"UX Design Challenges" |
"'UX Design Challenges' is a course created especially for developers, engineers, entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking to prepare or hire for UX design roles in the industry or who want to design user centric products as efficiently as possible in the MVP stage of their business.If you feel you are: a developer/entrepreneur looking to understand product design. unprepared and do not know what to expect at design interviews for UX roles - (WBC & Product Critique) an entrepreneur who wants to design a valuable product within 5-6 days - (Design Sprint) at a loss when it comes to market valued design tools. (Sketch & Origami)Then this is the place for you!In this course you will understand four design projects through different perspectives. 1. Redesign goodReads App 2. Airline Companion App3. Learn To Code : WhiteBoard Challenge4. BBC App: Product CritiqueAfter successfully completing the course, you will be able to get started on:Sketch Origami StudioRedesign an appDesign your own user centric appPrepare better for interviews using industry driven frameworks.Create your own design portfolio through the design thinking taught in the course.Disclaimer:Please note this is not an in depth tool course. The idea is to introduce tools that are widely used in the industry and can help you get started on those skills that will provide you with a competitive advantage in your career/ business."
Price: 34.99

"Excel Tools for Students and Family" |
"Summary of the Course This course will take you through from 5 blank spreadsheet to 5 colorful, easy to use and practical Excel tools that you can use and share with your closest ones for the rest of your lives! Structure of the Course The course is split in 5 parts representing the 5 tools. Each tool is comprised of a few videos that go from A to Z in explaining how to build the specific tool. What do you need? Excel - at least 2007 version. Best 2010 version. Be familiar with Excel The wish to learn Your Benefit What are your most precious resources? If in between your top 5 you find time and money than this course is for you. The tools we will create are meant to help you manage your time and money better. Do you want to learn Excel? By following a more natural path to learning, you will find this course to be different from many other Excel courses. Children learn how to walk because they are curious to explore more. They don't learn how to walk just for the sake of it. I don't want to teach you Excel just for the sake of it. Let me show you how it can help you fulfill your needs. Ready tools for use! Maybe you don't have the time right now to follow the videos and learn how to build these tools, or you just don't want to learn Excel right now. No problem! You can find the tools available in the resources tab for personal use. Hope you enjoy the course and find the tools useful. Keep learning!"
Price: 29.99

"Como entrenar la memoria con eficacia" |
"El curso ms completo sobre entrenamiento y cuidado de la memoria. Si experimentas problemas de memoria o simplemente quieres disfrutar de una memoria en forma a cualquier edad... este es el curso perfecto para t!Son muchas las personas que entrenan sus memoria a diario. Lo que no saben es que los ejercicios que realizan no son eficaces para mejorar su memoria!! En este curso elaborado e impartido por el experto en memoria lvaro Bilbao, vas a poder aprender y practicar las tcnicas y ejercicios ms eficaces para mejorar tu memoria.- Errores frecuentes en el entrenamiento de la memoria- Las claves de un entrenamiento en memoria eficaz- Las tcnicas ms eficaces para entrenar los distintos tipos de memoria- Todas las claves que te van a permitir cuidar tu cerebro y memoria- Ejercicios eficaces para mejorar la memoria a corto plazo- Ejercicios eficaces para superar los molestos bloqueos o fallos de memoria30 clases diseadas para guiarte paso a paso en las distintas tcnicas que van a fortalecer tu memoria. Explicacin de las tcnicas, demostracin, ejercicios prcticos y todos los secretos de los especialistas en rehabilitacin y entrenamiento de la memoria. Este es un curso diseado por especialistas en mejorar la memoria que cada da aplican estas tcnicas para ayudar a personas con problemas de memoria a recuperar su memoria. Olvdate de los sudokus y crucigramas. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de aprender de manos de un experto, las tcncias que s van a lograr que mejores tu memoria!"
Price: 99.99

"El cerebro del nio" |
"Si tienes hijos entre 0 y 6 aos de edad este es tu curso.Durante los 6 primeros aos de vida el cerebro del nio tiene un potencial que no volver a tener nunca. Aprovecha todos los conocimientos acerca del desarrollo cerebral para apoyar su desarrollo intelectual y emocional!Parte 1. Breve introduccin acerca del cerebro de los niosParte 2. Educar en positivo:como apoyar comportamientos positivos yponer lmites y alternativas al castigo con confianza y carioParte 3. Inteligencia emocional: cmo apoyar el desarrollo de una buena autoestima, confianza, optimismoy pensamiento positivoParte 4. Desarrollo intelectual:cmo ayudar a tu pequeo a desarrollar su memoria, atencin y capacidades intelectuales a travs de vuestras conversaciones y juegos cotidianos.Este curso es una gua clara y prctica para que cualquier padre consiga apoyar el desarrollo emocional e intelectual de su hijo. Con un lenguaje sencillo y claro, las explicaciones acerca de cmo se puede apoyar el desarrollo cerebral pleno de las funciones intelectuales y habilidades emocionales van acompaadas de ejercicios y sugerencias que puedes aplicar desde la primera clase! Para padres que quieren potenciar las capacidades de su hijo SIN presionarle.Con 35 clases prcticas, el curso te va a aportar todos los conocimientos, ideas y experiencias que te van a permitir sentirte completamente satisfecho en tu labor como pap o mam y afianzar el vnculo con tu hijo. No hace falta que tengas ningn conocimiento acerca del cerebro, slo el deseo de aprender cmo puedes apoyar a tus hijos o alumnos en su desarrollo. Es el curso ms completo de desarrollo emocional e intelectual. No te lo pierdas!"
Price: 99.99

"How I get stolen content taken OFF the Internet" |
"Join over 500 students who enrolled in the first 24 hours that the course was available! Learn what to do when someone steals your Internet content - from a practicing attorney! Get sample letter templates that you can put to use! Content creators who have had their work stolen and reposted on the Internet know how awful that can be, both personally and for business. This course will teach you how to respond to this stolen content and walk you through the following: analyzing a stolen content situation finding the right ISP to send a takedown notice to getting the content taken down by drafting and sending a DMCA takedown notice responding to a takedown if you believe you had a right to post something understanding the responsibilities an ISP has regarding takedowns and the DMCA The course also includes numerous resources, including: sample takedown letters that you can use to get stolen content taken off the Internet a free Fair Use eBook to help you in your analysis links and addresses for popular sites that you can use to put this information into practice links to a number of helpful resources to help broaden your knowledge of the subject If you create content on the Internet, this course is for you! Legal Disclaimer: This course is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for real, specific legal advice. Viewing this course does not create an attorney-client relationship between the viewer and I. If you have a legal issue, please see an attorney for advice specific to your needs."
Price: 24.99

"The Way of Wisdom: Stoic Philosophy for Modern People" |
"~ The course is ON SALE for a limited period of time! ~I admire Stoics' attitude: always being calm, cold-minded and patient.More to that, Stoic Philosophy teaches us how to be wise. The practical wisdom we are going to discuss allows you to develop a right mindset, be reasonable and make right decisions. To live like a true Philosopher.This is not your ordinary course on self-improvement or productivity. This is a workshop on how to become a Philosopher. It will guide you but it is YOU who do the work.The course will help you to understand:What does it mean to be a PhilosopherThe ways to acquire wisdom that will help you in your career, study and personal lifeCore values you need to become a good and wise manStoic way to treat moneyPeople and how to pick the right ones to be your friendsHow you can reevaluate life and do not worry about death What makes you a good teacher?First of all: passion for the topic. Like ancient stoics I believe that being a Philosopher and a good man leads to success5+ years of professional experience in instructional design, teaching, applied psychology and talent developmentMajoring in linguistics and culturology, I am always searching for ways to use moral philosophy in everyday lifeWho is this class for?People who want to make rational decisionsPeople who want to control their emotionsPeople who want to become wise and, well, good!People who are ready to put efforts to educate and improve themselvesFor YOU. Background, place of birth, age - it doesn't matter. If you are still reading, then the course will guide you for the best, I sincerely believe that.With you more wise, effective and happy the world will become a bit better, don't you think?"
Price: 19.99

"How to Paint Watercolour for beginners" |
"A set of techniques that will give you a new perspective on how easy watercolour painting really is. Learn about simple to do Skies, Mountains, Headlands and Monochromes. The greatest challenge to take a flat piece of paper with 2 dimensions and add the third dimension which is depth is made easy. Create Sparkle in water, realistic rocks. Trees with ease."
Price: 19.99

"The Amazon Sales Formula ~ Build A Private Label Business" |
"Create a Passive Income Stream When you successfully complete this course you will have learned the specific steps to implement the following strategies: Assess demand for a potential product using a quantitative guide. Source the product from a supplier with capital as low as $300.00. Create your own brand and logo to minimize competition and win the Buy Box 100% of the time. Utilize Amazon PPC to increase sales and increase product ranking (which leads to organic sales). Leverage Fulfillment By Amazon so you do NOT have to store any products in your home and/or ship products to customers. Receive Top Tier Support This course is meant to offer more than just information and instructions. Students who choose to enroll in this course will be supported throughout the course and beyond by gaining access to the following: Instructor contact email Private Facebook Group access Additional supportive resources Course updates as more information is learned and developed"
Price: 19.99

"Create animated 2D characters using Procreate and Animate CC" |
"Ever wanted to create fun cartoon animations for Social Media? Why not create a short on YouTube? Well, with this training you will be able to do just that. Learn to draw incredible quality art on your iPad Pro with Apple Pencil then bring your art into an amazing Animate CC to create simple animations.If you love to doodle and have been looking to jump into the digital art world, this is it! Itake you from the very beginning. You will be able to take your existing sketches or create new ones and turn them into final polished high resolution art pieces which you could then use to create your very own animations.You Will Learn How To:Draw Fun Cartoon Characters in Procreate App on iPad Pro using Apple PencilTo Import Custom BrushesTo Import Reference ImagesSketch Using a Pencil BrushDraw Clean Outlines by Tracing Your Sketches Using Custom Paint BrushFill In Colors, Add Gradients, Highlights and Shadows to Your Final ArtExport Your Art to Photoshop for ResizingImport Layered Art Files into Animate CCCreate Movie ClipsLearn How To Animate Export Final Video for Social MediaIcan't wait to get started!Remember your only limitation is your own imagination! So sharpen your pencil and jump right in, well Imeant charge your pencil :)"
Price: 74.99

"A Value Investing Approach to the Stock Market" |
"Learn the 4 steps to think and operate like a Value InvestorGet familiar with the Stock MarketLearn the Key Financial Ratios used in business analysisLearn to analyze Financial StatementsLearn 5 Stock Screening Guidelines used by the greatsLearn how to select the Best Bargains in the stock market and get a High Return?Learn 2 techniques that will run your Portfolio on Autopilot..............................................................................................................Have you ever wanted to invest in the stock market, but don't want to risk losing your savings? Ever wondered if there was a way to invest smart? And if you are like us, you probably don't want to waste weeks or months reading finance books. That's why we created a straightforward, simple course that will take you from beginner to value investor in under 2 hours. Do you need any previous experience or finance knowledge? Absolutely not! We will guide you from the very basic level. This course doesn't just teach one technique, we cover the stock market basics, financial statements and stock market vocabulory. After laying the foundation, the course teaches two main techniques. One is for the person who has time and energy to analyze stocks; the benefit is that his gains will be high! Other technique is for someone who doesn't have the time for all that, but still wants a piece of the stock market action; we call the second technique 'portfolio on autopilot' Both these methods are targeted at the long term. This means the risk is minimum and you can continuously make money in the stock market! If you are ready to start your career in investing, try the course today at this introductory price of $97. Good luck to you!"
Price: 19.99

"Introductory Biology" |
"This course will provide students with a basic understanding of an introductory level biology experience. It will contain video lectures and fill-in lecture notes, as well as end of section quizzes. It is up to you how you would like to experience this course, fast-paced for upcoming test prep or more slow-paced for learners that want to take their time. The course will cover most major aspects of abiology experiencein high school or introductory college course. However,It can be useful to students (at any level) looking for additional help or prepin biology topics. I have 19+ years of experience teaching biology and chemistry at both the high school and collegiate level. The course will be taught with an appreciation for life's processes and applications to the real world will be integrated into lectures."
Price: 149.99

"Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro" |
"This is perhaps the best writing course I've ever taken. That includes my time in University. STEPHEN L HEWITT, UDEMY STUDENTWant to craft irresistible content that has your readers glued to the page?Want to attract thousands of readers to your blog by writing addictive, shareable posts that are guaranteed to go viral?Want to discover the secret, elite persuasive writing techniques known only to the worlds top copywriters, speechwriters and academics specialising in literature?Want to compel your readers to take action through the power of persuasive reports, proposals, websites and marketing content?Want to know how to instantly get your ideas out of your head and onto the page - in a way that makes people sit up and take notice?Want to motivate others to buy your product? Change their mindset? Take on board your ideas?Want to uncover the secrets of turning snooze-worthy sentences into scintillating prose?If any of these apply to you, this is the course for you.BENEFIT FROM THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE WRITING COURSE ON UDEMYAs its name suggests, Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro takes you from the writing fundamentals right through to the elite techniques practised by the worlds top copywriters. Top copywriters like your instructor, Dr Clare Lynch, in fact.From the very first lectures, youll be inspired to beat writers block and get something down on the page. You'll also gain instant ideas for taking your first draft from OK to outstanding.Next, youll discover a secret most writing and editing teachers wont share with you: that good writing isnt just about the writing. For the most part, good writing is about the thinking you do before you even sit down at your laptop or open your journal.Thats because, when it comes to becoming a powerful writer the sort of writer who gets the job, closes the sale or wins buy-in for your ideas - its not about the technicalities of spelling and grammar. Its about your ability to connect with your reader on an emotional, intellectual and visceral level.Thats why early on in the course, youll learn powerful, little-known techniques for really getting under the skin of your readers. Techniques that will allow you to write in a way that grabs peoples attention immediately and keeps them addictively glued to your writing. Youll also learn expert tips and techniques for confidently honing your message down to its essentials, to keep your reader focused on what matters most to you. Tips that will save you time as a writer and get you better results.As the course progresses, youll learn what words to choose, how to turn turgid, lifeless sentences into attractive musical phrases that compel people to keep reading.In the second half of the course, youll discover how to apply recent findings of neuroscience to make your messages stick. In this part of the course, youll learn how to use imagery to paint unforgettable word-pictures in your readers mind. Youll also discover the secret narrative structure underpinning the most persuasive stories. The narrative structure thats made millions for the makers of Toy Story and persuaded the British to vote for Brexit. The same narrative structure that your instructor, Dr Clare Lynch, deployed in a tear-jerking speech that allowed a CEO to win over the hearts and minds of employees.In the final section of the course, youll take your writing to a level only achieved by the worlds top copywriters and political speech writers. In this part of the course, youll learn how to apply the ancient art of rhetoric to any piece of writing to create rhythmic, emotionally resonant writing thats totally unforgettable.And throughout the course, youll have an opportunity to put into practice what youve learned. Every lecture in Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro delivers a short, sharp, instantly practical tip you can apply to your writing TODAY. HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE THINGS YOULL LEARN FROM WRITING WITH CONFIDENCE: WRITING BEGINNER TO WRITING PROSECTION 1: GETTING STARTEDIn this section youll learn how to:Beat writers block by developing the mindset of a professional writerInstantly improve a piece of your own writing with the help four free toolsImprove your writing with one-to-one feedback from Dr Clare LynchSECTION 2: KNOWING YOUR READERIn this section youll learn how to:Ask the 3 essential questions you MUST ask before writing anythingProduce a detailed portrait of your reader so they connect with you on a deep, visceral levelCraft reader-centric, benefit-led copy that will get your readers to take noticeStructure your writing to hook your readers in and keep them readingSECTION 3: WRITE LESS, SAY MOREIn this section youll learn how to:Decide with confidence exactly what to cut - and what to keep Ditch flabby phrases for sparkling copy thats clear, concise and compellingSECTION 4: HOW TO GET YOUR MESSAGE ACROSS TO THE WIDEST POSSIBLE AUDIENCEIn this section youll learn how to:Identify and fix off-putting jargonCommunicate your expertise in a way that anyone can understand and relate toChoose the best words for the jobSECTION 5: HOW TO CRAFT SENTENCES THAT SINGIn this section youll learn how to:Dramatically boost your readability with shorter, sharper sentencesVary your sentences for musical effectSECTION 6: INCORPORATING STORIES INTO YOUR BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL WRITINGIn this section youll learn how to:Apply recent findings from neuroscience to make your message stickStructure a story for maximum persuasionUse metaphor to communicate complex ideas clearly and creativelySECTION 7: RHETORIC: ADVANCED PERSUASION TECHNIQUESIn this section youll learn how to:Employ the worlds most advanced techniques for persuasive writing - techniques no other big-namewriting instructor on Udemyshows youApply elite writing strategies known only to the worlds top executives, advertising copywriters, political speech writers and academicsCraft more inspiring, creative copy that sounds irresistible to the ear techniques that will set you apart from all the jobbing journalists and ten-a-pennycontent marketers out thereREASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSEBenefit from one-to-one feedback on your writing from a University of Cambridge writing tutorLearn the skills that allow the top copywriters (like your instructor Dr Clare Lynch) to earn up to 2000+ a dayUse words to persuade your employees, your bosses, your customers or investorsCommunicate complex ideas in a way that inspires your readersBuild your confidence and find your voice as a writerHook your readers in from the outset and have them glued to your wordsSave you and your readers time by writing less but saying moreHone your message down to the stuff that will get you resultsStructure your work for maximum persuasive powerUnderstand the difference between elegant simplicity and dumbing downEdit your work so you say what you mean (and mean what you say)Craft sentences that are clear, succinct and persuasiveUse online tools for assessing and boosting your writings readabilityFind and tell addictive stories that make people see the world your way and compel them to take actionUse the latest findings from neuroscience to craft powerful messages that stickUse advanced rhetoricaltechniques to win over your audienceSee dozens of practical, real-life examples to illustrate the theoryAccess countless free resources for powering up your proseGet writing with a host of challenges to practise what you've learnedHave fun while you learn with a course thats entertaining and humorous,but never lightweight - students say it'saddictively engagingStay hooked with a course thats clear, concise and never repetitive - this is one writing instructor who practises what she preachesENROL IN THE BEST WRITING COURSE ON UDEMYThis is the best course Ive ever taken on Udemy! This course delivers what it promised. - DENISE HUBBARD, UDEMY STUDENTEnrol inWriting With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Proand discover why, over and over again,students describe it asthe best writingcourse on Udemy - in fact, thebest course on Udemy.Clear, concise and addictively engaging, Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro will change the way you write for ever. It's jam-packed with no-nonsense advice on how to win people over with the written word.Previous students of the coursereport that within days of completing it, they've crafted a cover letter that securedthem alonged-for job. Orwon aregularwriting gigat apublicationlikethe Huffington Post.In Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro, you'll learn powerfulprinciples that can be applied tomost types ofnon-fictionwriting - including emails, reports, presentations, sales pages, advertising, blogs and more. ***Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro isnt aimed at writers of fiction, poetry or memoir. But it WILL show you how to add creative flair to all your non-fiction prose.***Best online writing course I've ever taken. Extraordinary! JAMES CHISHOLM, UDEMY STUDENTAPPLY YOUR SKILLS WITH THE MOST PRACTICAL WRITING COURSE ON UDEMYOne of the things that sets Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro apart is its practicality. The course includes over 30 activities and exercises that will get you writing from the very first ten minutes of the course. And with each exercise, youll discover your ability to write with a style and flair you didnt think was possible. Whats more, expert copywriter and Cambridge writing tutor Clare Lynch is always on hand to give you one-to-one feedback on your writing. No other writing course on Udemy gives you access to personal mentorship from a University of Cambridge writing teacher. Or so many opportunities to benefit from the guidance of a proven, trusted expert in the field of writing.I have taken quite a few courses on Udemy, and I have never seen a professor so interested in the progress of her students. - GIANCARLO M. GUERRA, UDEMY STUDENTENJOY THE MOST ENGAGING WRITING COURSE ON UDEMYDr Clare Lynch practises what she preaches. And that means Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro is as engaging and entertaining as it is clear and concise. Unlike some writing courses out there, Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro, contains zero fluff. Zero padding. Zero repetition. Just six hours of clear, practical advice for taking even the driest material from dull to dazzling. Whats more, Clares students consistently rate her courses as not simply invaluable but also fun, varied and entertaining to watch. I love this course. Truly engaging and it made an impact in my writing, almost immediately. - SAMUNDSWARY IYERDOURIA, UDEMY STUDENTGET ONE-TO-ONE FEEDBACK FROM THE MOST HIGHLY QUALIFIED WRITING INSTRUCTOR ON UDEMYUniversity of Cambridge tutor Dr Clare Lynch is an expert writer with decades of experience. Clare hasnt simply edited the work of other journalists at elite publications, such as The Financial Times. Shes also herself a hugely successful copywriter in her own right. In her 20+ year career, Clare has crafted copy from scratch for elite clients in a wide range of fields, including lifestyle, retail, property, tech, pharma, finance and government. Over the course of that career, Clare has honed her techniques for getting under any readers skin and crafting messages that instantly resonate with the target audience. Techniques she now shares with over 25,000 students on Udemy.Clares experience as a writer embraces a huge range of writing formats and styles including case studies, white papers, feature articles, direct mail campaigns, web content, ad copy, video scripts, CEO speeches and brand messaging. And as the author of the popular blog Good Copy, Bad Copy, Clare herself has attracted hundreds of thousands of readers to her own writing. Good Copy, Bad Copy has been named on Copyblogger's list of 15 copywriting and content marketing blogs that will make you more money.Whats more, Clare has a PhD in English Literature and teaches at the University of Cambridge. Shes also a qualified and highly experienced corporate trainer. So Clare isnt merely an expert at her craft. She also knows how to communicate her expertise in a way thats memorable, entertaining and addictively engaging.She is an incredible teacher that has a special unique ability of keeping her students minds engaged and hanging on her every word. - BRAD MACE, UDEMY STUDENTPREVIOUS STUDENTS WHOVE BENEFITED FROM THE COURSE INCLUDECopywritersCorporate communicatorsBloggersMemoiristsBook writersSmall business ownersJob seekersTechnical expertsDONT TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT SEE WHAT OTHER STUDENTS OF WRITING WITH CONFIDENCE: WRITING BEGINNER TO WRITING PRO SAY ABOUT THE COURSEYours is the single most valuable course I've had in the past six yearsmy BA and MA seminars included - AKOS CSERNAK, UDEMY STUDENTBest writing course i have taken so far. - IBRAHIM HALILU ABUBAKAR, UDEMY STUDENTOne month later and I have secured a regular blog spot on the Huffington Post! I could not have done this without Clare's wonderful course. - FRAN DIAMOND, UDEMY STUDENTBest Udemy course I ever bought. - ANNA CARLA DELLA VALLE, UDEMY STUDENTTrust me, you'll be immediately satisfied with this course - MARK SIMPSON, UDEMY STUDENTA week later I'd landed my first gig as a writer. - DAVID PULLAN, UDEMY STUDENTOne of the best courses I've ever taken. - NADER RUSTOM, UDEMY STUDENTTo those doubting if you should buy this course, please do, as there is so much valuable information in this course. I can comfortably state that it is one of the best courses that I have bought on Udemy. - T.O _, UDEMY STUDENTI loved it from beginning to end. It is exceptional value for money. - DEBORAH SOWERBY, UDEMY STUDENTa game changer. - GEORGY THOMAS, UDEMY STUDENTOne of the best writing courses I have taken to date, love it! - BEN WALTERS, UDEMY STUDENTI challenge any business writer not to pick up a few gems from this engaging course. - SACHA VAUGHAN, UDEMY STUDENTI very much liked this course because it was #1 goal-oriented, #2 it used concrete examples, #3 everything was fascinating. - FREDERIK, UDEMY STUDENTa course you do not want to miss - MA YUANFENG, UDEMY STUDENTFantastic course. This is by far the most complete and thorough course on business writing. - CARSTEN PLEISER, UDEMY STUDENTThis course is amazing! I finished it all in one day and went straight to work putting the concepts into my writing. - URIEL MACGILLIVARY, UDEMY STUDENTLife changing at its simplest. - SUSAN PARKER, UDEMY STUDENTThis course is amazing. I've been using every technique from the course in my academic life. - MINH HA, UDEMY STUDENTThis is the best course I've taken on udemy thus far. BILL SCHAEFER, UDEMY STUDENT""This course is priceless. Youll be glad you signed up."" LIATMIRIAMGAT, UDEMYSTUDENTEnrol now - and change the wayyou write forever!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Punctuation: Novice To Pro" |
"Would you like to:Understand punctuation to a professional level, with an understanding of all the major punctuation marks in English?Use commas, colons, semicolons and other punctuation marks accurately, precisely and stylishly?Master every aspect of English punctuation - to produce authoritative, error-free documents every time?Talk knowledgeably about even the most intricate aspects of punctuation in English?Gain clarity on the (often confusing) differences between UK and US punctuation?Be the go-to expert on English punctuation in your place of work?Punctuate with confidence so you can earn an income from professional writing, editing or proofreading?If any of these apply to you, you need this comprehensive, professional-level punctuation course.In this highly detailed punctuation course, youll learn how to master the intricacies of every major punctuation mark, including:CommasFull stops/periodsApostrophesHyphensColonsSemicolonsDashesBrackets (both square and round)Inverted commas/quotation marksQuestion marksExclamation marksEllipsesBullet pointsIf youre looking for a superficial beginners guide to punctuation based on opinion rather than research, this is probably not the punctuation course for you.However, if you want a professional-level punctuation course founded on extensive research into current usage, youll love this course.Yes, the course covers the basics of English punctuation. But it also digs deep into the rules, principles and conventions of US and UK punctuation.With Complete Punctuation: Novice To Pro you get a definitive guide to every aspect of English punctuation.So this punctuation course is for you if you want to:Make a living from writing, editing or proofreading Access a life-time reference guide to punctuation that you can consult over and over againBenefit from detailed explanation of the rules and conventions for punctuation best practiceGain clarity on the (often confusing) differences between UK and US usageHOW IS THIS COURSE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER PUNCTUATION COURSES?With 65 lectures and at 3.5 hours long, Complete Punctuation: Novice To Pro offers a comprehensive guide to US and UK punctuation. The course also comes with a downloadable 60-page ebook, summarising the entire content of this punctuation course.Whats more, as a professional copywriter, Dr Clare Lynch understands time is money. That's why the most often used words in reviews of her courses are 'clear' and 'concise'. So every lecture is punchy, pacey and packed with punctuation advice. Zero fluff. Zero padding. Zero repetition.Just clear, concise well-researched content on the rules, principles and conventions of modern English punctuation.And with Complete Punctuation: Novice To Pro, you wont simply be bombarded with information about punctuation. Youll also be encouraged to test and cement your understanding of all the principles taught. Thats why the course includes 24 quizzes and exercises - where you can put into practice everything youve learned about UK and US punctuation.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN IN THIS COMPREHENSIVE COURSE ON PUNCTUATION?In this course, youll learn how to master best-practice for using all the major punctuation marks, including:Punctuation: commasHow to use commas in lists, to join sentences and to bracket informationShould you use the Oxford comma or not?The difference in comma usage between which and thatUnderstanding the difference between cumulative and co-ordinating adjectives - and the implications for comma useHow to use the vocative comma - in emails, for examplePunctuation: full stops/periodsUsing full stops/periods to avoid one of the most common punctuation errors - the comma spliceShould you use full stops in titles, names and abbreviations?Should you use one space or two after a full stop?Punctuation: apostrophesThe two main uses of apostrophes - contraction and possessionIs it 100s or 100's, 1000s or 1000's?How to use apostrophes correctly in names, places and datesApostrophes in abbreviationsPunctuation: hyphensHow to use hyphens correctly in compound modifiers (describing phrases)How to avoid the most common hyphenation mistakesHow to use hyphens with prefixes and suffixesPunctuation: colons, semicolons and dashesHow to use colons and semicolons accurately and appropriatelyAvoid the most common mistakes people make with colons and semicolonsCorrect use of dashesThe differences between hyphens, en-dashes and em-dashesPunctuation: bracketsHow to use round brackets correctlyHow to use other punctuation in conjunction with bracketsUsing square brackets to add editorial commentary to a textPunctuation: inverted commas/quotation marksHow to use commas/quotation marks to quote direct speechHow to use commas/quotation marks with words and phrasesScare quotes - a pitfall to be aware ofTypographical considerations: single or double, curly or straight?Punctuation: question marks, exclamation marks and ellipsesWhen to use a question mark - and when not toWhen to use an exclamation mark - and when not toWhen and how to use ellipsesBONUS CONTENT: Punctuation of bullet pointsWHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE THIS INSTRUCTOR?Dr Clare Lynch has a PhD in English literature from the University of Cambridge, where she also now teaches writing skills. Earning her doctorate armed Clare with the advanced research skills she brings to this course.As a result, Complete Punctuation: Novice to Pro is a definitive course founded on deep research into the rules, principles and conventions of current usage.Clare is also a professional copywriter with 20+ years experience of helping big-name corporate clients get their messages across clearly, accurately, precisely and compellingly.Clare is also a qualified and highly experienced corporate trainer and facilitator. So shes been trained to communicate even the most complex, technical ideas in a way thats clear, concise and memorable."
Price: 154.99

"Python 3: Project-based Python, Algorithms, Data Structures" |
"Join the most comprehensive and beginner friendly course on learning to code with Python - one of the top programming languages in the world - and using it to build Algorithms and Data Structures with Projects utilizing them from scratch. You will get: 1) 14+ hours of animation heavy instructional video2) 14 coding exercises using Udemy's internal python coding environment3) Quizzes to test your understanding at every step4) 80+ Python scripts with practice exercises and lecture notes 5) Live help channel and designated office hours with the instructor6) Multiple assessment tests to test your progress 7) A free Python e-bookand much, much more!This course is truly one of a kind and focused solely on your learning.Check out some of the amazing reviews it's receiving:From Ryan - ""I've only had it for one day and it's been absolutely incredible. Wonderful instructor that does a terrific job of explaining complex topics. I'm not even a quarter of the way in and I already feel that I've gotten exponentially more than what I paid.""From Jason - ""Great course, the instructor is clearly well-versed with Python programming and gives very clear instruction. I particularly found the algorithms and data structures section to be valuable. Strongly recommend this course, the best Python programming course I've taken by a significant margin.""From Rob - ""As a software engineer that needs to get up to speed on some Python for a data-science project, this was perfect. It's in-depth where it needs to be, clear, and very well put together.""I will walk you step-by-step through the fascinating world of Python programming using visualizations of programs as they execute, algorithms as they run and data structures as they are constructed. Nothing is left to the imagination, we'll see it all and then build it all.Since it caters to a broad spectrum of students, the course is split in two parts, part 1 focusing on the Python programming language and part 2 focusing on Algorithms, Data Structures, Performance Analysis and larger scale projects. Details below:Part 1: Python and programming fundamentalsText - StringsNumbers - Ints and FloatsExecution flow control - Branching with if/elif/elseCompound data types - Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, SetsIterables and Iteration with generators, for and while loops and more!Functions, execution context and frames, building custom functionsList comprehensionLambda expressionsGenerators and creating your own generators with yieldObjects and building classes, methods, special methodsReading from and writing to files using context managersProjectsVisualization with each topic and more!Part 2: Algorithms, Data Structures and Performance AnalysisSorting algorithms (basic) - Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sortSorting algorithms (advanced) - Merge sort, Quick sortBig O notation, complexity analysis, divide and conquer, math visualizationsRecursion in-depth with examplesSearching algorithms - Bisection search, hashingData Structures with Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Binary Search TreesOperations with Data structures - insert, search, update, deleteMultiple projects with increasing level of complexity that tie the concepts togetherVisualizations of every algorithm, data structure and operations and more! So whether you are interested in learning the top programming language in the world in-depth OR interested in learning the fundamental Algorithms, Data Structures and performance analysis that make up the core foundational skillset of every accomplished programmer/designer or software architect OR you are looking to ace your next technical interview OR all 3 above - This is the course for you!And on top of that, it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied in any way, you will not only get your money back but you also get to keep the free e-book and tons of downloadable practice exercises and code just for trying it out! So what are you waiting for? Learn to code with Python while building projects and implementing algorithms and data structures, and gain a core competency in Computer Science that will advance your career and increase your knowledge in the most effective way!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Ruby Programmer - Master Ruby" |
"Become a programmer with Ruby and learn one of the most fundamental skills in any industry - today and the future. This is the most comprehensive course for learning how to program using the Ruby programming language. Why did we choose Ruby to teach programming? Not only is Ruby one of the easiest programming languages to get started with, but it is also extremely powerful and provides tools for learning and using all the fundamentals of programming that can be used in any language - with its own flair for programmer happiness. Whether you are a complete beginner or already know the basics but want to know and apply advanced concepts in programming like OOP, automation using web scraping, data engineering and algorithms built from scratch - this is the course for you! Ruby is also the programming language behind Ruby on Rails which is one of the most popular and in-demand web development frameworks, with the highest paying jobs in the world today. This course will teach Ruby, and programming in general, in a practical manner - you will be presented with concepts in screencast videos which you can code along with; followed by quizzes and coding exercises to test your understanding; along with programming assignments which will bring it all together to seal your knowledge. We go over the practical details of programming, issues that programmers face daily and build up your understanding in an efficient way. And with unlimited access - you can learn at your own pace! By the end of this course, you will be able to write complete programs that can take input from users, build interactive menus, interact with formatted data files, automate life tasks like car shopping online using web scraping and engineering complex data from web server logs to your own specifications, among many other skills!We will cover a wide variety of topics, including:Installing Ruby - Mac, Windows and LinuxCommand Line basicsRuby basicsBasic data structures - Strings, Ints, Floats and moreCompound data structures - Arrays, Hashes and moreAlgorithms and implementation - Sorting, Binary Search Trees and more!Print FormattingMethodsBuilt-in methodsDebugging and Error HandlingObject Oriented Programming concepts- Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, ModulesFile I/O in-depthWeb scrapingAutomation of daily life tasks (car shopping online as an example)Data Engineering - project with web server logsRuby specific methodsand much more!You will get lifetime access to all the videos, text lectures, code repos, assignments and more!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back.So what are you waiting for? Get going with the Complete Ruby Programmer and introduce fun into learning an advanced, on-demand skill!"
Price: 194.99

"Become a professional Voice Actor in 7 easy steps." |
"Hi there. Im Marinda Botha Thank you for considering taking this course. The voice over industry can sound very glamorous but the truth is, it takes a lot of hard work to achieve success in this business. I have been in the voice over business for 14 years and 8 of those I spent working in the British voice over industry. I now work from my home recording studio, in South Africa, with numerous clients from across the world. I am also a lecturer with 6 years teaching experience. I hope this combination will serve you well. Now in this course I start off quite technical, looking at microphone technique but then we move on to the essence of voice over performance, which I believe is acting. We look at dissecting your script, using and ignoring punctuation, finding your target audience and unearthing subtext from your script. What tools do you need to enroll in this course? All you need is your computer and a willingness to learn. YOU DONT NEED TO BUY A MICROPHONE. To be able to do the exercises, you may use the microphone on your mobile phone, or the one in your computer. Acting for voice overs can be super fun. You can act the whole day long, even though you may have a bad hair day and want to stand barefoot behind the microphone. You can! All the listener is interested in, is the sound of your voice J So if you are ready for the challenge and serious about becoming a professional voice actor, please enroll. There are 7 lessons to complete and a bonus video on the end. Hop to it!"
Price: 199.99

"Hacker tico - Desvendando a Engenharia Social" |
"O foco desse curso apresentar as principais fragilidades da mente humana e demonstrar tcnicas de ataques, mostrando como funciona o mindset de um atacante, quais os mtodos e ferramentas que eles utilizam.Ao final desse curso o aluno estar apto a realizar os seus prprios testes de engenharia social para organizaes, avaliando o nvel de segurana comportamental e tecnolgico contra ataques de engenharia social."
Price: 39.99

"Algorithms Bootcamp in C++" |
"This course is for those who are interested in computer science and want to implement the algorithms and given data structures in C++ from scratch. In every chapter you will learn about the theory of a given data structure or algorithm and then you will implement them from scratch.Chapter 1: Recursiontheory behind recursion (recursive function calls)recursion and stack memory of the OSrecursive problems: binary search and Towers of Hanoi problemChapter 2: Backtrackingwhat is backtrackinghow to solve problems with backtrackingN-queens problem, coloring problem and knight's tourChapter 3: Dynamic Programmingoverlapping subproblems and dynamic programmingwhat is ""memoization""Fibonacci numbers and knapsack problemChapter 4: Data Structuresdata structures and abstract data types (ADTs)arrays and linked listsstacksqueuesbinary search treespriority queues (heaps)associative arrays (maps)Thanks for joining my course, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Java Programming: Step by Step from A to Z" |
"This course is about Java programming language. The Java Programing: Step by Step from A to Z course stands on its own but relies on the free beginner course so I strongly recommend that you start with the First Steps in Java FREE course and then continue with this course.Curriculumoperatorswrapper classesgarbage collectionstack and heap memoryStringsenumsdate and timegenericscollectionsexceptionsabstraction, encapsulation and polymorphis,serializationlambda expressionsstreamsmultithreadingdesign patternsWe are going to discuss the theory behind each concept and then we take a look at the concrete implementation in Java as well. Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"SAP ABAP : Enhancement & Modification to SAP Standard" |
"In a SAP Implementation project, in realization phase , there are several steps to do ,in order to fulfill customer's need , two of them are customization and personalization.With customization and personalization the SAP Standard Programs will works as we expect,But if the customization and personalization do not fulfill customer's need , we have to do enhancement to SAP Standard Program.What is enhancement ? enhancement in SAP is adding or modifying the logic of SAP standard program without modifying it, enhancement consist of customer exit , Business transaction event (BTE) and Business add-ins (BADI). And if the enhancement is not enough , we can do modification . What is modification ?, Modification in SAP is adding or modifying the logic of standard program by modifying SAP standard object. Actually the modifications to sap standard object is not recommended, but there are several modification that is allowed by SAP . one of them is user exit . And if the modification to sap standard object is not enough and there is no standard program to fulfill customers need, we can develop new z program or we usually say customer development .In this tutorial we not only learn about the theory of enhancement & modification in SAP , but we also do real enhancement and modification to sap standard program such as adding screen exit in SAP Standard Purchase Order, Modifying the logic of SD Sales Order programs, adding fields to accounting document and so on .OK, Enjoy the tutorial ."
Price: 99.99

"SAP ABAP Object Oriented Programming (OOP)" |
"Object Oriented Programming approach has many advantages comparing to other programming approaches . one of them is , more powerful in data management . because of these advantages , many of programming language implement this programming approach . SAP ABAP runtime has supported object oriented programming approach, form a long time ago . so, there are many of SAP features using this programming approach , such as : BADI , Reporting (ALV Grid OOP) , Webdynpro and so on . and of course there will be more of sap features by using this programming approach . so as SAP Developer you have to master this programming approach , if you want to always be on top of sap technologies . this tutorial provide the basic & intermediate level of OOP material in SAP ABAP . one of them is, how to create alv grid OOP . if you have more experience with procedural ALV grid (REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY ), you will find more advantages if you use this type of ALV . OK , enjoy this tutorial ! ."
Price: 19.99

"Keynote - Presentations on Apple Mac" |
"This Apple Keynote course is designed to bring you through all the stages of creating a keynote presentation that you will be proud to show and confident enough to stand and deliver. This course is ideal for anyone who aspires to create presentations that can be either delivered to an audience or to be exported to video format. You will create a presentation following the step by step video tutorials. We will learn how to enter multiple slide types and learn the different types of slides that are available for selection.In this course we will cover the following topicsSlide selection - You will select slides based on the content that you need to include. Entering text in slides- you will learn how to enter and format text in slides and text boxesEnter and edit pictures on slides. Create tables and charts to display data in an easy to view format. Add animations to objects and text to make them stand out within the presentation. Apply transitions to slides so that each slide looks like it merges with the next with easeRun a presentation on a screen, projector or monitorExport a presentation or part of a presentation to video formatYou will also learn how to share a presentation so that you can allow others to collaborate with you and to create one presentation.At the end of this course you will be able to create a full presentation with Apple Keynote and deliver it with confidence."
Price: 39.99

"The Art of Contrast Drawing" |
"Contrast Drawing is the art of making high contrast drawings which still have fine detail. In this course we will learn why Contrast Drawing is very important, how it is useful, and we will study the best techniques to make a beautiful Contrast Drawing.We will also spend time reviewing recent illustration history and compare Contrast Drawing to other types of black and white illustration which have been popularized throughout history and pop culture."
Price: 19.99

"How To Be Totally Free & Paperless & Digital in 2 Weeks!" |
"*With the recent Natural Disasters in Texas and in Florida, I highly recommend thatNow Is The Time To get your Personal Photos, Videos and Paperworkswitched over to Digital*. If you have to leave your home quickly and do not have room for these things you will feel very relieved and at peace that all of this is stored digitally somewhere safe and available to you.Welcome toHow To Be Totally Free & Paperless &Digital in 2 Weeks! Here you will master Your whole life right in the palm of your hands while you're taking the course. If you are overwhelmed with all the unnecessary ""stuff"" and paper that todays world keeps drowning you with, then its time to live a life of freedom. Once you Remove and let go of the bulky, time consuming, mess of your papers, files, bills, receipts, DVDs, cds, and more. You'll discover that you can actually make money and save money, time and energy by turning your physical, paper life all to digital. You'll have Freedom to travel, discover or even just relax. You will be able to pull up anything you need in seconds from your phone/tablet or computer. You'll have Freedom to store and watch your entire dvd collection in something the size of your phone. A few things you'll learn in this course are, How, why and what to let go and get rid of from your life. How to create digital files and where to store them with ease. How to simply scan any paper document with your phone in seconds and have it stored safely in the file you choose. Simply Scan receipts so no more drawers full of receipts as soon as you buy something. Easily Earn Cash from apps on your phone Every Day. You will learn step by step how to easily convert your DVDs in a few clicks to digital with no technical skills and get rid of those bulky shelves holding all of them. You will learn quickly and easily which apps and software to use and how to use them step by step so you become a master at your Super Simple Life. You'll be able to run your life and business from a coffee shop, the beach or anywhere!"
Price: 34.99

"Ultimate Vocal Warm Up - Your Daily Singing Workout" |
"Do you love to sing, but you are frustrated with how much you have to learn just to get ready to sing a song?Are you a singer, (or want to be one). speaker, podcaster, online course creator or presenter whose voice tires easily? Are you looking for a quick, easy, straight to the point singing warm up you can use everyday - something you can just play from beginning to end that's simple to implement daily?Or maybe you already know a lot about singing technique, voice physiology and breathing for singing and just want a simple warm up that you can followOr you could be at the other end of the spectrum - you don't know a lot about singing, and you just want to experiment with simple, easy to understand singing scales.You also may not know what your vocal range is, or maybe you have been practicing the wrong types of scales for your voice - they are either too high, too low, or you don't know if you are performing them with correct vocal technique...Your voice might feel tight, tire easily, or you are just not hitting those high notes like you would likeThis course provides easy to follow warm up scales that you can follow - just like you would if you were in my studio with me teaching you one on one!Learn time tested techniques that have been taught over decades and used by the most professional singers in every genre. This approach to singing has been tested over time and is a healthy approach to improving the quality and range of your voice.In this course you will learn:What is your vocal range (Find out if you are a Soprano, Mezzo, Alto, Tenor, Baritone or Bass) and then choose the vocal warm up scales for your range;How to sing each scale correctly;How much to practice to get the most out of your voice;Simple breathing techniques effective for singing and speaking;Simple stretching exercises to prepare your voice to sing;A basic approach to correct posture so that you can breath, and sing with easeIf you are looking for a singing routine you can use every day, all you have to do is press play, and you have a half an hour workout at your fingertips.This course is NOT for:Singers wanting to learn more about the physiology of the voice;Students wanting to focus on increasing vocal range or vocal agility (however, a correct vocal warm up like this will help with those areas naturally)This is course has been specifically designed as a complete, no fuss work out. This has been a common request by Roma's students hence the creation of this course!If you would like to know more about voice physiology, how to increase vocal range, or improve vocal agility/blending of vocal registers please check out Roma's other in depth courses which cover those very topics at length.Join Roma Waterman, professional vocal coach, performer, author and speaker, in her studio guiding you through your very own singing class. With over 30 years experience, her singing courses are some of the best selling vocal courses in the world. Come join us in the course to receive your ultimate daily vocal warm up!Also a great course for worship teams, choirs, singing groups."
Price: 89.99

"Business Intelligence With QlikView - 0 To Full Sales App" |
"QlikView is profoundly different than any other Business Intelligence tool so no wonder Qlik is one of the fastest growing companies on the market and job demands for developers are high with salaries reaching up to $100,000.After completing this course you will be able to:Build QlikView application that analyzes sales data provided in the courseGet the experience with real-life business data that companies analyzeLearn general concepts of data analysis and Business IntelligenceAnalyze business data from external data sourcesReplace Excel on all projects related to data analysis and visualizationLearn to properly visualize data by using various charting techniqueWhat you need to know before starting with QlikViewIt's important to learn how to work with QlikView. Through QlikView's Expense Management application, I show you how users can be taught to use QlikView to detect exorbitant spending in a company and perform detailed data analysis. Since QlikView is data driven, and it reacts to anything you select, by understanding selections and associations, you will work more efficiently with the tool.What kind of application are we building in a courseWe create Shoe Sales application from scratch. This is an imaginary scenario where we analyze shoe sales business across USA. We have stores in cities where shoes are sold, so we need to focus on what are we selling, for how much, how profitable we are and if we are losing money on certain sales.All the sample data will be provided in the course and as a bonus, I show you how to use website called Mockaroo to build any data mockups. You can even use Mockaroo for other data analysis projects, or for demonstration purposes.What development and visualization concepts we cover in courseThis course is about development and visualization. You will get insights into modeling practices, learn to use scripts for loading, cleaning, joining and preparing data for visualizations. We cover topics like table naming, concatenation, symbolic links, building artificial keys, table joins, and various scripting functions.Specific courses are provided for specific visualization techniques like straight or pivot tables, search boxes, list boxes, selections, line and bar charts and design of KPIs - a key metric users should focus on first.It is a course developed to put you on feet with QlikView without which you might be tapping in a dark or just do the things wrong way - a complete course to build a complete QlikView application!What's new: I will start adding my own consulting experience with the tool and how I used it in practice."
Price: 24.99

"Presales Management - IT Solutions & Service Providers" |
"This course provides the process guidelines in a framework identifying the essential activities to be carried in developing a proposal. The framework has been developed keeping in view the following best practices followed for business acquisition across IT Solutions and Service providers: Study thoroughly the RFP released by the buyer for the needs and problems stated explicitly or otherwise Develop a solution that not only meets the stated requirements of the customer but exceeds the expectations. Indicate the features of your solution and explain how they benefit the customer Be always compliant with the RFP A winning proposal can be differentiated by its executive summary which brings out the value proposition for the customer in engaging with the vendor on long term basis. Course delivery: The framework consists of four phases and each phase has specific modules to be completed before proceeding to the next phase. All the activities to be performed end to end, from receiving the RFP released by the customer to the awarding of the contract are organized across different modules. The activities are performed by the proposal management team which has representation from different functional areas within the organization. There are quality gates to be cleared before proceeding to the next phase. The Case Study with a sample RFP will help you to evaluate your understanding of the framework and its adaptation in real world scenario. There are 45 templates used in creating the response to the sample RFP, which you can download for future reference. This course has 2.5 hours video,20 lectures, 8 quiz sets."
Price: 19.99

"Be YOU, Get Noticed, Get Hired, Graduate CV" |
"If your a student or graduate who wants to get ahead FAST and create a CV that stands out. This is for you.... Why you quite literally need to burn your generic CV, if you want to stand out from the crowd. How to get into the employer mind-set so that your CV clearly defines why any company should choose you. Including my top tips on how you can achieve this, and why dont need a crystal ball! My very own Blue Print that I use with my clients to create a winning CV - which includes my very own Creative CV Template (which in itself is worth over 20)! Rookie mistakes others make - Ill give you the low down before you make them yourself. How to approach companies, including my own formula of how to follow up and follow through key to landing that job. The course is a 7 step process, each short but concise videos (I realise you still have a life you know!) includes downloadable scripts and provides step by step examples for each stage to your CV. No brainer really, particularly when this is FREE. However don't be fooled this content WORKS and if you sign up now... You can find my book on Amazon 'Be YOU, Get Noticed, Get Hired, Graduate CV' and remember you do not need a Kindle (but great if you do) just google Kindle Reading app and it will allow you to read it on your smart phone, iPad, pc etc"
Price: 19.99

"Finanzas Personales - Tu camino al xito y la riqueza" |
"Eres de las personas que se descuadra" en sus gastos?Te gustara poder vivir mejor?Has pensado en generar nuevos ingresos?Te gustara reducir tus deudas?Has soado con un viaje y no lo has podido realizar?Si has respondido SI" a alguna de las anteriores preguntas, este curso te ayudar a conseguir lo que quieres y mucho ms te permitir alcanzar libertad financiera.Este vdeo curso est planeado para aportarte y aumenta tu inteligencia financiera, por medio de ms de 7 horas de vdeos, archivos PDF con informacin y simuladores en Excel que te permitirn hacer una plantacin adecuada de tus finanzas personales.Se una de esas personas con elevada educacin financiera y que logran alcanzar mucho ms fcilmente objetivos tanto en la parte financiera como en la parte personal.Desarrollamos el curso para que aprendas desde los errores o mitos sobre el dinero, ingresos, deudas, presupuesto, apalancamiento, hasta llegar a la generacin de ingresos, todos los captulos los puedes tomar de forma independiente, de tal manera que se puedan asimilar los conceptos fcilmente, adems de usar un lenguaje sencillo y sin trminos complicados, para que el tengas el mximo nivel de asimilacin y comprensin.QUIERES REDUCIR TUS DEUDAS? El curso cierra con un compendio de todo lo aprendido, haciendo un plan de reduccin de deudas, mostrando como con los conceptos, informacin y herramientas aprendidos en el curso se puede alcanzar un equilibrio entre los ingresos y los gastos, incluso alcanzar la libertad financiera.Si estas interesado(a) en adquirir valiosos conceptos, informacin de muy alta calidad e importancia, buscando ideas para generar ingresos adicionales, ingresos pasivos y reducir tus deudas para mejorar tu estado financiero y elevar los ingresos sin importar tu profesin u oficio, este curso es el curso que ests buscando. QUE ESPERAS PARA GENERAR RIQUEZA? Comienza ya!"
Price: 79.99

"Disea Cursos Dinmicos que Encantan a Tus Estudiantes" |
"Quieres que tus estudiantes o participantes estn motivados y participativos y pongan en prctica lo que aprenden? Lograrlo depende de la manera en que disees tus clases o talleres. Aplicar el mtodo de Educacin Transformadora que enseo en este curso me ha llevado a dar cursos y talleres en cuatro continentes, tanto a nivel pre-grado como pos-grado en la universidad, como en talleres para ONGs y otras organizaciones. Como docente en el Departamento de Educacin de la Universidad Nur en Santa Cruz, Bolivia, tambin he ensenado el mtodo a cientos de maestros de secundaria y primaria, quienes lo han aplicado con excelentes resultados. Este curso tiene el fin de ensearte cmo hacerlo. Enfoca en lo que los Estudiantes Aprendern, no en lo que T Enseas Define un objetivo de desempeo y objetivos de aprendizaje Utiliza tcnicas participativas Involucra una variedad de inteligencias Ordena todo, utilizando el ciclo de aprendizaje Involucra a Tus Estudiantes Utilizar el mtodo de Educacin Transformadora mejora la calidad de cualquier clase o taller. Hay mayor inters y participacin durante la clase. Hay mayor retencin de lo aprendido, y un mayor compromiso para ponerlo en prctica. Tanto en el aula, como en talleres con das de duracin, la Educacin Transformadora dinamiza el proceso. Contenido del Curso El curso est dividido en 8 secciones y contiene 44 lecturas, incluyendo 30 videos. Adems, cada seccin incluye tareas prcticas, para que puedas ensayar lo que ests aprendiendo paso a paso. El curso comienza con un anlisis de diferentes enfoques educativos y sus resultados tpicos, para que tengas una idea clara de lo que hay que evitar y de las razones tras la Educacin Transformadora. Seguidamente, aprenders cmo definir objetivos de desempeo y objetivos de aprendizaje para dar una estructura clara a tus cursos que lleve a tus estudiantes paso a paso hacia los resultados deseados. Luego, te familiarizars con las inteligencias mltiples y aprenders tcnicas participativas que aportan al aprendizaje, las cuales te darn una caja de herramientas variadas para utilizar en el diseo de tus clases o talleres. Con esta base aprenders cmo ordenar estas tcnicas, utilizando el ciclo de aprendizaje, enfocado al logro de uno de tus objetivos de aprendizaje. Finalmente, combinars todo lo anterior en el diseo de talleres o unidades de estudio, que abarcan varios ciclos de aprendizaje. Dentro de poco disear sesiones de aprendizaje y cursos mediante este mtodo te volver un hbito que puedes utilizar en cualquier situacin de tu vida en que has de compartir tus conocimientos con otros."
Price: 29.99

"How to Start Your First Coaching Business" |
"Thinking of starting your own coaching business? Not sure where to start? Before you jump in and start ordering business cards, or even quit your day-job, set yourself up for success by laying a solid foundation for your business. There is plenty you can do before you officially launch your business to maximize your chances of success and this course will take you through the basics step-by-step, simply and efficiently. I will share with you advice from my own experience as a corporate business consultant and founder of my own coaching practice as well as showcase examples of what other successful entrepreneurs have done. By the end of this course, you will be clear on the value you have to offer, who you want to serve, your brand and the kind of business you want to build. This information will inform every other decision you make about your business going forward. *Please note: This course does not provide information on how to be a coach - it only covers the basics of how to start a business if you have never done so before."
Price: 49.99
