"Bitcoin Trading Masterclass: The Complete Bitcoin Course" |
"Would you like to know how to get started trading crypto currencies like Bitcoin? And do you have the feeling youjustthrow darts at aboardwhen trading cryptocurrencies? Do youwant to get more certainty in your investment decisionsanddevelop a systematic trading process?Then this course is for you!Crypto currencies are one of the hottest topics right now because of their incredible growth potential and possible long-term value that could help you to build a retirement fund or just simply helpyou build your fortune.Did you know that 90% of all people trading lose 90% of their money in 90 days?Don't be that person. Start learning about trading,develop a systematic trading process and increase your likelihood to get a return on your investment.What are you going to learn in this course?In the beginning of this course, we will learn about the history of Bitcoin. So for instance - who was SatoshiNakamoto, what'sSegwit and how did it change Bitcoin? Afterwards, we will cover Bitcoin fundamentals. You will learn how the Bitcoin blockchain works, what Bitcoin is, how to trade it and how to trade smaller crypto currencies called Altcoins.Afterwards, we will accelerate quickly - we will get started setting up our wallet in order to secure your cryptocurrencies, later we will then start trading via Poloniex. After we are done with that, we will start learning about technical analysis and how to spot breakout coins that could go up in value by 100%, 200% maybe even 500% in a single week or even day!While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on Bitcoin!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Blogging Masterclass: Turn Blogging Into A Full-Time Career" |
"Would you like to start your own profitable online blog?And have you ever thought about turning blogging into a full-time career? Then this course is for you!In this course,I will show you step by step how to turn blogging into a long-term career. We will learn how to set up your blog, find the right topics to blog about, and promote your blog to millions of people worldwide through Facebook ads and other highly effectivemarketing strategies.So what exactly are you going to learn in this course?In the beginning of this course, I will introduce you to the blogging platform Medium and will show you step by step how to earn money blogging on Medium through Medium's open paywall and ad space rental.This course will cover 9 core areas, which:IDEA GENERATION- How do I come up with great ideas for articles?PROFILE DEVELOPMENT- How can I scale my profile to 1000 followers+ in the first month?TECHNICAL BACKGROUND- How does Medium work?How is the algorithm set up?BRANDING-How do I brand myself on the platform?WRITING- How doI write engaging articles that people want to read?GROWTH HACKING- How can I, without paying anything for marketing, scale my profile?(Focus:mass following and comment strategies)DESIGN- Which kind of designs should I use for my articles?MARKETING- How can I promote my articles on different online platforms?How can Igenerally generate more traffic for my articles?BRAND SCALING &SALES- How can I generate sales through Medium?In the second part of this course,I will show you how to host your own website. We will learn how to use a website builder, how to brand our website, promote it via 3 kinds of Facebook ads and much more! You will learn how to drive traffic to your page and even learn how to monetise your blog on your own website. By the way, thewebsite we will create willbe fully responsive.At the end of this course, we will then cover the cryptocurrency-based platform Steemit. You will learn how to get started blogging on Steemit, earn money with articles and scale your profile.Wewilladditionally cover a dozen tools that you can use in order to track your progress and generate notableincome fast.While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse blogging, this is an A-Z guide - the complete bloggingmasterclass!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing Meisterkurs: Der Komplette Facebook Kurs" |
"Herzlich Willkommen zum mehrals 20 Stunden langen11 Kurse in einemFacebookMarketing Meisterkurs, dem kompletten Kurs fr all die Leute die auf Facebook durchstarten wollen. Wenn dugerne zumFacebook Werbeanzeigen Profi werden mchtest, das Ziel hast Facebook Seiten zuskalieren, Gruppen aufzubauen, Events zu promoten und mehr Kunden zugenerieren, dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich!In diesem Kurs werden wir 11unterschiedliche Themen im Detail behandeln:FacebookWerbeanzeigen, Seiten, Profile, Gruppen, Messenger,Events, FacebookMarketplace, Fundraiser, Workplace, Facebook Analytics und sogarFacebookMarketing Werbeagenturaufbau.Folgende Dinge wirst du in diesemKurs im Detail lernen:Facebook Werbeanzeigen - In ber 6 Stunden Videomaterial wirst du Schritt fr Schritt lernen wie man hochkonvertierende Werbeanzeigen erstellt,FacebookPixel installiert, Custom Conversions erstellt, Retargeting & A/B Splittestingdurchfhrt und vieles vieles mehr! Wir werden lernen wie man mit ZielgruppenInsights potentielle Kunden nach bestimmten Kriterien ordnet. Wir werden lernen mehr als 50 Werbeanzeigen zu erstellen, Content Marketing Strategien besprechen und du erfhrst wie du FacebookWerbeanzeigen erstellen kannst, die dir fr jeden investierten Dollar, 2, 3, 5, 10 wenn nicht sogar mehr Dollar Profit generieren.Seiten -Du wirst lernen wie ich fr meine Facebook Seiten mehr als 24.000 Likes generiert haben und wie du das auch kannst in Rekordzeit von einer Woche. Auerdem wirst du lernen wie du deine Seite SEO technisch optimierst, datenschutzrechtlich anpasst und vieles mehr. AmEnde diesesKapitels wirst du nicht nur deine Seite fr kleines Geld skalieren knnen, sondern auch wissen wie du ber sie Produkte effektiv verkaufen kannst.Profile - Vieledenke, dass das eigene FacebookProfil nicht so wichtig ist. Hast du jedoch gewusst, dass die organische Reichweite von einem FacebookProfil mit 1000 Freunden so gro ist wie die organische Reichweite von einer FacebookSeite mit ber 34.000 Likes? Ich werde dir zeigen wie du Facebook Profile effektiv nutzt, viele Abonnenten generierst und eine attraktivePersonal Brand aufbaust.Messenger - Die Zeiten von EmailMarketing sind vorbei. ffnungsraten von 20% gehren zur Tagesordnung fr viele Online Marketer.Und bei Click Through Raten mssen wir gar nicht anfangen...Was wre jedoch wenn man ffnungsraten von ber 90% tglich erzielen knnte?Und was wre, wenn es ein Medium gbe ber das manim Durchschnitt bis zu 5 Mal mehr Verkufe generieren knnte?Mit genau diesemMedium mchte ich dich vertrautmachen - dem FacebookMessenger. Du wirst lernen ChatBots zu erstellen, eine knstliche Intelligenz zu programmieren ohne dafr existierende Programmierkenntnisse besitzen zu mssen und ich werde dir meine besten Verkaufsstrategien zeigen mit denen auch du ffnungsraten von bis zu 90% generieren kannst.Facebook Marketplace - Wir werden nun lernen wie man ber Facebook Produkte verkauft. Wir werden dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie ich ein Dropshipping Unternehmen ber Facebook Marketplace aufgebaut und hohe monatliche Umstze ber FacebookMarketplace mit Produkten aus China erzielt habe. Du wirst lernen wie man Produkte aus China importiert, sie ber Marketplace verkauft, denZahlungsverkehr abwickelt und das eigene Unternehmen mit Marketplace skaliert. Du brauchst brigens kein Lagerort, sondern nur deinen Laptop und das richtige Vorgehen. Du wirst auerdem lernen wie man hochkonvertierende Werbeanzeigen fr Marketplace Produkte erstellt.Fundraiser - Wolltest du schon immer einmalCrowdfunding betreiben und fr dein Unternehmen Geld einsammeln?Oder mchtest du fr andere Leute spenden sammeln?All dies werden wir zusammen in diesemTeil des Kurses besprechen. Du wirst lernen wie man erfolgreiche Spendenaktionen startet und Geldgeber findet.Workplace - Ich denke viele von euch werden schon mal von Slack oder Trello gehrt, doch die wenigsten kennen Workplace. FacebookWorkplace ist ein Tool, das es dir ermglicht mit deinen Team Partnern an einem Projekt zusammen zu arbeiten. Wir werden uns zusammen bei Workplace anmelden und du wirst lernen wie es verwendet wird - Schritt fr Schritt!Facebook GruppenAnalytics - Wir werden nun uns mit dem Software Tool Grytics beschftigen, welches dir dabei helfen wir deine FacebookGruppen zu optimieren. Wir werden uns mit Interaktionenquoten, der sogenannten GryticsWall of Fame, und vielem mehr beschftigen.FacebookMarketing Werbeagenturen - Du wirst lernen wie man eine Facebook Werbeagentur aufbaut, von Unternehmensanmeldung, berDSGVOdatenschutzrechtlich optimierte Websites, bis hin zur Skalierung vomProduktangebot. Am Ende von diesem Kapitel wirst du ganz genau wissen wie man eine Facebook Werbeagentur aufbaut und skaliert.Du wirst auerdem in diesem Kurs die Grundlagen des Email Marketings mit Mailchimp erlernen.Nachdem du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen:Erstelle hochkonvertierende Facebook Werbeanzeigen, lerne Re-Targeting und erstelle Lookalike AudiencesVerstehe A/B Splittesting, Custom Conversions, Zielgruppen Insights & vieles mehrInstalliere Facebook Pixel und messe Website TrafficSkaliere deine Facebook Seiten auf 24.000+ Likes in 7 Tagen oder wenigerProgrammiere Chat Bots und eine knstliche IntelligenzErstelle Messenger Sequenzen mit ChatfuelOptimiere deine Facebook Seite und Facebook Profil SEO technischGeneriere Leads via Facebook Messenger und Facebook Lead WerbeanzeigenPflege Leads in Mailchimp ein und verwende sie wieder fr deine Facebook-basierten Sales FunnelsSkaliere dein lokales Unternehmen mit Facebook Lokale Unternehmen Werbeanzeigen (wir werden 3 Wege diesbezglich behandeln)Lerne Facebook Content Management Hacking & vergrere die organische Reichweite von deinen Facebook InhaltenErstelle hochkonvertierende Facebook Stories & Facebook LivesSkaliere deine Facebook Gruppen, brande sie & baue dir deine eigene Community aufVerwende Grytics um mehr Informationen ber deine Facebook Gruppe zu bekommenVerwende unterschiedliche Analytics Tools um mehr Interaktionen in der Facebook Gruppe zu generierenBilde Community Manager aus die dir dabei helfen werden das Gruppe Management praktisch zu automatisierenVerkaufe Produkte ber Gumroad, erstelle Mitgliedschaftsseiten, Drip Content und vieles mehrImportiere Produkte aus China via Aliexpress und verkaufe sie auf Facebook MarketplaceVerkaufe Facebook Marketplace an mehreren Orten gleichzeitig und promote deine Angebot via Facebook WerbeanzeigenPromote deine Facebook Events via Facebook Werbeanzeigen, Gruppen usw. & generiere berdurchschnittlich hohe TeilnehmeranzahlenErstelle hoch konvertierende SpendenaktionenArbeite mit deinem Team zusammen via Facebook WorkplaceBaue deine eigene Facebook Marketing Agentur auf, gewinne neue Kunden und skaliere sieDeswegen schreibe dich jetzt ein. Nehme diese Chance wahr und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video des Kurses!"
Price: 199.99

"Kryptowhrungen: Der Komplette Kryptotrading Meisterkurs" |
"Hast du schon mal darber nachgedacht in Kryptowhrungen zu investieren oder hast bereits investiert und konntest noch nicht die groen Gewinne erzielen beziehungsweise mchtest einfach mehr ber Kryptowhrungen lernen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich!In diesem ber 10 Stunden langen Kurs mache ich dich zum Krypto Experten. Wir lassen wirklich nichts aus: Trading, technischer Hintergrund, Applikationen, technische und fundamentale Analyse, Mining und Krypto Minen, Wallets, Forks, Attacken, Coins und vieles vieles mehr!Folgende Dinge wirst du imDetail in diesem Kurs lernen:Technische Grundlagen von Kryptowhrungen:Was sind Kryptowhrungen eigentlich?Wie funktioniert eine Blockchain und worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen Bitcoin,Ethereum und Altcoins?Wir werden auerdem ber die Geschichte des Geldes sprechen und warum digitale Whrungen eigentlich gar nicht so unbekannt sind.Kryptowhrungen Trading:Was ist denn eigentlich ein Wallet, Exchange und Private Key? Du wirst lernen wie man seine Investments vor Hackern schtzt, Kryptowhrungen ber Poloniex und Coinbase traded und kluge Investmententscheidungen trifft.Dezentralisierung und Consensus:In diesem Teil des Kurses werden wir uns mit der Bedeutung von Konsens innerhalbeiner Blockchain beschftigen. Wir werden diesbezglich auch ber den Proof of work, importance und stake sprechen. Du wirst, nachdem du das Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, ganz genau wissen wie neue Blcke in einer Blockchain generiert werden.Entwicklung eines Trading Prozesses:Wenn du ohne Trading Prozess anfngst zu traden wirst du schnell viel Geld verlieren. Du bist dann Teil der 90/90/90Regel - 90% aller Leute verlieren 90% ihres Geldes in 90% Tagen - Und das will ich nicht und das willst du auch nicht.Genau deswegen brauchst du einen systematischen Trading Prozess. Diesen werden wir gleich im erstenKapitel entwickeln und ich werde dir meinen eigenen Prozess zeigen den du dann Schritt fr Schritt kopieren kannst.Technische Analyse:Du wirst dutzende Indikatoren, Overlays,Charttypen und andere technische Tools kennen lernen um Charts analysieren und interpretieren zu knnen. Nachdem du dieses Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, wirst du wissen wie man Indikatoren wie den Double Bottom Indikator verwenden kann, Overlays benutzt und auch komplexere Chartverlufe erkennst wie parabolische Trends. Du wirst zudem lernen wie manBreakouts traded, ICOs und Tokensales findet und vieles mehr.Fundamentale Analyse:Damit du Long-Term Trading Strategien entwickeln kannst, solltest du nicht nur auf technische Indikatorenacht geben, sondern auch fundamentale.Wir werden uns mit den Menschen hinter der Kryptowhrung beschftigen, den eigentlichen Wert der Whrung errechnen, News Ticker Seiten kennen lernen und Firmenwerte analysieren.Mining und Mining Computer:Wir werden in diesem Teil des Kurses ber drei Arten von Mining sprechen, nmlich CPU, GPUund ASICMining. Auerdem erhltst du von mir eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung zum Aufbau deiner eigenen Krypto Mine, ich werde dir zeigen welche Chips du brauchst, Khler und vieles mehr.Wallets:Damit du deine Investments sicher verstauen kannst, brauchst du ein Wallet. In diesem Teil des Kurses wirst du mit vier unterschiedlichen Wallets vertraut gemacht, nmlich Paper, Mind, Soft und Hard Wallets, wir werden ber Ledger sprechen und vieles mehr.Forks:Sicherlich hast du schon einmal von dem Begriff Fork etwas gehrt und nein ich spreche hierbei nicht ber Gabeln, sondern ber Forks in der Welt der Kryptowhrungen.Du wirst Schritt fr Schritt lernen wie eine Fork funktioniert und am Beispiel Bitcoin lernen welche Implikationen eine Soft und Hard Fork mit sich bringt.Attacken auf Blockchains:Wir werden diesbezglich ber 51% Attacken, Mining Attacken und Sybil Attacken sprechen. Du wirst lernen wie fragil als auch standhaft eine Blockchain sein kann.Coins & Tokens:Am Ende des Kurses werden wir dann uns noch einmal mit den unterschiedlichsten Coins und Tokens beschftigen.Du wirst ber Private Coins,Tainted Coins und vieles mehr lernen. Nachdem du dieses Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, wirst du nicht nur die Kryptowelt besser kennen sondern fhig sein bessere Trading Entscheidungen zu treffen.Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast:Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero & Altcoins via Coinbase and PoloniexGeneriere hochqualitative Trading Ideen durch die Entwicklung eines systematischen Trading Prozesses aus fundamentaler und technischer AnalyseLerne fundamentale und technische Analysen mit einem Bottom-Up und Top-Down Stil anzufertigenLerne dutzende Indikatoren, Overlays, Charttypen und andere technische Hilfsmittel kennen um potentielle Kursgewinne und -verluste zu ermittelnVerstehe wie Whrungspaare funktionieren und welche miteinander korrelierenNutze 4 unterschiedliche Arten von Wallets (PAPER WALLET, MIND WALLET, HARD WALLET und SOFT WALLET) um deine Daten sicher aufzubewahrenLerne unterschiedliche Kryptotrading Plattformen, Nachrichten Outlets & andere Institutionen in der Kryptowelt kennen und verstehe sie fr deine Zwecke zu nutzenVerstehe wie Consensus in einer Blockchain generiert wird durch users, nodes und minersVerstehe wie eine Blockchain funktioniert, was eine dezentralisierte Community ist und wo der Unterschied zwischen Fiat Geld und Kryptowhrungen liegtSei fhig Scam Coins bzw. Scam Investments zu identifizierenSei fhig Kryptowhrungen zu Minen und zwischen unterschiedlichen Arten von Mining Computern zu differenzierenVerstehe was Orphan blocks, Tainted Coins und ERC20 tokens sindUnd natrlich hast du auch jederzeit die Mglichkeit mich bei Fragen zu kontaktierenoder sogar mit mirTrades zu besprechen.Deswegen warte jetzt nicht lnger. Schreib dich in den Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video imKurs!"
Price: 199.99

"Biotechnology Law: GMOs to Designer Babies" |
"Have you ever wondered how genetically engineered food is regulated? Did you know you can buy a genetically engineered pet fish that glows at a local pet store, andit is notregulated? Do you know about the genetically engineered mosquitos released into the environmentto reduce mosquito-borne diseases? Or the goat that is engineered so that it can makea drug for treatment of a human disease?This course will guide you through the web of laws that regulate genetically engineered plants, foods and animals. Comparisons between countries is discussed.Learn what part of life can be patented, whether you will be allowed to design your baby, or think about whetheryou want to?"
Price: 34.99

"Introduccin a las Redes de rea Local" |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders a disear y configurar redes de rea local utilizando para ello routers y switches del principal fabricante del mercado, Cisco. Aprender a configurar dispositivos de Cisco te facilita poder configurar dispositivos de otros fabricantes porque muchos de ellos son similares a Cisco.Empezaremos introduciendo los conceptos bsicos de las redes LAN para luego pasar al direccionamiento IP y la divisin en subredes.Una vez que tengamos la base terica suficiente, pasaremos a configurar routers Cisco. Iniciaremos la configuracin con los aspectos ms bsicos como la configuracin de contraseas e interfaces, para pasar despus a una configuracin ms avanzada en la que veremos protocolos de enrutamiento tanto estticos como dinmicos, aprendiendo a configurar RIPy OSPF.Por ltimo, introduciremos los conceptos bsicos de los switches gestionables y aprenderemos a configurar VLANs y el protocolo STP(Spanning Tree Protocol).Contenido16vdeos con casi4horas de formacin con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Introduccin a las redes LANModelos de referencia OSI y TCP/IPDireccionamiento IP y subnettingConfiguracin de routersProtocolos de enrutamientoConfiguracin de switchesLaboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Podrsinstalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosCada seccin va acompaada de un examen para que puedas poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 4GB de RAM.Mnimo de 40 GB de espacio en disco duro.Experiencia previa en el uso de sistemas operativos Windows."
Price: 29.99

"Administracin y Configuracin de SCCM 2016" |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders a instalar y configurar System Center Configuration Manager 2016. Una herramienta con SCCM2016 te permite gestionar redes empresariales con miles de dispositivos y usuarios de una forma muy eficiente y centralizada. Desde SCCM puedes recopilar un inventario hardware y software, desplegar sistemas operativos, instalar aplicaciones, gestionar un antimalware y muchas ms tareas.Empezaremos con una introduccin a SCCM donde describimos su funcionalidad y la arquitectura de este software.Despus vemos en detalle el proceso de instalacin, desde el cumplimiento de los prerequisitos hasta instalar todos los elementos necesarios en un sitio de SCCM 2016.Cuando tengamos SCCM 2016 instalado aprenderemos a descubrir los usuarios, dispositivos y recursos de la red para organizarlos y gestionarlos. Para la gestin de los dispositivos y poder llevar a cabo todas las tareas que permite SCCM 2016 tendremos que instalar en ellos el cliente de SCCM. Esta instalacin puede hacerse por diferentes medios y en nuestro curso veremos cules son y haremos una demostracin del ms utilizado.Con el cliente instalado en los dispositivos ya podemos pasar a recopilar toda la informacin sobre ellos para componer un inventario detallado y generar informes.SCCM nos facilita la tarea de instalacin, administracin y desinstalacin de aplicaciones en los dispositivos de la red. Aprenderemos a instalar estas aplicaciones mediante varios mtodos que se ajustarn a las necesidades de cada escenario. Igualmente, con SCCMtambin podemos instalar sistemas operativos en red de forma completamente automatizada y desatendida, y dedicaremos varios vdeos a aprender cmo se hace.SCCM tambin nos ayuda a administrar la seguridad de la red mediante la gestin centralizada de actualizaciones y de un malware como Forefront Endpoint Protection. En nuestro curso aprenderemos a llevar a cabo estas tareas.Contenido31vdeos con casi4horas de formacin con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Introduccin a SCCMInstalacin de SCCM2016Recursos en SCCM2016Cliente SCCM 2016Inventario e Informes en SCCM2016Despliegue de Aplicaciones, Paquetes y ProgramasDespliegue de Sistema OperativosActualizaciones y Cumplimiento de ConfiguracinForefront Endpoint ProtectionLaboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Podrsinstalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosLas secciones van acompaadas de tareas prcticas y al final del curso podrs comprobar tus conocimientos con un examen final.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 8GB de RAM.Mnimo de 100 GB de espacio en disco duro.Experiencia previa en la administracin de sistemas operativos Windows."
Price: 34.99

"Introduccin a la Administracin de Linux" |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders a administrar desde cero sistemas Linux. Empezaremos con una introduccin a Linux y la instalacin del sistema operativo.Despus pasaremos a conocer el intrprete de comandos ms utilizado en Linux, Bash. Aprenderemos el formato de los comandos y cmo obtener ayuda desde la propia lnea de comandos.Continuaremos con la instalacin de aplicaciones y actualizaciones utilizando los gestores y respositorios de las distribuciones ms extendidas en los servidores como son Debian y CentOS.Uno de los objetivos de cualquier administrador de servidores es automatizar las tareas repetitivas. Esto lo conseguimos mediante la creacin de scripts en Bash. Veremos cmo se crean estos scripts.La configuracin de la red tambin es importante, y aprenderemos a configurarla desde el entorno grfico y desde lnea de comandos.Aprenderemos a trabajar con los sistemas de archivos, particiones, formateo y tambin con los volmenes lgicos que nos dan mucha flexibilidad en el redimensionamiento de particiones.Por ltimo, veremos cmo podemos crear sistemas de almacenamiento avanzados como RAIDs, NAS y SAN.Contenido22vdeos con casi4horas de formacin con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Introduccin a LinuxShell de Linux:BashInstalacin de aplicaciones y actualizacionesAutomatizar Tareas con Bash ScriptingConfiguracin de la RedConfiguracin del ArranqueAdministracin de Sistemas de ArchivosSistemas de Archivos AvanzadosLaboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Podrsinstalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosContars con tareas para prcticas los conceptos expuestos en el curso y un examen final para poner a prueba los conocimientos adquiridos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 4GB de RAM.Mnimo de 40 GB de espacio en disco duro.Experiencia previa en el uso de sistemas operativos Linux."
Price: 24.99

"Introduccin a Office 365" |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders a crear y utilizar un tenant de Office 365 desde cero.Empezamos con una introduccin a Office 365 para conocer qu es este servicio en la nube de Microsoft.Despus pasamos a conocer la interfaz web del portal de Office 365 y cmo nos permite acceder a cada uno de los servicios de Office 365 y tambin cmo podemos personalizar la interfaz.En la siguiente seccin nos introducimos en el uso de Exchange y la parte de cliente, Outlook, para la gestin de correos, calendarios, tareas y contactos.Otro servicio importante de Office 365 es Skype Empresarial. Aprenderemos a usar Skype para la organizacin de reuniones, creacin de contactos, envo de mensajes instantneos y la configuracin de la presencia en Skype.Con OneDrive aprenderemos a crear documentos de Office directamente con un navegador usando las Office Web Apps, y tambin aprenderemos a compartir estos documentos con otros usuarios de la organizacin.Por ltimo, con Sharepoint aprenderemos a crear sitios desde los que los usuarios de la empresa podrn colaborar y acceder a aplicaciones como listas, bibliotecas y otras muchas que podemos aadir.Contenido28vdeos con casi 2horas de formacin con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Introduccin a Office 365Interfaz de Office 365Outlook/ExchangeSkype for BusinessOneDrive for BusinessSharepointLaboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Podrsinstalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosContars con tareas para prcticas los conceptos expuestos en el curso y un examen final para poner a prueba los conocimientos adquiridos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 4GB de RAM.Mnimo de 40 GB de espacio en disco duro.Experiencia previa en el uso de sistemas operativosWindows y aplicaciones Office."
Price: 24.99

"An Introductory Course on Emotional Intelligence" |
"This course is about Investigating and learning about emotions and emotional development. It is about findingout whatemotions are and factors that influence our emotions. It uses 3 mirrors of life for reflections, that is the mirror of the mind (head and heart), spirituality and observations. It therefore makes you engage in your own emotional development by identifying the gaps in your emotional development and ways to fill the gaps."
Price: 24.99

"Herbalism :: Growing Top Medicinal Plants [Certificate]" |
"Take your herbalism to the next level with this Herbalism :: Growing Medicinal Plants Course!Growing your own herbal medicine deepens that connection to your own health as well as to the healing plants. It allows you to truly get to know the plants. It also gives you the finest quality herbs. Whether using fresh or making your very own herbal medicine preparations, you will never find better. Best of all, you will have quick and easy access to medicinal plants when you need them.Medicinal herbs are quite easy to grow, so no worries if this is your first try at growing plants. Your garden can be as large or small as you like. You can even grow medicinal plants in containers on a deck, patio or even a sunny windowsill. Many of the medicinal herbs covered in this Herbalism :: Growing Medicinal Plants Course will be familiar to you. Some are the very culinary herbs you use in cooking such as basil, thyme, oregano and garlic. Some of them have been used as ornamentals in flower beds like calendula and purple cone flower. These herbs in this course were selected primarily for their ease of growth and for their safety. Each of the herbs also have a multitude of medicinal uses so you will be well supplied for a wide variety of ailments. Grow a few or try them all! While much of the course focuses on each of the plants preferred growing conditions and medicinal uses, a good portion of the course covers herbal gardening basics. This includes site selection, types of gardens, caring for the soil, purchasing seeds, growing tips, when to harvest and how to save seeds for the following years garden. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As your instructor, I have over 20 years experience of working with plant medicines and teaching about their amazing virtues. I'm passionate about the subject. I'm also the top selling instructor in herbalism on Udemy. You will have my support along the way, getting answers to your questions regarding the course material. (Please note, I'm unable to give individual medical advice or answer questions unrelated to course content). I'm deeply honored that you are here. I know youll find this course truly empowering so join in learning about the healing power of plants.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What students are saying:""I never thought I would get this much information from a course like this. Elizabeth is very thorough to the point and very well detailed information. I can't wait to get started. Thank you so much.""""This course is exactly what I have been looking for. Very clearly explained and great to have photos; these really help to picture my herb garden. Loving it so far.""""Lots of fantastic info. Enjoyed the section with great Info on so many plants.""""Excellent! I'll be referring back to this course in the coming months many times.""""This is a great, inspiring course. It introduces a range of herbs and provides key information about them, and how to create and care for a herb garden. I really enjoyed it.""You have lifetime access to the course so you can take as long or short as you wish to go through the material. You can replay the videos at anytime using the course as an ongoing reference. You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 99.99

"The Self-Confidence Playbook: Loving Your True Self" |
"One powerful predictor of how much self confidence you have is your ability to love your authentic self. This course teaches skills and behaviors to boost your level of self love. There are many reasons you may not love yourself as much as you could, but because self love is learned as a result of your experiences, and how you interpreted these experiences, your lack of self love can be unlearned, and substituted with new behaviors and beliefs that boost your self love, self confidence, and happiness.In this course, you will:Discover possible reasonsyou might not love yourself.Learn howknowing your strengthsbuilds self-love.Discover the destructive power of your negative beliefs.Learn apowerful mirror exerciseto boost your self- love.Discover how tochangeyour childhood negative beliefs.Learn how to deal withperfectionism.Discover howpeople- pleasingdamages your happiness and self-love.Discover thefactorsthat keep you from loving yourself fully.Learn thetwo wordsthat make youeasy to manipulate.Learn whyworry kills self-love.Discover which emotion has thelowest emotional vibration.Discover how tochange your childhood negative beliefs.Learn how to deal withperfectionism.Learn how to handle self-doubt andkeep your personal power.Identify who is onyour ""committee"".Learn the traits of introverts and extroverts.Discover how introverts and extroverts differ in theirfriendship preferences.Learn how to identify thetoxic friendships in your life.Learn why youcan't avoid negative thoughts.Discover apowerful strategy for dealing with negative thoughts.Learn howde-selfing hurts your ability to love yourself.Identify themany parts that make up ""you"".Learn how to discern your current life purpose.You'll also have access to the following downloadable materials:DownloadablePre-Test and Post-Testto measure your current levels of self-love.Downloadable practice materials to discover your strengths and boost your self -awareness.Downloadable worksheet on the causes of your lack of self-love.Downloadable worksheet to identify your ""committee"" members.Downloadable guide to an online test to discover your temperament.Downloadable Gratitude worksheet to reroute your thinking toward the positive.Downloadable worksheet to help you discover your life purpose."
Price: 24.99

"How to Start an Online Business in 30 Days - Step by Step" |
"Have you always wanted your start an online business but didn't know where to start?You have some greatideas but lack that road map to guide you across the finish line.If this sounds like you then you are in the right place. You will look over my shoulder as i walk you, step-by-step, through exactly how to setup and start your own online business.You will learn ThePyramid of Profitability. We break the course down into 3 modules (or the 3 ""P's"" as I like to call them.)These are thethree building blocks necessary to start an onlinebusiness.Module One - Platform -You will learn how set up and manage a platform (or Website for online business)using the power and simplicity ofWordPress.In Module Onewe will cover:How to Select the Right Web Hosting to Meet Your NeedsHow to Use the tools provided from the Web Hosts to Install and get WordPress up and Running in Under Five Minutes.You will Learn and Become Very Familiar with the WordPress DashboardYou will Learn how to Find and Install WordPress ThemesYou will Understand what Permalinks are and How to Use themWe'll look at Theme Specific settings to harness the Power of Our Selected ThemeWe'll Change the WordPress Header to a Customer Header Designed for your SiteWe will Set Up a Custom Email Account for your Site Directly in the Web Hosts DashboardWe'll Set Up a Contact Form so People Can Contact You Directly from Your SiteWe'll Set Up a BlogHow to Add a Form to Capture Your Customers Email Addresses that will be Used for Email MarketingWe'll Add Images to Your Site and PostsSetting Your Site up to Automatically Deliver Digital Products to your Customers 24/7Set up a Method to Accept Payments from Your CustomersBy the time you have completed module oneyou will be comfortable withmanaging your own site and business.Module Two - Product- You will learn how create your own information products to sell digitally online. You will learn to create three types of products.In Module Two we will cover:What Software to UseYour MindsetYour Personal VoiceThe Importance ofChapters and Sub-ChaptersHow to Use Effectively Ghost WritersHow to Create and UseContentCleaning up and Packaging Your First ProductWorking with aDigital Audio Editor and Recording SoftwareTesting and Recording AudioEditing Audio RecordingsAdding Audio Effects to Existing RecordingsExporting and Packaging Audio ProductsWorking with Video EditingRecording Video and Screen CastsGet Familiarwith the Interface, Call Outs, Transitionsand AnimationsVideo Editing 101Produce and PackageYour Video ProductsModule Three - Promotion - You will learn multiple waysto promote your website and products.In Module Three we will cover:How to Create Marketing ContentKeyword and Niche ResearchBlogs and ArticlesVideo MarketingViral VideosEmail Marketing - Create Templates and Campaigns,Email Marketing -AutomationSales Letter 101 - Learn the Formula to Write a Winning Sales Letterand Much More!We have a lot to cover, so I'll see you inside!"
Price: 79.99

"Animate a Logo in Adobe After Effects CC with Motion Graphic" |
"We'll use Adobe After Effects to apply motion graphic concepts to animate a logo. We'll start with planning what we will be doing and then I break down exactly how to create the logo animation step-by-step in Adobe After Effects.By the end you will have a greater understanding of how to approach animating logos of all kinds and of how to animate inside After Effects.There's the course AE file and logo file attached to the planning lecture for you to follow along and dissect.Thanks for joining me!"
Price: 99.99

"3D Animation & Data Visualization in Autodesk Maya" |
"If you want to start your journey to learn 3D animation, take your data visualization to the next level, or just impress everyone at your next presentation, this course is for you! I believe the best way to learn 3D is not by me just listing off every single tool, but by taking a project-based approach like this course so you can learn from actually building something you can use in your day-to-day life.Who Am I?My name is Lucas Ridley and I work in the film and commercial industry animating on suchcommercials and films as The Clash of Clans, Transformers, Suicide Squad, and the latest Spielberg movie Ready Player One (which is also a great book btw). Take a look at my profile to see some of my work.Don't be intimidated by 3D!I know it's an intimidating idea to learn 3D because I struggled to learn it when I began but I will walk you through exactly what buttons to press, concepts to begin to understand, and pitfalls to avoid to achieve the same results you see from the 4 examples in the preview video.Why Maya?Maya is the industry standard in film and commercials. Over the past several years I've worked at over 7 different studios, big and small, and they all use Maya for their 3D work. We will also cover using the Arnold renderer as it is now shipped with Autodesk Maya. In addition, we will use Adobe After Effects and Photoshop to aid us in completing some finals renders out of Maya and to manipulate the map texture for the final series.OutlineThe course is broken down into 4 sections of ascending difficulty:Line GraphBar GraphPie ChartMapsEach section will cover a different method and technique inside Maya so the course willmake the most sense starting from thebeginning and watch each lesson in order. However, if you only need to learn how to make a pie chart, for example, you should be able to skip to that section and only watch that series of lessons and still be able to follow along to make only a pie chart.I'm excited to share this course with you and introduce you to 3D. If you already know a little 3D or Maya you will still have plenty to learn as I cover some creative solutions to problems I haven't seen covered anywhere else. Thanks for enrolling!"
Price: 194.99

"3D Medical Animation in Autodesk Maya" |
"If you learn best with projects and have always been interested in 3D animation, this is the course for you!If you're also in the medical field then this course will be even more beneficial.This course is geared toward the beginner but there's something for everyone in this course including fairly advanced material. It's the kind of course you could start with and return to as you progress in your understanding of 3D.I will not just show you what buttons to press but Iexplain why we're pressing them. We'll create a plan of attack for the most complex series so we understand why we're taking the approach we are and how other approaches wouldn't work and why.I've divided the course into four sections (with a bonus section):Cell DivisionWe'll create one cell dividing into two, and these two divide againChromosomesModel in a modular way so we can leverage Maya's MASH motion graphics toolsDNAThere is a beginner and advanced section so we can show a simple and more complex approachBloodflow (and heart bonus)Control a particle system with fields and animate blood flowWe will also dive deeper into fields with a bonus series on creating the iconic heart shape with red blood cellsThis is my most ambitious course I've made so far and I hope you enjoy it. Ilearned things creating it so I know you'll get something out of it as well.Who Am I?My name is Lucas Ridley and I work full-time as a professional3DAnimator on movieslike Suicide Squad, Transformers, and Ready Player One. My work has contributed to Emmy-winning projects and has been nominated for several other awards like the Annie's. My freelance clients include LEGO, Braun, Nestle, and many others."
Price: 194.99

"Enlarge Your Pet in Photoshop" |
"Hello and thank youfor checking out this course!My name is Lucas Ridley and I work in the visual effects industry on films like Transformers, Suicide Squad, and Ready Player One.In this course we will be creating avisual effects photograph!Pet owner's love this idea and if you're a photographer this will be a unique technique you can addto offer your clients. Just imagine doing family portraits and including this service!The family will love it! If you're a pet owner then you already know how cool this would be. Make a new profile photo for social media that will get attention!You do not need any prior experience with photography or Photoshop. You can download a free trial of Photoshop to follow along. This course isa good introduction to Photoshop and for those familiar with it you will learn how to think like a visual effects artist to make a believable photo!This course is divided into two sections:Taking the PhotoMake It Look Great In PhotoshopI will walk you through step-by-step how Imade the example photo from taking the photo and all the way through each little step and tool I use inside Photoshop to enhance and sell this effect.Thanks for joining me and I look forward to seeing what you make!Lucas"
Price: 59.99

"Ultimate AngularJS to Angular Migration Guide" |
"This is a really practical migration course, we will cover topics such as:How to migrate an AngularJS codebase using the official ngUpgrade module.How to use modern tooling such as TypeScript/WebPack in your AngularJS app.How to migrate routing, specifically we cover migrating from uiRouter in AngularJS to the built in Angular router.But also we are going to cover some really practical real-life topics as well such as:How to also migrate all those 3rd party modules your using in your AngularJS app.We have a section where we troubleshoot common issues, which I've gathered from working with clients on actual migration projects and answering questions for students.If all else fails, if the ngUpgrade approach doesn't work for you, then I'm also going to teach an alternative catch-allmigration approach I developed and later presented at the Angular Connect conference in London called iframe migration.Course ComponentsEvery migration is unique, so to keep you grounded I first teach a mental model, a way to think about migration.I then teach my 10 step plan for migration, this is a plan I developed and used successfully with a number of clients.We then go through a real case-study and using the 10 step plan we migrate an application from AngularJS to Angular.All the code for the case-study is available online via github with a separate branch for each step. I recommend you code along with me all the way through, however If you get stuck you can compare your code to the code on github for that step to make sure you got everything right.At the end I cover some bonusmaterialincluding a section on trouble-shooting and a section on my alternative iframe migration strategy."
Price: 199.99

"Asynchronous JavaScript" |
"Do you know what's wrong with this code?Can you fix itwithout moving the last variable up the page?############################################function doAsyncTask(cb){ cb();}doAsyncTask(()=>console.log(message) );const message = ""Hello Iam a teapot"";############################################If you're notcertain then this Asynchronous JavaScript course is perfect for you.WhatUnderstanding the asynchronous nature of Javascript is key to mastering the language.This course is designed to take someone with a beginner level knowledge of async programming and turn them into an expert.We do this by starting off very simple, explaining the core concepts.Then step by step adding in layers of knowledge, punctuated by quizzes and coding challenges to cement and your knowledge before moving onto the next section.WhyI promise you'll end this course an expert in asynchronous programming in JavaScript, with knowledge most other experts don't even have.You'll ace any JavaScript interview questions related to asynchronous code.You'll spend less time chasing down bugs in async code.You'll amaze your colleagues and friends with your level of knowledge and expertise in async programming.HowI will explain what async and sync code really is, the advantages and disadvantages of each.We'll cover in-depth the various asynchronous patterns in JavaScript including Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await and even Generators with plenty of exercises to practice what you've learnt.In the end we'll go deep into the event architecture itself, you'll know how async code is actually implemented in these applications.WhoThe ideal student for this course is someone with at least a basic level of Javascript, you must have written a few apps already.You'll also need some familiarity with node and be comfortable on the command line.But everything else I will explain from first principles."
Price: 119.99

"JavaFX tutorial: Learn JavaFX with Examples" |
"Focus on what actually matters: This is not a course where you will learn bunch of things in a very shallow way. You are going to get really damn good at JavaFX. Like a real programmer, you won't worry about the buzzword of the day because you will have fundamental skills to pick up things on your own. You will be working on real-time project. We will start with small projects like creating a Login page, Registration page and then will design some advanced applications like building a calculator.This course teaches you how to start developing rich-client desktop applications using your Java skills and provides comprehensive coverage of JavaFX 8's features.Learn the JavaFX you need for professional development: Most courses focus on the syntax and features in JavaFX. They will talk to about controls,shapes at a very shallow level but in this course you will learn how to use them in building a software.Designed to take you from total beginner to advanced: If you have tried learning JavaFX before, you have likely found that beginner courses are way too easy, advanced courses are way too hard, and there is hardly anything in the middle. This JavaFX course is designed to take you from zero knowledge all the way to the advanced level, so that you can get it all done with one comprehensive course.What will you learn in this course?JavaFX layout panes : Border Pane,Grid Layout, HBox,VBox,Grid, Group etcJavaFX Controls: Label, Button,MenuButton,RadioButton,CheckBox,ChoiceBox,ListView,DatePicker,TextAreaJavaFX Charts: PieChart,BarChart,ScatterChart, LineChart,AreaChartJavaFX Shapes: Rectangle, Circle,Ellipse,ArcsJavaFX Event Handling: Mouse Events, Key EventsNote: We will not just cover them in theory in this course but we will actually design each of them.What real time-projects will be building in the course?Using controls we will be building a simple Login page.Using controls like choicebox, radiobutton, DatePicker,checkboxes, ListView we will create a Registration form.Using controls and Event handling in JavaFX we will also create a calculator App at the end of the course.ENROLLIn the COURSE"
Price: 149.99

"Sales Cloud Practice Question With Answers" |
"In this course, I will fully prepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Sales Cloud Certification Exam. With 2 practice exams, each of which is timed at 60 minutes,these courses are based on the questions which appear in the exam.I have covered all the topics which are part ofofficial Exam Guide from Salesforce so you can approach the actual Salesforce Sales Cloud Certification Exam with confidence...not hoping you are ready, but knowing you are ready will improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score,at the end of the course, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.This is the only Salesforce Sales Cloud Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test taking ability and it contains 2 Practice Test which all together contains 100 questions.You can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me through the discussion board or directly messaging me, if you need further clarification.I update this course to stay current with the latest release of Salesforce, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 24.99

"Salesforce Interview Question with Answers" |
"### Enroll in the NEW Salesforce Lightning Web Component Development Course ####If you are looking to prepare for your upcoming Salesforce Interview, you are at right place!! If you're looking for Salesforce Interview Questions with Answers for Freshers and Experienced, you are at right place.The demand for Salesforce professionals increased across different industries which resulted in increase of job opportunities for Salesforce Developers, Salesforce Administrators, and Salesforce Business Analysts. Huge increase in demand for Salesforce Professionals!!Increased number of businesses are signing contracts every day for using Salesforce which is why there is a huge demand for Salesforce skills, knowledge and expertise . Even smaller companies are investing in Salesforce and larger companies are upgrading their Salesforce systems to fulfil their requirements for customized applications.This has in turn increased the number of people attending interviews for Salesforce. Why do you need this course?We don't have enough of resources available for Salesforce interview questions. An open discussion with a Salesforce expert will definitely help you understand what questions do we expect in a Salesforce interview. Interview questions are not straightforward. These days employers are asking lot of scenario-based questions which is difficult to answer if you don't have real-time experience. That's why this course will be very helpful!!I would highly recommend you to start with our Interview Preparation course which covers all the important interview questions related to Out-of-the-box features of Salesforce, Apex and Visualforce. This course has plenty of scenario based questions as well. If you are fresher and want to get a feel of interview,then this course is for you. If you are a experienced salesforce developer and looking to brush up your skills, then this course is also for you. This course covers all the important topics which interviewer loves to ask!!Take our Salesforce Interview Questions Course and prepare yourself for your next interview. You never know, you might come across the same questions. Hopefully this helps you land a top-notch job in the domain of your passion. In case you recently attended a Salesforce interview, we request you to post any question you have faced. We will be happy to answer them for you."
Price: 99.99

"Informatica Performance Tuning and Optimization Techniques" |
"The purpose of this course is to walk you through the steps to identify performance bottlenecks in Informatica Power Center and different optimization techniques to fix them. After completing this course, you will have a working understanding of the different performance bottlenecks, how to identify them based on the iterative approach and the thread statistics. Different best practices and optimization techniques which should be consideration while designing the mapping or fine tuning the existing ones."
Price: 199.99

"Data Quality Fundamentals" |
"Data quality is not necessarily data that is devoid of errors. Incorrect data is only one part of the data quality equation. Managing data quality is a never ending process. Even if a company gets all the pieces in place to handle todays data quality problems, there will be new and different challenges tomorrow. Thats because business processes, customer expectations, source systems, and business rules all change continuously. To ensure high quality data, companies need to gain broad commitment to data quality management principles and develop processes and programs that reduce data defects over time.Much like any other important endeavor, success in data quality depends on having the right people in the right jobs. This course helps you understand key concepts, principles and terminology related to data quality and other areas in data management."
Price: 49.99

"Deep Learning: Advanced Computer Vision (GANs, SSD, +More!)" |
"Latest update: Instead of SSD, I show you how to use RetinaNet, which is better and more modern. I show you both how to use a pretrained model and how to train one yourself with a custom dataset on Google Colab.This is one of the most exciting courses Ive done and it really shows how fast and how far deep learning has come over the years.When I first started my deep learning series, I didnt ever consider that Id make two courses on convolutional neural networks.I think what youll find is that, this course is so entirely different from the previous one, you will be impressed at just how much material we have to cover.Let me give you a quick rundown of what this course is all about:Were going to bridge the gap between the basic CNN architecture you already know and love, to modern, novel architectures such as VGG, ResNet, and Inception (named after the movie which by the way, is also great!)Were going to apply these to images of blood cells, and create a system that is a better medical expert than either you or I. This brings up a fascinating idea: that the doctors of the future are not humans, but robots.In this course, youll see how we can turn a CNN into an object detection system, that not only classifies images but can locate each object in an image and predict its label.You can imagine that such a task is a basic prerequisite for self-driving vehicles. (It must be able to detect cars, pedestrians, bicycles, traffic lights, etc. in real-time)Well be looking at a state-of-the-art algorithm called SSD which is both faster and more accurate than its predecessors.Another very popular computer vision task that makes use of CNNs is called neural style transfer.This is where you take one image called the content image, and another image called the style image, and you combine these to make an entirely new image, that is as if you hired a painter to paint the content of the first image with the style of the other. Unlike a human painter, this can be done in a matter of seconds.I will also introduce you to the now-famous GAN architecture (Generative Adversarial Networks), where you will learn some of the technology behind how neural networks are used to generate state-of-the-art, photo-realistic images.Currently, we also implement object localization, which is an essential first step toward implementing a full object detection system.I hope youre excited to learn about these advanced applications of CNNs, Ill see you in class!AWESOME FACTS:One of the major themes of this course is that were moving away from the CNN itself, to systems involving CNNs.Instead of focusing on the detailed inner workings of CNNs (which we've already done), we'll focus on high-level building blocks. The result? Almost zero math.Another result? No complicated low-level code such as that written in Tensorflow, Theano, or PyTorch (although some optional exercises may contain them for the very advanced students). Most of the course will be in Keras which means a lot of the tedious, repetitive stuff is written for you.Suggested Prerequisites:Know how to build, train, and use a CNN using some library (preferably in Python)Understand basic theoretical concepts behind convolution and neural networksDecent Python coding skills, preferably in data science and the Numpy StackWHAT ORDER SHOULD I TAKE YOUR COURSES IN?:Check out the lecture ""What order should I take your courses in?"" (available in the Appendix of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)"
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning: Advanced NLP and RNNs" |
"Its hard to believe it's been been over a year since I released my first course on Deep Learning with NLP (natural language processing).A lot of cool stuff has happened since then, and I've been deep in the trenches learning, researching, and accumulating the best and most useful ideas to bring them back to you.So what is this course all about, and how have things changed since then?In previous courses, you learned about some of the fundamental building blocks of Deep NLP. We looked at RNNs (recurrent neural networks), CNNs (convolutional neural networks), and word embedding algorithms such as word2vec and GloVe.This course takes you to a higher systems level of thinking.Since you know how these things work, its time to build systems using these components.At the end of this course, you'll be able to build applications for problems like:text classification (examples are sentiment analysis and spam detection)neural machine translationquestion answeringWe'll take a brief look chatbots and as youll learn in this course, this problem is actually no different from machine translation and question answering.To solve these problems, were going to look at some advanced Deep NLP techniques, such as:bidirectional RNNsseq2seq (sequence-to-sequence)attentionmemory networksAll of the materials of this course can be downloaded and installed for FREE. We will do most of our work in Python libraries such as Keras, Numpy, Tensorflow, and Matpotlib to make things super easy and focus on the high-level concepts. I am always available to answer your questions and help you along your data science journey.This course focuses on ""how to build and understand"", not just ""how to use"". Anyone can learn to use an API in 15 minutes after reading some documentation. It's not about ""remembering facts"", it's about ""seeing for yourself"" via experimentation. It will teach you how to visualize what's happening in the model internally. If you want more than just a superficial look at machine learning models, this course is for you.See you in class!Suggested Prerequisites:Decent Python coding skillsUnderstand RNNs, CNNs, and word embeddingsKnow how to build, train, and evaluate a neural network in KerasTIPS (for getting through the course):Watch it at 2x.Take handwritten notes. This will drastically increase your ability to retain the information.Write down the equations. If you don't, I guarantee it will just look like gibberish.Ask lots of questions on the discussion board. The more the better!The best exercises will take you days or weeks to complete.Write code yourself, don't just sit there and look at my code. This is not a philosophy course!"
Price: 199.99

"Sony Vegas Pro 16 Video Editing" |
"If you've been dreaming about starting your own business, becoming the next big YouTube star or fashion blogger, creating online training courses, or simply sharing your family videos on social media sites... video editingis a crucial skill you must learn.Having high quality videos can literally make or break your success!As the founder & leader of a 15-year-old creative services company, I've seen it all, and I can assure you that Sony Vegas Pro 15 isthe most intuitive, easy to learn, and effective of all video editing software on the market.There's a reason why so manybusinesses, marketers, music video producers, and film &TV producersare using Sony Vegas Pro. It's easy &powerful!You'll be amazed by how easy it is to get started!Unlike other courses that only teach you how to use Sony Vegas Pro 15 without telling you the best way to buy it, install it, and configure it for best performance... this course was designed with complete beginners in mind, and will quickly & easily teach you a complete, end to end video editing process using the most recent version of Sony Vegas Pro including:Ensuring your computer is powerful enough for video production How to choose which Vegas version to buy so you get the right features at the best price How to install Sony Vegas Pro 15 for free Optimizing the Sony Vegas Pro settings for best performance How get video files from different kinds of cameras ontoyour computer How to organize media on your computer disk How to create a new project, add multiple videos, perform basic videoediting, and add titles How to efficiently render & publish your Sony Vegas Pro video projects to multiple social media sites A simple way to back up your Sony Vegas Pro video projects to prevent losing workOnce you've mastered those fundamentals, we'll move on and discover how to enhance your videos with a wide variety of industry standard video editingtechniques, filters, and effects.I'll show you things like:How to stabilize shaky video How to use fast or slow motion How to show multiple video clips at the same time, often called picture in a picture How to color correct color clips so they look their very best Brightness & contrast Cropping, zooming, & panning Adding music tracks Removing audio Audio enhancement & replacement Green screen Lower thirds And much more!With my 15 years as a creative services professional, my intuitive teaching style, and my proven reputation as a top instructor... you can buy thisSony Vegas Pro course with complete confidence that you'll be confidently achieving yourvideo editinggoals, faster that you ever thought possible!Click the ""Take This Course"" button, and I'll meet you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso bsico de virtualizacin con Vmware Vsphere." |
"Bienvenidos al curso Curso bsico de virtualizacin con Vmware Vsphere.Este curso ha sido diseado para aprender de manera fcil y practica todos los conceptos bsicos que se requieren para trabajar con entornos virtualizados con Vmware Vsphere. Utilizaremos para este curso una plataforma virtual en la que disearemos toda la infraestructura de servidores requerida. El curso esta dirigido a aquellas personas que no tiene conocimientos sobre las tecnologas de virtualizacin.Gracias a la virtualizacin de centros de datos podremos disear un entorno solido aprovechando al mximo las capacidades de nuestros servidores reduciendo as el coste de mantenimiento, y ofreciendo una mayor continuidad y seguridad del servicio. Sin olvidar la posibilidad de crear entornos de alta disponibilidad y fcil recuperacin de datos.En definitiva en este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para ejercer como administrador de sistemas virtualizados en cualquier empresa actual, ya que hoy en da en la mayora se usan como sistema de virtualizacin Vmware.En definitiva aprenders lo bsico para administrar un entorno TI actual.************************************************************************************************************La virtualizacin es el presente y futuro de la informtica.Hoy en da las grandes empresas estn optando masivamente por virtualizar todos sus sistemas porque?, bien la virtualizacin tiene numerosas ventajas tales como la reduccin de costes y mantenimiento, facilita la copia y restauracin de equipos crticos y as un largo etctera.En este curso bsico aprenderemos todo lo esencial para conocer qu es y para qu sirve la virtualizacin:Aprenders el significado de virtualizar y sus beneficiosConocers las diferentes herramientas que hay para virtualizarInstalaras con xito VMware para virtualizar equipos fsicosSeras capaz de administrar un entorno virtual sin problemasTodo esto con vdeos fciles de entender y con un lenguaje simpleA lo largo del curso veremos vdeos prcticos con un lenguaje simple para que se pueda entender perfectamente ya que el curso tambin lo pueden seguir personas que desconocen el argot informtico.Seguro que este curso cumple con tus perspectivas."
Price: 119.99

"Online Marketing Meister-Kurs 2018" |
"Marketing kann Fluch und Segen sein. Gehst du es falsch an, fhlt es sich unter Umstnden wie ein Fass ohne Boden an. Du kannst beliebig viel Geld investieren, und dennoch nur enttuschende Ergebnisse erzielen. Im Gegenzug kann das richtige Marketing dein Unternehmen aus der Versenkung reien und fr enormen Umsatz sorgen.Doch wie geht richtiges Marketing? Diese Frage hre ich hufig. Viele nennen dabei Stichworte wie die Google Suche, Facebook, E-Mail-Marketing oder YouTube Werbung. Vielleicht hast auch du schon mit einer dieser Werbemglichkeiten Erfahrungen gesammelt. Oft fllt mir auf, dass der berblick und die praktische Umsetzbarkeit fehlen.In diesem Kurs lernst du nicht nur, wie du die wichtigsten Werbemglichkeiten erfolgreich einsetzen kannst, sondern auch, wie du dein Unternehmen auf die Marketingerfolge vorbereitest. Darber hinaus erfhrst du, wie du es schaffst, dass deine Kunden mehrmals kaufen und du somit langfristige Geschftsbeziehung aufbauen kannst. Auerdem zeigen wir dir, wie du dein Marketing gezielt planen kannst und die Erfolge richtig ermittelst.Kurz gesagt: Mit diesem Kurs mchten wir dich zum Marketing Profi machen. Du erhltst lebenslangen Zugriff auf den Inhalt und hast einen direkten Draht zu uns. Gerne beantworten wir dir deine Fragen und helfen dir bei Problemen.Ich freue mich darauf, dich in unserem Kurs begren zu drfen!"
Price: 59.99

"Scrivener 3 Full Course on How to Use Scrivener 3 for Mac" |
"Do you want to know how to use Scrivener to make your writing life that much easier? Well Scrivener is not nearly as hard to learn as you have been lead to believe. I highly recommend binge watching the first four hours so that you have a good understanding of what Scrivener is capable of.The ESSENTIALS section will take you on a complete walkthrough of how Scrivener works with plenty of real examples, a thorough explanation of the regions of the user interface and arrows pointing directly at the buttons mentioned in the transcript making it easy to find them.Once you know the basics you can go back, dig in to the Scrivener features that suit your writing style best and start creating your awesome content. If you forget how to use a Scrivener feature you can pop back and watch its clearly labeled lecture again. This may be all you ever need to know.Once your project is underway you can go on to investigate some really cool Scrivener features in the EXPLORING FURTHER section of this course.These are not advanced or in any way more difficult to learn than the basics; just optional. You can watch all the videos and decide if you want to use them, or browse through the curriculum and choose features that will be helpful in your own writing.Here's what an early reviewer had to say:There's a famous quote, ""If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."" Karen Prince did take that time and delivered a course that is succinct and thorough. You'll be a master with Scrivener when you're finished. Out of the 50 to 60 courses I've purchased on multiple subjects here on Udemy, this is hands down the best! Thank you to the author! ~Robert Sandstrom"
Price: 29.99

"Mastering Kubernetes - Concepts & Deployment" |
"Kubernetes wasone of the 10 opensource project of 2017 and it will remain in the list for 2018 as well. If you have ever worked with docker you know that having a really good orchestration tool is very much needed to manage multiple docker containers running on different nodes. You have many choices to choose to from like docker swarm, mesos, nomad and kubernetes. every tool has its own advantages but kubernetes is clearly winning the competition because of following reasons.Completely OpensourceInnovated by software giant GoogleEasy to extendLargest community for the projectMany cloud providers supportNo lock in - Docker or RktAuto healing architectureTruely multi cloudMany installation optionsVery flexible architecturePeople with kubernetes skills are very much in demand at the moment. If you are in UK and working as a independent ITconsultant with a knowledge of kubernetes, You can easily target a daily rate of 600 and a permanent job of around 80000 basic a year."
Price: 19.99
