"JavaScript CSV file creator - Google sheet to CSV Project" |
"Did you want to create a download file option for your web visitors - downloading content from data and even a Google Spreadsheet?All done with JavaScript Course Covers Setting up a default data objectGenerating a downloadable text file on the fly using JavaScriptGenerating a downloadable CSV file on the flyElement select and style manipulationAdding of event listeners to elementsElements as objects in JavaScriptcreateObjectURL method to create file URLsCleaning and restructuring of data objects for CSVAdding elements and removing elements from the web pageUse of regex to search and JavaScript to update stringsUse of fetch to get Google Spreadsheet JSON feedSetup of Google Spreadsheet JSON Restructuring JSON to array format for CSV fileSource Code is included so you can try the code and build your own version of the application.Allow web visitors to download current copy of the spreadsheet from a link - all front-end and done dynamically with JavaScript""Course was designed using learning objectives and real world requests from students"" - JavaScript in the real world!!! -Useful code and code snippets explained.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript Form Validation Web application" |
"Perfect course to learn more about form handling using JavaScript to enhance and provide checks of input content.Course coversElement selection from HTML ContentAdding event listeners for form submit eventFunction to run blocks of code prevent Default action of form submissionlooping Node list content forEachgetting element attribute valuesSetting and manipulating element style propertiesJavaScript methods to check array contentRegex to test string valuesJavaScript utility methods to handle strings and arraySource Code is includedNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the of the application today!!!!"
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript Cookie Tester web application" |
"Project based course showing how to Get Set and Remove cookies using JavaScript. Step by step building an application from scratch to practice JavaScript cookie options for web developers.Course CoversElement selection and manipulation with JavaScriptIterating node list content using forEach methodadding Event listeners and actions for event handlingJavaScript methods DateJavaScript string methodSetting cookie values name and valuesSetting Getting and removing cookies from the Document objectJavaScript decodeURIComponent and encodeURIComponentJavaScript trim() split() Create element dynamically using JavaScriptSource code is includedStep by step applying logic to create a fully interactive and dynamic web application No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript Card War Game Project Course" |
"Learn more about JavaScript -DOMmanipulation while building a fun interactive game from scratch Card war game - highest card wins the pot of cards - Game outlineLet the user select the number of playersUse JavaScript to create a deck of cards (52)Deal the cards to each player evenlyFlip the top card for each playerCheck which card it the highest value - if there is a tie run a playoffOn tie run the playoff function checking to see the players followup cards and who has the highest. If the player runs out of cards they lose.Let the player determine how many rounds of attack will be runKeep running steps 4-7 until one player holds all the cards and is the winnerOnce a winner is determined allow the player to restart the game build the sequence againCourse CoversElement selection and manipulationCreating arrays in JavaScript - Array methods and array data handlingAdding event listeners to listen for user interactionsUpdating element style properties and values on the flyAdding and removing element classesCreating elements dynamically and adding them to the pageApplying game play logic and game development logicBig fixes and debugging applicationsChecking game logic and applying game logic to create play pathSource Code is includedNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript Alien Invaders Game Project Course" |
"HTML CSSand Fundamental JavaScript ISa prerequisite for this course.Course scope is to practice and explore how to apply JavaScript to build an interactive web based game from scratchLearn and see how element can be selected and manipulated to create game effects and animations. Apply logic to construct the game in a step by step format. This is a FASTPACEDcourse DESIGNFORSTUDENTSWHOWANTTOSEEJAVASCRIPTAPPLIEDINAPROJECTFORMATSource code is included so you can build your own version of the game. Step by step lessons constructing the game from a blank page.Course coversDOM element selection and element manipulationUpdate of style attribute and screen positionUse of JavaScript methods like Math(), getBoundingClientRect() and othersCheck element collision detectionAdding keyboard event listeners and tracking themUse of animation frame for smooth animationsTracking and movement of page elementsApply JavaScript to create a web based gameNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript - DOMinator project apply JavaScript learn DOM" |
"Create a dynamic interactive web application to update DOM elements, add toggle classes, create new elements dynamically and remove elementsCreate a input form - have it update your page elements - have fun while learning element selection and manipulation.The DOMinator is a set of input fields with buttons that connect to page elements allowing you to update the content and add classes.Create an web interface to select and update elements from the webpage. Add and remove elements using the form input and select options. Demonstrates how to apply DOMmanipulation, make element selection all while creating a fun interactive web application.Course CoversElement selection using querySelectorAdding event listeners to elementsCreating element on the fly using JavaScriptUpdating element inner contents inputs and divsadding options to a select input dynamically using JavaScriptRemoving elements from pageIterating array data and using it within applicationsApplying logic to create interactive contentAdd and remove element classesSource Code included.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 99.99

"DOM Commander JavaScript Project Course RealWorld JavaScript" |
"ALL JavaScript Project - Explore how to build a keyboard command project that allows you to press keys on your keyboard and move an element on the page around. Great to practice and learn more about how element manipulation works and how JavaScript can be used to dynamically update element attributes and contents. Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course. real World JavaScriptIn the course we build a mini project that listens to key presses and updates an element on the page accordingly. Topics covered include.Create and element dynamically using JavaScriptListen for keyboard arrow key presses Track key presses and move the element accordinglyRun a function to move and elementAdd elements to a page using JavaScriptCreate an array of elements Execute a list of movements on command Update, Delete and move elements on the page.Source Code is included.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Element Catcher Game - JavaScript Exercise Learn" |
"This course covers APPLYING JavaScript to create a simple DOM based game. Explore how to create a game structure and create a sequence of events manipulating and updating elements to provide game play.Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.*****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Course will demonstrate using the below within a simple web applicationElement selection querySelector() and querySelectorAll()Use of JavaScript methods for positioning and element dimensions getBoundingClientRect()Use of JavaScript objects to hold dataAdding event listeners for player interaction addEventListener()Manipulating element style attributesCreating animations requestAnimationFrame()Using JavaScript to create Elements on the fly createElement()Adding created elements to visible page appendChild()Use of JavaScript Math() Keystroke event listeners and actions for those key pressesAll this and more Source Code is included along the way as well as the final working source codeStep by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Advanced - Useful methods to power up your code" |
"This course is perfect for anyone who has fundamental JavaScript experience and wants to move to the next level. Use and apply more advanced code, and do more with JavaScript.Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Everything you need to learn more about JavaScriptSource code is included60+ page Downloadable PDF guide with resources and code snippets3 Challenges to get you coding try the codedemonstrating useful JavaScript methods that can power up your code and make even more happen with it.Course lessons will coverJavaScript Number MethodsJavaScript String MethodsJavaScript Math - including math randomDOMContentLoaded - DOM ready when the document has loaded.JavaScript Date - Date methods and how to get set and use date.JavaScript parse and stringify - strings to objects back to stringsJavaScript LocalStorage - store variables in the user browserJavaScript getBoundingClientRect() - get the dimensions of an elementJavaScript Timers setTimeout() setInterval() requestAnimationFrame() - Run code when you want tooencodeURIComponent - encoding made easyRegex - so powerful use it to get values from your stringprototype - extend JavaScript objects with customized powersTry and catch - perfect for error and testingFetch xHR requests - bring content in from serversand moreNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript YouTube API Course" |
"Explore how you can use JavaScript fetch method to connect to an API like YouTube and get data back to add to your web projects. Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.Course is designed to highlight using JavaScript to make a connection to the YouTube API - JavaScript ISAPrerequisiteTOTHISCOURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the using Fetch and manipulating elements with object data. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Course CoversWeb page setup for prepare to receive content Getting YouTube API key and resources for more information about the YouTube APIHow to use the JavaScript Fetch methodDOMevent handler click event on elementGet JSON data as JavaScript ObjectUsing JavaScript Map Prototype to built a custom array objectFetch Update with elements and event triggerHandling multiple pages with next and previousAll this and moreStep by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript DOM - Dynamic interactive Code JavaScript Code" |
"Includes Downloadable PDF guide to help you along the wayLearn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Source code making it easy for you to try the code and experiment learning the code.Challenges and tips to get you coding quickly.Make you web pages come to lifeDOM what it isElement selectionMultiple element selectionElement manipulation - update content and select attributesElements and classes add remove and toggleTraversing children and parentsElement style attributeChallenge #1 image popup windowCreate elementsClick eventsChallenge #2 click event create elementsChallenge #3 click change backgroundEvent ObjectKey press eventMouse move eventsChallenge #4 - List items advanced remove,create element, clickEvent bubbling and capturingNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Learn ore about JavaScript and DOM interaction making website come to life."
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Core fundamentals Learn JavaScript Here Code ES6" |
"Learn JavaScript Language Fundamentals and start coding JavaScript Today.Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Source Code is included so you can try the code.Resources and tips are provided throughout the course when appropriate. Modern JavaScript focused means that we do cover current syntax as well as foundational code. No frameworks or JavaScript libraries you can do it all with regular vanilla JavaScript.All you need is a browser to see JavaScript in action and with a few lines of code you can do a whole lot. Its easy let us show you.Course coversSetup you working development environment and get ready to write some code.What JavaScript is and how code works. Tools and resources used to write JavaScriptHow to create JavaScript Code and run it in your browserComments and debugging with the consoleVariables and how to create and store values in codeDeclaring variables assigning valuesUsing let and const as variablesStrings Numbers and Boolean data typesOther data types null, undefinedBest practices and rules to name variablesUsing JavaScript windows methods alert and promptCreating template literalsChallenge #1 Using Template literals in codeJavaScript type conversion and how it worksJavaScript OperatorsComparison and Assignment operatorsChallenge #2 to create a Miles to Kilometers ConverterTruthy or FalsyJavaScript Conditions if else statementsJavaScript Conditions else if statementsUsing Short ternary operatorConditions with Multiple conditions and logical operatorsChallenge #3 - Hello GreeterJavaScript Switch statementJavaScript Functions JavaScript Functions arguments and default valuesJavaScript Functions return valuesJavaScript click events on elementsFunction declaration vs expressionFunction scope global vs localFunction recursionIIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)ES6 Arrow formatJavaScript ObjectsObject Method and constFunctions to create ObjectsJavaScript ArraysArray methods to do more with arraysArray filterJavaScript Loops and iterationforEach, object and array dataChallenge #4 - Loops Array builderJavaScript MapNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building and coding with JavaScript today."
Price: 19.99

"Modern JavaScript Build 55+ Real Projects Games Pure JS code" |
"Modern JavaScript 2020 - Wow 50+ Hours of HD Video and over 55 Pure JavaScript ProjectsModular learning sections with over 55+ real world projects with pure JavaScript sing DOM interaction....Perfect JavaScript Course for absolutely EVERYONE - Learn how to create over 55 fun real world projects using just JavaScript - no libraries. Amazing unique starter projects that are perfect to build upon and explore how JavaScript Works. You can build over 50 projects and supercharge your portfolio - Start NOW.Master the DOM (document object model)BIGGEST JavaScript Course - MOST COMPLETE COURSE to learn Web Based JavaScript and Have FUN!!!!Loaded with CONTENT - Projects that are unique and FUN to build - RealWorld projects - modern JavaScript - Supercharge your portfolio - JavaScript game programmingPerfect for your portfolio JavaScript applications - Build projects in JavaScriptLearn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Super Charge your portfolio - upon completion of this course you will have a wide range of mini applications that you can use in a portfolio to showcase your skills..... - Source code is included - projects are designed as starter projects for you can continue to build them out and make some really cool STUFF!!!- Use the sections to create your own code versions that can be used anywhere to help showcase your skills. Most employers are looking for how you apply code and this is a great place to get ideas and build projects- Build FUN projects including games and more that will help you learn and develop your creative juices to maximize learning JavaScript and Applying JavaScript!!!!This is a one of kind course - to get you coding JavaScript includes all the functional skills lessons to learn the basics and then project to practice and apply what you learned. Complete JavaScript course for anyone who wants to learn JavaScript.4 BONUS eBook PDF included.... with definitions resources and examples.... and challengesTry the projects have fun while learning.Grow your portfolio - showcase what you can build with JavaScriptLearn JavaScript have fun with interactive and dynamic web applications.Over 546 downloadable resources - 58 articles - 50+ hours on-demand video, 57 SectionsOver 614 HD video lessonsOver 51+ projects and web applications. Projects can be used as started projects to extend and enhance. All JavaScript focused.4 downloadable ebook guides 200 pages and 3 x 60 pages - with code and resource linksNo libraries JUST JAVASCRIPT and JAVASCRIPT DOMThis is the course you've been looking for..........Everything you need to get started with JavaScript, expand your knowledge about using JavaScript, and more included.Its arrived, and bigger than expected!!!For anyone who wants to supercharge their JavaScript learning - building and applying JavaScript to over 50 projects and challenges this course is for YOU!!!!From JavaScript beginners to all levels, course is presented in a fun interactive format that will challenge you. Move through the lessons of the course as you want to learn them, variety of ways to benefit from it. Learn alongside, try before you see the solution, try after you view the solution. Its up to you! Unique format for learning encouraging you to try the code. Of course source code is included in every step of the way.Most often asked for ARE PROJECTS - and this course delivers! Over 50 and will grow over time as more projects and challenges get added. You can select the projects you want to do or take them in order, its up to you.Loaded with games and so many mini projects guaranteed to help you learn more about JavaScript and DOM manipulation. All JavaScript code no libraries or short cuts.Explore how to apply JavaScript to create interactive and dynamic web content - that will impress your friends.Extend on the projects and add them to your portfolio, to showcase skills you have learned.Useful real world projects coded with simple JavaScript for developers of all levels.No better way to learn than to try the code and produce something fun and useful with it. Learn to create amazing things with JavaScript bringing your web content to life.This will keep you busy and provide you the opportunity to learn and experiment with code. Try it. All the projects are designed in a starter type format so that you can build on them and customize to make it your own.Only on Udemy - you won't find it anywhere else :) Portfolio Builder 50+ projectsPLUS - All the JavaScript and programming fundamentals: things like variables, data types, boolean logic, if/else statements, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and more.This course includes full introduction to coding with JavaScript, all core syntax and how to apply it to make things happen. Create your own code - loaded with challenges and code snippets.Includes 2 downloadable ebook guides - over 250 pages. +++++ BONUS CONTENTOver 50 Projects to try and see how JavaScript can be applied in the REAL WORLD - perfect to practice JavaScript, Challenge yourself, and see JavaScript in action. Supercharge your portfolio by trying and applying your own version of the projects. This is an excellent way to showcase a wide variety of code snippets and see it in action.Step by step learning with challenges within the lectures and of course SOURCE CODE is included. There are over 400 downloadable code snippets to keep you busy.Modular course design so that you can take lessons sequentially or skip to the ones most interesting and on projects you want to learn first. Take a few do them all, its up to you!Variety of code with several approaches to get you more familiar with JavaScript.Learning approach is to demonstrate the code and then have you try it!What you will learn.....Course Introduction : Welcome to the course, how to guideJavaScript fundamentals : Getting started with JavaScript. 4 Challenges, 202 Page Ebook, Resources, Code ExamplesJavaScript DOM : JavaScript Document Object Model creating interactive and dynamic content with JavaScript. 4+ Challenges, 60 page Ebook, resources, code examples.JavaScript Advanced : Covering using JavaScript methods like Date, Fetch, xHR, string methods and more. Comes with 60+ page guide 3+ Challenges, resources, code examples.Tip Calculator : Use Math to calculate a value. Get an input from the user and use it in the calculation. Update the HTML to show the final value.Welcome messages : Get input value and output to the screen a welcome message to the users name that is entered into the input field.Dynamically changing message : Uses value to show different messages. Customized message using JavaScript dependent on time of dayCoin Toss Application : Coin Toss Application - is it heads or tails JavaScript. Simple VS game you against the computer.Rock Paper Scissors Game : Who wins ??? Rock Paper Scissors. Paper > Rock > Scissors > Paper > Rock. Pick one at random - see who winsUltimate Dice Game : Apply game logic and flow making a JavaScript Dice Game. Highest rolls wins you vs the computerPlay audio files and sounds : Create interactive audio using JavaScript. Click a button play an mp3 file.JavaScript Dynamic Typing Test : Create an interactive typing test for web users with JavaScript code. Random Phrases for typing test. Checks for errors counts errors in wordsFunctionator Function practice : Learn and explore more about functions. Select movement by key presses, run the sequence of movements. Remove movements by click on the step.Magic Eight Ball JavaScript : Magic 8 Ball - find out the answer to your questions. Getting data from input field outputting a random response.Combination guesser Game : Can you guess the secret combination. Random combinations. Provides feedback when wrong value is selected - Blue guess was low - Red guess was high - Green guess was correct. No HTML elements all JavaScript createdWord Scramble - guess the word : JavaScript arrays - randomize array contents Element selection and manipulation of DOM content. Simple random word scramble - check if the input matches the random wordCountdown Timer : Countdown Timer - Pick a date and see how much time is left with a dynamically updating counter. Local Storage to store end time. Time Interval and clear for website updatesPattern matching game : Pattern matching game Use of JavaScript to setup game board grid. Watch a sequence of light up colors. Click the colors in the same sequence to progress.Click Popper Game : Create a fun interactive DOM based game with JavaScript. Click only + items as they show up, see how much you can score in the time provided.High Low Card Game : Create an interactive simple card game which the user needs to select either higher or lower guesses on the following cards using the current card as the value. Build a deck of cards array and objects construction. Create elements. Add style and CSS. Random cards. Check win/lossClick Shape Game : Random shapes appear on screen the objective is the user needs to click them quickly. JavaScript mini game using the DOM for element updates and manipulation. Only JavaScript to style and create elementsWord Finding Game : Word scrambler. Hover over the red boxes to find scrambled words. Click the one that matches the select this word value.JavaScript Car Game : Drive your car avoid the other cars. Use the keyboard to move the car element. Random movement of other cars. Use of RequestAnimationFrame . Movement of element on Keypress. Element manipulation CSS and Style. Check Collision DetectionInput field Character counter : DOM selection and manipulation with input fields and updating getting values from form inputs using JavaScript. Turn red when the max number of characters is reached.Element Scrolling Content Code Snippet : Apply JavaScript to select elements and event triggers. Use JavaScript to move element contents, track position of element and mouse. Update scroll speed.Fun with the Document Object Model : clone elements - update element style and move elements. Random Color Generator. Create elements, move elements, remove elements.Just JavaScript Click Counter : Build content using JavaScript Only count user clicks on dynamically created elements. Create elements and add style all using JavaScript.Image popup window : JavaScript event listeners on images. Once clicked image shows in div and rest of the screen is darkened. Close the div send back to hidden.JavaScript Word Guessing Hangman game : Create a dynamic and interactive game from scratch. Create interactive letter buttons, dynamically. Random word from an array. Check for letters in word show results with feedback visually. JavaScript Modal Popup Example : Create interactive popup windows using JavaScript Manipulate elements using JavaScript. Shows modal content in element, darkens the rest of page content.Image Carousel JavaScript animated slideshow application : Interval timeout creating elements using JavaScript. Animated and interactive image slideshow changes images and text. Star Rating project : Event triggers update element classes. Change styling on hover and on click. Store results and display to the user.Plane Bomber game : Apply JavaScript to create an interactive game. Keyboard events tracking and movement of elements. Collision Detection of elements. Press spacebar to drop elements on target.JavaScript Accordion component : Explore how to create an accordion component for websites using JavaScript. Click to reveal hidden element content under link. Remove visible on click.Chaser Box game : Create the game board using JavaSCript. Create one box as green and another as red. Not the same one. Track keyboard presses and move the red box until it is on top of the green one.Tooltip : Explore how to apply JavaScript to create a simple tooltip code snippet. Show popup tooltip over words when mouse is on top of element.Email Exacter application : Build a dynamic email extracting application with JavaScript. Use of RegEx Pattern Match. Paste text click a button see only emails, unique emails found in string.Popup message : Click an element, shows modal popup message with close button. Message contents from element attributes. Clipboard - Copy and Move : Explore how you can use JavaScript to select content from input fields and copy content to users clipboard. Get content from textarea add content to clipboard or other textarea.Pure JavaScript Calculator : Use javascript arrays to create calculator dynamically. Get input values and calculate output for display to user.Editable Shopping List : Create Dynamic Content from input values. Add items to list, remove items from the list. Edit items inline within the list. Update list itemsPlaceholder image path generator : Select input values add event listeners on change update output content using JavaScript. Use input values to create path for images from placeholderCatch element game : Moving element moves quickly, try to click the element and see what happens. (it turns red) Tracking of mouse coordinates and use of requestAnimationFrame for animation.Element Mouse and click events : Create element track time it takes player to click the element - JavaScript game. Exercise to practice element style.Create Form Validation : Explore how to apply JavaScript to create form input validation on form submission. Check values to ensure they meet requirements set within JavaScript conditions. Update element input field messages.Cookie get set tester : Apply JavaScript to create interactive form to test cookies. Get Set and Delete cookies from the browser.DOM interaction Application : Create a dynamic interactive web application to update DOM elements, add toggle classes, create new elements dynamically and remove elements. Form selection and input fields to dynamically manipulate elements.Google Sheet data to CSV exporter : Create CSV files for download from arrays. Create CSV for download using Google Sheet as data source. User clicks and the file will download to their computer.Flying bird game : Listen for keyboard presses, track and move element accordingly. JavaScript RequestAnimationFrame for animation of content. Create Moving Obstacles for difficulty. Collision detection between elements.Number Guessing Game : Guess the correct number to win. Provides feedback if number was higher or lower. Takes input value.Element Catcher game : Keyboard press for element movement. Animation frame for iteration of function. Create elements and remove elements with JavaScript. Catch all the falling elements with your red box.Alien Invader Game : Create aliens with CSS and JavaScript. Move aliens down. Objective is to shoot with space bar to hit aliens before they get to your level. Move the ship with arrow keys.Card War Game : Create Deck of Cards. Create Game Players. Deal the cards. Visual Cards for player. All players turn over top card, whoever has the highest card gets all the cards. Objective is to get all the cards in the deck. Multiple Rounds Attack for enhanced gameplay, tie value playoff.MORE CONTENT ADDED all the TIME - Can you Handle this?????????????No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building and creating with JavaScript today!!!!Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language for computers. It is often run in web browser applications to create things that work by themselves like a popup message or a live clock. It is not related to the programming language Java!How to make JavaScript code interact with webpages: DOM manipulation. Learn how to select and change webpage elements, create new elements and handle DOM events.Everything you need to know in order to gain a deep understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript Fetch and Promise Learn JavaScript ES6 Project" |
"The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value.Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Explore how you can use JavaScript fetch and promises method to connect to an API and get data back all the available data into one object. making multiple fetch requests until no more next pages. Most commonly asked for by students is more examples of how promises work, this course delivers a promises structure that wraps a promise around a fetch request making multiple requests using fetch until all the data is retrieved. Then JavaScript uses the object and outputs the content onto the page. Perfect starter code to extend on or practice using Promises.Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.Course is designed to highlight using JavaScript promises - JavaScript IS A Prerequisite TO THIS COURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the using Fetch , creating a promise and manipulating elements with object data. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Course CoversUsing JavaScript fetch to connect to an API and get JSON dataCreating elements on the fly using JavaScriptCreating new array from data object with updated values map Outputting content into the web page via DOMSetting up a new promise objectFunction recursionPromise resolveAll this and moreStep by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Breakout Game from scratch with only JavaScript" |
"Explore how you can use JavaScript DOM manipulation to create a GAMELearn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Learn more about JavaScript and Document Object Model interaction, updating and moving elements dynamically using JavaScript. Move the ball around the screen by hitting it with your paddle, if the ball hits a break it is removed and your score increases. This is all JavaScript and possible with common JavaScript code. Perfect way to practice learn JavaScript and have FUN doing it. By the end of the course you will be able to produce your own version of the game, make it even better enhance and more. This course is perfect as a practice application that can be used as starter code for even more.Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.JavaScript is powerful and can do so much - see it in action while building a GAME. - Then relax play the game see how you score..... Can you beat the high score???????Course is designed to highlight using JavaScript - JavaScript IS A Prerequisite TO THIS COURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the creating the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. Build it with JavaScript........No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Course CoversGame Setup prepare to make the game HTMLCreate Elements using JavaScriptAdd style to elementsEvent handling Key PressesStart Game variablesCreate the gameboard dynamicallySetup Bricks and elementsMoving elements on the page DOM style updateAnimation frameGet element position check collision DetectionCheck if ball hit brick take actionStep by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn HTML5 Canvas Drawing with JavaScript in 1 hour" |
"The Canvas API provides a means for drawing graphics via JavaScript and the HTML <canvas> element. This course covers using JavaScript to apply drawing to the canvas element. How to get started with an easy to follow approach demonstrating the syntax as well as providing engaging opportunities to try the code. After demonstrations of the canvas element and how to draw on it with JavaScript the course will show you how to create an interactive drawing tool that the web user can use to draw, selecting colors and pencil width. Freely draw whatever you want and then download it as an image to your computer. All JavaScript front end code. Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.SOURCECODEis included every step of the wayCourse is designed to highlight using JavaScript - JavaScript ISAPrerequisiteTOTHISCOURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the canvas element and drawing on the canvas element will be covered. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Course CoversBasics of HTML5 CanvasSelecting and ready to drawHow to draw on CanvasOutput text content onto canvasCreating a happy face on CanvasSetting and using imagesDrawing Project for canvasDownload save and clear contentAll this and moreStep by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript AJAX JSON API for Beginners Learn JavaScript ES6" |
"Step by step learning of how to use JSON data within your JavaScript code.Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Comes with a downloadable PDF guide - with resources and source code to try as you progress within the course.Explore what JSON data is and how it relates to JavaScript objectsHow JavaScript objects can be used to produce content on web pagesUsing Fetch and XHR to connect to server dataOutput content to web pages using DOM manipulationLoop threw data objects and arrays to get valuesJSON parse and stringifyAJAX requests and connecting to web APIsJavaScript map method to build new arraysSetting up a JSON server locally to practice JSON and AJAXSetup of Node and NPM for JSON server prepUse of tools like postman to test APISending data to local json database and simulating data CRUDCreating a mini project that can edit and update data in the json.db file locallySource Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.Course is designed to highlight using JavaScript - JavaScript IS A Prerequisite TO THIS COURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the using objects and applying objects to object oriented programming. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Data Pagination Code JavaScript ES6 Project Code" |
"Scope of this course is focused on applying JavaScript to create Pagination! - You need to have JavaScript knowledge before taking the course. Concepts covered are focused on a solution.Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.SOURCE CODE is included every step of the wayOften asked for by students is how to do pagination - the scope of this course is just that. Applying JavaScript code to break apart a large number of items across multiple pages. Then allow for navigation between themIf you have a lot of content pieces and want to provide a way to break them into pages so that users can easy view them, pagination is your solution. The course covers using JavaScript to first get the data from an API. Then load the data so that it can then be chunked into more manageable pieces. Creating multiple pages for user consumption. Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.Course covers :Setup of HTML and selecting elements using JavaScriptCreating fetch request to retrieve API dataLoading data into web application from APICreating page content from JavaScript ObjectUsing JSON data as JavaScript ObjectLoading content from large object array, creating pages of contentCreating pagination navigation between pages of contentApplying JavaScript for real world applications.Course is designed to highlight using JavaScript - JavaScript IS A Prerequisite TO THIS COURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the using objects and applying objects to object oriented programming. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript Objects and OOP Programming with JavaScript" |
"Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.JavaScript objects are at the core of JavaScriptSOURCE CODE is included every step of the wayDownloadable PDF guide to help guide you through the lessons.Learning how to use objects and construct objects can increase what you can do with JavaScriptCourse is designed to highlight using JavaScript - JavaScript IS A Prerequisite TO THIS COURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the using objects and applying objects to object oriented programming. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Course CoversCreating objects - methods in objectsUsing Object to hold informationUse of objects to create a shopping cartUse of objects to get element informationObject oriented programmingCreating new objects from templateOOP recreate earlier objectsNew uses for objectsDice game made simple with OOPShopping cart made with OOPAll this and moreStep by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 99.99

"Google Calendar Live feed to your website Google Apps Script" |
"Perfect course to learn more about how to apply Google Apps Script to help automate and use Google Suite as a source for data. No Databases just Google Script - output your Calendar to a JSON feed.BONUS - Free 20+ page downloadable course guide with resources and source code.Step by step learning!Please note that JavaScript experience is essential to this course, Google Apps Script is JavaScript cloud based Language which uses pre-built methods to provide really powerful functionality. If you can write JavaScript Apps script is really easy to start using right away ... because its JavaScript in the cloud.Complete course demonstrate how to write Google Apps Script code, how to create and access the cloud based IDE. Course scope is to create a starter project and illustrate how Google Script can be used to create applications.Course coversHow to create stand alone script and bound scriptHow to create Documents with Google Apps ScriptUsing Logger log for debuggingBound script getting active spreadsheet as a usable objectAdding data to spreadsheet rows.Adding events to Google CalendarListing events updating timezone from eventsAdding event data to a spreadsheetCreating trigger to automate scriptsOutputting Spreadsheet as JSONUsing AJAX to request spreadsheet data and pulling it into client side pageSetting up Google Script WebAppDeploy WebApp from IDE and select dev vs exec versionsUsing doGet to output JSON contentSending Calendar data as JSON dataAJAX request to get webapp api dataSource code is included to try the code for yourselfCreate a starter project which you can use extend and do some really amazing things with.Course is taught by a web developer with over 18 years experience and 4+ years working with Google Apps Script.Fast and friendly support is provided in the Q&A section.See what you can do - you have nothing to lose make your own Google Apps Script project today."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Node js for beginners + game project" |
"Learn Node JS HERE!! - JavaScript on the server.Perfect course to learn and explore JavaScript - for beginners or anyone who wants to learn more about JavaScript.Source Code is included to get you started quicklyStep by step learning - starting with the basics and moving through to combining fundamentals and writing code.Bonus - 35 page downloadable resource and course guide included. With source code, useful code snippets and resources.Course coverswhy use Node and what it is how it workshow to install and start using Noderesources for terminals on Mac and PCCreating a first node fileCreating web server listen on ports open your browserHow node worksNode modules and creating modulesFiles on your serverNode URL pathname requestNode RoutingFile Write and ReadLoading Packages NPMPackages ExpressNodeMon setupGet data JSONBody-parser get post and get methodsSocket connect to backend and client side - listenersUuid create a User IDBattle Game - Multiplayer projectHTML,CSS JavaScript knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all NodeJS focused. Step by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start coding with Node JS today!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Local SQLite Database with Node for beginners" |
"Are you looking for how to setup a local database using node - this is the course for you.Easy step by step instructions on how to use node to install packages and setup a local SQLite database to use for your web applications. See how easy it can be to get data and add data to the database. - Please note that there are prerequisites to the course - JavaSCript - HTML and CSSSource Code is included to get you started quicklyStep by step learning - starting with the basics and moving through to combining fundamentals and writing code.Bonus - 25 page downloadable resource and course guide included. With source code, useful code snippets and resources.Course coverssetup of express to run local machine on your computerdownload and setup of SQLite databaseuseful packages like nodemon and MD5inserting data to your local databasequery database for resultssetup of paths for files use of body parser to get post datasubmitting of form data to databasesetup of basic app to interact with databaseHTML,CSS JavaScript knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all NodeJS focused. Step by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start coding with Node JS today!!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Google Apps Script Form Submission Send Email" |
"DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE IF YOU HAVE NO JAVASCRIPT EXPERIENCE - JAVASCRIPT IS AN ABSOLUTE PREREQUISITE!!!Next level of Google Forms, add Google Apps Script and see how your content comes to life.Apps Script is a scripting framework for light-weight application development in the G Suite platform. It is based on JavaScript with a collection of methods and helpful classes that can really power up your Google Suite.Just like JavaScript - If you know JavaScript you know Google Apps Script.BONUS - Free downloadable course guide with resources and source code.Step by step learning!Source Code is included in addition to a helpful lesson guide which outlines step by step how to apply Google Apps Script to your own project. Everything you need is included in this course.Explore how to setup a form sending data to a Google SpreadsheetExplore how to add Google Apps Script to any Google Spreadsheet. Open the Google Script online editor and begin coding.Customize the code - retrieve the form information.Setup a trigger to run code once the form data is received.See how you can add advanced functionality like sending emails all via Google Apps ScriptExplore how data is received in object form, iterate the object data and send it to an email addressPut it all together in a live working application that picks up form submission data and send you a notification email. Send a response email to the user who submitted the form.Use the form data and send responses This is the perfect starter project to get started with Google Script and build upon the project to create your own custom functionality.Source code is included to try the code for yourselfCreate a starter project which you can use extend and do some really amazing things with.Course is taught by a web developer with over 18 years experience and 4+ years working with Google Apps Script.Fast and friendly support is provided in the Q&A section.See what you can do - you have nothing to lose make your own Google Apps Script project today."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Wordpress Website from Scratch - No Coding" |
"Learn how to make a website from scratch in just a few hours. I've cut out the fluff, so that you only learn what's most essential, as quickly as possible. You'll learn exactly what you need to know to get your website live on the internet, and start customizing it with WordPress. No coding and no experience required. With WordPress, you can make a business website to create an online presence, generate leads, or even sell products. You can also make a site for your personal brand to showcase your experience, work, and accomplishments. Last but not least, WordPress is the ideal platform for creating a blog. WordPress makes it easy to add and edit blog posts from multiple authors, complete with images, videos, audio, and other media. This includes the following topics: What you need to create a websiteWhat is a domain nameHow to register a domain nameWhat is web hostingHow to get and set up the cheapest web hostingWhat is WordPressHow to install WordPressWhat is a subdomainHow to create a subdomain to use as a development siteHow to use the WordPress dashboard and toolbarHow to find and customize a WordPress themeHow to use pluginsHow to use widgetsHow to add and edit postsHow to add and edit pagesHow to create and customize menusHow to add images, video, audio, and other mediaHow to manage comments Concerned that you might not like the course? No worries, if this it doesn't provide the value you expected, you can get a full refund within 30 days. You don't need a computer science degree and you don't need to pay a developer thousands of dollars to create a beautiful, professional website.This is the course I wish I had when I first started making websites. Now go get started!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Make a Website Without Coding- WordPress & Web Skills" |
"What if you could learn to make a blog, portfolio, or business website over the weekend? Without prior experience and without writing code.Now you can.Learn by making 3 different websitesYou'll learn how to get your website live on the internet (registering a domain name, hosting, etc.), how to use WordPress [dot] org, and other web tips like making a logo and SEO basics.Then we'll actually build 3 different websites together, step by step, from start to finish. We'll make a blog, a business site, and an online resume/portfolio. Each website is completely responsive, so it will look good on any screen, tablet, or smartphone.To see the actual websites we're going to build in the course, check out the first video in sections 5, 6, and 7.Some of the main things you'll learn in the coursehow to use WordPress (dashboard, toolbar, themes, plugins, Jetpack, pages, posts, users, comments, menus, widgets)how to choose the right domain namehow to register a domain namehow to set up web hostinghow to install WordPresswhy use subdomains and how to set one uphow to set up Google Analyticshow to use Chrome Developer Toolshow to add an email capture formhow to add eCommerce capabilities and sell products on your sitewhere to get free, commercial-use imageswhere to get free, commercial-use web iconshow to make a logoon-page SEOoff-page SEOhow to make sure your website looks good on any screen, tablet, or smartphonethe best free tools for web developers and designerstons of topics explained and definedThis course is very comprehensive and packed with content so that you can learn everything you need to know to create a website. And remember, if this course doesn't provide the value you expected, you can get a full refund within 30 days."
Price: 29.99

de |
"de101000Udemyde3dedeiPhoneiPadiPod TouchAndroidPC876530BenesseUdemy20156dedeJapanese EssayThis Lesson teach how to write Essay by logical writing and logical thinking.BASIC<trial version>1. Logical writing ~sentence~2. Logical writing ~paragraphs~<Shareware>3. Logical writing ~essay~4. Logical thinking ~fact~5. Logical thinking ~warrant~6. Logical thinking ~opinion~ADVANCE1. Reading and Summary2. Information gathering3. Writing Essay ~type of Reading~4. Self Analysis5. Writing Essay ~type of Writing~"
Price: 49.99

"Curso de YOU TUBE Posicionar videos en primeros lugares" |
"Con este sencillo pero poderoso truco aprenders a posicionar tus videos en los primeros lugares de bsqueda en YOU TUBE, sin pagar software, sin hacer SPAM y sin usar BOTS. Te ayudar a aparecer en los primeros lugares desde la primer semana en que ha sido subido a la plataforma y no importa si otros videos ya tienen ms vistas o ms tiempo, te aseguro que el tuyo lograr posicionarse bien si sigues mis instrucciones.No te preocupes, NO ES NECESARIO tener un canal con muchos suscriptores o con mucho tiempo de haber sido creado, este truco funciona para cualquier canal de YOU TUBE sea grande o pequeo. Voy a ser sincero contigo. Este truco forma parte del curso ""GANAR DINERO CON WORDPRESS Y ADSENSE"" el cul tambin est a la venta en mi perfil o puedes buscarlo t mismo. Sin embargo hay muchas personas interesadas solamente en este video y es por eso que decid subirlo por separado. El video del truco no dura ms de 24 minutos y adems recibe de regalo un par de videos ms de apoyo, te aseguro que el truco es MUY PODEROSO y me ha ayudado a m a posicionar mis videos en los primeros lugares de YOU TUBE. Si no me crees puedes mirar el video de INTRODUCCIN."
Price: 19.99

"Windows ve Active Directory Gvenlik pular Hacking tesi" |
"Bu eitimde Windows letim Sistemleri ve Active Directoryde kullanc yada sistem yneticisinden kaynakl, meydana gelebilecek gvenlik zafiyetleri ve bu zafiyetlerin kt amal kiiler tarafndan nasl istismar edilebilecei konularn detaylandracaz. Sonrasnda da senaryolar zerinden gvenlii arttrmak iin zm nerilerini ele alacaz.Domain yada Workgroup ortamnda yer alan bir bilgisayardaki local kullanc ifrelerinin nasl krlaca ve domainde yetkisiz diyebileceimiz yani Domain Users grubu yesi olan bir kullancnn kendisini nasl Local Admin yapabileceini greceiz.Local Admin yetkisine sahip olan bir kullancnn yada sisteme szm olan birisinin, Domain Admins yetkisine sahip bir kullancnn haklar zerinden nasl scriptler altrabileceini inceleyeceiz.Domain Admin hesabnn yanl kullanm ve sistemde braklan kimlik bilgilerinin bakalar tarafndan nasl kullanlabilecei, ne tr saldrlara maruz kalabileceinizi ve zm nerilerini ele alacaz.Group Policy'lerin arka planda gerekte nasl altn, gpupdate ve gpupdate /force komutlarnn farklarn ve group policy ayarlarnn nasl bypass edilebilecei gibi konular uygulamalar zerinden grerek inceleyeceiz. Kritik verilerinizin, yada bilgisayarlarnzn gvenliini salamak amacyla kullanabileceiniz bir rn, Bitlocker inceleyeceiz.Keyloggerlardan bahsedeceiz.Active Directory yapsnda ifre politikalarndan ve kullanc yada gruplara zel ifre politikas belirlemek amacyla kullanabileceiniz Fine Grained Password Policy kullanmn greceiz.Yerel Administrator hesabnn gvenliini salayabilmek amacyla bir Active Directory yapsnda Local Administrator Password Solution yani LAPSin nasl yaplandrlaca ve ynetileceini ele alacaz.Temel olarak bu eitimdeki amacmz bir Active Directory yapsn hacklemek deil, Sistem Yneticilerinin yaygn olarak kulland ve sistemde zafiyetlere neden olabilecek senaryolar inceleyip, yapnn gvenliini salamak olacaktr."
Price: 299.99

"Break down Pachelbel's Canon (For Any Instrument)" |
"We have all heard that amazing version of Pachelbel's Cannon at Weddings, Graduations, and Big Events. It always sounds different based on what instruments and what version is used. But what version was used and how do you play it?????????? The song is actually set up very well for playing different versions and improvising with. All you need to do is understand the different parts and you then have the capability to make any version you want. In this course we will break down what each section of the song is and then we will look at each of those sections. After we understand those sections we can adjust them to our needs and our current version. This will allow you too learn Canon and make it precisely they way you need it to fit your current needs and joys. Thanks for looking at this course and I hope that it helps you."
Price: 49.99

"How to play the Soprano Recorder" |
"A recorder is such a magical instrument. It is so simple but can produce some amazing and relaxing sounds. It is simple in design and simple in its fingering. If you have ever thought of learning any woodwind instrument like flute, oboe, saxophone, or clarinet, then learning the recorder first may give you a huge head start when you learn these slightly harder instruments. Recorders are inexpensive and small you can bring it anywhere and not be worried about it breaking or getting stolen. In this course we are going to go over the basics of: Holding your recorderPlaying notesBreathingMusic fundamentals (basic) Just right in and start learning how to play this wonderful instrument."
Price: 49.99

"Sing Freely Stop Straining" |
"Many people learn to sing and find that their voice is strained. They try everything but it comes back and continues to hinder their singing. Many people fear long term damage to their voice and this class teaches the exercises that will help you get strain out of your singing. We go over; Why our voices strain when we start to singProper warmupsHydrationExamples of why and how to practiceExercises for any vocal rangeWhether you just want to sing better for your morning car ride or want to professional voice-over for the next big kindle book, this class will help you develop a healthy system for maintaining your voice. Learning how to sing and talk without strain will help you communicate better in all areas of your life."
Price: 19.99
