"Hacking college using the Advanced Placement program" |
"Course describes the AP program, and provides step by step instructions, and a planning workbook, enabling you to quickly create a comprehensive plan to maximize the return on investment from your student's AP efforts. For those in a hurry, skip to the final lesson, download the workbook, and follow along with your student to create a plan in 30 minutes."
Price: 19.99

"Investing In Stocks For Retail Investors, Fast Profit Method" |
"Investing In Stocks For Retail Investors, An Investing Method To Make Fast Profits In Stock MarketYou'll learn why in spite of lot of knowledge people fail as investors AND what you can do to be not in that failure list.You'll also learn why all investing methods are not created equal.After going from course you'll be able to understand market sentiment and how to invest based on market sentiment.In course we'll give you clear idea how to spot stocks that are on verge of generating upside and why they are best suited for investment for Retail Investors.Buying stocks that are on verge of upside is good idea because after purchase stock would start showing profit in 3 to 6 months or even less.Fundamentals of all businesses are not created equal, fundamentals that might be important in one business might be totally useless in some other business.Finally we have also included chapter on what to do when analysis fails to perform as expected and what to do when stock performs better than expect.In Case You Need Better Reason To Join then final chapters of course are dedicated to show to performance of stocks that were discussed and found during course. Those chapters are available for free preview, you can check their performance by yourself."
Price: 199.99

"Canva Masterclass 2020" |
"Canva para NO DISEADORES te ensear a disear como un profesional sin tener conocimientos de diseo, solo necesitare de ti muchas ganas de aprender , un poco de creatividad y sobretodo tiempo para ver de inicio a fin este curso que lo tendras disponible en esta plataforma En pocos minutos crears imagenes profesionales para:Tus redes sociales (Facebook e instagram)Presentaciones de negocios.Logotipos ejecutivos y de negocio.Tarjetas de presentacinDiseos para tamaos predeterminados.Trucos para facilitarte el trabajo.Obtener imgenes profesionales y libres de derechos de autor.Hacer el fondo transparente de tus imgenes.Descargar tus diseos en mltiples formatos como PDF, JPG o PNG.LO MEJOR !!!!! No necesitas descargar softwares pesados como photoshop, NI MUCHO MENOS GASTAR DOLARES MENSUALES EN SUSCRIPCIONES, Canva funciona 100% en internet y es totalmente GRATISCanva se ha convertido en la mejor herramienta para emprendedores, dueos de negocios, community managers y amantes del diseo grfico en general, por permitirles crear imgenes de alta calidad y en pocos minutos.En cada video te llevo de la mano para que domines las herramientas ms importantes de esta maravillosa plataforma de diseo.Si bien, Canva tambin puede utilizarse en los mviles, este curso est enfocado en realizar diseos utilizando un ordenador (computadora).No pierdas tu tiempo , usa Canva ahora mismoRegstrate ahora!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Facil y Rapido a usar La Plataforma de AFPNET" |
"Desde mas de 10 aos atrs se ha incentivado el uso de la plataforma de AFPNET el cual es obligatorio para todo empleador que tenga desde un trabajador , cabe recordar que esta plataforma es totalmente gratuita y que el uso es fcil y sencillo. Esta plataforma sirve para las AFP vigentes al da de hoy en nuestro sistema tributario Nacional, para iniciar al uso es necesario que tengas o dispongas de un usuario y contrasea el cual por el momento se hace y obtiene de manera presencial . En este curso vamos a revisar muchos casos practicos que te invito a ver a continuacin en nuestro contenido"
Price: 29.99

"Masterclass de Plame y T-registro" |
"Este Masterclass de Plame y T-registro ha sido planteado y desarrollado recogiendo el software diseado por la SUNAT para la declaracin y pago de los conceptos vinculados con las remuneraciones.Dirigido aEsta dirigido a todas aquellas personas que por restricciones de tiempo y distancia, se encuentran limitados a asistir a clases presenciales.Estudiantes, contadores, profesionales en general y personas interesadas en aprender el uso del PDT 601 Planillas electrnicas con un mtodo de aprendizaje sencillo y prctico.Objetivo GeneralFacilitar el manejo del PDT 601: T REGISTRO Y PLAMEDeclarar sus impuestos y sin tener incovenientes con la SUNAT.Identificar la correcta informacin a registrar y declarar en el PDT 601.El curso virtual se basar en elementos o ideas claves:Trabajo personalizado con tutoriales (texto, grfico), videostutoriales. Acceso a materiales informativos de alta calidad para la lectura consulta y estudio. Orientacin, gua y apoyo constante del tutor encargado del curso. centrados en la transmisin de informacin a los estudiantes, aportando contenidos relevantes, dinamizando los procesos de aprendizaje.Certificacin Virtual"
Price: 29.99

"Ableton Beat Course Easily Produce In Live 10 - Beats" |
"WelcomeThis course is all about how to create a dope instrumental beat easily using nothing but your Ableton Live Software and Free beat drum loops that can be found on websites such as Hiphopmakers / TheProducersplug and more.This Professional Ableton Beat course is perfect for beginner producers and intermediate beat makers with a little more experience, to help students craft an awesome self-made product that can be implemented into their future projects with the music scene.You should expect to learn how to create an awesome beat drum patternEdit Sample Loops using Warp to fit into anything BPM (Beats Per Minute) / TempoProduce professional-sounding instruments using software midi (No Hardware midi needed)Creating a great baseline that will always fit into your beat production Easily turn any sound into background ambiance to add fullness and texture to your instrumental.This course is only about 30 minutes, but don't be fooled the content will suit your needs for years to come within your beat production.If you struggle with creating a great sounding instrumental or just want to broaden your Ableton instrumental beat production ability's than this beat course will benefit you in more ways than you'll expect."
Price: 159.99

"Networking Full Course & Network + certification" |
"This Class of Full Networking Fundamentals, will be fully illustrated with video lessons and sample to which it will make student to better learn and understand the class. I hope all students like my teaching on the class . and enjoy learning. My class of networking will also prepare you for network + exam to , so i hope you pay attention to exam question"
Price: 19.99

"Studierende aktivieren und motivieren" |
"Mchten Sie Ihre Studierenden in Lehrveranstaltungen aktivieren? Mchten Sie, dass die Studierenden mglichst gut lernen und gerne in Ihre Lehrveranstaltung kommen? Mchten Sie abwechslungsreiche und lernfrderliche Lehrveranstaltungen gestalten? Dann finden Sie in diesem Online-Kurs Untersttzung und Anregungen. Sie haben die Mglichkeit zu lernen, Lehrveranstaltungen so zu gestalten, dass Ihre Studierenden aktiviert werden und dadurch mglichst optimal lernen. Dafr lernen Sie verschiedene Lehrmethoden und grundlegende Aspekte guter Lernumgebungen kennen. Auerdem lernen Sie das Prinzip des sogenannten Flipped Classrooms kennen - eine Strategie fr Lehrveranstaltungen, die grundlegend aktiviert und motiviert. Alle vorgestellten Vorschlge sind theoretisch und auf der Basis empirischer Forschung begrndbar. Allerdings wird in diesem Kurs der Fokus stark auf die Praxis gelegt; theoretische berlegungen finden sich nur am Rande."
Price: 19.99

"Void-of-Course Moon: A Complete Guide" |
"I am a student of astrology since the 1980s, and I am especially interested in the traditional astrology, because, for me, this is how the ancient wisdom can be applied to the realities of our day-to-day lives. When I learned that the concept of the void-of-course Moon, which is one of the most ancient astrological concepts, became very popular in the West, my reaction was ambiguous. On the one hand, I was pleasantly surprised, because when the wisdom of astrology is applied to peoples lives, this often results in more happiness, more understanding, fewer problems. On the other hand, when some idea is adopted blindly, when it is not supported by knowledge, this can lead to confusion, and sometimes to frustration. Over the years, I received quite a few questions from the visitors of my website that showed me that, although people are clearly interested in the void-of-course periods of the Moon, their understanding of what these periods are, what they are good for, what they are not god for, and to which degree, is very limited. I created this course with the purpose of explaining, patiently, step-by-step, what exactly these mysterious periods are, astronomically, how they were used in the astrological tradition, and how they are used by some of our contemporaries, including myself. You will learn that the void-of-course periods of the Moon arent necessarily bad or negative, they have their useful sides too. And even when they can be considered as negative, they are not really fatally bad for everything, as some people think. The course consists of an introduction and three parts. In the introduction, I will show you the historical context of the concept, where it came from. The first part was designed for those who are interested to know how exactly all this works, how and why can the Moon become void-of-course. This part isn't really necessary, if you are not technically-minded, you can omit it. The second part will teach you how to find out the dates and the times of void-of-course periods, and I will offer you four different sources of information to choose from. The final part is the most important as I will share with you a couple of rules that will help you to decide whether what you are doing or planning to do will or will not be affected by the void-of-course Moon.So, if you are interested in the void-of-course Moon, or perhaps simply in using the rhythms of the Moon in your daily life, I hope you will find my course useful and illuminating. See you inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde: A Complete Guide" |
"Mercury Retrograde is a very special astrological factor in a number of ways. First of all, it is very simple and easy to observe: the dates of the periods of retrograde motion of Mercury can be listed for many years into the future, as well as into the past. Second, it is based on a specific, well known astronomical phenomenon, there is nothing nebulous or mystical about it. Retrograde motion of Venus and Mars happens less frequently but isn't less important to take into account in fact, it is more important in the areas of life related to Mars and Venus. In this course, I am going to share with you an original approach to understanding the retrograde motion of Mercury, Venus and Mars that was introduced by my teacher of astrology and further developed by myself. You will learn that the periods of retrograde Mercury, Venus and Mars can be very important and useful, they can bring you wonderful ideas and tremendous insights but you need to know how to navigate these periods. Otherwise you might end up tired and frustrated, simply because you didn't know how to accept the gift the Universe tried to deliver to you.I will also tell you about the special talents of those who were born when Mercury, Venus and Mars were retrograde. Sometimes, people think that being born with a retrograde personal planet is like a curse but that is not true. Many of the world's geniuses were born with retrograde Mercury, Venus and Mars, and I will give you several examples. I will also explain the benefits of being born with retrograde Mercury, Venus and Mars. Did you know that over the years the status of your retrograde planet can change: if it was retrograde, it will become direct, and vice versa? I will explain this too, in detail and with examples. I hope you will find this course very useful and illuminating see you inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Effective Conflict Management" |
"Conflict Management: Conflict at the workplace or personal life is unavoidable. This course will give you all you need to (A) Prevent conflict and (B) Manage conflict - whether it involves you directly or indirectly. Confident conflict resolution skills will certainly make you stand out. To be able to effectively handle conflict, irrespective of the circumstances is an ability that will help you to build strong, productive working relationships and enhance the overall performance of your team, group or department."
Price: 24.99

"Effective Feedback Management" |
"Feedback Management Sharing feedback is an essential skill every individual, Manager or person in the leadership role should possess. The purpose of this course is to make sure you share effective feedback that is concise and direct. The key is to embrace both giving and receiving feedback effectively. Doing this well will not just make you an effective communicator but also help your team members will perform better."
Price: 24.99

"Being Assertive" |
"Assertiveness is an important step towards control over one's own life and towards the building of positive relationships with others. The goal of Assertiveness Communication Training is to enable participants to learn to express their rights, requests, opinions, and feelings honestly, directly, and appropriately without violating the rights and self-esteem of others.Assertiveness skills include expressing and accepting personal rights and responsibilities, making direct requests and refusals, determining limitations, reinforcing verbal messages with non-verbal ones, giving and receiving praise, expressing disagreement and anger, and confronting others. These skills contribute to an employee's ability to succeed in attaining personal and career goals. Positive and complete interpersonal communication skills must involve direct and honest expression of one's needs, feelings, and opinions without threatening others."
Price: 24.99

"Effective Interpersonal Skills" |
"Using good interpersonal skills is often the difference between effectively communicating, and building barriers to the communication process. Understanding the individual and creating an environment conducive to effective communication is an efficient means to developing valuable relationships.Good interpersonal skills create significant advantages when communicating to build successful relationships. Consciously gathering information as you enter the process will make you more effective. Think of it as gathering intelligence to become more efficient."
Price: 24.99

"Big Data on AWS" |
"Full Length Practice Exam is IncludedThis course is a study guide for preparing for AWS Certified Big Data Specialty exam. Focus is on hands on learning. Though this course does not guarantee that you will pass the exam you will learn lot of services and concepts required to pass the exam.Even if you are not planning to take the exam you will learn a lot from studying the course material.Cover all the exam domains.Learn Collection, Storage , Processing , Analysis, Visualization, Data SecurityRedshift and Flight Data AnalysisKinesis Data Streams and Kinesis FirehoseEMR on AWS including Hive, Presto, Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, SparkAthenaAmazon Machine LearningAmazon QuickSightAWS GlueAWS IOTAWS LambdaAWS DataPipelineAmazon DynamoDBAWS SnowballS3 for BigDataAmazon ElasticsearchSQS"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams" |
"Quantitative Aptitude (aps) contributes a major mark percentage in any competitive exam. There are lots of topics in aps like Ages, Percentages, Speed, Distance, Time and so on, which has lots of questions to test the analytical ability of oneself. Solving these questions requires lots of time and mathematical steps. Most of the competitive exams gives only an average of 1 to 1.5 minute to solve a question. Without knowing the shortcut method, it takes almost 5 to 7 minute to solve a single question. This is the reason why a student is able to attempt only around 30% of questions and makes it difficult to pass. In this course, all the shortcut methods are taught and students can easily solve a question within 1.5 minute and can pass the exam with ease. In this course, the students can learn the shortcuts, tips and tricks to solve the aps questions in smart way and pass any competitive exams. I will constantly add solved example problems on all topics so that you can understand the concepts very quickly and easily."
Price: 19.99

"Software Development Lifecycle & Methodologies" |
"Everything a business person or a technical recruiter needs to know about the waterfall, Agile, Kanban, Scrum, product backlog, Scrum roles, events, and artifacts.Are you a recruiter or a team leader? This course is right for you!You will learn how software development works straight from the source: a CTO of a fast-growing startup."
Price: 19.99

"Finest Laravel Course - Learn from 0 to ninja with ReactJS" |
"Welcome to Finest Laravel Course - Learn from Zero to Ninja with ReactJSThis is the best course to fulfill your dream to become Laravel PHP Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skills faster.Ill guarantee you that you will learn more in more advance mode and i teach you fast past mode so that you will learn what you really neededWith this course you can be beginner to professional in just 4 weeks.What will you get in this course?Environment Setup for windows, MacOS and UbuntuLaravel EssentialsDatabase with MigrationDatabase Model(CRUD witout Form)Database SeedingDatabase FactoryLaravel Essentials - Tinker(REPL)Laravel ArtisanDatabase RelationshipLaravel Essentials - Validation and RequestLaravel Projects - CRUD with AJAX, Yajra and DatatablesLaravel Essentials - Uploading FilesLaravel Advance - Authentication and SpatieLaravel Essentials - EmailLaravel Database QueriesLaravel AdvanceLaravel API - REST API with PassportLaravel Projects - Library System with React.jsLaravel Advance - TipsGIT - Version Control System and GITHUBRepository PatternGet this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quicker gain Finest Laravel Course.Thank You :D"
Price: 159.99

"Adaptacin: De la Literatura al Cine" |
"A travs de este curso podrs aprender los tems fundamentales, comunes a todos los relatos clsicos de la Historia, que habilitan la adaptacin literaria a medios audiovisuales.Te llevar en un recorrido por las caractersticas propias del teatro, la TV y el cine, para que puedas comprender qu lleva a las grandes obras de la Historia a navegar libremene entre los distintos formatos.Finalmente, te guiar paso a paso en divertidos ejercicios para que puedas vos tambin convertirte en adaptador literario."
Price: 29.99

"How To Make Passive Income Online Within 14 Days From Today" |
"What are your dreams?A lot of people can't afford to ask that question.You have bills to pay, bosses to answer to, clients to tend to, shifts you're rushing to make.When do you have time to read a book, box Muay Thai, free dive in the Maldives, practice jazz piano, master the Argentine Tango...in Argentina?What would it be like to share more moments with your family?I have a proposition.Instead of working every day, create assets that work for you.Learning to capitalise on a strategic online system is an incredibly powerful assets that anyone with a commitment to learn can create for themselves. The idea is to do the work once so you can reap the benefits practically forever.You're probably reading this because you're either:1) Someone who has tried to create a passive income stream online but has failed multiple times to do so.2) Someone who has the desire to break out of a pattern that ties you to your job so you can live life on your terms.The hard truth is: Most people fail to make a single dollar online. Let alone create a passive income stream.There is two reasons for this:1) They are overwhelmed and don't know where to start.2) They don't have a strategic system in place that is proven to generate results.There are so many offers and shiny objects out there promising you the world when it comes to creating an online income. Most of these opportunities turn out to be scams someone used to make a quick buck. It's incredibly frustrating when it happens to you. Trust me, I've been there myself..But what if I would hand you a proven, easy to implement, ""done for you"" system that you could literally just copy & paste so you could start creating a passive income stream within 14 days from today?Well, that's exactly what you are going to find in this course. I will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every step of the way even if you have no prior experience in the online world.No confusion. No frustration. No overwhelm. Just an in-depth step by step process to get you from zero to results within 14 days flat!I basically done 90% of the hard work for you. You just need to copy me and follow the steps.By using this method I was able to create a full time passive income online within two months. For years I've bought tons of ""how to make money online"" courses but they always were either full of fluff & hype or the strategies simply didn't work. So I wanted to create a course I wish I had back when I started.YOU WILL LEARN:#1: Understand the main principles of how people are generating an income online#2: How to tap into a 6.5 Billion dollar industry, earning you commissions without even having to create a product of your own#3: How to make sure that you reap the benefits of the work you've done once for years to come without any additional work#4: How you can outsmart your competition by using a strategic system that drastically increases your potential income#5: How to make use of my ""copy & paste"" online business system that generates me income almost on autopilot#6: How to set yourself up for success in an easy to understand step by step process even without any prior experience#7: How to practically implement the exact same business model I use to generate a passive online income in a matter of hours#8: How to create a smart e-mail follow up sequence to further increase your income stream#9: How to track your results so you can fully optimize the system according to your individual needs#10: How to drive tons of free traffic on autopilot to your passive income system so you generate an income while you sleep#11: How to master driving paid traffic and turning $1 into $2 or $3 so you basically create yourself a money printing advertising campaign#12: How to make maximize your results and make the most of your system by accessing dozens of additional resourcesNow is the right time to get started to create your very own online passive income stream.Don't wait for people to get a head start on you, take action today and gain the advantage!Earning money on the internet is not a myth: 100,000s of people are doing it every day and so can you. All you need is a system you can follow.And just in case you feel like I didn't bring you enough value or decide that this is not the right way to go, I want to remember one thing:This course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee.If you're not happy for any reason you will be refunded in full!I'm confident that you'll find this is the one of the best courses out there to learn how to create a passive online income stream and that you won't find the unique insights found in this course anywhere else.I'm excited to watch you take your first step building your passive income stream and I hope to see you on the inside.Now go and live life on your terms!Greg"
Price: 199.99

"How To Create A Profitable Online Business In Under 24 Hours" |
"Would you like to know how you can build a profitable online business with almost no work on your end by leverage the power of service arbitrage? Then this course is for you!I will show you step by step how to set up your very own almost passive online business using service marketplaces and how to do all of that with almost no work!If you think it is impossible to create a profitable online business this fast then let me prove you wrong. In the past 12 months I was able to generate a six figure income with multiple service arbitrage business I set up in a matter of hours each.And let me tell you: I will reveal all of my secrets on how you can achieve the same in this online training. You will learn exactly how to set up your own service arbitrage business.But, why exactly should you pursue building such a business for yourself?#1 The entry barrier is extremely low and basically anyone with an internet connection can make this work for them!#2 You don't have to actually provide the service you sell yourself but rather leverage the power of software to do the hard work for you!So if you were looking for a relatively easy and fast method to make an income online then this course is a must-watch for you!What will you be able to do after you finished watching this course?Understand the principles of how online service arbitrage worksHow you can use that knowledge to your advantageWhich types of services you can build a business aroundHow to build such a business yourself step by stepWhat to pay attention to in order to maximize your potential profitsHow to deploy a software that takes care of all the hard work for youHere now in this masterclass, I will for the first time reveal my service arbitrage secrets and show you how you can make up to six figures by implementing this business model.When you are finished with this course, you will be ready to go! And dont forget, your own online business is only one course away!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee.YOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,Greg- instructor -What youll learnUnderstand the principles of how online service arbitrage worksHow you can use that knowledge to your advantageWhich types of services you can build a business aroundHow to build such a business yourself step by stepWhat to pay attention to in order to maximize your potential profitsHow to deploy a software that takes care of all the hard work for youAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?You should own a computer with internet accessYou should be open-minded and willing to adaptYou should be willing to invest $50 in your business upfrontWho this course is for:Everyone who wants to know how to create their own profitable online businessEveryone who wants to build a five to six figure service arbitrage businessPeople who want to escape the typical 9-5 jobEveryone who wants to create a reasonable online income online"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams" |
"The AWS Certified Developer Associate ( DVA-C01 ) is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share.The AWS Certified Developer Associate exam is specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of those in a DevOps role who must demonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWS. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS Developer Associate certification!This AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following: 265 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 1 set of 5 diagnostic questions and 4 sets of full AWS Practice Tests with 65 UNIQUE questions and a 130-minute time limit. FREE EXCLUSIVE 3-MONTH ACCESS TO THE TUTORIALS DOJO PORTAL - EXAM SIMULATOR - where you can see the answers right away as you go through each question, plus other training modes and perks! This is an optional feature and registration is required to access the simulator (using your name and email address). SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Certified Developer Associate exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam! DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts. EXAM STUDY GUIDE - this is added as a reference in the explanations in the practice tests. They are based on our own exam experience and intense research on the most important topics and most helpful resources to help you pass the exam. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test. VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts are able to address all your issues and questions within 5 business days. CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement. MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! HAS BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $20 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions. CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues. Prepared by an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional who also actually passed the CDA exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWS Certificate)We also offer FREE access to the Exam Simulator in our Tutorials Dojo portal just as mentioned above. This unique Exam Simulator contains additional features that are currently not present in the Udemy platform including a Review Mode where you can see the answers right away as you go through each question, plus BONUS flashcards which are visual aids containing some important concepts that you need to know before taking the exam. NOTE: Kindly send us a direct/private message here on Udemy to request for access. Someone from our team will respond with details on how to access the Exam Simulator within 3-5 business days. Also note that this is just an optional feature and registration is required in the Tutorials Dojo portal (using your name and email address) once you receive your access details. Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS CDA exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you from attaining an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 1000++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the AWS certification exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Developer Associate practice tests are meant to do.These AWS Developer Associate practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam domains such as Development, Deployment, and Security, hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other domains/knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic were carefully selected based on the domains listed in the official AWS CDA exam guide.There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market, however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 260 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions! We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS Certified Developer Associate practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your CDA exam. All the best!IMPORTANT NOTE These AWS Certified Developer Associate practice exams have a passing score of 72% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these CDA practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Completo de Banco de Dados Oracle DBA" |
"Arquitetura do banco de dadosFerramentas de administraoGerenciando uma instncia OracleCriando um banco de dadosVises do dicionrio de dadosMantendo o control fileMantendo arquivos de redo logTablespaces e datafilesEstruturas de armazenamentoGerenciando segmentos de undoGerenciando segmentos temporriosTabelas e ndicesMantendo a integridadeGerenciando usuriosGerenciando privilgiosBackup e recoveryEstruturas e processos de recoveryBanco em modo archivingBackups fsicosRecovery completo do banco de dados OracleRecovery incompleto do banco de dados OracleOracle export e importOracle recovery manager (rman)Criao e manuteno do catlogo de recoveryBackups fsicos usando o rmanRestore e recovery usando o rmanFlashback database"
Price: 39.99

"Conversational Spanish: Simple and Practical" |
"Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world today, so why not join the millions of Spanish speakers around the world and get a glimpse of the amazing Hispanic culture?Start speaking Spanish today with simple two- and three-word phrases which can be used in many everyday conversationsPractical focus on basic Spanish for everyday use100+ individual words and 50 frequently used phrasesPlenty of examples of when and how to use all expressionsQuiz questions to test your understandingThis is your starter pack for conversational Spanish which can make your first contact with the Spanish speaking world less stressful and more fulfillingLearning a new language from scratch can be overwhelming, so I am offering you a different approach here. Start small and go slow. Focus on those phrases that you can use every day in many different situations. Get the simple rules before you dive into confusing grammar.Spanish is not a difficult language to learn, and starting with some simple examples you could get a good foundation. If you can order a coffee in Spanish putting your knowledge into practice, the language is serving its purpose. Contents and OverviewThis course contains 1 hour of content, so you can complete it quickly without feeling lost or overwhelmed.The purpose of these short lessons is to give you some basic knowledge in conversational Spanish which can be applied in many different situations. Essential grammar is only briefly explained, so that you can get an idea of how the language works without struggling to remember all those complicated grammar rules which you'd need if you wanted to be fluent in Spanish. We will start with some phrases which are normally used on a daily basis, such as ""hello"", ""thanks"", ""fine"" etc. Then you will learn how to ask simple questions and how to answer. We will focus on just a few important verbs (want, have, like, come, and go), so you can learn some of their forms and how to use them. Throughout the course you will find many frequently used expressions, all of which consist of 1-3 words, so they should be easy to remember.By the end of this course you should be able to understand some basic common phrases in Spanish and make short sentences for everyday use. Important: It is recommended that you take notes while watching the videos (using a pen and paper, or a text editor). Online courses are great namely because you can learn at your own pace, so you can always pause, take a note and reflect on what you have just learned. If you don't do this, you might feel lost. For better understanding, I recommend watching each video a couple of times to make sure you are comfortable with all new phrases."
Price: 19.99

"Break-Even Analysis for Business Decision Making" |
"This course is essential for entrepreneurs, managers, business decision makers, and finance professionals.The course provides valuable information about break-even analysis and how it impacts the decision-making process within organizations.The course presents the concepts in a simple way, with the aid of numerical examples. Both videos and PDF files are included in the course."
Price: 59.99

"Spring boot 2: Recetas para el trabajo diario (Spring MVC)" |
"En este curso aprenderas conceptos bsicos en la utilizacin de Spring Boot implementando la librera MVC, Metodos rest, controladores, tipos de parametros y tipos de salida sern algunos de los temas que se presentaran por medio de ejemplos practicos que son facilmente aplicables en el ambito laboral. Semanalmente se irn subiendo nuevos videos por demanda."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate AliExpress Shopify Dropshipping Course 2019" |
"What's Better Than Learning From One 7 Figure Shopify Dropshipping Expert?Learning From Two Of Them!Join the Ultimate AliExpress Shopify Dropshipping 2019 Course Today and Learn From Adam Reed and Ricky Hayes.Adam is an E-Commerce Entrepreneur and owns multiple Shopify stores generating over 7 figures every year. He is also a Best Selling Udemy Instructor with Thousands of 5 Star Reviews and over 80,000 Students enrolled in his Online Business courses!One of those Students is Ricky Hayes...Ricky Hayes took Adam's Best Selling Shopify Dropshipping Course and worked to Build a Huge AliExpress Dropship Business. Since taking Adam's Original Course, Ricky has Generated well over 7 Figures in Verifiable Revenue on his own Shopify Dropshipping Websites.Actually, he has made over 1 Million Dollars in Sales in 1 Single Month Before Now!In addition, Ricky has a Clear Passion for Sharing his Knowledge with E-Commerce Beginners and Intermediates, and has Mentorship Clients who are now making over $1000 per Day in Revenue!Dropshipping is one of the Best Online Business Models to enter in 2019. And with the Help of 2 Ecommerce Experts, you can begin generating your own online income too."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Fashion Illustration" |
"Do you want to learn or improve your fashion drawing?Do you want to illustrate your inspiration and idea in a stylish way?Within 4 hours, this course, Advanced Fashion Illustration, contains many useful information and techniques that will give you the understanding of the shading theory on the model face and figure, color wheel along with color definition and combination, basic information of different kinds of fabrics and materials, and most importantly, the illustration techniques using watercolor pencils & markers to render 10 fashion looks.My name is Wanwisa. I have created the 1st course, Basic Fashion Illustration, teaching how to draw the fashion figures and poses. This is my 2nd course, Advanced Fashion Illustration. It is a combination of ideas, information, theories, along with my knowledge & experience in teaching that will enhance your skills in fashion sketches and illustrations.It will save your time and money from taking the expensive course. And it is also great for those who need to prepare themselves with knowledge and drawing skills before entering the fashion school.You can take this online course anywhere you want, anytime you want, at your own pace. Join me in this course and take your skill to the next level."
Price: 49.99

"Taller Resistencia Longitudinal del buque" |
"El taller de resistencia longitudinal del buque se ha considerado subdividirlo en varios captulos:1. Nociones de Resistencia de Materiales; 2. Esfuerzos longitudinales del Buque; 3. Curvas de Pesos, Empujes y Cargas; 4. Curvas de Esfuerzo cortante y Momento flector; 5. Inercia, Modulo resistente y esfuerzo de corte; 6. Deformacin por flexin; 7. Aproximaciones para los momentos flectores mximos y las fuerzas cortantes.Porque tiene ganas de ensear sobre este tema?Sencillamente por transferir mis conocimientos de una larga experiencia en proyectos navales especficamente a personal no navales pero que han o tienen necesidad de poner en prcticas lo que seguramente aprendern con este curso.Porque entusiasmara a los estudiantes aprender sobre este tema?Es un tpico muy atrayente para los que tengan que desenvolverse con suficientes conocimientos y destreza en el clculo estructural, aprovechando la modalidad on-line de forma cmoda, productiva y segura."
Price: 49.99

"Elementos de Dibujo Naval" |
"El curso de Elementos de Dibujo Naval se ha considerado subdividirlo en varios captulos:A. Representacin geomtrica del casco; B. Ejecucin del trazado bsico (manual); C. Corroboracin y Compensacin; D. Normas relativas al dibujo naval. E. Desarrollo del forro exterior; F. Ejecucin del trazado en forma asistida con computadora; Aplicacin prctica 01; Aplicacin prctica 02;The Naval Drawing Elements course has been considered subdivided into several chapters:A. Geometric representation of the helmet;B. Execution of the basic (manual) layout;C. Corroboration and Compensation;D. Rules relating to naval drawing.E. Development of the outer lining;F. Execution of the path in a computer-assisted way;Practical application 01; Practical application 02;"
Price: 49.99

"Curso ZBrush Criao de Personagem Mascote Cartoon." |
"Se voc quer aprender a criar personagens de todos os tipos para a televiso, filmes ou videogames, ento este curso eu tenho certeza que voc vai gostar.Este curso foi desenvolvido para que, passo a passo, voc aprenda a modelar seus prprios personagens. A nica coisa que falta que voc d o ltimo passo e comece seu treinamento. E se voc j decidiu, ento eu vou estar mais do que feliz em acompanh-lo em sua jornada para ser um profissional em 3d."
Price: 564.99
