elements 2. Assess Requirements Changes: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Assess Requirements Changes: Stakeholders and Outputs 4. Approve Requirements: Inputs and Elements5. Approve Requirements: Guidelines and Techniques 6. Exercise: Assess and Approve Requirements You can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. This course is part of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes 14 courses. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"360 Degrees of Success" |
"Master the skills of a balanced life so that you can develop and sustain positive self-transformation. You have within you all you need to ignite your success and passion for life. But you may be missing the most effective skills for managing your 5 most essential resources: money, relationships, energy, time, and the ability to switch hats (roles in your life). Develop Proven Skills to Manage Your Most Precious Resources Once you have learned and implemented the 360 Degrees of Success skills you will keep your success and satisfaction growing for years, even decades to come. I am convinced, because Ive seen it happen so many times, that if you bring the 360 Degrees of Success into action each and every day, you will reignite your passion for life accelerate your success perform at your highest potential shift from average to exceptional take good care of yourself become instrumental in helping others along the way have a huge smile on your face! This course is built on the 5 essential components we simply cannot do without: Money Relationships Energy Time Wisdom of Switching Hats When you have a relationship with money, you have more of it in your life. As in any relationship, with money theres give and take. In this first module, you will deepen your relationship with money by entering that give and take flow. People need other people to create success, joy and fulfillment. That is why we naturally want to connect in relationships. In this module you will learn how to recognize which one of the five phases any relationship is in, so you can more easily nurture it or move it to the next phase, if appropriate. Energy is not only a tool for getting things done; it is also a magnetic force that draws people towards you. In this module you will learn how to shift your mindset and perform tasks that energize rather than drain you. When you feel stressed and overwhelmed, you might think, I dont have enough time. In this module youll learn how to arrest the time thieves and apply time systems that shift your life from overwhelmed and stressed out to easily managed and happy. Doing what you love may make you happy while youre doing it, but what about the rest of the time? In this module you will learn how to love whatever you do simply by changing hats. Just imagine what it will be like when you stop chasing silver bullet solutions and instead use these tools to sustain a continuous positive self-transformation."
Price: 54.99

"Secretos TOP del Fotgrafo Profesional Para Master Tu Selfie" |
"Una fotografa es un recuerdo para toda una vida y un buen retrato o selfie presenta la esencia del sujeto. Logra tu mejor retrato o selfiecon la artista y fotgrafa profesional Zayra Mo. Durante este curso Zayra Mo te llevar a descubrir cmo sacarle provecho a tu cmara y convertir tus fotos en una obra de arte. Aprende desde los elementos bsicos de la fotografa, editar en photoshop, cmo dirigir una sesin de fotos, como posar, como retratar bebs, como retratar mascotas, como tomarle fotos a grupos y hasta cmo utilizar la fotografa como terapia. Y lo mejor, cmo crear tus propios auto-retratos. Gracias a las lecturas y videos conocers las estrategias y trucos, no solo de los profesionales, sino de los artistas que como Zayra Mo, han utilizado la fotografa para crear una interesante historia con el retrato. Este curso es tanto para prinicpiantes como para profesionales que buscan activar su lado creativo en el arte de la fotografa."
Price: 74.99

"Curso Completo Para Aprender A Ser Creativo" |
"El pensamiento creativo puede ayudarte a hacer muchas cosas. Te puede ayudar a salir adelante en el trabajo, aprender cosas nuevas y explorar el mundo de una manera que nunca habas hecho antes. No olvides que adoptar un pensamiento creativo es algo que tienes que trabajar. Aprovecha las nuevas tcnicas de este curso para ponerlas en marcha para aprender a mirar ms all de lo obvio y tratar de encontrar un enfoque diferente a los problemas. No tengas miedo de permitir que su cerebro tome nuevas riendas. Deja que tus pensamientos se hagan cargo y deja, en un segundo plano tu cerebro lgico. Hacer esto puede ser descrito como simplemente soar despierto. No trates de controlar sus pensamientos, deja que fluyan. Encontrars que el pensamiento creativo te permitir mirar el mundo de otra manera y ser capaz de comprender nuevos conceptos. No dudes en ensearle a otros cmo ser pensadores creativos. En realidad, puede ser contagioso. Este curso te ofrece de manera sencilla y fcil los pasos para adoptar el pensamiento creativo junto con 20 videos de tcnicas para usar al instante."
Price: 79.99

"Sound Therapy, Meditation and Intention with The Alpha Room" |
"Im very happy to announce that our successful project The Alpha Room is in Udemy for you. The Alpha Room started in 2016 in Miami touring in universities, health clinics and events. The project evolved in a documentary and a CD with the same name.In the two years of touring and engage with so many different people, The Alpha Room was and is a success because we approach the practice of meditation and sound healing to deal with one of the most dangerous problems we have : noise pollution.Noise pollution is not regulate in many countries and the effects are too many. Im living in Miami, the third most noisy city in United States. I know how its feel surround noise and the impact in your body, mind and spirit.Our propaganda of awareness opened the door to give a solution against the impact: meditation and sound healing.Here you are very privileged to watch - only online in Udemy - our documentary The Alpha Room which we explain all the research and tips to have a better life.One day I heard: is important to empower people with the best available information, so they know what they are dealing with and then have the real commitment to practice the solution.This is our moto here. So, here at Udemy we develop a course that - obviously have the complete documentary The Alpha Room, plus all the resources we work with and the complete CD of the live sessions.Also, this course wont be complete with the many SUPER TIPS Ive been teaching through the years. Simply but powerful descriptions and explanations about brain waves, sound healing, kineosology, intention, breathing, body position, practices elements like mala and mandalas and more.Be part of this movement for the evolution. When you become a member of this course, you become an agent of the great change. We help you and you help the world. Thanks.Reviews:Orawanya SingsuwanSuper !!! I Love this lesson"
Price: 124.99

"Learn Optimum Nutrition for Improved Health and Weight Loss" |
"--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 day no-risk money back guarantee to make certain you are happy with your purchase. If you don't like what you see, I will give you 100% refund anytime in the first 30 days. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you interested in learning more about nutrition? Do you have a desire to lose some weight or eat healthier to help maintain your weight and improve your well being? Using video, slides, animations, and text, we will work together to discuss basic nutrition; more specifically--an in depth look at carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and how our bodies process these for energy. You can expect to feel confident knowing about what you eat and how to make better choices regarding the types of food you eat to get and stay healthy. You will identify your health goals and how to get to them. We will look at food labels and explain their importance. By the end of the course you will have a clear understanding of the nutrition we need each day and what part protein plays in weight control. You will also learn a new and clinically proven way to keep track of calories that will help you re-learn good eating habits for weight loss and better weight control. The second half of the course focuses on using your new knowledge to lose weight using this clincally proven method. The course includes supplemental reference material and a quick start weight loss option for those who might be interested."
Price: 39.99

"The Missing Link Between Setting and Achieving Goals" |
"Succeed through Me Management is a unique system, designed by the creator of this course. This system applies one fundamental management skill: reaching targets. By the time you finish this course, you'll learn how to apply fundamental management principles to your life in order to achieve your goals. If you dont have what you want because you don't know where to begin, start here. This course may well launch you onto path to success. The system is simple on purpose. I believe in simplicity to achieve clarity. In my workshops, people have told me that moving forward was made so easy with the clarity my presentations provided. The mind operates much better when clarity reigns over thought processes. People find solutions more easily and are able to think and create momentum. I provide participants with practical tools and ideas to get them started then . . . the hope is that participants will continue to adjust the system to suit them. The intention is that people will take these fundamentals tools and re-create them to suit themselves once they have worked with the materials provided. Managing your life your way means exactly what it says, however, we all need a place to start. This course provides the way to begin your journey. Wants and desires are great. Setting goals in writing is wonderful but most of us have no idea where to start realizing those dreams. I give you practical tools with which to do it. Work with the tools and get underway to making your wants a reality. Eventually, you'll develop your own style. If you're looking for a magic bullet, you won't find it here but you will find help to get you going. Management is not one size fits all but a series of successes and missteps on a course towards a specified target. Expect that getting what you want has no direct process but, like a ship at sea, your journey will be filled with obstacles, detours, changes to course and, finally, success. Manage your dreams so they come true start here."
Price: 19.99

"Purchase management with Odoo V8" |
"This course will guide you, from the installation of the proper modules to the configuration of basic to complex purchase processes in Odoo. This course is intended for anyone wanting to learn, implement or analyse purchasing with Odoo. If you are a beginner or if you already have some experience with Odoo, you will surely benefit from this course as it goes deep in the explanation of the processes and demonstrates each step in the system. The best way to use this course is to have an Odoo system available in order to reproduce the examples shown. Apart from the presentation that you will be able to download, you will also get access to have course related answers within 48 hours. Register for this course and get started!"
Price: 24.99

"Physical inventory with Odoo V8" |
"Do you have Odoo Warehouse management in place? You will learn how to initialise or adjust the stock during the regular physical inventory. You will first discover the full process, inside and outside Odoo, and then see how this is carried on in Odoo V8. At the end, you will see the full process for an annual inventory. The course has a duration of around 30 minutes. Next to the videos, you will get a full presentation that you can download and use as a reference. You will also get access to the teacher to answer any course related question within 24 hours. Let's start it now!"
Price: 19.99

"The Legal Implications of Social Media in the Workplace" |
"Did you know that social media posts may be protected by Federal Law and that firing an employee over their facebook posts could result in SEROUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES? This course is designed to help Small Business Owners, Human Resources and Marketing Executives understand some of the legal ramifications in dealing with workplace social media issues. Many businesses are adopting and enforcing policies that may create substantial liability. This course reviews a number of regulations, laws and cases that provide guidance for developing a sound social media policy."
Price: 19.99

"Top Five Wage and Hour Traps for Business" |
"This course is about how we pay employees. It is intended for business owners, operations managers, and human resource professionals that are involved with making critical decisions regarding whether and how much to pay employees. This course is beginner/intermediate level with an emphasis on highlighting common problems that typically create liability for the business. No special materials are required for this course, which will include lectures and handouts describing important information concerning best practices in paying employees. The course is structured to provide extensive discussion and guidance on avoiding the top five wage and hour traps that businesses frequently experience. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 governs most of the employee pay practices in the United States. However, most of the applicable legal landscape is tenuously evolving. Furthermore, managers are frequently unsure of their specific payroll responsibilities and create liability for the organization. We will review developing regulatory activities that will continue to shape the legal landscape surrounding employment pay practices in the workplace for many years to come. In the meantime, employers need to assure managers are properly trained and understand the basics of wage and hour law. Besides identifying the five most common traps that ensnare employers regarding payroll practices, we will also discuss regulatory enforcement activities that help employers understand and mitigate legal liability. This will include, the latest legal developments e.g. pending changes to the overtime exemption regulations."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Shortcuts, Excel Tips, Excel Tricks - Excel Skills!" |
"Do you use Microsoft Excel?-Learn Excel Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks that will make you money (money moves)!-What would it be like to create a chart by pressing one button?-What would it be like to easily create a slicer controlled pivot table with a chart in just minutes?ALERT! - This course is not meant to be completed! I am continuously adding lectures that quickly resolve issues professionals in my live seminars across the USA are having while using Excel in their daily work.To ensure that you have all of the ingredients in place when using Excel it takes years of using the program before you learn all of these Secrets of Excel.""You have taught me a few things that irritate you about Excel, (VLOOKUP, PivotTable, Conditional Formatting, Charts, Formulas), and I have developed this course full of Excel Shortcuts Tips and Tricks that will take years off your learning curve. You will be using Excel like a professional within seconds of viewing this course.There's only 86,400 seconds in a day, and you can't make time, or save time you can only spend it and invest it.=================================================Super easy to follow!""If you have trouble with Excel, then this course makes it much easier to understand. The instructor is very knowledgeable and he makes it fun to learn.""==================================================Billy Wigley Is #1 Excel Trainer""Billy's Course is great for newcomers to excel and excel veterans alike that want to increase their knowledge, proficiency, and Skills!!! Billy is by far the most entertaining and knowledgeable Excel mentors I've had the privilege of learning from. I recommend his online course as a must for the aspiring excel guru, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND trying to find one of his live lectures.""==================================================You are an ACHIEVER. You KNOW what to do Take This Course and let's get started."
Price: 64.99

"Learn How to Double or Triple Your Production in Real Estate" |
"More than 300 students enrolled in the first 24 hours of being a publicly available course! More resources have been added! This course consists of 34+ coaching sessions that will teach you step-by-step how to double or triple your income from one year to the next. This will enable you to achieve all the things you've dreamed of whether that's buying your dream car or dream house, investing in property, sending your kids to college, or donating money to charities. Whatever your dream is, money helps you get there! This course will provide you with the tools to make as much money as you want, whether you are a novice or an experienced agent. In real estate, there are no limits! Treat this as your own personal real estate coach when you complete a lesson you should spend the next week executing the tips in the lesson. Schedule a recurring appointment on your calendar to take in each new lesson. Then follow through on the lesson before moving on to the next one. If you do this in this fashion, it will be the equivalent of having your own real estate coach (which normally costs $250/session). That means you are getting more than a $8000 value! If you are not absolutely happy with this class, you can get a full refund within the first 30 days. Enroll in this class now to start your future today! (If you are really really really happy with the course, please leave me a good review. If you aren't completely happy with something in the course, please let me know so I can help you and correct the problem) NOTE: Beware of Pirate sites that may put viruses on your computer if you download this lecture elsewhere. ADDED BONUS: Follow the instructions in the final quiz and at the end of the final video and you could receive a free half hour one-on-one coaching session ($250 value, no strings attached)."
Price: 49.99

"Business Networking / Face-to-Face Relationship Building" |
"In about two and a half hours of content over 40 concise video lectures and worksheets you will learn how to implement easy practical actionable tactics and concepts you can use to grow your business by expanding your relationships. Face-to-face networking is ideal for new or established local service providers and entrepreneurs who want to create inexpensive powerful word-of-mouth advertising that will take you From Business Card to Business Success. Including : The Fundamentals of Relationship Building Importance of Business Cards as a Contact Tool Finding Formal and Informal Networking Opportunities Everywhere How to Share Information About You and Your Company, Product or Service How to Identify Your Ideal Client or Customer Understand and Communicate What a Good Lead Is for You Build and Project Your Brand Image How to Enter and Leave a Conversation Multiply Your Efforts by Establishing Business Allies and Working With a Wing Man Special Information for Local Service Providers, Introverts and Employees Shameless Self Promotion Following Up With Contacts Creating a Plan You won't want to miss this chance to find out how to easily increase your business opportunities and make more money, presented by experienced networking group coordinator Reno Lovison, author of Turn Your Business Card Into Business sharing over 25 years of successful entrepreneurial experience."
Price: 29.99

"Create a Customer Profile That Will Grow Your Business" |
"Over 400 STUDENTS ENROLLED .Updated for 2019 Ideal for online and offline product or service providers. Who want to build your business through word-of-mouth referrals, social media, traditional advertising and/or targeted communications. It is also helpful for political campaigns and fundraising efforts. Targeting your audience reduces costs and increases effectiveness because you are not just using a shotgun or scatter shot method and hoping for the best. Ideally you want to send a clear concise message only to those individuals who are looking to purchase your product or service. To hit that target you need to understand who your best clients are and how to reach them. Designed for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners who generally do not take the time to get too formal when it comes to business planning. It's easy! Investing a few minutes to better understand exactly who your typical or ideal customer or client is, will help you to make more effective communications and marketing choices that will grow your business more quickly and take you in the direction you mean to go. Enroll now so that you can get a clear picture that will have you getting more ideal clients, better referrals and more frequent conversions. Whether you are a seasoned marketer or beginning entrepreneur, if you have not done this exercise recently, you are just wandering in a minefield hoping for the best. Take aim and get busy targeting the clients you need and want. There is a full 30 day money back guaranty if you are not satisfied for any reason, so get started and enroll today."
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Trade The Forex Market In Your Spare-Time" |
"Be sure to see what other students are saying below! ""Join Over 1,800 Students From All Over The World Who Have Enrolled!"" ""NO RISK on your part with myguarantee!"" In this course I will teach you a practical yet simple approach to trading that I use and have taught to others ranging in age from 14 to 70 years of age. I have been trading the forex for over 10 years and have seen a lot with regards to forex education, gimmicks and auto trading methods and software. There is a great deal of fx education but a lack of practical and consistent trading approaches. I will not be teaching you the history, indicators and all the other stuff (fluff) out, that will not get you making money. You can find this type of training for free online. However, I will be teaching you what my trading concept is, how to implement it and manage it. I have included trade examples from start to finish. Would you like to learn an approach to trading the currency market (forex) that: Is simple... (so simple a teenage can do it)Is not time consuming... (because after all you do have a life and a job)Is not full of complicated stuff... (just learn what you need to succeed)Is not going to take years of practice to get results... (want to see results within months of starting)Is something you can start today... (you can learn this approach today) If you answered, ""Yes"" to the statements above this course is one that you will benefit from. I have made this course simple for you to follow along. Here is what you will get: Over 2 hours of training videos with ZERO FLUFFCourse lecture notes - the important things to rememberA couple quizs to make sure you understand everything as you learnMy personal rules of thumb when I am tradingExamples of trades from start to finishAccess to see some of my personal trades - If you complete 100% of the courseMy personal risk free guarantee. Take the course for 30 full days, risk free - there's a full, no questions asked ever refund policy! ""Enroll in this course now and learn a skill you will have forever for being able to generate money from the forex market."" Click the blue ""Take This Course"" button in the top right corner of this page to enroll now."
Price: 194.99

"Basics of Electricity" |
"In order to understand, make or repair anything electrical from house wiring, automotive wiring, small electronic kits, electric motors etc. a basic understanding of electricity is needed. This course will explain the basic principles of electricity along with how to test and apply them. The course is intended as an introductory course for those who would like to be able to dabble in electronics and electricity. It is not intended to make you a proficient electrician. Remember electricity can be dangerous and have lasting consequences. The course will consist of video clips/lectures. Images, charts, and brief reading as supplemental information. Quizzes are available for self assessment and practice of the information."
Price: 24.99

"AB Testing Strategies & Best Practices with Google Optimize" |
"This course is the only one of it's kind on Udemy. AB testing has become a critical part of the digital marketing toolbox. It's a highly strategic skill to have, yet also creative, analytical and technical. As dynamic as this skill is, there is a shortage of professionals who have it. I've run over 300 ABtests in my career as a Growth Strategist and Web Analytics consultant and I'm here to share my top tips, tricks and best practices needed to add this skill to your resume and create a testing program at your company. I'll also walkthrough the most popular ways to use Google's free ABtesting platform; Google Optimize. Plus, I've included bonus resources and tools scattered throughout the course."
Price: 34.99

"9 Step Process for Successful Goal Setting" |
"This is aboutturningnormal goal setting behavior into an unstoppable Goal Keeping Mind Setfor you, your life, and teach it to your loved ones and your business! You will come out of this course knowing how truly powerful and capable you really are! You will KNOW the Nine Steps to consciously design and create a compelling and commanding life!This is unlike any goal settingcourse you have seen before. You will be examining your current psychology in a practical and common sense way to see where you struggle and keeping goals. Youll experience cutting edge neuroscience on how our minds work, while learning tools to change the way you think. The nine step process is a proven framework for achieving goals, and you will never set goals the same way again. Model the strategies of the most successful people in the world use to create success in any area of your life (health, money, love, etc.). Join William Sumner (author, internationally sought-after speaker, and recognized leadership expert in coaching technologies) as he introduces you to The Inevitable You coaching system which has helped thousands make transformations in their personal and business lives."
Price: 49.99

"Live Account - ETF Trading System - Hacking The Stock Market" |
"SNIPER ETF TRADING SYSTEM - 1 Shot 1 Kill ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Be Honest With Yourself and Answer This Question... ""Do you ever get mad at yourself or the market when you lose money?"" If you answered ""yes"" then you're trading based on emotion. The market is like the weather. They're both powerful natural forces, yet you would never get mad at yourself or at the sky if the weather turned nasty, would you? The top 5% of traders look at the market like the weather... they depersonalize the market and respect the power that it has. Just like a tornado or a major storm, the market can be volatile at times, but it also has its calm, sunny days too. These are totally natural occurrences in the cycle of any natural environment. how many traders think the market is out to ""get them""? Many have that attitude... and that's why they lose money. When You Discover How to View the Market and read the market like you have never know before. Be the top 1% of a trading elite group"
Price: 149.99

"Learn Hands-on Electronics Step-By-Step: Level-1" |
"Hello! The course is all about getting your hands dirty with real world electronic components, understand how each part works through cool experiments, plugging them together to glow LEDs, beep buzzers, control lights and various cool projects and having fun. This course has been successfully tested on over 3000 Junior and Senior High School Kids as well as Science Educators in India. At the end, you get into the details of each project- Whats and Whys and Analyse the circuits through Voltages, Currents, Laws that Govern Them and Draw Conclusions. List of 20+ Experiments in the Course: Measuring battery voltage using a multimeter Measuring resistance using a multimeter Continuity test of an LED Glowing an LED Measuring current in a circuit using a multimeter and verifying Ohms Law Beeping a buzzer Glowing an LED using a potentiometer Varying intensity of light using a preset Alternate change in intensity of LEDs using a preset Glowing an LED using an LDR Sequential glowing of LEDs at different voltages Series combination of LEDs and verifying Kirchhoffs Voltage Law Parallel combination of LEDs-1 Parallel combination of LEDs-2 and verifying Kirchhoffs Current Law Continuity test of a two-way switch and verify the concept of pole and throw Controlling an LED using an SPDT switch Alternate switching of LEDs using an SPDT switch Staircase lighting Charging and discharging a capacitor Charging the capacitor with a resistor and verification of time-constant Discharging the capacitor with a resistor and verification of time-constant Course Benefits: You will master the fundamentals of 'how circuits work' You will be able to invent and create circuits You will be able to test the concepts of physics that you read in textbooks If you are a teacher, you can use the experiments in your classrooms to inspire your students and show the 'Live Physics' You will understand how the technology works How to do the course: The complete course in hands-on, full of fun and DIY (do-it-yourself) You do not need to have any prior knowledge in electronics You would need to buy components/spares; we have included the shopping list You should use our high quality videos to learn theory and build circuits To get into more theory, you can download our beautifully designed Book-1 (Electronic series) If you have any problems, you can refer the step-by-step visual instructions (pdfs) to assemble the circuits"
Price: 39.99

"Start your Freelancing career as a Designer and Developer" |
"Whether you are a newbie Freelancer or an expert one, in one time of your freelancing career; you will feel stuck. So if you want to get out the Freelance crowd and get ahead of other Freelancers, you should start building Freelancing as a Business.Now a lot of Freelance buddies face problems of low hourly rates or getting very low income with tons of cheap work. And what about ruining your life with Repetitive Strain injuries (working too many hours). I am going to solve all the problems related to your Freelance Life and Career. Do you just want to Freelance with cheap rates or you want to build a Freelance career where you work less and earn more. Build life-long relationships with your clients and charge more to your Freelance clients.As i have worked as a Freelance Designer and Developer for more than 10 years, worked with many clients from USA, UK, Finland, Australia, Saudi Arabia and India. So i will share with you my extensive knowledge and tips on how to avoid Freelance mistakes early on in your career.Learn the secrets every Freelancer should early on in their career Learn about Freelance Pricing StrategiesBecome more productive in what you doBuild confidence in your work Learn how to Deal with different types of clientsWhich types of clients pay more and which clients to avoidUse of Online project and design collaboration toolsLearn to use Invoicing and Payment appsHow to write effective job applicationsHow to craft professional Project ProposalCheats to bypass problems of Freelancing Websites Who should take this course? All Freelancers can take this course but it is mainly for: Newbie FreelancersFreelancers who just started their careerFreelancers with low hourly ratesDesignersUI DesignersGraphic DesignersWeb DesignersWeb DevelopersMobile App DevelopersCodersSEO peopleWordPress developersThis course offers a 30 Days Money Back Guarantee so no worries, if you don't like the course, you will get full re-fund. Also i will answer all your questions and will provide you solutions to your Freelance Problems so don't hesitate to ask me any kind of question related to Freelancing or Job huntingNow if you want to get out of Freelance crowd and start your professional Freelance career, Take this course now"
Price: 99.99

"UI Design with Photoshop from Beginner to Expert in 15 days" |
"Do you think that UI Designers use Photoshop in the same way as other Designers? Do you know what are the basic concepts, settings and tools UI Designers know and you dont? So if you want to learn UI Design with Photoshop and upgrade your confidence and Skill levels in Photoshop; this course is for YOU. This course is equally good for Beginners and Experts so dont worry if you havent used Photoshop before. Most of us dont know the basic settings, shortcuts, tools and extension we need in Photoshop to become a UI Designer, we make same mistakes and keep on wasting time online searching for different settings and answers to common UI Design issues and problems. What you will learn? Master basic tools of Photoshop specific to UI Design. Apply your knowledge to Landing Page design, Web App or Mobile App DesignUse Common Shortcuts, tools and Secret Extensions to speed up your web design workflowLearn about basics of Light and Shadow concepts in UI DesignHow to use patterns and Gradients to improve your designsLearn how User Interface Designers use Photoshop in their daily routinesUsing & Creating Guides and Grids with Photoshop ExtensionsInstalling and using Photoshop Extensions for UI Design purposeUsing Gradients and Color overlays to create Modern DesignsKnow about all the plugins and extensions used by UI Designers use all the timeLearn how to create and use GRIDS in Web DesignDesigning Mobile app in Photoshop (Step by Step Exercise)Image Editing techniques in Photoshop for removing backgroundImage color adjustment basics for UI DesignersWhat are Wireframes, how to create wireframes & tools to design wireframes?Dribbble Shot re-design step by step exercisesCourse Structure More than 20 Practice Examples and design Challenges to get you better at UI DesigningQuizzes to test your knowledge of Photoshop regarding UI DesignStudent Request Lecture Series A lot of lectures are added on weekly basis on the request of my current students so join in and request any design problem or anything new you want to learn How to Install Photoshop ZXP extensions in CC2018 (Student Request Lecture)Dribbble Styled Dashboard Graphs and Stats Design Exercises (Student Request Lectures) Take This Course Now and Start your career as a UI Designer"
Price: 199.99

"Building awesome Color Schemes for your UI Design Projects" |
"If you take two things away from any Design, it is meaningless. One is Typography and second one is COLOR. Colors are used to display and convey information. If you look at the Color Scheme of any Dashboard Design for Graphs, colors are there to create meaning and sense in the data it displaysIf the Color scheme of your Website or Mobile App Design is messed up, users can easily misunderstand your message. Colors attract and repel all animals, kids and adults in this world. Each Color scheme you develop have some psychological and emotional impact on the users that use your Website or the Mobile App you have Designed.If you are designing for a Dashboard, then colors are the most important part of the UI (User Interface) of any dashboard which show stats80% of the Designs on Dribbble have no sense of Color AccessibilitySo in this course, you will master and learn from beginningThe Psychological effects of ColorsColor Theory Basics for Digital DesignCreating awesome Color Scheme using just Single ColorHow to add more Colors to your Color SchemePurpose of Color in UIDesignUse of Status Colors in DashboardsColor Contrast Ratios and building accessible Color Schemes with Color Accessibility How many shades/Colors you need in your Color SchemeEasily creating a Color Scale for your Color SchemeHow to manage Colors in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD and SketchOnline Tools for Generating color SchemesDownloadable resources to kick-start any color scheme with examplesEase your pain of Building awesome Color Schemes for your Web Design, Mobile App Design or Dashboard Design projectsEnroll now and let's start building awesome Color Schemes"
Price: 199.99

"UX Design Process Simplified from User Research to Usability" |
"When a beginner start their User Experience Design process, they get confused about where to start the UX Design Process. There are hundreds of things involved in a UX Design process and each design firm uses their own version of this User Experience Process.Project based course Creating and Improving User Experience of an Ecommerce Startup called FroklandShould we start with User Interviews, Personas or Customer Journey Maps? Should we first define the scope of the product? Which UX process is related to Users or the Business?In this course, you will learn how to start User Experience process in a simplified way for beginners and why do we need User personas, feature matrix, competitive analysis etcYou will get tons of DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES in the format ofPDF NotesUX Templates to get startedYou will learn aboutUser Life-cycle FunnelDefining the Scope of the ProductStakeholder InterviewsUser InterviewsWAAD Affinity DiagramUser PersonasEmpathy MapsUser Journey MapsFeature MatrixCompetitive AnalysisUser ScenariosUser StoriesHierarchical Task Inventory ModelUser FlowsSite MapsCard Sorting for Information ArchitectureTask Interaction ModelsWireframesPrototypes (in details with types of prototypes)Usability TestsFirst Impressions Test (5 seconds test)Essential Task TestWorkaround TestSurveys & QuestionnaireI will also show you few online tools to create User Flows, Site maps, Card Sorting, Personas and User Journey maps so you can create them online with easeIf you have any question, you can always ask meNow lets dive into the course and start learning the UX process in detail"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete C Programming Tutorial" |
"C Programming Language is the most popular computer language and most used programming language till now, It is very simple and elegant language, Every programmer should and must have learnt C whether it is a Java or C# expert, Because all these languages are derived from C. In this tutorial you will learn all the basic concept of C programming language, This course explains everything with example codes. Every section in this tutorial is downloadable for offline learnings, Topics will be added additional to the tutorial every week or the other which cover more topics and with advanced topics. All basic fundamentals will be explained in detail Regular updates with new topics with examples By the end of the course you will be able to write your own code You will get strong core knowledge with this course"
Price: 19.99
