"C# - Poderosa Linguagem de Programao" |
"Aprenda a programar em uma das linguagens mais usadas no mundo, o C#. Aprenda:Variveis, operadores, comandos condicionais, laos de repetioManipular Array, Listascriar Forms completos (CRUD)Manipulando StringCriar uma calculadora completaOrientao e ObjetosConexo com Banco de Dados (Oracle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, Firebird, MySQL)Veja como criar um CRUD completo em 3 camadasVeja o cronograma das aulas:aula 3281 c# - Instalando o Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Editionaula 3282 c# - Criando o primeiro programa com o C# ccharpaula 3283 c# - executavel EXE e variaveis String e Concatenaoaula 3284 c# - Variaveis string boolean int double e mostrando WriteLineaula 3285 c# - operadores aritmeticos soma multiplica subtrai divideaula 3286 c# - comentarios interagindo readLine e convertendo double Parseaula 3287 c# - convertendo dados usando Parse e Objeto Convertaula 3288 c# - Usando comando condicional IFaula 3289 c# - Operadores Relacionais maior igual diferente comparadoraula 3290 c# - Le e mostra mes comando condicional IFaula 3291 c# - Le e mostra mes comando condicional SWITCHaula 3292 c# - tabuada simples e com laco de repeticao FORaula 3293 c# - lacos de repeticao while e do whileaula 3294 c# - tratamento de erros try catch finallyaula 3295 c# - Registrando o microsoft C# pegando o serialaula 3296 c# - Mostrando o uso de Array Concat Lengthaula 3297 c# - array double soma Sum media Averageaula 3298 c# - usando arrays matrizes bidimencionaisaula 3299 c# - using Colections para usar ArrayListaula 3300 c# - List tipado para coleo de dadosaula 3301 c# - Criando o primeiro Windows Forms Applicationaula 3302 c# - Criando um form e conhecendo alguns componentesaula 3303 c# - Conhecendoi e Testando os componentes do C#aula 3304 c# - Eventos this BackColor System Drawing Color MessageBox Show Textaula 3305 c# - Form efetuando calculos operacoes basicasaula 3306 c# - MessageBoxButtons DialogResult Yes OK Cancel Noaula 3307 c# - Manipulando ComboBox Itens Add Clearaula 3308 c# - calculos com metodos e tratamento de errosaula 3309 c# - Componente Timer e Data e Hora Now DateTimeaula 3310 c# - Adicionando e Chamando novos Forms ShowDialogaula 3311 c# - Form CheckBox RadioButton Checkedaula 3312 c# - Mscaras MaskedTextBox TextMaskFormataula 3313 c# - Manipulando String com Substring toUpper toLoweraula 3314 c# - Manipulando String com IndexOf StartsWith EndsWithaula 3315 c# - Manipulando String com PadLeft PadRight Trim TrimStart TrimEndaula 3316 c# - Manipulando String com Split e Joinaula 3317 c# - Manipulando String com Format e Parametrosaula 3318 c# - Manipulando String com Format Strings e Numericosaula 3319 c# - String Format Inteiros Espacos em Brancos e Zerosaula 3320 c# - String Format Inteiros decimais percentual monetario milharaula 3321 c# - String Format DateTime Data e Hora comleta e customizadaaula 3322 c# - String Format DateTime Data e Hora personalizadaaula 3323 c# - Funcoes Matematicas Math abs ceiling floor min max pow sqrt roundaula 3324 c# - Iniciando a criacao de uma calculadora completaaula 3325 c# - criando metodos e variaveis boolean para calculadora completaaula 3326 c# - raciocnio lgico na calculadoraaula 3327 c# - finalizando calculadoraaula 3328 c# - namespace classe componentes forms_designeraula 3329 c# - Iniciando Orientacao a Objetos classes public private protectedaula 3330 c# - Instanciacao de Classe e Encapsulamentoaula 3331 c# - Encapsulamento usando Metodos na Instancioacao da Classe OOaula 3332 c# - Nova Forma de usar GET e SETaula 3333 c# - Metodo Construtor e metodo destructoraula 3334 c# - Ensinando Sobrecarga varios metodos com o mesmo nomeaula 3335 c# - Debugando o sistema Debug Step Into Overaula 3336 c# - Heranca herdando caracteristicas de outra classeaula 3337 c# - Polimorfismo virtual override sobrepondo classe Baseaula 3338 c# - Polimorfismo sem usar Override e virtualaula 3339 c# - Finalizando Polimorfismo executando dois metodos iguaisaula 3340 c# - classes e metodos Sealed Selada Finaisaula 3341 c# - Abstract classes e metodos abstratosaula 3342 c# - Implementando Interface na POOaula 3343 c# - finalizando implementancao de Interface em OOaula 3344 c# - static entendendo o uso de membros estaticosaula 3345 c# - Entra e Saida IO DirectoryInfo Exists Create Diretoriosaula 3346 c# - Manipulando Diretorios FullName CreateSubDirectoryaula 3347 c# - Criando arquivos FileInfo FileStream CreationTime Attributes FullNameaula 3348 c# - Lendo e Gravando arquivos StreamWriter StreamReaderaula 3349 c# - Iniciando Conexao com Banco de Dados via ADO NETaula 3350 c# - ADO NET OleDb Provider Data Source OleDbConnectionaula 3351 c# - ADO NET OleDb SQL OleDbCommand OleDbDataReader Listando dadosaula 3352 c# - Listando dados do Banco no Console e no Formaula 3353 c# - Instalando o banco de dados SQLServer e Studio Expressaula 3354 c# - Conexao CCharp com SQLServer OleDbaula 3355 c# - SqlClient SqlConncetion SqlCommand SqlDataReader Conexao com SQLServeraula 3356 c# - Oracle conexao c# com Oracle via OleDbaula 3357 c# - MySql Baixando o driver MySQl Connectoraula 3358 c# - MySql MySqlConnection MySqlDataReader Listando dadosaula 3359 c# - PostgreSQL baixando driver npgsql adicionando Referenciaaula 3360 c# - PostgreSQL NpgsqlConnection NpgsqlCommand NpgsqlDataReader Listando Dadosaula 3361 c# - Firebird baixando driver NETProvider adicionando referenciaaula 3362 c# - Firebird FbConnection FbDataReader FbCommand Listando dadosaula 3363 c# - Iniciando programao em 3 camadas UIL BLLaula 3364 c# - 3 camadas User Interface Business Logic Data Accessaula 3365 c# - Iniciando projeto c# Form com SQLServer em 3 camadasaula 3366 c# - classe modelo para transferecia objetos entre camadasaula 3367 c# - classe DAL para acesso aos dados do SQLSERVERaula 3368 c# - Explicacao Datatable dataadapter dataset fillaula 3369 c# - Criando classe camada de acesso aos dadosaula 3370 c# - Criando classe camada de Regras de Negocio BLLaula 3371 c# - Camada Visao chamando Regras de Negocio que chama Acesso aos dadosaula 3372 c# - Entendendo o uso do @ ARROBA em strings e variaveisaula 3373 c# - classe camada grava no banco insertaula 3374 c# - metodo grava na camada de regras de negcioaula 3375 c# - gravando dados usando as 3 camadas e modeloaula 3376 c# - implementando exclusao de registros nas 3 camadasaula 3377 c# - implementando alteracao de registros nas 3 camadasaula 3378 c# - iniciando pesquisas na camada Data Access Layeraula 3379 c# - Finalizando a parte de pesquisas em camadasaula 3380 c# - Corrigindo bug na pesquisas em camadasaula 3381 c# - Finalizando CRUD 3 camadas e Images Resourcesaula 3382 c# - Finally Close Fechando as conexoes abertas do CRUDaula 3383 c# - Iniciando Data Add New Data Source DATABASEaula 3384 c# - Form Manualmente com DataSet DataGridView BindingSource BindingNavigatoraula 3385 c# - Geracao automatica de formularios com o WIZARD do c#"
Price: 34.99

"Arduino I - Crie Projetos Fantsticos" |
"Entre para o fascinante mundo do Arduino, so mais de 80 videoaulas e mais de 8 gigabyte em arquivos. Voc vai aprender:Conhecer a placa ArduinoCriar um carrinho completo andando para frente e para trs, detectando colisesConhecer a ferramenta FritzenDominar o uso de Leds, Resistores, protoboardAprendero a trabalhar com sensores e LCDCriar um projeto de semforoiniciando estudo sobre servomecanismos servo motorSimulador Emulador VirtualBreadboard ValidioIniciando o projeto de um carrinhoNo perca a oportunidade de aprender Arduino de forma simples e fcil e entre para o fantstico mundo da robtica, voc vai se impressionar.V E J A O C R O N O G R A M A D E S T E C U R S Oaula 4417 Arduino - Introducao ao curso de Arduino placa sensores atuadoresaula 4418 Arduino - Conhecendo a placa Arduino Uno Pinos Digitais Analogico Reset USBaula 4419 Arduino - Instalando IDE Arduino Configurando drivers placa porta COM9aula 4420 Arduino - primeiro exemplo led piscante e fazendo upload para a placa arduinoaula 4421 Arduino - video mostrando funcionamento na placa realaula 4422 Arduino - const int ledpin void setup loop digitalWrite HIGH LOWaula 4423 Arduino - Conheca a Linguagem Arduino estrutura funcoes variaveis operadores etcaula 4424 Arduino - video conhecendo a Protoboardaula 4425 Arduino - video exemplo protoboard led resitor fios jumperaula 4426 Arduino - video exemplo2 protoboard led resitor fios jumperaula 4427 Arduino - Baixando e demonstrando protoboard com o software Fritzinaula 4428 Arduino - Exemplo2 protoboard com o software Fritzingaula 4429 Arduino - Colocando 10 leds otimizando espaco protoboardaula 4430 Arduino - codigo para varios leds funcionandoaula 4431 Arduino - melhorando codigo lacos repeticao e vetoresaula 4432 Arduino - video na pratica e efeitos ledsaula 4433 Arduino - INPUT digitalRead led pisca com pressionamento em botaoaula 4434 Arduino - montado no Fritzing led pisca com pressionamento em botaoaula 4435 Arduino - video do projeto led pisca com pressionamento em botaoaula 4436 Arduino - bouncing video vinho pinhao led ligado ou desligadoaula 4437 Arduino - Controle de Luz PWM analogWrite pinos 9 10 11aula 4438 Arduino - acendendo e apagando gradualmente analogWrite pinos 3 5 6 9 10 11aula 4439 Arduino - LED Diodo Emissor de Luz Voltagem Corrente Milliamperes Catodo Anodo Chanfroaula 4440 Arduino - Resistores OHM formula calcular resistor necessario para LEDaula 4441 Arduino - Indentificando os resistores atraves das suas coresaula 4442 Arduino - criando um semaforo vermelho amarelo verdeaula 4443 Arduino - no fritzing criando um semaforo vermelho amarelo verdeaula 4444 Arduino - video montando e testando semaforo vermelho amarelo verdeaula 4445 Arduino - semaforo interativo no fritzingaula 4446 Arduino - programando semaforo interativo com botao para pedestres acionaremaula 4447 Arduino - ainda semaforo interativo com botao para pedestres acionaremaula 4448 Arduino - video testando semaforo interativo com botao para pedestres acionaremaula 4449 Arduino - millis para tempo transcorrido e evitando caos no transitoaula 4450 Arduino - video finalilzando e testando semaforo interativoaula 4451 Arduino - iniciando LDR Resistor dependente de Luzaula 4452 Arduino - Serial begin 9600 bps Println analogRead para ler luminosidadeaula 4453 Arduino - video sensor de luz para luminosidade automatizadaaula 4454 Arduino - video no carro sensor de luz para luminosidade automatizadaaula 4455 Arduino - video macaco buzina sensor de luzaula 4456 Arduino - video Termistor NTC 10k sensor de temperaturaaula 4457 Arduino - usando um potenciometro para controlar intensidade do brilho do ledaula 4458 Arduino - mais potenciometro para controle piscaaula 4459 Arduino - Iniciando LCD Display de Cristal Liquidoaula 4460 Arduino - montando LCD Display de Cristal Liquido no Fritzingaula 4461 Arduino - finalizando no Fritzing LCD Display de Cristal Liquidoaula 4462 Arduino - Testando na protoboard e placa arduino LCD Display de Cristal Liquidoaula 4464 Arduino - Lendo valor Potenciometro no LCDaula 4465 Arduino - importando e testando biblioteca Ultrasonic corrigindo Wprogramaula 4466 Arduino - codigo arduino para Sensor Ultra Sonico Ranging Centimetrosaula 4467 Arduino - Testando na pratica o Sensor Ultra Sonico Ranging Centimetrosaula 4468 Arduino - Acendendo LED conforme distancia do Sensor Ultra Sonicoaula 4469 arduino - Motores Corrente Continua e Bateria 9vaula 4470 Arduino - Conhecendo o Transistor tip120 sua finalidade e diodosaula 4471 Arduino - Montando projeto motor transistor diodo no Fritizingaula 4472 Arduino - Montando projeto motor transistor diodo para teste realaula 4473 Arduino - testando na pratica velocidade com potenciometro motor transistor diodoaula 4474 Arduino - iniciando estudo sobre servomecanismos servo motoraula 4475 Arduino - servo motor attach codigo e testando na pratica governo deputadoaula 4476 Arduino - servo motor map mapeia valores para angulo com potenciometroaula 4477 Arduino - finalizando servo motor map com potenciometroaula 4478 Arduino - acionando servo motor atraves de um botaoaula 4479 Arduino - serial available read acionando servo motor com o serialaula 4480 Arduino - Simulador Emulador VirtualBreadboard Validioaula 4481 Arduino - Criando um exemplo completo com o VirtualBreadboardaula 4482 Arduino - Criando um semaforo com o VirtualBreadboardaula 4483 Arduino - Finalizando semaforo com o VirtualBreadboardaula 4484 Arduino - Iniciando o projeto de um carrinhoaula 4485 Arduino - Alterando servo motor para girar 360 graus rodas do carrinhoaula 4486 Arduino - Montando as rodas no servo motor e no chassi do carrinhoaula 4487 Arduino - Carrinho rodas andando para frente 2 servo motoresaula 4488 Arduino - Carrinho mais sobre rodasaula 4489 Arduino - Carrinho detach parar e iniciar motores roda esquerda direitaaula 4490 Arduino - Carrinho usando Serial para controlar acionamento motores e direcao rodaaula 4491 Arduino - Carrinho com sensor ultrasonico para distanciaaula 4492 Arduino - Carrinho testando na pratica com sensor ultrasonico para distanciaaula 4493 Arduino - Carrinho implementando servos motores sensor distancia lcd buzzer no Fritzingaula 4494 Arduino - Carrinho criando componente sensor hcsrc4 no Fritizingaula 4495 Arduino - Carrinho adicionando LCD para mostrar distanciaaula 4496 Arduino - Carrinho soldando fios jumper soldador estanho fita isolante etcaula 4497 Arduino - Carrinho testando LCD com sensor distancia com Rodaaula 4498 Arduino - Carrinho adicionando buzinaaula 4499 Arduino - Carrinho final montagem e testeaula 4500 Arduino - Lancamento curso de Arduino"
Price: 29.99

"Corel Draw x8" |
"O CorelDRAW um programa de desenho vetorial bidimensional para design grfico desenvolvido pela Corel Corporation, Canad. um aplicativo de ilustrao trevial vetorial e layout de pgina que possibilita a criao e a manipulao de vrios produtos, como por exemplo: desenhos artsticos, publicitrios, logotipos, capas de revistas, livros, etc.Nosso melhor ficou ainda melhor. O CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 o nosso produto mais recente e inovador j disponibilizado at hoje! Obtenha todas as nossas aclamadas ferramentas do CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 e muito mais. Nossa sute inclui recursos de ponta para ajudar voc a criar belos designs, grficos, fotos e sites, com facilidade e confiana. Agora, voc pode testar o principal software de design grfico da Corel gratuitamente!Ferramenta LiveSketchNova e revolucionria ferramenta baseada nos ltimos desenvolvimentos em inteligncia artificial e aprendizagem automtica.Os esboos de formato livre se transformam em curvas vetoriais precisas em dispositivos habilitados para toque.Visualizaes de vetor, ns e indicadores aprimoradosEdite objetos e efeitos de forma mais eficiente com visualizaes, ns e indicadores aprimorados que no se perdem entre as cores de fundo do seu design.Controles deslizantes proeminentesTrabalhe com preenchimentos de objetos, transparncias, misturas, extruses, sombreamentos e contornos graas a controles deslizantes interativos mais proeminentes.Formas personalizadas de nsSimplifique a modelagem de curvas e objetos, atribuindo uma forma nica a cada tipo de n, o que facilita a identificao de ns suaves, cspides e simtricos.Escolha as formas de n que melhor se adaptem ao seu fluxo de trabalho."
Price: 129.99

"App Promotion and Marketing MasterClass to 1M+ App Installs" |
"The App Promotion and Marketing Masterclass (2016) will make you an App Millionaire for sure. In this Masterclass, you will discover Top-Notch App Marketing Strategies implemented by All-Time Top Grossing Apps like Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, 8 Ball Pool, etc. which will help you to race your way to 1 Million + App Installs.This Masterclass is well structured and provides step-by-step strategies right from researching your app keywords, validating your app ideas to achieving the milestone of 1 Million + App Installs.Main Highlights of ""App Promotion and Marketing Masterclass to 1 Million+ App Installs""Explore Most Effective Natural App Discovery Methods.Profitable Keyword Research to validate your App Idea.Promote your App for Free on Facebook Groups and Google Plus Communities with over 10 million members.Acquire App Store Optimization Insights to Outrank your Competition.Get Lightning Fast 5 Star Positive Ratings and Reviews for your iOS and Android App.Vital Tips for entering Billion Dollar Asian App Markets.Localize your apps to get Billion App Installs.Promote your app via Popular Video Advertising Networks.Uncover App Marketing Tactics like Incentivized and Non-Incentivized App Installs.Implement Burst Campaigns strategically to achieve 1 Million+ App Installs.Apply Apple's Smart App Banner to get app installs from your website.Boost App Installs by promoting your app on Facebook and Instagram with Laser Focused App Install Ad Targeting strategy.Drive App Install using Google's Search Network, Display Network and Universal App Install Campaigns.Increase App Installs on Twitter using App Install Twitter Cards.BONUS: Flappy Bird 50,000$ Per Day Case Study.There are over millions of apps on the App Stores and thousands of new apps are uploaded daily which makes it extremely difficult for your app to gain app visibility and installs.The ultimate aim of App Promotion and Marketing is to gain eyeballs and hands-on engagement with your app, instead of your app collecting dust on the App Stores.Are you one of those struggling app developers craving to get 1 Million+ App Installs? Do you want to create your own app marketing agency or provide app marketing services? Do you want to become an app millionaire? Do you want to learn App Store Optimization (ASO) to improve your app rankings and outrank your competitors? Do you want to get 5 Star Positive Ratings and Reviews for your apps? Do you want to learn to promote your app on Google Search and Display Network, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? Do you want to make your app a worldwide hit?Then, simply enroll into this masterclass and watch your app take flight on the App Stores."
Price: 199.99

"Intermediate and Advanced iOS - Build Real World Apps" |
"Are you a beginner iOS developer and want to take your skills to the next level? Do you have some iOS programming experience but wanted to learn MORE. Are you looking to enhance your skills and become a better developer?If you answered YES to any of the above questions then this course is for you! For the last few months I have been working on a course which condenses my 8+ years of iOS development experience into 4 apps. This course will teach you how to become a better developer by incorporating design patterns, refactoring, layering and advanced iOS skills.Welcome to Intermediate and Advanced iOS - Build Real World Apps! I have always believed that the best way to learn is to build a product. In this course you will be working on multiple projects using different technologies and frameworks. Check out the amazing projects you will working on:High Waters: High Waters app is a crowdsourcing app which allows the users to notify each others of a flooded region. This app can literally save lives! In this app you will learn the following:Integrate MapKit with an iOS AppLearn to zoom into users current locationCreate custom annotationsPersist information to the Firebase Firestore cloud databaseMapKit simulation techniquesGood News: Good News app is a news app like Google News designed using MVVM design pattern. The app fetches the latest news from the NewsAPI service and displays it according to their relevant categories. In this app you will learn the following:Designing the interface of the appConfiguring and setting up theme of the app using appearance API in iOSImplement a web service layer to fetch news from NewsAPIConsuming JSON and populating models using Swift 4 Codable protocolsImplementing View Models to support on screen user interfaceCreating custom self sizing UITableView cellsUtilizing WKWebView to display resourcesGood Cam: Good Cam app showcase the same features as Instagram App and is implemented using the view controller containment pattern. It allows users to take a photo and then apply custom filters on the photo. Later the filtered photo is persisted back to the camera roll. In this app you will learn the following:Setting up the app using view controller containment patternInjecting controllers into parent controllerDisplaying photos from photo library in a UICollectionViewTaking a photo from the iPhone cameraCreating and applying custom filters to the photoSaving the filtered photo to the photo library on users deviceGood List: Good List is a Todo list application with a twist! The complete app is implemented without using storyboards. Good List App perfectly reflects the challenges and flexibility you achieve when you dont use interface builder or storyboards in your application. In this app you will learn the following:Programmatically creating the user interface of the appSetting layout constraints for user interface elementsSending data between view controllers using delegate design pattern.Who is this course for?This course is for all levels of developers who wants to increase their skills to become intermediate and advanced developer. Also for developers who wants to learn more about how to how to structure your real world iOS apps.Developers who wants to enhance their existing skills.Is this course right for me?Look: If you are still not convinced then check out my 5 star rating on Udemy. I am very active on Udemy forums and I try my best to answer every single question from my students. I also provide lifetime updates for my course and keep a regular schedule for updating the course with new, educational material.Thank you and enjoy the course!Azam"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering RxSwift in iOS" |
"No matter which programming community you look at functional and reactive programming is getting popular every day. RxSwift is leading the charge in iOS community by providing flexible and extensible framework, which can easily integrate with iOS applications.RxSwift framework is one of the most popular and talked about frameworks in the iOS ecosystem. Learning RxSwift will increase your chances of landing your dream job and even earn a higher salary at your existing job. This course does not expect any knowledge of RxSwift framework, you will learn all throughout the course.Here is what you will learn in this course:Understanding functional programming and RxSwiftObservablesSubjectsImplementing photo filter app using RxSwiftFiltering operatorsTodo list app using filtering operatorsTransforming operatorsBuilding news app using transforming operatorsCombining operatorsBeginning RxCocoaMVVM with RxSwiftAll the lectures are accompanied with downloadable exercise files. Check out some of my reviews below: Every course you make is simple to understand, filled with great content, & packed with take-aways you can immediately use. Thank you for helping me become the developer I am today.Mohammad Azam is an outstanding instructor, he takes the time to explain why things work.Yes. I really like how the instructor explains not only how to do something, but why we are doing it. I love the clean organized setup for each of the applications & how the instructor gave many different techniques for putting an app together. Very good lessons!This was the most useful tutorial for the MVVM design pattern that I have seen yet. Very good ? Keep in mind that he isn't showing you how to completely architect your app - but he is showing you how MVVM enables better unit testing. He also gave some great examples of unit tests. I never knew what to test before and he gave a good explanation. Looking forward to more of Azam's courses.Mohammad Azam courses are always on point, and loaded with quality information that you can start using right away. Great content.Is this course right for you?This course is designed to teach you RxSwift in a very practical way. Each section starts with covering the concepts and terminology and then applying the knowledge by building a real world application. If you ever wanted to learn reactive functional programming in iOS then this is the course for you.Lets begin learning RxSwift!"
Price: 19.99

"NodeJS - The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp 2020" |
"Ihave been training developers in one form or the other since 2005. At present I am the lead instructor at DigitalCrafts bootcamp where I teach full stack web development. This course is a result of 1000s of hours of training over the course of several years in which I trained more than 100 developers. Now those developers are working for companies like Apple, LinkedIn, Chase etc. RequirementsBasic understanding of how the web works is recommended but not a must-haveUnderstanding of JavaScript programming language is recommendedNo NodeJS knowledge is requiredDescriptionAccording to the latest StackOverFlow survey NodeJS is the most popular framework in software development. NodeJS is in high demand and JavaScript developers who have NodeJS in their tool-belt earns high salary. This course is designed to teach you all the important parts of the NodeJS framework by building real world, data driven applications. After completing this course you will be ready to build full stack web applications using NodeJS and JavaScript. Here is the outline of this course:Understanding NodeJS and Node Package ManagerInstalling and Running ExpressJSUnderstanding RoutingPassing QueryString, Parameters and JSONPosting Data in ExpressUnderstanding Server Side PagesBuilding Template Server Side Pages Using MustacheCreating Reusable Components Using Express PartialsConsuming Static ResourcesDeveloping Express RouterUnderstanding and Implementing MiddlewareIntegrating Session for ExpressJS AppsDebugging NodeSetting Up PostgreSQL DatabaseLearning Basic SQL CommandsPerforming CRUD Operations Using pg-promise for PostgreSQL databaseEncrypting and Persisting Secure Data Using brcryptToggling Menu Options based on the User Login StatusDeployment to HerokuUnderstanding Object Relational MappingInstalling and Configuring SequelizePerforming CRUD Operations Using SequelizeImplementing One to Many Relationships in SequelizeHosting PostgreSQL Database on ElephantSQLUnderstanding Document DatabasesImplementing JSON Web API Using ExpressJSInstalling and Running MongoDB Database ServerPerforming CRUD Operations Using MongoDBProjectsAs a lead instructor at one of the top bootcamps I know that the best way to learn a new technology is utilizing your skills in a real world project. For this reason this course targets multiple projects to enhance your learning experience.News AppIn this app you will learn how to use create server side pages using Mustache template engine. You will build a login and registration screen and eve customize the users page based on their credentials. This app integrates with PostgreSQL database using pg-promise library. Finally, you will learn how to deploy your app to Heroku server.Sell Your StuffIn this app you will learn how to create an ExpressJS website which allows the users to list their products for sale. You will learn how to integrate Sequelize ORM with your Node application. The project also covers how to upload images from your machine to your own server. Just like the previous app you will also implementing login and registration of the user.Grocery AppIn this app you will learn how to create both the client and the server. The client will be implemented using the vanilla HTML and JavaScript and the server will be implementing using ExpressJS and MongoDB (Document Database). You will learn how to persist documents as well as nested documents in the MongoDB database.Is this course for you?If you have no NodeJS experience then you are going to enjoy this course. NodeJS is a very high in demand framework and after going through this course you can use your new skills to become a full stack web developer.If you have novice NodeJS experience then about accessing PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases with pg-promise, Sequelize and mongoose.PrerequisitesNo knowledge of NodeJS is requiredUnderstanding of HTML and CSS is requiredExisting knowledge of JavaScript is recommended"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Guide to New Features in Swift 5" |
"Swift language was released in 2014 and it has quickly climb the ladder of the most loved programming language. According to StackOverFlow developer survey, Swift is one of the most fastest growing programming languages right now.Swift 5 has been released as part of Xcode 10.2. Swift 5 contains tons of new features including much need ABI stability. In this course you will learn about all the amazing new features of the Swift programming language.Topics covered in the course:Understanding ABI stabilityString interpolationResult TypeDynamic callable typesFuture enumsRaw stringsCharacter propertiesCompacting dictionariesSwift package manager updatesCodable rangesFlattening nested optionalsIdentify key pathsAnd much moreAll lectures are accompanied with exercise files. Check out some of my reviews below:Every course you make is simple to understand, filled with great content, & packed with take-aways you can immediately use. Thank you for helping me become the developer I am today.Mohammad Azam is an outstanding instructor, he takes the time to explain why things work.Yes. I really like how the instructor explains not only how to do something, but why we are doing it. I love the clean organized setup for each of the applications & how the instructor gave many different techniques for putting an app together. Very good lessons!This was the most useful tutorial for the MVVM design pattern that I have seen yet. Very good ? Keep in mind that he isn't showing you how to completely architect your app - but he is showing you how MVVM enables better unit testing. He also gave some great examples of unit tests. I never knew what to test before and he gave a good explanation. Looking forward to more of Azam's courses.Mohammad Azam courses are always on point, and loaded with quality information that you can start using right away. Great content.Is this course right for you?This course is designed to teach you new features of Swift 5 programming language in a practical and intuitive way. Each lecture starts with explaining how we implemented features in Swift 4.2 and how we can implement the same feature with the new Swift 5 language. If you ever wanted to learn Swift 5 new features quickly then this is the course for you! Lets begin learning Swift 5!Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Familiarity with iOS App ArchitectureKnowledge of Swift LanguageWho is this course for:This course is for anyone who has previous iOS development experience with Swift language and want to learn new features of Swift 5."
Price: 199.99

"SwiftUI - Declarative Interfaces for any Apple Device" |
"SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any Apple device using just one set of tools and APIs. With a declarative Swift syntax thats easy to read and natural to write, SwiftUI works seamlessly with new Xcode design tools to keep your code and design perfectly in sync. Automatic support for Dynamic Type, Dark Mode, localization, and accessibility means your first line of SwiftUI code is already the most powerful UI code youve ever written.RequirementsBasic understanding iOS architectureknowledge of Swift programming languageMacCheck out list of topics covered in the course: Creating and Combining ViewsBuilding List and Navigation Building Grid Layouts in SwiftUI Understanding State and Binding Understanding MVVM Design PatternImplementing Weather App Using Web API Coffee Ordering App in SwiftUI Mastering Xcode Previews Integrating SwiftUI with UIKit Apps Building Custom Views with SwiftUI Implementing Gestures in SwiftUI Property Wrappers in SwiftUI Forms Modals Integrating Core Data with SwiftUI Integrating Core ML with SwiftUI SwiftUI Recipes SwiftUI for All Devices SwiftUI Animations Apple Stocks App Clone NearMe App Clone Neumorphic Design in SwiftUI SwiftUI 2.0"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate, Unofficial Udemy Online Course Creation Guide" |
"Here's the truth:the vast majority of instructors on Udemy aren't having the impact they desired. But many instructors are successfully making a lucrative, full-time career from producing online courses on the Udemy platform. You can learn the strategies that will set you apart as an instructor, and position you for that kind of success.Frank Kane has been producing online courses on Udemy since 2015, and has sold over 200,000 paid course enrollments earning over one million dollars. In this course, Frank shares all the stuff he's learned the hard way during that time about what works with course creation, and what doesn't. You'll learn:How to choose the course topic that's best for you, and most likely to succeedAudo/visual tips for producing clear audio and crisp video for different budget levelsSEO tips to make sure students find your course when they're looking for your topicHow ""flywheel effects"" should inform your course marketing and course creation strategyHow to construct a pre-launch checklist to make your course launch as strong as possibleEffective course marketing strategies - as well as strategies to avoidMaintaining your course to keep it selling for yearsHow to vet other platforms that want to host your contentTechniques for discouraging piracy of your courseHow to get more reviews for your coursesA plan for making Udemy your full-time job, in a responsible mannerThis course is intended as a supplement to Udemy's Teach Hub and resources in your course creation dashboard - it's all the stuff most instructors only learn through experience. Avoid common mistakes in your strategy as an online instructor, and apply proven best practices used by Udemy's top instructors right from the start.Any instructor on the Udemy platform who wants to make more of an impact will benefit from this course. It's packed with tips, tricks, and lessons learned that can make the difference between a course that flops, and a course that changes the world."
Price: 49.99

"AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty 2020 - Hands On!" |
"[v2020: The course has been fully updated for the new AWS Certified Data Analytics -Specialty DAS-C01 exam, and will be kept up-to-date all of 2020. Optional content for the previous AWS Certified Big Data - Speciality BDS-C01 exam remains as well as an appendix. Happy learning! ]The AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty Exam is one of the most challenging certification exams you can take from Amazon. Passing it tells employers in no uncertain terms that your knowledge of big data systems is wide and deep. But, even experienced technologists need to prepare heavily for this exam. This course sets you up for success, by covering all of the big data technologies on the exam and how they fit together.Best-selling Udemy instructors Frank Kane and Stphane Maarek have teamed up to deliver the most comprehensive and hands-on prep course we've seen. Together, they've taught over 300,000 people around the world. This course combines Stphane's depth on AWS with Frank's experience in Big Data, gleaned during his 9-year career at Amazon itself. Both Frank and Stphane have taken and passed the exam themselves on the first try.The world of data analytics on AWS includes a dizzying array of technologies and services. Just a sampling of the topics we cover in-depth are:Streaming massive data with AWS KinesisQueuing messages with Simple Queue Service (SQS)Wrangling the explosion data from the Internet of Things (IOT)Transitioning from small to big data with the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)Storing massive data lakes with the Simple Storage Service (S3)Optimizing transactional queries with DynamoDBTying your big data systems together with AWS LambdaMaking unstructured data query-able with AWS GlueProcessing data at unlimited scale with Elastic MapReduce, including Apache Spark, Hive, HBase, Presto, Zeppelin, Splunk, and FlumeApplying neural networks at massive scale with Deep Learning, MXNet, and TensorflowApplying advanced machine learning algorithms at scale with Amazon SageMakerAnalyzing streaming data in real-time with Kinesis AnalyticsSearching and analyzing petabyte-scale data with Amazon Elasticsearch ServiceQuerying S3 data lakes with Amazon AthenaHosting massive-scale data warehouses with Redshift and Redshift SpectrumIntegrating smaller data with your big data, using the Relational Database Service (RDS) and AuroraVisualizing your data interactively with QuicksightKeeping your data secure with encryption, KMS, HSM, IAM, Cognito, STS, and moreThroughout the course, you'll have lots of opportunities to reinforce your learning with hands-on exercises and quizzes. And when you're done, this course includes a practice exam that's very similar to the real exam in difficulty, length, and style - so you'll know if you're ready before you invest in taking it. We'll also arm you with some valuable test-taking tips and strategies along the way.Data analytics is an advanced certification, and it's best tackled by students who have already obtained associate-level certification in AWS and have some real-world industry experience. This exam is not intended for AWS beginners.You want to go into the AWS Certified Data Analtyics Specialty Exam with confidence, and that's what this course delivers. Hit the enroll button, and we're excited to see you in the course... and ultimately to see you get your certification!"
Price: 199.99

"Elasticsearch 7 and the Elastic Stack - In Depth & Hands On!" |
"New for 2020! We've teamed up with Coralogix to co-produce the most comprehensive Elastic Stack course we've seen. Elasticsearch 7 is a powerful tool not only for powering search on big websites, but also for analyzing big data sets in a matter of milliseconds! It's an increasingly popular technology, and a valuable skill to have in today's job market. This course covers it all, from installation to operations, with over 100 lectures including 11 hours of video.We'll cover setting up search indices on an Elasticsearch 7 cluster (if you need Elasticsearch 5 or 6 - we have other courses on that), and querying that data in many different ways. Fuzzy searches, partial matches, search-as-you-type, pagination, sorting - you name it. And it's not just theory, every lesson has hands-on examples where you'll practice each skill using a virtual machine running Elasticsearch on your own PC.We'll explore what's new in Elasticsearch 7 - including index lifecycle management, the deprecation of types and type mappings, and a hands-on activity with Elasticsearch SQL. We've also added much more depth on managing security with the Elastic Stack, and how backpressure works with Beats.We cover, in depth, the often-overlooked problem of importing data into an Elasticsearch index. Whether it's via raw RESTful queries, scripts using Elasticsearch API's, or integration with other ""big data"" systems like Spark and Kafka - you'll see many ways to get Elasticsearch started from large, existing data sets at scale. We'll also stream data into Elasticsearch using Logstash and Filebeat - commonly referred to as the ""ELK Stack"" (Elasticsearch / Logstash / Kibana) or the ""Elastic Stack"".Elasticsearch isn't just for search anymore - it has powerful aggregation capabilities for structured data. We'll bucket and analyze data using Elasticsearch, and visualize it using the Elastic Stack's web UI, Kibana and Kibana Lens.You'll learn how to manage operations on your Elastic Stack, using X-Pack to monitor your cluster's health, and how to perform operational tasks like scaling up your cluster, and doing rolling restarts. We'll also spin up Elasticsearch clusters in the cloud using Amazon Elasticsearch Service and the Elastic Cloud.Elasticsearch is positioning itself to be a much faster alternative to Hadoop, Spark, and Flink for many common data analysis requirements. It's an important tool to understand, and it's easy to use! Dive in with me and I'll show you what it's all about."
Price: 149.99

"AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty: Full Practice Exam" |
"Nervous about the AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty exam? You should be! It's arguably the toughest certification exam AWS offers, as it not only tests AWS-specific knowledge, but your practical experience in machine learning and deep learning in general. It's tough to know what to expect on the exam before going in.This practice exam offers a realistic, full-length simulation of what you can expect in the AWS MLS-C01 exam. It's not a ""brain dump,"" but a complete, 65-question, 3-hour practice exam with original questions of the same style, topics, difficulty, and breakdown of the real exam. It's a great test of your readiness before you decide to invest in the real exam, and a great way to see what sorts of topics the exam will touch on. We also include a 10-question warmup test that will give you a rough idea of your readiness in just a half an hour.The author of this exam, Frank Kane, is a popular machine learning instructor on Udemy who passed the AWS Certified Machine Learning exam himself on the first try - as well as the AWS Certified Big Data Specialty exam, which the Machine Learning exam builds upon. Frank spent over 9 years working at Amazon itself in Seattle, as a senior manager specializing in some of Amazon's early machine learning development.Just like the real exam, this practice exam tests four different domains:Data EngineeringExploratory Data AnalysisModelingMachine Learning Implementation and OperationsYou'll need deep and broad knowledge of SageMaker and AWS's other machine learning services, including Rekognition, Translate, Polly, and Comprehend. You'll need to know how to process big data using Kinesis, S3, Glue, and Athena. And you'll need a strong knowledge of AWS security, including use of KMS and IAM.But AWS knowledge is not enough to pass this practice exam, or the real thing! You also need deep knowledge on data science, feature engineering and tuning your machine learning models. Do you really understand regularization techniques and how to use them? Do you really understand precision, recall, and AUC? Do you know how different deep learning models work, and how they are used? This practice exam will let you find out. Every question includes an explanation of the correct answer as well.Don't risk hundreds of dollars and hours of your time on the AWS Certified Machine Learning Exam until you're sure you're ready for it. This practice exam is a good test of that readiness, and a good taste of what to expect. It's worth the effort - this AWS certification is the most elite one there is right now!This practice exam is a bargain compared to the official AWS practice exam, and it's three times as long! Buy it now, and get some extra peace of mind as you head into your testing center."
Price: 49.99

"Habit Challenge: Achieve More Next Year Than The Last Decade" |
"Participate in the Habit Challenge and achieve more next year than most will in a lifetimeLearn the only step-by-step system to form habits to achieve your goals on autopilot without relying on motivation or willpower to do it.You dont have to buy this course - Listen, just read this page (or better watch the free promo video) until the very end and you will learn 3 things that will change the way you pursue and achieve your goals forever.Warning: I am revealing these secrets only to the next batch of students and plan to put these secrets back inside the course for the later batch of students. So if you come back later, you might no longer be able to get this for free. So absorb this page completely until the very end while you still can. Deal?Achieve Your Goals Without Even Thinking About ItWalk with me for a moment as we imagine you waking up tomorrow only to realize that you have achieved your dreams without even realizing it.Imagine waking up and looking at the mirror to realize that your have built a body that you are proud of. Imagine reviewing your net worth one day only to realize that you are now worth a million dollars. Imagine writing the last page of the book that you have been working on without realizing that your book is done. What ever your goal maybe, imagine achieving it without actively thinking about achieving it.I am not asking you to do wishful thinking and this has nothing to do with the law of attraction. In fact, I am telling you the opposite that you dont even have to think about what you want and you are going to get it.You know what the best part is?Within the next 7 days, you will be on track to create your perfect life on autopilot. And when you get a taste of success in one area of your life, it will have a domino effect and create a chain reaction on every other area of your life.What I am about to share with you below will put you in the right trajectory to having the life you want irrespective of how unsuccessful you have been in the past. I am not promising that you are going to build 6 pack abs or have a million dollars overnight. What I am promising is that you will be on the path to building the life you always wanted without actively thinking about it.Even if you completely forget about your goal, you will still end up achieving it automatically if you apply the tips that I am about to share with you. Ill show you exactly how to do this in just a few minutes but FIRST...I need to show you the one thing you need to avoid doing.Actually this is going to surprise you. Most people think this is the only way to make progress towards achieving their dreams. But in reality this is what slows you down.STOP Focusing On Your GoalsYou need to STOP focusing on your goals completely.Yeah you heard me right. You need to stop thinking about your goals.When we hear stories of successful people, we assume that having ambitious goals is what helped them succeed. We forget about all the other people with similar goals who failed. Every tennis player who has ever played in the Wimbledon has had the goal to lift the trophy. Having a goal however did not help them win.Goals merely give you a sense of direction and sometimes provide short-term motivation to get you moving. However, just focusing on your goal will only lead to failure.Goals delay happinessWhen we pursue a goal, we are putting off our happiness until a milestone is achieved. We unconsciously keep telling ourselves that we are not good enough until we achieve our goals. That makes us inconsistent making us work on our goals only when we feel like it. People with fitness goals for example struggle to work out consistently because they seek an ideal weight or body that they will only get in the future. So it becomes hard for them to enjoy the process of exercising in the present.Goals have a deadlineGoals also tend to come with a deadline. When we dont see the exact results we want before the deadline, it will make us feel like a failure even if we came a long way from where we started. Adolf Merckle is an extreme example for this. He was the 36th richest person in the world but during the recession, his net worth dropped to USD 9.2. The powerlessness of not being able to do anything about the loss was too much for him, and he ended his life a few weeks later. When he committed suicide, he was the 95th richest person in the world. It is very natural for people focused solely on their end goals to feel unhappy when they fail to see how far they have come.Goals don't bring permanent changeGoals also fail to bring lasting change. It only makes people jump from one goal to the other, never sticking to anything to see long-term progress. Many people develop the habit of running in the morning with a goal to run a marathon. Once they complete the marathon, they return to their old sedentary lifestyle because their goal no longer exists to make them run.Imagine not putting off your happiness or feeling like a failure until the milestone is achieved. Imagine not going back to your old life after achieving your goals. You will be able to achieve all of this simply by not focusing on your goal. You might be wondering, what should you be focusing on instead?Focus on Building Your IdentityInstead of focusing on your goals, focus on building your identity instead. Your habits are merely a reflection of your identity, meaning your habits are determined by who you believe you are consciously or subconsciously. For example, if you think you are not a person who likes fitness, it is going to be really hard for you to develop the habit of working out. If you want to change who you are, then you need to have new beliefs about yourself. You need to develop a new identity.So instead of focusing on achieving the results you desire, you focus on building the identity of the person who will be able to achieve those desired results.Think about your goals and think about the person who will be able to achieve those goals.Your focus should not be on the goal to write a book, your focus should be on developing the identity of a writer first. Your focus should not be on the goal to make a million dollars, your focus should be on developing the identity of someone who creates value for others first.Your focus should not be on the goal to run a marathon, your focus should be on developing the identity of a runner first.When you focus on building your identity, you are not putting off your happiness until the milestone is achieved. You will have a sense of accomplishment every time you do something to prove to yourself you have the right identity.You wont feel like a failure if you miss a deadline. All you will care about is whether your identity has put you on track to achieve your goals.Also, when you achieve your goals, you will not stop moving forward because your habits and routines would have become a part of who you are.Can you see yourself automatically building the life you want simply by just building the identity of the person who will be able to achieve your goals?So how do you build your identity? Once you decide what type of person you want to become you prove it to yourself through small wins. You have to use a technique called the Habit Snowball to do this.Use the Habit SnowballLet me tell you, if you do not do this, any trick you can possibly learn to achieve success in your unique area of interest, will really be useless. That is because this secret is the foundation for behavioral change. It is like the rocket fuel for success. Everything else you can possibly learn just builds on top of this. The habit snowball is the secret to build the identity of a person who will be able to achieve the results you desire.To form any new habit, you need to snowball it from something small into something bigger. Initially, the goal should not be to achieve something. The goal is to develop your identity by proving it to yourself through small wins.So, instead of trying to achieve overnight success, think about the smallest step you can take that will build your identity. Start with an extremely small habit which your brain can quickly learn and repeat automatically. The habit should be so small that it is easy and reasonable to do every day. These small habits should be effortless to do and should slowly build your identity. For example, if you want to build a body you are proud of, then you build the identity of a someone who works out by doing just one push-up every day.If you want to write a book, then you will build the identity of a writer by writing just one paragraph every day. By repeating the smallest step you develop the identity of someone who will be able to achieve the results you desire.Do you think doing something so small is useless?You might think there is no point in doing something so small. But let me ask you this - Is doing one push-up everyday better than doing no exercise? Is writing a paragraph better than not writing at all. I would say it is.If you never miss a workout, you are going to get into the best possible shape, and there is no doubt about it. If you write just a paragraph every day, you would have enough words to publish a book at the end of the year. Every time you do your habit, you reinforce your new identity, and that, in turn, makes your habit stronger and unbreakable over time.Consistency = SuccessCan you see yourself getting the results you always wanted starting small and building your identity?The mistake we make is that we think we need to put in a lot of effort to make a difference. But successful people dont necessarily put in more work. They are just more consistent than others.Do not let your desires and motivation drive you into trying to fix the whole problem at once, because doing something extremely impressive once or twice is not going to matter if you cannot stick with the intensity in the long term. You need to learn how to form a habit with a pace you can sustain.The people who have mastered different areas of their lives have mastered their habits by repeating a pattern patiently.You have two choices in front of you:Option 1 - You could use what you learnt about building habits and apply it to work on your goals and dreams. It might not be very easy to figure out how to do this in every situation and you might find it confusing on your own. Which brings us to our smarter Option 2.Option 2 - This is the quickest, easiest and smartest way to form habits and achieve your goals on autopilot without relying on motivation or willpower. I have already done the work for you. Why start from scratch and try to reinvent the wheel, when there is already a proven and tested step by step system you can immediately apply.A system that has been used by countless thousands of men and women across all ages to build habits that changed their entire life. This is what the vast majority of people decided to do and it is called the Habit Challenge.Introducing Ofpad Habit Challenge From The School Of GeniusThe Ofpad Habit Challenge is the only step-by-step system to form habits to achieve your goals & dreams on autopilot without relying on motivation or willpower.This radically simple technique to build habits will work for you, EVEN IF you have failed to stick to your goals in the past, and even if you think you lack motivation or talent required to succeed, and even if you have think you have tried E V E R Y T H I N G.What the Ofpad Habit Challenge Is NotTo save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Ofpad Habit Challenge is NOT, before I tell you what it is.- You will not find law of attraction or pseudo-scientific theories. All the stuff you learn will based on proven scientific research.- You will not find complicated neuroscience or biochemistry that will make this a course from medical school.- You will not find techniques to break bad habits because the techniques to break a habit is completely different from the techniques to form a good habit.- You will not find a magic pill that will give you an overnight transformation. You are not going to make a million dollars or get six packs overnight. Instead the techniques will give you positive momentum towards achieving your goals and will get you moving in the right direction.Don't you think you've been lied to enough? Isn't it time to start using what's PROVEN to work?Replicate The Success of Top PerformersThe Habit Challenge is the product of analysing the techniques used by top performers across the world in various fields who started out like you and me but went on to find extraordinary success in different areas.I uncovered these hidden patterns and unique (sometimes 'odd') tactics that they use to build their habits and routines. What is remarkable about this system is it is so simple even a child can do it.And now, starting TODAY, their success can be your success.The strategies of these top performers can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you the power of using habits to achieve all your goals and build the life you have always dreamed of without using motivation or willpower, all while transforming into a new person with a new identity.Warning: This Course Is Not For EveryoneNow, before we go any further, I need to be 100% honest with you. If you are looking for that Magic Pill that will give you an overnight transformation, something you ALREADY KNOW will never, ever work for you in the long run?If that is you, then you need to leave this page right now. After you watch the videos in the habit challenge you will immediately start building the right identity and moving in the right direction to achieving all your goals.However, for the system to work, you will have to apply the techniques that you learn from the course. The Habit Challenge isn't your fantasy land nonsense. It's the real deal, and it is only for folks like you who are really serious about improving their life and who are willing to put in the time and effort to build new habits. While building habits isn't ""easy"" (nothing worthwhile is), with the Habit Challenge I have made it as easy as it can get. So, if you're like most folks watching this presentation, and you're 100% ready to learn the real secrets of building powerful habits to permanently transform your life, here's what you can expect:If you really want to build powerful daily routines that helps you make daily progress, and build an identity that makes success inevitable, and build the life that you always wanted without actively thinking about it, then the Habit Challenge isn't just ""A"" solution for you it's the ONLY solution for you!Here is What You Can Expect In Each Lesson:Lesson 1. The Secret of Personal Transformation You will learn a secret that the nobody really talks about even though this is the one thing every top performer in any field does consciously or unconsciously. Lesson 2. Focus of this course Before get into the meat of the content we will take a deeper look into the focus of this course and what this course will help you achieve in life. Lesson 3. What to Expect At the heart of this course, there are 4 elements - The Right Mindset, The Right Strategy, A Step by Step System and a Vital community. We will see how you can leverage all three to make rapid progress.Lesson 4. The Community Learn to leverage the community to go further faster than you could on your own.Lesson 5. Sprint Through The Maze of Life You will learn the science behind habit formation in this chapter.Lesson 6. Identity-based Habits We will take what you learnt about developing your identity to the next level in this chapter.Lesson 7. Motivation Myth Have you ever felt you needed motivation to work on your goals? Well we will re-frame that mindset in this lesson.Lesson 8. Key Stone Habit This lesson will help you, if you are not sure which habit you must develop first.Lesson 9. Habit Snowball We just scratched the surface when we spoke of the habit snowball. There is a whole lot more that will be covered in this chapter.Lesson 10. Habit Triggers A big part of habit formation is triggers that remind you to do your habit. In this lesson, you will learn how to engineer the triggers in your life.Lesson 11. Habit Inertia Ever heard the Newton's law of Inertia? It applies to habits and leveraging it will make or break your habits.Lesson 12. Habit Convenience In this lesson we will cover weird little tricks that enhance habit formation.Lesson 13. Habit Accountability You will learn how to leverage the power of accountability to create your habits in this lesson.Lesson 14. Habits Plan-B This lesson will teach you how to stick to your habits when it is seems impossible to do your habits.Lesson 15. Habits Hubris No matter how strong you think your habits are, you must avoid this if it has a chance of lasting.Lesson 16. Conclusion & Bonus We sum it all up and give you a special gift for completing the course.Bonus: Limited Time Bonus For Next Batch of StudentsNow, you're not just receiving the Habit Challenge today.For the next batch of students, I am giving away a bonus training to identify EXACTLY which area you need to do to focus on to experience fulfillment in life. The area that brings fulfillment is going to be different for each person. So if you identify it and build habits specific to that area, it will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have.We need some student feedback to improve this bonus mini-course and make it better, which is why we are giving this bonus away for free. This bonus training will be priced at an additional $97 for the later batch of students. However, I am giving this as a value-added bonuses free of charge, just to help you build habits that will bring you fulfillment. You will only get this bonus if you join before we get enough students to close enrollments for next batch.Why The Price Is Just $45The Ofpad Habit Challenge sold by itself is valued at $697. Even without the bonus, it's a steal at that price. And, when you add in the bonuses, the retail value of Ofpad Mental Math Program is $697 + $97 = $794.However, only for the next batch of students, the price is dropped to $45.There are two reasons for this discount:First this is the first time I am offering this program online and we need enough students to get feedback and improve this course even further.Second, let me share my vision with you: it's a CAUSE I'm inviting you to join today.Not too long ago, I gave myself a goal: I dedicated myself to helping at least 1,000,000 men and women improve their own lives, by giving them the knowledge they need, to realize their lifes full potential.Since then I have helped thousands of people, through Ofpads website and the people I have helped, help create a better world by helping others or creating and doing things that was otherwise impossible.So, I came to the decision that I need to let as many men and women into this cause as possible for the benefit of everyone. A cause I call: Awaken The Genius WithinThis course was created as a way to fund this cause and help make the cause more self-sustainable.The Good News?You are one of the first founding students. That means a MUCH lower price for you today...because frankly, I want you to join my cause, and I refuse to let finances stop you!30 DAY - 100% Money Back - Triple GuaranteeI know this might still be a large investment for you and I know it can be a bummer to waste money on something that does not work.So don't decide right now... Take advantage of my Unconditional ""Triple Guarantee"":Just try the Ofpad Habit Challenge for 30 days andIf you dont have better habits at the end of 30 days ORIf you do not find yourself making progress towards your goals in 48 hours after completing the program ORIf you are not happy with the program for any other reasonJust let me know and I will say thank you for trying and will refund every penny you invest in this program.No questions asked, no hassles, and no hard feelings.I have a feeling that is not going to happen. But I just want you to know that the option is there, so your investment today is going to be 100% risk free.Join The School Of GeniusRemember: It's not just a fantastic bargain you'll be receiving today. You'll be joining in on one of the biggest movements in history. Plus, you'll join the ever growing Ofpad community.Not to mention the fact you'll make a whole new group of friends that will help you progress, stay inspired, and have more fun along the road to success!Click on the green button that says ""Buy Now"" and lock in your discounted price today!You'll be granted immediate access to everything in the Ofpad Habit Challenge.Click ""Buy Now""!"
Price: 44.99

"Curso completo de Estadstica descriptiva - RStudio y Python" |
"Conoce toda la estadstica descriptiva de la mano de Juan Gabriel Gomila y Mara Santos. Asienta las bases para convertirte en el Data Scientist del futuro con todo el contenido del curso. En particular vers los mismos contenidos que explicamos en primero de carrera a matemticos, ingenieros o informticos como por ejemplo:Logstica e instalacin de R y RStudio y de Anaconda Navigator para PythonCmo usar R y Python como si fuese una calculadora cientfica (incluyendo un repaso de funciones, trigonometra y combinatoria)Introduccin a la programacin funcional con R desde cero (ideal para seguir tomando a posteriori cursos de anlisis de datos).Uso de grficos para representar datos estadsticos incluyendo plots de nubes de puntos, histogramas, diagramas circulares o diagramas de caja y bigotes entre otros. Adems tendrs ejemplos tanto en R como con matplotlib de Python.Introduccin a las tcnicas de machine learning como por ejemplo la regresin lineal.Profundizacin en tipos de datos cualitativos, cuantitativos y ordinales y el correcto anlisis de cada uno de ellos.Introduccin a la probabilidad, empezando desde lo ms bsico, pasando por variables aleatorias hasta llegar a tratar las distribuciones de probabilidad ms conocidas (tanto discretas como continuas)Comprende los estadsticos ms relevantes de una distribucin, como por ejemplo la media, varianza as como sesgo y curtosis. Y aprende a calcularlos tanto con R como con Python.Repositorio Github con todo el material del curso para disponer de los mismos scripts que usamos en clase desde el minuto inicial.Una vez termines el curso podrs seguir con los mejores cursos de anlisis de datos publicados por Juan Gabriel Gomila como los cursos de Machine Learning o Inteligencia Artificial con Python o RStudio o el Curso de Data Science con Tidyverse y RStudio. Todo el material del curso est enfocado en resolver los problemas de falta de base que presentan los estudiantes de esos cursos avanzados y poderlo hacer en un curso a parte te permitir nivelar tus conocimientos y tomar los otros cursos con garantas de xito."
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning con Tensorflow para Machine Learning e IA" |
"Bienvenido al Curso completo de Tensorflow para Machine Learning, Deep Learning y IA utilizando Python!En este curso veremos todos los trucos de cmo iniciarse y llegar a utilizar la librera de Google TensorFlow para crear redes neuronales aritificiales para resolver problemas de Machine Learning, Deep Learning y Inteligencia Artificial! El objetivo del curso es llegar a entender las complejidades de TensorFlow empezando por las bases e ir construyendo algoritmos y ejemplos basados en casos reales para luego poder utilizarlo en tu da a da de trabajo. Al final del mismo tendrs tanto control sobre TensorFlow que t nico problema ser que tendrs muchos algoritmos implementados para resolver las tareas de forma muy pero que muy eficiente!! El curso te servir como gua completa para interiorizar y saber usar TensorFlow para tus propios anlisis de datos, casos de estudio y conociendo las ltimas tcnicas que existen en el mundo del Machine Learning y el Deep Learning!En el curso explicaremos la teora necesaria para ir directos a implementaciones prcticas que puedas usar, todas ellas en Notebooks de Jupyter en Python que podrs descargar desde el primer da desde el repositorio de Github junto con el resto de notas, transparencias y materiales extras del curso. As mismo tendrs retos y ejercicios para ir expandiendo tus conocimientos de todo lo que vayamos viendo durante el curso para que puedas practicar ms all de lo visto en clase.En el curso cubriremos todo tipo de temas desde cero hasta ser un profesionalFundamentos de TensorFlow y su sintaxisRegresin Lineal y LogsticaSupport Vector MachinesTcnicas de Nearest-Neighbors para clasificacin y regresinRedes Neuronales para catalogar imgenes o predecir valores de series temporalesProcesamiento Natural del Lenguaje con Bag of Words, TF-IDF, Skip gramas, Word2Vec...Redes Neuronales ConvolucionalesRedes Neuronales RecurrentesTensorFlow en producciny mucho ms!!Una pregunta que te hars va a ser: si ya he hecho los cursos de R y Python de Juan Gabriel Gomila, por qu debo tomar este curso de TensorFlow?TensorFlow es una librera open source til para clculos numricos utilizando grafos con flujo de datos entre sus nodos. Los nodos representan operaciones matemticas, mientras que las aristas representan los arrays de datos multidimensionales (llamados tensores) que se conectan entre las operaciones. La arquitectura es tan flexible que nos ayuda a implementar miles de algoritmos en una o varias CPUs, GPUs, en servidores, en PCs de sobre mesa, porttiles, dispositivos mviles... y todo con una sola API. Increble verdad? Originalmente, TensorFlow fue un proyecto desarrollado por investigadores e ingenieros del equipo de Machine Learning de Google, el llamado Google Brain Team para sus propios algoritmos de machine learning, inteligencia artificial y redes neuronales profundas, pero hicieron tan gran trabajo, que se convirti en la herramienta genrica que puede ser usada en una gran cantidad de dominios adicionales como los comentados anteriormente que forman parte del curso tambin!Adems, miles de compaas de todo el mundo lo utilizan como parte de su sistema de recomendacin, prediccin y clasificacin como por ejemplo Airbnb, Ebay, Dropbox, Snapchat, Twitter, Uber, Udemy SAP, Qualcomm, IBM, Intel, y por supuesto, Google!Con este curso te podrs convertir en todo un gur del machine learning y complementar todo lo aprendido en el resto de cursos con Juan Gabriel, as que espero que te apuntes y nos vemos en las clases online!"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning de A a la Z: R y Python para Data Science" |
"Ests interesado en conocer a fondo el mundo del Machine Learning? Entonces este curso est diseado especialmente para ti!!Este curso ha sido diseado por Data Scientists profesionales para compartir nuestro conocimiento y ayudarte a aprender la teora compleja, los algoritmos y libreras de programacin de un modo fcil y sencillo.En l te guiaremos paso a paso en el mundo del Machine Learning. Con cada clase desarrollars nuevas habilidades y mejorars tus conocimientos de este complicado y lucrativa sub rama del Data Science.Este curso es divertido y ameno pero al mismo tiempo todo un reto pues tenemos mucho de Machine Learning por aprender. Lo hemos estructurado del siguiente modo:Parte 1 - Preprocesamiento de datosParte 2 - Regresin: Regresin Lineal Simple, Regresin Lineal Mltiple, Regresin Polinomial, SVR, Regresin en rboles de Decisin y Regresin con Bosques AleatoriosParte 3 - Clasificacin: Regresin Logstica, K-NN, SVM, Kernel SVM, Naive Bayes, Clasificacin con rboles de Decisin y Clasificacin con Bosques AleatoriosParte 4 - Clustering: K-Means, Clustering JerrquicoParte 5 - Aprendizaje por Reglas de Asociacin: Apriori, EclatParte 6 - Reinforcement Learning: Lmite de Confianza Superior, Muestreo ThompsonParte 7 - Procesamiento Natural del Lenguaje: Modelo de Bag-of-words y algoritmos de NLPParte 8 - Deep Learning: Redes Neuronales Artificiales y Redes Neuronales ConvolucionalesParte 9 - Reduccin de la dimensin: ACP, LDA, Kernel ACPParte 10 - Seleccin de Modelos & Boosting: k-fold Cross Validation, Ajuste de Parmetros, Grid Search, XGBoostAdems, el curso est relleno de ejercicios prcticos basados en ejemplos de la vida real, de modo que no solo aprenders teora, si no tambin pondrs en prctica tus propios modelos con ejemplos guiados.Y como bonus, este curso incluye todo el cdigo en Python y R para que lo descargues y uses en tus propios proyectos."
Price: 199.99

"Introduccin a la programacin para principiantes desde cero" |
"Sabes que hay muchos conceptos que los programadores usamos cada da? Te gustara entender mejor las apps que tienes en las manos? En este curso os vamos a ensear herramientas y elementos que todo programador de xito tiene asimilado, as que bien seas un programador sin experiencia o uno experto te invitamos a participar de este curso que seguro que te ayuda a conseguir tus objetivos. En particular la idea es cubrir dudas y aspectos bsicos que pasan por la cabeza al que se inicia en desarrollo como por ejemplo:Mitos y leyendas sobre la programacinSe puede ganar dinero programando?Qu es github y por qu es mejor que Dropbox o Google DriveCmo maqueto o hago un mockup de una app o un juego con Sketch o similarQu es un IDE y para que sirve?Las libreras son algo ms tiendas donde se venden libros!Introduccin a los conceptos bsicos de la programacinCon toda esta introduccin al mundo del desarrollo estars en disposicin de tomar cualquiera de los cursos online de desarrollo de Juan Gabriel Gomila, entendiendo el lenguaje tcnico y las herramientas necesarias para seguirlo sin ningn problema. As que si crees que necesitas una fuerte base en desarrollo, has llegado al punto perfecto pues en unas pocas horas, hars lo mismo que en semanas de carrera de informtica universitaria y estars a punto de caramelo para iniciarte en el mundo del desarrollo de apps, videojuegos, inteligencia artificial o machine learning!"
Price: 49.99

"Diseo de apps para iOS 13 con Swift UI desde cero" |
"Bienvenido al Curso Completo de Swift UI de cero a experto con Juan Gabriel Gomila, profesor destacado en Udemy con ms de 10,000 valoraciones de ms de 90.000 estudiantes y una media de 4.53 sobre 5, el MEJOR VALORADO por sus cursos de iOS en el mercado de cursos online de habla hispana! Este curso de Swift UI e iOS 13 se basa en la propia experiencia de Juan Gabriel como mentor y desarrollador de aplicaciones desde hace ya ms de 9 aos, y es el quinto curso que prepara de la coleccin de cero a experto en desarrollo de apps para dispositivos de Apple. Con este curso completo, aprenders a utilizar Swift UI como un profesional del sector y a construir las vistas totalmente desde cero, haciendo nfasis en los detalles del nuevo framework de Apple, tanto para iPhone como para iPad usando iOS 13. Incluso SI NO TIENES ninguna experiencia programando, lo podrs seguir sin problemas, porque los conceptos estarn explicados desde cero y haciendo nfasis en todo el detalle que necesitas para llegar a ser un experto.Durante el curso iremos paso a paso con los videos para aprender todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte y tener xito como desarrollador de aplicaciones. En el curso tendrs horas y horas de video en HD y nos basaremos en aprender acerca de este nuevo framework Swift UI que se anunci el da 3 de Junio de 2019. De hecho, este es el primer curso de todo el mundo publicado acerca de Swift UI, menos de una semana despus de que se presentara y es un curso que ir creciendo durante todo el verano de 2019 con ms ejemplos y cdigo a medida que el framework de Apple vaya madurando y se vaya estableciendo como el futuro del diseo de aplicaciones. Adems estar actualizado a la ltima versin de iOS incluyendo los cambios que vayan saliendo en las sucesivas betas de iOS 13. Al acabar el curso adems conocers y podrs programar de forma fluida las vistas utilizando Swift UI, de modo que estars preparado para crear el diseo propias apps, seguir estudiando acerca de la programacin o el resto de frameworks de iOS 13, o incluso buscar trabajo en una empresa o empezar de freelance como programador de vistas y diseo de apps usando iOS 13. Adems, como siempre tendrs todo el cdigo fuente, ejemplos y recursos adicionales disponibles desde el da 1 en el repositorio Github del curso.Apntate ya y preparate para acceder a:Contenido grabado en video en HD 1080p.Todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar a crear la vista y el diseo de una app desde cero y sin experiencia previa.Todo el cdigo fuente y material complementario del curso desde el Github del mismo. Formacin complementaria como la creacin de grficos, uso de repositorios, tcnicas de usabilidad y marketing y mucho ms!Acceso nico a la comunidad de Discord donde compartirs con el resto de estudiantes tus dudas y problemas, y donde todos juntos daremos feedback para aprender en comunidad. No hay nada mejor que tener un grupo de discusin desde el sofa de tu casa!Al acabar el curso podrs dar el paso adelante con la programacin en Swift 5 y ser capaz de elevar tus habilidades de diseo al mximo exponente con lo aprendido en este curso. El temario ir creciendo durante todo el verano de 2019, pero la idea es ir cubriendo los aspectos tanto bsicos como avanzados de Swift UI, incluyendo:Tu primera app con Swift UI, todo lo necesario para crear tu primera app con una sola vistaVistas personalizadas, configurables y reutilizables entre proyectosTablas, listas y transmisin de informacin entre las diferentes vistasStoryboards vs Swift UI, cambios y cmo cambiar el chip (por si vienes de una versin anterior)Las previews de Xcode, un cambio esencial para hacer cambios en caliente y no esperar a la compilacinAPIs y datos (prximamente)Animaciones y dibujos (prximamente)Swift UI para MacOS, WatchOS y TvOS (prximamente)Cmo integrar Swift UI en un proyecto ya existente (prximamente)Accesibilidad y Swift UI (prximamente)Ah! Y no te bases solo en mis palabras, mira las ms de 16.000 valoraciones de mis estudiantes en otros cursos y juzga tu mismo en base a lo que ellos mismos opinan! Incluso los desarrolladores profesionales de apps aprenden cosas nuevas con mis cursos completos de desarrollo. Y por ltimo, recuerda que tienes 30 das de garanta de devolucin si el curso al final no te gusta. As que puedes aprovechar la oferta ahora mismo, comprarla con riesgo cero y empezar a hacer el curso para ver si ha valido la pena la inversin. Solo tienes que hacer click y pillarte el mejor curso de diseo de apps utilizando Swift UI, de cero a experto con Juan Gabriel Gomila!"
Price: 59.99

"Aprende a crear un videojuego RPG en Unity 2019 desde cero" |
"En este nuevo curso de desarrollo de videojuegos con Unity 2019 vas a aprender a utilizar el motor gratuito ms extendido del mercado. Adems, usaremos un lenguaje de programacin muy sencillo de aprender, C#, el cual aprenderemos a dominar com ejemplos de videojuegos prcticos. Durante el curso trabajaremos en diversos mdulos que incluirn un mdulo de teora sobre el desarrollo de videojuegos junto con el desarrollo de diversos videojuegos, optimizacin para PC, para mvil, algunos en 2D, otros en 3D... Vamos, una gran variedad para que domines Unity si nunca antes lo has practicado.Introduciremos para empezar todos los conceptos necesarios para entender los videojuegos, toda la teora que rodea el mundo del desarrollo de videojuegos para que conozcas el lenguaje y lo domines a la perfeccinSeguiremos con una introduccin a la interface de Unity y la programacin desde cero haciendo uso de los conceptos de programacin bsicos que ya tratamos en el curso Aprende C# creando un videojuego, de cero a experto.Desarrollaremos diversos juegos en 2D y 3D con todo lo que involucra el Game Design, la configuracin y la puesta a punto del mismo. Y lo ms importante, crears un RPG en 2D al estilo de Zelda completamente desde cero y con todo lo que necesitas: atributos, ataques, armas, magias, subir de nivel, quests, misiones, NPCs, tienda y mucho ms... Hasta lo podrs lanzar a produccinY la verdad, todo lo haremos de forma muy natural pues este es un curso que no he grabado para ensear online, si no que lo ofrec de forma presencial y se me ocurri grabar las clases para poder difundirlas en todo el mundo y vierais como enseo de forma presencial a la gente y os encontris con los mismos problemas que ellos se encuentran a la hora de aprender.As que si todava no has empezado a hacer videojuegos con Unity 3D, no s que ests esperando pues sin duda alguna este curso te ensear todo lo que necesitas para convertirte en un profesional. Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 199.99

"Manychat von A-Z: Erstelle Facebook Chat Bots mit Manychat" |
"Wrdest du gerne wissen wie man professionelle Chat Bots mit Manychat erstellt? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. In diesem Kurse mchte ich dir zeigen wie man mit Manychat Sequences, AI Rules & dem Manychat Flow Builder arbeitet, Kundenservice Bots erstellt und vieles mehr. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du nicht nur Manychat vollkommen verstanden haben, sondern wirst auch wissen wie man Manychat gewinnbringend fr das eigene Unternehmen einsetzt, zum Beispiel um Produkte zu verkaufen oder eine Marke aufzubauen und zu etablieren.Was genau wirst du in diesem Kurs lernen? Flow Builder, Sequenzen und Nachrichten - In diesem Teil des Kurses lernst du wie man den Flow Builder verwendet und Reihen von Nachrichten erstellt, sogenannte Sequenzen, und diese strukturiert. Du lernst alles ber Keywords, Tags, Conditions, dein Manychat Audience Tool und vieles mehr. Growth Tools - Du wirst lernen wie man unterschiedliche Widgets verwendet und gewinnbringend einsetzt. Wir schauen uns Schritt fr Schritt gemeinsam an wie man in Manychat Landing Pages baut, Bot Links in Buttons einsetzt, Widgets und Pop-Ups auf der eigenen Website hinterlegt und vieles weitere. Facebook Werbeanzeigen & JSON - Sicherlich hast du dich mitunter hier in diesen Kurs eingeschrieben, weil du mehr ber Messenger Werbeanzeigen oder JSON erfahren wolltest. In diesem Teil des Kurses lernen wir wie wir unsere Bot Abonnenten Zahl durch professionelle Facebook Werbeanzeigen erhhen und platzieren gemeinsam JavaScript Code Snippets um das JSON Tool nutzen zu knnen. Keine Sorge - keine existierenden Programmierkenntnisse sind diesbezglich von Nten. Kundenservice Bots - Neben dem theoretischen Hintergrund werden wir in diesem Kurs auch dutzende Praxisbeispiele durchgehen. Wir lernen wie man einen Kundenservice Bot entwickelt, bauen gemeinsam Flows mit Wirklichkeitsbezug auf und lernen wie man AI Rules erstellt um eine knstliche Intelligenz zu erschaffen. DSGVO - Am Ende des Kurses werden wir uns auch noch einmal damit beschftigen deinen Bot so DSGVO konform wie mglich zu machen. Wir sprechen ber Themen wie das Double Opt-in Verfahren, Impressums- und Datenschutzpflicht, das Sammeln von Daten, Datenminierung und vieles mehr. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein folgende Dinge zu tun: Erstelle professionelle Chat Bot Sequences, Flows und AI Regeln mit ManychatProgrammiere Kundenservice Chat Bots die automatisch Fragen beantwortenVerstehe wie das Tool Manychat JSON zu verwenden istGewinne mehr Abonnenten fr deinen Chat Bot durch Facebook Werbeanzeigen & Content Marketing Strategienberprfe deine Marketing Strategie durch die Nutzung von KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)Schalte professionelle Messenger Werbeanzeigen ber das Manychat Ads ToolWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute hier in diesen Kurs ein und werde zum Manychat Profi. Ich freue mich auf dich. Beste Gre, Leon Chaudhari - dein Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Sell More With The AVID Sales System" |
"Perhaps you have achieved a level of success in your business but cant seem to break through into more. Maybe you are stuck and cant find what you need to do differently to unblock your sales pipeline. Its possible that you are frustrated and need some help in getting the level of sales that you would like to see flooding into your business.So, where do you want to be instead?Imagine a situation where you are making a ton of sales. The sales are rolling in and you are making good profits. Imagine having a system that means that your selling is consistent. Picture yourself on a sunny beach relaxing with your friends or family and when you return home from holiday your bank balance has continued to grow as the system never takes a break, even when you do!The AVID Sales System is a simple four-piece puzzle that will be the difference between exchanging time for money for the rest of your life or managing a system that does the work for you. Its that simple and will change the way you run your business giving you the results that you desire. An intensive, detailed and thorough sales system that will take you from where you are to where you want to be at a pace that suits you."
Price: 99.99

"Faa Reconhecimento Facial e de Objetos com AWS Rekognition" |
"O Reconhecimento de Imagens e Videos tem se tornado uma das tecnologias mais promissoras e utilizadas nos dias atuais.O Poder do Machine Learning e do Deep Learning combinados oferecem um conjunto de possibilidades, que podem auxiliar a desenvolvedores e corporaes a melhorar, inovar e oferecer novos produtos e servios.Neste contexto, o Amazon Rekogntion um servio da AWS, Amazon Web Services que permite de forma rpida usar todo esse poder da Inteligncia Artificial, Machine Learning e Deep Learning, incorporando Reconhecimento de Imagens e Videos nos nossos projetos.Com o AWS Rekognition voc pode:Identificar milhares de objetos (por exemplo, bicicletas, telefones, edifcios) e cenas (por exemplo, estacionamentos, praias, cidades). A anlise de vdeos tambm permite identificar atividades especficas ocorridas no quadro, como entregando um pacote ou jogando futebol.Analisar os atributos de faces em suas imagens e seus vdeos para determinar coisas como felicidade, faixa etria, olhos abertos, culos, pelos faciais, etc. No vdeo, tambm possvel medir como essas coisas evoluem com o tempo. Por exemplo, construir uma linha do tempo das emoes de um ator.Capturar o caminho de pessoas na cena usando o Amazon Rekognition nos arquivos de vdeo. Por exemplo, voc pode usar o movimento de atletas durante um jogo para identificar jogadas ensaiadas nas anlises ps-jogo.Identificar contedo possivelmente inseguro ou inadequado em ativos de imagem e vdeo. Alm disso, oferece rtulos detalhados que permitem controlar precisamente o que voc quer permitir de acordo com as suas necessidades.Identificar rapidamente pessoas conhecidas em bibliotecas de vdeos e imagens para catalogar filmagens e fotografias para casos de uso dos setores de marketing, publicidade e mdia.Detectar e reconhecer textos de imagens, como nomes de rua, legendas, nomes de produto e placas de licenciamento de veculos.No fique fora do futuro e aprenda hoje mesmo a utilizar os recursos do AWS Rekognition em seus projeto."
Price: 99.99

"Dialogflow Avanado-Domine a Plataforma por Completo" |
"Cada vez mais profissionais utilizam o Google Dialogflow como plataforma para a criao de Assistentes de Conversao, Chatbots e Mensagens Automatizadas.Muitos recursos dessa incrvel plataforma esto disponveis e podem ser manipulados atravs de API REST, que aumentam ainda mais o poder de integrao e utilizao do Dialogflow.Nesse curso voc vai Aprender:As diferenas do Dialogflow como Plataforma e como FerramentaO que esta inserido no Software Development Kit do DialogflowAs APIs do Dialogflow, DetenctIntent, Agent API e FulfillmentCriao e Integrao de um Web Chatbot customizado utilizando as APIs do DialogflowCriar Web Login para Web Chatbot com FirebaseManipulao do Agente do Dialogflow via API e operaes em LoteAnlise de Sentimentos em Conversas do DialogflowCasos de Uso de FulfillmentsEste curso vai alavancar seus conhecimentos de Dialogflow e transforma-lo em um especialista completo na soluo."
Price: 114.99

"Google Cloud Para Iniciantes (GCP)- Domine a Nuvem do Google" |
"**************************************************************************************Turbine sua Carreira Conhea como funciona uma das mais inovadoras plataformas de Cloud Computing do Mundo**************************************************************************************A Google Cloud Platform uma das maiores e mais inovadoras plataformas de Cloud Computing do mundo. Usando a expertise do Google, que por dcadas tem agrupado, catalogado e disponibilizado informaes para pessoas, empresas e organizaes atravs de aplicaes Web e Mobile agora oferecendo a mesma infraestrutura e qualidade para qualquer pessoa e empresa.Com centenas de produtos e milhares de funcionalidades, a Google Cloud Platform possibilita a criao de produtos digitais, anlise de dados, infraestrutura, desenvolvimento de aplicaes, machine learning, inteligncia artificial e muito mais. Os servios da Google Cloud Platform possuem benefcios extraordinrios como:Facilidade de UsoFlexibilidadeSeguranaEconmicaEscalvelAprenda nesse curso, os principais conceitos e servios da Google Cloud Platform mesmo sendo leigo."
Price: 129.99

"GIS: Understand the Theory and Practice GIS in QGIS" |
"This GIS (Geographic Information Systems) course will get you up and running with GIS in very short time. By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand the GIS technology and how to use GIS software to make maps.In the course you will be able to create both offline and online GIS maps from scratch. On top of that you will practice GIS by completing an entire GIS project using census datasets that contain million of data records.The course is ideal for professionals such as programmers, social scientists, geologists, and all other experts who need to use maps in their field. If you're planning to undertake a task that requires GIS skills, this course will give you the confidence you need to understand and solve a GIS problem.In the course, you will understand what GIS is by looking at various GIS use cases. You will learn about vector and raster formats used in GIS. You will also learn about GPS and remote sensing technologies which are tightly related to geographic information systems. The course also covers map projections which can become the nightmare of a GIS project if they are not properly understood. You will to convert geographic coordinates back and forth to different projection systems.One important part of the course is the practice activities. You will be given some raw spatial data which you will use to create a map using the QGIS software. Moreover, you will learn how web mapping works and you will create a web map with QGIS and OpenLayers and publish it online on your own website without using any third party service.In the last part of the course, you will learn how to acquire, clean, analyze and visualize education and income data from the census database."
Price: 94.99

"Data Processing with Python" |
"Data scientists spend only 20 percent of their time on building machine learning algorithms and 80 percent of their time finding, cleaning, and reorganizing huge amounts of data. That mostly happen because many use graphical tools such as Excel to process their data. However, if you use a programming language such as Python you can drastically reduce the time it takes for processing your data and make them ready for use in your project. This course will show how Python can be used to manage, clean, and organize huge amounts of data. This course assumes you have basic knowledge of variables, functions, for loops, and conditionals. In the course you will be given access to a million records of raw historical weather data and you will use Python in every single step to deal with that dataset. That includes learning how to use Python to batch download and extract the data files, load thousands of files in Python via pandas, cleaning the data, concatenating and joining data from different sources, converting between fields, aggregating, conditioning, and many more data processing operations. On top of that, you will also learn how to calculate statistics and visualize the final data. The course also covers a series of exercises where you will be given some sample data then practice what you learned by cleaning and reorganizing those data using Python."
Price: 19.99

"100 Interactive Python Exercises to Boost Your Python Skill" |
"Inspired by the students' feedback on the other similar course ""100 Python Exercises: Evaluate and Improve Your Skills"" from the same author this course contains another set of 100 brand new Python exercises for exercise lovers.If you believe a programming language can only be learned only by doing, then you should take this course. Never did anyone became a programmer by just watching videos anyway. That is because your brain hardly learns anything when it's not in problem-solving mode. When you put your mind in problem-solving mode your mind will devour every piece of information it finds in an effort to solve the given problem. Therefore, if you want to learn Python programming your only way is to sit and solve Python problems on your own. That is what this course is all about. The exercises range from absolute beginner to expert level. Apart from the exercises, you will also find timed exams that will rigorously test the knowledge you gained. The exercises cover different areas of Python such as functions, data structures and algorithms, files, classes, code introspection, code optimization, and more. The section of data structures and algorithms is the biggest one and it's especially useful for those who are interested in data science. You can write and run the code directly on the Udemy interface using your browser and get the answer instantly. The course assumes you have some basic knowledge of Python so if you know loops, functions, conditionals, and datatypes, then this course is for you. If you don't have any knowledge of Python you can still take the course, but you will have a hard time solving the exercises. If you think you're ready to learn Python by challenging yourself, this program was carefully designed just for you. Python is both fun and extremely useful. Don't miss the chance to learn it."
Price: 94.99

"Space Law 301" |
"Building on Space Law 101 and Space Law 201, this course examines the five space treaties in depth. In the previous courses, these treaties were introduced, and the basics and foundations of space law were examined. The more indepth review of the five space treaties will help the student to understand how the treaties and international law govern human activities in space among sovereign nations."
Price: 39.99

"Complete English Grammar Course 2020 Speaking and Grammar" |
"This course has every English grammar topic. If you want to learn perfect English, this course is for you! No other course on udemy covers as many English Grammar topics. This course includes a full English grammar book with hundreds of practice problems.** * Udemy Official Featured Grammar Course!!!******3 courses in 1 Beginner Intermediate Advanced *** **350+ lessons! 500+ practice problems! 24/7 teacher access***** Full English Grammar ebook***The biggest English grammar course on udemy!Don't waste your time buying dozens of English grammar courses. Everything you need is all in this English Grammar Master Course. This is the only course that teaches you English grammar in use and also shows you how to use it in real English conversation. Every lesson has dozens of useful English Grammar examples, video lectures, guided practice, real-life English conversation, and worksheet pdf full of practice problems to help you learn English.The teacher for this course has a Masters in Teaching English and will answer any questions you have.Every lesson comes with the following:Dozens of examples with full explanation.Side by side guided instruction with Professional English teacherA real-life conversation dialogue to show the grammar topic in usePlenty of activities and exercises to practice what you learned.A PDF worksheet to download and work offlineThis course has 3 sections. Beginner grammar, intermediate grammar, and advanced grammar.Don't see something you want? Let us know. We will make an English lesson for it and add it to the course. With the help of our course, you will master English grammar to improve your English speaking, or to ace those tough English grammar test such as A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, TOEFL, IETLS, AND TOEIC. Start learning English the easy way!Langpill Learn English Speaking Listening Writing"
Price: 29.99

"Excel para Universitrios - Excel Prtico para Iniciantes" |
"Aprenda Excel em vdeo aulas passo a passo!Nesse curso vamos abordar a parte bsica do Excel, desde o entendimento das ferramentas disposio at o uso de formatao condicional e frmulas condicionais. Vamos montar nossa prpria planilha do zero e voc ser capaz de aplicar seus conhecimentos em Excel em qualquer projeto que queira.Na primeira seo vamos tratar do basico do Excel, vamos entender o workspace, formatar clulas, trabalhar com as abas e aprender as primeiras frmulas.Em seguida vamos aprender os fundamentos do Excel, essa parte, apesar de bsica ainda, muito importante, porque a base para o uso de grande parte do potencial do Excel. Nela a gente vai aprender a trabalhar no Excel de forma inteligente, usando preenchimento automtico, transposio de frmula, referncia relativa, colar especial e as importantes frmulas lgicas.Na terceira seo vamos avanar nos nosso conhecimentos em Excel. Essa a hora que voc aprende famosas ferramentas de uso constante em quase todos os projetos no Excel. Vamos trabalhar com funes de contagem, formatao condicional, a importantssima frmula SE e aprender a trabalhar com frmulas de data.E para finalizar, um vdeo simples explicando nossos prximos passos no desenvolvimento do curso.Sem mais enrolao, vamos l!"
Price: 39.99
