"Pivoting Crash Course" |
"Customers won't always patronize your company the way you think they will. You may need to tweak your product, create new packaging, alter your price, or you may need a new channel of distribution. Successful business leaders work closely with their customers and listen, listen, listen. They take feedback and make necessary adjustments for their businesses to thrive. This course shares the strategies of business leaders across America explaining how they:Pivot to Gain Initial TractionPivot to New Opportunities"
Price: 24.99

"Low-Cost Marketing Strategies" |
"Successful business builders are masters of efficiency while being as effective as possible. This course is taught by entrepreneurs and business builders from across America who share their strategies of leveraging low-cost marketing in their own businesses. We will discuss the topics of effectiveness and efficiency while teaching you the different types of low-cost marketing as well as help you to create your own low-cost strategy. So enroll now, download the course companion, and let's get started!"
Price: 24.99

"10 Guaranteed Ways to Monetize Your Content on YouTube" |
"Welcome to my 10-lecture course detailing how to successfully generate revenue with your YouTube videos. First off, a little about me... With 8+ years of experience on YouTube, I currently hold 113,000+ subscribers with a total of 34+ million video views. Having created 1,500+ videos since joining YouTube in 2006, I have gained a ton of experience in the process -- especially in regards to discovering new revenue opportunities that not everyone is aware of. Most users decide to focus on the obvious methods of generating revenue. While I do explain some of these methods in my course, I also talk about the lesser known strategies. My course's videos are presented in an easy-to-view format, meaning they are short and to the point. Any links referenced can be conveniently found in the specific lecture's resources. At the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to promote their YouTube videos for free. This is simply my way of thanking anyone who has taken the time to learn what I have to offer. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys my course! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or feedback."
Price: 19.99

"Desenvolvimento Android e IOS com Flutter 2020 -Crie 15 Apps" |
"Voc quer desenvolver Apps para Android e IOS em um nico curso? utilizando apenas um cdigo? se voc respondeu sim para essas perguntas voc est no curso certo!Seja bem-vindo(a) ao Curso Completo de Desenvolvimento Android e IOS com Flutter! o Flutter o novo Framework para desenvolvimento de apps Android e iOS criado pela gigante Google!Com o Flutter no necessrio aprender a linguagem de programao Java/Kotlin para desenvolvimento Android e Swift/Objective-C para desenvolvimento IOS, voc ir aprender uma nica linguagem de programao (Dart) e ter um App nativo para Android e IOS, parece mentira n? mas essa uma revoluo que o Google est trazendo para o desenvolvimento de Apps.Resumo do curso:Aprenda fundamentos da programao Dart, a linguagem utilizada para desenvolver com Flutter.Saiba como projetar interfaces bonitas e com poucos cdigos.Entenda as arrays, loops, orientao a objetos e estruturas condicionais.Construa 15 aplicativos durante o curso que podero ser utilizados para o seu portflio.Aprenda a publicar os seus apps.Construa 15 apps reais!Nesse curso de desenvolvimento Android e IOS com Flutter voc aprender a criar apps parecidos com os que voc j usa: Jokenpo, lcool ou gasolina, Cara ou coroa, Notas dirias, Youtube, WhatsApp, Uber, OLX e muito mais!Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? A Udemy oferece uma garantia de reembolso, essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o curso, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Junte-se a mais de 170 mil alunos que j fizeram e aprovaram meus outros cursos! Comece agora mesmo esse curso de desenvolvimento com o Flutter!"
Price: 579.99

"Build a photo web app using Instagram API in Node.js" |
"Last updated: 25/4/2015This course is a basic course that will teach basic nodejs capabilities like using an API and using one of nodejs finest templates which is EJS.The course is aim at beginner students who still struggling to get the basic of nodejs and as well as understanding the true power of nodejs.Nodejs is different from other programming languages because of its power of non-blocking. In this course we will be building a basic photo application, and we are not going to build it from scratch, we are going to use Instagram API.Basic requirements:1) HTML/CSS2) JavascriptYou are going to learn all of these technologies by doing. This course is really simple compare to my other course."
Price: 19.99

"Getting Started with Video Captioning" |
"Course DescriptionToday, the internet has become ubiquitous and many people want to earn a living working from the convenience of their home. Getting Started with Video Captioning endeavors to teach you the basics of video captioning with the aim of offering career skills in captioning that can enable you to caption your videos easily and fast, work as a contractor on either a full time or a part time basis within the comfort of your home. The course will endeavor to introduce captioning, ways of improving the reach of your videos, as well as improving methods used to improve the ranking of videos on search engines.In this course, I will introduce you to Video Captioning, to help you improve the reach of your videos, to help you influence video ranking in search engines and help make videos more accessible. Learn what captioning is, caption formats that are commonly used and then dive into a step by step approach of captioning videos using various tools. Learn the essential skills require to work as a video captioning expertIntroduction to captioningCaptioning formatsCaptioning video using YouTubeCaptioning using CamtasiaAdvancing your career in a crowded online environment"
Price: 19.99

"How to be uncommonly productive using Evernote" |
"TOP RATED COURSE! Take full advantage of the working knowledge of Alin Vrancila in this powerful course on Evernote and how to use it to be uncommonly productive. Are you tired of nonsense tips on how you can really manage INFORMATION OVERFLOW? Take this course and see how to get it done. Different than other courses, in this course you will not waste time with unnecessary information or spend too much time on unimportant and unrelated things. Direct, concise, focused course on how I use Evernote in REAL LIFE! What others said about this course: "[This] course is perfect for busy professionals to use Evernote to organize their work and projects. Enjoyed every minute of it!" A.W. "This is the third Evernote course I took on Udemy and the first to really show the power of the tool, great job" D.L. "I am now going straight from the course to using the program without any doubts." M.S.K. "I definitely recommend this course for people looking to increase their productivity, keep track of everything going on in their lives better, and who want to start using Evernote." R.O. "If you are looking for a course to show you how to achieve efficient workflow in all areas of life, then look no further--it's here." J.C. "Excellent!!!!!!!!!!This course was so helpful in helping me get organized. The tutorials were quick, and effective! The instructor seemed to have mastered the concepts of Evernote, which helped a lot in setting up an account. I know now that I will definitely be using Evernote for a really long time. I will definitely recommend this course to all of my friends and family. I am very satisfied." C.T. "Never realized how much Evernote can do. The instructor does a good job explaining the various features of Evernote and tips on how to use them." D.D. "I was first introduced to Evernote through this course. I loved it right from the beginning, so I highly recommend everybody to take this course and try out Evernote. It is clearly and detailed presented" T.S. What are you going to learn in this course? You are going to get a lot of answers to all these HOW TO questions: I. How to get a good start! How to create an Evernote account. How to organize your notebooks and notes. How to create Notebook stacks. How to name your Notebooks. How to create Tags. How to create TO DO's and Task lists. On what devices you should use Evernote and when. How to get organized How to capture your information using multiple sources. How to use Web Clipper. How to Email directly into Evernote! How to use Evernote in a smart way. How to scan documents on the go. How to track your Food! How to use the Evernote trunk! How to get ready forpeace of mind: How to search. How to secure your data. How to do Two-Step verification! Extra secure. How to handle large projects. How to get creative and become a pro How to Share and Collaborate This is fun! How to Chat did you say chat? Yes! That should be sufficient for one course. If you do all these things I can guarantee you will be uncommonly productive in all areas of your life. See you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Data Warehousing From Scratch- From Solution Architect" |
"*****Added Hadoop Distributions Comparison sheet to let you choose the right Hadoop distribution based on several Parameters.*****Do you want to master in Data warehousing, keen to become an expert ? Me being worked on several Data Warehousing implementation projects in last 12 years here in UK. I will give you the grain of what's needed to implement a successful Data Warehouse project. We've heard it all, big data and the intelligence to understand these chunks of data. Most persons have to start from scratch or meet mid-way to become an expert in business Intelligence domain. Course is meant for someone who wants to understand fundamentals of DW and various architectural pieces around it and eventually become a part of big data revolution.This course is built to get you the grain of the subject and give you what is essential for newbie to eventually become an expert at the end of the course. Come and Join the journey!!Course Highlights IntroductionBusiness Challenge?Need for Business IntelligenceDefine Data warehouseIndustry UsingData warehousingTypical BI environmentData Warehousing ConceptsOLTP ,OLAPODS, Data MartsETLFacts, Dimensions, SCDSurrogate Keys, Factless-FactTwo Major school of thoughtsAre they at war ?Understand mythCase StudiesRalph Kimball How to design Start Schema, Snow FlakeBus ArchitectureSample Data ModelsBill Inmon How to design 3rd Normal FormCIF ArchitectureSample Data ModelsData Warehouse AppliancesTeradataNetezzaExadataBig DataWhat's the Buzz wordWhat are 4 V'sUnderstand Big Data in BI termsMajor Player What is HadoopHadoop in DW worldExample - ArchitectureNoSQlWhat it isSQL VS NoSQL Types of NoSQL DB'sMajor BI Vendors Wish you all the very best!"
Price: 144.99

"PTC Creo 5.0 - Essential Training" |
"In this PTC Creo Essential training course,Expert author Asif Ahmed,(PTC Creo Expert)will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing file using the variety of tools in PTC Creo. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with PTC Creo is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in PTC Creo, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this PTC Creo Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: 8.0 hours of HD video tutorialOver 121individual video lectures100+ Quizzes after every chapter1 Supplemental ResourcesFull lifetime accessAccess on mobile and TV30 daysmoney back guaranteeCertificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course:SketchPartAssemblyDrawingWhy do you choose this course:Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way upAll lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum resultsLearn by working, not by memorizing!Get depth knowledgeabout parametric CAD system including sketch , part, assembly and drawing.Apply PTC Creo skill easily in a production environment without struggling.Increase confident about PTC Creo and design whatever you wantImpeccable sound and video qualityQuality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24hours"
Price: 194.99

"PTC Creo 5.0 - Advanced Part Training" |
"In this PTC Creo Advanced Part training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, PTC Creo Expert will teach you how to create complex part using the advanced part tools in PTC Creo. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding PTC Creo advanced part topic, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer-based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex 3D part using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this PTC Creo Advanced Part training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: 7.0+ hours of HD video tutorial Over 107 individual video lectures 1 Supplemental Resources Full lifetime access Access on mobile and TV 30 days money back guarantee Certificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course: Advanced sketching Sketch modification and management Geometry Selection Datum Features Extrude and Revolve Sweep tool Blend tool Engineering features Family Tables Reference Management and so on----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do you choose this course? Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way up Exercise files All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum results Learn by working, not by memorizing! Get depth and advanced knowledge in sketch and part environment. Apply PTC Creo skill easily in a production environment without struggling. Increase confident about PTC Creo and design whatever you want Impeccable sound and video quality Quality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24 hours----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 124.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2020 - Essential training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, (Autodesk Inventor Expert) will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing file using the variety of tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Autodesk Inventor is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in Autodesk Inventor, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Autodesk Inventor Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:9.0 hours of HD video tutorialOver 123 individual video lectures9 Assignments (6 Part level, 2 Assembly level and 1 Drawing level)2 Practice tests (50 Multiple choice questions)18 Supplemental ResourcesFull lifetime accessAccess on mobile and TV30 days money back guaranteeCertificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course:SketchPartAssemblyDrawing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do you choose this course:Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way upLots of exercises, assignments and practice tests.All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum resultsLearn by working, not by memorizing!Get depth knowledge about parametric CAD system including sketch , part, assembly and drawing.Apply Autodesk Inventor skill easily in a production environment without struggling.Increase confident about Autodesk Inventor and design whatever you wantImpeccable sound and video qualityQuality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24 hours----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 194.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2020 - Advanced Part Training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor Advanced Part training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Autodesk Inventor Expert will teach you how to create complex part using the advanced part tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding Autodesk Inventor advanced part topic, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex 3D part using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Autodesk Inventor Advanced Part training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:6.0 hours of HD video tutorialOver 85 individual video lectures1 Supplemental ResourcesFull lifetime accessAccess on mobile and TV30 days money back guaranteeCertificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course:Advanced sketching3D sketchingAdvanced curveSketch blockSweep toolLoft toolFilletSketch based featureModification toolsMultibody part designParametersOther tools and features----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do you choose this course?Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way upExercise filesAll lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum resultsLearn by working, not by memorizing!Get depth and advanced knowledge in sketch and part environment.Apply Autodesk Inventor skill easily in a production environment without struggling.Increase confident about Autodesk Inventor and design whatever you wantImpeccable sound and video qualityQuality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24 hours----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 124.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2020 - Advanced Assembly Training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor Advanced Assembly training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Autodesk Inventor Expert will teach you how to create complex assembly using the advanced assembly tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding Autodesk Inventor advanced assembly topic, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex 3D assembly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Autodesk Inventor Advanced Assembly training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:6.0 hours of HD video tutorialOver 82 individual video lectures1 Supplemental ResourcesFull lifetime accessAccess on mobile and TV30 days money back guaranteeCertificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course:Top down design methodAdvanced relationshipsRelationship managementPositioning componentsAssembly components handlingAssembly evaluationContent CenterAssembly RepresentationsAssembly SimplificationView AppearanceBill of Materials----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do you choose this course?Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way upExercise filesAll lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum resultsLearn by working, not by memorizing!Get depth and advanced knowledge in sketch and assembly environment.Apply Autodesk Inventor skill easily in a production environment without struggling.Increase confident about Autodesk Inventor and design whatever you wantImpeccable sound and video qualityQuality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24 hours----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 124.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2020 - Advanced Drawing Training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor Drawing Training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Autodesk Inventor Expert will teach you how to create complex drawing view using the advanced drawing tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding Autodesk Inventor advanced drawing topic, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex drawing view using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Autodesk Inventor Drawing Assembly training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: 3.5 hours of HD video tutorial Over 50 individual video lectures 1 Supplemental Resources Full lifetime access Access on mobile and TV 30 days money back guarantee Certificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course: Advanced View Modified Advanced View Advanced features in view Working with Dimension Annotation Working with table Drawing Resources----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do you choose this course? Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way up Exercise files All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum results Learn by working, not by memorizing! Get depth and advanced knowledge in sketch and assembly environment. Apply Autodesk Inventor skill easily in a production environment without struggling. Increase confident about Autodesk Inventor and design whatever you want Impeccable sound and video quality Quality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24 hours----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 124.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2020 - Sheetmetal Essential Training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor Sheetmetal Training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Autodesk Inventor Expert will teach you how to create complex Sheetmetal part using the advanced Sheetmetal tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding Autodesk Inventor advanced Sheetmetal topic, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex Sheetmetal part using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Autodesk Inventor Sheetmetal training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: 3.5 hours of HD video tutorial Over 47 individual video lectures 1 Supplemental Resources Full lifetime access Access on mobile and TV 30 days money back guarantee Certificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course: Sheetmetal rules Working with flange tools Folding and Bending Unfold rules, Bend and Corner settings Sheetmetal modification Flat pattern Convert to sheetmetal Sheet Metal Multibody Sheetmetal punch Sheet Metal Drawing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do you choose this course? Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way up Exercise files All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum results Learn by working, not by memorizing! Get depth and advanced knowledge in sketch and assembly environment. Apply Autodesk Inventor skill easily in a production environment without struggling. Increase confident about Autodesk Inventor and design whatever you want Impeccable sound and video quality Quality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24 hours---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Price: 124.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2020 - Weldment Essential Training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor Weldment Training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Autodesk Inventor Expert will teach you how to create complex Weldment part using the advanced Weldment tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding Autodesk Inventor advanced Weldment topic, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex Weldment part using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Autodesk Inventor Weldment training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this course:Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: 3 hours of HD video tutorial Over 44 individual video lectures 1 Supplemental Resources Full lifetime access Access on mobile and TV 30 days money back guarantee Certificate of CompletionTopics cover in this course: Weldment work flows 3D sketching Frame Generator Weldment - Preperation, Weld & Machining Weldment Drawing Custom Weld profile----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do you choose this course? Progressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way up Exercise files All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum results Learn by working, not by memorizing! Get depth and advanced knowledge in weldment assembly environment. Apply Autodesk Inventor skill easily in a production environment without struggling. Increase confident about Autodesk Inventor and design whatever you want Impeccable sound and video quality Quality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 24 hours----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 124.99

"Solidworks 2019 Sheet Metal Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2018 Sheet Metal Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to work in the SolidWorks Sheet Metal environment. This course can be used to help you prepare for the Sheet Metal Certification, and is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of SolidWorks. You will start by learning how to create a Sheet metal part, then jump into learning about essential feature such as base flange, edge flange, miter flange, bend table, and bend allowance and so on. From there, Asif will teach you how to convert solid body to sheet metal part. This video tutorial will also cover how to make custom design library feature such as cut, forming tools etc. You will also learn how to control bend note and export DXF or DWG format of flat pattern. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks 2018 Sheet Metal Essential training videos delivered to your desktop. 3.0 + hours of HD video tutorials Over 50 individual video lectures Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material. The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface A quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2018 Sheet Metal Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to create Sheet Metal parts in the latest version of SolidWorks. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this SolidWorks 2018 Sheet Metal Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. "
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2019 Advanced Sketch Training" |
"In this SolidWorks Advanced Sketch training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch using the advanced sketch tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks advanced sketch topic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Advanced Sketch training videos delivered to your desktop.2.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 38 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks sketch subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videosYou will start by learning intermediate sketch tools, such as parabola, slot, sketch pattern, style spline and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to make conic, text, spline on surface, and teach you what is 3d sketch and what is the best way to design in 3D sketch environment. Then this course will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as intersection curve, project curve, equation driven curve etc. Then, you will learn how to work with helix, spiral, composite curve etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own 3D models using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks Advanced Sketch training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. "
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2019 Advanced Parts Training" |
"In this SolidWorks Advanced Part training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create complex part using the advanced part tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks advanced part topic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Advanced Part training videos delivered to your desktop.4.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 79 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks part subjects because they're broken into simple and easy to follow tutorial videos.You will start by learning intermediate part tools, such as advanced extrude, advanced fillet, swept, loft and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to make complex pattern, and teach you what is multibody part and what is the best way to design in 3D part using multibody part environment. Then this course will also cover lots of advanced topics such as boundary, dome, wrap etc. Then, you will learn how to create and manage configuration and many more advanced topics etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex 3D part using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks Advanced Part training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. "
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2019 Advanced Assembly Training" |
"In this SolidWorks Advanced Assembly Training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to manage complex assembly using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for intermediate users, meaning previous experience with SolidWorks assembly is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks assembly topic, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Parts Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.5.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 77 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks Advanced Assembly Training subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.You will start by learning top down assembly method topics such as in-context feature, external reference, virtual parts and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to apply assembly level features including weld bead, hole series, belt chain etc. Then this course will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as advanced mate type, handling sub-assembly, apply mechanical mates and so on. Then, you will learn how to work with advanced pattern tool such as curve driven, chain driven, sketch driven pattern and so on. Finally, this course will also cover few advanced topic such as assembly configuration, fixing mate error etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex assembly and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks Advanced Assembly Training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2019 Advanced Drawing Training" |
"In this SolidWorks Drawing Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create drawing file using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the beginner and intermediate users, meaning little experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks drawing topic, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Drawing Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.3.0+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 52 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks Drawing Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this SolidWorks Drawing Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. "
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2019 Weldment Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks Weldment Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to work in the SolidWorks weldment environment. This course can be used to help you prepare for the Weldments Certification, and is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of SolidWorks. You will start by learning how to create a structural member, then jump into learning about 2D and 3D layout sketches. From there, Asif will teach you how to add plates, create end caps and gussets, and use symmetry. This video tutorial will also cover managing cut lists, creating a bounding box, and adding weld beads and weld bead tables. You will also learn how to create sub-weldments and custom structural member profiles. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks 2018 Weldment Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.2+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 30 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks Weldment Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to create weldments in the latest version of SolidWorks. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks Weldment Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2019 Surface Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks Surface Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to work in the SolidWorks Surface environment. This course can be used to help you prepare for the Surface Certification, and is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of SolidWorks. You will start by learning how to create a simple surface part, then jump into learning about essential feature such as extrude, revolve, sweep, loft and so on. From there, Asif will teach you how to convert surface body to solid body part. This video tutorial will also cover how to edit surface using replace face, delete face, trim, untrim etc. You will also learn how to control surface using powerful tools such as freeform, surface flatten etc. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Surface Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.3+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 56 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks Surface Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to create Surface parts in the latest version of SolidWorks. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks Surface Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. Tools for: Extruded, Revolved, Swept, Lofted Offset, Planar Surfaces Tools for: Organic and Stylized Shapes Boundary Surface, Surface Fill, Freeform Radiated Surface, Mid Surface Editing tools: Move/Copy Face, Instant3D (click and drag geometry), Copy Surface, Replace Face, Healing, Knit, Trim, and Extend Surface analysis tools: Gaussian, Draft, Undercut, Thickness, Curvature, Min radius, Zebra Stripes, Deviation analysis, and Symmetry Check Geometry Import and Repair and Healing tools "
Price: 124.99

"Become a fully fledged Front-End Developer" |
"This course is designed to take you from knowing absolutely nothing of the web and websites to knowing all the ins and outs of web development and even a little more. We will be handling some basic start offs to the web and tools to use, then we will plunge into HTML and CSS, starting from scratch. After you have mastered HTML and CSS we will handle more dynamic stuff like CSS3, how to create responsive websites and also some tips and tricks to SEO. We will do all of this in just 10 hours of content! The content will not only include video tutorials but also nicely designed info graphs to help you learn better. I will also give you the source code of each assignment and on completion a certificate with a coupon to ""how to design websites"" tutorial. So if you want to become a web developer and create awesome websites to sell to clients and make money, then sign right up! (note as time goes on i will add extra videos to help you grow more in the industry at no extra cost) Easily Learn How To Create Dynamic Websites With HTML and CSS Learn how the web works and what tools web developers use Easily learn what HTML is and how to code it Easily learn what CSS is, how is works and how to code it Understand what is responsive websites Learn how to create responsive websites Learn what SEO is and techniques to use After completing my course you will not only be able to create dynamic, responsive working websites but you will have the full understanding to web development. This will enable you and path your way to learn further into other more complex languages like Javascript and Jquery. HTML and CSS is after all the most important languages and also the foundation to web development. PLEASE NOTE WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OFF UPDATING OUR COURSE"
Price: 24.99

"Awaken Inner Love: Spiritual Wisdoms & Meditations" |
"This is a journey of awakening love, Your Love. Are you seeking Self-Love?Are you seeking Confidence, Power, Self-Esteem?Do you want to develop your Spiritual Connection?Do you want to resolve Fears, Insecurities, Patterns?Are you seeking more harmonious loving Relationships?This course has powerful truths that it can lead to huge transformation in your life through the application of key principles of Spiritual Reflection. I used these myself to emerge from over 15 years of depression and now teach many others the same principles. They work because they are based on Integrative Spirituality.All content is based on spirituality, psychology, ancient wisdoms, esoteric principles - designed to Empower You. Videos, Channelled Articles, Healing Visualisations. You will open up to a brand new perspective of your own reality where literally anything is possible - because it is. You are far more powerful than you could possibly believe. And all it takes is raising your awareness to understand this. The Journey begins with the Journey within"
Price: 59.99

"Productivity: Skyrocket Your Productivity the Agile Way!" |
"New Course Material Continuously Added and Updated! - Rev. Dec 2018MORE THAN 2,500 ENTHUSIASTIC AGILE STUDENTSENROLLED BY NOW! A whole Productivity Community that Learns and Improves day by day!Showcased in the two Popular Podcasts ""Project Management for the Masses"" by Cesar Abeid, PMP, and ""The Scrum Master Toolbox"" by Vasco Duarte! - Check the FREE Episodes below for more info!Ranked as TOP GROUP COURSE by the Udemy Instructor Team!PDUs included for certified PMPs and PMI-ACPs! Do you see your time passing by without being able to deliver on your promises? Do you do the best you can, but get trapped and fooled by uncertainty and last minute changes? Traditional productivity systems don't work for you? Give them a twist with Agile methods, and Skyrocket your Productivity! *****5 Stars - Highly Recommended!Danilo created exactly what I was looking for. If you are interested in increasing your productivity at work or in your personal life, while learning key aspects of Agile, Scrum, and Kanban, this course is the best resource I have found to date. Danilo is also a fantastic instructor, very engaging, and eager to see everyone succeed. I highly recommend this course!-Cesar Abeid, PMP, Host of Project Management for the Masses5 Stars - Most useful course on Udemy! - This is one of the most useful courses I've ever taken on Udemy. I wish I had taken it before! - Erdal BitikStars - Fantastic! This was fabulous. I was able to apply the skills immediately, speed up my productivity, and get things done a lot quicker than before. Before this I tried pretty much everything, even GTD. They were organized, but I could never get them done like I intended to. This time it's been different. Thanks, Danilo! - Simone Jaschko5 Stars - Very well delivered! ...not only useful for personal productivity, but also at work - I have implemented it with my Team and it's been a huge Hit! - Al Almaktoum*****What if you could finally find a way to be Agile and Successful in your Personal Choices, pursue your Dreams, and enjoy immediate Results? How well would that amazing Productivity translate into a Better Job, Higher Incomes and Self-Satisfaction?*****5 Stars - Recommended for big and small projects! I enjoy Danilo's fresh ideas on Kanban and Scrum. It has definitely improved my time management and project planning... Thanks! - Thrandur Arnthorsson5 Stars - Wonderful course presented in a clear and engaging way!Heap of examples to express the information in a realistic manner. I suggest it to anybody who wants to succeed in their job... A must for any fast paced workplace! - Nick Leffler*****If this gets you high, then this Course is the answer you were waiting for!*****5 Stars - Excellent Course! - Wow - so much information packed into one singlecourse. Really clear explanations with examples to help implement the strategy described... Nice job! - Deborah Wojcicki*****I've spent years of study on Productivity Techniques and Personal Improvement. I've studied how Companies like Toyota, Microsoft, Chrysler, Boeing, GM and thousands of LEAN Startups stay ahead of their competitors and successfully face their daily challenges. I've learnt about their Agile and Lean Approaches and applied them at Work andin my Personal Life, and I've experienced amazing results - learning new languages in no time and giving an incredible boost to my Career!*****5 Stars - Already More Agile and Productive! Great course and easy to follow. Downloadable resources are also very useful and value added to the entire course experience... Well done! - C. Eliot Tennant5 Stars - Awesome tips! Great course and clear presentation. The course is really interactive and visual. It has a lot of valuable productivity information! Would highly recommend :) - Snehal Wagh*****I've finally created My Personal Scrumban, one of the most agile, easy, and effective productivity solutions to plan your goals with purpose and at the same time manage your daily routine, while considering change as an integral part of it, and effectively responding to shifting priorities. I'm confident that it will greatly enhance your Life as it has improved mine and those of my students. *****5 Stars - Great instructor and quality content!! Really well done, the explanations are extremely clear. Worth for personal productivity and professional improvement. Looking forward to the release of new Lectures! - Laura Spinaci*****So, Come and Reclaim your Life and your Success. This is Your Opportunity. If you're determined to succeed and gain control of your Life, this Course is for you. Enjoy the free previews... and Enroll Now!See you inside, Danilo TambonePS: I'm so confident that you'll gain Value from the Course as soon as you'll start applying these techniques, that I offer my own Personal 30 Days Money Back Guarantee - If you're not 100% happy with the material, you may ask for a full refund and get your money back. No. Question. Asked. Enjoy!"
Price: 124.99

"Brain Anatomy - Learn biopsychology science quickly & easily" |
"OVER 300STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE.This is a great course for psychology students, high school and college anatomy students, and allied health professionals looking to learn more about brain anatomy.- Over 90 minutes of course content- Built in quizzes to help you master key terminology- Structures of the brain and their functions explained in simple terminology Do you have an interest in the human brain anatomy? Are you a high school or college student who is struggling to learn neuroanatomy or keep up with your biopsychology course? Want to learn more about biopsychology? Have an interest in psychology? This is the course for you! In this fun course, you will learn the basics of brain anatomy from the structures to the functions. This course is meant to supplement courses you may be taking in school, give a refresher to anyone who is working in the medical field, and will certainly help anyone with a keen interest of the brain. This is not a stuffy lecture where giant terms are just thrown at you, but rather presented in a why to help any student master the basics of brain anatomy. The course is broken down into simple, bit size pieces that simplifies complex terminology with simple terms and fun mnemonics to help students to master difficult subjects. There are many great graphics to help you follow along, as well as a couple of short quizzes to make sure you master important terms. If you need to prepare for a test, or just brush up on brain anatomy, biopsychology, and neuroscience for an upcoming class, this is a great course for you."
Price: 19.99

"Airbnb Hosting Mastery: Run a Business Using Your Own Home" |
"***** COURSE MATERIAL IS UP-TO-DATE AS OF 01/01/2016***** Start making money on Airbnb,learn secret Airbnb tricks & tips, become the best Airbnb host you can be and increase the revenue from your Airbnb listing. Are you ever away from home? Why not make back your travel expenses and rent out your home? It's easy, safe and you can have your first guests within a week! What students say: ""Fantastic Course! I have read Jasper's Book and went through his Udemy Course. It is absolutely brilliant and I recommend it to any serious Airbnb hosts! David G""""Airbnb Saigon??? Awesome course. Moving to Saigon for startup work and renting a 2 bedroom flat. I think I can use your tips to actually pay for cost of living!"" ++++++++++++++ About this course: Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Includes my personal guidebook that I send to my guests that you can copy Free surprise bonuses to increase your income even more! Upon completion of the course, you will get access to the private Facebook group Airbnb Academy Includes several email templates that you can use to communicate with your guests Includes unique pricing tool that you can use to optimize your prices SEE HOW I MADE $60,000 from renting out a single two bedroom apartment while traveling the world full-time! You can see proof of my earnings in the free preview video below. Based on my huge success I am going to go over every single aspect of Airbnb hosting, I will not hold anything back. Everything I teach is easily implemented and designed to make the most from your Airbnb listing. This course is for current Airbnb hosts that want to improve their earnings and for hosts who are starting out on Airbnb. For those who haven't started yet, you might be sitting on a goldmine! Here are examples of how you can make money on Airbnb: Move in with your partner and rent out your entire house full-time List your house only in the weekends and if booked go on a fun weekend trip Rent out a spare room and make back up to half of your rent or mortgage Rent out an air mattress or couch Rent out your entire place and go on a round the world trip (like I do!) List your house and when booked stay with friends or family Rent out your house only when you are on holiday and make back at least half of your travel expenses ++++++++++++++ MOST COMMON QUESTION: IS IT SAFE? Answer: After hosting over 150 groups of guests and interviewing over 50 Airbnb hosts on my podcast I can tell you that issues (like guests misbehaving, stealing your stuff or damaging your house) are extremely rare! Airbnb has a $1,000,000 Host Guarantee policy in place that covers you in case your insurance fails to reimburse you YOU decide who will stay in your house, you are 100% in control +++++++++++++++ You will learn: How to create a killer title for your listing The right way to compose a description How to get stunning pictures of your space How to prepare your house for your first guests My two-step strategy for getting outstanding reviews How to manage your listing from anywhere in the world The correct settings for your listing My personal pricing strategy that will get your place fully booked Airbnb SEO, how to get your listing to page 1 of the search results How to negotiate with your guests How to communicate with your guests What to do when a guest isn't happy How to outsource the Airbnb management process And much much more! So you've read this far! Thank you. You can watch 12 videos for FREE! Check them out! One very important final point: if you own a house or you are renting a house and you are ever away from home, then you're missing out on serious $! Every day you wait is costing you money I know it is scary to have random people from the internet in your house, every single Airbnb host has had this concern. Worried? Here's the solution: Create your Airbnb listing When you get a booking request, you can still reject the booking if you feel unsure about the guest There is zero risk in creating a listing and it costs nothing! Click the Take This Coursebutton and start your journey today. To your hosting success!!! Jasper Ribbers Author of the #1 Amazon Best Seller Get Paid For Your Pad - Maximize Income From Your Airbnb Listing"""
Price: 49.99

"Argument Diagramming: Beginner to Advanced" |
"A map tells you the lay of land, and how to get from one place to another without getting confused, or even outright lost. Learn how to fully map evidence-based reasoning and arguments from any source -- popular, professional, or academic -- using argument diagrams. In this course, I apply the latest research from specialized modeling languages, engineering diagrams, and philosophy of language to teach you how to ""find the lay of the land"" within another thinker's writings. As distinguished from courses in Symbolic Logic or Critical Thinking, argument diagramming falls under a third area of evidence-based reasoning called Informal Logic -- the discipline which, in my opinion, is the most interesting!"
Price: 19.99

"Get out of Debt - The Power of Using Compounding Interest" |
"Take Charge of Your Money, Take Charge of Your Life Step One: Create Yourself Financially Independent Step Two: Get Started Now Step Three: Create Your Plan to Accomplish Your Goals Step Four: Protect Your Money Step Five: Grow Your Money Learn all the tools you need from Simple Interest to Complex Compound Interest and Annuities Calculation. Be Financial Free, the step start now. Learn why Credit Card Interest is eating into your retirement What is simple Interest. What is compound Interest. How can we make sure of all this to increase our wealth slowly but steadily. Get out of Debt and Get Rich. Step forward now"
Price: 49.99

"A Practical Intro to Java Using Games" |
"This course if for those people who have tried and failed to learn programming the conventional way. This course is for those people who want an fun way to learn programming. This course is for people who want to brush up on their basics but don't want to read a boring old textbook. This course will is centered around learning the Java programming language through game development. Specifically, we will be creating the old school game breakout. Split into sections revolving around the different elements of the game, key programming concepts will be taught and explained throughout the course. We'll move from setting up our game board to creating and making the game pieces move to adding levels learning concepts like enumeration, conditionals, loops, object oriented programming, abstract classes/methods and more. By the end of this course you will not only have created an amazing game to show off but you will have the Java basics fully understood. This will give you the opportunity to explore deeper into java and other languages. Most importantly, I hope to give you desire to create and to see your projects and programs used by others. It's and amazing feeling trust me! As for the course length, the course classes are relatively short so take as much time as you need to create an amazing game!"
Price: 19.99
