"Software Project Management - The complete course" |
"This course has been created for those working in software projects.Primarily it has been created for project managers and scrum masters but also for all members involved in a software project: team members, software developers, tester, customers, product owners, stakeholders, quality managers and so on.The course cover all the aspects of a software project management process for any kind of software project.It is the obvious next chapter of my course about software development and has the aim to teach you how to successfully manage a software project.It is mainly focus on traditional projects and agile projects.The main topics covered in this course are:What is software project managementProject management skillsThe role and responsibility of a software project managerHow to manage a software project successfullyProject management stepsThe scenario in a software projectRoles & ResponsibilitiesWhat is a Gantt chartWhat is a Pert chartThe project management process: the phasesHow to deal with uncertainties in software developmentThe customers role in software development projectsSoftware development modelsRisk assessmentContingency plansChange managementThe deployment processAgile FrameworksAgile project managementProject Management - ConceptsProject Management - Application - MS Project: Create your project planCalculating the Software Development CostProject Management - Application - MS Project: Resource ManagementProject Management - Application - MS Project: Project CalendarProject Management - Application - MS Project: Project TrackingProject Management - Application - MS Project: Project ReportingProject Management - Application - MS Excel: Project Management Dashboard / Project Status ReportProject Management - Application - SmartsheetProject Management - Application - Atlassian JIRAProject Management - ConclusionsProject conclusionHow to close a projectLessons LearnedHandoverDocumentation managementAdditional tools"
Price: 199.99

"MS Word for Writers" |
"Tired of being told ""Scrivener is the answer to all your writing woes""?What if you could do all those same organizational tricks (plus lots more Scrivener can't do) without needing to purchase or learn a whole new word-processing platform?Good news! This course -- designed and taught by editor and publisher Demi Stevens of Year of the Book Press -- takes you behind the magic curtain to show you just the tools you need to get the writing done faster and more elegantly.Using fun sample texts, along with drafts from actual manuscripts, this course goes beyond the mechanics of MSWord to show you how to format your Work-In-Progress using a series of 1-click tools like ""Style"" settings for chapter headers/sub-headers and main body text, table of contents, bibliography, citations, footnotes or endnotes, and indexing.Or if you've been tempted to try your hand at dictating your manuscript (pun intended) -- but the price tag and learning curve for Dragon Naturally Speaking ($99+) has got your mouse-hand shaking -- discover the new free ""Dictate"" feature, which converts voice to text with astonishing accuracy.Perfect for beginners or advanced MSWord users, you can easily target the skills you want most by lesson topic. If you simply need to solve your page numbering woes to create that illusive ""intentionally blank"" page between chapters, no problem! Jump straight to Lessons 12 and 13 for page breaks and headers/footers. Can't stand the thought of removing those now-superfluous 2nd spaces between sentences, or extra line breaks between paragraphs... one by painful one? When you're dealing with an 80,000-word manuscript, there's not enough wine in your rack to get you through that. Instead, skip to Lesson 9 for the almost 1-click wonders of the""Find and Replace"" tool.Maybe you've just landed your dream editor, and they've sent back your entire document with ""Tracked Changes"" -- but you don't know how to even begin deciphering their suggestions. Fear not! Lesson 27 will get you oriented, as well as provide ideas for what you should verify with your editor before you dive in... so you don't waste valuable deadline time doing the work twice.Or perhaps you've decided to tread the indie path and self-publish your book. Hiring a format and design team could cost $150-1000 per book. Using skills from this course, plus the bonus book-formatting lesson, you'll be ready to create a file suitable to upload to Amazon KDP, Ingram-Spark, or other POD platform, so you can start building your author brand today!In addition to the instructor's work in the publishing field, Demi Stevens is a Microsoft Office Certified Trainer, so you'll benefit from the overlap of MSWord ninja techniques plus butt-in-chair/hands-on-keyboard wisdom from the writing trenches."
Price: 199.99

"Welcome To Game Design - Master Board Game Design" |
"This course will teach you how to create Board Games from Scratch.We start with the history of video games, then you'll learn about the game moments and components used to create a game.In the end, you'll receive a template to start creating your game from scratch and how to publish it.You will also learn how to balance your game to make it fun.You will learn about many different aspects of Game Design in Tabletop Games and how they work, such as:How to create prototypes using free tools and without being an artistThe History of Tabletop Game Consoles and their PurposesHow to choose the best components for your gameHow the different game components feel in each situationWhat are the main game genresHow the game aesthetics influence in the gameHow to write good rulebooksWhat are the main game momentsWhere to find free assets for your game and use them commerciallyHow to balance your game using mathHow to separate your game from expansionsHow to publish and sell your gamesBy the end of some classes, Ill challenge you to do some exercises, to help you learn better. They are not mandatory, but they can make you become a better game designer.This course will help you create a bionic eye, after your know how games are made, playing them will never be the same again.Enroll Now and I See you in the course!"
Price: 24.99

"Create Board and Video Game Design Projects - 4 Courses in 1" |
"THIS IS NOT A PROGRAMMING COURSE. This course will teach you in details why each element of a game exists and how to assemble them in an engaging and fun way.This is the most complete Game Design Course you can find, With over one hundred lessons, this course can turn a complete beginner into a Game Designer.This course will teach you how to create Board Games and Digital Games from Scratch.The Game Designer knows a little about every gaming area and a lot about how to group then together in a context that makes sense.FIRST PARTIn the first part of the course, you will be introduced to the basics of Game Design Theory , such asWhat defines a Game and how they are madeWhy games are madeWhat jobs you can get in the game industry and how it worksHow to get free assets for your gamesHow to write a Game Design DocumentSECOND PARTIn the second part, you will learn how to create projects of games using a Game Design Canvas, so you can quickly organize your ideas and develop your project in a very efficient way.THIRD AND FOURTH PARTNow you can choose if you want to focus on Digital or Board games.In these sections, youll learn aboutThe history of Digital and Board Games since the first games until todayHow to manage game projects using Kanban and TrelloWhat kind of elements and components are used in a gameHow to create prototypes and validate your ideasWhat is the best way of earning money with each type of projectHow to balance a game using Math, Level Design and Progression SystemsHow the players think and what they want with the psychology of playersHow to publish your gamesBy the end of this course, youll be able to:Analyse and rate existing gamesCreate and manage game projects from scratchChoose the best types of mechanics, aesthetics and theme for each type of project.Create prototypes quickly.BONUSESYoull also be able to download the presentation used in this course and get acces to templates of:Game Design Analysis Template: so you can practice your Game Designer Skills by rating games you already play.Game Design Document Template: so you can organize your game rules and partsGame Design Canvas Template: so you can clearly see how your game works using a table of contents.By the end of some classes, Ill challenge you to do some exercises, to help you learn better. They are not mandatory, but they can make you become a better game designer.This course will help you create a bionic eye, after your know how games are made, playing them will never be the same again.Enroll Now and I See you in the course!"
Price: 54.99

"CorelDRAW for Beginners: Graphic Design in Corel Draw" |
"Start creating professional graphic design in Corel DRAW.If you're looking for a software that is user-friendly and you can easily create logos, business cards or flyers, Corel Draw is the best answer. Corel DRAW is used by professionals across the world for every promotional material, such as posters, roll-up banners, business cards, brochures or logos.Create graphics the way you want them.Practice while you learn. This course includes practices files so you can follow along and actually learn by doing.By the end of this course, you will have created your own business card.I'll be teaching this course using CorelDRAW 2018, but if you have a previous version (X8, X7, X6, X5, X4 or X3) you can still learn like a pro.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Radu and I've been working in CorelDRAW since 2003. Further more I'm teaching CorelDRAW in LIVE class-sessions since 2011 and have done so to over 1700 students.I would guide anyone to do this course, especially with this teacher. Catalin Palade, Course GraduateWell-structured and full of useful information. Cristian Vasilescu, Course GraduateThe best and most practical course I have ever attended. Iulia Adamache, Course GraduateI needed a CorelDRAW course for my business, we intend to save money making the design of the flyers alone. I chose Radu's course, and it was the best investment I've ever made in my life. Sabina Stroescu, Course GraduateWe're in this together!I'm a full-time graphic designer, trainer and online instructor. I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. What is this Corel DRAW Course all about?In this beginner's CorelDRAW course you will not only learn how to create professional graphic design, but also how to set your mindset to reach out to your goals.This course will cover everything you need to know to to start working on your graphic design files, including:Creating a document to start withCreating shapes to be used in your layoutCombining shapes to create logos and graphical elementsUsing custom color palettesEditing text and installing fontsAligning and grouping objectsImporting and cropping imagesBy the end of this course, your confidence to work on your own will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use CorelDRAW for fun or as a career opportunity."
Price: 99.99

"Corel DRAW 2018 para Iniciantes: Design Grfico no CorelDRAW" |
"*** The classes are in English but they have Portuguese subtitles. / As aulas so em ingls, mas possuem legendas em portugus. ***Comece a criar design grfico profissional no CorelDRAW.Se voc estiver procurando um software com interface amigvel em que possa criar logos, cartes de visitas ou folhetos com facilidade, CorelDRAW a melhor opo. CorelDRAW usado por profissionais ao redor do mundo para desenvolver todo tipo de material promocional, como psteres, banners, cartes de visita, brochuras e logos.Crie grficos da forma que quiser.Pratique enquanto voc aprende. Este curso inclui arquivos para prtica. Assim, voc pode acompanh-los e realmente aprender praticando.Ao final deste curso, voc ter criado seu prprio carto de visitas.Ministrarei este curso usando CorelDRAW 2018, mas se voc possui uma verso anterior (X8, X7, X6, X5, X4 ou X3) tambm poder aprender como um profissional.O que me torna qualificado para te ensinar?Meu nome Radu e eu trabalho com CorelDRAW desde 2003. Alm disso, ensino CorelDRAW em aulas ao vivo desde 2011 e j trabalhei com mais de 1700 alunos.Eu recomendaria a todos que fizessem esse curso, especialmente com esse professor. Catalin Palade, Graduada no CursoBem-estruturado e cheio de informaes teis. Cristian Vasilescu, Graduado no CursoO melhor e mais prtico curso que j participei. Iulia Adamache, Graduada no CursoPrecisava de um curso de CorelDRAW para meus negcios, ns pretendamos economizar dinheiro fazendo o design dos nossos prprios folhetos. Eu escolhi o curso do Radu e foi o melhor investimento que j fiz na vida. Sabina Stroescu, Graduada no CursoEstamos juntos nessa!Sou um designer grfico, treinador e instrutor on-line em tempo integral. Estarei aqui com voc a cada passo ao longo do caminho. Se voc tiver qualquer dvida sobre o contedo do curso ou tpicos relacionados, pode publicar sua pergunta ou me enviar uma mensagem direta.Sobre o que este curso de CorelDRAW?Neste curso de CorelDRAW para iniciantes, voc no s aprender como criar designs grficos profissionais, como tambm saber como preparar sua mentalidade para alcanar seus objetivos.Este curso cobrir tudo o que voc precisa saber para comear a trabalhar no design grfico de seus arquivos, incluindo: Criar um documento para comear o trabalho Criar formas para usar em seu layout Combinar formas para criar logos e elementos grficos Usar paletas de cores personalizadas Editar textos e instalar fontes Alinhar e agrupar objetos Importar e recortar imagensAo final deste curso, sua confiana para trabalhar por conta prpria vai aumentar. Voc ter um entendimento aprofundado sobre como usar CorelDRAW por diverso ou como uma oportunidade em sua carreira"
Price: 99.99

"How to create a LOGO in CorelDRAW" |
"Create professional logo design in CorelDRAW.If you're looking for a way to quickly create a logo for your start-up or if you just new to logo design, this course is for you. With just very few words on logo theory, we'll quickly start to work on four logos, focusing not only on you copying my moves, but really understanding the reasons behind any of my actions so you will be able, at the end of this course, to apply those new tricks on your own logo.Create logos just the way you want them.Practice while you learn. This course includes exercise files so you can follow along and actually learn by doing.By the end of this course, you will have created 4 logos and already started working on your own.I'll be teaching this course using CorelDRAW X7, but if you have a previous version (2019, 2018, X6, X5, X4 or X3) you can still learn like a pro.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Radu Velcea and I've been working in CorelDRAW since 2003. Further more I'm teaching CorelDRAW in LIVE class-sessions since 2011 and have done so to over 1700 students.- I would guide anyone to do this course, especially with this teacher. Catalin Palade, Course Graduate- Well-structured and full of useful information. Cristian Vasilescu, Course Graduate- The best and most practical course I have ever attended. Iulia Adamache, Course Graduate- I needed a CorelDRAW course for my business, we intend to save money making the design of the flyers alone. I chose Radu's course, and it was the best investment I've ever made in my life. Sabina Stroescu, Course GraduateWe're in this together!I'm a full-time graphic designer, trainer and online instructor. I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. What is this Logo Design Course all about?In this CorelDRAW course you will not only learn how to create professional logo design, but also how to create simulations and presentations for you client.This course will cover everything you need to know to to start working on your first logo design, including:Creating new shapesCombining similar shapesTrimming and aligning textCreating multiple instances on the same logoEffective tips on logo designJoining nodes with the Shape ToolCreating simulations in Adobe PhotoshopBy the end of this course, your confidence to work on your own will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use CorelDRAW for fun or as a career opportunity."
Price: 99.99

"Traffic 101" |
"Discover my TOP 10 traffic strategies to drive traffic to your website!How to get traffic for FREE without paying for it!My ""secret"" traffic sources that you can go to find a LIST of traffic sources online!Discovertraffic online in a UNIQUE way without having to deal with competitors!Get traffic to your website from the TOP websites in the world!How to get visitors to see your ad over and over again on the biggest websites in the world for a FRACTION of the price!The HIGHEST CONVERTING traffic that converts into sales online that I have personally tested on my own!The BEST solo ad sources to get straight traffic to build your list quickly.Offline traffic strategies to build your list online!Get traffic to your website WITHOUT ever doing any work...the REAL secret revealed!The #1 SECRET lesson on how to really AMPLIFY your traffic to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Digital Ebay 101" |
"If you want to make money on eBay selling digital products and STAND OUT from everyone else struggling on eBay by ranking HIGHER in the eBay listings, then Get ""DIGITAL EBAY 101"" Online Video Training!Inside ""DIGITAL EBAY 101"" VIDEO TRAINING (approximately 2 hour online video training), you will discover these secrets:How I rank #1 on eBay listing for ""internet marketing""!How to make money selling digital products on eBay!Never deal with inventory!Never have to go to the post office!Never have to package any products.Make 100% of your net profit and keep it to yourself since there is really no cost to you in selling digital products!How to create your own quick & easy digital product WITHOUT having a website!Cheap and affordable ways to get started selling your own digital products on eBay WITHOUT a website!If you know how to send an email, then you can do this!How to sell digital products / information products online on eBay WITHOUT creating your own products.Best places to hire people to create your own custom & unique information product.Cheap places to get 100% rights to resell digital products on eBay!How to STAND OUT from everyone else in the eBay listings with my ""FACE PICTURE"" technique that takes couple seconds to implement!And much more!"
Price: 99.99

"WEBSITE 101: Create Webpages and Website" |
"If you want to learn how to create quick & easy & simple web pages without being overly technical and complicating, then you want to read this letter all the way.You're about to discover the FASTEST, EASIEST, and SIMPLEST way to create QUICK & EASY moneymaking web pages to make money online!You don't have to spend hours becoming a programmer or computer geek.You will learn EASY simple pages to make money online.The BEST news is that you don't have to learn how to create 100 page websites.That's because the TRUTH is that you only need to learn how to make BASIC 3-4 web pages to make money online and that's what you're about to learn from someone who ACTUALLY uses these pages to earn over a MILLION DOLLARS in his internet marketing career.Hello, my name is BJ Min and I am not a technical person. In fact, I HATE all aspects of the technical things related to internet marketing and you're probably in the same boat as well.You probably hate the technical aspects of internet marketing.You probably don't want to learn HTML or PHP or other complicating things.THE GREAT NEWS is that you don't have to learn all that complicating mess!That's because you're about to discover the SIMPLEST & EASIEST money making pages to create to build your own online business and make money online!Many times, you only need to create JUST TWO pages to make money online and you don't even need to have your own product!Plus, it can take you less than a day to create all the money making pages you need to start building your own profitable website that makes you money online and works for you on autopilot!Many of my students have asked me to create training on how to do the technical aspects of internet marketing such as building webpages online so I decided to create a step-by-step course focusing on helping the beginner to create SIMPLE, EASY, and FAST webpages strictly for the purpose of making money online.It's called ""Website 101 - How to Create Moneymaking Webpages and Websites Online!"" Online Video Training. It's about a 2-Hour Video Course and once you go through it, you will develop ALL the skills that you need to know to create money making webpages online!Here's what you get inside ""WEBSITE 101"" Online Video Training:Watch over my shoulders and WATCH ME DEMONSTRATE how to create all the moneymaking pages that you MUST create to make money online!Quick & Simple Skills to Make Money Making Pages!How to Create an Optin Page that Builds Your List on AUTOPILOT!The #1 Autoresponder I Personally Use and Recommend to Build Your List Online!How to Set Up Your Email List Step-by-Step!How to Create an Optin Page Using Just Your Autoresponder and Don't Have to Pay for Any Extra Website Software or Even Hosting!Learn How to Create Your Optin Page Using My #1 Recommended Funnel Software!Stand Out From Your Competition by Learning EXACTLY How to Create a ""Preframe Page"" Step-by-Step!Watch Exactly How to Create a Simple & Easy Sales Page So You Can INCREASE Your Sales Conversions Online!How to Install a WordPress Website (One of the Most Popular Platforms to Use for Internet Marketers) the Quick & Easy Way in Just 60 Seconds with Couple Clicks of a Button!How to Install WordPress Themes and Plugins Step by Step!Discover the Proven & Tested SIMPLE SALES FUNNEL Process that I Have Personally Used to Generate a SIX FIGURE Income From Affiliate Marketing!My SIMPLE SALES FUNNEL Process for Creating My Own Digital Products that Have Earned Me SIX FIGURES on Clickbank!The EASIEST Way to Create Webpages to Create & Sell Your Digital Products Online Step-by-Step!Finally Get the SKILLSET to Make Money Online WITHOUT Becoming a Website Programmer or Designer Because In Honesty, You Just Need to Develop The Skils to Create These SIMPLE & PROFITABLE WEBPAGES to Make Money Online (and You Can Watch Me DO IT all on my computer as if you're chilling at my home office with me!)When you get ""Website 101"", you will develop your MONEMAKING SKILLS that will LAST you for a LIFETIME!Once you learn this skillset, then you can use it for whatever type of website or business project that you want to create forever!"
Price: 99.99

"If you want to use YouTube to get more traffic and sales online, then get ""Video Marketing 101"" BASIC VIDEO COURSE by BJ Min.You will discover the 21 ESSENTIAL LESSONS to do video marketing the right way to get MORE traffic and sales online!Here's what you will learn inside this VIDEO TRAINING:- How to Rank Your YouTube Video on the Search Results- Video to List to Offer Strategy to Make Money from YouTube!- How to Do YouTube Videos Naturally Without Having a Script!- Discover What to Talk About in Your Videos!- How to Beat Your Competition on YouTube for the Long Run!- What Camera to Use!- The Best Type of Videos that Convert into Sales!- 80% to 20% Value to Pitch Ratio That Converts Your Visitors into Customers!- What Video Platforms to Get Traffic for the Long Run!- How to Target a Keyword the Right Way for a Video- Where to Put Your Main Keyword for Best SEO Optimization- The 2-Second Tip that Can Help Boost Your Video in the Search Engines- How to Transform Yourself to Be Powerful in Videos After 90 Days!"
Price: 99.99

"Ebook 101" |
"Do you want to make money with eBooks on AUTOPILOT?Do you want to just make money with eBooks WITHOUT all the complicated work such as creating a website, paying for monthly hosting, and writing a sales page?Do you want to publish your eBook on ALL the TOP eBook stores like Amazon's Kindle, BarnesandNoble's Nook, Apple's iBookstore WITHOUT having to be technical?If you said YES, then you want to get my STRAIGHT TO THE POINT VIDEO TRAINING called ""EBOOK 101"".Ebook 101 will show you a SHORT & TO THE POINT video training that will get RIGHT TO THE POINT and show you how to MAKE MONEY with eBooks on AUTIPOLOT!Inside this video training, you will discover these eBook secrets!Make money online with eBooks on AUTOPILOT!Get your eBook published on Amazon as FAST as 24 hours!Get your eBook published on BarnesandNoble's website as FAST as 24 hours!Get your eBook published to ALL the other eBook stores from ONE simple website!Never have to pay for monthly hosting for your eBook business!Never have to pay for fees to get your eBook approved like on other digital marketplaces!How to get an eBook WITHOUT having to write an eBook yourself!How to personally write your own eBook as FAST as 24 hours following my SECRET publishing method!Create your OWN ASSETS to CREATE YOUR OWN ECONOMY on AUTOPILOT!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn MVC 6 Step By Step" |
"Are you willing to learn the latest version of MVC?Willing to migrate your project to dot net core and MVC 6?Want to see the changes which happen to MVC application in Visual Studio 2017?Do you want to learn Step by Step straight to the point hands on Code with MVC 6?If Answer of above question is YES then here I have course specially for you.This course is specially designed in such a format that someone can understand it easily and i have taken care that this will be in a simple indian english so that everyone can understand.After a great success of my MVC 5 course, number of student has requested same kind of useful course on MVC 6 where they can learn Maximum in minimum time. And that's the main reason I have created this course for my students.Happy Learning."
Price: 19.99

"Learning Microsoft Azure Step by Step Part 2" |
"Are you willing you learn Microsoft Azure with SUPER EASE?Are you bored of only theoretical knowledge and want to learn Azure with Step by Step Hands-On?Want to use Azure in your day to day project work?If answer of above questions are YES then this course is for you.Working as a MCT - Microsoft Certified Trainer from almost a decade I have experienced that there are many people who learn Microsoft Azure Cloud just to clear Certification Exam and they actually don,t know how to handle Azure specific things in real time.This course is purely focusing on Learning and Not on Certification. This course is second chapter of the series of Microsoft Azure Course .If you want to Continue learning Microsoft Azure Cloud then this is second step and afterwords move to next part of the course once you are done with this."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Engagement Workshop: Growth Without Facebook Ads" |
"We all know that Facebook has changed over the years The organic reach is down It's hard to grow without using Facebook AdsRight?BUT guess what!! It is possible.You can still increase your organic reach and engagement without spending a lot of money on Facebook Ads. That's exactly what we are going to learn inside this class. You will see...Simple tactics to grow your businessHands on demosReal life examplesClient case studiesYou don't have to break the bank.You don't have to spend on Ads like big brands.You can use creative tactics and see more engagement & growth.Join me inside the course and let's do it together!!"
Price: 99.99

"Instagram Marketing For Newbies and Small Accounts" |
"With over 1Billion active users, Instagram is where you target audience is already hanging out.You competitors are crushing it on Instagram and you are still on the sidelines. BUT WHY?Lets change that right now with this class.Lets get in the game and crush it on Instagram together.Instagram is not just for selfies, you can build your community and grow your business.Do you have a small account on Instagram? (Are you just getting started?)DO NOT WORRY!I have created this class for you.Here is what you will learn inside:What We Will Cover:1. How to create a simple Instagram marketing plan (We will create one together )2. How to find and use the RIGHT hashtags (Ill share my secret toolsshhhhh)3. How to craft your Instagram BIO (Ninja hacks I use to attack clients)4. Apps and tools you can use to create thumb stopping content5. Importance of engagement and Direct messages (DMs)6. Instagram stories and direct messages (DMs)7. Lots of KILLER BONUSES and worksheets to make you an #InstaROCKSTARThis class is NOT just theory. You will see hands on execution. Ready to get started? ENROLL right now and I will see you inside!"
Price: 169.99

"Video Marketing 101 - From Newbie To Professional" |
"VIDEO is king - we all have seen the rise of video content on all social media platforms. According to Facebook, in coming years 90% of the content we consume will be video.Video has become THE MOST IMP tool to grow any business this year.But how to you create amazing video stories?How do you use video as a tool to build your business?How do you graduate from making basic iPhone videos to creating compelling stories?That's why we crated this course!! After taking this course, you will be able to Call yourself a professional video creator (no more newbie :) Create amazing videos for your clients Build your own brand and portfolioHere is what we will cover inside this courseHow to PLAN your videosShooting videos (The equipment, The location and should you care about using a script?)What editing tools to use to polish your contentHow to promote your videosA lot of FREE resources and downloadable checklistsAre you ready?This course does come with a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose.Enroll NOW and we will see you on the inside! Ali & Val"
Price: 129.99

"Using CBT to Live a Life of Happiness and Success" |
"In this course, I teach you principles, strategies, and skills from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and positive psychology to make better choices and live a happy and successful life. The course will help you stop waiting for others and circumstances to change and empower you to take destiny into your own hands. We'll explore tools from CBT for living from the inside-out rather than outside-in, empowering you to take personal responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, behavior and the results you create.Here's what a few graduates are saying:""Roger is a spiritual Guru. I say this because it is as though he knows whats going on in your personal life and is able to guide you toward solutions geared for you. I had the opportunity to take one of his seminars years ago, and what I learned I still actively use today. I read and listen to everything he creates and that is why I jumped on this course. Thank God he is still teaching! His courses always exceed his clients expectations and are 100 times the value of what you pay. I can attest to this. His interest is in human improvement, not making a dollar. He is the life whisperer. Take the course and you will agree, Roger is one of the absolute best life mentorspast, present or future. He could fit anywhere in time and help any person improve their life. Buckle up and be prepared to meet the best you possible. I only hope he continues to teach, write and create seminars!"" W. Cass""The material is excellent, well presented and the ideas/concepts are life changing. We must shift our focus from ""getting"" to 'being"". Dr. Allen shows us the way and gives us exercises to help us get there. I love the visual of aspirins taped to the head - they won't work on the outside, they only work on the inside."" John Chancellor""The information in this course is just what I have been looking for! I have studied about joy and happiness but have never found so many insights and ways to internalize the principles until now!"" Jan Mayer""I have recently suffered with some chronic health issues. These issues have overcome my positivity and my ability to achieve happiness. They have been the focus of my life for a very long time. This course has given me a new outlook once again. I am reminding myself of the joy that I have felt throughout my life. I am now going to address the gratitude that I have for so many blessings and write down how I felt during the meaningful experiences of my life. I am excited to listen to the rest of these lectures."" Pam InfangerYou will learn: Strategies from positive psychology and cognitive behavior therapy to live a happy and successful life. Tools to quiet yourself and find fulfillment and inner peace. The know-how to stop waiting for out-there to change and take ownership of your life. Knowledge from cognitive behavior therapy to handle negative feelings. How to use CBT to choose empowering thoughts, feelings, and behavior in any circumstance. How to change negative stories about yourself and your life to empowering, uplifting stories.The course is based on three truths:First is that you want to be happy. You want to feel joy, peace and love. You dont wake up in the morning thinking, My goal, today, is to see how miserable I can be. No, if youre like most people, your greatest desire is to experience positive emotions and live a happy and meaningful life. Your desire to be happy is your natural state, as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing and so many of your day-to-day activities (both what you do and avoid) are your attempts to find joy, meaning and success in your life.The second truth is that life is hard. You need not look far to encounter hardships or even suffering in this life. You were born into an imperfect world, to imperfect caregivers and have likely had hard experiences, perhaps even beginning at an early age, which have caused you to feel emotional pain, fear, insecurity, inadequacy, and resentment. Although life is easier for some than others, most people experience their share of setbacks, loss, unfulfilled expectations, and just plain hard times. If youre like most people, you begrudge your hardships, wishing and hoping they would go away, but they keep coming at you in an unending series of challenges.The third truth is that the facts, circumstances, and events dont define you. What ultimately defines you and determines your success and fulfillment is your ability to make good, positive, or empowering choices. Cognitive Behavior Therapy teaches that you have the power to chooseyour thoughts, attitudes, and actions in the face of any and all circumstances of your life. And by your choices you determine your destiny, the quality, and outcomes of your life.These three truths make up the rationale of this course. Of course, making new choices is not easy. Hence, this course. As someone who has done a ton of self-improvement work as well as helped thousands of others, I know what it takes and have designed this course to give you breakthrough insights and powerful and practical strategies to live a happy and successful life.This course consists of four sections.Section one is Claiming Joy.We're socialized to believe that success has to do with externals--money, possessions, popularity, power, appearance, etc. Nothing wrong with the pursuit of externals. They bring excitement and meaning into our lives. However, we must be careful because the pursuit of externals often puts us on a treadmill of comparing and competing in which whatever we have/achieve is never enough. It sets us up to live from fear and scarcity rather than joy. In this class we'll explore how to create happiness, abundance, and success from the ""inside-out"" rather than ""outside-in"". Im going to teach you principles and strategies from CBT and the science of happiness to know how to find happiness and joy on the inside.Section two is Claiming Ownership.In section two I teach you how to claim ownership of your life. This means that your feelings and the results you get are influenced, but not determined, by circumstances, events, and other people. Using principles from cognitive behavior therapy, you can learn to choose your response to anything that happens to you. You dont have to sit idly by waiting for others or circumstances to change or feel like a pawn or victim of life. I teach you how to be a victor rather than victim of life, how to take ownership of your life and live proactively from your own intent.Section three is Claiming Your Power.In this section of the course, Ill be teaching you a powerful model, based on principles of cognitive behavior therapy, to change your brain and how you experience setbacks and challenges so you can turn adversity into triumph and know that nothing can happen in your life that you cannot handle and master. I'll introduce you to ""key moments,"" situations and events in which it is easy to be reactive or spiral into a negative pattern of thinking, feeling and acting. Some key moments are mild (a child spilling a glass of milk, traffic on the way to work). Others shake us to the very core (losing a job, the death of a loved one). How we handle our key moments determines the quality of our lives and relationships. By understanding this CBT-based model, you'll learn how to change your brain so you can turn setbacks and challenges into triumph, knowing that nothing can happen in your life that you cannot handle and master.And section four is Claiming Your Story.As a child you may have loved climbing onto the lap of a parent or sitting in a circle and listening to a favorite story. Of course, you didnt stop telling stories because you became an adult. You tell yourself stories (albeit unconsciously) every day about the meaning of the events of your life. In fact, more important than events are the stories you tell about these events. You have the ability to live a happy and successful life if you tell correct, empowering stories about who you are. Im going to teach you to tell yourself a new story, an empowering story about yourself and your life that will enable you to feel good about who you are and achieve your greatest desires.My experienceI have taught the strategies from this course for many years to hundreds of audiences and thousands of people. Some of my audiences have been in intensive, experiential, personal development workshops. Many of the participants from my experiential programs will still share with me, sometimes 30 years later, that my courses were a turning point in their lives or among a very few of the most meaningful experiences of their lives. So I know, from much experience, that the ideas are sound and will make a real difference to those who use them.And that is a key. Hearing an idea is not enough. It is necessary to apply the idea to have life-changing impact. Although this is not an interactive workshop, I provide many application templates and exercises so you can use the ideas in your day to day life. And as you practice these ideas your life will improve significantly.TestimonialsHere are a few more testimonials from people who have taken this course: ""I find these lectures engaging and motivating. I like the simplicity of the style, completely devoid of manipulation, that gives me a feeling of trust. It feels good to be taught and encouraged, to have the impression that the lecturer genuinely cares about me as a student traveling on the road to a happier life."" Aicha Jacob""This course is so helpful. I consider myself a pretty happy person most of the time but I am still learning so much from the content of this course thus far. I'm looking forward to learning more as I continue listening and practicing the concepts. Roger Allen, PHD never disappoints with his ability to connect and help those whose life he touches. I love that I can hear and see him in the videos. Udemy is a great venue. Thank you, Roger, for taking the time to share your insight and knowledge with us through Udemy."" Linda Hatch""Practical, effective tools that boosted our levels of happiness in every way. Roger presents the material in a way that makes it easy to follow and implement."" Robert Spencer""Great match - exactly what I was looking for."" Suzie Sotirias""This course doesn't gloss over life's challenges but gets to the heart of how we can determine our own happiness even during difficult times."" Connie Anderson""I am enjoying this class very much. I like the idea of ""claiming joy"" because that means I have control of that. That gives me the power to make the choice to accept my responsibility for myself and the way I experience life. I am looking at my intentional activities to further my happiness, not at the myths of happiness. Thanks!"" Rolayne Sellers""This course is engaging, uplifting, hopeful and fully applicable to me and to my life. Dr. Allen is an excellent presenter and his principles and strategies in the course are insightful, on target and very helpful and useful to me and the changes that will make a positive difference in my life. I have followed Dr. Allen for many years in different courses and presentations and I have been excited and grateful to do it again in this course."" Randy Hardman, Ph.D.""Just seeing Roger again immediately touches and opens my heart. I have been privileged to share with him in the past years and trust him completely and value his words and wisdom. I am looking forward to continuing my adventure toward Happiness."" Shelly JohnsonThanks,Roger K. Allen, Ph.D."
Price: 79.99

"Google Ads Fastrack" |
"Google Ads Fastrack is all about getting set up correctly and quickly. We achieve this by skipping over what we can attend to in later videos, so you never get stalled or bogged down in details that aren't relevant at the moment. This is a great course to get set up fast, knowing you are not missing anything or making any mistakes during set up because I show you every step right there on the screen so you can do it exactly the way I show you. You can easily get your first and most important campaign set up on your first day!You get step by step video instructions on:Dynamic Search CampaignThis is the fastest and most useful campaign to set up. The best first step to take!Set up Conversion TrackingWhy do others make this so complicated? It's easy! Without this, you can't tell if your ads are making you money. I show you every step!Remarketing Display CampaignAgain, so simple to do - it's not complicated. This takes less than one hour to set up and so essential for any website with an offer.Standard Keyword CampaignFill in the holes that your Dynamic Search Campaign does not cover. You'll learn keyword research, keyword grouping for Ad Groups, match types, Adwords Editor, and ad writing."
Price: 29.99

"Guitarra FingerStyle Nivel 1" |
"Durante muchos aos los alumnos de Guitartistica pedan que este curso saliera a la luz. Despus de algn tiempo de hacer arreglos fingerstyle y tener claros algunos conceptos claves respecto a este genero, he decidido lanzar este curso que sin duda superara tus expectativas respecto a lo que quieres conocer, TE LO ASEGURO, ya sabes la calidad de todos los cursos impartidos desde Guitartistica, con su excelente pedagoga . Hemos cogido una meloda base para arreglar y sobre ella hemos aplicado los conceptos principales de la Guitarra Fingerstyle, como siempre con la gran calidad pedaggica de Guitartistica y con las explicaciones detalladas para que no queden lagunas de ningn tipo."
Price: 39.99

"Mastering REST APIs in Node.js: Zero To Hero" |
"Have you ever wondered about how RESTAPIs work? Have you tried to understand all the components that are required to create RESTAPIs? Are you a developer coming from a Java/PHP/Perl/Python background but now interested in Node.js? Did you want to know how relational databases work? Or how NoSQLworks? How are they different - or even similar?Have you heard about JSONWebTokens and token based authentication but wasn't sure how they work? Have you heard the latest buzzword GraphQLbut wondered how it works?Look no further -- this course answers all your questions! It teaches the very basics ofRESTAPIs including its architecture and HTTPmethods, to adding relational database and/or NoSQLsupport while also covering authentication via tokens as well as GraphQL. As a bonus, Section 10 (Appendix B) has an entire section on how to implement the RESTAPI in an example application - including authentication for users.The course is broken up into 10 distinctive sections.SECTION1 - Introduction to RESTAn overview of the true basics of REST - including the architecture, HTTP methods and status codes and it also discusses why you'd want to develop a RESTAPI at the first place.SECTION 2 - Our first RESTAPI in Node.jsThis section takes a look at the basics around RESTAPI and implements a simple API service using Node.js without using any external dependencies (yes, it only uses some of the built-in Node.js modules)SECTION 3 - Express - a versatile web server for Node.jsIn this section we learn about Express - the most popular web server framework for Node.js. We learn how to install it, how to handle routes, how to utilise the Router object for advanced routing. Later on we also take a look at how to work with static files, how to utilise query strings and query parameters - we'll implement these features later on when we create a RESTAPI.SECTION 4 - Relational Database Management SystemsIt is crucial to understand data storage before we can create a functional RESTAPI. This section shows us how to work with Relational DatabaseManagement Systems (MySQL, to be more precise) and also teaches us how SQLqueries work, and how to manipulate data.SECTION 5 - Create a RESTAPI using a Relational DatabaseIn this section of the course we learn about creating a RESTAPI instance where we utilise the previously gathered knowledge about relational databases. The course uses MySQL, the nativeMySQL driver but later on we change to Knex.js which is a SQL Query Builder for Node.jsSECTION 6 - Creating a RESTAPI using NoSQLThis part of the course takes a look at NoSQL - it introduces the student to NoSQLdatabases, compares them with Relational Databases. During this section we learn how to use MongoDB(the most popular NoSQLdatabase) and utilise it to create another RESTAPI.SECTION 7 - Securing a RESTAPISecurity plays an important factor in RESTAPIs. During this section we learn how token based authentication works, we get an introduction to JSONWebTokens (JWT) and we take the previously created two RESTAPIs - one that uses a relational database, and the other that uses a NoSQLdatabase - and we add JWTsupport for both.SECTION 8 - GraphQLGraphQL is gaining popularity and often times it is seen as a competitor for RESTAPIs. During this section we take a look at the basics of GraphQL and see how it can complement an existing RESTAPI. The videos in this section not only show us the basics but it also shows us how to add the previously implemented authentication to GraphQL.Section 9 (Appendix A) - ToolingThis section has a single video that introduces Insomnia - a tool that can be seen throughout the course for testing the RESTAPISection 10 (Appendix B) - Application creationAlthough not strictly related to RESTAPIs - this section teaches us how to create an application to consume the RESTAPI created throughout the previous sections of the course. It walks us through CORS and its importance, describes environment variables and finally creates a rudimentary application that allows us to register users, login/logout and check a secret profile - it essentially implements our API including JWTauthentication."
Price: 79.99

"Practical GraphQL - Become a GraphQL Ninja" |
"Have you heard about GraphQL? Have you always wanted to understand the basics of GraphQL?This course is for developers wishing to learn about GraphQL in a practical, hands-on manner.During the course students will be able to acquire the necessary skills to understand and work with GraphQL's basic as well as advanced features, including but not limited to:Have a basic understanding of basic scalar typesCreate custom scalarsBe familiar with Resolvers, Type Definitions (Schemas)Understand the importance of a data model in relation to GraphQLUnderstand how GraphQL queries work - including parameterised queriesGet a working knowledge of GraphQL mutationsUnderstand how file uploads work using GraphQLLearn how to serve images in a GraphQL contextGo hands-on and learn how authentication and authorisation works in GraphQLCreate 4 sample applications:Implement a basic application to run GraphQLqueriesImplement a more advanced application that uses React to work with GraphQLEnhance the aforementioned application and extend it with authentication and authorisationCreate an application to understand how to serve/display images and upload files using purely GraphQLThis course mostly utilises the Apollo GraphQL services.Please note that during the course several applications are created - mostly using React, however this course does not contain information on React. It does however discuss the React parts that are relevant to the context - therefore only students who are already somewhat familiar with React should purchase this course."
Price: 79.99

"Super SEO" |
"A perfect course to learn SEO. Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your app/website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your app/site's user experience and performance in organic search results. In this course you can find a super-quick refresher on what you'll need to do in order to SEO your web content: Google Analytics - Keyword Research: If you want to generate traffic through search, it's best to do keyword research before you start writing. This way, you can focus on keywords for which a certain amount of search volume already exists. Google Webmaster Tools - Keyword Optimization: Know where and how to use keywords in your content for maximum searchability. Content Organization: The content on your site should be organized in a logical way. This is not only good for SEO, it also helps visitors on your site find other related content easily. Linking Building - Content Promotion: Increase visibility to new content you create by sharing it on social networks and building links to your content."
Price: 49.99

"Acoustics: Sounds Right" |
"All of us speak and hear people blabber every day [Sigh...]. Those of us who are lucky also listen to music every day and some of us even play music. However, very few understand the theory behind music and sound. Let me blow your mind and take you on a journey into Acoustics - a branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.Let us dive deep into the human ear and brush against the Stereocilia. By the end of this course you will know how to measure the exact frequency and amplitude of sound when your spouse yells at you, which we will term ""objectionable information carrying sound"". More specifically: In section 1: ""Fundamentals of Sound"" we will explore The Sine Wave, Sound in Media, Particle Motion, Propagation of Sound, Speed of Sound, Wavelength and Frequency, Complex Waves, Harmonics, Phase, Partials, Octaves, Spectrum, Electrical, Mechanical, and Acoustical Analogs. In section 2: ""Sound Levels and the Decibel"" we will explore Ratios versus Differences, Expressing Numbers, Logarithms, Decibels, Reference Levels, Logarithmic and Exponential Forms Compared, Acoustic Power, Using Decibels, Sound-Pressure Level, Loudspeaker SPL, Microphone Specifications, Line Amplifier, General-Purpose Amplifier, Concert Hall, Combining Decibels, Measuring Sound-Pressure Level, and Sine-Wave Measurements. In section 3: ""Sound in the Free Field"" we will explore The Free Field, Sound Divergence, Sound Intensity in the Free Field, Sound Pressure in the Free Field, Examples: Free-Field Sound Divergence, Sound Fields in Enclosed Spaces, and Hemispherical Field and Propagation. In section 4: ""The Perception of Sound"" we will explore Sensitivity of the Ear, Ear Anatomy, The Outer Ear, Directional Cues, The Ear Canal, The Middle Ear, The Inner Ear, Stereocilia, Loudness versus Frequency, Loudness Control, Area of Audibility, Loudness versus Sound-Pressure Level, Loudness and Bandwidth, Loudness of Impulses, Audibility of Loudness Changes, Pitch versus Frequency, Pitch, The Missing Fundamental, Timbre versus Spectrum, Localization of Sound Sources, Binaural Localization, Law of the First Wavefront, The Franssen Effect, The Precedence Effect, Perception of Reflected Sound, The Cocktail-Party Effect, Aural Nonlinearity, Subjective versus Objective, and Occupational and Recreational Deafness. In section 5: ""Signals, Speech, Music, and Noise"" we will explore Sound Spectrograph, Speech, Vocal Tract Molding of Speech, Formation of Voiced Sounds, Formation of Unvoiced Sounds, Frequency Response of Speech, Directionality of Speech, Music, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Nonharmonic Overtones, Dynamic Range of Speech and Music, Power in Speech and Music, Frequency Range of Speech and Music, Auditory Area of Speech and Music, Noise, Noise Measurements, Random Noise, White and Pink Noise, Signal Distortion, Harmonic Distortion, Resonance, and Audio Filters. In section 6: ""Reflection"" we will explore Specular Reflections, Flutter Echoes, Doubling of Pressure at Reflection, Reflections from Convex Surfaces, Reflections from Concave Surfaces, Reflections from Parabolic Surfaces, Whispering Galleries, Standing Waves,The Corner Reflector, Mean Free Path, Perception of Sound Reflections, The Effect of Single Reflections, Perception of Spaciousness, Images, and Echoes, Effect of Angle of Incidence, Signal Type, and Spectrum on Audibility of Reflection."
Price: 19.99

"Business Law: Even Santa has a Clause" |
"To a great extent, business activity across the world is carried on within a capitalist, market-based system. With regard to such a system, law provides and maintains an essential framework within which such business activity can take place, and without which it could not operate. In maintaining this framework, law establishes the rules and procedures for what is to be considered legitimate business activity and, as a corollary, what is not legitimate. It is essential, therefore, for the businessperson to be aware of the nature of the legal framework within which they have to operate. Even if they employ legal experts to deal with their legal problems, they will still need to be sufficiently knowledgeable to be able to recognize when to refer matters to those experts. It is the intention of this course to provide business students with an understanding of the most important aspects of law as they impinge on various aspects of business activity. One of the most obvious and most central characteristics of all societies is that they must possess some degree of order, in order to permit their members to interact over a sustained period of time. Different societies, however, have different forms of order. Some societies are highly regimented with strictly enforced social rules, whereas others continue to function in what outsiders might consider a very unstructured manner, with apparently few strict rules being enforced. In this course we will focus on US business law."
Price: 19.99

"Create an IT Startup With No Programming or Experience" |
"If you have a great idea for an app or website, but aren't a programmer, this class is for you. In this class you'll learn: The secrets of successful startup developmentHow to plan your project How to hire the developer that's right for youHow to manage your developer IT concepts you need to know to run a startupThe latest Web, Mobile app, and Desktop technologiesHow to make your product easy to use and understandClass is updated periodically with new content at no additional costBy the end of this course, you'll be able to start turning your idea into a reality. This class has a 30 day money back guarantee through Udemy. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain."
Price: 19.99

"Product design, fabrication and 3D-printing: A teleprompter" |
"This course is about the design and modelling of stand-alone items, assemblies and final products, and then fabricating them on a simple home-use 3D printer. In this course, students shall be taught how to fabricate a simple teleprompter as a final product. The course is a step-by-step approach to final product fabrication, by first modelling on Fusion 360, then fabricating on a home-use 3D printer before the final assembly into the final product . Students shall be taught of the theory behind the teleprompter technique to better appreciate the requirements as well as the limitations in such designs. The skills that one achieves in the modelling and design shall enable students to design and fabricate other 3D-printed parts, assemblies or products. Transform your imaginations into physical objects now!"
Price: 179.99

"Pintura digital do zero" |
"Independente de ter ou no o dom, se voc aplicar o mtodo e se dedicar praticando, nuNca mais vai se sentir frustrado por s conseguir fazer pintura digital do jeito certoVoc pode tirar seus desenhos da gaveta sem ter vergonha de mostrar seus nas redes sociais.Voc no precisa mais desistir porque no conseguiu fazer a Line Art ou a pintura ficou amadora demais.Agora voc vai ter um mtodo simples e objetivo pra te ajudar a fazer pintura digital da forma corretaDepois que dominar esse mtodo, com certeza voc vai:Conseguir finalizar digitalmente seus desenhos feitos no papel, sem dificuldadePerceber que possvel pintar no computar como os profissionaisMelhorar seu trao e ter uma Line art de nvel profissionalEntender o conceito de Pintura Digital e aplic-lo em qualquer softwarePraticar desenho se divertindo sem frustraoSer reconhecido e elogiado por seus desenhosMelhorar sua qualidade de vida fazendo o que ama"
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to Tonic Herbs" |
"Plants provide some of our most valuable medicine! More than 80% of people on earth use herbs as their primary form of medicine. Most of those people are from traditional cultures, with thousands of years of wisdom behind their herbal systems.In this course, you will learn exactly why this ancient form of plant medicine and healing has been around for so long.You will become educated on the basic knowledge of tonic herbalism, how it works and how to begin to incorporate herbs into your life as a tool for achieving natural, optimum health.Youll acquire a the necessary foundation of Chinese Medicine and Herbalism, therefore if you decide to dig deeper into the exploration of herbal medicine, you'll be well equipped.You will learn which herbs and mushrooms do what, tips of dosage and usage, along with some really simple and delicious ways to consume them. You'll likely find a great improvement in your overall immunity and resistance to stress, disease and fatigue. Your digestive system will likely improve along with your skin and overall energy. In no time you will see why the Ancient people of China opted for Nature's medicinal botanicals over harsh synthetic medications and drugs.By the end of the course you will be well equipped to begin using some of Ancient Chinese Medicine's most sacred herbs and medicinal mushroom your improving your health and well-being.I am confident that you will find this course helpful and empowering. Once you understand the impressive healing power of plants, herbs and medicinal mushrooms, you will never look back.Who is the target audience?Those interested in preventative care as well as those interested in naturally healing themselves and their loved ones.Those interested in improving their health and wellbing.Those interested in herbalism and herbal medicine.Those interested in anti-aging, longevity and optimum well-being."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo crear tu Startup desde cero" |
"Este curso est diseado para todos aquellos que desean iniciar un emprendimiento o startup partiendo con solo una idea. El objetivo de este curso es inspirar y entregar todas las herramientas necesarias para que puedas iniciar un emprendimiento exitoso y lo lleves a la creacin del producto mnimo viable en muy corto tiempo."
Price: 49.99

"Dieting Made Easy: How to Dominate Your Diet in 12 Steps" |
"Dieting is one of those stressful and controversial topics. Many people jump from diet to diet without finding one that works. Many find a diet and lose a bunch of weight in the short-term, but gain it back in the long term. Why?Diets in todays world are focused on the quick fix. That's understandable. It's human nature to want things to come easily. A headline like ""lose 10 pounds in 10 days"" can be very attractive. The problem is that a headline like this does not take into account the dieters long-term health.If you knew that when you started dieting, you would succeed for a few months to a year but eventually return to the weight you started at... would you continue it? It's easy to get anxious throughout the year when events like going to the beach are around the corner. Many of us go on very low calorie diets for short periods of time to lose a bunch of weight. While this method may work in the short-term, we could actually be doing harm to our body in the long run. How?Rapid short-term weight loss can actually make us gain weight in the long run!The great thing though is that there is hope... There is a method that allows us to safely lose weight and keep it off. For good.We can accomplish this without having to neglect our favorite foods. Yes I'm serious. Years ago we were told that fat is the enemy. More recently we have been told that carbohydrates are the enemy. The thing is... They are only the enemy if you make them the enemy. We need fat and carbohydrates as a part of a healthy diet. We need protein too. These three things make up what are called the macronutrients and they are essential for a lasting diet plan.We just need to find the right structure for our diets...Here are some things this course is going to open your mind to:how to set an appropriate caloric ceiling for yourself each dayhow to create a lifelong diet plan whether your goal is weight loss or weight maintenanceshow you the one secret to achieving sustainable and healthy weight lossWhy it is so important to be well versed in the 3 macronutrients (carbs, protein, and fats)how rapid short-term weight loss can actually make us gain weight in the long-runhow exactly our plate should look when we sit down to eatwhy it's so important to emphasize color when setting up our plates for optimal nutritionlearn the science behind the proper technique to shopping a grocery store for peak nutrition (I know, I can't believe there's actually a science to it either!)what the heck the Glycemic Index is and why we should carehow we can take advantage of our natural ability to be lazy to benefit our diets!how the magic of grazing can keep our metabolic rates at their highest level and prevent blood sugar swingshow habit loops affect everything we do in life and can make or break our dietsLastly... I made it a point to speak slowly during this course. It may be beneficial for many students to listenat 1.5x speed :)"
Price: 19.99
