"Entrenamiento auditivo para principiantes Vol.4" |
"Eres estudiante de msica y batallas para seguir dictados musicales?Quieres aprender a transcribir lineas meldicas sencillas mediante un sistema fcil de seguir?Este curso es para t!Si eres un estudiante de msica amateur o profesional, tambin si eres un aficionado a la msica que desea profundizar en el entendimiento auditivo del lenguaje de la msica, este curso te ayudar a mejorar tu discriminacin auditiva, especficamente a distinguir las notas musicales de una meloda, incluyendo la figuras rtmica de la misma.Este curso esta especficamente diseado para que aprendas a identificar las notas de una linea meldica sencilla a travs de dictados musicales. Este curso contiene:Consejos para desarrollar un dictado musical de manera eficiente.Dictados musicales en la tonalidad de Do mayor (C).Cada captulo muestra un avance progresivo en cuanto a las notas a incluir, intervalos o figuras rtmicas.Cada captulo contiene 10 ejercicios a transcribir. Regstrate en este curso hoy y da ese paso para mejorar tus dictados musicales y desarrollar tu odo musical. Si tienes alguna duda puedes preguntar al instructor del curso, para saber si este curso es para t o cualquier pregunta que tengas.Ilse Lozoya es instructora de cursos en Udemy y cuenta con ms de 40,000 estudiantes inscritos en los mas de 60 cursos que tiene disponibles en la plataforma, con un promedio de valoracin de 4.3 estrellas de 5 posibles."
Price: 49.99

"Ear Training for the Very Beginner Vol.4" |
"Are you a music student that struggles to follow musical dictations?Do you want to learn how to transcribe simple melodic lines through an easy-to-follow system?This course for you!If you are a music student, amateur or professional, if you are a music lover who wants to go deeper into the understanding music language, this course will help you to improve your notes discrimination, specifically to distinguish the musical notes of a melody , including the rhythmic figures of it.This course is specifically designed for you to learn to identify the notes of a simple melodic line through musical dictations. This course contains:Tips to develop a musical dictation efficiently.Melodic dictations in the key of C major (C).Each chapter has very progressive exercises talking about the notes to include, intervals or rhythmic figures.Each chapter contains 10 exercises to transcribe.Register in this course today and take that step to improve your musical dictations and develop your musical ear!!!If you have any questions you can ask the instructor of the course, feel free to send her a message asking if this course is for you!Ilse Lozoya is a Udemy instructor and has more than 40,000 students enrolled in her courses which are more than 60 all of them about music, piano and education, with an average rating of 4.3 stars out of 5 possible."
Price: 49.99

"The Perfect Piano Routine Vol.1" |
"Are you taking piano lessons?Do you want to enhance your piano playing and get the most of every minute that you spend playing?Do you want to improve and be able to develop the perfect piano routine?This course for you!!Through very easy to follow recommendations you will learn how to distribute the activities when you study piano, in a way that suits your piano needs and aspirations.This course is divided into:Recommendations before choosing how to studyPiano routines: 30 min Routine, 60 min Routine and 2 hrs routine.Common mistakes and how to prevent them.In a very understandable way, easy to follow, so you can make changes in your study routine, organizing better what you practice and so you can advance more and with better results when playing.Join this course today, remember that all Udemy courses have a 30 days satisfaction guarantee or the return of your money, in this way you have nothing to lose and everything to win.Ilse Lozoya, who will be your instructor teaches more than 60 courses at Udemy on piano, music and education, sharing her experience as a pianist, student and online content creator , there are more than 40,000 students from all over the world participating in her courses.Do you have any questions about the course? Send her a message and she will gladly help you to know if this course is for you."
Price: 39.99

"La Rutina de Piano Perfecta Vol.1" |
"Eres estudiante de piano?Quieres mejorar los resultado de tu estudio logrando la rutina de piano perfecta?Este curso es para t!! A travs de consejos prcticos aprenders como distribuir las actividades cuando estudias piano, de manera que se adapte a tus necesidades y aspiraciones piansticas.Este curso esta dividido en :Recomendaciones antes de elegir como estudiarRutinas de estudio : Rutina de 30 min, Rutina de 60 min, Rutina de 2 hrs.Errores comunes y como prevenirlos.As mismo este curso esta pensado en un lenguaje ameno fcil de seguir para que puedas realizar cambios en tu rutina de estudio, organizando mejor lo que practicas y asi puedas avanzar mas y con mejores resultado al tocar.Unete a este curso hoy, recuerda que todos los cursos de Udemy tienen una garanta de satisfaccin de 30 dias o la devolucin de tu dinero, de esta manera no tienes nada que perder y si muchisimo que ganar.Ilse Lozoya, quien sera tu instructora ensea mas de 60 cursos en Udemy sobre piano, musica y educacin, compartiendo su experiencia como pianista, estudiante y desarrolladora de contenidos online, hay mas de 40.000 estudiantes de todo el mundo participando en sus cursos.Tienes alguna duda sobre el curso? Envale un mensaje y con todo gusto te ayudar a que sepas si este curso es para t."
Price: 39.99

"Fur Elise and Traumerei - Piano Classics Vol.1" |
"Do you love classical music?Do you want to play and enjoy the most famous pieces from the piano repertoire?Would you like to be able to play them like a professional?Do you play Fur Elise by Beethoven but not sure that you are playing it correctly?This course is for you!What it takes to be able to play this pieces beautifully?It is not easy indeed, BUT each piece has key elements that are not a secret but could be kind of hidden for the beginner student.In this course you will be able to understand the core elements of the pianistic interpretation, according to the style of every piece, this course is dedicated to FR ELISE, this beautiful piece from the composer Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN and to TRAUMEREI from the composer Robert SCHUMANNIf you are a piano student and has the reading level that is required to play this piece, you will find this course really helpful, through practical videos the instructor will teach you how to play this piece successfully, it is important to mention that this course is not the kind of regular tutorial that teaches you note by note how must be played. On the contrary it is expected that you have the necessary skills to read this piece, why? because you are going to learn about the genre, the stylistic technique that is required and about the musical structure as well. This course will teach you thorugh videos and lectures:The complete performanceAn analysis of the piece.A listening and reading exercise.Recommendations at the piano for each section or the piece.DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER!! ENROLL TODAYIlse Lozoya is going to be your instructor in this course, she is a pianist, music teacher and online educator, she teaches more than 60 courses in Udemy, more than 43 000 students are already taking her courses. She will help you during the course with any question, so you will not be alone in your learning."
Price: 49.99

"Para Elisa & Traumerei -Clsicos del Piano Vol.1-" |
"Amas la msica clsica? Quieres tocar y disfrutar de las piezas ms famosas del repertorio de piano? Te gustara poder tocarlas como un profesional? Tocas Para Elisa de Beethoven o Traumerei de Schumann pero no ests seguro de que lo estas haciendo correctamente? Este curso es para t! Qu se necesita para poder tocar estas piezas maravillosamente? De hecho, no es fcil, PERO cada pieza tiene elementos clave que no son secretos, pero que podran estar ocultos para el estudiante principiante. En este curso, podr comprender los elementos centrales de la interpretacin pianstica, de acuerdo con el estilo de cada pieza.Este curso est dedicado a FR ELISE, esta hermosa pieza del compositor Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN y a TRAUMEREI de Robert SCHUMANN Si eres un estudiante de piano y tienes el nivel de lectura requerido para tocar esta pieza, encontrars que este curso es muy til. A travs de videos prcticos, el instructor te ensear cmo tocar esta pieza con xito, es importante mencionar que este curso no es el tipo de tutorial regular que te ensea nota por nota cmo se debe tocar. Por el contrario, se espera que tenga las habilidades necesarias para leer esta pieza, por qu? porque vas a aprender sobre el gnero, la tcnica estilstica que se requiere y tambin sobre la estructura musical. Este curso te ensear a travs de videos : La ejecucin completa de la pieza. Un anlisis de la pieza. Ejercicios de audicin y lectura. Recomendaciones al piano para cada seccin o pieza. NO ESPERES MS!! INSCRIBETE HOY Ilse Lozoya ser tu instructora en este curso, es Lic. en Msica, Maestra en educacin y desarrolladora de contenidos online. Ensea ms de 60 cursos en Udemy, ms de 43 000 estudiantes ya estn tomando sus cursos. Ella te ayudar durante el curso con cualquier pregunta, para que no ests solo en tu aprendizaje."
Price: 49.99

"The Perfect Piano Routine Vol.2" |
"Are you a piano student? Have you been playing piano for a long time?Are you still struggling when you have to start reading a new piece?Do you want to be able to read new pieces with better speed and accuracy?This course for you!Welcome to ""The Perfect Piano Routine Vol.2"", this course is focused directly on how to read new pieces more efficiently, as pianists we have to read two clefs, since we play with both hands at the same time, this is a major challenge when we start playing a new piece and specially when we have to read everything that we are going to play.This course is specifically focused on:Develop reading and analysis strategies for a piano musical piece.Understand how we should divide our study by reading scores.Learn reading and integration exercises with both hands.How to save time for our practice to be effective.How to integrate spoken and rhythmic music to our practice of a new piece.As a pianist it is essential that you understand how to organize when you start studying a new piece, a proper practice will allow you to develop:Exact readingFluent playingLess mistakesIdentification of difficult sections Sign up for this course today, Improve your way of playing, by developing more efficient reading habits you will feel more motivated to play more pieces and continue with your piano learning path.Ilse Lozoya will be your instructor, she is pianist, music teacher and online educator, and teacher in Udemy of more than 60 courses in Udemy, so join the global community of students who are taking their courses and improving their way of playing.Enroll today!"
Price: 39.99

"La Rutina de Piano Perfecta Vol.2" |
"Eres estudiante de piano? Tocas piano desde hace ya tiempo?Sigues batallando cuando tienes que comenzar a leer una pieza nueva?Quieres ser capaz de leer las piezas con mayor velocidad y exactitud?Este curso es para t!Bienvenido a ""La Rutina de Piano Perfecta Vol.2"" , este curso esta enfocado directamente a como leer las piezas de manera mas eficiente, como pianistas tenemos que leer dos claves, ya que tocamos con las dos manos al mismo tiempo, esto supone un reto mayor al momento de sacar una nueva pieza y sobre todo cuando tenemos que leer todo lo que vamos a tocar.Este curso esta enfocado especficamente en:Desarrollar estrategias de lectura y anlisis de una pieza musical al piano.Entender como debemos dividir nuestro estudio al leer partituras.Conocer ejercicios de lectura e integracin con las dos manos.Cmo ahorrar tiempo para que nuestra practica sea efectiva.Cmo integrar el solfeo hablado y rtmico a nuestra practica de una pieza nueva.Como pianista es indispensable que entiendas como organizarte cuando comienzas estudiar una nueva piezas, una prctica adecuada te permitir desarrollar:Lectura exactaFluidez en la ejecucin.Reduccin de errores.Identificacin de zonas de ejecucin difcilesInscrbete en este curso hoy, no dejes de pasar mas el tiempo y mejora tu manera de tocar, al desarrollar un estudio mas eficiente te sentiras mas motivado a tocar mas piezas y seguir con tu camino de aprendizaje pianstico.Ilse Lozoya ser tu instructora, es Lic, en Msica, Maestra en Educacin y maestra en Udemy de ms de 60 cursos en Udemy, asi que unete a la comunidad global de estudiantes que se encuentran tomando sus cursos y mejorando su manera de tocar.Regstrate hoy!"
Price: 39.99

"Rondo alla Turca / Tarantella - Piano Classics Vol.2" |
"Do you like Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart?Do you play this piece or do you want to learn to play it?This course for you!!Welcome to Piano Classics Vol. 2, this course is dedicated to learning to play Tarantella by Albert Pieczonka and Mozart's very famous Rondo Alla Turca, these pieces are undoubtedly one of the most famous pieces that exist within the traditional classical piano repertoire.In this course you will find the right guide so you can make the most of what these pieces have for you, there is nothing more frustrating than wanting to play a piece we love but keep fighting with technical and performing issues, that is why this course will help you to understand what it takes to play this piece beautifully. This course is not the classic tutorial note by note, so you need to have the reading level to play this piece. In this course you will find:Analysis of the music.Piano analysis of each section.Listening and reading exercises.Technique recommendations.Whether you play the piano as a hobby, you have been playing for a while or maybe you are a piano teacher who frequently teaches this piece, this course will make you improve your way of playing, do not let time go by and increase your knowledge of this piece from classical piano repertoire. This course in Udemy has a 100% satisfaction guarantee or you can have your money back, so you have nothing to lose.Ilse Lozoya is the instructor of this course, she is a pianist, music teacher and is an instructor of more than 60 courses in Udemy to more than 40,000 students worldwide.REGISTER NOW and take that step to improve your piano performance and enjoy even more every time you play your favorite pieces."
Price: 49.99

"Rondo Alla Turca / Tarantella - Clsicos del Piano Vol.2" |
"Te gusta el Rondo Alla Turca de Mozart?Tocas esta pieza o quieres aprender a tocarla?Este curso es para t!!Bienvenido a Clsicos del Piano Vol.2 , este curso esta dedicado a que aprendas a tocar el muy famoso Rondo Alla Turca de Mozart, esta pieza es sin duda una de las piezas mas famosas que existen dentro del repertorio tradicional clsico del piano.En este curso encontrars la gua correcta para que puedas aprovechar al mximo lo que esta pieza tiene para t, no hay nada mas frustrante que desear tocar una pieza que amamos pero seguir batallando con cuestiones tcnicas e interpretativas, es por ello que este curso te ayudar a entender en que consiste tocar bellamente esta pieza. Este curso no es el clsico tutorial nota por nota, as que es necesario que tengas el nivel de lectura para tocar esta pieza. En este curso encontrars:Ejecucin de la pieza.Anlisis de la partitura y secciones.Anlisis al piano de cada seccin.Ejercicios de escuchar y leer.Recomendaciones tcnicas e interpretativas. Ya sea que tocas el piano como un hobby, llevas tiempo tocando o quiz eres un maestro de piano que ensea con frecuencia esta pieza, este curso te har mejorar tu manera de tocar, no dejes pasar mas el tiempo y aumenta tu conocimiento de esta pieza de repertorio clsico al piano. Este curso en Udemy cuenta con una satisfaccin del 100% o la devolucin de tu dinero as que no tienes nada que perder.Ilse Lozoya es la instructora de este curso, es Licenciada en Msica y es instructora de mas 60 cursos en Udemy a mas 40,000 estudiantes de todo el mundo.INSCRIBETE AHORA y da ese paso para mejorar tu interpretacin pianstica y disfruta an mas cada vez que tocas tus piezas favoritas."
Price: 49.99

"Learn How To speed up your Joomla Website and Improve SEO" |
"Learn How To Speed Up Your Joomla Website... A Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners! The visitors that decide to stick around, your slow load times can deter them from returning in the future. In one survey, 79% of customers said they would not return to a site with poor performance. So sure our course is so important to your business!!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Drawing & Painting Illustration Course" |
"Join over 260,000of my learning student and start gaining the drawing skills you've always wanted.The Ultimate Drawing and Painting Illustration Course will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of drawing and painting - or your money back! This course is your track to obtaining illustration skills like you always wanted! Whether for your own projects or for illustrations for other people. This course will take you from having little knowledge in illustration work to creating 5 different advanced illustrations by the end of this course. So what else is in it for you?Youll createover 20different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!Youll gain instant access to all 11 sections of the course. The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of drawing and painting in many different styles. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning designs and illustration!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course. Heres what you get with the course: Youll get access to the11sections of the course that will teach you the basics of graphite pencil, colored pencil, and watercolor illustrations from the ground up. The course is supported with over 12 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingers tips instantly. The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of each medium and how to use them. Graphite pencil, colored pencil, and watercolor painting. You will learn everything from blending fundamentals all the way up to highlights and shadows. Next youll learn about the mediums and how to pick the right supplies for you . I use some of the most inexpensive supplies I could find for this course. You can even use cardboard in place of toned paper. Once youve mastered the mediums you are going to create mini illustrations that will beguine to build your confidence. At this point you will be ready to draw and paint full illustrations. We will compose a total of 3 full illustrations in this course. Lastly you will gain downloadable access to my high resolution photos of all of the illustrations I create throughout this course. This is for your own reference and you are more then welcome to print them. Over the 11 chapters you will learn: How to draw a realistic bubble with colored pencil How to draw an eye with colored pencil Shape and form fundamental with graphite pencil, colored pencil, and watercolor Color and lighting Crosshatching Dramatic lighting Creating texture with graphite pencil, colored pencil, and watercolor Drawing lips with with colored pencil Painting a nosePainting an eyeDrawing portrait illustrations with graphite Drawing portrait illustrations with colored pencil (of Chris Pratt)Painting portrait illustrations with watercolor (of Scarlett Johansson)What else will you get? - Personal contact with me, the course tutor - Lifetime access to course materials - Understanding of how professional illustrations are created - Quizzes and exercise work sheets This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message. I will be here for youevery step of the way! So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!"
Price: 149.99

"The Ultimate Animal Drawing Course - beginner to advanced" |
"Join over 260,000learning student and start gaining the drawing skills you've always wanted.The Ultimate Animal Drawing Course will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of drawing animals - or your money back!The course is your track to obtaining drawing skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to draw for other people.This course will take you from having little knowledge in drawing animals to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of animal drawing fundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Youll createover 50different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!Youll gain instant access to all 11 sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of drawing animals in many different styles. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning designs and illustration!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the11sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of drawing animals from the ground up. The course is supported with over 10 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of drawing animals. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating professional art. You will learn everything from line fundamentals and animal body structures to form, highlights, and shadows.Next youll learn how to apply the concept of perspective to your animal drawings and how to incorporate it into your art. You will be learning 1 and 2 point perspective.Once youve learned perspective you are going to learn how to create texture for you animal drawings. This course will cover fur, wrinkle, and scale textures. Then you are going to learn how to draw animals from life. Observing life and drawing it is a very important skill when it comes to art.At this point youll be ready to start learning how animal anatomy works and why its important and how to incorporate it into your drawings. We will spend a whole section on the skeletal system, muscle structure, and gesture.Next youre going to learn how to draw animal poses and gesture.Lastly you will gain access to the bonus section where Ill teach you how I draw animation styled animal characters step by step.Over the 7 chapters you will learn:How to draw a tiger eyeLine fundamentalsAnimal shape and form fundamentalAnimal structure How to use value and contrastin animal drawings Space and perspectiveDrawing animals from life Creating textureDrawing anatomyDrawing pose and gesture Drawing animation styled animal artThrough out the course you will be drawing:Dogs CatsLionsGrizzly & Panda Bears HorsesCowsBig and Small BirdsWolfsChipmunksRhinos ElephantsPeacocks We will be looking at examples of many other animalsThe concepts and kills you will gain from this course will allow you to draw any animal you want. What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Access to the Artist Inner Family Facebook Group - Understanding of how professional art is created- Quizzes and exercise work sheetsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!"
Price: 149.99

"The Ultimate Face & Head Drawing Course - for beginners" |
"Join over 260,000 learning student and start gaining the drawing skills you've always wanted.The Ultimate Face & Head Drawing Course will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of drawing faces - or your money back!The course is your track to obtaining drawing skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to draw for other people.This course will take you from having little knowledge in drawing the human face and head to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of human face drawing fundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Youll create over 30 different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!Youll gain instant access to all 8 sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of drawing the human face and head. It will equip you with the knowledge to draw people right out of your head without reference! Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course. Heres what you get with the course: Youll get access to the 8 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of drawing from the ground up. The course is supported with over 6 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way. All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of drawing the face and head. Next youll learn how to draw the Loomis head. The Loomis head allows you to draw the head from any angle in any pose out of your head.Once you've learned how to draw the Loomis head you will learn how to break the face and head down into simple forms.Next you'll learn how to add highlights and shadows to the face and head. Highlights and shadows will add realism and dimension to your drawings.At this point youll be ready to start drawing the human skull. Understanding the human skill is very important to drawing the human face as it plays a very big part in its form and structure.Next youre going to learn how to draw the facial features. We will first cover the contouring lines of the facial features then learn how to add highlights and shadows to them.Lastly you'll learn how to draw hair forms and texture. Over the 8 chapters you will learn:How to draw a faceFundamentals of face and head formHow to draw the Andrew Loomis headDrawing the planes head Converting geometric forms into organic facial featuresDrawing the head in any pose form any angle Proportions of the human faceDrawing the skull Drawing the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears What else will you get? - Personal contact with me, the course tutor - Lifetime access to course materials - Understanding of how professional human drawings are created - Quizzes and exercise work sheets This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message. I will be here for you every step of the way! So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!"
Price: 149.99

"MongoDB 4.0 : MongoDB Developer & Admin Course" |
"MongoDB is a distributed Database at its core, so high availability, horizontal scaling, and geographic distribution are built in and easy to use. This course will help you master the leading document-oriented NoSQL database, MongoDB Architecture, CRUD, Schema Design, Data Modelling and Indexing using real-life case studies. MongoDB Developer & Admin Course is designed to equip you with skills of a MongoDB experienced professional. You will gain knowledge in mastering data modelling, ingestion, query and Sharding, and much more, to become job ready. The course covers a range of NoSQL and MongoDB topics which will help you gain various development, administering, and engineering skills. Why you should buy this course:Average salary of a Mongo DB certified professional is $134k - Indeed .comMongoDB has more than 900 customers, including 27 Fortune 100 companies like Cisco, eBay, eHarmony, MetLife & Salesforce .comThis MongoDB course will help you master one of the most popular NoSQL databases.Let see what our students say:This is one of the best courses I have taken. It is full of knowledge and gives you a clear understanding of why something is done and the perfect way it can be done. The instructor was great, the best I've had. Overall, my experience was amazing with this course and it proved to be great value for money.--Vaibhav Saini"
Price: 199.99

"How To Start A Blog" |
"How would you like to watch me build a blog from scratch and live before your eyes?Let me ask you this!Is techno fear stopping you from launching your first or next blog?Are you struggling to come up with ideas for your blog?Do you suffer from writers block or just don't know what content to create and how to create it?Does the thought of SEO and getting your content indexed bring you out in a cold sweat?Are you a business owner that is looking to create an online presence?Are you looking to create a part-time or fulltime income through a home based blogging business?Do you want to now how to drive insane amounts of traffic to yout blog and posts?If you have answered ""Yes"" to any or all of the above then the How To Start A Blog - One Blog Away Challenge is what you have been looking for. So what am I going to cover within this course?You are going to see me go from a blank screen to a fully functional blog over 8 intensive modules. You will see every clock that I make in real time as you look over my shoulder so you can copy my every move. As each lesson goes by your blog will start to evolve and it will be as we are sitting side by side building our blogs together.I am going to take any element of doubt that you may have away. There is no need for you to sit and think whether you can do it anymore as I am going to show you how to do it. If you copy everything I do step by step, then you simply can't fail to get your blog live and online. Now I know that is a bold statement but it is my guarantee to you. Why can I make this gurantee? Because I am going to show you every setting you need to make and more importantly explain why you need to do it. At the end of the course you will see my blog fully structured and optimized. Also it will be monetized in many ways and ready to attract insane amounts of traffic because of the strategies that I am going to share with you.When it comes to content I am going to share with you my formula for creating high quality and engaging content that will keep your readers coming back day after day. Also I am going to show you how to blast that content all over the internet and how to get indexed on the search engines.I will share with you monetization strategies and business model that you can use with your blog to help you crete a nice side income, or if you want to go all in, a home based blogging business.Niche and market research is also covered so you know how to position yourself as an authority. Plus I am going to get into your mind and make you think about why you want to start a blog. This is arguably the most important thing that you are going to learn. You will have total clarity on your ""Purpose"". Without ""Purpose"" for your blog and your content then you really are setting yourself up for failure which is obviosly not what you want, and certainly not waht I want for you.By the end of the course you will have your first or next blog live and ready to build a huge tribe of raving fans. This is your audience that you will be able to serve with total authority and authenticity which is the backbone for your blog and your business if you so wish.So what are the benefits to you from taking this course?As I have said before you will not have any doubts on how to do things and why you should be doing them in the first place. I have been blogging for a number of years now and there was a time that I didn't have a clue what I was doing. So I have made mistakes in the past which are probably the same mistakes you will make if you try and figure this whole blogging game on your own.Your learning curve will be drastically reduced if you take my course. You are going to have everything you need in one hub, a place of support which you can tap into whenever you want.It is easier to learn something if you watch someone who knows what they are doing. It really is a simple formula to help you succeed and it goes like this -Watch The VideoPause The Video Implement What You Have LearntRe-Start The VideoResult = Your Blog OnlineWhat to do now?Click the ""Buy Now"" button on this page and enroll into my course so I can help you create and build your blogging platform.I look forward to seeing you on the inside and I wish you every success.Pete"
Price: 99.99

"Beginners DIY Resin & Alcohol Ink Jewelry" |
"DIY Resin & Alcohol Ink Abstract Necklaces in BulkCreate some very easy and beautiful original Art pendants for your necklaces.I've broken the class content into easy, manageable steps even for beginners.We will learn several important concepts like how to use alcohol inks in resin to create dazzling designs, learn when your resin is cured, how to cut out a variety of shapes, and attach bails to create one of a kind unique art pieces.If you have other brands of resin to use that's okay, just make sure to follow the directions of your brand. Art resin is my favorite since it has a long cure time and it gives plenty of time to create before it dries. If you wait for 72 hours it will be fully cured in most cases.This course will give you the skills and materialstodevelop your unique jewelry pieces.I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process and I'll give you all my supplier information.Looking for thesupplies, I've made it easy with listing them all in the Bonus Lecture.This is and Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that want to have fun, be creative, and get the basics on how to create these artsypendants. Learn all my quick easy tricks and steps to create your own jewelry to wear orgift!WHATYOUWILLDISCOVERINTHISCOURSE:Watch me how to pour resin in a Mold and without.Learn what supplies you will need to create pendants in bulk - Attached is aPDF under the Class Project with all the supplies.We'll cover a how to pour and tint your resin, and add layers ofalcohol inks for some interesting colors.Learn to create soft flowing movement in your resin.We will cut your resin into interesting shapes to produce some very unique pendants.Please don't forget to post your projects in the Q&A Section, I can't wait to see them!So if you are ready to gain some confidence in creating some easy yet beautiful jewelry necklaces let's jump in!Kellie Chasse Fine Art"
Price: 19.99

"Sunset Watercolor Painting For A Beginner" |
"SUNSETWATERCOLORPAINTINGFORBEGINNERSSunset painting are some of my favorite subjects and now that I live on the Lake year-round facing the western sky, I get to see amazing ones all year long. This project was inspired by one of them.I will be sharing a bigger number of demos than normal so that you can practice before we do the project! We will cover some watercolor basics like how much water do I use and how can I remove watercolor paint.I've broken the class content into easy, manageable steps even for beginners in watercolors, yet there are techniques for the experienced artist too! This course will give you the skills and materialstodevelop your own stare worthing painting.I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process.Looking for thesupplies, I've made it easy with listing them all in the Bonus Lecture.We will learn several important concepts like how to create light and fluffy clouds, how to use wet in wet techniques to blend your colors successfully without creating mud. We will also see how to create layers successfully while creating depth and values in your painting.So if you are ready to create some luscious and colorful skies and a gorgeous view to sit and stare at during those day dreams then let's jump in!Can't wait to see your finished project!Kellie Chasse Fine Art"
Price: 29.99

"Beginner Resin and Alcohol Ink Fluid Art Abstract Golds" |
"Alcohol Ink Fluid Art Diptych Abstract We'll Discuss 3 Types of Gold Paints Sealed with ResinPLUS UPDATE 7/12/19 We have added a full additional project using Claybord! We'll cover lots of extras in this one!Create some very easy yet beautiful original Diptych paintings using Aquabord mounted on a 2"" wooden cradle using 3 different types of Gold pigments in this matching pair.This is a course for beginners and it will give you the skills and materials to develop your unique fluid art pieces using Alcohol inks and we will cover 3 different types of Gold paints that are my favorites to use with this medium. You will learn to complete the painting with sealing it in a coat of glorious diamond clear finish of resin. Students will learn in detail all the tips and trick to creating a flawless finish of resin without dimples, dents, and dust.So if you are ready to gain some confidence with Resin and Alcohol inks let's jump in!Looking for the supplies, I've made it easy with listing them all here in my Amazon Shop.This is a Beginner RESIN course for those of you that want to have fun, be creative, and get the basics on how to create some simple fluid art pieces.Would love to have you join our Kellie Chasse Fine Art Exclusive Student Group on facebook. You can post your work or ask questions, plus you can chat with other students.WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER IN THIS COURSE:RESIN 101 Preparations - Tips and Tricks for a great pourMixing Your Art Resin - You of course can use different brandsPouring Your Art ResinFinishing your edges and creating a uniformed look.Learn what supplies you will need to a fluid art piece using alcohol inks - Attached is a PDF under the Class Project with all the supplies.Learn to create soft flowing movement in your fluid pieces using Alcohol Inks and 3 different types of golds.Happy Creating! Kellie Chasse Fine Art"
Price: 29.99

"Geode agate slice on canvas - Alcohol ink and resin" |
"Alcohol Ink and Resin Geode/Agate slice project on CanvasCreate some very easy and beautiful Geodes/Agate slices using Alcohol Ink and Resin.I've broken the class content into easy, manageable steps for beginners.We will be adding gems, rocks, glitter glass and any other sparkly bits you want to try in your pieces.We will learn several important concepts like how to use alcohol inks mixed with powered pigments, see how gold pens can create lovely details. Finish off your piece by adding a clear coat of resin and add your crystals and rocks for the finished details.What you will need for the this course:Small Canvas, Pinata Gold Alcohol Ink, Crystals and rock gems of your choice,Art Resin to seal, glitter or glass glitter, and a gold/white paint pen for finer details if you choose.Looking for the full list of all theAmazon Shop supplies I use in the demo, I've made it easy with a PDF and all the links in the Material section.This is a Beginner course for those of you that want to have fun, be creative, and get the basics on how to create some simple art pieces.WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER IN THIS COURSE:Mixing alcohol inks and powered iridescent pigments.Mixing Your Art Resin - You of course can use different brandsPouring Your Art Resin and adding crystals and rocks, glitter and other shiny bits to your pieces.Learn my tip to tighten sagging canvas.So if you are ready to gain some confidence with Resin and Alcohol inks and create you own rock slices of art let's jump in!"
Price: 19.99

"Alcohol Ink, Watercolor & Brusho Crystal Painting" |
"How to Paint CrystalsGet ready to have some fun in this course! We will be doing a few different crystals and mediums in this class. The first one will be using Alcohol inks on yupo paper. The second medium will be with watercolors, and the third demo you will use Brusho crystal watercolors.This is a beginner art course for those of you that want to develop your skills with a few different mediums creating similar yet different ways of creating these crystals.We will cover in this course: Materials needed to create a gorgeous crystal painting fast and easy...like super easy!I am super excited to share with you all this new course. It's a really fun and easy project that creates such a healing and energetic images.I'll have a full list of materials as well as links to a number of the products used in the videos and please don't forget to post your projects, I can't wait to see them!WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER IN THIS COURSE:How to paint crystals using different mediumsHow to use masking fluid for line workHow to use a calligraphy pen as a tool for drawingHow to use Alcohol Inks to create crystals using a rainbow of colorsHow to create a watercolor crystalKellie Chasse Fine ArtHappy Painting!Kellie"
Price: 29.99

"Shimmering colors Alcohol Ink & Watercolor Shell Painting" |
"Hi Arty Peeps! Relax and Explore pigments and dyes to create some lovely shimmers and sparkle in your alcohol ink and watercolors.This class is for beginner to intermediate students, we will explore an easy step by step way to create shimmering colors in your Paintings. After we cover how to mix your colors and play, I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process to create this beautiful shell Scene.In the Course we will Cover:Dye's vs PigmentsHow to create Shimmering colors with alcohol inks and watercolors.How to use a Water-brush pen to create shimmery letters that you can use for your wedding, bridal, or shower invites!Then we will cover a full shell painting project using alcohol ink and shimmer. As a bonus I've added two more printable PDF's of shell for you to play with.Finally we will talk a little bit about creating a Mood board and I'll walk you through my process on how I create a simple mood board. Materials Used in ClassJacquard Powdered PigmentsYupo or Mineral paperWatercolor Paper or PadSmall BrushesWatercolor Cotmat kit Watercolor Inks Brea ReeseAlcohol Ink Brea ReeseBlack SharpieWater brush PenDr. Ph. Martin's Bombay India Ink Calligraphy Pen KitMasking Fluid Kamar VarnishGood Ventilation and Organic Vapor MaskWear Protective GlovesApronFeel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. I would love to see your final paintings posted there.Get your supplies ready ... and let's start having fun creating this scene together!""Don't take life to seriously and always stay Creative!""Thanks again and I am so thankful to have you here!Kellie Simple living Debt Free Content Creator*Safety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products. If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer or your doctor before using."
Price: 39.99

"A Quick Audacity Audio Editing Tutorial - Audacity Tutorial" |
"This is a quick Audacity Tutorial for beginners. In this tutorial you will learn about using Audacity for Audio Editing. This is a quick tutorial that will help you improve Audio for your YouTube videos or Podcasts. Have you been struggling with Audio and you are unsure of how to make it better once you record it? Here is a short Audacity Tutorial that will help you improve your Audio Quality.This Audacity software Tutorial will help you:Learn how to use Audacity to create a high-quality podcast audio . You will quickly learn to edit your recorded audio to make it better using basic Audio Editing tools.Improve Audio quality for YouTube / Vimeo or any other Marketing Videos you are making.You can use the skills provided in this course to narrate and create your Audio book .Learn to generally edit and improve any audio quick and fast.The course is easy to follow along. Get up and running in not time. Join this course and get creating and editing audio within the next hour.If you want to learn how to improve your Audio in less than an hour, go ahead and join this Udemy Audacity Tutorial."
Price: 29.99

"Mailchimp Website Builder and Landing Page Tutorial" |
"This is a Mailchimp landing Page Tutorial that will show you how to design a Mailchimp Landing Page and then setup an automated Welcome email targeted towards the landing page you have just created. You will also learn how to setup an automation series in the new videos updates. This course has been updated and will continue getting updates . Go ahead and join this class to start learning.In this Mailchimp Landing Page Tutorial you will learn :How to create a MailChimp landing pageThe types of Mailchimp Landing Pages availableHow to design the MC Landing Page in order to start collecting leadsHow to segment your mail chimp subscribers based on the Landing page you've just createdHow to set up a welcome automation email for those who signup via your new landing pageHow to create a Mailchimp Automation seriesHow to use the New Mailchimp Website Builder to build Websites.Join this Course right now if you want to finish it within the next hour.This is a highly project based class. You need to follow along with me, every step of the way using a sample landing page .Log into Mailchimp .Create Your landing page (Create a sample First).Set up your segment.Set up your Automated Welcome Email.Once you are familiar with the process then you may go on to create a Landing page that you intend to use to acquire leads.Join this Course right now if you want to create your landing page and Website using Mailchimp.."
Price: 29.99

"Tableau Specialist Certification Prep" |
"This course has just one goal: to prepare you to pass the Tableau Specialist exam. The course includesA downloadable study guide with notes and linksInformation about taking the Specialist exam at home with a remote proctorVideos covering the Specialist topic areas:Connecting to & Preparing DataExploring & Analyzing DataSharing InsightsUnderstanding Tableau ConceptsThree self-scoring full-length practice exams with solution guideAn instructor ready to answer your questions!"
Price: 34.99

"Software Engineering 101: Plan and Execute Better Software." |
"Master the Techniques of Software Engineering!If you are looking to learn the invaluable ideas behind software engineering, you have come to the right place. This course is perfect for anyone who is currently in, or looking to get into the highly profitable programming field. No Previous Experience Necessary!This course was designed to be a standalone course. This means it can be taken with or without knowledge of computer programming. It is both a great course to get started with, and a great course for that next step in your career. Why is the Software Engineering Important?Computer programming is more than just knowing how to code. It is also an engineering process. Large scale systems must be planned out long before coding actually begins. Due to this, most companies are looking for programmers with knowledge in software engineering. In this course we will learn the core techniques and ideas behind software engineering. Knowing this will help set you apart in the field. Enroll Now and You'll Learn:Software DevelopmentLife-cycleRequirementsSpecificationsWRSPMModelArchitectureDesignClient-server PatternMaster-Slave PatternModularityCoupling & CohesionBuy vs BuildTestingVerification and ValidationSoftware ModelsAgileScrumKanbanMyGuaranteeI am so confident you will enjoy this course, I offer a 100%30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy.If you are not happy with your purchase, I have no problem with giving your money back!Are You Ready to Get Started?I will be waiting for you inside the course!Remember, this is an online course, so you can take it at your own pace.Are you busy right now?That's okay. Enroll today, and take the course at your own pace.Thanks so much for your interest in this Software Engineering 101 Course!See you inside!Kurt"
Price: 49.99

"Effectively Optimizing Your Recruitment Process" |
"Step by step recruitment process optimization tips for internal recruitment particularly in start-ups or small to medium size businesses.Covers the whole recruitment cycle and it's place among other corporate processes. Allows to gain the perspective and build stratigic plans for optimization or setting up the recruitment department.Helps to delelop particular metrics to evaluate and optimize the staffing process and enable smoother operations from the management perspective as well as from the performers(recruiters perspective).Statistical analysis and practical observations as well as the modern trends evaluation.Enables to help organize your recruitment process from scratch or optimize the existing one.Can be used by staffing agencies as well but to a lesser extent in order to enhance the workflow with new inspirations and ideas."
Price: 19.99

"IT Basics For Technical Recruiters" |
"The course (recommended by Upwork in the article about top 20 fastest-growing skills on Upwork in Q2 2019) provides technical IT basics overview specifically with the angle relevant to recruiters, namely: what to pay attention to on the resumes, what criteria to use in selection, how to conduct an effective technical interview using the IT knowledge fundamentals provided in this course. The course gives the general technical understanding of the IT field with the focus on recruitment needs:most common job titles and technologies associated with them;principles of software development;techniques to screen a resume, analyze a job requirement and conduct a technical interview; The course will be useful for people looking to start their career as IT recruiters, junior technical recruiters looking to expand their knowledge as well as recruiters from other areas who would like to start working in IT recruitment. Bonus lectures: advanced IT for recruiters."
Price: 24.99

"The Answer - Literal Steps to Your Relationship Bliss" |
"You were born to be great, to succeed, and your relationship / marriage life to be happy, secure and satisfying. If you don't feel like that right now, you are one decision away from getting back on track ...The Answer Literal Steps to Your Relationship Bliss is designed to help the most amount of people most effectively in their relationships, and that includes you!Here's how it works.Just as there is only ONE heart that keeps our blood flowing, ONE rudder that steers every ship, ONE switch that powers your whole housethere is also just ONE catalyst that feeds, nourishes and keeps every relationship / marriage alive and juicy. Without it, all relationships are at risk of withering and dying. Fortunately, the answer to your relationship success is simple and it lies in learning how to identify this ONE catalyst and how to activate it directly into your life. This ONE catalyst which has been lost in modern culture has been found again in The Answer Literal Steps to Your Relationship Bliss.This ground-breaking course gets right down to the naked truth about the psychology of how humans relate successfully. Unlike any other course of its kind, The Answer leads you via literal simple steps to the ONE simple root of which all successful relationships are founded upon. Soon, this root can be activated in your relationship, and like a catalyst, the many issues and problems will start to fall into alignment.Everything in this course is centred around this ONE catalyst. Here are some of the effects that are caused when you activate it in your relationship: You start to feel known and understood again. You start to feel deeply loved consciously and subconsciously. You start to see each other in a different way like windscreen wipers clearing the windscreen. Your deep inner feelings for each other start to change like ice beginning to melt. Your attraction and awareness for each other starts to change. Like oil to a car engine, your communication will start to run smoothly. You start to feel loved again which causes you to fall back in love with your partner. You will begin to realise that someone in your life has purposefully made plans to benefit and bless you like no other person, and.....these plans are being carried out.... by your partner! Here's how the course is laid out: We start with a passionate critique of the relationship culture in the 21st Century and what it would take to change the course of society. This leads us to looking at why this course had to be radically different to any others to succeed long term.Then we look at preparation questions and answers which will reveal the ONE catalyst and show how it can work its transforming miracle in your relationship.Now we take the first eleven literal steps which identify precisely what the catalyst is for your relationship. This includes the steps to apply it to your life immediately and most crucially, the simple plan how to ensure it becomes a lifestyle habit as effortlessly as possible.After that we take six literal steps which reveal precisely what weakens and could eventually destroy the catalyst working in your relationship. Then again, and most importantly, you are led through the simple plan to eliminate those things and to ensure this direction becomes a lifestyle habit as easily as possible.Finally, four literal steps which implement the simple plan to maintain your happy, successful, loving, secure, sexually satisfying relationship for ever. This course is a lifetime investment.This course can add priceless value, stability, and meaning to your life if You are currently in a relationship or marriage and desire to vastly increase your happiness, security and satisfaction. You are struggling in your relationship or marriage or considering separation or divorce. Only you want the relationship to work, your partner has given up. You are single and you want the knowledge and expertise needed to gain a wonderful future relationship. What am I going to get from this course?The course includes over 3 hours of class lecture video content, as well as exercises and resource material on how to practically apply the ONE catalyst to your relationship. The resource material is downloadable to be a practical tool that can be used at your convenience. The class is delivered in easy to follow video modules, and also includes lecture descriptions you can read plus PDF charts so you can go at whatever speed you prefer.I'm really excited to be delivering this course to you and hearing how this ONE catalyst is giving you hope and a vision for your relationship. I know what it feels like to be paralysed in a marriage without a way forward and there is nothing worse. Knowing you have a clear plan which addresses your relationship needs can make each day so much lighter and brighter.Most of all, please engage with the discussion section of this course. I'd love to be able to chat with you, get building new relationships and certainly answering any questions that you may have. Talk soonJohnResults Relationship Coach"
Price: 99.99

"Beginner Mandolin Lessons - LEARN MANDOLIN FROM SCRATCH" |
"Online Mandolin Lessons Course MANDOLIN FROM THE BEGINNING#1 Online Mandolin Lessons CourseOver 50,000 Enrollments from 169 Countries in Lesson Pros CoursesFeatured in Minnesota Music Hall of Fame, Recorded in Nashville with Grammy Award WinnerWinner of Minnesota Trick Fiddling Contest, MNTA Most innovative Teaching SystemHave taught along with National Touring Bands in Workshops all across the US and South AmericaOnline Mandolin Lessons Course - Start Mandolin - Start Learning Mandolin - Mandolin Beginner Course. Mandolin Learn the basic concepts and building blocks that you will need to play the Mandolin from scratch.Rated the Best Beginner Mandolin Lessons OnlineWhy take Online Mandolin Lessons from this guy?My passion is inspiring others to feel more confident in themselves and their playing. I feel like playing the mandolin can do that. After years of performing and teaching all over the US. at workshops, out of my home and through multiple schools, I was asked by many of my students to make mandolin course videos of my lessons. So here is the result.I hope you will join me on the inside of this mandolin course where you will learn some amazing mandolin tricks.What will I learn in this Online Mandolin Lessons Course?For the beginner players who would like to learn and/or improve their mandolin skillsLearn your basics - I will teach you a shortcut way to play mandolin to make it easier to learn mandolin faster. Every detail will be broken down and explained in easy to understand parts to help you succeed.You will learn everything to get you started from scratch to learn how to play on your own in the key of D.You will learn the D scale and the Major Pentatonic scale and how to use it to play along with others and or backing tracks. Learn tricks to help you sound like the pros.You will get backing tracks to be able to play along with to help develop your skillsWho is the target audience for this Mandolin CourseAnyone interested in learning the mandolin for the first timeThe beginning the mandolin who wants to play mandolin for enjoymentFor those who are brand new to mandolin, or to those who have started and failed, those who play mandolin now but wish their playing was better, those who are ingrained in the way they taught themselves mandolin, but realize now that they need to go back and re-learn mandolin the right way.Great for all agesMandolin Lessons Broken Down to the Smallest DetailAll these online mandolin lessons videos are all broken down to the smallest detail. It's assumed that a person who has never attempted to play mandolin is watching this course. If you have experience, and it's too broken down for you, simply increase the speed of the video to skim over the topics and discussion points, and/or skip to a video that more suites your needs.Questions about this Mandolin course?Feel free to send me any questions you might have on this mandolin course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.ThanksThanks for taking the time to look at this Beginner Mandolin Course MANDOLIN MASTERY FROM THE BEGINNING course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside and teaching you how to be a better mandolin player.Chuck MillarLesson ProsBuilding Confidence Through MusicBeginner Mandolin Course MANDOLIN FROM THE BEGINNINGBeginner Mandolin Lessons - Learn Mandolin from Scratch - Start Learning Mandolin - Beginner Mandolin Course. Mandolin - Learn the basic concepts and building blocks that you will need to play the Mandolin from scratch.Rated the Best Beginner Mandolin Lessons Online"
Price: 19.99

"Travel Game for Kids Geography Math" |
"It will take math and geography skills to find Dregco. He must be found before he destroys the world with Professor Spencer's math formula. The math questions in the course are easy enough. Answers are provided to ensure the child stays on track. Learning about different countries and their relationship to each other provides the child with an exciting lesson in geography. Children travel with Detective Jarbo from New York City to San Francisco, California, where Dregco boards a cruise ship headed for Hawaii. Once in Hawaii, the little green monster flies to Asia, but not before disappearing off the cruise ship onto a submarine. Children will enjoy virtual travel using video, images, different modes of transportation and quizzes. The characters are in cartoon format, however, all travel videos are in real life format which creates a colorful, interesting and informative lecture. Children will need to employ math and geography skills to help Detective Jarbo find Dregco. The FBI is on the case as well, however, they don't know Dregco is a shapeshifter. Note: Video Lectures are added often until the Detective Jarbo travel around the entire world."
Price: 19.99
