"filmora 9 - edicin de vdeo profesional fcil e intuitiva" |
"Filmora 9 a venido ganando terreno con pisadas fuertes en el mundo de la edicin de vdeo, convirtindose rpidamente en la herramienta de post produccin preferida por muchos para editar sus propios vdeos. Si estas buscando un editor de vdeo que sea fcil de aprender, de trabajar en el y que brinde la calidad profesional que su trabajo requiere sin tener que complicarse demasiado, posiblemente filmora 9 sea la mejor opcin y en este curso te enseo como trabajar en el desde cero. As es, empezamos desde cero y vamos avanzando explorando todas las herramientas y potencialidades para la edicin de vdeo, as que si nunca has tenido contacto con la edicin de vdeo o quieres profundizar en este mundo, este es el curso indicado para ti. Si lo que buscas es un programa que te brinde todas las herramientas necesarias para hacer tus cursos virtuales, vdeo tutoriales y dems, filmora 9 tambin incluye un potente grabador de pantalla y desde luego en este curso te enseo como sacarle su mximo provecho. Que esperas!! te espero en clase."
Price: 74.99

"Edicin de vdeo y correccin de Color en Davinci Resolve" |
"Blackmagic es sin duda hoy por hoy una de las compaas ms consolidadas en la industria del Cine Digital como fabricante de cmaras y un sin nmero de equipos dirigidos a la industria, como tambin por la creacin de aplicaciones propias del ramo como lo es DaVinci Resolve un potente programa de post produccin que en sus inicios fue introducido exclusivamente para la correccin de color y etalonaje, pero que de a poco fue incluyendo herramientas de edicin y en la versin 16 se cuenta con un gran numero de herramientas y adems en idioma espaol de manera nativa; de esta forma encontramos en DaVinci Resolve una potente herramienta que nos permite hacer la post produccin de nuestro trabajo audio visual en una sola plataforma, desde la edicin, la correccin de color, efectos especiales y sonido en un solo programa, y lo mejor de todo, DaVinci Resolve 16 lo puede descargar y trabajar GRATIS. En este curso aprenders a manejar DaVinci Resolve, desde bsico ha avanzado, de tal forma que en la post produccin de tus vdeos el limite sea tu talento y creatividad y no el desconocimiento de esta potente herramienta. Iniciaremos desde como descargar el programa de forma gratis, como instalarlo, conocer las herramientas, como importar la media a DaVinci, como es el proceso de edicin, paso a paso conoceremos cada una de las herramientas, y ms importante an, el porque de cada una y cul es la mejor forma de utilizarla, posterior pasaremos al proceso de correccin de color, coloracin, looks y crear nuevos look en DaVinci, para por ultimo aprender como exportar nuestra produccin de tal forma que el producto final sea optimo y de gran calidad. Sin lugar a duda al finalizar este curso sabrs como sacarle el mximo provecho a esta potente herramienta. "
Price: 74.99

"How To Promote Adult Products With Google Ads Like A Pro" |
"Do you want to make money selling adult products such as toys and supplements? You want to promote your adult products on Google and drive a lot of sales?You want to discover how i have been making money promoting and selling my sexual enhancement products with Google ads? You want to know how smart marketers like myself are using Google to sell supplement and drive huge sales daily?If your answer is YES,You need this course. No hype. learn how i do things with my practical videos and you'll come back to share your testimony."
Price: 59.99

"Optimize Google Ads With Rules - Auto AdWords Optimization" |
"Save time and money. Minimize your efforts and get the best from your Google ads. Automate your account, campaigns, ads, ad groups, keywords, budget, bids and pretty much everything in your account without spending a penny. Join me in this 100% practical training course that will open your eyes to greater opportunities to kill your competitors dead.With over a million dollars spent on Google ads in 2 years, and over 5 years active experience, you'll be amazed with the wealth of knowledge you will discover in this course."
Price: 54.99

"Apache Spark with Scala By Example" |
"Understanding how to manipulate, deploy and leverageApache Spark is quickly becoming essential for data engineers, architects, and data scientists. So,it's time for you to stay ahead of the crowd by learning Spark with Scala from an industry veteran and nice guy.This course is designed togive you the core principles needed to understand Apache Spark and build yourconfidence through hands-on experiences.In this course, youll be guided through a wide range of core Apache Spark concepts using Scala source code examples;all of which are designed to give you fundamental, working knowledge. Each section carefully builds upon previous sections, so your learning is reinforced along every step of the way. All of the source code is conveniently available for download, so you can run and modify for yourself. Here are just a few of concepts this course will teach you using more than 50 hands-on examples:Learn the fundamentals and run examplesof Spark's Resilient Distributed Datasets,Actions and Transformations through ScalaRun Spark on yourlocalcluster and alsoAmazon EC2Troubleshooting tricks whendeploying Scala applications to Spark clustersExplore Spark SQL with CSV, JSON and mySQL database(JDBC) data sourcesDiscover Spark Streaming through numerous examples and build a custom application which streams fromSlackHands-on machine learning experimentswith SparkMLlibReinforce your understanding through multiple quizzes and lecture recapCheck out the free preview videos below!As an added bonus, this course will teach you about Scala and the Scala ecosystem such asSBT and SBT plugins to make packaging and deploying to Spark easier and more efficient. As another added bonus,on top of all theextensivecoursecontent, the course offers a private message board so you canask the instructor questions at anytime during your Spark learning journey.This course will make you more knowledgeable about Apache Spark. It offers you the chance to build yourconfidence, productivity and value in your Spark adventures."
Price: 39.99

"Scala for Spark - The Most Important Parts" |
"Understanding how to leverage Apache Spark from Scala is becoming both essential for data engineers, architects, and data scientists. But, what if you are new to Scala?If you are new to Scala, this course will teach you to become productive and confident in Scala. The course focus is Scala relevant for Apache Spark. It will demonstrate through a variety of hands-on examples as well as prepare and configure your own development environment in the free IntelliJ Community Edition.In the book High Performance Spark from OReilly and Associates, the authors state serious performant Spark development is most easily achieved in Scala and more reasons include To Be a Spark Expert You Have to Learn a Little Scala Anyway. Other noteworthy quotes from the book include The Spark Scala API is Easier to Use than the Java API and Scala is More Performant Than PythonIn thisScala for Sparkcourse, you will be taught the core Scala principles needed to build your confidence and become both productive and valuable.Scala for Spark trainingThis course will guide you through a wide range of hands-on Scala source code and how it relates to Apache Spark concepts. This is the only course designed specifically what you need to know in Scala in order to be productive with Apache Spark.This course willteach you how to configure SBT and SBT plugins to make packaging and deploying Scala applications to Spark easier and more efficient.The Scala for Spark course also includes hands-onexamples of configuring the free Community Edition of IntelliJ which is one of the most popular IDEs for Scala development. All of the source code is available for download, so you can run and modify for yourself. This can save you a tremendous amount of time over reading a book or finding tutorials on the Internet.The course is organized into the following sections:Introduction, Environment Setup and Basic Concepts of the ScalaJumpstart Scala SBT for Apache Spark projectGetting Started with Scala in IntelliJScala key language elementsScala classes, inheritance, and traitsScala for SparkScala CollectionsScala With IntelliJSBT with ScalaSample Spark ExamplesConclusion and Free ResourcesSave time and learn from an experienced Scala and Spark data engineer."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification" |
"Welcome to the World of Salesforce! The #1 On-Demand CRM! Welcome to the course ""The Complete Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification"" from Archana Rajendran, a Salesforce certified professional holding five salesforce certifications. You have taken the right step in your path to become a Salesforce certified Advanced Administrator. This course is over (a whooping!) 27 hours in length and is probably one of the most complete and comprehensive online courses you will ever get to see covering the administration essentials for experienced admins. This comprehensive hands-on course is for administrators who are ready to significantly ramp up their skills and knowledge about using Salesforce to solve their most pressing business needs. I have designed this course based on my work experience and using real-world scenarios so you can related the concepts that you learn with the real-time business requirements.This course is 100% aligned with the Salesforce Official exam guide for Advanced Administrator and covers the following topics - > Security and Access> Extending Custom Objects and Applications> Process Automation> Auditing and Monitoring> Sales Cloud Applications> Service Cloud Applications> Data Management> Content Management> Change Management> Reports and DashboardsSo, why wait..start learning, understand the concepts and get certified! You have a 30-day money back guarantee so you're at no risk!!I truly wish you all great success and I'm so excited to see your success journey in Salesforce!Happy Learning!!"
Price: 199.99

"Quick Start to Capture One Pro" |
"**Updated for Capture One 20**Capture One Pro is a powerful digital asset management (DAM) tool that can benefit any photographer. Whether you're new to photography or an established photographer, Capture One has professional-level tools that can help you improve your photography workflow. This course is for you if:You are looking for a way to organize and edit your photosYou are looking for alternatives to Lightroom that don't require a subscriptionYou are wanting to level up your photo editing skillsSome of the topics we'll cover are:Capture One BasicsGetting familiar with Capture One's interfaceLearning about how Capture One works with catalogsSpeeding up our workflow with Capture One's organization toolsPhoto Editing in Capture OneCropping and straightening photosUsing professional grade color correction toolsImproving our photos in post with Capture One's exposure toolsAdding that extra bit of polish to photos with the detail toolsAdvanced Photo Editing with Capture OneWorking with layers in Capture OneUsing an external tool like Photoshop and Affinity Photo with Capture OneBatch exporting photos out of Capture OneBy the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge you need to start taking advantage of Capture One's powerful features in your own photography projects."
Price: 199.99

"A Practical Guide to Creating a Podcast" |
"You like to learn by example. No vague advice needed. Keep it practical. You want someone to break down the entire process from start to finish so you can glean as much information as possible for your own podcast. If that sounds familiar, this course is for you. Here's what we'll cover:Podcasting strategies to help you answer the right questions before you startHardware and software recommendations for your podcasting setupRecording of a real-world podcast episodeEditing of a real-world podcast episodeGraphics, blog post, QA and scheduling an episodeWhy this course?Whether you're just starting out or you're an experienced podcaster, there's a lot of advice out there for podcasters. The challenge is a lot of the advice out there makes grand promises of creating chart-topping podcasts or implying you can quit your day job once you start your podcast.This course is different.We won't get in the weeds comparing podcast hosts. Everyone's budget is different. We won't add fluff to the course by talking about submitting your podcast to iTunes or Spotify. They've got official documentation to walk you through that process.This course is fluff free.Podcasting is a lot of hard work. For the past five years, I've put in thousands of hours into multiple podcasts. As of recording this course, my current podcast ranks higher than 90% of shows (according to Libsyn's download stats). But I won't be covering any podcast marketing techniques in this course.Why?Because the best way to grow your podcast isn't through fancy tricks or a big marketing budget. The best way to grow your podcast is by creating great content.In fact, I spend well over 90% of my time on the podcast focusing on the content using the techniques in this course. The only marketing I do for my podcast is the occasional post to social platforms...you don't need me to show you how to post onFacebook and Instagram. So, let's cut the fluff and focus on the good stuff in this course.This course is practical.Some courses cover recording and editing a podcast episode in less than five minutes. That's not realistic. We'll take the time to cover the whole process so you know what it's really like. It's just the right balance of being practical to give you realistic expectations about what it takes to create a podcast while saving you time in the process.Ready to get started?When you're ready for a practical, no-bull approach to creating a podcast...I'll see you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Photoshop Beginner to Master" |
"This Introduction to Photoshop tutorial will get you up to speed on all the tools you'll need to know inside of Photoshop. With over 14 hours of content, we'll cover the wide range of tools that Photoshop has to offer. We'll start by getting familiar with the user interface and how to move around inside of Photoshop. From there, we'll go beyond the what and learn the why behind digital images. There's no one-size-fits-all digital image file type, so you'll need to know the benefits of using one over the other in different situations. Why should you pick JPG images over GIF images over TIFF images? What's the difference between 8-bit and 16-bit or pixel-based images and vector shapes? We'll break down the technical stuff into a simple and easy to understand way.No matter what challenges you'll come across in Photoshop, there are tools to help you tackle them. You don't always need to use every tool, but you always need to know what tool will work best for your project. This course will walk you through all the different features, tools and operations you need to add to your tool belt to conquer whatever projects come your way."
Price: 149.99

"The eCom Brand Accelerator" |
"Jeff Bezos of Amazon created an eCommerce machine that made buying physical product online super easy, and he is now one of the richest people in the world. Perhaps this is why eCommerce skills are one of the most in-demand skills in the present day workplace.While I cant guarantee that The eCom Brand Accelerator will make you a billionaire, I can tell you that itll teach you the fastest way to build a profitable and sustainable eCommerce brand that your customers love using the very same process we have used over the last 6 years to build Meggings . com (Google ""dragons' den meggings"" if you want to see us pitch the Dragons' ;)).If youre concerned that you need to learn how to code or how to make your own physical product, do not worry. This course is built for you. Well start from the beginning, and youll learn exactly how to:Launch your Shopify store on your own branded domainGet 1000 clicks consistently from Facebook AdsTurn traffic into leads and buyers on autopilotGet your first sale without having to code (and even if you stink at sales!) and how we grew to $10k/mo (Screenshare included!)Pick a free email marketing tool to useGrow your email list from 0 to 1000Choose the right product to sellFind a supplier and distributor so you don't actually have to create or ship the product yourselfOptimize your store for conversionsSince the rise of Ali Express, Oberlo and Dropshipping (we like to call it Dropsh*tting ;)), the eCom world has been full of everyone and their mother setting up poorly designed Shopify stores selling even worse products.At the start... this worked. Consumers loved the low prices and product demo videos on Facebook. Now the market is saturated, consumers know the products suck and only the most skilled Facebook Ad Ninja can acquire customers profitably.No...We have to do something different if we are to succeed with eCom.We must build a REAL brand.Fortunately, myself and my two best friends started a real eCom brand back in 2012 and luckily for you... we made all the mistakes...So you don't have too.This course is jam packed with step-by-step how to videos and tasks where Ill show you (and youll do it alongside with me!):How we get our customers to create and SHARE content for us (virally increasing our sales)How we use a Sneaky Facebook Messenger Funnel to gain millions of impressions for cents on the dollarHow to put your eCom Lead Generation on autopilot with this free Shopify applicationThis course is different from other courses because for the past 6 years Ive used these exact tactics to build a profitable and sustainable eCom Brand that still exists today (Google ""meggings"" we are number 1 ;)). These are not theories. In many videos I screenshare my actual Shopify Dashboard, email marketing backend, and real time Google Analytics dashboard.Join The eCom Brand Accelerator today, and Ill show you a pretty insane way to find your first sale (hint: not Facebook Ads) first thing after you complete your purchase."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 49.99

"iMovie 2019:The Complete Video Editing Guide Beginner to Pro" |
"Welcome to our iMovie 2019: The Complete Video Editing Guide Beginner to Pro course!This iMovie course is going to teach you everything that you need to know about iMovie, from how to use tools and effects to how to put footage to music and create an engaging and awesome video edit!If you have an interest in editing and an eagerness to learn how to edit in a creative way then this course is for you! Be sure to download the Resources; link provided in the 1st lesson!You Will Learn How To:Download iMovie if you don't already have itCreate a Movie/Video Editing ProjectAccess photos/music within iMovieUse Events and Name an EventUse the iMovie LibraryFind and Edit Royalty Free Music and footageWork with and Customize Backgrounds, Transitions and TitlesUse Animated Maps and add your own travel destinations in themImport footage and other media into iMovieCreate in and out points in your raw footageColor correct footageChange the color temperature of your footageCrop footage or photos and use the Ken Burns effectUse overlay effectsStabilize shaky footageSpeed up or slow mo footage and reverse footageRecord your own voice in iMovieFlip your footageMake bad audio sound betterWork with Green ScreenCut clips on the beat of musicMake decisions as an editorCreate an engaging video edit using talking head footage, b-roll clips, music, voice over and a logo!-And so much more!Your Instructor for this course is Alli Saunders; Alli is a professional Video Editor who runs an established Video Production company based out of Toronto and has worked on several hundred commercial video editing projects. She is also the Instructor on several other online courses related to video production, including an in-depth course on Premiere Pro CC.Enroll today to learn how to video edit in iMovie 2019!"
Price: 194.99

"Stock Footage Crash Course For Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Stock Footage Crash Course For Beginners!In this crash course, you will learn everything you need to know to get started in stock footage.I'm Will Bartlett and I'll be your Instructor; As a Cinematographer for over 10 years, a YouTuber, and the Owner of an established Video Production company based out of Toronto, My entire life revolves around video creation. I have several thousand stock files published online across various marketplaces, and in this course, I'll share with you everything I've learned from my experiences shooting and preparing stock footage, to what you can expect when uploading it to an online market place.What's covered in this course:What stock footage is & what to expectThe stock footage mentalityEquipmentWhat stock footage is popularWhat stock footage is NOT popularEditing guidelinesA complete editing walk throughThe submitting process start to finishSales and Income InsightsStock footage tipsThis stock footage course was created to open your eyes into the potential of stock footage and to share my thoughts and experiences on the subject.Thanks for checking this course out!"
Price: 64.99

"Visionary Servant Leadership" |
"Do you want to become the best leader you can be? Do you want to create transformational change in your workplace, family and community? Do you want to lead effective and efficient teams that love to work with you? Do you want to unlock the keys to building successful relationships built on loyalty and trust that enhance all aspects of life?If you answered ""yes"" to any of those questions, you're in the right place!Servant leadership will guide you to become the best leader you can be in all areas of life, whether you're a CEO, parent, team leader, manager, aspiring leader or studentThis course will teach you the basics of how to optimize your leadership style in order to connect with your colleagues, families, friends and strangers in order to build political capital and enact positive change! Take this course at your own pace and apply these simple and easy keys into your leadership style that will unleash your potential and the potential of those around you!All future lectures and other bonuses added to the course are always free once you have enrolled.I am always available by email and the course discussion board to help you along your journey!"
Price: 199.99

"Up and Running With PostgreSQL 11" |
"OverviewPostgreSQL is a general purpose and object-relational database management system, the most advanced open source database system widely used to build back end systems.Startups including big companies such as Apple, Cisco, Redhat and more use Postgres to drive their business.The Goal of this course is to help anyone to become familiar with Relational Databases and learn most common used SQL statements, allowing you execute queries agains any relational database.Course Road MapIntroduction to PostgreSQLSetup your environment and get ready to start coding for both MacOS and WindowsCreate, Read, Update & Delete (CRUD) commandsLearn about different ways of filtering data using where clauseWork with Date and TimestampsLean how to to Join and Left Join to combine data from one more tablesPostgres extensions and how sequences are managedLearn how to create tables with the right constraintsLearn how to export data to CSV filesCongratulations. You will be ready to right SQL and have a great understanding of Postgres databaseLet's get started now"
Price: 74.99

"Spring Boot 2 & React FullStack Development" |
"Spring Boot 2 allows to take an idea/prototype and turn it into a real thing in matters of hours. A lot of companies use Spring Boot because it's easy to setup, learn and write code very fast without having to setup the low level platform code. Recently, Netflix has decided to switch their entire backend to Spring Boot 2. This shows that Spring Boot is a must if you are or want to become a software engineer in the Java/Kotlin world.This course teaches how to build a full stack application from the ground up and touches on very import concepts used in real live software development. Concepts such as:Backend with Spring Boot 2Fontend with React.jsDatabasesManaging Database SchemasDockerError HandlingPackaging applications for deploymentDeploying FullStack apps using AWS Elastic BeanstalkDependency InjectionThis course focus on teaching you the process needed to build your own apps and deploy to real users. The skills gained at the end of this can be applied immediately on your own projects, university projects and at your work place.What are you waiting for? I shall see you inside..."
Price: 199.99

"Docker and Containers Essentials" |
"Packaging you applications with Docker means that it runs in all environments as it does in you local machine. Docker is a tool that has changed how applications are deployed. Virtual machines are not being used as much as they with the adoption Docker, this has made docker the standard in the software industry.In this course you will learnWhat is DockerThe benefits Images and ContainersDebuggingDocker RegistriesBest practices to build docker ImagesIf it works on my machine it works on your machine. Join me in the course to learn the one the best technologies in the last 10 years."
Price: 99.99

"Speak Spanish the Natural Way 1: Present Tense Regular verbs" |
"FINALLY SPEAK IN SPANISH! With over 2 decades of experience and thousands of students from all over the world, what students say:Callie: I am beyond amazed at how much Spanish I have learned in 4 weeks. I am excited to learn more! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!Aubrey (lives in Spain): By studying Spanish with Jeff I have learned a ton and gained so much confidence for my everyday life out and about in town. The class has given me the freedom to truly engage with the Spanish community around me in both friendships and business transactions.Ladeania: I have TRIED learning Spanish before and I didnt feel as though I was grasping it. Ive been in one of Jeffs classes for only two months and Im already learning TONS!Jillian: This is my third attempt of learning Spanish and his approach is the first one that worked for me. I cannot recommend him enough.Alice: Before I started this class I knew zero Spanish, not even high school Spanish. In the past two months I have learned so much.In the course, you will Speak in Spanish from the first lesson.Visually learn Spanish without having to translate.Form your own sentences, and not just memorize expressions.Learn the fundamental building blocks of Spanish so you can create your own conversations.Who is the ideal student:People who think that they can't learn languages.Students who have never studied Spanish before.Those who have tried to learn Spanish but have been unsatisfied with their progress.Beginners who want a clear structure and method to learning Spanish. How does the course work:Through the video lessons, you will visually learn subjects and verbs and how to put the pieces together to form full sentences. You will participate in interactive and engaging visuals and be prompted to speak out loud in Spanish. You learn the different parts of sentences and how to put them together so you create your own conversations."
Price: 19.99

"Paint a Realistic Cat in Watercolor: Inspiring Tutorial" |
"Do you love pets? In this course you will learn basic watercolor techniques while painting a cute cat!Here you will feel comfortable of each step you make because each step ois explained and demonstrated. Here you will know what you will get in the end! It is not a fantasy ""do whatever"" class, it is an actionable course where you will learn the real techniques and create realistic art.This class expects people of Intermediate level to participate, but it is great for all levelssince I explain every step I take, demonstrate the proccess and introduce all basic techniques. No matter your level, you will have all tools needed to paint this adorable ginger cat with me!WHAT YOU WILL GETDetailed explanation of all art supplies I've used in this course + useful suggestions and alternativesCarefully planed-out preparation for the classDemonstration of sketching processExplanation of all colors used in the class + Each paint I used is mentioned & written downBreak down of the color scheme for the paintingStep by step demonstration of the painting process with explanation of each move. Cat portrait is broken down into blocks: first layers, second layers, eyes/nose/mouth, body, background, details.WHAT YOU WILL LEARNHow to sketch a portrait of a cat on your chosen paper formatHow to prepare the color scheme for your particular artworkRules of color mixing: primary & complementary colors, tones & densityHow to use wet-on-wet technique on cellulose paperHow to use layering techniqueHow to fix mistakes and accidents on timeHow to paint realistic eyes: tones, shadows, highlightsHow to recreate fluffy effect of cat's furThis class will lead you through the whole proccess of painting a realistic cat from scratch to a final result in real-time. No speeding up the video, no covering up mistakes - you will see the all of it!Here you will combine different watercolor techniques: layering, wet-on-wet, dry-on-dry, loose style and great detailing."
Price: 54.99

"Oracle PL/SQL avanzado" |
"Durante este curso, vamos a profundizar en conceptos avanzados de Oracle PL/SQL, el lenguaje de programacin de las Bases de Datos Oracle. Este lenguaje permite desarrollar aplicaciones complejas dentro de Oracle. Una vez terminada la formacin habremos visto muchos de los puntos avanzados y buenas prcticas que encontrars en tu vida laboral como desarrollador de Oracle PL/SQLEl curso vale tanto para 18c, 12c y 11g. Aunque no es un curso especfico para certificacin, si que tiene muchos de los conceptos que necesitas para certificarte como desarrollador PL/SQL de OracleCon una mquina virtual Linux con Oracle 18c Express ya preparada para trabajar. Aunque durante el curso veremos como instalar todo lo necesario, para aquellos que queris ir directamente al grano, hemos creado una mquina virtual con Oracle Express 18c para que empecis a trabajar desde el minuto 1.El curso es eminentemente prctico. Mediante ejemplos y ejercicios iremos viendo las caractersticas del lenguaje y como puedes utilizarlo.Los puntos que veremos en este curso son:DependenciasCursores variables. REF CursorsColeccionesLOBSCompilacin nativaSQL dinmicoTrazaY otros conceptos avanzadosPara realizar el curso necesitas conocimientos de SQL y PL/SQLEspero que te guste y cualquier duda estoy a tu disposicinUn saludo y disfruta del cursoSergio"
Price: 19.99

wordpress-bilarabi |
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Price: 199.99

"Secure Your Job As A Batch Job/System Administrator in SAP" |
"Are You Looking for a Career Change?Are You Interest to Jump into SAP World Without Being Technical or Having Any Technical Knowledge/Education?Are You Currently Working in Different Domain of SAP and Looking for Change?Are You Interested to Make an Handsome Salary Without Being Technical or Having Any Technical Knowledge/Education?If Your Answer to Above Questions is Yes, then this Course is for you.This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of SAP Batch Job/Production Control/System Administration, Batch Job Analysis and Monitoring in SAP.This Course is Designed Based on Real Time Processes of of SAP Batch Job/Production Control/System Administration, Monitoring and Analysis, this Course will Help to Get Detailed Knowledge ofWhat is SAP?Installation of SAP GUIAdding SAP System Connection, Logging into SAP System and Other Activities in SAPGUI Role of a Batch Job/Production Control/System Administrator in SAPWhat is Variant in SAPPurpose of Variant in SAPHow to Create Simple/Advance Variant in SAPWhat is Batch Job in SAPPurpose of Batch Job in SAPHow to Create Simple/Advance Batch Job in SAPTask/Activities You Will Be Performing as Batch Job/Production Control/System Administrator in SAPScope of Batch Job/Production Control/System Administrator Role in SAPSAP Batch Job/Production Control/System Administration is Key/Essential Element in any SAPEnvironmentBy Taking that Course You Can Learn End to End Batch Job/Production Control/System Administration Activities in SAPHaving Knowledge in that Domain Will Help you to Open New Doors of Opportunities in your Career.Go Ahead And Enroll Today and Start Making a Handsome Salary In Ever Increasing and In Demand SAP Market.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding and Detailed Knowledge of Roles and Responsibility as Batch Job/Production Control Administrator in SAP,At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Your Experience and Knowledge in that Domain in SAP on your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!Disclaimer:SAPis a Registered Trademark of SAPAG Globally and We are NotAssociated with SAP by any Means.SAP Software andGUI are Proprietary SAP AG. Neither me orUdemy are Authorized to Provide SAPAccess. You can Officially Get SAP IDES Access to Practice on SAP System from SAP's website. I am Not Allowed by Udemy to Place Link Here.Please Google ""SAP IDES Access"" and you will Find Respective Links."
Price: 99.99

"S/4 HANA (Finance&Controlling) Certification Exam Questions" |
"The One and Only Course on Udemy with 500 Sample Exam Questions and Great Reviews.What Some of Our Students Says About this Course'Manish Kumar' Says""Question bank are almost similar to real time question.""------------'Chaitra Am' Says ""It was very good learning experience.""------------This Course is Prepared Based on Our S/4 Certified Professionals Experience in S/4 HANA Exams and Real Life.In This Sample Exam Questions Course You will GetQuestions With Deep and Clear Understanding of S/4 HANA (Finance and Controlling) and S/4 HANA Finance TopicGet Enriched Yourself with S/4 HANA (Finance and Controlling) and S/4 HANA Finance Certifications by Taking this CourseThis Course Covers All Relevant Topics Needed for S/4 HANA (Finance and Controlling) and S/4 HANA Finance Certifications From S/4 Release 1503 to 1909.Continuous Update to the Course For All Releases S/4 HANA Release-1909 Questions Update in ProgressNew Quiz Section for S/4 HANA Central Finance Added (Question Update In Progress)This Course is Offering 250+ Questions with Initial Release (This Course Would Have Continuous Question Update with New S/4 HANA Releases)Quiz:1 (S/4 HANA (Financials) - Last Update - N/ATotal Number of Questions in that Quiz = 207Quiz:2 (S/4 HANA (Controlling) - Last Update - N/ATotal Number of Questions in that Quiz = 18Quiz:3 (S/4 HANA (Material Ledger) - Last Update - N/ATotal Number of Questions in that Quiz = 35Quiz:4 (S/4 HANA (Fiori) - Last Update - N/ATotal Number of Questions in that Quiz = 10Quiz:5 (S/4 HANA (Central Finance) - Last Update - N/ATotal Number of Questions in that Quiz = 34Quiz:6 (S/4 HANA FICO/ML/FIORI/CF - Continuous Update) - Last Update - 06/26/2020Total Number of Questions in that Quiz = 196Total Number of Questions in the Course = 500 - Last Update - 06/26/2020Before You Start Taking These Tests, Note the Following Important Information about these Exam Questions to Avoid Confusion.All Questions Given in this Course are Generic and Applicable to All Releases of S/4 HANA Finance and S/4 HANA (Finance and Controlling) Unless Its Mention in the Question.Questions Contains in this Course are Combination of (Real Time Experience of S/4 HANA and S/4 HANA Finance, and From Real Time S/4 HANA and S/4 HANA Finance Exams.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of S/4 HANA Finance and S/4 HANA (Finance and Controlling) and You Would Be able Take and Pass the Certification Exam Very Easily.Learn Before You Take it!Don't Loose Your Exam Attempts By Taking and Failing Exam Without StudyingThis Course Would be Continuously Updated with New Releases, So it will be Your Life Long Investment For Sure.Get Certified and Gives Yourself An Edge in the Market on Other Candidates Applying for Same Position.Go Ahead And Enroll Today and Start Making 6-Figure Salary In Ever Increasing and In Demand SAP Market.Disclaimer:SAP is a Registered Trademark of SAP AG Globally and We are Not Associated with SAP by any Means."
Price: 99.99

"Screenwriting Masterclass: Crafting Complex Characters" |
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!You cant have a great plot without having amazing characters. Strong character development will evoke emotions in your audience whether youre writing a comedy, drama, or any other genre. To create great characters, you need your audience to connect in some way. Even if you love your characters, there is no guarantee your reader will connect with them.In this how-to video, youll learn:The three ways to connect a viewer to the main characterThe importance of empathyHow to make a great character relatableAnd more!Youll love this video if you are:Struggling to find an audienceRevising your latest scriptInterested in why people connect with charactersIf you want to elevate your scripts and stories AND your screenwriting or filmmaking career -- to the highest possible level, this class is a must.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creating characters that people connect with is no easy feat, but it is the key to writing amazing work. Learn several tips and techniques from Karl Iglesias that will take your characters to the next level. Filmmaking is not just about the cameras. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is Karl Iglesias? Karl Iglesias is a screenwriter and sought-after script doctor and consultant, specializing in the reader's emotional response to the written page. He is the best-selling author of Writing For Emotional Impact and The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters. He teaches at UCLA Extensions Writers' Program, where hes won the Outstanding Instructor Award for 2010, the Screenwriting Expo and online at Writers University. He also writes a regular column on the craft for Creative Screenwriting magazine.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates we'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help you write and sell your feature film screenplay.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Screenwriting Masterclass: How to Write Fascinating Scenes" |
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!Too many writers think that a scene is just two people talking or arguing. Or they use the scene as an opportunity to advance the plot, reveal character, or simply make an impact through set-pieces. While theres some validity to that, most amateur scenes tend to fall flat and disengage the reader, who ultimately tosses the script in the recycling bin. Writing great scenes requires talent, skill, know-how and practice. While the first two cant be taught, you can learn what makes a great scene, recognize when a scene doesnt work and why, and apply practical techniques as you craft dramatic scenes and receive feedback from the instructor.If you want to elevate your scripts and stories AND your screenwriting or filmmaking career -- to the highest possible level, this class is a must.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this online writing course you will learn:How to craft and structure the basic dramatic sceneEffective techniques to make your scene more compellingThe three types of scenes in a screenplayThe key elements of the pre-writing phase of a good sceneThe most common scene problems and how to avoid themThe crucial distinction between passive and active conflictHow to use the Emotional Palette to create tension and anticipationAll about pacing, scene variety, and scene transitionsHow to craft scene subtextWhether you are filmmaking as a pro, making movies on the weekends with a DSLR camera or deep into the craft of screenwriting this is for you.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is Karl Iglesias? Karl Iglesias is a screenwriter and sought-after script doctor and consultant, specializing in the reader's emotional response to the written page. He is the best-selling author of Writing For Emotional Impact and The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters. He teaches at UCLA Extensions Writers' Program, where hes won the Outstanding Instructor Award for 2010, the Screenwriting Expo and online at Writers University. He also writes a regular column on the craft for Creative Screenwriting magazine.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates we'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help you write and sell your feature film screenplay.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Final Cut Pro X Video Editing Crash Course" |
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!The Complete Final Cut Pro X Video Editing Crash Course is designed for anybody and everybody to learn Final Cut, Pro X, proficiently and efficiently enough to be able to import, edit and export their own content-- no matter if it's for a film, a branded social or for your YouTube channel. Take your video editing from beginner to professional with Final Cut Pro X.In just UNDER4 HOURS you will be taken the full gamut of importing, organizing, editing, coloring, titling, captioning, finishing and exporting -- no matter if you have previous editing experience or not! For those familiar with NLE's already you may be able to get away with just watching the lessons-- though that will be up to you.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates we'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to learn Final Cut Pro XFAST.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help master video editing on Final Cut Pro X.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Screenwriting 101: Learn from Working Hollywood Writers" |
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!There is NOTHINGlike this course on Udemy!Do you want to learn screenwriting from some Hollywood's greatest working screenwriters? Look no further. This course has almost 40 hours of in-depth discussions with more than two-dozen of today's most successful Hollywood screenwriters. From Oscar Winners to Blockbuster Screenwriters to Indie Film Hits, this course has it all! The Dialogue goes behind the scenes of the fascinating craft of screenwriting. They share Their work habitsMethods and inspirationsSecrets of the tradeBusiness adviceEye-opening stories from life in the trenches of the film industryEach screenwriter discusses his or her filmography in great detail and breaks down the mechanics of one favorite scene from their produced work. If you want to elevate your scripts and stories AND your screenwriting or filmmaking career -- to the highest possible level, this class is a must.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Host on this EPICadventure: Producer Mike De Luca is responsible for some of the most groundbreaking films of the last 15 years. After enrolling in New York University's film studies program at 17, De Luca dropped out four credits shy of graduation to take an unpaid internship at New Line Cinema. He advanced quickly there under the tutelage of founder Robert Shaye and eventually became president of production.The Mask (1994), Se7en (1995), Boogie Nights (1997), Dark City (1998), Pleasantville (1998), and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) were all released under his supervision. In 2003, De Luca left New Line to become president of production at DreamWorks. After a brief tenure there, he left and signed a deal with Sony Pictures, where he produced Zathura (2005) and Ghost Rider (2006). His more recent work is The Social Network (2010), Moneyball (2011), and Captain Phillips (2013).Whether you are filmmaking as a pro, making movies on the weekends with a DSLR camera or deep into the craft of screenwriting this is for you.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates we'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help you write and sell your feature film screenplay.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Indie Filmmaking Bootcamp: Budget & Schedule Like a Pro" |
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!Film Industry veteran,Debbie Brubaker, UPM ofTim Burton's Big Eyes andWoody Allen's Blue Jasmine provides an overview of scheduling and budgeting a narrative feature. This 4 part video series was shot at a sold-out event on in San Francisco. Brubaker, Known as San Franciscos Godmother of Indie Film, has worked with some of the industries biggest directors includingWoody Allen, Tim Burton, and Jennifer Siebel Newsom. In this workshop, she provides the wisdom for how to break down a screenplay, prepare a schedule, and fill those numbers in, especially the tricky fringes, which can make or break a budget. Great for movies making and documentary filmmaking. This is part of the film business they DON'Tteach in Film School.Lessons INCLUDEDPart 1: Script BreakdownPart 2: Building The SchedulePart 3: Filling in The Numbers & Intro to FringesPart 4: Getting the Fringes Right & Wrap-Up---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join over 30,000students that have already taken IFH Courses filmmaking and screenwritingEducation.If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help you market and sell your feature film, short film, web series, or brand.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Active Campaign for Entreprenuers" |
"Active Campaign is an Email Marketing platform for Sending newsletters, email campaigns that enables you to keep in touch with your contacts and customers.I will walk you through setting up your Active Campaign account from scratch. We will set up Lists, Contacts, Campaigns, Automation's, Deals and forms.This course has over 1 hour of content. I did my best to keep every lesson short, actionable, and to the point. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you apply what you learn and becomean Active Campaign Expert."
Price: 99.99

"Learning How to Learn From Video Courses" |
"Dear Future Student,I realize you have a few dozen courses to choose from.Thanks for considering this one!Why should you enroll in my course, and why should you NOT wait?What is in this course:This course is a product of my ongoing, unique research on learning from video courses.You'll learn:What makes learning from video courses harder than you think?How to fix it?How to avoid watching video courses like a movie?How to increase the retention of knowledgeHow to be more FOCUSED when you are learning online. Online Learning is a unique and continuously evolving field that requires frequent updates to keep up with the trends. I will keep adding videos as I unearth new ideas and get the data needed to back them.Learning from Online Courses is harder than you think.I am not saying this because I found it difficult for myself, or I saw my friends struggle. I have researched thousands of online learners' video-watching behavior across a breadth of online courses before arriving at this conclusion.Let's face it. We all sign up for courses even when we know there are courses that we are sitting on without completing, only reassuring ourselves that someday we will complete them.If a mere completion of an online course can be difficult, how hard would it be to learn from it? And what about retaining that Learning and applying it to our lives?This course explores the fundamental problems with learning online, primarily from video courses. You will see and relate to the issues we face as we try to complete online courses. Instead of just knowing the problems, we will discuss the solutions for them as well.At the end of this course, you will be able to pick the right courses for yourself; you will also be able to see that you are completing them faster than ever; importantly, learn from them and retain that Learning for the rest of your life.Using checklists and guidelines included in the course, you will develop your learning process. This course will surely make you a smarter learner when it comes to learning from online video courses!Join me on a journey towards lifelong learning."
Price: 199.99
