"Guide to DaVinci Resolve 16 Video Editing" |
"DaVinci Resolve 16 is a fully featured cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) video editor that comes in the base version for free and studio version. There are no watermarks in your export and the editor is very comparable to other top editors like Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas. In this course, I'll teach you what you need to know to produce quality videos out of your raw footage.Learn how to add video effects, transitions, and custom titles to your videosExplore the new Cut editing workflowCreate 3Dspecial effects and custom titles with FusionManipulate your video's look by making changes to the coloring.Learn more about exporting your video including how you can upload straight to YouTube automaticallyThe program can be broken down into 6 main areas, including the new Cut editor, for importing and managing your video, audio, and image assets. The editing tab where you will do the bulk of your work actually placing video clips on the timeline, cutting away unnecessary footage, as well as adding effects and titles to your video. The cut editor serves as an alternative to the edit tab focused on a faster workflow, less interface clutter, and 3 easy to use timelines for different levels of precision in your adjustments. The fusion tab allows you create and modify powerful 3Deffects creating objects and manipulating lights, color, 3D rotation and position, and more straight from within Resolve. Next, we will jump to the color tab where you can create advanced custom effects changing the visuals of your video with tools like layer masks and power windows. The Fairlight tab allows you to manipulate and improve your audio with VST plugins and record new voice overs inside the program. When all is said and done, you finish up your project by exporting inside of the deliver tab. Let's get to it!"
Price: 29.99

"Complete OBS Master Course to Streaming & Recording Videos" |
"Learn how to record and stream games, screencasts, vlogs, or video podcasts with Open Broadcaster software. Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is the best free cross-platform tool for recording videos or streaming to sites like YouTube or Twitch. In this course, you'll learn how to set up OBS to record screencasts or games. We'll cover topics like adding webcams and chroma keying out a green screen to get a talking head effect with no distracting background.Here's an overview of what you'll find in the courseWalkthrough of All the Basics of Using OBSSetup Guides for Screencasting, Gaming, and VloggingVisual and Audio Filters like Green Screen and Sound Noise ReductionDetailed Settings Guides like How to Install and Change Color Themes for OBSMore to come as I create content to flesh the course out in the next few weeks"
Price: 29.99

"How To Author a Best-Selling Science Fiction Novel & MOVIE" |
"Many of us wonder if we have a best selling book inside us based on our experiences in life. This course will teach you how to create a book for Amazon, Audible, Kindle etc. that will have its best chance to become a best-seller if you fully absorb the concepts that we teach you here in this course. Also included are excerpts for a recent book I did that is going to the top of all Best-Selling Book lists because we wrote it with the Science Fiction fans of this era in mind. We are all spoiled by some of the best Sci-fi in history in stories like Star Trek, Star Wars, 2001 - A Space Odyssey, Alien, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, etc. This course will teach you how to generate top of the line stories like these and then how to publish them correctly where they can earn you millions."
Price: 19.99

"The Green New Deal" |
"Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard about The Green New Deal that is now circulating through our government. But, as usual, the Congress can never give us the Green New Deal because of the divisive state of the Two-Party monolithic tyranny that over-rides common sense. The provisions of the Green New Deal are explained in detail and the manner in which we gain all of the provisions that will save our planet are explained in detail. Hopefully turning you into a passionate advocate for the only way to avoid the complete extinction of all life on the Earth."
Price: 19.99

"How To Write & Sell Your First Novel" |
"Creative TRANSFORMATION starts with the writing of your first novel...* Do you want to dramatically improve your CREATIVE writing skills?* Do you yearn to unleash the BRILLIANT NOVEL inside of you?* Do you want to experience the KUDOS of AUTHORSHIP?* Or do you just want to earn MONTHLY ROYALTIES for the rest of your life?Rob says: ""Having been a freelance writer for most of my adult life, I can tell you one thing for sure:""You don't really feel like you're in the writing business untill you've completed your first novel.""There's just something about that milestone that clicks a trigger inside your head. The one that says: ""That's it, you did it. You're now a bona fide author.""And thats something you want, right?To be a successful author writing novels that people want to buy so you can live the life of a freelance writer and fulfill all your goals and dreams.Sure you do.What's important to you?Do you yearn for the prestige, fame and riches that result from being an author?Do you want to tell your boss where to go and become a happy and successful published writer?Would you like to know all the tricks and strategies of the professionals - without having to spend YEARS learning them!How about discovering how to be talented, artistic - even a GENIUS!So, let me ask you, right now:""Do you want to know the easiest and best way to write and sell your first novel?""If so, you've come to right place.In case you dont know me at all, Im Rob Parnell, proud author of 31 - THIRTY ONE - #1 Amazon bestsellers, including 5 novels, a short story collection, and a popular novella series. Ive been a freelance author for most of my life and Ive been teaching creative writing and success strategies online for over fifteen years. Udemy contains the best of my resources all in one place!Okay...Let's get started on your new career...A few weeks from now, you could have written a brilliant novel, full of excellent characters, compelling action and an ingenious plot. Wouldn't your friends and family be totally amazed? Wouldn't you feel fantastic about it?Sure you would!And that's not all - with a good book to your name, soon you can be a published author.Imagine that - fame, respect, the ability to do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted!Does all this sound like your dream come true?It doesn't have to be a dream. It's all perfectly possible.Ask yourself:Do you have a book inside you that you've always wanted to write?* Are there events in your life you've always had a desire to write about?Do you then tell yourself (wrongly!) that you don't have the time, the talent or the energy to write a whole book?Listen...Do you fully appreciate that within just a few short months, even weeks, you YES, YOU, can go from wannabe author to book royalties in your sleep? And that's MONTHLY royalties that arrive like clockwork at the begining of each month!It's really not that hard to achieve this end.(More digital authors are becoming millionaires every year, according to ALL of the latest publishing industry studies.)Once you know how to organize your time, taKe my course, simply watch my VIDEOS and soak in the skills this unique course offers you, you'll be all set to write and finally finish the novel you always wanted to create.With over FOUR HOURS of BROADCAST QUALITY video instruction and 20 - YES, TWENTY - PDF bonus items, including bestseller novel TEMPLATES, this is what I can offer you, right now:* Claim your birthright before it's too late.* Be what you always wanted to be - an author with a bestselling book!* Show all those cynics and naysayers they were wrong about you!Because with step by step, no nonsense tips, techniques and simple strategies, this system will enable you to turn your most treasured dreams into reality.You'll be able to turn on the tap to instant creativity. You will gain the all important Author's Mindset! You'll learn how to banish self doubt and lack of confidence. You'll have access to all the tricks and skills of professional writers. Best of all, whilst writing for no more than an hour or two a day, you'll be able to finish an entire novel - easily - in less than a month. Guaranteed!Most people even some professional writers - think that writing a novel is hard. That it's something that requires dedication, talent and heaps of spare time. Amateurs think it's something that only others can do. These are some of the most persistent myths that surround the writing process.Listen, if you want to know everything thats in this massive writing course, spin down to the bottom of this page. The full curriculum is there.You'll be amazed at the sheer range of issues I have addressed in this course. I leave no stone unturned in my quest to fully equip you for the writing and selling of a commercially successful novel.Heres a quick OVERVIEW:Initially we look at the all-important MINDSET required for the writing of novel.Dedication comes from within - and you'll need to dig deep to find the commitment and energy necessary for the great task.The good news is I have developed a program that includes crucial skills like:* How to create a new habit* How to set targets* How to maintain your accountability* and how to maintain and sustain your motivation.These positive abilities will help you sail through the writing of your novel.We look at the TOOLS you need like your writing space, your individual process and the physical items you will need to help you write your magnum opus.Next, we tackle STORY CREATION. This section is packed with all the tips and tactics you need to create the best story you can possibly deliver.Discover your overriding topic, the subject that drives you, and how you can show your internal vision with imagination and courage in the pages of your swansong.* Learn how to easily create compelling characters.* Seek out your genre, your ideal location* Discover how to structure a template based on the hero's Journey.* Learn how to interweave theme, premise and authorial depth into your next masterpiece.* Understand story arc, point of view and the importance of correctly framing obstacles and creating an agenda path for your protagonist.Be ahead of the game: know how to use INSTANT NOVEL TEMPLATES, especially developed for this course. Never before has one author or teacher attempted to distill the essence of each and every genre into a usable template for new writers.It's like having your own mentor SHOW you how to get started and keep going with a structured outline that will always result in a perfectly formed novel-length story.This is a truly astonishing inclusion in this course: never before available complete templates for novels!YES - Classic templates that always work.Use the pre-formed templates PLUS learn how to be more flexible too - by developing your own wonderful plots.Learn how to create perfect scenes and how to construct a novel template that is robust and symmetrical. Become a writer of stature with your first attempt.It's all right here!Instant literary success creation is available to you - right now.Then we move onto the WRITING! You get so much help here, it's crazy!* How to write fast* How to stay focused* How to finish what you start* How to enjoy being creative* How to create a bestseller on autopilotNext, I show you everything you need to know about EDITING a bestseller!* The three main editing issues you must address* How to gain distance and objectivity* A complete editing plan to copy and emulateThen finally about PUBLISHING and SELLING your work.* The alternatives available to you* The best way forward for instant results* What to avoid like the plague!* 50 ways to promote you book onlineThis course really is the most comprehensive guide to the whole issue of novel writing you could ever hope to own!But you may be thinking at this point: Why is writing a novel and selling a novel such a crucial experience for you?Simply put, it can change your life. Completely.That's what happened to me. I went from stuck and bored in a poverty-stricken humdrum life to rich and independent with just ONE YEAR - simply because I started writing and selling books - that's how powerful it can be.This Course Explodes The Myths!In this brand new and original system, you get the facts.Based on uniquely valuable information gleaned from twenty-five years of writing and working with hundreds of writers, artists, screenwriters, agents, producers, directors, managers and publishers, I promise this program will take you on an exciting journey.It's a frank and thorough road map to success.You will learn how to write fast and well and easily - in fact, probably faster and better than you ever thought possible!Even if you're a professional, this system contains information that will simply blow you away!You'll wonder why writing ever seemed so hard. I guarantee it!Never before on the Net have so many tips, tricks and secrets been laid bare. If you aspire to be a published author or just want to finish your first novel, there is simply no other system for writing that you need.You Will Discover:How to acquire an Author's MINDSET - easily, quickly and without effort.Writing Q.E.D Creating compelling fiction no-one can ignore!The Trick to getting your reader to love your charactersRevolutionary F.A.S.T. EditingThe Six Killer Rules for writing any fiction.The Ten Deadly Sins writers commit so you don't have to!How to deal with Procrastination and dreaded Writer's Block.How to deal with Distractions including family, friends and spouses!Learn the Secret to Boundless CreativityAll the Tips, Tools and Techniques necessary for fast, faultless fiction!All this and much, much more!These facts would take you years to learn. Why take that valuable time?It's All Here!Now, I know what you're going to say.You're going to object. You're going to say that there can't possibly be an easy way to write a novel. A whole novel? As in 80,000 to 100,000 words?Well, I used to think the same way. I believed that there was some mystery to being an author. That it was something I wanted but maybe I could never achieve. I was terrified of the seemingly enormous task of writing a book.But, let me tell you, I wish I'd had this system when I started out. That's why I wrote it. It's the book I would have most wanted to have by my side when I started writing.A program that could have saved me years of hard earned experience!Listen... I know what it's like to be poor - and it sucks.I remember being so poor I once prayed for divine help - that's how desperate (and pathetic) I was!Years ago, I was living in the virtual gutter. Dirt poor. Always struggling to pay the bills. Crazy, because I was working nine to five jobs - with various partners and children - living the ""normal life like everyone else - and yet I had the least amount of money!I hated normal life because I felt empty and dissatisfied.I knew I had so much to offer but each day that passed seemed like a missed opportunity. I began to think I would go to my grave having given nothing to the world.Every day, I grew more depressed until the turn of the last millennium when I knew I just had to get myself together and simply change my life!Sure, Id written stories before, but THIS TIME, I decided, it would be different.I would go all out to make it work!Only when I listened to my heart and intuition and gave it my all to start on my dream - to write for a living - did everything fall into place. Within less than a year I was earning more than double as a writer than I'd ever earned in an office job.The catch?I had to write.In that first year of freelance writing I wrote three e-books, seven short stories, two online writing courses and finally finished a massive novel.All that changed my life, put me on the road to where I am now. Happy, fulfilled.The Truth of It25 years ago I was a struggling artist, scraping together money from wherever I could find it. I wrote and wrote, eventually getting published. It was hard. It was harder because I had no blueprint, no concise advice to follow.I'm a professional writer now - and have been for over a decade! I've written numerous books, screenplays, stage-plays, articles, columns and short stories. I've been published all over the English speaking world. It's been good for me.But the truth is I would never have taken this career without my love of writing. I love writers, if you can understand that, because they inspired me to do what I do.For this reason, I've always felt somehow indebted. That's why I want to give back to writers something useful.My Commitment to YouI've been a writer all my life.I'm passionate about writing. Ask any of my students and they'll tell you. My great aim is to help writers no matter where they're at - to succeed. I'm dedicated wholeheartedly to this one objective.I've also been a voracious reader since I was very young. Even now, I read 3-4 books every week - without fail. In the last year or so, I've read all the Internet has to offer on the subject of writing and self-help in this area.It is because of this that I can honestly say that this course is the best, the most complete, and the most radical new way of looking at this age-old subject that you will ever come across!The FactsI'm going to let you in on a secret now. Good writing can be taught.You don't need to be a genius, or hugely talented or even clever. Good writing can be taught.Have you ever been amazed by an author's success? Especially when their writing is average? There's a reason for it.The truth is anyone, with the right guidance, can create compelling fiction. Anyone can write a brilliant novel. Yep. Even you.Don't Believe Me?Ask yourself this. What makes a good book nowadays? A good read? A good story? Or well written prose and intelligent sounding words?The fact is, modern publishers don't want great literary writing. They want stories because it's stories that sell!That's why agents and publishers continually reject a great writer and take a brilliant novel every time!Best news? Something that even publishers don't know?There are ways of creating those stories. Ways that I can show you.Here's another recent unsolicited testimonial:Does this Sound Like You?Over the years, I've worked with thousands of writers, on all kinds of projects. The same excuses keep coming up.I don't have the time to writeI can't get my head around this story - it's too hardI don't know where to startI'm not good enoughI can't get this character rightThis plot doesn't work as well I thought it wouldYou've probably used a few of these yourself in the past.The fact is all the above excuses are the result of wrong thinking. That's where my Easy Writing System can help you most. It goes right to heart of writers' problems and deconstructs them from the inside out.There are solutions to the problems writers face and I've found them, used them with terrific success and now, distilled them down into one incredible system!You've just got to get hold of it!But, as I said, I know what it's like to be poor.I grew up in a working-class home on a council housing estate in a dormitory town in the UK. My dad was a lorry driver and my mum a seamstress. My sister and I went to crappy public schools with thousands of other working-class kids. Nobody thought we had anything going for us and my parents constantly told me not to expect too much from life.It sounds bad but I honestly used to loathe my home life and what I'd been taught to look forward to. Even at a young age, as a consequence, I vowed to do something different.To BE different...I promised myself I'd be an artist. A musician, a writer, whatever, it didnt matter. It was only important that I be a creator someone who was in control of their life and tried to make a difference, make a contribution to the world.I didnt want to be a poor nobody the kind of person my parents steered me to be.I wanted to be an author.But not only that. I wanted to be a rich and famous author, too. And live in a big country house, be a lord of the manor, and have thousands of eager fans waiting for my next magnum opusOkay, I got that but at the time twenty years ago I often wondered how was I ever going to make that happen.HOW?I needed a road map a complete instruction manual.Of course, in those days, there werent things around like that. In the old days, there was nothing like this courseSo, for years, I floundered until I finally understood that the secret to success is that you have to create new things and sell them to people - and so, if you're a writer, you have to create stories novels ideally - and then sell them, and...that's how you get successful!Even NOW.I could go on - but really, the best way for you to appreciate this course is to take it.I promise, you'll have the time of your life.Join me - and I'll personally help you as much as I can to get YOUR novel written and OUT THERE.Click the purchase link below before the special price expires!TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE - ONCE and for all!Write and Sell Your Own Novel - Starting Now!"
Price: 24.99

"How To Write a GREAT Thriller" |
"If you've ever wanted to write and publish your own self-penned thriller novel, this is where you should start!Writing an exciting modern thriller could begin your author career with a BANG, and take you on to the BIG TIME!Topic: WRITING GENRE THRILLERSLevel: BeginnerDuration: 2.5 hours approxDelivery: Video, Text, PDFCertificated: YesHi, its Rob Parnell here, proud author of over 30 #1 Amazon bestsellers, including five thriller novels.I have some news Im sure will thrill you!* Discover how to imagine and construct a full blown original thriller from scratch...* Make compelling heroes, their sidekicks and the all important bad guy.* Let me show you the secret formula for inventing thriller stories, how to plot and research effectively - and how to develop your own style and genre.* Within these thirty-one all new videos, I dissect the thriller genre for you - now making it easier than ever for you to compete in this world class writing activity.* (Ssshh! Also included is a confidential report from the International Thriller Writer's Association which lays bear the industry and gives you access to an inside scoop on the whole industry!)Listen, when it comes to the mainstream bestseller lists, one particular genre stands tall. So much so, its probably seen as the most respectable. It is, of course, the thriller.Not only do thrillers make authors successful, they also make the most return in terms of film and TV rights, generating vast revenues worldwide. Thrillers are also in hot demand for translation, serial and resell rights. Authoring a series of thrillers can literally catapult your career and your potential to the stars!Just look at the success of Dan Brown, David Baldacci, John Grisham, Jeffrey Deaver, Lee Child, James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, Kathy Reichs, Tess Gerritsen, Jonathan Kellerman, Michael Crichton, Sue Grafton, Dennis Lehane - the list literally goes on and on - all of whom make a very respectable living crafting taut, psychological suspense fiction.Wouldnt you like to emulate these authors? Sure you would.Now you can!This new resource takes you through the critical basics of writing modern thrillers for publication.From creating classic heroes and heroines, unforgettable villains, through research and plotting story, handling action and building suspense into great denouements, to style, tone, credibility, etc., etc., in fact, everything you might need to start a career in this exciting arena of commercial storytelling.For the full contents, see the curriculum below:All this plus lots of useful exercises and writing advice that will build your raw ideas into a credible and compelling story in no time at all!. By absorbing this information, you will be able to create a complete template for a stunning piece of novel length fiction and gain a solid grounding in the requirements of this genre.Rob ParnellYour Personal Instructor"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write Non Fiction For Profit" |
"""20 Years in The Making, I'm Proud to Present The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Selling Nonfiction Books For The Marketplace!""Please read this important message from your personal tutor, Rob Parnell:Dear Fellow Writer,Welcome to my latest resource - this one specifically designed to propel your nonfiction book or e-book writing career, or at least get you started on the right path. It's my belief this topic is poorly served by most educational bodies and that this course should be seen as a sincere attempt to rectify this situation.I believe this is important because a good grasp of nonfiction writing is actually fundamental to ALL writing.So, what does nonfiction writing cover?Biography, creative nonfiction, history, self-help, travel, how-to, memoir, health, diet, lifestyle, psychology, religious, political, news, scandal, internet content, copywriting, blogging, and a whole host of fact, reportage, and opinion based text.As you can probably tell, nonfiction pretty much covers everything that is NOT fiction.So why is this area of writing usually so badly taught?My guess is because we mostly take it for granted. Our education system assumes we all already know how to do it. Plus, we all READ nonfiction constantly, probably without even being aware that's what we're doing.Nonfiction is like the air we breathe. ALWAYS AROUND US but hard to pin down unless we examine it closely.And that's what this course is: a thorough examination of the genre that gives you a specific game-plan to enable you to compete in this highly lucrative market.This may surprise you but nonfiction OUTSELLS fiction all of the time, year on year, always has, probably always will.To prove it to yourself just put a how-to book on Amazon and watch it OUTSELL your novel by (usually) a factor of ten to one. Plus, look at mainstream publisher guidelines. You'll see a tepid hesitance at the idea of receiving your new fiction manuscript compared to an enthusiastic interest in whatever you might want to submit to the nonfiction department.Even better, publishers don't even want you to write the whole MS straightaway. You can submit them nonfiction book proposals before they commission you to write them! Now that's wonderful.What's in this extraordinary new course?So much actually - it might take your breath away!THIRTY FIVE modules - including over three hours of video content - to guide you through the genre, from idea creation to publication.Discover:* Why nonfiction is the best, the mother of all genres!* How to make big cash and get famous writing books and speaking out.* How to gain the right mindset to kill the competition* How to easily come up with the right Ideas* How to stay fully motivated to write every day* How to summon inspiration on demand* How to explore and exploit your passion* How to understand the current nonfiction zeitgeist* Learn the most effective way to open a book chapter* Understand that ""proving a point"" is crucial to your nonfiction writing success* How to pitch nonfiction ideas to publishers, agents and others (also discover the power of the ""elevator pitch"")* How to successfully navigate copyright issues* Which of the various nonfiction genres is the most profitable* How to write great self-help, then upscale to franchise your ideas* How to conduct and benefit from interviews* How to become the ""go to"" expert* Understand the logic and popularity of modern nonfiction bestsellers* How to use my nonfiction templates to speed up your writing time* How to properly approach the writing of classic nonfiction* How to improve you technique, tone and style* The easy guide to fact checking* The best way to approach editing* The most effective way to use beta readers* How to maximize you promotion efforts with NO money spent* How to use Social Media properly * How to develop your nonfiction writing careerAnd much more... ( that's just what I can remember off the top of my head!)Also included are these BONUS ITEMS1. Analysis of the Current Bestseller Genre (with examples)2. Analysis of a New York Times List top fifteen bestsellersDon't delay, get this course while it's HOT...Join me in class!"
Price: 19.99

"Word Problem Solving Mastery" |
"**Course updated November2017**This is the ONLY place where you can learn how to approach word problems systematically and start rocking in math and science studies!Confused from word problems ?Don't know where to start ? you are in the right place !This is what you gonna get from this course:1 -Improveyour achievements in Math, Physics, Statistics, SAT, and moreIf you are a student,you probably learn aboutword problemsduring your studies.However,solving word problemsis more than just another topic you learn in mid-school.In fact, it is consideredBasic Skillrequired to success in almost any topic you learn.This is the reason to thegreat impactofgetting this skill under your belt can have on so many aspects inyour studies andlife!2 -Learn how to approach word problems systematicallySolving word problemsinvolves more than justdeveloping and solving equations.It is mainly aPROCESSthat includesAnalysis,Decomposition and Abstractionactivities.What you currently know as a Solution is only the final step in theprocess.The process of Solving Word Problems means BreakingDown asituation into simpler, more manageable pieces, before starting todevelop equations.3 -Achieve more goals with less effortsWhat acquiring the skills of Analysis, Decomposition andAbstractionactuallygive you is the abilityto approach any situation more effectively than most peopleWhereveryou decide toprogressin your studies, these skills will become more and more crucial for you to achieve brilliant success.Word Problems are the best tool to develop mastery in these techniques4 -Learn to think and act the way brilliant peoples do.Now that you know about these benefits,you need tochoose between two options:Acquire these skills andenjoy yourstudies and watch how anyone else around struggling to pass their next exam, orSpendweeks and monthsstruggling with Statistics, Chemistry orPhysics studies5 -Never be surprised with tricky exam problems, ever.In this course, we will learn the how to execute the steps in theprocessof solving word problems.We willshow exactlyhow to implement these steps usingseveral kinds of problems, such asAge problemsandInterest problems.You will learn to understand the ""Big Picture"", organize the Details and Define the Requirements in the problem clearly, this wayyou won't let complex situation mislead you again ever.6 - Structure of the course The course is built of thesemajor partsIn the First part of this course, well get an understanding of fewbasic concepts.In the Second part we get to know the process itself, step by stepIn the Thirdpart,we will apply the process to specific types of problems such as Age problems, Work problems and Interest problems.Each part includeswalkthrough exercises andquizzes to helpyouget the knowledge into practice and increase your level of confidence.7- Course requirementsKnowledge insolving a system of equations. Some previousexperience with word problems is desirable8 - Who should take this course? Mid school StudentsHigh School StudentsCollege StudentsMath teachers and Parents- Who want to give their students and kidsbetter chances to succeed in higher studies9 - Whats inside? Clear and focused lessons. High Quality audio and video. Detailed solved examples. Practice problems and Walkthroughs Printable material Clear and friendly tutor. Q&A section to clarify any question and doubt 10 - See you inside !Yours,Nate, Eduactivity founder"
Price: 49.99

"Autodesk Revit reniyorum" |
"DKKAT: Bu Eitim, AutoCAD 2019 Temel Eitimi setini satn alan rencilere cretsiz verilmektedir.DKKAT: Bu Eitim ekimleri devam etmektedir.DKKAT: Bu Eitim balang seviyedir.Autodesk tarafndan sunulan Yap Bilgi Modellemesi (BIM) yazlm olan Revit programnn bu eitim setinde, balang seviye konu ierikleri sayesinde BIM mantna ilk adm atm olacaz. izim ayarlar, birimler, aks izimleri, kolon yerleimleri, duvar izimleri ve family ktphaneleri gibi en temel konular bu eitim iinde bulabileceksiniz. Balang seviye bir eitim olduundan program hakknda herhangi bir bilgiye sahip olmanz gerekmeden eitime katlabileceksiniz. Eitim ieriinde bulunan renci lisans alma videolar ile kendi sisteminiz iin renci lisans alabilecek ve kurulumlarn yaparak hemen kullanmaya balayabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"T.T.M Languages Unidad 3 (Aprender Ingls)" |
"Qu es el T.T.M Languages?El mtodo Tebbitt es un mtodo simple para maximizar el aprendizaje de idiomas. Este formato simple se puede traducir a cualquier lengua y esto se puede utilizar para las clases privadas o para una clase de 200 personas o ms.Cmo se puede utilizar para una clase de tantas personas y seguir siendo eficaz?La razn por la que se puede utilizar en una clase para tantas personas es porque el mtodo interacta con nuestro comportamiento social normal. Aprendizaje entre compaeros es la clave de este mtodo y comenzando con los muy bsicos de la lengua, se le introduce al vocabulario ms necesario para obtener socialmente en un idioma diferente. Esto luego se expande alentndolo a tener una conversacin espontnea tal vez algo completamente diferente del vocabulario enseado.Este mtodo funciona con una clase de diferentes niveles y edades?S. El mtodo es para los estudiantes sin habilidades o conocimientos del idioma, pero despus de ensear con el mtodo en muchas clases con adultos y nios en los ltimos tres aos, he encontrado que esto podra ser til para los estudiantes con un buen conocimiento y comprensin Del idioma. He tenido muchas clases de grupo donde un estudiante tiene un buen nivel de ingls para su edad, y tambien el nivel o la edad del otro estudiante era inferior y el mtodo todava se puede utilizar.Esto se debe a que los estudiantes estn siendo introducidos en el vocabulario que no se ensea en las escuelas, pero se utiliza ampliamente en los pases de habla inglesa nativos. As que en cada leccin hay alrededor de 7 - 12 palabras. Dos o tres de esas palabras se consideran de alto nivel. Como funciona?El mtodo Tebbitt se compone de unidades. Cada unidad tiene unas 50 pginas. 30 de estas pginas son las ""lecciones"". Cada leccin tiene un ttulo que es una pregunta. La primera pregunta es ""Cmo te llamas?"". El segundo es ""Cmo ests?"". El cuarto 'Qu te gusta hacer?'. El 15 es ""Dnde has estado?"". La pregunta 100 es ""Dnde te ves dentro de cinco aos?"". Como puede ver, se vuelve ms y ms complejo a medida que avanza.Cada tres lecciones hay un dictado que es una manera simple de practicar y de probar el vocabulario que usted ha aprendido. Hay entre 7 y 12 palabras aprendidas en cada leccin y 25 de ellas se colocan en una lista. El estudiante debe traducir las palabras a su lengua materna. A veces hay varias respuestas posibles, esto es una buena manera para que los estudiantes entiendan que muchas palabras no tienen una traduccin directa.Tambin esto da una buena indicacin al profesor de cunto ha retenido este estudiante. El estudiante toma nota de su puntuacin en la pgina de resultados. Esta es una buena manera para que el estudiante o el profesor vea su pgina de resultados, regrese a cualquier dictado anterior y pruebe en el vocabulario que no obtuvo correcto.Cada 15 leccin hay una prueba de nivel. Este es otro dictado, pero con el vocabulario ms difcil / expresiones / frases en las ltimas 15 lecciones.Cada 10 lecciones hay una prueba de audicin. Esta es una escucha larga que es una conversacin extendida de todas las preguntas en las lecciones. Hay entre 10 y 20 preguntas que los estudiantes deben responder. Pueden escucharlo 2 o 3 tres veces y luego otra vez cuando pasan por el audio con el profesor corrigiendo la prueba.Las otras cinco o ms pginas estn formadas por ejercicios / pruebas sobre los verbos, la expresin o los verbos phrasal que han aprendido hasta ahora. Hay cerca de cuatro o cinco juegos que el profesor puede incorporar en las clases si es necesario. La pgina de ndice en la parte delantera del libro pasa a ser una larga lista de preguntas. Los estudiantes pueden revisar el mtodo simplemente mirando el ndice y haciendo preguntas a su pareja.Evaluacin en el mtodo TebbittAl final de cada unidad el alumno habr completado 30 lecciones. Como resultado, l habra hecho 10 dictados de 25 palabras cada uno. Eso es un total de 250 marcas. Este es el primer signo de evaluacin, centrado simplemente en poder recordar los significados de las palabras que han aprendido.Tambin habran completado 3 pruebas de audicin y 2 pruebas de nivel. La prueba de audicin es una escucha larga con 15-20 preguntas en cada prueba. Las dos pruebas de nivel en cada unidad son 50 de las palabras / frases / expresiones ms desafiantes de la unidad.Por ltimo, pero no menos importante, es la evaluacin oral y auditiva que se desarrolla en todo el mtodo. El estudiante est constantemente hablando con sus compaeros de clase y dependiendo del tamao de la clase l tendr conversaciones regulares con el estudiante. Si el maestro no est seguro si el estudiante entiende algo en la leccin, simplemente puede hacer una de las preguntas disponibles y hablar con l. Ensayos y refuerzos. Los dictados, las pruebas de audicin, y la prueba de nivel tambin se sirven para probar y reforzar el aprendizaje del vocabulario.Qu contiene la pgina 'Leccin'?Lo primero que vers es el Ttulo y el nmero de la leccin. El ttulo es una pregunta.La segunda cosa que usted ver es una tabla con cerca de 7 - 12 palabras en columnas separadas. La primera columna son las palabras en el idioma nativo de los estudiantes. La segunda columna es para las palabras traducidas en el idioma deseado. La tercera columna est en blanco. Los estudiantes oirn la palabra en el idioma deseado seguido de la palabra en su lengua materna seguida de nuevo por la palabra en el idioma deseado. Entonces habr una pausa, esto es para que los estudiantes repitan la palabra en voz alta y escriban en la tercera columna cmo lo deletrearan fonticamente para pronunciar mejor la palabra. No hay respuesta correcta o incorrecta. Es lo que el estudiante piensa que suena. Por ejemplo:La palabra en espaol para Hello - Hola. Si yo fuera un estudiante de ingls que estudiara espaol, pondra en la tercera columna 'ola' porque los espaoles no pronuncian el 'H' en absoluto y para m sus sonidos como 'ola' aunque lo escriban con un H. Esto se repite entre 7 y 12 veces dndole en promedio 10 nuevas palabras, frases, expresiones y preguntas.Debajo de la tabla hay un breve ejemplo de conversacin. Esta ser una conversacin normal corta usando la pregunta del ttulo y el vocabulario aprendido en la leccin y posiblemente antes.El estudiante / los estudiantes oirn la conversacin en el audio, despus leern la conversacin que da a profesor una ocasin de comprobar la pronunciacin.A continuacin, los estudiantes traducirn la conversacin a su propio idioma. A veces una palabra no se puede traducir literalmente y tiene que pensar un poco ms difcil.No en cada leccin, pero en la mayora habr una nota. Esto es un poco de consejo o una regla de gramtica. Los estudiantes leern esto y el maestro tendr la oportunidad de explicar algo que los estudiantes quieren que se explique ms. En el libro del profesor del mtodo de Tebbitt usted ver una nota para el profesor que dice por ejemplo: ensee la diferencia entre esto, se, stos. Esto es importante para el Mtodo. El maestro siempre tiene que ser la evaluacin y ver a su clase de cerca, si ve una brecha de conocimiento, quiero que l / ella, para llenar la brecha en su propio estilo.Despus de la conversacin de ejemplo viene la ""Segunda conversacin"" Esta es una prueba de audicin ms larga que la conversacin de ejemplo, pero no tanto y la ""prueba de audicin"". El estudiante debe tomar notas sobre el audio porque habr alrededor de 2 a 6 preguntas que el maestro le preguntar sobre el audio. Este audio se basa en la pregunta del ttulo, pero es ms complejo y puede tener cosas de lecciones anteriores.La siguiente etapa es que los estudiantes practiquen entre s. D a los estudiantes entre 3 a 5 minutos para tener una conversacin basada en la pregunta del ttulo. Trate de practicar un par de veces con diferentes personas, animarlos a tener una conversacin genuina. Hacer diferentes preguntas a diferentes personas. Las respuestas no tienen que ser verdad, de hecho sera mejor si practicaran varias respuestas diferentes.La parte final de la pgina de la Leccin es la 'Revisin de preguntas. Estos son entre 2 - 5 preguntas para ayudar al estudiante a tener la conversacin ms larga posible, y para que el profesor de ir alrededor y probar a los estudiantes con su hablar y escuchar, corrigiendo como siempre.El maestro, entonces, volvera unas cuantas lecciones y usar las preguntas de revisin de lecciones anteriores para revisar un poco antes de pasar a la siguiente leccin o ejercicio."
Price: 44.99

"How do I EQ my speakers?" |
"This online training will answer the question: How do I EQ my speakers?I will share all of my best tips and tricks to make your system sound great in any room while avoiding microphone feedback. It's all happening live online, so you can attend from anywhere in the world and still get all of your questions answered.During this 2-hour seminar you will learn:How to EQ fast and get the best resultsHow to use the right EQ shape every timeHow to avoid EQing a comb filter"
Price: 79.99

"Legalidad y fiscalidad de Blockchain, Fintech, Criptomonedas" |
"La legalidad y regulacin de una materia, para los que son tcnicos en la misma, suele ser una de las partes ms aburridas. No obstante, y pese a ello, es necesario conocerla o tener un acercamiento a la cuestin que permita analizar y conocer la normativa aplicable a las acciones que se llevan a cabo y el marco legal que ampara la actividad realizada, conociendo los lmites pero tambin los derechos y facultades que se tienen al respecto.La legislacin siempre ha ido por detrs de la tecnologa. Pocos aspectos han sido regulados de manera paralela a su evolucin, sino que siempre se encuentra un paso por detrs, dejando a algunos mbitos en una situacin de alegalidad que, igualmente, hay que conocer y a la que hay que adaptarse. Pese a todo, el auge que han tenido las fintech recientemente ha permitido que, bien a nivel nacional o bien a nivel internacional, se haya ido desarrollando un marco legal bsico del que partir y con el que continuar la evolucin de la regulacin conforme evoluciona la tcnica y tecnologa.De hecho, Espaa es uno de los pases ms avanzados en regulacin de cuestiones como los Sandbox.Por su parte, y como no puede ser de otro modo, a toda operacin o proyecto le acompaa su fiscalidad, lo que es necesario conocer para evitar sustos y para poder valorar correctamente la rentabilidad o no del proyecto."
Price: 29.99

"Aspectos Legales de la Transformacin Digital" |
"La transformacin digital ha trado muchos cambios, a las empresas pero tambin a nuestras vidas como clientes y consumidores.En este vdeo analizaremos los principales elementos legales que debemos tener en cuenta en la transformacin digital:Proteccin de Datos de Carcter PersonalComercio ElectrnicoFirma electrnica e Identificacin DigitalCiberseguridadLa proteccin de Datos, el Comercio electrnico, la firma digital o la ciberseguridad son cuestiones a conocer."
Price: 19.99

"Derecho Publicitario y Competencia Desleal" |
"En este curso analizaremos la regulacin de la publicidad y de la competencia desleal, a travs de la normativa que lo regula pero tambin y especialmente con casos prcticos reales y resueltos en los que aplicaremos los conceptos estudiados.Adems, tambin analizaremos el proceso de denuncia y de supervisin de la publicidad para el caso de que, bien como publicistas, empresarios o consumidores, necesitemos acudir a l o nos veamos inmersos en algn aspecto relacionado con el mismo."
Price: 19.99

Forex |
"Forex 10+ . . . 1:30 ( ) . . . Statement . . . . ."
Price: 199.99

"Profitable Forex with Risk Control" |
"Money Management is key to profitable trading in Forex.Special for this course I have open Live Trading account. Starting deposing was only 100 euro. At this time if I will close all positions my balance will be 3000 euro. As you can see it is possible to start trading on Forex even if your deposit is to small.Please Note: All Udemy students who enrolled to my Forex trading course are able to see my Forex trading live account stats. Usually I post updates of my account equity change 1-2 times per month. My experience in Forex trading: 10+ years. I have tested many strategies, schemes... And what I have learned:Even the best strategy in the world wont be of much help if you dont take care about:Your risk per tradeReward-to-risk ratiosDont use stop-loss ordersTrade too aggressively. So in this course I will explain Money Management That Actually Works in Forex! If you are losing money on Forex and continue to search profitable strategy then STOP! And ask your self just one question:How brokers are making money? They do not care if you close order in profit or if you will lose - they will be always in profit because they take commission from every order you and others traders open.So for me this words was a key to create profitable strategy. It works simple and can be used in long term trading or if you are intraday trader you can use that as well. Strategy is good for day trading and for long term investments.As well if you are interested in algorithmic trading you can use your skills or hire someone to create Forex robot what will use my strategy to automate trading. Course can be dividend on 2 parts: First I provide theory information by using slides, explain how everything works here. And second part I demonstrate my trading activity in real time."
Price: 199.99

"Quora Marketing Tips" |
"Quora is a smartplace for marketers and here is why:Gain exposure to Quoras 750,000+monthly visitors. Nearly785,000people access Quora each month in the U.S. alone.Build expertise and authority on your chosen topic.Check other people and Questions and Answers and Learn from themusers, customers, industry experts.Answer questions about your product or service and become more noticeable.Be aware of what is happening! Find out the questions people are asking about your product or industry.Driving traffic to your website will involve the followings:Optimize your profile position yourself as an expert in the topic. Use your bio profile to promote your blog or social media accounts.Find questions that attract the most views and followers you may be thinking the most popular answer has gotten too many views and you cant compete with them. But you should remember: most popular questions also have a ton of followers! So every time when you post an answer, those followers will get notification that theres a new answer.Look for new questions that are gaining traction a week old question which receives 1000+ or more views is a good candidate.Enrolls This Course To Learn More!"
Price: 94.99

"Crowdfunding from Idea to Launch" |
"Do you have a really cool idea or a dream project - BUT just don't have the funds to make it happen?Crowdfunding can be the solution to make it happen NOW.People just like you have been raising hundreds of thousands of dollars on crowdfunding platforms around the world..You may be asking yourself:""How do people raise so much money?""""How would I even start""""How much time do I need to invest for an effective typical campaign take?""You might have even tried it before and gave up being fed up with the process and options.Whatever your reason, consider that crowdfunding can also do so much more than just raise the money to make your dream project come true.Dive into the world of crowdfunding and master the latest tips and tricks on how to effectively prepare for, launch and manage your campaign.Discover the secrets of crowdfunding success.Crowdfunding can:Let the world know about your idea - connecting you to not only investors, but also the media and importantly to potential customers.Help you collect valuable data about your market as you interact with potential fundersBe a powerful way to collect testimonials and recommendations with the relationships you build along the campaign - or - share the ones of people who already know you wellBuild brand awareness and your reputation as an inventor/entrepreneur/artist/film maker.Connect you with potential partners or joint venturesWho crowdfunds?A lot of peopleif you're read this far, you probably will soon, too!Crowdfunders have typically included:EntrepreneursInventorsAmateur athletesFilmmakersArtists, singers, writersAnyone with a passion but needs cash to make it happen.Even the Statue of Liberty was crowdfunded? Yes, it's true.As well as countless other every day people with great ideas for global and local markets, some stories are about personal passions and other about a smart, new business!Let's take for exampleZubits.now this guy had a cool idea.You know how shoe laces can get easily untied and be messy for kids and even for us adults?Take for example, Zubits. The inventor had this bright idea to use, sporty looking, strong magnets to keep shoelaces securely connected. You can learn more by looking them up - but - suffice it to say that with a smart idea and a well executed crowdfunding campaign, this team far surpassed their fundraising goal by 1100% and found well over 7,000 backers on Kickstarter! The initial goal was roughly $30,000he raised over $362,000! Imagine what you could do with your innovative idea!Crowdfunding can also transform someone's destiny - like it did for amateur athlete, Maya. Her crowdfunding experience at sports crowdfunding platform Make-A-Champ for aspiring young athletes like Maya, has encouraged her to try out for the next PanAmerrican games. Or, the story of Cara - a girl who was bullied in school and had no directiontill she discovered her strengths in kickboxing. Crowdfunding has already helped her win three medals.And you don't necessarily need to be targeting a global market place. Local focused ideas can be crowdfunded, too. Want to start a restaurant, caf, juice bar, a vegan bakery or a hip brewery in your city? Ideas like these are a great fit for crowdfunding campaigns. You'd already be connecting with the customers you'd want to come to your venue. Theyd already be fully hyped about your idea and its launch! Well known bistros like Colonie in Brookly once started off as a crowdfunding campaign. And to this day, it's been a huge success.The stories are endless...you get the idea...and more importantly, you HAVE a winning idea, so let's move on to how you can get your idea to market. And now is a great time to do it.Why?Because the market's been expanding exponentially as THE most effective, time efficient way to launch an idea - even if you have no money!Did you know that the crowdfunding market has grown from 2 to 5 billion dollars in the last few years. The momentum building, proven success stories have gained the confidence of investors... and now - more than ever- is the time to launch your campaign.This can change your life!In this course, we'll cover the best tips and tricks of how to crowdfund to get your projects launched from beginning to end. You'll learn quick easy steps in our snappy, dynamic videos. You'll master the art of crowdfunding by learning: Which platform is best for your needsHow much time to allocate to each stepHho you need on your team to ignite your projectmore than 5 ways a solid campaign can help your idea beyond just raising moneyHow much money should you ask for your campaign -and - what you should include in that calculation?How a properly planned crowdfunding video increases your chances of having a successful campaign by 120%.How to choose effective perks that will be attractive to your backers, but that wont become too much of a hassle down the road.How to write a results oriented campaign pitch - we're even shaing a structure that you can replicate for your campaignWays of joining different online communities to promote your campaign (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit)How a number of friends and fans on Facebook influences your chance of successCommon concerns of potential backers you must manageHow to discover and then dissect successful campaign which are similar to yours to learn how they did itSome potential hindrances that can occurBest practices shared by successful campaigns like Neptune Pine's smart watch that raised over $800,000 in just a few short months.and so much more.At the end of each lecture, you'll find a short quiz to test your knowledge. And if you like to study in groups, our discussion forum enables you to exchange ideas with other crowdfunding students. Who knows, you might even find opportunities to work together, collaborate, cross-market or spread the word for each other!All you have to do is view the video on your computer, your tablet, your mobile on the go - no matter which crowdfunding platform you want to us. Any where, any place!By the end of our course, you'll be well equipped to kickstart, manage and raise the money to get your great project up and running fast!So who's running this course? A world class crowdfunding expert who's advised companies, non-profit organizations and individuals to raise more than $1.5 million dollars in just the last couple of years alone. He regularly runs in person workshops and seminars at business centers and forums, but now you can learn from him from the comforts of your own home at your time and at your pace anywhere in the world.His students learned key TO DO's and ABSOLUTE DON'T DO's to effectively raise the funds to propel their ideas forward. And so can you!So whether you're brand new to the world of crowdfunding - or - been there, done it, hated it and want to learn to do it effectively - GET STARTED TODAY, sign up now and be THE ONE who made your dream project happen!"
Price: 29.99

"11 Pruebas Diagnosticas (SPSS, Excel) y diseo curvas ROC." |
"Descripcin del cursoEste curso te muestra de forma practica como realizar la evaluacin de pruebas diagnsticas en el programa SPSS, aprenders por ti mismo a ejecutar cada uno de los anlisis escritos con bases de datos hipotticas.AudienciaRecomiendo el curso para personas en cualquier rama del conocimiento que quiera aprender ejecutar pruebas diagnsticas con el software SPSS y la obtencin de curvas ROC.El curso puede ser de gran utilidad para aquellos que de forma continua analizan datos por motivo de trabajo, o bien tienen que realizar algn tipo de reporte para propsitos de tesis en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado en cualquier rea del conocimiento.Temas incluidosAprenders desde los primeros videos como realizar las pruebas estadsticas utilizadas mas comnmente y su interpretacin; los principales temas del curso incluyen:Introduccin.Demostrar la distribucin de una base de datos.Sensibilidad.Especificidad.Valor predictivo (positivo y negativo).Likelihood ratios (positivo o negativo).Accuracy de una prueba diagnstica.Error tipo I.Error tipo II. Clculo del poder estadstico.Riesgo relativo.Odds ratio.Diseo de curvas ROC con el software SPSS.Diseo de curvas ROC con el software MedCalc.Conclusiones.Material adicionalCada seccin del curso se acompaa de archivos complementarios con formatos *.sav (formato SPSS), y ocasionalmente en formatos *.doc (Word), o *.xls (Excel), que podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo.Esos archivos contienen las bases de datos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos y con ellos podrs reproducir los ejercicios presentados en las diferentes lecciones .Duracin del cursoEl curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 3 horas; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus necesidades de anlisis y revisin de temas especficos.BeneficiosAl terminar este curso conocers 11 de las formulas ms comnmente utilizadas en la evaluacin de pruebas diagnsticas.Podras disear tu mismo curvas ROC utilizando tu base de datos.Habrs aprendido un grupo importante de habilidades/destrezas analticas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas ."
Price: 79.99

"ArcGIS 3D uso de ArcScene" |
"Este curso esta dirigido principalmente a profesionales de todas las reas donde los Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica intervienen en beneficio de sus actividades y/o estudiantes de todas las carreras donde intervengan los Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica.Para el desarrollo del curso se hace uso de ArcGIS Desktop 10.4.1 que es una de las aplicaciones SIG ms utilizadas para el anlisis, proceso y presentacin de datos SIG en la actualidad, incluyendo en sus ltimas ediciones las herramientasArcReader,ArcMap,ArcCatalog,ArcToolbox,ArcSceneyArcGlobe.Los mdulos utilizados para este curso son ArcScene, ArcMap, Arctoolbox y ArcCatalog y las principales herramientas de ArcGIS Desktop como 3DAnalyst, Spatial Analyst, Conversion tools, Data management tools, entre otros.Como software de apoyo se hace uso de Global Mapper 16 y Google Earth Pro 7.3."
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp for Kitchen Design" |
"Utilizing SketchUp for Kitchen Design requires a special set of skills relevant to this task. Your instructor shows you how to utilize SketchUp at all steps of the process, from basic planning to cabinetry layout to creating presentation documents for clients. Along the way, she'll show you special tricks, hidden components, and time-saving tips to quickly and accurately complete a detailed and beautiful kitchen."
Price: 49.99

"Character Animation in Moho & Anime Studio: Run Cycle" |
"What is this class?This is a step-by-stepclass where I will walk you through the process of creating your very own run cycle using a popular 2D animation software called Moho/ Anime Studio.Why take this class?I believe animation is an incredibly rewarding, relaxing, and fun thing to do. Let's say you already animate, whether you do it as a hobby or freelance, but you want to get better - that's why I made this class. Not only because animation is fun, but to sharpen those skills you already have!How is thisclass taught?I broke up this class into the simplest of steps. First we will do an overview of the character how it works to know best how to use it for animation. Then I will break down the important poses needed for a run cycle using the pose to pose method. Then we will create our in-betweens and tighten up the animation.What is included?In this class I have included:+ Run Cycle Template+ Professional - Ready to Animate - Rig"
Price: 29.99

"-(Paida DIY)" |
"(The main objective of this course is to let you learn the basic techniques about Paida, through images, commentary ways to let you know how to really effective learning this method.)(The demonstration of Paida for each part of body is only ten times, In actual exercise, you can use hundred times, five minutes or an hour as the units, it depends on your choice.)(All curriculum time is very short, but in order to completely absorb the essence, you must be repeated exercises, listen.)(This method can improve many common health problems, is simple and effective health care method.)"
Price: 29.99

"Chess Openings: Learn Sicilian Defense, Kan Variation" |
"Good opening preparation makes up to 60% of your overall success, according to statistics. If you dont know your openings, you wont get a playable position and your chances will plummet.The successful players KNOW the openings they play. Not just the move orders. Not just the basics. But the plans, maneuvers, ideas, tactical patterns, key squares, and everything else in between. These players understand those positions much better than their opponents.After studying this course, the Kan Sicilian will become second nature to you. It will provide you with the home-field advantage against your competition. Youll only play familiar lines and well-explored positions. Youll know exactly what pawn structures will occur, where your pieces will go, what pieces to exchange, and most importantly where and when to launch your game-winning attack!Instead of analyzing everything over-the-board, as your opponents will do, youll use your home preparation to get a serious edge both on the clock and on the board!Who is this course for?The course is designed with 1500-2200 rated players in mind. The ideal student is a club level player who wants to add a powerful, yet low-theory weapon against 1.e4 in his repertoire, sufficient for outplaying 2300 rated players.The course covers all the most popular responses by white including the Modern Variation, Knight Variation, and the Maroczy Bind. It gives you a detailed explanation of the plans and ideas behind the opening for different types of typical positions."
Price: 39.99

"Android III avanado Mapas GPS Notificaes" |
"Bem vindo ao 3 curso de Android do prof. Neri. So 92 videoaulas em 6.8 giga. Aprenda a criar programas em Android para mapas - gps, assinando e instalando em um celular real, touschscreen, canvas, manipulando arquivos texto (grava, exclui, l), aprenda gravar e ler preferencias e muito mais.Voc vai aprender a conectar, configurar, instalar e testar aplicativos feitos no Android.Mapas:Veja como manipular mapas com XML, usando Overlay, inserindo imagens para localizao de pontos, lendo Latitude e Longitude, ir para determinados pontos do mapa, centralizar map. Ver tambm como criar rotas (itinerrios), caminho percorrido, atravs de latitude e longitude. Veja como obter a chave do Google Maps para poder rodar a aplicao em um celular real.Veja mais algumas coisas que ir aprender:Veja como criar abas na aplicaoAprenda a obter o certificado digital para poder assinar a sua aplicao (para poder instalar em um celular ou tablet)Veja como manipular arquivos textosVeja como ler e gravar prefernciasCom Canvas e Paint, veja como desenhar manualmente crculos, quadrados, linhas etcNotificaes:Veja como criar notificaes, que so os avisos que aparecem no topo da sua tela (como mensagens, sms etc), e voc ter a opo de abrir ou no Pr-requisito:Android Bsico j feito pelo Neri (ou conhecer bem android) Veja o cromograma:aula 4094 android - Iniciando novo curso android maps gps map key chave md5aula 4095 android - finalizada geracao da APIKEY chave maps gps map key fingerprint md5aula 4096 android - criando primeiro projeto apiKey uses library permission INTERNETaula 4097 android - visualizando e navegando no mapa com xml e no braco sem xmlaula 4098 android - MapView MapController latitude longitudeaula 4099 android - GeoPoint MapController animateTo setZoom setSatelliteaula 4100 android - Implementando ZOON no mapa getZoomControls displayZoomControlsaula 4101 android - Finalizando zoom mostrando casa do Neriaula 4102 android - onKeyDown KeyEvent KEYCODE para alternar entre satelite e ruaaula 4103 android - melhorando o codigo GeoPoint para latitude longitudeaula 4104 android - zoonIn zoonOut onKeyDown Teclas Atalho aproximar e distancia Mapaaula 4105 android - iniciando Overlay Paint para desenhar um marcador no mapaaula 4106 android - Overlay Paint canvas drawCircle getProjection toPixelsaula 4107 android - Implementando Overlay marcando casa do Neri no mapaaula 4108 android - Overlay esfera circulo varios marcadores e centralizando mapaaula 4109 android - Overlay com imagem Bitmap BitmapFactory decodeResourceaula 4110 android - Inserindo imagem no mapa Overlayaula 4111 android - metodo onTap para cliques sobre overlayaula 4112 android - formulario latitude longitude mover ponto localizacaoaula 4113 android - movendo para novo ponto localizacao inserido pelo usuarioaula 4114 android - centralizando para novo ponto localizacao inserido pelo usuarioaula 4115 android - criando menus para opcao de mapa com satelite ou ruaaula 4116 android - criando menus para opcao de maiz zoon e menos zoonaula 4117 android - implementando codigo Listener para tratamento de eventosaula 4118 android - implements Runnable Handler caminhando na ruaaula 4119 android - matriz caminhando na rua coordenadasaula 4120 android - postDelayed handler run funcionando caminhando na ruaaula 4121 android - finalizando caminhando na rua onDestroy Runnable Runaula 4122 android - GPS LocationManager getSystemService ACCESS FINE LOCATIONaula 4123 android - GPS requestLocationUpdates GPS PROVIDER onLocationChangedaula 4124 android - GPS Emulator Control onLocationChanged Locationaula 4125 android - GPS movimentando no mapa via GPS Emulator Control Familia Grimmaula 4126 android - GPS mais movimentando no mapa via Emulator Controlaula 4127 android - GPS ao finalizar aplicativo onDestroy removeUpdatesaula 4128 android - GPS tudo em uma unica classe e getLastKnownLocationaula 4129 android - GPS MyLocationOverlay localizacao automatica enableMyLocationaula 4130 android - GPS finalizando mapas e gps followme market androidaula 4131 android - conectando configurando e instalando um aparelho real androidaula 4132 android - instalando drivers aparelho real sansung e criando projeto para exportaraula 4133 android - ADB devices shell drivers configurado exportando projeto nao registrado APKaula 4134 android - KEYTOOL obtendo certificado digital para assinar aplicacaoaula 4135 android - JARSIGNER assinando a aplicacao e instalando APK adb install no celularaula 4136 android - executando e testando aplicando no proprio celular Androidaula 4137 android - mais instalando executando e testando aplicando no proprio celularaula 4138 android - usando GMAIL instalando aplicativos no celular via Emailaula 4139 android - exportando wizard eclipse obtendo certificado e assinando rapidamenteaula 4140 android - iniciando obtencao chave valida para Google Mapsaula 4141 android - entendendo obtencao chave valida para Google Mapsaula 4142 android - api key google maps finalizando e testando aplicacao no celular validoaula 4143 android - MARKET baixar e publicar aplicativos no android marketaula 4144 android - Criando uma activity no braco sem xml e com API LinearLayoutaula 4145 android - Mais criando uma activity no braco sem xml TextView EditTextaula 4146 android - Finalizando LinearLayout criando uma activity no braco sem xml Buttonaula 4147 android - Criando TableLayout no braco sem XML e inserindo componentesaula 4148 android - Criando abas com TabHost e TabSpecaula 4149 android - Mais abas com Intent Pessoa Fisica e pessoa Juridicaaula 4150 android - Inserindo imagem nas abas e implements OnTabChangeListener para Abasaula 4151 android - Finalizando Abas interface TabContentFactory cores setPaddingaula 4152 android - Color resource values arquivo XML para manipular cores de fundo e textoaula 4153 android - criando estilos css style resource itemaula 4154 android - Temas Theme estilos para Activity inteira Black Light e personalidadoaula 4155 android - BroadCastReceiver execucao em segundo planoaula 4156 android - BroadCastReceiver onReceive registrando receiver no Manifest XMLaula 4157 android - BroadCastReceiver registerReceiver registrando receiver na API javaaula 4158 android - BroadCast Alarme PendingIntent Calendar setTimeInMillisaula 4159 android - BroadCast Alarme AlarmManager ALARM_SERVICE getTimeInMillisaula 4160 android - Alarme com repeticao e melhorando o codigoaula 4161 android - Iniciando Notification Notificacao naula 4162 android - Notification NotificationManager NOTIFICATION_SERVICEaula 4163 android - indo para Notificacao e permission VIBRATE e cancelando notificationaula 4164 android - Notification PendingIntent getActivity setLatestEventInfo notifyaula 4165 android - Finalizando notificacao Notification melhorando o codigoaula 4166 android - paint desenhando manualmente Canvas onDraw DrawRect cores setARGBaula 4167 android - paint desenhando quadrados e circulos manualmente drawCircle drawRectaula 4168 android - paint desenhando retas manualmente drawLineaula 4169 android - movimentando imagem com setas do tecladoaula 4170 android - KEYCODE DPAD UP RIGHT LEFT DOWN finalizando movimentando imagemaula 4171 android - TouchScreen onTouchEvent MotionEvent movimentando imagem pela tela usando dedoaula 4172 android - TouchScreen ACTION DOWN MOVE movimentando imagem pela tela usando dedoaula 4173 android - Finalizando TouchScreen ACTION UP movimentando imagem pela tela usando dedoaula 4174 android - SplashScreen Runnable tela de abertura de sistemasaula 4175 android - finalizando SplashScreen Runnable Run tela de abertura de sistemasaula 4176 android - iniciando gravar ler e excluir arquivos criando formulario xmlaula 4177 android - chamando activity para gravar ler e excluir arquivos textoaula 4178 android - Gravando arquivo texto FileOutputStream openFileOutput writeaula 4179 android - funcionando gravacao de arquivo File Explorer Pull copiando para PCaula 4180 android - File lendo arquivo texto FileInputStream getFileStreamPathaula 4181 android - Finalizando leitura de arquivo texto FileInputStreamaula 4182 android - Excluindo arquivos txt deleteFileaula 4183 android - Parametrizando gravando preferencias para recuperar depoisaula 4184 android - SharedPreferences putBoolean putString COMMIT Parametrizando gravando preferenciasaula 4185 android - Lendro preferencisa gravadas SharedPreferences getBoolean getString"
Price: 34.99

"Android para iniciantes" |
"Aprenda Android em 78 videoaulas. Voc vai aprender desde a instalar o android, eclipse, netbeans, configurar o AVD e criar as primeiras aplicaes com Android.Veja abaixo o cronograma das videoaulas:aula 3668 android - introducao instalacao java eclipse android sdkaula 3669 android - instalando o ADT plugin android para eclipseaula 3670 android - Instalando packages Android SDK e AVD Manageraula 3671 android - Criando o primeiro projeto com androidaula 3672 android - Primeiro projeto e toda a sua estruturaaula 3673 android - Criando o AVD e executando no emuladoraula 3674 android - Testando a primeira aplicacao criadaaula 3675 android - Manipulando TextView Strings Main XMLaula 3676 android - Instanciando TextView setContentView direto pelo java em vez do XMLaula 3677 android - Widgets EditText Button fill_parent wrap_contentaula 3678 android - Widgets DigitalClock AnalogClock CheckBox DatePicker Chronometeraula 3679 android - WidGets RadioGroup e RadioButton para sexo masculino feminineaula 3680 android - WidGets mostrando imagem com o ImageViewaula 3681 android - Iniciando um projeto novo para calculadora no Androidaula 3682 android - Implementando no java os Widgets com findViewByIdaula 3683 android - setOnClickListener public void onClick evento parseDoubleaula 3684 android - localizando e corrigindo bug da calculadoraaula 3685 android - LinearLayout horizontal vertical incrementando calculadoraaula 3686 android - Finalizando calculadora subtrair multiplicar dividir somaraula 3687 android - EditText numeric decimal signed integeraula 3688 android - Criando um novo projeto para venda de produtos de videoaulasaula 3689 android - CheckBox dos produtos para vendaaula 3690 android - Finalizando projeto de venda com soma dos produtosaula 3691 android - AlertDialog Builder Caixa de Dialogoaula 3692 android - AlertDialog Builder setTitle e setNeutralButtonaula 3693 android - Projeto novo usando Graphical Layout Form Widgetsaula 3694 android - Mais Graphical Layout Frame Table Absolute outrosaula 3695 android - Finalizando Graphical Layout Imagens Media Advancedaula 3696 android - criando e testando em avd plataforma 3aula 3697 android - criando e testando em avd plataforma 2_3aula 3698 android - novo projeto com cadastro e varias telasaula 3699 android - metod para chamar tela de cadastro do menu principalaula 3700 android - Navegando entre as telas cadastro consulta e menu principalaula 3701 android - Mais Navegando entre as telas cadastro consulta e menu principalaula 3702 android - AndroidManifest mudando versao e Navegando entre as telasaula 3703 android - Melhorando o codigo de navegacao entre telasaula 3704 android - Finalizando navegacao entre layoutsaula 3705 android - Criando novo projeto para gravar registrosaula 3706 android - Classe para armazenar os registrosaula 3707 android - Gravando os registros e visualizandor elesaula 3708 android - Classe auxiliar para leitura de registrosaula 3709 android - Contador de registros e AlertDialogBuilderaula 3710 android - criando metodo para personalizar caixas de mensagemaula 3711 android - implementando proximo registro e registro anterioraula 3712 android - criando os metodos de navegacao pelos registrosaula 3713 android - colocando posicao de registro para evitar erro ao navegaraula 3714 android - melhorando organizando codigo java do cadastroaula 3715 android - evitando force close com try catch melhorando cdigoaula 3716 android - metodo para mostrar dados e finalizando projetoaula 3717 android - requestFocus e otimizando o codigo com mais mtodosaula 3718 android - Finalizando aplicacao de cadastro de dados na memriaaula 3719 android - Iniciando a parte criacao de Menus usando XMLaula 3721 android - onOptionsItemSelected Menu com XMLaula 3722 android - Inserindo Icone e finalizando menus com Xmlaula 3723 android - Criando menus por codificacao javabaula 3724 android - Eventos nos menus por codificacao Javaaula 3725 android - submenus e finalizando menus por codificacao Javaaula 3726 android - Novo Projeto com persitncia de dados em Bancoaula 3727 android - SQLiteDatabase Cursor bibliotecas para Bancoaula 3728 android - criando banco e tabela openOrCreateDatabase MODE_WORLD_READABLE CREATE TABLEaula 3729 android - listeners inicializacao de objetos telas de cadastro e consultaaula 3730 android - close fecha banco cursor mostrar dadosaula 3731 android - query buscando dados where group by order byaula 3732 android - cursor getCount moveToFirst na busca dos dadosaula 3733 android - Cursor getColumnIndex moveToPrevious moveToNextaula 3734 android - execSQL insert into to para gravar dados no banco SQLitedatabaseaula 3735 android - Gravando dados no banco SQLitedatabseaula 3736 android - importando projeto e usando em sistema 64 bitsaula 3737 android - Testando e finalizando persistencia em SQLitedatabaseaula 3738 android - Arquitetura do Android Dalvik Frameworks libraries kernelaula 3739 android - NetBeans 7 instalando e configurando pluginsaula 3740 android - NetBeans 7 gerenciando plataforma e criando primeiro exemploaula 3741 android - NetBeans 7 explicando R layout implementando buildaula 3742 android - Netbeans 7 projeto calculadora e comparacao com eclipseaula 3743 android - googe map api certificado MD5 keytoolaula 3744 android - obtendo map Key do site da google atraves do md5 geradoaula 3745 android - MapActivity instalando e configurando biblioteca externa googleaula 3746 android - uses library permission internet apiKeyaula 3747 android - APK e DEX tipos de arquivos e finalizando mapasaula 3748 android - Apresentacao do Curso de Android"
Price: 34.99

"Algoritmos e Lgica" |
"So mais de 300 videoaulas. Se voc acha que entende bem de algoritmo e lgica, mas tem dificuldade de implementar no Java ou Pascal no no C, esse curso tambm lhe ser muito til. o maior contedo de algoritmo e lgica e programao do Brasil (acho que do mundo tambm). Aprenda:Variveis e Tipos de DadosCrie um algoritmo para calcular o salrio lquido de um funcionrioOperadores RelacionaisEstrutura Condicional SE AperfeioamentoLao de repetio Para Tabuada AlgoritmoFluxogramaE muito mais...Veja o cronograma de algumas das videoaulas:aula 0945 - Introduoaula 0946 - Algoritmo 1aula 0947 - Exercicio 1aula 0948 - Variveis e Tipos de Dadosaula 0949 - Mediaaula 0950 - Fluxogramaaula 0951 - Dev-pascalaula 0952 - Dev-pascal Mediaaula 0953 - Dev-C++aula 0954 - Dev-C++ Mediaaula 0955 - Java Instalaoaula 0956 - Java Mediaaula 0957 - Pascal Media Leraula 0958 - Pascal Media Ler IIaula 0959 - C Media Leraula 0960 - java Media Leraula 0961 - Tipos de Dados no Algoritmoaula 0962 - Tipos de Dados no Pascalaula 0963 - Tipos de Dados no Caula 0964 - Tipos de Dados no Javaaula 0965 - Operadores Matematicos Algoritmoaula 0966 - Operadores Matematicos Pascalaula 0967 - Operadores Matematicos no Caula 0968 - Operadores Matematicos no Javaaula 0969 - Exerc Troca Valores no Algoritmoaula 0970 - Exerc Troca Valores no Pascalaula 0971 - Exerc Troca Valores no Caula 0972 - Exerc Troca Valores no Javaaula 0973 - Exerc Automvel no Algoritmoaula 0974 - Exerc Automvel no Algoritmo Teste Mesaaula 0975 - Exerc Automvel no Pascalaula 0976 - Exerc Automvel no Caula 0977 - Exerc Automvel no Javaaula 0978 - Exerc Avaliao no Algoritmoaula 0979 - Exerc Avaliao Teste de Mesa....... e muito mais, no esquea, so mais de 300 videoaulas"
Price: 34.99

"Android II Banco de dados Servidor usando php e java" |
"Novo Curso de Android do prof. Neri. So 86 videoaulas em 6 giga. Aprenda a criar programas em Android que conectem com banco de dados em servidores web. mostrando tanto em jsp quanto em php, mas voc poder usar qualquer outra linguagem no lado servidor.CRUD:Veja como criar um CRUD completo (gravar, alterar, excluir, pesquisar) dentro do Android, manipulando os dados de um banco de dados local e da rodando em servidores web. Voc poder usar qualquer banco de dados para fazer isso.JSP TOMCAT:Veja como manipular informaes de banco de dados usando JSP com servidor tomcat.PHP APACHE:Da mesma forma, veja como manipular informaes de banco de dados usando PHP com servidor apache.Tanto em Java (jsp) como em php, voc vai aprender a buscar dados do banco de dados e listar na tela do seu celular.Login:Veja como criar uma tela e login para validar o acesso ao sistema. E isso ensinado tanto usando o java (jsp tomcat) quanto com o php (apache)Pr-requisito: Ter Android Bsico j feito pelo Neri (ou conhecer bem android)Veja o cronograma desse curso:aula 4007 android - Iniciando novo curso de Android e importando projetosaula 4008 android - Activity Ciclo de Vida Atividadeaula 4009 android - Activity entire lifetime visible foreground pause start destroy resume restartaula 4010 android - LogCat onPause onStart onDestroy onResume onStopaula 4011 android - API Level platafromas versoes Android sdkaula 4012 android - Novo Projeto Navegando telas Activityaula 4013 android - activity Run Configurations Launchaula 4014 android - intent-filter OnClickListener intent action MAINaula 4015 android - startActivity Intent finish navegando entre telasaula 4016 android - startActivity Intent passando parametros Bundle putString putExtrasaula 4017 android - getIntent getExtras Intent passando parametros Bundleaula 4018 android - Melhorando Codigo Passagem de Parametrosaula 4019 android - URI Parse acessando pagina web permission INTERNETaula 4020 android - Cadastrando Contatos no Androidaula 4021 android - Ligando para Contato ACTION_CALL permission CALL_PHONEaula 4022 android - Intent Lendo dados de Contato ACTION_VIEW permission READ_CONTACTSaula 4023 android - Intent Lendo todos os dados de Contato ACTION_PICKaula 4024 android - Instalando ultima versao Android plugins eclipse sdks etcaula 4025 android - importando projetos e testando no servidoraula 4026 android - Pegando dados Contato startActivityForResult onActivityResultaula 4027 android - Cursor managedQuery ContactsContract getColumnIndexOrThrowaula 4028 android - ListActivity ArrayAdapter setListAdapter Vetor de Dadosaula 4029 android - ListActivity Listando dados de um Arrayaula 4030 android - ListActivity onListItemClick Exibindo item selecionadoaula 4031 android - AutoCompleteTextView para Auto Completar Pesquisasaula 4032 android - simple_dropdown_item_1line AutoCompleteTextViewaula 4033 android - Launching Delegate 27porcento completionThreshold completionHintaula 4034 android - AutoCompletar MultiAutoCompleteTextView setTokenizer CommaTokenizeraula 4035 android - Criando um Menu Principal com ListActivity e chamando Telasaula 4036 android - Mensagens com Toast makeText LENGTH_LONG LENGTH_SHORT showaula 4037 android - conectar servidor localhost Xampp phpMyAdmin MySQLaula 4038 android - php mysql_connect mysql_query or die conectando com bancoaula 4039 android - php metodos GET e Post testando loginaula 4040 android - Criando novo projeto Android para conectar com Servidoraula 4041 android - importando BufferedReader IOException InputStreamReader URIaula 4042 android - HttpClient HttpGet HttpPost HttpResponse ConnManagerParamsaula 4043 android - Metodo para retornar HttpClient getHttpClient HttpParams DefaultHttpClientaula 4044 android - Metodo Post BufferedReader HttpClient HttpPost UrlEncodedFormEntityaula 4045 android - Finalizando metodos Post e Get para conexao Android com Servidor Webaula 4046 android - Iniciando login no Android para validar usuario e senha no servidoraula 4047 android - login no Android passando URL e parametros para Usuario e Senhaaula 4048 android - login no Android conectando com servidor e lendo respostaaula 4049 android - login no Android permissao acesso Internet conectando com servidoraula 4050 android - login no Android criando endereco IP e conectando com servidoraula 4051 android - yuuppiiii funcionando conexao android com servidor webaula 4052 android - codigo php para gravar dados do usurio no banco servidoraula 4053 android - implementando cadastro de usuario no androidaula 4054 android - manipulando activity para cadastro de usuario no androidaula 4055 android - detectando problema com gravacao no banco n servidoraula 4056 android - funcionando gravacao de dados no banco servidor pelo androidaula 4057 android - evitando campos vazios para usuario e senhaaula 4058 android - codigo php para listar usuarios no servidoraula 4059 android - implementando listar usuarios do banco no android ListActivityaula 4060 android - charAt lendo caracter por caracter do banco no servidoraula 4061 android - lendo nomes dos usuarios no banco e trazendo para o Androidaula 4062 android - ainda lendo nomes dos usuarios no banco e trazendo para o Androidaula 4063 android - mais listandos nomes de usuarios do banco no Androidaula 4064 android - show de bola funcionando lista usuarios do banco no Androidaula 4065 android - AutoCompleteTextView e MultiAutoCompleteTextView do bancoaula 4066 android - Finalizado AutoCompletar listando dados do Banco do Servidoraula 4067 android - Iniciando Spinner para listar dados do banco no servidoraula 4072 android - AlertDialog setPositiveButton setNegativeButton opcao SIM NAO para Excluir registroaula 4073 android - finalizando exclusao de registros no banco servidor e atualizando no androidaula 4074 android - implementando codigo no servidor para alterar Usuarioaula 4075 android - codigo no android para alteracao de usuarios no servidoraula 4076 android - mais codigo no android para alteracao de usuarios no servidoraula 4077 android - ainda alteracao de usuario passando parametros para o servidoraula 4078 android - finalizando alteracao de dados android servidor banco onlineaula 4079 android - Iniciando Android com java EE servidor apache tomcataula 4080 android - criando criando java web com eclipse e apache tomcataula 4081 android - listar Usuarios criando criando java web com eclipse e apacheaula 4082 android - criando arquivo jsp para listar usuarios no servidor javaaula 4083 android - codigo jsp para Listar e Gravar usuarios no banco MySQLaula 4084 android - codigo jsp para excluir e alterar usuarios no banco no servidoraula 4085 android - implementando logar jsp e testando com endereco IPaula 4086 android - criando projeto no android para comunicar com JSP Tomcataula 4087 android - android logando e gravando dados no banco via JSP Tomcataula 4088 android - excluindo e alterando dados Android com conexao servidor web java JSP tomcataula 4089 android - dani dari url drivers bancos Oracle SQLServer PostgreSQL Firebird Accessaula 4090 android - usando webapps tomcat externo fora do eclipseaula 4091 android - deploy da aplicacao para servidor real na web onlineaula 4092 android - testando e finalizando deploy da aplicacao para servidor real"
Price: 34.99

"ASP NET COM c# em mais de 100 videoaulas" |
"Pessoal, mais de 100 videoaulas nesse timo curso de ASP NET com C#. Aprenda a criar uma aplicao para web completa, contendo: login, menus, cadastros, consultas..).Tudo comea pela Database Diagrams, onde voc aprende a inserir as tabelas, campos, chaves estrangeiras e chaves primrias.Todo sistema que se preze inicia com uma tela de Login, e voc vai aprender a criar e manipular uma tela de Login para autenticao dos usurios no sistema. Tambm ver como cadastrar os usrios e at mesmo a recuperao de senha.Na tela principal, voc ver como fcil criar menus atravs de Navigation, Menu, com rvores TreeView.Nos cadastros, aprender tambm a ligar 2 tabelas (chave estrangeira) usando DropDpwnListBox.Em consultas ver como filtrar dados (pesquisar) tanto via digitao quanto por seleo.Voc ver como usar o DATALIST para mostrar os dados vindo do banco de dados e manualmente.Aprenda GridView e DetailsView para mostrar os dados do banco.Ensinei a gerar relatrios com o Crystal Report, extremamente fcilValidao de camposCompareValidatorRegularexpressionRangeValidatorRequiredField ValidatorValidationSummaryGroupValidationValidateisValidTambm veja como usar o Wizard para ajudar ana criao das suas aplicaes de forma mais rpida.Banco de dados:Foi usado o SQLServer"
Price: 34.99

"ASP . NET MVC 3 razor com c#" |
"ASP . NET um framework de desenvolvimento para a construo de pginas web e web sites com HTML, CSS, JavaScript e scripts do servidor.ASP . NET suporta trs mtodos de desenvolvimento diferentes: Pginas da Web, MVC (Model View Controller), e Web Forms.Caractersticas:Fcil de aprender, compreender e usarConstrudo em torno de pginas web individuaisSemelhante ao PHP e ASP clssicoHTML, CSS, JavaScript e controle completo sobre os formulriosNesse curso voc vai aprender:Criar um CRUD completo usando ASP NET MVC 2Dominar o uso do MVC (model, view controller) passo a passoCriar formulrios que mostrem detalhes dos dados dos registros, inserir, alterar e excluirCriar CRD completo usando MVC 3 com RazorDominar o processo manual com Design PatternAprender a trabalhar com FactoryRazor:O Razor uma View Engine, permite voc escrever menos cdigo e de forma mais simples e estruturada, no html para usar o razor voc digita ""@"" + comando. Dessa forma, permite inserir cdigos diretamente na camada de visualizao da aplicao, facilitando a codificao do projeto.C R O N O G R A M A D A S A U L A Saula 4315 ASP . NETMVC2 Introducao ASP . NETMVC Controller Model Viewaula 4316 ASP . NETMVC2 Mais MVC Controller Model View estruturaaula 4317 ASP . NETMVC2 Criando um Controller e Entendendo as Rotas Default Home Controller Index IDaula 4318 ASP . NETMVC2 Controller ActionResult Index string void response writeaula 4319 ASP . NETMVC2 mais Controller Content com parametros ID modificando Rotaaula 4320 ASP . NETMVC2 Criando View manualmente e automaticamento para Controlleraula 4321 ASP . NETMVC2 Dicionario ViewData Html Encode passando informacoes entre Controller e Viewaula 4322 ASP . NETMVC2 Html ActionLink para linkar paginasaula 4323 ASP . NETMVC2 Iniciando projeto MVC 2 Web Application wizardaula 4324 ASP . NETMVC2 Registrabdo Banco de Dados ADONET Entity Data Modelaula 4325 ASP . NETMVC2 Listando dados do banco ToList Item Foreach no Indexaula 4326 ASP . NETMVC2 Details Exibindo Detalhes from cat in where Firstaula 4327 ASP . NETMVC2 Inserindo e gravando dados Create AddTotabela SaveChangesaula 4328 ASP . NETMVC2 Editando dados ApplyCurrentValues EntityKey EntitySetName SaveChangesaula 4329 ASP . NETMVC2 Excluindo dados DeleteObject SaveChangesaula 4330 ASP . NETMVC2 Bind Exclude ignorando campos na hora de gravaraula 4331 ASP . NETMVC3 Iniciando e Instalando MVC 3 Web Platform Installeraula 4332 ASP . NETMVC3 Criando novo projeto usando MVC 3 Razoraula 4333 ASP . NETMVC3 Implementando View Razor cshtml ARROBA mvc 3 ViewBag DateTimeaula 4334 ASP . NETMVC3 mais Razor Data e Hora usando IF etc Razoraula 4335 ASP . NETMVC3 Novo Projeto Completo com MVC3 e Razoraula 4336 ASP . NETMVC3 MVC 3 Controller implementando Details Create Delete Editaula 4337 ASP . NETMVC3 Razor Criando views para Index Details Create Delete Editaula 4338 ASP . NETMVC3 Criando Classes Model get set IList povoando dados professoresaula 4339 ASP . NETMVC3 Listando um professor arroba model Html DisplayForaula 4340 ASP . NETMVC3 Listando todos professores List foreach Html DisplayForaula 4341 ASP . NETMVC3 Criando classe Factory Design Pattern Padrao de Projeto e Irmaosaula 4342 ASP . NETMVC3 Listando dados com classe Factory Design Pattern Padrao de Projetoaula 4343 ASP . NETMVC3 inserir registro model botao submit Html LabelFor EditorForaula 4344 ASP . NETMVC3 HttpPost using Html BeginForm inserir registro model razoraula 4345 ASP . NETMVC3 HttpPost HttpContext Current Application Gravando e Listandoaula 4346 ASP . NETMVC3 Incrementa Codigo Automatico OrderByDescending FirstOrDefaultaula 4347 ASP . NETMVC3 Melhorando o codigo usando Metodo Construtoraula 4348 ASP . NETMVC3 Iniciando Edicao de Registro parametro IDaula 4349 ASP . NETMVC3 Finalizando Edicao de Registro HiddenForaula 4350 ASP . NETMVC3 Excluindo Registro Remove e DisplayForaula 4351 ASP . NETMVC3 css editor label field TempData passando informacoesaula 4352 ASP . NETMVC3 customizando erros customErrors mode ON error statusCode 404 redirect Pagina Nao Encontradaaula 4353 ASP . NETMVC3 HTML ActionLink para Inserir Editar e Excluir dadosaula 4354 ASP . NETMVC3 EditorForModel para formularios automaticosaula 4355 ASP . NETMVC3 ComponentModel DataAnnotations Display Required ErrorMessage ValidationSummaryaula 4356 ASP . NETMVC3 DataAnnotations HiddenInput Range DisplayFormat DataFormatStringaula 4357 ASP . NETMVC3 DataAnnotations DataType Password EmailAddress Urlaula 4358 ASP . NETMVC3 HttpPost ActionName BeginForm Redirecionado Actions e Controllersaula 4359 ASP . NETMVC3 override HandleUnknownAction ExecuteResult para quando Action nao existir"
Price: 34.99

"Aprenda Banco de Dados, SQL e Modelagem em 186 videoaulas" |
"So 186 videoaulas em que voc vai aprender tudo de Banco de dados (Oracle, Firebird, MySQL, PostreSQL, SqlServer) SQL e modelagemEm SQL voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa para efetuar manuteno em banco de dados:create database (criar base de dados)create table (bem analisado evitando redundncia de dados)Insert into tabela (campos) values (valores); (inserir valores nas tabelas)Select (efetuar pesquisas nas tabelas)Where (condies para execuo da pesquisa)order by (ordenando a sua pesquisa)like (filtrar dados)Operadores lgicos (= igual a, > maior que, >= maior que ou igual a, < menor que, <= menor que ou igual a)Between (lista de valores)In (..) (lista de valores)Distinct (eliminar duplicidades)Primary key (chave principal, simples e composta)Drop (tables, index, constraints, campos etc)Alter (inserir/eliminar atributos nas tabelas j existentes)Describe (visualizar a estrutura das tabelas)update (alterar os dados da tabela)delete (exluir registros das tabelas)truncate (eliminar definitivamente registros das tabelas)avg (calcular valores medios)count (contar registros)sum (efetuar somas)min (encontrar valor mnimo)max (encontrar valor mximo)upper (converter para maisculo)lower (converter para minsculo)Concatenar (veja como concatenar sequncia de caracteres nos 5 banco de dados)index (para agilizar pesquisas)group by (agrupar dados)Foreign key (chave estrangeira, ligaes entre tabelas e integridade de dados)union - union all (unir o contedo de tabelas)commit (gravao permanente dos dados)auto incremento (veja como preencher automaticamente o contedo de um campo inteiro, toda vez que um novo registro for inserido na tabelaVoc aprender a fazer isso nos 5 banco de dados estudados)Trigger, Generator e Domain, CheckHaving - Restringir atravs de FunoJoin - Selecionar dados de vrias tabelasEm modelagem voc vai aprender:Nesta sesso voc aprender a analisar e modelar um banco de dados completo para gerenciamento de cursos (alunos, professores, turmas, matrculas, pagamentos etc). E para isso voc usar softwares para auxiliar nesta tarefa."
Price: 34.99
