"Night Photography - Learn to shoot Milky Way and Star Trails" |
"The course aims at beginners and intermediate level photographers to consciously improve their expertise in the field of night photography with a focus on DSLR camera skills. It covers topics that include, but not limited to, camera settings, equipment, shooting techniques, post processing, knowledge and planning aspects of your photographic adventures. Most importantly, to help making your work special, it focuses on soft skills that include composition.To see what goes through a photographer's mind, the lectures take you outdoors, behind the scene, for practical examples where depending on the situation; we adjust our camera settings, use the right equipment, compose images and change perspective to be effective. Post Processing tools like Adobe Lightroom harness the field work with the final outcome of the image for personal and client satisfaction. Course lectures take you through a basic workflow of processing them for a stunning finish. Join this fun and practical course, equip yourself with knowledge, and take your night photography to a higher level."
Price: 79.99

"How to become a Professional Landscape Photographer?" |
"The course aims at beginners and intermediate level photographers. It provides practical guidelines that will enable them to start a professional career in the field of landscape photography. The lectures have tips and useful knowledge that I have gathered thus far in my journey as a landscape photographer. Using multiple approaches that are highlighted in this course and consistent handwork, you would be able to start and sustain your income through the love and passion you have for landscape photography. Join this course, equip yourself with knowledge, implement the guidelines and take the next steps in your landscape photography career."
Price: 44.99

"How to Write an Award-Winning SF short story" |
"There are two big take-aways in this course:The strategy for entering and winning writing competitions and awards in generalA technique for conception and development of a powerful Science Fiction storyBy combining the two, you have can learn a complete process to win an award for an SF short story, but...Ha!When isn't there a 'but' ?Look - my main aim as a writing coach is never to try to tell you some quick route to success. My main aim is always to teach you how to become a better writer; to guide you towards mastering your art. If you've done any of my other courses, you'll know that there's going to be some difficult concepts and some hard work for you to do.And - of course, no one can promise you success in an award or a competition, any more than anyone can promise you success in writing. But there's a lot you can do to greatly improve your chances.And most of all, if you write the kind of short stories that I'm teaching you to write, you can use them to get attention - from new readers, from agents, from commissioning editors, from periodicals. Great short stories are both an education in themselves, and a powerful marketing tool.So Ihope you'll put in the hard work, and Ihope you'll let me know how you get on."
Price: 34.99

"Foundations of Written Communication" |
"Do you want to find out which 1980s action movie is an archetypal model of ancient Greek tragedy?In all communications, people are all too easily distracted or preoccupied with information that while it may be connected with the message, is outside of it.In this course you'll learn to think like a great communicator, by using a simple technique invented 2500 years ago, and used continuously ever since, as a means of delivering a message powerfully and memorably.It's been so successful that it's used as much in teaching and storytelling as in presentation and sales, as in journalism and political or public speaking.This short, characteristically dense course presents and explains the theory and practice, with assignments that you can use over and over again, to hone your own communications until they are as sharp and precise as an arrow.Also, I'm not kidding about that 1980s action movie!___Because it's inspired by Aristotle's ""Unities of Theatre"" this course was originally called ""Unities for Communication."""
Price: 29.99

"VueJS + Firebase: Desde 0 hasta una proyecto en internet" |
"VueJS se est perfilando rpidamente como el mejor framework Javascript del lado del cliente para la creacin de interfaces de usuario basado en componentes gracias a su facilidad de aprendizaje y alto rendimiento en comparacin a otros Frameworks similares.En este curso iremos desde las bases hasta poder crear un proyecto y subirlo a internet utilizando Firebase.Firebase es una plataforma para el desarrollo web y mviles adquirida por Google. Posee una serie de servicios que utilizaremos para dotar a nuestras aplicaciones de un backend flexible y administrado.He dividido este curso en varias secciones que abarcan lo siguiente:Vue-Router.- Para el manejo de rutas dinmicas en nuestra aplicacinVuex .- Para centralizar el estado de nuestra aplicacinVue-CLI .- Nos brindar una estructura de carpetas bsica para proyectos grandes en VueJSVuetify .- Nos brindar una serie de componentes utilizando Material Design de Google.En Firebase tendremos:Authentication .- Para el manejo de usuarios, creacin de cuentas y Login usando Facebook y Google.Firestore .- Una base de datos NoSQL donde guardaremos nuestra informacin.Storage .- Servicio de almacenamiento donde podremos guardar imgenes, audio, etc...nete en el curso ms completo de VueJS con Firebase que encontrars."
Price: 99.99

"A Gentle Introduction To JavaScript For Beginners" |
"JavaScripthas become an essential web technology along with HTML and CSS, as most browsers implementJavaScript. Thus, You mustlearn JavaScriptif you want to get into web development, and you mustlearnit well if you're planning on being a front-end developer or on usingJavaScriptfor backend development.JavaScriptis a good choice for your first programming language. JavaScript is nearly ubiquitous. And you can use to develop all sorts of applications. Many websites you probably use every dayrely on JavaScript, including Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify. JavaScript is easy. Im not the first one or last one to point out this, because this fact is very well known across the industry. This is why it is a very good starting point for those interested in learning to code. JavaScript is a real programming language: It doesn't work like HTML or CSS and it has its own set of rules... and although it's not always easy for Web Designers to switch gears and start thinking like computer programmers, my hope is that my gentle introduction will make your transition easier.The goal of this course isn't to turn you into the next great programmer. This course is meant to familiarize Web Designers and Newbie Programmers with the ins and outs of JavaScript and then move on to more advanced concepts and tools for adding really useful interactivity to a Web site as quickly and easily as possible. Perhaps best of all, JavaScript is actually built into your browser, so you dont have to install anything to start programming in it. That makes it incredibly accessible. Theres a good chance youll find the basics easy to learn, but dont worry because there are plenty of advanced concepts to keep you busy learning for a very long time. In the past several years, JavaScript has undergone a rebirth, fueled by high-profile websites like Google, Uber, Nexflix which use JavaScript extensively to create interactive web applications. Theres never been a better time to learn JavaScript. With the wealth of knowledge and the quality of scripts being written, you can add sophisticated interaction to your websiteeven if youre a beginner."
Price: 19.99

"API in C#: The Best Practices of Design and Implementation" |
"Learn how to design and implement types in C# so that the other developers won't hate you when using one of the types developed by you. It means you are going to learn how to write code of the high quality: readable, understandable and reliable. Improve your knowledge in object-oriented programming in the context of clean coding and building types of high quality.Understand the characteristics of a well-designed typeGrasp the principles of the convenient API developmentWrite clean code, get rid of unpleasant smellsLearn about what exceptions are intended for and how to throw and catch them properlyProtect your types from the incorrect usage making them properly encapsulated.Foundations of building object-oriented infrastructures Despitethe fact that C# is a very rich on features language, it's very common to see poorly designed and implemented types in a real world. In fact, C# is one of the richest on features language among object-oriented languages in the world nowadays. But with great power comes great responsibility. It's challengingto use all those features in a right way. You probably have already heard the following well-known statement: most code sucks. Well, this course is all about how to produce code which doesn't suck. Owning skills of producing a well-designed and well-implemented types is the prerequisite for the other developers to treat you as a real professional. Content and Overview This course is aimed at all the C# developers, from beginners to seniors. Topics which are covered in the course are relevant for all kinds of C# developerssince all developers design and implement APIs. The topics complexity is very different. There are plenty of very simple topics, and at the same time, there are topics which require from you a solid C# background. There are plenty of code examples throughout this course, so you will learn both theoretical and practical material. Starting with characteristics and principles of a well-designed type you will go further, learning how to give names for different members, how many parameters a method should take, is it a good idea to take a Boolean as a parameter of a method and much more than that. Then you will learn what encapsulation really means. How to encapsulate a type? There are some trade-offs we will deal with encapsulating our types. There are many experienced programmers who don't know what encapsulation is in essence. Investigating this topic together we will see how to build a consistent and reliable type. After mastering the topic of types encapsulating you will face the great problem of exceptions handling. Yep, it's a hard nut to crack. We will start from discussing a question of why do we use exceptions as a mechanism of errors handling. And why C# team didn't invent any other mechanisms? In the end, we will look at how to fight with null values. As you may know, Tony Hoar said thatthe invention of a null valuewas his billion-dollar mistake.To sum up,the course covers the following topics:API development principlesHow to give better names for API members and what naming conventions exist in the .NET platform and suited for C#.Common problems encountered by C# developers in the process of designing and implementing APIs: classes vs structures, abstract classes vs interfaces, creational patterns vs constructors, how to implement dispose pattern (are you sure you understand this allegedly simple case?)Common implementation smells such as poor naming, excessively long methods, output parameters and so on.Common Architectural Design Smells such as Primitive Obsession, Hidden Dependencies, Violation of Law of Demeter and other.How to deal with errors. It is surprisingly hard to develop robust software where errors handling is based on exceptions. We will find out why this is so and how to struggle with problems of error handling.How to deal with Nulls. Null Vales have always been a pain the ass. NullReferenceException is a well-known and popular guest in our software. We will look at the possible ways of diminishing the disrupting power of null-values.Teaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I esteem your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth. For absolute beginners I offer my help on Skype absolutely free,if requested. Don't forget that this course hasEnglish subtitles, so if you don't understand my accent, feel free to turn them on.Take this course and you will be satisfied.------------------------------------------------------------Keywords related to the course:C# Clean CodeC# Best PracticesAPIinC#Building API in C#Clean Code inC# tutorialRefactoring"
Price: 34.99

"Master New Cross-Platform IDE for .NET: Rider by JetBrains" |
"Modern integrated development environments or IDEs in short allows us to perform miracles. Why? Because we live in the twenty first century and modern computers are so powerful that modern IDEs become indispensable assistants which can save us thousands of hours. A decade ago, no one could imagine how much powerful IDEs will become in the future. However, nowadays, developers are armed by super powers such as deep static analysis, automatically performed refactorings, code fixes, super simple navigation and many other things.This course covers:Navigate through the code base: how to select code, how to find code, camel humps in IntelliSense, navigating through the tabsEdit and format the code base: deleting and removing code, formatting, commenting and applying refactoringsRun and debug your code: working with breakpoints, new features in RiderCode snippets: existing code snippets and creating custom code snippetsRefactorings: a great number of refactorings that can be applied to enhance the code baseetc.I need to warn you that Rider is a paid IDE but despite of this fact, many professional developers use it on an everyday basis.Rider provides tons of refactorings, analytical features, fixes and a ton of other features. So, you'll see the following:Installing RiderRider SettingsCreating Code with RiderExploring Code with RiderRefactoring with RiderUnit Testing with RiderEnroll and start learning how to double your coding speed in Rider!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS For C#/.NET Developers" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. This course aim is to help you to learn how to use AWSwith C#/.NETapplications where you can use the AWS provided services via AWSSDKfor .NET. This course will starts with the basics, from installing the VStoolkit extension on visual studio. Then it will show you how to add authentication to your applications so you can communicate with AWScloud services. Working with AWSis quite fun and easy so don't worry about any complexity while working with AWSSDK.After that, we will start working with the well known and most popular AWSservice which is the Simple Storage Service aka S3. It allows you to store files in the cloud and access them anywhere in the world. What is unique with the S3 is that it's cost and reliability is quite good.With S3 you can create a bucket which can contains different files and folders where you can store them and access them. There is different storage classes and different price for each. But no matter what is cost is quite cheap.Then we will move next to Glacier, which is the archiving services that is provided from AWS. With glacier you can archive data that you don't frequently access and keep them safe in the cloud for later use.Then, we will move toward the SQS service which can be used to queue messages and get the messages from the queue. SQSis like other queueing you can subscribe and publish to the queue to receive data that you need.With SNS, you can distribute notifications to different mediums such as emails, application, mobile apps and emails and other sources as well. This will simplify your notification management and make you send notifications to the different sources without hustles.DynamoDB is the cloud database from AWSwhere you can store data and receive it inside noSQLDatabase. With DynamoDB you can store and update data, add indexes to help you search faster for data in the table."
Price: 199.99

"Angular ASP.NET Core Bootcamp" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. This course is about ASP.NET Core and Angular. This course aims to help you get started quickly using them. This course targets all levels and will help to get started quickly with your journey in web development using ASP.NET Core and Angular.Currently Angular is the most well-known and used client-side processing frameworks. Angular was a huge advancement for web development as it introduced web components where you can create a reusable set of HTML elements. Also, you get to have types which are something that was quite a pleasure to have to aid you in your development process. TypeScript is the static language that provides you with great support for your client-side development. Angular since 2.0 is using TypeScript. Angular is growing every day and the provide support for the versions that they release for a certain amount of time so you can guarantee that you will get updates as needed.ASP.NET Core is the evolution of ASP.NET. And its the most advanced version of ASP.NET so far. It introduces a huge set of features. From the out of the box DI to the kestrel server which currently has amazing benchmark results if you look around. Not that only, You get to choose where you want it to run inside IIS or in a separate process. Also, you can run it on all platforms Windows Linux or Mac OS as .NET Core can run on any platform. Not that only! You will enjoy the full source code of it and you can go through it to understand the internal parts of it if you want to get deeper with it.Lastly, this course will go through EF core so you can use it to communicate with your database and exchange data with the API.My name is Amr and let me tell you my story. Im very fascinated with programming and web development and I love online training and traveling. I hope you join and enjoy my online course!"
Price: 199.99

"Xamarin Forms Quick Start" |
"Hello and welcome to the Xamarin Forms 4.0 course with ASP.NET Core Web API. This course will walk you through Xamarin Forms 4.0 the latest release of Xamarin Forms. The latest release brings many updates to the Xamarin forms which enhance its capabilities and features.In case you are new to Xamarin Forms, it's the technology that you can use to develop cross-platform apps using C# codebase. You write your code once and it will run on multiple platforms. Also, there are cross-platform controls where you can use a single XAML control that will render by itself based on each platform.Xamarin Forms 4.0 brings the biggest enhancement to the structure of the App. With the introduction of Shell, the new layout system for Xamarin Forms as an alternative to the tab pages and so on. Shell will make your life way easier than you think. With just a few lines of code, you will be able to generate a side menu or tab bar. Also, you can lazy load your views to enhance performance.Also, with Shell, there are many things that are out of the box support available where you just add a small reference to it and it will magically appear. Such as the search bar. Also, we will be working with different layouts to handle your app looks. There are different Xamarin Forms Layout where you can use it to style your app.And we will take a look at Xamarin Essentials, a NuGet package that has many device API access such as sensors or battery percentage.And also, we will look at how we can create an ASP.NET Core Web API to save and get data from backend with Xamarin Forms. For sure, your app shall have something as this where it will connect to the API to save and get data.So join this course now to have these great benefits of Xamarin Forms 4.0"
Price: 199.99

"Azure Pipelines" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. This course will guide you through the process of creating an Azure DevOps pipeline where you can automate your build and release process. This course is for all developers from all levels and even DevOps Engineers. This course can be used for all type of projects and programming languages. The concepts are the same and shared among them.To start, we will create a build. The build is where we tell the CI what we need to do to have a successful release of our code. Using the build file we will examine its different parts and see how we can customize it to have a releasable code where we can ship it to our different environments and see the results directly.The nice thing about Pipelines it takes a lot of headaches concerning releasing code and products to different environments and from a single place we can control it all. For example, let's say that we have three environments and each one has it's unique connection string. With Pipelines, we can define the different configs for the different environments and each time it runs it's automatically changing them so no more worries about have we set the right config for the right place.Also, we can have our releases saved for later on in ace we want to rollback to a certain release or a build. And the nice thing that I l personally like about Pipelines is that we only need to do small actions to have major results and overall control over our builds. This is much easier than doing the old fashion way of having releases done manually or over a dev machine where the environment might change or have issues.Also, if you are a fan of cloud there is a lot of integration available for Azure in the Azure pipelines where you simply need to drag and drop an item to connect to Azure or to do a certain taskAlso, the course will help you take great advantage of Azure Pipelines in a really quick way! The nice thing about this course that is quite easy to digest and will give you a lot of benefits. So join the course, we are having a party just right now ;)"
Price: 199.99

"React ASP.NET Core Starter Guide" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. React is one of the most well known fronted frameworks where you can develop single-page applications SPA using it. Also, what is unique about React is that its performance is outstanding comparing other frameworks due to the fact that React relies on the virtual dom and do partials updates on the UI.ASP.NET Core is the latest generation of ASP.NET. It's outstanding performance and ease of use make it the ideal backend framework to use to develop web applications. ASP.NET Core has a smaller memory footprint and out of the box dependency container that handles different components of a life time. Also, the ability to run it on all major platforms such as Linux, macOS and Windows. Also, the mode of hosting can be either under IIS or be self-contained. EF Core is the next generation ORM for EF. EF Core introduced huge performance enhancements comparing to older versions and more features for better developments. With EF Core, you can now see the queries and even add messages to help you debug your work.In this course, no matter what is your knowledge level with React you can take this course. In this course, we will start with the creation of the ASP.NET Core Project with React and we ill deep dive into ASP.NET Core and we will see how you can configure it and also add some nice tools such as Swagger and Stackify to make your development life much easier.Then we will learn the basics of React and how we can use it. WE will se how we can create components with it to help share code and have a reusable UI element. And we will see how we can use the state and how to create JSX elements and Form elements.Later on, we will see how we can use EF Core for CRUD operations. So, we hope to see you on this course ;)"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Data Wrangling & Data Visualisation With Python" |
"Hello, My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation).I have several years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using statistical modeling and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. If you find statistics books & manuals too vague, expensive & not practical, then youre going to love this course!I created this course to take you by hand and teach you all the concepts, and tackle the most fundamental building block on practical data science- data wrangling and visualisation. GET ACCESS TO A COURSE THAT IS JAM PACKED WITH TONS OF APPLICABLE INFORMATION! This course is your sure-fire way of acquiring the knowledge and statistical data analysis wrangling and visualisation skills that I acquired from the rigorous trainingIreceived at 2 of the best universities in the world, perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in renowned international journal like PLOS One.To be more specific, heres what the course will do for you: (a) It willtake you (even if you have no prior statistical modelling/analysis background) from a basic level to performing some of the most common data wrangling tasks in Python. (b) It will equip you to use some of the most important Python data wrangling and visualisation packages such as seaborn. (c) It willIntroduce some of the most important data visualisation concepts to you in a practical manner such that you can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation. (d) You will also be able to decide which wrangling and visualisation techniques are best suited to answer your research questions and applicable to your data and interpret the results.The course will mostly focus on helping you implement different techniques on real-life data such as Olympic and Nobel Prize winnersAfter each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects immediately! Reinforce your knowledge through practical quizzes and assignments.TAKE ACTION NOW :) Youll also have my continuous support when you take this course just to make sure youre successful with it. If my GUARANTEE is not enough for you, you can ask for a refund within 30 days of your purchase in case youre not completely satisfied with the course.TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with thiscourse is a success."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Deep Learning In R With Keras & Others" |
"YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS & DEEP LEARNING IN R: This course coversthe main aspectsof neural networks and deep learning. If you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on R based data science. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use R to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal. By becoming proficient in neural networks and deep learning inR, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level!LEARN FROM AN EXPERT DATA SCIENTIST:My name is Minerva Singhand Iam an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished aPhD at Cambridge University. I have +5 yearsofexperience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals.Over the course of my research I realized almost all the R data science courses and books out theredo not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic . This course will give you a robust grounding in the mainaspects of practical neural networks and deep learning.Unlike other R instructors, I dig deep into the data sciencefeatures of R and give you a one-of-a-kind grounding indata science... You will go all the way from carrying out data reading & cleaning to to finally implementing powerful neural networks and deep learning algorithms and evaluating their performanceusing R.Among other things:You will be introduced to powerful R-based deep learning packages such as h2o and MXNET. You will be introduced to deep neural networks (DNN), convolution neural networks (CNN) and unsupervised methods. You will learn how to implement convolutional neural networks (CNN)s on imagery data using the Keras frameworkYou will learn to apply these frameworks to real life data including credit card fraud data, tumor data, images among others for classification and regression applications.With this course, youll have the keys to the entire R Neural Networks and Deep LearningKingdom!NO PRIOR R OR STATISTICS/MACHINE LEARNING KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED:Youll start by absorbing the most valuable R Data Science basics and techniques. I useeasy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts in R. My course willhelp youimplement the methods using real dataobtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement R based data science in real-life.After taking this course, youll easily use data sciencepackages like caret, h2o, mxnet, kerasto implement novel deep learning techniques in R. You will get your hands dirty with real life data, including real-life imagery data which you will learn to pre-process and model Youll even understand the underlying concepts to understand what algorithms and methods are best suited for your data. We will also work with real data and you will have access to all the code and data used in the course. JOIN MY COURSE NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Python Based Image Processing and Computer Vision" |
"Complete Python Based Image Processing and Computer Vision With Conventional Techniques, Data Science and Deep LearningTHIS IS A COMPLETE PYTHON-BASED IMAGE PROCESSING & COMPUTER VISION COURSE !It is a full Python-based image processing and computer vision boot camp that will help you implement basic image processing and computer vision tasks using Jupyter Notebooks. HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL IN THIS COURSE:This course is your complete guide to practical image processing and computer vision tasks using Python.. This means, this course covers the important aspects of Keras and Tensorflow (Google's powerful Deep Learning framework) and if you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on Python Tensorflow and Keras based data science. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal and advent of Tensorflow and Keras is revolutionizing Deep Learning... By gaining proficiency in Keras and and Tensorflow, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level.THIS IS MY PROMISE TO YOU: COMPLETE THIS ONE COURSE & BECOME A PRO IN PRACTICAL KERAS & TENSORFLOW BASED DATA SCIENCE!But first things first. My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. Over the course of my research I realized almost all the Python data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning.. This gives students an incomplete knowledge of the subject. My course, on the other hand, will give you a robust grounding in all aspects of data science within the Tensorflow framework. Unlike other courses, we dig deep into both the conventional and data science-centric image processing and computer vision tasks! After learning the most important image processing and computer vision tasks, you will learn to implement both machine learning and deep learning techniques in a hands-on manner. You will be exposed to real life data and learn how to implement and evaluate the performance of the different data science packages, including Keras. DISCOVER 8 COMPLETE SECTIONS ADDRESSING EVERY ASPECT OF PYTHON BASED IMAGE PROCESSING & COMPUTER VISION Detailed introduction to using the powerful Python driven framework for data science Anaconda for image processing and computer vision tasks Jargon-free introduction to the relevant theoretical concepts Detailed introduction to installing and using the relevant packages including tensor flow and Keras Implement Machine Learning algorithms, (both Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning ) on real life image data Youll even discover how to create artificial neural networks and deep learning structures to implement on imagery data with Tensorflow & Keras Introduction to transfer learning BUT, WAIT! THIS ISN'T JUST ANY OTHER DATA SCIENCE COURSE:Youll start by absorbing the most commonly used image processing and computer vision basics and techniques. I use easy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts. This means you get a jargon free introduction to the much-needed theoretical conceptsMy course will help you implement the methods using real imagery data obtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement Python based image processing in real -life.After taking this course, youll easily use image processing and computer vision packages such as OpenCV along with gaining fluency in Tensorflow and Keras. I will even introduce you to deep learning models such as Convolution Neural network (CNN) and their implementation for imagery classification !!The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can apply Python based data science techniques on real image data into practice today, start analyzing data for your own projects whatever your skill level, and impress your potential employers with actual examples of abilities.It is a practical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to image processing and computer vision (and assocaited data science methods). However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results.. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects!JOIN THE COURSE NOW! #computer #vision #python #image #processing #analysis"
Price: 199.99

"PyTorch Tutorial - Neural Networks & Deep Learning in Python" |
"Master the Latest and Hottest of Deep Learning Frameworks (PyTorch) for Python Data ScienceTHIS IS A COMPLETE NEURAL NETWORKS & DEEP LEARNING TRAINING WITH PYTORCH IN PYTHON!It is a full 5-Hour+ PyTorch Boot Camp that will help you learn basic machine learning, neural networks and deep learning using one of the most important Python Deep Learning frameworks- PyTorch. HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL IN THIS COURSE:This course is your complete guide to practical machine & deep learning using the PyTorch framework in Python.. This means, this course covers the important aspects of PyTorch and if you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on PyTorch. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal and advent of frameworks such as PyTorch is revolutionizing Deep Learning... By gaining proficiency in PyTorch, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level.THIS IS MY PROMISE TO YOU: COMPLETE THIS ONE COURSE & BECOME A PRO IN PRACTICAL PYTORCH BASED DATA SCIENCE!But first things first. My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. Over the course of my research I realized almost all the Python data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning.. This gives students an incomplete knowledge of the subject. My course, on the other hand, will give you a robust grounding in all aspects of data science within the PyTorch framework. Unlike other Python courses and books, you will actually learn to use PyTorch on real data! Most of the other resources I encountered showed how to use PyTorch on in-built datasets which have limited use.DISCOVER 7 COMPLETE SECTIONS ADDRESSING EVERY ASPECT OF PYTORCH: A full introduction to Python Data Science and powerful Python driven framework for data science, Anaconda Getting started with Jupyter notebooks for implementing data science techniques in Python A comprehensive presentation about PyTorch installation and a brief introduction to the other Python data science packages A brief introduction to the working of important data science packages such as Pandas and Numpy The basics of the PyTorch syntax and tensors The basics of working with imagery data in Python The theory behind neural network concepts such as artificial neural networks, deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks (CNN) Youll even discover how to create artificial neural networks and deep learning structures with PyTorch (on real data)BUT, WAIT! THIS ISN'T JUST ANY OTHER DATA SCIENCE COURSE:Youll start by absorbing the most valuable PyTorch basics and techniques. I use easy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts. My course will help you implement the methods using real data obtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement Python-based data science in real -life.After taking this course, youll easily use packages like Numpy, Pandas, and PIL to work with real data in Python along with gaining fluency in PyTorch. I will even introduce you to deep learning models such as Convolution Neural network (CNN) !!The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can apply Python-based data science on real data into practice today, start analyzing data for your own projects whatever your skill level, and impress your potential employers with actual examples of your data science abilities.It is a practical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to data science. However, the majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results. Some of the problems we will solve include identifying credit card fraud and classifying the images of different fruits. After each video, you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects!JOIN THE COURSE NOW! #deep #learning #neural #networks #python #ai #programming"
Price: 199.99

"Tidy Data: Updated Data Processing With tidyr and dplyr in R" |
" THIS IS YOUR ROADMAP TO LEARNING & BECOMING HIGHLY PROFICIENT IN DATA PREPROCESSING, DATA WRANGLING, & DATA VISUALIZATION USING TWO OF THE MOST IN-DEMAND R DATA SCIENCE PACKAGES! Hello, My name is Minerva Singh. I am an Oxford University MPhil graduate in Geography & Environment & I finished a PhD at Cambridge University in Tropical Ecology & Conservation.I have +5 of experience in analysing real-life data from different sources using statistical modelling and producing publications for international peer-reviewed journals. If you find statistics books & manuals too vague, expensive & not practical, then youre going to love this course!I created this course to take you by hand and teach you all the concepts, and tackle the most fundamental building block on practical data science - data wrangling and visualisation. THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU ALL YOU NEED AND PUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO PRACTICE NOW!This course is your sure-fire way of acquiring the knowledge and statistical data analysis wrangling and visualisation skills that I acquired from the rigorous training I received at 2 of the best universities in the world, the perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in the renowned international journal like PLOS One.HERE IS WHAT THIS COURSE WILL DO FOR YOU:It will take you (even if you have no prior statistical modelling/analysis background) from a basic level of performing some of the most common data wrangling tasks in R- with two of the most happening R data science packages tidyverse and dplyr.It will equip you to use some of the most important R data wrangling and visualisation packages such as dplyr and ggplot2.It will Introduce some of the most important data visualisation concepts to you in a practical manner such that you can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation.You will also be able to decide which wrangling and visualisation techniques are best suited to answer your research questions and applicable to your data and interpret the results.. The course will mostly focus on helping you implement different techniques on real-life data such as Olympic medal winnersAfter each video, you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects immediately! Reinforce your knowledge through practical quizzes and assignments.ON TOP OF THE COURSE, IM ALSO OFFERING YOU:Practice Activities To Reinforce Your LearningMy Continuous Support To Make Sure You Gain Complete Understanding & ProficiencyAccess To Future Course Updates Free Of ChargeIll Even Go The Extra Mile & Cover Any Topics That Are Related To The Subject That You Need Help With (This is something you cant get anywhere else).& Access To A Community Of 25,000 Data Scientists (& growing) All Learning Together & Helping Each Other!Now, go ahead & enrol in the course. Im certain youll love it, but in case you dont, you can always request a refund within 30 days. No hard feelings whatsoever. I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"The SUN Records Rockabilly Guitar Solos - Part 1" |
"SUN Records is often called the birthplace of Rock'n'Roll, it's also the birthplace of Rockabilly. This little studio in Memphis is the place where Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison and many other music stars started their career.Behind those singers were a group of talented guitarists who didn't know that they would write history by mixing Rhythm and Blues with Country Licks and inventing a musical genre, that changed the world.If you love the honest, raw and exciting Memphis Rockabilly guitar sound of the 1950s, then this course is for you.I picked 9 songs and I will teach you the solos exactly how they were played back then.Split screen technique, tabs and authentic jam tracks in 4 different tempos will help you to learn these solos as fast as possible.I will also give you some background information to each songs. Furthermore I have added intros and verses to some of the songs as well, so you will be able to play the complete song after finishing the lessons.The course will start with simple solos and it'll get more complex later on. Here is the list of the songs featured in this course:Take Me (Garden Of Evil) by Jimmy Wages, guitar: Ray HarrisDrinkin' Wine by Gene Simmons, guitar: Carl SimmonsI Walk The Line by Johnny Cash, guitar: Luther PerkinsOnly You by Carl Perkins, guitar: Carl PerkinsGet It Off Your Mind by Kenny Parchman, guitar: Richard PageI Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine by Elvis Presley, guitar: Scotty MoorePrisoner Of The Blues by Tommy Ruick, guitar: Hank Hanlain,Miss Froggie by Warren Smith, guitar: Al HopsonMatchbox by Carl Perkins, guitar: Carl Perkins"
Price: 39.99

"How To Play Buddy Holly" |
"In this course I will show you how to play the lead guitar and rhythm guitar parts to nine Buddy Holly songs. We'll dive deep into the music of this rock'n'roll legend and cover the styles of Buddy Holly himself, but also the work session guitarists like Sonny Curtis and Tommy Allsup. The course features the following songsDown The LineTing-A-LingChanging All Those ChangesMidnight ShiftBrown Eyed Handsome ManOh BoyHeartbeatCrying Waiting HopingLearning The GameI'll teach you how to play the solo guitar parts like intros, solos and outros, but I'll also show you how to play the rhythm guitar parts too.I've included the tabs in Guitar Pro and PDF format, lyrics and chords for every song. Furthermore I've recorded highly authentic jam tracks in four different tempos to make this learning experience even more exciting.There are some easy parts in this course, but most of the lectures are geared toward the intermediate to advanced guitar player."
Price: 39.99

"How To Play 1950s Elvis Songs, Just Like Scotty" |
"In this course I will show you how to play the lead guitar and rhythm guitar parts to nine Elvis Presley songs that he recorded for Sun and RCA between 1954 and 1956. We'll dive deep into the music of this rock'n'roll legend and cover the style of Elvis first guitar player Scotty Moore in depth.The course features the following songsHarbour LightsThat's Alright MamaI Forgot To RememberMystery TrainTrying To Get To YouMoney HoneyMy Baby Left MeToo MuchBlue Suede ShoesI'll teach you how to play the solo guitar parts like intros, solos and outros, but I'll also show you how to play the rhythm guitar parts too.I've included the tabs in Guitar Pro and PDF format, lyrics and chords for every song. Furthermore I've recorded highly authentic jam tracks in four different tempos to make this learning experience even more exciting.There are some easy parts in this course, but most of the lectures are geared toward the intermediate to advanced guitar player."
Price: 39.99

"The Guide to iCloud" |
"If you don't understand what iCloud is or how to use it, you are not alone. As someone that helps people with their Apple products every day, this is one of the topics I am asked about the most.The Guide to iCloud is an online course for Mac, iPhone and iPad users that will teach you how to get the most from iCloud. The course starts by explaining what cloud services are, and what is included in iCloud. It then expands to look at each service offered by iCloud, why you may want to use it, and how to use it.iCloud allows you to be more secure, more productive and get more value from your Apple devices. But you have to use it in order to gain these benefits. You can store your files in iCloud Drive so you can easily access them on all of your devices. You can have your photos with you wherever you go, even if you don't have enough space on your iPhone to store them all. You can share calendars, lists and notes with friends and family members. There is so much every Apple user can do with iCloud.Understanding and Using iCloud is brought to you by MacMost. TheMacMost website contains hundreds of free video tutorials, but the ones in this course are unique to the course and give a deeper look at iCloud."
Price: 19.99

"Why is Change so Hard?" |
"What can science tell us about why people resist change? What you can do to help your staff adjust? This course discusses how to utilize behavioral psychology techniques to help overcome resistance to change in yourself and in others. Before we can embrace change, we first have to unlearn our old ways of doing things.Why Behavioral Science?In this course we are going to discuss why we all find it so hard to change and why its particularly difficult to create culture shifts within an organization.To do this we are going to take an operant conditioning approach to the problem, which basically means we are going to take a behavioral psychology approach.First we need to learn how we as humans: unlearn old behaviorstrain up new behaviorshow to use rewards and reinforcements to maximize change adoptionSpecifically we are going to learn:the most effective unlearning techniqueswhat the process of change is really like and what to expecthow to train yourself and others to embrace change over timeWhen you understand how behavioral change occurs, it becomes easier to not get frustrated with the pace of change. Always remember, your staff, as well meaning as they are, have to extinguish the old ways of doing things in order to adopt the new ways of doing things. Which means, they are going to go through an extinction burst or blow out, which I will describe later.Failure to manage the extinction burst process is why most attempts to change the culture fail. Leaders dont recognize that staff resistance is really just a manifestation of an extinction burst and so tend to give up too soon instead of seeing the collective staff blow out through to completion.This knowledge is useful in a variety of situations. Its the same process I teach in the anti-bullying programs I offer. It also helps you to understand and manage most of your interpersonal relationships.This 1 hour course will provide participants with:The most effective unlearning techniques.What the process of change is really like and what to expectHow to train yourself and others to embrace change over time.Topics covered include:How to unlearn old behaviorsHow to train up new behaviorsHow to use rewards and reinforcements to maximize change adoptionThe Science of Behavioral UnlearningThe key to understanding why it is so hard to get people to embrace change is to understand how we unlearn behaviors. It turns out we as humans unlearn the same way all animals unlearn things. To do this intentionally, there is really only one protocol that seems to work. Its called Extinguishing a Behavior.You eliminate the reward. This causes a behavioral escalation as the animal tries to get their reward back. If the reward continues to be denied, eventually the animal will escalate to the point the behavior becomes almost constant. This is known as an extinction burst or blow out. If the reward continues to be denied despite desperate attempts by the animal to get their reward back - they will eventually give up.There are more than 7 decades of research into this topic and there have been no counter examples found. This is considered established science by behavioral psychologists. All behavioral unlearning follows this pattern. The only thing that varies is how bad the escalation, extinction burst or blow out is.If you want to learn more - join this class and get all the information you need to move forward effectively."
Price: 34.99

"How to prevent passive aggressive people from wreaking havoc" |
"Can behavioral science help us learn how to deal with passive aggressive people so that we can more effectively solve our problems without getting drawn into unnecessary drama? Yes it can and Jennifer Hancock, author of several award winning books and founder of Humanist Learning Systems will teach us how.This program discusses how passive aggressive behavior is rewarded. Techniques to ensure passive aggressive behavior doesnt interfere with workflow, how to take responsibility for your part of the interaction and how to make sure you arent part of the problem. This discussion will cover 3 reasons why people behave passively aggressively and help you learn how to respond professionally and effectively to the problem so that these individuals dont wreak havoc in your workplace."
Price: 34.99

"Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Advanced Diploma" |
"This is a comprehensive Diploma that will give you a solid base in Human anatomy and physiology and very good knowledge in different Naturopathic Medicine fields, such as Acupressure, Homeopathy, Reflexology, herbal medicine and Aromatherapy, you will learn about a lots of diseases, disorders and their natural treatments, so i will define each disorder, disease and after that i will mention the signs and symptoms and the causative factors and their natural treatments. so this diploma is really valuable and effective for people who works in the medical field such as Doctors, Nurses and pharmacist, or for people who are interested to become a Naturopath or Doctors of alternative and complementary medicine, (Note: please give a careful consideration to the nature of your particular health problem. consult a physician if you are in any doubt,or if you are taken medication or drugs, because some of these remedies my conflict with the drugs). "
Price: 124.99

"Mastering IELTS Writing: Task 2 (Achieve Band 7+ in 6 Hours)" |
"""Hi Matt, I got my IELTS score yesterday. This course is simply amazing. This was my second time taking the test and I got a 7.5 in Writing with an overall band score of 8.5. Last time I got a 5.5 in writing with an overall band score of 7.5. I improved by 2 band scores due to this course. Thank you so much for your help!Sincerely,Serena""----------------------------------------------------------------------**NEW: Free Monthly IELTS Writing Live Classes For All Udemy Students**Sign up and open the bonus lecture (final lecture) to book your spot!---------------------------------------------------------------------->>> An expertly designed IELTS course with over 4,000 5-star ratings. <<<""After scoring band 6 in writing for 4 times in a row, I finally took this course and ended up 7.5.""- Mohit Kare>>> Incredible testimonials, with students going from Band 6.0 to Band 7.0/7.5 in a few weeks. <<<""This IELTS course is the best I have ever come across. It's straight to the point and the analysis is second to none."" - Ugenbi Vincent>>> A teacher with thousands of hours of 1-to-1 IELTS tuition and an excellent reputation. <<<""The best course ever! I jumped from 6.0 to 7.5 in writing in only one month with this course."" - Jaime Dantas>>> Nothing to lose with Udemy's simple 30-day money-back guarantee. <<<Join over 30,000 students from 150+ different countries!>>> All lectures are fully downloadable for access anywhere, any time. <<<33 lectures - prepare for the IELTS writing exam within 6 hours! Applies to both the Academic and General Training modules! >>> Receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the whole course. <<<Should I take this course?Have you taken the IELTS Writing exam in the past and not received the Band 7 or above you needed?Are you taking the IELTS Writing exam for the first time and want to have the best essay writing preparation available? Do you want to be taught by an instructor who teaches IELTS Writing every day, and has already helped thousands of students to improve their English and realise their IELTS goals, from Band 6 to Band 8 and beyond?If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, then this course is for you.Do not waste time and money on exam after exam after exam. Take this course to improve your English, learn the tips, tools and techniques to get the band score you need, and achieve IELTS Writing success now!How will this course help me?This course will teach you how to write what the IELTS examiners want to read in IELTS Writing Task 2. It is aimed at students who are trying to achieve Band 7, but will also be extremely valuable for any students aiming for Band 6 or Band 8. Even Band 9 students will learn something new here! It is applicable to both the Academic and GT modules. You might think that the IELTS examiners only care about a wide range of vocabulary, correct spelling and accurate grammar. This is wrong. These are all important, but there is so much more you can do to boost your score.Mastering IELTS Writing: Task 2 tells you exactly what you need to know to succeed in this English language exam. During this course, you will: understand how the IELTS exam, and the writing test in particular, is structured and how it should be approachedlearn how to write an answer to any Writing Task 2 question after learning how to recognise different question typeslearn how to manage your time wisely, how to plan your essay effectively, and how to structure your writing appropriatelylearn how to create 'flow' in your essays so that you can begin to write like a nativefind out how to increase your range of vocabulary quickly and effectivelystudy the steps you need to take in order to achieve grammatical range and accuracylearn many of the 'secrets of success' that will help you to get the best score possiblelearn an effective 3-step formula for writing introductions and conclusions, so more time can be spent on the body of the essaybegin to feel confident, assured and increasingly prepared for the writing test in your next IELTS examWhat do you use to teach your course?There are three key ingredients in the Mastering IELTS Writing: Task 2 course:Lessons. The lessons in this course work. I know this because of the high scores of my past students. The lessons are clear, direct, and focused entirely on improving the quality of your writing skills. We will waste no time. Materials. The materials I have included in this course are the materials which have helped my past students to score band 7 and above in the IELTS exam. These high-quality materials include helpful, clear descriptions of IELTS techniques, model answers to IELTS writing questions, and common mistakes to avoid. Everything you see in this course is a collection of all the techniques I have learnt over the years with my many IELTS students. Teacher. My name is Matt, and I run a website called The IELTS Teacher. I am a British native with a Bachelor's Degree in English, and have been helping students to learn English since 2008. In 2013, I launched The IELTS Teacher. I created this website because I wanted to help students to pass their IELTS exams with lessons via Skype and screen-sharing, as well as Writing Corrections. I have already taught thousands of 1-to-1 IELTS lessons, and helped hundreds of students towards their target scores. So what are you waiting for? Enrol on the course today and let's get you started on the road to IELTS success."
Price: 99.99

"CISSP Practice Tests" |
"There are a lot of advantages of becoming a Certified Information Systems Security Professional. With this practice test course, you can easily accelerate your cybersecurity career by having a CISSP certification. After going through the practice tests, you will be able understand the concepts of designing, implementation and management of cybersecurity programs. However, taking this practice test course is not enough for you to go for the exam as i encourage you to go through books and strengthen your grasp on CISSP concepts."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft 70-740 Practice Tests" |
"This course contains practice tests for 70-740 Installation, Storage and Compute with Microsoft Windows Server 2016. This course will enable you to understand the real exam simulation and the questions incorporated in the course contains most of the underlying concepts so that you may get a good grasp on them. It is obvious that the course is prepared to make you familiar with the real exam and with the questions that might appear in the exam. However, it is evident that this course can be considered as a nugget or a perk supplement for the preparation of Microsoft Certified System Administrator.The fact cannot be denied that you strongly need to consider books and these practice tests to make your conceptual grasp on underlying terminologies strong in order to appear for the certification. So have fun and enroll in the course to start your journey towards MCSAcertification. Best of LUCK!"
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA Security+ Certification SY0-501 - Practice Tests" |
"This course has been integrated with the latest practice tests in order to accomplish you with the knowledge required to understand the underlying concepts of this certification. I do not say that you will be able to pass the exam after taking this course, but i assure you that you will definitely learn worthy concepts which will aid you to pursue your certification. So, have fun and keep learning.Cheers :)A. Fraz"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Anti-Money Laundering Certification Practice Tests" |
"Individuals seeking certification in field of Anti-Money Laundering should seek for these practice tests as it will not only enhance your skill set but will also prepare for you to appear in the exam. It will also help you to nourish your knowledge further. So, practice the tests again and again and affirm your knowledge in this field to more further."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco CCDA 200-310 Practice Tests" |
"The Cisco Certified Design Associate Certification (CCDA) is in demand and provides the opportunity for entry level network engineers to get the highly paid jobs in the current market. The course is intended to provide the quality exam simulation with along with the correct answers so that the students enrolled in the course may get good grasp of underlying concepts and get familiar with the exam procedure. The course not only helps students to go through the realtime exam experience, but also provides them concept clarification with the practice. So, if you are intending to enroll in this course, you are going to learn a lot for your certification preparation."
Price: 19.99
