"How To Create A Successful and Sustainable Writing Career" |
"This course is designed for the beginner to freelance writing. It takes you on the precise path I followed when I learned how to become a writer 20 years ago. Now, I'm able to share that journey with you, which will allow to make some side income or become a full-time, paid writer. The choice is up to you. This course is broken down into a few major steps, which are:Finding paying magazines onlineResearching the back issues for story ideasCreating a query letter that sellsWorking with editorsIncreasing your income with joint ventures.If you follow these steps and are consistent with your marketing, you can be earning a five-figure income in one year or less. My name is Nathan Segal and I have been working as a freelance writer for 16 years. In that time, I've published 831 articles and 7 books. My articles been published in many popular magazines, including: CE Tips (Consumer Electronics), Computer Graphics World, Database Journal, Mac Design, Photoshop User, Rangefinder, Smart Computing, The Computer Paper, Streaming Media World, CIO, HTMLGoodies, and CreativeBloq. I worked as an Associate Editor at WebReference for five years. I also wrote several feature columns on 3D and video tutorials. Contrary to what people might think, I never intended to become a freelance writer. It happened when I was fired from a job. I had no prospects in sight and I had no idea what to do. Two weeks later my cousin came to visit. When he found out what happened, he asked me if I wanted to learn how to become a freelance writer. With no other options in sight I said: ""Yes."" I followed every instruction my mentor gave me on how to succeed. Over time, I learned how to write, sell my work and get better assignments. Withing a year I was earning five figures. Several years later I had my best year when I earned over $100,000 and all of it came from freelance writing. Now I'm able to show you what I learned. Once you know how to market yourself you will put yourself at the head of the line when looking for work. Even better, you will be able to use this skill whenever you wish.Testimonials ""Nathan Segal Was Always An Asset To my Team"" ""Nathan Segal was always an asset to my team. His knowledge of the IT industry, especially the graphics, 3D and photography areas, is top notch."" ""I would recommend him in a heartbeat, and enjoyed working with him over the years through many tasks, from website redesign to technical writing, to working with freelance writers."" Scott Clark Executive Editor, Jupitermedia ""As An Editor, He Was Always Able To Add That 'Special Touch' To My Articles"" ""In working with Nathan over the years, I have always found him to be straight and to the point."" ""His goal has always been to produce the best product possible, whether it was writing, photography or Web design."" ""As an editor, he was always able to add that 'special touch' to my articles to make them better."" ""Nathan is a true team player. I enjoyed the time that I worked with him and appreciated his insight and experience."" Lee Underwood Managing Editor/Site Manager, JupitermediaHere's what you get in this course: Four fast methods which show you how to find paying magazines online How to get great ideas for content using Amazon How to create content fast, by interviewing experts. How to write a query letter that sells your ideas to the editor Want a fast way to get more work? Pitch a series of articles to the editor. Get work fast by writing book reviews or profiles How to get valuable software for free Increase your income with list building and joint ventures. These are the fastest ways of growing your business over time. Solid Marketing Is The Fastest Way To Build Your Career And Sustain It Over Time ""5 Out Of 5 Stars: A Straightforward Nuts And Bolts Approach"" ""Nathan has identified the problems facing today's aspiring professional writers. Many do not treat their writing endeavors as a business."" ""Being able to string words together in a comprehensible, enlightening, and entertaining manner is not enough."" ""Being able to market oneself to vendors who will pay well in exchange for creating content that will satisfy their needs and wants is the key ingredient in achieving and sustaining a successful freelancing career."" ""Nathan has proven that his strategies, techniques and tools work well and should be the foundation for others to follow. I have a feeling we will see and hear more from Nathan in the future and it would be wise for all of us to look, listen, and learn."" David Hyland ""5 Out Of 5 Stars Review"" ""I have been writing for some time, but most of this writing has been done personally instead of professionally."" ""This course, though short, was full of of so many resources for the would-be freelance writer. I was amazed at how easy this course was to use and understand. I was also impressed at how much could be placed in one course."" ""This course is a ready reference guide for all writers and it is one I will keep around to assist me as I continue to write and possibly look to writing professionally in the future as well."" Dad of DivasGet Started Today ~ Only $19 Our 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you're not satisfied with your purchase, contact Udemy and you'll receive a full refund, no questions asked.BONUS For everyone who purchases this course, you will receive a complimentary 30-minute coaching session where you can ask any question you like on how to market yourself as a freelance writer (value: $125). Simply contact me on Udemy and we'll arrange a time to get together.Get Started Today ~ Only $19 Yours in success, NathanP.S. This price offer is for a limited time only. It will increase in the near future so don't delay, sign up today."
Price: 24.99

"Handheld Blogging 101" |
"Want to join the blogosphere but need a helping hand to get you started? This is absolutely the course you need. In short and to-the-point lectures, I'll guide you through setting up a self-hosted blog using the WordPress blogging platform. I'll include videos and demos, but when you successfully complete the course and put what you've learned into practice, I'll also include a one-on-one 15-minute appointment session access to me personally so if you have specific questions, I'll answer them personally. In four sections of four lectures each, I'll take you through every step of the process from getting a hosting package, procuring a domain name, installing WordPress, tweaking it, and customizing with some fun features that make your blog uniquely yours."
Price: 54.99

"Lucid Dreaming OBE Out of Body Experience Astral Projection" |
"Courseware is updated regularly. Last Editing was done inAugust 2016 ********************************************************************** If you have not watch ""Vanila Sky"" by Tom Cruise. It is time to watch it now. How To Trick Your Body Into Falling Asleep To Have Your First OBEs And Lucid Dreams In The Minimum Amount Of Time See How To Conquer Nightmares & Insomnia By Having Your 1st OBEs & Lucid Dreams Tonight You cannot have the thing you want in the real world, but you can have anything you want in the dream world. Do you like to fly? Do you want lot of money? Or maybe be the world best martial arts expert. Anything you want, you name it, as long as you are in the dream world. you call the shot, you are in control. Lucid Dreaming and OBE allow you to do that. I have been teaching this method to thousand of people, and I know it is possible, Now we no longer have insomnia problem rather we prefer to sleep and not wake up like Tom Cruise."
Price: 69.99

"Power of the Mind in Health and Healing" |
"Your mind as consciousness creates your reality, and when you know how to effectively work with all of its parts, you can do some very powerful and amazing things, like heal your body or intuit something you could not have logically known. This course is designed to take you on a journey of mind-body mastery starting with the basics of mindfulness and meditation, and then advancing to working with your subconscious mind to facilitate healing. I've included some of the latest mind-body research blended with spirituality to help you understand the power of your mind. In this course you will learn: The fascinating science that proves why mind-body medicine is so powerful.Simple techniques and processes for beginning and maintaining a mindfulness and meditation practice.Easy mind-body techniques to quickly and effectively relax and turn off your stress response.Simple mindfulness techniques for healthier eating.How to maximize present moment awareness to magnify creativity and manifestation.How to effectively change your perception so that you experience less stress.How to use heart-centered meditation techniques packed with the power of love to literally heal your body and mind.How to use a heart-centered meditation to diffuse any negative emotion.How to maximize your intuition through meditation and the science behind it.How to use brainwave entrainment technology to deepen your meditative states.How to uncover limiting beliefs stuck in your subconscious, and use a specific guided meditation technique to permanently remove them.The effective use of core positive affirmations, and how to bypass any mental blocks around them.Basic Functional Medicine concepts for building a strong body and mind.Functional Medicine nutritional support recommendations.How the science behind the placebo effect proves your unlimited ability to heal yourself, and how to maximize this power in your every-day life.How to activate your inner physician to trigger a biological cascade of events for self-healing.How to tap into your higher mind (higher self) to always know the truth and become your own authority. This course is presented in six modules designed to be taken over about six weeks. Ideally I would like you to practice the techniques you learn in each module for about a week before progressing to the next module. Some may choose to first view the entire course, and then start practicing the techniques described in each module. Each module contains a powerful guided meditation containing brainwave entrainment tracks to deepen your practice and help induce your relaxation response. These guided meditations are each designed to promote a specific process for healing the body and mind. I recommend you listen to the guided meditations in a quiet place using earphones or earbuds to get the maximum effect. As the modules progress, the guided meditation techniques become more advanced. Theses advanced meditation techniques are most effective if you master the basics of meditation and mindfulness taught at the beginning of the course. These basics include diaphragmatic breathing, engaging present moment awareness, and inducing the relaxation response. For each of the more advanced guided meditations, I've included a downloadable ebook to help you fully understand the intention and process. This is a science-based course, so if you have no background in science orhuman physiology, you may have difficulty understanding some of the concepts presented. Please consider this before enrolling.Also, Iencourage you to take the entire first module free before purchasing this course. That is so you will experience my teaching style and see how this course is presented. Iam a geeky doctor and not a social media influencer so please don't expect to be entertained by me. Ideveloped this course to teach. Thanks:) I've taught this course in live workshops, and here is feedback from one of the participants. ""I initially signed up for Dr. Holden's course in order to improve at meditation -- but ended up getting so much more out of it! Dr. Holden describes the latest findings in neuroscience, and the various ways our mind affects our health, in a way that is easy to grasp. The course is a veritable fountain of useful information. It also covers many different techniques for rewiring your brain including, of course, the excellent guided meditations. So it's a bit like getting a user's manual to your brain, complete with a hands-on tutorial. I feel that I benefited tremendously from everything I learned in the course (in many ways, it was what you'd call a ""paradigm shift""), as well as the meditation practice. I was also very inspired by the example of Dr. Holden himself, who has greatly improved his own health using the same tools and information that he's offering us. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in meditation, the healing powers of their own mind, or simply in getting healthier!"" N.Z. Jacksonville, FL All information contained in this course is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is neither intended nor suited to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical treatment nor for professional medical advice relative to a specific medical question or condition. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before using any techniques in this course if you have an emotional or physical health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read or heard in this course. Learning and practicing information provided in this course DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Keith R. Holden, M.D."
Price: 19.99

"Azure Active Directory And Azure AD Domain Services" |
"What is this course about?This course is primarily focused on Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS) a.k.a Managed Domain. In this course, students will gain an understanding of integrating Azure Active directory service, On-Premises Active Directory and Azure Active Directory Domain Services using Azure AD connect. Students will learn how to register a custom domain in Azure and sync the On-Premises AD with Azure AD and Azure ADDS. Students also get to understand the scenarios when using Azure AD and Azure ADDS. And the last section will explain Azure AD B2C and B2B collaboration concepts.Who is the perfect Audience?This course is perfect for students who-1. Have basic knowledge of Azure and Active Directory2. Have a good understanding of Azure Active Directory but want to learn Azure AD Domain Services3. Are Windows Admin & want to explore a new technologyWhy take this Course? There are many reasons to take this course. This course is taught by Microsoft Certified Trainer. You'll find lots of Hands-On in this course which will make you practically sound and make your understanding better about the concepts.And moreover Azure is a hot subject in today's digital age, so why not learn about one of the major and most popular cloud platforms.At last, I am eager to see you succeed, I am offering you my help, assistance wherever required in learning this course. You can drop your queries in the Q&A section of the course and I'll make sure it will be responded promptly."
Price: 29.99

"Cmo Viajar y Vivir con 300 al Mes" |
"Aprende la forma de viajar y vivir por todo el mundo durante largas temporadas de tiempo, gastando siempre lo menos posible. Haz realidad tu sueo de conocer este bonito planeta en el que vivimos, as como sus gentes y culturas.Abre tu mente a descubrir las posibilidades que te ofrece la vida de hoy en da para viajar por todo el mundo.Reevala tus creencias sobre el dinero, el mundo en el que vivimos y los viajes.Conoce las tres mejores formas de financiarte tus viajes y elige una de ellas.Descubre cmo puedes ahorrarte miles de euros para continuar viajando por largas temporadas.Qutate los miedos que an te impiden salir de casa con una mochila e ir a visitar lugares lejanos.Realiza tu plan personal para pasar a la accin cuanto antes y cumplir tu objetivo de viajar sin ataduras.Un poderoso mtodo de cambio al alcance de tu mano.Despus de mi primer viaje de 8 meses alrededor del mundo con una mochila a mis espaldas, descubr que otra forma de vida, diferente a la que me haban enseado y la que vea a mi alrededor desde que nac, era posible. Esa otra forma de vida supona visitar de forma sencilla el planeta en el que vivimos, incluyendo su multitud de gentes y culturas, sus impresionantes paisajes y las aventuras que nos guarda en cada esquina. La experiencia fue tan enriquecedora que me cambi la vida, y desde entonces una de mis misiones es ensear a otras personas cmo hacer lo mismo.Al volver a casa, escrib un libro explicando cmo es posible y los pasos necesarios para tomar accin y ahora, al cabo de un ao, he creado este curso en Udemy para poder profundizar mucho ms en cada apartado y para poder acercarme as an ms a las personas que necesiten vencer sus miedos para hacerlo realidad. Contenido y visin de conjunto del cursoAdecuado a todo tipo de personas, desde jvenes hasta los ms mayores, en este curso te enseo de primera mano y gracias a mi experiencia personal cmo es posible viajar por el mundo por largas temporadas de tiempo gastando una cantidad de dinero ridcula cada mes. En l aprenders todo lo que necesitas para cambiar tus creencias sobre ti mismo y la vida que vives actualmente, as como quitarte los miedos que te impiden hacerlo realidad. Profundizaremos en temas diversos, como pueden ser el viajar solo, las enfermedades y la seguridad en otros pases, los visados o los idiomas necesarios para poder viajar con garantas, pasando luego a conocer y evaluar los tres principales mtodos de financiacin para el viaje, a saber cmo podemos beneficiarnos de los llamados 'ahorradores de viaje' y a realizar un listado con todo lo necesario que debes llevarte en la mochila, as como cosas imprescindibles que llevar a cabo antes de marcharte.Si viajar ha sido siempre uno de tus sueos, lo tienes ahora al alcance de la mano. //Recuerda que tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das. Si no quedas satisfecho/a con el contenido o la calidad del curso, se te devuelve todo el dinero.//Completa el curso y ya estars listo/a para poder empezar a poner todo en orden y lanzarte a la aventura en menos de un mes!"
Price: 99.99

"Outsource your Sales" |
"Are you a business owner that is too busy running your business to find any time to grow your business? I have spent over 10 years as a sales person in many different industries implementing many different strategies; from door to door sales to integrated multinational campaigns employing staff in many time zones. In this course I will teach you to use the same tools I use for my clients to move business processes offshore quickly and reliably. By learning to leverage global labour markets you will be able to grow your business faster than you ever thought possible. All you need are the RIGHT TOOLS and the RIGHT PEOPLE The truth is: You DON'T have to be a big company to do this - even a single-person business can do this You DON'T need a big office or a bunch of phones, computers, and desks You DON'T need to know anything special before starting this course - this is start-to-finish EVERYTHING you need Whether you're in a real-world service business, an online company, or you're selling products, this strategy can work for you. Do what the big boys do: build a sales team to do your sales for you. Even if it's just you right now, you can use this system and: Use an easy-to-manage CRM system to track leads and salespeople from all over the world Hire low-cost overseas labor from a massive pool of hungry and ambitious freelancers Set up a virtual phone system so your salespeople can call from anywhere around the globe and look like they're sitting beside you in your office Use cloud file storage to keep your team up-to-date and easily retrieve important files Build cheap lead lists of the right prospects, so your callers can get on the phone as soon as possible Create effective training material to easily add new people to your team and quickly get them up to speed Scale endlessly - it's SO easy to add more people to your team Avoid hassles and auxiliary costs of domestic employees The tools are easy to use. Take this easy-to-follow course now - and build a sales team for your business now!"
Price: 29.99

"Honor Your Family By Making Your Own Family Legacy Videos" |
"Some people are fortunate enough be able to commission beautiful video biographies of family members, to be handed down and cherished for generations. But, the process is long and expensive. Not everyone can afford a video biography done by a professional. The typical Family Legacy Video is a very expensive investment, running into the thousands of dollars. The good news is that, even Hopelessly Busy People Can Make a Family Legacy Video in a Few Weekends and For Very Little Cost. It always breaks my heart when I see families with elders who have wonderful, important stories to tell, but they never get recorded or preserved because the family either can't afford to have it done, or they just don't know what to do. That's why I decided to develop this course: to show you how to do it yourself, and to do it quickly at very little cost. I lead you through the process step-by-step. I'll take you from the initial idea, to getting your family member to sit in front of your camera, setting up your video shoot, getting good quality video, sound, and lighting, editing, and finally, turning the project into a polished DVD as a gift for the entire family, both now and for generations to come. There are many reasons to create a Family Legacy Video: Celebrate someone's life Preserve important family stories and memories Gain insight into the struggles, choices, and forces that shaped the person's life, which in turn shaped the life of the family Share your wisdom and the lessons the person has experienced Put names and stories with those old family photos Bring life to the family tree Connect the generations Bear witness to events that affected many Give back to the family As a gift from one generation to the next A Family History Video may be your most important legacy. In this course, you will learn how to make one relatively quickly, and at a small fraction of the cost of hiring a professional. Contents and Overview In over 2 hours of content, including 22 lectures, this course covers why Family Legacies are important, how to choose a subject, convincing your subject to tell their story, collecting the photos and memorabilia and organizing it. This course also covers what equipment you'll need, how to set it up for the video shoot, sound and lighting, and what kind of questions to ask your subject on camera. You will also learn about editing your video with photos, archival footage, and music, among other important lessons. Upon completion students will have the knowledge and skills to conceive of a biographical video documentary, featuring an important loved one in the family, set up an effective video recording session, in which the subject tells the stories from their past, including memories, experiences, wisdom and advice for future generations. They will be able to take the raw video, import it into a video editing software program, and turn it into a compelling video biography on DVD for showing the family, and for preserving for 100 years and beyond."
Price: 59.99

"Piano: The Chord Based System - Learn To Play As The Pros Do" |
"LEARN THE PIANO CHORDS THAT PROFESSIONALS USE. NEWLY UPDATED! This course is designed to teach you to play piano using chords, even if you can't read music. I show you exactly how professional piano players do it; why they don't bother with reading sheet music, and yet are able to play any song easily and quickly, sounding as if they have practiced the song for weeks. See the simple tricks that I have used as a full-time pianist and keyboardist for the past 40+ years. Master chord-based Popular Style Piano in a matter of hours Whether you want to play just for fun, play for friends, at parties, or become a professional, this course will give you information to help you achieve your goals. You will: Learn to use the piano as an accompaniment instrumentLearn how to build major chords easily in any keyLearn how to create a minor or dominant 7th chordLearn augmented, diminished, suspended and major 7th chords Learn how to play easily with both handsFind out how to read chords from sheet music without reading the notesLearn in two hours what takes years for mostDiscover the secrets to turn simple, basic chords into beautiful, full-sounding Jazz, Rock, and Gospel chords. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Learn quickly and efficiently how to sound skilled on the piano If you want to make beautiful music on the piano without years of grueling, expensive lessons, this is the course you want. I do not teach note-reading in this course. If your goal is to play Beethoven, Bach, or other classical music, this course is not for you. It is a course in popular piano playing. I spent years taking weekly lessons as a child, studying music in school and college but when I became a full-time, professional piano player 45 years ago, I discovered that most of what I learned did not apply to what I was trying to do. I wanted to play popular music in night clubs, cabarets, casinos and show rooms. I learned more from working with other professional musicians than I ever did from teachers, either privately or in school. What I show you in this course are the things that I learned to make music easy, effective and fun. It's how the pros play. In addition, you have an unconditional,no questions asked, 30 day, money-back guarantee. Nothing at risk! "
Price: 114.99

"Become an Egyptologist: Introduction to Ancient Egypt" |
"Are you a budding Egyptologist? Do you have a passion for learning about ancient history and the ancient world?Do you have an amateur interest in ancient Egypt? I developed this course specifically to help those who, like myself, have a strong desire to learn about ancient Egypt but not quite sure where to start. We will go back thousands of years into the past, focusing on the land where the river Nile flows - Egypt. Go through the different dynasties that existed in the past. Learn about the mighty Pharaohs and their grand pyramids and temples, some of which are still standing down to this very day. Walk with me through the ancient Egyptians' daily lives! Take this course NOW!"
Price: 29.99

"Forex: Learn to Trade Forex and FX Consistently" |
"Be your own boss, this course is for anyone who is interested in making money online whether from home or from work. If your tired of getting up to work for someone else, then take this course Learn a method of reading the market that less than 1% of traders know The Course start from teaching you how to install metatrader platform to complex chart reading and most important how to trade. Nothing is left out in the course. This forex course is complete, After learning you will be able to read the market correctly I will also constantly be updating the course to share new idea with you"
Price: 49.99

"Intro To HTML & CSS: Web Development For Beginners" |
"HTML and CSS are the two most important languages for a new web developer to learn. They are also the easiest. If you've always wanted to build webpages, but were intimidated by the code, this course will help you learn your first two languages quickly and easily. Taking a step-by-step approach, this course will have you learning by doing, building several mini-websites from scratch. Learn the Two Most Important Languages to Web Design Quickly and Easily. HTML Foundations HTML Portfolio Project CSS Foundations Class/ID Selectors Selectors CSS Portfolio Project Make Money With These New Skills Every webpage that you see on the net is built using a language or code. There are many different programming languages that can make your website do various things, but the two most important to learn are HTML and CSS. In fact, even people who plan on allowing someone else to build their website should have a basic grasp of both languages. This way you can tweak things behind the scenes, or change some of your formatting without having to always rely on others. Contents and Overview This course of more than 35 lectures and 4 hours of content gives you a basic, yet thorough understanding of both HTML and CSS. The course focuses on having you begin writing code right away so you can learn through doing, and build your own completely functional HTML and CSS webpages with our lectures and especially at the end of each section with our Portfolio Projects. You'll begin by learning what HTML and CSS are, so you can get an understanding of what it is that they do. During the course you'll build several mini-websites that take what it is that you've learned and apply it to real world exercises to help cement the skills. Everyone from aspiring web designers to bloggers, programmers to business owners can benefit from learning some HTML and CSS. Learn to begin building your own dynamic webpages or manage the page that you already have. If you plan on becoming a web programmer or a web designer yourself, HTML and CSS are the first two languages you'll need to succeed. In fact HTML is required for anyone that wants to get into web development from any angle. Learning it simultaneously with CSS allows you to hit the ground running with page design."
Price: 19.99

"Grant Writing for Nonprofits and Freelance Writers" |
"Many nonprofits are worried about tax law changes affecting donations. To be competitive, you need to diversify andbuild your skills for generating revenue.This course is designed for nonprofits that want to not only get better at writing successful proposals, but also get better at the process of researching and applying for foundation and government grants. The course is also for grant writers or freelance writers who want to offer their clients a more comprehensive approach to grant writing. When youre done with the course, youll have assembled one of the most powerful tools a nonprofit can have a proposal boilerplate. The boilerplate contains about 75% of the language youll need as youre drafting proposals. Working on the boilerplate outside the pressure of a proposal deadline will result in language that is better-written, as well as more thoughtful and strategic. It will also set you up to be uber-efficient as youre writing proposals in the future. Throughout this course we'll be using real examples and real language, and each lesson includes a transcript, so you can kickstart your own boilerplate. Youll also be given strategies and tips for finding foundation and government grants, including: Identifying five relevant local foundations Gathering information about grants at the local, state, and federal level for you to start pursuing Finally, well be walking through key strategies for completing solid applications, including: Letters of intent The budget Meeting a funders expectations Each video session includes two downloads: a PDF of the slides in handout format, and a Word document transcript."
Price: 24.99

"Learn how to organise a sustainable event" |
"Events and festivals are embracing sustainable event management policies but it remains a daunting task to actually implement these policies. As the coordinator for the Greener Festival Awards in North America I am assessing the environmental plans of event and festival organisations. I will look at their environmental policies, waste management plan, transport plan, biodiversity analyses, and outcome of all these plans. Sustainable Event Management is more than just recycling!In the workshop Sustainable Event Management you will learn what you can do to organise a greener event without it costing you the bank.What to expect in this workshopThis workshop is divided in 3 sections:What is sustainable event managementYou will learn the basics of what sustainable development and sustainable event management is.Your environmental planYou will learn what an environmental plan is. The content of this plan will be discussed in this section of the workshop. Among the subjects that will be discussed are:MeasuringTravel & transportWater usageElectricity and energy usageTriple bottom lineYour audienceGreat news that you want to organise a green event but is your audience actually interested in this? In this section I will discuss the results from my research study at Bonnaroo Music Festival and Lightning in a Bottle Festival.Interviews with event industry expertsThroughout the workshop you will find useful interviews with award winning event and festival professionals. They will provide you with practical advice. What did the festivalLightning in a Bottledo to win the 'Outstanding-Award' for their sustainable efforts? There are interviews with:Lightning in a Bottle FestivalGentlemen On The Road FestivalKlean Kanteen (water bottle providers)Sol Solutions (solar power at events)Besides interviews the workshop consist of tutorials, presentations, and reading material.What other students say""Jarno always displayed a great knowledge and understanding of the event industry and was always able to communicate this in original and innovative ways that were really appreciated by the student."" Iain Hill, promoter Live Nation Spain""Much thought and experience has gone into preparing the course. I especially love the expert interviews, which give a behind-the scenes view of organising events."" Jenny, student at The Event TutorFAQ1. Can I contact you if I have a question about the course content?A. Absolutely! That's what a tutor is for. You can contact me via Jarno@eventtutor.com. My aim is to respond to your email as quick as possible.2. Is Sustainable Event Management only useful when I want to organise a festival?A. It is useful if you want to plan any type of event. The workshop covers a wide variety of subjects and will benefit any event planner. This workshop is applicable to festivals, conferences, meetings, b-to-b events and community events.3. I've seen other online courses that are more expensive. Why is this course so cheap?A. I want to make sure the course is accessible to those who want to make their event more sustainable. Sustainability is about accessibility. Hence this course is only $30.How much is this workshop?Only $30! Yes, let that sink in for a moment. Lectures, exercises, quizzes, interviews with event industry experts, and 1-to-1 tutorials on request. All of that for only $30.Other workshopsI have created more workshops:Event PlanningEvent MarketingEvent SafetyGay Wedding PlanningWhat are you waiting for?Sign up today and you will learn how to plan, organise, and produce a successful green event. Remember, it's only $30.Welcome to The Event Tutor."
Price: 29.99

"Event Planning: learn how to plan a great event" |
"You have a great idea for an event or festival. But where do you start? What does it actually mean to organise an event for 300 people? Let alone 3,000 people. When I worked as a university lecturer I asked my students to organise a community festival. The ideas were there. The creativity, the performers, the enthusiasm...it was all there. But they still had to talk to the permit and license officer. What do they expect to see from an event planner? Welcome to the workshop Event Planning.If you want to organise aneventorfestivalyou need to submit anEvent Management Planto your license or permit officer. I will teach you what you need to include in your plan.This 13+ hour workshop is divided in 13 sections in which you will learn everything you need to include in your Event Plan.In this workshop you will learn about:Planning your eventResearching your audiencePermits, licenses & festival insurancesHealth & Safety aspects at eventsEvent marketing and sponsorshipEvent productionContract & procurementSite survey and site designThe workshop is a combination oftutorials,presentations,exercisesandinterviewswith event and festival professionals. Interviews with event and festival professionals will provide you with fantastic insight into an amazing industry!What other students say about this workshop""The course is filled with great details and practical examples from real world. The interviews and the case study are really helpful. Overall, the course has an excellent structure and useful content."" Anna Santiago""I am an events coordinator and wedding planner. I found this course to be invaluable for organizing and enhancing my already successful businesses. It started out somewhat slow, but quickly moved on to relevant and timely instruction on what needs to be done, how to do it and how to work smarter, not harder. I absolutely loved this course and learned much new information from the instructor on topics I really had never thought about before. Thank you!"" Susan KonopikI have interviewed industry expertsLightning in a Bottle FestivalShambhala Music FestivalStern Grove Music FestivalThe Drugs Policy AllianceGentlemen of the Road FestivalKlean KanteenRFID technology companyReading material such as theEvent Safety Guide, theGuide to Safety at Sports Groundsand more are incorporated into the curriculum.The benefits of this workshop for youAt the end of the workshop you will understand what is expected of you in order to plan and produce a successful event or festival. You will be able to write an comprehensive Event Management Plan that complies with the rules and regulations set by your local authorities.This workshop is for you if you are passionate about events and festivals, if you keep dreaming about organizing your own event, and for (aspiring) event producers!FAQ1. Can I contact you if I have a question about the course content?A. Absolutely! That's what a tutor is for. You can contact me via Jarno@eventtutor.com. My aim is to respond to your email as quick as possible.2. Is this event planning workshop only useful if I want to plan a festival?A. It is useful if you want to plan any type of event. The workshop covers a wide variety of subjects and will benefit any event planner. Truth be told though that I will teach you how to write an Event Management Plan. When you plan a wedding you most likely do not need to submit an event management plan to a license officer. If your event requires permits or licenses, than this workshop is for you!3. I've seen other online courses that are more expensive. Why is this course so cheap?A. I want to make sure the course is accessible to those who dream about organising their first event. I want to teach them what event planning entails. I do not want my students to be out of pocket.How much is this workshop?Only $50! Yes, let that sink in for a moment. 13 hours worth of content, interviews with event industry experts, and 1-to-1 tutorials on request. All of that for only $50.Other workshopsI have created more workshops:Event MarketingEvent SafetySustainable Event ManagementGay Wedding PlanningWhat are you waiting for?Sign up today and you will learn how to plan, organise, and produce a successful event.Welcome to The Event Tutor."
Price: 124.99

"Learn SolidWorks in 10 Easy Steps and Start Designing Now" |
"This SolidWorks course is designed for beginning users and targets everything from how to sketch in 2D to how-to create specific hole types, such as counterbores and countersinks. My wide-range of drafting experience of over 15 years will not only get your proficient in SolidWorks, I will teach you the lingo of the engineering field along with widely-used drafting industry vocabulary. My user-friendly and fast-pacing curricula that incorporates challenging drawing projects will get you up-to-speed in a timely. This course's design is very user-friendly and is structured in a easy to understand scaffolding manner. Beginning users typically complete this course in as little as 30 minutes. However, most new users take around 60 minutes to complete the course. You will not be disappointed!"
Price: 19.99

"Architecture 101 Using AutoCAD LT" |
"**Free 30-Day Drafting Software Trial with this course** Message me for the link. AutoCAD LT Architecture 101 is designed to teach beginning 2D drafters how to create a floor plan while learning important design features such as doors and windows. This course will also introduce students to the Design Center that is embedded in AutoCAD and show students how to scale predetermined or created blocks into a floor plan. This course will also teach students how to dimension properly using ANSI drafting standards. Other important construction details such as window and door sizing and annotations are explained in this course. Additional items that students will learn: Residential Codes Construction/Materials Annotations Door and Window Stats ANSI Dimensioning"
Price: 19.99

"Mechanical Engineering & Drafting: Sketch to Success!" |
"**Free 30-Day Drafting Software Trial with this course** Message me for the link. Good for anyone interested in an Engineering Field...vocabulary and terminology used would greatly benefit any engineering student or professional. Mechanical 101 is designed to teach students how to draw mechanical objects in 2D and how to navigate/manipulate AutoCAD software. This course will also cover simple to complex features within AutoCAD while teaching you drafting SOPs used throughout the drafting industry. Designed in a systematic approach to maximize your learning. This course teachers everything from offsetting dimensions-to linear and circular pattern. This course will not disappoint!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Convert Strangers into Life Long Customers" |
"WHO ELSE WANTS STOP LOSING MONEY ON ADVERTISING? Convert strangers into customers. This course is designed for business owners and entrepreneurs of all backgrounds and experience levels. If you're even remotely interested in selling more or using advertising, you can't afford to miss out on Bert's 30 years of hard-earned wisdom. Bert Martinez has been helping clients, big or small, grow their sales for over 30 years and now he's going to help you too. Now, before you register, let me tell you what the workshop is all about, so you know its right for you. If you want to grow your sales or want to stop wasting money on ads that don't work. If you want to understand how advertising really works. If youre business person, youre reading this now, then you really have the commitment and determination to discover make advertising work for you and your business. Thats why youre perfect for this course. Its specifically for people like you who want to understand how advertising works because they want to grow their sales. Bottom-line to grow a business you need sales, to grow your sales you need customers. To get customers you need to know How To Makes Ads That Sell! Discover the secrets to creating ads that sell your products or services. Grow your sales at will without going broke! You'll receive an, easy to follow, proven ad format that you can follow. Your customers will decide to do business with you based on your advertising. Doesn't it make sense to know how to create ads that will drive customers? In this easy to understand course you'll be creating ads that sell in just 45 minutes. You can do it and Bert shows you how! What kinds of businesses be promoted with thestrategies inthis advertisingcourse?With thestrategies in this advertisingcourse, you can promote a wide variety of businesses. Some of the kinds of businesses you can promote are a restaurantor diner, coffee shop, barbershop, nightclub, local event, business selling t-shirts, most kinds of stores ranging from boutiques to grocery stores to jewlery shops, animal care or grooming, lawn care or landscaping businesses, moving businesses, gym, frozen yogurt or ice cream shop, a deli, liquor store or a sandwich shop, a a beauty salon or a hair salon, a spa, a daycare business, a hardware store, commercial cleaning or residential cleaning, car wash, general contractor business, dog walking or pet sitting, martial arts studio, or a dance studio.Here is a list of potential online businesses you can promote using thestrategies in this adscourse: blogging, affiliate marketing, elearning, create a channel on YouTube, become an author and sell books on Amazon and the Kindle, or become a freelancer or a local concierge.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will succeed ... just like my thousands of other Udemy students."
Price: 19.99

"Portuguese for Foreigners" |
"Learn to master the Portuguese Language. At the end of the course, you would have acquired the basics of the Portuguese language. You will find a basic and accessible language, however, please note that the whole course is taught in Portuguese and English for a higher and faster education framework. The course features video and audio, PowerPoint and Word files and also a Forum where any doubts can be discussed and where homework should be delivered by you. Each class has an average of 2 to 10 minutes. At the end of this e-learning course you will have an understanding of basic conversations between natives and be able to interact in basic and daily conversations, please see above: - Learn - Recognize - Interact - Make friends Well-known international companies, like Facebook or Paypal, all use E-learning platforms to teach their employees the rope of the languages. Last but not least, I designed this course to be easily understood by absolute beginners."
Price: 19.99

"Ingls para Iniciantes" |
"Aprende a dominar o Ingls. No final do curso, irs ter adquirido as noes bsicas do idioma. Vais encontrar uma linguagem bsica e acessvel, no entanto, nota que todo o curso ministrado em Portugus e Ingls para um ensino mais rpido. O curso apresenta arquivos Word, Vdeo e PowerPoint e tambm um frum onde todas as dvidas podem ser discutidas e onde os TPCs devem ser entregues. Cada aula tem uma mdia de 2 a 10 minutos. No final deste curso e-learning, conseguirs compreender conversas bsicas entre nativos e sers capaz de interagir em conversas bsicas e dirias, ver abaixo: - Aprender - Reconhecer - Interagir - Fazer amigos Empresas internacionais conhecidas, como o Facebook ou o Paypal, usam plataformas e-learning para ensinar aos seus funcionrios lnguas estrangeiras. Por ltimo, mas no menos importante, projectei este curso para ser facilmente compreendido por iniciantes."
Price: 19.99

"Crear Video Juegos sin saber Programar con Construct 2" |
"Este curso ensear a los estudiantes a crear sus propios videojuegos en un nivel bsico con la herramienta CONSTRUCT 2, sin necesidad de tener conociemintos de programacin. El programa CONTRUCT 2 es totalmente gratis y se proporcionar el enlace de descarga de este asi como todos las herramientas que manejemos en este curso (imagenes, fondos, sonidos, etc). Con este curso en cada video te garantizar una habilidad nueva para perfeccionar tu idea de videojuego. Crearas videojuegos para plataformas como: WII, IOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Amazon, Firefox, Chrome, etc... Cada semana se estarn subiendo nuevos videos. Suscribete antes de que el precio del curso aumente. ltima actualizacin: 24 de Mayo 2015"
Price: 34.99

"Oracle SQL - Step by Step SQL" |
"Update 10/06/2016: Added new exercisesUpdate 01/04/2016: Closed Captions/Sub Titles are added to the Lectures. Learn to become a fee-earning SQL developer in just seven weeks. This fast, easy and effective course will take you from zero sql writing skills to being able to make money as a SQL developer. This one-stop-shot-style SQLcourse will teach you everything you need to know about SQL, from learning various database concepts to writing SQL to interact with the database. Throughout this SQLcourse I will be using the below methodology to make you think and help in forming the SQL statement. Business Need: Manager asks you to give you a report containing total sales volume for January month by day and city Questions in your mind to build your SQLquery Give? SELECTWhat columns? DAY, CITYSummary? SUM(VOLUME)Preposition? FROMWhich table contains sales orders data? SALESFilter? WHERE SALES_DATE BETWEEN 01-JAN-2015 and 31-JAN-2015Grouping? GROUP BY DAY, CITY Combine the above answers to form the below SQL SELECT day, city, SUM(volume) FROM sales WHERE sales_date BETWEEN 01-JAN-2015 AND 31-JAN-2015 GROUP BY day, city; In this course participants will learn Relational databases Concepts Retrieving Data from Database using SQL Commands (Select) Filtering Data based on business requirements using SQL Command (Where) Creating Tables and modifying its structure using SQL commands (Create,Alter) Joining Data from various Tables using SQL Joins Grouping Data and calculating summaries using SQLGROUP BY and SQLAggregate functionsCombining data from 2 or more tables using SQL keywords (UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, MINUS) Enforcing Constraints on Tables using SQL commands (Create. Alter)Creating views using SQL command (Create View)Creating other database objects (SYNONYMS, SEQUENCES) using the SQL commandsControlling the access to the users using SQL commands (GRANT, REVOKE) Improving performance using SQL command (createIndex )Project Work at the summarize theSQL concepts we learnt. and many more interesting things.. Softwares used Oracle Database 11g SQL Developer"
Price: 199.99

"Getting Ready for Baby: Preparing for Life as a Happy Mom" |
"Thinking about becoming a mom can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. We all want to be great moms and give our future kids the absolute best start in life. We really really don't want to screw them up! However, knowing exactly how to do that can get very confusing. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the fear of failure, parenting experts advice, our own relationship with our mom, and society's idea of what a good mom is. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I know motherhood can be an amazing, fun experience, and I've seen it in action. I know the best person to guide and advise you throughout your life as a mom is you! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So how can we prepare for a motherhood like that? It does take prep work to get to a place where you can rely on your internal compass, but it is worth it. Books and classes on breastfeeding, birth plans, and parenting philosophies have their place, but the key to being a good mom really is as simple and as hard as finding yourself and being true to who you are. You can start preparing for a happy motherhood now with this workshop. This curriculum provides you with a strategy and a set of tools that will put you on the path to modern motherhood that will leave you feeling competent, empowered, and successful in the next stage of life. Imagine going into motherhood excited, and confident you can be a great mom with a fun, amazing family. What to Expect + The Deets: The video-based course is designed to be covered over 6 weeks (or do it at your own pace) with weekly home work and handouts that include writing and journal exercises, interview with a mom, and homework to do with your partner. I even hold office hours in which you can ask me anything. You will also get tons of recommendations for outside resources, even who to follow on Instagram. You can even participate in the course on your phone or tablet. What's included in this course: +The formula to be a happy mom it's super simple and no algebra is involved +Essential mom skills you can practice and hone today +The link between your relationships (with your mom, partner, and yourself) and the effect it will have on your kids and what type of mom you will be +A guide to create a personalized plan to get prepared for motherhood right now You can learn all this at home, and it's less than a trip to the salon or a dress from Anthropology. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Finally, there is a course, not just about parenting or having kids, but about preparing for life as a mom. There isn't any other course out there that actually helps you prevent the pain of a motherhood filled with feelings of failure, guilt, martyrdom, or fear. No one is really helping women become better moms before they have kids. However, it makes perfect sense! This is the time to put in the work since you have more time, energy and money to invest in yourself and your relationships. I truly believe we can be the first generation of moms with no mom jeans, mom guilt, or mommy wars. ______________________________________________________________________ Get Started! Click on the green ""Take this Course"" button and join in. I've taken several courses on Udemy, and it's an excellent, easy to use site with great customer service. I'm also here to provide any support or help along the way. Looking forward to connecting with you, Jessica Doyle, MPH"
Price: 149.99

"Table tennis for beginners" |
"In this popularcourse, Ill show you how to play table tennis. You will learn how to hold the bat, how to stand and how to move. You will learn the correct technique for the basictable tennis strokes - a forehand drive, a backhand drive, a forehand push and a backhand push. Plus,I'll show you21 training drills to help you improve your skills.You will also learn how to serve.I'll show you how to do a backspin serve, a sidespin serve and a topspin serve.Each video lesson includes links to external resources, where you can read more about each topic. To become a great table tennis player, you need to master the basicskills first. This course will help you do that. Over 2,000 students have already signed up, with a reviewaverage of 4.6out of 5. This is a really good course for learning table tennis. Go for it!"
Price: 29.99

"Tableau Desktop - Super Easy Introduction" |
"***Now Upgraded to Tableau Desktop v9*** This course helps you to master all the basics of Tableau Desktop software quickly and easily. It is aimed at anyone who wants to be able to use this award winning product to analyse and visualize data - both experts and non-experts. The course is organised into 20 step by step lessons, with a duration of three hours in total. It covers all the major components and functions of the software, with all the steps needed to build data visualizations and publish dashboards. Lessons include supplementary notes and we've also added in some quizzes to check and reinforce key information. We're sure this course will give you the know-how and confidence to be able to use Tableau Desktop in your projects and create some amazing and insightful data visualizations and dashboards."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Exploitative Online Poker" |
"ACTUAL STUDENT REVIEW""Review from New Player: This course was excellent! The mix of both lecture type material along side of visual aids was extremely beneficial to delivering the message. The content flow was good and did a wonderful job building on the next concept from the previous. Most definitely learned a lot and was time well spent!"" Jeremy Are you looking to take your poker game to the next level? Then this course if for you! This course will help you quickly improve your poker game and win rate by developing rock-solid poker reads at the table that will allow you to out play your opponents and win more pots.READ YOUR OPPONENTS LIKE A BOOKUnderstanding fundamental poker tactics and strategies will only take you so far. The most successful poker players in the world can read their opponents like an open book. As you move up in stakes and play against tougher opponents, you need to learn how to quickly develop poker reads at the poker tables. And that is exactly what this course will teach you! YOU'LL MASTER THE FOLLOWING IN THIS COURSEEverything you need to know about Poker Tracking Software and how to use it to drastically improve your poker gameEssential HUD Stats that are key to developing rock-solid reads on your opponents at the poker tableHow to quickly identify Good and Bad Player Types right when you sit down at the poker tableEffective Specific Strategies for playing against Different Types of Poker Players The powerful and highly profitable strategy of Table and Seat Selection And many more concepts, strategies and tactics that will take your poker game to the next level!LEARN TO EXPLOIT YOUR OPPONENTS AT THE POKER TABLEThe concepts listed above will drastically help improve your poker game in many aspects and allow you to better exploit your opponents' leaks in their games. More importantly, the concepts discussed in this course will help ensure you long term success at the poker tables as you move up in stakes and play against tougher opponents.CONTENTS AND OVERVIEWIf you are a beginning poker player that wants to maximize your winning or an experienced poker player looking to take your poker game to the next level, then this course is for you!Through over 35 High Definition (HD) video lectures, several follow-along exercises and live demonstrations, including 4 quizzes and 4 1/2 hours of learning material, you'll learn everything you need to know to take your poker game to the next level.WHAT YOU WILL GET OUT OF THIS COURSEOnce you complete this course, you will be a fierce adversary and feared opponent at the poker table and have the ability to read your opponents like an open book. You will be able to quickly identify both good and bad poker players, including NITs, TAGs, LAGS, Loose Passives, Calling Stations, and Bad Aggressive Maniacs. More importantly, you'll know how to profitably play against each type of opponent by identifying their strengths and exploiting their weaknesses. You'll also be able to easily identify the most profitable poker games running on your poker network of choice. And this will all lead to you being a more successful poker player, a happier poker player, and most importantly a more profitable poker player!ANOTHER AMAZING STUDENT REVIEWGreat course!!!! Great course on teaching the basics of HUD stats, player types, and table and seat selection. It definitely has helped improved my poker game. Thanks!!!!"" Melissa SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? JOIN 1250+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO ADVANCE THEIR POKER GAME BY DEVELOPING ROCK SOLID POKER READS!ENROLL TODAY, YOUR 100% RISK-FREE ENROLLMENT IS BACKED BY UDEMY'S 30-DAY, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!PREVIEW 1 HOUR OF THIS COURSE THROUGH MY 6 FREE LECTURES, JUST SCROLL DOWN BELOW AND CLICK THE BLUE PREVIEW BUTTONS."
Price: 39.99

"MTA 98-367 Security Fundamentals Class & Exam Prep Bundle" |
"***New Course Just Launched January 19, 2019 from Best-Selling IT Instructor***ONE OF THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE MICROSOFT MTA 98-367 CERTIFICATION PREP COURSES ON THE INTERNET!Welcome to the MTA 98-367 Security Fundamentals Class & Exam Prep Bundle from Alton Hardin. This course is 17 hours in length and covers everything you need to know to pass the Microsoft MTA 98-367 Security Fundamentals Certification Exam.WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE IN THIS COURSE & EXAM PREP BUNDLE17 Hours of Lecture & Live Demonstration Videos Covering All 4 Domain Objectives of the MTA 98-367 Certification ExamDetailed Instructions on How to Set-Up Your Own Virtualized Test Environment with 5.5 Hours of Follow-Along Live DemosDownloadable Course Videos for Offline Viewing with Udemy Mobile App and PDF Lectures of All Course PowerPoint Slides1 Pre-Assessment Quiz and 16 Section Quizzes Totaling 99 Quiz QuestionsTwo 45-Question Practice Exams That Mimic the Actual Certification Exam137 Study Flash Cards to Use as an Additional Study Tool Away from Your ComputerExam Study Timeline and Target Exam Date Excel CalculatorMTA 98-367 Study StrategiesSTUDENT EXAM PASS SUCCESS STORIESMany of my students have passed the MTA 98-367 exam on their first attempt with my class alone. Here's what some of them have said about my course and exam prep bundle:""I binged-watched your 98-367 course over two days. I made notes as I went along, and booked the exam for this evening. I wrote the exam at 5pm Eastern tonight and passed with a 90%. Thank you so much for the great course! I'm sure there are others who would join with me saying, 'We hope you educate us with more courses'.""-Mike""I wasn't aware of this course until 2 days before my scheduled exam. I went through and selectively watched topics I was weak on and took most of the quizzes and practice test. The instructor was very professional and spoke very clearly. I supplemented this with the official practice exam software through MeasureUp. In all, I studied a week or so and passed the exam with a score of 811.""-Dave""Great course! Passed my MTA 98-367 exam on the first try!!!""-Darius""I found your course 3 days before my exam. I literally went through all the lectures and the quizzes. I have taken the exam before and failed, this time I was keen on passing. Honestly your lectures really helped put everything together. Very nicely done! I would highly recommend this for anyone taking the MTA Security Fundamental exam. Its totally worth it. Thank you so much for helping me!""-AmandaKEY COURSE TOPICSCore Security PrinciplesPhysical SecurityInternet SecurityWireless SecurityUser AuthenticationWindows PermissionsWindows Password PoliciesWindowAudit PoliciesEncryptionMalwareFirewallsNetwork IsolationProtocol SecurityClient ProtectionEmail ProtectionServer ProtectionOnce you complete this course, you'llknow everything you need to know to pass theMicrosoft MTA 98-367 Security Fundamentals Certification Exam.So What Are You Waiting For? Enroll Today, Your 100% Risk-Free Enrollment Is Backed by Udemy's 30-Day, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee!Preview over 2 Hours of This Course Through My 24 Free Lectures. Just Scroll down Below and Click the Blue Preview Buttons."
Price: 99.99

"Create Your Own VirtualBox Windows Server Lab from Scratch!" |
"CREATE YOUR OWN WINDOWS 10 AND SERVER 2016 LAB AT HOME WITH VIRTUALBOXAre you looking to expand your knowledge of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, but don't have a dedicated lab to do so? If so, this is the perfect course for you! In this course, I'll show you step-by-step, how you can use Virtualbox, a free virtualization software platform, to create your own virtualized lab on your home computer that's isolated from your physical network, which is perfect for expanding your knowledge of Windows. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS COURSE:The Basics of VirtualizationHow to Install & Use VirtualboxHow to Create Virtual MachinesHow to Install Windows 10How to Install Windows Server 2016How to Setup a Sandbox Internal Test NetworkMicrosoft Active Directory FundamentalsHow to Install &Configure Active DirectoryHow to Install &Configure DHCP in Windows Server 2016Once you complete this course, you'll know exactly how to use VirtualBox to create your own Windows 10 and Server 2016 virtualized lab.SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? ENROLL TODAY, YOUR 100% RISK-FREE ENROLLMENT IS BACKED BY UDEMY'S 30-DAY, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!"
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Windows Server 2016 for Beginners" |
"***New Course Added April 27th, 2019*** LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS OF WINDOWS SERVER 2016 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIONAre you looking to learn the basics of Windows Server 2016 system administration? If so, this is the perfect course for you!In this 8-hour course, I'll show you step-by-step, the fundamentals of Windows Server 2016, giving you a solid foundation of Microsofts most popular server operating system using VirtualBox, a free virtualization software platform, to create your own virtualized lab at home.If youre looking to advance or begin your career in Information Technology (IT), this course is a must!Throughout this course, youll learn by doing, getting valuable hands-on experience.WHAT YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS COURSE:Set-up a Virtual LAN with VirtualBoxInstall Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 as Virtual MachinesHow to Navigate Windows Server 2016Create and Manage User and Computer Accounts in Active DirectoryConfigure Windows Server 2016 as a DHCP ServerWindows Server DNS and Name Resolution FundamentalsConfigure Windows Server 2016 as an IIS Web ServerConfigure Windows Server 2016 as a Print ServerUnderstand and Create Active Directory Groups and Organizational UnitsUnderstand and Create Group Policies with Group Policy Objects (GPOs)Learn the Fundamentals of NTFS and Share PermissionsSet-up User Quotas with File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)Enable Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for Remote AdministrationUtilize Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to Approve and Deploy Windows Updates to Client SystemsUtilize Windows Server Backups to Backup and Restore DataLearn to Write Basic PowerShell Active Directory CommandsAnd Much More!Once you complete this course, youll have set-up your own Windows Server as an Active Directory Domain Controller, DNS Server, DHCP Server, IIS Web Server, Print Server, File Server, WSUS Server, and much more giving you a very solid understanding of System Administration.SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? ENROLL TODAY, YOUR 100% RISK-FREE ENROLLMENT IS BACKED BY UDEMY'S 30-DAY, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!PREVIEW OVER 1 HOUR OF THIS COURSE THROUGH MY 13 FREE LECTURES, JUST SCROLL DOWN BELOW AND CLICK THE BLUE PREVIEW BUTTONS."
Price: 94.99

"Mathematics Core Concepts" |
"We are all surrounded with numbers and shapes. And then we run into people who just toy with them and play with them at will whilst the rest of us look in awe. If you have problems with mathematics this is the course to take. It is all about building the basics and the core foundations of the subject. If you are age 10 and above and need help in understanding this subject then this course is the right beginning for you. You will be able to understand some of the concepts which are lying at the heart of the subject. You will be able use those concepts and the tricks shared in the tutorial in your day to day life. And most importantly, this is the starting point to help you amaze people with your skills and abilities of the subject."
Price: 19.99
