"Adobe Premiere CC 2017" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro um editor de vdeo da Adobe, presente na Creative Suite (que foi descontinuada na verso CS6) e nas mais atuais Creative Cloud (CC). Bastante conhecido entre profissionais do ramo, o Premiere Pro um editor de vdeo para quem precisa de uma ferramenta mais completa, que v alm daquilo que possvel fazer com aplicativos mais simples e de perfil de uso mais acessvel e genrico, como Sony Vegas e Filmora.Atualmente, as verses mais recentes do Premiere Pro, so as CC (Creative Cloud), que substituem as edies CS (Creative Suite) e Portable da Adobe. O aplicativo continua pago, embora o modelo de licena tenha sido alterado de compra definitiva, usado no Premiere Pro CS6, CS5, CS4 e etc, para assinaturas por perodos variveis. Integrante da sute CC da Adobe, o Premiere Pro distribudo no formato de assinatura. Mas quem deseja conhecer melhor o programa antes de definir uma compra pode utilizar o Premiere de forma gratuita durante 30 dias. Nesse perodo de avaliao, o Premiere Pro grtis e completo. Produes para pequenas telas de propores picas. Seja o que for que esteja planejando, faa com o mesmo aplicativo usado pelos profissionais de Hollywood. Comece um blog, viralize no YouTube ou torne-se o videomaker do momento. Importe gravaes de qualquer cmera ou telefone, corte clipes, adicione ttulos e ajuste o udio. Com as ferramentas intuitivas e inmeros tutoriais passo a passo, voc vai produzir trabalhos excelentes em instantes. Adobe Premiere Pro um editor de vdeos reconhecido e poderoso, que permite a editores criar e trabalhar vdeos com qualidade e acesso a recursos modernos. O Premiere permite edio em resolues bem altas, funciona integrado com outros apps da Adobe, como Photoshop, Illustrator e After Effects. Garante a qualquer usurio e profissional uma base slida para o desenvolvimento de contedo em udio e vdeo de qualidade. Tido como referncia no mercado de edio de vdeo, o Adobe Premiere Pro, funciona na mesma dinmica de timelines e edio em tempo real que usurios encontram nos principais concorrentes. No caso do Premiere, o desempenho pode ser aceitvel at em computadores mais modestos como notebooks: tudo depende do tipo de contedo a ser editado. Vdeos em 8K, com filtros, efeitos, transies e contedo criado no After Effects certamente exigiro um computador parrudo para serem trabalhados e renderizados, mas aquela gravao de fim de semana com o celular ser facilmente trabalhada mesmo num computador mais econmico. Assim como o Photoshope outros produtos da Adobe, o Premiere tm muito que provar a cada nova verso porque seus usurios esperam sempre o melhor em desempenho, em suporte a novos padres e tecnologias. E preciso reconhecer que, nesse sentido, o Premiere Pro se mantem em dia, com atualizaes frequentes, implementao novas ferramentas e acrscimos em usabilidade e performance. Se voc precisa de um editor de vdeos srio, no tem como errar escolhendo o Premiere."
Price: 129.99

"Cinema 4D" |
"Esse curso visa proporcionar ao aluno conhecimentos bsicos relacionados programao grfica,mostrando tcnicas de animao. modelagem em seus nveis bsico, introduzindo o aluno aulas bsicas sobre computao grfica e inser-lo no conhecimento 3d. um programa de computador comercial multiplataforma para modelagem 3D, texturarizao, iluminao, animao e renderizao 3D."
Price: 129.99

"A developers guide to make the most of your LinkedIn profile" |
"Learn how to make your profile pop and stand out from the restBased on 4 years of extensive LinkedIn useMy network is at 3500 peopleI have achieved All Star statusYou will learn tips on how to make over your profileLots of practical examples included of what you can put on your profile"
Price: 99.99

"MVVM Design Pattern Using Swift in iOS" |
"Are you interested in learning how to write iOS apps using MVVM design pattern?MVVM design pattern allows you to develop applications that are easilymaintainable and testable,and now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam and Iam thecreator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3, Mastering Micro ServicesUsing JPA, Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor, Mastering ARKit for iOS, Mastering Core ML for iOS and more.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Iwill show you how to use MVVM design pattern to build your iOS applications.I will start from the very beginning covering the basics of MVVM design pattern and then dive into advanced concepts like live binding. I will also demonstrate how to implement a web services layer and create a complete app from scratch using MVVM design pattern.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn MVVM?MVVM is the next step towards the future of apps. MVVM allows you to create apps that are easily maintainable and testable.MVVMallows iOS developers to use their existing skills to create amazing iOS applications.As the application grows MVVM design allows the developers break the app into smaller components.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. MVVM design pattern is an old pattern but it is relatively new in the iOS community.MVVM iOS applicationscan also help you to earn higher salary since now you know how to write a complete apps which can be tested and updated easily through the use of MVVM design principles.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 10or aboveiOS 12 or aboveBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about MVVM.What am I going to get from this course?Create amazing iOS apps using MVVM design patternTake your existing iOS skills to the next levelBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloper"
Price: 19.99

"Blockchain Programming in iOS Using Swift" |
"Are you interested in learning about Blockchain technology?Blockchain technology is the backbone of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency but it can be used in many other disciplines. Blockchain technology is going to disrupt a lot of different industries including finance, merchandising, retail, identity and more.My name is Mohammad Azam and Iam thecreator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3, Mastering Micro ServicesUsing JPA, Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor, Mastering ARKit for iOS, Mastering Core ML for iOS and more.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.I will teach you the concepts as well as the implementation of Blockchainin iOS framework using Swift language. I will start with the very basics explaining all the required details related to the Blockchain technology.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn Blockchain?Blockchain is a revolutionary technology which is going to change a lot of different aspects of our life including finance, retail, merchandising etc.Blockchain technology allows iOS developers to use their existing skills to create amazing decentralized iOS applications. Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Blockchain technology is a new technology and it can help to create decentralized applications.Blockchain technologycan also help you to earn higher salary since now you know how to write a complete apps which are decentralized.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 9.3 or aboveBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about Blockchain.What am I going to get from this course?Learn the concepts behind Blockchain technology.Implement Blockchain Web APITake your existing iOS skills to the next levelBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloperCredits:- A big thanks to Taha Farooq for his constant support in creating this course."
Price: 19.99

"Blockchain Programming Using Javascript" |
"Are you interested in learning about Blockchain technology?Blockchain technology is the backbone of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency but it can be used in many other disciplines. Blockchain technology is going to disrupt a lot of different industries including finance, merchandising, retail, identity and more.My name is Mohammad Azam and Iam thecreator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3, Mastering Micro ServicesUsing JPA, Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor, Mastering ARKit for iOS, Mastering Core ML for iOS and more.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.I will teach you the concepts as well as the implementation of Blockchainin Javascript. I will start with the very basics explaining all the required details related to the Blockchain technology.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn Blockchain?Blockchain is a revolutionary technology which is going to change a lot of different aspects of our life including finance, retail, merchandising etc.Blockchain technology allows iOS developers to use their existing skills to create amazing decentralized iOS applications. Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Blockchain technology is a new technology and it can help to create decentralized applications.Blockchain technologycan also help you to earn higher salary since now you know how to write a complete apps which are decentralized.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerEditor such as Atom or SublimeUnderstanding of Javascript language, Node and ExpressJSI'll teach you everything you need to know about Blockchain.What am I going to get from this course?Learn the concepts behind Blockchain technology.Implement Blockchain Web APITake your existing Javascriptskills to the next levelBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloperCredits:- A big thanks to Taha Farooq for his constant support in creating this course."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Guide to JSON Parsing Using Swift 5" |
"Parsing JSON is an integral part of most of iOS applications. The new version of Swift introduced classes and APIs that make JSON parsing easy to handle. This course is all about JSON encoding and decoding using Swift language. You will encounter many different JSON responses and learn how to decode those responses to your models. This course is packed with real world examples and can help you gain a better understanding of consuming JSON APIs for your iOS applications. My name is Mohammad Azam and I am the creator of many popular online courses including:Mastering ARKit for iOSBlockchain Programming in iOS Using Swift Mastering Core ML for iOS Server Side Swift Using Vapor Blockchain Programming Using JavaScript Mastering Micro Services Using Java Spring Boot The Complete Guide to Lean Controllers in iOSMastering Firebase for iOS Using Swift I have also created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present I work as a lead instructor for DigitalCrafts where I teach Full Stack Web Development. Before joining DigitalCrafts, I worked full time with The Iron Yard as an iOS and Full Stack instructor. I also run a very successful YouTube channel with over 5000 subscribers. Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 3 hours.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses: ""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""This is amazingly good and makes me really excited. I appreciated Mohammad for creating this course. This 3 hours already worth than 20 hours!!I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this course to anyone, but make sure you have a basic understanding of JavaScript FIRST; otherwise, it will all sound foreign to you. If you want to learn Blockchain development using one of (if not the most widely used) languages in the world - JavaScript - then invest in this course. Thank you, Mr. Azam! I will definitely buy more blockchain courses from you.Buy this course today and this is what youll get. You will learn the concepts behind JSON Encoding and Decoding in Swift and how you can consume JSON in your iOS applications. I am going to teach you encoding and decoding JSON by running through a lot of examples. * Each lecture in the course is accompanied with complete code sample files. You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. I am very active on forums and I make sure that every questions is answered. Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $199?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn JSON Parsing?An iOS app is not an island, an app is constantly communicating with a Web API to fetch or submit information. Consuming a JSON API is an integral part of any iOS application. By learning the concepts of JSON Parsing in iOS, you will be able to consume third party APIs including News, iTunes, Movies, Real state properties etc. Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. JSON Parsing is an integral part of iOS app development and it allows your app to easily consume information from third party sources. This course is intended for intermediate developers, who have knowledge of iOS app architecture and Swift programming language. Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then I urge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. I am a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. I do a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education. What are the requirements?A Mac ComputerXcode 9.3 or aboveUnderstanding of iOS framework is requiredBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK - I'll teach you everything you need to know about JSON Parsing in Swift. What am I going to get from this course?Learn the concepts behind JSON parsing using real world examples. Take your existing iOS skills to the next levelBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOS developer"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor 3" |
"Are you interested in learning how to write a complete backend API using Swift?Swift on the server is the future of iOS development. And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present Iam afull time iOS Instructor at DigitalCraftswhere I teach users how to create amazing iOS applications.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, Iam using Xcode 9.3with Swift 4.0 for this course. Iwill show you how to build real apps that consume the Vapor backend service.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn Server Side Swift?Swift has taken the world of programming by storm. It is one of the most fastest growing languages available. Cloud computing is changing the world everyday and now you can use the power and the simplicity of the Swift language to create Cloud enabled applications.Vapor will allow you to create backend services which can be consumed by iOS, Android, Windows and WebApplications.By using server side Swift using Vapor you will have complete control over your deployment process and strategy.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Server side Swift is a new technology and companies will be jumping on it in the future to create their backend systems. Server side Swift can also help you to earn higher salary since now you know how to write a complete backend from scratch.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 8 or above and Swift 3.0Basic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about server side Swift using VaporWhat am I going to get from this course?Create backend services and API using server side Vapor frameworkRemove the dependency on third party frameworks and non-iOS technologiesBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloperWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages and Swiftcourses.Anyone who wants to learn to code: Server side Swift is the future and the future is rightNOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Serverless App with AWS Lambda - Hands On!" |
"Immerse yourself in Amazon Web Services (AWS) with this hands-on, project-based course - and truly internalize some highly valuable skills in the world of technology. We'll walk you through building your own chat website using nothing but AWS services - and no standalone services or server instances at all!Building a ""serverless app"" using AWS and its Lambda service is a great introduction to the core services AWS offers. As you create your chat application, you'll learn and use the following AWS services:S3 (Simple Storage Service)- For storing static HTMLand vending it to your users' browsersLambda - For executing logic in the cloud for storing and retrieving data in your applicationIAM (Identity and Access Management)- For securing access to your servicesAPIGateway - For presenting a well-modeled API to your clients and automatically generating client-side code to communicate with itDynamoDB - For quickly storing and retrieving data at scaleCognito - For managing users, account creation, and logins securelyCloudFront - For accelerating the delivery of your site to end users with a CDNWe'll tie it all together by learning and practicing Javascript, and we'll learn about CORSto grant browsers the permissions they need to run a serverless application.Even if you're familiar with AWS, you'll learn valuable techniques on how to build a fully functional, dynamic website without maintaining any servers at all - not even via EC2!Your highly experienced guides through this project are Frank Kane, formerly a senior manager at Amazon, and Brian Tajuddin, a principal engineer also formerly working at Amazon. You'll be learning AWS from people who were there when it was being created.You'll join over 140,000 other students of the Sundog Education team who have leveled up their careers with hot technical skills.As an added bonus, you'll be offered membership in a closed FacebookGroup for students of this course, where you can continue to collaborate with each other even after you've finished it.Although this course isn't targeting any specific AWScertification exam, you'll leave it with a great foundation of AWS knowledge that will begin to prepare you for them."
Price: 49.99

"Elasticsearch 6 and Elastic Stack - In Depth and Hands On!" |
"NOTE:A NEW VERSION OF THIS COURSE FOR ELASTICSEARCH 7 IS AVAILABLE. You should only enroll in this if you need to learn Elasticsearch 6 specifically. If that's you, read on!Elasticsearchis a powerful tool not only for powering search on big websites, but also for analyzing big data sets in a matter of milliseconds! It's an increasingly popular technology, and a valuable skill to have in today's job market. This comprehensive course covers it all, from installation to operations, with60 lecturesincluding8 hoursof video.We'll cover setting up search indices on anElasticsearch 6cluster (if you need Elasticsearch 5- we have another course on that), and querying that data in many different ways. Fuzzy searches, partial matches, search-as-you-type, pagination, sorting - you name it. And it's not just theory, every lesson has hands-on examples whereyou'll practice each skillusing a virtual machine running Elasticsearchon your own PC.We cover, in depth, the often-overlooked problem ofimporting datainto an Elasticsearch index. Whether it's via raw RESTful queries, scripts using Elasticsearch API's, or integration with other ""big data"" systems like Spark and Kafka - you'll see many ways to get Elasticsearch started from large, existing data sets at scale. We'll also stream data into Elasticsearch usingLogstashandFilebeat- commonly referred to as the ""ELKStack"" (Elasticsearch / Logstash / Kibana) or the ""Elastic Stack"".Elasticsearchisn't just for search anymore- it has powerfulaggregationcapabilities for structured data. We'll bucket and analyze data using Elasticsearch, and visualize it using the Elastic Stack's web UI,Kibana.You'll learn how to manageoperationson your Elastic Stack, using X-Pack to monitor your cluster's health, and how to perform operational tasks like scaling up your cluster, and doing rolling restarts. We'll also spin up Elasticsearch clusters in the cloud usingAmazon ElasticsearchServiceand theElastic Cloud.Elasticsearch is positioning itself to be a much faster alternative to Hadoop, Spark, and Flink for many common data analysis requirements. It's an important tool to understand, and it's easy to use! Dive in with me and I'll show you what it's all about."
Price: 149.99

"Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI" |
"New! Updated for Tensorflow 2, Amazon Personalize, and more.Learn how to build recommender systems from one of Amazon's pioneers in the field. Frank Kane spent over nine years at Amazon, where he managed and led the development of many of Amazon's personalized product recommendation technologies. You've seen automated recommendations everywhere - on Netflix's home page, on YouTube, and on Amazon as these machine learning algorithms learn about your unique interests, and show the best products or content for you as an individual. These technologies have become central to the largest, most prestigious tech employers out there, and by understanding how they work, you'll become very valuable to them.We'll cover tried and true recommendation algorithms based on neighborhood-based collaborative filtering, and work our way up to more modern techniques including matrix factorization and even deep learning with artificial neural networks. Along the way, you'll learn from Frank's extensive industry experience to understand the real-world challenges you'll encounter when applying these algorithms at large scale and with real-world data.Recommender systems are complex; don't enroll in this course expecting a learn-to-code type of format. There's no recipe to follow on how to make a recommender system; you need to understand the different algorithms and how to choose when to apply each one for a given situation. We assume you already know how to code.However, this course is very hands-on; you'll develop your own framework for evaluating and combining many different recommendation algorithms together, and you'll even build your own neural networks using Tensorflow to generate recommendations from real-world movie ratings from real people. We'll cover:Building a recommendation engineEvaluating recommender systemsContent-based filtering using item attributesNeighborhood-based collaborative filtering with user-based, item-based, and KNN CFModel-based methods including matrix factorization and SVDApplying deep learning, AI, and artificial neural networks to recommendationsSession-based recommendations with recursive neural networksScaling to massive data sets with Apache Spark machine learning, Amazon DSSTNE deep learning, and AWS SageMaker with factorization machinesReal-world challenges and solutions with recommender systemsCase studies from YouTube and NetflixBuilding hybrid, ensemble recommendersThis comprehensive course takes you all the way from the early days of collaborative filtering, to bleeding-edge applications of deep neural networks and modern machine learning techniques for recommending the best items to every individual user.The coding exercises in this course use the Python programming language. We include an intro to Python if you're new to it, but you'll need some prior programming experience in order to use this course successfully. We also include a short introduction to deep learning if you are new to the field of artificial intelligence, but you'll need to be able to understand new computer algorithms.High-quality, hand-edited English closed captions are included to help you follow along.I hope to see you in the course soon!"
Price: 179.99

"Aprende RPA (Robotic Process Automation) con UIPath" |
"Hoy por hoy el avance despiadado de los sistemas nos ha llevado a necesitar dejar tareas cotidianas, repetitivas y pesadas a los robots; encontramos que necesitamos leer grandes cantidades de facturas y almacenar en base de datos los clientes y su nmero, o hemos necesitado buscar, filtrar y generar reportes con informacin fcil de consultar en internet, a veces podemos requerir mover grandes cantidad de archivos entre carpetas, todo esto es posible gracias a RPA o Robotic Process Automation y herramientas como UIPath, el momento para aprender esta tecnologa es ahora, no dejes pasar ms tiempo sin conocer sobre Automatizacin y todas las posibilidad que ofrece. En este curso podrs aprender sobre Automatizacin de procesos, sobre cmo acceder a eventos y objetos de Windows, adems podrs pensar en facilitarte tareas muy repetitivas y tediosas, tendrs las herramientas necesarias para automatizar problemas cotidianos, y todo con ejercicios prcticos, con talleres que te llevarn paso a paso hasta conseguir los conceptos necesarios. Tendrs los conceptos generales sobre automatizacin RPA y una herramienta conocida e intuitiva para aplicar todo lo aprendido. Podrs aprender a crear flujos, implementar ciclos, estructuras de decisin, manejo de errores, automatizacin e interaccin con aplicaciones ofimticascomo Word, Excel o PDF."
Price: 29.99

"Improve Your Audio Recordings With Audacity" |
"This course will teach you how to improve the quality of recorded voice for your videos, YouTube, podcast and more.You will learn how to improve the quality of your recording so that it sounds more professional using Audacity, a free open source software, in an hour or less.The tutorials here is based on the latest stable version of Audacity, version 2.2.0.The course is designed to get you started even if you know nothing about Audacity, and start improving your voice recordings immediately.The video tutorials here are concise. It is designed to help you get started editing your audio within an hour or less.Get an overview of the interfaceLearn how to reduce noiseCreate natural sounding audioOther tips beyond Audacity to get better audio"
Price: 24.99

"Viral Math Puzzles and Quizzes" |
"We live in a knowledge economy. And one subject that plays a big role in this economy is Math.But Math can be intimidating for most of us.This course is a humble effort towards making Mathless intimidating and more fun.On a daily basis, I scan the net looking for interesting Math problems.This could bea viral Math problem given to 5 year olds in Singapore that baffled Phd level Mathematicians.Or it could be the famousbat and ball problem mentioned among others,by the Nobel prize winning Economist Daniel Kahneman in his best selling book.In this course I will present an eclectic collection of such problems as well as their solutionsto you, thelearner.So,these problems are firstly relevant. They also span a wide spectrum of Math such as Geometry, Algebra and much more.And lastly, they are problems that excite.I continuously add to my collection of videos so you will be guaranteed a course that constantly evolves.Welcome to the course."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Regular Expressions in Python" |
"This course will take you on a journey, a journey to master regular expressions.We will start slowly and then pick up steam:Introduction to Regular expressionsOur best friends - Meta-charactersOverview of Regex features and flavorsThe inner workings of Regular expressionsOptimizing Regular expressionsThe course has a a few more highlights:Demonstrations concepts via live coding Real world examples from fields like Machine learningCourse is constantly updated with new content"
Price: 24.99

"Curso completo de Machine Learning: Data Science con RStudio" |
"Te suenan las palabras Machine Learning o Data Scientist? Te pica la curiosidad de para qu sirven estas tcnicas o por qu empresas de todo el mundo pagan un sueldo de 120.000 hasta 200.000$ al ao a un cientfico de datos?Pues este curso est pensado y diseado por todo un profesional del mundo del Data Science como es Juan Gabriel Gomila, de modo que os va a compartir todo su conocimiento y ayudaros a entender la teora tan compleja sobre las matemticas que tiene detrs, los algoritmos y libreras de programacin con R Studio para convertiros en todo unos expertos a pesar de que no tengis experiencia previa.Veremos paso a paso como empezar a trabajar con conceptos y algoritmosdel mundo del Machine Learning. Con cada nueva clase y seccin que completes tendrs unas nuevas habilidades que te ayudarn a entender este mundo tan completo y lucrativo que puede ser esta rama del Data Science.Tambin decirte que este curso es muy divertido, en la lnea de Juan Gabriel Gomila y que aprenders y te divertirs mientras vas aprendiendo acerca de tcnicas de Machine Learning con R Studio.El anlisis de datos y el machine learningcon R ha surgido como un enfoque muy importante para empresasde todo tipo, desde el mundo de las finanzas al de los videojuegos pasando por tiendas online o incluso los deportes. R permite que incluso aquellos que tienencomprensin intuitiva de los conceptos subyacentes, sin un trasfondo matemtico profundo, denrienda suelta a anlisis potentes y detallados de sus datos.Este curso te mostrarcmo puedes poner sus habilidades de anlisis de datos en R para uso prctico, con recetas que atienden las tareas bsicas y avanzadas de anlisis de datos.Desde la adquisicin de los datos y su preparacin previa para el anlisis hasta las tcnicas ms complejas de anlisis de datos, intentaremos llevar a cabo lasimplementaciones decada tcnica de la mejor manera posible.Tambin visualizaremoslosdatos utilizando los paquetes mspopulares deR como ggplot2 y encontraremosinformacin oculta en los mismos.Comenzando con la implementacin de conceptos bsicos del mundo del anlisis de datos, como manejar sus datos para crear grficos bsicos, acabaremosdominaremoslas tcnicas de anlisis de datos ms avanzadas, como realizar anlisis de clster ogenerar informes y visualizaciones de anlisis efectivas.Tambin trabajaremos con series temporales, regresin y estimacin de datos, un sistema de recomendaciones o el anlisis de mercados financieros o redes sociales entre otros, por tanto tienes muchos campos donde aplicar todo lo que aprendas aqu en el curso!A lo largo del curso, conoceremoslos problemas comunes y los obstculos que se suelen encontraral implementar cada una de las tcnicas de anlisis de datos en R, as como diferentes formasformas de superarlas de la manera ms fcil posible.Al final de este curso, tendrs todo el conocimiento que necesita para convertirte en un experto en anlisis de datos con R, y ponersus habilidades a prueba en escenarios del mundo real."
Price: 199.99

"Bootcamp de videojuegos 3D en Unreal Engine con JB (II)" |
"*** Actualizado para Unreal Engine 4.18.x ***Este curso se centra en mostrar a Juan Gabriel Gomila, impartiendo sus clases presenciales a los estudiantes del ciclo formativo superior en desarrollo multiplataforma, en el marco del desarrollo de videojuegos con Unreal Engine. Se trata de un curso intensivo de cuatro meses, unas 4 horas a la semanadonde desde cero y sin experiencia en el campo, los estudiantes acaban finalizando creando su propio videojuego profesional en 3D con Unrealcomo proyecto final.El temario delBootcampse define por das de trabajo donde cada da se lleva a cabo una gran tarea dividida en varias partes menores, de ah que los vdeos tengan una duracin bastantesuperior a lo que viene siendo habitual en los cursos de JB. En los vdeos se incluyen tambin las dudas y problemas con los que se encuentran los estudiantes en clase as como la solucin aportada por el docente en cada caso.Introduccin al mundo de los videojuegos en 3D, a la herramienta de Unreal Engine y al concepto de actor, de material y de programacin visualbsica con el novedoso sistema de Blueprints.Configurar el hardware del videojuego para detectar diferentes comandos y responder ante cada uno de ellos haciendo uso de blueprints, hacer animaciones fluidas con el timeline de UE y conocer el sistema de partculas para crear explosiones con sonidos.Martes 16 de Enero de 2018Martes 23 de Enero de 2018..."
Price: 199.99

"Curso completo: aprende HTML, CSS y JS desde cero con JB" |
"Qu vas a aprender con Juan Gabriel?Hoy en da todo diseador grfico y programadorque se quiera dedicar al mercadoweb debe conocer los lenguajes de marcas ms modernos cmo HTML, CSS y Javascript. Conocer este tro delenguajes nos permite transformar losdiseos e ideas de pginas webenexperiencias interactivas, fundamental para que nuestros clientes se encuentren a gusto con lo que les hemos desarrollado.HTML 5nos permite maquetar sitios web a travs de su sistema de etiquetas con atributos, los cuales podemos hacerlos visualmente atractivos con CSS e interactivos con Javascript. En particular, con Juan Gabriel Gomila, uno de los instructores ms queridos por sus estudiantes aqu, en Udemyaprenders a escribir muchas de lasetiquetas que existen en HTML5, cmo se clasifican y se usan as comocules son sus funciones. A la vez y gracias a las propiedades deCSS les daremos unaapariencia esttica a nuestros sitios web y finalmente con Javascript podremos obtener datos de los usuarios y dar una respuesta acorde a sus preferencias.Estructurado para aprender desde cero hasta ser un master del HTML, juntos estudiaremoslas etiquetas ms importantes de HTML5, desde el headerhasta el bodydel sitio web, pasando por las etiquetas de encabezados,meta-datos, enlaces, estilos, listas ordenadas y no ordenadas,crear unabarra de navegacin, columnas, secciones, imgenes, video, audio y pie de pgina.A la vez estilizaremos todos los elementos anteriores en base a laspropiedades CSS y finalizaremos obteniendo datos de formularios con Javascript para poder hacer las webs ms interactivas con los tres lenguajes de tecnologas cliente.Adems, podrs descargarte desde buen inicio el repositorio Githubdonde est todo el material necesario y el cdigo de las clases para que puedas usarlo y compararlo con el tuyo por si te equivocas."
Price: 169.99

"Curso completo de Machine Learning: Data Science en Python" |
"Te suenan las palabras Machine Learning o Data Scientist? Te pica la curiosidad de para qu sirven estas tcnicas o por qu empresas de todo el mundo pagan un sueldo de 120.000 hasta 200.000$ al ao a un cientfico de datos?Pues este curso est pensado y diseado por todo un profesional del mundo del Data Science como es Juan Gabriel Gomila, de modo que os va a compartir todo su conocimiento y ayudaros a entender la teora tan compleja sobre las matemticas que tiene detrs, los algoritmos y libreras de programacin con Python para convertiros en todo unos expertos a pesar de que no tengis experiencia previa.Veremos paso a paso como empezar a trabajar con conceptos y algoritmos del mundo del Machine Learning. Con cada nueva clase y seccin que completes tendrs unas nuevas habilidades que te ayudarn a entender este mundo tan completo y lucrativo que puede ser esta rama del Data Science.Tambin decirte que este curso es muy divertido, en la lnea de Juan Gabriel Gomila y que aprenders y te divertirs mientras vas aprendiendo acerca de tcnicas de Machine Learning con Python. En particular, los temas que trabajaremos sern los siguientes:Parte1 - Instalacin de Python y paquetes necesarios para data science, machine learning y visualizacin de los datosParte 2 - Evolucin histrica del anlisis predictivo y el machine learningParte 3 -Pre procesado y limpiezade los datosParte4 - Manejo de datos y data wrangling, operaciones con datasets y distribuciones de probabilidad ms famosasParte 5- Repaso de estadstica bsica, intervalos de confianza, contrastes de hiptesis, correlacin,...Parte 6 -Regression lineal simple, regresin lineal mltiple y regresin polinomial, variables categricas y tratamiento de outliers.Parte 7 - Clasificacin con regresin logstica, estimacin con mxima verosimititud,validacin cruzada, K-fold cross validation, curvas ROCParte 8 - Clustering, K-means, K-medoides,dendrogramas y clustering jerrquico, tcnica del codo y anlisis de la siluetaParte 9 -Clasificacin con rboles, bosques aleatorios, tcnicas de poda, entropa, maximizacin de la informacinParte10- Support Vector Machines para problemas de clasificacin y regresin, kernels no lineales, reconocimiento facial (cmo funciona CSI)Parte 11- Los K vecinos ms cercanos, decisin por mayora, programacin de algoritmos de Machine Learning vs libreras de PythonParte12- Anlisis de componentes principales, reduccin de la dimensin, LDAParte 13- Deep learning,Reinforcement Learning, Redes neuronales artificiales y convolucionalesy Tensor FlowAdems, en el curso encontrars ejercicios, datasets para practicar basados en ejemplos de la vida real, de modo que no solo aprenders la teora con los vdeos, si no tambin a practicar para construir tus propios modelos de Machine Learning. Y como no olvidar que tendrs un github con todo el cdigo fuente enPython para descargar y utilizar en todos tus proyectos. As que no esperes ms y apntate al curso de Machine Learning ms completo y til del mercado espaol!"
Price: 199.99

"Creacin de videojuegos y monetizacin para mvil en Unity" |
"En este curso pretendemos abordar el miedo de crear tu primer videojuego y que sea una experiencia divertida y entretenida.El juego que vamos a crear es Flappy Bird, y s lo que ests pensando, oh, no otro clon de Flappy Bird, pero este no es un clon habitual de Flappy Bird. Para nada, ya que pensaremos juntos las mecnicas y aadiremosmuchas caractersticas que no se puede encontrar en ningn otro clon de Flappy Bird como hacer que las tuberas se muevan, hacerlo multidispositivo o incluso aadir la publicidad de Unity para publicarlo en la App Store y Google Play y ganar diner con ello."
Price: 99.99

"Curso completo de R para Data Science con Tidyverse" |
"Fundamentos de Data Science con R Studio y Tidyverse, con ejercicios reales y ejemplos de todo tipo. El prerequisito indispensable para luego continuar con el Curso completo de Machine Learning con RStudio del profesor Juan Gabriel GomilaBienvenido a este magnfico y completo curso de R Studio y Tidyverse donde el objetivo es formarte para que seas un buen data science con los fundamentos esenciales de uso de los paquetes del software estadstico R y R studio y que puedas llevar a cabo anlisis de datos completos y desde cero sin experiencia previa. Aqu tendrs todo lo que necesitas para luego continuar con cursos como los de Machine Learning conR o con Python que tengo publicados aqu mismo en Udemy con todos los conocimientos esenciales bien asentados y completos. Basado en el manual gratuito de Tidyverse, R for Data Science de Garrett GrolemundyHadley Wickham, y adaptado con ejemplos de casos reales y divertidos, tienes todo lo que necesitas para aprender de un modo divertido a ser todo un analista de datos.En particular, tengo muchas cosas que ensearte pues el trabajo del data scientist es muy variado y divertido.Usars Rdesde cero hasta convertirte en un profesional, haciendo mucho nfasis en las diferentes partes que lo componen, en la sintaxis bsica decreacin de scripts, la generacin y exportacin degrficos,instalacin de libreras diversas y mucho ms.Aprendersa utilizar ggplot2, una librera muy completa para representaciones grficas basada en el uso de capas de informacin para ir haciendo el grfico cada vez ms completo y avanzado con el que transmitir todo lo que has ido aprendiendo.Organizars y manipulars datos con dplyr, la librera para trabajar datos como si fuera una base de datos con la que seleccionars, ordenars y crears nuevas variables para su posterior anlisis y representacin grfica.Estructuras de datos avanzadas con las tibbles de tidyverse y la completa sintaxis de maggrit que acelera y potencia la sintaxis para evitarnos crear variables intermedias en nuestro trabajo de data science gracias a sus pipes.Carga de datos a travs de la lectura de ficheros de todo tipo gracias a readr, la versin de lectura mejorada de tidyverse que dinamiza y acelera la carga de millones de datos directamente con una instruccin, independientemente del tipo de fichero: CSV,XML, JSON...Libreras especiales de tratamiento de datos como stringr o lubridate especiales para formatos de datos puntuales, as como para hacer una sintaxis de expresin regular que ayude a procesar cadenas complejas de textos como twits o comentarios de un blog entre otros.Trabajar a fondo con todos los tipos de datos esenciales para un analista: desde valores lgicos, nmeros enteros, doubles, strings, date, datetimes... Incluso veremos las estructuras de datos ms comunes incluidos los vectores, las listas o las tibbles entre otros.Programacin funcionalvs programacin imperativa. Las ventajas de cada una de ellas y cuando usar una u otra cuando toque.Creacin y actualizacin de modelos, la fase final del analista de datos que todo el mundo busca para resolver su problema original.Reporting y cmo escribir recomendaciones, actualizaciones y unos informes finales que te permitan cobrar al final de tu trabajo realizado como Data Scientist.Y mucho ms en este curso completo de Tidyverse, donde la idea es formarte como analista de datos y poder dedicarte en el futuro a ser un data scientist bien pagado y con mucho trabajo en el futuro."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Online Teaching Masterclass: 5 Courses in 1" |
"Would you like to generate a re-occurring six figure income with online video courses? And do you want toknow how I did exactly that by selling my courses on Udemy, Thinkific, Gumroad, DigiStore24 and Skillshare? Then this course is for you!My name is Leon Chaudhari and I now already serve more than 23.000 students in 27 courseson Udemy. With my company Teaching Hero, I now already publishedmore than 20BESTSELLINGcourses on Udemy!In this course,I will show you step by step how to plan, create, sell and promote online video courses! We will cover 5 different online video course publishing platformsand I will lay out how I generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in pure profits off these platforms.We will start off by learning how to generate massive profits on Udemy.I will give my success strategies and I will show you step by step how I created more than 20bestselling courses here on Udemy.Afterwards we will talk about Gumroad. You will learn how to create your own subscription and membership side, how to generate leads with free products, generate massive upsells, create course landing pages and promote your courses via Facebook Ads. Then, we will coverThinkific, a online course hosting platform.I will show you how to set up your own online school, look for and generate affiliates for your products, create course, promote them and build your brand.Then, we will focus on Skillshare. We will together learn how to create courses, publish and brand them successfully, how to promote them via Facebook groups & generate thousands of minutes in monthly watch time which will results in considerable profits.What will you be able to do after you finished watching this course?Generate a reoccurring 6-figure income from your online video coursesMaster the art of planning, creating, promoting and selling online video coursesFind your online teaching niche & generate bestselling course ideasDominate on video course publishing platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, Thinkific & GumroadPromote your courses via Facebook ads to millions of people from all over the worldSet up your own video course recording studio at home with very little moneyand much more!In this course, I will for the first time reveal my teaching secrets and show you how I make 6 figures every single year selling online courses.When you are finished with this course, you will have your online teaching business set up and ready to go.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button right nowand I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Shopify Meisterkurs: Der Komplette Shopify Dropshipping Kurs" |
"Wolltest du schon immer einmal wissen wie man sich ein solides 5- oder 6-stelliges Einkommen mit Shopify aufbaut? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Kurs mache ich dich zum Shopify Profi und zeige dir wie du dir innerhalb von nur wenigen Tagen einen profitablen Online Shop aufbauen kannst, fr den du kein Lagerhaus, sondern nur deinen Laptop brauchst! Was genau wirst du in diesem Kurs lernen? Du wirst lernen deine Dropshipping Nische zu finden und in dieser mit deinem Shopify Store zu dominierenDu wirst profitable Produkte auf Aliexpress identifizieren und weltweit zu deinen Kunden exportieren knnenWir werden lernen mit Oberlo umzugehen, Produkte von Aliexpress in Oberlo zu importieren, diese dann zu bearbeiten und in den Shopify Store zu 'pushen' Du wirst schnell fhig sein deinen Shopify Store zu erstellen, interessant zu gestalten und so gut wie komplett zu automatisierenWir werden uns anschauen wie du deine Produkte auf deinem Shopify Store platzieren und Discounts & Coupons erstellen kannst Du wirst lernen die Themes von deinem Shopify Store zu ndern und diesen kundenfreundlich zu machenWir werden lernen wie du deine Kunden an dich binden und die Conversions von Verkaufsstrategien erhhen kannstDu wirst ganz genau wissen wie du deine Produkte via Facebook Ads vermarkten und verkaufen kannstDu wirst wissen wie man drei hchst effektive Facebook Ads erstellt und auf deine Produkte anpasstDu wirst lernen deine Produkte via Pinterest zu vermarkten und Traffic fr deinen Shopify Store zu generierenund vieles mehr! KURSSTRUKTURIch werde dir zu aller erst zeigen wie man eine Niche findet und profitable Produkte auf Allexpress, einer chinesischen Platform hnlich Amazon, identifiziert und importiert. Anschlieend werde ich dich mit dem Software Tool Oberlo und vielen anderen Chrome Extensions wie Honey vertraut machen und dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie du Produkte von Aliexpress in Oberlo importierst und bearbeitest. Du wirst lernen wie man Produktbeschreibungen anfertigt, Produktvariablen bearbeitet, sie in Shopify importiert und die Produkte in die Seite einpflegt. Anschlieend wirst du Schritt fr Schritt lernen wie man anhand von Templates einen professionellen Shopify Store erstellt. Wir werden diesbezglich Kollektionen, tags, Meta Beschreibungen, Google SEO und vieles mehr besprechen. Sobald wir damit fertig sind, beginnen wir damit deinen Shop zu automatisieren und deine Produkte via Facebook Ads zu vermarkten. Ich werde dir zeigen wie du drei unterschiedliche Arten von Traffic Ads erstellst und deine Produkte unteranderem auch ber andere Kanle wie die Online Plattform Pinterest verkaufen kannst. Ich werde LIVE in diesem Kurs einen Shopify Store erstellen, verwalten, und skalieren. Du wirst demnach fhig sein mein System 1 zu 1 zu kopieren und schon bald wirst du deinen eignen profitablen Shop besitzen. Ganz am Ende des Kurses werde ich dir auerdem zeigen wie du deinen Shop, auch wenn er noch keinen einzigen Verkauf gemacht hat, fr 150 Euro oder mehr verkaufen kannst! Du hast nichts zu riskieren und viel zu gewinnen! Deswegen warte jetzt nicht lnger, schreibe dich ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im Kurs! [Vielen Dank an FarShore Partners fr das schne Promo Foto Design ]"
Price: 199.99

"Consulting Jobs: Become A Highly Paid Consultant & Get Hired" |
"Would you like to find a job in consulting fast? And would you like to beable to work for a large company in the field of consulting? Then this course is for you!In this course, I will take you from a complete beginner to an expert in consulting and will show you how to earn money as a consultant.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this courseThis course starts out by teaching you the basics of consulting, for instance the general workflow of a consultant, contracting, business development strategies, acquiring licences, structuring so called fact sheets, presentations and much more!Afterwards, we will focus on a top-down view and bottom-up view on markets. We will first of all talk about market research and how to conduct it. You will learn how to use software tools such the OEC tool, Google research tools such as Google Trends or Google Shopping Insights, Similarweb, feedly, typeform and manymore!Later on, we will focus on customer research and how to ask questions properly. You will additionally learn how to structure your data and present it in front of your clients.After completing this course, you will be capable to...Learn how to find a highly paying consulting job online and offlineConduct professional customer & market research and analyse, structure & present market data correctlyMaster the art of creating meaningful client presentations and fact sheetsKnow how to look at markets from multiple perspectives (bottom up perspective, top down perspective)Use 20+ software tools such as the OEC tool, Consumer Barometer, Think with Google and more to analyse marketsCreate actionable plans based on S.M.A.R.T. goals and the 2-factors principle (what/how)Set up highly converting online survey with typeformand much more!When you are finished watching this course, you will have your own profitable consulting business that you can manage from anywhere in the world!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Messenger Marketing: The Complete Facebook Course" |
"Would you like to generate thousands of new leads on a daily basis and only spend a few dollars for it? And did you know that people spend more time on messaging apps than social media platforms? If you want your business to get the competitive edge in online marketing - then this course is for you!I will take you from a beginner in online marketing to an expert in Facebook messages, traffic and engagement ads as well as an expert in lead generation via Facebook messenger.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this courseOur Masterclass course starts out by teaching you step by step how to create highly converting traffic, messages and engagement ads. Afterwards, we will cover how to generate leads for only a few cents and how to generate thousands of new contacts ona daily basis that could all be potential customers.In the second part of this course, I will then show you step by step how to set up a sophisticated chat bot, an AI (artificial intelligence), that will automate your Facebook Messenger traffic.Afterwards, we will have a look at more automatisationsoftwares and advanced content creation and marketing strategies as well as dozens of ways to make money only with Facebook Messenger traffic.When you are finished watching this course, you will know everything there is about Facebook Ads, the Facebook messenger, chat bots and much more!While other courses leave you confused, this course is an A-Z guide - the complete certified course on Facebooks Messenger app.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course button' and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"S.M.A.R.T. Goals Masterclass: The Complete Certified Course" |
"Would you like to know how to set goals properly? And are you tired of setting goals but never really achieving them? Then this course is for you!In this course, I will take you from where you are right now and turn you into a go-getting realistically thinking person that knows how to achieve his goals with ease.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this courseOur Masterclass course starts out by teaching you how to set SMART goals - goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented and time-bound.Afterwards, we will focus on how to apply them in a real-world environment. We will cover how to turn broad goals into SMART goals and how you can implement this kind of thinking into your daily activities.We will continue afterwards with Edwin Lockes two goals theories that will help you to improve your understanding of motivational goals.In the end of this course, I will leave you with my 7 top strategies to not just set but also achieve your goals.When you are finished watching this course, you will have a deep understanding of SMART goals, goal setting in general and you will be able to achieve goals and build long-lasting motivational force with ease.While other courses leave you confused, this course is an A-Z guide - the complete course on SMART goals and goal-setting.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any timeAlso, I offer you a 30 day money back guaranteeYOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 129.99

"Facebook Werbeanzeigen Meisterkurs: Facebook Werbung von A-Z" |
"Wolltest du schon immer einmal wissen wie man eine effektive FacebookWerbeanzeige erstellt? Und wolltest du schon immer mal einen Schritt fr Schritt Plan haben um auf Facebook Werbung zu betreiben und fr jeden investierten Dollar, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 oder 20 Dollar zurck bekommen?Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr dich.In diesem 11 Stunden langenKurs werde ich dich zumFacebookWerbeanzeigen Profi machen und dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie auch du Facebook Werbeanzeigen erstellen, Pixel installieren und Produkte online verkaufen kannst.Was genau wirst du also alles hier in diesemKurs lernen?Zu Anfang des Kurses werden wir die Grundlagen vonFacebook besprechen - was ist eine FacebookSeite?Wie programmiere ich einen ChatBot?Was sind Autoresponder?Wie berechnen sich organische Reichweite?Wie lsst sich diese beeinflussen und vieles mehr. In diesemTeil desKapitels erhltst du von mir eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung die dir ganz genau zeigt wie ich meine FacebookSeite auf ber 25.000 Likes in gerade einmal einer Woche skaliert habe und wie auch du das kannst! Du wirst auerdem lernen einen intelligenten Chat Bot zu erstellen, der fr dich automatischNachrichten schreiben und beantworten wird.Wir werden diesbezglich auch ber Nachrichten Sequenzen sprechen und wie du diese in deinen ChatBot einprogrammieren kannst. Und da machen wir nicht halt:Es geht weiter mit Tags,Hashtags, AppInstallationen fr FacebookSeiten und vieles mehr!Im zweitenTeil desKurses legen wir dann direkt mit FacebookWerbeanzeigen los. Du wirst lernen wie man effektive FacebookWerbeanzeigen plant, erstellt, optimiert und skaliert. Du wirst lernen 10+ Werbeanzeigen in 5+ Formaten zu erstellen - Ich werde dir also zeigen wie du 50 unterschiedliche Arten vonFacebookWerbeanzeigen erstellen kannst und wie du jede einzelne von ihnen so optimierst, dass du fr jeden investierten Dollar 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, vielleicht sogar 20 Dollar zurck bekommst!Und nicht nur das: Wir werden auerdem uns anschauen wie du deinUnternehmen durchFacebookWerbeanzeigen skalieren kannst, wie du Zielgruppen erstellst, Keywords generierst, Metabeschreibungen anfertigst, deine FacebookSeite SEO-technisch optimierst und vieles vieles mehr!Anschlieend schauen wir uns die Wordpress-Facebook verbinden an und ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du FacebookPixel installierst, Custom Conversions, Custom Audiences und Lookalike Audiences erstellst und wie du A/BSplittesting durchfhrst um die eine profitable FacebookWerbeanzeige zu finden!Du erhltst dann auerdem ein komplettes Mailchimp Email Marketing Tutorial dass dir dabei helfen wird Leads via Facebook zu generieren und du erhltst von mir 25 FacebookMarketing Hacks die du verwenden kannst um von 0 auf 100 noch heute im Online Marketing zu kommen!Ich werde dir sogar im letzten Kapitel diesesKurses zeigen welche Fehler ich anfangs begangen habe und wie du diese nicht machst!Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein folgende Dinge zu tun:Plane, erstelle, optimiere und skaliere 50+ unterschiedliche Facebook WerbeanzeigenProgrammiere einen intelligenten Chat Bot ohne Programmierkenntnisse in 15 MinutenNutze Auto Responder um automatisch Nachrichten zu beantworten und die Reichweite deines Contents zu erhhenSkaliere deine Facebook Seite(n) auf 25.000+ Likes in einer Woche mit geringem InvestmentOptimiere deine Facebook Seite und Posts SEO technischGeneriere Keywords (short tail und long tail Keywords) durch 3 effektive online ToolsInstalliere Facebook Pixel und messe ConversionsErstelle Custom Conversions, Custom Audiences und Lookalike AudiencesFhre effektives Email Marketing mit der Software Mailchimp durchErstelle hochkonvertierende Landing Pages mit 'Mailchimp Landing Pages'Generiere mehr Leads fr deine Email Liste via Facebook WerbeanzeigenGeneriere mehr Nachrichten im Facebook Messenger durch Facebook WerbeanzeigenLerne Facebook Likes fr weniger als 0.01 USD zu generierenGeneriere mehr Mitglieder fr deine Facebook GruppenVerstehe wie man A/B Splittesting durchfhrt und mehrere Variable testetSei fhig 25+ Content Marketing Hacks anzuwenden und mehr Engagement fr deine Posts zu generierenVerstehe wie man IFTTT, Hootsuite, Buffer und Everypost verwendetGrnde deine eigene Facebook Werbeanzeigen-basierte Marketing Agenturund vieles mehr!Dies ist das ultimative Komplettpaket fr all die Leute die schon immer einmal mit Facebook Werbeanzeigen durchstarten wollten.Dich erwarten mehr als 11 Stunden Videolektionen, Dutzende Arbeitsmaterialen, persnliches Mentoring und vieles mehr!Es ist Zeit!Schreibe dich ein, nimm deine Online Marketing Karriere in die eigene Hand, und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im Kurs! Ich zhle auf dich!"
Price: 199.99

"Quora Marketing: Get More Answer Views & Generate Sales" |
"Would you like to generate more sales online through Quora or are you looking for new ways to grow your company or private label? Then this course is just right for you.In this course, I'll show you step by step how to sell Quora products, generate affiliate revenue, and show you how to become a Quora marketing professional! Quora is one of the hottest new social networks and opens up gigantic opportunities. Imagine you were one of the first users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat - billion dollar brands have been built on these platforms. And now your chance has come!So what exactly are you going to learn in this class?Basics of Quora - Learn how to create a Quora account, what you should look for in your answers and how you can sell products through Quora. We will talk about all these topics in the first chapter.Generate sales - Now it's time to really get started! In this part of the course, I'll show you how to quickly generate sales through Quora. We will look at which products are selling well and how you can sell them as well.Make money with your answers - You can make money with Quora without anyone having to buy a product from you. I'll show you how to do it without investing a penny in advance.Quora blogs - In this part of the course, I'll show you how to start and scale your own successful blog through Quora. In this regard, you will receive from me a complete tutorial on Facebook advertising.After completing this course, you will be able to do the following things:Write interesting Quora answers that generate many viewsWrite a Quora blog and generate your first 1000 followersUnderstand how to adjust your Quora answers to the platform Be able to sell dozens of products through QuoraBe able to increase your reach on QuoraCreate highly converting Facebook ads for your Quora blogsThis is the ultimate all-in-one package for all the people who've always wanted to get started with Quora.You can expect more than 3 hours of video lessons, working materials, personal mentoring and much more!It's time! Enroll and take your online marketing career to the next level!"
Price: 199.99

"Quora Meisterkurs: Der Komplette Quora Marketing Kurs" |
"Wrdest du gerne mehrVerkufe online ber Quora generieren oder suchst du nach neuen Wegen Reichweite fr dich, deine Firma oder Eigenmarke zu erzeugen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.In diesemKurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie du mit Quora Produkte verkaufst, Affiliate Einnahmen generierst und werde dir zeigen wie auch du zum Quora Marketing Profi werden kannst! Quora ist eine der heiesten neuensozialen Netzwerke das gigantische Mglichkeiten erffnet. Stelle dir vor du wrest einer der ersten Nutzer vonFacebook,Twitter, Instagram oder Snapchat gewesen - Milliarden Euro Brands sind ber diese Plattformen aufgebaut worden. Und jetzt ist deine Chance gekommen - Wer zuerst kommt malt zuerst!Was genau wirst du also alles in diesemKurs lernen?Grundlagen vonQuora - Wie erstellt man einen Quora Account, worauf solltest du bei deinen Antworten achten und wie kann man Produkte ber Quora verkaufen?ber all dieseThemen werden wir im ersten Kapitel sprechen. Verkufe generieren - Jetzt geht es ans eingemachte!In diesemTeil des Kurses werde ich dir zeigen wie du schnell viele Verkufe ber Quora generieren kannst. Wir werden uns anschauen welche Produkte besonders gut laufen und wie du sie erstellen kannst. Antworten zu Geld machen - Du kannst Geld mit Quora verdienen ohne dass jemand einProdukt von dir kaufen muss und ich zeige dir wie auch du das kannst ohne einen Cent vorher investieren zu mssen.Quora Blogs - In diesem Teil des Kurses werde ich dir zeigen wie du deinen eigenen erfolgreichenBlog ber Quora starten und skalieren kannst. Du erhltst diesbezglich von mir ein komplettes Tutorial zum Thema FacebookWerbeanzeigen. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein folgende Dinge zu tun:Schreibe interessante Quora Antworten die viele Views generierenVerfasse einen Quora Blog und generiere deine ersten 1000 FollowerVerstehe wie du deine Quora Antworten an die Plattform anpasst bzw. deine Antworten hoch 'ranken' lsstSei fhig dutzende Produkte ber Quora gewinnbringend zu verkaufenSei fhig deine Brand auf Quora zu vergrernErstelle hochkonvertierende Facebook Werbeanzeigen fr deine Quora BlogsDies ist das ultimative Komplettpaket fr all die Leute die schon immer einmal mit Quora durchstarten wollten.Dich erwarten mehr als 2,5 Stunden Videolektionen, Arbeitsmaterialen, persnliches Mentoring und vieles mehr!Es ist Zeit!Schreibe dich ein, nimm deine Online Marketing Karriere in die eigene Hand, und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im Kurs! Ich zhle auf dich!"
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency Mastery: The Complete Crypto Trading Course" |
"Welcome to the Complete Cryptocurrency Trading Masterclass -Would you like to know how to get started trading cryptocurrencies?And are you tired of learning a little bit about cryptocurrencies here and there. Are you looking for an A-Z guide? Then this course is for you!In this course,I will take you from where you are right now and turn you into a crypto currency expert.Even if you have missed out on this basics - I have you covered. This course is a completebeginner to expert guide incorporating the knowledge of half a decade of cryptocurrency trading.So, what exactly are you going to gain from enrolling in this course?In the beginning of this course,I will cover the basics of the blockchain technology with you. We will answer the questions:What is a blockchain?How does it work?How is consensus created within a blockchain? Who are users, nodes & miners?What is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero XMR and what are Altcoins?Afterwards, we will set up our own wallet, a place where you can safely store your crypto currencies. We will learn how to use the platform Coinbase and how to trade crypto currencies on the online exchange Poloniex. I will share with you my best investment strategies and will show you step by step how to focus or diversify your investments.Additionally, we will dig deep into the world of technical and fundamental analysis. We will cover indicators, overlays, moving averages and much more. In this part of the course, we will have a closer look at support and resistance lines, trend channels, trend lines, the double bottom indicator, point and figure analysis, the Elliott wave theory and principle, Fibonacci ratios, the Momentum indicator, Bollinger bands, chart types and the parabolic SAR.And I will reveal my systematic trading approach that you can use in order to trade more effectively and minimise losses.Afterwards, we will focus on terminology and the technical background behind cryptocurrencies. We will cover terms like hash rates, SegWit, forks, 51% attacks, Sybil attacks, Ethereum Classis, ERC20 protocol & tokens, tained coins, private coins like Monero or ZCash and much more!While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on cryptocurrencies, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on cryptocurrency trading!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency Fundamentals: Coins, Wallets, Exchanges, ICOs" |
"Welcome to the complete cryptocurrency for beginners course!Would you like to get started investing in cryptocurrencies but have the feelingthat you don't know too much about them yet?Then this course is for you!In this course,I will take you from where you are right now and explore with you the world of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology.So, what exactly are you going to gain from this cryptocurrencies for beginners course?In the first partof this course, we will talk about the basics of cryptocurrencies, theblockchain technology, cryptography as well asBitcoin and Ethereum.Late on, we will learnwhere to trade them, I willexplain what wallets areand show youhow you can buy so called Altcoins, smaller coins with huge growth potential.Afterwards, we will focus on mining crypto currencies. You will learn how mining works, which computers and software to use,what the simple payment verification as well as SegWit is, what forks are,and you will be able todifferentiatebetweenPAPERWALLETS,MINDWALLETS, SOFTWALLETS& HARDWALLETS.You will additionally know what exchanges such as Poloniex or Bittrex areand how to store your cryptocurrencies safely.While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on cryptocurrency trading, this is an A-Z guide - the complete cryptocurrencies for beginners course!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99
