"Curso EDUMA" |
"Neste curso voce vai aprender a instalar, configurar o tema e duma, alem de aprender a criar novos cursos, eventos , aulas , testes e certificados para os seus cursos.Vamos aprender a criar certificados para os cursos que so entregues automaticamente apos a realizao de um teste que voce vai configurar, alem disso vamos configurar assinaturas e as opes de pagamento mais usadas no Brasil como pagseguro, paypal e outras."
Price: 39.99

"Android App Development Without Coding" |
Price: 19.99

"Xtreme Vulnerable Web Application Testing" |
"This course is designed for budding all backgrounds and experience levels to start Manual web application security testing with owasp standards. The course is structured according to OWASP Top 10 from A1 to A10 vulnerabilities. In each of the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities each and every video have a description about attack and Example vulnerabilities and attacks plus in this course you will going to learn about lab designed to be a highly-focused on Web Application Security Testing and course free and open source deliberately insecure web application. It helps security enthusiasts developers and students to discover and to prevent web vulnerabilities. So also perform hand on OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities."
Price: 29.99

"Facebook Accelerator For Artists" |
"In this course, you will go through a series of video training that teaches you step by step how to promote your artwork on Facebook.Sections include:1. The 4 Most Effective Post Strategies2. How To Build An Audience with Facebook Groups3. Pin, Boost and Share Your Posts4. A Plan To Gain 10,000 Facebook Page Likes 5. How To Add Products To Your Facebook Page"
Price: 74.99

"Instagram Accelerator For Artists" |
"The Instagram Accelerator For Artists is a video series course designed to help artists sell their artwork on Instagram.In this course you will learn:1. How to set up a business profile2. Create an effective Instagram profile and feed3. Three types of Instagram posts and how to use them4. Marketing Photo Shoots and how to integrate new content5. Like and comment strategy to gain new followers6. Promoting Posts7. Prescheduling posts all at once8. Facebook Ad for Instagram follows9. Tagging products on Instagram10. Instagram insights11. Lynx in Bio and how to set up proper promo linksAbout The Instructor:I too am an artist and I have been selling my own artwork online for several years now. It has become a great business and I've been featured on a variety of platforms and retailers; including Land of Nod, Fab, Ross, Walmart, Wayfair and more. Artists always ask me how to use Instagram to grow their art selling business. This course is my answer to that question.I hope you enjoy this course!Melanie"
Price: 74.99

"Printable Art Selling Machine Course" |
"The Printable Art Selling Machine is all about taking the art you are making and converting it to Printable Download format so that you can upload it to a selling platform and start making passive income with it. Imagine you are out for the day with friends and you are getting email notifications on your phone with sales happening in your online store. The best part, is you don't have the print or ship a thing! The customer downloads and prints it themselves. It's convenient for customers and your you the artist!Selling Printable Downloads have become a great part of my own art business and I always tell artists to give it a try. I mean, what do you have to lose?See you in the course!MelanieVision City Design Studio"
Price: 59.99

"Creating Multiple Income Streams For Artists" |
"Hey Artists and Creatives!This course is designed to show you the various ways you can create multiple income streams with your artwork through the avenues of service, products and passive income.I have been running my own design studio for over 15 years now and I began with offering graphic design to the music and wine industries. When I went full time into business I found I needed to find more income streams to keep my finances more consistent as a freelancer. I later added art print selling to my business which opened up opportunities to sell prints, cards, limited editions, and eventually lead to art licensing and wholesale. A while later, I introduced passive income via printables and print on demand business models.This is why I am creating this course for Artists! Because there are many different ways to creative income as an artist and often times you can be offering several of these things at the exact same time, with the exact same artwork. Pretty cool, eh?!This will set you up to be able to reach your own financial goals with you art!Looking forward to having you join the course and I hope it inspires and serves you well.Melanie"
Price: 34.99

"Trade Show Success Course" |
"In this course, I am sharing tips and tricks on how to succeed at selling your artwork and crafts at live events, holiday markets, craft fairs and art shows.I have gained experience selling in person over the years at large and small events and I'm excited to share the things I have learned with you!In this course, you will learn:How To Choose the Right EventHow To ApplyLighting and ElectricityTaking PaymentsShow InsuranceEmail List BuildingBooth DesignTalking To CustomersPrices and PackagesNetworkingEnjoy the course!Melanie"
Price: 34.99

"Robot Framework with Java - Selenium" |
"Robot Framework is a test automation framework for acceptance testing. It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java(Here we are going to cover java), and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.We are going to cover,1. Basic environment setup2. Automation test cases in different browser3. Waits4. Architecture5. Resource Files6. User defined keywords7. Reporting"
Price: 19.99

"Selenium-Python: Code Management(GIT) + Jenkins Integration" |
"Git is the most widely used modern version control system in the world today, which allows multiple persons to safely work on the same project without hampering other team members. As a part of a team using Git, You and your team members will clone working copy of a local repository from Git server. You/team will add and commit the test scripts that are developed locally and push your changes to the Git.This course gives coverage1. Execute Selenium test cases using Pytest.2. Share code using Source Management tool GIT3. Integration Selenium with Jenkins using GIT.4. Execute automation framework using Jenkins5. Integrate Allure Reporting options"
Price: 29.99

"How to Sew Lounge or Pajama Pants" |
"Are you ready to experience the satisfaction of creating your own garments? Then this is the class for you. Join designer and instructor Margaret Smith and take your first steps into garment construction with expert support. During class, you'll learn the basic garment skills you need by sewing pajama pants: a fun, simple project that's perfect for those that are ready to start garment sewing. You'll discover tips and tricks for cutting out fabric pieces, making simple fit adjustments and transferring any changes to your paper pattern. Plus, find out how to achieve clean seams and easily install an elastic waistband. This class includes a free digital pattern that was professionally made. The pattern includes sizes xs-xxl. The pattern features a layered option so you only print the size or sizes you want."
Price: 19.99

"Variable Frequency Drive PowerFlex 525 VFD Programming Setup" |
"This class will teach you everything you need to know about PowerFlex 525 Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)This class takes a hands on approach; within the first few lectures, we will start working with actual hardware and begin exploring the PowerFlex 525. Throughout the course, you can expect me to provide you will start to finish information in order to wire the drive, setup the parameters & control it through a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).The class is broken down into sequential modules &assumes no prior knowledge from the student. We take one step at a time & build the knowledge in every lecture. We make sure to discuss common pitfalls and best practices when it comes to working with this family of frequency drives.What are the requirements for the class?You don't need any hardware or software to follow the lectures. However, in order to get the most out of the lectures, it's recommended to take notes, go through the manual (included in the class) & to implement the steps on your own time.Basic computer literacy is assumed.What can I expect from this class?You will learn about the hardware & how to install it within a manufacturing environment.You will learn about the different parameters which need to be configured in order to properly setup & utilize the PowerFlex 525 VFD.You will learn basic control methods which don't require any additional hardware.You will learn advanced control methods which utilize the EtherNet/IP protocol as well as an 1769-L24ER-QB1B PLC Allen Bradley Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).You will become confident in working with these Variable Frequency Drives.What is the target audience for the class?Electrical Engineers looking for a crash course on VFDs.Electrical Technicians / Electricians looking to expand their knowledge into controls.Software Engineers who are seeking to learn about controlling hardware.Manufacturing Operators looking to progress in their career.Anyone interested in how manufacturing processes are executed."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de holands 2 para aprender holands... em holands" |
"Pronto para aprender holands online? Um curso de idiomas para entusiastas!Gosta de holands? Ja conhecem umas 100-150 palavras?Gosta de um desafio? Prefere aprender idiomas online fora de numa aula? timo! Est prestes a aprender a lngua holandesa ... completamente em holands!Um curso para iniciantes, mas no para principiantes absolutosO curso no comea em 0, sinta-se vontade para conferir meu primeiro curso 'Aprenda holands ... em holands' na Udemy. Precisa de entender cerca de 100-150 palavras, mesmo que muitos tpicos e palavras sejam repetidos.O que est a minutos de aprender?Mais de 300 palavras, incluindo as 100 palavras mais usadas em holands e como us-las em conversas. O curso tem mais de 5 horas de vdeo para ajudar a ir alm do nvel absoluto de iniciantes, ento estar no incio do nvel A2 depois de seguir este curso. O pretrito ser introduzido perto do final.Como vai aprender?O curso totalmente em holands para garantir total imerso e utiliza materiais audiovisuais e narrativos baseados em histrias para melhorar suas habilidades de compreenso. Portanto, no h aulas extensivas de gramtica. Existem mais de 50 arquivos de udio para download para ajud-lo em sua jornada, onde e quando quiser. Cada lio tem um teste para testar suas habilidades.O sotaque belga, chamado flamengo, usado. Esse sotaque entendido na Holanda.Eu garanto:Acesso vitalcio completoTodas as futuras palestras e atualizaes extras so sempre includas gratuitamenteGarantia incondicional de reembolso de 30 dias da UdemyProfessora holandesa nativaPronto para aprender holands online?Feliz aprendizado,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Curso de neerlands bsico 2: aprendelo... en neerlands!" |
"Listo para aprender holands en lnea? Un curso de idiomas para entusiastas!Te gusta el holands? Te gustara un desafo? Prefieres aprender idiomas en lnea fuera de en una clase? Genial! Ests a punto de aprender el idioma holands ... completamente en holands!Un curso para principiantes, pero no para principiantes absolutos.El curso no empieza a partir de 0, sintase libre de consultar mi otro curso 'Curso de neerlands bsico' en Udemy. Debe comprender entre 100 y 150 palabras, incluso si en este curso, se repiten muchos temas y palabras.Qu ests a minutos de aprender?Ms de 300 palabras, incluidas las 100 palabras ms usadas en holands, y cmo usarlas en las conversaciones. El curso tiene ms de 5 horas de video para ayudarte a ir ms all del nivel para principiantes, estars al principio del nivel A2 despus de seguir este curso. El tiempo pasado ser introducido cerca de las lecciones finales.Cmo vas a aprender?El curso est completamente en holands para garantizar una inmersin total y utiliza narraciones basadas en historias y materiales audiovisuales para mejorar sus habilidades de comprensin. As que no hay clases extensivas de gramtica. Hay ms de 50 archivos de audio descargables para apoyarte en tu viaje, donde y cuando quieras. Cada leccin tiene un cuestionario para poner a prueba tus habilidades.Se utiliza el acento belga, llamado flamenco. Este acento se entiende en los Pases Bajos.Lo aseguro:Acceso completo por vida.Todas las futuras conferencias y actualizaciones adicionales se incluyen siempre de forma gratuitaGaranta incondicional de devolucin de dinero de 30 das de UdemyProfesor nativo holandsListo para aprender holands en lnea?Feliz aprendizaje,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Sprachkurs Niederlndisch 2: lerne auf Niederlndisch" |
"Bereit, Niederlndisch online zu lernen? Ein Sprachkurs fr Enthusiasten!Mgen Sie Niederlndisch? Kennen Sie schon etwa 100-150 Wrter?Mgen Sie eine Herausforderung? Mchten Sie Sprachen online lernen? Super! Hier lernen Sie die Niederlndische Sprache ... komplett auf Niederlndisch!Ein Kurs fr Anfnger, aber nicht fr absolute AnfngerDer Kurs fngt nicht bei 0 an, Sie knnen aber auch meinen anderen Kurs 'Niederlndisch auf Niederlndisch 1' auf Udemy suchen. Sie mssen ungefhr 100-150 Wrter verstehen, eben wenn viele Themen und Wrter wiederholt werden in diesem Kurs.Was werden Sie Lernen?ber 300 Wrter, darunter die 100 meistbenutzte Wrter in Niederlndisch und deren Verwendung in Gesprchen. Der Kurs umfasst mehr als 5 Stunden Video, so dass Sie ber das absolute Anfnger-Niveau gehen. Nach diesem Kurs befinden Sie sich am Anfang von Niveau A2. Die Vergangenheitsform wird gegen das Ende eingefhrt.Wie werden lernen?Der Kurs ist komplett auf Niederlndisch, um ein vollstndiges Eintauchen zu gewhrleisten, und verwendet Erzhlmaterialien und audiovisuelles Material, um Ihr Verstndnis zu verbessern. Also keine umfangreichen Grammatikstunden. ber 50 herunterladbare Audiodateien untersttzen Sie auf Ihrer Reise, wo und wann Sie mchten. Jede Lektion hat ein Quiz, um Ihre Fhigkeiten zu testen.Der Belgische Akzent, Flmisch genannt, wird verwendet. Dieser Akzent von 'Nederlands' wird in den Niederlanden verstanden.Ich garantiere:Voller, kostenloser lebenslanger ZugangAlle zuknftigen zustzlichen Vortrge und Upgrades sind immer kostenlos enthaltenBedingungslose 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie von UdemyNiederlndischer LehrerBereit, Niederlndisch online zu lernen?Viel Spa beim Lernen,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Cours de nerlandais en nerlandais 2: apprendez en ligne" |
"Prt apprendre le nerlandais en ligne? Un cours de langue pour les passionns!Aimez-vous le nerlandais? Connaissez-vous dj peu prs 100 150 mots?Vous aimez un dfi? Prfrez-vous apprendre des langues en ligne en dehors d'une classe? Gnial! Vous tes sur le point d'apprendre la langue nerlandaise ... compltement en nerlandais!Un cours pour les dbutants, mais pas pour les dbutants absolusLe cours ne commence pas 0, n'hsitez pas consulter mon premier cours 'Cours de nerlandais en nerlandais' sur Udemy. Vous devez comprendre environ 100 150 mots, mme si de nombreux sujets et mots seront rpts.Que allez-vous apprendre?Plus de 300 mots, y compris les 100 mots les plus utiliss en nerlandais, et comment les utiliser dans des conversations. Le cours comporte plus de 5 heures de vido pour vous aider aller au-del du niveau des dbutants. Vous serez donc au dbut du niveau A2 aprs avoir suivi ce cours. Le pass sera introduit vers la fin.Comment apprendrez-vous?Le cours est entirement en nerlandais pour garantir une immersion totale et utilise des rcits bass sur des histoires et du matriel audiovisuel pour amliorer votre comprhension. Donc pas de leons de grammaire. Il existe plus de 50 fichiers audio tlchargeables pour vous aider dans votre voyage, o et quand vous le souhaitez. Chaque leon a un quiz pour tester vos comptences.L'accent belge, appel flamand, est utilis. Cet accent est compris aux Pays-Bas.Ma garantie:Accs complet vieToutes les futures leons et mises jour supplmentaires sont toujours incluses gratuitementGarantie inconditionnelle de remboursement Udemy 30 joursProfesseur de nerlandais natifPrt apprendre le nerlandais en ligne?Bon apprentissage,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Understand the East Flemish dialect: integrate confidently" |
"Are you living in East Flanders in Belgium?Did you already have Dutch classes?Have you found out spoken Dutch isn't the same as 'school Dutch'?Are you having troubles to understand others' dialect at work, in your family or with friends?A dialect course for beginnersIn this online course, you'll learn to understand the East Flemish dialect. It covers all the basics: how to use verbs, typical words and expressions as well as other basic grammar. However, mind that the course is completely in Dutch. Even if the sentences are pronounced slowly, you need to be able to understand 'normal' Dutch. The course uses a practical approach by using the new words in context, within sentences in the dialect itself. This will not only help your understanding, but you'll also be more confident to integrate in Flanders, whether it's in Ghent, Lokeren, Aalst or another city in East Flanders.I guarantee: Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeNative Flemish teacherReady to learn East Flemish online?Happy learning,Alain"
Price: 19.99

"Leer het Oost-Vlaamse dialect om in Oost-Vlaanderen te leven" |
"Woon je in Oost-Vlaanderen in Belgi?Had je al lessen Nederlands?Ben je erachter gekomen dat het dialect niet hetzelfde is als 'school-Nederlands'?Heb je problemen om het dialect van anderen te begrijpen op het werk, in jouw familie of met vrienden?Een dialectcursus voor beginnersIn deze online cursus leer je het Oost-Vlaamse dialect begrijpen. Het behandelt alle basisbegrippen zoals werkwoorden, typische dialectwoorden en Vlaamse uitdrukkingen en gezegden, net als andere basisgrammatica. De cursus is in het standaardnederlands gegeven. De cursus gebruikt een praktische benadering door de nieuwe woorden in context te gebruiken, in zinnen in het dialect zelf. Dit zal niet alleen jouw begrip vergroten, maar je zal ook meer vertrouwen hebben om te integreren in Vlaanderen, of het nu in Gent, Lokeren, Aalst of een andere stad in Oost-Vlaanderen is.Het Oost-Vlaamse dialect wordt vooral in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen gesproken, maar dialecten variren soms zelfs dorp tot dorp. Het Aalsters dialect lijkt dus wel op het Gents dialect, hoewel sommige Gentse uitspraken vreemd kunnen klinken in Aalst. Er bestaat dus geen 'Belgisch woordenboek' voor het Vlaams. Ik verzeker:Volledige levenslange toegangAlle toekomstige extra lezingen en toevoegingen worden altijd gratis meegeleverdOnvoorwaardelijke Udemy 30 dagen niet-goed-geld-terug-garantieKlaar om n van de plezantste Nederlandse dialecten online te leren?Veel plezier bij het leren,Alain"
Price: 19.99

"Apprenez le flamand oriental: le dialecte parl en Belgique" |
"Vivez-vous en Flandre orientale en Belgique?Avez-vous dj eu des cours de nerlandais?Avez-vous dcouvert que le dialecte flamand n'est pas la mme chose que le nerlandais scolaire?Avez-vous des difficults comprendre le dialecte des autres au travail, dans votre famille ou avec des amis?Un cours de dialecte pour dbutantsDans ce cours en ligne, vous apprendrez comprendre le dialecte flamand oriental. Il couvre toutes les bases: comment utiliser les verbes, les mots et expressions typiques, ainsi que d'autres grammaires de base.Cependant, sachez que le cours est compltement dans la langue flamande. Mme si les phrases sont prononces lentement, vous devez tre capable de comprendre le nerlandais normal.Le cours utilise une approche pratique en contexte, en intgrant le dialecte dans des phrases. Cela vous aidera non seulement mieux comprendre, mais vous serez galement plus confiant parler le flamand dans la communaut flamande, que ce soit Gand, Lokeren, Alost ou dans une autre ville de Flandre-Orientale.Je garantie:Accs complet et gratuit vieToutes les futures leons et mises jour supplmentaires sont toujours incluses gratuitementGarantie inconditionnelle de remboursement Udemy 30 joursProfesseur de langue flamandePrt apprendre le flamand oriental en ligne?Bon apprentissage,Alain"
Price: 19.99

"Learn French in French 2: the 100 most common words" |
"Do you already know some French, about 100-150 words?Do you want to continue learning? Does total immersion sound interesting to you?Great! You're about to learn the French language... completely in French!A course for beginners, but not for absolute beginnersThis French language course doesn't start from 0, feel free to check my first course 'French in French' on Udemy. You do need to understand about 100-150 words, even if many topics, expressions and words will be repeated. Quizzes ensure you understand everything.What are you minutes away from learning?Over 400 words, including the 100 most used French words, and how to use them in conversations. The course has over 5 hours of video to help you go beyond the absolute beginners level, so you'll be at the beginning of level A2 after following this course. The past tense will be introduced near the end. How are you going to learn?The course is completely in French to guarantee total immersion and uses story-based telling and audiovisual materials to improve your comprehension skills. No extensive grammar lessons. There are 100 downloadable MP3 files to support you in your journey, wherever and whenever you want. It will help you with your French pronunciation. Each lesson includes a quiz to test your skills, and you get a file where you can write your translation.I guarantee: Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeReady to learn French online?Happy learning,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Lerne Franzsisch auf Franzsisch 2: 100 hufigsten Wrter" |
"Kennen Sie schon Franzsisch, ungefhr 100-150 Wrter?Mchten Sie weiter lernen?Klingt das vollstndige Eintauchen fr Sie interessant?Super! Sie lernen gleich die Franzsische Sprache ... komplett auf Franzsisch!Ein Kurs fr Anfnger, aber nicht fr absolute AnfngerDer Kurs beginnt nicht ab 0. Sie mssen ungefhr 100-150 Wrter verstehen, auch wenn viele Themen, Ausdrcke und Wrter wiederholt werden in diesem Kurs. Sie knnen auch meinen ersten Kurs 'Franzsisch auf Franzsisch lernen' nehmen dafr. Tests stellen sicher, dass Sie alles verstehen.Was sind Sie Minuten vom Lernen entfernt?ber 400 Wrter, darunter die 100 am hufigsten verwendeten franzsischen Wrter, und wie man sie in Gesprchen verwendet. Der Kurs verfgt ber mehr als 5 Stunden Videomaterial, um Ihnen zu helfen, das absolute Anfngerniveau zu bertreffen. Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses befinden Sie sich am Anfang des Niveaus A2. Die Vergangenheitsform wird gegen das Ende vorgestellt.Wie werden Sie lernen?Der Kurs ist komplett auf Franzsisch, um ein vollstndiges Eintauchen zu gewhrleisten. Zur Verbesserung Ihres Verstndnisses werden geschichtenbasierte Erzhl- und audiovisuelle Materialien verwendet. Kein umfangreicher Grammatikunterricht. Es gibt 100 herunterladbare MP3-Dateien, die Sie auf Ihrer Reise untersttzen, wo und wann Sie mchten. Jede Lektion enthlt ein Quiz, um Ihre Fhigkeiten zu testen.Ich garantiere:Voller, lebenslanger kostenloser ZugangAlle zuknftigen zustzlichen Vortrge und Upgrades sind immer kostenlos enthaltenBedingungslose 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie von UdemySind Sie bereit, online Franzsisch zu lernen?Viel Spa beim Lernen,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Francs en Francs 2: las 100 palabras ms usadas" |
"Ya sabes algo de francs, alrededor de 100-150 palabras?Quieres seguir aprendiendo?Te parece interesante la inmersin total? Genial! Ests a punto de aprender el idioma francs ... completamente en francs!Un curso de francs para principiantes, pero no para principiantes absolutos.El curso no comienza a partir de 0, sintase libre de consultar mi primer curso 'francs en francs' en Udemy. Es necesario que comprenda de 100 a 150 palabras, incluso si se repiten muchos temas, expresiones y palabras en este curso. Las pruebas te aseguran que entiendes todo.Qu ests a minutos de aprender?Ms de 400 palabras, incluidas las 100 palabras francesas ms utilizadas, y cmo usarlas en las conversaciones. El curso tiene ms de 5 horas de video para ayudarte a ir ms all del nivel absoluto de principiantes, por lo que estars al principio del nivel A2 despus de seguir este curso. El tiempo pasado se introducir cerca del final.Cmo vas a aprender?El curso est completamente en francs para garantizar una inmersin total y utiliza narraciones basadas en historias y materiales audiovisuales para mejorar sus habilidades de comprensin. No hay lecciones extensivas de gramtica para aprender francs mas rpidamente. Hay 100 archivos MP3 descargables para apoyarte en tu viaje, donde y cuando quieras. Cada leccin incluye un cuestionario para poner a prueba tus habilidades.Lo aseguro:Acceso completo y gratuito de por vida.Todas las futuras conferencias y actualizaciones adicionales se incluyen siempre de forma gratuitaGaranta incondicional de devolucin de dinero de 30 das de UdemyListo para aprender francs en lnea?Feliz aprendizaje,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Leer Frans in het Frans 2: de 100 meest gebruikte woorden" |
"Ken je al wat Frans, ongeveer 100-150 woorden?Wil je blijven leren?Klinkt totale onderdompeling interessant voor jou? Super goed! Je staat op het punt om de Franse taal te leren ... helemaal in het Frans!Een cursus voor beginners, maar niet voor absolute beginnersDe cursus start niet vanaf 0, voel je vrij om mijn eerste cursus 'Frans in het Frans' op Udemy te bekijken. Je moet ongeveer 100-150 woorden begrijpen, zelfs als veel onderwerpen, uitdrukkingen en woorden worden herhaald. Quizzen zorgen ervoor dat je alles begrijpt.Wat ben je op het punt te leren?Meer dan 400 woorden, inclusief de 100 meest gebruikte Franse woorden, en hoe ze te gebruiken in gesprekken. De cursus heeft meer dan 5 uur aan video's om je te helpen verder te gaan dan het absolute beginnersniveau, zodat je aan het begin van niveau A2 bent na het volgen van deze cursus. De verleden tijd zal tegen het einde worden gentroduceerd.Hoe ga je leren?De cursus is volledig in het Frans om totale onderdompeling te garanderen en gebruikt verhalen en audiovisueel materiaal om je luistervaardigheden aan te scherpen. Geen uitgebreide grammaticalessen. Er zijn 100 downloadbare MP3-bestanden om u op uw reis te ondersteunen, waar en wanneer je maar wil. Elke les bevat een quiz om je vaardigheden in de Franse taal te testen.Ik verzeker:Volledige, gratis levenslange toegangAlle toekomstige extra lezingen en upgrades worden altijd gratis meegeleverdOnvoorwaardelijke Udemy 30 dagen niet-goed-geld-terug-garantieBen je klaar om Frans online te leren?Veel leerplezier,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Curso francs em francs 2: as 100 palavras mais usadas" |
"Voc j sabe francs, cerca de 100-150 palavras?Deseja continuar aprender francs?A imerso total parece interessante para voc?timo! Voc est a aprender a lngua francesa ... completamente em francs!Um curso para iniciantes, mas no para iniciantes absolutosO curso no comea em 0, sinta-se vontade para conferir meu primeiro curso 'French in French' na Udemy. Voc precisa entender cerca de 100-150 palavras, mesmo que muitos tpicos, expresses e palavras sejam repetidos. Os questionrios garantem que voc entende tudo.O que voc est a minutos de aprender?Mais de 400 palavras, incluindo as 100 palavras francesas mais usadas e como us-las em conversas. O curso tem mais de 5 horas de vdeo para ajud-lo a ultrapassar o nvel absoluto de iniciantes, ento voc estar no incio do nvel A2 depois de seguir este curso. O pretrito ser apresentado ao final.Como voc vai aprender?O curso totalmente em francs para garantir imerso e utiliza materiais audiovisuais e narrativos baseados em histrias para melhorar suas habilidades de compreenso. No h aulas extensivas de gramtica. Existem 100 arquivos MP3 para download para ajud-lo em sua jornada, onde e quando quiser. Cada lio inclui um teste para testar suas habilidades neste curso de francs completo.Eu garanto:Acesso vitalcio completo e gratuitoTodas as futuras palestras e atualizaes extras so sempre includas gratuitamenteGarantia de devoluo do dinheiro incondicional de Udemy em 30 diasPronto para aprender francs online?Feliz aprendizado,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Russian for Beginners Level I" |
"I am offering a Russian language crash course making it easy and enjoyable for you to learn this language. What other people wrote about my course: Many thanks to Dr Chakirova for an excellent introduction to the Russian language. Engaging instruction and plenty of content.Not only was this course engaging but it also met most of my expectations. Thankfully, the speed at which the course was conducted was quite slow and therefore, easily understandable. Thank you for conducting this course, Dr. Chakirova. :)Dr. Chakirova is a very good instructor, and she doesn't shy away from introducing the Cyrillic alphabet at the beginning, so we learn to read the language along with starting to speak it. Very nice indeed!I achieved what I set out to learn from this course which was get a good introduction to the Russian language. This course kept my attention and the handouts are really great. The production quality is excellent throughout.This course is wonderful. I appreciate all the time and effort that the instructor, Dr Goultchira Chakirova put into the course and all the resource materials. Thank you""Great introduction! Lessons started with the alphabet (letter names and pronunciation), and moved on to useful words and a few phrases. Just enough grammar to help those who want to progress to Level II and beyond, but not enough to confuse beginners. C!I hope you will enjoy learning Russian and will find my course useful and interesting. So, lets get started with Russian for Beginners level I!"
Price: 29.99

"Ultimate guide to Natural Health" |
"This course is an introduction to a health and fitness strategy that is simple, common sense and scientifically sound. The reason is that it embraces a natural approach and Nature is where we, as humans have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years ... of course our bodies thrive when exposed to movement, nutrition, rest and relaxation modes that have made us the most successful species on the planet. For thousands of years we have done stuff to survive or even to thrive - often we didn't know precisely why we did those things - but now we do - the scientific endeavours of thousands of exceptional and dedicated people keep explaining repeatedly why, when we respect the wisdom of nature and the resilience of our forefathers we can and should adopt a natural approach to health.For many of you guys out there you might be thinking how can I combine a modern urban lifestyle with natural health and fitness.If you live in a city, at first, it may seem like a daunting task - when you look around you there is virtually nothing that isn't human-made - maybe a few trees, a park each has been put in its place by well-meaning town planners.So like all good humans, we adapt, and we use our imaginations.Natural health in a city requires some compromise - compared to say a forest ranger who lives and works in the mountains - nature and natural are on his doorstep. But natural health and fitness begins with your mind; it begins with a natural filter which you can develop to make the best choices when you are confronted with exercise, nutritional, and life balance options in your daily life.The filter is simple: how would our body respond to an exercise or food designed and developed last month compared to an exercise or food that our ancestors have thrived on for thousands of years.Take a movement example - which is more natural ... standing on a treadmill in a gym basement watching re-runs of friends or being outside running, jumping, balancing and playing.When it comes to food - how will your body react to a can of sugar-saturated soda compared to a local and seasonal salad.We also need to understand why our brains and bodies prefer the soda, or the croissant or chocolate cake. During our evolutionary past, easy access, high energy, sugary foods were rare - we had to grab them when we could - wild honey would be an example - and we know how precious this energy source is by the lengths animals and humans will go to to get it. Our bodies reinforce that this is a high energy source because it pumps out reward hormones and neurotransmitters. Nowadays that easy access high energy food source is everywhere and takes seconds to acquire.Please join me on this course - an introduction to Natural Health, fitness and wellbeing. Health can be fun, it can be inspiring and it can be sustainable - come and see how."
Price: 44.99

"Learn Complete Calculus 1 from scratch through animation" |
"Be a master of calculus 1. Learn Calculus 1 through animation ,The course includes videos explanation with basics, graphical and mathematical proofs. It carries hundreds of numerical practice problems with complete solutions. The lectures are appealing, fancy (graphic designing), fast and take less time to walk you through the content. A prefect choice for students who take high school and college.Why I want you to join this course?It carries 42.5 hours content59 Sections370+ lectures327 areas that have been included325 Figures and tables556 solved numerical problems with complete solutionsAnimation has been used throughout the courseSuitable background (Neither very sharp nor very dark)It took me full year to complete this courseSo join me here and do it in a quick and easy way. List of content:Function Domain & Range Inverse function Vertical line test Horizontal line test Ordered pair test Graphing of function Transformation of function Parabola Inverse parabolic function Circle Center and Radius of a circle Radian and Degree of a circle Least squares method Least square lines/Regression lines Limit Limit of Trigonometric functions Limit of infinity One-sided limit Two-sided limit Limit of multi variable functions Continuity & Discontinuity Asymptote Vertical Asymptote Horizontal Asymptote Hole Point-slope form of the equation Slope-intercept form of the equation Standard form of the equation Tangent and normal lines Derivative Rule Chain Rule Power Rule Product Rule Quotient Rule Derivative of Trigonometric functions Inverse Trigonometric functions Hyperbolic functions Inverse hyperbolic functions Composite functions Implicit Differentiation Logarithmic and exponential Rules Logarithmic and exponential differentiation Squeeze Theorem Modeling and solving the equations"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Calculus 2 & 3 from scratch to Advanced" |
"Learn Calculus 2 & 3 through animation. The course includes videos explanation with plenty of relevant solved examples and. The lectures are appealing, fancy (graphic designing), fast and take less time to walk you through the whole lecture. A prefect choice for students who feel boredom watching long lectures. So join me here and do it in a quick and easy way. This course covers the below list of topics:Introduction to integrationImportant formulas of integrationDefinite integral equationsIndefinite integral equationsU-substitution methodIntegration by partsIntroduction to differentiationLinear differential equationsBernoulli's differential equationsHomogeneous differential equationsNon homogeneous differential equationsMixima & Minima differential equationsSeparable differential equationsPartial differential equationsScalarVectorUnit normal vectorGradientDivergenceDirectional derivativeSolenoidalCurlIrrotationalLine integralSurface integralGreen's TheoremStoke's TheoremGauss-Divergence TheoremLangrange's Mean Value TheoremNewton Raphson MethodNewton's Difference Interpolation Method [Finite-Difference Calculus]Newton's Forward Difference Interpolation MethodNewton's Backward Difference Interpolation MethodNewton's Central Difference Interpolation MethodRunge-Kutta MethodTaylor SeriesMaclaurin SeriesFourier SeriesLaplace TransformInverse Laplace TransformApplication of Calculusebooks"
Price: 199.99

"Creacin de Tiendas Online: Fcil, Completo y desde Cero" |
"Quieres vender por internet pero no sabes por dnde empezar?Bienvenido al curso de Creacin de Tiendas Online! En este curso aprenders como crear tiendas online paso por paso y desde lo ms bsico.No importa si no sabes programacin, en este curso aprenders a crear tiendas online desde cero y sin necesidad de escribir cdigo.Para el final del curso tendrs tu propia tienda publicada en Internet.Iniciamos el curso aprendiendo cmo crear una pgina web desde cero con Wordpress, la plataforma para creacin de sitios web ms grande del mundo y que se utiliza en ms de 75 Millones de pginas web.Seguido aprenders como crear tiendas online con Woocommerce, la plataforma ms utilizada en el mundo para vender por internet.En esta seccin aprenders como configurar tu tienda, como publicar tus productos y como recibir pagos por internet mediante tarjeta de crdito, tarjeta de dbito, Paypal y Mercadopago.Y no solo eso! Adems tambin aprenders como implementar algunas estrategias de marketing con las que podrs conseguir ms clientes y vender ms.Es por eso que durante el curso tambin aprenders como crear campaas de correo electrnico mediante MailChimp.Como trabajar con Google Analytics para medir el crecimiento de tu tienda online.Y por ultimo tambin aprenders cmo vender mas creando anuncios publicitarios en Facebook y Google.**Este curso es todo lo que necesitas para crear una tienda online y lograr el xito vendiendo por Internet.**Resumen de lo que aprenders: Como crear sitios web desde cero con Wordpress. Como crear tiendas online de forma profesional con Woocommerce. Como publicar t tienda en Internet. Como recibir pagos por Internet mediante tarjeta de crdito, tarjeta de dbito, PayPal y Mercadopago. Como crear campaas de correo electrnico para vender ms a tus clientes. Como medir el crecimiento de nuestra tienda mediante estadsticas con Google Analytics. Como crear anuncios publicitarios en Facebook y Google para vender mas.Quin soy y porque estoy compartiendo todo esto contigo?Mi nombre es Carlos Arturo y soy el creador de mltiples proyectos incluyendo FalconMasters, un canal de YouTube con ms de 300.000 suscriptores y ms de 33 MILLONES de reproducciones en el que enseo Diseo y Desarrollo Web mediante tutoriales amenos y prcticos.A la gente le encantan mis cursos por la facilidad que tengo para explicar las cosas de una forma nica y fcil. (Puedes comprobarlo en las reseas de cualquiera de mis cursos en Udemy).Algunos de mis cursos son:Diseo Web Profesional: El Curso Completo, Prctico y Desde Cero. (Ms de 18,000 estudiantes)PHP y MySQL: El Curso Completo, Prctico y Desde Cero. (Ms de 18,000 estudiantes)Adobe XD: El Curso Completo, Prctico y Desde Cero. (Ms de 20,000 estudiantes)Comparto este curso contigo porque cada da ms personas y empresas venden por Internet disfrutando de los ingresos online.No te quedes atrs! Ya sea que seas un estudiante, un profesionista o un emprendedor. Este curso es todo lo que necesitas para poder iniciar tu propia tienda en Internet.Inscrbete ahora!(Si no te gusta te devolvemos tu dinero en 30 das.)Algunos comentarios de mis estudiantes sobre mis cursos: Uris Nicolas:Excelente curso Carlos Arturo te explica paso por paso todo de verdad no se van a arrepentir me encanto. Muchas Gracias! Mizael Paredes:Muy contento con el curso la verdad aprendes mucho y los ejemplos son buenos y explicados, las dudas que uno tiene contestan a tiempo eso es bueno, muchas felicidades. Felipe Moreno:Carlos Arturo es un gran profesor, siempre es muy claro para entregar los contenidos y adems destaca lo prctico que son los ejemplos que presenta en cada captulo de los cursos.Cualquier duda que tengas sobre el curso mndame un mensaje privado, con todo gusto te responder."
Price: 199.99

"Teora Musical Vol.4" |
"Tocas acordes pero no entiendes algunos acordes mas complicados y prefieres no tocarlos?Eres estudiante de musica y deseas profundizar en la teora de acordes?Eres msico autodidcta o lrico y quieres conocer ms de lo que tocas?Si te has identificado con alguna de las preguntas anteriores, este curso es para t.Este curso esta enfocado en que aprendas a construir e identificar los acordes ms complejos a partir de acordes de 4 notas, no nicamente los tradicionales acordes 7 o dominantes. Conocers los llamados ""Acordes extendidos"", algunos de los acordes que aprenders son:Acordes de 4 notas como: Cmaj7 Cmaj7#5 Cmaj7b5 C7sus4 C7 C7sus4 Cm7 CmMaj7Acordes de 5 notas como: C9 Cmaj9 Cm9 C7b9 C7#9Acordes de 6 notas como:C11 Cm11 Cmaj9#11 Cm11b5 Cm11b5b9Acordes de 7 notas como:C13 Cm13 Cmaj13A travs de lecciones con explicaciones visuales y auditivas podrs aprender a construir estos acordes a partir de cualquier nota, lo ms importante podrs entender los cifrado de acordes que aparecen en piezas que deseas tocar!!Los contenidos de este curso estn divididos en:Lecciones con la explicacin de cada acordeMaterial descargable en PDFEjercicios para identificar acordes escritosMini-quizzesRegistrate hoy y da ese paso para conocer a profundidad el mundo de los acordes extendidos."
Price: 49.99

"Music Theory Vol.4" |
"Do you play chords but do not understand some more complicated chords and prefer not to play them?Are you a music student and do you want to deepen the theory of chords?Are you a self-taught or lyrical musician and want to know more about what are you playing?If you have identified yourself with any of the above questions, this course is for you!!!This course is focused on learning to build and identify the most complex chords from 4-note chords, not just the traditional 7 or dominant chords.You will know the so-called ""Extended Chords"", some of the chords you will learn are:4 notes chords like:Cmaj7 Cmaj7 # 5 Cmaj7b5 C7sus4C7 C7sus4Cm7 CmMaj75 notes chords like:C9 Cmaj9 Cm9C7b9 C7 # 96 notes chords like:C11 Cm11 Cmaj9 # 11 Cm11b5 Cm11b5b97 notes chords like:C13 Cm13 Cmaj13Through lessons with visual and auditory explanations you can learn to build these chords from any note, but ... most importantly you will understand the chords that appear in pieces you want to play !!The contents of this course are divided into:Lessons with the explanation of each chordDownloadable PDF materialExercises where you identify written chordsMini-quizzesRegister today and take that step to learn in depth the world of extended chords."
Price: 49.99
