"Counting Cards for Long-Term Wins: The Simplified Way" |
"Learn to Count Cards and Make Money While Playing Ordinary Blackjack!Learn the basic strategy foundation to playing good blackjack.Learn to keep the count and use it to know when to strike!Build easy skills that maximize your profit potential while reducing your risks.Avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that have ended many a budding blackjack career.Tailor your play and your technique to any sized bankroll and any beatable blackjack game (including multi-deck games!) Sure most of us have heard that Blackjack is a beatable game if you can count cards, maybe you heard it from a gambling buddy or from a grandparent like I did. Maybe you saw a movie or TV show which featured a genius card counter, maybe you heard about the MIT team or any other college teams who feature the best and brightest sticking it to the house.You may even want to be them.But to you, like me, card counting may have seemed out of reach. So many of us are not mathematical geniuses or even mathematically inclined. We may not have stacks of thousands per hand we'd be willing to lose or have a team of players to help us spot the good tables.What I'm about to say may seem hard to believe, but you need NONE of the above to learn to count cards and make money.I started out myself as an ADD arts major, better with words than with numbers and that's an understatement (I could barely count down the register at the gas station where I worked!) I was absolutely shocked at how easy it was to learn this lucrative skill and since then I've played all over the US for big bucks and even trained and managed a team of my own. I finally decided it was time to take these advantage player skills I was teaching people 1-on-1 and share them with the world. This course will take you from being just another chump gambler, to beating casinos at their own game! I will admit, this isn't for everyone. Not everyone can handle practicing for a few minutes per day to build these skills, not everyone can handle the pressure of putting money out on the table even with an edge, and not everyone can maintain calm, cool, and collected while taking their big paydays. Like I said, counting cards isn't for everyone, but EVERYONE can learn, and with this course you'll get the fast-track to success that I've developed over several years of research and experience to build my own blackjack career."
Price: 69.99

"Learning Python for Data Analysis and Visualization" |
"PLEASEREADBEFOREENROLLING:1.)THEREISANUPDATEDVERSIONOFTHISCOURSE:""PYTHONFORDATASCIENCEANDMACHINELEARNING BOOTCAMP""2.)IF YOU ARE A COMPLETE BEGINNER IN PYTHON-CHECK OUT MY OTHER COURSE ""COMPLETEPYTHONMASTERCLASSJOURNEY""!CLICKONMYPROFILETOFINDIT. (PLEASEWATCHTHEFIRSTPROMOVIDEOONTHISPAGEFORMOREINFO)**********************************************************************************************************This course will give you the resources to learn python and effectively use it analyze and visualize data! Start your career in Data Science! You'll get a full understanding of how to program with Python and how to use it in conjunction with scientific computing modules and libraries to analyze data. You will also get lifetime access to over 100 example python code notebooks, new and updated videos, as well as future additions of various data analysis projects that you can use for a portfolio to show future employers! By the end of this course you will: - Have an understanding of how to program in Python. - Know how to create and manipulate arrays using numpy and Python. - Know how to use pandas to create and analyze data sets. - Know how to use matplotlib and seaborn libraries to create beautiful data visualization. - Have an amazing portfolio of example python data analysis projects! - Have an understanding of Machine Learning and SciKit Learn! With 100+ lectures and over 20 hours of information and more than 100 example python code notebooks, you will be excellently prepared for a future in data science!"
Price: 194.99

"NLP - Natural Language Processing with Python" |
"Welcome to the best Natural Language Processing course on the internet! This course is designed to be your complete online resource for learning how to use Natural Language Processing with the Python programming language.In the course we will cover everything you need to learn in order to become a world class practitioner of NLP with Python. We'll start off with the basics, learning how to open and work with text andPDF files with Python, as well as learning how to use regular expressions to search for custom patterns inside of text files.Afterwards we will begin with the basics of Natural Language Processing, utilizing the Natural Language Toolkit library for Python, as well as the state of the art Spacy library for ultra fast tokenization, parsing, entity recognition, and lemmatization of text.We'll understand fundamental NLP concepts such as stemming, lemmatization, stop words, phrase matching, tokenization and more!Next we will cover Part-of-Speech tagging, where your Python scripts will be able to automatically assign words in text to their appropriate part of speech, such as nouns, verbs and adjectives, an essential part of building intelligent language systems.We'll also learn about named entity recognition, allowing your code to automatically understand concepts like money, time, companies, products, and more simply by supplying the text information.Through state of the art visualization libraries we will be able view these relationships in real time.Then we will move on to understanding machine learning with Scikit-Learn to conduct text classification, such as automatically building machine learning systems that can determine positive versus negative movie reviews, or spam versus legitimate email messages.We will expand this knowledge to more complex unsupervised learning methods for natural language processing, such as topic modelling, where our machine learning models will detect topics and major concepts from raw text files.This course even covers advanced topics, such as sentiment analysis of text with the NLTKlibrary, and creating semantic word vectors with the Word2Vec algorithm.Included in this course is an entire section devoted to state of the art advanced topics, such as using deep learning to build out our own chat bots!Not only do you get fantastic technical content with this course, but you will also get access to both our course related Question and Answer forums, as well as our live student chat channel, so you can team up with other students for projects, or get help on the course content from myself and the course teaching assistants. All of this comes with a 30 day money back garuantee, so you can try the course risk free.What are you waiting for? Become an expert in natural language processing today! I will see you inside the course,Jose"
Price: 199.99

"Python fr Computer Vision und Data Science mit OpenCV" |
"Willkommen beim ultimativen Onlinekurs fr Python und Computer Vision! Dieser Kurs ist deine beste Quelle, um die Verwendung der Programmiersprache Python fr Computer Vision zu lernen. Wir werden erkunden, wie man Python und die OpenCV (Open Computer Vision)Bibliothek verwendet, um Bilder und Videodaten zu analysieren.Die beliebtesten Plattformen weltweit generieren nie zuvor gesehene Mengen an Bild- und Videodaten. Alle 60 Sekunden laden Benutzer mehr als 300 Stunden Videomaterial auf YouTube hoch, streamen Abonnenten von Netflix 80.000 Stunden Videomaterial und liken Instagram Benutzer ber 2 Millionen Fotos! Heute mehr als je zuvor besteht die Notwendigkeit fr Entwickler, die bentigten Kompetenzen zu erlernen, um mit Bild- und Videodaten mithilfe von Computer Vision zu arbeiten. Computer Vision erlaubt es uns, Bild- und Videodaten zu analysieren und wirksam einzusetzen, mit Anwendungen in einer Vielzahl von Industriebranchen, darunter selbstfahrende Autos, Apps von sozialen Netzwerken, medizinische Diagnostik, und viele mehr. Als die am schnellsten an Beliebtheit gewinnende Programmiersprache ist Python gut geeignet, um die Macht bereits existierender Computer Vision Bibliotheken wirksam einzusetzen, um aus all diesen Bild- und Videodaten zu lernen. In diesem Kurs werden wir dir alles beibringen, was du brauchst, um ein Experte in Computer Vision zu werden!Diese 20 Milliarden Dollar Industrie wird in den kommenden Jahren einen der wichtigsten Arbeitsmrkte darstellen.Wir werden den Kurs damit beginnen, dass wir etwas ber numerische Verarbeitung mit der NumPy Bibliothek lernen und wie man Bilder mit NumPy ffnet und bearbeitet. Dann werden wir mit der Verwendung der OpenCV Bibliothek zum ffnen und Arbeiten mit Bildgrundlagen fortfahren. Danach werden wir untersuchen, wie man Bilder verarbeitet und eine Vielzahl von Effekten anwendet, darunter Farbmappings, Mischen, Schwellenwerte, Gradienten, und viele mehr. Dann werden wir mit den Videogrundlagen in OpenCV weitermachen, unter anderem mit dem Streaming eines Videos von einer Webcam. Danach werden wir mehr ber Videos an sich sprechen: optischer Fluss, Objekterkennung, Gesichtserkennung und Objektverfolgung gehren zu den Themen, die wir behandeln werden.Danach werden wir einen ganzen Abschnitt des Kurses den neuesten Deep Learning Themen widmen, darunter Bilderkennung und benutzerdefinierte Bildklassifikationen. Wir schauen uns sogar die neuesten Deep Learning Netzwerke an, darunter das YOLO(you only look once)Deep Learning Netzwerk.Dieser Kurs deckt all dies ab und noch mehr, darunter folgende Themen:NumPyBilder mit NumPyBild- und Videogrundlagen mit NumPyFarbmappingsMischen und Einfgen von BildernBild Schwellenwerte Weichzeichnen und GlttenMorphologische OperationenGradientenHistogrammeVideo Streaming mit OpenCVObjekterkennungVorlagenMatchingEcken-, Kanten- und RastererkennungKonturenerkennungFeature MatchingWaterShedAlgorithmusGesichtserkennungObjektverfolgungOptischer FlussDeep Learning mit KerasKeras und Konvolutionelle NetworksBenutzerdefinierte Deep Learning NetzwerkeModernste YOLO Netzwerkeund vieles mehr!Du kannst mir jederzeit eine Nachricht bei Udemy schreiben, falls du eine Frage zum Kurs hast!Vielen Dank fr das Lesen der Kursseite und ich hoffe, wir sehen uns im Kurs!Ren und Team"
Price: 199.99

"Dash - Interaktive Python Visualisierungen fr Data Science" |
"Willkommen im Kurs Visualisierungs-Dashboards in Python mit der Dash-Bibliothek von Plotly!In diesem Kurs lernst du alles, was du wissen musst, um mit Python interaktive Dashboards mit der neuen Dash-Bibliothek von Plotly zu erstellen! Wolltest du schon immer deine Python-Fhigkeiten auf die nchste Ebene der Datenvisualisierung bringen? Mit diesem Kurs wirst du vollstndig individualisierbare, interaktive Dashboards mit den Open-Source-Bibliotheken von Plotly und Dash erstellen.Dash-Kurse mit Plotly kosten in der Regel mehr als 1.000 Euro Teilnahmegebhr. Jetzt kannst du das Bootcamp-Erlebnis fr einen Bruchteil dieses Preises in einem zeitlich flexiblen und selbstbestimmten Kurs erwerben. Er enthlt Beispielcode, erklrende Videos, Untersttzung fr die Kursteilnehmer in unseren Fragen- und Antwortforen, sowie und interaktive bungen. Auerdem kannst du alle Unterlagen auch runterladen und offline bearbeiten.Wir beginnen mit einem kleinen Crash-Kurs in Numpy und Pandas, damit du Sicherheit im Daten generieren bekommst. Anschlieend werden wir uns gemeinsam die grundlegende Datenvisualisierung mit Plotly anschauen, darunter Streudiagramme, Liniendiagramme, Balkendiagramme, Bubble Charts, Boxdiagramme, Histogramme, Verteilungsdiagramme, Heatmaps und vieles mehr! Wir geben dir ein Gefhl dafr, wann du die einzelnen Diagrammtypen verwenden solltest.Danach und am Ende jeder Lektion gibt es bungsfragen fr dich, um deine neuen Fhigkeiten zu testen und deinen Kenntnisstand einzuschtzen. Diese Funktion bietet sonst kein anderes Plotly Dash-Training!Sobald du dich mit den Plotly-Grundlagen auskennst, gehen wir zum Hauptteil des Kurses ber, der die Dash-Bibliothek verwendet, um die Mglichkeiten von Plotly-Diagrammen zur Erstellung interaktiver Dashboards zu nutzen. Wir werden besprechen, wie du Layouts fr Dashboards erstellen kannst, wie du interaktive Callbacks durchfhren, mit mehreren In- und Outputs umgehen, interaktive Komponenten erstellen kannst und vieles mehr!Wir beenden den Kurs mit Live-Updates in Dashboards, die automatisch in Echtzeit aktualisiert werden.Mit diesem Kurs erlernst du den neuesten Stand der Datenvisualisierungstechnologie mit Python. Diese wertvolle neue Fhigkeit wird dich in deiner Karriere, bei deinen Kollegen und Arbeitgebern weiterbringen. Nach Abschluss des Kurses bekommst du ein Zertifikat, das du auch in deinem LinkedIn-Profil verffentlichen kannst, sowie ein Portfolio an Dashboard-Projekten, die du ebenfalls freigeben kannst. ""Top. Wie immer ?. Bevor jemand ber einen Kurs bei Udemy meckert, bitte auf dass Preis-/ Leistungsverhltnis schauen. Ich war auf sehr teuren Fortbildungen bei denen weniger Inhalt und in schlechterer Qualitt geboten wurde."" ( F. Konnerth)Fr all das gilt eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Worauf wartest du noch? Melde dich gleich an und wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 194.99

"Der Data Science Guide - Karriere und Jobsuche" |
"Laut dem US-Bewertungsportal Glassdoor ist eine Karriere als Data Scientist der beste Job berhaupt! Als Data Scientist verdienst du nicht nur ein Spitzengehalt, sondern arbeitest auch an einigen der interessantesten Probleme der Welt! Data Scientist-Positionen gehren nach Glassdoor mit zu den besten im Bereich Work-Life-Balance. Den deutschlandweiten Bedarf an Fachkrften mit Data-Skills schtzt der Stifterverband fr die Deutsche Wissenschaft auf 95.000. Noch gibt es so gut wie keine Datenwissenschaftler auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - deine Chance! Mit diesem Kurs kannst du deine Vorstellungsgesprche im Bereich Data Science und Machine Learning rocken! ""Super Kurs! Kann ich jedem nur empfehlen!"" (B. Dittberner)Dieser Kurs ist die ultimative Quelle fr eine Karriere als Data Scientist (inkl. Machine Learning) . Wir beginnen mit einem allgemeinen berblick ber das Fachgebiet und diskutieren verschiedene Karrierewege und persnliche Entwicklungen, einschlielich Produktanalytiker, Data Engineer, Data Scientist und viele mehr. Du wirst verschiedene Informationen zu Jobsuche und Bewerbungsprozess und ein paar wichtige Tipps zu deinem Lebenslauf erhalten. Der Kurs behandelt eine Vielzahl von Themen, einschlielich echte Fragen zu Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik, Versuchsdesign, Machine Learning, Produkt-Metriken, Beispieldatenstzen, A/B-Tests, Marktanalysen und vielem mehr!Der Kurs enthlt zahlreiche echte Fragen aus Interviews, die von Mitarbeitern stammen, die bei einigen der weltweit fhrenden Technologieunternehmen arbeiten, darunter Amazon, Square, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, AirBnb und mehr!Der Kurs enthlt echte Fragen mit ausfhrlichen Erklrungen und Lsungen und ist damit ein super Bewerbungstraining. Der Kurs ist nicht nur fr mgliche Kandidaten gedacht, um ein umfassendes Verstndnis mglicher Fragen in Bewerbungsgesprchen zu erreichen, sondern auch fr Personalberater, die wissen, worauf sie bei der Beantwortung der Fragen achten mssen. Bei Fragen, fr die codierte Lsungen erforderlich sind, werden vollstndig kommentierte Codebeispiele fr Python und R angezeigt. Auf diese Weise kannst du dich auf das Verstehen des Codes in einer Programmiersprache konzentrieren, mit der du bereits vertraut bist, anstatt dich mhsam um die Syntax zu kmmern!"
Price: 194.99

"Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen mit Python" |
"Willkommen zum Kurs Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen mit Python! Dieser umfangreiche deutsche Onlinekurs hilft dir mit deinen Programmierbungen in Vorstellungsgesprchen und in Code Reviews zu glnzen da du mehr ber Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen lernst! Dieser Kurs nutzt die einfach zu lesende Programmiersprache Python, um dir auf eine effiziente Weise alles beizubringen was du fr deinen Traumjob im Tech-Sektor wissen musst! Danach wirst du fhig sein das ""WARUM"" hinter den gngigen Datenstrukturen zu verstehen. ""Top!! Sehr durchdacht !! Groes Lob!!"" ( F. Brashnikow)Dieser Kurs wird dir alles zeigen, was du fr einen guten Job in der Softwareentwicklung bentigst und wie du deinen Code mit bekannten ""data structures and algorithms"" verbesserst: Algorithmenanalyse und Big-O NotationArray SequenzenStacks, Queues und DequesVerkettete ListenRekursionBumeSuch- und SortieralgorithmenGraph AlgorithmenRtselDas alles wendest du in vielen bungen und berhmten Knobelaufgaben aus Vorstellungsgesprchen an.Erreiche deine Karriereziele und verbessere deine algorithmische Grundkenntnisse. Dadurch kannst du einen besseren Code schreiben und bekommst einen fantastischen Job in der IT."
Price: 194.99

"Python for Time Series Data Analysis" |
"Welcome to the best online resource for learning how to use the Python programming Language for Time Series Analysis!This course will teach you everything you need to know to use Python for forecasting time series data to predict new future data points.We'll start off with the basics by teaching you how to work with and manipulate data using the NumPy and Pandas libraries with Python. Then we'll dive deeper into working with Pandas by learning about visualizations with the Pandas library and how to work with time stamped data with Pandas and Python.Then we'll begin to learn about the statsmodels library and its powerful built in TimeSeries Analysis Tools. Including learning about Error-Trend-Seasonality decomposition and basic Holt-Winters methods.Afterwards we'll get to the heart of the course, covering general forecasting models. We'll talk about creating AutoCorrelation and Partial AutoCorrelation charts and using them in conjunction with powerful ARIMA based models, including Seasonal ARIMA models and SARIMAX to include Exogenous data points.Afterwards we'll learn about state of the art Deep Learning techniques with Recurrent Neural Networks that use deep learning to forecast future data points.This course even covers Facebook's Prophet library, a simple to use, yet powerful Python library developed to forecast into the future with time series data.So what are you waiting for! Learn how to work with your time series data and forecast the future!We'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to the best online course for learning about Deep Learning with Python and PyTorch!PyTorch is an open source deep learning platform that provides a seamless path from research prototyping to production deployment. It is rapidly becoming one of the most popular deep learning frameworks for Python. Deep integration into Python allows popular libraries and packages to be used for easily writing neural network layers in Python. A rich ecosystem of tools and libraries extends PyTorch and supports development in computer vision, NLP and more. This course focuses on balancing important theory concepts with practical hands-on exercises and projects that let you learn how to apply the concepts in the course to your own data sets! When you enroll in this course you will get access to carefully laid out notebooks that explain concepts in an easy to understand manner, including both code and explanations side by side. You will also get access to our slides that explain theory through easy to understand visualizations.In this course we will teach you everything you need to know to get started with Deep Learning with Pytorch, including:NumPyPandasMachine Learning TheoryTest/Train/Validation Data SplitsModel Evaluation - Regression and Classification TasksUnsupervised Learning TasksTensors with PyTorchNeural Network Theory PerceptronsNetworksActivation FunctionsCost/Loss FunctionsBackpropagationGradientsArtificial Neural NetworksConvolutional Neural NetworksRecurrent Neural Networksand much more!By the end of this course you will be able to create a wide variety of deep learning models to solve your own problems with your own data sets. So what are you waiting for? Enroll today and experience the true capabilities of Deep Learning with PyTorch! I'll see you inside the course! -Jose"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Tableau Bootcamp for Data Visualization" |
"Welcome to the best online resource for learning about Tableau!This course will teach you everything you need to know to create amazing data visualizations and dashboards with Tableau!Every module of this course is carefully designed to teach you what you need to know to create amazing data visualizations and dashboards with Tableau. We start with the basics and gradually build up your Tableau skill set by leveraging awesome real world data sets to create visualizations for your portfolio of projects. Upon completing this course you will be ready to tackle your own data projects with real world data sets and create Tableau dashboards to show off to your colleagues or even potential employers. Completion of this course also includes a certification you can post to your LinkedIn profile!Inside the course we'll cover:Installing and setting up Tableau Public on your computerVisual Analytics with TableauTableau Mapping for Geographical DataBasic CalculationsTable CalculationsLevel of Detail (LOD) ExpressionsJoins and UnionsInteractive Worksheets with Set Actions and Parameter ControlSpatial MappingUnderstanding Color Vision DeficiencyBuild Sophisticated Dashboards and Unique, Engaging Stories through the Power of Data Visualizationand much, much more!Not only do you get great technical content, but you will also get access to our Question and Answer Forums, where you and other students can get help on the course material and content.All of this comes with a 30-day money back guarantee so you can enroll today completely risk free!We'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Danish for Beginners" |
"Learn the vocabulary, grammar and communication skills you need to become a confident Danish speaker. There are many good reasons for wanting to learn Danish: Are you planning a trip or a move to Denmark? Do you want to master everyday situations with Danish speakers? Do you wish that you were able to speak with your Danish family and friends? Would you like to better honor your Danish heritage? Are you curious about the Danish language?Do you want to develop or improve your Danish reading, writing, speaking and listening skills? No matter your reasons for wanting to learn Danish, this course is the perfect starting point. It covers all four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, and you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility to learn in your own home or on the go. Course Structure: Learning a language takes commitment and exposure, but it doesn't have to be hard and tedious work. However, it does require a structured approach and consistency. The course is divided into 7 weeks to provide structure and allow you time to absorb the topic of each lecture without sacrificing the pace of the course. Every week consists of 3 video lectures, with supplementary materials that reinforce the concepts you have learned. You are welcome to work your way through the course faster or slower than the suggested 7 weeks. However, make sure that you move at a fast enough pace to allow you to retain what you have learned, and slow enough that you have time to internalize what is being taught and commit it to your long-term memory. My goal with this course is for you to learn Danish and be able to use it when you are done! Additionally, since Danish is one of the Scandinavian languages it is very similar to both Swedish and Norwegian. Taking this course will thereby not only help you be able to communicate with native Danes, but also with most Swedes and Norwegians. This is what you can expect: 7 weeks of engaging learning material, including videos, texts, tests and other exercises. 22 lectures and over 2 hours of video content. Simple, fun and easy-to-understand lectures. Captivating exercises that let you test your comprehension. Considerable vocabulary training and grammar instruction to build your conversational skills. A 30-day full refund guarantee, no questions asked. And last but not least to learn Danish! Are you ready? Enroll in this course and start your Danish journey today!"
Price: 39.99

"Maths the Wacky Way" |
"Maths the Wacky Way is a course designed to help students to achieve their full potential in mathematics in an enjoyable and unforgettable way. Many consider mathematics as difficult/boring but Maths the Wacky Way brings maths to life using dance moves, comparing methods to computer games, generally breaking it down so children (and adults) find it easy and fun! Maths the Wacky Way originally came about after praise by students and parents alike for my highly successful teaching methods. Six years ago my book Maths the Wacky Way was published. Four years ago I produced three sample videos and received feedback as shown below: 'Love it!! Super helpful for my son. Thank you!!!' 'Claire - I am 52 years old and for the first time in my life I understand fractions thank you thank you thank you' 'Cool way to learn! =) Thanks!' 'I love the way you teach! Your style is engaging with youngsters, I wish my teachers were as cool as you are. Thank you for sharing!' 'All your videos are brilliant. Thank you for the simple and affective (and fun) methods. Phew, to think I struggled with these concepts 40 years ago and it is this simple!!!!!' I have now created the course below which includes 12 videos covering over two hours of lectures, the wacky way! There is a quiz containing five multiple choice questions after each topic, so 55 questions in addition to the lectures."
Price: 19.99

"International Business Etiquette" |
"We live in a busy world. Our clients are busy! Our employers are busy! We are busy!The ideal course for job seekers, promotion seekers or anyone who needs to review or enhance their business etiquette soft skills for the job interview, at the office, business mixers , on the road or for working abroad.With globalization in todays economy, the job market is fierce. This makes it more important than ever to understand how your words, actions and gestures impact others in various business settings. Knowing the rules and customs that are expected is essential to getting the job, making more money and moving up the corporate ladder. Do you feel frustrated that you didnt get the job offer even if youre totally qualified?Do you want to learn soft skills that enhance your professionalism?Do you wish to advance in your career?This is the right place to get answers.Content and OverviewThis course is for anyone whose job requires working locally or in the international business arena. Ill walk you through business etiquette soft skills, with a focus on North American and Western culture. We will explore the dos, taboos, and how-tos of IITTI international business etiquette standards. This course contains 26 lectures, as well as supplemental articles and resources.You will receive a complementary copy of, Minding Your Manners Everyday Matters a 37- page downloadable study guide valued at $18.00 USD.. Each section includes a short quiz to evaluate your progress.The Business Etiquette for Job seekers and Promotion Seekers resource guide is designed for personal and professional development based on corporate seminars created by an industry leader with over 17 years experience. With our experience, we help job-seekers and professionals earn their place in the business world.Master Business Etiquette Skills Based on IITTI International Standards:Make a great personal introductionIntroduce others professionally and appropriately Network effectivelyWin the respect of coworkers and clientsUse technology respectfully and effectivelyAvoid nonverbal mistakes made through body languageLeverage business etiquette soft skills in job interviewsInteract confidently and professionally with Western cultures, at home and in the international marketplace!Throughout history, etiquette and manners have evolved as a way of creating more civilized societies around the world. In todays competitive business culture, there are no geographical boundaries. Making faux pas in your behaviour can get in the way of your professional credibility, and influence impressions about you and your company. International business etiquette training is a key component for business success. Getting trained in business etiquette will help you prove your mettle, and the companys significance. Your interpersonal skills will prompt the clients to see the company in a professional light.People talking about Kimberly Presentations:Kimberly is a reliable professional presenter who achieves results through instruction and example. I am pleased to recommend Kimberly. ~J. McCleanKimberly gave very practical advice and examples for business etiquettes."" ~ C. TamI have worked with Kimberly Law on multiple occasions and highly recommend her services. She was knowledgeable and professional. If given the opportunity, I would certainly work with her again in the future. ~ B. Alvarez"
Price: 89.99

"Dressing to Win in the Workplace" |
"Confused about how to 'Dress for Success'? If you are a job seeker or a promotion seeker, knowing how to dress professionally and avoid image blunders at work, can provide the competitive edge you are looking for. This course is designed to increase professionalism by taking the confusion out of, what to wear to work"". Gain knowledge and skills to stand out as a professional, by dressing more effectively in business casual to business formal environments. You will: Identify professional guidelines for Formal to Informal business attire. Determine what to wear to look authoritative, credible, approachable or relaxed. Discover the power of colour and how to wear it effectively. Recognize 'image-makers' and how to incorporate them into your business wardrobe. Spot 'Image-Breakers' those costly faux pas that undermine your effectiveness at work. The term 'Dress for Success' was coined in the 1970's, by author John Molloy. However, the rules for business dress have changed. Since the dawn of 'business casual' dressing in the 1990's, companies continue to shift their requirements on what to wear at work to dress for success. Some have established dress codes with specific guidelines, while others leave it open for their employees to determine what's appropriate. Without defined guidelines, dressing for work can be very confusing. This course answers the questions, What to wear? How to wear it? When to where it?"" It will help you dress more effectively and feel more confident about workplace attire in today's global environment. Content and Overview This course is fast paced and fluff free. Through 31 lectures, the 26 page 'Dressing to Win in the Workplace' study guide, loads of examples as well as supplemental articles & resources, this course provides easy strategies to select the right work clothes and make your work clothes work for you. It also includes a lecture dedicated to hygiene and grooming. Each section offers a short quiz to evaluate your learning progress. 'Dressing to Win in the Corporate Arena' is designed for personal and professional development based on corporate seminars Kimberly Law has been presenting since 1999. Here is what people are saying about Kimberly's presentations: The info was presented in a very non-judgemental, informative way. Good, simple, effective tips. I will apply them in my daily life for business dress and will feel more confident."" ~ S. Buse Kimberly gave very practical advice and examples for business dress."" ~ C. Tam I really liked the applicability of the information."" T. Pappas Important details everyone needs to know."" ~ T. Mobayen A picture is worth a thousand words! Good illustration!"" ~ R. Zhang This course is suitable for job seekers, promotion seekers or anyone who feels they need a refresher on how to dress appropriately for the interview, at the office or business mixers. This lecture, along with self-study of the complementary study guide and supplemental materials provide the basics that will fast track you, to a more professional you. It will also prepare participants on the IITTI track, to write the 'Personal Appearance' component of the IITTI Level 1 Certification exam through the Institute of Image Training and Testing International."
Price: 89.99

"Aprende MVC con PHP: Como funcionan los sitios Web actuales" |
"PHP es uno de los lenguajes ms utilizados para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, hoy en dpia cas el 70 % de los sitios web utilizando PHP como lenguaje de programacin principal por el lado del BackEnd.MVC (Model, View, Controller) es la forma de programar aplicaciones web utilizando el Patrn Modelo Vista Controlador, en este curso aprenders a utilizar este patrn con el lenguaje de programcain PHP. El objetivo de este curso es brindar una introduccin general y bsica de la programacin con el lenguaje PHP utilizando el paradigma orientado a objetos y como se utiliza est tcnica para crear aplicaciones web utilizando el patrn MVC - Modelo Vista Controlador. Para el desarrollo del mismo empezamos con una introduccin terica de conceptos claves como: Programacin Orientadado a Objetos. PHP Orientato a Objetos El Patrn MVC - Mdelo Vista Controlador Ejemplo de aplicacin. El curso est orientado a personas que se estn iniciando en el desarrollo de sitios web y tengan algo de experiencia con PHP, deseen profundizar el tema del desarrollo con el modelo vista controlador para crear aplicaciones web. Enmarcamos el curso en conceptos y en su aplicacin para ello se alcanza el cdigo y se explica su funcionamiento y como interaccionan cada parte del patron MVC.Al culminar el curso podrs contar con los conocimientos de como funciona este mdelo y poder aplicarlo en el desarrollo de tu sitio web o negocio, podrs conocer como funcionan los Frameworks mas utilizados hoy en da para el desarrollo de sitios web utilizando PHP."
Price: 49.99

"JavaScript 2020: Curso desde Principiante hasta Profesional" |
"MS DE 20 MIL ESTUDIANTES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JavaScript es el lenguaje de programacin ms popular del mundo y crece ms rpido que cualquier otro lenguaje de programacin. Como desarrollador, puedes utilizar JavaScript para crear aplicaciones web y mviles, aplicaciones de redes en tiempo real, herramientas de lnea de comandos y juegos.Este curso est orientado a personas que an no conocen JavaScript o en todo caso estan empezando con este Lenguaje de Programacin, vamos paso a paso desde los fundamentos hasta temas ms avanzados, y con ejercicios de aplicacin para entender mejor el lenguaje y el desarrollo de su lgica.El curso est orientado a que aprendas a programar desde cero utilizando JavaScript como lenguaje de programacin, si eres principiante, ven conmigo a este viaje en donde tenemos como objetivo el aprendizaje asegurado del lenguaje JavaScript, en el camino encontrars lecciones explicadas con detalle. En el curso de forma general vemos los siguientes temas:Qu es JavaScript? y sus fundamentos.Variables, tipos de datos, y todo el manejo de ello.Sentencias condicionales, repetitivas, funciones, objetos y arreglos.Programacin Orientada a Objetos.Contextos de ejecucin, alcance, el objeto this y ms.Interaccin con una pgina web, manipulacin del DOM, cambiar elementos de una pgina y sus eventos.Ejercicios de aplicacin para entender los conceptos tratados.Versiones modernas de JavaScript, las nuevas caractersticas de ES6+.Manejo de fechas y horas con JavaScript.JavaScript Asncrono: CallBacks, Promesas, Async/Await, llamadas AJAX y APIs.Node.js, para empezar a crear nuestro propio servidor web de desarrollo y utilizar otras herramientas.Muchos temas ms.Que dicen algunos de los estudiantes que ya tomaron el curso: ""Excelente curso no entenda los conceptos de promesas ,callbacks y ahora me queda mas claro y haciendo el ejerci de mi librera entend mas el Dom"", Lucas Matas ""Muy buen curso, yo creo que para los que estamos empezando es excelente. lo nico que es mucha informacin de golpe lo que lo hace montono con muy poca ejercitacin tangible"", Emiliano Negro ""Muy bueno, se explica claramente todo su contenido y ademas nos da la oportunidad de poner en practica lo aprendido con varios ejercicios"", Jhon Cardenas ""El profesor lo explica todo de una forma muy intuitiva. Est resultando un curso muy ameno de realizar con explicaciones muy claras."", Manuel Rodas ""Un curso adecuado para la gente nueva a JavaScript, as como til para actualizarse al moderno Javascript para lo que sepan JavaScript clsico"", Rodrigo ArroyoNO SE NECESITA CONOCIMIENTO PREVIONo necesitas conocer JavaScript para tomar este curso. Aprenders todo desde cero, paso a paso. Una familiaridad muy bsica con HTML ser til pero no es necesaria.ESTS LISTO PARA HACER EL PRIMER PASO HACIA SER UN DESARROLLADOR WEB?Deje de perder su tiempo en tutoriales desconectados o cursos sper largos. Inscrbete en el curso para empezar, con explicaciones directas al grano que garantizn tu aprendizaje. Con una garanta de devolucin de dinero de 30 das, Qu tienes que perder?, nos vemos dentro."
Price: 99.99

"Petroleum Refining - Complete Guide to Products & Processes" |
"The main scope of the course is to create strong basis and fundamentals regarding the processes in the Petroleum Refining. We take a look to the Oil&Gas Industry briefly and continue directly with the Refining Process. We then make a focus in each individual unit operation in the refinery. Learn about:Oil&Gas IndustryDifference between Petroleum Refining vs. Petrochemical IndustryOverview of the most important operations and productsMarket insight (supply/demand)as well as (production/consumption) Several Petroleum Refineries around the WorldUnit Operations &ProcessesRefining and FractionationAtmospheric Distillation ColumnVacuum Distillation Hydrotreating (Hydrogenation)BlendingReformingIsomerizationAlkylationSteam CrackingFluid Catalytic CrackingGasSweetening (Hydrodesulfurization)CokingComponents:Fuel Gas /Natural GasLiquified Petroleum Gases (LPG)Propane, ButaneSulfur /Hydrogen SulfideGasoline /Automotive GasOilNaphtha Cuts (Light/Heavy)KeroseneDieselGasoilLubricantsVacuum ResiduesAsphaltCokeNOTE:This course is focused for Process SimulationAt the end of the course you will feel confident in the Petroleum Refining Industry. You will know the most common Process &Unit Operations as well as their distribution, production and importance in daily life."
Price: 24.99

"Alexa Skill Development - From Beginner to Paid Professional" |
"January 2019. Most up to Date Content for Any Developer. New Amazon Developer Console and Lambda Function Interface. 100% up-to-date.Want to learn how to code Alexa Skills?Want to share your skills with the RESTOFTHEWORLD?How would you like if people were going crazy about the skills you've made?In this course you will start as a beginner. There is no real prerequisites... only hard work! I will take you step by step of the process on how to create your very first Alexa Skill. I will first explain what everything is, creating accounts and then starting our first skill. There is no Alexa device needed as we will be test using the Amazon Alexa Developer Console. Will today be the day you start a new career path? If so, let's get started!What you will learn? What is Amazon Alexa AWSLambda Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) Future of Alexa Artificial Intelligence (AI) Setting up developer accounts How to use Lambda Learning what Intents, invocations, slots, utterances are Basic coding in Python Session Variables Talk to Alexa and get her to save anything Interactive apps Testing for errors and error handling Learning what to build with Alexa How to find skill ideas How to have users come back to your skillWith the skills learned from this course you will now be able to create your very own interactive skills. There are no limits. Each video is 1080p Full HD, with every piece explained. I will make sure to lead you on the path to success help you create your first skill to show off to family and friends. Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors whoyou can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Yourtime is precious. Take this course and learn the new skills that will provide the world with amazing skills.Fun, fast, and effectiveThis course will get you from being an absolute Alexa Skill beginner to an experienced software developer for Alexa.Are you ready to transform your world and become an Alexa Skill developer?____________________________________________________________________________________Reviews""This Amazon Alexa Course is a very good stepping stone. Iam new to the whole AWSspace, especially with IOT. Once Isaw this course and what it offers Iimmediately jumped on the train!It has taught me all about Amazon Alexa, how to create skills and pointed me in a direction where I will be taking my newly learned material. I plan on creating one skill a month for the rest of 2019! Let this journey begin."" - David R. ""This is my first online Amazon Alexa course. I liked it a lot! The instructor is very clear, the videos are easy to follow (meaning you do not have to pause or go back every 5 seconds) and it's nice to have quizzes here and there."" - Mark C.""I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome,deep and clear."" - Samantha B.____________________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever!It's time to take action!Click the""take this course""button, top right, now...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Daniel"
Price: 19.99

"How to conduct market research in startups and small firms?" |
"Many business mistakes are made due to insufficient market research. That's why I created for you this hands-on course so that you can see how with virtually no money you can research many important to you aspects like the size of the market or a particular segment, the sales tactics of competitors, customer preferences etc. . I will show you 3 groups of market research methods:Consulting methods On-line methods Off-line methodsSince we want you to be able to do market research on your own there will be very little theory and loads of nice examples in many fields. You will master the market research in fields such as: retail, fast moving consumer goods, food sector, on-line businesses, services and some off-line businesses. This training will be especially beneficial for small business owners, startup, and consultants. You will learn what mystery shopping, store-checks is, bottom-up , top-down approach and others.You will be able also to download many additional resourcesLinks to free presentation and movies showing examples of research Links to books worth reading Excels with calculations showing you how you can do the market research as well as analyses and draw conclusionsWe will use the following tools:ExcelSimiarWebKeywords Planner by GoogleFacebook Audience InsightFacebookMobile market applicationsSlideshareYoutubeOur own tools / formatsWe will be gradually increasing the price of the course from 9 USD so buy this course now to save money and implement fast proposed techniques to become more efficient"
Price: 89.99

"Validate your business idea with MVP-Minimum Viable Product" |
"Course summaryIt is not that difficult to have a business idea even one that seems like a breakthrough and instant success. The reality bites and most of startups fail fast and at the same time cost their founders a small fortune. That's why the recent development of so called lean startups revolves around learning fast and at small cost to build a product customer need and are willing to pay. Crucial part of this path is a creating a prototype of your product that enables you to test the reaction of your potential customer. This is the MVP Minimum Viable Product.MVP has to be Viable which means that it delivers some noticeable value to the customer, solves his pain. Minimum means that it cannot be overcomplicated, it has to have the minimal amount of features for you to be able to draw the right conclusion on what works and what does not work.Most courses stop at the landing page as the Holy Grail of lean startup and testing, the ultimate MVP, but the life is much more complicated and landing page in many cases simply is not enough? How do you test community and whether people will share and comment? How do you want to test physical products that have to be tasted and smelled?On top of that not all MVPs are born equal. Some test one part of your business model whereas others are perfect for testing different question marks that pop-up constantly in your mind.In this course we will show you through examples what should be the MVP for your business model, how to pick the right one for your needs and what are the added benefits of MVP. We will also give estimation of the costs and time needed for creation of MVP.If you have not found an ideal suggestion for MVP for your business please post in the Group Discussion your business model description and we will prepare suggestion for you on the MVP you should use.Why we decided to create this course?We work with startups on daily basis within our accelerator (StartupAkademia) and we have noticed that despite the tones of very good books on lean methods (i.e. Lean Analytics, Running Lean etc.) startups have problems with applying this knowledge in practice. The interesting thing was that those problems were pretty universal regardless of the industry, business model or even whether they were ran independently or supported by big corporations.What will this course give you?The course is a practical overview of possible MVP for the following types of businesses: B2C services especially restaurants, on-line shop, off-line shop, webpage earning from display ads, SaaS, books. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know:What are the different types of MVPs you can use?What are the pros and cons of a specific MVP?How much does it cost and how long does it take to create a specific MVP?When you should use one type of MVP and when entirely different one?How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 3 section:Introduction. We explain what MVP is and why it makes sense to use itMVP examples. Here we go in-depth over MVPs for different businesses: restaurants, on-line shop, off-line shop, webpage earning from display ads, SaaS, books and show you how and when they should be used. If you have not found an ideal suggestion for MVP for your business please post in the Group Discussion your business model description and we will prepare suggestion for you on the MVP you should use.Resources. In this section we put any additional resource for them to be visibleYou will be able also to download many additional resourcesLinks to free presentations and movies showing examplesLinks to books worth readingPresentation"
Price: 99.99

"SMCG for Management Consultants and Business Analysts" |
"What is the aim of this course?Consulting projects especially when it comes to consumer goods business are very demanding. The two most complicated areas are sales and marketing and supply chain. During consulting projects I have seen business analysts and management consultants struggling with understanding the business fast enough to deliver value to the customer. This course will give you the knowledge and insight into real life case studies that will make your life during a consulting project in a consumer goods business much easier.This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in analyzing and improving Slow Moving Consumer Goods businesses (SMCG) such as furniture, smartphones, cars etc. It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize SMCG businesses on daily bases. In the course you will learn 4 things:How to model SMCG business in ExcelHow to improve sales and marketing in order to increase margin and profitHow to improve supply chain in order to increase margin and profitHow the move from selling a product to selling a service will impact the businessThe course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMCG, B2B and services sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to optimize also sales and marketing of the businesses I was responsible for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Sales and Marketing Directors, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies (McKinsey, PwC, BCG, KPMG, EY), Supply Chain Directors, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy have already been taken by more than 42 000 students.I teach through cases, so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main challenges in sales and marketing as well as supply chain typical for SMCG. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work.Why I decided to create this course?Consulting projects especially when it comes to consumer goods business are very demanding. The two most complicated areas are sales and marketing and supply chain. During consulting projects I have seen business analysts and management consultants struggling with understanding the business fast enough to deliver value to the customer. The course will give you the knowledge and insight into real life case studies that will make your life during a consulting project in a consumer goods business much easier. Thanks to this course, you will know what and how to do during a consulting project devoted in a SMCG company. I will show you also how to model SMCG business in Excel.To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in SMCG business you should master techniques related to analyzing and optimizing sales and marketing as well as supply chain. That is why, I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as directors.In what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze SMCG business. There is little theory mainly examples, case studies with a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn:How to understand and improve sales and marketing in SMCGHow to understand and improve supply chain in SMCGHow to model SMCG business in ExcelHow to model for relatively new things in SMCG like customer base and switching from selling a product to selling a serviceYou can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly.How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 4 sections and I will be adding new sections to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course. I will show you here what you can expect from this course and how it is organizedModeling SMCG business in Excel. In the second section I will show you how to model in Excel SMCG business. You will also get as a part of it Excel files to play with. I will use here 2 examples. We will model the SMCG in the traditional way (selling a product) and in alternative way (selling of services). We will here use the case study of smartphones and vacuum cleaners producersSales and Marketing in SMCG. In this section I will show you examples of analyses of sales and marketing in SMCG business. This will give you a good idea on what to concentrate during a consulting projectExamples of business analyses of Supply Chain in SMCG. In the 4th section I will show you examples of analyses of supply chain in SMCG business. This will give you a good idea on what to concentrate during a consulting project.I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming monthsYou will be able also to download many additional resourcesExcels with analyses shown in the coursePresentation of slides show in the courseLinks to additional presentations and moviesLinks to books worth readingAt the end of my course, students will be able toHow to model consumer goods (SMCG) business in ExcelAnalyze sales and marketing in SMCGIncrease profits by optimizing sales and marketing in consumer goods businessAnalyze supply chain in SMCGImprove supply chain in consumer goods businessHow to estimate the value of consumer baseModel SMCG as a service businessWho should take this course? Who should not?Management ConsultantsBusiness AnalystsDirectorsStartups foundersControllersWhat will students need to know or do before starting this course?Basic or intermediate ExcelBasic knowledge of economics or finance"
Price: 189.99

"Typescript: The Complete Developer's Guide [2020]" |
"Composition vs Inheritance? You'll understand it. Build your own web framework? You'll do it. Typescript with React/Redux? It's here!--------------------This is the best course online for mastering Typescript.Every other course online teaches you the basic syntax and features of Typescript, but only this course will show you how to apply Typescript on real projects, instructing you how to build large, successful projects through example.Typescript is a 'super-set' of Javascript. That means that if you already know Javascript, you are ready to take this course. Typescript adds in several important features to Javascript, including a type system. This type system is designed to help you catch errors during development, rather than when you are running your code. That means you'll be twice as productive by catching bugs earlier in development. But besides the type system, Typescript also provides several tools for structuring large codebases and writing truly reusable code.Mastering Typescript by reading the documentation alone is challenging. Although you might know what a 'typed array' or an 'interface' is, the documentation (and other courses!) don't show you where to use this features, or how to use them effectively. The goal of this course is to help you understand why each feature of Typescript exists, and exactly where to use them.Top companies are hungry for Typescript developers. Some of the largest web apps today are being built with Typescript. Employers are scrambling to find engineers who are fluent with this cutting edge system. Solid knowledge of Typescript will make you far more employable, by giving you a unique skill that few other engineers possess. Planning on building your own apps? Using Typescript will help you structure your project correctly from day one, ensuring that you won't be crushed under technical debt at some critical stage of your company. In this course, you'll learn how to write reusable code, with a tremendous emphasis on leveraging classes and interfaces to make swappable 'widgets'. You will be able to reconfigure your apps on the fly to build wildly different features with only a minimum amount of effortLearn from someone who has worked on one of the largest Typescript projects around. On professional projects of my own, I have developed plugins for an open-source, browser-based code editor called Theia. The Theia project is absolutely gargantuan in scale, encompassing hundreds of thousands of lines of code, all written in Typescript. This project works only thanks to the power of Typescript.But don't just take my word for it - check out the reviews for this course! You'll see that other engineers, just like yourself, have had great success and acquired a new understanding of how to build scalable web applications.--------------------There is just too much content in this course to summarize in a few short words, but here is a partial listing of the different skills you'll master:Understand why Composition vs Inheritance is the most mis-understood topic in the Javascript communityMaster the fundamental features of Typescript by working on real world projectsWe'll build a custom front-end framework from scratch that you can use in place of React or Angular on your own personal projectsComprehend the complex interplay between classes and interfaces, and why these two pieces of Typescript enable you to build incredibly reusable codeDive deeper into Typescript with decorators, which we'll use to build a custom integration between Typescript and ExpressStructure your React and Redux applications more confidently by understanding how to couple them with TypescriptSkip the documentation for third party libraries by fluently reading type definition filesLearn just how smart Typescript is by experiencing how deeply it analyzes your code for errorsI learned Typescript years ago by hard trial-and-error. Now you can learn at 5x the speed I did. This is the course that I wish I had when I first got started with Typescript."
Price: 199.99

"Learn HP ALM (Quality Centre)" |
"Application lifecycle management (ALM) is the lifecycle management (governance, development, and maintenance) of software applications. In this course you'll learn how to manage applications and end to end delivery of quality software using HP ALM and HP Sprinter. You'll also learn the basics of Software Testing, Quality Assurance (QA), Business Analysis and Agile principles. I've included Quizzes at the end of each section and a final quiz and file downloads at the end of the course.Software testing is a highly demanded skill and will significantly contribute to the delivery of any software application."
Price: 89.99

"Shopify E-Commerce Websites for Beginners & Freelancers" |
"This course is different than most Shopify courses available. Yes, like most courses, I will get you up and running fast with the absolute basics, as well as guidance, tips, and tricks for the more advanced features and settings. AND, I'll show you how I use these skills (building e-commerce websites) to create high-value websites for my clients and how I charge them to do it. Not only that, you can also make additional income just off of referrals as an affiliate with the Shopify Partners program. Even if you have no intention of freelancing and you just want to build your own online store, no problem! I'll show you everything you need to know to start your journey with e-commerce. I have over 20 years experience designing with Photoshop, and over 12 years of experience in the creative arts industry building websites and e-commerce platforms, and I have over 100,000 students enrolled across all of my courses. Learning how I build my e-commerce websites for clients was a topic that came up frequently in student questions, and I want to show you my exact process along the way. I used to only use WooCommerce to build my e-commerce sites on WordPress, but I've been extremely impressed with Shopify and my clients have had good luck with the platform as well. I highly recommend Shopify and I know you're going to love it!If you see topics that you would like added to this course, or features that need updated then please let me know! I'm building my own personal e-commerce website alongside of this course, and I'll be showing you (coming soon) how I design my apparel and setup my dropshipping. Stay tuned for more! Student ReviewsDerrick did a great job in explaining Shopify so well for a beginner like me!! - Grace De GuzmanThank you Derrick for this course, it did save me tons of hours trying to figure it out how to build an E-commerce website. I started other course for WP but it didn't work as it was taking a lot of time and I just wanted to build my online store fast and this course is really easy to understand and follow along. Thank you once again - Vilmar BorgesThanks, Derrick! Well Done! To all beginners out there, this highly recommended. - Brian C. Corpuz"
Price: 69.99

"Mosaic Method: Music Mind Movement Mastery" |
"Physical fitness begins with emotional fitness. Mosaic Method is a groundbreaking training that provides fitness instructors and enthusiasts with a thorough understanding of how the brain reacts to music, and how that affects our mind, body and emotions. Pulling from several decades of experience as professional musicians, music supervisors, DJs and yoga instructors, as well as years spent studying the latest neuroscience research in the fields of music and movement, founders Derek Beres and Philip Steir have created Mosaic Method to help better incorporate music in fitness and help people get the most out of their classes and workouts..Mosaic Method helps you create a total mind-body experience for your students. Through a deep understanding of movement, music, and emotions, you gain insights into personal and professional creative expression. While the method can be applied to any movement discipline, our four modules are: Main Studio (cardiorespiratory/metabolic training) Yoga Studio Cycling DanceInstructors and movement professionals will learn music's intriguing effects on our brains and nervous systems. Mosaic Method helps teachers create better playlists and aids in more targeted sequencing, as well as understand the emotional foundation of their clients and students (and themselves!). This will help them forge lasting relationships and bonds. Many instructors focus on music's entertainment value without understanding its value as a motivational and therapeutic tool. Music was encoded inside of us through evolution to convey information, share emotions, soothe infants, motivate warriors, form social bonds, and open the door to trance-like Flow states.Most professionals are aware of music's motivational impact: a driving, steady beat helps divert the mind from the unpleasant aspects of physical exertion and boredom, as well as increases one's heart rate, blood flow and pain threshold. New scientific research shows that music also helps improve muscle coordination and aid muscles so they use less energy and become more effective. But this is only one part of the journey. What about relaxation and stress relief, as well as dealing with difficult emotional situations? Music covers it all. Some of the topics we discuss in the training: The investigation of the power of music on the brain/mind/body. The origins of music and its effects on cultures. How music has shaped our species and societies. Why music has a strong effect on our emotions, and how we can use music to address different emotions at different times. How music makes us move our bodies. How music engages our sensory motor systems. How to use music to enter Flow states. How music brings people together in communities, and how to best utilize this knowledge in a group fitness setting. Therapeutic uses of music, the fastest growing area of the music business. The science of background music. The psychological and physiological aspects of rhythm.Mosaic Method also provides instructors with practical information, knowledge, and strategies for incorporating music by using our history of placing music in film and TV. We investigate how film composers and music supervisors use music to show you how this skill can be applied in class.Upon completion of this program fitness instructors will understand how to choose music to create their own unique class for whatever moods they are seeking to evoke. The result is not only a better studio experience, but the ability to help your clientsas well as yourselfdeal with a wide range of emotions, from sadness and despair to anger and anxiety, with a deep understanding and awareness of music and movement's effects on our brains and bodies. As an external stimulus music is a key ingredient in helping athletes achieve peak performance as well as being a doorway to reaching Flow states. Music is not secondary to fitnessit is a driving force behind movement and mind. Mosaic Method brings all this information together in an easy to understand and exciting format that can support your teaching in a revolutionary new way."
Price: 49.99

"Cisco CCNA 200-301 - Your Guide to Passing - 2020" |
"This course has all of the material you'll need to pass the CCNA 200-301 exam. I know because I was able to pass the exam on my first try with a score of 957 out of 1000, and I've made sure to include all my CCNA relevant experience and knowledge into this course.Master all of the CCNA exam topicsNetwork FundamentalsNetwork AccessIP ConnectivityIP ServicesSecurity FundamentalsAutomation and ProgrammabilityContent and Overview In this course you'll learn all of the CCNA networking fundamentals. Each section includes easy to understand diagrams and configuration examples. Starting with an introduction to networking, this course will take you through each fundamental. After you master the basics, the course will take you through actual device configurations and troubleshooting techniques teaching you how to network with the best of them.Test your knowledge with practice exam questions and lab assignments. I use Packet Tracer for all of my demos. So you can follow along with every configuration example right from your computer.You will have instant access to the course material. All of the course videos can be streamed at any time.At any time during the course if you want to ask me a question you can direct message me. Bonus MaterialIn addition to all of the video content in this course, I've decided to include my Amazon ""CCNA 200-301 Quick Reference Guide"" eBook for FREE. Enjoy!"
Price: 199.99

"CCNA Cyber Ops - SECFND (210-250) - Practice Exams" |
"This course is just what you need for passing the SECFND (210-250) exam. You will learn about all of the key topics to make sure you pass the exam. Instead of wasting your time with a bunch of unneeded questions, we get right to the point with accurate exam information. We are about quality not quantity, unlike other Cyber Ops practice exam courses. Spend time focusing on the ones that matter for the exam."
Price: 199.99

"Watercolor Painting for Beginners - Snowy Mountains" |
"Do you want to improve your watercolor painting?Do you wish to learn how to paint beautiful scenes?Are you frustrated with the watercolor painting process?Search no more.If you answered to any of these, then THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Inside you'll learn how to paint a beautiful snowy mountain scene.We'll use clever watercolor techniques, such as negative painting, and using the paper white to bring out the natural beauty of this snowy landscape.We'll go over:Tools necessaryDrawing tipsPainting advice and the correct approachCreating a sense of scale and distancePortraying volume and a sense of three-dimensionalityNegative paintingMinimal palette,Using the paper whiteGlazingAnd so much more...!If these sound like things you'd like to learn, you need to get this course.If you've been frustrated with watercolor in the past, or felt like you ""don't get it"" - don't worry - I've been there too!I'll do everything in my power to make sure everything clicks, and you are able to use what you learned to paint this scene, and many, many more.I will see you inside!-- Liron"
Price: 19.99

"Mega CSS Animation Course : 30 Projects Included" |
"Do you want to Learn CSS Animation from scratch ?ORDo you want to create Unique Creative Hover Effects ?OR Do you want to create Awesome Unique Loader Animations and many other Projects using CSS?If your answer to any of the above questions is Yes , then this Course is for you !!!Welcome to The Mega CSS Animation Course - One of the Biggest Course in CSS Animation with 30 Projects with over 12Hrs of HD Video Content .This course covers the following topics along with projects :Complete Understanding of CSS Transition and AnimationA Unique Button hover ProjectA Modern Animated Hero Area with Video Background10 Unique Hover Effect Projects10 Unique Loader Animation Projects5 Character Animation ProjectsRain Animation ProjectWater/Wave Animation ProjectAnd Final Mega Project : An Animated Intro Presentation Project which is an Amazing Unique presentation using CSS AnimationAlong with the Course , many tips and tricks are shared which will help you to develop problem solving Skill.Each and every code is explained and All the resource files are included. After taking the course, if you have any issue understanding some concept or if you have any issue with any project , always feel free to let me know . I am always here to help you out .Now take a look at free preview videos of this course , to take a complete understanding of what you are going to learn from this course and how to take full advantage of this course . I am looking forward to see you inside :)"
Price: 199.99

"How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer" |
"This was a very comprehensive course on the benefits and how to configure the gradient booster XGBoost. - Kevin The machine learning engineer is one of the top careers on the planet. That's not just within the IT space, that's everywhere. There are a lot of misconceptions about machine learning and in this course you'll learn exactly what applied machine learning is and how to get started. There are no shortcuts to success in this career. However, there is a path of least resistance. In this course you'll learn, step by step, how to get started in applied machine learning. I'm using the word applied here to mean the real-world. This course is about securing a high paying job in the real world, not about research or academia. This course is for you if: You are interested in applied machine learning. You are curious about the explosion of machine learning in data science.You want to become a machine learning engineer.You need a real-world guide to becoming a machine learning engineer.You want to know what real-world machine learning is really like. You want to know what the shortcut careers to a career as a machine learning engineer are. Please watch the first several lessons before you purchase the course. These FREE lessons will help you decide if the course is right for you. Thanks!!Thanks for your interest in this course. Let's get started."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a Crear Videos Animados con Explaindio" |
"Este curso ha sido diseado para cualquiera que est interesado en crear vdeos de calidad para sus acciones de marketing en Internet. El contenido del curso se centra en aprender a utilizar Explandio, el software de animacin N 1 para el marketing en Internet. Con este software sers capaz de crear vdeos de todo tipo:Vdeos con animacionesVdeos de pizarra blancaEfectos de fondo verde.Objetos en movimiento, transiciones...En este curso aprenders cmo crear fcilmente vdeos de calidad profesional para:Realizar presentaciones en vdeo.Acciones en Youtube: promocin de empresas y productos, o crear contenido para tu propio canal.Acciones de vdeo marketing en Internet.Crear y vender vdeos para clientes.Se trata de un curso que te ensea paso a paso cmo utilizar este software, desde la primera animacin hasta la produccin final. Los vdeos estn grabados en pantalla, de forma que vers cmo lo hago para hacerlo despus t mismo. Explaindio es una herramienta sencilla y de fcil manejo, a la vez que potente y eficaz. Despus de hacer este curso sers capaz de crear vdeos espectaculares en cuestin de minutos!Se incluyen adems enlaces al software (de pago) y a recursos extras.Los vdeos animados y de pizarra blanca se han hecho muy populares por su capacidad de atraer la atencin, conectar con la audiencia y retenerla. Frecuentemente son creados por empresas de vdeo marketing. Requisitos:Deseo de aprenderTener el software de Explaindio Tener algn contenido que quieras usar en un vdeoQu voy a aprender en este curso?Acceso a 13 vdeos y casi 1 hora de contenidoAprenders a crear vdeos profesionalesConoce cmo hacer vdeos en slo unos pocos minutos.Aprende tcnicas y atajos para usar Explaindio ms eficientemente.Aprende a crear presentaciones con diapositivas que sorprendern y atraparn a tu audienciaConoce las posibilidades que ofrece Explaindio para hacer revisiones de productosA quin est dirigido este curso?A todo el que quiera aprender a crear vdeos fcilmente.Profesionales que quieran impulsar su negocioEmprendedores que quieran hacer dinero en InternetYoutubers que quieran promocionar y agregar y mejorar contenido dentro de su canal.Creadores de tutorialesCualquiera que necesite del vdeoPersonas que hacen marketing con vdeosCualquiera que quiera ganar dinero produciendo y vendiendo vdeos.Todo el que quiera conseguir ms visionados en sus vdeos"
Price: 99.99
