"Curso ZBrush Esculpindo um Drago." |
"Sejam bem vindos ao Curso ZBrush Esculpindo um Drago, esse Um excelente curso onde voc vai aprender a criar suas prprias criaturas fantsticas utilizando tcnicas utilizadas para este tipo de personagens com os principais recursos de esculpir do programa ZBrush, o curso passo a passo, para que voc no perca nenhum detalhe do processo realizado por um profissional.Voc vai aprender o planejamento correto e a anlise do personagem, vamos criar o corpo base e vamos detalhar, finalmente vamos detalhar a pele do personagem e vamos destacar os pontos-chave do personagem para uma melhor esttica.Em resumo, com este curso voc aprender:Interface do ZBrush e como navegar dentro delaPlanejamento e anlise de um personagem fantsticoPersonalizar as ferramentas mais usadasMester UVZesferasMscaras e polygroupsGerenciamento de sub-ferramentasDynameshDicas para gerar detalhes facilmenteCanais AlfasNoise maker para detalhar a pele do personagem"
Price: 579.99

"Curso Maya e ZBrush Modelando um Rob Completo." |
"Um timo curso onde voc aprender a criar um rob totalmente detalhado, do zero e passo a passo usando o Autodesk Maya e o ZBrush , para que voc no precise de nenhum conhecimento prvio usando esses programas.Voc vai aprender o planejamento correto de um personagem antes de gerar as principais peas e detalhes, tais como a obteno de uma boa escala e propores para o personagem, voc aprender dicas e truques de modelagem para utilizar em seus projetos pessoais e vai aprender a lidar com dois dos melhores programas para 3D Autodesk Maya e ZBrush.Finalmente, uma vez terminada a modelagem do rob no Autodesk Maya, voc aprender como levar essas peas para o ZBrush para adicionar os detalhes finais e retornar esses detalhes ao Maya por meio de mapas de normais.No final do curso, voc poder criar seus prprios personagens ou modelos do mesmo estilo usando tudo o que aprendeu."
Price: 579.99

"Communication Skills" |
"This course takes you through identifying 15 Personality Traits in handwriting, that can greatly assist you in communication with others, whether business or social. Not only will you learn how to identify the traits in your own or anyone else's writing, but you will also learn how to add those you would like to have and remove those you don't want to have, from both your handwriting and your personality.Understanding communication skills and how they work can make a huge difference to how you get along with others, and how well you understand yourself.Each lesson has a Quiz at the end of it, with a bonus quiz in the wrap up video.This is a great way to up your confidence both socially and at work, while finding out fascinating facts about others at the same time."
Price: 19.99

"How to make Custom Icons for Windows Desktop" |
"Create your own custom desktop folder icons in just a couple of minutes. It's easy and once you know how to do it, it's also very quick. You can create your very own personalized icons out of absolutely any graphic or picture you want. This course takes you from ""What? How can I do that?"" to ""Yip, I did it, they're gorgeous and it was easy!"" If you would like that to be you, this is the course for you. Bring meaning as well as information to your desktop by adding pictures you love, pictures that you connect to, pictures that bring a smile to your face or make you laugh. Also making finding the folder you want more quickly through visual recognition not just by reading the names. Then add to that by creating your own designer desktop wallpaper to show off your beautiful new icons. It's fun, it's fast and it's creative."
Price: 19.99

"What Your Handwriting Shows:" |
"You will learn how to identify 11 personality traits in writing that show in the beginning and ending strokes.The traits you will learn are:- Blunt/Direct, Clear Thinking- Acquisitive (the desire to acquire)- Resentment- Sense of Humor- Jealousy- Desire for Responsibility- Lack of Generosity- Caution- Desire for Attention- Discouragement- TenacityYou will also learn how to add any of these traits you want to have to your writing and to remove any you don't want. This will also add or remove them from your behavior."
Price: 19.99

"Throw a 't' Party: Fun & Games with the letter 't'" |
"This course is split into two parts. The first part gives all the information you need to throw a 't' party. It includes general set up instructions, arranging with your host and preparations you need to make ahead of time (nothing very difficult or time consuming.)Part two shows you how to identify the various traits in the lower case letter 't' as that is what you will do with your participants. But you don't need to memorize everything ahead of time as the course also included cheat sheets for everything you need to know. You can use them at parties until you start to recognize them without extra help.So between the setup instructions and the actual party cheat sheets and information you will be all set to throw your first party.The instructor has been giving these parties for many years and had fine tuned it into a smooth flowing event that takes very little time to prepare for, is fun to do and results in satisfied clients and many referrals and re-bookings. It doesn't matter how much or how little the participants write, the party is still fun and still enlightening in its personality revelations."
Price: 29.99

"How to Start & Run A Tarot Group" |
"This course takes you through all you need to know to get your own Tarot Group up and running. It is based on my own experience of doing just that, and keeping it running successfully as we've all grown and developed in our skill as Tarot Readers.Running a Tarot Group not only helps you improve you ability to read the Tarot, but it gives you confidence, helps you expand your understanding by hearing what others have to say. And last but not least, it is a wonderful way to make new friends with a common interest.You'll find suggestions for how to advertise, how to find a good location and how to plan and run the actual Tarot Group Meetings.Think of it, you could have your Tarot Group started by this time next week!"
Price: 19.99

"How Sociable Are You?" |
"With explanations, clear illustrations and quizzes, this course will take you through identifying how you are likely to behave is social situations. It will also give you the ability to identify how others will behave socially. All you need is some handwriting of the person.Knowing where you yourself else are coming from, why you behave as you do can help you gain confidence in socially. This course also gives you the tools to change if that is what you want. Just change your writing to the trait you want to have, and keep practicing it till becomes your natural way of writing and you will find your behavior changes accordingly too.It can also help you greatly in understanding others social behavior. Someone you thought didn't like you could just be someone who cannot easily show an emotional warmth. Why does someone always leave early, for example. These questions can all be answered by looking at their writing."
Price: 19.99

"Pictorial Instant Recognition Handwriting Analysis" |
"Would you like to understand others instantly - even without actually meeting them? You can. This course will teach you how to identify seven different Personality Trait Groupings from Handwriting.Each of the traits within each group has it's own descriptive graphic, so by just remembering the picture you will instantly recall how it shows in writing. The graphics are illustrative of how these traits appear in handwriting. Almost every trait can be seen in both printing and script, and very little writing is needed.Each trait is clearly shown within real writing examples and explained as to how exactly it shows up.You will find a 3 part quiz at the end for you to check how well you are doing - and I'm sure you'll be doing just fine.You can find out more about yourself and about anyone else whose writing you have occasion to see. It helps amazingly with getting along with others and understanding what 'makes them tick.'"
Price: 19.99

"Crash Course Trading: Technical Analysis and Options Trading" |
"Aspiring Traders and Investors, Stock Lovers, Stock Market Aficionados!Learning the basics of stock and option trading using chart reading, technical analysis, risk and money management, basic options strategies, vertical options and much more.For all those people out there that know absolutely nothing about the stock market but have a burning desire to learn, this is the course for you!Luca Moschini, the Technical Analysis expert, and Kal Zurn, the Options Strategy expert, have teamed up to create a course that will take anyone and everyone from ground zero to a comfortable knowledge of technical analysis and trading options all inside this one course.We have designed this course to give you the knowledge and confidence to start as absolute beginners but be up and trading by the end. Luca will teach you the basics of technical analysis and how to read the stock market and price action, and Kal will teach you how to take that newfound knowledge and use it to put on options trades that can turn ideas into money.If you've ever wanted to learn to make money in the stock market, but didn't how or where to start then this is absolutely the course for you. We will take the fear out of the stock market and give you the confidence and knowledge to start watching, understanding and trading the stock market for profit all in just this one course.This course is for beginners level. All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All our Sharper Trades courses come with:Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeOur Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!Your trading success is our goal!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over 100,000 students in 192 countries have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!"
Price: 59.99

agile-course-japanese |
"""Agile Crash Course: Agile Project Management"" ITUdemyCC----------------2LinkedIn1Mauricio Rubio__________ 11100UFB--------------- IT 11 __________ 1122 ITTech 30 [] __________ bs:) The Agile Knowledge BaseAgileKB dot com Q&A ""Professional Development"" Agile Crash CourseUdemyYear of Completion :) AgileKB dot comMBAx2__________MVPSCRUMUdemyExtreme ProgrammingXP 1. 30 2.IT 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. __________ IT Paul Tousignant Rod Cano Mauricio500 Julian Kaldawi Madhuchhanda Pradhan Mauricio!!! Iris Franco de Paiva__________MVPMinimum Viable Product__________Udemypdf Professional DevelopmentUdemyUdemy Agile Project Management UdemyUdemy3000__________ Agilelist 50 1MVP 20195 __________ 1.2. 24365243.Siri4.5. 5"
Price: 199.99

scrum-course-japanese |
"""Agile Scrum Course: Scrum Fundamentals Scrum Certification""ITUdemyCC-----------------------2LinkedIn __________ 11100UFB--------------------------- __________ Mauricio RubioThe Agile Knowledge Base UFB bs:)BESTSELLING1AgileKB dot comCertified Scrum MasterScrumQ&A__________ -Daren K. StillsMauricio - Mauricio - Mauricio - - - - __________ BA Udemypdf Professional DevelopmentUdemy Udemy Scrum UdemyUdemy1500 __________ 20195 __________ 1.2. 24365243.Siri4.5. 5"
Price: 199.99

"Scientific EFT Tapping" |
"When I was 13 years old I had pretty extreeme panic attacks. They were so extreme that an ambulance had to drive to school and I had to be put under an anasthetic.Since my parents refused me to get me to therapy or a doctor I was left to help myself and I tried numerous alternative medicine techniques. At first I was skeptical of them (because theres a lot to be skeptical of) but I found a technique that alleviated my anxiety fairly quickly:Emotional freedom techniqueThis started my obsession with alternative medicine which lasted years. I read everything from Esther Hicks law of attraction to Richard Bandlers NLP. I got certified in energy healing, hypnotherapy, herbalism, yoga, meridian energy therapy, EFT and numerous other therapeutic approaches.But the fact is that a lot of those approaches did more harm than good. They made me completely loose touch with reality because they never provided a grounded, realistic theoretical basis of why they worked. This ultimately was one of the main factors that lead to my complete psychotic breakdown at the age of 19.This is why in this course I'll teach EFT in an evidence-based way without the ""woo"" or magical thinking most EFT courses come with. In this course you'll learn:- The scientifically proven neurological process behind EFT- How to use EFT to treat phobias- How to use EFT to alleviate anxiety- How to use EFT to treat a wide varriety of psychological issues: from depression to procrastination- How to use EFT to treat traumas and manage addictive cravings- How to use EFT to deal with negative self talk- And how to tap your acupoints in public without looking weird:)So if you want a cool easy to use tool that you can use to help yourself and others with mental issues please buy my course?"
Price: 44.99

"Learn to speak Tagalog" |
"Learn Tagalog with a professional teacher with years of experience. Listen to the neutral pronunciation and make use of the flashcards in the course to help memorize the phrases. Engage with the tutor in questions and answer hanging in your mind. Learn Tagalog the fastest and easiest way. Miss Nona Paz is an award winning tutor in the Philippines Institute of Higher Education. Enjoy learning Tagalog with her."
Price: 29.99

"Learn to speak Visayan / Bisayas" |
"Learn Visayan with 2 native Visayan speakers: from a Senior High school student & a licensed teacher in the Philippines. This course will help you master the basic phrases essential when travelling to Philippines Islands like Cebu, Davao and other Visayan Islands. Get ready to learn an indigenous language from the south of Philippines and master the language in 1 hour. The Bisayan or Visayan languages are a group of languages spoken mainly in the Visayas region of the Philippines. ... The most important of these languages is: Cebuano, spoken as the main local language throughout Cebu Province, Negros Oriental, Bohol, Siquijor and Camiguin, and in much of Mindanao and Leyte.The licensed teacher goes further to demonstrate the Visayan personal pronouns and the possessives with detailed white-board explanations. This is your one-stop course to master Visayan!"
Price: 29.99

"Mathematics for Elementary Students & Teachers" |
"Let your children learn mathematics with a licensed teacher from the Philippines. A step-by-step teaching process demonstrated by the teacher and her 2 students. Learning runs at the perfect pace for children. Children demonstrate interest and fun when taught in this method. Carefully observe how the teacher engages the two student in learning mathematics in a fun way! Children enjoy learning while writing. This methods ensures the information is stored in their memories."
Price: 29.99

"Effortless Time Management: Get 100x More Done In Less Time" |
"This is the first every time management course that won't waste your time and will give a custom plan based on YOUR PERSONALITY to manage your time, increase productivity and achieve your goals easier and faster.This is the only course that comes with a custom test and plan to help you improve and become the better you.What this course will teach you is to accomplish more high value tasks, so that you get a 100X greater return for all of the work you put in every minute.Using the principles of the 20/80 Rule, you will learn how to increase the value of the things you do within your limited time, so that you can have as much as 100X greater impact from what you do.In this course you will learn:How to get 100X more done in half as much time.Understand your personality and the reason why you're not fast enoughThe #1 Time Management MethodHow to identify high value tasks in your work or business that bring the most value or revenue.How to ONLY do the highest 5% of activities that brings the lion's share of rewards.How to create a successful routine that will bring you great results.Amazing ways to guarantee that you get things done.How to shave off an extra 1 - 2 days off of your week.And much, much more."
Price: 24.99

"Apache Spark with Databricks" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of creating Spark jobs, loading data, and working with data. Youll also get an introduction to running machine learning algorithms and working with streaming data. Databricks lets you start writing Spark queries instantly so you can focus on your data problems. Azure Databricks accelerate big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, a fast, easy and collaborative Apache Sparkbased analytics service.Why Azure Databricks?Productive : Launch your new Apache Spark environment in minutes.Scalable : Globally scale your analytics and machine learning projects.Trusted : Help protect your data and business with Azure AD integration, role-based controls and enterprise-grade SLAs.Flexible : Build machine learning and AI solutions with your choice of language and deep learning frameworks.We believe that when you learn something, you should be able to apply it somewhere. So, in this course, we are also providing you with some of the important spark interview questions , which will help you to crack the interview with flying colors."
Price: 199.99

"Expertise Spark 2.0 with Scala and Databricks" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of creating Spark 2.0, including Spark SQL. Also you will get a flavor of Databricks along with this course. You will learn to create notebook, loading data, and working with data in Databricks as well as without the Databricks. Youll also get an introduction to running machine learning algorithms and working with streaming data. lets you start writing Spark queries instantly so you can focus on your data problems. We also provide a crash course for Scala to work with Spark 2.0. So even if you are not aware of scala you need not to worry about it.We believe that when you learn something, you should be able to apply it somewhere. So, in this course, we are also providing you with some of the important spark interview questions , which will help you to crack the interview with flying colors."
Price: 189.99

"A Guide to Crack any Spark Interview" |
"We will discuss the topics which are most commonly asked in Spark Interview. We will try to analyze these topics and get to know what actually interviewer is trying to analyze in you and how to answer each question along with their follow up questions.Course is prepared based on the experience shared by many of our students and the Big Data engineers, who have taken or attended the interviews. Covered even the most basic concepts of Apache spark in our course. So even if you have an experience of 6 months or 1year or upto 5-6 years, you can opt for this course.Even if you are new to spark and want to excel you career in Apache Spark, you can go through this course.We have included few lab sessions also for the questions, which are generally asked in the interview."
Price: 124.99

"Paint a Cottage with Watercolor & Pastel after AR Quinton" |
"When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldnt get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw.I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what youll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. Youll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know). My watercolour pictures, even though theyre impressionistic, have a sense of realism about them.In this course Ill give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. Ill also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then well get started with the paintings which are split into easy to digest parts.With this course you will learn to paint one of my favourite ARQuinton Paintings. You'll learn to paint a sky, trees, foliage, figures, brickwork and more.After learning how to paint the landscape you will also be shown how to enhance your watercolour with Pastel Pencils! You will see how to make your pictures even more vibrant, colourful and stunning.I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q &A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools."
Price: 19.99

"Draw a Cottage with Watercolor Pencils & Pen and Ink" |
"In this course, you'll learn how I use Pen and Ink and Watercolor Pencils. I like to ink the outline with a fine pen to create boldness within the picture.Here's what we'll cover in the videos:1. First we'll start off with our outline drawing (provided).2. Then we'll fill in some details with pencil and go over the outline in pen (this step is optional, I like to do this :-)3. I'll then show you how to use Watercolor pencil techniques to colour the picture4. We'll then apply a wash over the picture to show how to bring out and deepen the colours (another optional step, you don't have to wash the picture if you already like the outcome)I designed the course so that you can jump in at any stage - providing 2 different outlines if you want to jump straight into the coloured pencil portion.These outlines can be printed straight to paper so you don't need to draw free hand!Watercolor pencils are a very versatile medium, often I don't choose to wash the pictures as they already provide such good results on their own!If you want to learn how I use Pen and Ink and Watercolor Pencils then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"How to Use Water-Soluble Graphite - 6 Course Drawing Bundle!" |
"In this course you'll find 6 subjects that you can learn to draw and shade with graphite pencils then wet them like you would watercolour pencils! My first love was watercolour so using these pencils is a fantastic experience. You do not need to have any free-hand drawing experience either!For each subject I provide a feint outline drawing that you can print off (if you want to trace or draw the subject free hand please do! We have a free hand drawing course using a grid system I developed also on Udemy)We'll go over the outline, draw the details then shade the picture with various shades of graphite. The pencils I use and recommend are the Aquarelle Faber-Castell Graphite Set. There's 5 tones in the pack:HB2B4B6B8BThese pencils are also designed to be used with water. You do not have to use the set I use, but do make sure the graphite pencils you use are water-soluble if you are going to wet the picture :-PAfter shading the picture we'll grab a brush and go over the subject with a little water! There are 6 subjects in the course:1. Cabin2. Wheelbarrow3. Drill Monkey (graphite only - no wash)4. Medway Queen5. Hopalong Cassidy (graphite only - no wash)6. Lady with the Red HatFor the Drill Monkey and Hopalong Cassidy we do not wet the pictures as I feel the effects we achieve look great without, however you can wet your picture if you like :o)If you want to learn how to use water-soluble graphite pencils then this course is for you. There's a wide range of subjects and the techniques you'll learn you can apply to your own pictures!"
Price: 24.99

"How to Paint Hollyhocks with Watercolour After A R Quinton" |
"When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldnt get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw.I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what youll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. Youll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know). My watercolour pictures, even though theyre impressionistic, have a sense of realism about them.In this course Ill give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. Ill also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then well get started with the paintings which are split into easy to digest parts.With this course you will learn to paint one of my favourite ARQuinton Paintings - ""Hollyhocks"". In this 7.5 hour long course you'll learn to paint a sky, trees, foliage, flowers, figures, brickwork and more.I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q &A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools."
Price: 19.99

"Draw a Stunning Sunset of Thames Barges using Pastel Pencils" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to use a range of pastel pencils to create a stunning picture of a Thames Barges at dusk!Itis designed for intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!We provide you with anoutline drawingso that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. We walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing landscapes and create a piece of art you can be proud of.We have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"How To Draw Flowers Vol 1 - Roses, Tulips & Daffodils" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to use a range of pastel pencils to create 4 stunning pictures! Vase of RosesVase of TulipsVase of DaffodilsBONUS - Rose in SnowI believe these three subjects are a great combination of learning techniques for drawing flowers. The Vase of Roses is a lovely traditional picture where as the tulips are a more contemporary looking picture. With the daffodils we venture into a new paper - PastelMat. This is a great addition as you will learn how I work with another surface and the techniques involved in layering on a different coloured paper. I also show how to work with other brands of pencils, sticking predominantly Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils and introducing a few Cretacolor and CarbOthello as well.The Rose in Snow project is a special bonus we've included in this bundle. We think this would make a lovely Christmas Card for your friends and family too!I would recommend this course for intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!We provide you with anoutline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. We walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing flowers and create art you can be proud of.We have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 24.99

"Draw Victorian Portraits with Pastel Pencils 3 in 1 Bundle" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to use a range of pastel pencils to create 3 stunning pictures! Victorian Lady with MaskVictorian Lady Playing CardsVictorian PortraitWe believe these three subjects are a great combination of learning techniques for drawing portraits. You will learn how to draw skin tones, hair, clothes, as well as inanimate objects such as cards, tables and masks. There are elements in all 3 pictures that we feel a student will learn so much from and be able to apply the same techniques to their own work.The first 2 subjects are completed using Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for portrait work. It is ideal for someone fairly new to pastel pencil work as you can erase so easily on the paper. With the Victorian Portrait I will show how to draw on Dark Grey PastelMat paper. This is a great addition as you will learn how I work with another surface and the techniques involved in layering on a different coloured paper. It is near impossible to erase mistakes on this paper however it does take more layers. You do not need to have both papers for the course, you can use either one for all 3, or your own choice of paper.I would recommend this course for intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!We provide you with anoutline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. We walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing portraits and createpictures you can be proud of.We have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 24.99

"Paint Castle Combe in Watercolor Learn Watercolor Skills" |
"When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldnt get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw.I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what youll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. Youll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know). My watercolour pictures, even though theyre impressionistic, have a sense of realism about them.In this course Ill give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. Ill also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then well get started with the paintings which are split into easy to digest parts.With this course you will learn to paint one of my favourite ARQuinton Paintings - ""Castle Combe"". In this 4+ hour course you'll learn to paint a sky, trees, foliage, figures, brickwork and more.I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q &A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools."
Price: 19.99

"1 Colour Watercolour - Learn to Paint this Sepia Landscape" |
"When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldnt get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw.I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what youll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. Youll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know). My watercolour pictures, even though theyre impressionistic, have a sense of realism about them.In this course Ill give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. Ill also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then well get started with the paintings which are split into easy to digest parts.With this course you will learn to paint an old 1860s landscape with just one colour - Sepia. In this 4 hour course you'll learn how to use different tones within one colour and produce a realistic but also impressionistic landscape.I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q &A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools."
Price: 19.99

"How to Draw Birds Vol 1 - Parrot, Kingfisher, Robin & Owl" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to use a range of pastel pencils to create 4 stunning pictures! Two ParrotsKingfisherRobin in SnowEagle OwlWe believe these three subjects are a great combination of learning techniques for drawing birds. You will learn how to draw a variety of different subjects - their feathers features, backgrounds, settings and lots more. There are elements in all 4 pictures that we feel a student will learn so much from and be able to apply the same techniques to their own work.For all pictures I use Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for all kinds of subjects. It is ideal for someone fairly new to pastel pencil work as you can erase so easily on the paper. I also use Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils and refer to these throughout the course. You can of course use any materials that you wish to use.I would recommend this course for intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!We provide you with anoutline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. We walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing birds and createpictures you can be proud of.We have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 39.99

"Draw Still Life with Pastel Pencils - 5 Course Bundle!" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to use a range of pastel pencils to create 5 stunning pictures! PeachesBowl of CherriesTomato and FennelBurning CandleWine GlassI believe these three subjects are a great combination of learning techniques for drawing still life. You will learn how to draw a variety of different subjects - from fruit to candles to see through glasses - even turkish delight There are elements in all 5 pictures that I feel a student will learn so much from and be able to apply the same techniques to their own work.For all pictures I use Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for all kinds of subjects. It is ideal for someone fairly new to pastel pencil work as you can erase so easily on the paper. I also use Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils and refer to these throughout the course. You can of course use any materials that you wish to use.I would recommend this course for intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!I provide you with anoutline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. I walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing still life subjects and createpictures you can be proud of.I have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 29.99
