"Nginx High Performance Webserver - Der schnelle Einstieg" |
"NGINX der weltweit meistbenutzte Webserver der sich durch extrem hohe Performance auszeichnet, eine mglichst groe Anzahl an Clients gleichzeitig bedienen und dabei aber auch durch einen sehr geringen Ressourcenverbrauch berzeugen kann. Schauen wir uns die Unterschiede zu Apache Webserver an welcher fr jede Client-Anfrage einen neuen Thread oder Prozess startet. Der NGINX-Server arbeitet hingegen rein ereignisorientiert und kann die Anfragen asynchron bearbeiten, was viel Arbeitsspeicher und Zeit und Ressourcen spart. NGINX ist wie der Apache modular aufgebaut.Verschiedenen Funktionen werden ber entsprechende Module bereitgestellt, die Sie als Administrator aktivieren knnen. Was das alles genau bedeutet erfahren Sie im Kurs.KursinhalteEinrichtungInstallation von NGINX Debian (Ubuntu), CentOS (Red Hat)Konfigurationsdateien und OrdnerstrukturenKonfigurationhttp, server, upstream, location, if, limit_exceptVererbungsregeln bei den SektionenLogs und EreignisanzeigenRewrite Regeln und NGINX DirektivenDynamischer Inhalt mit PHP 7 bereitstellenOptimierungseinstellungenLimitierungen fr den ein- und ausgehenden DatenverkehrBandbreitenmanagement optimale Bandbreite zur VerfgungLastverteilung, Permanente Verbindungen SicherheitHTTPS mit SSL Zertifikaten absichern - TLS-Verschlsselung ermglicht den sicheren Datentransfer.Weiterleitung von HTTP zu HTTPSPasswortgeschtzte SeitenProxy und CacheReverse Proxying erlaubt es, NGINX als Reverse Proxy (HTTP, TCP, UDP) zur Webbeschleunigung oder als E-Mail-Proxy (IMAP, POP3, SMTP) zu nutzen.Cache EinstellungenNginx als Load BalancerLoad Balancing entlastet sie den Hauptserver durch Umleitung der Anfragen auf mehrere Server oder PortsStreamingVideostreaming, das hohe Leistungsfhigkeit beim Streaming von MP4- und FLV-Medien bietetWartungSichern der aktuellen Nginx KonfigurationUpdate einspielen von nginxBonusApache vs Nginx im Vergleich mit Wordpress"
Price: 199.99

"OpSec - jede Ihrer Online Aktivitten wird beobachtet" |
"Operations Security, kurz OpSec, betrifft uns alle! Sowohl Unternehmen als auch Privatpersonen!Das glauben Sie nicht? Dann lesen Sie weiter:Ob Sie es wollen oder nicht - jede Ihrer Aktivitten werden beobachtet und analysiert. Sie haben keine Privatsphre. Im Internet ist jeder Ihrer Klicks fr Unternehmen, Regierungen und kriminelle Hacker fast uneingeschrnkt sichtbar. Ihr Computer, Ihr Smartphone, Ihr Auto, Ihre Smartwatch, ja sogar Ihr Fernseher u.v.m bieten potenzielle Angriffspunkte fr den Zugriff auf Ihre Daten.Lernen Sie Fallbeispiele kennen die erschreckend: Sie werden Ihre Denkweise berdenken und mit mehr Vorsicht ihren Alltag bestreiten.Im Unternehmensbereich schtzen die OpSec Strategien - Daten in IT-Strukturen, auf Servern, Webseiten, in Kommunikationsverbindungen oder Transaktionen. Setzen Sie die Denkweise um OpSec kontinuierlich anzuwenden. Geben Sie der Konkurrenz erst gar keine Hinweise darauf Sie auszuspionieren. Der OpSec Prozess, der etabliert wird, um etwas Wertvolles zu schtzen. Der Wertgedanke kann dabei viele verschiedene Formen haben wie Finanzinformationen, zuknftige Strategieplne, Handelsgeheimnisse oder sogar Industriegerchte. Also all das, was dem Unternehmen Probleme verursachen knnte, wenn es in die falschen Hnde gert.Im Privaten Umfeld schtzt Sie OpSec vor ihrem Partner, Bekanntschaften und der Verfolgung von Strafbehrden. Sollten Sie etwas getan haben das man als illegal werten knnte wie Hacking, Penetrations Testings, Videostreaming, unbefugter Social-Media Login beim Partner, kauf von Drogen etc? Dann sollten Sie sich auf jedenfall mit den Manahmen und Denkweise von OpSec vertraut machen!Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs Prozesse zu ergreifen, ihre Denkweise zu ndern und damit mglichst wenig Spuren zu hinterlassen und keine Angriffsflche gegenber der Konkurrenz, Behrden, ihrem Partnern etc. zu bieten. Dieser Kurs ist wie ein Podcast aufgebaut mit vielen Erzhlungen aus realem Umfeld, was Unternehmen und Privatpersonen in der Vergangenheit falsch gemacht haben und damit bei den betroffenen groer finanzieller als auch psychischer Schaden entstanden ist. Ganz nach dem Motto von OpSec: Vertrauen Sie niemandem! Der Feind hrt mit - Schweigen ist Pflicht!"
Price: 89.99

"Learning to Fall Safely" |
"Though a series of short lectures and exercises, Master Jeremy Roadruck teaches you to how to fall safely, in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You don't have to be in great shape, you don't have to know anything about the martial arts. You just need a desire to learn to fall safely, and some room to fall down. Not only will you be learning to fall safely, you'll also learn how to get up safely - plus simple, practical ways to improve your balance so you don't fall in the first place. Master Jeremy has been teaching this course live since 2008, to ladies and gentlemen of all ages - from 3 to 93, after his own mother fell and ended up conscious in the hospital for 3 weeks. She suffered some brain trauma as a direct result of the fall and it took 2 years of physical therapy and over $500,000 in hospital, doctor, and physical therapist bills to get her upright and healthy again. Taking this course could literally save your life, and is the most important self-defense class you should take. You might life your whole life without getting into a physical fight with someone, but if you walk on two legs, the statistics are against you: you WILL fall at some point in your life, especially as you age. In fact, after information about the live format of this course was broadcast on the evening news, the TV station received the following letter: ===START=== I was able to get up and walk away." I'm writing today to thank TV2 for a story you ran last week that helped me out of a potentially bad situation. Libby Kirsch ran a story on Barbara Roadruck, who slipped, fell and has spent the better part of the last two months in the hospital ICU with a head injury. Her son, Jeremy Roadruck is now on a mission to teach people the correct way to fall to protect themselves. On Friday evening I was taking our dogs out the front door of our home. When I stepped down off of the landing onto the sidewalk, I hit a hidden patch of ice. My feet went forward out from under me and I immediately knew I was in trouble. That split second went into slow motion. It felt like minutes instead. Many things flashed through my mind. I knew that behind me and somewhere near where the base of my head would land was the concrete step I had just left. While my mind was racing through more things than you can imagine, and some thing you can't, including not wanting to die that way, I was able to focus on Libby's story and I got my arms down and back, head up and forward and fought off a limp landing. I was able to get up and walk away. Please pass my thanks on to Libby, Master Jeremy and TV2 News. Tom Kelley, Director Montgomery County Office of Family and Children First 451 West Third Street, 9th floor Dayton, Ohio 45422-3100 The Montgomery County Office of Family and Children First provides administrative support to the Family and Children First Council and Human Services Levy Council. The Family and Children First Council has articulated and built consensus around the following six "Desired Community Outcomes": Healthy People, Young People Succeeding, Stable Families, Positive Living for Special Populations, Safe and Supportive Neighborhoods, & Economic Self-Sufficiency. Efforts are underway through Outcome Teams to advance the Vision that Montgomery County is a place where families, children and adults live in safe supportive neighborhoods, care for and respect one another, value each other, and succeed in school, the workplace and life.====END==== We'll see you in class, soon!"
Price: 24.99

"How to Use Facebook Ads to Find Lots Of Paying Customers" |
"Google Ads used to be king. It's how Amazon became as big they are today. They were the first to buy cheap attention.Then, everyone started using Google Ads.Now, cost-per-clicks (CPC) are too expensive for most businesses.What if you could take advantage of a new platform to buy cheap attention like Amazon did?Well I have good news for you... you can!Enter: Facebook ads.Most people assume Facebook ads won't work in their industry. Some common excuses:""It won't work for business-to-business""""My products aren't high-ticket enough for it to be worth it""""I tried it once, didn't see good results. The platform doesn't work.""Well in this course, I'm about to myth-bust all of these and then some.However, like Google Ads, Facebook ads will get too expensive to be worth it eventually.Nothing this good lasts forever.That's why it's key you enroll in this course today and get this information while it's still hot.I can't guarantee amazing results forever.But if you act now, I can guarantee great results that exceed any other channel of marketing you currently use.By the end of this course, you'll be able to:Create custom, strategic audiences you can use to deliver Facebook ads toUnderstand how Facebook Business/Ad Manager workUse ad sets correctly so you get accurate dataComing up with creative ad copy that captures attention and engages the viewerDisplay retargeting ads to users who visit your website or interact with your ad but don't submit their information or make a purchaseHow to identify potential clients and how to produce a high quality proposal video to earn their businessThis course will be the best investment you've ever made into yourself and your career.BONUSES:Access to an exclusive Wills Creative Students Facebook groupPeer reviews on your proposal videos and Facebook campaignsOn-going support via the Q&A sectionYou WILL be a Facebook ads KING/QUEEN after completing this course!"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Excel 2013 Training + Build a Pro Excel Template" |
"Teaching11Courses on Excel and Data Analysis!OVER25,000 visitors visit my blog ExcelDemy dot com every month!!OVER 15,000 successful students have already taken my online courses since November, 2015with 375totalReviews!!!Course Updated:Nov 01.2016Do you seriously want to learn Microsoft Excel 2013 from scratch to advanced level, want to get employed by your local big companies and want to get up to 40% higher salary than the other employees in your company?Then, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME and MONEY! Enroll into thismost comprehensive Microsoft Excel 2013 training course.The satisfaction with this course is guaranteed.30 Days FULL REFUND of your money is guaranteed if you are not satisfied with this course. If you really want to be a Pro user of Excel, just take this course. Nothing to lose. If you don't like the course, you will get FULL REFUND.You will get LIFETIME ACCESS to this course. So, you will be able to re-take this course for unlimited times.This course has some extra ordinary REVIEWS from students. Just check the review section at the end of the course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How this Excel training course is designed for you:Section 1: Welcome section. Course organization, get working files download link, and get new lectures and homework updates.Section 2: Excel environment.Section 3: Manage Excel workbook and worksheetsSection 4: Enter and edit data in a worksheet.Section 5: Excel cells and ranges.Section 6: Workbook and worksheet operations.Section 7: Excel tables.Section 8: Formatting worksheets.Section 9: Advanced features related to Excelfiles.Section 10: Excel templates.Section 11: Setup and print Excelworksheets.Section 12: Function and formulabasics.Section 13: Useful mathematicalfunctions.Section 14: Excel charts.Section 15: Advanced formulas.Section 16: Advanced chart techniques.Section 17: Conditional formatting.Section 18: Excel security.Section 19: Graphic Objects.Section 20: Data validation techniquesin Excel.Section 21: Excel as a database.Section 22: Project: Build an Exceltemplate from scratch.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By Enrolling into this course, you will be able to:Learn Microsoft Excel 2013 from scratch to intermediate and advanced level.Practice Excel problems regularly with new challenge. This course will provide you new new Excel problems in every week.Get a very good job if you are about to graduate from university. Most of the businesses now a days use Excel heavily.Increase your salary up to 40%. Search on Google with this query: ""EXCEL USERS GET HIGHER SALARY"". On average Excel users get 12% HIGHER SALARY.Solve Excel problems with great efficiency.Get solved your very own Excel problems. The instructor is a full-time Excel blogger. So, he loves to solve new problems in Excel.Get prompt answers & support from the instructor within 24 hours!Search any topic in Excel using the VIDEO INDEX DASHBOARD. Video Index Dashboard will help you to find out the relevant video number of a topic. Get all the Excel related materials from one course. You will get 220+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts PDF with this course.Get downloadable Workbooks, Handouts and Materials during the course.Enroll into another Excel course COMPLETELY FREE where you will build Excel related projects....want more? JOIN THE COURSE. Your any suggestion will be highly appreciated to make it the best Excel related course.Join with over 917successful students taking this course!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the instructor of this course:The instructor of this course has extensive experiences in Excel, Excel VBA and .NET frameworks:The author of this course has a Computer Science and Engineering degree from the topmost university in his country.He is a dedicated full-time Excel, Excel VBA and Business Analytic blogger.He has a teaching experience of 18 years.He learns new things in Excel, Excel VBA and Business Analytic regularly and shares free tutorial on his blog.As a full-time Excel, Excel VBA and Business Analytic blogger, he will be here or on his blog with your every problem.As a consultant in many Excel projects, he has vast knowledge on real-life Excel problems. So, learn Excel from someone who loves Excel and Excel VBA, who lives with Excel and Excel VBA 365 days a year, who learns new things in Excel regularly, who runs a blog on Excel and who loves teaching.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 194.99

"Advanced Excel Training Course: Learn Excel with Problems" |
"Teaching11Courses on Excel and Data Analysis!OVER25,000 visitors visit my blog ExcelDemy dotcom every month!!OVER 15,000successful students have already takenmy online courses since November, 2015with375totalReviews!!!Course Updated:Nov 01.2016Do you want to achieve transformational knowledge in Excel? Want to recognize yourself a professional level Excel user? Then you have to solve Excel problems regularly. There is no other way, believe me. This is the course I have designed to solve your day to day problems and others will learn from your problems.DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME and MONEY! Enroll into thismost comprehensive Microsoft Excel 2013 training course.The satisfaction with this course is guaranteed.30 Days FULL REFUND of your money is guaranteed if you are not satisfied with this course. If you really want to be a Pro user of Excel, just take this course. Nothing to lose. If you don't like the course, you will get FULL REFUND.You will get LIFETIME ACCESS to this course. So, you will be able to re-take this course for unlimited times.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course, we shall solve problems in almost all the problems except the VBA problems. I am mentioning some of the Excel categories here:Excel environment.Manage Excel workbook and worksheetsEnter and Edit data in a worksheet.Excel cells and ranges.Essential workbook and worksheet operations.Excel tables and structured references.Formatting worksheets.Advanced features related to Excel files.Excel templates.Setup and print Excel worksheets.Functions and formulas.Mathematical functions.Excel charts.Conditional formatting.Excel security.Graphic Objects.Data validation techniques in Excel.Excel as a database.Excel Pivot TablesWhat if analysisGoal seek and Excel Solver----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By Enrolling into this course:You will learn Microsoft Excel with practical examples and case studies.You will master all the Excel keyboard shortcuts one by one.You will master good command over the Excel functions and formulas.You will solve Excel problems with great efficiency.You will get your Excel problems solved by the instructor.You will get support from the instructor within 24 hours!You will get 220+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts PDF, 102 Excel functions cheat sheet....want more? JOIN THE COURSE. Your any suggestion will be highly appreciated to make it the best Excel related course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the instructor of this course:The instructor of this course has extensive experiences in Excel, Excel VBA and .NET frameworks:The author of this course has a Computer Science and Engineering degree from the topmost university in his country.He is a dedicated full-time Excel, Excel VBA and Business Analytic blogger.He has a teaching experience of 18 years.He learns new things in Excel, Excel VBA and Business Analytic regularly and shares free tutorial on his blog.As a full-time Excel, Excel VBA and Business Analytic blogger, he will be here or on his blog with your every problem.As a consultant in many Excel projects, he has vast knowledge on real-life Excel problems.So, learn Excel from someone who loves Excel and Excel VBA, who lives with Excel and Excel VBA 365 days a year, who learns new things in Excel regularly, who runs a blog on Excel and who loves teaching. You need a full-time instructor, not an instructor who just creates a course and then flies away."
Price: 39.99

"Mikrotik MTCNA Preparacin" |
"Preparacin para el rendir el examen MTCNA Mikrotik Certified Network Associate, en este examen se encuentran preguntas reales del examen de certificacin, ademas de los conocimientos que se puede tener para manejar el sistema routerOS de Mikrotik de una manera superficial puesto que el MTCNA Mikrotik Certified Network Associate es la primera certificacin de la carrera de Mikrotik"
Price: 19.99

"Hack Your Facebook Ad Campaigns: Low Costs & Best Results" |
"Are you looking to turbocharge your Facebook ad campaigns? Tired of overpaying for engagement, or want to grow your fan pages quickly with real customers? Then this is the right course for you!In this course Ill show you the tips and tricks you need to go from not even having a Facebook Page to gaining100s of real fans for just $5!Ill show you how you can run a post with aCPE (Cost Per Engagement) of $0.003!Buying Facebook fans and likes from untrusted sources results in bots and fake accounts that can cost up to 10x more than it can cost to get real fans. Dont waste your money buying fans, likes, or clicks from bots and fraudulent accounts that dont result in real fan engagement. Use my tricks and tips to maximum your reach, budget, and performance!You dont need to spend $100s to promote your content. Using the skills I teach in this course youll learn how torun successful ad campaigns for as little as $5 a day. This skills arent limited to small budgets though, meaning a higher budget can result in hundreds of thousands, or even millions of likes and engagements for pennies on the dollar!Course Subjects Include:The Setup: Before we turbocharge anything, you need to get setupSetting Up a Facebook Page: How to setup the right page to give you and/or your business a proper social presenceThe Key Pillars of Facebook Advertising: Now that youre ready to roll, we will review the Key Pillars of Facebook Advertising. These define how Facebook algorithms work and are essential to understanding how to best use the platformFree Resources: If youre making an ad from scratch there are a few free online resources you should be aware ofThe Hacks- Now that youre setup, lets talk about how to turbocharge your campaignsPart I - Hack Your Engagement: I review how to setup an engagement campaign to deliver a CPE of $0.003 ($1 = 300+ Engagements)Part II - Hack Your Ads for Lowest CPC: Want to drive clicks to your website? Use these tips and tricks to deliver a CPC for a fraction of what you would normally payRelevance Score: What this feature is and why you should pay attentionHack Your Page Like Campaign: How to get Fans for a penny or lessSetup a Pixel: Use Facebook's conversion pixel to learn more about actions that take place on your websiteSetup Custom Conversions: Use the Facebook pixel to track actions like adding a product to a cart or tracking a purchaseCreate a Custom Audience: Use Facebook's Audience tool to create a custom audience you can target and retargetA little about myself: Im an award winning digital media professional with over a decade of experience working in the digital space. Ive managed hundreds of millions of dollars for local, national, and international brands including Six Flags Amusement Parks, Giorgio Armani, Cafe de Columbia, William Grant & Sons, and the FDA Real Cost which won a 2015 gold Effie in the Disease Awareness and Education category. To date Ive taught over 8,000 students in 130 countries on my other courses.Here are some reviews from other courses:------------------Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 The real-world examples almost makes it self-explanatory. Professionally done and author speaks with authority - i.e. he knows what he's talking about and it shows. - AJ Du Toit Thought this was an excellent introduction course. Working in the industry without a huge amount of experience in this area, it was a great way to familiarize myself with topics in ongoing conversations internally and externally. Will be taking 201 to further my understanding. - Jocleyn Armour It is advertised as a 101 course and it did exactly that and very well, touching on the building blocks of Digital Advertising and Marketing. Good job Ben. - Jean CDigital Advertising & Marketing 201 When combined with Ben's 101 course, the two classes make for a thorough and well-organized primer on digital media today. Perfect for marketing people and agency folks (creative, account) who are not immersed in a media agency. It will give you a foundation for how digital media is structured, a clear explanation of the jargon and acronyms you'll hear bantered about, and a better understanding of the opportunities available. The 201 course goes into important detail about some of the key changes that have taken place in digital advertising recently. Ben explains the concepts clearly and succinctly. Definitely worth the time investment. - Shawn E Fraser This course is amazing. I do affiliate marketing and always wanted to learn about programmatic advertising and this course me taught that. I completed this for an interview and the employer was really impressed by the knowledge I had. Hope there is another in-depth version of this course. Where he goes into ad platforms or ad servers and teaches the real world applications. - Suryameet Singh Comprehensive overview...detailed! - Kaithlean Crotty-ClarkIntroduction to Programmatic Advertising I'm in advertising sales and have been looking for a clean easy way to explain and also test my root knowledge of the programmatic ad space. It was very helpful and simple to understand which is hard to do with this topic. - Raul Bonilla""Being an advertising agency media planner and buyer, having this hands on information helps when we face a decision to go into the digital advertising space. Your 101 and 201 was extremely informative and truly like your overviews in a very simplistic explanation. Thank you and look forward to your future courses."" -Diane Tody------------------Sign up for this course today and take your Facebook advertising to the next level!"
Price: 199.99

"Digital Ads Certification: Learn to Sell Digital Ads Today" |
"UPDATE: Just added Bonus section, How to Create a Facebook Ad Campaign. We walk through how to actually go live with your first social media ad campaign after selling it through to a client.Over the past 5-10 years advertisers have shifted budget from traditional media (TV, Radio, Print, OOH) to digital solutions. During that same time frame consumer habits have shifted to spending more time on digital devices than traditional media.Media professionals have had to adapt to these changing trends by not just changing their sales pitch, but starting to offer new digital products in order to compete.However, if you dont work for a digital company it can be confusing to figure out how to start selling digital ads. Its not enough to just know about them, you need a plan to actually add these products to your sales tool kit.In this course Ill walk you through digital advertising basics and show you how you can start selling and executing digital ad campaigns TODAY. Ill then show you how you can scale your local clients to regional and national deals, and how to take advantage of whitelabeled third-party solutions to scale your digital advertising sales. Course Subjects:Introduction: What were going to cover in this courseMedia Trends: Review changing consumer and ad spending trends and how some major companies have adoptedDefine Digital Media: Review each media type and their Pros and ConsSocialDisplayVideoSearchOTTAwareness vs. Direct Response: How to identify the type of campaign your client needs to runTargeting Options: How can we find our audience in a digital settingBehavioralContextualDemographicLocationData Platforms: What companies actually collect and sell data to digital advertisersKPIs & Success Metrics: How should we define success for each campaignPricing Models: How to buy and sell digital ads (No more points and GRPs)Benchmarks & Building a Proposal: Using Performance Benchmarks to determine client budget and create a proposalFinding Clients: Who can benefit from digital advertisingStarting a Conversation: Open the doors with new clients and address their questions and concernsThree questions that you can use to build a planCommon Client Questions & Answers and how to respondExpanding Your Reach: Get those first clients to increase reach and spend by scaling to regional and national dealsSelf-Serve Platforms: Start executing campaigns with self-serve platforms TODAYGoogle AdwordsFacebook Power EditorGroundTruth Ads ManagerGoing Pro: Using white-labeled solutions to really scale your business and offer more solutions to your clients.Thank You: Recap and additional resourcesReal reviews from my other classes:------------------Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 The real-world examples almost makes it self-explanatory. Professionally done and author speaks with authority - i.e. he knows what he's talking about and it shows. - AJ Du Toit Thought this was an excellent introduction course. Working in the industry without a huge amount of experience in this area, it was a great way to familiarize myself with topics in ongoing conversations internally and externally. Will be taking 201 to further my understanding. - Jocleyn Armour It is advertised as a 101 course and it did exactly that and very well, touching on the building blocks of Digital Advertising and Marketing. Good job Ben. - Jean C------------------Digital Advertising & Marketing 201 When combined with Ben's 101 course, the two classes make for a thorough and well-organized primer on digital media today. Perfect for marketing people and agency folks (creative, account) who are not immersed in a media agency. It will give you a foundation for how digital media is structured, a clear explanation of the jargon and acronyms you'll hear bantered about, and a better understanding of the opportunities available. The 201 course goes into important detail about some of the key changes that have taken place in digital advertising recently. Ben explains the concepts clearly and succinctly. Definitely worth the time investment. - Shawn E Fraser This course is amazing. I do affiliate marketing and always wanted to learn about programmatic advertising and this course me taught that. I completed this for an interview and the employer was really impressed by the knowledge I had. Hope there is another in-depth version of this course. Where he goes into ad platforms or ad servers and teaches the real world applications. - Suryameet Singh Comprehensive overview...detailed! - Kaithlean Crotty-Clark------------------Introduction to Programmatic Advertising I'm in advertising sales and have been looking for a clean easy way to explain and also test my root knowledge of the programmatic ad space. It was very helpful and simple to understand which is hard to do with this topic. - Raul Bonilla ""Being an advertising agency media planner and buyer, having this hands on information helps when we face a decision to go into the digital advertising space. Your 101 and 201 was extremely informative and truly like your overviews in a very simplistic explanation. Thank you and look forward to your future courses."" - Diane Tody------------------"
Price: 199.99

"Getting Started with Microsoft Excel: A Beginners Guide" |
"Microsoft Excel is used by millions of people around the world every day. It is an extremely powerful tool that allows individuals and businesses to easily sort, search, and review large sets of data.While there are endless possibilities for how to use Excel, there are a number of basic formulas and built-in tools that everyone should know. You can learn these basic tips in under an hour and once youve mastered them youll be using Excel faster and more efficiently than ever before.In this course Im going to show you how to use the following:Section 1: Must Know FormulasText To Column: Split the text into multiple columns based on pre-determine break pointsRemove Duplicates: Easily clean up large lists and columns.VLOOKUP: For a specified value, the function finds (or 'looks up') the value in one column of data, and returns the corresponding value from another columnCONCATENATE: link (things) together in a chain or seriesIF Function: An if statement is a programming conditional statement that, if proved true, performs a function or displays informationAverage/Sum/Median: Quickly get basic information about your dataSection 2: Filters & ConditionsCreate a Pivot Table to better view large sets of dataUse Conditional Formatting to visualize your dataFreeze Top Row and First ColumnFilter A-Z, by Date, and NumericallySection 3: Making a ChartCreate your basic chart using Pivot Table dataCreate a chart with a Secondary Axis to compare two sets of data at onceThis course is perfect for those looking to get a leg-up on their peers, those who use Excel for any function, and those looking to better understand how to take control of their data.Ive been teaching classes on business subjects like Digital Advertising & Marketing, Public Speaking, Email Marketing, and more. Here are some real life review from other classes:------------------Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 The real-world examples almost makes it self-explanatory. Professionally done and author speaks with authority - i.e. he knows what he's talking about and it shows. - AJ Du Toit Thought this was an excellent introduction course. Working in the industry without a huge amount of experience in this area, it was a great way to familiarize myself with topics in ongoing conversations internally and externally. Will be taking 201 to further my understanding. - Jocleyn Armour It is advertised as a 101 course and it did exactly that and very well, touching on the building blocks of Digital Advertising and Marketing. Good job Ben. - Jean C------------------Digital Advertising & Marketing 201 When combined with Ben's 101 course, the two classes make for a thorough and well-organized primer on digital media today. Perfect for marketing people and agency folks (creative, account) who are not immersed in a media agency. It will give you a foundation for how digital media is structured, a clear explanation of the jargon and acronyms you'll hear bantered about, and a better understanding of the opportunities available. The 201 course goes into important detail about some of the key changes that have taken place in digital advertising recently. Ben explains the concepts clearly and succinctly. Definitely worth the time investment. - Shawn E Fraser This course is amazing. I do affiliate marketing and always wanted to learn about programmatic advertising and this course me taught that. I completed this for an interview and the employer was really impressed by the knowledge I had. Hope there is another in-depth version of this course. Where he goes into ad platforms or ad servers and teaches the real world applications. - Suryameet Singh Comprehensive overview...detailed! - Kaithlean Crotty-Clark------------------Introduction to Programmatic Advertising I'm in advertising sales and have been looking for a clean easy way to explain and also test my root knowledge of the programmatic ad space. It was very helpful and simple to understand which is hard to do with this topic. - Raul Bonilla ""Being an advertising agency media planner and buyer, having this hands on information helps when we face a decision to go into the digital advertising space. Your 101 and 201 was extremely informative and truly like your overviews in a very simplistic explanation. Thank you and look forward to your future courses."" - Diane Tody------------------"
Price: 199.99

"Creating Better Readers through Storytime" |
"Good reading skills are essential for children to do well in school. And there are so many things that you can do as a parent to help children become good readers. In this course, you will learn how to teach reading skills through a children's storybook. You probably already read to your child at home. Now you can learn how to incorporate simple yet effective lessons in phonological awareness, word recognition, vocabulary, and comprehension. Working on reading skills for just a few minutes a day can have a major impact on your child's reading abilities. This course is designed to help you create reading activities and lessons at each stage of the reading process; before, during, and after. Each stage of reading offers opportunities for you to engage children in the story, teach critical thinking skills, increase their knowledge of words, and how to respond to what they have just read. This course is structured so that you learn the basic elements of reading instruction, the best practices for reading, and why it is so important to read to children."
Price: 19.99

"Improve Your Reading Skills 2" |
"Continue to improve your reading skills with the next course in Improve Your Reading: Phonics and Poetry Part 2. Phonics is the study of the relationship of letters or letter patterns and their sounds. By learning the sounds of the different patterns, you can more easily pronounce words correctly.In this course you will learn about vowel combinations, such as -ea, -ou, -oo, and -ow. The course covers digraphs and dipthongs. Digraphs are vowel combinations in which two vowels make one sound, and dipthongs, which are vowel combinations in which you hear both of the vowels in the syllable. The lessons beginwith simple words, and moveon to more complex words.You will also learn about homophones, which are words that have the same sound, but are spelled differently and have different meanings.In each lesson, you will learn words with the target vowel sound. Then you will hear sentences using words with the vowelsounds for that lesson. The lesson ends with a poem, andwords with the target vowel sound are highlighted. You can listen to the poems, and read as you follow along. This is great practice, and will help you improve your reading skills."
Price: 24.99

"College Reading and Writing" |
"This course will help you increase your knowledge of vocabulary words used in academic language. Academic language is the kind of language that is used in school and in the classroom; it is more formal and more complex. A basic knowledge of these words will help you to understand your assignments, communicate with your professors and other students, and use academic language in your writing assignments.The words are divided into categories:Descriptive wordsWords used to evaluate ideas and conceptsWords used to share and discuss ideasWords used in showing and discussing relationships between ideas and conceptsGeneral academic words in reading and writingWords related to writing and the writing processTransition Words"
Price: 19.99

"Productive Qi" |
"This course is about increasing your focus and productivity through improving your executive function skills through the principles of Traditional Chinese MedicineExecutive function skills are the mental processes that help you get where you are going and achieve your goals.The concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine can be used to help us improve executive function skills, increase focus, and reduce anxiety around learning.Commonly, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is used to treat physical complaints, such as pain syndromes, headaches, and digestive disorders. And now it is commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, and PTSD. We know that it can be used to restore the physical body, but it can also help to improve the functioning of the mind, and address learning and thinking skills.In this course we will explore how we can use the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to improve executive function skills, such as focus and attention, working memory, planning, organization, task initiation, task monitoring, self-monitoring, inhibition, emotional regulation, shifting, and goal-directed persistence.In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ system is connected to a particular emotion and a specific virtue, or part of a person's psyche. It is through this theory that we examine the various executive functions and make connections to the various systems of the body, and then we can see how the body, mind, and soul are all connected."
Price: 19.99

"User Experience Design - Learn the UX UI Process & Adobe XD" |
"Learn user interface and user experience design with Adobe XD in this New Course!Many people try to learn user interface and user experience design but struggle because there's so much limited information out there.Most quit before they even get started. That's because they've never been taught the process in a step-by-step, easy to learn manner.But that isn't you now, is it?You have found the perfect course for learning UI/UX Design and prototyping with the leading software Adobe XD. It doesn't matter if you have no experience at all, this course was designed to teach you design in the most effective means necessary. With over 8 hours of video and awesome project files, this UI/UX course is JAMPACKEDwith information to help you learn. The videos build on one another so that as you work through this course, you will understand more and more!Not only that, but this course is also designed so that if you just need help with a specific tool, feature, or principle you can skip directly to that topic!So who can benefit from learning UI/UX Design? User interface and user experience design is a hot topic right now with more demand than ever for professional artists to create beautiful websites, rich prototypes, and killer apps.Adobe XD is useful for a lot of careers, industries, and hobbies. It doesn't matter if it's development, graphic design, web design, social media, user interface design, advertising, or video/animation. This course will cover tools that can be used in any niche!Each section goes into specific detail of the feature or tool being shown so that you will feel comfortable using them on your own.This course will cover:Developing a User PersonaBuilding a Journey Map and Flow DiagramCreating a Low Fidelity Mockup of a Real-World ApplicationBuilding Out a High Fidelity WireframeLinking Together the Final PrototypeThe Basics of Adobe XDXD's WorkspaceTools, Groups, and LayersPrototypingExportingSharingand much, much more!Don't forget all of those juicey project files!This course has awesome project files for each individual lecture for you to use and follow along with. From the basic to the advanced, these files will at least help get you started so that as you watch each video, you can work alongside the instructor.What are OTHERS saying about this instructor's courses?""This course is amazing. Learning photoshop with this guy is easy ;-) Thank you so much. "" 5/5 Stars - Robert Fersti""Great course that outlines several fundamentals of Graphic Design. Coming from a web designing background, I found a lot of the basics applied here as well. But, the course builds on that and gives you so many pointers on how to capture, guide and hold your audience's attention. I think, in addition to promotional graphics, the ideas explained can be readily applied to designing hero image layouts for landing pages of your websites as well."" 5/5 Stars - Ravi KT (on Canva : Graphic Design Theory course)""This course is really informative, up to date, and engaging. Phil and Jeremy keep up to take with the posting of their students and provide reliable feedback. They have inspired me to keep pushing myself forward with my art, and graphic design. I would tell anyone (from beginner to advance) who uses photoshop / or would like to know more about it, to take this course. Its worth it!"" 5/5 Stars - Betheny Powell (on Photoshop for Entrepreneurs course)People from around the world are learning valuable skills and applying them to their everyday lives. Don't be the one left out.You can absolutely learn this program and by taking this course the instructor will be with you every step of the way.Other great stuff you might want to know..Not only will you get over 8 hours of video content and lessons, project files, and a new life skill, you will also have direct communication with the instructor to help you along.This includes direct messages, discussions, and specialized projects in the course that will allow you to interact with the instructor and others.Feeling lost? Don't worry, we are here for you!As they say, ""Come for the course, stay for the community.""Well, that's not the exact phrase, but you get what I mean. :)What else is there to know?What else? What else?!Well there is that little 30 day money back guarantee thing. That basically means that if you don't enjoy this course for any reason at all, you can get a full refund up to thirty days since the time you purchase it.It's a win-win situation!and I applaud winners.So what are you waiting for?!The time is now to stop procrastinating and begin learning UI/UX design as well as Adobe XD so that you can take full advantage of everything that it has to offer!Enroll now in this course and get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Dynamic Quiz App using Google Sheets as source Google Script" |
"Build your own Dynamic and interactive quiz that uses only Google Sheet data to output the contents of the quiz, and JavaScript on your web page or website. You will be amazed at what you can do with just a few lines of code and how easy it is to connect Google Sheets to your website. This is a great solution to avoid backend code using only Google Script which is essentially JavaScript with a bunch of methods in the cloud. No database - only JavaScript skills is a prerequisite for this course.Power up your web applications - made easy - no magic just code ;)All the source code is includedNew to apps script - don't worry its like JavaScript : Apps Script is a scripting language based on JavaScript 1.6, which gets executed in the Google Cloud. JavaScript developers extend your knowledge and learn how you can use your skills to develop apps script bringing together all the power of Google's Apps. Google Apps Script : is based on JavaScript 1.6 with some portions of 1.7 and 1.8 and provides subset of ECMAScript 5 API however instead of running on the client, it gets executed in the Google Cloud. According to Google, Apps Script ""provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services.""Apps Script is also the tool that powers the add-ons for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.""If you haven't tried it yet, Iguarantee you will be BLOWNAWAYat how powerful Google Script can be, and at how easy it is to write. With just a few lines of code you can DOAWHOLELOT!!!Don't take my word for it try it and see.Taught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience, ready to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.What are you waiting for this course is perfect to start writing Google Script and to practice writing Google Script, you have nothing to lose."
Price: 199.99

"Form Submission Application using Google Suite Google Script" |
"This is the solution you have been looking for, okay maybe but it provides a nice neat way to create an endpoint for a form submission. No fussing with frustrating back end code with all the functionality you need to track emails and get those emails submitted from your website. you can even send an automated response back to the user, track it as a ticket and more.Google provides a free easy to use way via Google Script to power your web content to the Google G Suite. All you need is a Google Account and some JavaScript knowledge. Wow!!! - Your form submits and the data gets added to a spreadsheet >>>> sends an email back to the user who submitted the form >>>> sends an email to you that a new message has been sent. Its not magic, really only done using code..... ;)This is one of the easiest solutions you will see to create a web form submission system that can be easily customized and extended as needed. Source Code is also included to get you started quickly.New to apps script - don't worry its like JavaScript : Apps Script is a scripting language based on JavaScript 1.6, which gets executed in the Google Cloud. JavaScript developers extend your knowledge and learn how you can use your skills to develop apps script bringing together all the power of Google's Apps. Google Apps Script : is based on JavaScript 1.6 with some portions of 1.7 and 1.8 and provides subset of ECMAScript 5 API however instead of running on the client, it gets executed in the Google Cloud. According to Google, Apps Script ""provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services.""Apps Script is also the tool that powers the add-ons for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.""If you haven't tried it yet, Iguarantee you will be BLOWNAWAYat how powerful Google Script can be, and at how easy it is to write. With just a few lines of code you can DOAWHOLELOT!!!Don't take my word for it try it and see.Taught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience, ready to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.What are you waiting for this course is perfect to start writing Google Script and to practice writing Google Script, you have nothing to lose."
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript Game Exercise - Quick Click Popper Game" |
"Explore how you can use JavaScript to develop a fun interactive clicking game from scratch. Fully dynamic, step by step build alongside the course lessons. Source code is included to get you started quickly. Fun and exciting way to learn and practice JavaScript.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Prefect course for beginners to learn JavaScript!!!Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Course Covers Setting up your development environmentbuilding your HTML page structure for the applicationUsing JavaScript to select elements into JavaScript objectsAdding event handlers to elements making them interactiveBuilding a dynamic game board grid of elements using JavaScript - create elementsCreate game play with dynamic contentGet game data from JSON file using fetchUpdate and interact with page elementsApply game logic to score and win gameTweak and update game playCode review of all functions used within the gameAlong with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript Practice building 5 mini applications" |
"Explore how you can use JavaScript to develop a fun interactive applications from scratch. Fully dynamic, step by step build alongside the course lessons. Source code is included to get you started quickly. Fun and exciting way to learn and practice JavaScript.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Prefect course for beginners to learn JavaScript!!!Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Build 5 applications from scratch what is covered in the courseSetting up your development environmentresources and source code are includedhelpful support in the Q&A always ready to help answer any questionsTaught by an instructor with over 20 years of experienceTip calculatorselect elements using querySelectoraccessing elements from JavaScript - JavaScript DOMmaking elements interactive using event listenersfunctions running blocks of codeJavaScript utility methods like tofixedmanipulating elements inner text and htmlCustom welcome messageadding eventlisteners to elementsusing elements as objects in JavaScript codeSelecting elementsfunctions to execute code blocksupdating innerHTML of elementsDynamic user timed messageadding eventlisteners to elementsUsing DOM to select elementsupdating CSS and style attribute using JavaScriptJavaScript Date() methodGetting current hoursConditional statements Setting element backgroundcolor style attribute updateupdating innerHTML of elementsElement sound playeradding eventlisteners to elementsUsing forEach to loop array itemsJavaScript arraysSetting element attributescreating elements on the fly using JavaScriptAdding and removing classes from elementsusing JavaScript audio methodsetTimeout method in JavaScriptselect elements using querySelectorDynamic Typing Tester applicationadding eventlisteners to elementsJavaScript arrayssetting variablesdisabling elements attributesdynamic button contentJavaScript Date() method and getTime()counting words in a string JavaScript Math() object for randomnessJavaScript split methodforEach loopUpdating innerHTMLAlong with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript - 3 Practice building applications from Scratch" |
"Practice using JavaScript while building out several fun interactive projects from scratchRock Paper Scissors GameSelect elements from HTML - Document Object ModelLoop add event listeners to all matching elementsUse functions to execute blocks of code at key points within the gameplayJavaScript Math - to generate random valuesIf else statements to check winner and play gameGame logic to determine winnerUpdate and manipulate elementsUltimate Dice GameUse querySelector to select elementsArray to build dice visuallyRandom to create random valuesCreate elements on the fly using JavaScriptRemove elements using JavaScriptTraverse elements Set element attributes adding removing classesApply game logic and flowPattern matching gameUse of JavaScript to setup game board gridJavaScript array to build game boardquerySelector for element selection from HTML elementsadding interaction with event listenersElement manipulation and updatingAdding to arraysUpdating element styleUse of JavaSCript methods setTimeout(), appendChild(), toString()Use of conditions for game logicGame source code review and tweakingNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Prefect course for beginners to learn JavaScript!!!Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript practice build a game Card game" |
"Looking to practice JavaScript - look no further this is the perfect course to learn more about JavaScript and how to build a fully functional application from scratch. Step by step training with all the source included.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Course Covers Element selection and manipulation using JavaScriptUsing arrays to build a deck of cardsSorting cards and selecting random items from an arrayUpdating element classes dynamicallyAdding data to JavaScript element objectUsing CSS to design a visual card elementApplying classes dynamically with JavaScriptArray methods splice and moreJavaScript Math methods for random and floorLoops to iterate through array contentsSetting element attributes on the flyDynamically creating elementsGame logic and win conditionsTrouble shooting and game tweaksBeginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript - Click Shape Game from Scratch" |
"Explore using JavaScript building this fun interactive game from scratch - step by step lessons showing you how you can build this application. Source code is included to get you started quickly.This course will help you learn more about using JavaScript.Course CoversSetting HTML and CSS for game applicationUsing JavaScript to manipulate elementsAdding event listeners for JavaScript interactionUpdating element style with JavaScriptCreating elements on the flyAdding style and event listeners to dynamically created elementsJavaScript Date methodJavaScript TimeoutCreating a random hex color valueUpdating HTML of elementsand more.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Prefect course for beginners to learn JavaScript!!!Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript Practice - Build 5 applications" |
"Practice JavaScript HERE!!!Building 5 applications from scratchCoin Toss Application - is it heads or tailsSetting up HTML elements and selecting them using JavaScriptMaking elements interactive event listenersHow to apply conditions for game logicChecking win conditions and game end functionSelecting elements querySelector and querySelectorAllManipulating HTML element contentJavaScript Math random and Math floor methodsSource Code includedMagic 8 Ball - find out the answer to your questionsElement manipulation and selectionJavaScript DOM Document Object ModelInteraction with event listenersMath.floor() Math.random()Random response contentCombination Cracker - can you guess the combo lock JavaScript dynamically create elementsSelect and add interactive contentVariables and objects for scoringMath.random() make it unpredictableSetting element attributesAdding and removing element classesAdding to element object dataWin conditions and game end functionsElement color updates and manipulationElement selection Game logic and building sequenceWord Scramble - guess the wordJavaScript arrays - randomize array contentsElement selection and manipulation of DOM contentInteractive event listenersDynamic class updatesElement object dataJavaScript Math random and Math methodsCountdown Timer - Pick a date and see how much time is left with a dynamically updating counterSelect and update elements on the pageExplore using JavaScript methods like Math, Date, setInterval, clearIntervalMake it interactive add event listenersDynamic values with querySelectorLoops of objectsStep by step lessons - source code included No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript Word Scramble Game from scratch course" |
"Great way to learn and practice JavaScript while building a fun interactive game.Guess the word its scrambledPerfect to explore working with the DOMExplore using JavaScript to interact with elementsLoop array data Create event listenersAdd game play and logicHide and show elementsCheck for winnersUse JavaScript methodsStep by step lessons - source code included No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript Car Driving Game from scratch with source code" |
"Using JUSTJAVASCRIPTsee how you can build a fully functional car racing gameLearn and practice applying JavaScript.Perfect for beginners to learn step by step to build interactive web applications. This course covers building a web site based car driving game, with all the source code and everything you need to build your own version. JavaScript core knowledge is a prerequisite for this course along with HTMLand CSS. This course is design for those who want to build interactive content using JavaScript and practice applying JavaScript in development.The scope of the course is about applying JavaScript and seeing it in action. Course coversElement Selection and manipulation via JavaScriptUpdating element style properties to move elements on your webpageAdding event listeners to create interactive contentKeyboard events used to move elementsCollision detection between two elements on the pageUsing animation frame function in JavaScriptCreating elements dynamicallyApplying logic for game functionsStep by step lessons - source code included No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript in Action - Build 3 projects from scratch" |
"Explore how you can build and setup these JavaScript applications and web site components. Perfect to practice and explore using JavaScript and get familiar with the Document Object Model. Extend your knowledge try the code and customize to suit your needs. Code is explained in a step by step approach to building the below example applications.Click Counter - only JavaScriptBuild a click counter that outputs a functional click counting application using only JavaScript NOHTML :)interactive elementscreating elements on the flyDOM - element manipulationImage Gallery Image modal popup window - Dynamic JavaScriptClick an image, any image and it will popup within the larger modal. Use JavaScript to get image source of the clicked image and utilize it in the modal output.Element selectionElement object data - dynamically use it in codeUpdate element contents setting attributesCreate interaction with event listenersDynamic Content updating DOM elements with new content data.Play Hangman - Word guessing GameAll generated dynamically using JavaScript, including user letters for selection, applying game logic for win conditions, creating elements and interactive content on the fly. Arrays and objects for data use and dynamic gameplayCreating interactive elements with event listeners Removing clickable itemsCreating elements on the fly from dataApplying game logic to determine win conditionsUsing JavaScript methods to enhance gameplayOutputting content with DOM element manipulationConditions and logic statements to provide effective game experience No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript in Action 3 useful code components" |
"Useful applications and web site components covered within this course are listed below. Perfect to practice and explore using JavaScript. Extend your knowledge try the code and customize to suit your needs. Code is explained in a step by step approach to building the below example applications.Modal Popup component code using JavaScriptAdd dialog's to your site for light-boxes, user notifications, or completely custom content. Event listeners and inactive contentElement selection and manipulationUpdating element attributesCarousel Image slideshow Animated slideshow with JavaScriptA slideshow for cycling through a series of content images and captions. Including controls to navigate to images.Dynamic updates with contentAnimated with interactive indicatorsLoad as many images as you wantJavaScript methods for intervals and automatic movement.Star Rating click and hover effects on Stars - Cool star rating applicationHover and click star selection for user interaction and ratings systemsElement selection and manipulationEvent listeners DOM interaction Element classes and manipulationApplying conditions and logic statementsNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Plane Bomber Game - DOM practice exercise" |
"This course is perfect to practice and learn more about the Document Object Model, while building a fun interactive game from scratch. build your own version of this JavaScript game. Step by step lessons with explanations of JavaScript methods and applying logic to create this mini application. Its not always fun and games to learn JavaScript, but in this case it can be :)Source code is included so you can try the code at the end of the lessons to see it in action. Useful coding concepts and JavaScript methods are covered to get you more familiar with using them and building out customized applications from scratch.Scope of the course is to introduce you to element manipulation via the DOM. Content covered relates to effectively creating interactive and dynamic content for web users. I keep non JavaScript coding to a minimal to focus directly on JavaScript. This is a fast paced course straight to the point on how to apply JavaScript.Element selection using querySelectorElements as objects in JavaScriptAdding addEventListener Keyboard eventsGetting Key press valuesSetup of global variables and objects for gameplayElement creation on the fly createElement() methodAdding new elements to the page appendChild()Setting of element attributes setAttribute()Adding animation of content requestAnimationFrame()Updating element position depending on key pressUpdating element style valuesTracking element position within data objectsUsing offset values of element to get position X,YAdding classes to elements classList()Applying scoring and game logic for gameplay functionalityCreating dynamic values that can scale with gameUpdating element content innerHTMLApplying logic and game concepts.Adding enemy target to gameplayMoving targets and document element with gameplayAdding elements to the page and tracking movementDynamically creating elements Automation of movement for non player elementsChecking element position and determining element overlapCollision Detection between two elements on the pageGetting element details getBoundingClientRect()Returning the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.Debugging and game checkingCode review and adjustmentsNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript in Action - bird flying game fun with the DOM" |
"Fun and exciting way to practice JavaScript while building an interactive game from scratch. Learn how to apply JavaScript - connect to elements - update and manipulate element content and attributes - create interaction with event listeners - create content dynamically - all done in a step by step format so you can learn explore and create your own version of the game. Apply what you learn to your JavaScript projects to master working with the DOM.Explore how you can apply JavaScript to :Select elements from the web pageCreate global variables and objects to use for game playAdd event listeners to create interactive contentListen for keypress and apply the results in your codeAdd classes and remove classes from elementsCreate elements dynamically on the fly with JavaScriptAppend new elements to existing webpage elementsUse offset values of elements within codeUpdate element style values to produce animationUse of awesome JavaScript methods like getBoundingClientRect()Smooth animations with requestAnimationFrame()Check for element overlap and collision detection How to build your game to be dynamic with flexible variablesand much more.Source Code is included so you can try it for yourself, what is covered in the lessons.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Taught by a professional instructor with over 18 years of experience ready to help you learn.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript in Action - 3 fun JavaScript projects" |
"Learn practice JavaScript Have fun while building three mini projects from scratchProject #1JavaScript Accordion click and open elementsJavaScript element selectionAdding event listeners to element with a classUse of JavaScript methods like nextElementSibling and classListManipulate element classes with JavaScriptProject #2JavaScript Game - Box chaserJavaScript element selection and manipulationUse of JavaScript Math and Math randomKey event listeners for arrow keysDOMContentLoaded - listenerBuilding a grid dynamically with JavaScriptHandling key presses and moving elementAdding and removing element classes dynamicallyUpdating element style values using JavaScriptUsing objects and Arrays to contain element contentCreating elements and adding them to the html dynamicallyApplying game logic and scoring of game Game play win checkProject #3JavaScript Tooltip makerJavaScript element selection and manipulationAdding event listeners mouseover and mouseoutUpdating element style valuesSelect event object data Setting intervals to run codeUpdating element inner contentNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript in Action - 3 projects DOM JavaScript mini apps" |
"Explore how you can build unique mini applications that are fully dynamic and useful for web users using JavaScriptCreate dynamic interactive project from scratch step by step lessons with source code included so you can build your own own version of the mini applications. Perfect course to explore and learn more about JavaScript and how to apply JavaScript for interactive and dynamic content on web pages.Project #1 - Email extracting application - JavaScript projectSelect element contents and values to use within codeedit and manipulate element attributes, contents and valuesSelect string content match with expressionRegex - how to build regex expression for email selection from stringCreate unique return of values from array list Easy copy to clipboard and copy for userProject #2 - JavaScript calculator all JavaScript fully dynamicCreate a table and html using JavaScriptApply eval method to calculate string valueApply styling and element attributes dynamicallyCode review and code fixes for improvementsApply JavaScript methodsCreate an interactive Calculator with just JavaScriptProject #3 - JavaScript popup message component Popup a message when element with class is clickedGet message details from element attributeElement selection by class adding event listenersDOM and element manipulationSource code is included for you to try the code and use it!!!No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 199.99
