"Certified Ethical Hacking - Practice Tests" |
"Hey there!thanks for coming and reading the landing page of this course. This course is intended to give you good practice over Certified Ethical Hacking exam as it contains all the new and updated questions along with the right answers. This course is intended to prepare you for certification exam and to enhance your knowledge.This course cannot be considered as a shortcut but you can apprehend it as a perk to enhance your knowledge and underlying concepts contained in the certification. So, this exam is certainly going to help you to get your certification and you will enrich you knowledge and skills for exams as well in this Certified Ethical Hacking Practice Tests course.Best of Luck :)"
Price: 19.99

"Tests of Project Management Professional Certification(PMP)" |
"Thanks for landing on this course page.This course comprise of practice tests which are intended to boost your knowledge and clarify your concepts regarding project PMP Certification. The practice tests added are quite close to the questions which appear in original exam thus giving you an idea of questions nomenclature. This course is surely going to help you but you have to have all concepts cleared and understand them in order to answer all of the questions in this practice test. If you can go through all of the practice tests contained in this course, i am sure you are quite confident to take the real exam. Haste makes waste, take your time, learn more, have good grasp on PMP concepts and go through practice tests and you are good to go. Best of LUCK!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Data Science with Python - Part 1: Python Basics" |
"Welcome to Learning Data Science with Python. This is part 1 of a learning series that will guide you step by step on your journey to becoming a data scientist.My name is Tony Staunton and I have thought over 20,000 online students how to program using Python and I am thrilled that you have decided to become one of them.I have over 10 years experience working as Python programmer and 4 years experience teaching online.If you didnt already know it, data science is a terrific skill to master and a great career choice. A recent survey by the online recruitment firm Glassdoor found that becoming a Data scientist is one of the top career paths in the United States. The survey also found that data science graduates earn an average base salary of $95,000. As an entry level salary thats even higher than a Wall Street analyst.This class is going to introduce you to Python for data science. It will start off by helping you to install the Python via the Anaconda development environment, then well take a whistle stop tour of the Program that you will be using to write your code, Jupyter Notebooks. When youre ready to start writing code we will explore the:Python basicsPython ListsPythons functions and packagesAnd NumPyThis class is part 1 of a learning series that I have designed to teach you data science with Python. After you complete this class you can move on to part 2 and 3 and 4 and so on or any part that you feel might be related to an area of data science that you are interested in.All code in this class is written using Jupyter Notebooks (but any IDE will work). Jupyter Notebook is a tool used by developers all over the world for various data science tasks. Just why it is so popular is something that you will understand once you start the class.This class is designed to teach you the foundations of data science using Python in bite-sized, easy to understand lessons which you can watch anytime, anywhere. Each lesson has an accompany code file which you can download for free to help increase your learning and use as reference tool in the future.By the end of this class you will have take a major step forward in your quest to becoming a data scientist. You will have learned, understood and implemented the basic techniques used by real world industryData scientists. The topics you will learn and master are what any successful technologist absolutely needs to know.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today and join me on this journey."
Price: 29.99

"Mster en Programacin de Videojuegos con Unity 2020 y C#" |
"EL Mster se mantiene SIEMPRE actualizado YA ESTAMOS ACTUALIZANDO A Unity 2019 y 2020!Con este Mster estars preparado para desarrollar y publicar tus propios videojuegos con el motor gratuito Unity y programando con C# y Visual Studio.Empezaremos con la interface de Unity y la programacin desde cero. En las primeras unidades estars escribiendo tus primeras lineas de cdigo. Estudiaremos como desarrollar mecnicas de videojuegos bsicas y avanzadas.Disearemos niveles de Videojuegos en 2D y 3D.Iluminaremos y daremos color con materiales y texturas.Aprenderemos a trabajar con Mecanim y Animacin de Personajes desde cero a nivel avanzado.Estudiaremos conceptos de desarrollo 2D y 3D a nivel profesional.Aprenders a publicar en plataformas mviles y monetizar tus juegos con anuncios.El Master siempre se mantiene actualizado y se agregan contenidos nuevos."
Price: 194.99

"Unity Modelado 3D para Videojuegos con ProBuilder 2019" |
"En este curso aprenderemos DESDE CERO a utilizar ProBuilder y ProGrids.Estas herramientas nos permiten Modelar en 3D y realizar Mapeados UV de manera nativa DENTRO de Unity sin tener que utilizar otro software externo.Esto nos ofrece numerosas ventajas, ya que las herramientas son muy intuitivas, no se necesitan conocimientos avanzados para crear modelos de alta complejidad y se pueden conseguir diseos de una gran calidad artstica en pocos minutos.Estaremos profundizando en todo el uso de las herramientas disponibles. Modelaremos y texturizaremos objetos 3D en alta y baja resolucin y crearemos un Arma 3D desde cero.Empezaremos instalando todas las herramientas necesarias para el curso y aprendiendo a configurar sus preferencias.Seguiremos profundizando en todo los mdulos que conforman un polgono (Objeto, Vrtices, Aristas y Caras) y que combinados nos permitirn modelar en 3D todo lo que nos propongamos. Una vez dominadas las herramientas de modelado 3D comenzaremos con la primera prctica, creando un Arma SCI-FI desde cero, aprendiendo y utilizando tcnicas avanzadas y flujos de trabajo a nivel profesional.Lo siguiente ser estudiar todas las herramientas de Mapeado de modelos 3d que Probuilder nos ofrece y aplicar el correcto uso de texturas y materiales.Practicaremos con geometras bsicas y como prctica final Mapearemos el Arma SCI-FI anteriormente modelada.Una vez finalizado todo el modelado y mapeado del ARMA SCIFI seguiremos con el trabajo de texturizado desde cero con Adobe Photoshop CC y aprenderemos el flujo de trabajo completo para tener un modelo con acabados finales de texturas y luces.Lo siguiente ser aprender a exportar todo nuestro trabajo de Modelado, Mapeado y Texturizado de modelos 3D a softwares externos como puede ser blender, maya, Unreal engine, substance painter o substance designer. Es un curso enfocado 100% a herramientas generacin de modelos 3D para videojuegos con Unity 3D.Estudiaremos TODO el paquete Procore y tambin servir como gua de referencia y uso de todas estas herramientas en espaol.Tambin como alumno podrs acceder en exclusiva al grupo de FACEBOOK MASTER DEVS Comunidad creativa, en donde publicamos SORTEOS DE CURSOS, REGALOS, NOTICIAS relevantes sobre las temticas de cursos, ayudamos entre todos en proyectos personales y tambin ofrecemos ofertas y descuentos interesantes en todos los contenidosTe invitamos a que veas el video de presentacin con el recorrido completo de todo el curso.Cualquier duda que tengas nos puedes contactar con un mensaje privado y estaremos encantados de poder ayudarte.Te esperamos en el curso un saludo y muchas gracias."
Price: 109.99

"PHP for Beginners to Inventory POS Sales Project - AdminLTE" |
"RequirementsYou need to just a Computer or Laptop with Internet Connection and DESIRE to learn programming in PHP.You have to knowledge of Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3 basic principles for project, You can find free course for bootstrap , HTML5 and CSS3 on UDEMY from scratch. Its not mandatory but it could be helpful for the project Development,You Should have basic background in Javascript, jQuery and Bootstrap grid layout.DescriptionWould you like to learn Basic fundamentals of PHP with Inventory POS System Real time Project and sell it to companies that wants to manage their inventory and billing?In this course you will learn basic fundamentals of PHP with Inventory POS System from scratch using the programming language PHP7, combining several resources that will allow you to offer useful characteristics for any company that needs to open a store or manage their sales and stock.This is From PHP BASICS to REAL TIME PROJECT course where I will teach you step by step the basics fundamentals of PHP with creating WEB APPLICATION with PHP under the Procedure way with PDO(PHP DATA OBJECT), when you finish it, you could sell it to your clients or it could be used as a basis to develop other complex web applications.This PHP Basics:PHP IntroductionFirst program in PHPVariablesData TypesArraysFunctionsConditional StatementsLoopsBuilt - In FunctionsSessions & CookiesSQL Injections Basic CRUD OperationPOS SYSTEM characteristics:Login ModuleUser RegistrationCategory Products & StockInventory managementInvoice Billing PDF printingSales Order with different payment methodsSales report Best-selling products reportStock product controlDaily reportMonthly reportDate range reportAdapted to all devices (Responsive design)Libraries you will learn how to use:AdminLTE Dashboard : Great open source template for responsive software Development.jQuery DataTable: Used for dynamic tables creation.ChartJS:Used for dynamic graphics and charts.Date Range Picker: Used for selecting date ranges.Select2 Plugin: For Searcing products in sales orderSweetalerts: Awesome alerts library.FPDF :PHP extension for PDF format printing.And Many others...HOWS THE COURSE?The course is divided in several sections. In the first section we will talk about the Fundamental of Web-Client architecture with PHP BASICS .Then we will work for developing the Inventory POS system.And the following sections we will build, step by step from scratch, every single module that will be part of our Inventory POS system from HTML, CSS stylesheet, Javascript interaction and jQuery, along other plugins and server-side connection using PHP 7 with PDO(PHP DATA OBJECT) under the Procedure pattern using MySQL database.HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO COMPLETE THE COURSE?It is up to you. I guess that you would take less than three weeks to complete it, but it depends on your availability and workflow.WHAT ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS?Download the material where you can find the resources for the first lesson in each section.You should have a basic knowledge on Bootstrap , HTML5 and CSS3, course."
Price: 199.99

"Copywriting & Content Strategy: Knowing Your Audience" |
"Are you wasting money, time, and resources on ads and marketing materials? You are when your advertisements are so broad that everyone is your client.The more precise your audience, the better it is for:Your Marketing Team: They can plan and execute precision marketing campaigns;Your Creative Team: Being clear about your audience means less guess work and reduces the amendments and revisions;Your Digital Ads: Save money by targeting the right audience for your brand, product, or services.If you're a freelancer, a micro-business owner, or a novice marketing professional, stop using a one-size-fits-all approach. You can't adopt the strategy of major brands and FMCG companies for one simple reason: they can pump thousands of dollars each week! And, yes, they can afford it. And they will pump the money across all platforms. But can you?If you can't, you will need to be more strategic. Start by knowing your audience before allocating your precious resources. It is simple, but doing this preliminary step separates investment from waste.In this course, I have only one major goal: to help you know your audience and know them so well that a long-lasting relationship is built no matter where they are on the customers' journey.At the end of this course, you'll have the concepts at your finger tips so discussions with your various teams are clearer."
Price: 19.99

"Awesome German - German Course For Absolute Beginners" |
"If you dont speak German or know it only superficially, and if you want to learn it from the very basics, this course is for you. It covers all the basic grammar and vocabulary, both formal and colloquial.Discover How Easy the First Steps in a New Language May Be Definite and Indefinite Articles Gender of Nouns Affirmative, Interrogative and Negative Sentences Plurals Numbers Inflection of Nouns Inflection of Adjectives Spelling and Pronunciation Personal Pronouns Regular and Irregular Verbs Possessive Adjectives Direct and Indirect Objects Modal Verbs Prepositions Word Order Imperatives much, much more...Master the Basics of German Its All Well Within Your Reach.German is one of the most popular languages worldwide. Its also said to be difficult. Well, Im not saying its easy, but with an appropriate approach it turns out not that difficult at all. If studied systematically, the process of learning can progress really fast.This is a course which is visually rich. This is to help you soak up the language. You can see the language as used in natural circumstances, not just an accidental collection of artificial examples."
Price: 34.99

"Create a Space Shoot 'Em Up With Unity" |
"Learn how to create and program your very own side-scrolling Space Shooter game using Unity, an industry-standard game development program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world. In this course you wont just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether youre a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such game elements as:Full movement and firing mechanicsScrolling BackgroundsEnemies with multiple movement patternsSpawning waves of enemies and space debrisPower UpsMusic &Sound EffectsA Fully-featured Boss BattleFully interactive menusTracking scores and high scoresand more...Start learning today and let me help you become a game developer!"
Price: 149.99

"Learn to make a 3D Platformer Game with Unity" |
"Learn how to create and program your very own 3D Platformer game using Unity, an industry-standard game development program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world. In this course you wont just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether youre a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such game elements as:Full 3D Character MovementAnimating CharactersState-based Enemy AISaving/Loading ProgressFully-featured Boss BattlesComplete Health SystemCollectablesLevel Select Over-worldAudio system using Audio MixerMultiple Level Mechanics including unlocking doors, retracting spikes, breaking boxes etc.Unity's Cinemachine Camera systemStart learning today and let me help you become a game developer!"
Price: 194.99

"Rezepte - Der komplette Kurs fr Mediziner" |
"Nicht alles was gemacht werden darf, muss auch immer gut sein. Insbesondere wenn gesetzliche, ethische und standesrechtliche Regularien im Spiel sind. So ist das Ausstellen eines Rezepts aus Sicht des Patienten eine Selbstverstndlichkeit, die von der rztin/vom Arzt erwartet wird. Allen Ansprchen zu gengen und dabei wirtschaftlich-rechtlichen Risiken aus dem Weg zu gehen, ist eine Herausforderung. Eine Herausforderung, der man begegnen kann, indem man sich mglichst gut informiert und sehr gute Kenntnisse der Grundlagen und Quellen erarbeitet. Der vorliegende Kurs zielt darauf ab, genau jene Kenntnisse zu vermitteln, die notwendig sind, sich auf diesem Terrain sicher zu bewegen."
Price: 199.99

"rztliche Weiterbildungsordnung verstehen" |
"Die Weiterbildungsordnungen der Landesrztekammern regeln detailliert und in strukturierter Form, wie die Weiterbildungszeit zum Erwerb der Qualifikation als Facharzt offiziell organisiert ist und auf was es zu achten gilt. Auch die auf einen Facharzttitel aufbauende Erlangung von Zusatz- und Schwerpunktbezeichnungen ist dort beschrieben.Grund genug dafr, dass man sich als Arzt in der Weiterbildung mit den wesentlichen Begrifflichkeit, Inhalten und Regelungen (z. B. allgemeine und spezielle Inhalte einzelner Weiterbildungsrichtungen, Mindestzeiten, Pflichtkurse, Logbuch, Zeugnisse, Facharztprfung) vertraut machen und auskennen sollte.Unser Onlinekurs Weiterbildungsordnung vermittelt bequem und anhand von Beispielen fr einzelne Fachrichtungen alle wichtigen Punkte, die fr die Weiterbildungszeit wichtig sind. Er gibt einen berblick und geht auch ins Detail"
Price: 199.99

"Domina Asterisk Bsico desde Cero" |
"Al final de este curso usted ser capaz de realizar desde cero la instalacin y configuracin bsica de Asterisk mediante la lnea de comandos de CentOS 7, la central telefnica IP de cdigo abierto ms utilizada en todo el mundo.Adems de realizar ajustes personalizados, realizar reportes, correccin de averas, y mucho ms.Usted aprender a configurar: Extensiones SIP/IAX Troncales SIP/IAX Planes de marcado Rutas entrantes IVR"
Price: 34.99

"Kubernetes Masterclass : Deploy Production Docker Containers" |
"The advent of container orchestration technology has transformed the way that people think about developing, deploying, managing, and maintaining software. This technology is based on the native isolation capabilities of modern operating systems and has taken the IT world by a storm!If youre a modern developer, theres one thing you know for sure, containerization technology has changed the software and cloud infrastructure landscape dramatically. More flexibility, portability, scalability, the list of benefits just goes on and on. In 2014, Google open-sourced the Kubernetes project. Kubernetes is a portable, extensible open-source platform that you can use to manage containerized workloads and services. Built upon Googles massive decade and a half of experience with running production workloads at scale, Kubernetes has managed to take the world by a storm. Kubernetes provides you with all the tool you may require to build and deploy reliable and scalable distributed applications. Moreover, Kubernetes can be used for a wide range of applications because of its ability to be integrated with multiple industry standard infrastructures, architectures and software.In its 2018 cloud predictions, Forrester Research proclaimed that Kubernetes ""has won the war for container orchestration dominance.""Kubernetes is now one of the fastest-growing open source projects in history.A research survey of enterprises using containers found that 71% of respondents were using Kubernetes.DevOps engineers make an average of $140,000 to $200,000 annually. And one of the most in-demand skills is Kubernetes Deployment.Job searches for Kubernetes have increased by over 173% over the last year, with global organizations like Microsoft, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Oracle and VMware looking for suitable candidates.Prominent users of Kubernetes include IBM, Intel, Philips, Wikimedia, and The New York Times.Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program "" Kubernetes: Deploy Production Docker Containers"" is for you.Enroll in this course today and unlock the full potential for DevOps using Kubernetes container orchestration capabilities.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise with Kubernetes. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.Student support Were fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven course on the planet. So, we are there for our students whenever you need our help. You can contact us any ask any question at any time - youll get a response from us within 48 hours.What if I dont have any need for learning Kubernetes right now?Whether you are on board or not, the future of IT is fast becoming Dockerized, where nearly all software will be developed and deployed in containers. Docker will revolutionize how you develop and deploy your applications. No more worrying about inconsistencies in deployment processes, extended development timelines, or environment differences. Docker Enterprise will manage all of these and so much more, just with the push of a button!Docker increases developer productivity by a whopping 1300%! With a faster time to market of over 300%, Dockers usage rates are rapidly increasing with infrastructure size of organizations around the world.There is an evident shortage of Docker professionals today. In fact, Docker professionals were one of the top three fastest growing targeting options for employers around the world last year.As the statistics and figures show there is an advancement in technology is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. Containerization technology is the new frontier of cloud-enabling technology and application development and learning about Kubernetes will help you stay at the forefront of that curve.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your Docker and Docker Swarm containers, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below and get started today with our course Kubernetes Masterclass : Deploy Production Docker Containers.Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 3 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 3 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 3 Videos (2.5 hours)11 Sections - 16 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 3 (90 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 3 we will cover:Implementation and management of engineering processes using secure design principlesAsset RetentionConfinementUnderstanding of the fundamental concepts of security modelsSelection of controls based upon systems security requirementsSecurity capabilities of information systemsAssessment and mitigation of vulnerabilities within a security architectureClient-based systemsServer-based systemsDatabase systemsCryptographic systemsIndustrial Control Systems (ICS)Cloud-based systemsDistributed systemsInternet of Things (IoT)Assessment and mitigation in web-based systemsAssessment and mitigation in mobile-based systemsAssessment and mitigation in embedded devicesApply cryptographic methodsCryptographic life-cycleCryptographic methodsPublic Key InfrastructureKey management practicesDigital SignaturesNon-repudiationIntegrity (e.g. Hashing)Cryptographic attacksDigital Rights Management (DRM)Application of security principles to sites and facility designImplementation of site and facility security controlsWiring closets/intermediate distribution facilitiesServer rooms/data centersMedia storage facilitiesEvidence storageRestricted and work area securityUtilities and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)Environmental issuesFire prevention, detection, and suppressionNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisers Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 4 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 4 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 4 Videos 3 Sections - 7 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 4 (50 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 4 we will cover:Implement secure design principles in network architecturesOpen System Interconnection (OSI) and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) modelsInternet Protocol (IP) networkingImplications of multil-ayer protocolsConverged protocolsSoftware-defined networksWireless networksSecure network componentsOperation of hardwareTransmission mediaNetwork Access Control (NAC) devicesEndpoint securityContent-distribution networksImplement secure communication channels according to designVoiceMultimedia collaborationRemote accessData communicationsVirtualized networksNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisers Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 5 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 5 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 5 Videos (1.1 hours)5 Sections - 8 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 5 (63 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 5 we will cover:Control Physical and Logical Access to AssetsInformationSystemsDevicesFacilitiesManage Identification and Authentication of People, Devices, and ServicesIdentity management implementationSingle/multi-factor authenticationAccountabilitySession managementRegistration and proofing of identityFederated Identity Management (FIM)Credential management systemsIntegrate Identity as a Third-party ServiceOn-premiseCloudFederatedImplement and Manage Authorization MechanismsRole Based Access Control (RBAC)Rule-based Access controlMandatory Access Control (MAC)Discretionary Access Control (DAC)Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)Manage the Identity and Access Provisioning LifecycleUser access reviewSystem account access reviewProvisioning and deprovisioningNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisors Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 6 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 6 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 6 Videos (1.0 hours)5 Sections - 7 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 6 (50 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 6 we will cover:Design and Validate Assessment, Test, and Audit StrategiesInternalExternalThird PartyConduct Security Control TestingVulnerability AssessmentPenetration TestingLog ReviewsSynthetic TransactionsCode Review and TestingMisuse Case TestingTest Coverage AnalysisInterface TestingCollect Security Process Data (e.g., Technical and Administrative)Account ManagementManagement Review and ApprovalKey Performance and Risk IndicatorsBackup Verification DataTraining and AwarenessDisaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)Analyze Test Output and Generate ReportConduct or Facilitate Security AuditsInternalExternalThird-PartyNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisors Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 7 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 7 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 7 Videos (3 hours)14 Sections - 22 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 7 (147 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 7 we will cover:Understand and Support InvestigationsEvidence Collection and HandlingReporting and DocumentationInvestigative TechniquesDigital Forensics Tools, Tactics, and ProceduresUnderstand Requirements for Investigation TypesAdministrativeCriminalCivilRegulatoryIndustry StandardsConduct Logging and Monitoring ActivitiesIntrusion Detection and PreventionSecurity Information and Event ManagementContinuous MonitoringEgress MonitoringSecurely Provisioning ResourcesAsset InventoryAsset ManagementConfiguration ManagementUnderstand and Apply Foundational Security Ops Concepts""Need-To-Know"" / Least PrivilegesSeparation of Duties and ResponsibilitiesPrivileged Account ManagementJob RotationInformation LifecycleService Level Agreements (SLA)Apply Resource Protection TechniquesMedia ManagementHardware and Software Asset ManagementConduct Incident ManagementDetectionResponseMitigationReportingRecoveryRemediationLessons LearnedOperate and Maintain Detective and Preventative MeasuresFirewallsIntrusion Detection and Prevention SystemsWhitelisting/BlacklistingThird-Party Provided Security ServicesSandboxingImplement and Support Patch and Vulnerability ManagementUnderstand and Participate in Change Management ProcessesImplement Recovery StrategiesBackup Storage StrategiesRecovery Site StrategiesMultiple Processing SitesSystem Resilience, High Availability, Quality of Service (QOS), and Fault ToleranceImplement Disaster Recovery (DR) ProcessesResponsePersonnelCommunicationsAssessmentRestorationTraining and AwarenessTest Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP)Read-Through/ChecklistStructured Walk-Through (Table-Top)Simulation TestParallel TestFull Interruption TestParticipate in Business Continuity (BC) Planning and ExercisesImplement and Manage Physical SecurityPerimeter Security ControlsInternal Security ControlsAddress Personnel Safety and Security ConcernsTravelSecurity Training and AwarenessEmergency ManagementDuressNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisors Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 8 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 8 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 8 Videos5 Sections - 8 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 8 (55 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 8 we will cover:Design and Validate Assessment, Test, and Audit StrategiesInternalExternalThird PartyConduct Security Control TestingVulnerability AssessmentPenetration TestingLog ReviewsSynthetic TransactionsCode Review and TestingMisuse Case TestingTest Coverage AnalysisInterface TestingCollect Security Process Data (e.g., Technical and Administrative)Account ManagementManagement Review and ApprovalKey Performance and Risk IndicatorsBackup Verification DataTraining and AwarenessDisaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)Analyze Test Output and Generate ReportConduct or Facilitate Security AuditsInternalExternalThird-PartyNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisors Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 2 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 2 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 2 Videos5 Sections - 9 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 2 10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 2 we will cover:Identify and classify information and assetsData ClassificationAsset ClassificationDetermine and maintain information and asset ownershipProtect privacyData ownersData processorsData remanenceCollection limitationEnsure appropriate asset retentionDetermine data security controlsUnderstand data statesScoping and tailoringStandards selectionData protection methodsEstablish information and asset handling requirementsNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisers Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domain 1 (Video Training Course) - 2019" |
"In this CISSP Domain 1 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:Full CISSP Domain 1 Videos12 Sections - 31 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 1 10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 1 we will cover:IntroductionIntroductionPurposeISC2Understand and apply concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availabilityConfidentialityIntegrityAvailabilityEvaluate and apply security governance principlesAlignment of security function to business strategy, goals, mission, and objectivesOrganizational processes (e.g., acquisitions, divestitures, governance committeesOrganizational roles and responsibilitiesSecurity control frameworksDue care/due diligenceDetermine compliance requirementsContractual, legal, industry standards, and regulatory requirementsPrivacy requirementsUnderstand legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a global contextCyber crimes and data breachesLicensing and intellectual property requirementsImport/export controlsTrans-border data flowPrivacyUnderstand, adhere to, and promote professional ethics(ISC) Code of Professional EthicsOrganizational code of ethicsDevelop, document, and implement security policy, standards, procedures, and guidelinesIdentify, analyze, and prioritize Business Continuity (BC) requirementDevelop and document scope and planBusiness Impact Analysis (BIA)Contribute to and enforce personnel security policies and proceduresCandidate screening and hiringEmployment agreements and policiesOnboarding and termination processesVendor, consultant, and contractor agreements and controlsCompliance policy requirementsPrivacy policy requirementsUnderstand and apply risk management conceptsIdentify threats and vulnerabilitiesRisk assessment/analysisRisk responseCountermeasure selection and implementationApplicable types of controls (e.g., preventive, detective, corrective)Security Control Assessment (SCA)Monitoring and measurementAsset valuationReportingContinuous improvementRisk frameworksUnderstand and apply threat modeling concepts and methodologiesThreat modeling methodologiesThreat modeling conceptsApply risk-based management concepts to the supply chainRisks associated with hardware, software, and servicesThird-party assessment and monitoringMinimum security requirementsService-level requirementsEstablish and maintain a security awareness, education, and training programMethods and techniques to present awareness and trainingPeriodic content reviewsProgram effectiveness evaluationNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisers Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 29.99

"CISSP Certification: Domains 1, 2, 3 & 4 Video Training-2020" |
"In this CISSP Domain 1, 2, 3, and 4 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:CISSP Domain 1 Videos13 Sections - 31 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 110 CISSP practice questionsCISSP Domain 2 Videos5 Sections - 9 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 210 CISSP practice questionsCISSP Domain 3 Videos11 Sections - 16 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 310 CISSP practice questionsCISSP Domain 4 Videos3 Sections - 7 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 410 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 1 we will cover:IntroductionIntroductionPurposeISC2Understand and apply concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availabilityConfidentialityIntegrityAvailabilityEvaluate and apply security governance principlesAlignment of security function to business strategy, goals, mission, and objectivesOrganizational processes (e.g., acquisitions, divestitures, governance committeesOrganizational roles and responsibilitiesSecurity control frameworksDue care/due diligenceDetermine compliance requirementsContractual, legal, industry standards, and regulatory requirementsPrivacy requirementsUnderstand legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a global contextCyber crimes and data breachesLicensing and intellectual property requirementsImport/export controlsTrans-border data flowPrivacyUnderstand, adhere to, and promote professional ethics(ISC) Code of Professional EthicsOrganizational code of ethicsDevelop, document, and implement security policy, standards, procedures, and guidelinesIdentify, analyze, and prioritize Business Continuity (BC) requirementDevelop and document scope and planBusiness Impact Analysis (BIA)Contribute to and enforce personnel security policies and proceduresCandidate screening and hiringEmployment agreements and policiesOnboarding and termination processesVendor, consultant, and contractor agreements and controlsCompliance policy requirementsPrivacy policy requirementsUnderstand and apply risk management conceptsIdentify threats and vulnerabilitiesRisk assessment/analysisRisk responseCountermeasure selection and implementationApplicable types of controls (e.g., preventive, detective, corrective)Security Control Assessment (SCA)Monitoring and measurementAsset valuationReportingContinuous improvementRisk frameworksUnderstand and apply threat modeling concepts and methodologiesThreat modeling methodologiesThreat modeling conceptsApply risk-based management concepts to the supply chainRisks associated with hardware, software, and servicesThird-party assessment and monitoringMinimum security requirementsService-level requirementsEstablish and maintain a security awareness, education, and training programMethods and techniques to present awareness and trainingPeriodic content reviewsProgram effectiveness evaluationIn Domain 2 we will cover:Identify and classify information and assetsData ClassificationAsset ClassificationDetermine and maintain information and asset ownershipProtect privacyData ownersData processorsData remanenceCollection limitationEnsure appropriate asset retentionDetermine data security controlsUnderstand data statesScoping and tailoringStandards selectionData protection methodsEstablish information and asset handling requirementsIn Domain 3 we will cover:Implementation and management of engineering processes using secure design principlesAsset RetentionConfinementUnderstanding of the fundamental concepts of security modelsSelection of controls based upon systems security requirementsSecurity capabilities of information systemsAssessment and mitigation of vulnerabilities within a security architectureClient-based systemsServer-based systemsDatabase systemsCryptographic systemsIndustrial Control Systems (ICS)Cloud-based systemsDistributed systemsInternet of Things (IoT)Assessment and mitigation in web-based systemsAssessment and mitigation in mobile-based systemsAssessment and mitigation in embedded devicesApply cryptographic methodsCryptographic life-cycleCryptographic methodsPublic Key InfrastructureKey management practicesDigital SignaturesNon-repudiationIntegrity (e.g. Hashing)Cryptographic attacksDigital Rights Management (DRM)Application of security principles to sites and facility designImplementation of site and facility security controlsWiring closets/intermediate distribution facilitiesServer rooms/data centersMedia storage facilitiesEvidence storageRestricted and work area securityUtilities and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)Environmental issuesFire prevention, detection, and suppressionIn Domain 4 we will cover:Implement secure design principles in network architecturesOpen System Interconnection (OSI) and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) modelsInternet Protocol (IP) networkingImplications of multil-ayer protocolsConverged protocolsSoftware-defined networksWireless networksSecure network componentsOperation of hardwareTransmission mediaNetwork Access Control (NAC) devicesEndpoint securityContent-distribution networksImplement secure communication channels according to designVoiceMultimedia collaborationRemote accessData communicationsVirtualized networksNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisers Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 74.99

"CISSP Certification: Domains 5, 6, 7 & 8 Video Training-2020" |
"In this CISSP Domain 5, 6, 7 and 8 video training course, I will provide you the knowledge, experience and practical skills you need to pass the CISSP certification. In addition, you will get my years of experience (Over 18 years) as I translate CISSP training requirements into real-world examples.Included in this course:CISSP Domain 5 VideosFull CISSP Domain 5 Videos (1.1 hours)5 Sections - 8 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 5 (63 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsCISSP Domain 6 VideosFull CISSP Domain 6 Videos (1.0 hours)5 Sections - 7 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 6 (50 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsCISSP Domain 7 VideosFull CISSP Domain 7 Videos (3 hours)14 Sections - 22 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 7 (147 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsCISSP Domain 8 VideosFull CISSP Domain 8 Videos5 Sections - 8 VideosSlides available to download for Domain 8 (55 pages)10 CISSP practice questionsThe curriculum in this course covers the content that will be on the most current CISSP exam (April 2018). Each objective that is required for the CISSP exam will be covered in varying degrees of complexity and competency. The next upgrade to the CISSP curriculum/exam will occur in 2021.In Domain 5 we will cover:Control Physical and Logical Access to AssetsInformationSystemsDevicesFacilitiesManage Identification and Authentication of People, Devices, and ServicesIdentity management implementationSingle/multi-factor authenticationAccountabilitySession managementRegistration and proofing of identityFederated Identity Management (FIM)Credential management systemsIntegrate Identity as a Third-party ServiceOn-premiseCloudFederatedImplement and Manage Authorization MechanismsRole Based Access Control (RBAC)Rule-based Access controlMandatory Access Control (MAC)Discretionary Access Control (DAC)Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)Manage the Identity and Access Provisioning LifecycleUser access reviewSystem account access reviewProvisioning and deprovisioningIn Domain 6 we will cover:Design and Validate Assessment, Test, and Audit StrategiesInternalExternalThird PartyConduct Security Control TestingVulnerability AssessmentPenetration TestingLog ReviewsSynthetic TransactionsCode Review and TestingMisuse Case TestingTest Coverage AnalysisInterface TestingCollect Security Process Data (e.g., Technical and Administrative)Account ManagementManagement Review and ApprovalKey Performance and Risk IndicatorsBackup Verification DataTraining and AwarenessDisaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)Analyze Test Output and Generate ReportConduct or Facilitate Security AuditsInternalExternalThird-PartyIn Domain 7 we will cover:Understand and Support InvestigationsEvidence Collection and HandlingReporting and DocumentationInvestigative TechniquesDigital Forensics Tools, Tactics, and ProceduresUnderstand Requirements for Investigation TypesAdministrativeCriminalCivilRegulatoryIndustry StandardsConduct Logging and Monitoring ActivitiesIntrusion Detection and PreventionSecurity Information and Event ManagementContinuous MonitoringEgress MonitoringSecurely Provisioning ResourcesAsset InventoryAsset ManagementConfiguration ManagementUnderstand and Apply Foundational Security Ops Concepts""Need-To-Know"" / Least PrivilegesSeparation of Duties and ResponsibilitiesPrivileged Account ManagementJob RotationInformation LifecycleService Level Agreements (SLA)Apply Resource Protection TechniquesMedia ManagementHardware and Software Asset ManagementConduct Incident ManagementDetectionResponseMitigationReportingRecoveryRemediationLessons LearnedOperate and Maintain Detective and Preventative MeasuresFirewallsIntrusion Detection and Prevention SystemsWhitelisting/BlacklistingThird-Party Provided Security ServicesSandboxingImplement and Support Patch and Vulnerability ManagementUnderstand and Participate in Change Management ProcessesImplement Recovery StrategiesBackup Storage StrategiesRecovery Site StrategiesMultiple Processing SitesSystem Resilience, High Availability, Quality of Service (QOS), and Fault ToleranceImplement Disaster Recovery (DR) ProcessesResponsePersonnelCommunicationsAssessmentRestorationTraining and AwarenessTest Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP)Read-Through/ChecklistStructured Walk-Through (Table-Top)Simulation TestParallel TestFull Interruption TestParticipate in Business Continuity (BC) Planning and ExercisesImplement and Manage Physical SecurityPerimeter Security ControlsInternal Security ControlsAddress Personnel Safety and Security ConcernsTravelSecurity Training and AwarenessEmergency ManagementDuressIn Domain 8 we will cover:Design and Validate Assessment, Test, and Audit StrategiesInternalExternalThird PartyConduct Security Control TestingVulnerability AssessmentPenetration TestingLog ReviewsSynthetic TransactionsCode Review and TestingMisuse Case TestingTest Coverage AnalysisInterface TestingCollect Security Process Data (e.g., Technical and Administrative)Account ManagementManagement Review and ApprovalKey Performance and Risk IndicatorsBackup Verification DataTraining and AwarenessDisaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)Analyze Test Output and Generate ReportConduct or Facilitate Security AuditsInternalExternalThird-PartyNotes / Disclaimers:In order for you to pass the CISSP test you need to have the substantial knowledge through experience and knowledge.The test was originally written in English, but there are other language versions availableAnswering the questions you need to consider the ""perfect world"" scenario and that work around options may be technically correct, but they may not meet (ISC)2 point of viewYou need to be able to spot the keywords (DR, BCP, Policy, Standards, etc.) as well as the indicators (First, Best, Last, Least, Most)Understand and answer every question from the Manager, CISO, or Risk Advisers Point of View (PoV). Answering the questions from a CIO or technical perspective will place your thinking too high or down in the weeds too far.Understand that you are to answer the questions based on being proactive within your environment. Enable a Vulnerability Management Program before you have vulnerability issues.The English version of the CISSP exam, utilizes the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format and is 3 hours long with 100-150 questionsMost people studying for CISSP certification will various media sources, test banks, and various books to enhance their test taking experience.Dont rely on one source to teach you all that you need to know for the CISSP.Invest in multiple training opportunities. The future payoff is worth the time and energy."
Price: 74.99

"Angular & Loopback - Build a Complete Website from Scratch" |
"Loopback is Nodejs framework for creating apis and providing UI for testing the apis. Angular is Javascript framework for creating single page web apps. After completing this course, you will be able to build a complete and full fledge note taking web app using Loopback and Angular 8. If you want to learn even one technology like Angular or Loopback, this course provide you enough knowledge to build high level web applications with best code practices.I will start with creating folder structures of the Angular and Loopback projects, following the best practices and code quality. These are the following topics I will be covering in this course.LoopbackLoopback introductionUser registration in LoopbackUser login in LoopbackUser email verification in LoopbackForget password in LoopbackChange password in LoopbackCreating Loopback models using commandsBuild proper folder structure in Loopback projectBuild custom templates in LoopbackCreating remote methods in loopbackUsing hooks in LoopbackModel relationships in LoopbackAccess controls in LoopbackAngularAngular cli commands Angular RoutingAngular Components communicationAngular project folder structureLazy Loading in loopbackBest Practices and InterfacesUsing rich text box for creating notesUtilising loopback apis in angularBuild nice looking Angular material UIIn this course, I will build a note taking app that will include categories and each category will have multiple notes which we can perform CRUD operations on. I can assure, you will become a full stack developer after completing this course and can build hight level enterprise web apps. I hope to see you taking this course."
Price: 79.99

"Chess: Beginner to Expert" |
"Hey guys! Thanks so much for taking a look at my course. It really means the world to me :)For those who are new to chess, allow me to explain what we have in store. In this course, you will be learning about everything that is Chess, early on, we will look at basic fundamentals to layout a foundation in which you can find yourself able to develop an intuition about chess that almost becomes second nature. We will be looking at all aspects of the game from first move to finish in which you can learn to find the best move through basic pattern recognition. Thank you so, so much for taking this journey with me and for spending your time ( in participating in this course. I hope you get everything you expect from it, if not more."
Price: 19.99

"77-729 MOS PowerPoint Practice Tests and Video Solutions" |
"The purpose of this course is to provide you with three complete practice tests which are prepared at the level required to pass the 77-729 Microsoft Certification exam in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. Each practice exam is divided into a number of projects with a total of 35 project tasks in each exam. That's 105 project tasks all geared towards the 77-729 exam. Advice on preparation, how to approach the exam, what the interface will look like and which areas of the Objective Domain to focus on is provided. Tips on issues you will encounter with particular questions types is also included. Video solutions are provided for each of the 105 project tasks in which the instructor explains how to approach the project and how the solutions are derived.If you can master the practice exams included in this course, in the recommended times, you will be confident in your abilities to master the 77-729 exam on the first attempt."
Price: 129.99

"Master English Pronunciation and Improve Your Speaking!" |
"English pronunciation is difficult but I love teaching it, which is good because I've been an English language teacher for ten years! In my time teaching in classrooms around the world, and online, I've helped many English language learners improve their pronunciation.I've made this course so that you don't have to be in my classroom to improve your pronunciation and speak English more easily!In this course you will:Learn the differences between similar English sounds - these are really difficult for many learners!Get lots of practice to improve your pronunciation!Improve your confidence when speaking English and when listening to English speakers!Be more fluent and natural-sounding when you speak English!"
Price: 24.99

"TEFL Essentials: 50 Low/No-Prep Games for the TEFL Classroom" |
"These games and activities are incredibly easy to organise and play; you only need a whiteboard, some board markers, your English language learners, and you (their teacher) to play!USETHESEGAMES & ACTIVITIES:As a warmer at the beginning of a lesson.To review language that has been recently taught.As a fun way to end your lesson.To fill time when your lesson unexpectedly finishes early!These games and activities are fun to organise and take part in and each game has a clear language focus! Your students will practice, review, and learn as they do these games and activities!Use these games and activities with your elementary - upper intermediate level learners! Some of them are suitable for younger children, but these games really work best with students aged 12 - adult.You can easily adapt these games and activities to practice almost any aspects of the English language! Ideas on how to do this are given throughout the course."
Price: 24.99

"GarageBand iOS : le guide complet" |
"Savez vous que vous possdiez un studio de cration musicale dans votre poche ?Non ?Regardez de plus prs... GarageBand, l'application gratuite fourni avec un iPhone ou un iPad est plus puissante que jamais ! Vous allez pouvoir crer des musiques de qualit, n'importe o, directement avec votre tlphone ou tablette.C'est ce qu'on va voir dans ce cours complet ddi ce logiciel incroyable... et gratuit !A la fin de ce cours vous saurez prcisment comment voluer dans garageband, crer des pistes audio et instrument virtuel. Vous maitriserez toutes les options essentielles permettant de scultper vos musiques selon vos gouts.Au programme de ce cours : - L'interface en dtail, pour mieux se reperer- Comment organiser les pistes- Les outils de bases- Mais galement les outils avancs- Les diffrentes options d'dition audio et MIDI- Comment crer un arrangement complet- Tous les rglages et effets disponibles- L'essentiel des instruments fournis avec Garageband- Le mode live loops - Plein d'autres choses encore....Ce cours s'adresse toute personne possdant un iPad ou iPhone et dsirant crer sa propre musique, jingle, habillage sonore.Ce cours s'adresse aussi des musiciens souhaitant transformer leur tablette ou tlphone en un mini studio de poche.Alors, prt crer votre musique ? Cliquez sur le bouton pour vous inscrire, et je vous retrouve tout de suite, de l'autre ct !"
Price: 104.99

"Gardening 101: Step by Step From Dream to Harvest!" |
"This is the gardening course is the first step for everyone that has ever wanted to dig their hands into the rich Earth and produce healthy, fresh vegetables, beautiful flowers and herbs, if they only knew where to start. For the basic DIY fresh, organic, vegetable gardener under construction, this course is the start-from-scratch primer for anyone that wants to grow their own tomatoes or anything else. If you have a new community garden plot waiting to be planted but don't know where to start, this is it! Here you will find detailed explanations that break the fundamental concepts of expert gardening down into basics that are easy to understand and apply. With video lectures, illustrations and links to other resources for further reading, this course opens the door to the world of gardening for the true beginner. Take this course if you have two weeks, a weedy patch of dirt or a sunny window ledge, and a desire to have a relationship with the magic of life that also feeds us!"
Price: 19.99
