"Taxes for Self-Employed" |
"Learning how to legally lower your taxes and build your business assets. Submit a true and favorable tax return using tax benefits, tax options and legal tax loopholes. Combining tax benefits for maximum tax write offs for small businesses, freelancers, authors and one person start ups. This course is less than 1` hour, yet is geared to save you hundreds to thousands of dollars in taxes each year."
Price: 29.99

"Affinity Photo: Modern Special Effects" |
"Have you ever looked at a special photo effect and thought 'I wish I knew how to do that...' Well, I'll show you how.In a series of tutorials, I'll show you how to combine the various Affinity Photo tools to recreate the most popular photo effects you can see today, and maybe come up with your own signature look. I'll show you the right way to use the tools along with any potential problems and things to watch for when you create a series of stunning effects. But flexibility is key here, so I'll also show you several ways to adapt your new recipes to meet the needs of different images. I'll make recommendations about which images are suitable for which special effect, and I'll be giving you exercises to practice what you have learned.I assume a basic knowledge of Affinity Photo. But, because we will be using some of the more professional grade tools, I provide some reference videos which isolate and explain how to use them.But here's the especially nice bit. I often do these kind of courses because I love learning new things but also because I think it's important that I go through the same process you do when you learn from one of my courses. I find the single biggest problem is taking notes. It's the thing that slows me down, sometimes by a factor of 4 or 5.So I've made the notes for you. You will find a 50 page .pdf waiting for you to download from Lecture 2. It contains extensive notes on the methods and processes I describe along with many screenshots. So much better than a load of scribbled notes that took you ages to write down...It's so easy when you create an effect to get the feeling that the software is doing the talking for you. Well, we'll change that. I'll go into enough detail about how to use the tools and the right workflow to use that you will gain a deeper understanding of the entire process. You'll be creating stunning, flexible effects. You'll be making your photos shine!"
Price: 59.99

"Affinity Photo for the iPad: Special Effects" |
"Have you ever looked at a special photo effect and thought 'I wish I knew how to do that...' Well, I'll show you how. What's more, I'll show you how to on the go!In a series of tutorials, I'll show you how to combine the various Affinity Photo for the iPad tools to recreate the most popular photo effects you can see today, and maybe come up with your own signature look. I'll show you the right way to use the tools along with any potential problems and things to watch for when you create a series of stunning effects. I assume a basic knowledge of Affinity Photo for the iPad. But, because we will be using some of the more professional grade tools, I provide some reference videos which isolate and explain how to use them.But here's the especially nice bit. I often do these kind of courses because I love learning new things but also because I think it's important that I go through the same process you do when you learn from one of my courses. I find the single biggest problem is taking notes. It's the thing that slows me down, sometimes by a factor of 4 or 5.So I've made the notes for you. You will find a 70 page .pdf waiting for you to download from Lecture 2. It contains extensive notes on the methods and processes I describe along with many screenshots. So much better than a load of scribbled notes that took you ages to write down...The reason Icreated this course was because I've had many people ask if there was an iPad version of the two special effects courses I offer. So I took a good selection of the tutorials from both desktop based courses and recreated them for the iPad. That way you can learn to create stunning effects without the confusion of trying to figure out one interface to another.It's so easy when you create an effect to get the feeling that the software is doing the talking for you. Well, we'll change that. I'll go into enough detail about how to use the tools and the right workflow to use that you will gain a deeper understanding of the entire process. You'll be creating stunning, flexible effects. You'll be making your photos shine!"
Price: 59.99

"The Complete Beginner Photoshop T-Shirt Design Course (2020)" |
"In the ULTIMATE7 DAYPHOTOSHOPBOOTCAMP! I created the course that I WISHI had when I started designing 2 shirts 2 years ago. I teach you ONLYwhat you need to know to making winning (AKASELLING) T-Shirt designs. Simple sells and simple skills pay the bills! Sign up for this 7 day course and in 20 minutes or so a day you'll learn everything you need to know to start making designs to upload to a variety of PODsites or on your own store!HOORA"
Price: 19.99

"Direito Previdencirio Benefcios por Incapacidade no RGPS" |
"Na operao pente-fino do INSS (iniciada no 2 semestre de 2016), foram cortados centenas de milhares de benefcios por incapacidade. Essa atuao por parte do rgo gerou aumento significativo da judicializao e interesse por conhecer melhor as regras que norteiam a concesso e manuteno desses benefcios. Nesse cenrio conhecer os elementos essenciais e requisitos para a judicializao torna-se fundamental para o profissional do Direito que pretende atuar na seara previdenciria.Esse curso ir apresentar as regras que norteiam a concesso e manuteno desses benefcios; temas como incio e trmino do benefcio, renda, carncia e perodo de graa conforme a legislao vigente e a jurisprudncia. O diferencial deste curso est no fato de ter uma abordagem no apenas terica, mas tambm prtica, com foco centrado numa das reas de maior demanda judiciria: benefcios por incapacidade. Vamos dar algumas dicas para que voc tenha uma boa atuao!"
Price: 54.99

"Estatstica Inferencial" |
"Esse curso ir apresentar conceitos bsicos de estatstica. Permitindo aos alunos resolver os problemas de esperana matemtica e intervalo de confiana. Reconhecer tabelas estatsticas e saber calcular probabilidade envolvendo uma distribuio de Poisson. Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de identificar tipos de testes e nvel de significncia e aplicar teste de hipteses tornando-se um profissional ainda mais capacitado."
Price: 54.99

"Matemtica Bsica" |
"Esse curso ir apresentar, aos alunos de graduao em geral, ou aqueles que estejam se preparando para concursos, conceitos como razo e proporo, grandezas proporcionais, regra de trs, clculos de porcentagem e aumentos e descontos acumulados.Ajudar os estudantes de concursos pblicos a alcanar seus objetivos, melhorando seu raciocnio, e na construo da formao acadmica, permitindo aos alunos desenvolver um conhecimento bsico em matemtica."
Price: 39.99

"Noes de Microeconomia" |
"O curso Noes de Microeconomia apresenta uma introduo conceitos utilizados na microeconomia destacando, por um lado, a funo das famlias como tomadoras de decises de consumo e de oferta de trabalho e, por outro, a funo das firmas, que determina a produo de mercado. O curso pretende estudar o comportamento e a interao entre esses dois tipos de agentes econmicos. Com isso, seremos capazes de entender como funciona a oferta e a demanda de forma a conduzir o mercado a um equilbrio econmico."
Price: 39.99

"Esforos Mecnicos na Resistncia dos Materiais" |
"Os alunos conhecero os conceitos bsicos necessrios para identificao e conhecimento das aes decorrentes dos esforos mecnicos numa estrutura. A classificao das estruturas em relao aos vnculos, os tipos de apoios e carregamentos, tambm as unidades do Sistema Internacional.O diferencial deste curso est no fato do contedo ser simples, claro e elucidativo, o que contribui para melhor assimilao dos conceitos. Vamos dar algumas dicas para que voc tenha uma boa atuao!"
Price: 39.99

"Cultura Surda" |
"Este curso objetiva apresentar uma cultura que est presente em nosso meio, mas ainda desconhecida pela maioria da populao. Ao discorrer sobre essa temtica, paira sempre uma dvida sobre a existncia de uma cultura surda, esses questionamentos surgem em decorrncia das diferentes vises existentes sobre a surdez. Para entender melhor essa temtica, preciso compreender essas concepes, reconhecendo os surdos como um grupo lingustico e cultural. Quando h essa percepo, concebe-se a ideia de um povo que possui experincias visuais e falam uma lngua tambm visual, com uma identidade e uma cultura. Representam um grupo de pessoas que lutam por seus direitos e pelo reconhecimento da surdez como diferena, contrapondo-se deficincia que um pensamento amplamente difundido. E uma das mais fortes marcas da identidade dos surdos brasileiros sua lngua, a Lngua Brasileira de Sinais - Libras. Quando h uma mudana de olhar em relao aos surdos, entende-se claramente a existncia da cultura e da identidade surda."
Price: 54.99

"Democracia, Laicidade e Diversidade Religiosa" |
"A laicidade surge na modernidade como garantia da liberdade religiosa e da autonomia da poltica diante da religio, apresentando uma dimenso de ordem filosfica-jurdica-poltica, com suas implicaes para a convivncia coletiva em um espao plural e democrtico.Ao contrrio de outros temas igualmente importantes, a laicidade do Estado muito mal compreendida e tambm pouco valorizada. E quando a laicidade violada, quem perde so sempre minorias religiosas ou arreligiosas. Da a necessidade de esclarecer cuidadosamente a sociedade sobre sua definio e importncia. Principalmente no que se refere o espao pblico social brasileiro, que marcadamente apresenta um pluralismo de prticas e crenas religiosas. Queremos a busca por dominncia ou a busca por igualdade entre as religies e por consequncia, uma busca maior por equidade e reconhecimento dos direitos de cidadania como a liberdade de expresso e de praticar de forma livre sua crena religiosa?Em nossa sociedade, onde o Estado em sua constituio se proclama laico e se reconhece enquanto um Estado democrtico de direito, como garantir que no ocorra a represso reprima a diversidade religiosa?"
Price: 39.99

"Responsabilidade Civil e as Novas Modalidades de Dano" |
"O curso ir versar sobre a responsabilidade civil e as novas modalidades de dano, sempre buscando passar pelas discusses mais contemporneas sobre o tema.Para tanto, ser abordado na parte inicial do curso conceitos fundamentais da responsabilidade civil, seus elementos Ato ilcito, Culpa, Nexo Causal e dano e as diferentes espcies de responsabilidade contratual/extracontratual, objetiva/subjetiva, de acordo com a relao jurdica presente.Realizado o breve estudo inicial, as aulas sero destinadas a explicar as novas modalidades de dano que vem sendo discutidas pela melhor doutrina e pela jurisprudncia, quais sejam: o dano moral coletivo, o dano esttico, o dano pela perda de uma chance, pelo desvio produtivo do consumidor, o dano a privacidade e o dano social.O curso possibilitar ao aluno ter moderna compreenso da responsabilidade civil, superando as modalidades clssicas de dano e possibilitando uma atuao na rea jurdica da responsabilizao civil em acordo com as novas necessidades do mercado. Os tpicos sero discutidos tanto no plano terico, quanto prtico, atendendo as demandas tanto dos acadmicos, quanto dos profissionais militantes."
Price: 39.99

"Can you really speak English? Yes, you can!" |
"O curso visa ao entendimento e ao aperfeioamento da lngua inglesa em suas habilidades, sendo estas: fala, audio, escrita e leitura, pronncia, vocabulrio alm de abordar erros clssicos de alunos brasileiros ao longo da aprendizagem do idioma, uma vez que esses se baseiam em sua lngua materna ao aprender um idioma estrangeiro, o que um processo natural de aprendizagem.Conforme mencionado previamente, o curso destina-se a vrias faixas etrias, especialmente jovens e adultos que j tenham tido alguma noo bsica do idioma em questo cujo foco seja de aprimorar e aprofundar seus conhecimentos no idioma, aprimorar suas habilidades lingusticas e cognitivas no ingls, a fim de us-lo em diversas finalidades."
Price: 54.99

"The Junction Strategy - Buying Stocks In A Discount" |
"The Junction - An Amazing Strategy for buying Wall Street stocks cheaperthan their current market price.Is it at all possible??Yes, it is definitely possible.As I'll show you in the course, Warren Buffett in implementingthe very same strategy to buy huge chunks of shares in a greatdiscount.The Junction strategy involved a very basic touch with options trading.You don't need to be an options wizard in order to apply this strategywith a great outcome.So, no worries about that.I'm going to take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step throughthe whole strategy A to Z.Keep It Simple - That's my motto throughout this course.The benefits you'll have are beyond your wildest expectations.You'll have an enormous edge in comparison to the ""regular"" stock traders.THIS COURSE WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE AS A STOCK TRADER. GUARANTEED.The beauty about this strategy is that it's eternal. There is nothing that willprevent you from implementing exactly the same strategy 5 or 10 or 20 yearsfrom today.Actually you could teach your son and your grandson how to make profit withThe Junction Strategy.That's one of the best measures you could take to secure their financial future.OK, no more talk.See you soon in the other side.To Your Success!"
Price: 99.99

"Create Stunning Promotional Videos in Minutes!" |
"Just imagine the endless possibilities opened for you once you acquire the skills and know-how to create great-looking, professional, marketingVideos.in this course you are going to learn how to produce any kind of commercial in an amazingly short time.I'll introduce you and teach you the features of a video creation environmentthat in many ways. is beyond your wildest expectations. I call it the video creator's paradise.And the best of all:No camera is requiredNo video editing software is neededNo screencasting is involvedThis course is worth a fortune for you.You can launch awesome video campaigns in Facebook, YouTube and GoogleYou can Sell your video creation services to othersYou can create hot gigs in Fiverr and other freelancing sitesEven the skies are not the limit for you.This course is the best investment you made in years.IN YOURSELF.See you in the other sideCHEERS!"
Price: 99.99

"Automatizao do Trello" |
"Movimentao de cartes, incluso de checklists, datas de entrega, novos membros, campos personalizados, mudana de etiquetas e muito mais pode ser feito de forma automtica dentro dos seus quadros do Trello usando o power-up Butler. Assista o curso, descubra como configurar automatizaes para seus atuais fluxos de trabalho e coloque o Trello para trabalhar para voc."
Price: 99.99

"Ionic Cordova Admob Ads Course" |
"The course is for someone who wants to get started in implementing AdMob ads with Ionic framework the right way.We will start off by understanding the AdMob ecosystem.Then we will take a look at the Dos and Don'ts to keep your AdMob account safe.After that we will jump into coding sample apps for all scenarios,be it showing banner ads on load or showing interstitial ads based on time, the course will cover all the best practices.The course will teach you how to show ads without annoying the user.All the code shown in the course will be provided as downloadable files from the link mentioned at the end of the course.The course will have Ionic And AdMob centric focus.Basic level of knowledge of creating Ionic frameworks apps is needed for you to take this course.But I already Know How To Add Ads To My App?Well good for you, but as I mentioned, and as you can see from the table of contents, the book will also go over Ad Placement strategies that will maximize revenue and keep you AdMob account safe.Note: Ionic works the same on windows, Mac or Linux operating systems. You should not have any trouble taking this course if you wish to develop for IOS on a MAC.For recording this course only windows operating system is used."
Price: 29.99

"Wordpress Email Before Download Course" |
"Every wanted to implement a system where you offer your site visitors something as an download in exchange for their Email address?If yes. Then this is the course for you.In this course we will take a deep dive and take a look ad how you can setup an Email Before Download System in WordPress using free plugins.We will start off my taking a look at how the Email Before Download System works.Then we will compare paid and free Email Before Download options.After that we will install all the necessary plugins in WordPress and see the Email Before Download System in action.We will take a look at how to use different email templates and how to customize them.So if you are looking to create a mailing list by getting Emails from your site visitors and offering them something to download let's get started.Note: The course will not covers how to send newsletters and emails, we will be focused on Email Before Download System and creating a mailing list"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 2" |
"My Salesforce Classic Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, worldwide (not just on Udemy). I have been teaching Salesforce online since that time and have taught well over 110,000 students. This course is part 2 of a new course series, recorded in Salesforce Lightning. Whereas my prior course was recorded in Salesforce Classic, this course is recorded in Lightning Experience. Also, in order to get the most current information out to you as quickly as possible, I am dividing up the Salesforce Administrator Certification into a series of courses - this is the second course in the new series. This course covers the following Knowledge Areas of the Exam Guide:Standard and Custom ObjectsSales and Marketing ApplicationsAfter Tens of Thousands of Udemy Survey ratings for my courses, the students have spoken:""Are you learning valuable information?"" 99.6% answered YES""Are the explanations of the concepts clear?"" 99.8% answered YES""Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic?"" 99.9% answered YES"
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 3" |
"My original Salesforce Classic Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, worldwide (not just on Udemy). I have been teaching Salesforce online since that time and have taught well over 110,000 students. This course is part 3 of a new course series, recorded in the current release of Salesforce. Whereas my prior course was recorded in Salesforce Classic, this course is recorded in Lightning Experience. Also, in order to get the most current information out to you as quickly as possible, I am dividing up the Salesforce Administrator Certification into a series of courses - this is the third course in the new series. This course covers the following Knowledge Areas of the Exam Guide:Service and Support ApplicationsActivity Management and CollaborationData ManagementAfter Tens of Thousands of Udemy Survey ratings for my courses, the students have spoken:""Are you learning valuable information?"" 99.6% answered YES""Are the explanations of the concepts clear?"" 99.8% answered YES""Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic?"" 99.9% answered YES"
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 4" |
"My original Salesforce Classic Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, worldwide (not just on Udemy). I have been teaching Salesforce online since that time and have taught well over 110,000 students. This course is the fourth and final installment of my new Admin Certification course series, recorded in Lightning. Whereas my prior course was recorded in Salesforce Classic, this course is recorded in Lightning Experience. Also, in order to get the most current information out to you as quickly as possible, I am dividing up the Salesforce Administrator Certification into a series of courses - this is the third course in the new series. This course covers the following Knowledge Areas of the Exam Guide:Analytics - Reports and DashboardsWorkflow / Process AutomationDesktop and Mobile AdministrationAppExchangeAfter Tens of Thousands of Udemy Survey ratings for my courses, the students have spoken:""Are you learning valuable information?"" 99.6% answered YES""Are the explanations of the concepts clear?"" 99.8% answered YES""Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic?"" 99.9% answered YES"
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator - Part 2" |
"If you have attained the Salesforce Administrator Certification, you are ready to start the journey to becoming an Advanced Administrator. Become a Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator by enrolling in this second course of a three-course certification course series. Be sure to get the other two in this series to have the complete set!I have taught over 110,000 students on the Salesforce platform and I want you to join me in my latest course. I have structured this course to go in-depth on these Knowledge Areas of the Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator Exam Guide:Sales Cloud ApplicationsService Cloud ApplicationsData ManagementThe Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator Certification has a pre-requisite that you have an active Administrator Certification on file - if you have not attained your Administrator Certification, I recommend that you first complete that certification and locate my relevant training courses for that certification via my instructor profile.We will go in-depth on all of the core concepts and topics of the Salesforce Security Model in this course. It's a deep dive on user accounts, licenses, profiles, permission sets, profiles, roles, groups, teams, territories and more.This course is recorded in Salesforce Lightning Experience. And tens of thousands of Udemy Survey ratings for my courses, the students have spoken:""Are you learning valuable information?"" 99.6% answered YES""Are the explanations of the concepts clear?"" 99.8% answered YES""Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic?"" 99.9% answered YES"
Price: 199.99

"Breuss-Massage (Video inkl. Zertifikat)" |
"Die Breu-Massage (mit dem Udemy Online-Kurs lernen)Die Breu Massage hat sich im Wellnessbereich zu einer der beliebtesten Massagetechniken etabliert. Als Sonderform der traditionellen Rckenmassage erzeugt diese Massage Energien und zielt speziell auf die Wirbelsule ab. Erfunden wurde die Massage von Rudolf Breuss, einem Heilpraktiker aus sterreich. Die Massage wirkt bei einer Vielzahl von Beschwerden und wird unter Verwendung von Johanniskrautl vorgenommen. Die vielseitigen Therapieziele und die wohltuende Wirkung sorgen dafr, dass diese Massagetechnik pure Wellness bietet und fr ganzheitliche Entspannung sorgt.Aber auch zur reinen Wellness und Prvention kann die Breu Massage optimal genutzt werden. Nur, wie funktioniert sie wirklich? Welche Vorbereitungen und Handgriffe sind im Einzelnen wichtig und in welcher Reihenfolge? Wie gehe ich mit dem Kunden um, damit er die Breuss-Massage perfekt gelagert optimal und effektiv genieen kann?Alle diese Fragen und Punkte kannst Du lernen und beantwortet bekommen, wenn Du unseren Fernlehrgang Breu-Massage (WIP-Akademie)absolvierst. Jedes Hauptkapitel ist dabei in mehrere Lektionenuntergliedert, die wiederum aus anschaulichen Videos oder kurzenSkripten bestehen - so macht das Lernen Spa und Du kannst die Grifftechniken der Breuss-Massage zu Hause direkt ben und ausprobieren. Kleine Wiederholungsfragen am Ende eines Kapitels helfen Dir dabei, das Gelernte selbst zu berprfen.Zum Abschluss des Online-Fernlehrgangs wird Dir die von UDEMY ein Certificate verliehen, das direkt online zum Download bereitsteht. Whrend des Lehrgangskannst Du natrlich immer Fragen stellen und Profi-Tipps von unserhalten. Mein Team und ich freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernenund im Fernlehrgang betreuen zu drfen.Herzliche GreDein Uli Ptter (Direktor WIP-Akademie)WellnessInPerfektion WIP GmbH"
Price: 34.99

"Kruterstempel-Massage (Video inkl. Zertifikat)" |
"Die Kruterstempel-Massage (mit dem Udemy Online-Kurs lernen)Die Kruterstempel-Massage ist eine sehr angenehme, wohltuende Massage-Art, die mithilfe von gefllten Kruterstempeln durchgefhrt wird. Das Ziel hierbei ist, eine vollkommene Entspannung zu erreichen. Mglich wird das durch die angenehme Kombination von gekonnten Massagegriffen, Wrme und der Dfte sowie der Wirkung der Kruter oder auch therischen le. Aufgrund der groen Anzahl an unterschiedlichen Krutern, Massagelen und -techniken bieten sich bei der Kruterstempelmassage eine Vielzahl an Variationsmglichkeiten.Aber auch zur reinen Wellness und Prvention kann die Kruterstempel-Massage optimal genutzt werden. Nur, wie funktioniert sie wirklich? Welche Vorbereitungen und Handgriffe sind im Einzelnen wichtig und in welcher Reihenfolge? Wie gehe ich mit dem Kunden um, damit er die Kruterstempel-Massage perfekt gelagert optimal und effektiv genieen kann?Alle diese Fragen und Punkte kannst Du lernen und beantwortet bekommen, wenn Du unseren Fernlehrgang Kruterstempel-Massage (WIP-Akademie)absolvierst. Jedes Hauptkapitel ist dabei in mehrere Lektionenuntergliedert, die wiederum aus anschaulichen Videos oder kurzenSkripten bestehen - so macht das Lernen Spa und Du kannst die Grifftechniken der Kruterstempel-Massage zu Hause direkt ben und ausprobieren. Kleine Wiederholungsfragen am Ende eines Kapitels helfen Dir dabei, das Gelernte selbst zu berprfen.Zum Abschluss des Online-Fernlehrgangs wird Dir die von UDEMY ein Certificate verliehen, das direkt online zum Download bereitsteht. Whrend des Lehrgangskannst Du natrlich immer Fragen stellen und Profi-Tipps von unserhalten. Mein Team und ich freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernenund im Fernlehrgang betreuen zu drfen.Herzliche GreDein Uli Ptter (Direktor WIP-Akademie)WellnessInPerfektion WIP GmbH"
Price: 34.99

"Baby-Massage (Video inkl. Zertifikat)" |
"Die Baby-Massage (mit dem Udemy Online-Kurs lernen)Babys sind kleine Genieer: Bei einer sanften Massage kosten sie die intensiven Berhrungen voll aus. Diese gehren fr sie zur wichtigsten Kontaktaufnahme zu ihrer Umgebung. Sprache, Gestik und Mimik sind schlielich noch nicht so ausgeprgt, dass dadurch eine Kommunikation gefhrt werden knnte. Anders ist es mit Berhrungen, denn diese sind ihnen vertraut. Schon im Mutterleib konnten sie diese fhlen und erleben und auch in der Zeit nach der Geburt spielen Berhrungen eine wichtige Rolle. Sie vermitteln den Kleinsten Geborgenheit, Schutz und Nhe. Massagen sind daher ein idealer Weg, um Babys etwas Gutes zu tun sowie ihr Wohlbefinden zu steigern.Nur, wie funktioniert die Baby Massage (traditionell indisch) wirklich? Welche Vorbereitungen und Handgriffe sind im Einzelnen wichtig und in welcher Reihenfolge? Wie gehe ich mit dem Baby um, damit es die Baby-Massage optimal und effektiv genieen kann?Alle diese Fragen und Punkte kannst Du lernen und beantwortet bekommen, wenn Du unseren Fernlehrgang Baby-Massage (WIP-Akademie) absolvierst. Jedes Hauptkapitel ist dabei in mehrere Lektionen untergliedert, die wiederum aus anschaulichen Videos oder kurzen Skripten bestehen - so macht das Lernen Spa und Du kannst die Grifftechniken der Baby-Massage zu Hause direkt ben und ausprobieren. Kleine Wiederholungsfragen am Ende eines Kapitels helfen Dir dabei, das Gelernte selbst zu berprfen.Zum Abschluss des Online-Fernlehrgangs wird Dir die von UDEMY ein Certificate verliehen, das direkt online zum Download bereitsteht. Whrend des Lehrgangs kannst Du natrlich immer Fragen stellen und Profi-Tipps von uns erhalten. Mein Team und ich freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernen und im Fernlehrgang betreuen zu drfen.Herzliche GreDein Uli Ptter (Direktor WIP-Akademie)WellnessInPerfektion WIP GmbH"
Price: 34.99

"Build a Life Simulator Game Using Bolt & Unity - NO CODING!!" |
"Welcome to the FUNway to Learn Bolt &Unity!Bolt is a powerful Unity Asset that allows you to develop full games visually... without writing a single line of code. While there are other Visual Scripting tools, playMaker being a popular alternative, Bolt is unique in its ability to reuse components and map closely to the Unity asset API and Library. In this course we will build a Life Simulator game in bolt from the ground up. For an example of gameplay please take a look at games such as Homeless?on the Google PlayStore. In this course we start with a simple game design and demonstrate how to create basic flow machines. So even a beginner using Bolt can follow along with this course. Quickly however we move to a more complex design pattern so we can reuse our flow machine in game actions and call events to a global Game Manager. Within just a few hours you will learn important game design patterns with Bolt that you can use to create increasingly complex games.As we go into more advanced concepts we learn how to create a custom list of game objects to hold requirements for game actions. You will see how to use the For Each and Branching units to handle process the requirements list and enhancing the Life Simulator gameplay. By the end of the course you should be comfortable making games in Bolt and understand important game design fundamentals."
Price: 49.99

"Build a Pirate Trading Game with Bolt & Unity - No Coding!" |
"JUSTRELEASED! 12/05/2018IMPORTANT:You must have the Bolt Asset (You can purchase from the Unity Asset Store) to follow along with this course!Are you ready to make a FunPirate Trading Game?If you were looking for a Bolt course that goes into more complex and advanced Game patterns and development then this bolt course is for you. Based on the gameplay ideas from the original 1982 Taipain, BoltPirate Trader allows you so build a game from the ground up with absolutely no code. Make Developing Games Fun again with Visual ScriptingOne of the most exciting aspects of Bolt is that it makes game development more accessible to those who learn visually. Even expert programmers get new perspectives into design patterns and composition due to the visual and accessible nature of Bolt. Visual Scripting is great for prototyping and is often a great tool in the hands of graphic designers and creative people. Many people in fact do learn better visually. Many experienced coders who once thought visual scripting was only for beginners or non-professionals are starting to take notice. Bolt can help many developers get a different perspective on design problems. The beautiful thing about Bolt is so many things you learn apply to pretty much any game design / development project. If you do choose to experiment with C# it is going to be far easier if you can build games already with Bolt. In version 2.0 of Bolt you will be able to see the C#get created right along side your flow graphs. Very exciting stuff.Using Bolt's Powerful State Machine's Combined with Flow GraphsThis new course was built from the ground up to use Bolt's State Machine features. Much like playMaker's state machines this course uses Bolt's State Machine's to quickly create a robust game manager for states such arriving at port, leaving port, at sea, pirate encounters, etc. Like all of my game development courses we make them accessible to beginners but move rapidly into the design patterns that are required to solve real world development challenges. Prototyping in Unity using BoltWith the power of the Unity Game Engine and the Visual Scripting environment of Bolt you have an extremely powerful prototyping tool right in your hands. Take for example the powerful Timer action that is built into Bolt. It's a powerful action that you can drop into a flow diagram and quickly do the most easy to the most complex timer related function. Even if you were to implement a C# timer library it could in no way be as easy to use and understand and implement as the Timer action built into Bolt. It's an example in which visual programming definitely works well. Quick access to the Unity Engine combined with visual feedback of variables will give even experienced programmers another tool in their toolbelt."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Godot by Creating an Awesome Idle Business Tycoon Game" |
"### UPDATE 06/12/2019: I have added three more lectures to the course. These lectures demonstrate how to load our game data out of a CSV file and create our stores dynamically through code (GDScript). ### UPDATE 01/02/2019: I have added four more lecture to the course. These are critical lectures for game design and game architecture. You will learn how to make custom signals that decouple your classes and make the game more extendable and easier to manage as it grows in complexity. ### UPDATE 12/27/2018: I have added two more lectures that make the prototype more complete by adding the ability to have multiple store types. The Fast & Fun way to Learn Godot!This course is designed to be fun, fast, and get up and running with Godot right away. You will make a prototype of an Idle Business Tycoon Game much like ADVenture Capitalist. If you are new to Godot you will be amazed how fast you will get your game up and running.We begin by teaching you how to set your scene, create nodes, manage variables and connect up signals. Create timers, a progress bar, and popup dialog boxes to send warnings to the players. Even if you are brand new to programming or new to Godot you can follow along because we start at the very beginning and walk you through each stage of building the game step-by-step.Learn Important Game Design and Game ArchitectureBy the end of the course you will be comfortable building games in Godot and be ready to start tackling your own game ideas!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Godot Making a Fun Pirate Trading Game" |
"UPDATED JULY 3rd, 2019 - Load Game Data from CSV FilesUPDATED JUNE 12th, 2019 - NEW SOUND & ANIMATION LECTURES!NOTE: This course currently requires GoDot 3.06. You can find the download on the GoDot website. Unfortunately GoDot 3.1 has some significant bugs in static functions and how preloads are handled compared to 3.06. I'm actively working on a new set of lectures and a design that works around the problems with the 3.1 release. There are articles on this topic but unfortunately Udemy will not let me link to it here.So for now if you do this course in GoDot 3.1 expect to do some refactoring of the design until the static function bugs are fixed or there is a reasonable work around that doesn't involved new classes and patterns.THIS COURSE GETS YOU FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCED AS FAST AS POSSIBLEThis was designed to be a fast based course. Instead of bumping up the hours of the course, this course is designed to get you into advanced topics quickly. We start out with very beginning topics so even a new programmer can use this course, but we waste no time getting into advanced Godot topics. I'm aware that many students search for courses with lots of hours in the hopes of equating it to more material. You will often find those courses will spend exhaustive time on basics and editor tools that are available in the community or on YouTube. THIS COURSE FOCUSES ON GAME ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGNWhile we begin with simple programming concepts the course continually refactors and improves the game architecture as new functionality is added. Learn how to create a sophisticated game architecture that involves products, cities, prices that can change by city, buying/selling, and of course a prototype of a pirate battle. Learn to use signals decouple objects and refine your game design. LEARN PROTOTYPING AND REFACTORING SKILLSThis course follows the process you would use in real world iterative game design. We build simple prototypes that we can get up and running quickly. Then as we better define our gameplay we refactor and implement improved game architecture so we can add more features. The result is a course that will help you with any game you wish to build out. Finding the right balance between rapid progress and prototyping and creating a solid game architecture you can build on is a key to successful game design.FOR STUDENTS THAT DON'T WANT TO TAKE A 30 HOUR COURSE TO LEARN ADVANCED TOPICSThere are a lot of great courses on here but long 30 hour courses are not for everyone. Instead of lectures that spend a lot of time in theory, explaining the course itself, or exhaustively covering basic features you will find in other courses... this course just jumps in and starts building a fun Pirate Trading Game like Taipan. We start with very simple features like variables, creating functions, and using basic signals. But we quickly move right into the meat & potatoes of what it takes to make a solid game architecture.LEARN TO SEPARATE YOUR DATA OBJECTS FROM USER INTERFACE - And when it may not be worth the timeThis course takes a practical approach to building game prototypes. That said, there is a time when you must refine your game architecture and work to improve the design patterns you are using to build up your game. In this course we learn how to use signals, static methods, and dependency injection techniques to encapsulate your data making it easier to create far more robust game architectures. We also explore when it useful to break some of the rules in the interest of brevity and creating a working prototype. This course teaches you the skills you need so you can build games in a way that suits your own development style.CONSIDER MY IDLE TYCOON COURSE IF YOU ARE NEW TO GAME ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGNMy other Godot course, Idle Business Tycoon course has a bit more simple game design and is likely more suitable to absolute beginners.See the power of Godot first handYou will see quickly why so many game developers are looking to Godot for their indie game projects. We create the project, the scene and begin scripting in the very first lecture! By the second lecture we are using lists to manage our cities. By the third lecture we are already using objects and building up a complex game architecture. The engine is particularly well suited for games that are interface intensive. There are many user controls and they are very easy to script. If you have ever wanted to learn Godot and enjoy pirate trading games like Taipan you are in luck. This course walks you through the design of making a Pirate Trading Game prototype from scratch. Step-by-Step. "
Price: 89.99

"Odoo 12 Essentials - Learn the Purchase Application" |
"Odoo includes a Purchase Application that allows you to create request for quotations, purchase orders, receive goods, produce vendor bills and more. In this course we will walk you through the entire purchase application workflow step-by-step using a real world example. After we get through the basics of the purchasing application we get into more advanced settings and configurations such as manager approval on purchase orders, locking down purchase orders for better control and purchase order verification, and other advanced purchasing topics.Covering the Odoo Purchase Management WorkflowLike many Odoo applications many of the advanced Purchase Application options and settings are hidden until you need them. This provides you a simple easy to use the purchase application that can grow with the needs of your company. In this course we use a real-world example to demonstrate how to setup the Odoo Purchase Application. Topics includeCreating a new Odoo database and Installing the Purchase ApplicationGet a complete overview of the Odoo Purchasing cycle from creating a RFQ(Request for Quotation), Confirming the Purchase Order, to receiving the product and paying the vendor bill.Learn how to create a manager approval process that requires purchase orders over a certain dollar amount to have manager approval.Lock out changes after purchase orders are confirmed.Learn with real-world examplesUnlike many Odoo functional courses that just walk you through menu items or provide contrived examples, OdooClass uses real-world cases that we have actually worked through with real clients using Odoo. Along the way you learn tips and tricks to configuring Odoo Purchase Management that you simply won't find anywhere else.Time is taken in lectures to explain why you would use certain purchasing features in real business scenarios. If you are serious about implementing a purchasing system with Odoo then you will want to have this video course."
Price: 39.99

"Revelado Fotogrfico profesional con Camera Raw" |
"En este curso aprenders a usar Camera Raw de Photoshop con todas sus herramientas de una forma fcil y sencilla de tal forma que puedas sacar el mximo provecho de tus fotografas en el proceso de revelado digital, esto explicado a detalle y paso a paso conocers todas las herramientas de tal forma que alcances tu mximo potencial usando de este programa."
Price: 74.99
